2500 IGBM: Collaborative Presentations - Feedback form Group Name: Mark: Content (65%) Grade Justification of Points Qualifications of the author or authors: (10%) Methods the authors used: How are the authors collecting and analyzing their data? What type of resource is this? How are they distributing their information? (10%) A summary of the argument and/or findings: Provide a summary of the item. (10%) Evaluation of the work: What are the gaps and/or limitations of this work? What perspectives are being represented here? What do YOU think about the item? (15%) How this work supports your own research: What is the purpose of including this work as a part of your research? Are they employing useful theories? Does it provide background for your work? (15%) Total: Presentation (15%) Justification of Points Grade Visual: Creative (5%) Writing Style: Sentences are clear, complete, and varying lengths. ● Words used are striking but natural, varied, and vivid. Avoid “filler words” like: many, very, various, etc. ● Writer uses correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Avoid passive language. (5%) Appropriate Terminology: Ensure that you are approaching your work with appropriate terminology based on the “writing tips” discussed in class. (5%) Total: Communication (20%) Justification of Points Grade Talking to us not at us: (5%) Discussion: (10%) Engagement: (5%) Total: