CIA2012: Principles of Taxation Business Expenses Section 33(1) Income Tax Act 1967: Subject to this Act, the adjusted income of a person from a source for the basis period for a year of assessment shall be an amount ascertained by deducting from the gross income of that person from that source for that period all outgoings and expenses wholly and exclusively incurred during that period by that person in the production of gross income from that source− Interpretation: Qualification for deduction of expenses: ✓ Each business source has to be accounted separately ✓ The scope of expense refers to ‘outgoings and expenses’ ✓ The expenses have to be ‘wholly and exclusively’ ✓ Incurred ✓ In the production of gross income from that business source NOTE: Such revenue expenses must satisfy the deduction test under s.33 and at the same time is not prohibited by s.39. Capital Expenditure and Revenue Expenditure • Deduction for capital expenditure is prohibited by s.39 of the Act. • Determination of expenditure: Revenue expenditure Expense which relates to circulating capital (stock in trade) Expense incurred in relation to business process Recurring ASPECTS Capital expenditure Enduring benefit asset Expenditure incurred to bring into the existence of an asset Fixed capital and circulating capital Expense which relates to the fixed capital Identifiable asset Expenditure is incurred to acquire an asset Business structure versus process Expense incurred in relation to business structure Initial expenditure Regarded as capital expenditure because it is not incurred in the business process Once for all? 44 Once and for all Prepared by: RL CIA2012: Principles of Taxation Summary: Business deductions 1 Allowable Deductions ALLOWABLE DEDUCTIONS (as provided under s.33 of ITA 1967) Interest expense [s.33(1)(a)] • Section 33(1)(a) ✓ The loan is employed in the production of gross income. ✓ The loan is laid on asset used or held in that period for the production of business income. • Section 33(4) ✓ Interest expenses should be deducted against the gross business income in the year the interest is due to be paid. Rent [s.33(1)(b)] • Section 33(1)(b) ✓ Payable for occupying the land/buildings ✓ Used in relation to the period ✓ Incurred for the purposes of producing gross income of that source. • NOTE: Advance rental is not deductible because it was not paid for the current year. 45 Prepared by: RL CIA2012: Principles of Taxation Repairs and renewal [s.33(1)(c)] Refer PR 6/2019 • Section 33(1)(c) ✓ Expense incurred during that period for the repair of premises, plant, machinery or fixtures employed in the production of gross income. ✓ Expense incurred renewal, repair or alteration of any implement, utensil or article so employed, other than implements, utensils, articles (the expenditure on which would be qualifying plant expenditure for the purposes of Schedule 3) or any means of conveyance such as vehicles. ✓ Exceptions: Cost of reconstructing or rebuilding − any premises, building, structures or works of a permanent nature − any plant of machinery − any fixtures • Distinction between ‘repair’ and ‘improvement’ ✓ General principle ✓ Repairs on acquisition Deemed to be capital if: − The purchase price was materially affected by the property’s dilapidated state. − The property was not in a fit state for use in the trade until it was repaired. − The property could not continue to be used in the trade without being repaired shortly after acquisition. − The terms of lease (if relevant) require the new tenant to reinstate the property to a good state of repair. Other deductions • Section 33(1)(d) ✓ Such other deductions as may be prescribed. 