CENTRAL TÉRMICA PUERTO BRAVO – MANTENIMIENTO 2023 TÍTULO: Pruebas Eléctricas de Relés de Protección B INFORME Nº: ING-A1446-AR-INF-01 29/ENE/2024 B 29/01/2024 R.A.V. H.M.S. K.H.S. Informe para Aprobación A 10/01/2024 R.A.V. H.M.S. K.H.S. Informe para Aprobación REV. FECHA. ELAB. REV. APRO. DESCRIPCIÓN No. Contrato y/o orden de servicio: 4500009185 INFORME DE PRUEBAS DE RELÉS DE PROTECCIÓN – CT PUERTO BRAVO, MANTENIMIENTO 2023 SAMAY CONTENIDO 1. INTRODUCCIÓN ............................................................................................................... 3 2. OBJETIVO ......................................................................................................................... 3 3. TRABAJOS EFECTUADOS .............................................................................................. 3 4. RESULTADOS DE LAS PRUEBAS REALIZADAS........................................................... 6 5. OBSERVACIONES............................................................................................................ 8 6. CONCLUSIONES .............................................................................................................. 9 7. RECOMENDACIONES...................................................................................................... 9 8. REGISTRO FOTOGRAFICO .......................................................................................... 10 ANEXOS x ANEXO A : Protocolos de Relés Línea de Transmisión L-5038 de 500Kv y Diferencial de Barras. x ANEXO B : Protocolos de Relés Cables de 500kV de los Transformadores de Potencia. x ANEXO C : Protocolos de Relés de los Transformadores de Potencia 500/18kV. x ANEXO D : Protocolos de Relés de los Generadores Térmicos en 18kV. x ANEXO E : Protocolos de Relés de salidas y motores del Edificio Eléctrico 4.16kV. x ANEXO F : Protocolos de Relés de salidas y motores del Edificio Eléctrico 0.48kV. x ANEXO G : Protocolos de Relés de salidas y motores de Planta de Agua 4.16 - 048Kv x ANEXO H : Protocolos de Relés de generador de los Grupos Diesel 4.16 – 0.48KV x ANEXO I : Protocolos de Relés de salidas y motores de Sala Eléctrica Petroperú 4.16kV. x ANEXO J : Certificados de Calibración de Equipos de Prueba. ING-A1446-AR-INF-01 Revisión B 2 INFORME DE PRUEBAS DE RELÉS DE PROTECCIÓN – CT PUERTO BRAVO, MANTENIMIENTO 2023 SAMAY 1. INTRODUCCIÓN La empresa de Generación SAMAYISAC contrató los servicios de la empresa INGELMEC S.A. para llevar a cabo el servicio de pruebas de mantenimiento de relés de protección de la Central Térmica Puerto Bravo. Los trabajos realizados fueron contemplados como parte del programa de mantenimiento para el año 2023. El 14 de diciembre del 2023, personal especializado y técnico de la empresa Ingelmec S.A, realiza Pruebas de operatividad de relés en sala GIS de la SE Puerto Bravo. Desde el 15 al 16 de diciembre del 2023, personal especializado y técnico de la empresa Ingelmec S.A, realiza Pruebas de operatividad de relés en sala eléctrica de la TG1, TG2, TG3 y TG4 de la CT Puerto Bravo. Desde el 17 al 19 de diciembre del 2023, personal especializado y técnico de la empresa Ingelmec S.A, realiza Pruebas de operatividad de relés en Edificio Eléctrico de 4.16KV de la CT Puerto Bravo. El 20 de diciembre del 2023, personal especializado y técnico de la empresa Ingelmec S.A, realiza Pruebas de operatividad de relés en Sala Eléctrica de 4.16KV del Terminal de Petroperú. El 21 de diciembre del 2023, personal especializado y técnico de la empresa Ingelmec S.A, realiza Pruebas de operatividad de relés en Sala de Grupos Diesel 4.16-0.48KV de la CT Puerto Bravo. 2. OBJETIVO El objetivo de las pruebas eléctricas realizadas es verificar el estado integral y las características de operación de los relés de protección mediante simulaciones de falla (inyecciones secundarias de corriente y tensión), con los cuales se verifica su correcta operación ante fallas que podrían presentarse en el sistema eléctrico. 3. TRABAJOS EFECTUADOS Los trabajos fueron efectuados entre los días comprendidos del 14 al 21 de diciembre del año 2023 que consistieron en la verificación de ajustes y ejecución de las pruebas de los siguientes relés de protección de la CT Puerto Bravo y sala eléctrica de Petroperú: x Línea de Transmisión L-5038 de 500kV - Relé Principal de la Línea L-5038 – SEL411L [F003] Relé de Respaldo de la Línea L-5038 – SEL411L [F004] x Barras de 500kV Relé Diferencial de Barras – 7SS85 [F006] x Cables de 500kV de los Transformadores de Potencia - Relé Principal del Cable del TR1 – 7UT85 [F003] Relé de Respaldo del Cable del TR1 – 7UT85 [F004] Relé Principal del Cable del TR2 – 7UT85 [F003] Relé de Respaldo del Cable del TR2 – 7UT85 [F004] ING-A1446-AR-INF-01 Revisión B 3 INFORME DE PRUEBAS DE RELÉS DE PROTECCIÓN – CT PUERTO BRAVO, MANTENIMIENTO 2023 x Relé de protección de Transformador TR-1 (GSUT) de TG1 – T60U Relé de protección de Transformador TR-2 (GSUT) de TG2 – T60U Relé de protección de Transformador TR-3 (GSTU) de TG3 – T60U Relé de protección de Transformador TR-4 (GSTU) de TG3 – T60U Relé de protección de Transformador Auxiliar de TG1 – T60A Relé de protección de Transformador Auxiliar de TG2 – T60A Relé de protección de Transformador Auxiliar de TG3 – T60A Relé de protección de Transformador Auxiliar de TG4 – T60A Relé de protección diferencial del Transformador TR-1(GSTU) de TG1 – VAMP265 Relé de protección diferencial del Transformador TR-2(GSTU) de TG2 – VAMP265 Relé de protección diferencial del Transformador TR-3(GSTU) de TG3 – VAMP265 Relé de protección diferencial del Transformador TR-4(GSTU) de TG4 – VAMP265 Generadores Térmicos en 18kV - x Relé Principal del Cable del TR3 – 7UT85 [F003] Relé de Respaldo del Cable del TR3 – 7UT85 [F004] Relé Principal del Cable del TR4 – 7UT85 [F003] Relé de Respaldo del Cable del TR4 – 7UT85 [F004] Transformadores de Potencia 500/18kV - x SAMAY Relé Principal Generador TG1 – G60 [G60A] Relé de Respaldo del Generador TG1 – G60 [G60B] Relé Principal Generador TG2 – G60 [G60A] Relé de Respaldo del Generador TG2 – G60 [G60B] Relé Principal Generador TG3 – G60 [G60A] Relé de Respaldo del Generador TG3 – G60 [G60B] Relé Principal Generador TG4 – G60 [G60A] Relé de Respaldo del Generador TG4 – G60 [G60B] Edificio Eléctrico sala de media tensión 4.16kV - Relé de llegada – V300F [01BBG01] Relé de motor – V300M [01BBG03] Relé de motor – V300M [01BBG04] Relé de salida – V300F [01BBG06] Relé de salida – V300F [01BBG07] Relé de salida – V300F [01BBG08] Relé de salida – V300F [01BBG09] Relé de salida acoplamiento – V300F [01BBG12] Relé de llegada – V300F [02BBG01] Relé de motor – V300M [02BBG03] Relé de motor – V300M [02BBG04] Relé de salida – V300F [02BBG06] Relé de salida – V300F [02BBG07] Relé de salida – V300F [02BBG08] Relé de salida – V300F [02BBG09] Relé de llegada – V300F [03BBG01] Relé de motor – V300M [03BBG03] Relé de motor – V300M [03BBG04] Relé de salida – V300F [03BBG06] ING-A1446-AR-INF-01 Revisión B 4 INFORME DE PRUEBAS DE RELÉS DE PROTECCIÓN – CT PUERTO BRAVO, MANTENIMIENTO 2023 x Relé de salida – V300F [03BBG07] Relé de salida – V300F [03BBG08] Relé de salida acoplamiento – V300F [03BBG11] Relé de salida acoplamiento – V300F [03BBG12] Relé de llegada – V300F [04BBG01] Relé de motor – V300M [04BBG03] Relé de motor – V300M [04BBG04] Relé de salida – V300F [04BBG06] Relé de salida – V300F [04BBG07] Relé de salida – V300F [04BBG08] Relé de salida – V300F [04BBG09] Relé de llegada – V300F [00BDA03] Edificio Eléctrico sala de baja tensión 0.48kV - x SAMAY Relé de llegada – V300F [01BFA02] Relé de llegada – V300F [02BFA02] Relé de llegada – V300F [03BFA02] Relé de llegada – V300F [04BFA02] Relé de llegada – V300F [00BFC02] Relé de motor – V300M [00BFC07] Relé de motor – V300M [00BFC08] Relé de salida acoplamiento – V300F [00BFC11] Relé de llegada – V300F [00BFD02] Relé de motor – V300M [00BFD08] Relé de motor – V300M [00BFD09] Sala Planta de Agua media tensión 4.16kV - Relé de motor – V300M [00BBH04] Relé de motor – V300M [00BBH05] Relé de salida – V300F [00BBH08] x Sala Planta de Agua baja tensión 0.48kV Relé de motor – V300M [00BFA08] Relé de motor – V300M [00BFA09] x Sala Eléctrica Grupos Diesel media tensión 4.16KV y baja 0.48kV Relé de Generador BSDG1 – MICOM [P343] Relé de Generador BSDG2 – MICOM [P343] Relé de Generador BSDG3 – MICOM [P343] Relé de Generador EDG – MICOM [P342] x Sala Eléctrica Petroperú media tensión 4.16kV - Relé de llegada – V300F [00BBI01] Relé de motor – V300M [00BBI03] Relé de motor – V300M [00BBI04] Relé de salida – V300F [00BBI06] ING-A1446-AR-INF-01 Revisión B 5 INFORME DE PRUEBAS DE RELÉS DE PROTECCIÓN – CT PUERTO BRAVO, MANTENIMIENTO 2023 SAMAY 4. RESULTADOS DE LAS PRUEBAS REALIZADAS A continuación, se detallan los resultados obtenidos durante las pruebas y los criterios adoptados para su evaluación: Conexión de los circuitos analógicos (tensión, corriente) y señales binarias (disparos) identificados en los planos funcionales. Determinación de la falla a simular de acuerdo con los ajustes de las funciones de protección implementados en el relé de protección; se elabora las macros del Plan de Pruebas en el software test universe SR 4.31. 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 Pruebas de operatividad del relé de protección mediante inyección de corriente y tensión secundaria. Verificación de las medidas de corriente en el display. Verificación del contacto de disparo. Prueba de las funciones de protección de línea habilitadas (diferencial de línea, distancia de fases y tierra, cierre sobre falla, bloqueo por oscilación de potencia, esquema de teleprotección por sobrealcance, sobrecorriente direccional de tierra, esquema por comparación direccional, máxima tensión y recierre). Prueba de las funciones de protección de barras (diferencial de barras y falla interruptor). Prueba de las funciones de protección de generador (diferencial de generador, distancia de fases, perdida de sincronismo, sobrecorriente de fases, desbalance de corriente, máxima tensión, mínima tensión, falla tierra estator, perdida de excitación, sobrexcitación, potencia inversa, máxima frecuencia, mínima frecuencia, falla interruptor y falla a tierra estator al 100%). Prueba de las funciones de protección a transformador (diferencial de transformador, sobrecorriente de fases, sobrecorriente de tierra y sobrexcitación). Prueba de las funciones de protección a salidas (sobrecorriente de fases, sobrecorriente de tierra y mínima tensión). Prueba de las funciones de protección a motor (sobrecorriente de fases, sobrecorriente de tierra, secuencia negativa, sobrecarga, bloqueo de motor y mínima tensión). Se verifico la característica de operación de los relés de protección de línea, diferencial de barras, generador, transformador salidas y motor, tal como se detalla en los anexos de los protocolos de prueba. Se verificaron la correcta señalización en los equipos de protección de acuerdo con la función operada (LEDs de señalización). Durante las pruebas de operatividad en los relés de protección de la línea Sel 411L de 500kv, se observó que al descargar el registro oscilográfico no permitía visualizar la activación de la salida binaria de la función de recierre. Se realizó la modificación de los tiempos para la captura de los registros oscilográficos. Con esta modificación se logra visualizar correctamente las señales binarias de la función de recierre. Las modificaciones fueron realizadas en relé principal F003 y relé de respaldo F004, los cuales fueron solicitados y aprobados por la supervisión en campo. ING-A1446-AR-INF-01 Revisión B 6 INFORME DE PRUEBAS DE RELÉS DE PROTECCIÓN – CT PUERTO BRAVO, MANTENIMIENTO 2023 SAMAY FotografíaN°01:AjustesdelregistrooscilográficoSELͲ411LSalaGis. VARIABLE SRATE LER AJUSTE ENCONTRADO 2kHz 1.40 PRE 0.40 AJUSTE FINAL 2kHz 2.0 0.50 FotografíaN°02:RegistrooscilográficoconajustesencontradosenreléSELͲ411LSalaGis. FotografíaN°03:RegistrooscilográficoconajustespropuestosenreléSELͲ411LSalaGis. Durante las pruebas de operatividad del relé de protección 00BFD08 circuito GTG 3&4 CCWP 1 0.48KV del edificio eléctrico, al realizar la inyección de corriente secundaria de 0.5A con la maleta de prueba para la protección de falla a tierra en el display del relé V300M se visualizaba una lectura incorrecta y disparaba el relé de protección. Se reviso el conexionado en parte posterior del relé de acuerdo con los planos funcionales entregados por el cliente, los cables del ZCT de 50/5 A se encontraban conectados en bornes B/ 1:8 y B/ 1:9, esta conexión no coincidía con los planos funcionales donde se indica los siguientes bornes B/ 1:7 y B/ 1:8. Se reporto a la supervisión del cliente el error de cableado y aprobó el cambio del conexionado y se verifico con la inyección de corriente secundaria la protección de falla a tierra con resultados satisfactorios, tal como se detalla en el anexo del protocolo de pruebas. ING-A1446-AR-INF-01 Revisión B 7 INFORME DE PRUEBAS DE RELÉS DE PROTECCIÓN – CT PUERTO BRAVO, MANTENIMIENTO 2023 SAMAY FotografíaN°04:PlanofuncionaldelcircuitoGTG3&4CCWP1EdificioEléctrico480V. FotografíaN°05:CorreccióndelcircuitodefallaatierradelcircuitoGTG3&4CCWP1EdificioEléctrico480V. 5. OBSERVACIONES 9 Durante las pruebas de los relés de protección en el centro de cargas esenciales de 480v, se observó que el relé de motor 00BFD08 y el relé de acoplamiento de barras 00BFC11 no tienen las etiquetas de señalización. La señalización en los relés esta escrito a mano alzada y no se puede visualizar. ING-A1446-AR-INF-01 Revisión B 8 INFORME DE PRUEBAS DE RELÉS DE PROTECCIÓN – CT PUERTO BRAVO, MANTENIMIENTO 2023 SAMAY FotografíaN°06:EtiquetasdeseñalizacióncircuitosGTG3&4CCWP1yBUSTIEEdificioEléctrico480V. 6. CONCLUSIONES 9 Las pruebas de operatividad a los relés de protección fueron realizadas de acuerdo con los ajustes actuales encontrados en campo. 9 Las pruebas de operatividad a los relés intervenidos fueron realizadas con resultados satisfactorios, los cuales cumplen con su característica teórica de operación con márgenes de error aceptables. 9 Se probaron los contactos de disparo de los relés con resultados satisfactorios. 9 Los protocolos adjuntos al presente informe deberán ser tomados como referencia para mantenimientos futuros. 9 Los protocolos de pruebas de los relés intervenidos se muestran en los anexos adjuntos y mencionados en el presente informe. 7. RECOMENDACIONES 9 Se recomienda continuar con las pruebas a los relés de protección de la S.E. Puerto Bravo y unidades de generación de acuerdo con la frecuencia establecida por el cliente, para continuar garantizando la correcta operación ante eventos que se puedan presentar dentro del sistema eléctrico. 9 Se recomienda realizar las pruebas End to End de la línea de 500kV para verificar la operación integral de la función diferencial 87L y de los esquemas de teleprotección POTT y 67NCD. 9 Se recomienda mejorar el etiquetado de las protecciones activas en los relés de protección de las barras esenciales y no esenciales de 0.48kV del edificio eléctrico. ING-A1446-AR-INF-01 Revisión B 9 INFORME DE PRUEBAS DE RELÉS DE PROTECCIÓN – CT PUERTO BRAVO, MANTENIMIENTO 2023 SAMAY 8. REGISTRO FOTOGRAFICO FotografíaN°07:PruebasdeOperatividaddeRelésSalaGIS500KV. FotografíaN°07:PruebasdeOperatividaddeRelésSalaTurbinas18KV. ING-A1446-AR-INF-01 Revisión B 10 INFORME DE PRUEBAS DE RELÉS DE PROTECCIÓN – CT PUERTO BRAVO, MANTENIMIENTO 2023 SAMAY FotografíaN°08:PruebasdeOperatividaddeRelésEdificioEléctrico4.16KV. FotografíaN°09:PruebasdeOperatividaddeRelésGruposDiesel4.16Ͳ0.48KV. ING-A1446-AR-INF-01 Revisión B 11 Protocolo de Pruebas Relés de Protección ANEXO A PROTOCOLO DE PRUEBAS DE RELES LINEA DE TRANSMISION L-5038 Y DIFERENCIAL DE BARRA 500KV Protocolo de Pruebas Relés de Protección ANEXO A1 CENTRAL TERMICA PUERTO BRAVO PROTECCIÓN PRINCIPAL DE LA LINEA L-5038 RELÉ SEL411L [F003] CONTENIDO A1.1) PROTOCOLO DE PRUEBAS A1.2) REPORTE DEL SIMULADOR (Test Universe) A1.3) AJUSTES DEL RELE (Software AcSELerator) Protocolo de Pruebas Relés de Protección A1.1) PROTOCOLO DE PRUEBAS Protocolo de Pruebas Relés de Protección Propietario : SAMAY I S.A.C. Identificación : RELÉ DE PROTECCIÓN DIFERENCIAL DE LINEA Ubicación : S.E. PUERTO BRAVO 500kV Código ANSI : 87L, 21, SOTF, 68, POTT, 67N, 67NCD, 59, 79 Tablero : =B03+R01 : : F003 Modelo del relé Ref. Código de Equipo : PROTECCIÓN PRINCIPAL DE LA LINEA L-5038 1 .- Datos del Relé de Protección : : Serie : IN : SEL411L Resultado: Aprobado Fecha: 14/12/2023 Transformadores de Protección Marca SCHWEITZER CT_Fases : 1000/1A Modelo 0411L1X6X1C8CCXH674C4C4 PT _Fases : 500/0.100 kV 1150510004 1A 2 .- Ajustes del Relé Se adjunta reporte de ajustes del relé - Software AcSELerator 3 .- Inspección Inicial y Verificaciones Resultado Aspecto exterior Conexionado eléctrico Puesta a tierra Comunicación con PC (Serial) Display Teclado Frontal CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME 4 .- Otras Funciones Verificadas Resultado Unidades de Medición Relación de VTs y CTs Leds de Señalización del Relé Verificación de contactos de Disparo Disparo efectivo del interruptor por actuación de 87L CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME 5 .- Prueba de Funciones de Protección 5.1) Diferencial de Linea CONFORME 87L 5.2) Distancia de Fases y Tierra CONFORME 21P/21N 5.3) Cierre Sobre Falla CONFORME SOTF 5.4) Bloqueo por Oscilacion de Potencia CONFORME 68 5.5) Esquema de Teleproteccion de Sobrealcance CONFORME POTT 5.6) Sobrecorriente Direccional de Tierra CONFORME 67N 5.7) Esquema por Comparacion Direccional CONFORME 67NCD 5.8) Sobretension de Fases CONFORME 59 Protocolo de Pruebas Relés de Protección Propietario : SAMAY I S.A.C. Identificación : RELÉ DE PROTECCIÓN DIFERENCIAL DE LINEA Ubicación : S.E. PUERTO BRAVO 500kV Código ANSI : 87L, 21, SOTF, 68, POTT, 67N, 67NCD, 59, 79 Tablero : =B03+R01 : : F003 Modelo del relé Ref. Código de Equipo : PROTECCIÓN PRINCIPAL DE LA LINEA L-5038 5.9) Recierre Monopolar SEL411L Resultado: Aprobado Fecha: 14/12/2023 79 CONFORME Nota: Se Adjunta resultado de pruebas del relé - Test Universe 6 .- Activación de Entradas / Salidas Binarias 6.1) BI Entradas Binarias (INPUTS) BI IN309 IN310 IN311 IN320 IN323 6.2) Asignación Interruptor Cerrado Fase R Interruptor Cerrado Fase S Interruptor Cerrado Fase T Recepcion 67N Recepcion 21 Resultado CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME BO Salidas Binarias (OUTPUTS) BO OUT401 OUT402 OUT403 OUT404 OUT408 Asignación Disparo Bobina 1, Fase R Disparo Bobina 1, Fase S Disparo Bobina 1, Fase T Disparo Definitvo Rele de Bloqueo 86 Orden de Recierre Resultado CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME 7 .- Verificación de LEDs de Señalización LEDs Asignación Resultado LED 1 LED [INST] INSTANTANEOUS TRIP CONFORME LED 2 [TIME] TIME TRIP CONFORME LED 3 [COMM] COMMUNICATIONS TRIP CONFORME LED 4 [SOTF] SWITCH ONTO FAULT TRIP CONFORME LED 5 [ZONA 1] TRIP ZONE 1 CONFORME LED 6 [ZONA 2] TRIP ZONE 2 CONFORME LED 7 [ZONA 3] TRIP ZONE 3 CONFORME LED 8 [ZONA 4] TRIP ZONE 4 CONFORME LED 9 [A] PHASE A TRIP CONFORME LED 10 [B] PHASE B TRIP CONFORME LED 11 [C] PHASE C TRIP CONFORME LED 12 [G] GROUND TRIP CONFORME LED 13 [87] 87L TRIP CONFORME LED 14 [87LST] 87L FUNCTION IS LOST CONFORME LED 15 [87ALARM] 87L ALARM CONFORME LED 16 [59] TRIP OVERVOLTAGE CONFORME LED 17 [79 LOCKOUT] RECLOSURE BLOCKED CONFORME LED 18 [79 CYCLE] RECLOSURE CYCLE CONFORME LED 19 [25 SYNCH] SYNCHRONIZATION CONFORME LED 20 [VB002] VIRTUAL BIT CONFORME LED 21 [51] OVECURRENT CONFORME LED 22 LOP LOSS OF POTENTIAL CONFORME Protocolo de Pruebas Relés de Protección Propietario : SAMAY I S.A.C. Identificación : RELÉ DE PROTECCIÓN DIFERENCIAL DE LINEA Ubicación : S.E. PUERTO BRAVO 500kV Código ANSI : 87L, 21, SOTF, 68, POTT, 67N, 67NCD, 59, 79 Tablero : =B03+R01 : : F003 Modelo del relé Ref. Código de Equipo : PROTECCIÓN PRINCIPAL DE LA LINEA L-5038 SEL411L Resultado: Aprobado Fecha: 14/12/2023 8 .- Equipos de Prueba Utilizados EQP Descripción Marca Tipo Serie 1 1 Simulador de potencia trifásico OMICRON CMC 356 EH297J 2 1 Computadora portátil TOSHIBA LENOVO TP00050B Ítem Cant 9 .- Observaciones y Comentarios Obs - Las pruebas de operatividad al relé de protección SEL411L se han realizado satisfactoriamente. - Se adjuntan los siguientes reportes: * Reporte de ajustes del relé SEL411L - Software AcSELerator. * Reporte de pruebas del Software Test Universe - OMICRON CMC356. CONTRATISTA Nombre : Hamilton Matos Solis Fecha : 14/12/2023 Firma : SUPERVISIÓN Nombre : José Gutierrez 14/12/2023 Fecha : Firma : PROPIETARIO Nombre : Fecha : 14/12/2023 Firma : Protocolo de Pruebas Relés de Protección A1.2) REPORTE DEL SIMULADOR (Test Universe) INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 REPORTE DE PRUEBA S.E. PUERTO BRAVO 500kV PROTECCIÓN DE LINEA L-5038 PROTECCION PRINCIPAL SEL / SEL411L [F003] Compañia: INGELMEC S.A. Nombre de Usuario: Hamilton Matos Dia de Prueba: 14 de diciembre de 2023 Estado de Prueba: PASSED Modulos de Prueba: 36 Modulos de Prueba Correctos: 36 Modulos de Pruebas con Error: 0 ________________________________________________________________________________ Hardware Configuration Test Equipment Type Serial Number CMC356 EH297J Hardware Check Performed At Result 14/12/2023 01:04:17 p.m. Passed Details 1 de 94 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 1) [INY] INYECCION INICIAL LOCAL: 1.1) [INY] Tension y Corriente: Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: OMICRON QuickCMC 14-dic-2023 11:19:10 Hamilton Matos Solis INGELMEC S.A. Version: Test End: Manager: 4.30 14-dic-2023 11:20:24 J.A.V. Test Results Title: INYECCION INICIAL Fault Calculator: Table Inputmode Parameters (All values are secondary) Direct V L1-E V L2-E V L3-E I L1 I L2 I L3 57.74 V 57.74 V 57.74 V 1.000 A 1.000 A 1.000 A 0.00 ° -120.00 ° 120.00 ° -30.00 ° -150.00 ° 90.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz Generator Settings V L1-E V L2-E V L3-E I L1 I L2 I L3 57.735V 57.735V 57.735V 1.000A 1.000A 1.000A 0.00° -120.00° 120.00° -30.00° -150.00° 90.00° +90° I L3 V L3-E V L1-E 0° 180° I L2 V L2-E 60.0 V I L1 -90° Binary Inputs Name Slope TRIP L1 TRIP L2 TRIP L3 TRIP 86 Overload 0 0 0 0 1 Time Summary 1 tests passed, 0 tests failed, 0 tests not assessed Test passed 2 de 94 100.00% passed 1.0 A INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 LECTURAS REGISTRADAS EN EL RELÉ 3 de 94 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 2) [87L] DIFERENCIAL DE LINEA: 2.1) [87LP] Arranque 87LPP: Ramped Quantities I L1, L2, L3 / Magnitude Ramp States Ramp Ramp 1 I L1 800.0 mA 0.00 ° 60.000 Hz I L2 800.0 mA -120.00 ° 60.000 Hz I L3 800.0 mA 120.00 ° 60.000 Hz Force abs. Phases Sig 1 From Sig 1 To Sig 1 Delta Sig 1 d/dt dt per Step Ramp Steps Ramp Time Trigger Trigger Logic TRIP L1 TRIP L2 TRIP L3 TRIP 86 Step back Delay Time Yes 800.0 mA 1.200 A 5.000 mA 25.00 mA/s 200.0 ms 81 16.200s None No 0.000 s Test Module Name: OMICRON RampinJ9ersion:.0 Test Start:-GLF-202 ::38 Test End:-GLF-202 ::56 User Name: Hamilton Matos Solis Manager: JAV Company: INGELMEC S.A. Test Results Assessment Results Name/ Exec. Ramp Condition Sig 87LPP_Arran que Ramp 1 TRIP L1 0->1 I L1, L2, 1.110 A L3 Assess: + .. Passed x .. Failed Nom. Act. Tol.- Tol.+ Dev. Assess Tact 1.115 A 20.00 mA 20.00 mA 5.000 mA + 39.0 ms o .. Not assessed 4 de 94 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 Ramp 1 Sig 1/A 1.15 1.10 1.05 1.00 0.95 0.90 0.85 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 t/s 0.80 I L1, L2, L3 TRIP L1 TRIP L2 TRIP L3 TRIP 86 Cursor Data Time Cursor 1 Cursor 2 C2 - C1 Signal 12.64 s I L1, L2, L3 0.000 s <none> -12.64 s Value 1.12 A n/a n/a Test State: Test passed 5 de 94 t/s INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 2.2) [87LG] Arranque 8LGP_L1: Ramped Quantities I L1 / Magnitude Ramp States Ramp Ramp 1 I L1 200.0 mA 0.00 ° 60.000 Hz I L2 0.000 A -120.00 ° 60.000 Hz I L3 0.000 A 120.00 ° 60.000 Hz Force abs. Phases Sig 1 From Sig 1 To Sig 1 Delta Sig 1 d/dt dt per Step Ramp Steps Ramp Time Trigger Trigger Logic TRIP L1 TRIP L2 TRIP L3 TRIP 86 Step back Delay Time Yes 200.0 mA 260.0 mA 5.000 mA 16.67 mA/s 300.0 ms 13 3.900s None No 0.000 s Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: OMICRON Ramping 14-dic-2023 17:23:37 Hamilton Matos Solis INGELMEC S.A. Version: Test End: Manager: 4.30 14-dic-2023 17:23:43 J.A.V. Test Results Assessment Results Name/ Exec. Ramp Condition Sig Nom. Act. Tol.- Tol.+ Dev. Assess Tact 87LGP_Arran que Ramp 1 TRIP L1 0->1 I L1 250.0 mA 250.0 mA 20.00 mA 20.00 mA 0.000 A + 79.20 ms Assess: + .. Passed x .. Failed o .. Not assessed 6 de 94 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 Ramp 1 Sig 1/mA 250 240 230 220 210 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 t/s 200 I L1 TRIP L1 TRIP L2 TRIP L3 TRIP 86 Cursor Data Time Cursor 1 Cursor 2 C2 - C1 Signal 3.208 s I L1 0.000 s <none> -3.208 s Value 250.00 mA n/a n/a Test State: Test passed 7 de 94 t/s INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 2.3) [87LG] Arranque 8LGP_L2: Ramped Quantities I L2 / Magnitude Ramp States Ramp Ramp 1 I L1 0.000 A 0.00 ° 60.000 Hz I L2 200.0 mA -120.00 ° 60.000 Hz I L3 0.000 A 120.00 ° 60.000 Hz Force abs. Phases Sig 1 From Sig 1 To Sig 1 Delta Sig 1 d/dt dt per Step Ramp Steps Ramp Time Trigger Trigger Logic TRIP L1 TRIP L2 TRIP L3 TRIP 86 Step back Delay Time Yes 200.0 mA 260.0 mA 5.000 mA 16.67 mA/s 300.0 ms 13 3.900s None No 0.000 s Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: OMICRON Ramping 14-dic-2023 17:23:52 Hamilton Matos Solis INGELMEC S.A. Version: Test End: Manager: 4.30 14-dic-2023 17:23:58 J.A.V. Test Results Assessment Results Name/ Exec. Ramp Condition Sig Nom. Act. Tol.- Tol.+ Dev. Assess Tact 87LGP_Arran que Ramp 1 TRIP L1 0->1 I L2 250.0 mA 250.0 mA 20.00 mA 20.00 mA 0.000 A + 85.20 ms Assess: + .. Passed x .. Failed o .. Not assessed 8 de 94 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 Ramp 1 Sig 1/mA 250 240 230 220 210 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 t/s 200 I L2 TRIP L1 TRIP L2 TRIP L3 TRIP 86 Cursor Data Time Cursor 1 Cursor 2 C2 - C1 Signal 3.092 s <none> 0.000 s <none> -3.092 s Value n/a n/a n/a Test State: Test passed 9 de 94 t/s INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 2.4) [87LG] Arranque 8LGP_L3: Ramped Quantities I L3 / Magnitude Ramp States Ramp Ramp 1 I L1 0.000 A 0.00 ° 60.000 Hz I L2 0.000 A -120.00 ° 60.000 Hz I L3 200.0 mA 120.00 ° 60.000 Hz Force abs. Phases Sig 1 From Sig 1 To Sig 1 Delta Sig 1 d/dt dt per Step Ramp Steps Ramp Time Trigger Trigger Logic TRIP L1 TRIP L2 TRIP L3 TRIP 86 Step back Delay Time Yes 200.0 mA 260.0 mA 5.000 mA 16.67 mA/s 300.0 ms 13 3.900s None No 0.000 s Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: OMICRON Ramping 14-dic-2023 17:24:12 Hamilton Matos Solis INGELMEC S.A. Version: Test End: Manager: 4.30 14-dic-2023 17:24:18 J.A.V. Test Results Assessment Results Name/ Exec. Ramp Condition Sig Nom. Act. Tol.- Tol.+ Dev. Assess Tact 87LGP_Arran que Ramp 1 TRIP L1 0->1 I L3 250.0 mA 250.0 mA 20.00 mA 20.00 mA 0.000 A + 89.70 ms Assess: + .. Passed x .. Failed o .. Not assessed 10 de 94 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 Ramp 1 Sig 1/mA 250 240 230 220 210 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 t/s 200 I L3 TRIP L1 TRIP L2 TRIP L3 TRIP 86 Cursor Data Time Cursor 1 Cursor 2 C2 - C1 Signal 3.208 s <none> 0.000 s <none> -3.208 s Value n/a n/a n/a Test State: Test passed 11 de 94 t/s INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 2.5) [87L] Tiempos de Operacion: Test Settings State Pre-Falla 1_87LPP I L1 50.00 mA 1.200 A 50.00 mA 1.400 A 50.00 mA 100.0 mA 50.00 mA 150.0 mA 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz I L2 50.00 mA 1.200 A 50.00 mA 1.400 A 50.00 mA 100.0 mA 50.00 mA 150.0 mA -120.00 ° -120.00 ° -120.00 ° 120.00 ° -120.00 ° 0.00 ° -120.00 ° 0.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz I L3 50.00 mA 1.200 A 50.00 mA 1.400 A 50.00 mA 100.0 mA 50.00 mA 150.0 mA 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 120.00 ° -120.00 ° 120.00 ° 0.00 ° 120.00 ° 0.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz Falla 1_87LPP Pre-Falla 2_87LPP Falla 2_87LPP Pre-Falla 3_87LGP Falla 3_87LGP Pre-Falla 4_87LGP Falla 4_87LGP Test Module Name: OMICRON State SequenceU9ersion .0 Test Start:-GLF-202 :3:0 Test End:-GLF-202 :3:1 User Name: Hamilton Matos SoliV0anagerJAV Company: INGELMEC S.A. Test Results Time Assessment Name Time 1 Time 2 Time 3 Time 4 Assess: Ignore before Start Stop Tnom Tdev- Tdev+ Tact Tdev Pre-Falla 1_87LPP Pre-Falla 2_87LPP Pre-Falla 3_87LGP Pre-Falla 4_87LGP Falla 1_87LPP Falla 2_87LPP Falla 3_87LGP Falla 4_87LGP TRIP L1 0>1 TRIP L1 0>1 TRIP L1 0>1 TRIP L1 0>1 20.00 ms 20.00 ms 20.00 ms 14.50 ms -5.500 ms + 20.00 ms 20.00 ms 20.00 ms 12.60 ms -7.400 ms + 20.00 ms 20.00 ms 20.00 ms 29.40 ms 9.400 ms + 20.00 ms 20.00 ms 20.00 ms 23.30 ms 3.300 ms + + .. Passed x .. Failed Assess o .. Not assessed Pre-Falla 1_87LPP Pre-Falla 2_87LPP Falla 1_87LPP Pre-Falla 3_87LGP Falla 2_87LPP Pre-Falla 4_87LGP Falla 3_87LGP Falla 4_87LGP 3.5 4.5 CMC356 I A/A 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 0.5 -0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 -1.0 -1.5 -2.0 I L1 I L2 I L3 12 de 94 2.5 3.0 4.0 t/s INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 Pre-Falla 1_87LPP Pre-Falla 2_87LPP Falla 1_87LPP Pre-Falla 3_87LGP Falla 2_87LPP Pre-Falla 4_87LGP Falla 3_87LGP Falla 4_87LGP 3.5 4.5 TRIP L1 TRIP L2 TRIP L3 TRIP 86 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 Test State: Test passed 13 de 94 2.5 3.0 4.0 t/s INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 3) [21P/21N] DISTANCIA DE LINEA: 3.1) [21P] Caracteristica_L1L2: Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: OMICRON Advanced Distance 14-dic-2023 11:32:44 Hamilton Matos Solis INGELMEC S.A. Version: Test End: Manager: 4.30 14-dic-2023 11:35:24 J.A.V. Test Results Search Test: Fault Type L1-L2 Zone Zone 1 Phase (Quad) Zone 2 Phase (Quad) Zone 4 Phase (Quad) Zone 1 Phase (Quad) Zone 2 Phase (Quad) Zone 4 Phase (Quad) Zone 1 Phase (Quad) Zone 2 Phase (Quad) Zone 4 Phase (Quad) Zone 3 Phase (Quad) Zone 3 Phase Zone 3 Phase Z act Phi act R act Assessed Qty. X act Nom. Dev. Result 3.725 ȍ 60.00 ° 1.862 ȍ 3.226 ȍ |Z| 3.748 ȍ -0.6101 % Passed 8.585 ȍ 60.00 ° 4.292 ȍ 7.435 ȍ |Z| 8.617 ȍ -0.3751 % Passed 14.44 ȍ 60.00 ° 7.221 ȍ 12.51 ȍ |Z| 14.50 ȍ -0.3751 % Passed 3.329 ȍ 90.00 ° 0.000 ȍ 3.329 ȍ |Z| 3.344 ȍ -0.426 % Passed 7.659 ȍ 90.00 ° 0.000 ȍ 7.659 ȍ |Z| 7.688 ȍ -0.3751 % Passed 12.89 ȍ 90.00 ° 0.000 ȍ 12.89 ȍ |Z| 12.93 ȍ -0.3751 % Passed 3.605 ȍ 110.00 ° -1.233 ȍ 3.388 ȍ |Z| 3.627 ȍ -0.6101 % Passed 8.310 ȍ 110.00 ° -2.842 ȍ 7.808 ȍ |Z| 8.341 ȍ -0.3751 % Passed 13.98 ȍ 110.00 ° -4.781 ȍ 13.14 ȍ |Z| 14.03 ȍ -0.3751 % Passed 18.95 ȍ -90.00 ° 0.000 ȍ -18.95 ȍ |Z| 19.02 ȍ -0.3751 % Passed 13.42 ȍ -50.00 ° 8.627 ȍ -10.28 ȍ |Z| 13.58 ȍ -1.138 % Passed 15.40 ȍ -130.00 ° -9.902 ȍ -11.80 ȍ |Z| 15.45 ȍ -0.2884 % Passed 14 de 94 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 X/ȍ 15 10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 Test State: Test passed 15 de 94 R/ȍ INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 16 de 94 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 3.2) [21P] Caracteristica_L2L3: Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: OMICRON Advanced Distance 14-dic-2023 11:35:44 Hamilton Matos Solis INGELMEC S.A. Version: Test End: Manager: 4.30 14-dic-2023 11:38:25 J.A.V. Test Results Search Test: Fault Type L2-L3 Zone Zone 1 Phase (Quad) Zone 2 Phase (Quad) Zone 4 Phase (Quad) Zone 1 Phase (Quad) Zone 2 Phase (Quad) Zone 4 Phase (Quad) Zone 1 Phase (Quad) Zone 2 Phase (Quad) Zone 4 Phase (Quad) Zone 3 Phase (Quad) Zone 3 Phase Zone 3 Phase Z act Phi act R act Assessed Qty. X act Nom. Dev. Result 3.725 ȍ 60.00 ° 1.862 ȍ 3.226 ȍ |Z| 3.748 ȍ -0.6101 % Passed 8.585 ȍ 60.00 ° 4.292 ȍ 7.435 ȍ |Z| 8.617 ȍ -0.3751 % Passed 14.44 ȍ 60.00 ° 7.221 ȍ 12.51 ȍ |Z| 14.50 ȍ -0.3751 % Passed 3.329 ȍ 90.00 ° 0.000 ȍ 3.329 ȍ |Z| 3.344 ȍ -0.426 % Passed 7.659 ȍ 90.00 ° 0.000 ȍ 7.659 ȍ |Z| 7.688 ȍ -0.3751 % Passed 12.89 ȍ 90.00 ° 0.000 ȍ 12.89 ȍ |Z| 12.93 ȍ -0.3751 % Passed 3.605 ȍ 110.00 ° -1.233 ȍ 3.388 ȍ |Z| 3.627 ȍ -0.6101 % Passed 8.310 ȍ 110.00 ° -2.842 ȍ 7.808 ȍ |Z| 8.341 ȍ -0.3751 % Passed 13.98 ȍ 110.00 ° -4.781 ȍ 13.14 ȍ |Z| 14.03 ȍ -0.3751 % Passed 18.95 ȍ -90.00 ° 0.000 ȍ -18.95 ȍ |Z| 19.02 ȍ -0.3751 % Passed 13.21 ȍ -50.00 ° 8.494 ȍ -10.12 ȍ |Z| 13.58 ȍ -2.665 % Passed 15.40 ȍ -130.00 ° -9.902 ȍ -11.80 ȍ |Z| 15.45 ȍ -0.2884 % Passed 17 de 94 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 X/ȍ 15 10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 Test State: Test passed 18 de 94 R/ȍ INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 3.3) [21P] Caracteristica_L3L1: Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: OMICRON Advanced Distance 14-dic-2023 11:39:57 Hamilton Matos Solis INGELMEC S.A. Version: Test End: Manager: 4.30 14-dic-2023 11:42:40 J.A.V. Test Results Search Test: Fault Type L3-L1 Zone Zone 1 Phase (Quad) Zone 2 Phase (Quad) Zone 4 Phase (Quad) Zone 1 Phase (Quad) Zone 2 Phase (Quad) Zone 4 Phase (Quad) Zone 1 Phase (Quad) Zone 2 Phase (Quad) Zone 4 Phase (Quad) Zone 3 Phase (Quad) Zone 3 Phase Zone 3 Phase Z act Phi act R act Assessed Qty. X act Nom. Dev. Result 3.725 ȍ 60.00 ° 1.862 ȍ 3.226 ȍ |Z| 3.748 ȍ -0.6101 % Passed 8.585 ȍ 60.00 ° 4.292 ȍ 7.435 ȍ |Z| 8.617 ȍ -0.3751 % Passed 14.44 ȍ 60.00 ° 7.221 ȍ 12.51 ȍ |Z| 14.50 ȍ -0.3751 % Passed 3.329 ȍ 90.00 ° 0.000 ȍ 3.329 ȍ |Z| 3.344 ȍ -0.426 % Passed 7.659 ȍ 90.00 ° 0.000 ȍ 7.659 ȍ |Z| 7.688 ȍ -0.3751 % Passed 12.89 ȍ 90.00 ° 0.000 ȍ 12.89 ȍ |Z| 12.93 ȍ -0.3751 % Passed 3.605 ȍ 110.00 ° -1.233 ȍ 3.388 ȍ |Z| 3.627 ȍ -0.6101 % Passed 8.310 ȍ 110.00 ° -2.842 ȍ 7.808 ȍ |Z| 8.341 ȍ -0.3751 % Passed 13.98 ȍ 110.00 ° -4.781 ȍ 13.14 ȍ |Z| 14.03 ȍ -0.3751 % Passed 18.95 ȍ -90.00 ° 0.000 ȍ -18.95 ȍ |Z| 19.02 ȍ -0.3751 % Passed 13.32 ȍ -50.00 ° 8.560 ȍ -10.20 ȍ |Z| 13.58 ȍ -1.897 % Passed 15.40 ȍ -130.00 ° -9.902 ȍ -11.80 ȍ |Z| 15.45 ȍ -0.2884 % Passed 19 de 94 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 X/ȍ 15 10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 Test State: Test passed 20 de 94 R/ȍ INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 3.4) [21P] Caracteristica_RESISTIVO: Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: OMICRON Advanced Distance 14-dic-2023 11:43:09 Hamilton Matos Solis INGELMEC S.A. Version: Test End: Manager: 4.30 14-dic-2023 11:47:05 J.A.V. Test Results Search Test: Fault Type L1-L2 Zone Z act Zone 1 Phase (Quad) Zone 2 Phase (Quad) Zone 4 Phase (Quad) Zone 1 Phase (Quad) Zone 2 Phase (Quad) Zone 4 Phase (Quad) Phi act R act Assessed Qty. X act Nom. Result 6.670 ȍ 0.00 ° 6.670 ȍ 0.000 ȍ |Z| 6.690 ȍ -0.3054 % Passed 11.49 ȍ 0.00 ° 11.49 ȍ 0.000 ȍ |Z| 11.52 ȍ -0.2507 % Passed 22.50 ȍ 0.00 ° 22.50 ȍ 0.000 ȍ |Z| 22.60 ȍ -0.43 % Passed 7.050 ȍ 15.00 ° 6.810 ȍ 1.825 ȍ |Z| 7.072 ȍ -0.3054 % Passed 12.15 ȍ 15.00 ° 11.73 ȍ 3.144 ȍ |Z| 12.18 ȍ -0.2507 % Passed 23.79 ȍ 15.00 ° 22.98 ȍ 6.157 ȍ |Z| 23.89 ȍ -0.43 % Passed X/ȍ 10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 -10 Dev. -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 Search Test: Fault Type L2-L3 21 de 94 R/ȍ INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 Zone Z act Zone 1 Phase (Quad) Zone 2 Phase (Quad) Zone 4 Phase (Quad) Zone 1 Phase (Quad) Zone 2 Phase (Quad) Zone 4 Phase (Quad) Phi act R act Assessed Qty. X act Nom. Dev. Result 6.670 ȍ 0.00 ° 6.670 ȍ 0.000 ȍ |Z| 6.690 ȍ -0.3054 % Passed 11.49 ȍ 