Cambridge IGCSE™ Mathematics Core and Extended Suggested Scheme of Work Cambridge IGCSE Core and Extended Mathematics – Core content This Scheme of Work has been devised to follow a logical route through the textbook for students following the Core content of the syllabus and using the Core and Extended textbook. Its aim is for students to complete the course by the end of the second term in the second year of study; this will then allow time for revision and preparation for their exams. The chapters have been divided into fifteen blocks each with 14 hours of teaching time; this roughly equates to four weeks’ work, depending upon individual timetables. The timings are generous to allow for some flexibility in this area. If necessary, the blocks can be interchanged to allow for local conditions, preferences, etc. Where prior knowledge is required before starting a block, this is listed in the ‘Notes’ column in the Scheme of Work; please read this carefully to ensure necessary learning has taken place before attempting the work. Similarly, the order in which each chapter is completed can be rearranged within each block if resources or timetabling dictates but, once again, some care needs to be taken to ensure the necessary prior learning has taken place. Please note that although the Core & Extended textbook covers all the Core syllabus content, this book is aimed particularly at students studying the Extended syllabus. Our Cambridge IGCSE™ Core Mathematics Student’s Book provides a deeper level of support for the Core syllabus content and would be more suited for students focusing on the Core syllabus only. Cambridge International Education copyright material in this publication is reproduced under licence and remains the intellectual property of Cambridge International Education. This document has not been through the Cambridge International Education endorsement process. Cambridge IGCSE Mathematics Core and Extended Fifth edition © Hodder & Stoughton Limited 2023 1 Cambridge IGCSE™ Mathematics Core and Extended Resources in Cambridge IGCSE Core and Extended Mathematics Fifth Edition Block 1: Total time 14 hours Subject area Chapter 1 Number and language Approx. time allocation Learning objectives © UCLES Pages Vocabulary 9 hours Pages 4–12 cube number; cube root; Mystic Rose, Pages 102–104 factor; highest common This fully worked example factor; integer; irrational takes students through the number; lowest common process of carrying out a multiple; multiple; mathematical investigation and natural number; negative the value of systematic number; positive working. Students should work number; power; prime through the problem and then factor; prime number; compare their methods with the rational number; worked solution. reciprocal; square Primes and squares, Page 104 number; square root This is an investigation into which prime numbers can be written as the sum of two squares. C1.1 Types of number Identify and use natural numbers integers (positive, zero and negative) prime numbers square numbers cube numbers common factors common multiples rational and irrational numbers reciprocals. C1.3 Powers and roots Calculate with the following: squares square roots cubes cube roots other powers and roots of numbers. Cambridge IGCSE Mathematics Core and Extended Fifth edition © Hodder & Stoughton Limited 2023 Mathematical investigations and ICT Notes This chapter covers the different types of number and vocabulary that students need to be familiar with. In Exercise 1.6 (Page 8), students need to recall some work from Cambridge Primary Lower Secondary Mathematics including Pythagoras’ theorem and the formula for the circumference and area of a circle. This chapter covers noncalculator work as well as giving the students the opportunity to practice using their calculator to find powers and roots. 2 Cambridge IGCSE™ Mathematics Core and Extended Chapter 2 Accuracy 5 hours C1.9 Estimation Pages 13–19 1 Round values to a specified degree of accuracy. 2 Make estimates for calculations involving numbers, quantities and measurements. 3 Round answers to a reasonable degree of accuracy in the context of a given problem. accuracy; decimal place; estimate; lower bound; rounding; significant figure; upper bound C1.10 Limits of accuracy Give upper and lower bounds for data rounded to a specified accuracy. Cambridge IGCSE Mathematics Core and Extended Fifth edition © Hodder & Stoughton Limited 2023 This chapter involves rounding to powers of 10, decimal places and significant figures. It also includes using an appropriate degree of accuracy and estimation. It is important for students to use estimation as a means of checking their calculations. In exercise 2.4 on Pages 16– 17, they need to find area and volume of simple compound 2D and 3D shapes. Remind students to round any inexact answers to 3 s.f. Also when working with angles, give inexact angles correct to 1 d.p. – See Block 11 Chapter 25. 