ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS FENG 310 LECTURER: Sallu Jaward Phone:+23275727287 E-mail: Course Material: ü Course material, including lecture notes, PowerPoint slides, sample exams, Home work solutions, hints, etc … will be available to the students throughout the semester. ü Any student registered for the class should have access to all these materials. 2 q ADVANCED ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS by K.A. Stroud and Dexter J. Booth, 4th edition, McGraw-Hill Education, New York, NY. ISBN: 978-1-259-69653-4. q ADVANCED ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS by Dennis G. Zill, 6 th edition, | Burlington, MA : Jones & Bartlett Learning, [2017]. ISBN: 1284105903 (casebound). q CALCULUS, EARLY TRANSCENDENTAL FUNCTIONS by Ron Larson, Robert Hostetler and Bruce H. Edwards 4th edition, Houghton Mifflin , ISBN 13: 978-0-61873069-8 ISBN 10: 0-618-73069-9 q MULTIVARIABLE CALCULUS by Ron Larson 11th edition Homework ü A list of weekly problem sets along with due dates can be found throughout the lecture slides. Although you may discuss homework problems with me, or your classmates, you are expected to work out the problems independently ü There is no specific format for the Home Work assignments. Please write legibly. ü You are expected to turn in your assignments on the due date, typically by 12 noon of that day unless noted otherwise on the Assignment. ü Late Home Work submissions will receive a zero grade unless permission is obtained from the instructor before the due date. 4 Academic Honesty ü You may discuss homework problems with others, but you must not retain written notes from your conversations with other students, or share data electronically (e.g. files, emails, etc …) to be used in completing your homework. ü Your written work must be completed without reference to such notes, with the exception of class notes. 5 Classroom etiquette üPlease try to arrive on time for each class because late arrivals are distracting. üIf you arrive late please enter quietly and take a seat near the back of the room. üPlease do not converse with your classmates during class. üAll electronic devices (cell phones, iPods, iPads, laptops, …) must be turned off 6 Exams ü In addition to a 3-hour final exam, there are three tests during the semester. ü In case you miss a test, your score on that test will be zero without an option for a make-up. ü All tests and exams will be closed book. ü The regular exams will be given at the end of the semester. 7 Grading ü Each of the three tests will count as 15 points with the average of the scores counting toward the final grade. ü The final exam will count as 70 points, and the homework will count collectively as 10 points, for a total of 95 points. ü Regular attendance will count for 5 points. ü Your final grade for the course will be based primarily on your total point score, but other appropriate factors, such as participation and personal initiative, will also be taken into account. 8 Derivatives of Functions Derivatives of Functions Integration Formulas Integration Formulas OUTLINE OF TOPICS TO BE COVERED 1. Introduction to Differential Equations 5. Applications of Differential Equations ü Definition and classification (order, degree, linearity) ü Mechanical vibrations (damped and undamped) ü General and particular solutions ü Electrical circuits (RLC circuits) 2. First-Order Differential Equations ü Population models ü Separable equations 6. Laplace Transforms ü Homogeneous equations ü Definition and basic properties ü Exact equations and integrating factors ü Inverse Laplace transform ü Linear differential equations ü Laplace transform of common functions 3. Higher-Order Differential Equations ü Step functions and Dirac delta function ü Second and higher-order linear differential equation 7. Applications of Laplace Transforms ü Solutions using characteristic equations ü Solving differential equations using Laplace transforms ü Method of undetermined coefficients ü Initial value problems ü Variation of parameters ü Systems of linear differential equations 4. Systems of Differential Equations 8. Introduction to Partial Differential Equations ü Introduction to systems of first-order differential ü Brief Introduction to Partial Differential Equations equations ü Method of Separation of Variables LECTURE 1 Introduction to Differential Equations 15 Definition and classification Definition of Differential Equation: An equation containing the derivatives of one or more dependent variables, with respect to one or more independent variables, is said to be a differential equation (DE). To discuss these equations, we will categorize each differential equation by its type, order, and linearity. Classification by Type Ordinary Differential Equations (ODEs): An equation containing only ordinary derivatives of one or more functions with respect to a single independent variable. Partial Differential Equations (PDEs): An equation involving only partial derivatives of one or more functions with respect to two or more independent variables. Example: The following example demonstrates both types of differential equations (ODEs and PDEs). 16 Examples: Types of Differential Equations �� + 6� = �−� , �� �2 � �� + − 12� = 0, ��2 �� are examples of ordinary differential equations �� �� + = 3x+2y �� �� �2 � �2 � = 0, + ��2 ��2 �� �� =− , �� �� �2� �2� �� = − , ��2 ��2 �� are examples of partial differential equations. Notice that in the third equation, there are two dependent variables and two independent variables. This indicates that u and v must each be functions of two or more independent variables. 