0.00 ° 11.49 ȍ 0.000 ȍ |Z| 11.52 ȍ -0.2507 % Passed 22.50 ȍ 0.00 ° 22.50 ȍ 0.000 ȍ |Z| 22.60 ȍ -0.43 % Passed 7.050 ȍ 15.00 ° 6.810 ȍ 1.825 ȍ |Z| 7.072 ȍ -0.3054 % Passed 12.15 ȍ 15.00 ° 11.73 ȍ 3.144 ȍ |Z| 12.18 ȍ -0.2507 % Passed 23.79 ȍ 15.00 ° 22.98 ȍ 6.157 ȍ |Z| 23.89 ȍ -0.43 % Passed X/ȍ 10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 R/ȍ Search Test: Fault Type L3-L1 Zone Zone 1 Phase (Quad) Zone 2 Phase (Quad) Zone 4 Phase (Quad) Zone 1 Phase (Quad) Zone 2 Phase (Quad) Z act Phi act R act Assessed Qty. X act Nom. Dev. Result 6.670 ȍ 0.00 ° 6.670 ȍ 0.000 ȍ |Z| 6.690 ȍ -0.3054 % Passed 11.49 ȍ 0.00 ° 11.49 ȍ 0.000 ȍ |Z| 11.52 ȍ -0.2507 % Passed 22.50 ȍ 0.00 ° 22.50 ȍ 0.000 ȍ |Z| 22.60 ȍ -0.43 % Passed 7.050 ȍ 15.00 ° 6.810 ȍ 1.825 ȍ |Z| 7.072 ȍ -0.3054 % Passed 12.15 ȍ 15.00 ° 11.73 ȍ 3.144 ȍ |Z| 12.18 ȍ -0.2507 % Passed 22 de 94 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 Zone 4 Phase (Quad) 23.79 ȍ 15.00 ° 22.98 ȍ 6.157 ȍ |Z| X/ȍ 10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 Test State: Test passed 23 de 94 R/ȍ 23.89 ȍ -0.43 % Passed INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 3.5) [21P] Tiempos de Operacion: Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: OMICRON Advanced Distance 14-dic-2023 11:48:00 Hamilton Matos Solis INGELMEC S.A. Version: Test End: Manager: 4.30 14-dic-2023 11:50:16 J.A.V. Test Results Check Test: Fault Type L1-L2 | Z |: Length: |Z| 1.351 ȍ 15.19 ȍ Phi 3.506 ȍ 3.879 ȍ 8.399 ȍ 8.927 ȍ 14.22 ȍ 15.11 ȍ | Z |: Length: |Z| 61.96 ° 61.55 ° 59.46 ° 59.36 ° 58.73 ° 58.67 ° 1.915 ȍ 12.25 ȍ Phi 3.230 ȍ 3.507 ȍ 7.458 ȍ 7.919 ȍ 12.55 ȍ 13.32 ȍ | Z |: Length: |Z| 90.00 ° 90.00 ° 90.00 ° 90.00 ° 90.00 ° 90.00 ° 15.31 ȍ 6.091 ȍ Phi 18.45 ȍ 19.59 ȍ -89.90 ° -89.84 ° Phi: %: 68.84 ° n/ t nom t act. 211.1 ms 661.1 ms 661.1 ms 1.261 s 1.261 s no trip 225.1 ms 663.1 ms 664.1 ms 1.274 s 1.276 s no trip Phi: %: 90.00 ° n/ t nom t act. 211.1 ms 661.1 ms 661.1 ms 1.261 s 1.261 s no trip Phi: %: t nom 1.511 s no trip 226.5 ms 662.0 ms 663.7 ms 1.274 s 1.275 s no trip -90.14 ° n/ t act. 1.515 s no trip Angle % of: 57.68 ° Dev. ITest 6.626 % 0.3008 % 0.4521 % 0.9903 % 1.149 % n/a Angle % of: 90.00 ° Dev. ITest 7.29 % 0.1345 % 0.3916 % 1.014 % 1.101 % n/a Angle % of: 1.000 A 1.000 A 1.000 A 1.000 A 1.000 A 1.000 A 1.000 A 1.000 A 1.000 A 1.000 A 1.000 A 1.000 A -88.77 ° Dev. ITest 0.2309 % n/a 1.000 A 1.000 A Result: Passed Result Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Result: Passed Result Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Result: Passed Result Passed Passed Check Test: Fault Type L2-L3 | Z |: Length: |Z| 1.351 ȍ 15.19 ȍ Phi 3.506 ȍ 3.879 ȍ 8.399 ȍ 8.927 ȍ 14.22 ȍ 15.11 ȍ | Z |: Length: |Z| 61.96 ° 61.55 ° 59.46 ° 59.36 ° 58.73 ° 58.67 ° 1.915 ȍ 12.25 ȍ Phi 3.230 ȍ 3.507 ȍ 7.458 ȍ 7.919 ȍ 12.55 ȍ 13.32 ȍ | Z |: Length: 90.00 ° 90.00 ° 90.00 ° 90.00 ° 90.00 ° 90.00 ° 15.31 ȍ 6.091 ȍ Phi: %: 68.84 ° n/ t nom t act. 211.1 ms 661.1 ms 661.1 ms 1.261 s 1.261 s no trip 226.3 ms 661.6 ms 663.9 ms 1.275 s 1.278 s no trip Phi: %: 90.00 ° n/ t nom t act. 211.1 ms 661.1 ms 661.1 ms 1.261 s 1.261 s no trip Phi: %: 226.0 ms 664.0 ms 665.4 ms 1.275 s 1.275 s no trip -90.14 ° n/ Angle % of: 57.68 ° Dev. ITest 7.195 % 0.0739 % 0.4218 % 1.101 % 1.3 % n/a Angle % of: 90.00 ° Dev. ITest 7.053 % 0.437 % 0.6487 % 1.07 % 1.109 % n/a Angle % of: 1.000 A 1.000 A 1.000 A 1.000 A 1.000 A 1.000 A 1.000 A 1.000 A 1.000 A 1.000 A 1.000 A 1.000 A -88.77 ° 24 de 94 Result: Passed Result Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Result: Passed Result Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Result: Passed INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 |Z| Phi 18.45 ȍ 19.59 ȍ -89.90 ° -89.84 ° t nom 1.511 s no trip t act. 1.514 s no trip Dev. ITest 0.211 % n/a 1.000 A 1.000 A Result Passed Passed Check Test: Fault Type L3-L1 | Z |: Length: |Z| 1.351 ȍ 15.19 ȍ Phi 3.506 ȍ 3.879 ȍ 8.399 ȍ 8.927 ȍ 14.22 ȍ 15.11 ȍ | Z |: Length: |Z| 61.96 ° 61.55 ° 59.46 ° 59.36 ° 58.73 ° 58.67 ° 1.915 ȍ 12.25 ȍ Phi 3.230 ȍ 3.507 ȍ 7.458 ȍ 7.919 ȍ 12.55 ȍ 13.32 ȍ | Z |: Length: |Z| 90.00 ° 90.00 ° 90.00 ° 90.00 ° 90.00 ° 90.00 ° 15.31 ȍ 6.091 ȍ Phi 18.45 ȍ 19.59 ȍ -89.90 ° -89.84 ° Phi: %: 68.84 ° n/ t nom t act. 211.1 ms 661.1 ms 661.1 ms 1.261 s 1.261 s no trip 225.6 ms 660.7 ms 664.3 ms 1.273 s 1.275 s no trip Phi: %: 90.00 ° n/ t nom t act. 211.1 ms 661.1 ms 661.1 ms 1.261 s 1.261 s no trip Phi: %: t nom 1.511 s no trip 225.6 ms 662.1 ms 665.2 ms 1.271 s 1.276 s no trip -90.14 ° n/ t act. 1.513 s no trip Angle % of: 57.68 ° Dev. ITest 6.863 % -0.0622 % 0.4824 % 0.9744 % 1.101 % n/a Angle % of: 90.00 ° Dev. ITest 6.863 % 0.1496 % 0.6185 % 0.8 % 1.149 % n/a Angle % of: 1.000 A 1.000 A 1.000 A 1.000 A 1.000 A 1.000 A 1.000 A 1.000 A 1.000 A 1.000 A 1.000 A 1.000 A -88.77 ° Dev. ITest 0.0985 % n/a 1.000 A 1.000 A Test State: Test passed 25 de 94 Result: Passed Result Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Result: Passed Result Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Result: Result Passed Passed Passed INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 3.6) [21N] Caracteristica_L1: Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: OMICRON Advanced Distance 14-dic-2023 11:52:31 Hamilton Matos Solis INGELMEC S.A. Version: Test End: Manager: 4.30 14-dic-2023 11:55:51 J.A.V. Test Results Search Test: Fault Type L1-E Zone Zone 1 Ground (Quad) Zone 2 Ground (Quad) Zone 4 Ground (Quad) Zone 1 Ground (Quad) Zone 2 Ground (Quad) Zone 4 Ground (Quad) Zone 1 Ground (Quad) Zone 2 Ground (Quad) Zone 4 Ground (Quad) Zone 3 Ground (Quad) Zone 3 Ground Zone 3 Ground Zone 1 Ground (Quad) Zone 2 Ground (Quad) Zone 4 Ground (Quad) Z act Phi act R act Assessed Qty. X act Nom. Dev. Result 5.979 ȍ 60.00 ° 2.989 ȍ 5.178 ȍ |Z| 6.002 ȍ -0.381 % Passed 13.75 ȍ 60.00 ° 6.874 ȍ 11.91 ȍ |Z| 13.80 ȍ -0.381 % Passed 24.35 ȍ 60.00 ° 12.18 ȍ 21.09 ȍ |Z| 24.64 ȍ -1.143 % Passed 5.334 ȍ 90.00 ° 0.000 ȍ 5.334 ȍ |Z| 5.355 ȍ -0.381 % Passed 12.27 ȍ 90.00 ° 0.000 ȍ 12.27 ȍ |Z| 12.31 ȍ -0.381 % Passed 21.90 ȍ 90.00 ° 0.000 ȍ 21.90 ȍ |Z| 21.98 ȍ -0.381 % Passed 5.467 ȍ 100.00 ° -949.4 mȍ 5.384 ȍ |Z| 5.488 ȍ -0.381 % Passed 12.57 ȍ 100.00 ° -2.183 ȍ 12.38 ȍ |Z| 12.62 ȍ -0.381 % Passed 22.44 ȍ 100.00 ° -3.897 ȍ 22.10 ȍ |Z| 22.53 ȍ -0.381 % Passed 29.88 ȍ -90.00 ° 0.000 ȍ -29.88 ȍ |Z| 30.46 ȍ -1.905 % Passed 17.87 ȍ -50.00 ° 11.49 ȍ -13.69 ȍ |Z| 18.53 ȍ -3.562 % Passed 27.44 ȍ -130.00 ° -17.64 ȍ -21.02 ȍ |Z| 27.57 ȍ -0.4694 % Passed 6.669 ȍ 0.00 ° 6.669 ȍ 0.000 ȍ |Z| 6.690 ȍ -0.3127 % Passed 11.47 ȍ 0.00 ° 11.47 ȍ 0.000 ȍ |Z| 11.52 ȍ -0.4176 % Passed 22.51 ȍ 0.00 ° 22.51 ȍ 0.000 ȍ |Z| 22.60 ȍ -0.38 % Passed 26 de 94 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 X/ȍ 30 20 10 0 -10 -20 -30 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 Test State: Test passed 27 de 94 R/ȍ INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 3.7) [21N] Caracteristica_L2: Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: OMICRON Advanced Distance 14-dic-2023 11:56:10 Hamilton Matos Solis INGELMEC S.A. Version: Test End: Manager: 4.30 14-dic-2023 11:59:29 J.A.V. Test Results Search Test: Fault Type L2-E Zone Zone 1 Ground (Quad) Zone 2 Ground (Quad) Zone 4 Ground (Quad) Zone 1 Ground (Quad) Zone 2 Ground (Quad) Zone 4 Ground (Quad) Zone 1 Ground (Quad) Zone 2 Ground (Quad) Zone 4 Ground (Quad) Zone 3 Ground (Quad) Zone 3 Ground Zone 3 Ground Zone 1 Ground (Quad) Zone 2 Ground (Quad) Zone 4 Ground (Quad) Z act Phi act R act Assessed Qty. X act Nom. Dev. Result 5.933 ȍ 60.00 ° 2.967 ȍ 5.138 ȍ |Z| 6.002 ȍ -1.143 % Passed 13.75 ȍ 60.00 ° 6.874 ȍ 11.91 ȍ |Z| 13.80 ȍ -0.381 % Passed 24.35 ȍ 60.00 ° 12.18 ȍ 21.09 ȍ |Z| 24.64 ȍ -1.143 % Passed 5.334 ȍ 90.00 ° 0.000 ȍ 5.334 ȍ |Z| 5.355 ȍ -0.381 % Passed 12.27 ȍ 90.00 ° 0.000 ȍ 12.27 ȍ |Z| 12.31 ȍ -0.381 % Passed 21.90 ȍ 90.00 ° 0.000 ȍ 21.90 ȍ |Z| 21.98 ȍ -0.381 % Passed 5.467 ȍ 100.00 ° -949.4 mȍ 5.384 ȍ |Z| 5.488 ȍ -0.381 % Passed 12.57 ȍ 100.00 ° -2.183 ȍ 12.38 ȍ |Z| 12.62 ȍ -0.381 % Passed 22.44 ȍ 100.00 ° -3.897 ȍ 22.10 ȍ |Z| 22.53 ȍ -0.381 % Passed 29.88 ȍ -90.00 ° 0.000 ȍ -29.88 ȍ |Z| 30.46 ȍ -1.905 % Passed 17.97 ȍ -50.00 ° 11.55 ȍ -13.77 ȍ |Z| 18.53 ȍ -3.014 % Passed 27.44 ȍ -130.00 ° -17.64 ȍ -21.02 ȍ |Z| 27.57 ȍ -0.4694 % Passed 6.669 ȍ 0.00 ° 6.669 ȍ 0.000 ȍ |Z| 6.690 ȍ -0.3127 % Passed 11.47 ȍ 0.00 ° 11.47 ȍ 0.000 ȍ |Z| 11.52 ȍ -0.4176 % Passed 22.51 ȍ 0.00 ° 22.51 ȍ 0.000 ȍ |Z| 22.60 ȍ -0.38 % Passed 28 de 94 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 X/ȍ 30 20 10 0 -10 -20 -30 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 Test State: Test passed 29 de 94 R/ȍ INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 3.8) [21N] Caracteristica_L3: Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: OMICRON Advanced Distance 14-dic-2023 11:59:50 Hamilton Matos Solis INGELMEC S.A. Version: Test End: Manager: 4.30 14-dic-2023 12:03:07 J.A.V. Test Results Search Test: Fault Type L3-E Zone Zone 1 Ground (Quad) Zone 2 Ground (Quad) Zone 4 Ground (Quad) Zone 1 Ground (Quad) Zone 2 Ground (Quad) Zone 4 Ground (Quad) Zone 1 Ground (Quad) Zone 2 Ground (Quad) Zone 4 Ground (Quad) Zone 3 Ground (Quad) Zone 3 Ground Zone 3 Ground Zone 1 Ground (Quad) Zone 2 Ground (Quad) Zone 4 Ground (Quad) Z act Phi act R act Assessed Qty. X act Nom. Dev. Result 5.979 ȍ 60.00 ° 2.989 ȍ 5.178 ȍ |Z| 6.002 ȍ -0.381 % Passed 13.75 ȍ 60.00 ° 6.874 ȍ 11.91 ȍ |Z| 13.80 ȍ -0.381 % Passed 24.35 ȍ 60.00 ° 12.18 ȍ 21.09 ȍ |Z| 24.64 ȍ -1.143 % Passed 5.334 ȍ 90.00 ° 0.000 ȍ 5.334 ȍ |Z| 5.355 ȍ -0.381 % Passed 12.27 ȍ 90.00 ° 0.000 ȍ 12.27 ȍ |Z| 12.31 ȍ -0.381 % Passed 21.90 ȍ 90.00 ° 0.000 ȍ 21.90 ȍ |Z| 21.98 ȍ -0.381 % Passed 5.467 ȍ 100.00 ° -949.4 mȍ 5.384 ȍ |Z| 5.488 ȍ -0.381 % Passed 12.57 ȍ 100.00 ° -2.183 ȍ 12.38 ȍ |Z| 12.62 ȍ -0.381 % Passed 22.44 ȍ 100.00 ° -3.897 ȍ 22.10 ȍ |Z| 22.53 ȍ -0.381 % Passed 29.88 ȍ -90.00 ° 0.000 ȍ -29.88 ȍ |Z| 30.46 ȍ -1.905 % Passed 18.08 ȍ -50.00 ° 11.62 ȍ -13.85 ȍ |Z| 18.53 ȍ -2.466 % Passed 27.44 ȍ -130.00 ° -17.64 ȍ -21.02 ȍ |Z| 27.57 ȍ -0.4694 % Passed 6.669 ȍ 0.00 ° 6.669 ȍ 0.000 ȍ |Z| 6.690 ȍ -0.3127 % Passed 11.47 ȍ 0.00 ° 11.47 ȍ 0.000 ȍ |Z| 11.52 ȍ -0.4176 % Passed 22.51 ȍ 0.00 ° 22.51 ȍ 0.000 ȍ |Z| 22.60 ȍ -0.38 % Passed 30 de 94 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 X/ȍ 30 20 10 0 -10 -20 -30 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 Test State: Test passed 31 de 94 R/ȍ INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 3.9) [21N] Tiempos de Operacion: Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: OMICRON Advanced Distance 14-dic-2023 12:03:25 Hamilton Matos Solis INGELMEC S.A. Version: Test End: Manager: 4.30 14-dic-2023 12:04:56 J.A.V. Test Results Check Test: Fault Type L1-E | Z |: Length: |Z| 1.815 ȍ 14.55 ȍ Phi 5.740 ȍ 6.106 ȍ 13.32 ȍ 14.16 ȍ | Z |: Length: |Z| 61.59 ° 61.48 ° 60.54 ° 60.49 ° 2.242 ȍ 11.53 ȍ Phi 5.192 ȍ 5.518 ȍ 11.94 ȍ 12.69 ȍ | Z |: Length: |Z| 90.00 ° 90.00 ° 90.00 ° 90.00 ° 25.43 ȍ 9.324 ȍ Phi 29.61 ȍ 31.46 ȍ -94.37 ° -94.33 ° Phi: %: 65.60 ° n/ t nom t act. 211.1 ms 661.1 ms 661.1 ms 1.261 s 227.0 ms 663.2 ms 666.4 ms 1.274 s Phi: %: 90.00 ° n/ t nom t act. 211.1 ms 661.1 ms 661.1 ms 1.261 s Phi: %: t nom 1.511 s no trip 225.9 ms 663.1 ms 665.4 ms 1.275 s -94.47 ° n/ t act. 1.514 s no trip Angle % of: 59.74 ° Dev. ITest 7.526 % 0.316 % 0.8 % 0.9982 % Angle % of: 90.00 ° Dev. ITest 7.005 % 0.3008 % 0.6487 % 1.062 % Angle % of: 500.0 mA 500.0 mA 500.0 mA 500.0 mA 500.0 mA 500.0 mA 500.0 mA 500.0 mA 266.23 ° Dev. ITest 0.1647 % n/a 500.0 mA 500.0 mA Result: Passed Result Passed Passed Passed Passed Result: Passed Result Passed Passed Passed Passed Result: Passed Result Passed Passed Check Test: Fault Type L2-E | Z |: Length: |Z| 1.815 ȍ 14.55 ȍ Phi 5.740 ȍ 6.106 ȍ 13.32 ȍ 14.16 ȍ | Z |: Length: |Z| 61.59 ° 61.48 ° 60.54 ° 60.49 ° 2.242 ȍ 11.53 ȍ Phi 5.192 ȍ 5.518 ȍ 11.94 ȍ 12.69 ȍ | Z |: Length: |Z| 90.00 ° 90.00 ° 90.00 ° 90.00 ° 25.43 ȍ 9.324 ȍ Phi 29.61 ȍ 31.46 ȍ -94.37 ° -94.33 ° Phi: %: 65.60 ° n/ t nom t act. 211.1 ms 661.1 ms 661.1 ms 1.261 s 225.9 ms 662.7 ms 667.3 ms 1.273 s Phi: %: 90.00 ° n/ t nom t act. 211.1 ms 661.1 ms 661.1 ms 1.261 s Phi: %: t nom 1.511 s no trip 225.1 ms 662.1 ms 663.9 ms 1.274 s -94.47 ° n/ t act. 1.513 s no trip Angle % of: 59.74 ° Dev. ITest 7.005 % 0.2403 % 0.9361 % 0.9507 % Angle % of: 90.00 ° Dev. ITest 6.626 % 0.1496 % 0.4218 % 1.038 % Angle % of: 500.0 mA 500.0 mA 500.0 mA 500.0 mA 500.0 mA 500.0 mA 500.0 mA 500.0 mA 266.23 ° Dev. ITest 0.1051 % n/a 500.0 mA 500.0 mA Result: Passed Result Passed Passed Passed Passed Result: Passed Result Passed Passed Passed Passed Result: Passed Result Passed Passed Check Test: Fault Type L3-E | Z |: Length: 1.815 ȍ 14.55 ȍ Phi: %: 65.60 ° n/ Angle % of: 59.74 ° 32 de 94 Result: Passed INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 |Z| Phi 5.740 ȍ 6.106 ȍ 13.32 ȍ 14.16 ȍ | Z |: Length: |Z| 61.59 ° 61.48 ° 60.54 ° 60.49 ° 2.242 ȍ 11.53 ȍ Phi 5.192 ȍ 5.518 ȍ 11.94 ȍ 12.69 ȍ | Z |: Length: |Z| 90.00 ° 90.00 ° 90.00 ° 90.00 ° 25.43 ȍ 9.324 ȍ Phi 29.61 ȍ 31.46 ȍ -94.37 ° -94.33 ° t nom 211.1 ms 661.1 ms 661.1 ms 1.261 s t act. 227.1 ms 662.5 ms 667.9 ms 1.275 s Phi: %: 90.00 ° n/ t nom t act. 211.1 ms 661.1 ms 661.1 ms 1.261 s Phi: %: t nom 1.511 s no trip 226.7 ms 662.1 ms 665.0 ms 1.273 s -94.47 ° n/ t act. 1.514 s no trip Dev. ITest 7.574 % 0.2101 % 1.027 % 1.125 % Angle % of: 90.00 ° Dev. ITest 7.384 % 0.1496 % 0.5882 % 0.9348 % Angle % of: 500.0 mA 500.0 mA 500.0 mA 500.0 mA 500.0 mA 500.0 mA 500.0 mA 500.0 mA 266.23 ° Dev. ITest 0.2044 % n/a 500.0 mA 500.0 mA Test State: Test passed 33 de 94 Result Passed Passed Passed Passed Result: Passed Result Passed Passed Passed Passed Result: Result Passed Passed Passed INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 4) [SOTF] CIERRE SOBRE FALLA: 4.1) [SOTF] Tiempo de Operacion_L1_Zona 2: Test Settings State PRE FALLA 1 V L1-E 0.000 V 16.91 V 0.000 V 18.01 V 0.000 V 19.55 V 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz V L2-E 0.000 V 57.74 V 0.000 V 57.74 V 0.000 V 57.74 V -120.00 ° -120.00 ° -120.00 ° -120.00 ° -120.00 ° -120.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz V L3-E 0.000 V 57.74 V 0.000 V 57.74 V 0.000 V 57.74 V 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz I L1 0.000 A 2.000 A 0.000 A 2.000 A 0.000 A 2.000 A 0.00 ° -72.83 ° 0.00 ° -71.59 ° 0.00 ° -70.94 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz I L2 0.000 A 0.000 A 0.000 A 0.000 A 0.000 A 0.000 A -120.00 ° 0.00 ° -120.00 ° 0.00 ° -120.00 ° 0.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz I L3 0.000 A 0.000 A 0.000 A 0.000 A 0.000 A 0.000 A 120.00 ° 0.00 ° 120.00 ° 0.00 ° 120.00 ° 0.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz CIERRE 1 PRE FALLA 2 CIERRE 2 PRE FALLA 3 CIERRE 3 Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: OMICRON State Sequencer 14-dic-2023 12:35:41 Hamilton Matos Solis INGELMEC S.A. Version: Test End: Manager: 4.30 14-dic-2023 12:35:46 J.A.V. Test Results Time Assessment Name Time 1 Time 2 Time 3 Assess: Ignore before Start PRE FALLA 1 PRE FALLA 2 PRE FALLA 3 CIERRE 1 TRIP L2 0>1 CIERRE 2 TRIP L2 0>1 CIERRE 3 TRIP L2 0>1 + .. Passed x .. Failed Stop Tnom Tdev- Tdev+ Tact Tdev 20.00 ms 30.00 ms 30.00 ms 20.20 ms 200.0 ȝs + 20.00 ms 30.00 ms 30.00 ms 18.20 ms -1.800 ms + 20.00 ms 30.00 ms 30.00 ms 18.40 ms -1.600 ms + o .. Not assessed 34 de 94 Assess INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 PRE FALLA 1 PRE FALLA 2 CIERRE 1 PRE FALLA 3 CIERRE 2 CIERRE 3 CMC356 V A/V 60 40 20 0 0.5 -20 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 2.0 2.5 3.0 t/s -40 -60 -80 V L1-E V L2-E V L3-E CMC356 I A/A 2.0 1.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 -1.0 t/s -2.0 -3.0 I L1 I L2 I L3 CB L1 CB L2 CB L3 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 t/s TRIP L1 TRIP L2 TRIP L3 TRIP 86 Test State: Test passed 35 de 94 t/s INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 4.2) [SOTF] Tiempo de Operacion_L2_Zona 2: Test Settings State PRE FALLA 1 V L1-E 0.000 V 57.74 V 0.000 V 57.74 V 0.000 V 57.74 V 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz V L2-E 0.000 V 16.39 V 0.000 V 16.08 V 0.000 V 16.11 V -120.00 ° -120.00 ° -120.00 ° -120.00 ° -120.00 ° -120.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz V L3-E 0.000 V 57.74 V 0.000 V 57.74 V 0.000 V 57.74 V 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz I L1 0.000 A 0.000 A 0.000 A 0.000 A 0.000 A 0.000 A 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz I L2 0.000 A 2.000 A 0.000 A 2.000 A 0.000 A 2.000 A -120.00 ° -203.10 ° -120.00 ° -206.29 ° -120.00 ° -204.64 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz I L3 0.000 A 0.000 A 0.000 A 0.000 A 0.000 A 0.000 A 120.00 ° 0.00 ° 120.00 ° 0.00 ° 120.00 ° 0.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz CIERRE 1 PRE FALLA 2 CIERRE 2 PRE FALLA 3 CIERRE 3 Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: OMICRON State Sequencer 14-dic-2023 12:36:12 Hamilton Matos Solis INGELMEC S.A. Version: Test End: Manager: 4.30 14-dic-2023 12:36:18 J.A.V. Test Results Time Assessment Name Time 1 Time 2 Time 3 Assess: Ignore before Start PRE FALLA 1 PRE FALLA 2 PRE FALLA 3 CIERRE 1 TRIP L2 0>1 CIERRE 2 TRIP L2 0>1 CIERRE 3 TRIP L2 0>1 + .. Passed x .. Failed Stop Tnom Tdev- Tdev+ Tact Tdev 20.00 ms 30.00 ms 30.00 ms 21.70 ms 1.700 ms + 20.00 ms 30.00 ms 30.00 ms 19.70 ms -300.0 ȝs + 20.00 ms 30.00 ms 30.00 ms 19.80 ms -200.0 ȝs + o .. Not assessed 36 de 94 Assess INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 PRE FALLA 1 PRE FALLA 2 CIERRE 1 PRE FALLA 3 CIERRE 2 CIERRE 3 CMC356 V A/V 60 40 20 0 0.5 -20 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 2.0 2.5 3.0 t/s -40 -60 -80 V L1-E V L2-E V L3-E CMC356 I A/A 2.0 1.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 -1.0 t/s -2.0 -3.0 I L1 I L2 I L3 CB L1 CB L2 CB L3 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 t/s TRIP L1 TRIP L2 TRIP L3 TRIP 86 Test State: Test passed 37 de 94 t/s INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 4.3) [SOTF] Tiempo de Operacion_L3_Zona 2: Test Settings State PRE FALLA 1 V L1-E 0.000 V 57.74 V 0.000 V 57.74 V 0.000 V 57.74 V 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz V L2-E 0.000 V 57.74 V 0.000 V 57.74 V 0.000 V 57.74 V -120.00 ° -120.00 ° -120.00 ° -120.00 ° -120.00 ° -120.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz V L3-E 0.000 V 13.86 V 0.000 V 13.86 V 0.000 V 13.86 V 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz I L1 0.000 A 0.000 A 0.000 A 0.000 A 0.000 A 0.000 A 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz I L2 0.000 A 0.000 A 0.000 A 0.000 A 0.000 A 0.000 A -120.00 ° 0.00 ° -120.00 ° 0.00 ° -120.00 ° 0.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz I L3 0.000 A 2.000 A 0.000 A 2.000 A 0.000 A 2.000 A 120.00 ° 40.00 ° 120.00 ° 41.01 ° 120.00 ° 40.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz CIERRE 1 PRE FALLA 2 CIERRE 2 PRE FALLA 3 CIERRE 3 Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: OMICRON State Sequencer 14-dic-2023 12:36:27 Hamilton Matos Solis INGELMEC S.A. Version: Test End: Manager: 4.30 14-dic-2023 12:36:32 J.A.V. Test Results Time Assessment Name Time 1 Time 2 Time 3 Assess: Ignore before Start PRE FALLA 1 PRE FALLA 2 PRE FALLA 3 CIERRE 1 TRIP L2 0>1 CIERRE 2 TRIP L2 0>1 CIERRE 3 TRIP L2 0>1 + .. Passed x .. Failed Stop Tnom Tdev- Tdev+ Tact Tdev Assess 20.00 ms 30.00 ms 30.00 ms 20.00 ms 0.000 s + 20.00 ms 30.00 ms 30.00 ms 18.00 ms -2.000 ms + 20.00 ms 30.00 ms 30.00 ms 18.10 ms -1.900 ms + o .. Not assessed 38 de 94 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 PRE FALLA 1 PRE FALLA 2 CIERRE 1 PRE FALLA 3 CIERRE 2 CIERRE 3 CMC356 V A/V 60 40 20 0 0.5 -20 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 2.0 2.5 3.0 t/s -40 -60 -80 V L1-E V L2-E V L3-E CMC356 I A/A 2.0 1.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 -1.0 t/s -2.0 -3.0 I L1 I L2 I L3 CB L1 CB L2 CB L3 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 t/s TRIP L1 TRIP L2 TRIP L3 TRIP 86 Test State: Test passed 39 de 94 t/s INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 4.4) [SOTF] Tiempo de Operacion_L123_Zona 2: Test Settings State PRE FALLA 1 V L1-E 0.000 V 9.707 V 0.000 V 9.707 V 0.000 V 9.800 V 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz V L2-E 0.000 V 9.707 V 0.000 V 9.707 V 0.000 V 9.800 V -120.00 ° -120.00 ° -120.00 ° -120.00 ° -120.00 ° -120.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz V L3-E 0.000 V 9.707 V 0.000 V 9.707 V 0.000 V 9.800 V 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz I L1 0.000 A 2.000 A 0.000 A 2.000 A 0.000 A 2.000 A 0.00 ° -83.85 ° 0.00 ° -83.85 ° 0.00 ° -85.27 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz I L2 0.000 A 2.000 A 0.000 A 2.000 A 0.000 A 2.000 A -120.00 ° -203.85 ° -120.00 ° -203.85 ° -120.00 ° -205.27 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz I L3 0.000 A 2.000 A 0.000 A 2.000 A 0.000 A 2.000 A 120.00 ° 36.15 ° 120.00 ° 36.15 ° 120.00 ° 34.73 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz CIERRE 1 PRE FALLA 2 CIERRE 2 PRE FALLA 3 CIERRE 3 Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: OMICRON State Sequencer 14-dic-2023 12:36:41 Hamilton Matos Solis INGELMEC S.A. Version: Test End: Manager: 4.30 14-dic-2023 12:36:46 J.A.V. Test Results Time Assessment Name Time 1 Time 2 Time 3 Assess: Ignore before Start PRE FALLA 1 PRE FALLA 2 PRE FALLA 3 CIERRE 1 TRIP L2 0>1 CIERRE 2 TRIP L2 0>1 CIERRE 3 TRIP L2 0>1 + .. Passed x .. Failed Stop Tnom Tdev- Tdev+ Tact Tdev 20.00 ms 30.00 ms 30.00 ms 14.20 ms -5.800 ms + 20.00 ms 30.00 ms 30.00 ms 12.10 ms -7.900 ms + 20.00 ms 30.00 ms 30.00 ms 12.10 ms -7.900 ms + o .. Not assessed 40 de 94 Assess INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 PRE FALLA 1 PRE FALLA 2 CIERRE 1 PRE FALLA 3 CIERRE 2 CIERRE 3 CMC356 V A/V 10.0 7.5 5.0 2.5 0.0 -2.5 -5.0 -7.5 -10.0 -12.5 -15.0 0.5 1.0 V L1-E 1.5 V L2-E 2.0 2.5 3.0 2.0 2.5 3.0 t/s V L3-E CMC356 I A/A 2.0 1.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 -1.0 t/s -2.0 -3.0 I L1 I L2 I L3 CB L1 CB L2 CB L3 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 t/s TRIP L1 TRIP L2 TRIP L3 TRIP 86 Test State: Test passed 41 de 94 t/s INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 LECTURAS REGISTRADAS EN EL RELÉ 42 de 94 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 4.5) [SOTF] Tiempo de Operacion_IG_51S01: Test Settings State Pre-Falla 1 V L1-E 0.000 V 40.99 V 0.000 V 57.74 V 0.000 V 57.74 V 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz V L2-E 0.000 V 57.74 V 0.000 V 38.71 V 0.000 V 57.74 V -120.00 ° -120.00 ° -120.00 ° -120.00 ° -120.00 ° -120.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz V L3-E 0.000 V 57.74 V 0.000 V 57.74 V 0.000 V 38.81 V 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz I L1 0.000 A 2.000 A 0.000 A 0.000 A 0.000 A 0.000 A 0.00 ° -80.20 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz I L2 0.000 A 0.000 A 0.000 A 2.000 A 0.000 A 0.000 A -120.00 ° 0.00 ° -120.00 ° -203.63 ° -120.00 ° 0.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz I L3 0.000 A 0.000 A 0.000 A 0.000 A 0.000 A 2.000 A 120.00 ° 0.00 ° 120.00 ° 0.00 ° 120.00 ° 44.73 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz Falla 1 Pre-Falla 2 Falla 2 Pre-Falla 3 Falla 3 Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: OMICRON State Sequencer 14-dic-2023 12:41:49 Hamilton Matos Solis INGELMEC S.A. Version: Test End: Manager: 4.30 14-dic-2023 12:41:54 J.A.V. Test Results Time Assessment Name Time 1 Time 2 Time 3 Assess: Ignore before Pre-Falla 1 Pre-Falla 2 Pre-Falla 3 + .. Passed Start Stop Tnom Tdev- Tdev+ Tact Tdev Falla 1 TRIP L1 0>1 TRIP L1 0>1 TRIP L1 0>1 20.00 ms 30.00 ms 30.00 ms 15.40 ms -4.600 ms + 20.00 ms 30.00 ms 30.00 ms 15.50 ms -4.500 ms + 20.00 ms 30.00 ms 30.00 ms 15.50 ms -4.500 ms + Falla 2 Falla 3 x .. Failed o .. Not assessed 43 de 94 Assess INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 Pre-Falla 1 Pre-Falla 2 Falla 1 Pre-Falla 3 Falla 2 Falla 3 CMC356 V A/V 60 40 20 0 0.5 -20 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 2.0 2.5 3.0 t/s -40 -60 -80 V L1-E V L2-E V L3-E CMC356 I A/A 2.0 1.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 -1.0 t/s -2.0 -3.0 I L1 I L2 I L3 CB L1 CB L2 CB L3 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 t/s TRIP L1 TRIP L2 TRIP L3 TRIP 86 Test State: Test passed 44 de 94 t/s INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 LECTURAS REGISTRADAS EN EL RELÉ 45 de 94 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 5) [21.Rx] ESQUEMA DE SOBREALCANCE POTT: 5.1) [21P.Rx] Tiempos de Operacion Fases: Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: OMICRON Advanced Distance 14-dic-2023 12:11:01 Hamilton Matos Solis INGELMEC S.A. Version: Test End: Manager: 4.30 14-dic-2023 12:16:37 J.A.V. Test Results Shot Test: Fault Type L1-L2 |Z| Phi 10.33 ȍ 7.787 ȍ 6.320 ȍ 6.411 ȍ 7.868 ȍ % 33.57 ° 49.36 ° 72.86 ° 105.74 ° 128.35 ° % of t nom n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a t act. 661.1 ms 661.1 ms 661.1 ms 661.1 ms 661.1 ms Dev. 14.40 ms 13.00 ms 11.30 ms 13.50 ms 12.10 ms -97.82 % -98.03 % -98.29 % -97.96 % -98.17 % ITest 1.000 A 1.000 A 1.000 A 1.000 A 1.000 A Result Failed Failed Failed Failed Failed X/ȍ 10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 R/ȍ Shot Test: Fault Type L2-L3 |Z| Phi 10.33 ȍ 7.787 ȍ 6.320 ȍ 6.411 ȍ 7.868 ȍ 33.57 ° 49.36 ° 72.86 ° 105.74 ° 128.35 ° % % of n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a t nom 661.1 ms 661.1 ms 661.1 ms 661.1 ms 661.1 ms t act. 13.80 ms 13.30 ms 12.90 ms 11.50 ms 12.60 ms 46 de 94 Dev. -97.91 % -97.99 % -98.05 % -98.26 % -98.09 % ITest 1.000 A 1.000 A 1.000 A 1.000 A 1.000 A Result Failed Failed Failed Failed Failed INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 X/ȍ 10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 R/ȍ Shot Test: Fault Type L3-L1 |Z| Phi 10.33 ȍ 7.787 ȍ 6.320 ȍ 6.411 ȍ 7.868 ȍ % 33.57 ° 49.36 ° 72.86 ° 105.74 ° 128.35 ° % of t nom n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a t act. 661.1 ms 661.1 ms 661.1 ms 661.1 ms 661.1 ms Dev. 13.70 ms 14.00 ms 13.10 ms 12.30 ms 12.10 ms -97.93 % -97.88 % -98.02 % -98.14 % -98.17 % X/ȍ 10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 Shot Test: Fault Type L1-L2-L3 47 de 94 R/ȍ ITest 1.000 A 1.000 A 1.000 A 1.000 A 1.000 A Result Failed Failed Failed Failed Failed INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 |Z| Phi 10.33 ȍ 7.787 ȍ 6.320 ȍ 6.411 ȍ 7.868 ȍ % 33.57 ° 49.36 ° 72.86 ° 105.74 ° 128.35 ° % of t nom n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a t act. 661.1 ms 661.1 ms 661.1 ms 661.1 ms 661.1 ms Dev. 12.90 ms 12.70 ms 12.50 ms 11.40 ms 11.40 ms -98.05 % -98.08 % -98.11 % -98.28 % -98.28 % X/ȍ 10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 Test State: Test passed (manually assessed) 48 de 94 R/ȍ ITest 1.000 A 1.000 A 1.000 A 1.000 A 1.000 A Result Failed Failed Failed Failed Failed INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 5.2) [21N.Rx] Tiempos de Operacion Tierra: Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: OMICRON Advanced Distance 14-dic-2023 12:18:22 Hamilton Matos Solis INGELMEC S.A. Version: Test End: Manager: 4.30 14-dic-2023 12:21:27 J.A.V. Test Results Shot Test: Fault Type L1-E |Z| Phi 13.48 ȍ 11.15 ȍ 10.11 ȍ 10.32 ȍ 11.36 ȍ % 40.72 ° 57.76 ° 80.41 ° 102.65 ° 116.31 ° % of n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a t nom t act. 661.1 ms 661.1 ms 661.1 ms 661.1 ms 661.1 ms Dev. 16.50 ms 12.30 ms 13.10 ms 14.10 ms 13.80 ms -97.5 % -98.14 % -98.02 % -97.87 % -97.91 % ITest 800.0 mA 800.0 mA 800.0 mA 800.0 mA 800.0 mA Result Failed Failed Failed Failed Failed X/ȍ 20 10 0 -10 -20 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 % of t nom t act. R/ȍ Shot Test: Fault Type L2-E |Z| Phi 13.48 ȍ 11.15 ȍ 10.11 ȍ 10.32 ȍ 11.36 ȍ 40.72 ° 57.76 ° 80.41 ° 102.65 ° 116.31 ° % n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 661.1 ms 661.1 ms 661.1 ms 661.1 ms 661.1 ms 17.50 ms 13.70 ms 13.90 ms 14.10 ms 14.70 ms 49 de 94 Dev. -97.35 % -97.93 % -97.9 % -97.87 % -97.78 % ITest 800.0 mA 800.0 mA 800.0 mA 800.0 mA 800.0 mA Result Failed Failed Failed Failed Failed INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 X/ȍ 20 10 0 -10 -20 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 % of t nom t act. R/ȍ Shot Test: Fault Type L3-E |Z| Phi 13.48 ȍ 11.15 ȍ 10.11 ȍ 10.32 ȍ 11.36 ȍ % 40.72 ° 57.76 ° 80.41 ° 102.65 ° 116.31 ° n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 661.1 ms 661.1 ms 661.1 ms 661.1 ms 661.1 ms Dev. 17.70 ms 14.00 ms 14.40 ms 13.80 ms 15.80 ms -97.32 % -97.88 % -97.82 % -97.91 % -97.61 % X/ȍ 20 10 0 -10 -20 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 50 de 94 R/ȍ ITest 800.0 mA 800.0 mA 800.0 mA 800.0 mA 800.0 mA Result Failed Failed Failed Failed Failed INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 Test State: Test passed (manually assessed) 51 de 94 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 6) [68] OSCILACION DE POTENCIA: 6.1) [68] Prueba de Oscilacion de Potencia: Test Settings Data source: Path: File: Info: C:\01_HAMILTON\01_DOCUMENTS\OMICRON TESTS\75_TEST_PARINAS\OSC\ NETSIMEXPORT_011.CFG Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: OMICRON Advanced TransPlay 14-dic-2023 12:22:35 Hamilton Matos Solis INGELMEC S.A. Version: Test End: Manager: 4.30 14-dic-2023 12:22:42 J.A.V. Time Signal: Test run: 1 Voltages/V 60 40 20 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 t/s 0 -20 -40 -60 -80 V A-L1 V A-L2 V A-L3 Currents/A 4 3 2 1 0 -1 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 t/s -2 -3 -4 -5 I A-L1 I A-L2 I A-L3 TRIP L1 TRIP L2 TRIP L3 TRIP 86 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 52 de 94 1.25 t/s INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 Cursor Data Time Cursor 1 Cursor 2 C2 - C1 Signal 0.00 s <none> 2.42 s <none> 2.42 s Value n/a n/a n/a 53 de 94 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 LECTURAS REGISTRADAS EN EL RELÉ 54 de 94 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 7) [79] RECIERRE: 7.1) [79] Falla Monofasica POTT_Fase L1+Recierre: Test Settings State PREFALLA V L1-E 57.74 V 3.767 V 0.000 V 57.74 V 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz V L2-E 57.74 V 57.74 V 57.74 V 57.74 V -120.00 ° -120.00 ° -120.00 ° -120.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz V L3-E 57.74 V 57.74 V 57.74 V 57.74 V 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz I L1 100.0 mA 500.0 mA 0.000 A 100.0 mA 0.00 ° -58.92 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz I L2 100.0 mA 0.000 A 100.0 mA 100.0 mA -120.00 ° 0.00 ° -120.00 ° -120.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz I L3 100.0 mA 0.000 A 100.0 mA 100.0 mA 120.00 ° 0.00 ° 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz FALLA TIEMPO POST MUERTO FALLA Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: OMICRON State Sequencer 14-dic-2023 13:19:59 Hamilton Matos Solis INGELMEC S.A. Version: Test End: Manager: Tes 55 de 94 4.30 14-dic-2023 13:20:09 J.A.V. INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 t Results Time Assessment Ignore before Name Disparo Recierre Assess: PREFALLA FALLA + .. Passed Start Stop FALLA TRIP L1 20.00 ms 0>1 RECIERR 900.0 ms E 0>1 TRIP L1 0>1 x .. Failed Tnom Tdev- Tdev+ Tact Tdev Assess 50.00 ms 50.00 ms 13.90 ms -6.100 ms + 200.0 ms 200.0 ms 1.078 s 177.7 ms + o .. Not assessed PRE-FALLA TIEMPO MUERTO FALLA POST FALLA CMC356 V A/V 60 40 20 0 1.0 -20 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 t/s -40 -60 -80 V L1-E V L2-E V L3-E CMC356 I A/mA 600 500 400 300 200 100 -0 -100 -200 -300 -400 -500 -600 -700 1.0 I L1 2.0 3.0 I L2 t/s I L3 CB L1 CB L2 CB L3 21/67N.Rx 1.0 2.0 3.0 56 de 94 t/s INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 PRE-FALLA TIEMPO MUERTO FALLA POST FALLA TRIP L1 TRIP L2 TRIP L3 TRIP 86 RECIERRE 1.0 2.0 3.0 Test State: Test passed 57 de 94 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 t/s INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 7.2) [79] Falla Monofasica POTT_Fase L2+Recierre: Test Settings State PREFALLA V L1-E 57.74 V 57.74 V 57.74 V 57.74 V 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz V L2-E 57.74 V 3.767 V 0.000 V 57.74 V -120.00 ° -120.00 ° -120.00 ° -120.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz V L3-E 57.74 V 57.74 V 57.74 V 57.74 V 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz I L1 100.0 mA 0.000 A 100.0 mA 100.0 mA 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz I L2 100.0 mA 500.0 mA 0.000 A 100.0 mA -120.00 ° -178.92 ° -120.00 ° -120.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz I L3 100.0 mA 0.000 A 100.0 mA 100.0 mA 120.00 ° 0.00 ° 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz FALLA TIEMPO POST MUERTO FALLA Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: OMICRON State Sequencer 14-dic-2023 13:16:06 Hamilton Matos Solis INGELMEC S.A. Version: Test End: Manager: Tes 58 de 94 4.30 14-dic-2023 13:16:15 J.A.V. INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 t Results Time Assessment Ignore before Name Disparo Recierre Assess: PREFALLA FALLA + .. Passed Start Stop FALLA TRIP L2 20.00 ms 0>1 RECIERR 900.0 ms E 0>1 TRIP L2 0>1 x .. Failed Tnom Tdev- Tdev+ Tact Tdev Assess 50.00 ms 50.00 ms 14.90 ms -5.100 ms + 200.0 ms 200.0 ms 1.076 s 175.6 ms + o .. Not assessed PRE-FALLA TIEMPO MUERTO FALLA POST FALLA CMC356 V A/V 60 40 20 0 1.0 -20 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 t/s -40 -60 -80 V L1-E V L2-E V L3-E CMC356 I A/mA 600 500 400 300 200 100 -0 -100 -200 -300 -400 -500 -600 -700 1.0 I L1 2.0 3.0 I L2 t/s I L3 CB L1 CB L2 CB L3 21/67N.Rx 1.0 2.0 3.0 59 de 94 t/s INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 PRE-FALLA TIEMPO MUERTO FALLA POST FALLA TRIP L1 TRIP L2 TRIP L3 TRIP 86 RECIERRE 1.0 2.0 3.0 Test State: Test passed 60 de 94 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 t/s INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 7.3) [79] Falla Monofasica POTT_Fase L3+Recierre: Test Settings State PREFALLA V L1-E 57.74 V 57.74 V 57.74 V 57.74 V 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz V L2-E 57.74 V 57.74 V 57.74 V 57.74 V -120.00 ° -120.00 ° -120.00 ° -120.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz V L3-E 57.74 V 3.767 V 0.000 V 57.74 V 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz I L1 100.0 mA 0.000 A 100.0 mA 100.0 mA 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz I L2 100.0 mA 0.000 A 100.0 mA 100.0 mA -120.00 ° 0.00 ° -120.00 ° -120.