TO DO: 1) co2 capture options available a) from atmosphere (including biomass co2 removal) b) from H2 production plant. c) from natural gas processing. d) from power stations (conventional fuels + biomass) e) from heavy industrial production facilities (cement, iron and steel, chemicals) 2) Options of Using co2 after capture Industries which can use co2 as a raw material: a) fuel b) chemical c) building materials. 3) Which plant/setup has maximum co2 release issue? a) steel manufacturing plant is one of them. 4) How is co2 helping in enhancing oil recovery? Typically water, natural gas or chemicals used for enhancing oil recovery. Why not use CO2? 5) Find how and where do we use natural gas, chemicals or water injection for enhancing oil recovery? 6) Using naturally occurring CO2 for EOR is proven technology – where and how used 7) Al Reyadah facility PFD? Compression dehydration filtering and transport to ADNOC onshore oil fields-get more details – capturing 800,000 tons of CO2 per year. Commissioned in 2016. For facility and transportation EPC, $122 million. Dodsal group awarded this contract in 2013 for EPC. 8) Currently 15 CCS plants globally – seven under construction – find details constructing carbon capture units, pipeline infrastructure and a network of wells for carbon dioxide (CO2) injection at the Habshan gas processing plant Current plant details: Onshore, we operate one of the world’s largest gas processing plants, the five plants of the vast Habshan Complex with its 14 processing trains and 6.1 bscfd capacity. ----------------------------------------------------Previous Projects carried out at Habshan Complex: ABU DHABI, 10th February, 2015 (WAM) -- Abu Dhabi National Oil Company, ADNOC, has initiated the IGD-E project as a priority in developing and expanding current facilities to boost gas exports from offshore to onshore in order to satisfy the increasing demand for gas locally. On behalf of ADNOC, Abu Dhabi Gas Industries, GASCO, and Abu Dhabi Gas Liquefaction Company, ADGAS, have confirmed the award of the following contracts for Engineering, Procurement, Construction and Commissioning (EPC) works for the Integrated Gas Development Expansion (IGD- E) Phase 1 Project on Lump Sum Turnkey Basis, as follows; Das Island facilities (Package No. 1), Offshore Pipeline (Package No. 2), Onshore Pipeline and Habshan Modifications (Package No. 3). IGD-E Project is a unified project to further increase offshore gas processing capacity by an additional 400 MMSCFD Offshore HP Gas from Das Island to Habshan. This will be in addition to the current gas processing capacity of 1,000 MMSCFD implemented under the OAG and IGD Projects. The new facilities at Habshan-5 will also accommodate an additional onshore Gas 300 MMSCFD from Abu Dhabi Company for Onshore Oil Operations (ADCO) North East Bab (NEB-III), in addition to 439 MMSCFD from North West Abu Dhabi offshore fields. The details of IGD-E (Phase 1) packages are as follows; ADGAS IGD-E - Das Island facilities (Package No. 1), IGD-E Package No. 1 consists of the following new facilities in Das Island that will be required for increasing the offshore gas processing capacity: new 4th gas dehydration train, new common dry gas compression after cooler, land reclamation. The EPC Contract was awarded on 3rd February 2015 to the consortium, Tecnimont, Italy and Archirodon, Greece, at a contract price of approx. US$ 491 MM with a completion period of 40 months. The initial phase of the project execution will commence from the Contractor's Home Office in Milan, Italy and will later move to the site at Das Island for construction activities. GASCO IGD-E - Offshore Pipeline (Package No. 2); IGD-E Package No. 2 consists of the 117 km offshore segment of the new 42" IGD-E pipeline. The selected offshore route for the new IGD-E pipeline parallels the existing 30" OAG pipeline route, which runs from Das Island to the pipeline corridor shore crossing tie -in at Ras Al Qila. The EPC Contract was awarded to M/s National Petroleum Construction Company (NPCC), UAE on 3rd February 2015 at a contract price of approximately US$ 410 MM with a completion schedule of 40 months. The initial phase of the project execution will commence from the contractor's Home Office in Abu Dhabi, UAE, and will later move to the offshore sites for construction activities. GASCO IGD-E – Onshore Pipeline and Habshan Modifications (Package No. 3); IGD-E Package No. 3 consists of the following new facilities that will be required to handle the additional offshore gas, new 114 km onshore segment of the 42" IGD-E pipeline. The selected onshore route continues from Ras Al Qila parallel the existing 30" OAG pipeline to a point near Habshan Area, then detours from OAG Pipeline Habshan 5 Plant with a new established corridor. New units are required at Habshan 5 to receive the gas from the new 42" IGD-E pipeline. The new Habshan 5 units will also be the destination of additional onshore sour gas from ADCO's North East Bab Development (NEB-III). - New condensate pipeline to transport stabilized condensate from Habshan 5 to Habshan Complex Condensate Storage Unit. - New two package boilers for steam generation in Habshan 5. - New tie-ins and modifications will be required for the integration of the new units with Habshan 5 and Habshan Complex to allow optimum processing of gas. The EPC Contract was awarded on 3rd February 2015 to Tecnicas Reunidas, Spain, at a contract price of approx. US$ 685 MM with a completion period of 40 months. The initial phase of the projects execution will commence from the contractors Home Office in Madrid, Spain and will later on move to the sites of the onshore pipelines and Habshan for construction activities. GASCO and ADGAS will direct their EPC Contractors to maximize use of local contents in terms of materials, equipment and services. The