46 Prepared by: RL CIA2012: Principles of Taxation 2 Special Deductions Section 34(1) Income Tax Act 1967: In ascertaining the adjusted income of a person from a business for the basis period for a year of assessment, deductions shall be made from the gross income from the business for that period in accordance with the following subsections (the person, business, period and gross income in question being referred to in those subsections as the relevant person, the business, the relevant period and the relevant gross income respectively). SPECIAL DEDUCTIONS (as provided under s.34 of ITA 1967) Bad debts [s.34(2)] Refer PR 4/2019 ✓ The deduction (specific provision for bad debts) is allowed if: − Specific debtors are identified − The debts are partly/irrecoverable − Such debts had been reasonably estimated to be bad. Employer’s contribution to approved schemes [s.34(4)] ✓ Definition of approved scheme − Employees Provident Funds (EPF) − Private retirement scheme − Pension or provident fund, scheme or society approved by the DG under s.150 ✓ Section 34(4)(a) If the remuneration is wholly deductible, the deduction is the lower of: − The contribution − 19% of the employee’s remuneration In other words, the deduction is only limited to 19% of the total remuneration. ✓ Remuneration includes monthly wages, allowances, commissions and bonus. Payroll and turnover tax [s.34(6)(a), (b)] ✓ Amount paid by the relevant person in the relevant period. NOTE: Payroll tax and turnover tax have been abolished. The deduction is thus not relevant. Mining expenditure [s.34(6)(c)] ✓ Revenue deduction of virtue of Schedule 2. Replanting expenditure [s.34(6)(d)] ✓ Expenditure incurred by same person on the replacement of the same crop or produce on the same area of land. ✓ Expenditure eligible for deduction: − Cost of clearing old trees − Cost of seedlings − Cost of labour − Cost of improvement of drains ✓ Capital expenditure (eg cost of acquisition of land) which qualifies for agricultural allowance is not eligible to be classified as replanting expenditure 47 Prepared by: RL CIA2012: Principles of Taxation Provision of equipment and renovation of building for disabled person [s.34(6)(e)] • Expenditure incurred on: ✓ The provision of any equipment; or ✓ The alteration or renovation of premise necessary to assist the disabled employee in the performance of futies. • Given full deduction instead of capital allowances. Translation or publication of book [s.34(6)(f)] ✓ Incurred expenditure of translating into or publication in Bahasa Malaysia of cultural, literary, professional, scientific or technical books approved by the Dewan Bahasa and Pustaka. ✓ Full deduction. Provision of library facilities [s.34(6)(g)] ✓ Amounted to RM100,000 for: − Incurring expenditure on the provision of library facilities which are accessible to the public; or − Contributing to public libraries, libraries of schools and institutions of higher education ✓ Donation in kind: Restricted to the provision of library facilities which are accessible to the public, such as state or national library. ✓ Cash contribution: Restricted to RM20,000 and can choose either to claim under s.34(6)(g) or s.44(8). Social responsibility payment [s.34(6)(h), (ha)] ✓ Accorded full deduction if: − Incurred expenditure on the provision of services, public amenities. [s.34(6)(h)] − Contributed to a charity or community project pertaining to education, health, housing, conservation or preservation of environment, enhancement of income of the poor, infrastructure, information and communication technology or maintenance of a building designated as a heritage site by the Commissioner of Heritage under the National Heritage Act 2005. [s.34(6)(h)] − Incurred expenditure on the provision of infrastructure in relation to its business which is available for public use [s.34(6)(ha)] approved by the Minister. ✓ Where such deduction has been made, no further deduction of the same amount shall be made under s.44(6) (approved donation). Child care centre [s.34(6)(i)] ✓ Allowed for deduction of the revenue expenses incurred by the employer on the provision and maintenance of a child care centre for the benefit of employees. ✓ Capital expenditure on land, premises, buildings, structures or work of a permanent nature of alterations, additions or extensions thereof or in the acquisition of any rights in or over any property is not deductible. 