17 Classification by Order The order of a differential equation (ODE or PDE) is the order of the highest derivative in the equation. EXAMPLE: Order of a Differential Equation �2� �� 3 �4 � �2 � The differential equations 2 + 5 − 4� = �� , 2 4 + 2 = 0 are examples of a second-order ordinary differential equation �� �� �� �� and a fourth-order partial differential equation, respectively. A first-order ordinary differential equation is sometimes written in the differential form M(�, �)�� + �(�, �)�� = 0 EXAMPLE 3 Differential Form of a First-Order ODE: Assuming y is the dependent variable in a first-order Ordinary Differential Equation (ODE), we recall from calculus that the differential dy is defined as: �� = �’ �� a) By dividing both sides by the differential dx, an alternative form of the equation (� − �)�� + 4��� = 0 is given by: � − � + �� �� 4 = 0 �� 4 + � = � �� �� b) By multiplying the differential equation 6�� �� �� + �2 + � 2 = 0 An n-th order ordinary differential equation with one dependent variable can be generally expressed as: � �, �, �,’ . . . . . , �� = 0 where F is a real-valued function of n+2 is �, �, �,’ . . . . . , �� ��� = �(�, �, �,’ . . . . . , �� ) � �� Classification by Linearity A D.E is is linear in y if we can write it in form �� (�)�(�) + ��−1 (�)�(�−1) + . . . . + �1 (�)�’ + �0 (�)� + �(�) = 0 or ��� � � − 1� �� + � (�)� = �(�) �� (�) � + ��−1 (�) � − 1 + , . . . , �1 (�) 0 �� �� �� The dependent variable y and all its derivatives y, y, … , y(n) are of the first degree; that is, the power of each term involving y is 1. The coefficients a0, a1, … , an of y, y , … , y(n) depend at most on the independent variable x EXAMPLE: Linear and Nonlinear Differential Equations 1. (� − �)�� + 4��� = 0 2. �’’ − 2�’ + � = 0 3� � �� 3 3. � ��3 + 3� �� − 5� = �� �4� 4. ��4 �2� + �2 = 0 5. ��2 + ���� − 5� = 0 6. (1 − �)�’ + 2� = �� 7. �’’’ + 3��’ + � = �� 8. �� �� ’’ + 3� = ���� 9. � + sin � � = �� �� 3 10. �� �� = �3� Solution of an ODE General Solution Particular Solution (Arbitary constant) (Initial Values) verify that the indicated function is an explicit solution of the given differential equation. Practice problems set 1 Verify that the indicated function is an explicit solution of the given differential equation. 1) 2�′ + � = 0, 2) �′′ − � = 0 � �=� 2 � = �� 3) �′′ − 6�′ + 13� = 0; � = �3� ���2� 4) �′′ + � = tan � ; � = −(cos � )ln (sec � + tan � ) 5) (1 − 2� − �2 )�′′ + 2(1 + �)�′ − 2� = 0; �=�+1 Find values of m so that the function � = ��� is a solution of the given differential equation. 1) 2�′ + � = 0, 3. 2�′′ + 9�′ − 5� = 0 2. �′′ − 5�′ + 6� = 0 4. 3�′ = 4� find values of m so that the function y= �� is a solution of the given differential equation. 1. 0 �2 �′′ − 7��′ + 15� = 0 2. x�′′ + 2�′ = LECTURE 2 First-Order Differential Equations vSeparable equations vHomogeneous equations v Exact equations and integrating factors vLinear differential equations Separable equations A first-order differential equation is called separable if all terms involving � and y can be grouped with dx and dy , respectively. In other words, a differential equation of the form is said to have separable variables. �� = g(x). h(y) �� For example, the differential equations �� = �2 �4 �5�−3� �� are separable and nonseparable, respectively and �� = � + cos � �� Separable variable is a foundational method for solving certain differential equations Classwork set 2) Solve (1 + �)�� − ��� = 0 3) Solve the initial value problem 4) Solve �� 6) Solve �� �� = �2 − 4. ( 2� 5) Solve cos � � �� = 2� � . − �) �� �� �� �� � = , �(4) =− 3. � = �� sin 2�, if y(0)=0. 7) Solve sin 3� �� + 2�cos3 3� �� = 0. 8) Solve csc � �� + sec2 � ��=0 Practice problems set 2 2. 3. solve the given differential equation by separation of variables. �� �� = P − �2 −� ) �� � +� = �2 , �� 2 �� ( � 4. � �� = � − ��, �(−1) =− 1. 2) �� 4) �� 3) �� �� �� �� �� = 4(�2 + 1), x( � 4)=1 = = ��+3�−�−3 ��−2�+4�−8 ��+2�−�−2 ��−3��+�−3 �2 −1 . . 5) �� = �2−1, y(2)=2 a) (1 + �� )2 �−� �� + (1 + �� )3 �−� �� = 0 Homogeneous equations A differential equation is said to be a homogeneous DE if every term has the same degree of Homogeneous DE can be written as: M(x,y)dx + N(x,y)dy=0 If M is simpler use: x=vy, dx=vdy+ydv If N is simpler use: y= vx, dy=vdx+xdv Homogeneous DE �� �� �� �� = �(�, �) =� � � � , let v= , y=vx � Classwork set Solve the following DE Section A 1. (�� + �� + �� )�� − �� �� = � 2. � � �� �� = �� + �� � �� � � 3. ��� �� = �� + ��� �� 4. � �� = � + � �� �� 5. (� − �) �� = � + � Section B �� 1. (� + �) �� = � − � 2. �� �� �� = �� + ��� �� 3. ��� �� = �� + ��� �� 4. �� �� = �� + � ��� + �� �� 5. � �� + � = �� + �� Exact Equations Exact equations are a special type of first-order differential equation where the left-hand side of the equation is the exact differential of some function f(x,y). This allows us to integrate directly to find a solution Recognizing an Exact Equation A first-order DE of the form: �(�, �)�� + �(�, �)�� = � is exact if there exists a function f(x,y) such that: �� �� = �(�, �) and = �(�, �) �� �� Criterion for Exactness For M(x,y) and N(x,y) with continuous first partial derivatives, the equation is exact if: �� �� = �� �� This is a necessary and sufficient condition for the equation to be exact. If this condition holds, the equation represents the total differential of a function f(x,y) Exact Equations: Method of Solution 1. Verify Exactness �� �� Check whether the condition = is satisfied. �� �� 2. Determine f(x,y) Ø Integrate M(x,y) with respect to x, treating y as a constant, to find f(x,y) (up to a function of y, g(y)): �(�, �) = �(�, �)�� + �(�) Ø Differentiate f(x,y) with respect to y and equate it to N(x,y) to find g′ (y) �� = �′ (�) + ( ����� ���� �) �� Ø Integrate g′ (y) to find g(y) 3. General Solution Combine results to express the solution implicitly as �(�, �) = � where C is an arbitrary constant. Practice problems set 3 Determine whether the given differential equation is exact. If it is exact, solve it. 1) (2� − 1)�� + (3� + 7)��� = 0 2) (2� − �)�� − (� + 6�)�� = 0 3) (���� − �����)�� + (���� + ����� − �)�� = 0 4) (2��2 − 3)�� + (2�2 � + 4)�� = 0 1 �� � 5) 2� − + ���3� + 2 − 4�2 + 3����3� = 0 � � �� � 6) (1 + ln � + � )�� = (1 − ln � )�� = 0 3 �� 3 7) 1 − � + � �� + � = � − 1 8) 1 � 1 + 2− 2 � a) Solve � � +�2 � 1+�2 � �� + (�� + 2 + ���� − 2�� 1 � +�2 �� �� )�� = 0 = �(� + ����), y(0)=1 Integrating Factors for Nonexact Equations Integrating factors are used to transform a nonexact differential equation into an exact one, enabling us to solve it using the techniques for exact equations. Given a differential equation of the form: �(�, �)�� + �(�, �)�� = � the equation is nonexact if the criterion for exactness does not hold: �� �� ≠ �� �� To make it exact, we multiply through by an integrating factor μ(x,y), such that: μ(�, �)�(�, �)�� + �(�, �)�(�, �)�� = � becomes exact The modified equation is exact if �(��) �(��) = �� �� To find μ(x,y), the following procedure is used: 1. Criterion for Exactness After Multiplication: Expand �(��) �(��) = 0 using the product rule. After simplification �� �� �� � − �� � = ( − )� �� �� This is a partial differential equation for �(�, �) �� − Integrating Factors for Nonexact Equations �� 2. Simplifying Assumptions If �(�, �) is assumed to depend only on � or �, the equation simplifies: • � = �(�): The equation becomes: • � = �(�): The equation becomes: �� �� ��−�� �� =� �� � �� �� ��−�� �� =� �� � 3. Conditions for Use: v if (�� ��−�� ��) � depends only on � ,use �(�) v If (�� ��−�� ��) � depends only on �, use �(�) Practice problems set 4 Verify that the given differential equation is not exact, apply the integrating factor, and solve the resulting exact equation. 