3 Cambridge IGCSE™ Mathematics Core and Extended Resources in Cambridge IGCSE Core and Extended Mathematics Fifth Edition Block 2: Total time 14 hours Subject area Chapter 3 Calculations and order Approx. time allocation Learning objectives © UCLES 6 hours Pages C1.5 Ordering Pages 25–30 Order quantities by magnitude and demonstrate familiarity with the symbols =, ≠, >, < , ⩾, ⩽ . Vocabulary addition; division; indices; inequality; multiplication; order of operations; subtraction C1.6 The four operations Use the four operations for calculations with integers, [fractions and decimals] including correct ordering of operations and use of brackets. Mathematical investigations and ICT Football leagues, Page 104 Students use systematic working to investigate how many games there are in total when t teams play each other twice. Notes This chapter focuses on ordering decimals and fractions, and order of operations with integers in C1.6. Content in square brackets is covered in Chapter 4. C2.6 Inequalities Represent and interpret inequalities, including on a number line. Cambridge IGCSE Mathematics Core and Extended Fifth edition © Hodder & Stoughton Limited 2023 4 Cambridge IGCSE™ Mathematics Core and Extended Chapter 35 4 hours Mean, median, mode and range C9.2 Interpreting statistical data Pages 506–508 average; discrete data; and 510 frequency; grouped 1 Read, interpret and draw frequency table; mean; inferences from tables and median; modal class; statistical diagrams. mode; range 2 Compare sets of data using tables, graphs and statistical measures. 3 Appreciate restrictions on drawing conclusions from given data. Students learn about measures of spread and types of average. They learn to calculate averages for raw, frequency and grouped data and how to determine which average is the most suitable for a given data set. The Student assessment material on Page 510 is suitable for Core students. Note the mean for grouped data on Pages 509–510 is for students following the Extended syllabus. C9.3 Averages and range Calculate the mean, median, mode, and range for discrete data and distinguish between the purposes for which these are used. Chapter 26 Measures 4 hours C5.1 Units of measure Use metric units of mass, length, area, volume and capacity in practical situations and convert quantities into larger or smaller units. Pages 350–354 area; capacity; centimetre; gram; kilogram; kilometre; length; litre; mass; metre; millilitre; millimetre; volume Cambridge IGCSE Mathematics Core and Extended Fifth edition © Hodder & Stoughton Limited 2023 Metal trays, Page 388 This is an investigation into a maximum box for the same surface area. This chapter focuses on units and conversions. 5 Cambridge IGCSE™ Mathematics Core and Extended Resources in Cambridge IGCSE Core and Extended Mathematics Fifth Edition Block 3: Total time 14 hours Subject area Chapter 4 Integers, fractions, decimals and percentages Approx. time allocation Learning objectives © UCLES Pages Vocabulary 8 hours Pages 31–39 decimal; denominator; Hidden treasure, Pages 286– equivalent fraction; 287 fraction; improper Students explore an algorithm fraction; mixed number; to work out which contestant in numerator; order of a game show will win the operations; percentage; hidden treasures. proper fraction; recurring decimal; simplest form C1.4 Fractions, decimals and percentages 1 Use the language and notation of the following in appropriate contexts: proper fractions improper fractions mixed numbers decimals percentages. 2 Recognise equivalence and convert between these forms. Mathematical investigations and ICT Notes In this chapter, C1.6 is revisited. In Block 1, Chapter 3 on Pages 25–30, students learnt C1.6. This objective is revisited to include a greater focus on non-calculator methods when working with larger integers and calculations with fractions. Content in square brackets is covered in Block 2 Chapter 3. C1.6 The four operations Use the four operations for calculations with [integers,] fractions and decimals, including correct ordering of operations and use of brackets. Cambridge IGCSE Mathematics Core and Extended Fifth edition © Hodder & Stoughton Limited 2023 6 Cambridge IGCSE™ Mathematics Core and Extended Chapter 11 Algebraic representation and manipulation 6 hours C2.1 Introduction to algebra 1 Know that letters can be used to represent generalised numbers. 