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz I L3 100.0 mA 500.0 mA 0.000 A 100.0 mA 120.00 ° 61.08 ° 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz FALLA TIEMPO POST MUERTO FALLA Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: OMICRON State Sequencer 14-dic-2023 13:16:52 Hamilton Matos Solis INGELMEC S.A. Version: Test End: Manager: Tes 61 de 94 4.30 14-dic-2023 13:17:02 J.A.V. INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 t Results Time Assessment Ignore before Name Disparo Recierre Assess: PREFALLA FALLA + .. Passed Start Stop FALLA TRIP L3 20.00 ms 0>1 RECIERR 900.0 ms E 0>1 TRIP L3 0>1 x .. Failed Tnom Tdev- Tdev+ Tact Tdev Assess 50.00 ms 50.00 ms 13.30 ms -6.700 ms + 200.0 ms 200.0 ms 1.071 s 171.4 ms + o .. Not assessed PRE-FALLA TIEMPO MUERTO FALLA POST FALLA CMC356 V A/V 60 40 20 0 1.0 -20 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 t/s -40 -60 -80 V L1-E V L2-E V L3-E CMC356 I A/mA 600 500 400 300 200 100 -0 -100 -200 -300 -400 -500 -600 -700 1.0 I L1 2.0 3.0 I L2 t/s I L3 CB L1 CB L2 CB L3 21/67N.Rx 1.0 2.0 3.0 62 de 94 t/s INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 PRE-FALLA TIEMPO MUERTO FALLA POST FALLA TRIP L1 TRIP L2 TRIP L3 TRIP 86 RECIERRE 1.0 2.0 3.0 Test State: Test passed 63 de 94 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 t/s INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 8) [67N] SOBRECORRIENTE DIRECCIONAL DE TIERRA: 8.1) [67N] Sector Direccional: Test Object - Overcurrent Parameters General - Values: TimeTolAbs: TimeTolRel: CurrentTolAbs: CurrentTolRel: Directional: 0.07 s 30.00 % 0.01 Iref 0.10 % Yes VT connection: CT starpoint connection: At protected object To protected object Elements - Residual: Active Name Tripping characteristic I Pick-up Time Reset Ratio Direction Yes IN> CEI Normalmente inversa 0.10 Iref 0.35 0.95 Forward Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: OMICRON Overcurrent 14-dic-2023 12:44:20 Hamilton Matos Solis INGELMEC S.A. Version: Test End: Manager: 4.30 14-dic-2023 12:45:16 J.A.V. Test Settings: Shot Test: Type Relative To Factor Magnitude Angle tnom tmin tmax L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E IN> IN> IN> IN> IN> IN> IN> IN> IN> IN> IN> 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 300.0 mA 300.0 mA 300.0 mA 300.0 mA 300.0 mA 300.0 mA 300.0 mA 300.0 mA 300.0 mA 300.0 mA 300.0 mA 30.00 ° 60.00 ° 90.00 ° 120.00 ° 150.00 ° 180.00 ° 210.00 ° 240.00 ° 270.00 ° 300.00 ° 330.00 ° No trip No trip No trip No trip No trip No trip 2.206 s 2.206 s 2.206 s 2.206 s 2.206 s No trip No trip No trip No trip No trip No trip 1.499 s 1.499 s 1.499 s 1.499 s 1.499 s No trip No trip No trip No trip No trip No trip 2.960 s 2.960 s 2.960 s 2.960 s 2.960 s Binary Inputs: Trigger Logic: Or Name Trigger State TRIP L1 TRIP L2 TRIP L3 TRIP 86 1 1 1 X 64 de 94 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 Shot Test Results: Type Relative To Factor Magnitude Angle tnom tact Deviation Overload Result L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E IN> IN> IN> IN> IN> IN> IN> IN> IN> IN> IN> 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 300.0 mA 300.0 mA 300.0 mA 300.0 mA 300.0 mA 300.0 mA 300.0 mA 300.0 mA 300.0 mA 300.0 mA 300.0 mA 30.00 ° 60.00 ° 90.00 ° 120.00 ° 150.00 ° 180.00 ° 210.00 ° 240.00 ° 270.00 ° 300.00 ° 330.00 ° No trip No trip No trip No trip No trip No trip 2.206 s 2.206 s 2.206 s 2.206 s 2.206 s No trip No trip No trip No trip No trip No trip 2.239 s 2.233 s 2.232 s 2.234 s 2.231 s n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 1.488 % 1.257 % 1.203 % 1.293 % 1.148 % No No No No No No No No No No No Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Charts for Fault Types: Angle Type L1-E 30.00 ° 10000.000 1000.000 100.000 t/s 10.000 1.000 0.100 0.010 0.002 0.005 0.010 0.020 0.050 0.100 0.200 I/A +90° 180° 1.0 A 0° -90° Charts for Fault Types: Type L1-E Angle 60.00 ° 65 de 94 0.500 1.000 2.000 5.000 10.000 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 10000.000 1000.000 100.000 t/s 10.000 1.000 0.100 0.010 0.002 0.005 0.010 0.020 0.050 0.100 0.200 0.500 1.000 2.000 5.000 10.000 0.500 1.000 2.000 5.000 10.000 I/A +90° 180° 0° 1.0 A -90° Charts for Fault Types: Angle Type L1-E 90.00 ° 10000.000 1000.000 100.000 t/s 10.000 1.000 0.100 0.010 0.002 0.005 0.010 0.020 0.050 0.100 0.200 I/A +90° 180° 1.0 A 0° -90° 66 de 94 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 Charts for Fault Types: Angle Type L1-E 120.00 ° 10000.000 1000.000 100.000 t/s 10.000 1.000 0.100 0.010 0.002 0.005 0.010 0.020 0.050 0.100 0.200 0.500 1.000 2.000 5.000 10.000 0.500 1.000 2.000 5.000 10.000 I/A +90° 180° 0° 1.0 A -90° Charts for Fault Types: Angle Type L1-E 150.00 ° 10000.000 1000.000 100.000 t/s 10.000 1.000 0.100 0.010 0.002 0.005 0.010 0.020 0.050 0.100 0.200 I/A +90° 180° 1.0 A 0° -90° 67 de 94 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 Charts for Fault Types: Angle Type L1-E 180.00 ° 10000.000 1000.000 100.000 t/s 10.000 1.000 0.100 0.010 0.002 0.005 0.010 0.020 0.050 0.100 0.200 0.500 1.000 2.000 I/A +90° 180° 0° 1.0 A -90° Charts for Fault Types: Angle Type L1-E 210.00 ° 10000.0 1000.0 t/s 100.0 10.0 1.0 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.50 I/A +90° 180° 1.0 A 0° -90° 68 de 94 0.70 1.00 5.000 10.000 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 Charts for Fault Types: Angle Type L1-E 240.00 ° 10000.0 1000.0 t/s 100.0 10.0 1.0 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.50 0.70 1.00 0.50 0.70 1.00 I/A +90° 180° 0° 1.0 A -90° Charts for Fault Types: Angle Type L1-E 270.00 ° 10000.0 1000.0 t/s 100.0 10.0 1.0 0.10 0.20 0.30 I/A +90° 180° 1.0 A 0° -90° 69 de 94 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 Charts for Fault Types: Angle Type L1-E 300.00 ° 10000.0 1000.0 t/s 100.0 10.0 1.0 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.50 0.70 1.00 0.50 0.70 1.00 I/A +90° 180° 0° 1.0 A -90° Charts for Fault Types: Angle Type L1-E 330.00 ° 10000.0 1000.0 t/s 100.0 10.0 1.0 0.10 0.20 0.30 I/A +90° 180° 1.0 A 0° -90° 70 de 94 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 Test State: 11 out of 11 points tested. 11 points passed. 0 points failed. Test passed 71 de 94 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 8.2) [67N] Tiempos de Operacion L1: Test Object - Overcurrent Parameters General - Values: TimeTolAbs: TimeTolRel: CurrentTolAbs: CurrentTolRel: Directional: 0.07 s 30.00 % 0.01 Iref 0.10 % Yes VT connection: CT starpoint connection: At protected object To protected object Elements - Residual: Active Name Tripping characteristic I Pick-up Time Reset Ratio Direction Yes IN> CEI Normalmente inversa 0.10 Iref 0.35 0.95 Forward Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: OMICRON Overcurrent 14-dic-2023 12:45:27 Hamilton Matos Solis INGELMEC S.A. Version: Test End: Manager: 4.30 14-dic-2023 12:45:52 J.A.V. Test Settings: Shot Test: Type Relative To Factor Magnitude Angle tnom tmin tmax L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E IN> IN> IN> IN> IN> IN> IN> 1.500 3.000 5.000 8.000 10.00 15.00 18.00 150.0 mA 300.0 mA 500.0 mA 800.0 mA 1.000 A 1.500 A 1.800 A -60.00 ° -60.00 ° -60.00 ° -60.00 ° -60.00 ° -60.00 ° -60.00 ° 6.018 s 2.206 s 1.498 s 1.154 s 1.040 s 880.4 ms 823.4 ms 3.632 s 1.499 s 1.036 s 802.8 ms 724.6 ms 614.8 ms 575.2 ms 9.434 s 2.960 s 1.972 s 1.509 s 1.358 s 1.148 s 1.073 s Binary Inputs: Trigger Logic: Or Name Trigger State TRIP L1 TRIP L2 TRIP L3 TRIP 86 1 1 1 X Shot Test Results: Type Relative To Factor Magnitude Angle tnom tact Deviation Overload Result L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E IN> IN> IN> IN> IN> IN> IN> 1.500 3.000 5.000 8.000 10.00 15.00 18.00 150.0 mA 300.0 mA 500.0 mA 800.0 mA 1.000 A 1.500 A 1.800 A -60.00 ° -60.00 ° -60.00 ° -60.00 ° -60.00 ° -60.00 ° -60.00 ° 6.018 s 2.206 s 1.498 s 1.154 s 1.040 s 880.4 ms 823.4 ms 6.088 s 2.232 s 1.518 s 1.174 s 1.056 s 894.2 ms 835.9 ms 1.165 % 1.207 % 1.308 % 1.710 % 1.567 % 1.564 % 1.521 % No No No No No No No Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Charts for Fault Types: Type L1-E Angle -60.00 ° 72 de 94 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 10000.0 1000.0 t/s 100.0 10.0 1.0 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.50 I/A +90° 180° 2.0 A 0° -90° Test State: 7 out of 7 points tested. 7 points passed. 0 points failed. Test passed 73 de 94 0.70 1.00 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 8.3) [67N] Tiempos de Operacion L2: Test Object - Overcurrent Parameters General - Values: TimeTolAbs: TimeTolRel: CurrentTolAbs: CurrentTolRel: Directional: 0.07 s 30.00 % 0.01 Iref 0.10 % Yes VT connection: CT starpoint connection: At protected object To protected object Elements - Residual: Active Name Tripping characteristic I Pick-up Time Reset Ratio Direction Yes IN> CEI Normalmente inversa 0.10 Iref 0.35 0.95 Forward Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: OMICRON Overcurrent 14-dic-2023 12:46:04 Hamilton Matos Solis INGELMEC S.A. Version: Test End: Manager: 4.30 14-dic-2023 12:46:29 J.A.V. Test Settings: Shot Test: Type Relative To Factor Magnitude Angle tnom tmin tmax L2-E L2-E L2-E L2-E L2-E L2-E L2-E IN> IN> IN> IN> IN> IN> IN> 1.500 3.000 5.000 8.000 10.00 15.00 18.00 150.0 mA 300.0 mA 500.0 mA 800.0 mA 1.000 A 1.500 A 1.800 A -60.00 ° -60.00 ° -60.00 ° -60.00 ° -60.00 ° -60.00 ° -60.00 ° 6.018 s 2.206 s 1.498 s 1.154 s 1.040 s 880.4 ms 823.4 ms 3.632 s 1.499 s 1.036 s 802.8 ms 724.6 ms 614.8 ms 575.2 ms 9.434 s 2.960 s 1.972 s 1.509 s 1.358 s 1.148 s 1.073 s Binary Inputs: Trigger Logic: Or Name Trigger State TRIP L1 TRIP L2 TRIP L3 1 1 1 Shot Test Results: Type Relative To Factor Magnitude Angle tnom tact Deviation Overload Result L2-E L2-E L2-E L2-E L2-E L2-E L2-E IN> IN> IN> IN> IN> IN> IN> 1.500 3.000 5.000 8.000 10.00 15.00 18.00 150.0 mA 300.0 mA 500.0 mA 800.0 mA 1.000 A 1.500 A 1.800 A -60.00 ° -60.00 ° -60.00 ° -60.00 ° -60.00 ° -60.00 ° -60.00 ° 6.018 s 2.206 s 1.498 s 1.154 s 1.040 s 880.4 ms 823.4 ms 6.370 s 2.238 s 1.513 s 1.172 s 1.057 s 896.7 ms 837.5 ms 5.856 % 1.484 % 1.008 % 1.589 % 1.615 % 1.848 % 1.715 % No No No No No No No Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Charts for Fault Types: Type L2-E Angle -60.00 ° 74 de 94 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 10000.0 1000.0 t/s 100.0 10.0 1.0 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.50 I/A +90° 180° 2.0 A 0° -90° Test State: 7 out of 7 points tested. 7 points passed. 0 points failed. Test passed 75 de 94 0.70 1.00 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 8.4) [67N] Tiempos de Operacion L3: Test Object - Overcurrent Parameters General - Values: TimeTolAbs: TimeTolRel: CurrentTolAbs: CurrentTolRel: Directional: 0.07 s 30.00 % 0.01 Iref 0.10 % Yes VT connection: CT starpoint connection: At protected object To protected object Elements - Residual: Active Name Tripping characteristic I Pick-up Time Reset Ratio Direction Yes IN> CEI Normalmente inversa 0.10 Iref 0.35 0.95 Forward Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: OMICRON Overcurrent 14-dic-2023 12:46:34 Hamilton Matos Solis INGELMEC S.A. Version: Test End: Manager: 4.30 14-dic-2023 12:46:59 J.A.V. Test Settings: Shot Test: Type Relative To Factor Magnitude Angle tnom tmin tmax L3-E L3-E L3-E L3-E L3-E L3-E L3-E IN> IN> IN> IN> IN> IN> IN> 1.500 3.000 5.000 8.000 10.00 15.00 18.00 150.0 mA 300.0 mA 500.0 mA 800.0 mA 1.000 A 1.500 A 1.800 A -60.00 ° -60.00 ° -60.00 ° -60.00 ° -60.00 ° -60.00 ° -60.00 ° 6.018 s 2.206 s 1.498 s 1.154 s 1.040 s 880.4 ms 823.4 ms 3.632 s 1.499 s 1.036 s 802.8 ms 724.6 ms 614.8 ms 575.2 ms 9.434 s 2.960 s 1.972 s 1.509 s 1.358 s 1.148 s 1.073 s Binary Inputs: Trigger Logic: Or Name Trigger State TRIP L1 TRIP L2 TRIP L3 TRIP 86 1 1 1 X Shot Test Results: Type Relative To Factor Magnitude Angle tnom tact Deviation Overload Result L3-E L3-E L3-E L3-E L3-E L3-E L3-E IN> IN> IN> IN> IN> IN> IN> 1.500 3.000 5.000 8.000 10.00 15.00 18.00 150.0 mA 300.0 mA 500.0 mA 800.0 mA 1.000 A 1.500 A 1.800 A -60.00 ° -60.00 ° -60.00 ° -60.00 ° -60.00 ° -60.00 ° -60.00 ° 6.018 s 2.206 s 1.498 s 1.154 s 1.040 s 880.4 ms 823.4 ms 6.152 s 2.239 s 1.519 s 1.170 s 1.054 s 895.4 ms 836.9 ms 2.224 % 1.502 % 1.375 % 1.363 % 1.326 % 1.700 % 1.642 % No No No No No No No Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Charts for Fault Types: Type L3-E Angle -60.00 ° 76 de 94 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 10000.0 1000.0 t/s 100.0 10.0 1.0 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.50 I/A +90° 180° 2.0 A 0° -90° Test State: 7 out of 7 points tested. 7 points passed. 0 points failed. Test passed 77 de 94 0.70 1.00 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 9) [67N.Rx] COMPARACION DIRECCIONAL: 9.1) [67N.Rx] Sector Direccional: Test Object - Overcurrent Parameters General - Values: TimeTolAbs: TimeTolRel: CurrentTolAbs: CurrentTolRel: Directional: 0.07 s 30.00 % 0.01 Iref 0.10 % Yes VT connection: CT starpoint connection: At protected object To protected object Elements - Residual: Active Name Tripping characteristic I Pick-up Time Reset Ratio Direction Yes IN> IEC Definite Time 0.10 Iref 0.02 s 0.95 Forward Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: OMICRON Overcurrent 14-dic-2023 12:47:59 Hamilton Matos Solis INGELMEC S.A. Version: Test End: Manager: 4.30 14-dic-2023 12:48:20 J.A.V. Test Settings: Shot Test: Type Relative To Factor Magnitude Angle tnom tmin tmax L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E IN> IN> IN> IN> IN> IN> IN> IN> IN> IN> IN> 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 300.0 mA 300.0 mA 300.0 mA 300.0 mA 300.0 mA 300.0 mA 300.0 mA 300.0 mA 300.0 mA 300.0 mA 300.0 mA 30.00 ° 60.00 ° 90.00 ° 120.00 ° 150.00 ° 180.00 ° 210.00 ° 240.00 ° 270.00 ° 300.00 ° 330.00 ° No trip No trip No trip No trip No trip No trip 20.00 ms 20.00 ms 20.00 ms 20.00 ms 20.00 ms No trip No trip No trip No trip No trip No trip 0.000 s 0.000 s 0.000 s 0.000 s 0.000 s No trip No trip No trip No trip No trip No trip 90.00 ms 90.00 ms 90.00 ms 90.00 ms 90.00 ms Binary Outputs: Name State 21/67N.Rx 1 Binary Inputs: Trigger Logic: Or Name Trigger State TRIP L1 TRIP L2 TRIP L3 TRIP 86 1 1 1 X 78 de 94 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 Shot Test Results: Type Relative To Factor Magnitude Angle tnom tact Deviation Overload Result L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E IN> IN> IN> IN> IN> IN> IN> IN> IN> IN> IN> 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 300.0 mA 300.0 mA 300.0 mA 300.0 mA 300.0 mA 300.0 mA 300.0 mA 300.0 mA 300.0 mA 300.0 mA 300.0 mA 30.00 ° 60.00 ° 90.00 ° 120.00 ° 150.00 ° 180.00 ° 210.00 ° 240.00 ° 270.00 ° 300.00 ° 330.00 ° No trip No trip No trip No trip No trip No trip 20.00 ms 20.00 ms 20.00 ms 20.00 ms 20.00 ms No trip No trip No trip No trip No trip No trip 24.90 ms 23.20 ms 23.10 ms 22.90 ms 23.10 ms n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 24.50 % 16.00 % 15.50 % 14.50 % 15.50 % No No No No No No No No No No No Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Charts for Fault Types: Angle Type L1-E 30.00 ° 10000.000 1000.000 100.000 t/s 10.000 1.000 0.100 0.010 0.002 0.005 0.010 0.020 0.050 0.100 0.200 I/A +90° 180° 1.0 A 0° -90° Charts for Fault Types: Type L1-E Angle 60.00 ° 79 de 94 0.500 1.000 2.000 5.000 10.000 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 10000.000 1000.000 100.000 t/s 10.000 1.000 0.100 0.010 0.002 0.005 0.010 0.020 0.050 0.100 0.200 0.500 1.000 2.000 5.000 10.000 0.500 1.000 2.000 5.000 10.000 I/A +90° 180° 0° 1.0 A -90° Charts for Fault Types: Angle Type L1-E 90.00 ° 10000.000 1000.000 100.000 t/s 10.000 1.000 0.100 0.010 0.002 0.005 0.010 0.020 0.050 0.100 0.200 I/A +90° 180° 1.0 A 0° -90° 80 de 94 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 Charts for Fault Types: Angle Type L1-E 120.00 ° 10000.000 1000.000 100.000 t/s 10.000 1.000 0.100 0.010 0.002 0.005 0.010 0.020 0.050 0.100 0.200 0.500 1.000 2.000 5.000 10.000 0.500 1.000 2.000 5.000 10.000 I/A +90° 180° 0° 1.0 A -90° Charts for Fault Types: Angle Type L1-E 150.00 ° 10000.000 1000.000 100.000 t/s 10.000 1.000 0.100 0.010 0.002 0.005 0.010 0.020 0.050 0.100 0.200 I/A +90° 180° 1.0 A 0° -90° 81 de 94 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 Charts for Fault Types: Angle Type L1-E 180.00 ° 10000.000 1000.000 100.000 t/s 10.000 1.000 0.100 0.010 0.002 0.005 0.010 0.020 0.050 0.100 0.200 0.500 1.000 2.000 5.000 I/A +90° 180° 0° 1.0 A -90° Charts for Fault Types: Angle Type L1-E 210.00 ° 10000.00 1000.00 t/s 100.00 10.00 1.00 0.10 0.01 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.50 0.70 1.00 2.00 I/A +90° 180° 1.0 A 0° -90° 82 de 94 3.00 5.00 7.00 10.00 10.000 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 Charts for Fault Types: Angle Type L1-E 240.00 ° 10000.00 1000.00 100.00 t/s 10.00 1.00 0.10 0.01 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.50 0.70 1.00 2.00 3.00 5.00 7.00 10.00 2.00 3.00 5.00 7.00 10.00 I/A +90° 180° 0° 1.0 A -90° Charts for Fault Types: Angle Type L1-E 270.00 ° 10000.00 1000.00 t/s 100.00 10.00 1.00 0.10 0.01 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.50 0.70 1.00 I/A +90° 180° 1.0 A 0° -90° 83 de 94 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 Charts for Fault Types: Angle Type L1-E 300.00 ° 10000.00 1000.00 100.00 t/s 10.00 1.00 0.10 0.01 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.50 0.70 1.00 2.00 3.00 5.00 7.00 10.00 2.00 3.00 5.00 7.00 10.00 I/A +90° 180° 0° 1.0 A -90° Charts for Fault Types: Angle Type L1-E 330.00 ° 10000.00 1000.00 t/s 100.00 10.00 1.00 0.10 0.01 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.50 0.70 1.00 I/A +90° 180° 1.0 A 0° -90° 84 de 94 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 Test State: 11 out of 11 points tested. 11 points passed. 0 points failed. Test passed 85 de 94 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 9.2) [67N.Rx] Tiempos de Operacion L1: Test Object - Overcurrent Parameters General - Values: TimeTolAbs: TimeTolRel: CurrentTolAbs: CurrentTolRel: Directional: 0.07 s 30.00 % 0.01 Iref 0.10 % Yes VT connection: CT starpoint connection: At protected object To protected object Elements - Residual: Active Name Tripping characteristic I Pick-up Time Reset Ratio Direction Yes IN> IEC Definite Time 0.10 Iref 0.02 s 0.95 Forward Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: OMICRON Overcurrent 14-dic-2023 13:04:34 Hamilton Matos Solis INGELMEC S.A. Version: Test End: Manager: 4.30 14-dic-2023 13:04:47 J.A.V. Test Settings: Shot Test: Type Relative To Factor Magnitude Angle tnom tmin tmax L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E IN> IN> IN> IN> IN> IN> IN> 1.500 3.000 5.000 8.000 10.00 15.00 18.00 150.0 mA 300.0 mA 500.0 mA 800.0 mA 1.000 A 1.500 A 1.800 A -60.00 ° -60.00 ° -60.00 ° -60.00 ° -60.00 ° -60.00 ° -60.00 ° 20.00 ms 20.00 ms 20.00 ms 20.00 ms 20.00 ms 20.00 ms 20.00 ms 0.000 s 0.000 s 0.000 s 0.000 s 0.000 s 0.000 s 0.000 s 90.00 ms 90.00 ms 90.00 ms 90.00 ms 90.00 ms 90.00 ms 90.00 ms Binary Outputs: Name State 21/67N.Rx 1 Binary Inputs: Trigger Logic: Or Name Trigger State TRIP L1 TRIP L2 TRIP L3 TRIP 86 1 1 1 X Shot Test Results: Type Relative To Factor Magnitude Angle tnom tact Deviation Overload Result L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E IN> IN> IN> IN> IN> IN> IN> 1.500 3.000 5.000 8.000 10.00 15.00 18.00 150.0 mA 300.0 mA 500.0 mA 800.0 mA 1.000 A 1.500 A 1.800 A -60.00 ° -60.00 ° -60.00 ° -60.00 ° -60.00 ° -60.00 ° -60.00 ° 20.00 ms 20.00 ms 20.00 ms 20.00 ms 20.00 ms 20.00 ms 20.00 ms 30.40 ms 23.50 ms 25.80 ms 21.00 ms 22.80 ms 19.80 ms 18.90 ms 52.00 % 17.50 % 29.00 % 5.000 % 14.00 % -1.000 % -5.500 % No No No No No No No Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed 86 de 94 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 Charts for Fault Types: Angle Type L1-E -60.00 ° 10000.00 1000.00 100.00 t/s 10.00 1.00 0.10 0.01 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.50 0.70 1.00 2.00 I/A +90° 180° 2.0 A 0° -90° Test State: 7 out of 7 points tested. 7 points passed. 0 points failed. Test passed 87 de 94 3.00 5.00 7.00 10.00 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 9.3) [67N.Rx] Tiempos de Operacion L2: Test Object - Overcurrent Parameters General - Values: TimeTolAbs: TimeTolRel: CurrentTolAbs: CurrentTolRel: Directional: 0.07 s 30.00 % 0.01 Iref 0.10 % Yes VT connection: CT starpoint connection: At protected object To protected object Elements - Residual: Active Name Tripping characteristic I Pick-up Time Reset Ratio Direction Yes IN> IEC Definite Time 0.10 Iref 0.02 s 0.95 Forward Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: OMICRON Overcurrent 14-dic-2023 13:04:57 Hamilton Matos Solis INGELMEC S.A. Version: Test End: Manager: 4.30 14-dic-2023 13:05:11 J.A.V. Test Settings: Shot Test: Type Relative To Factor Magnitude Angle tnom tmin tmax L2-E L2-E L2-E L2-E L2-E L2-E L2-E IN> IN> IN> IN> IN> IN> IN> 1.500 3.000 5.000 8.000 10.00 15.00 18.00 150.0 mA 300.0 mA 500.0 mA 800.0 mA 1.000 A 1.500 A 1.800 A -60.00 ° -60.00 ° -60.00 ° -60.00 ° -60.00 ° -60.00 ° -60.00 ° 20.00 ms 20.00 ms 20.00 ms 20.00 ms 20.00 ms 20.00 ms 20.00 ms 0.000 s 0.000 s 0.000 s 0.000 s 0.000 s 0.000 s 0.000 s 90.00 ms 90.00 ms 90.00 ms 90.00 ms 90.00 ms 90.00 ms 90.00 ms Binary Outputs: Name State 21/67N.Rx 1 Binary Inputs: Trigger Logic: Or Name Trigger State TRIP L1 TRIP L2 TRIP L3 1 1 1 Shot Test Results: Type Relative To Factor Magnitude Angle tnom tact Deviation Overload Result L2-E L2-E L2-E L2-E L2-E L2-E L2-E IN> IN> IN> IN> IN> IN> IN> 1.500 3.000 5.000 8.000 10.00 15.00 18.00 150.0 mA 300.0 mA 500.0 mA 800.0 mA 1.000 A 1.500 A 1.800 A -60.00 ° -60.00 ° -60.00 ° -60.00 ° -60.00 ° -60.00 ° -60.00 ° 20.00 ms 20.00 ms 20.00 ms 20.00 ms 20.00 ms 20.00 ms 20.00 ms 32.20 ms 26.50 ms 23.40 ms 24.10 ms 19.20 ms 17.80 ms 16.40 ms 61.00 % 32.50 % 17.00 % 20.50 % -4.000 % -11.00 % -18.00 % No No No No No No No Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed 88 de 94 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 Charts for Fault Types: Angle Type L2-E -60.00 ° 10000.00 1000.00 100.00 t/s 10.00 1.00 0.10 0.01 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.50 0.70 1.00 2.00 I/A +90° 180° 2.0 A 0° -90° Test State: 7 out of 7 points tested. 7 points passed. 0 points failed. Test passed 89 de 94 3.00 5.00 7.00 10.00 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 9.4) [67N.Rx] Tiempos de Operacion L3: Test Object - Overcurrent Parameters General - Values: TimeTolAbs: TimeTolRel: CurrentTolAbs: CurrentTolRel: Directional: 0.07 s 30.00 % 0.01 Iref 0.10 % Yes VT connection: CT starpoint connection: At protected object To protected object Elements - Residual: Active Name Tripping characteristic I Pick-up Time Reset Ratio Direction Yes IN> IEC Definite Time 0.10 Iref 0.02 s 0.95 Forward Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: OMICRON Overcurrent 14-dic-2023 13:02:45 Hamilton Matos Solis INGELMEC S.A. Version: Test End: Manager: 4.30 14-dic-2023 13:02:58 J.A.V. Test Settings: Shot Test: Type Relative To Factor Magnitude Angle tnom tmin tmax L3-E L3-E L3-E L3-E L3-E L3-E L3-E IN> IN> IN> IN> IN> IN> IN> 1.500 3.000 5.000 8.000 10.00 15.00 18.00 150.0 mA 300.0 mA 500.0 mA 800.0 mA 1.000 A 1.500 A 1.800 A -60.00 ° -60.00 ° -60.00 ° -60.00 ° -60.00 ° -60.00 ° -60.00 ° 20.00 ms 20.00 ms 20.00 ms 20.00 ms 20.00 ms 20.00 ms 20.00 ms 0.000 s 0.000 s 0.000 s 0.000 s 0.000 s 0.000 s 0.000 s 90.00 ms 90.00 ms 90.00 ms 90.00 ms 90.00 ms 90.00 ms 90.00 ms Binary Outputs: Name State 21/67N.Rx 1 Binary Inputs: Trigger Logic: Or Name Trigger State TRIP L1 TRIP L2 TRIP L3 TRIP 86 1 1 1 X Shot Test Results: Type Relative To Factor Magnitude Angle tnom tact Deviation Overload Result L3-E L3-E L3-E L3-E L3-E L3-E L3-E IN> IN> IN> IN> IN> IN> IN> 1.500 3.000 5.000 8.000 10.00 15.00 18.00 150.0 mA 300.0 mA 500.0 mA 800.0 mA 1.000 A 1.500 A 1.800 A -60.00 ° -60.00 ° -60.00 ° -60.00 ° -60.00 ° -60.00 ° -60.00 ° 20.00 ms 20.00 ms 20.00 ms 20.00 ms 20.00 ms 20.00 ms 20.00 ms 32.00 ms 25.10 ms 23.70 ms 23.20 ms 18.10 ms 17.20 ms 19.60 ms 60.00 % 25.50 % 18.50 % 16.00 % -9.500 % -14.00 % -2.000 % No No No No No No No Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed 90 de 94 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 Charts for Fault Types: Angle Type L3-E -60.00 ° 10000.00 1000.00 100.00 t/s 10.00 1.00 0.10 0.01 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.50 0.70 1.00 2.00 I/A +90° 180° 2.0 A 0° -90° Test State: 7 out of 7 points tested. 7 points passed. 0 points failed. Test passed 91 de 94 3.00 5.00 7.00 10.00 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 10) [59] SOBRETENSION: 10.1) [59] Arranque : Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: OMICRON Ramping 14-dic-2023 13:06:24 Hamilton Matos Solis INGELMEC S.A. Version: Test End: Manager: 4.30 14-dic-2023 13:06:48 J.A.V. Test Results Assessment Results Name/ Exec. Ramp Condition Sig Nom. Act. Tol.- Tol.+ Dev. Assess Tact Arranque Ramp 2 TRIP L1 0->1 V L1-E, L2-E, L3-E 69.28 V 69.50 V 500.0 mV 500.0 mV 220.0 mV + 5.015 s Assess: + .. Passed x .. Failed o .. Not assessed 2.5 5.0 7.5 10.0 12.5 15.0 17.5 20.0 5.0 7.5 10.0 12.5 15.0 17.5 20.0 Ramp Ramp1 2 Sig 1/V 68 67 66 65 64 63 62 61 60 59 58 t/s V L1-E, L2-E, L3-E TRIP L1 TRIP L2 TRIP L3 2.5 Test State: Test passed 92 de 94 t/s INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 10.2) [59] Tiempos de Operacion: Test Settings State PREFALLA 1 V L1-E 57.74 V 71.00 V 57.74 V 74.00 V 57.74 V 78.00 V 57.74 V 80.00 V 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz V L2-E 57.74 V 71.00 V 57.74 V 74.00 V 57.74 V 78.00 V 57.74 V 80.00 V -120.00 ° -120.00 ° -120.00 ° -120.00 ° -120.00 ° -120.00 ° -120.00 ° -120.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz V L3-E 57.74 V 71.00 V 57.74 V 74.00 V 57.74 V 78.00 V 57.74 V 80.00 V 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz FALLA 1 PREFALLA 2 FALLA 2 PREFALLA 3 FALLA 3 PREFALLA 4 FALLA 4 Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: OMICRON State Sequencer 14-dic-2023 13:06:57 Hamilton Matos Solis INGELMEC S.A. Version: Test End: Manager: 4.30 14-dic-2023 13:07:27 J.A.V. Test Results Time Assessment Name Time 1 Time 2 Time 3 Time 4 Assess: Ignore before PREFALLA 1 PREFALLA 2 PREFALLA 3 PREFALLA 4 + .. Passed Start Stop Tnom Tdev- Tdev+ Tact Tdev FALLA 1 TRIP L1 0>1 TRIP L1 0>1 TRIP L1 0>1 TRIP L1 0>1 5.000 s 500.0 ms 500.0 ms 5.023 s 22.80 ms + 5.000 s 500.0 ms 500.0 ms 5.019 s 18.70 ms + 3.000 s 100.0 ms 100.0 ms 3.023 s 22.90 ms + 3.000 s 100.0 ms 100.0 ms 3.023 s 23.00 ms + FALLA 2 FALLA 3 FALLA 4 x .. Failed Assess o .. Not assessed PRE-FALLA 1 FALLA 1 PRE-FALLA 2 FALLA 2 PRE-FALLA 3 FALLA 3 PRE-FALLA 4 FALLA 4 CMC356 V A/V 100 75 50 25 0 2.5 -25 5.0 7.5 10.0 12.5 15.0 -50 -75 -100 V L1-E V L2-E V L3-E 93 de 94 17.5 20.0 22.5 25.0 t/s INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 PRE-FALLA 1 FALLA 1 PRE-FALLA 2 FALLA 2 PRE-FALLA 3 FALLA 3 PRE-FALLA 4 FALLA 4 TRIP L1 TRIP L2 TRIP L3 TRIP 86 2.5 5.0 7.5 10.0 12.5 Test State: Test passed 94 de 94 15.0 17.5 20.0 22.5 25.0 t/s Protocolo de Pruebas Relés de Protección A1.3) AJUSTES DEL RELE (Software AcSELerator) SEL-411L-1 Settings Report Overview Information File Name F003_FIN_2023 RDB CT PB_2023.rdb Device SEL-411L-1 Setting Version Number 008 Part Number 0411L1X6X1C8CCXH674C4C4 Firmware ID SEL-411L-1-R116-V0-Z008002-D20141224 SELBoot Firmware ID SLBT-4XX-R208-V0-Z001002-D20120220 Settings Group 1 Automation 1 Port F Breaker Monitor Global Report Alias Protection 1 Front Panel Output Bay Control Notes Settings Legend Visible Setting Hidden Setting Invalid Setting 19/12/2023 Page 1 of 95 Group 1 Top Setting Description Range Value CTRW Current Transformer Ratio - Input W Range = 1 to 50000 1000 CTRX Current Transformer Ratio - Input X Range = 1 to 50000 1000 PTRY Potential Transformer Ratio - Input Y Range = 1.0 to 10000.0 5000.0 VNOMY PT Nominal Voltage (L-L) - Input Y (V,sec) Range = 60 to 300 100 PTRZ Potential Transformer Ratio - Input Z Range = 1.0 to 10000.0 5000.0 VNOMZ PT Nominal Voltage (L-L) - Input Z (V,sec) Range = 60 to 300 100 Z1MAG Positive-Sequence Line Impedance Magnitude (ohms,sec) Range = 0.25 to 1275.00 3.93 Z1ANG Positive-Sequence Line Impedance Angle (deg) Range = 5.00 to 90.00 85.60 Z0MAG Zero-Sequence Line Impedance Magnitude (ohms,sec) Range = 0.25 to 1275.00 11.48 Z0ANG Zero-Sequence Line Impedance Angle (deg) Range = 5.00 to 90.00 70.87 EFLOC Fault Location Select: Y, N Y E87L Enable Line Current Differential Protection 87L Select: Y, N Y E87LCC Enable Line Charging Current Compensation Select: Y, N N E87XFMR Enable in Line Transformer Differential Protection Select: Y, N N E87OCTL Enable Open CT Detection Logic Select: Y, N Y E21MP Enable Mho Phase Distance Zones Select: N, 1-5 4 E21XP Enable Quadrilateral Phase Distance Zones Select: N, 1-5 4 E21MG Enable Mho Ground Distance Zones Select: N, 1-5 4 E21XG Enable Quadrilateral Ground Distance Zones Select: N, 1-5 4 ECVT Enable CVT Transient Detection Select: Y, N N ESERCMP Enable Series-Compensated Line Logic Select: Y, N Y ECDTD Enable Distance Element Common Time Delay Select: Y, N Y ESOTF Enable Switch-Onto-Fault Select: Y, N Y EOOS Enable Out-of-Step Select: Y, Y1, N Y ELOAD Enable Load Encroachment Select: Y, N N E50P Enable Phase Instantaneous/Definite-Time Overcurrent Elements Select: N, 1-4 N E50G Enable Residual Ground Instantaneous/Definite-Time Overcurrent Elements Select: N, 1-4 N E50Q Enable Negative-Sequence Instantaneous/Definite-Time Select: N, 1-4 Overcurrent Elements 1 E51 Enable Inverse Time Overcurrent Elements Select: N, 1-10 1 E81 Enable Frequency Elements Select: N, 1-6 N E27 Enable Under Voltage Elements Select: N, 1-6 N E59 Enable Over Voltage Elements Select: N, 1-6 2 E32 Enable Directional Control Select: Y, AUTO AUTO Enable Communication Scheme Select: N, DCB, POTT, POTT2, POTT3, DCUB1, POTT DCUB2 EBFL1 Enable Breaker 1 Failure Logic Select: N, 1, 2 N E25BK1 Enable Synchronism Check for Breaker 1 Select: Y, N Y E79 Enable Reclosing Select: Y, Y1, N Y EMANCL Enable Manual Closing Select: Y, N Y ELOP Enable Loss-of-Potential Select: Y, Y1, N Y1 ECOMM 19/12/2023 Page 2 of 95 EDEM Enable Demand Metering Select: N, THM, ROL N ETWFL Enable Travelling Wave Fault Location Select: Y, N Y EADVS Enable Advanced Settings Select: Y, N Y EFID Enable FID Logic Select: Y, N Y 87CTWL Condition for which Terminal W is included in 87L Element Equation (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG 1 87CTPWL CT Polarity of Terminal W Select: P, N P 87CTXL Condition for which Terminal X is included in 87L Element Equation (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG 0 87CTP1R Maximum Primary Current Rating for Remote Relay 1 CT Range = 1 to 50000 1000 87LTAPW Calculated Tap Value for Terminal W Range = 1.00 to 10.00 1.00 87LINEV Voltage Terminal Associated with 87L Function Select: Y, Z, OFF Y ESTUB Valid range = The legal Condition for which Stub protection is enabled Equation operators: AND OR NOT (SELogic) R_TRIG F_TRIG 0 87BLOCK Conditions for Blocking Line Differential protection Equation (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG 0 87TMSUP Test Mode Supervision Equation (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG 0 EWDSEC Enable Watchdog Security Equation (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG 0 87LPP Pickup value for Phase Differential Element (pu) Range = 0.10 to 2.00, OFF 1.11 87LPR Radius for Phase Differential Element Range = 1.20 to 8.00 6.00 87LPA Block Angle for Phase Differential Element (deg) Range = 90 to 270 195 87LPPS Secure Mode Pickup value for Phase Differential Element (pu) Range = 0.10 to 2.00 1.33 87LPRS Secure Mode Radius for Phase Differential Element Range = 1.20 to 8.00 7.20 87LPAS Secure Mode Block Angle for Phase Differential Element (deg) Range = 90 to 270 234 E87LPS Condition for which Phase Differential Element enters Secure Mode Equation (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA 87LQP Pickup value for Negative Sequence Differential Element (pu) Range = 0.10 to 2.00, OFF 0.25 87LQR Radius for Negative Sequence Differential Element Range = 1.20 to 8.00 87LQA Block Angle for Negative Sequence Differential Element Range = 90 to 270 (deg) 195 87LQPS Secure Mode Pickup value for Negative Sequence Differential Element (pu) Range = 0.10 to 2.00 0.30 87LQRS Secure Mode Radius for Negative Sequence Differential Range = 1.20 to 8.00 Element 7.20 87LQAS Secure Mode Block Angle for Negative Sequence Differential Element (deg) Range = 90 to 270 234 E87LQS Condition for which Negative Sequence Differential Element enters Secure Mode Equation (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA 87LGP Pickup value for Zero Sequence Differential Element (pu) Range = 0.10 to 2.00, OFF 0.25 87LGR Radius for Zero Sequence Differential Element Range = 1.20 to 8.00 19/12/2023 6.00 6.00 Page 3 of 95 87LGA Block Angle for Zero Sequence Differential Element (deg) Range = 90 to 270 195 87LGPS Secure Mode Pickup value for Zero Sequence Differential Element (pu) Range = 0.10 to 2.00 0.30 87LGRS Secure Mode Radius for Zero Sequence Differential Element Range = 1.20 to 8.00 7.20 87LGAS Secure Mode Block Angle for Zero Sequence Differential Element (deg) Range = 90 to 270 234 E87LGS Valid range = The legal Condition for which Zero Sequence Differential Element operators: AND OR NOT enters Secure Mode Equation (SELogic) R_TRIG F_TRIG RSTOCT Reset Condition for Open CT detection logic Equation (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PCT14Q Z1MP Zone 1 Reach (ohms,sec) Range = 0.25 to 320.00, OFF 3.34 Z2MP Zone 2 Reach (ohms,sec) Range = 0.25 to 320.00, OFF 7.68 Z3MP Zone 3 Reach (ohms,sec) Range = 0.25 to 320.00, OFF 19.00 Z4MP Zone 4 Reach (ohms,sec) Range = 0.25 to 320.00, OFF 12.92 XP1 Zone 1 Reactance (ohms,sec) Range = 0.25 to 320.00, OFF 3.34 RP1 Zone 1 Resistance (ohms,sec) Range = 0.25 to 250.00 6.69 XP2 Zone 2 Reactance (ohms,sec) Range = 0.25 to 320.00, OFF 7.68 RP2 Zone 2 Resistance (ohms,sec) Range = 0.25 to 250.00 11.52 XP3 Zone 3 Reactance (ohms,sec) Range = 0.25 to 320.00, OFF 19.00 RP3 Zone 3 Resistance (ohms,sec) Range = 0.25 to 250.00 6.69 XP4 Zone 4 Reactance (ohms,sec) Range = 0.25 to 320.00, OFF 12.92 RP4 Zone 4 Resistance (ohms,sec) Range = 0.25 to 250.00 22.60 TANGP Phase Nonhomogeneous Correction Angle (deg) Range = -40.0 to 40.0 -3.0 Z1PD Zone 1 Time Delay (cyc) Range = 0.000 to 16000.000, OFF 12.000 Z2PD Zone 2 Time Delay (cyc) Range = 0.000 to 16000.000, OFF 39.000 Z3PD Zone 3 Time Delay (cyc) Range = 0.000 to 16000.000, OFF 90.000 Z4PD Zone 4 Time Delay (cyc) Range = 0.000 to 16000.000, OFF 75.000 Z1MG Zone 1 (ohms,sec) Range = 0.25 to 320.00, OFF 3.34 Z2MG Zone 2 (ohms,sec) Range = 0.25 to 320.00, OFF 7.68 Z3MG Zone 3 (ohms,sec) Range = 0.25 to 320.00, OFF 19.00 Z4MG Zone 4 (ohms,sec) Range = 0.25 to 320.00, OFF 12.92 ARESE Enable Adaptive Resistive Element Select: Y, N Y XG1 Zone 1 Reactance (ohms,sec) Range = 0.25 to 320.00, OFF 3.34 RG1 Zone 1 Resistance (ohms,sec) Range = 0.25 to 250.00 6.69 19/12/2023 NA Page 4 of 95 XG2 Zone 2 Reactance (ohms,sec) Range = 0.25 to 320.00, OFF 7.68 RG2 Zone 2 Resistance (ohms,sec) Range = 0.25 to 250.00 11.52 XG3 Zone 3 Reactance (ohms,sec) Range = 0.25 to 320.00, OFF 19.00 RG3 Zone 3 Resistance (ohms,sec) Range = 0.25 to 250.00 6.69 XG4 Zone 4 Reactance (ohms,sec) Range = 0.25 to 320.00, OFF 13.71 RG4 Zone 4 Resistance (ohms,sec) Range = 0.25 to 250.00 22.60 XGPOL Quad Ground Polarizing Quantity Select: I2, IG I2 k0M1 Zone 1 ZSC Factor Magnitude Range = 0.000 to 10.000, AUTO 0.656 k0A1 Zone 1 ZSC Factor Angle (deg) Range = -179.99 to 180.00 -22.16 k0M Forward Zones ZSC Factor Magnitude Range = 0.000 to 10.000 k0A Forward Zones ZSC Factor Angle (deg) Range = -179.99 to 180.00 -22.16 k0MR Reverse Zones ZSC Factor Magnitude Range = 0.000 to 10.000 k0AR Reverse Zones ZSC Factor Angle (deg) Range = -179.99 to 180.00 -22.16 Z1GD Zone 1 Time Delay (cyc) Range = 0.000 to 16000.000, OFF 12.000 Z2GD Zone 2 Time Delay (cyc) Range = 0.000 to 16000.000, OFF 39.000 Z3GD Zone 3 Time Delay (cyc) Range = 0.000 to 16000.000, OFF 90.000 Z4GD Zone 4 Time Delay (cyc) Range = 0.000 to 16000.000, OFF 75.000 XC Series Capacitor Reactance (ohms,sec) Range = 0.25 to 320.00, OFF OFF Z1D Zone 1 Time Delay (cyc) Range = 0.000 to 16000.000, OFF 12.000 Z2D Zone 2 Time Delay (cyc) Range = 0.000 to 16000.000, OFF 39.000 Z3D Zone 3 Time Delay (cyc) Range = 0.000 to 16000.000, OFF 90.000 Z4D Zone 4 Time Delay (cyc) Range = 0.000 to 16000.000, OFF 75.000 ESPSTF Single-Pole Switch-Onto-Fault Select: Y, N Y 0.656 0.656 EVRST Switch-Onto-Fault Voltage Reset Select: Y, N Y VRSTPU Switch-Onto-Fault Reset Voltage (p.u) Range = 0.60 to 1.00 0.90 52AEND 52A Pole Open Time Delay (cyc) Range = 0.000 to 16000.000, OFF 45.000 CLOEND CLSMON or 1 Pole Open Delay (cyc) Range = 0.000 to 16000.000, OFF OFF SOTFD Switch-Onto-Fault Enable Duration (cyc) Range = 0.500 to 16000.000 10.000 CLSMON Close Signal Monitor Equation (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG CIERMAN OOSB1 Block Zone 1 Select: Y, N Y OOSB2 Block Zone 2 Select: Y, N Y OOSB3 Block Zone 3 Select: Y, N Y OOSB4 Block Zone 4 Select: Y, N Y OSBD Out-of-Step Block Time Delay (cyc) Range = 0.500 to 8000.000 0.500 OSBLTCH Latch Out-of-Step Blocking Select: Y, N 19/12/2023 N Page 5 of 95 EOOST Out-of-Step Tripping Select: N, I, O N X1T7 Zone 7 Reactance -Top (ohms,sec) Range = 0.25 to 480.00 21.80 X1T6 Zone 6 Reactance -Top (ohms,sec) Range = 0.25 to 480.00 13.60 R1R7 Zone 7 Resistance -Right (ohms,sec) Range = 0.25 to 350.00 31.70 R1R6 Zone 6 Resistance -Right (ohms,sec) Range = 0.25 to 350.00 23.50 X1B7 Zone 7 Reactance -Bottom (ohms,sec) Range = -480.00 to -0.25 -28.20 X1B6 Zone 6 Reactance -Bottom (ohms,sec) Range = -480.00 to -0.25 -20.00 R1L7 Zone 7 Resistance -Left (ohms,sec) Range = -350.00 to -0.25 -16.20 R1L6 Zone 6 Resistance -Left (ohms,sec) Range = -350.00 to -0.25 -8.00 50ABCP Positive-Sequence Current Supervision (A) Range = 0.20 to 20.00 1.00 50QUBP Negative-Sequence Current Supervision (A) Range = 0.10 to 20.00, OFF 0.10 UBD Negative-Sequence Current Unblock Delay (cyc) Range = 0.500 to 120.000 0.500 UBOSBF Out-of-Step Angle Unblock Rate Range = 1 to 10 4 50Q1P Level 1 Pickup (A,sec) Range = 0.05 to 20.00, OFF 0.25 67Q1D Level 1 Time Delay (cyc) Range = 0.000 to 16000.000 60.000 67Q1TC Level 1 Torque Control Equation (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG 1 51O01 Inverse Time Overcurrent 01 Operate Quantity Select: LIAFIM, LIBFIM, LICFIM, B1IAFIM, B1IBFIM, B1ICFIM, B2IAFIM, B2IBFIM, B2ICFIM, LI1FIM, LIGFIM L3I2FIM, LIGFIM, B1IGFIM, B2IGFIM, LIMAXM, B1IMAXM, B2IM ... 