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Gemstones to Avoid Wearing Together

Gemstones To Avoid Wearing Together To Escape
People more often than not extol the beauty of gemstones and the positive energies these bring in.
Ancient study in crystal healing, however, also deals with how different stones interact with each other.
The tradition has it that some may blend less harmoniously if not counterproductively. Here is a quick
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guide on which combination of stones you must avoid to usher in balance and avoid all sorts of
misfortune in your life.
Amethyst and Moonstone
The amethyst stone is considered to be very soothing yet protective, whereas moonstone crystal is
generally used for instinct and emotional balance. Even though each of these stones provides
excellent benefits on their own, sometimes the varying energies cancel each other out when one
wears them.
Why Not Together?
●​ Protection vs. Emotional Sensitivity: This may be because the strongly powerful protection
energy of amethyst stone works against the soft and emotionally-filled properties of moonstone,
creating this tug-of-war emotion that may confuse or overstimulate one's emotions.
●​ Too Much Energy: As individual stones, each is powerful in its own right, and together they
become too much for sensitive people to handle. It will push them outside of their comfort zone
●​ Alternative Suggestion: One can wear one at a time for certain purposes. That is to say, if the
purpose of the time is protection, then use Amethyst. In the case where the purpose of the time
is intuition, then Moonstone crystals would work well, but just not together.
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Opal and Labradorite
Opal gemstone is known for their vibrant play-of-color and are associated with creativity and passion,
while labradorite stone is known for their labradorescence and have been attributed to transformation
and psychic enhancement. Combining the two can be imbalanced to the energy.
Why Not Together?
●​ The shifting energy of Opal vs. the transformation grounding of Labradorite: The energy of Opal
is dynamic and at times may change constantly in variance with Labradorite stone due to the
grounding it provides while fostering transformation of the self. It creates an effect that might be
called heightened creativity, but devoid of focus so that the energies go scattered.
●​ Overstimulation: This powerhouse of a visual effect when Opal gemstone was added to the
mystique of Labradorite can be over-the-top and cause overstimulation, hence mental fatigue or
●​ Alternative Suggestion: Use Opal for creativity and inspiration, and Labradorite to assist in
grounding and transformation; use one or the other, but not both at the same time.
Learn more about other crystals as Aurora Opal then read this blog : Aurora Opal Unveiled:
Facts, Myths, and Hidden Wonders.
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Aquamarine and Pearl
Aquamarine gemstone is the peace and clarity of soothingly blue colors, while Pearl stone represents
purity and emotional balance. While these stones may seem to harmonize, they do sometimes
generate opposing energies.
Why Not Together?
●​ Disconnected Clarity: Aquamarine gemstone works for clear communication whereas Pearl
nurtures and connects to deeper qualities of emotions. This can create a disconnection
between mental clarity and emotional depth.
●​ Challenged Feelings: You may feel conflicted in your feelings or thoughts and find it more
challenging to connect to an even state of mind.
●​ Alternative Suggestion: Instead, wear Aquamarine and Pearl stone at different times depending
on whether you want clarity or emotional balance.
Moonstone and Pearl
Moonstone gemstone is an enchanting stone that amplifies one's emotions, while Pearl crystals
symbolize purity and quietness. Sharing some similarities in their energies, they both clash at times.
Why Not Together?
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●​ Moonstone's Intuition vs. Pearl's Stability: The focus that Moonstone places on the
development of intuition may interfere with Pearl crystal, which works on grounding and
stabilizing. This may result in an imbalance whereby the emotional and intuitive self feels out of
●​ Possible Disrupted Harmony: Such a combination may disrupt this harmonized energy you're
looking to receive and cause emotional or intuitive interference.
●​ Suggested Alternative: Utilize Moonstone gemstone for intuition-enhancing and Pearl for
stability one at a time, not together, to prevent opposing energies.
Main source of blog : Gemstones To Avoid Wearing Together To Escape Misfortune
Amethyst and Aquamarine
As the saying goes, Amethyst crystal is calming, while Aquamarine stone produces peacefulness and
clarity. Though both stones are calming energies, their combined energy is not always totally
Why Not Together?
●​ Protection of Amethyst vs. Clarity of Aquamarine: The protective energies of Amethyst may
interfere with the clarity and communication that Aquamarine stone is focused on, hence
creating chaos in energies.
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●​ Mixed Signals: The dual focus on protection and clarity could give mixed signals or confusion
as to what is needed or wanted.
●​ Alternative Suggestion: Choose one stone, according to your current requirement, Amethyst
crystal for protection and Aquamarine for clarity, and wear them at different times.
Do you want to buy authentic, affordable, and high-quality gemstones? Then GemstonesForSale is
your ultimate destination.
Though the diverse advantages of gemstones may be appealing, some must not be paired since they
tend to produce an effect that is not wished for. Though the Amethyst, Opal, Moonstone, Aquamarine,
Pearl, and Labradorite possess their special qualities, their energies clash when combined.
It will be easy for anyone who knows this to understand which stones go well with others and which
are best worn alone. This art of awareness will help in tapping into the greatest of the energy that the
gemstones emit and bring in harmony, deflecting any possible misfortune.
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