2 Substitute numbers into expressions and formulas. Pages 108–112 algebraic fraction; and 113 bracket; expand; Exercise 11.7 expression; factorise; Q.1 and 2 formula; quadratic expression; subject C2.2 Algebraic manipulation 1 Simplify expressions by collecting like terms. 2 Expand products of algebraic expressions. 3 Factorise by extracting common factors. C2.5 Equations 4 Change the subject of formulas. Chapter 11 is split between Block 3 and Block 7. In this first section, there is a focus on expanding brackets, simple factorisation, substitution into formulas and changing the subject of a simple formula. The rest of C2.5 is covered in Block 5, chapter 13: 1 Construct expressions, equations and formulas. 2 Solve linear equations in one unknown. 3 Solve simultaneous linear equations in two unknowns. C2.5.4 is also covered later in Block 7, Chapter 11. Cambridge IGCSE Mathematics Core and Extended Fifth edition © Hodder & Stoughton Limited 2023 7 Cambridge IGCSE™ Mathematics Core and Extended Resources in Cambridge IGCSE Core and Extended Mathematics Fifth Edition Block 4: Total time 14 hours Subject area Chapter 22 Geometrical vocabulary and construction Approx. time allocation Learning objectives © UCLES 4 hours C4.1 Geometrical terms 1 Use and interpret the geometrical terms: point vertex line parallel perpendicular bearing right angle acute, obtuse and reflex angles interior and exterior angles similar congruent scale factor. 2 Use and interpret the vocabulary of: triangles special quadrilaterals polygons nets simple solids. 3 Use and interpret the vocabulary of a circle. Pages Vocabulary Mathematical investigations and ICT Pages 290–295 acute; bearing; centre; Fountain borders, Page 345 circle; circumference; This investigation looks at the cone; congruent; number of tiles needs to border construction; cube; different sized fountains. cuboid; cylinder; Students need to work decagon; diameter; edge; systematically to solve the equilateral triangle; problem. exterior angle; face; frustum; hemisphere; hexagon; interior angle; irregular polygon; isosceles triangle; kite; line; net; obtuse and reflex angles; octagon; parallel; parallelogram; pentagon; perpendicular; perpendicular bisector; plane; point; polygon; prism; pyramid; quadrilateral; radius (plural radii); rectangle; regular polygon; rhombus; right angle; right-angled triangle; scale factor; scalene triangle; similar; solid shape; sphere; square; surface; trapezium; vertex; semi-circle Cambridge IGCSE Mathematics Core and Extended Fifth edition © Hodder & Stoughton Limited 2023 Notes This chapter is an introduction to geometrical vocabulary and properties of shapes. Part of C4.3 is covered in Block 11, Chapter 28: 2 Use and interpret threefigure bearings. Chapter 22 is also in Block 5 where nets, constructions and scale drawings are covered. C4.3 Scale drawings 1 Draw and interpret scale drawings. 8 Cambridge IGCSE™ Mathematics Core and Extended Chapter 23 Similarity and congruence 3 hours C4.4 Similarity Pages 301–303 congruent; scale factor; Calculate lengths of similar shapes. similar ICT activity 1, Pages 346–347 Students use a geometry package to investigate the ratio of corresponding sides in similar triangles. It is important that students have a sound grasp of similarity before they tackle trigonometry in Block 11. Chapter 7 Indices, standard form and surds 7 hours C1.7 Indices I 1 Understand and use indices (positive, zero, negative, and fractional). 2 Understand and use the rules of indices. Towers of Hanoi, Pages 440– 441 Students investigate the classic problem of the Towers of Hanoi. The rule for the number of moves to move n discs is 2𝑛 − 1. Core students are only expected to calculate with standard form on the calculator paper. Pages 63–68 index; powers; rules of Student indices; standard form assessment 1 and 2 on Pages 76–77 C1.8 Standard form 1 Use the standard form A × 10n where n is a positive or negative integer, and 1 ⩽ A < 10. 2 Convert numbers into and out of standard form. 3 Calculate with values in standard form. C2.4 Indices II 1 Understand and use indices (positive, zero, negative and fractional). 2 Understand and use the rules of indices. Cambridge IGCSE Mathematics Core and Extended Fifth edition © Hodder & Stoughton Limited 2023 9 Cambridge IGCSE™ Mathematics Core and Extended Resources in Cambridge IGCSE Core and Extended Mathematics Fifth Edition Block 5: Total time 14 hours Subject area Approx. time allocation Learning objectives © UCLES Chapter 22 10 hours Geometrical vocabulary and construction C4.1 Geometrical terms 1 Use and interpret the geometrical terms: point vertex line parallel perpendicular bearing right angle acute, obtuse and reflex angles interior and exterior angles similar congruent scale factor. 2 Use and interpret the vocabulary of: triangles special quadrilaterals polygons nets simple solids. 3 Use and interpret the vocabulary of a circle. Pages Vocabulary Pages 295– 300 acute; bearing; centre; circle; circumference; cone; congruent; construction; cube; cuboid; cylinder; decagon; diameter; edge; equilateral triangle; exterior angle; face; frustum; hemisphere; hexagon; interior angle; irregular polygon; isosceles triangle; kite; line; net; obtuse and reflex angles; octagon; parallel; parallelogram; pentagon; perpendicular; perpendicular bisector; plane; point; polygon; prism; pyramid; quadrilateral; radius (plural radii); rectangle; regular polygon; rhombus; right angle; right-angled triangle; scale factor; scalene triangle; similar; solid shape; sphere; square; C4.2 Geometrical constructions 1 Measure and draw lines and angles. 2 Construct a triangle, given length of all sides, using a ruler and pair of compasses only. 3 Draw, use and interpret nets. Cambridge IGCSE Mathematics Core and Extended Fifth edition © Hodder & Stoughton Limited 2023 Mathematical investigations and ICT Notes Chapter 22 is also covered in Block 4 which must be completed first. This chapter is an opportunity to revise geometrical vocabulary and properties of shapes. It also covers constructions of triangles and scale drawings. C4.3.2 is covered in Block 11, Chapter 28. 10 Cambridge IGCSE™ Mathematics Core and Extended C4.3 Scale drawings 1 Draw and interpret scale drawings. Chapter 12 Algebraic indices 4 hours C2.4 Indices II 1 Understand and use indices (positive, zero and negative). 2 Understand and use the rules of indices. surface; trapezium; vertex Pages 128– 129 Student assessment 1 on Page 131 Cambridge IGCSE Mathematics Core and Extended Fifth edition © Hodder & Stoughton Limited 2023 index; powers; rules of indices Chequered boards, Block 4 must be completed Page 254 first. This is an investigation into the total number of black and white squares on an m by n chequered board. It is a variation of the problem ‘How many square are there on a chess board?’ 11 Cambridge IGCSE™ Mathematics Core and Extended Resources in Cambridge IGCSE Core and Extended Mathematics Fifth Edition Block 6: Total time 14 hours Subject area Chapter 36 Collecting, displaying and interpreting data Approx. time allocation Learning objectives © UCLES 14 hours C9.1 Classifying statistical data Classify and tabulate statistical data. C9.2 Interpreting statistical data 1 Read, interpret and draw inferences from tables and statistical diagrams. 2 Compare sets of data using tables, graphs and statistical measures. 3 Appreciate restrictions on drawing conclusions from given data. Page Vocabulary Pages bar chart; class width; 512–514 composite bar chart; and 515– correlation; dual bar chart; 528 frequency density; grouped Student frequency table; histogram; assessment line of best fit; pictogram; 1 Qs1–3 pie chart; scatter diagram; on Pages stem and leaf; tally table; 533–534 two-way table Mathematical investigations and ICT Notes This chapter focuses on the collection, display and interpretation of data. The material on grouped data and Histograms is for students following the Extension syllabus only. C9.4 Statistical charts and diagrams Draw and interpret: (a) bar charts (b) pie charts (c) pictograms (d) stem-and-leaf diagrams (e) simple frequency distributions C9.5 Scatter diagrams 1 Draw and interpret scatter diagrams. 2 Understand what is meant by positive, negative and zero correlation. 3 Draw by eye, interpret and use a straight line of best fit. Cambridge IGCSE Mathematics Core and Extended Fifth edition © Hodder & Stoughton Limited 2023 12 Cambridge IGCSE™ Mathematics Core and Extended Resources in Cambridge IGCSE Core and Extended Mathematics Fifth Edition Block 7: Total time 14 hours Subject area Chapter 11 Algebraic representation and manipulation Approx. time allocation Learning objectives © UCLES 3 hours C2.1 Introduction to algebra 1 Know that letters can be used to represent generalised numbers. 2 Substitute numbers into expressions and formulas. C2.2 Algebraic manipulation 1 Simplify expressions by collecting like terms. 2 Expand products of algebraic expressions. 3 Factorise by extracting common factors. Page Vocabulary 6 hours C2.5 Equations 1 Construct simple expressions, equations and formulas. 2 Solve linear equations in one unknown. 