51P01 Inverse Time Overcurrent 01 Pickup Value Equation (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG 0.100000 51C01 Inverse Time Overcurrent 01 Curve Selection Select: U1-U5, C1-C5 C1 51TD01 Inverse Time Overcurrent 01 Time Dial Equation (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG 0.350000 51RS01 Inverse Time Overcurrent 01 Electromechanical Reset Select: Y, N N 51TC01 Inverse Time Overcurrent 01 Torque Control Equation (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG 32GF AND NOT SPOI AND NOT SPOBK1 AND NOT FMCBTL 59O1 Over Voltage Element 1 Operating Quantity Select: VAFIM, VBFIM, VCFIM, V1FIM, 3V2FIM, V1FIM 3V0FIM 59P1P1 Over Voltage Element 1 Level 1 Pickup (V,sec) Range = 2.00 to 300.00 69.28 59TC1 Over Voltage Element 1 Torque Control Equation (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG 1 59P1D1 Over Voltage Element 1 Level 1 Delay (cyc) Range = 0.00 to 16000.00 300.00 59P1P2 Over Voltage Element 1 Level 2 Pickup (V,sec) Range = 2.00 to 300.00 300.00 59O2 Over Voltage Element 2 Operating Quantity Select: VAFIM, VBFIM, VCFIM, V1FIM, 3V2FIM, V1FIM 3V0FIM 59P2P1 Over Voltage Element 2 Level 1 Pickup (V,sec) Range = 2.00 to 300.00 75.00 Valid range = The legal 19/12/2023 Page 6 of 95 59TC2 Over Voltage Element 2 Torque Control Equation (SELogic) operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG 1 59P2D1 Over Voltage Element 2 Level 1 Delay (cyc) Range = 0.00 to 16000.00 180.00 59P2P2 Over Voltage Element 2 Level 2 Pickup (V,sec) Range = 2.00 to 300.00 300.00 DIR3 Zone/Level 3 Directional Control Select: F, R R DIR4 Zone/Level 4 Directional Control Select: F, R F ORDER Ground Directional Element Priority (combine Q,V,I) Select: Q, V, I, "Any VI Combination of Q,V and I" E32IV Zero-Sequence Voltage and Current Enable Equation (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG EPO Pole Open Detection Select: 52, V 52 SPOD Single-Pole Open Dropout Delay (cyc) Range = 0.000 to 60.000 0.500 3POD Three-Pole Open Dropout Delay (cyc) Range = 0.000 to 60.000 0.500 Z3RBD Zone 3 Reverse Block Time Delay (cyc) Range = 0.000 to 16000.000 5.000 EBLKD Echo Block Time Delay (cyc) Range = 0.000 to 16000.000, OFF OFF ETDPU Echo Time Delay Pickup (cyc) Range = 0.000 to 16000.000, OFF OFF EDURD Echo Duration Time Delay (cyc) Range = 0.000 to 16000.000 0.000 EWFC Weak Infeed Trip Select: Y, N, SP N PT1 General Permissive Trip Received Equation (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG RCP21PP # RECEPCION 21 EPTDIR Enable Directional Element Permissive Trip Select: Y, N Y PTDIR Directional Permissive Trip Received Equation (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PCT10Q # IN320 RECEPCION 67N COMZDTC Directional Element Communication Assisted Trip Enable Equation (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG 32GF SYNCP Synchronism Reference Select: VAY, VBY, VCY, VBY VAZ, VBZ, VCZ 25VL Voltage Window Low Threshold (V,sec) Range = 20.0 to 200.0 54.9 25VH Voltage Window High Threshold (V,sec) Range = 20.0 to 200.0 63.5 SYNCS1 Synchronism Source 1 Select: VAY, VBY, VCY, VBZ VAZ, VBZ, VCZ KS1M Synchronism Source 1 Ratio Factor Range = 0.10 to 3.00 1.00 KS1A Synchronism Source 1 Angle Shift (deg) Range = 0 to 330 0 25SFBK1 Maximum Slip Frequency (Hz) Range = 0.005 to 0.500, OFF 0.100 ANG1BK1 Maximum Angle Difference 1 (deg) Range = 3.0 to 80.0 10.0 ANG2BK1 Maximum Angle Difference 2 (deg) Range = 3.0 to 80.0 10.0 TCLSBK1 Breaker 1 Close Time (cyc) Range = 1.00 to 30.00 8.00 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG FMCBTL OR FMCBTB OR (52AA1 AND 52AB1 AND 52AC1) # FALLA MCB LINEA O BARRA INTERRUPTOR CERRADO BSYNBK1 19/12/2023 Block Synchronism Check Equation (SELogic) 1 Page 7 of 95 NSPSHOT Number of Single-Pole Reclosures Select: N, 1, 2 1 ESPR1 Single-Pole Reclose Enable -BK1 Equation (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG 1 N3PSHOT Number of Three-Pole Reclosures Select: N, 1-4 N BKCFD Breaker Close Failure Delay (cyc) Range = 1 to 99999, OFF 180 ULCL1 Unlatch Closing for Breaker 1 Equation (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG 52AA1 AND 52AB1 AND 52AC1 # BLOQUEO AL CIERRE 79DTL Recloser Drive to Lockout Equation (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG LOP OR PLT07 79BRCT Block Reclaim Timer Equation (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA BK1MCL Breaker 1 Manual Close Equation (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG ((CC1 AND NOT PLT01) OR (PB11 AND PLT01)) AND PSV52 AND PSV04 3PMRCD Manual Close Reclaim Time Delay (cyc) Range = 1 to 99999 10800 BK1CLSD Breaker 1 Reclose Supervision Delay (cyc) Range = 1 to 99999, OFF 300 SPOID Single-Pole Open Interval Delay (cyc) Range = 1 to 99999 54 SPRCD Single-Pole Reclaim Time Delay (cyc) Range = 1 to 99999 10800 SPRI Single-Pole Reclose Initiation Equation (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG SPT SP1CLS Single-Pole BK1 Reclose Supervision Equation (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG 1 EVCK Reclosing Voltage Check Select: Y, N Y 27LP Dead Line Voltage (V,sec) Range = 1.0 to 200.0 20.0 59LP Live Line Voltage (V,sec) Range = 1.0 to 200.0 53.0 27BK1P Breaker 1 Dead Busbar Voltage (V,sec) Range = 1.0 to 200.0 20.0 59BK1P Breaker 1 Live Busbar Voltage (V,sec) Range = 1.0 to 200.0 53.0 LLR Line Length Range = 0.10 to 999.00 57.30 LLUNIT Line Length Units Select: mi, km km TWLL Line Length for TW Fault Location Range = 0.20 to 1000.00 57.50 SCBL Secondary Cable Length (Meters) Range = 0 to 2000 25 LPVEL Line Propagation Velocity Range = 0.40000 to 1.00000 0.98000 TWCOMI Combine Currents for Traveling Wave Select: Y, N N TWALTI Alternate TW Current Source Equation (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA TWFLIF Traveling Wave Internal Fault Condition Equation (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG (COMPRM OR 87OP) AND TRIP Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG (Z1GT AND PSV58) OR Z2GT OR Z3GT OR Z4GT OR (Z1PT AND PSV58) OR Z2PT OR Z3PT OR Z4PT OR 51T01 OR 87OP OR 592P1T OR TR 19/12/2023 Trip Equation (SELogic) Page 8 of 95 591P1T TRCOMM Communications-Assisted Trip Equation (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG ((Z2P OR Z2G) AND RCP21PP AND PSV58) TRCOMMD Directional Element Communications-Assisted Trip Equation (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG 51S01 AND PCT10Q AND PSV58 TRSOTF Switch-Onto-Fault Trip Equation (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG Z2P OR Z2G OR 51S01 DTA Direct Transfer Trip A-Phase Equation (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA DTB Direct Transfer Trip B-Phase Equation (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA DTC Direct Transfer Trip C-Phase Equation (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA E87DTT Conditions which enable a Direct Transfer Trip due to the Differential Element Equation (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG 0 E51DTT Enable 51 Element Direct Transfer Trip Select: Y, N N BK1MTR Breaker 1 Manual Trip Equation (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG (OC1 AND NOT PLT01) OR (PB12 AND PLT01) ULTR Unlatch Trip Equation (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG TRGTR ULMTR1 Unlatch Manual Trip -BK1 Equation (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NOT (52AA1 AND 52AB1 AND 52AC1) TOPD Trip During Open Pole Time Delay (cyc) Range = 2.000 to 8000.000 2.000 TULO Trip Unlatch Option Select: 1-4 3 Z2GTSP Zone 2 Ground Distance Time Delay SPT Select: Y, N N 67QGSP Zone 2 Directional Negative-Sequence/Residual Overcurrent SPT Select: Y, N N 87LQGSP Enable 87L Negative or Residual Differential Element SPT Select: Y, N N TDUR1D SPT Minimum Trip Duration Time Delay (cyc) Range = 2.000 to 8000.000 6.000 TDUR3D 3PT Minimum Trip Duration Time Delay (cyc) Range = 2.000 to 8000.000 12.000 E3PT E3PT1 ER 19/12/2023 Three-Pole Trip Enable Equation (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG Z2GT OR Z3GT OR Z2PT OR Z3PT OR Z1GT OR Z1PT OR SPRCIP OR PLT07 OR PSV53 # DISPARO TRIPOLAR Breaker 1 Three-Pole Trip Enable Equation (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG Z2GT OR Z3GT OR Z2PT OR Z3PT OR TOP OR Z1GT OR Z1PT # DISPARO TRIPOLAR Event Report Trigger Equation (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG R_TRIG Z2P OR R_TRIG Z2G OR R_TRIG 51S01 OR R_TRIG Z3P OR R_TRIG Z3G OR 87LSP OR R_TRIG Page 9 of 95 Z1P OR R_TRIG Z1G OR 87LSP OR R_TRIG 51T01 Group 1 Top 19/12/2023 Page 10 of 95 Automation 1 Top Setting Range Value Free Form Logic Row 001 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG ALT01S := ((SELREON OR PB8_PUL) AND RLY_EN AND NOT 79RESPA) AND NOT PB1_LED AUTO_2 Free Form Logic Row 002 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG ALT01R := (SELREOF OR PB9_PUL) AND NOT PB1_LED AUTO_3 Free Form Logic Row 003 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG ASV001 := Q0_ABIE AUTO_4 Free Form Logic Row 004 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG ASV002 := Q0_CERR AUTO_5 Free Form Logic Row 005 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG ASV003 := Q9_ABIE AUTO_6 Free Form Logic Row 006 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG ASV004 := Q9_CERR AUTO_7 Free Form Logic Row 007 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG ASV005 := Q1_ABIE AUTO_8 Free Form Logic Row 008 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG ASV006 := Q1_CERR AUTO_9 Free Form Logic Row 009 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG ASV007 := Q51_ABI AUTO_10 Free Form Logic Row 010 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG ASV008 := Q51_CER AUTO_11 Free Form Logic Row 011 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG ASV009 := Q52_ABI AUTO_12 Free Form Logic Row 012 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG ASV010 := Q52_CER AUTO_13 Free Form Logic Row 013 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG ASV011 := Q8_ABIE AUTO_14 Free Form Logic Row 014 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG ASV012 := Q8_CERR AUTO_15 Free Form Logic Row 015 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG ASV013 := SCPBOB1 AUTO_16 Free Form Logic Row 016 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG ASV014 := SCPBOB2 Valid range = The legal ASV015 := AUTO_1 19/12/2023 Description Page 11 of 95 AUTO_17 Free Form Logic Row 017 operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG AUTO_18 Free Form Logic Row 018 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG ASV016 := FMCBTB AUTO_19 Free Form Logic Row 019 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG ASV017 := BLQSF6 AUTO_20 Free Form Logic Row 020 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG ASV018 := PERSF6 AUTO_21 Free Form Logic Row 021 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG ASV019 := PROMTIN AUTO_22 Free Form Logic Row 022 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG ASV020 := SPTCMOT AUTO_23 Free Form Logic Row 023 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG ASV021 := SNCFR12 AUTO_24 Free Form Logic Row 024 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG ASV022 := RECODES AUTO_25 Free Form Logic Row 025 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG ASV023 := ANSF6 AUTO_26 Free Form Logic Row 026 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG ASV024 := DISTAC AUTO_27 Free Form Logic Row 027 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG ASV025 := DISTDC1 AUTO_28 Free Form Logic Row 028 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG ASV026 := DISTDC2 AUTO_29 Free Form Logic Row 029 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG ASV027 := PSDSERV AUTO_30 Free Form Logic Row 030 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG ASV028 := ANPSD AUTO_31 Free Form Logic Row 031 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG ASV029 := DPSDOK AUTO_32 Free Form Logic Row 032 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG ASV030 := SREMOT AUTO_33 Free Form Logic Row 033 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG ASV031 := SLOCAL AUTO_34 Free Form Logic Row 034 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG ASV032 := DBLQGEN AUTO_35 Free Form Logic Row 035 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG ASV033 := INTFSR AUTO_36 Free Form Logic Row 036 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG ASV034 := INTFSS 19/12/2023 FMCBTL Page 12 of 95 AUTO_37 Free Form Logic Row 037 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG ASV035 := INTFST AUTO_38 Free Form Logic Row 038 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG ASV036 := CIERMAN AUTO_39 Free Form Logic Row 039 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG ASV037 := DBQCUTI AUTO_40 Free Form Logic Row 040 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG ASV038 := RLDBQOP AUTO_41 Free Form Logic Row 041 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG ASV039 := RLRSPIN AUTO_42 Free Form Logic Row 042 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG ASV040 := RLPRIPB AUTO_43 Free Form Logic Row 043 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG ASV041 := ENDDT AUTO_44 Free Form Logic Row 044 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG ASV042 := RCP67N AUTO_45 Free Form Logic Row 045 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG ASV043 := RCPDDT AUTO_46 Free Form Logic Row 046 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG ASV044 := FLLEQTL AUTO_47 Free Form Logic Row 047 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG ASV045 := RCP21PP AUTO_48 Free Form Logic Row 048 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG AUTO_49 Free Form Logic Row 049 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG AUTO_50 Free Form Logic Row 050 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG AUTO_51 Free Form Logic Row 051 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG AUTO_52 Free Form Logic Row 052 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG AUTO_53 Free Form Logic Row 053 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG AUTO_54 Free Form Logic Row 054 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG AUTO_55 Free Form Logic Row 055 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG AUTO_56 Free Form Logic Row 056 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG 19/12/2023 Page 13 of 95 AUTO_57 Free Form Logic Row 057 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG AUTO_58 Free Form Logic Row 058 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG AUTO_59 Free Form Logic Row 059 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG AUTO_60 Free Form Logic Row 060 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG AUTO_61 Free Form Logic Row 061 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG AUTO_62 Free Form Logic Row 062 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG AUTO_63 Free Form Logic Row 063 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG AUTO_64 Free Form Logic Row 064 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG AUTO_65 Free Form Logic Row 065 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG AUTO_66 Free Form Logic Row 066 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG AUTO_67 Free Form Logic Row 067 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG AUTO_68 Free Form Logic Row 068 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG AUTO_69 Free Form Logic Row 069 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG AUTO_70 Free Form Logic Row 070 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG AUTO_71 Free Form Logic Row 071 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG AUTO_72 Free Form Logic Row 072 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG AUTO_73 Free Form Logic Row 073 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG AUTO_74 Free Form Logic Row 074 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG AUTO_75 Free Form Logic Row 075 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG AUTO_76 Free Form Logic Row 076 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG 19/12/2023 Page 14 of 95 AUTO_77 Free Form Logic Row 077 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG AUTO_78 Free Form Logic Row 078 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG AUTO_79 Free Form Logic Row 079 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG AUTO_80 Free Form Logic Row 080 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG AUTO_81 Free Form Logic Row 081 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG AUTO_82 Free Form Logic Row 082 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG AUTO_83 Free Form Logic Row 083 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG AUTO_84 Free Form Logic Row 084 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG AUTO_85 Free Form Logic Row 085 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG AUTO_86 Free Form Logic Row 086 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG AUTO_87 Free Form Logic Row 087 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG AUTO_88 Free Form Logic Row 088 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG AUTO_89 Free Form Logic Row 089 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG AUTO_90 Free Form Logic Row 090 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG AUTO_91 Free Form Logic Row 091 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG AUTO_92 Free Form Logic Row 092 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG AUTO_93 Free Form Logic Row 093 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG AUTO_94 Free Form Logic Row 094 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG AUTO_95 Free Form Logic Row 095 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG AUTO_96 Free Form Logic Row 096 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG 19/12/2023 Page 15 of 95 AUTO_97 Free Form Logic Row 097 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG AUTO_98 Free Form Logic Row 098 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG AUTO_99 Free Form Logic Row 099 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG AUTO_100 Free Form Logic Row 100 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG Automation 1 19/12/2023 Top Page 16 of 95 Port F Top Setting Description Range Value EPORT Enable Port Select: Y, N Y PROTO Protocol Select: SEL, DNP, MBA, MBB, MBGA, MBGB, RTD, PMU SEL SPEED Data Speed (bps) Select: 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600 9600 DATABIT Data Bits Select: 7, 8 8 PARITY Parity Select: Odd, Even, None N STOPBIT Stop Bits Select: 1, 2 1 RTSCTS Enable Hardware Handshaking Select: Y, N N TIMEOUT Port Time-Out (mins) Range = 1 to 60, OFF 5 AUTO Send Auto-Messages to Port Select: Y, N Y FASTOP Enable Fast Operate Messages Select: Y, N Y TERTIM1 Initial Delay -Disconnect Sequence (seconds) Range = 0 to 600 1 TERSTRN Termination String -Disconnect Sequence Range = ASCII string with \005 a maximum length of 0. TERTIM2 Final Delay -Disconnect Sequence (seconds) Range = 0 to 600 0 FMRENAB Enable Fast Message Read Data Access Select: Y, N Y FMRLCL Enable Local Region for Fast Message Access Select: Y, N N FMRMTR Enable Meter Region for Fast Message Access Select: Y, N Y Select: Y, N Y FMRDMND Enable Demand Region for Fast Message Access FMRTAR Enable Target Region for Fast Message Access Select: Y, N Y FMRHIS Enable History Region for Fast Message Access Select: Y, N N FMRBRKR Enable Breaker Region for Fast Message Access Select: Y, N N FMRSTAT Enable Status Region for Fast Message Access Select: Y, N N FMRANA Enable Analog Region for Fast Message Access Select: Y, N Y Port F Top 19/12/2023 Page 17 of 95 Breaker Monitor Top Setting Description Range Value EB1MON Breaker 1 Monitoring Select: Y, N Y BK1TYP Breaker 1 Trip Type (Single Pole=1, Three Pole=3) Select: 1, 3 1 52AA1 A-Phase N/O Contact Input -BK1 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG INTFSR 52AB1 B-Phase N/O Contact Input -BK1 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG INTFSS 52AC1 C-Phase N/O Contact Input -BK1 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG INTFST BM1TRPA Breaker Monitor A-Phase Trip -BK1 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG TPA1 BM1TRPB Breaker Monitor B-Phase Trip -BK1 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG TPB1 BM1TRPC Breaker Monitor C-Phase Trip -BK1 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG TPC1 BM1CLSA Breaker Monitor A-Phase Close -BK1 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG BK1CL BM1CLSB Breaker Monitor B-Phase Close -BK1 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG BK1CL BM1CLSC Breaker Monitor C-Phase Close -BK1 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG BK1CL B1COSP1 Close/Open Set Point 1 -BK1 (operations) Range = 1 to 65000 1000 B1COSP2 Close/Open Set Point 2 -BK1 (operations) Range = 1 to 65000 100 B1COSP3 Close/Open Set Point 3 -BK1 (operations) Range = 1 to 65000 10 B1KASP1 kA Interrupted Set Point 1 -BK1 (kA) Range = 1.0 to 999.0 20.0 B1KASP2 kA Interrupted Set Point 2 -BK1 (kA) Range = 1.0 to 999.0 60.0 B1KASP3 kA Interrupted Set Point 3 -BK1 (kA) Range = 1.0 to 999.0 100.0 B1BCWAT Contact Wear Alarm Threshold -BK1 (%) Range = 0 to 100 90 B1ESTRT Electrical Slow Trip Alarm Threshold -BK1 (ms) Range = 1 to 999 50 B1ESCLT Electrical Slow Close Alarm Threshold -BK1 (ms) Range = 1 to 999 120 B1MSTRT Mechanical Slow Trip Alarm Threshold -BK1 (ms) Range = 1 to 999 50 B1MSCLT Mechanical Slow Close Alarm Threshold -BK1 (ms) Range = 1 to 999 120 B1PSTRT Pole Scatter Trip Alarm Threshold -BK1 (ms) Range = 1 to 999 20 B1PSCLT Pole Scatter Close Alarm Threshold -BK1 (ms) Range = 1 to 999 20 B1PDD Pole Discrepancy Time Delay -BK1 (ms) Range = 1 to 9999 1400 E1PDCS Pole Discrepancy Current Supervision -BK1 Select: Y, N N B1ITAT Inactivity Time Alarm Threshold -BK1 (days) Range = 1 to 9999, N 365 B1MRTIN Motor Run Time Contact Input -BK1 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA B1KAIAT kA Interrupt Capacity Alarm Threshold -BK1 (%) Range = 1 to 100, N 90 19/12/2023 Page 18 of 95 B1MKAI Maximum kA Interrupt Rating -BK1 (kA) Range = 1 to 999 50 Breaker Monitor Top 19/12/2023 Page 19 of 95 Global Top Value Setting Description Range SID Station Identifier (40 characters) Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 40. Station A RID Relay Identifier (40 characters) Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 40. Relay 1 NUMBK Number of Breakers in Scheme Select: 1, 2 1 BID1 Breaker 1 Identifier (40 characters) Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 40. Breaker 1 NFREQ Nominal System Frequency Select: 50, 60 60 PHROT System Phase Rotation Select: ABC, ACB ABC FAULT Fault Condition Equation (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG 50P1 OR 51S01 OR Z2P OR Z2G OR Z3P OR Z3G OR 87LP OR 87LQ OR 87LG OR Z1P OR Z1G OR TRIP EGADVS Enable Advanced Global Settings Select: Y, N Y EDCMON Enable Station DC Battery Monitor Select: N, 1, 2 2 DC1LFP Low Level Fail Pickup (Vdc) Range = 15 to 300, OFF 100 DC1LWP Low Level Warn Pickup (Vdc) Range = 15 to 300, OFF 127 DC1HWP High Level Warn Pickup (Vdc) Range = 15 to 300, OFF 137 DC1HFP High Level Fail Pickup (Vdc) Range = 15 to 300, OFF 142 DC1RP Peak-to-Peak AC Ripple Pickup (Vac) Range = 1 to 300 9 DC1GF Ground Detection Factor Range = 1.00 to 5.00 1.05 DC2LFP Low Level Fail Pickup (Vdc) Range = 15 to 300, OFF 100 DC2LWP Low Level Warn Pickup (Vdc) Range = 15 to 300, OFF 127 DC2HWP High Level Warn Pickup (Vdc) Range = 15 to 300, OFF 137 DC2HFP High Level Fail Pickup (Vdc) Range = 15 to 300, OFF 142 DC2RP Peak-to-Peak AC Ripple Pickup (Vac) Range = 1 to 300 9 DC2GF Ground Detection Factor Range = 1.00 to 5.00 1.05 EICIS Enable Independent Control Input Settings Select: Y, N N IN2XXD Debounce Time For Interface Board # 1 Contact Inputs Range = 0.0000 to 5.0000 (cyc) 0.1250 IN3XXD Debounce Time For Interface Range = 0.0000 to 1.0000 Board # 2 Contact Inputs 0.1250 19/12/2023 Page 20 of 95 (cyc) IN4XXD Debounce Time For Interface Board # 3 Contact Inputs Range = 0.0000 to 1.0000 (cyc) SS1 Select Setting Group 1 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG 1 SS2 Select Setting Group 2 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG 0 SS3 Select Setting Group 3 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG 0 SS4 Select Setting Group 4 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG 0 SS5 Select Setting Group 5 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG 0 SS6 Select Setting Group 6 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG 0 TGR Group Change Delay (cyc) Range = 1 to 54000 180 EAFSRC Alternate Frequency Source (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA VF01 Local Frequency Source 1 Select: ZERO, VAY, VBY, VCY, VAZ, VBZ, VCZ VAY VF02 Local Frequency Source 2 Select: ZERO, VAY, VBY, VCY, VAZ, VBZ, VCZ VBY VF03 Local Frequency Source 3 Select: ZERO, VAY, VBY, VCY, VAZ, VBZ, VCZ VCY STALLTE Stall Time-Error Calculation (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA LOADTE Load TECORR Factor (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA ESS Current and Voltage Source Selection Select: Y, N, 1, 2 N EPMU Enable Synchronized Phasor Measurement Select: Y, N N DATE_F Date Format Select: MDY, YMD, DMY DMY IRIGC IRIG-B Control Bits Definition Select: NONE, C37.118 NONE UTCOFF Offset From UTC to Local Time Range = -15.5 to 15.5 -5.0 0.1250 Begin DST ("hh,n,d,mm" or BEG_DST "OFF") Select: "0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23", 2, 2, 1, 3 "1,2,3,L", "1,2,3,4,5,6,7", "1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12" END_DST End DST ("hh,n,d,mm") Select: "0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23", 2, 1, 1, 11 "1,2,3,L", "1,2,3,4,5,6,7", "1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12" EDRSTC Enable Data Reset Control Select: Y, N N EVELOCK Event Summary Lock Period (sec) Range = 0 to 1000 0 19/12/2023 Page 21 of 95 DNPSRC DNP Session Time Base Select: LOCAL, UTC UTC IN1XXD Debounce Time For Mainboard Contact Inputs (cyc) Range = 0.0000 to 5.0000 0.1250 Global Top 19/12/2023 Page 22 of 95 Report Top Setting Description ESERDEL Automatic Removal of Chattering SER Points Select: Y, N Y SRDLCNT Number of Counts Before Auto-Removal Range = 2 to 20 5 SRDLTIM Time for Auto-Removal (sec) Range = 0.1 to 30.0 1.0 SITM1 SER Points and Aliases, Point 1 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText Z2P, Z2P, Asserted, Deasserted, N SITM2 SER Points and Aliases, Point 2 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText Z3P, Z3P, Asserted, Deasserted, N SITM3 SER Points and Aliases, Point 3 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText Z2G, Z2G, Asserted, Deasserted, N SITM4 SER Points and Aliases, Point 4 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText Z3G, Z3G, Asserted, Deasserted, N SITM5 SER Points and Aliases, Point 5 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText 32QF, 32QF, Asserted, Deasserted, N SITM6 SER Points and Aliases, Point 6 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText 32QR, 32QR, Asserted, Deasserted, N SITM7 SER Points and Aliases, Point 7 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText 67P1, 67P1, Asserted, Deasserted, N SITM8 SER Points and Aliases, Point 8 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText 50P1, 50P1, Asserted, Deasserted, N SITM9 SER Points and Aliases, Point 9 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText 50G1, 50G1, Asserted, Deasserted, N SITM10 SER Points and Aliases, Point 10 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText 67G1, 67G1, Asserted, Deasserted, N SITM11 SER Points and Aliases, Point 11 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText 79CY1, 79CY1, Asserted, Deasserted, N SITM12 SER Points and Aliases, Point 12 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText BK1RS, BK1RS, Asserted, Deasserted, N SITM13 SER Points and Aliases, Point 13 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText 87LA, 87LA, Asserted, Deasserted, N SITM14 SER Points and Aliases, Point 14 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText 87LB, 87LB, Asserted, Deasserted, N SITM15 SER Points and Aliases, Point 15 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText 87LC, 87LC, Asserted, Deasserted, N SITM16 SER Points and Aliases, Point 16 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText Z2PT, Z2PT, Asserted, Deasserted, N SITM17 SER Points and Aliases, Point 17 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, Z3PT, Z3PT, Asserted, 19/12/2023 Range Value Page 23 of 95 DeAssertedText Deasserted, N SITM18 SER Points and Aliases, Point 18 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText Z2GT, Z2GT, Asserted, Deasserted, N SITM19 SER Points and Aliases, Point 19 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText Z3GT, Z3GT, Asserted, Deasserted, N SITM20 SER Points and Aliases, Point 20 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText 87LST, 87LST, Asserted, Deasserted, N SITM21 SER Points and Aliases, Point 21 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText SPRI, SPRI, Asserted, Deasserted, N SITM22 SER Points and Aliases, Point 22 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText SPOBK1, SPOBK1, Asserted, Deasserted, N SITM23 SER Points and Aliases, Point 23 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText 79CY3, 79CY3, Asserted, Deasserted, N SITM24 SER Points and Aliases, Point 24 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText BK1LO, BK1LO, Asserted, Deasserted, N SITM25 SER Points and Aliases, Point 25 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText BK1CL, BK1CL, Asserted, Deasserted, N SITM26 SER Points and Aliases, Point 26 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText BK1CFT, BK1CFT, ON, OFF, N SITM27 SER Points and Aliases, Point 27 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText R3PTE, R3PTE, Asserted, Deasserted, N SITM28 SER Points and Aliases, Point 28 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText BK1RCIP, BK1RCIP, Asserted, Deasserted, N SITM29 SER Points and Aliases, Point 29 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText SPRCIP, SPRCIP, Asserted, Deasserted, N SITM30 SER Points and Aliases, Point 30 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText SPSHOT0, SPSHOT0, Asserted, Deasserted, N SITM31 SER Points and Aliases, Point 31 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText SPOI, SPOI, ON, OFF, N SITM32 SER Points and Aliases, Point 32 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText CC1, CC1, ON, OFF, N SITM33 SER Points and Aliases, Point 33 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText SP1CLS, SP1CLS, Asserted, Deasserted, N SITM34 SER Points and Aliases, Point 34 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText BK1CLSS, BK1CLSS, Asserted, Deasserted, N SITM35 SER Points and Aliases, Point 35 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText 87STAG, 87STAG, Asserted, Deasserted, N SITM36 SER Points and Aliases, Point 36 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText 87STBG, 87STBG, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N 19/12/2023 Page 24 of 95 SITM37 SER Points and Aliases, Point 37 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText 87STCG, 87STCG, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM38 SER Points and Aliases, Point 38 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText PT, PT, Asserted, Deasserted, N SITM39 SER Points and Aliases, Point 39 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText KEYD, KEYD, Asserted, Deasserted, N SITM40 SER Points and Aliases, Point 40 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText KEY, KEY, Asserted, Deasserted, N SITM41 SER Points and Aliases, Point 41 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText PTRX1, PTRX1, Asserted, Deasserted, N SITM42 SER Points and Aliases, Point 42 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText TRIP, TRIP, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM43 SER Points and Aliases, Point 43 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText KEYA, KEYA, Asserted, Deasserted, N SITM44 SER Points and Aliases, Point 44 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText KEYB, KEYB, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM45 SER Points and Aliases, Point 45 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText KEYC, KEYC, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM46 SER Points and Aliases, Point 46 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText PTA, PTA, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM47 SER Points and Aliases, Point 47 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText PTB, PTB, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM48 SER Points and Aliases, Point 48 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText PTC, PTC, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM49 SER Points and Aliases, Point 49 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DLDB1, DLDB1, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM50 SER Points and Aliases, Point 50 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText LLDB1, LLDB1, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM51 SER Points and Aliases, Point 51 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DLLB1, DLLB1, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM52 SER Points and Aliases, Point 52 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText 59VP, 59VP, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM53 SER Points and Aliases, Point 53 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText 59VS1, 59VS1, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM54 SER Points and Aliases, Point 54 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText PSV15, PSV15, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM55 SER Points and Aliases, Point 55 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText SFBK1, SFBK1, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM56 SER Points and Aliases, Point 56 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText SFZBK1, SFZBK1, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N 19/12/2023 Page 25 of 95 25W1BK1, 25W1BK1, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM57 SER Points and Aliases, Point 57 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText SITM58 SER Points and Aliases, Point 58 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText PSV11, PSV11, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SER Points and Aliases, Point 59 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText RCPDDT, RCPDDT, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM60 SER Points and Aliases, Point 60 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText FLLEQTL, FLLEQTL, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM61 SER Points and Aliases, Point 61 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText SQ15AB, IN324, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM62 SER Points and Aliases, Point 62 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText RCP67N, RCP67N, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SER Points and Aliases, Point 63 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText RCP21PP, RCP21PP, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM64 SER Points and Aliases, Point 64 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText RSTFLOC, RSTFLOC, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM65 SER Points and Aliases, Point 65 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText INTFSR, INTFSR, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM66 SER Points and Aliases, Point 66 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText 51S01, 51S01, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM67 SER Points and Aliases, Point 67 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText 51TC01, 51TC01, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM68 SER Points and Aliases, Point 68 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText 51TM01, 51TM01, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM69 SER Points and Aliases, Point 69 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText 67Q1, 67Q1, Asserted, Deasserted, N SITM70 SER Points and Aliases, Point 70 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText 67G1T, 67G1T, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM71 SER Points and Aliases, Point 71 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText F32QG, F32QG, Asserted, Deasserted, N SITM72 SER Points and Aliases, Point 72 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText Z1P, Z1P, Asserted, Deasserted, N SITM73 SER Points and Aliases, Point 73 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText Z1PT, Z1PT, Asserted, Deasserted, N SITM74 SER Points and Aliases, Point 74 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText PCT01Q, PCT01Q, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N DeviceWord Element, PCT02Q, PCT02Q, SITM59 SITM63 19/12/2023 Page 26 of 95 SITM75 SER Points and Aliases, Point 75 AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM76 SER Points and Aliases, Point 76 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText KEY1, KEY1, Asserted, Deasserted, N SITM77 SER Points and Aliases, Point 77 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText Z4P, Z4P, Asserted, Deasserted, N SITM78 SER Points and Aliases, Point 78 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText Z4G, Z4G, Asserted, Deasserted, N SITM79 SER Points and Aliases, Point 79 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText Z4PT, Z4PT, Asserted, Deasserted, N SITM80 SER Points and Aliases, Point 80 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText Z4GT, Z4GT, Asserted, Deasserted, N SITM81 SER Points and Aliases, Point 81 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText SPT, SPT, Asserted, Deasserted, N SITM82 SER Points and Aliases, Point 82 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText 3PT, 3PT, Asserted, Deasserted, N SITM83 SER Points and Aliases, Point 83 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText 32GF, 32GF, Asserted, Deasserted, N SITM84 SER Points and Aliases, Point 84 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText 32GR, 32GR, Asserted, Deasserted, N SITM85 SER Points and Aliases, Point 85 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText 51T01, 51T01, Asserted, Deasserted, N SITM86 SER Points and Aliases, Point 86 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText 51MM01, 51MM01, Asserted, Deasserted, N SITM87 SER Points and Aliases, Point 87 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText 51R01, 51R01, Asserted, Deasserted, N SITM88 SER Points and Aliases, Point 88 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText TPA, TPA, Asserted, Deasserted, N SITM89 SER Points and Aliases, Point 89 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText TPB, TPB, Asserted, Deasserted, N SITM90 SER Points and Aliases, Point 90 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText TPC, TPC, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SER Points and Aliases, Point 91 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText PHASE_A, PHASE_A, Asserted, Deasserted, N SER Points and Aliases, Point 92 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText PHASE_B, PHASE_B, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SER Points and Aliases, Point 93 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText GROUND, GROUND, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM91 SITM92 SITM93 PHASE_C, 19/12/2023 Page 27 of 95 SITM94 SER Points and Aliases, Point 94 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText PHASE_C, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM95 SER Points and Aliases, Point 95 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText PTDRX, PTDRX, Asserted, Deasserted, N SITM96 SER Points and Aliases, Point 96 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DSTRT, DSTRT, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM97 SER Points and Aliases, Point 97 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText NSTRT, NSTRT, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM98 SER Points and Aliases, Point 98 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText PTRX, PTRX, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM99 SER Points and Aliases, Point 99 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText KEY3, KEY3, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM100 SER Points and Aliases, Point 100 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText PSV41, PSV41, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM101 SER Points and Aliases, Point 101 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText 25ENBK1, 25ENBK1, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM102 SER Points and Aliases, Point 102 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText 25A1BK1, 25A1BK1, Asserted, Deasserted, N SITM103 SER Points and Aliases, Point 103 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText LOP, LOP, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM104 SER Points and Aliases, Point 104 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText ILOP, ILOP, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM105 SER Points and Aliases, Point 105 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText OSB1, OSB1, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM106 SER Points and Aliases, Point 106 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText OSB2, OSB2, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM107 SER Points and Aliases, Point 107 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText OSB3, OSB3, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM108 SER Points and Aliases, Point 108 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText OSB, OSB, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM109 SER Points and Aliases, Point 109 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText OST, OST, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM110 SER Points and Aliases, Point 110 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText OSTO, OSTO, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM111 SER Points and Aliases, Point 111 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText OSTI, OSTI, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM112 SER Points and Aliases, Point 112 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText MAB1, MAB1, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM113 SER Points and Aliases, Point 113 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, MBC1, MBC1, ASSERTED, 19/12/2023 Page 28 of 95 DeAssertedText DEASSERTED, N SITM114 SER Points and Aliases, Point 114 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText MCA1, MCA1, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM115 SER Points and Aliases, Point 115 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText MAG1, MAG1, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM116 SER Points and Aliases, Point 116 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText MBG1, MBG1, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM117 SER Points and Aliases, Point 117 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText MCG1, MCG1, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM118 SER Points and Aliases, Point 118 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText XAB1, XAB1, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM119 SER Points and Aliases, Point 119 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText XBC1, XBC1, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM120 SER Points and Aliases, Point 120 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText XCA1, XCA1, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM121 SER Points and Aliases, Point 121 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText XAG1, XAG1, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM122 SER Points and Aliases, Point 122 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText XBG1, XBG1, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM123 SER Points and Aliases, Point 123 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText XCG1, XCG1, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SER Points and Aliases, Point 124 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText SERCAB, SERCAB, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM125 SER Points and Aliases, Point 125 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText SERCBC, SERCBC, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM126 SER Points and Aliases, Point 126 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText PSV45, PSV45, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM127 SER Points and Aliases, Point 127 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText Z1GT, Z1GT, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM128 SER Points and Aliases, Point 128 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText Z1G, Z1G, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM129 SER Points and Aliases, Point 129 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText SOTFT, SOTFT, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM130 SER Points and Aliases, Point 130 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText INTFSS, INTFSS, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM131 SER Points and Aliases, Point 131 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText INTFST, INTFST, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM132 SER Points and Aliases, Point 132 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, CIERMAN, CIERMAN, ASSERTED, SITM124 19/12/2023 Page 29 of 95 DeAssertedText DEASSERTED, N SER Points and Aliases, Point 133 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText FMCBTL, FMCBTL, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM134 SER Points and Aliases, Point 134 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText FMCBTB, FMCBTB, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM135 SER Points and Aliases, Point 135 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText 591P1, 591P1, Asserted, Deasserted, N SITM136 SER Points and Aliases, Point 136 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText 592P1, 592P1, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM137 SER Points and Aliases, Point 137 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText 591P1T, 591P1T, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM138 SER Points and Aliases, Point 138 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText 592P1T, 592P1T, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM139 SER Points and Aliases, Point 139 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText PSV21, PSV21, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM140 SER Points and Aliases, Point 140 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText PLT07, PLT07, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM141 SER Points and Aliases, Point 141 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText PCT12Q, PCT12Q, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM142 SER Points and Aliases, Point 142 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText PCT11Q, PCT11Q, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM143 SER Points and Aliases, Point 143 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText ENDDT, ENDDT, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM144 SER Points and Aliases, Point 144 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText 87T1P1, 87T1P1, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM145 SER Points and Aliases, Point 145 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText 87R01P1, 87R01P1, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM146 SER Points and Aliases, Point 146 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText 87R02P2, 87R02P2, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM147 SER Points and Aliases, Point 147 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText 87CH1AL, 87CH1AL, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM148 SER Points and Aliases, Point 148 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText 87LG, 87LG, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM149 SER Points and Aliases, Point 149 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText 87LQ, 87LQ, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM150 SER Points and Aliases, Point 150 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText 87OP, 87OP, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM151 SER Points and Aliases, Point 151 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, 87LP, 87LP, ASSERTED, SITM133 19/12/2023 Page 30 of 95 DeAssertedText DEASSERTED, N SITM152 SER Points and Aliases, Point 152 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText PSV54, PSV54, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM153 SER Points and Aliases, Point 153 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText PSV55, PSV55, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM154 SER Points and Aliases, Point 154 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText 87OCTA, 87OCTA, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM155 SER Points and Aliases, Point 155 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText 87OCTB, 87OCTB, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM156 SER Points and Aliases, Point 156 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText 87OCTC, 87OCTC, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM157 SER Points and Aliases, Point 157 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText SOTFE, SOTFE, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM158 SER Points and Aliases, Point 158 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText PCT10Q, PCT10Q, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM159 SER Points and Aliases, Point 159 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText VB002, VB002, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM160 SER Points and Aliases, Point 160 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText PSV56, PSV56, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SER Points and Aliases, Point 161 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText 87CH1CL, 87CH1CL, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM162 SER Points and Aliases, Point 162 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText 87CH2CL, 87CH2CL, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM163 SER Points and Aliases, Point 163 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText 87CH1CH, 87CH1CH, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM164 SER Points and Aliases, Point 164 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText 87CH2CH, 87CH2CH, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM165 SER Points and Aliases, Point 165 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText 87CH1TS, 87CH1TS, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM166 SER Points and Aliases, Point 166 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText 87CH1CS, 87CH1CS, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM167 SER Points and Aliases, Point 167 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText 87CH1NS, 87CH1NS, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM168 SER Points and Aliases, Point 168 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText 87CH1LS, 87CH1LS, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM161 19/12/2023 Page 31 of 95 87CH1HS, 87CH1HS, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM169 SER Points and Aliases, Point 169 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText SITM170 SER Points and Aliases, Point 170 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText 87SYNL, 87SYNL, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM171 SER Points and Aliases, Point 171 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText 87SYNH, 87SYNH, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SER Points and Aliases, Point 172 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText 87CH1OK, 87CH1OK, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SER Points and Aliases, Point 173 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText 87CH1FO, 87CH1FO, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SER Points and Aliases, Point 174 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText 87CH1RQ, 87CH1RQ, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SER Points and Aliases, Point 175 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText 87CH1NB, 87CH1NB, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SER Points and Aliases, Point 176 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText 87CH1LP, 87CH1LP, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SER Points and Aliases, Point 177 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText 87CH1BR, 87CH1BR, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM178 SER Points and Aliases, Point 178 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText 87CH1AC, 87CH1AC, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM179 SER Points and Aliases, Point 179 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText PCT14Q, PCT14Q, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM180 SER Points and Aliases, Point 180 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText RSTOCT, RSTOCT, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM181 SER Points and Aliases, Point 181 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText SALARM, SALARM, Asserted, Deasserted, N SITM182 SER Points and Aliases, Point 182 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText HALARM, HALARM, Asserted, Deasserted, N SITM183 SER Points and Aliases, Point 183 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText SITM184 SER Points and Aliases, Point 184 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText SITM185 SER Points and Aliases, Point 185 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText SITM172 SITM173 SITM174 SITM175 SITM176 SITM177 19/12/2023 Page 32 of 95 SITM186 SER Points and Aliases, Point 186 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText SITM187 SER Points and Aliases, Point 187 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText SITM188 SER Points and Aliases, Point 188 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText SITM189 SER Points and Aliases, Point 189 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText SITM190 SER Points and Aliases, Point 190 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText SITM191 SER Points and Aliases, Point 191 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText SITM192 SER Points and Aliases, Point 192 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText SITM193 SER Points and Aliases, Point 193 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText SITM194 SER Points and Aliases, Point 194 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText SITM195 SER Points and Aliases, Point 195 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText SITM196 SER Points and Aliases, Point 196 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText SITM197 SER Points and Aliases, Point 197 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText SITM198 SER Points and Aliases, Point 198 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText SITM199 SER Points and Aliases, Point 199 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText SITM200 SER Points and Aliases, Point 200 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText SITM201 SER Points and Aliases, Point 201 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText SITM202 SER Points and Aliases, Point 202 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText SITM203 SER Points and Aliases, Point 203 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText SITM204 SER Points and Aliases, Point 204 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText SITM205 SER Points and Aliases, Point 205 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText 19/12/2023 Page 33 of 95 SITM206 SER Points and Aliases, Point 206 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText SITM207 SER Points and Aliases, Point 207 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText SITM208 SER Points and Aliases, Point 208 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText SITM209 SER Points and Aliases, Point 209 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText SITM210 SER Points and Aliases, Point 210 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText SITM211 SER Points and Aliases, Point 211 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText SITM212 SER Points and Aliases, Point 212 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText SITM213 SER Points and Aliases, Point 213 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText SITM214 SER Points and Aliases, Point 214 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText SITM215 SER Points and Aliases, Point 215 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText SITM216 SER Points and Aliases, Point 216 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText SITM217 SER Points and Aliases, Point 217 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText SITM218 SER Points and Aliases, Point 218 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText SITM219 SER Points and Aliases, Point 219 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText SITM220 SER Points and Aliases, Point 220 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText SITM221 SER Points and Aliases, Point 221 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText SITM222 SER Points and Aliases, Point 222 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText SITM223 SER Points and Aliases, Point 223 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText SITM224 SER Points and Aliases, Point 224 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText SITM225 SER Points and Aliases, Point 225 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText 19/12/2023 Page 34 of 95 SITM226 SER Points and Aliases, Point 226 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText SITM227 SER Points and Aliases, Point 227 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText SITM228 SER Points and Aliases, Point 228 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText SITM229 SER Points and Aliases, Point 229 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText SITM230 SER Points and Aliases, Point 230 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText SITM231 SER Points and Aliases, Point 231 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText SITM232 SER Points and Aliases, Point 232 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText SITM233 SER Points and Aliases, Point 233 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText SITM234 SER Points and Aliases, Point 234 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText SITM235 SER Points and Aliases, Point 235 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText SITM236 SER Points and Aliases, Point 236 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText SITM237 SER Points and Aliases, Point 237 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText SITM238 SER Points and Aliases, Point 238 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText SITM239 SER Points and Aliases, Point 239 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText SITM240 SER Points and Aliases, Point 240 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText SITM241 SER Points and Aliases, Point 241 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText SITM242 SER Points and Aliases, Point 242 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText SITM243 SER Points and Aliases, Point 243 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText SITM244 SER Points and Aliases, Point 244 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText SITM245 SER Points and Aliases, Point 245 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText 19/12/2023 Page 35 of 95 SITM246 SER Points and Aliases, Point 246 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText SITM247 SER Points and Aliases, Point 247 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText SITM248 SER Points and Aliases, Point 248 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText SITM249 SER Points and Aliases, Point 249 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText SITM250 SER Points and Aliases, Point 250 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText Valid range = Word Elements SPAQ SRATE Sample Rate of Event Report (kHz) Select: 1, 2, 4, 8 2 LER Length of Event Report (sec) Range = 0.25 to 9.00 2.00 PRE Length of Pre-Fault (sec) Range = 0.05 to 1.95 0.50 ERAQ ERDG 19/12/2023 Valid range = Word Elements Valid range = Word Elements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age 36 of 95 PSV02, PSV03, PSV04, PSV05, PSV06, PSV07, PSV08, #, PLT01, PLT02, PLT03, PLT04, PLT05, PLT06, PLT07, PLT08, #, PCT01Q, PCT02Q, PCT03Q, PCT04Q, PCT05Q, PCT06Q, PCT07Q, PCT08Q, INTFST, INTFSS, INTFSR, SPOI, 3PT, PSV54, PSV55, PSV45, OUT404, RCP21PP, RCPDDT, RCP67N, ENDDT, OUT214, OUT213, SPOBK1, SPOBK2, PCT10Q, OSB1, OSB2, OSB3, OSBA, OSBB, OSBC, 87LPSEC, 87LQSEC, 87LGSEC, 87LP, 87LSP, 87STAG, 87STBG, 87STCG, 87OCTA, 87ROCTU, RSTOCT, 87OCTB, 87OCTC, 87OCT, 87ROCT Report 19/12/2023 Top Page 37 of 95 Alias Top Setting Description Range Value AL1 Element Name Range = ASCII string with IN323 a maximum length of 7. AR1 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with RCP21PP a maximum length of 7. AL2 Element Name Range = ASCII string with VB001 a maximum length of 7. AR2 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with 79RESPA a maximum length of 7. AL3 Element Name Range = ASCII string with TLED_2 a maximum length of 7. AR3 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with TIME a maximum length of 7. AL4 Element Name Range = ASCII string with TLED_3 a maximum length of 7. AR4 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with COMM a maximum length of 7. AL5 Element Name Range = ASCII string with TLED_4 a maximum length of 7. AR5 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with SOTF a maximum length of 7. AL6 Element Name Range = ASCII string with TLED_5 a maximum length of 7. AR6 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with ZONE_1 a maximum length of 7. AL7 Element Name Range = ASCII string with TLED_6 a maximum length of 7. AR7 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with ZONE_2 a maximum length of 7. AL8 Element Name Range = ASCII string with TLED_7 a maximum length of 7. AR8 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with ZONE_3 a maximum length of 7. AL9 Element Name Range = ASCII string with TLED_8 a maximum length of 7. AR9 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with ZONE_4 a maximum length of 7. AL10 Element Name Range = ASCII string with TLED_9 a maximum length of 7. AR10 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with A_PHASE a maximum length of 7. AL11 Element Name Range = ASCII string with TLED_10 a maximum length of 7. AR11 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with B_PHASE a maximum length of 7. AL12 Element Name Range = ASCII string with TLED_11 a maximum length of 7. AR12 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with C_PHASE a maximum length of 7. AL13 Element Name Range = ASCII string with TLED_12 a maximum length of 7. Range = ASCII string with 19/12/2023 Page 38 of 95 AR13 Alias Name a maximum length of 7. AL14 Element Name Range = ASCII string with TLED_13 a maximum length of 7. AR14 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with 87L_OP a maximum length of 7. AL15 Element Name Range = ASCII string with TLED_14 a maximum length of 7. AR15 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with 87L_LST a maximum length of 7. AL16 Element Name Range = ASCII string with TLED_15 a maximum length of 7. AR16 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with 87L_ALM a maximum length of 7. AL17 Element Name Range = ASCII string with TLED_16 a maximum length of 7. AR17 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with N_A a maximum length of 7. AL18 Element Name Range = ASCII string with TLED_17 a maximum length of 7. AR18 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with 79_RST a maximum length of 7. AL19 Element Name Range = ASCII string with TLED_18 a maximum length of 7. AR19 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with 79_LO a maximum length of 7. AL20 Element Name Range = ASCII string with TLED_19 a maximum length of 7. AR20 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with 79_CYC a maximum length of 7. AL21 Element Name Range = ASCII string with TLED_20 a maximum length of 7. AR21 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with 25_SYNC a maximum length of 7. AL22 Element Name Range = ASCII string with TLED_21 a maximum length of 7. AR22 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with 50PICUP a maximum length of 7. AL23 Element Name Range = ASCII string with TLED_22 a maximum length of 7. AR23 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with 51PICUP a maximum length of 7. AL24 Element Name Range = ASCII string with TLED_23 a maximum length of 7. AR24 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with LOPTN a maximum length of 7. AL25 Element Name Range = ASCII string with TLED_24 a maximum length of 7. AR25 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with IRIGLCK a maximum length of 7. AL26 Element Name Range = ASCII string with IN322 a maximum length of 7. AR26 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with FLLEQTL a maximum length of 7. AL27 Element Name Range = ASCII string with IN401 a maximum length of 7. AR27 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with Q0_ABIE 19/12/2023 GND Page 39 of 95 a maximum length of 7. AL28 Element Name Range = ASCII string with IN404 a maximum length of 7. AR28 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with Q9_CERR a maximum length of 7. AL29 Element Name Range = ASCII string with IN405 a maximum length of 7. AR29 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with Q1_ABIE a maximum length of 7. AL30 Element Name Range = ASCII string with IN312 a maximum length of 7. AR30 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with CIERMAN a maximum length of 7. AL31 Element Name Range = ASCII string with IN419 a maximum length of 7. AR31 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with PROMTIN a maximum length of 7. AL32 Element Name Range = ASCII string with IN406 a maximum length of 7. AR32 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with Q1_CERR a maximum length of 7. AL33 Element Name Range = ASCII string with IN407 a maximum length of 7. AR33 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with Q51_ABI a maximum length of 7. AL34 Element Name Range = ASCII string with RB02 a maximum length of 7. AR34 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with SELREOF a maximum length of 7. AL35 Element Name Range = ASCII string with IN409 a maximum length of 7. AR35 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with Q52_ABI a maximum length of 7. AL36 Element Name Range = ASCII string with IN408 a maximum length of 7. AR36 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with Q51_CER a maximum length of 7. AL37 Element Name Range = ASCII string with IN411 a maximum length of 7. AR37 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with Q8_ABIE a maximum length of 7. AL38 Element Name Range = ASCII string with IN421 a maximum length of 7. AR38 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with SNCFR12 a maximum length of 7. AL39 Element Name Range = ASCII string with IN413 a maximum length of 7. AR39 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with SCPBOB1 a maximum length of 7. AL40 Element Name Range = ASCII string with VB005 a maximum length of 7. AR40 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with Q11CERR a maximum length of 7. AL41 Element Name Range = ASCII string with IN415 a maximum length of 7. AR41 