1. (−������ + 2�����)�� + 2������� = 0, �(�, �) = �� 2. (�2 − 2�� − �2 )�� + (�2 + 2�� − �2 )�� = 0 �(�, �) = (� + �)−2 Solve the given differential equation by finding an appropriate integrating factor 1. 2. 3. 4. (2�2 + 3�)�� + 2���� = 0 �(� + � + 1)�� + (� + 2�)�� = 0 6���� + (4� + 9�2 )�� = 0 2 ������ + (1 + )������ = 0 � −3� 5. (10 − 6� + � )�� − 2�� = 0 6. (�2 + ��2 )�� + (5�2 − �� + �3 ����)�� = 0 find an integrating factor of the form �� �� , then solve 1. (2�2 − 6��)�� + (3�� − 4�2 )�� = 0 2. (12 + 15��)�� + (6��−1 + 3�2 )�� = 0 First-Order Linear Differential Equation The most common case is the first-order linear differential equation: �� + P(�)� = Q(�) �� where P(x) and Q(x) are known General Solution 1. Identify P(x) and Q(x) 2. Find the integrating factor �(�): 3. 4. 5. �(�) = � �(�)�� . Multiply through by �(�) to make the left-hand side exact: �� �(�) + �(�)P(�)� = �(�)Q(�) �� Recognize the left-hand side as a derivative � [�(�)�] = �(�)Q(�) �� Integrate both sides: �(�)� = �(�)� �� Practice problems set 5 LECTURE 3 Higher-Order Differential Equations üSecond and higher-order linear differential equation üSolutions using characteristic equations üMethod of undetermined coefficients üVariation of parameters Reduction of Order Reduction of order is a technique for finding a second, linearly independent solution �� (�) of a second-order linear homogeneous differential equation when one solution �� (�) is already known. This method involves reducing the original second-order equation into a first-order differential equation. The general second-order linear homogeneous differential equation is: �2 (�)�′′ + �1 (�)�′ + �0 (�)� = 0 it is rewritten in standard form �′′ + �(�)�′ + �(�)� = 0 If �� (�) is a known solution of the equation, we use the substitution �2 = �(�)�1 (�) where �(�) an unknown function to be determined. This substitution reduces the second-order equation into a first-order equation. �2 = �(�)�1 (�) �2′ = �′ �1 + ��1 ′ �2′′ = �′′ �1 + �′ �1 ′ + �′ �1 ′ + ��1 ′′ Classwork and Practice problems set 6 The indicated function �� (�) is a solution of the given equation. Use reduction of order or formula, to find a second solution �� (�). 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) �′′ − 4�′ + 4� = 0 �′′ − � = 0 �′′ + 2�′ + � = 0 �′′ + 16� = 0 �′′ + 9� = 0 �′′ − � = 0 5. (1 − 2� − �2 )�′′ + 2(1 + �)�′ − 2� = 0 �1 = �2� �1 = �� �1 = ��−� �1 = cos 4� �1 = sin 3� �1 = cosh � �1 = � + 1 Superposition Principle for Homogeneous Equations The Superposition Principle of homogeneous equations states that if �� (�), �� (�), . . . , �� (�) are solutions to a homogeneous linear differential equation �(�) = �� �(�) + ��−1 �(�−1) + . . . . + �1 �’ + �0 � = 0 then any linear combination of these solutions �� (�) = �� �� (�) + �� �� (�) + , . . . , + �� �� (�) is also a solution of the homogeneous equation �(�) = �. The solutions to the homogeneous equation can be combined linearly to form the general solution to the homogeneous equation. Superposition Principle for Nonhomogeneous Equations The Superposition Principle for nonhomogeneous equations states that if ��� (�), ��� (�), . . . , ��� (�) are particular solutions of k different nonhomogeneous linear differential equations, corresponding to different forcing functions �� (�), �� (�), . . . , �� (�)), then the linear combination of these particular solutions: �� (�) = ��� (�) + ��� (�) + . . . + ��� (�) thus, the general solution can be expressed as �(�) = �� (�) + �� (�) where �� (�)is the general solution of the corresponding homogeneous equation �(�) = �. Homogeneous Linear Equations with Constant Coefficients Auxiliary Equation By assuming a solution of the form , we substitute into constant coefficients, all solutions can be expressed the differential equation, which leads to ��2 ��� + ����� + ���� = 0 as exponential functions or combinations of or equivalently exponential functions. ��� (��2 + �� + �) = 0 Since ��� ≠ �, the term in parentheses must vanish General Form: ��2 + �� + �) = 0 The homogeneous linear equation with constant This quadratic equation is called the auxiliary equation. Solving it provides the roots, �� and �� , which coefficients is written as: determine the form of the general solution. (�) (�−1) ’ �� � + ��−1 � + . . . . + �1 � + �0 � = 0 For linear higher-order differential equations with where �� are constants, �� ≠ � For a second-order equation ��′′ + ��′ + �� = 0 Three Cases of Roots 1. Distinct Real Roots �� − ��� > � : If the roots �� and �� are real and distinct, the general solution is � = �1 ��1� + �2 ��2� 2. Repeated Real Roots �� − ��� = � : If the roots �� = �� = � are real and equal, the general solution is � = (�1 + �2 �)��� 3. Complex Conjugate Roots �� − ��� < � : If the roots are complex �� = � + �� and �� = � − ��, the general solution is expressed in terms of real functions: � = ��� (�1 cos �� + �2 sin ��) Here, � represents the exponential decay/growth, while β governs the oscillatory behavior. Classwork and Practice problems set 7 find the general solution or the particular solution of the given second-order differential equation 1. 2. �′′ − 6�′ + 9� = 0 �′′ + 5�′ + 6� = 0 3. 4�′′ + �′ = 0 4. �′′ + 9� = 0 5. 2�′′ − 5�′ − 3� = 0 6. �′′ + 4�′ + 7� = 0 7. �′′ − 10�′ + 25� = 0 8. �′′ + 8�′ + 25� = 0 9. �′′′ + 3�′′ − 4� = 0 10. 4�′′ − 5�′ + 6� = 0 i. �′′ + 4� = 0, �(0) = 4, �′ (0) = 6, ii. �′′ − � = 0, �(0) = 1, �′ (1) = 0 iii. �′′ + 2�′ + 2� = 0, �(0) = 2, �′ (0) = 1 iv. 4�′′ + 4�′ + 17� = 0, v. vi. 9 �2 � + 24 2 �� + �4 � �2 � + �� �4 � ��4 vii. 16 a) +2 ��4 �� �2 � + ��2 + 24 16� = 0 �(0) =− 1, �′ (0) = 2 �=0 ��2 9� = 0 Two roots of a cubic auxiliary equation with real coefficients are �1 =− 1 and �2 = 3 + �. What is the corresponding homogeneous linear 2 differential equation? LECTURE 4 Method of undetermined coefficients The method of undetermined coefficients is a practical technique for solving nonhomogeneous linear differential equations of the form where: �� �(�) + ��−1 �(�−1) + . . . . + �1 �’ + �0 � = �(�) v The coefficients �� are constants v g(x) is a simple function such as a polynomial, exponential, sine, or cosine, or their combinations. The general solution of such an equation is given by where: � = �� + �� �� : The complementary function, obtained by solving the associated homogeneous equation �� �(�) + ��−1 �(�−1) + . . . . + �1 �’ + �0 � = 0 �� :A particular solution to the nonhomogeneous equation, determined using an educated guess based on �(�) Method of undetermined coefficients Guess the Form of �� The form of depends on the nature of �(�). For example If �(�) is a polynomial of degree n guess �� = ��� + ���−� + . . . , + � If �(�) = ��� guess �� = ���� If �(�) = sin (��) �� cos (��), guess �� = ���� (��) + ���� (��) Account for Overlap with �� : If any term in your guess for �� appears in �� , multiply �� by �� , where k is the smallest integer making �� independent of �� Substitute �� into the Original Equation Ø Differentiate �� as needed. Ø Substitute �� and its derivatives into the given equation. Ø Match coefficients of like terms in �, ��� , ��� (��), ��� (��) to solve for the unknown coefficients. Write the general solution as For combinations like �� ��� � = �� + �� guess �� = (��� + ���−� + . . . , + �)��� Classwork and Practice problems set 8 solve the given differential equation by undetermined coefficients. 1. �′′ + 2�′ − 24� = 16 − (� + 2)�4� 2. �′′ + 5�′ + 6� = �2 3. �′′ + 9� = �2� 4. �′′ + 3�′ + 2� = cos � 5. �′′ + � = cos � 6. �′′ − 9� = ��� + sin 2� 7. �′′ + 4�′ − 2� = 2�2 − 3� + 6 8. �′′ − 3�′ + 2� = �� sin t 9. �′′ − 2�′ − 3� = 3�2� 10. �′′ − 2�′ − 3� = 3�−� 1. �′′ + � = 1 + �2 �(0) = 5, �(1) = 0, 1. �′′ − 4� = (�2 − 3)sin 2� 2. �′′ − 3�′ + 3� = � − 4�� 3. 2�′′ + 3�′ − 2� = 14�2 − 4� − 11 �(0) = 0, �′ (0) = 0 Cont. Practice problems set 8 1. a) Consider the differential equation ��′′ + ��′ + �� = ��� , where a, b, c, and k are constants. The auxiliary equation of the associated homogeneous equation is ��2 + �� + � = 0 If k is not a root of the auxiliary equation, show that we can find a particular solution of the form �� = ���� , where � = 1 (��2 +��+�). b) If k is a root of the auxiliary equation of multiplicity one, show that we can find a particular solution of the c) form �� = ����� , where � = 1 (2�� + �). Explain how we know that k ≠ −� (2�). If k is a root of the auxiliary equation of multiplicity two, show that we can find a particular solution of the form �� = ��2 ��� , where A = 1 (2�). LECTURE 5 Variation of Parameters The general solution is �(�) = �� (�) + �� (�) of a nonhomogeneous linear differential equation. where �� (�) is the complementary solution and �� (�) is the particular solution General form �2 (�)�′′ + �1 (�)�′ + �0 (�)� = �(�) or in standard form �′′ + �(�)�′ + �(�)� = �(�) Assumes �(�), �(�) ��� �(�) are continuous on an interval � Solve the associated homogeneous equation ′′ ′ � + �(�)� + �(�)� = 0 The complementary solution is: �� = �1 �1 (�) + �2 �2 (�) where �1 (�) ��� �2 (�)are linearly independent solutions. Particular Solution �� Assume in the form: �� (�) = �1 (�)�1 (�) + �2 (�)�2 (�) where �� (�) �nd �� (�) are functions to be determined Using the product rule to differentiate �� twice Key Results: −�(�)�2 ′ �1 = ( � �1 , �2 ) where �(�� , �� ) is the Wronskian �1 W= �′ 1 �(�)�1 ′ �� = ( � �1 , �2 ) �2 �′ 2 Integrate to find �� (�) �nd �� (�)then substitute back to find �� The general solution is �(�) = �� (�) + �� (�) Classwork and Practice problems set 9 solve each differential equation by variation of parameters. SECTION A 1. �′′ − 4�′ + 4� = (� + 1)�2� 2. 4�′′ + 36� = csc 3� 3. �′′ + � = tan � 4. �′′ + � = sec � 5. �′′ + � = sec �tan � 6. �′′ + � = cos2 � 7. �′′ + � = sec2 � 8. �′′ − � = cosh � 9. �′′ − � = sinh 2� SECTION B 2 1. �′′ + � = �� 2. �′′ + �′ − 2� = ln x 3. �′′ − 2�′ + � = �� tan−1 � 4. 2�′′ + �′ = 6� 5. �� � − 2� + � = 1+�2 �′′ + 2�′ + � = �−� ln � ′′ ′ 6. 7. �′′ + 3�′ + 2� = sin �� 8. �′′ + 3�′ + 2� = 1 1+�� Cauchy–Euler Equations Cauchy–Euler equations are a type of linear differential equation with variable coefficients. Form: �� � − 1� � � �� � �−1 + , . . . , + � � = �(�), �� � + � � � � �−1 1 0 � � − 1 �� �� �� where �� , ��−� , �� , . . . , �� are constants The degree � of �� matches the order � of differentiation. Homogeneous second-order equation ��2�′′ + ���′ + �� = 0 Solution interval: (0,∞) or (−∞,0) by substitution � =−� . Assume Cauchy–Euler Equations Solution Assumption Assume � = �� Substitute � = �� into the equation ��2�′′ + ���′ + �� = 0 Results in ��(� − 1)�� + ���� + ��� = 0 Simplifies to the auxiliary equation ��2 + (� − �)� + � = 0 Cases of Roots Case 1: Distinct Real Roots Roots �� and �� where �1 ≠ �2 �(�) = �1 ��1 + �2 ��2 Case 2: Repeated Roots Single root �� = �� �(�) = �1 ��1 + �2 ��2 ln � Case 3: Complex Roots Roots r=α±iβ: �(�) = �� [�1 cos( �ln �) + �2 sin (�ln � ) Classwork and Practice problems set 10 SECTION A SECTION B Use the substitution y=xr to solve the given equations Use the substitution� = (� − �0 )� to solve the given equation 2 2 � � − 2� �� − 4� = 0 1. � ��2 2. �� 2 � � + 8� �� + � = 0 4� 2 �� �� 2 3. 4�2 �′′ + 17� = 0, �(1) =− 1, �′ (1) = 1 − 2 1. (� + 3)2 �′′ − 8(� + 3)�′ + 14� = 0 2. (� + 2)2 �′′ + (� + 2)�′ + � = 0 3. (� − 4)2 �′′ − 5(� − 4)�′ + 9� = 0 CONT. Practice problems set 10 SECTION C use the substitution � = �� to transform the given Cauchy–Euler equation to a differential equation with constant coefficients. Solve the original equation by solving the new equation 1. �2 �′′ + 9��′ − 20� = 0 2. �2 �′′ + 10��′ + 8� = �2 3. �2 �′′ − 4��′ + 6� = ln �2 SECTION D find a homogeneous Cauchy–Euler differential equation whose general solution is given. 1) � = �1 �4 + �2 �−2 2) � = �1 + �2 �5 3) � = �1 �−3 + �2 �−3 ln � 4) � = �1 cos( ln �) + �2 sin (ln � ) 1 5) � = �1 � 2 cos( 1 1 1 ln �) + �2 � 2 sin ( ln � ) 2 2 LECTURE 6 Differential Equation: Power Series Method LECTURE 7 Applications of Differential Equations: Linear Models ü Growth and Decay ü Newton’s Law of Cooling ü Mixture of two Solutions ü Series Circuits Applications of Differential Equations: Linear Models This section introduces linear models for solving first-order differential equations, focusing on real-world applications like population growth, radioactive decay, Newton’s Law of Cooling, and mixing problems Growth and Decay The differential equation models growth or decay �� = ��, �(�0 ) = �0 �� Figure 1: Shroud image in Problem 5 Source: Zill (2017) Class Work and Practice problems set 3 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 3 A culture initially has P0 number of bacteria. At � = 1ℎ the number of bacteria is measured to be �� . If 2 the rate of growth is proportional to the number of bacteria P(t) present at time t, determine the time necessary for the number of bacteria to triple. A breeder reactor converts relatively stable uranium-238 into the isotope plutonium-239. After 