3 Solve simultaneous linear equations in two unknowns. Notes Pages 118–120 algebraic fraction; Student bracket; expand; assessment 1 expression; factorise; and 2, and Q.1 formula; quadratic from Student expression; subject assessment 3 on Pages 124– 126 This is an opportunity to revisit the earlier Block 3 work on algebra. Pages 118– 120 further the work on rearranging formulas. Use the Student assessments for consolidation. Chapter 11 Pages 108–113 is also covered in Block 3. The rest of C2.5 is covered in Chapter 13: 1 Construct simple expressions, equations and formulas. 2 Solve linear equations in one unknown. 3 Solve simultaneous linear equations in two unknowns. Pages 132–143 completing the square; Student elimination; inequality; assessments 1 linear equation; and 2 Pages quadratic equation; 150–151 quadratic formula; simultaneous equation; substitution Block 6 must be completed first. The rest of C2.5 is covered in Blocks 3 and 7, Chapter 11: 4 Change the subject of simple formulas. C2.5 Equations 4 Change the subject of simple formulas. Chapter 13 Equations and inequalities Mathematical investigations and ICT Cambridge IGCSE Mathematics Core and Extended Fifth edition © Hodder & Stoughton Limited 2023 13 Cambridge IGCSE™ Mathematics Core and Extended Chapter 6 Ratio and proportion 5 hours C1.11 Ratio and proportion Pages 53–162 Understand and use ratio and proportion to: give ratios in their simplest form divide a quantity in a given ratio use proportional reasoning and ratios in context. average speed; compound measure; density; direct proportion; inverse proportion; population density; pressure; rate; ratio ICT activity 2 Page 105 Students use a graphing package to investigate velocities at different points of a 100 m sprint. This chapter involves solving problems involving direct and inverse proportion and the use of compound measures. C1.12 Rates 1 Use common measures of rate. 2 Apply other measures of rate. 3 Solve problems involving average speed. Cambridge IGCSE Mathematics Core and Extended Fifth edition © Hodder & Stoughton Limited 2023 14 Cambridge IGCSE™ Mathematics Core and Extended Resources in Cambridge IGCSE Core and Extended Mathematics Fifth Edition Block 8: Total time 14 hours Subject area Chapter 15 Sequences Approx. time allocation Learning objectives © UCLES 3 hours C2.7 Sequences 1 Continue a given number sequence or pattern. 2 Recognise patterns in sequences, including the termto-term rule, and relationships between different sequences. 3 Find and use the nth term of sequences: (a) linear (b) simple quadratic (c) simple cubic. Pages Vocabulary Pages 157–159 cubic; exponential and 161–164 sequence; linear Student sequence; nth term; assessment 1 quadratic; term-to-term on Pages 168- rule 169 Cambridge IGCSE Mathematics Core and Extended Fifth edition © Hodder & Stoughton Limited 2023 Mathematical investigations and ICT House of cards, Page 254 Students can explore the sequences produced from building houses of cards. Notes Subscript notation is on the Extended syllabus only. Students following the Core syllabus will work with simple quadratic and cubic sequences only. 15 Cambridge IGCSE™ Mathematics Core and Extended Chapter 27 Perimeter, area and volume 11 hours C5.2 Area and perimeter Carry out calculations involving the perimeter and area of a rectangle, triangle, parallelogram and trapezium. C5.3 Circles, arcs and sectors 1 Carry out calculations involving the circumference and area of a circle. 2 Carry out calculations involving arc length and sector area as fractions of the circumference and area of a circle, where the sector angle is a factor of 360°. Pages 355– 370, 372–380 and 383–387 arc; area; circumference; Tennis balls, Pages 388–389 compound shape; cone; This is an investigation into a cuboid; cylinder; packing problem involving 12 diameter; frustrum; tennis balls. parallelogram; ICT activity, Page 389 perimeter; prism; This is an ICT investigation in pyramid; radius; which students find the rectangle; sector; sphere; maximum volume cone made surface area; trapezium; from a sector with a fixed triangle; volume radius. Answers may be need to be given in terms of . Formulae for curved surface area of a cone; surface area of a sphere; volume of a sphere; volume of a pyramid; volume of a cone; will be given. C5.4 Surface area and volume Carry out calculations and solve problems involving the surface area and volume of a: cuboid prism cylinder sphere pyramid cone. C5.5 Compound shapes and parts of shapes 1 Carry out calculations and solve problems involving perimeters and areas of: compound shapes parts of shapes. Cambridge IGCSE Mathematics Core and Extended Fifth edition © Hodder & Stoughton Limited 2023 16 Cambridge IGCSE™ Mathematics Core and Extended 2 Carry out calculations and solve problems involving surface areas and volumes of: compound solids parts of solids. Cambridge IGCSE Mathematics Core and Extended Fifth edition © Hodder & Stoughton Limited 2023 17 Cambridge IGCSE™ Mathematics Core and Extended Resources in Cambridge IGCSE Core and Extended Mathematics Fifth Edition Block 9: Total time 14 hours Subject area Chapter 25 Angle properties Approx. time allocation Learning objectives © UCLES 14 hours Pages Vocabulary C4.6 Angles Pages 322–330 alternate angles; centre; circumference; 1 Calculate unknown angles and corresponding angles; give simple explanations using cyclic quadrilateral; the following geometrical exterior angle; interior properties: angle; parallel; polygon; sum of angles at a point = radius; segment; 360° semicircle; sum of angles at a point on a supplementary; tangent; straight line = 180° vertically opposite vertically opposite angles are angles equal angle sum of a triangle = 180° and angle sum of a quadrilateral = 360°. 2 Calculate unknown angles and give geometric explanations for angles formed within parallel lines: corresponding angles are equal alternate angles are equal co-interior (supplementary) angles sum to 180°. 3 Know and use angle properties of regular polygons. Cambridge IGCSE Mathematics Core and Extended Fifth edition © Hodder & Stoughton Limited 2023 Mathematical investigations and ICT Notes Material from Chapter 25 on Circle theorems are covered in Block 15. 18 Cambridge IGCSE™ Mathematics Core and Extended Resources in Cambridge IGCSE Core and Extended Mathematics Fifth Edition Block 10: Total time 14 hours Subject area Approx. time allocation Learning objectives © UCLES Pages Vocabulary complement; element; empty set; intersection; set; subset; union; universal set; Venn diagram Mathematical investigations and ICT Chapter 10 5 hours Set notation and Venn diagrams C1.2 Sets Understand and use set language, notation and Venn diagrams to describe sets and represent relationships between sets. Definition of sets e.g. A = {x: x is a natural number} B = {(x, y): y = mx + c} C = {x: a ⩽ x ⩽ b} D = {a, b, c, …} Pages 92–96 and 98–100 Chapter 33 Probability C8.1 Introduction to probability 1 Understand and use the probability scale from 0 to 1. 2 Calculate the probability of a single event. 3 Understand that the probability of an event not occurring = 1 – the probability of the event occurring. Pages 480–490 event; expected ICT activity: Buffon’s needle frequency; outcome; experiment, Page 503 probability scale; relative Buffon’s needle is a classic frequency; Venn probability experiment used to diagram produce an estimate for . 5 hours Notes Numbered balls Page 440 Venn diagrams will be limited Students investigate number to two sets only. sequences using the rule: If the last term was even: divide by 2 to find the next term If the last term was odd: add 1 to find the next term Students need to study Chapter 33 before they study probability further in Block 10, Chapter 34 C8.2 Relative and expected frequencies 1 Understand relative frequency as an estimate of probability. 2 Calculate expected frequencies. Cambridge IGCSE Mathematics Core and Extended Fifth edition © Hodder & Stoughton Limited 2023 19 Cambridge IGCSE™ Mathematics Core and Extended Chapter 34 Further probability 4 hours C8.3 Probability of combined events Calculate the probability of combined events using, where appropriate: sample space diagrams Venn diagrams tree diagrams. Pages 491–495 conditional probability; and Student event; outcome; assessment1 probability; sample on Pages 499– space diagram; tree 500 diagram; Venn diagram Cambridge IGCSE Mathematics Core and Extended Fifth edition © Hodder & Stoughton Limited 2023 Probability drop, Page 501 An investigation into Pascal’s triangle. Students study combined events, conditional probability is extension content only. 20 Cambridge IGCSE™ Mathematics Core and Extended Resources in Cambridge IGCSE Core and Extended Mathematics Fifth Edition Block 11: Total time 14 hours Approx. time allocation Learning objectives © UCLES Pages Vocabulary Chapter 28 Bearings 3 hours C4.3 Scale drawings 2 Use and interpret three-figure bearings. Page 392 three-figure bearings The rest of C4.3 is covered in Chapter 22: 1 Draw and interpret scale drawings. Chapter 29 Trigonometry 11 hours C6.1 Pythagoras’ theorem Know and use Pythagoras’ theorem. Pages 394–405 adjacent; cosine; Student assessment depression; elevation; 1 and 2 on Pages hypotenuse; opposite; 417–419 Pythagoras’ theorem; sine; tangent Block 10 must be completed first. Angles will be given in degrees. Answers should be written in degrees and decimals to one decimal place. Subject area C6.2 Right-angled triangles 1 Know and use the sine, cosine and tangent ratios for acute angles in calculations involving sides and angles of a rightangled triangle. 