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with FMCBTL 19/12/2023 Page 40 of 95 a maximum length of 7. AL42 Element Name Range = ASCII string with IN313 a maximum length of 7. AR42 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with DBQCUTI a maximum length of 7. AL43 Element Name Range = ASCII string with IN417 a maximum length of 7. AR43 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with BLQSF6 a maximum length of 7. AL44 Element Name Range = ASCII string with VB004 a maximum length of 7. AR44 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with Q11ABIE a maximum length of 7. AL45 Element Name Range = ASCII string with IN416 a maximum length of 7. AR45 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with FMCBTB a maximum length of 7. AL46 Element Name Range = ASCII string with IN420 a maximum length of 7. AR46 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with SPTCMOT a maximum length of 7. AL47 Element Name Range = ASCII string with IN418 a maximum length of 7. AR47 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with PERSF6 a maximum length of 7. AL48 Element Name Range = ASCII string with IN422 a maximum length of 7. AR48 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with RECODES a maximum length of 7. AL49 Element Name Range = ASCII string with IN423 a maximum length of 7. AR49 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with ANSF6 a maximum length of 7. AL50 Element Name Range = ASCII string with IN424 a maximum length of 7. AR50 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with DISTAC a maximum length of 7. AL51 Element Name Range = ASCII string with IN301 a maximum length of 7. AR51 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with DISTDC1 a maximum length of 7. AL52 Element Name Range = ASCII string with IN302 a maximum length of 7. AR52 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with DISTDC2 a maximum length of 7. AL53 Element Name Range = ASCII string with IN303 a maximum length of 7. AR53 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with PSDSERV a maximum length of 7. AL54 Element Name Range = ASCII string with IN304 a maximum length of 7. AR54 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with ANPSD a maximum length of 7. AL55 Element Name Range = ASCII string with IN305 a maximum length of 7. AR55 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with DPSDOK 19/12/2023 Page 41 of 95 a maximum length of 7. AL56 Element Name Range = ASCII string with IN410 a maximum length of 7. AR56 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with Q52_CER a maximum length of 7. AL57 Element Name Range = ASCII string with IN316 a maximum length of 7. AR57 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with RLDBQOP a maximum length of 7. AL58 Element Name Range = ASCII string with IN308 a maximum length of 7. AR58 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with DBLQGEN a maximum length of 7. AL59 Element Name Range = ASCII string with IN309 a maximum length of 7. AR59 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with INTFSR a maximum length of 7. AL60 Element Name Range = ASCII string with IN310 a maximum length of 7. AR60 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with INTFSS a maximum length of 7. AL61 Element Name Range = ASCII string with IN311 a maximum length of 7. AR61 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with INTFST a maximum length of 7. AL62 Element Name Range = ASCII string with IN402 a maximum length of 7. AR62 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with Q0_CERR a maximum length of 7. AL63 Element Name Range = ASCII string with IN403 a maximum length of 7. AR63 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with Q9_ABIE a maximum length of 7. AL64 Element Name Range = ASCII string with IN307 a maximum length of 7. AR64 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with SLOCAL a maximum length of 7. AL65 Element Name Range = ASCII string with IN317 a maximum length of 7. AR65 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with RLRSPIN a maximum length of 7. AL66 Element Name Range = ASCII string with IN318 a maximum length of 7. AR66 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with RLPRIPB a maximum length of 7. AL67 Element Name Range = ASCII string with IN319 a maximum length of 7. AR67 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with ENDDT a maximum length of 7. AL68 Element Name Range = ASCII string with IN320 a maximum length of 7. AR68 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with RCP67N a maximum length of 7. AL69 Element Name Range = ASCII string with IN321 a maximum length of 7. AR69 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with RCPDDT 19/12/2023 Page 42 of 95 a maximum length of 7. AL70 Element Name Range = ASCII string with IN306 a maximum length of 7. AR70 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with SREMOT a maximum length of 7. AL71 Element Name Range = ASCII string with IN414 a maximum length of 7. AR71 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with SCPBOB2 a maximum length of 7. AL72 Element Name Range = ASCII string with EN a maximum length of 7. AR72 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with RLY_EN a maximum length of 7. AL73 Element Name Range = ASCII string with VB006 a maximum length of 7. AR73 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with Q16ABIE a maximum length of 7. AL74 Element Name Range = ASCII string with IN412 a maximum length of 7. AR74 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with Q8_CERR a maximum length of 7. AL75 Element Name Range = ASCII string with TLED_1 a maximum length of 7. AR75 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with INST a maximum length of 7. AL76 Element Name Range = ASCII string with RB01 a maximum length of 7. AR76 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with SELREON a maximum length of 7. AL77 Element Name Range = ASCII string with VB007 a maximum length of 7. AR77 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with Q16_CER a maximum length of 7. AL78 Element Name Range = ASCII string with VB003 a maximum length of 7. AR78 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with Q15_CER a maximum length of 7. AL79 Element Name Range = ASCII string with RB05 a maximum length of 7. AR79 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with REP86 a maximum length of 7. AL80 Element Name Range = ASCII string with IN324 a maximum length of 7. AR80 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with SQ15AB a maximum length of 7. AL81 Element Name Range = ASCII string with IN201 a maximum length of 7. AR81 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with SQ11AB a maximum length of 7. AL82 Element Name Range = ASCII string with IN202 a maximum length of 7. AR82 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with SQ16AB a maximum length of 7. AL83 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AR83 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with 19/12/2023 Page 43 of 95 a maximum length of 7. AL84 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AR84 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AL85 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AR85 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AL86 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AR86 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AL87 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AR87 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AL88 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AR88 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AL89 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AR89 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AL90 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AR90 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AL91 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AR91 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AL92 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AR92 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AL93 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AR93 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AL94 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AR94 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AL95 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AR95 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AL96 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AR96 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AL97 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AR97 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with 19/12/2023 Page 44 of 95 a maximum length of 7. AL98 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AR98 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AL99 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AR99 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AL100 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AR100 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AL101 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AR101 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AL102 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AR102 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AL103 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AR103 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AL104 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AR104 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AL105 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AR105 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AL106 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AR106 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AL107 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AR107 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AL108 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AR108 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AL109 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AR109 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AL110 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AR110 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AL111 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AR111 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with 19/12/2023 Page 45 of 95 a maximum length of 7. AL112 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AR112 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AL113 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AR113 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AL114 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AR114 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AL115 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AR115 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AL116 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AR116 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AL117 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AR117 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AL118 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AR118 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AL119 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AR119 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AL120 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AR120 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AL121 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AR121 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AL122 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AR122 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AL123 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AR123 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AL124 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AR124 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AL125 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AR125 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with 19/12/2023 Page 46 of 95 a maximum length of 7. AL126 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AR126 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AL127 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AR127 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AL128 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AR128 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AL129 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AR129 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AL130 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AR130 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AL131 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AR131 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AL132 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AR132 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AL133 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AR133 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AL134 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AR134 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AL135 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AR135 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. 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AL192 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AR192 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AL193 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AR193 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AL194 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AR194 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AL195 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AR195 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with 19/12/2023 Page 51 of 95 a maximum length of 7. AL196 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AR196 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AL197 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AR197 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AL198 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AR198 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AL199 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AR199 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AL200 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AR200 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. Alias Top 19/12/2023 Page 52 of 95 Protection 1 Top Setting Description Range Value PROTSEL1 #------------Valid range = The legal ENCLAVAMIENTO operators: AND OR NOT Q9----------------------R_TRIG F_TRIG -------------------------- PROTSEL2 PROTSEL002 PSV02 := ((Q0_ABIE AND Q51_ABI AND Q52_ABI AND Valid range = The legal Q8_ABIE) OR operators: AND OR NOT (Q52_CER AND R_TRIG F_TRIG Q8_CERR)) OR (SLOCAL AND NOT DBLQGEN) PROTSEL3 PROTSEL003 #-----------Valid range = The legal ENCLAVAMIENTO operators: AND OR NOT Q1----------------------R_TRIG F_TRIG -------------------------- PROTSEL004 PSV01 := (((Q0_ABIE AND Q51_ABI AND Q52_ABI AND Q9_ABIE AND SQ15AB) AND Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT ((SQ11AB OR (SQ16AB AND NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG SQ11AB)))) OR (NOT SQ15AB AND Q51_CER)) OR (SLOCAL AND NOT DBLQGEN) PROTSEL005 #-----------Valid range = The legal ENCLAVAMIENTO operators: AND OR NOT Q8----------------------R_TRIG F_TRIG -------------------------- PROTSEL006 PSV03 := (Q9_ABIE AND VABFM < 5.000000 AND Valid range = The legal VBCFM < 5.000000 operators: AND OR NOT AND VCAFM < R_TRIG F_TRIG 5.000000 AND NOT FMCBTL) OR DBQCUTI PROTSEL007 #-----------Valid range = The legal ENCLAVAMIENTO operators: AND OR NOT Q0----------------------R_TRIG F_TRIG ------------------------- PROTSEL008 PSV04 := (Q9_CERR AND Q1_CERR) AND (NOT BLQSF6 AND NOT PROMTIN AND Valid range = The legal (NOT (SCPBOB1 operators: AND OR NOT AND RLPRIPB) OR R_TRIG F_TRIG NOT (SCPBOB2 AND RLRSPIN)) AND NOT RLDBQOP AND NOT SPTCMOT AND NOT PROTSEL4 PROTSEL5 PROTSEL6 PROTSEL7 PROTSEL8 19/12/2023 Page 53 of 95 RECODES) PROTSEL009 #------------Valid range = The legal ENCLAVAMIENTNO operators: AND OR NOT Q51/Q52--------------R_TRIG F_TRIG --------------------------- PROTSEL10 PROTSEL010 PSV05 := ((Q1_ABIE AND Q9_ABIE) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT AND NOT DBQCUTI AND R_TRIG F_TRIG NOT DBLQGEN) PROTSEL11 PROTSEL011 #------------------------Valid range = The legal --------------------------operators: AND OR NOT --------------------------R_TRIG F_TRIG ------------------------ PROTSEL12 PROTSEL012 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT PSV06 := ALT01 R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL13 PROTSEL013 PSV30 := Z1P OR Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT Z2P OR Z3P OR Z4P OR Z5P R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL14 PROTSEL014 PSV31 := 271P1 OR Valid range = The legal 272P1 OR 273P1 OR operators: AND OR NOT 274P1 OR 275P1 OR R_TRIG F_TRIG 276P1 PROTSEL15 PROTSEL015 PSV32 := 591P1T OR Valid range = The legal 592P1T OR 593P1T operators: AND OR NOT OR 594P1T OR R_TRIG F_TRIG 595P1T OR 596P1T PROTSEL16 PROTSEL016 PSV33 := 591P1 OR Valid range = The legal 592P1 OR 593P1 OR operators: AND OR NOT 594P1 OR 595P1 OR R_TRIG F_TRIG 596P1 PROTSEL17 PROTSEL017 PSV34 := 67G1T OR Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT 67G2T OR 67G3T OR 67G4T R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL18 PROTSEL018 Valid range = The legal PSV35 := 67G1 OR operators: AND OR NOT 67G2 OR 67G3 OR 67G4 R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL19 PROTSEL019 PSV08 := Q1_ABIE Valid range = The legal AND Q9_ABIE AND operators: AND OR NOT DBQCUTI AND R_TRIG F_TRIG SLOCAL PROTSEL20 PROTSEL020 Valid range = The legal PSV37 := 271P1T OR operators: AND OR NOT 272P1T R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL21 PROTSEL021 Valid range = The legal PSV38 := 51T10 OR operators: AND OR NOT 50P1 OR 50P2 R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL22 PROTSEL022 Valid range = The legal PSV39 := 50G1 OR operators: AND OR NOT 50G2 OR 50G3 OR 50G4 R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL23 PROTSEL023 PSV40 := 87LA OR 87LB OR 87LC OR Valid range = The legal 87LG OR 87LQ OR operators: AND OR NOT 87OP # DISPARO R_TRIG F_TRIG DIFERENCIAL DE LINEA PROTSEL24 PROTSEL024 Valid range = The legal PLT01S := PB1_PUL operators: AND OR NOT AND NOT PLT01 R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL9 Valid range = The legal 19/12/2023 Page 54 of 95 PROTSEL25 PROTSEL025 operators: AND OR NOT PLT01R := PB1_PUL R_TRIG F_TRIG AND PLT01 PROTSEL26 PROTSEL026 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT PSV30 := PLT01 R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL27 PROTSEL027 PLT06S := ((PB2_PUL AND NOT PLT06) AND Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT NOT PB1_LED) OR ((89OC05 AND NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PLT06) AND PB1_LED) PROTSEL28 PROTSEL028 PLT06R := ((PB2_PUL AND Valid range = The legal PLT06) AND NOT operators: AND OR NOT PB1_LED) OR ((89CC05 AND R_TRIG F_TRIG PLT06) AND PB1_LED) PROTSEL29 PROTSEL029 #------------------Valid range = The legal SINCRONISMO-----operators: AND OR NOT --------------------------R_TRIG F_TRIG ------ PROTSEL30 PROTSEL030 PSV41 := 25A1BK1 Valid range = The legal AND 59VP AND operators: AND OR NOT 59VS1 AND (SFBK1 R_TRIG F_TRIG OR SFZBK1) #25 OK PROTSEL31 PROTSEL031 Valid range = The legal PSV42 := DLDB1 operators: AND OR NOT #LINEA MUERTA R_TRIG F_TRIG BARRA MUERTA PROTSEL32 PROTSEL032 Valid range = The legal PSV43 := LLDB1 operators: AND OR NOT #LINEA VIVA R_TRIG F_TRIG BARRA MUERTA PROTSEL33 PROTSEL033 Valid range = The legal PSV44 := 59VP AND operators: AND OR NOT 59VS1 #LINEA R_TRIG F_TRIG VIVA BARRA VIVA PROTSEL34 PROTSEL034 Valid range = The legal PSV47 := DLLB1 operators: AND OR NOT #LINEA MUERTA R_TRIG F_TRIG BARRA VIVA PROTSEL35 PROTSEL035 Valid range = The legal PSV48 := LOP operators: AND OR NOT #PERDIDA DE R_TRIG F_TRIG POTENCIAL PROTSEL36 PROTSEL036 Valid range = The legal PMV01 := ABS(VPM operators: AND OR NOT - NVS1M) R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL37 PROTSEL037 PSV52 := NOT (FMCBTL OR FMCBTB) AND Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT (DLDB1 OR DLLB1 OR LLDB1) R_TRIG F_TRIG #PERMISIVO SINCRONISMO PROTSEL38 PROTSEL038 #-----------------Valid range = The legal PROTECCIONES---operators: AND OR NOT --------------------------R_TRIG F_TRIG -------- PROTSEL39 PROTSEL039 PSV45 := Z2GT OR Z2PT OR Z3GT OR Z3PT OR Z4GT OR Z4PT OR SOTFT OR Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT 51T01 OR 591P1T 19/12/2023 Page 55 of 95 R_TRIG F_TRIG OR 592P1T OR 87R02P1 OR 87R01P1 # DISPARO POR 86 PROTSEL40 PROTSEL040 PSV46 := Z1G OR Z1P OR Z2G OR Z2P OR Z3G OR Z3P OR Valid range = The legal Z4G OR Z4P OR operators: AND OR NOT 67G1 OR 51S01 OR R_TRIG F_TRIG 87LP OR 591P1 OR 592P1 # ARRANQUE GENRAL PROTSEL41 PROTSEL041 PCT01IN := 51S01 AND NOT Z3RB # Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT ENVIO R_TRIG F_TRIG TELEPROTECCION 67N PROTSEL42 PROTSEL042 Valid range = The legal PCT01PU := operators: AND OR NOT 0.000000 R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL43 PROTSEL043 Valid range = The legal PCT01DO := operators: AND OR NOT 6.000000 R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL44 PROTSEL044 PCT02IN := (Z2G Valid range = The legal OR Z2P) AND NOT operators: AND OR NOT Z3RB # ENVIO R_TRIG F_TRIG TELEPROTECCION 21 PROTSEL45 PROTSEL045 Valid range = The legal PCT02PU := operators: AND OR NOT 1.000000 R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL46 PROTSEL046 Valid range = The legal PCT02DO := operators: AND OR NOT 6.000000 R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL47 PROTSEL047 PSV49 := 51S01 Valid range = The legal AND RCP67N operators: AND OR NOT #DISPARO 67N R_TRIG F_TRIG COMPARACION DIRECCIONAL PROTSEL48 PROTSEL048 PSV50 := Z2G AND RCP21PP # Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT DISPARO ACELERACION R_TRIG F_TRIG ZONA 2 PROTSEL49 PROTSEL049 PSV51 := Z1GT OR Z1PT OR Z2GT OR Valid range = The legal Z2PT OR Z3GT OR operators: AND OR NOT Z3PT OR Z4GT OR R_TRIG F_TRIG Z4PT # DISPARO PROTECCION 21 PROTSEL50 PROTSEL050 PCT10IN := RCP67N Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT # RECEPCION DE 67N R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL51 PROTSEL051 Valid range = The legal PCT10PU := operators: AND OR NOT 5.000000 R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL52 PROTSEL052 Valid range = The legal PCT10DO := operators: AND OR NOT 0.000000 R_TRIG F_TRIG Valid range = The legal 19/12/2023 #-------------------RESET-OUT-203----- Page 56 of 95 PROTSEL53 PROTSEL053 operators: AND OR NOT --------------------------R_TRIG F_TRIG ---- PROTSEL54 PROTSEL054 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT # PSV09 := OUT203 R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL55 PROTSEL055 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT # PSV10 := OUT204 R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL56 PROTSEL056 #------------------Valid range = The legal EVALUACION-Q1-operators: AND OR NOT OUT-------------------R_TRIG F_TRIG ---- PROTSEL57 PROTSEL057 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT PSV11 := OUT303 R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL58 PROTSEL058 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT PSV12 := OUT304 R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL59 PROTSEL059 Valid range = The legal #----------------operators: AND OR NOT TIEMPO OUT 203--R_TRIG F_TRIG ------------ PROTSEL60 PROTSEL060 Valid range = The legal PCT07IN := R_TRIG operators: AND OR NOT PLT06 R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL61 PROTSEL061 Valid range = The legal PCT07PU := operators: AND OR NOT 0.000000 R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL62 PROTSEL062 Valid range = The legal PCT07DO := operators: AND OR NOT 10.000000 R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL63 PROTSEL063 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT PSV13 := PCT07Q R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL64 PROTSEL064 #------------------------Valid range = The legal PRUEBA 2 OUT operators: AND OR NOT 204---------------------R_TRIG F_TRIG --------- PROTSEL65 PROTSEL065 Valid range = The legal PSV15 := NOT operators: AND OR NOT PLT06 R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL66 PROTSEL066 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT #---------------R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL67 PROTSEL067 Valid range = The legal PCT08IN := R_TRIG operators: AND OR NOT PSV15 R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL68 PROTSEL068 Valid range = The legal PCT08PU := operators: AND OR NOT 0.000000 R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL69 PROTSEL069 Valid range = The legal PCT08DO := operators: AND OR NOT 10.000000 R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL70 PROTSEL070 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT PSV14 := PCT08Q R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL71 PROTSEL071 Valid range = The legal #---------------operators: AND OR NOT COMANDOS--------R_TRIG F_TRIG ------------------------ PROTSEL72 PROTSEL072 Valid range = The legal PSV16 := CC1 operators: AND OR NOT 19/12/2023 Page 57 of 95 R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL73 PROTSEL073 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT PSV17 := OC1 R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL74 PROTSEL074 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT PSV18 := OUT301 R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL75 PROTSEL075 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT PSV19 := OUT302 R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL76 PROTSEL076 Valid range = The legal #----------RESET86--operators: AND OR NOT ---------R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL77 PROTSEL077 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT PSV20 := REP86 R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL78 PROTSEL078 Valid range = The legal #-------------------operators: AND OR NOT RESET86-------------R_TRIG F_TRIG --- PROTSEL79 PROTSEL079 Valid range = The legal PCT09IN := R_TRIG operators: AND OR NOT REP86 R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL80 PROTSEL080 Valid range = The legal PCT09PU := operators: AND OR NOT 0.000000 R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL81 PROTSEL081 Valid range = The legal PCT09DO := operators: AND OR NOT 10.000000 R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL82 PROTSEL082 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT PSV21 := PCT09Q R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL83 PROTSEL083 #----------------------79 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT ON---------------------R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL84 PROTSEL084 Valid range = The legal PLT07S := PCT11Q operators: AND OR NOT AND NOT PLT07 R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL85 PROTSEL085 Valid range = The legal PLT07R := PCT12Q operators: AND OR NOT AND PLT07 R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL86 PROTSEL086 Valid range = The legal PCT11IN := R_TRIG operators: AND OR NOT SELREOF R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL87 PROTSEL087 Valid range = The legal PCT11PU := operators: AND OR NOT 0.000000 R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL88 PROTSEL088 Valid range = The legal PCT11DO := operators: AND OR NOT 10.000000 R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL89 PROTSEL089 Valid range = The legal PCT12IN := R_TRIG operators: AND OR NOT SELREON R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL90 PROTSEL090 Valid range = The legal PCT12PU := operators: AND OR NOT 0.000000 R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL91 PROTSEL091 Valid range = The legal PCT12DO := operators: AND OR NOT 10.000000 R_TRIG F_TRIG Valid range = The legal 19/12/2023 PSV09 := BK1RS # Page 58 of 95 PROTSEL92 PROTSEL092 operators: AND OR NOT RECIERRE R_TRIG F_TRIG HABILITADO PROTSEL93 PROTSEL093 PSV10 := BK1LO # Valid range = The legal RECIERRE operators: AND OR NOT DESABILITADO R_TRIG F_TRIG HABILITADO PROTSEL94 PROTSEL094 #------------------------Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT --RETARDO SPOI ----------------R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL95 PROTSEL095 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT PCT13IN := SPOI R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL96 PROTSEL096 Valid range = The legal PCT13PU := operators: AND OR NOT 2.000000 R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL97 PROTSEL097 Valid range = The legal PCT13DO := operators: AND OR NOT 0.000000 R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL98 PROTSEL098 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT PSV53 := PCT13Q R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL99 PROTSEL099 #------------------Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT ENVIO-------------------R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL100 Valid range = The legal PSV54 := OUT213 # operators: AND OR NOT ENVIO 21 R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL101 Valid range = The legal PSV55 := OUT214 # operators: AND OR NOT ENVIO 67 R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL102 Valid range = The legal #-----------------operators: AND OR NOT FALLA 87 GOOSE-R_TRIG F_TRIG --------- PROTSEL103 PSV56 := 87LST Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT #PERDIDA FIBRA RELE PRINCIPAL R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL104 Valid range = The legal PSV58 := 87LST operators: AND OR NOT AND VB002 R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL105 Valid range = The legal #-----------------operators: AND OR NOT OPEN CT-------------R_TRIG F_TRIG -------------------------- PROTSEL106 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT PCT14IN := 87OCT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL107 Valid range = The legal PCT14PU := operators: AND OR NOT 0.000000 R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL108 Valid range = The legal PCT14DO := operators: AND OR NOT 600.000000 R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL109 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL110 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL111 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG 19/12/2023 Page 59 of 95 PROTSEL112 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL113 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL114 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL115 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL116 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL117 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL118 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL119 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL120 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL121 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL122 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL123 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL124 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL125 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL126 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL127 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL128 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL129 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL130 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL131 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG 19/12/2023 Page 60 of 95 PROTSEL132 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL133 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL134 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL135 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL136 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL137 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL138 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL139 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL140 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL141 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL142 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL143 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL144 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL145 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL146 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL147 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL148 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL149 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL150 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL151 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG 19/12/2023 Page 61 of 95 PROTSEL152 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL153 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL154 Valid range = The legal 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operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL169 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL170 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL171 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG 19/12/2023 Page 62 of 95 PROTSEL172 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL173 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL174 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL175 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL176 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL177 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL178 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL179 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL180 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL181 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL182 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL183 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL184 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL185 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL186 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL187 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL188 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL189 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL190 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL191 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG 19/12/2023 Page 63 of 95 PROTSEL192 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL193 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL194 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL195 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL196 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL197 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL198 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL199 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL200 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL201 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL202 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL203 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL204 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL205 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL206 