Front End Engineering Design (FEED) for the IGD-E Project was completed in April 2014 and during execution of FEED high significance was given to HSE aspects in order to eliminate and adverse impact on the environment and the surrounding community in line with ADNOC HSE Code of Practices. These projects will also provide excellent opportunities for UAE nationals for training and learning through exposure and interaction with experienced engineering companies to enable them to manage future projects, and operate and maintain the plants after project completion and handover. Source: ---------------------------------------------Habshan-0 and Habshan-5 locations: ----------------------------------------------------------------Due to the proximity of the two plants, Habshan and Bab were grouped into one single entity in 2001 after the merger between GASCO and ATHEER. Bab is one of GASCO’s original plants. Commissioned in 1981, it has a single NGL extraction train processing 160 MMSCFD of associated gas collected from Abu Dhabi Company for Onshore Oil Operations (ADCO) in the neighboring oil field. Unlike other GASCO original NGL extraction plants, Bab has sour gas treating facilities. The separated acid gas is piped to Habshan for further treatment, while the sweetened gas is further processed for NGL recovery. The produced NGL is eventually routed to GASCO Ruwais fractionation plant. The residual lean gas is compressed and fed into the sales gas network. The first ADNOC gas processing plant at Habshan was built in 1984 to process sour gas from Thamama-C reservoir off to Bab oil field. Since then, the plant has gone through several expansion projects, increasing its gas processing capacity to make it one of the largest complex in the world. Currently, Habshan gas complex has a processing capacity of 4,750 BSCFD. It produces NGL (18,000 tonnes per day), condensate (270,000 barrels per day), and residue gas (3.7 BSCFD) which supplies the sales gas network (1.3 BSCFD) as well as the re-injection system (2.4 BSCFD) into the various reservoirs. Habshan gas complex also produces about 4,500 tonnes per day of liquid sulphur as a by-product of acid gas processing. Liquid sulphur is trucked to GASCO Ruwais facilities where it is granulated and exported. Bab is one of GASCO’s original plants. Commissioned in 1981, it has a single NGL extraction train processing 160 MMSCFD of associated gas collected from ADCO’s operations in the neighboring oil field. Unlike other GASCO NGL extraction plants, Bab has sour gas treating facilities using DiGlycol Amine (DGA) solvent and acid gas recovery system. Acid gas is piped to neighboring Habshan Gas Plant for converting into liquid sulphur. The produced NGL is piped to GASCO Ruwais fractionation plant, while the residual gas is compressed and injected into the network after sweetening. In mid 2007, The Asab and Bab Integrated Control System (ABICS) Project was completed, involving the installation of advanced computerized systems to replace the original pneumatic control systems. The first ADNOC gas processing plant (Habshan-0) at Habshan was built in 1983 at Bab oil and gas field, to process sour gas from Thamama-C reservoir wells. The plant went through several expansion projects (debottlenecking in 1989, followed by Habshan-1 in 1996; Habshan-2 in 2001), thereby increasing its gas processing capacity rates to make it one of the largest gas processing plants in the world. Part of the gas from the Habshan Plant is delivered to consumers through a gas distribution network covering the entire emirate and extending to Dubai. The uninterrupted supply of network gas is critical for the generation of electricity and for water desalination operations for the Emirate of Abu Dhabi. It is also essential for the supply of gas to many industries in Abu Dhabi, including the Abu Dhabi Refining Company refineries (TAKREER), the Borouge petrochemical plant and the FERTIL plant. The constant and reliable supply of gas is also crucial for Dubai (Jebel Ali Power Station). Another major gas utilization is its re-injection into the oil and condensate gas reservoirs for pressure maintenance purposes. In addition to network gas, the Habshan Plant produces Natural Gas Liquids (NGL), condensate and liquid sulphur. NGL (about 6800 tons per day) is transferred to the GASCO Ruwais plant where it is fractionated into ethane (C2), propane (C3), butane (C4) and Paraffinic Naphtha (C5+) products, while condensate (about 142,000 barrels per day) is piped to the TAKREER refineries. About 5010 tons per day of liquid sulphur is also produced, as a by-product of the processing of acid gas. Liquid sulphur is trucked to Ruwais TAKREER facilities, where it is granulated and exported. Two major developments are in progress at Habshan, planned for completion in Q4 2009: Habshan-3 project will add two non-associated gas processing trains of a total capacity of 1.3 BSCFD, while Habshan Gas Complex Expansion (Habshan-4) project encompasses additional two sulphur processing units, and new associated gas compression facilities. The total Habshan processing capacity will then be around 5 BSCFD. –> Source: ---------------------------------------------------------- Al Reyadah CO2 capture facility details: “This is an integrated commercial-scale project, located in Mussafah, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, which is capturing carbon dioxide (CO2) from the flue gas of an Emirates Steel production facility and injecting the CO2 for enhanced oil recovery (EOR) in the Abu Dhabi National Oil Company’s nearby oil fields. The main objectives of the project are to reduce the carbon footprint of the United Arab Emirates” CCUS works in three steps 1) Capture 2) Compress 3) Dehydration Then transported in pipelines Shell Cansolv CO2 capture system detail: -----------------------------