15 years it is determined that 0.043% of the initial amount A0 of the plutonium has disinte grated. Find the halflife of this isotope if the rate of disintegration is proportional to the amount remaining A fossilized bone is found to contain 0.1% of its original amount of C-14. Determine the age of the fossil The population of a town grows at a rate proportional to the population present at time t. The initial population of 500 increases by 15% in 10 years. What will the population be in 30 years? How fast is the population growing at t =30? The Shroud of Turin, which shows the negative image of the body of a man who appears to have been crucified, is believed by many to be the burial shroud of Jesus of Nazareth. In 1988 the Vatican granted permission to have the shroud carbon dated. Three independent scientific laboratories analyzed the cloth and concluded that the shroud was approxi mately 660 years old, an age consistent with it historical appearance. Using this age, determine what percentage of the original amount of C-14 remained in the cloth as of 1988. Newton’s Law of Cooling Governs the cooling or warming of an object relative to ambient temperature: • �� : Ambient temperature �� = �(� − �� ) �� Class Work and Practice problems set 3 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. When a cake is removed from an oven, its temperature is measured at 3000F. Three minutes later its temperature is 2000F. How long will it take for the cake to cool off to a room tem perature of 700F. ? A thermometer is removed from a room where the temperature is 700F and is taken outside, where the air temperature is 10F. After one-half minute the thermometer reads 500F. What is the reading of the thermometer at t 1 min? How long will it take for the thermometer to reach 150F? A thermometer is taken from an inside room to the outside, where the air temperature is 50F.. After 1 minute the thermometer reads 550F, and after 5 minutes it reads 300F. What is the initial temperature of the inside room? A small metal bar, whose initial temperature was 200C, is dropped into a large container of boiling water. How long will it take the bar to reach 900C if it is known that its temperature increased 2 in 1 second? How long will it take the bar to reach 980C? Two large containers A and B of the same size are filled with different fluids. The fluids in containers A and B are maintained at 00C and 1000C, respectively. A small metal bar, whose ini tial temperature is 1000C, is lowered into container A. After 1 minute the temperature of the bar is 900C. After 2 minutes the bar is removed and instantly transferred to the other container. After 1 minute in container B the temperature of the bar rises 10. How long, measured from the start of the entire process, will it take the bar to reach 99.90C? Mixture of two Solutions Net rate of change of salt 1. 2. 3. �� = input rate − output rate �� A tank contains 200 liters of fluid in which 30 grams of salt is dissolved. Brine containing 1 gram of salt per liter is then pumped into the tank at a rate of 4 L /min; the well-mixed solution is pumped out at the same rate. Find the number A(t) of grams of salt in the tank at time t. Solve Problem 1 assuming that pure water is pumped into the tank. A large tank is filled to capacity with 500 gallons of pure water. Brine containing 2 pounds of salt per gallon is pumped into the tank at a rate of 5 gal/min. The well-mixed solution is pumped out at the same rate. Find the number A(t) of pounds of salt in the tank at time t Series Circuits:Resistor-Inductor (R-L) The sum of voltage drops in a series circuit equals the impressed voltage � �� + �� = �(�) �� L: Inductance (Henrys), R: Resistance (Ohms) LR-series circuit 1 � �� + � = �(�) � R: Resistance (Ohms), C: Capacitance (Farads) �� 1 + � = �(�) �� � �= �� �� RC-series circuit Class Work and Practice problems set 3 A 100-volt electromotive force is applied to an RC-series circuit in which the resistance is 200 ohms and the capacitance is 10–4 farad. Find the charge q(t) on the capacitor if q(0) =0. Find the current i(t). A 200-volt electromotive force is applied to an RC-series cir cuit in which the resistance is 1000 ohms and the capacitance is 5 × 10−6 farad. Find the charge q(t) on the capacitor if i(0) =0.4. Determine the charge and current at � = 0.005� . Determine the charge as t → ∞ An electromotive force 120, �(�) = 0, 0 ≤ � ≥ 20 � < 20 is applied to an LR-series circuit in which the inductance is 20 henries and the resistance is 2 ohms. Find the current i(t) if i(0) = 0. An LR-series circuit has a variable inductor with the inductance defined by 1 0 ≤ � ≥ 10 �(�) = 1 − 10 �, � < 10 0, Find the current i(t) if the resistance is 0.2 ohm, the impressed voltage is E(t) =4, and i(0)=0 Applications of Differential Equations: Nonlinear Models Population Dynamics and Logistic Growth Exponential Growth Model Governing Equation: Assumption: Growth rate k is constant. Growth limited by environmental factors Reflects realistic population dynamics. �� = �� �� �� = ��(�) �� Logistic Growth Model Incorporates carrying capacity (K) to reflect resource limits �� = �(� − ��) �� Suppose a student carrying a flu virus returns to an isolated college campus of 1000 students. If it is assumed that the rate at which the virus spreads is proportional not only to the number x of infected students but also to the number of students not infected, determine the number of infected students after 6 days if it is further observed that after 4 days x(4) =50. The number N(t) of people in a community who are exposed to a particular advertisement is governed by the logistic equation. Initially N(0)=500, and it is observed that N(1)=1000. Solve for N(t) if it is predicted that the limiting number of people in the community who will see the advertisement is 50,000. LECTURE 7 Systems of Linear Differential Equations v Theory of Linear Systems v Homogeneous Linear Systems Ø Distinct Real Eigenvalues Ø Repeated Eigenvalues Ø Complex Eigenvalues Theory of Linear Systems Systems of n linear differential equations in n unknowns c unknowns can be represented as: �11 (�)�1 + �12 (�)�2 + . . . + �1� (�)�� = �1 (�) �21 (�)�1 + �22 (�)�2 + . . . + �2� (�)�� = �2 (�) : : . . �21 (�)�1 + �22 (�)�2 + . . . + �2� (�)�� = �2 (�) � Here ��� (�) are polynomials in the differential operator � = �� Restricting the study to first-order systems, the equations take the form: ��1 = �1 (�, �1 , �2 , . . . , �� ) �� ��2 = �2 (�, �1 , �2 , . . . , �� ) �� : : . . ��� = �� (�, �1 , �2 , . . . , �� ) �� Theory