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL207 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL208 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL209 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL210 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL211 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG 19/12/2023 Page 64 of 95 PROTSEL212 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL213 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL214 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL215 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL216 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL217 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL218 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL219 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL220 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL221 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL222 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL223 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL224 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL225 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL226 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL227 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL228 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL229 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL230 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL231 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG 19/12/2023 Page 65 of 95 PROTSEL232 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL233 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL234 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL235 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL236 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL237 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL238 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL239 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL240 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL241 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL242 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL243 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL244 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL245 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL246 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL247 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL248 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL249 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL250 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG Protection 1 19/12/2023 Top Page 66 of 95 Front Panel Top Setting Description Range Value FP_TO Front Panel Display Time-Out (min) Range = 1 to 60, OFF 15 EN_LEDC Enable LED Asserted Color Select: R, G G TR_LEDC Trip LED Asserted Color Select: R, G R PB1_LED Pushbutton LED 1 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NOT PLT01 PB1_COL PB1_LED Assert && Deassert Color Select: AG, AO, AR, GA, GO, GR, OA, OG, OR, RA, GO RG, RO PB2_LED Pushbutton LED 2 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PB2_COL PB2_LED Assert && Deassert Color Select: AG, AO, AR, GA, GO, GR, OA, OG, OR, RA, GO RG, RO PB3_LED Pushbutton LED 3 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PB3_COL PB3_LED Assert && Deassert Color Select: AG, AO, AR, GA, GO, GR, OA, OG, OR, RA, GO RG, RO PB4_LED Pushbutton LED 4 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PB4_COL PB4_LED Assert && Deassert Color Select: AG, AO, AR, GA, GO, GR, OA, OG, OR, RA, GO RG, RO PB5_LED Pushbutton LED 5 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PB5_COL PB5_LED Assert && Deassert Color Select: AG, AO, AR, GA, GO, GR, OA, OG, OR, RA, GO RG, RO PB6_LED Pushbutton LED 6 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PB6_COL PB6_LED Assert && Deassert Color Select: AG, AO, AR, GA, GO, GR, OA, OG, OR, RA, GO RG, RO PB7_LED Pushbutton LED 7 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PB7_COL PB7_LED Assert && Deassert Color Select: AG, AO, AR, GA, GO, GR, OA, OG, OR, RA, GO RG, RO PB8_LED Pushbutton LED 8 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PB8_COL PB8_LED Assert && Deassert Color Select: AG, AO, AR, GA, GO, GR, OA, OG, OR, RA, GO RG, RO PB9_LED Pushbutton LED 9 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT 19/12/2023 NOT PLT06 Q51_CER Q51_ABI Q52_CER Q52_ABI Q9_CERR Q9_ABIE Q1_CERR Page 67 of 95 R_TRIG F_TRIG PB9_COL PB9_LED Assert && Deassert Color Select: AG, AO, AR, GA, GO, GR, OA, OG, OR, RA, GO RG, RO PB10LED Pushbutton LED 10 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PB10COL PB10LED Assert && Deassert Color Select: AG, AO, AR, GA, GO, GR, OA, OG, OR, RA, GO RG, RO PB11LED Pushbutton LED 11 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PB11COL PB11LED Assert && Deassert Color Select: AG, AO, AR, GA, GO, GR, OA, OG, OR, RA, RO RG, RO PB12LED Pushbutton LED 12 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PB12COL PB12LED Assert && Deassert Color Select: AG, AO, AR, GA, GO, GR, OA, OG, OR, RA, GO RG, RO T1_LED Target LED 1 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG (87OP OR Z1P OR Z1G) AND NOT (SOTFT OR ZONE_2) T1LEDL Target LED 1 Latch Select: Y, N Y T1_LED Assert && Deassert Color Select: AG, AO, AR, GA, GO, GR, OA, OG, OR, RA, RO RG, RO T1LEDC Q1_ABIE 52ACL1 AND 52BCL1 AND 52CCL1 # BREAKER CLOSED NOT (52ACL1 AND 52BCL1 AND 52CCL1) # BREAKER OPEN T2_LED Target LED 2 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG (Z1PT OR Z1GT OR Z2PT OR Z2GT OR Z3PT OR Z3GT OR Z4PT OR Z4GT OR 51T01 OR 591P1T OR 592P1T) T2LEDL Target LED 2 Latch Select: Y, N Y T2LEDC T2_LED Assert && Deassert Color Select: AG, AO, AR, GA, GO, GR, OA, OG, OR, RA, RO RG, RO T3_LED Target LED 3 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG COMPRM AND NOT (Z1P OR Z1G OR 87L_OP OR SOTFT) T3LEDL Target LED 3 Latch Select: Y, N Y T3LEDC T3_LED Assert && Deassert Color Select: AG, AO, AR, GA, GO, GR, OA, OG, OR, RA, RO RG, RO T4_LED Target LED 4 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG SOTFT T4LEDL Target LED 4 Latch Select: Y, N Y T4LEDC T4_LED Assert && Deassert Color Select: AG, AO, AR, GA, GO, GR, OA, OG, OR, RA, RO RG, RO 19/12/2023 Page 68 of 95 T5_LED Target LED 5 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG ((Z1PT OR Z1GT) AND PSV58) T5LEDL Target LED 5 Latch Select: Y, N Y T5_LED Assert && Deassert Color Select: AG, AO, AR, GA, GO, GR, OA, OG, OR, RA, RO RG, RO T6_LED Target LED 6 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG Z2PT OR Z2GT OR (Z2P AND PTRX) OR (Z2G AND PTRX) T6LEDL Target LED 6 Latch Select: Y, N Y T6LEDC T6_LED Assert && Deassert Color Select: AG, AO, AR, GA, GO, GR, OA, OG, OR, RA, RO RG, RO T7_LED Target LED 7 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG Z3PT OR Z3GT T7LEDL Target LED 7 Latch Select: Y, N Y T7LEDC T7_LED Assert && Deassert Color Select: AG, AO, AR, GA, GO, GR, OA, OG, OR, RA, RO RG, RO T8_LED Target LED 8 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG Z4PT OR Z4GT T8LEDL Target LED 8 Latch Select: Y, N Y T8LEDC T8_LED Assert && Deassert Color Select: AG, AO, AR, GA, GO, GR, OA, OG, OR, RA, RO RG, RO T9_LED Target LED 9 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PHASE_A OR 87LA OR FSA T9LEDL Target LED 9 Latch Select: Y, N Y T9LEDC T9_LED Assert && Deassert Color Select: AG, AO, AR, GA, GO, GR, OA, OG, OR, RA, RO RG, RO T10_LED Target LED 10 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PHASE_B OR 87LB OR FSB T10LEDL Target LED 10 Latch Select: Y, N Y T10LEDC T10_LED Assert && Deassert Color Select: AG, AO, AR, GA, GO, GR, OA, OG, OR, RA, RO RG, RO T11_LED Target LED 11 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PHASE_C OR 87LC OR FSC T11LEDL Target LED 11 Latch Select: Y, N Y T11LEDC T11_LED Assert && Deassert Color Select: AG, AO, AR, GA, GO, GR, OA, OG, OR, RA, RO RG, RO T12_LED Target LED 12 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG GROUND T12LEDL Target LED 12 Latch Select: Y, N Y T12LEDC T12_LED Assert && Deassert Color Select: AG, AO, AR, GA, GO, GR, OA, OG, OR, RA, RO RG, RO T5LEDC Valid range = The legal 19/12/2023 Page 69 of 95 T13_LED Target LED 13 (SELogic) operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG 87OP OR 87LA OR 87LB OR 87LC T13LEDL Target LED 13 Latch Select: Y, N Y T13LEDC T13_LED Assert && Deassert Color Select: AG, AO, AR, GA, GO, GR, OA, OG, OR, RA, RO RG, RO T14_LED Target LED 14 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG 87LST T14LEDL Target LED 14 Latch Select: Y, N Y T14_LED Assert && Deassert Color Select: AG, AO, AR, GA, GO, GR, OA, OG, OR, RA, RO RG, RO T14LEDC Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG 87CH1AL OR 87CH2AL OR 87CH3AL OR 87CH1FB OR 87CH2FB OR 87CH3FB Target LED 15 Latch Select: Y, N N T15LEDC T15_LED Assert && Deassert Color Select: AG, AO, AR, GA, GO, GR, OA, OG, OR, RA, RO RG, RO T16_LED Target LED 16 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG 592P1T OR 591P1T T16LEDL Target LED 16 Latch Select: Y, N Y T16LEDC T16_LED Assert && Deassert Color Select: AG, AO, AR, GA, GO, GR, OA, OG, OR, RA, RO RG, RO T17_LED Target LED 17 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG BK1RS T17LEDL Target LED 17 Latch Select: Y, N N T17LEDC T17_LED Assert && Deassert Color Select: AG, AO, AR, GA, GO, GR, OA, OG, OR, RA, RO RG, RO T18_LED Target LED 18 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG BK1LO T18LEDL Target LED 18 Latch Select: Y, N N T18LEDC T18_LED Assert && Deassert Color Select: AG, AO, AR, GA, GO, GR, OA, OG, OR, RA, RO RG, RO T19_LED Target LED 19 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG 79CY1 OR 79CY3 T19LEDL Target LED 19 Latch Select: Y, N Y T19LEDC T19_LED Assert && Deassert Color Select: AG, AO, AR, GA, GO, GR, OA, OG, OR, RA, RO RG, RO T15_LED Target LED 15 (SELogic) T15LEDL T20_LED 19/12/2023 Target LED 20 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NOT (FMCBTL OR FMCBTB) AND (DLDB1 OR (25A1BK1 AND 59VP AND 59VS1 AND (SFBK1 OR SFZBK1)) OR DLLB1 OR LLDB1) Page 70 of 95 #PERMISIVO SINCRONISMO T20LEDL Target LED 20 Latch Select: Y, N T20LEDC T20_LED Assert && Deassert Color Select: AG, AO, AR, GA, GO, GR, OA, OG, OR, RA, RO RG, RO T21_LED Target LED 21 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG VB002 T21LEDL Target LED 21 Latch Select: Y, N N T21LEDC T21_LED Assert && Deassert Color Select: AG, AO, AR, GA, GO, GR, OA, OG, OR, RA, RO RG, RO T22_LED Target LED 22 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG 51S01 T22LEDL Target LED 22 Latch Select: Y, N Y T22LEDC T22_LED Assert && Deassert Color Select: AG, AO, AR, GA, GO, GR, OA, OG, OR, RA, RO RG, RO T23_LED Target LED 23 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG LOP OR 87OCT T23LEDL Target LED 23 Latch Select: Y, N Y T23LEDC T23_LED Assert && Deassert Color Select: AG, AO, AR, GA, GO, GR, OA, OG, OR, RA, RO RG, RO T24_LED Target LED 24 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PLT07 T24LEDL Target LED 24 Latch Select: Y, N N T24LEDC T24_LED Assert && Deassert Color Select: AG, AO, AR, GA, GO, GR, OA, OG, OR, RA, RO RG, RO SCROLD Front Panel Display Update Rate (sec) Range = 1 to 15, OFF 5 RMS_V RMS Line Voltage Screen Select: Y, N Y RMS_I RMS Line Current Screen Select: Y, N Y RMS_VPP RMS Line Voltage Phase to Phase Screen Select: Y, N Y RMS_W RMS Active Power Screen Select: Y, N Y FUNDVAR Fundamental Reactive Power Screen Select: Y, N Y RMS_VA RMS Apparent Power Screen Select: Y, N N RMS_PF RMS Power Factor Screen Select: Y, N N RMS_BK1 RMS Breaker 1 Currents Screen Select: Y, N N RMS_BK2 RMS Breaker 2 Currents Screen Select: Y, N N STA_BAT Station Battery Screen Select: Y, N N FUND_VI Fundamental Voltage and Current Screen Select: Y, N Y FUNDSEQ Fundamental Sequence Quantities Screen Select: Y, N N ONELINE One Line Bay Control Diagram Select: Y, N Y FUND_BK Fundamental Breaker Currents Screen Select: Y, N N DIFF_L Differential Metering Local Currents Screen Select: Y, N Y DIFF_T Differential Metering Total Currents Screen Select: Y, N Y PB1_HMI Pushbutton 1 HMI Screen Select: OFF, AP, DP, EVE, OFF SER, BC PB2_HMI Pushbutton 2 HMI Screen Select: OFF, AP, DP, EVE, OFF 19/12/2023 N Page 71 of 95 SER, BC PB3_HMI Pushbutton 3 HMI Screen Select: OFF, AP, DP, EVE, OFF SER, BC PB4_HMI Pushbutton 4 HMI Screen Select: OFF, AP, DP, EVE, OFF SER, BC PB5_HMI Pushbutton 5 HMI Screen Select: OFF, AP, DP, EVE, OFF SER, BC PB6_HMI Pushbutton 6 HMI Screen Select: OFF, AP, DP, EVE, OFF SER, BC PB7_HMI Pushbutton 7 HMI Screen Select: OFF, AP, DP, EVE, OFF SER, BC PB8_HMI Pushbutton 8 HMI Screen Select: OFF, AP, DP, EVE, OFF SER, BC PB9_HMI Pushbutton 9 HMI Screen Select: OFF, AP, DP, EVE, OFF SER, BC PB10HMI Pushbutton 10 HMI Screen Select: OFF, AP, DP, EVE, OFF SER, BC PB11HMI Pushbutton 11 HMI Screen Select: OFF, AP, DP, EVE, OFF SER, BC PB12HMI Pushbutton 12 HMI Screen Select: OFF, AP, DP, EVE, OFF SER, BC DISP_ER Enable HMI Auto Display of Event Summaries Select: Y, N Y TYPE_ER Types of Events for HMI Auto Display Select: ALL, TRIP ALL DP_ELE1 Display Point 1 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE2 Display Point 2 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE3 Display Point 3 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE4 Display Point 4 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE5 Display Point 5 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE6 Display Point 6 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE7 Display Point 7 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE8 Display Point 8 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE9 Display Point 9 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE10 Display Point 10 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE11 Display Point 11 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE12 Display Point 12 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, 19/12/2023 Page 72 of 95 DeAssertedText DP_ELE13 Display Point 13 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE14 Display Point 14 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE15 Display Point 15 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE16 Display Point 16 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE17 Display Point 17 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE18 Display Point 18 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE19 Display Point 19 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE20 Display Point 20 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE21 Display Point 21 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE22 Display Point 22 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE23 Display Point 23 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE24 Display Point 24 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE25 Display Point 25 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE26 Display Point 26 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE27 Display Point 27 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE28 Display Point 28 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE29 Display Point 29 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE30 Display Point 30 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE31 Display Point 31 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DeviceWord Element, 19/12/2023 Page 73 of 95 DP_ELE32 Display Point 32 AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE33 Display Point 33 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE34 Display Point 34 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE35 Display Point 35 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE36 Display Point 36 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE37 Display Point 37 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE38 Display Point 38 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE39 Display Point 39 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE40 Display Point 40 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE41 Display Point 41 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE42 Display Point 42 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE43 Display Point 43 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE44 Display Point 44 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE45 Display Point 45 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE46 Display Point 46 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE47 Display Point 47 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE48 Display Point 48 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE49 Display Point 49 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE50 Display Point 50 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE51 Display Point 51 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText 19/12/2023 Page 74 of 95 DP_ELE52 Display Point 52 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE53 Display Point 53 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE54 Display Point 54 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE55 Display Point 55 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE56 Display Point 56 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE57 Display Point 57 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE58 Display Point 58 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE59 Display Point 59 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE60 Display Point 60 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE61 Display Point 61 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE62 Display Point 62 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE63 Display Point 63 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE64 Display Point 64 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE65 Display Point 65 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE66 Display Point 66 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE67 Display Point 67 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE68 Display Point 68 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE69 Display Point 69 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE70 Display Point 70 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE71 Display Point 71 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText 19/12/2023 Page 75 of 95 DP_ELE72 Display Point 72 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE73 Display Point 73 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE74 Display Point 74 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE75 Display Point 75 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE76 Display Point 76 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE77 Display Point 77 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE78 Display Point 78 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE79 Display Point 79 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE80 Display Point 80 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE81 Display Point 81 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE82 Display Point 82 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE83 Display Point 83 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE84 Display Point 84 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE85 Display Point 85 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE86 Display Point 86 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE87 Display Point 87 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE88 Display Point 88 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE89 Display Point 89 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE90 Display Point 90 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE91 Display Point 91 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText 19/12/2023 Page 76 of 95 DP_ELE92 Display Point 92 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE93 Display Point 93 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE94 Display Point 94 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE95 Display Point 95 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE96 Display Point 96 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText LB_ELE1 Local Bit 1 Local Bit Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText, Pulse LB_ELE2 Local Bit 2 Local Bit Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText, Pulse LB_ELE3 Local Bit 3 Local Bit Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText, Pulse LB_ELE4 Local Bit 4 Local Bit Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText, Pulse LB_ELE5 Local Bit 5 Local Bit Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText, Pulse LB_ELE6 Local Bit 6 Local Bit Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText, Pulse LB_ELE7 Local Bit 7 Local Bit Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText, Pulse LB_ELE8 Local Bit 8 Local Bit Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText, Pulse LB_ELE9 Local Bit 9 Local Bit Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText, Pulse LB_ELE10 Local Bit 10 Local Bit Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText, Pulse LB_ELE11 Local Bit 11 Local Bit Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText, Pulse LB_ELE12 Local Bit 12 Local Bit Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText, Pulse LB_ELE13 Local Bit 13 Local Bit Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText, Pulse LB_ELE14 Local Bit 14 Local Bit Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText, Pulse LB_ELE15 Local Bit 15 Local Bit Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText, Pulse 19/12/2023 Page 77 of 95 LB_ELE16 Local Bit 16 Local Bit Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText, Pulse LB_ELE17 Local Bit 17 Local Bit Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText, Pulse LB_ELE18 Local Bit 18 Local Bit Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText, Pulse LB_ELE19 Local Bit 19 Local Bit Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText, Pulse LB_ELE20 Local Bit 20 Local Bit Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText, Pulse LB_ELE21 Local Bit 21 Local Bit Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText, Pulse LB_ELE22 Local Bit 22 Local Bit Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText, Pulse LB_ELE23 Local Bit 23 Local Bit Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText, Pulse LB_ELE24 Local Bit 24 Local Bit Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText, Pulse LB_ELE25 Local Bit 25 Local Bit Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText, Pulse LB_ELE26 Local Bit 26 Local Bit Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText, Pulse LB_ELE27 Local Bit 27 Local Bit Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText, Pulse LB_ELE28 Local Bit 28 Local Bit Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText, Pulse LB_ELE29 Local Bit 29 Local Bit Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText, Pulse LB_ELE30 Local Bit 30 Local Bit Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText, Pulse LB_ELE31 Local Bit 31 Local Bit Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText, Pulse LB_ELE32 Local Bit 32 Local Bit Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText, Pulse SER_PP 5 Events per SER Events page? (Y for 5, N for 3) Select: Y, N Front Panel 19/12/2023 Y Top Page 78 of 95 Output Top Setting Description Range Value OUT201 Interface Board 1 Output OUT201 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG (PB6 AND NOT PB1_LED) OR (89OPE04 AND PB1_LED) OUT202 Interface Board 1 Output OUT202 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG (PB5 AND NOT PB1_LED) AND PSV05 OR (89CLS04 AND PB1_LED) AND PSV05 OUT203 Interface Board 1 Output OUT203 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PCT07Q OUT204 Interface Board 1 Output OUT204 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PCT08Q AND PSV03 Interface Board 1 Output OUT205 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG TPA # DISPARO MONOFASICO HACIA 50BF FASE R Interface Board 1 Output OUT206 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG TPB # DISPARO MONOFASICO HACIA 50BF FASE S OUT207 Interface Board 1 Output OUT207 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG TPC # DISPARO MONOFASICO HACIA 50BF FASE T OUT208 Interface Board 1 Output OUT208 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG 3PT # DISPARO TRIFASICO HACIA 50BF Interface Board 1 Output OUT209 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG 3PT OR TPA OR TPB OR TPC # DISPARO TRIFASICO HACIA 50BF Interface Board 1 Output OUT210 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG 0 # SEGUN ING. ENVIO DEL DDT PERO FALTA EL MOTIVO OUT205 OUT206 OUT209 OUT210 OUT211 Interface Board 1 Output OUT211 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NOT (FMCBTL OR FMCBTB) AND (DLDB1 OR DLLB1 OR LLDB1) #PERMISIVO SINCRONISMO OUT212 Interface Board 1 Output OUT212 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PCT09Q AND NOT PLT01 Interface Board 1 Output OUT213 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG ((KEY OR KEY1 OR KEY3) AND PSV58) # PCT02Q # ENVIO TELEPROTECCION 21 OUT213 Valid range = The legal 19/12/2023 PCT01Q AND PSV58 AND NOT Page 79 of 95 operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG SPOI # KEY # ENVIO TELEPROTECCION 67N OUT214 Interface Board 1 Output OUT214 (SELogic) OUT215 Interface Board 1 Output OUT215 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PSV46 # ARRANQUE RDF OUT301 Interface Board 2 Output OUT301 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG (OC1 AND NOT PLT01) OR (PB12 AND PLT01) Interface Board 2 Output OUT302 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG (((CC1 AND NOT PLT01) OR (PB11 AND PLT01)) AND PSV52) AND PSV04 Interface Board 2 Output OUT303 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG (PB10 AND NOT PB1_LED) OR (89OPE01 AND PB1_LED) Interface Board 2 Output OUT304 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG (PB9 AND NOT PB1_LED) AND PSV01 OR (89CLS01 AND PB1_LED) AND PSV01 Interface Board 2 Output OUT305 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG (PB8 AND NOT PB1_LED) OR (89OPE02 AND PB1_LED) Interface Board 2 Output OUT306 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG (PB7 AND NOT PB1_LED) AND PSV02 OR (89CLS02 AND PB1_LED) AND PSV02 Interface Board 2 Output OUT307 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG (PB4 AND NOT PB1_LED) OR (89OPE03 AND PB1_LED) OUT308 Interface Board 2 Output OUT308 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG (PB3 AND NOT PB1_LED) AND PSV05 OR (89CLS03 AND PB1_LED) AND PSV05 OUT401 Interface Board 3 Output OUT401 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG TPA1 # DISPARO INTERRUPTOR FASE A OUT402 Interface Board 3 Output OUT402 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG TPB1 # DISPARO INTERRUPTOR FASE B OUT403 Interface Board 3 Output OUT403 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG TPC1 # DISPARO INTERRUPTOR FACE C OUT404 Interface Board 3 Output OUT404 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PSV45 # DISPARO 86 OUT405 Interface Board 3 Output OUT405 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PSV51 OR PSV40 # DISPARO 21 Y 87L HACIA RDF OUT406 Interface Board 3 Output OUT406 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG 51T01 OR PSV49 # DISPARON 67N HACIA RDF OUT407 Interface Board 3 Output OUT407 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT RCP21PP # RECEPCION 21 OUT302 OUT303 OUT304 OUT305 OUT306 OUT307 19/12/2023 Page 80 of 95 R_TRIG F_TRIG HACIA RDF OUT408 Interface Board 3 Output OUT408 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG BK1CL # ORDEN DE RECIERE RAO01 Remote Analog Output 01 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA RAO02 Remote Analog Output 02 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA RAO03 Remote Analog Output 03 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA RAO04 Remote Analog Output 04 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA RAO05 Remote Analog Output 05 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA RAO06 Remote Analog Output 06 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA RAO07 Remote Analog Output 07 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA RAO08 Remote Analog Output 08 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA RAO09 Remote Analog Output 09 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA RAO10 Remote Analog Output 10 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA RAO11 Remote Analog Output 11 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA RAO12 Remote Analog Output 12 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA RAO13 Remote Analog Output 13 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA RAO14 Remote Analog Output 14 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA RAO15 Remote Analog Output 15 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA RAO16 Remote Analog Output 16 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA RAO17 Remote Analog Output 17 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA RAO18 Remote Analog Output 18 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA Valid range = The legal 19/12/2023 Page 81 of 95 RAO19 Remote Analog Output 19 (SELogic) operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA RAO20 Remote Analog Output 20 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA RAO21 Remote Analog Output 21 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA RAO22 Remote Analog Output 22 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA RAO23 Remote Analog Output 23 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA RAO24 Remote Analog Output 24 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA RAO25 Remote Analog Output 25 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA RAO26 Remote Analog Output 26 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA RAO27 Remote Analog Output 27 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA RAO28 Remote Analog Output 28 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA RAO29 Remote Analog Output 29 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA RAO30 Remote Analog Output 30 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA RAO31 Remote Analog Output 31 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA RAO32 Remote Analog Output 32 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA RAO33 Remote Analog Output 33 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA RAO34 Remote Analog Output 34 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA RAO35 Remote Analog Output 35 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA RAO36 Remote Analog Output 36 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA RAO37 Remote Analog Output 37 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA RAO38 Remote Analog Output 38 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA 19/12/2023 Page 82 of 95 RAO39 Remote Analog Output 39 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA RAO40 Remote Analog Output 40 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA RAO41 Remote Analog Output 41 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA RAO42 Remote Analog Output 42 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA RAO43 Remote Analog Output 43 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA RAO44 Remote Analog Output 44 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA RAO45 Remote Analog Output 45 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA RAO46 Remote Analog Output 46 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA RAO47 Remote Analog Output 47 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA RAO48 Remote Analog Output 48 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA RAO49 Remote Analog Output 49 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA RAO50 Remote Analog Output 50 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA RAO51 Remote Analog Output 51 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA RAO52 Remote Analog Output 52 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA RAO53 Remote Analog Output 53 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA RAO54 Remote Analog Output 54 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA RAO55 Remote Analog Output 55 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA RAO56 Remote Analog Output 56 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA RAO57 Remote Analog Output 57 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA RAO58 Remote Analog Output 58 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA 19/12/2023 Page 83 of 95 RAO59 Remote Analog Output 59 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA RAO60 Remote Analog Output 60 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA RAO61 Remote Analog Output 61 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA RAO62 Remote Analog Output 62 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA RAO63 Remote Analog Output 63 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA RAO64 Remote Analog Output 64 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA TMB1A Mirrored Bit 1 Channel A Equation (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA TMB2A Mirrored Bit 2 Channel A Equation (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA TMB3A Mirrored Bit 3 Channel A Equation (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA TMB4A Mirrored Bit 4 Channel A Equation (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA TMB5A Mirrored Bit 5 Channel A Equation (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA TMB6A Mirrored Bit 6 Channel A Equation (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA TMB7A Mirrored Bit 7 Channel A Equation (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA TMB8A Mirrored Bit 8 Channel A Equation (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA TMB1B Mirrored Bit 1 Channel B Equation (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA TMB2B Mirrored Bit 2 Channel B Equation (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA TMB3B Mirrored Bit 3 Channel B Equation (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA TMB4B Mirrored Bit 4 Channel B Equation (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA TMB5B Mirrored Bit 5 Channel B Equation (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA TMB6B Mirrored Bit 6 Channel B Equation (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA 19/12/2023 Page 84 of 95 TMB7B Mirrored Bit 7 Channel B Equation (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA TMB8B Mirrored Bit 8 Channel B Equation (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA 87T1P1 Serial Comm. Transmit Bit 1 Port 1 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG ENDDT 87T2P1 Serial Comm. Transmit Bit 2 Port 1 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA 87T3P1 Serial Comm. Transmit Bit 3 Port 1 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA 87T4P1 Serial Comm. Transmit Bit 4 Port 1 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA 87T1P2 Serial Comm. Transmit Bit 1 Port 2 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA 87T2P2 Serial Comm. Transmit Bit 2 Port 2 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA 87T3P2 Serial Comm. Transmit Bit 3 Port 2 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA 87T4P2 Serial Comm. Transmit Bit 4 Port 2 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA Output 19/12/2023 Top Page 85 of 95 Bay Control Top Setting Description MIMIC Busbar Layout Screen Number Select: 1-56, 58-69, 75-144 109 BAYNAME Bay Name (max 20 characters) Range = ASCII string with BAY 1 a maximum length of 20. BUSNAM1 Busbar 1 Name (max 6-10 characters) Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 40 L-5038 pixels. B1HMINM Breaker 1 HMI Name (max 3-4 characters) Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 17 INT pixels. B1CTLNM Breaker 1 Control Screen Name (max 15 characters) Range = ASCII string with Breaker 1 a maximum length of 15. 