INCOTERM 2020 ICC INCOTERM TERMINOLOGIES INCOTERMS 2020 rules as obligations of seller ands buyer to each other classified into: 1. General obligation 2. Delivery/ Taking delivery 3. Transfer of risk 4. Carriage 5. Insurance 6. Delivery/transport document 7. Export/import clearance 8. Checking/packaging/marking 9. Allocation of costs 10. Notice Incoterms, transaction between who? Seller- Merchant/shipper/exporter In charge for the delivery of goods Risk originates Buyer-Purchaser/ Importer In charge for taking the delivery of goods Risk is transferred Incoterm serves as agreed terms of purchase and delivery MAIN CARRIAGE refers to freight cost, by air or sea, charged by the carrier (airlines/shipping lines) or amount paid by the shipper to carrier for the transport of goods from country of origin to country of destination. (Grp. “C” &“D”) PRE-CARRIAGE refers to the cost of transport for hauling goods from seller’s premises to a designated point at country of origin. Also known as “Origin Inland Freight”. (Grp. “F”, “C” & “D”) ON-CARRIAGE refers to the cost of transport for hauling goods from the port of discharge to buyer’s warehouse or designated place at destination. Also known as “Destination Inland freight”. (Grp. “D” only) FREIGHT COLLECT means the main carriage was paid by the buyer upon arrival of imported goods at country of destination and not included in seller’s invoice price. (Grp. “E” & “F”) FREIGHT PRE-PAID means the main carriage for the exported goods was paid by seller prior to departure from country of origin and therefore included in seller’s invoice price. (Grp. “E”, “C” & “D” only) MULTIMODAL TRANSPORT refers to inter-continental transit of goods involving main carriage that can be carried out both by air or by sea. (EXW, FCA, CPT, CIP, DPU, DAP & DDP) PORT TO PORT INSURANCE generic name for cargo insurance. It refers to the insurance premium paid in the international transport of goods by air/sea. This is procured by the buyer or seller to cover risks against loss or damage to the cargo during pendency of the voyage from country of origin to destination. (CIF & CIP only) ORIGIN/DESTINATION LCL CHARGES refers to cost of handling and moving loose or breakbulk cargoes within a seaport at country of origin or destination. (ORIGIN – Grp “F”, “C”, & “D”) (DESTINATION – Grp “D”) ORIGIN/DESTINATION TERMINAL HANDLING CHARGES (THC) refers to cost of handling and moving containerized cargoes within the terminal facilities of a seaport at country of origin or destination. (ORIGIN – Grp “F”, “C”, & “D”) (DESTINATION – Grp “D”) OTHER CHARGES (O/C) refers to incidental expenses (except main carriage and port to port insurance) incurred by the seller/exporter in relation to fulfilling his contractual obligation to deliver the goods for each of the 11 incoterms. (e. g. pre-carriage/on-carriage, export documentation/clearance fees, forwarder’s fees, THC/LCL charges, export/import duties & taxes, etc.) (Grp. “F”, “C” & “D”) CARRIER refers to airlines, shipping lines or their agents (NVOCC/IFF) DELIVERY refers to bringing of goods to a specific place or to a carrier/forwarder at country of origin or destination and used as reference point when liability against risk for loss of or damage to the goods passes on from seller to buyer I. OTHER CHARGES (ORIGIN) • - Origin Inland Freight / Pre-carriage • - Origin LCL/THC • - Internal Insurance • - Export Documentation/Clearance • Expenses • - Export Duties/Taxes • - Export Forwarder’s Fees • - Export Packaging/Handling • - Pre-shipments Inspection Fees • - Cert. of Origin, Phytosanitary Cert., • MSDS, MIII Certificate, etc. II. OTHER CHARGES (DESTINATION) - Destination Inland Freight/On-carriage (DAP, DPU, DDP) - Destination LCL/THC (DAP, DPU & DDP) - Import Duties/Taxes (DDP only) - Unloading expenses at buyer’s warehouse or designated place (DPU only) - Storage Charges (DDP only) DUTIABLE CHARGES would mean all origin other charges, together with the main carriage and the main insurance. NON DUTIABLE CHARGES would mean all destination other charges which are reflected in the invoice. III. MAIN CARRIAGE - ocean/air freight charges from port of origin to port of destination a) Frt Pre-paid – main carriage paid be seller (included in invoice price) prior to departure at Port of Origin. (EXW, CPT, CIP, CFR, CIF, DAP, DPU, & DDP) b) Frt. Collect – main carriage paid by buyer upon arrival at Port of Destination not included in seller’s invoice price. (EXW, FCA, FAS & FOB) IV. PORT TO PORT INSURANCE - Coverage against risk for loss/damage to the goods while in transit from port of Origin to Port of Destinations (by sea – Marine Insurance) & applies only to CIF & CIP. Internal Insurance – coverage against risk for loss/damage to the goods while in transit from seller’s warehouse to any point at Country of Origin (FCA, FAS, FOB, CPT, CFR, DAP, DPU & DDP) THE 4 CATEGORIES OF INCOTERMS 2020 I. CATEGORY E (DEPARTURE) EXW (Ex Works)...named place of delivery Note: FREIGHT PRE-PAID/COLLECT (BUYER’S OPTION) MULTI-MODAL MODE OF TRANSPORT II. CATEGORY F (SHIPMENT) 1) FCA (Free Carrier)...named place of delivery 2) FAS (Free Alongside Ship)...named port of shipment 3) FOB (Free on Board)...named port of shipment COMMONALITY: MAIN CARRIAGE (FRT COLLECT) & PORT TO PORT INSURANCE NOT INCLUDED IN SELLER’S INVOICE PRICE. III. CATEGORY C (SHIPMENT) 1) CFR (Cost & Freight)...named port of destination 2) CIF (Cost, Insurance & Freight)...named port of destination 3) CPT (Carriage Paid to)...named destination 4) CIP (Carriage & Insurance Paid to)...named destination COMMONALITY: MAIN CARRIAGE (FRT PRE – PAID) PAID BY SELLER PRIOR TO DEPARTURE AT ORIGIN AND INCLUDED IN INVOICE PRICE. IV. CATEGORY D (ARRIVAL) 1) DPU (Delivered at Place Unloaded)...named place of destination 2) DAP (Delivered at Place)...named place of destination 3) DDP (Delivered Duty Paid)...named place of destination COMMONALITY: ARRIVAL, MAIN CARRIAGE (FRT PRE – PAID) PAID BY SELLER PRIOR TO DEPARTURE AT ORIGIN AND INCLUDED IN INVOICE PRICE EXCEPT PORT-TO-PORT INSURANCE.