of Linear Systems Definition A linear system arises when each �� (�, �1 , �2 , . . . , �� ) is linear in the dependent variables �1 , �2 , . . . , �� . This results in: ��1 = �11 (�)�1 + �12 (�)�2 + . . . + �1� (�)�� + �1 (�) �� ��2 = �11 (�)�1 + �22 (�)�2 + . . . + �2� (�)�� + �2 (�) �� : : . . ��� = ��1 (�)�1 + ��2 (�)�2 + . . . + ��� (�)�� + �� (�) �� Homogeneous: If �� (�) = 0 for all � = 1,2, . . . , �. Non-Homogeneous: If �� ≠ 0 for any � Cont. Theory of Linear Systems Matrix Representation of Linear Systems Using matrices, the system can be compactly written as: �′ = �(�)� + �(�) Where: �11 (�) �12 (�) … �1� (�) �� (�) �� (�) �� (�) �� (�) �21 (�) �22 (�) … �2� (�) , �= , �(t) = �(�) = ⋮ ⋮ ⋮ ⋮ ⋮ �� (�) �� (�) �31 (�) �32 (�) �3� (�) The matrix equation simplifies to: Homogeneous Case If F(t)=0, the system reduces to: �′ = �� + � �′ = �� Theory of Linear Systems Systems of n linear differential equations in n unknowns can be written in a normal form as first-order differential equations. The equations are linear when the functions involved are linear in the dependent variables. Linear Systems and Notation A first-order linear system is written as: �� = �(�)� + �(�) �� X′ = �� + � Where: • � is the column vector of unknown functions, • �(�) is a matrix of coefficients, • �(�) is a vector of nonhomogeneous terms. For homogeneous systems, �(�) = � and the system simplifies to: X′ = �� Class Work and Practice problems set 3 1) 2) 1) � � If � = ,or � � � then write the matrix form of the homogeneous linear system: �� �� = 3� + 4�, = 5� − 7� �� �� �� = 6� + � + � + � �� �� = 8� + 7� − � + 10� �� �� = 2� + 9� − � + 6� �� �� = 6� + � + � + � �� �� = 8� + 7� − � + 10� �� �� = 2� + 9� − � + 6� �� A) �� �� = 3� − 5�, = 4� + 8� �� �� �� B). �� =− 3� + 4� − 9� �� = 6� − � �� C). �� = 10� + 4� + 3� �� �� =�−�+�+�−1 �� �� = 2� + � − � − 3�2 �� �� = � + � + � + �2 − � + 2 �� a. b. c. �� �� = 4� − 7�, = 5� �� �� �� =�−� �� �� = � + 2� �� �� =− � + � �� �� =− 3� + 4� + �−� sin 2� �� �� = 5� + 9� + 4�−� cos 2� �� �� = � + 6� − �−� �� Class Work and Practice problems set 3 Verify that the vector X is a solution of the given homogeneous linear system 1. 2. �� = 3� − 4� �� �� = 4� − 7�; �� �= �� =− 2� + 5� �� �� =− 2� + 4�; �� 1 1 2 �= � 5cos � 3cos �−sin � 3. �′ = −1 4 �; � = 1 −1 4. 3. �′ = −3� −1 2 �� �−3� 2 4. 5. 2 1 �; � = −1 0 1 3 �� + 1 2 1 �′ = 6 −1 0 �; � = −1 −2 −1 1 0 1 �′ = 1 1 0 �; � = −2 0 −1 4 4 ��� 1 6 −13 ���� 1 1 − sin �− cos � 2 2 −����+���� Homogeneous Linear Systems A homogeneous linear system is of the form: �′ = �� where A is a square matrix of constants, X is a vector of unknowns, and �′ is its derivative with respect to time t The goal is to determine solutions for X(t). �(t) = K�λ� Where K is a constant vector and λ is a scalar (eigenvalue). Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors General Solution Form: Assume a solution of the form: � = K��� Where K is a constant vector (eigenvector) and λ is a scalar (eigenvalue). Differentiating � and substituting it into �′ = �� gives; K���� = �K��� K� = �K, or �K − K� = 0, Cont. Homogeneous Linear Systems Where I is � × � identity matrix K = IK, (� − ��)� = 0 (�11 − �)�1 + �12 �2 + . . . + �1� �� = 0 �21 �1 + (�22 − �)�2 + . . . + �2� �� = 0 : : . . ��1 �1 + ��2 �2 + . . . + (��� − �)�� = 0 Characteristic Equation For a nontrivial solution (� ≠ 0)the determinant of (A−λI) must be zero: ���(� − ��)=0 The resulting equation (polynomial) is the characteristic equation, and its roots are the eigenvalues � of � Each eigenvalue λ has a corresponding eigenvector K, satisfies: (A−λI)K=0. Case 1: Distinct Real Eigenvalues When A has n distinct real eigenvalues (λ1 , λ2 , . . . , λ� ), the solution is: �(t) = �1 �1 ��1� + �2 �2 ��2� + . . . + �� �� ��n� Here (�1 , K2 , . . . , �� ) are linearly independent eigenvectors corresponding to (�1 , �2 , . . . , �� ) Example Solve 1. �� = 2� + 3� �� �� �� 3. = 2� + �; 1 1 4 �′ = 0 2 0 �; �(�) = 1 1 1 2. 1 3 0 �� �� =− 4� + � + � �� = � + 5� − � �� �� = �� � − 3� Class Work and Practice problems set 3 Find the general solution of the given system 1. �� = � + 2� �� �� = 4� + 3� �� 2. 3. �� 5 =− � + 2� �� 2 �� 3 = � − 3� �� 4 �� =− 4� + 2� �� �� 5 =− � + 2� �� 2 4. �� �� �� �� 5. =�+�−� = 2� 6. 1 0 4 �′ = 0 1 0 � 1 0 1 �� =�−� �� 7. � = �� 8. �′ = �� = 2� − 7� �� �� = 5� + 10� + 4� �� = 5� + 2� �� ′ � � � � − � �, � −� � �, −� � �(�) = 3 5 Case 2: Repeated Eigenvalues Not all eigenvalues (�1 , �2 , . . . , �� ) of an � ×� matrix A are distinct; some may be repeated. if m is a positive integer and (� − �� )� is a factor of the characteristic equation while (� − �� )�+1 is not a factor, then �� is an eigenvalue with multiplicity � 1. m linearly independent eigenvectors exist. v The general solution is a linear combination of solutions of the form: �(t) = �1 �1 ��1� + �2 �2 ��1� + . . . + �� �� ��1� where K1 , �� , . . . , �� are eigenvectors. 2. Fewer than m linearly independent eigenvectors exist. v Additional solutions can be constructed using generalized eigenvectors: �� = K11 ��1� �� = �21 ���1� + K22 ��1� ⋮ �−2 ��−1 � �� = ��1 ��1� + ��2 ��1� + ⋯ + ��� ��1� (� − 1)! (� − 2)! where ��� are column vectors, can always be found. Assume �1 is an eigenvalue of multiplicity 2 and only one eigenvector K can be associated with it . Then, a second solution of �′ =AX will take the form �� = ����1� + ���1� Eigenvalue of Multiplicity Two Assume �1 is an eigenvalue of multiplicity 2 and only one eigenvector K can be associated with it . Then, a second solution of �′ =AX will take the form Substituting into the system yields �� = ����1� + ���1� (�� − �1 �)���1� + (�� − �1 � − �)��1� = 0 this is an identity, which implies that 1 −2 2 Solve �′ = −2 1 −2 X 2 −2 1 (� − �1 �)� = 0 (� − �1 �)� = � Eigenvalue of Multiplicity Three Now, assume �1 is an eigenvalue of multiplicity 3 and only one eigenvector can be associated with it . Using a similar argument as above, a second solution would take the same form as �� (given above) and a third solution will take the form Where �� � � �� = � � 1 + ����1� + ���1� � (� − �1 �)� = 0 (� − �1 �)� = � 4 1 0 Solve �′ = 0 4 1 X 0 0 4 (� − �1 �)� = � Class Work and Practice problems set 3 Find the general solution of the given system 1. �� = 3� − � �� �� = 9� − 3� �� 2. 3. �� =− 6� + 5� �� �� =− 5� + 4� �� 4. �� �� �� �� 5. = 3� − � − � =�+�−� �� =�−�+� �� �� = 3� + 2� + 4� �� �� �� = 2� + 2� �� = 4� + 2� + 3� �� 6. 7. 8. 