48 Prepared by: RL CIA2012: Principles of Taxation Musical and cultural group [s.34(6)(j)] ✓ Deductible for expenditure incurred in establishing and managing a musical or cultural group approved by the Minister. Arts or cultural activity [s.34(6)(k)] Refer PR 2/2021 • Aggregate deduction up to RM1 million, ✓ Of which the amount incurred in respect of sponsoring foreign arts, cultural or heritage activity shall not exceed RM300,000. Scholarship expense [s.34(6)(l)] Available only to company Refer Chapter 14: Company Taxation ✓ Scholarship expense includes course fees and reasonable living expenses. ✓ The education institution must be registered in Malaysia. ✓ Provide a scholarship to a student who will lead to an award of a diploma, degree (including master and doctorate), provided: − The student is receiving full time instruction − The student has no means of his own − The total monthly income of whose parents or guardian does not exceed RM5,000. Halal certification [s.34(6)(m), (ma)] Available only to company Refer Chapter 14: Company Taxation • Deductible for expenditure for the purpose of obtaining accreditation for a laboratory or as a certification body, as evidenced by a certificate issued by the Department of Standards Malaysia. • Double deduction [s.34(6)(ma)] for expenditure incurred for obtaining certification for: ✓ recognised quality systems and standards; or ✓ halal certification evidenced by a certificate issued by a certification body as determined by the Minister. Practical training to non-employees [s.34(6)(n)] • Deductible for expenditure on the provision of practical training in Malaysia related to his business to an individual who is: ✓ resident in the basis year fir a YA; and ✓ not an employee of that person. International Standardisation Activities [s.34(6)(o)] Available only to company Refer Chapter 14: Company Taxation ✓ Deductible for expenditure for participating in international standardisation activities approved by the Department of Standards Malaysia. ✓ Activities include conference, workshop, seminar and meeting in overseas. Research and development [s.34(7)] • R&D expenditure incurred by resident person related to a business and directly undertaken or outsourced to − Research institute − Research company − Contract R&D company 49 Prepared by: RL CIA2012: Principles of Taxation SPECIAL DEDUCTIONS (by way of Gazette Orders) ✓ Chain of custody certification for wood-based production companies15 ✓ Statutory audit fees16 ✓ Cost of developing websites17 − The claim is allowed for 20% each YA for a period of five years. ✓ Guarantee and commitment fees in relation to loan transactions18 ✓ Compensation paid to employees for dismissal19 ✓ Employment benefits20: − Payment of monthly bills for subscription of broadband, fixed line telephone, mobile phone or pager issued in the name of employee / employer − Personal digital assistance, telephone, mobile phone or pager. ✓ Franchise fee where the brand must be within a company of which 70% shareholding in Malaysia is owned21 ✓ Pre-commencement expenditure − Recruitment expenses (Accorded tax deduction in the first YA where business commences)22 − Employee’s training23 • The training expenses have to be connected to imparting basic essential skills to enable the company to commence its business. • The expenses are restricted to revenue expense, being the kind allowable under s.33 of the ITA 1967. • The expenses have to be incurred within one year prior to the commencement of business. ✓ Secretarial and tax filling fees24 − Allowed up to RM15,000 for each YA. SUBSIDIARY LEGISLATIONS AND CASE LAW: 15 Income Tax (Deduction for cost of obtaining chain of custody certification from Malaysian Timber Certification Council) Rules 2008 [PU(A) 42/2008)] 16 Income Tax (Deduction for audit expenditure) Rules 2006 [PU(A) 129/2006] 17 Income Tax (Deduction for cost of developing website) Rules 2003 [PU(A) 101/2003] 18 FCD Sdn Bhd v Ketua Pengarah Jabatan HDN (1995) 2 MSTC 2, 181 19 Mitchell v BW Noble Ltd (11 TC 372) 20 Income Tax (Deduction for benefit and gift from employer to employee) Rules 2009 [PU(A) 153/2009] 21 Income Tax (Deduction for expenditure on franchise fee) Rules 2012 [PU(A) 76/2012] 22 Income Tax (Deduction of Pre-commencement of Business Expenses Relating to Employee Recruitment) Rules 2008 [PU(A) 361/2008] 23 Income Tax (Deduction of Pre-commencement Business Training Expenses) Rules 1996 [PU(A) 160/1996] 24 Income Tax (Deduction for Expenses in relation to Secretarial Fee and Tax Filing Fee) Rules 2020 [PU(A) 162/2020] 50 Prepared by: RL CIA2012: Principles of Taxation 3 Double Deductions Expenses identified as double deduction expenses are given deduction twice of the amount of expenditure incurred. DOUBLE DEDUCTIONS Interest payable on loans to small businesses [PU(A) 90/1981] ✓ Employer to produce certificate of approval of loan from Authority. ✓ Interest must be allowable under s.33 of the ITA 1967. Remuneration of disabled employees [PU(A) 73/1982] [PU(A) 204/2019] ✓ Employer has to prove to the DG that the employee is: − Not able to perform the work of a normal person; or − Physically or mentally disabled due to an accident or critical illness ✓ Remuneration must be allowable under s.33 of the ITA 1967. Remuneration paid to senior citizens, exconvicts, parolees, supervised persons and ex-drug dependants [PU(A) 164/2019] [PU(A) 47/2021] ✓ Requirements: − Employment must be on a full time basis. − Monthly remuneration does not exceed RM4,000. − The employer and employee are not the same person. − The employer is not a relative of the employee ✓ Takes effect from YA2019 to 2025. Export credit insurance premium [PU(A) 526/1985] [PU(A) 428/2010] ✓ Conventional insurance and takaful (Islamic) ✓ Premium must be allowable under s.33 of the ITA 1967. Research expenditure [s.34A ITA 1967] Refer PR 5/2020 and PR 10/2021 ✓ The research must be approved by the Minister. ✓ Section 34A(1) and (4) R&D expenditure incurred outside Malaysia − < 30% → eligible for double deduction − > 30% → eligible for single deduction Contribution to approved research institute [s.34B ITA 1967] ✓ Expenditure includes: − Cash contributions to approved research institutes − Service fee to approved research institutes or companies − Service fee to a R&D company or a contract R&D company ✓ Requirements: − Approved research company / institute which fulfils the definition under s.34B(4)(a) or (b) of the ITA 1967. − R&D company and contract R&D company which fulfils the definition in s.2 of the Promotion of Investments Act 1986. − Applicable to a person resident in Malaysia. 51 Prepared by: RL CIA2012: Principles of Taxation Freight charges for shipping goods from Sabah and Sarawak to Peninsular Malaysia [PU(A) 50/2000] ✓ To be claimed by manufacturers. ✓ To use ports in Peninsular Malaysia. Child care centre [PU(A) 15/2013] ✓ Child care centre provided by an employer for the benefit of his own employees and which is registered with the Department of Social Welfare. ✓ Double deduction on the following expenses incurred: − Expenditure on the provision and maintenance of a child care centre − Child care allowance to the employees Overseas expenses for promotion of tourism [PU(A) 412/1991] ✓ Hotel and tour operating business must be registered with the Malaysian Tourism Promotion Board. ✓ Such expenditure must be incurred by hotel / tour operator which carrying on hotel / tour business registered with Malaysian Tourism Board. Expenditure incurred on approved training [PU(A) 61/1992] ✓ To employees by a manufacturing company, nonmanufacturing company, or hotel/tour business operator; or ✓ To non-employees (handicapped person) by any company. Expenses incurred in international trade fairs [PU(A) 361/1991] ✓ The international trade fair must be approved by Ministry of International Trade (MITI). ✓ The company has to be an approved participant. ✓ The expenses claimed must satisfy s.33 of the ITA 1967 but excludes the cost of exhibits. Approved outgoings and expenses incurred for the promotion of exports from Malaysia [s.41 of the Promotion of Investments Act 1986] ✓ Products exported must be products which qualify for an export allowance or abatement of statutory income for exports. ✓ The company must be resident in Malaysia. Expenditure incurred ✓ Registered proprietor on advertising − The company is at least 70% Malaysian-owned; Malaysian brand name − The goods are of export quality; and goods within Malaysia − The expenditure incurred in advertising the Malaysian brand name or incurred in professional fees must be incurred [PU(A) 62/2002] within Malaysia [PU(A) 171/2007] ✓ Company owned by the registered proprietor − The registered proprietor does not claim the double deduction stated above; and − The company must be owned more than 50% by the registered proprietor. 