ECE 3710: Practice Exam 1 Spring 2025 By: GSI Daniel Canales 1 Spring 2025 Practice Exam 1 ECE 3710 The below directions are what you will see in the real Exam 1 pdf Directions to submit answers and shown work onto Canvas EX/QEX To obtain credit for Exam 1, you need to complete the following: • Enter your numerical answers and multiple choice answers (just as you have done with HWs) in the “Exam 1” quiz on Canvas EX/QEX • Submit 1 Single PDF of your shown work in the “Exam 1 (Upload Shown Work PDF Here)” quiz on Canvas EX/QEX Failure to submit a PDF file will result in a 0 exam score. Directions to avoid penalization regarding rounding and units To minimize penalization, you need to complete the following: • Round your answers to 2 decimal places (e.g. 1.235V = 1.24V ). We understand several problem-parts depend on answers from previous parts, so for these problems we have programmed Canvas to accept a tolerance. • Make sure the units used for your answers match what the problems ask for. The problems will always state which units your answer must be reported with. Directions if you have questions while completing the exam Email GSI Daniel Canales (, GSI Yen-Pang (, and or course coordinator Dr.West ( 2 Spring 2025 Practice Exam 1 ECE 3710 Problem 1 26pts + - For the above circuit, assume the following: VS = 15V , IS = 2mA, R1 = R2 = R3 = 1kΩ, R4 = R5 = 2kΩ, and R6 = R7 = 3kΩ: A) Find the Thevenin Resistance Rth in units of kΩ. (8pts) B) Find the Thevenin Voltage Vth in units of V . (8pts) C) Find the Norton Current IN in units of mA. (6pts) D) Draw the Thevenin Equivalent Circuit of the above circuit. Label the source and resistor; omit the values. (2pts) E) Draw the Norton Equivalent Circuit of the above circuit. Label the source and resistor; omit the values. (2pts) 3 Spring 2025 Practice Exam 1 ECE 3710 Problem 2 20pts + - For the above circuit, assume the following: VS = 25V , IS = 2mA, R1 = R2 = R3 = 1kΩ, R4 = R5 = 2kΩ, and R6 = 3kΩ: A) Find the voltage VR3 due to VS in units of V . (7pts) B) Find the voltage VR3 due to IS in units of V . (7pts) C) Find the voltage total voltage of VR3 in units of V . (6pts) 4 Spring 2025 Practice Exam 1 ECE 3710 Problem 3 25pts For the above circuit, assume the following: VS1 = 10V , VS2 = 20V , R1 = R2 = R3 = 1kΩ, R4 = R5 = 2kΩ, and R6 = 3kΩ. The loop currents, I1 , I2 , and I3 are all defined in the the clockwise direction for their respective loops. (Note: A Ground (GND) node has been drawn as a triangle in the circuit for you. Do not relocate the Ground while completing this problem.) A) Find the loop current, I1 , in the loop 1, L1 , in units of mA. (7pts) B) Find the loop current, I2 , in the loop 2, L2 , in units of mA. (7pts) C) Find the loop current, I3 , in the loop 3, L3 , in units of mA. (7pts) D) Find the voltage at node D, VD , in units of V . (4pts) 5 Spring 2025 Practice Exam 1 ECE 3710 Problem 4 29pts + - For the above circuit, assume the following: VS = 15V , IS = 1mA, R1 = R2 = R3 = 10kΩ, R4 = R5 = 20kΩ, and C1 = 100µF : A) Find the voltage VC1 (t = 0− ) in units of V . (10pts) B) Find the voltage VC1 (t → ∞) in units of V . (10pts) C) Find time constant τC1 in units of seconds. (5pts) D) Find the voltage VC1 (t = 0.25seconds) in units of V . (4pts) 6