CHEM 3562 (C31C): Environmental Degradation of Materials An Introduction to the Principles and Prevention of Corrosion Friday 1st February 2008 Lecture 6 Dr. Ann Wilson Chemistry Building C1 – 3rd Floor Room 313 Tel.: Ext. 2283 Email: Housekeeping Site Visit to NGC Date: Thursday 21st January Time: 1:00 – 4:00 p.m. Departure time: TBA Required: Number of vegetarians CHEM3562 –EDM-L6 -2 - 1 Basic principles of corrosion Exchange current density Electrochemical polarization Overpotential Mixed potential theory Topics CHEM3562 –EDM-L6 -3 - Basic principles of corrosion Me → Me z + + z e − corrosion rate rc = ia m = = rc z F At mass loss (unit area ) (unit time) i = current density (e.g. µA/cm2) rc: e.g. in mg per cm2 per day corrosion rate is proportional to the current density during dissolution corrosion rate is inversely proportional to the area for the same dissolving current, ⇒ Current measurements are a sensitive and convenient tool for studying corrosion in the laboratory and the field!! Corrosion and Faraday’s law CHEM3562 –EDM-L6 -4 - 2 Basic principles of corrosion penetration rate rp = depth of penetration unit time corrosion rate rc = X mg g and δ = Y 2 3 cm day density cm r X mg cm3 rp = c = δ Y cm 2 day g = 1437 .386 143.739 X mils (mpy ) Y year = = X 10 −3 g cm3 Y cm 2 day g 10 X µm Y day 10 −3 X cm Y day = Corrosion rate ↔ Penetration rate CHEM3562 –EDM-L6 -5 - Basic principles of corrosion Calculation of the penetration/corrosion rates from the current density needs the equivalent weight a/z (EW) rp = rc = δ i a 1 F z δ rp = i EW F δ For an alloy the EW value is the weighted average of a/z for the major alloying components ! How to calculate EW for an alloy: EW = 1 f z Σ i i ai Penetration rates for alloys CHEM3562 –EDM-L6 -6 - 3 Basic principles of corrosion current flow NOT possible! Standard half cell potential: - 0.763 V Standard half cell potential: 0V Volts porous membrane Platin Zn2+; unit acitivity H2 H+; unit acitivity gas inlet Cell with reversible zinc and hydrogen electrodes CHEM3562 –EDM-L6 -7 - Basic principles of corrosion current flow possible! Ampere Volts porous membrane Deviation of the electrode potential from equilibrium potential Zn2+ Platin H2 Zn2+ Zn2+; unit acitivity H+; unit acitivity gas inlet Short-circuited cell with a zinc and a hydrogen electrode CHEM3562 –EDM-L6 -8 - 4 Basic principles of corrosion Anode (+): net oxidation Cathode (-): net reduction Polarisation: deviation of the electrode potential from the equilibrium potential η = E – Eº (overvoltage) Zinc, corroding in an acidic solution CHEM3562 –EDM-L6 -9 - Basic principles of corrosion Polarisation: - abreviated with a η η = E – Eº - also called overpotential, overvoltage - is the potential change, E – E0, from the equilibrium potential, E0, caused by a net surface reaction rate for the half cell reaction Cathodic Polarisation: - abreviated with a η c (negative value) - electrons are supplied to the metal surface - buildup in the metal due to slow reaction rate causes surface potential, E, to become negative with respect to E0 Anodic Polarisation: - abreviated with a η a (positive value) - electrons are removed from the metal - deficiency results in positive potential change due to slow liberation of electrons by the surface reaction Definition – Polarization (Overpotential, Overvoltage) CHEM3562 –EDM-L6 -10 - 5 Basic principles of corrosion Zn ↔ Zn2+ + 2eηa = 200 mV (0.2 V) η/V E/V η = E – Eº η + Eº = E + + 0.2 - 0.56 0 - 0.76 - 0.2 - 0.96 - - 0.2 V + (-0.76 V) = E exchange current densities E0 = - 0.76 V vs. SHE Zn → Zn2+ + 2ei0 - 0.56 V = E ηc = - 200 mV (- 0.2 V) η = E – Eº η + Eº = E - 0.2 V + (-0.76 V) = E i/mA cm2 Zn2+ + 2e- → Zn - 0.96 V = E Example - Overpotential CHEM3562 –EDM-L6 -11 - Basic principles of corrosion Consider: 2H+ + 2e- rforward rreverse H2 At equilibrium potential: i forward = i reverse = i o rforward = rreverse = exchange current densities i0 a nF I0 depends mainly on the nature of the electrode surface The free energy change and the half cell potential are fundamental thermodynamic parameters of electrochemical reactions, io is the fundamental kinetic parameter. Can not be measured directly Note: There is no net reaction and no net current, since oxidation and reduction rates are equal Exchange current density CHEM3562 –EDM-L6 -12 - 6 Basic principles of corrosion 2H+ + 2e - rforward rreverse H2 ∆ G0 = − n F ∆E0 The surface on which the reaction occurs has no effect on the electrode potential io, in contrast, is strongly affected by the type of the surface ⇒ the free energy change remains the same but the kinetics are varied for the electrode reactions at different interfaces Effect of reaction surface on electrode potential and exchange current density CHEM3562 –EDM-L6 -13 - Basic principles of corrosion Polarisation, η, is the potential change, E – Eº, from the equilibrium half cell electrode potential caused by a net surface reaction rate for the half cell reaction Two main types of polarisation: Activation polarisation refers to electrochemical reactions that are controlled by a slow step in the reaction sequence occuring to establish electron transfer Concentration polarisation refers to electrochemical reactions that are controlled by the mass transport of species involved in the reaction sequence occuring to establish for the electron transfer Polarisation – Overpotential/Overvoltage CHEM3562 –EDM-L6 -14 - 7 Basic principles of corrosion Me rforward Mez+ + ze - rreverse Equilibrium disturbed: η = E − E0 Polarized electrode Activation energy for dissolution and deposition are NOT ANYMORE equal → ← i ≠ i ⇒ i net Activation Polarisation CHEM3562 –EDM-L6 -15 - Basic principles of corrosion Hydrogen evolution reaction↑ Diffusion of involved species becomes a rate limiting step Concentration Polarisation CHEM3562 –EDM-L6 -16 - 8 Basic principles of corrosion Butler-Vollmer and Tafel equation cathodic and anodic polarisation Mixed Electrode Potential Theory E/V Zn → Zn2+ + 2e+ - 0.56 - 0.76 i0 i/mA cm2 - 0.96 - Zn2+ + 2e- → Zn Next CHEM3562 –EDM-L6 -17 - 9