52 Prepared by: RL CIA2012: Principles of Taxation Outgoings and expenses incurred for promotion of expert of services [PU(A) 193/1999] [PU(A) 114/2002] [PU(A) 124/2003] The expenses would be: ✓ Market research ✓ Tender preparation ✓ Preparation of model to be used in a bidding of international contract or participating in an international competition: − Paid to company resident in Malaysia; and − Verified by Professional Services Development Corporation Sdn Bhd. ✓ Preparation of technical information ✓ Air fares cost to overseas country ✓ Hotel accommodation limit to RM300 per day ✓ Substance limits to RM150 per day ✓ Cost of maintaining sales office in overseas ✓ Publicity and advertisement in media outside Malaysia ✓ Feasibility studies for overseas projects identified for the purpose of tender ✓ Participation in: − Trade or industrial exhibitions in Malaysia or overseas − Exhibition held in a Malaysia Permanent Trade and Exhibition Centre in overseas which are approved by MATRADE Expenditure incurred on advertising Malaysian brand names overseas [PU(A) 62/2002] ✓ Expenses on advertising of Malaysian brand name registered overseas ✓ Professional fees paid to companies promoting Malaysian brand names. Outgoings and expenses incurred for promotion of export of professional services [PU(A) 124/2003] ✓ Professional services include: − Legal − Accounting − Architectural − Engineering and integrated engineering services − Medical and dental Expenditure incurred ✓ Expenditure incurred for obtaining certification for: in obtaining − recognised quality systems and standards; or certification for − halal certification recognised quality ✓ The certification has to be evidenced by a certificate issued by systems and standards a certification body as determined by the Minister. and halal certification [s.34(6)(ma)] Expenses for the registration of patents, trademarks and product licensing overseas [PU(A) 14/2007] ✓ Malaysian resident company ✓ The purpose is to facilitate the promotion of export of goods or agriculture products manufactured, produced, processed, graded or sorted and assembled in Malaysia. ✓ The double deduction is applicable to the registration cost of such patent, trademark and product licensing in overseas. 53 Prepared by: RL CIA2012: Principles of Taxation Expenditure incurred by companies carrying on the business of providing higher education in Malaysia for the purpose of promoting the export of higher education [PU(A) 185/2001] ✓ The company / institution: − Must be resident in Malaysia − Must be registered with the MOE − Must get an approval letter from the MOE upfront before undertaking the promotional activities − Can also engage an agency approved by the MOE to undertake the promotional activities outside Malaysia. The MOE will verify the expenses incurred for this purpose. Expenditure incurred by employers in training their employees [PU(A) 261/2009] ✓ The relevant fields include: − Postgraduate courses in information communication and technology (ICT), electronics and life sciences − Post-basic courses in nursing and allied health care − Aircraft maintenance engineering courses Expenses for implementing the structured internship programme approved by Talent Corporation Malaysia Berhad in collaboration with the MOHE [PU(A) 188/2023] ✓ Malaysian students pursuing in or outside Malaysia on full-time basis: − Diploma − Bachelor’s Degree − Master’s Degree − Professional certificate − Technical and vocational (minimum SKM Level 1) education training program ✓ Internship programme is for a minimum period of 10 weeks with a monthly allowance of: − Not less than RM500 for a student of SKM Level 1-4; or − Not less than RM600 for a student of DKM Level 5 or Bachelor’s Degree or Master’s Degree or professional certificate Scholarship awarded to students [PU(A) 49/2022] ✓ The sum of scholarships covers: − Tuition fees; − Educational aid; − Reasonable cost of living expenses. ✓ The scholarship between the Malaysian company and the student is executed between 1 January 2022 to 31 December 2025. ✓ The studies encompass all fields of study at: − Technical and vocational certificate level in an institution − Diploma and degree level, including master and doctorate in a higher educational institution. ✓ The student must be a Malaysian citizen and resident in Malaysia who has no means of his own, and whose parents or guardians have total monthly income not exceeding RM10,000. 