2 Solve problems in two dimensions using Pythagoras’ theorem and trigonometry. Cambridge IGCSE Mathematics Core and Extended Fifth edition © Hodder & Stoughton Limited 2023 Mathematical investigations and ICT Notes 21 Cambridge IGCSE™ Mathematics Core and Extended Resources in Cambridge IGCSE Core and Extended Mathematics Fifth Edition Block 12: Total time 14 hours Subject area Chapter 4 Integers, fractions, decimals and percentages Approx. time allocation Learning objectives © UCLES 2 hours C1.4 Fractions, decimals and percentages 1 Use the language and notation of the following in appropriate contexts: proper fractions improper fractions mixed numbers decimals percentages. 2 Recognise equivalence and convert between these forms. Pages Vocabulary Pages 40–41 and 44 decimal; denominator; equivalent fraction; fraction; improper fraction; mixed number; numerator; order of operations; percentage; proper fraction; recurring decimal; simplest form Mathematical investigations and ICT Notes Students have already studied the rest of this chapter in Block 3. Work on Pages 40–42 is on converting between fractions and decimals. Use questions 1–8 of the Student assessment on Page 44 as revision of all the work on integers, fractions, decimals and percentages. C1.6 The four operations Use the four operations for calculations with integers, fractions and decimals, including correct ordering of operations and use of brackets. Chapter 5 Further percentages 4 hours C1.13 Percentages Pages 45–50 percentage; percentage increase / decrease; 1 Calculate a given percentage of Student assessment 1 reverse percentage a quantity. and 2 on Pages 2 Express one quantity as a 51–52 percentage of another. 3 Calculate percentage increase or decrease. Cambridge IGCSE Mathematics Core and Extended Fifth edition © Hodder & Stoughton Limited 2023 Blocks 1, 4 and 10 must be completed first. Part of C1.13 is covered in Block 12, Chapter 8: 4 Calculate with simple and compound interest. 22 Cambridge IGCSE™ Mathematics Core and Extended Chapter 8 Money and finance 8 hours C1.13 Percentages Pages 79–88 1 Calculate a given percentage of a quantity. 2 Express one quantity as a percentage of another. 3 Calculate percentage increase or decrease. 4 Calculate with simple and compound interest. compound interest; cost price; currency conversion; deposit; depreciation; discount; earnings; exponential decay; exponential growth; profit and loss; selling price; simple interest ICT activity 1 Page 105 In this activity students investigate how the share price of their chosen company changes over time. It is important that students are confident with the work from Chapter 5 before moving onto this chapter. C1.14 Using a calculator 1 Use a calculator efficiently. 2 Enter values appropriately on a calculator. 3 Interpret the calculator display appropriately. C1.16 Money 1 Calculate with money. 2 Convert from one currency to another. Cambridge IGCSE Mathematics Core and Extended Fifth edition © Hodder & Stoughton Limited 2023 23 Cambridge IGCSE™ Mathematics Core and Extended Resources in Cambridge IGCSE Core and Extended Mathematics Fifth Edition Block 13: Total time 14 hours Subject area Chapter 21 Straight-line graphs Approx. time allocation Learning objectives © UCLES 11 hours C3.1 Coordinates Use and interpret Cartesian coordinates in two dimensions. Pages Pages 258– 260, 265–271 and 273 Student C3.2 Drawing linear graphs assessment 1 Draw straight-line graphs for linear on Pages 282– equations. 283 Vocabulary axes; bisector; coordinates; gradient; intercept; midpoint; origin; parallel; perpendicular; segment Mathematical investigations and ICT Notes Block 2 must be completed first. C3.3 Gradient of linear graphs Find the gradient of a straight line. C3.5 Equations of linear graphs Interpret and obtain the equation of a straight-line graph in the form 𝑦 = 𝑚𝑥 + 𝑐. C3.6 Parallel lines Find the gradient and equation of a straight line parallel to a given line. Cambridge IGCSE Mathematics Core and Extended Fifth edition © Hodder & Stoughton Limited 2023 24 Cambridge IGCSE™ Mathematics Core and Extended Chapter 9 Time 3 hours C1.14 Using a calculator 1 Use a calculator efficiently. 2 Enter values appropriately on a calculator. 3 Interpret the calculator display appropriately. Pages 89–91 12-hour clock; 24-hour clock; distance; speed; time Painted cube Page 475 Students investigate how many faces of small cubes making up a larger cube are painted when the outside of the larger cube is painted. Ensure students understand that say 1.25 hours is not 1 hour 25 minutes. Students may need to solve problems involving different time zones. C1.15 Time 1 Calculate with time: seconds (s), minutes (min), hours (h), days, weeks, months, years, including the relationship between units. 