1 0 0 �′ = 2 2 −1 � 0 1 0 �′ = �′ = � � �, −� � −� � �, −� �� �(�) = −1 6 Case3: Complex Eigenvalues in Systems For a coefficient matrix A, if the eigenvalues �1 = � + �� and �2 = � − �� (where β ≠ �) are complex, their corresponding eigenvectors generally have complex entries. Solution Construction: A solution for the system can be expressed using eigenvalues and eigenvectors: � = �1 �1 ��1� + �2 �2 ��2� where �1 and �2 are eigenvectors corresponding to �1 and �2 , respectively. Euler's Formula: Using Euler’s formula (���� = cos (��) + �sin (��)), the exponential terms with complex eigenvalues can be expressed as: ��1� = ��� (cos (��) + �sin (��)) Real Solutions: The general solution is rewritten in terms of real functions cos (��) ��� sin (��), ensuring linear independence and real entries: �1 = �1 cos (��) + �2 sin (��) �1 = �1 cos (��) − �2 sin (��) where �1 and �2 are derived from the real and imaginary parts of the eigenvector �1 Superposition Principle: The overall solution is a linear combination of these real solutions: with arbitrary constants �1 ��� �2 � = �1 �1 + �2 �2 Class Work and Practice problems set 3 find the general solution of the given system 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. �′ = � � �, �(0) = −� −� � −� �′ = �, � −� �′ = �′ = �′ = �′ = 2 −1 � −� �, � −� � �� �, −� −� −� � �, �(0) = −� −� � � � −� � 0 3 6. 8. �� =� �� �� =− � �� �� =� �� �� = 2� + � + 2� �� �� = 3� + 6� �� �� =− 4� − 3� �� 9. �� = 5� + � �� �� =− 2� + 3� �� �� 10. �� = 4� + 5� �� =− 2� + 6� �� LECTURE 8 Nonhomogeneous Linear Systems vUndetermined Coefficients vVariation of Parameters Nonhomogeneous Linear Systems Overview: v Methods of undetermined coefficients and variation of parameters apply to nonhomogeneous linear systems. v Undetermined Coefficients: Quick for constant, polynomial, exponential, sine, cosine functions. v Variation of Parameters: More powerful, applied when undetermined coefficients aren’t sufficient. v General Form General Solution: �′ = �� + �(�) � = �� + �� �� : Complementary solution (from homogeneous system �� = ��) �� : Particular solution (from nonhomogeneous system �� = �� + �(�) Method 1 - Undetermined Coefficients Apply only when F(t) consists of constants, polynomials, exponentials, sines, cosines. Steps: 1. Solve homogeneous system �� : v Use characteristic equation of matrix A to find eigenvalues and eigenvectors. 2. Guess particular solution �� based on form of �(�) 3. Substitute guess into system to determine unknown constants. Ex 1. 2. �′ = �′ = −� � �+ −� � � � �+ � � −� � �� −���+� Method 2 - Variation of Parameters Source:Zill (2017) Method 2 - Variation of Parameters Source:Zill (2017) Method 2 - Variation of Parameters Source:Zill (2017) Class Work and Practice problems set 3 In Problems 1–6,use variation of parameters and in 7-11 , , use the method of undetermined coefficients to solve the given system 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. �′ = −� � �+ � −� � −� ′ � = � �+ −� �′ = � � −� �+ � � � � �+ � −� �� = 3� − 3� + 4 �′ = �� �� = 2� − 2� − 1 �� �� �−� � −� 6. � � � ����� ������ �� �� � ��� 7. 8. �� = 2� − � �� �� = 3� − 2� + 4� �� �� = 2� + 3� − 7 �� �� =− � − 2� + 5 �� �� = 5� + 9� + 2 �� �� =− � + 11� + 6 �� 9. �′ = −� � �+ −� � ���� −����� � � � � 10. � = � � � � + −�� � � � �� ′ � � � � 11. �′ = � � � � + −� ��� � � � � LECTURE 8 The Laplace Transforms üDefinition and basic properties üInverse Laplace transform üLaplace transform of common functions üStep functions and Dirac delta function The Laplace Transforms A specific integral transform that transforms a function f(t), defined for � ≥ 0 t≥0, into a function of S Definition: {�(�) = ∞ 0 �−�� �(�) �� = lim �→∞ {�(�)} = �(�) provided the integral converges. Key Examples 1. �{1} 2. �{��� } 3. �{�� } 4. �{sin �� } 5. �{cos �� } � 0 �−�� �(�) �� Properties of the Laplace Transform Linearity: For constants a,b, {��(�) + ��(�)} = � {�(�)} + � {�(�)} Examples {1 + 5�} {2�6� − 15sin 2� } {10�−3� − 5� + 8} } Piecewise Continuity A function f(t) is piecewise continuous on [0, ∞) if: It is continuous on every subinterval[�� , ��+1 )of [0, ∞), except possibly at a finite number of points Properties of the Laplace Transform Exponential Order A function f(t) f(t) is of exponential order c if constants � > �, � > � , ��� � > �exist such that: �(�) ≤ ���� , for all � > � This means �(�)does not grow faster than ��� for larger t Existence Theorem: If f (t) is continuous and exponential order with constant c, then �(s) = L{f(t)} is defined for all � > � Class Work and Practice problems set 3 Use the Definition to find {�(�))} 1) �(�) = −1, 1, 3) �(�) = 2� + 1, 0, 2) �(�) = 4) �(�) = 5) �(�) = 6) �(�) = 4, 0, 0≤�<1 �≥1 0≤�<1 �≥1 0≤�<1 �≥1 −1, 1, 0≤�<1 �≥1 ����, 0, 0≤�<� 2 �≥� 2 ����, 0, 0≤�<� �≥� The Inverse Laplace Transforms if L{f(t)}=F(s), then the inverse Laplace transform is denoted as: �(�) = �−1 {�(�)} This process determines the time-domain function f(t) corresponding to its Laplace transform F(S) Common Inverse Laplace Transforms 1 1 1. �{��� } = �−� ↔ �−1 �−� = ��� 1 1 2. �{1} = � ↔ �−1 � = 1 � �! 3. �{� } = ��+1 ↔ � � −1 1 �� ��−1 = (�−1)! � 4. �{cos �� } = �2+�2 ↔ �−1 �2+�2 = cos �� � 1 1 5. �{sin �� } = �2+�2 ↔ �−1 �2+�2 = � sin �� Linearity of the Inverse Laplace Transform The transform is linear, meaning: �−1 {��(�) + ��(�)} = ��−1 {�(�)} + ��−1 {�(�)} find the given inverse transform. 2 −1 (�+2) 6. � �3 −1 1 1. � 5 2. 3. � 1 �−1 2 � +7 1 48 �−1 2 − 5 � � 4. �−1 5. 2 1 2 − 3 � � 3 −1 (�+1) � �4 7. �−1 1 1 4 6 2 − + � � Partial Fractions 1 �−2 1 8. �−1 � − �5 − �+8 1 9. �−1 4�+1 1 10. �−1 4�+1 11. �−1 1 5�−2 16. �−1 �2+3� 10� 18. �−1 �2+2�−3 5 12. �−1 �2+49 13. �−1 �2+16 2�−6 14 �−1 �2+9 �+1 15. �−1 �2+2 1 �+1 17. �−1 �2−4� � 1 19. �−1 �2+�−20 � 20. �−1 (�−2)(�−3)(�−6) Transforms of Derivatives Laplace transform converts derivatives into algebraic terms. ′ �{� (�)} = ∞ −�� ∞ −�� ∞ −�� � �(�) �� = � �(�) + � 0 � �(�)�� 0 0 ∞ =− �(0) + ��{�(�)} �{�′ (�)} = ��(�) − �(0) ∞ ∞ �{�′′ (�)} = 0 �−�� �(�) �� = �−�� �′(�) + � 0 �−�� �′(�)�� 0 =− �′(0) + ��{�′(�)} = �[��(�) − �(0)] − �′(0) �{�′′ (�)} = �2 �(�) − ��(0) − �′(0) Transform of n-th Derivative: If f, �′ , . . . , ��+1 are continuous on [0, ∞) and are of exponential order and if �� (�) is piecewise continuous on [0, ∞), then �{�� (�)} = �� �(�) − ��−1 �(0) − ��−2 �′ (0), where �(�) = �{�(�)} Class Work and Practice problems set 3 In Problems, use the Laplace transform to solve the given initial-value problem 1. �� + 3� = 13���2�, �� �(0) = 6 2. �′′ − 3�′ + 2� = �−4� , �(0) = 1, �′ (0) = 5 3. �� − � = 1, �� �� 4. 