54 Prepared by: RL CIA2012: Principles of Taxation Overseas promotional expenditure incurred by profit-oriented private schools and international schools [PU(A) 110/2012] ✓ The schools must be incorporated under the Companies Act 1965 or registered under the Societies Act 1966 and registered with the MOE under Education Act 1996. ✓ Eligible expenses include: − Market research − Preparation of technical information − Travelling expenses outside Malaysia for up to 3 persons (subject to economy class air fare, RM300 for accommodation per day and RM150 substance per day) − Participation in education fair held outside Malaysia and approved by the MOE − Publicity and advertisement in media outside Malaysia ✓ The amount of deduction is restricted to RM100,000 for each YA. 55 Prepared by: RL CIA2012: Principles of Taxation 4 Non-Allowable Deductions Section 39(1) Income Tax Act 1967: Subject to any express provision of this Act, in ascertaining the adjusted income of any person from any source for the basis period for a year of assessment no deduction from the gross income from that source for that period shall be allowed in respect of— NON-ALLOWABLE DEDUCTIONS (as provided under s.39 of ITA 1967) Section 39(1)(a) Domestic or private expenses NOTE: Where the expenditure has a dual purpose (partly for business, partly for non-business), then the full amount may be disallowed. Section 39(1)(b) Disbursements or expenses not being money wholly and exclusively laid out or expended for the purpose of producing gross income Section 39(1)(c) Capital withdrawn or any sum employed or intended to be employed as capital Section 39(1)(d) Any amount in respect of any payment to any pension, provident, savings, widows and orphans or other similar funds or society which is not approved scheme − Approved scheme refers to a scheme which is approved by the DG. − Where no approval is granted, any contribution would not be deductible notwithstanding that it may be revenue in nature. Section 39(1)(e) Expenditure incurred in relation to a business, which is − Qualifying mining expenditure (Schedule 2) − Qualifying plant or building expenditure, qualifying agriculture expenditure or qualifying forest expenditure (Schedule 3) − Qualifying prospecting expenditure (Schedule 4) Section 39(1)(f), (i), (j), (q) Withholding tax: − Interest royalty [s.39(1)(f)] − Contract payment [s.39(1)(i)] − Special classes of income [s.39(1)(j)] − Casual income [s.39(1)(j)] − Remuneration to public entertainer [s.39(1)(q)] Not deductible where these payments are deemed derived from Malaysia and the payers fail to account for the withholding tax to the tax authorities within one month of the payment or ‘crediting’ to the non-resident. Section 39(1)(g) Sums payable for the use of a license or permit to extract timber from a forest in Malaysia other than sums payable to a State Government or statutory authority or body approved by the Minister 56 Prepared by: RL CIA2012: Principles of Taxation Section 39(1)(k) Lease rental − Non-commercial vehicle: Deduction restricted to RM50,000 if the cost of car exceeds RM150,000 and deduction restricted to RM100,000 if the cost of car does not exceed RM150,000. − Commercial vehicle: No restriction for deduction. Example of commercial vehicle: Lorry, truck, bus, minibus, van, station wagon or taxi used in the business. Section 39(1)(l) Refer PR 4/2015 Entertainment expenses − Only 50% of the expenses are allowed for deduction − Exception (allow for full deduction): ✓ Entertainment provided to employees, except where such provision is incidental to the provision of entertainment to others o Where lunch or dinner is provided for clients and some employees are also invited, the expenditure is only 50% deductible. ✓ Entertainment business ✓ Promotional gifts at foreign trade fairs ✓ Promotional samples ✓ Cultural or sporting events ✓ Entertainment relates wholly to sales Section 39(1)(m) Leave passage Not deductible unless for provision of a benefit or amenity to an employee consisting of a leave passage to facilitate a yearly event within Malaysia which involved the employer, the employee and the immediate family members of that employee. 57 Prepared by: RL