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Popular TV Discourse: The Case of Friends

Recent Research Papers/Publications:
-Guha P, Chattopadhyay S, ‘A study on the perception of Undergraduates towards MBA
education with reference to Kolkata region’ International Journal of Advance Research in
Computer Science and Management Studies, ISSN: 2347-1778(Print) Impact Factor: 3.5
-Chattopadhyay S, Guha P 'Evaluating the Customer service standards of payback cards in
Pantaloons'’, Asian Journal Of Management, ISSN: 0976-495X, Vol:5No:1:JanuaryMarch:2014
-Chattopadhyay S, Das P ‘ Understanding the key decision making factors in domestic
courier services at India Post’,International Journal Of Engineering and Management
Sciences,Vol5(1), Print ISSN 2229 - 6425 pp 35-40
-Singh S, Chattopadhyay S, ‘Understanding the role of Indian Business Schools in execution of
social responsibility’ Asia Pacific Journal of Management & Entrepreneurship
Research ISSN: 2277-8098, Vol. 2, No2, April 2013, pp 182– 197
-Singh S, Chattopadhyay S, ‘What goes into making an ideal management
institution of choice and delight’ International Journal of Business, Management & Social
Sciences, ISSN: 2249-7463, Vol 2,No.3 February 2013 pp 43-51
-Chattopadhyay S, Guha P ‘Introspecting the motivational propellers in class attendance in the
undergraduate and post graduate colleges of W.B’, Research Journal Of Social Sciences and
Management, Singapore,Impact factor :3.454 ISSN: 2251-1571, Vol 3 No.3 July,2013 pp 53-67
Singh S, Chattopadhyay S, ‘Understanding the preference basket of Industry vis-à-vis
specialization opted by the management students in West Bengal’ Research Journal of
Economics and Business Studies, Impact factor: 2.343 Vol. 1, No 8, June 2012, pp 16 – 19
Singh S, Chattopadhyay S, ‘Exploring the significance of Physical Resources in B-School
selection decision in WB’Journal of Management Research in emerging economies, Vol. 2, No
1, June 2012, pp 66 – 87
Singh S, Chattopadhyay S, ‘A study of the crucial factors impacting the Brand positioning of BSchools in West Bengal’ Journal of Business Management and Social Sciences Research
(JBM&SSR), Vol. 1, No 8, June 2012, pp 44 – 47
Singh S, Chattopadhyay S, Factors impacting an automatic choice of Management Institutions,
International Journal of Business,Management Vol.2,Issue 7(III),March 2013, pp 7-13
Chapters included in book:
 Chattopadhyay S, Singh S (2012), chapter included in ‘Envisioning the Future Business’
published by Excel books, edited by Pattanayak et al pp 358-368
 “Contribution of placements towards admissions in Engg.Colleges in WB”-Excel,ASBM
Bhubaneswsar ISBN 978-81-7446-935-9
 Chattopadhyay S, Guha P ‘Brand perception of Medical representatives and recognizing
factors contributing to sustainable enhancement’ International Journal Of Research &
Development in Technology and Management Sciences,Impact factor-2.41 : ISBN No.
978-1-62840-997-0 Vol20,Issue 6 July, 2013 pp 1-11
 Chattopadhyay S, Saha Sardar P ‘Perception study of the Customers in retail with an
emphasis on Pantaloons’ International Journal Of Research & Development in
Technology and Management Sciences, ISBN No. 978-1-63041-994-3 Vol20,Issue 8
December , 2013 pp 29-44
Publications in seminar proceedings
Singh S, Chattopadhyay S, “Exploring the competence of the Management Institutions in delivering
excellence” NSEES, ISM Dhanbad, December, 6-7,2013
Mukherjee S, Chattopadhyay S, “Introspecting the role of ICT in teaching-learning pedagogy of the
Management Institutions” CMIT- USA ,Durgapur, BCREC, Jan,2014
Chattopadhyay S, Mishra R “Understanding the usage and perception of students in ICT
in undergraduate
colleges of Kolkata” International conference on “ India at the Cross
Roads: The Way Ahead” scheduled on Feb. 7-8, 2014.
Chattopadhyay S & Singh S, ‘A Study of Crucial Factors Impacting the Brand Positioning of B
– Schools in West Bengal’ in International seminar held at Science City, Kolkata by Indian
Society for Training and Development, Kolkata Chapter on ‘Value Creation through Human
Development The Emerging Dimensions’ on 20-21 January 2012 pp 448-454
Chattopadhyay S & Singh S, A Study on the influence of Physical Resources in Determining the
choice of B-School’ in International Seminar on Business and Information Management
(ICBIM-2012) Contemporary Issues in Business and Information Management held at NIT
Durgapur on 9-11 January 2012 pp 117 - 137
Chattopadhyay S & Singh S, ‘A Study on the influence of Intellectual capital in Determining the
choice of B-School’ in national seminar held at Faculty of Management Studies, Dr. B.C. Roy
Engineering College, Durgapur on ‘Business Applications and Management Issues’ on 10-12
January 2012 pp 207 – 220
Chattopadhyay S & Singh S, ‘Analysis of the effective coversion strategy for campus
placements in the second rung AICTE B – Schools in West Bengal’ in National seminar held at
SRM University, Chennai on ‘Emerging social perspectives and parallel issues of business
management’ on 17-18 February 2012 pp 7-9
Paper on “Capital Markets-Emerging Trends” at Vinod Gupta School of Management, IIT
Kharagpur, December,2008
Conference Paper on “ Branding B-Schools in a recessionary economy”, March, 2009 IBM
Jadavpur University
Conference Paper on “Influence of Placement Scenario in Tech. Admissions in W.B ”,
December , 2010 IIM Calcutta
“A Feasibility Study on Involving the Institutions of Higher Learning towards Micro-Insurance
in Rural India”, December, 2010, University Of Kalyani,W.B
Paper on”Involving Institututions of Higher Learning towards CSR for a shining
Paper on “Crisis Management” in PRISM,International Journal 2008
Books Authored:
1) Computations in Estate Management, Published by Institution Of Estate Managers ©
Ballardie Thompson & Matthews
2) Transport Management,ISBN 8176601861,© Everest Publishing House, 2011
3) Values and Ethics for Engineers and Managers, ©Himalaya Publishers, 2014
Presently Co-Author for:
Consumer Behaviour in Services, with Dr.Saumya Singh ISM University,Dhanbad© EPH