2 Calculate times in terms of the 24-hour and 12-hour clock. 3 Read clocks and timetables. Cambridge IGCSE Mathematics Core and Extended Fifth edition © Hodder & Stoughton Limited 2023 25 Cambridge IGCSE™ Mathematics Core and Extended Resources in Cambridge IGCSE Core and Extended Mathematics Fifth Edition Block 14: Total time 14 hours Subject area Chapter 24 Symmetry Approx. time allocation Learning objectives © UCLES 4 hours Chapter 32 10 hours Transformations Pages Vocabulary C4.5 Symmetry Pages 314–315 bisector; centre; tangent; Recognise line symmetry and order Q.1 and chord; cone; cylinder; of rotational symmetry in two Student equidistant; line dimensions. assessment on symmetry; order of Page 321 Q.1 rotational symmetry; perpendicular; prism; pyramid; rotational symmetry Mathematical investigations and ICT Notes Tiled walls, Page 346 Students can investigate the number of spacers (T shaped or + shaped) used to separate the tiles in different tiling patterns. C7.1 Transformations Pages 456–457 clockwise; enlargement; Triangle count, Pages 476–477 Students need to know that Recognise, describe and draw the and 459–467 reflection; rotation; scale Students investigate the number horizontal lines are in the form following transformations: Student factor; transformation; of triangles formed when a y = a and vertical lines are in assessment 1 translation; vector; larger triangle is divided the form x = b. 1 reflection of a shape in a and 2 on Pages vertex according to two different vertical or horizontal line. 471–472 rules. 2 rotation of a shape about the origin, vertices or midpoints of edges of the shape, through multiples of 90°. 3 enlargement of a shape from a given centre by a given scale factor. 4 translation of a shape by a given 𝑥 vector (𝑦). Cambridge IGCSE Mathematics Core and Extended Fifth edition © Hodder & Stoughton Limited 2023 26 Cambridge IGCSE™ Mathematics Core and Extended Resources in Cambridge IGCSE Core and Extended Mathematics Fifth Edition Block 15: Total time 14 hours Subject area Approx. time allocation Learning objectives © UCLES Pages Vocabulary Chapter 17 Graphs in practical situations 5 hours C2.9 Graphs in practical situations 1 Use and interpret graphs in practical situations including travel graphs and conversion graphs. 2 Draw graphs from given data. Pages 176–181 conversion graph; Student distance; distance–time assessment 1 graph; gradient; speed; on Page 192 time; travel graph Chapter 18 Graphs of functions 6 hours C2.10 Graphs of functions 1 Construct tables of values, and draw, recognise and interpret graphs for functions of the forms: 𝑎𝑥 + 𝑏 ±𝑥 2 + 𝑎𝑥 + 𝑏 𝑎 𝑥 (𝑥 ≠ 0) where a and b are integer constants. 2 Solve associated equations graphically, including finding and interpreting roots by graphical methods. Pages 197– 200, 202 –203, 205–206 and 212–214 Student assessment 1 on Page 220 Mathematical investigations and ICT Notes Blocks 8 and 11 must be completed first. intersection; linear function; quadratic function; reciprocal function; root; simultaneous equations; symmetry C2.11 Sketching curves Recognise, sketch and interpret graphs of the following functions: (a) linear (b) quadratic. Cambridge IGCSE Mathematics Core and Extended Fifth edition © Hodder & Stoughton Limited 2023 27 Cambridge IGCSE™ Mathematics Core and Extended Chapter 25 Angle properties 3 hours C4.6 Angles Pages 331–333 alternate angles; cointerior angles; 1 Calculate unknown angles and Student corresponding angles; give simple explanations using assessment 1 on Pages 340– exterior angle; interior the following geometrical 341 angle; parallel; polygon; properties: radius; semi-circle; sum of angles at a point = supplementary; tangent; 360° vertically opposite sum of angles at a point on a angles straight line = 180° vertically opposite angles are equal angle sum of a triangle = 180° and angle sum of a quadrilateral = 360°. 2 Calculate unknown angles and give geometric explanations for angles formed within parallel lines: corresponding angles are equal alternate angles are equal co-interior (supplementary) angles sum to 180°. 3 Know and use angle properties of regular polygons. The focus here is on circle theorems but angle properties were also covered in Block 9 and this is an opportunity to review that work. C4.7 Circle theorems Calculate unknown angles and give explanations using the following geometrical properties of circles: angle in a semi-circle = 90° angle between tangent and radius = 90°. Cambridge IGCSE Mathematics Core and Extended Fifth edition © Hodder & Stoughton Limited 2023 28