2 �� + � = 0, 6. �′′ + 6�′ = �4� , 7. �′′ − �′ = 2cos 5� , �(0) = 0 �(0) =− 3 �(0) = 2, �(0) = 0, 8 �′′ − �′ = 2cos 5� , �(0) = 0, 9. �′′ + 5�′ + 4� = 0, �(0) = 1, �′ (0) = 0 10. �′′ − 4�′ = �3� − 3�−� , 11. �′′ + �′ = 2sin 2� , 12. �′′ − 9�′ = �� �(0) = 1, �′ (0) =− 1 �(0) = 10, �′ (0) = 0 �(0) = 10, �′ (0) = 0 Translation on the s-Axis (First Translation Theorem) The first translation theorem allows for easy evaluation of Laplace transforms for exponential multiples of functions. if �{�(�)} = �(�), then �{��� �(�)} = �(� − �) where �� �{� ∞ −�� �� �(�)} = 0 � � �(�) �� ∞ = 0 �−(�−�)� �(�) �� == �(� − �) The theorem shifts F(s) on the s-axis by a units: • Right Shift: � > 0 • Left Shift: � < 0 Inverse Transformation: To find �−1 {�(� − �)} identify F(s), take �−1 to find f(t), and multiply by ��� Class Work and Practice problems set 3 find either F (s) or f (t), as indicated {��−10� } 8. {�5� �3 } 1 (�+2)3 1 9. �−1 (�−4)4 {�−2� cos 4� } 1 10. �−1 �2−6�+10 {�(�� + �2� )2 } 1 11. �−1 �2+2�+5 {�2� (� − 1)2 } {�� sin 3� } �−1 � 2 {�3� (9 − 4� + 10sin )} � 12. �−1 �2+4�+5 2�+5 13. �−1 �2+6�+34 14. �−1 � (�+1)2 2�−1 16. �−1 �2(�+1)3 5� 15. �−1 (�−2)2 17. �′′ − 6�′ + 9� = �2 �3� , �(0) = 2, �′ (0) = 17 18. �′′ + 4�′ + 6� = 1 + �−� , �(0) = 0, �′ (0) = 0 19. �′′ + 2�′ + � = 0, �(0) = 1, �′ (0) = 0 20. �′ − � = 1 + ��� , �(0) = 0, 21. �′′ − 2�′ + 5� = 1 + �, �(0) = 0, �′ (0) = 4 Unit Step Function Unit Step Function Translation on the t-Axis (Unit Step Function) The unit step function �(� − �) is defined to be �(� − �) = �(�) = The function is used to "turn on" or "turn off" parts of 0, 1, 0≤�<� �≥� Second Translation Theorem Second Translation Theorem If F(s)=L{f(t)} and a> 0 then {�(� − �)�(� − �)} = �−�� �(�) {�(� − �)�(� − �)} = �−�� �(�) Inverse Form of Theorem If f (t) =�−1 {F(s)}, the inverse form of Theorem �−1 {�−�� �(�)} = �(� − �)�(� − �) Find the Laplace transform of the function f whose graph is given in Figure In problem 1-12,ind either F(s) or f (t), as indicated {cos � �(� − �)} {(� − 1)�(� − 1)} {cos � �(� − �)} {cos 2� �(� − �)} {(3� + 1)�(� − 1)} 2−� 7. {� �(� − 1)} −2� −1 � � �3 8. −�� −1 � � �2 +1 9. � −1 �−2� �2 (�−1) −�� 2 −1 �� 10. � �2 +4 −2� )2 −1 (1+� 11. � �+2 −2� −1 � 12. � �−4 In Problems 13–16, use the Laplace transform to solve the given initial-value problem. 13. �′ + � = �(�), �(0) = 5, where 0, 0≤�<� �(�) = 3cos � , �≥� 14. �′ + � = �(�), �(0) = 0 �ℎ�� 0, 0≤�<1 �(�) = 5, �≥1 15. �′ + � = �(�), �(0) = 0 �ℎ�� 1, 0≤�<1 �(�) = −1, �≥1 16. �′′ + 4� = �(�), �(0) = 0, �′(0) =− 1, �ℎ�� 1, 0≤�<1 �(�) = 0, �≥1 1. The differential equation for the instantaneous charge q(t) on the capacitor in an LRC-series circuit is �2� �� 1 � 2 + � + � = �(�). �� �� � Use the Laplace transform to find q(t) when � = 1ℎ, � = 20�ℎ��, � = 0.005�, �(�) = 150�, � > 0, �(0) = 0 ��� �(0) = 0. What is the current i(t)? 2. Use the Laplace transform to find the charge q(t) in an RC-series when q(0) = 0 and E(t) = �0 �−�� � > 0. Consider two cases: k ≠ 1/RC and k =1/RC. write each function in terms of unit step functions. Find the Laplace transform of the given function a) �(�) = 2, −2, c) �(�) = 0, �2 , 1, b) �(�) = 0, 1, d) �(�) = 0≤�<3 �≥3 0≤�<4 4≤�<5 �≥5 0≤�<1 �≥1 0, 0 ≤ � < 3� 2 ����, � ≥ 3� 2 Graph for Problem g) Graph for Problem h) In Problems 49–54, match the given graph with one of the given functions in (a)–(f ). The graph of f (t) is given in FIGURE 4.3.11. a) b) c) d) e) f) �(�) − �(�)�(� − �) �(� − �)�(� − �) �(�)�(� − �) �(�) − �(�)�(� − �) �(�)�(� − �) − �(�)�(� − �) �(� − �)�(� − �) − �(� − �)�(� − �) Derivatives of Transforms Multiplying a Function by �� The Laplace transform of �� �(�) can be computed using derivatives of the Laplace transform of �(�) If �(�) = �{�(�)} and if we assume that interchanging of differentiation and integration is possible, then that is similarly � � �(�) = �� �� • General result for ∞ 0 �−�� �(�)�� = ∞ � −�� [� �(�)�� =− �� 0 � �{��(�)} =− �{�(�)} �� ∞ 0 �−�� ��(�)�� =− �{��(�)}; � �{� �(�)} = �{� ∙ ��(�)} =− �{��(�)} �� 2 � =− 2 �{�(�)} �� � �{� �(�)}, If �(�) = �{�(�)} ��� � = 1,2,3. . . , then 2 �{� � � �(�)} = (−1)� � �(�) �� � EXAMPLES 1. Evaluate �{������}. 2. Solve . �′′ + 16� = ���4�, �(0) = 0, �′ (0) = 1 Transform of an Integral Convolution The convolution of two functions f(t) and g(t), denoted (� ∗ �)(�), is defined as � �(�)�(� − �) �� 0 (� ∗ �)(�) = The variable � (Greek letter “tau”) is a dummy variable used for integration. The result of the convolution is a new function of t, emphasizing its role in the definition. Key Properties of Convolution Commutative Property: Linearity: The convolution of sums or scalar multiples follows the rules of linearity (�� + ��) ∗ ℎ = �(� ∗ ℎ) + �(� ∗ ℎ), Laplace Transform of Convolution (Convolution Theorem): if f(t) and g(t) g(t) are piecewise continuous and of exponential order, then: �{(� ∗ �)} = �{�(�)} + �{�(�)} = �(�)�(�) Inverse Convolution Theorem The Convolution Theorem is also useful for inverse Laplace transforms. If: �−1 {�(�) ∙ �(�)} = � ∗ � we can compute inverse transforms of products of Laplace transforms by using the convolution formula. In Problems 1–7,find the Laplace transform of f * g using Convolution Theorem 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) In Problems 8–12, evaluate the given inverse transform. 1 8. �−1 2 2 2 (� + � ) �{�� ∗ ����}. 1 �{1 ∗ �3 }. 9. �−1 �3(�−1) �{�2 ∗ ��� }. �{�−� ∗ �� ����}. 1 −1 10. � �(�−1) �{�2� ∗ ����}. � �{ 0 ���� ���(� − �) �� }. 1 � 11. �−1 �2(�−1) �{ 0 ����� ��}. In Problems 12–16, use Derivatives of Transforms to evaluate the given Laplace transform 12. �{��−10� }. 13. �{�3 �� }. 14. �{����2�}. 15. �{��2� ���6�}. 16. {��−3� ���6�}. Transform of a Periodic Function A function f(t) is periodic if �(� + �) = �(�) for all , where T is the period. The Laplace transform of a periodic function is: �{�(�)} = 1 1 − �−�� � 0 �−�� �(�)�� In Problems (P)1–5, find the Laplace transform of the given periodic function Fig 1: Graph for P 1 Fig 2: Graph for P 2 Fig 3: Graph for P 3 Fig 4: Graph for P 4 Fig 6: Graph for P 6 Fig 5: Graph for P 5 the Dirac Delta Function The Dirac Delta Function, δ(t−t ), is a mathematical construct introduced to model forces of large magnitude acting over very short periods, such as a hammer strike or lightning on a wing. It is defined as the limit of a family of functions, Series Solutions of Linear Differential Equations Solutions about Ordinary Points Review of Power Series Power Series Solutions Solutions about Singular Points Special Functions Bessel Functions Legendre Functions Introduction to Partial Differential Equations ü Brief Introduction to Partial Differential Equations ü Method of Separation of Variables