521CLSM Breaker 1 Close Status (SELogic Equation) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG 52ACL1 AND PSV04 521_ALM Breaker 1 Alarm Status (SELogic Equation) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG 52AAL1 D01HMIN Disconnect 1 HMI Name (max 3-4 characters) Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 18 SB pixels. D02HMIN Disconnect 2 HMI Name (max 3-4 characters) Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 18 SL pixels. D03HMIN Disconnect 3 HMI Name (max 3-4 characters) Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 18 SPT pixels. D04HMIN Disconnect 4 HMI Name (max 3-4 characters) Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 18 SPT1 pixels. D05HMIN Disconnect 5 HMI Name (max 3-4 characters) Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 18 SPT2 pixels. D01CTLN Disconnect 1 Control Screen Name (max 15 characters) Range = ASCII string with Q01 a maximum length of 15. D02CTLN Disconnect 2 Control Screen Name (max 15 characters) Range = ASCII string with BB 2 a maximum length of 15. D03CTLN Disconnect 3 Control Screen Name (max 15 characters) Range = ASCII string with BB 3 a maximum length of 15. D04CTLN Disconnect 4 Control Screen Name (max 15 characters) Range = ASCII string with BB 4 a maximum length of 15. D05CTLN Disconnect 5 Control Screen Name (max 15 characters) Range = ASCII string with BB 5 a maximum length of 15. 89AM01 Disconnect 1 N/O Contact (SELogic Equation) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG Q1_CERR 89AM02 Disconnect 2 N/O Contact (SELogic Equation) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG Q9_CERR 89AM03 Disconnect 3 N/O Contact (SELogic Equation) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG Q51_CER 89AM04 Disconnect 4 N/O Contact (SELogic Equation) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT Q52_CER 19/12/2023 Range Value Page 86 of 95 R_TRIG F_TRIG 89AM05 Disconnect 5 N/O Contact (SELogic Equation) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG Q8_CERR 89BM01 Disconnect 1 N/C Contact (SELogic Equation) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG Q1_ABIE 89BM02 Disconnect 2 N/C Contact (SELogic Equation) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG Q9_ABIE 89BM03 Disconnect 3 N/C Contact (SELogic Equation) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG Q51_ABI 89BM04 Disconnect 4 N/C Contact (SELogic Equation) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG Q52_ABI 89BM05 Disconnect 5 N/C Contact (SELogic Equation) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG Q8_ABIE 89ALP01 Disconnect 1 Alarm Pickup (cyc) Range = 1 to 99999 300 89ALP02 Disconnect 2 Alarm Pickup (cyc) Range = 1 to 99999 300 89ALP03 Disconnect 3 Alarm Pickup (cyc) Range = 1 to 99999 300 89ALP04 Disconnect 4 Alarm Pickup (cyc) Range = 1 to 99999 300 89ALP05 Disconnect 5 Alarm Pickup (cyc) Range = 1 to 99999 300 89CCN01 Disconnect 1 Remote Close Control (SELogic Equation) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG 89CC01 89CCN02 Disconnect 2 Remote Close Control (SELogic Equation) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG 89CC02 89CCN03 Disconnect 3 Remote Close Control (SELogic Equation) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG 89CC03 89CCN04 Disconnect 4 Remote Close Control (SELogic Equation) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG 89CC04 89CCN05 Disconnect 5 Remote Close Control (SELogic Equation) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG 89CC05 89OCN01 Disconnect 1 Remote Open Control (SELogic Equation) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG 89OC01 89OCN02 Disconnect 2 Remote Open Control (SELogic Equation) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG 89OC02 89OCN03 Disconnect 3 Remote Open Control (SELogic Equation) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG 89OC03 89OCN04 Disconnect 4 Remote Open Control (SELogic Equation) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG 89OC04 89OCN05 Disconnect 5 Remote Open Control (SELogic Equation) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG 89OC05 89CST01 Disconnect 1 Close Seal-in Time (cyc) Range = 1 to 99999, OFF 280 89CST02 Disconnect 2 Close Seal-in Time (cyc) Range = 1 to 99999, OFF 280 89CST03 Disconnect 3 Close Seal-in Time (cyc) Range = 1 to 99999, OFF 280 19/12/2023 Page 87 of 95 89CST04 Disconnect 4 Close Seal-in Time (cyc) 89CST05 Disconnect 5 Close Seal-in Time (cyc) Range = 1 to 99999, OFF 280 89CIT01 Disconnect 1 Close Immobility Time (cyc) Range = 1 to 99999, OFF 500 89CIT02 Disconnect 2 Close Immobility Time (cyc) Range = 1 to 99999, OFF 500 89CIT03 Disconnect 3 Close Immobility Time (cyc) Range = 1 to 99999, OFF 500 89CIT04 Disconnect 4 Close Immobility Time (cyc) Range = 1 to 99999, OFF 500 89CIT05 Disconnect 5 Close Immobility Time (cyc) Range = 1 to 99999, OFF 500 89CRS01 Disconnect 1 Close Reset (SELogic Equation) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG 89CL01 OR 89CSI01 89CRS02 Disconnect 2 Close Reset (SELogic Equation) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG 89CL02 OR 89CSI02 89CRS03 Disconnect 3 Close Reset (SELogic Equation) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG 89CL03 OR 89CSI03 89CRS04 Disconnect 4 Close Reset (SELogic Equation) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG 89CL04 OR 89CSI04 89CRS05 Disconnect 5 Close Reset (SELogic Equation) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG 89CL05 OR 89CSI05 89CBL01 Disconnect 1 Close Block (SELogic Equation) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG 89CL01 OR 89AL01 OR 89OIP01 89CBL02 Disconnect 2 Close Block (SELogic Equation) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG 89CL02 OR 89AL02 OR 89OIP02 89CBL03 Disconnect 3 Close Block (SELogic Equation) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG 89CL03 OR 89AL03 OR 89OIP03 89CBL04 Disconnect 4 Close Block (SELogic Equation) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG 89CL04 OR 89AL04 OR 89OIP04 89CBL05 Disconnect 5 Close Block (SELogic Equation) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG 89CL05 OR 89AL05 OR 89OIP05 89OST01 Disconnect 1 Open Seal-in Time (cyc) Range = 1 to 99999, OFF 280 89OST02 Disconnect 2 Open Seal-in Time (cyc) Range = 1 to 99999, OFF 280 89OST03 Disconnect 3 Open Seal-in Time (cyc) Range = 1 to 99999, OFF 280 89OST04 Disconnect 4 Open Seal-in Time (cyc) Range = 1 to 99999, OFF 280 89OST05 Disconnect 5 Open Seal-in Time (cyc) Range = 1 to 99999, OFF 280 89OIT01 Disconnect 1 Open Immobility Time (cyc) Range = 1 to 99999, OFF 500 89OIT02 Disconnect 2 Open Immobility Time (cyc) Range = 1 to 99999, OFF 500 89OIT03 Disconnect 3 Open Immobility Time (cyc) Range = 1 to 99999, OFF 500 89OIT04 Disconnect 4 Open Immobility Time (cyc) Range = 1 to 99999, OFF 500 89OIT05 Disconnect 5 Open Immobility Time (cyc) Range = 1 to 99999, OFF 500 89ORS01 Disconnect 1 Open Reset (SELogic Equation) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG 89OPN01 OR 89OSI01 89ORS02 Disconnect 2 Open Reset (SELogic Equation) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG 89OPN02 OR 89OSI02 89ORS03 Disconnect 3 Open Reset (SELogic Equation) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG 89OPN03 OR 89OSI03 19/12/2023 Range = 1 to 99999, OFF 280 Page 88 of 95 89ORS04 Disconnect 4 Open Reset (SELogic Equation) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG 89OPN04 OR 89OSI04 89ORS05 Disconnect 5 Open Reset (SELogic Equation) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG 89OPN05 OR 89OSI05 89OBL01 Disconnect 1 Open Block (SELogic Equation) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG 89OPN01 OR 89AL01 OR 89OIP01 89OBL02 Disconnect 2 Open Block (SELogic Equation) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG 89OPN02 OR 89AL02 OR 89OIP02 89OBL03 Disconnect 3 Open Block (SELogic Equation) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG 89OPN03 OR 89AL03 OR 89OIP03 89OBL04 Disconnect 4 Open Block (SELogic Equation) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG 89OPN04 OR 89AL04 OR 89OIP04 89OBL05 Disconnect 5 Open Block (SELogic Equation) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG 89OPN05 OR 89AL05 OR 89OIP05 89CIR01 Disconnect 1 Close Immobility Time Reset (SELogic Equation) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NOT 89OPN01 89CIR02 Disconnect 2 Close Immobility Time Reset (SELogic Equation) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NOT 89OPN02 89CIR03 Disconnect 3 Close Immobility Time Reset (SELogic Equation) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NOT 89OPN03 89CIR04 Disconnect 4 Close Immobility Time Reset (SELogic Equation) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NOT 89OPN04 89CIR05 Disconnect 5 Close Immobility Time Reset (SELogic Equation) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NOT 89OPN05 89OIR01 Disconnect 1 Open Immobility Time Reset (SELogic Equation) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NOT 89CL01 89OIR02 Disconnect 2 Open Immobility Time Reset (SELogic Equation) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NOT 89CL02 89OIR03 Disconnect 3 Open Immobility Time Reset (SELogic Equation) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NOT 89CL03 89OIR04 Disconnect 4 Open Immobility Time Reset (SELogic Equation) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NOT 89CL04 89OIR05 Disconnect 5 Open Immobility Time Reset (SELogic Equation) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NOT 89CL05 MDELE1 Analog Quantity DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText MDELE2 Analog Quantity DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText MDELE3 Analog Quantity DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText 19/12/2023 Page 89 of 95 LOCAL Local Control MIMICDATABASE Connected Bay Control Database Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PLT01 Select: SEL SEL Bay Control Top 19/12/2023 Page 90 of 95 Notes Top Setting Description Range NOTE1 Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 70. NOTE2 Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 70. NOTE3 Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 70. NOTE4 Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 70. NOTE5 Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 70. NOTE6 Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 70. NOTE7 Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 70. NOTE8 Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 70. NOTE9 Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 70. NOTE10 Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 70. NOTE11 Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 70. NOTE12 Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 70. NOTE13 Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 70. NOTE14 Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 70. NOTE15 Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 70. NOTE16 Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 70. NOTE17 Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 70. NOTE18 Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 70. 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NOTE70 Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 70. NOTE71 Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 70. NOTE72 Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 70. NOTE73 Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 70. NOTE74 Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 70. NOTE75 Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 70. NOTE76 Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 70. NOTE77 Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 70. NOTE78 Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 70. NOTE79 Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 70. NOTE80 Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 70. NOTE81 Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 70. NOTE82 Range = ASCII string with 19/12/2023 Page 93 of 95 a maximum length of 70. NOTE83 Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 70. NOTE84 Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 70. NOTE85 Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 70. NOTE86 Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 70. NOTE87 Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 70. NOTE88 Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 70. NOTE89 Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 70. NOTE90 Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 70. NOTE91 Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 70. NOTE92 Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 70. NOTE93 Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 70. NOTE94 Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 70. NOTE95 Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 70. NOTE96 Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 70. NOTE97 Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 70. NOTE98 Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 70. NOTE99 Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 70. NOTE100 Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 70. Notes 19/12/2023 Top Page 94 of 95 19/12/2023 Page 95 of 95 Protocolo de Pruebas Relés de Protección ANEXO A2 CENTRAL TERMICA PUERTO BRAVO PROTECCIÓN DE RESPALDO DE LA LINEA L-5038 RELÉ SEL411L [F004] CONTENIDO A2.1) PROTOCOLO DE PRUEBAS A2.2) REPORTE DEL SIMULADOR (Test Universe) A2.3) AJUSTES DEL RELE (Software AcSELerator) Protocolo de Pruebas Relés de Protección A2.1) PROTOCOLO DE PRUEBAS Protocolo de Pruebas Relés de Protección Propietario : SAMAY I S.A.C. Identificación : RELÉ DE PROTECCIÓN DIFERENCIAL DE LINEA Ubicación : S.E. PUERTO BRAVO 500kV Código ANSI : 87L, 21, SOTF, 68, POTT, 67N, 67NCD, 59, 79 Tablero : =B03+R01 : : F004 Modelo del relé Ref. Código de Equipo : PROTECCIÓN DE RESPALDO DE LA LINEA L-5038 1 .- Datos del Relé de Protección : : Serie : IN : SEL411L Resultado: Aprobado Fecha: 14/12/2023 Transformadores de Protección Marca SCHWEITZER CT_Fases : 1000/1A Modelo 0411L1X6X1C8CCXH674C4C4 PT _Fases : 500/0.100 kV 1150510003 1A 2 .- Ajustes del Relé Se adjunta reporte de ajustes del relé - Software AcSELerator 3 .- Inspección Inicial y Verificaciones Resultado Aspecto exterior Conexionado eléctrico Puesta a tierra Comunicación con PC (Serial) Display Teclado Frontal CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME 4 .- Otras Funciones Verificadas Resultado Unidades de Medición Relación de VTs y CTs Leds de Señalización del Relé Verificación de contactos de Disparo Disparo efectivo del interruptor por actuación de 87L CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME 5 .- Prueba de Funciones de Protección 5.1) Diferencial de Linea CONFORME 87L 5.2) Distancia de Fases y Tierra CONFORME 21P/21N 5.3) Cierre Sobre Falla CONFORME SOTF 5.4) Bloqueo por Oscilacion de Potencia CONFORME 68 5.5) Esquema de Teleproteccion de Sobrealcance CONFORME POTT 5.6) Sobrecorriente Direccional de Tierra CONFORME 67N 5.7) Esquema por Comparacion Direccional CONFORME 67NCD 5.8) Sobretension de Fases CONFORME 59 Protocolo de Pruebas Relés de Protección Propietario : SAMAY I S.A.C. Identificación : RELÉ DE PROTECCIÓN DIFERENCIAL DE LINEA Ubicación : S.E. PUERTO BRAVO 500kV Código ANSI : 87L, 21, SOTF, 68, POTT, 67N, 67NCD, 59, 79 Tablero : =B03+R01 : : F004 Modelo del relé Ref. Código de Equipo : PROTECCIÓN DE RESPALDO DE LA LINEA L-5038 5.9) SEL411L Recierre Monopolar Resultado: Aprobado Fecha: 14/12/2023 79 CONFORME Nota: Se Adjunta resultado de pruebas del relé - Test Universe 6 .- Activación de Entradas / Salidas Binarias 6.1) BI Entradas Binarias (INPUTS) BI IN310 IN311 IN312 IN321 IN324 6.2) Asignación Interruptor Cerrado Fase R Interruptor Cerrado Fase S Interruptor Cerrado Fase T Recepcion 67N Recepcion 21 Resultado CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME BO Salidas Binarias (OUTPUTS) BO OUT301 OUT302 OUT303 OUT304 OUT308 Asignación Disparo Bobina 1, Fase R Disparo Bobina 1, Fase S Disparo Bobina 1, Fase T Disparo Definitvo Rele de Bloqueo 86 Orden de Recierre Resultado CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME 7 .- Verificación de LEDs de Señalización LEDs Asignación Resultado LED 1 [INST] INSTANTANEOUS TRIP CONFORME LED LED 2 [TIME] TIME TRIP CONFORME LED 3 [COMM] COMMUNICATIONS TRIP CONFORME LED 4 [SOTF] SWITCH ONTO FAULT TRIP CONFORME LED 5 [ZONA 1] TRIP ZONE 1 CONFORME LED 6 [ZONA 2] TRIP ZONE 2 CONFORME LED 7 [ZONA 3] TRIP ZONE 3 CONFORME LED 8 [ZONA 4] TRIP ZONE 4 CONFORME LED 9 [A] PHASE A TRIP CONFORME LED 10 [B] PHASE B TRIP CONFORME LED 11 [C] PHASE C TRIP CONFORME LED 12 [G] GROUND TRIP CONFORME LED 13 [87] 87L TRIP CONFORME LED 14 [87LST] 87L FUNCTION IS LOST CONFORME LED 15 [87ALARM] 87L ALARM CONFORME LED 16 [59] TRIP OVERVOLTAGE CONFORME LED 17 [79 RST] RECLOSURE RESET CONFORME LED 18 [79 LOCKOUT] RECLOSURE BLOCKED CONFORME LED 19 [79 CYC] SINGLE-POLE AUTORECLOSE CYCLE CONFORME LED 20 [25 SYNCH] SYNCHRONIZATION CONFORME LED 21 [VB002] VIRTUAL BIT CONFORME LED 22 [51] OVECURRENT CONFORME Protocolo de Pruebas Relés de Protección Propietario : SAMAY I S.A.C. Identificación : RELÉ DE PROTECCIÓN DIFERENCIAL DE LINEA Ubicación : S.E. PUERTO BRAVO 500kV Código ANSI : 87L, 21, SOTF, 68, POTT, 67N, 67NCD, 59, 79 Tablero : =B03+R01 : : F004 Modelo del relé Ref. Código de Equipo : PROTECCIÓN DE RESPALDO DE LA LINEA L-5038 SEL411L Resultado: Aprobado Fecha: 14/12/2023 8 .- Equipos de Prueba Utilizados EQP Descripción Marca Tipo Serie 1 1 Simulador de potencia trifásico OMICRON CMC 356 EH297J 2 1 Computadora portátil TOSHIBA LENOVO TP00050B Ítem Cant 9 .- Observaciones y Comentarios Obs - Las pruebas de operatividad al relé de protección SEL411L se han realizado satisfactoriamente. - Se adjuntan los siguientes reportes: * Reporte de ajustes del relé SEL411L - Software AcSELerator. * Reporte de pruebas del Software Test Universe - OMICRON CMC356. CONTRATISTA Nombre : Hamilton Matos Solis Fecha : 14/12/2023 Firma : SUPERVISIÓN Nombre : José Gutierrez 14/12/2023 Fecha : Firma : PROPIETARIO Nombre : Fecha : 14/12/2023 Firma : Protocolo de Pruebas Relés de Protección A2.2) REPORTE DEL SIMULADOR (Test Universe) INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 REPORTE DE PRUEBA S.E. PUERTO BRAVO 500kV PROTECCIÓN DE LINEA L-5038 PROTECCION DE RESPALDO SEL / SEL411L [F004] Compañia: INGELMEC S.A. Nombre de Usuario: Hamilton Matos Dia de Prueba: 14 de diciembre de 2023 Estado de Prueba: Passed Modulos de Prueba: 36 Modulos de Prueba Correctos: 36 Modulos de Pruebas con Error: 0 ________________________________________________________________________________ Hardware Configuration Test Equipment Type Serial Number CMC356 EH297J Hardware Check Performed At Result 14/12/2023 02:50:39 p.m. Passed Details Test Object - Device Settings Substation/Bay: Substation: Bay: Substation bay Substation address: Bay address: Substation address bay address SEL411L Line Protection serial no. Protected object name information Manufacturer: Device address: Schweitzer device address Device: Name/description: Device type: Serial/model number: Additional info 1: Additional info 2: 1 de 88 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 1) [INY] INYECCION INICIAL LOCAL: 1.1) [INY] Tension y Corriente: Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: OMICRON QuickCMC 14-dic-2023 16:02:19 Hamilton Matos Solis INGELMEC S.A. Version: Test End: Manager: 4.30 14-dic-2023 16:02:47 J.A.V. Test Results Title: INYECCION INICIAL Fault Calculator: Table Inputmode Parameters (All values are secondary) Direct V L1-E V L2-E V L3-E I L1 I L2 I L3 57.74 V 57.74 V 57.74 V 1.000 A 1.000 A 1.000 A 0.00 ° -120.00 ° 120.00 ° -30.00 ° -150.00 ° 90.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz Generator Settings V L1-E V L2-E V L3-E I L1 I L2 I L3 57.735V 57.735V 57.735V 1.000A 1.000A 1.000A 0.00° -120.00° 120.00° -30.00° -150.00° 90.00° +90° I L3 V L3-E 180° V L1-E 0° I L2 V L2-E 60.0 V -90° Binary Inputs Name Slope TRIP L1 TRIP L2 TRIP L3 TRIP 86 Overload 0 0 0 0 1 Time Summary 1 tests passed, 0 tests failed, 0 tests not assessed Test passed 2 de 88 100.00% passed I L1 1.0 A INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 LECTURAS REGISTRADAS EN EL RELÉ 3 de 88 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 2) [87L] DIFERENCIAL DE LINEA: 2.1) [87LP] Arranque 87LPP: Ramped Quantities I L1; L2; L3 / Magnitude Ramp States Ramp Ramp 1 I L1 800.0 mA 0.00 ° 60.000 Hz I L2 800.0 mA -120.00 ° 60.000 Hz I L3 800.0 mA 120.00 ° 60.000 Hz Force abs. Phases Sig 1 From Sig 1 To Sig 1 Delta Sig 1 d/dt dt per Step Ramp Steps Ramp Time Trigger Trigger Logic TRIP L1 TRIP L2 TRIP L3 TRIP 86 Step back Delay Time Yes 800.0 mA 1.200 A 5.000 mA 25.00 mA/s 200.0 ms 81 16.200s None No 0.00 s Test Module Name2MICRON RampinJ9ersion:.0 Test Start:-GLF.-202 :3:3 Test EnG-GLF.-202 :3:5 User Name:+DPLOWRQ0DWRV6ROLV0anager:-AV Company,1*(/0(& SA Test Results Assessment Results Name/ Exec. Ramp Condition Sig 87LPP_Arran que Ramp 1 TRIP L1 0->1 I L1; L2; 1.110 A L3 Assess: + .. Passed x .. Failed Nom. Act. Tol.- Tol.+ Dev. Assess Tact 1.115 A 20.00 mA 20.00 mA 5.000 mA + 41.0 ms o .. Not assessed 4 de 88 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 Ramp 1 Sig 1/A 1.15 1.10 1.05 1.00 0.95 0.90 0.85 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 t/s 0.80 I L1; L2; L3 TRIP L1 TRIP L2 TRIP L3 TRIP 86 Cursor Data Time Cursor 1 Cursor 2 C2 - C1 Signal 12.64 s <none> 0.00 s <none> -12.64 s Value n/a n/a n/a Test State: Test passed 5 de 88 t/s INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 2.2) [87LG] Arranque 8LGP_L1: Ramped Quantities I L1 / Magnitude Ramp States Ramp Ramp 1 I L1 200.0 mA 0.00 ° 60.000 Hz I L2 0.000 A -120.00 ° 60.000 Hz I L3 0.000 A 120.00 ° 60.000 Hz Force abs. Phases Sig 1 From Sig 1 To Sig 1 Delta Sig 1 d/dt dt per Step Ramp Steps Ramp Time Trigger Trigger Logic TRIP L1 TRIP L2 TRIP L3 TRIP 86 Step back Delay Time Yes 200.0 mA 260.0 mA 5.000 mA 16.67 mA/s 300.0 ms 13 3.900s None No 0.000 s Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: OMICRON Ramping 14-dic-2023 17:26:37 Hamilton Matos Solis INGELMEC S.A. Version: Test End: Manager: 4.30 14-dic-2023 17:26:43 J.A.V. Test Results Assessment Results Name/ Exec. Ramp Condition Sig Nom. Act. Tol.- Tol.+ Dev. Assess Tact 87LGP_Arran que Ramp 1 TRIP L1 0->1 I L1 250.0 mA 250.0 mA 20.00 mA 20.00 mA 0.000 A + 82.70 ms Assess: + .. Passed x .. Failed o .. Not assessed 6 de 88 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 Ramp 1 Sig 1/mA 250 240 230 220 210 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 t/s 200 I L1 TRIP L1 TRIP L2 TRIP L3 TRIP 86 Cursor Data Time Cursor 1 Cursor 2 C2 - C1 Signal 3.208 s I L1 0.000 s <none> -3.208 s Value 250.00 mA n/a n/a Test State: Test passed 7 de 88 t/s INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 2.3) [87LG] Arranque 8LGP_L2: Ramped Quantities I L2 / Magnitude Ramp States Ramp Ramp 1 I L1 0.000 A 0.00 ° 60.000 Hz I L2 200.0 mA -120.00 ° 60.000 Hz I L3 0.000 A 120.00 ° 60.000 Hz Force abs. Phases Sig 1 From Sig 1 To Sig 1 Delta Sig 1 d/dt dt per Step Ramp Steps Ramp Time Trigger Trigger Logic TRIP L1 TRIP L2 TRIP L3 TRIP 86 Step back Delay Time Yes 200.0 mA 260.0 mA 5.000 mA 16.67 mA/s 300.0 ms 13 3.900s None No 0.000 s Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: OMICRON Ramping 14-dic-2023 17:27:24 Hamilton Matos Solis INGELMEC S.A. Version: Test End: Manager: 4.30 14-dic-2023 17:27:30 J.A.V. Test Results Assessment Results Name/ Exec. Ramp Condition Sig Nom. Act. Tol.- Tol.+ Dev. Assess Tact 87LGP_Arran que Ramp 1 TRIP L1 0->1 I L2 250.0 mA 250.0 mA 20.00 mA 20.00 mA 0.000 A + 85.60 ms Assess: + .. Passed x .. Failed o .. Not assessed 8 de 88 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 Ramp 1 Sig 1/mA 250 240 230 220 210 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 t/s 200 I L2 TRIP L1 TRIP L2 TRIP L3 TRIP 86 Cursor Data Time Cursor 1 Cursor 2 C2 - C1 Signal 3.208 s <none> 0.000 s <none> -3.208 s Value n/a n/a n/a Test State: Test passed 9 de 88 t/s INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 2.4) [87LG] Arranque 8LGP_L3: Ramped Quantities I L3 / Magnitude Ramp States Ramp Ramp 1 I L1 0.000 A 0.00 ° 60.000 Hz I L2 0.000 A -120.00 ° 60.000 Hz I L3 200.0 mA 120.00 ° 60.000 Hz Force abs. Phases Sig 1 From Sig 1 To Sig 1 Delta Sig 1 d/dt dt per Step Ramp Steps Ramp Time Trigger Trigger Logic TRIP L1 TRIP L2 TRIP L3 TRIP 86 Step back Delay Time Yes 200.0 mA 260.0 mA 5.000 mA 16.67 mA/s 300.0 ms 13 3.900s None No 0.000 s Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: OMICRON Ramping 14-dic-2023 17:27:39 Hamilton Matos Solis INGELMEC S.A. Version: Test End: Manager: 4.30 14-dic-2023 17:27:45 J.A.V. Test Results Assessment Results Name/ Exec. Ramp Condition Sig Nom. Act. Tol.- Tol.+ Dev. Assess Tact 87LGP_Arran que Ramp 1 TRIP L1 0->1 I L3 250.0 mA 250.0 mA 20.00 mA 20.00 mA 0.000 A + 89.90 ms Assess: + .. Passed x .. Failed o .. Not assessed 10 de 88 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 Ramp 1 Sig 1/mA 250 240 230 220 210 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 t/s 200 I L3 TRIP L1 TRIP L2 TRIP L3 TRIP 86 Cursor Data Time Cursor 1 Cursor 2 C2 - C1 Signal 3.208 s <none> 0.000 s <none> -3.208 s Value n/a n/a n/a Test State: Test passed 11 de 88 t/s INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 2.5) [87L] Tiempos de Operacion: Test Settings State Pre-Falla 1_87LPP I L1 50.00 mA 1.200 A 50.00 mA 1.400 A 50.00 mA 100.0 mA 50.00 mA 150.0 mA 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz I L2 50.00 mA 1.200 A 50.00 mA 1.400 A 50.00 mA 100.0 mA 50.00 mA 150.0 mA -120.00 ° -120.00 ° -120.00 ° 120.00 ° -120.00 ° 0.00 ° -120.00 ° 0.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz I L3 50.00 mA 1.200 A 50.00 mA 1.400 A 50.00 mA 100.0 mA 50.00 mA 150.0 mA 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 120.00 ° -120.00 ° 120.00 ° 0.00 ° 120.00 ° 0.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz Falla 1_87LPP Pre-Falla 2_87LPP Falla 2_87LPP Pre-Falla 3_87LGP Falla 3_87LGP Pre-Falla 4_87LGP Falla 4_87LGP Test Module Name: OMICRON State Sequencer Version: 4.0 Test Start:-GLF.-202 :3:4 Test End:-GLF.-202 :3:5 User Name:+DPLOWRQ 0DWRV6ROLV Manager:-AV Company:I1*(/0(& SA Test Results Time Assessment Name Time 1 Time 2 Time 3 Time 4 Assess: Ignore before Start Stop Tnom Tdev- Tdev+ Tact Tdev Pre-Falla 1_87LPP Pre-Falla 2_87LPP Pre-Falla 3_87LGP Pre-Falla 4_87LGP Falla 1_87LPP Falla 2_87LPP Falla 3_87LGP Falla 4_87LGP TRIP L1 0>1 TRIP L1 0>1 TRIP L1 0>1 TRIP L1 0>1 20.00 ms 20.00 ms 20.00 ms 25.70 ms 5.700 ms + 20.00 ms 20.00 ms 20.00 ms 13.30 ms -6.700 ms + 20.00 ms 20.00 ms 20.00 ms 30.10 ms 10.10 ms + 20.00 ms 20.00 ms 20.00 ms 26.00 ms 6.000 ms + + .. Passed x .. Failed o .. Not assessed Test State: Test passed 12 de 88 Assess INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 3) [21P/21N] DISTANCIA DE LINEA: 3.1) [21P] Caracteristica_L1L2: Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: OMICRON Advanced Distance 14-dic-2023 15:08:39 Hamilton Matos Solis INGELMEC S.A. Version: Test End: Manager: 4.30 14-dic-2023 15:11:18 J.A.V. Test Results Search Test: Fault Type L1-L2 Zone Zone 1 Phase (Quad) Zone 2 Phase (Quad) Zone 4 Phase (Quad) Zone 1 Phase (Quad) Zone 2 Phase (Quad) Zone 4 Phase (Quad) Zone 1 Phase (Quad) Zone 2 Phase (Quad) Zone 4 Phase (Quad) Zone 3 Phase (Quad) Zone 3 Phase Zone 3 Phase Z act Phi act R act Assessed Qty. X act Nom. Dev. Result 3.725 ȍ 60.00 ° 1.862 ȍ 3.226 ȍ |Z| 3.748 ȍ -0.6101 % Passed 8.585 ȍ 60.00 ° 4.292 ȍ 7.435 ȍ |Z| 8.617 ȍ -0.3751 % Passed 14.33 ȍ 60.00 ° 7.167 ȍ 12.41 ȍ |Z| 14.50 ȍ -1.125 % Passed 3.329 ȍ 90.00 ° 0.000 ȍ 3.329 ȍ |Z| 3.344 ȍ -0.426 % Passed 7.659 ȍ 90.00 ° 0.000 ȍ 7.659 ȍ |Z| 7.688 ȍ -0.3751 % Passed 12.89 ȍ 90.00 ° 0.000 ȍ 12.89 ȍ |Z| 12.93 ȍ -0.3751 % Passed 3.605 ȍ 110.00 ° -1.233 ȍ 3.388 ȍ |Z| 3.627 ȍ -0.6101 % Passed 8.310 ȍ 110.00 ° -2.842 ȍ 7.808 ȍ |Z| 8.341 ȍ -0.3751 % Passed 13.98 ȍ 110.00 ° -4.781 ȍ 13.14 ȍ |Z| 14.03 ȍ -0.3751 % Passed 18.95 ȍ -90.00 ° 0.000 ȍ -18.95 ȍ |Z| 19.02 ȍ -0.3751 % Passed 13.32 ȍ -50.00 ° 8.560 ȍ -10.20 ȍ |Z| 13.58 ȍ -1.897 % Passed 15.40 ȍ -130.00 ° -9.902 ȍ -11.80 ȍ |Z| 15.45 ȍ -0.2884 % Passed 13 de 88 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 X/ȍ 15 10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 Test State: Test passed 14 de 88 R/ȍ INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 3.2) [21P] Caracteristica_L2L3: Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: OMICRON Advanced Distance 14-dic-2023 15:11:51 Hamilton Matos Solis INGELMEC S.A. Version: Test End: Manager: 4.30 14-dic-2023 15:14:32 J.A.V. Test Results Search Test: Fault Type L2-L3 Zone Zone 1 Phase (Quad) Zone 2 Phase (Quad) Zone 4 Phase (Quad) Zone 1 Phase (Quad) Zone 2 Phase (Quad) Zone 4 Phase (Quad) Zone 1 Phase (Quad) Zone 2 Phase (Quad) Zone 4 Phase (Quad) Zone 3 Phase (Quad) Zone 3 Phase Zone 3 Phase Z act Phi act R act Assessed Qty. X act Nom. Dev. Result 3.725 ȍ 60.00 ° 1.862 ȍ 3.226 ȍ |Z| 3.748 ȍ -0.6101 % Passed 8.585 ȍ 60.00 ° 4.292 ȍ 7.435 ȍ |Z| 8.617 ȍ -0.3751 % Passed 14.33 ȍ 60.00 ° 7.167 ȍ 12.41 ȍ |Z| 14.50 ȍ -1.125 % Passed 3.329 ȍ 90.00 ° 0.000 ȍ 3.329 ȍ |Z| 3.344 ȍ -0.426 % Passed 7.659 ȍ 90.00 ° 0.000 ȍ 7.659 ȍ |Z| 7.688 ȍ -0.3751 % Passed 12.89 ȍ 90.00 ° 0.000 ȍ 12.89 ȍ |Z| 12.93 ȍ -0.3751 % Passed 3.650 ȍ 110.00 ° -1.248 ȍ 3.429 ȍ |Z| 3.627 ȍ 0.6101 % Passed 8.310 ȍ 110.00 ° -2.842 ȍ 7.808 ȍ |Z| 8.341 ȍ -0.3751 % Passed 13.98 ȍ 110.00 ° -4.781 ȍ 13.14 ȍ |Z| 14.03 ȍ -0.3751 % Passed 18.95 ȍ -90.00 ° 0.000 ȍ -18.95 ȍ |Z| 19.02 ȍ -0.3751 % Passed 13.21 ȍ -50.00 ° 8.494 ȍ -10.12 ȍ |Z| 13.58 ȍ -2.665 % Passed 15.40 ȍ -130.00 ° -9.902 ȍ -11.80 ȍ |Z| 15.45 ȍ -0.2884 % Passed 15 de 88 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 X/ȍ 15 10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 Test State: Test passed 16 de 88 R/ȍ INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 3.3) [21P] Caracteristica_L3L1: Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: OMICRON Advanced Distance 14-dic-2023 15:15:10 Hamilton Matos Solis INGELMEC S.A. Version: Test End: Manager: 4.30 14-dic-2023 15:17:52 J.A.V. Test Results Search Test: Fault Type L3-L1 Zone Zone 1 Phase (Quad) Zone 2 Phase (Quad) Zone 4 Phase (Quad) Zone 1 Phase (Quad) Zone 2 Phase (Quad) Zone 4 Phase (Quad) Zone 1 Phase (Quad) Zone 2 Phase (Quad) Zone 4 Phase (Quad) Zone 3 Phase (Quad) Zone 3 Phase Zone 3 Phase Z act Phi act R act Assessed Qty. X act Nom. Dev. Result 3.725 ȍ 60.00 ° 1.862 ȍ 3.226 ȍ |Z| 3.748 ȍ -0.6101 % Passed 8.585 ȍ 60.00 ° 4.292 ȍ 7.435 ȍ |Z| 8.617 ȍ -0.3751 % Passed 14.33 ȍ 60.00 ° 7.167 ȍ 12.41 ȍ |Z| 14.50 ȍ -1.125 % Passed 3.329 ȍ 90.00 ° 0.000 ȍ 3.329 ȍ |Z| 3.344 ȍ -0.426 % Passed 7.659 ȍ 90.00 ° 0.000 ȍ 7.659 ȍ |Z| 7.688 ȍ -0.3751 % Passed 12.89 ȍ 90.00 ° 0.000 ȍ 12.89 ȍ |Z| 12.93 ȍ -0.3751 % Passed 3.650 ȍ 110.00 ° -1.248 ȍ 3.429 ȍ |Z| 3.627 ȍ 0.6101 % Passed 8.310 ȍ 110.00 ° -2.842 ȍ 7.808 ȍ |Z| 8.341 ȍ -0.3751 % Passed 13.98 ȍ 110.00 ° -4.781 ȍ 13.14 ȍ |Z| 14.03 ȍ -0.3751 % Passed 18.95 ȍ -90.00 ° 0.000 ȍ -18.95 ȍ |Z| 19.02 ȍ -0.3751 % Passed 13.21 ȍ -50.00 ° 8.494 ȍ -10.12 ȍ |Z| 13.58 ȍ -2.665 % Passed 15.40 ȍ -130.00 ° -9.902 ȍ -11.80 ȍ |Z| 15.45 ȍ -0.2884 % Passed 17 de 88 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 X/ȍ 15 10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 Test State: Test passed 18 de 88 R/ȍ INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 3.4) [21P] Caracteristica_RESISTIVO: Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: OMICRON Advanced Distance 14-dic-2023 15:18:32 Hamilton Matos Solis INGELMEC S.A. Version: Test End: Manager: 4.30 14-dic-2023 15:22:38 J.A.V. Test Results Search Test: Fault Type L1-L2 Zone Z act Zone 1 Phase (Quad) Zone 2 Phase (Quad) Zone 4 Phase (Quad) Zone 1 Phase (Quad) Zone 2 Phase (Quad) Zone 4 Phase (Quad) Phi act R act Assessed Qty. X act Nom. Result 6.670 ȍ 0.00 ° 6.670 ȍ 0.000 ȍ |Z| 6.690 ȍ -0.3054 % Passed 11.49 ȍ 0.00 ° 11.49 ȍ 0.000 ȍ |Z| 11.52 ȍ -0.2507 % Passed 22.50 ȍ 0.00 ° 22.50 ȍ 0.000 ȍ |Z| 22.60 ȍ -0.43 % Passed 7.093 ȍ 15.00 ° 6.852 ȍ 1.836 ȍ |Z| 7.072 ȍ 0.3054 % Passed 12.15 ȍ 15.00 ° 11.73 ȍ 3.144 ȍ |Z| 12.18 ȍ -0.2507 % Passed 23.79 ȍ 15.00 ° 22.98 ȍ 6.157 ȍ |Z| 23.89 ȍ -0.43 % Passed X/ȍ 10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 -10 Dev. -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 Search Test: Fault Type L2-L3 19 de 88 R/ȍ INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 Zone Z act Zone 1 Phase (Quad) Zone 2 Phase (Quad) Zone 4 Phase (Quad) Zone 1 Phase (Quad) Zone 2 Phase (Quad) Zone 4 Phase (Quad) Phi act R act Assessed Qty. X act Nom. Dev. Result 6.670 ȍ 0.00 ° 6.670 ȍ 0.000 ȍ |Z| 6.690 ȍ -0.3054 % Passed 11.49 ȍ 0.00 ° 11.49 ȍ 0.000 ȍ |Z| 11.52 ȍ -0.2507 % Passed 22.50 ȍ 0.00 ° 22.50 ȍ 0.000 ȍ |Z| 22.60 ȍ -0.43 % Passed 7.050 ȍ 15.00 ° 6.810 ȍ 1.825 ȍ |Z| 7.072 ȍ -0.3054 % Passed 12.15 ȍ 15.00 ° 11.73 ȍ 3.144 ȍ |Z| 12.18 ȍ -0.2507 % Passed 23.79 ȍ 15.00 ° 22.98 ȍ 6.157 ȍ |Z| 23.89 ȍ -0.43 % Passed X/ȍ 10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 R/ȍ Search Test: Fault Type L3-L1 Zone Zone 1 Phase (Quad) Zone 2 Phase (Quad) Zone 4 Phase (Quad) Zone 1 Phase (Quad) Zone 2 Phase (Quad) Z act Phi act R act Assessed Qty. X act Nom. Dev. Result 6.710 ȍ 0.00 ° 6.710 ȍ 0.000 ȍ |Z| 6.690 ȍ 0.3054 % Passed 11.55 ȍ 0.00 ° 11.55 ȍ 0.000 ȍ |Z| 11.52 ȍ 0.2507 % Passed 22.70 ȍ 0.00 ° 22.70 ȍ 0.000 ȍ |Z| 22.60 ȍ 0.43 % Passed 7.093 ȍ 15.00 ° 6.852 ȍ 1.836 ȍ |Z| 7.072 ȍ 0.3054 % Passed 12.21 ȍ 15.00 ° 11.79 ȍ 3.160 ȍ |Z| 12.18 ȍ 0.2507 % Passed 20 de 88 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 Zone 4 Phase (Quad) 23.99 ȍ 15.00 ° 23.18 ȍ 6.210 ȍ |Z| X/ȍ 10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 Test State: Test passed 21 de 88 R/ȍ 23.89 ȍ 0.43 % Passed INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 3.5) [21P] Tiempos de Operacion: Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: OMICRON Advanced Distance 14-dic-2023 15:23:14 Hamilton Matos Solis INGELMEC S.A. Version: Test End: Manager: 4.30 14-dic-2023 15:25:29 J.A.V. Test Results Check Test: Fault Type L1-L2 | Z |: Length: |Z| 1.351 ȍ 15.19 ȍ Phi 3.506 ȍ 3.879 ȍ 8.399 ȍ 8.927 ȍ 14.22 ȍ 15.11 ȍ | Z |: Length: |Z| 61.96 ° 61.55 ° 59.46 ° 59.36 ° 58.73 ° 58.67 ° 1.915 ȍ 12.25 ȍ Phi 3.230 ȍ 3.507 ȍ 7.458 ȍ 7.919 ȍ 12.55 ȍ 13.32 ȍ | Z |: Length: |Z| 90.00 ° 90.00 ° 90.00 ° 90.00 ° 90.00 ° 90.00 ° 15.31 ȍ 6.091 ȍ Phi 18.45 ȍ 19.59 ȍ -89.90 ° -89.84 ° Phi: %: 68.84 ° n/ t nom t act. 211.1 ms 661.1 ms 661.1 ms 1.261 s 1.261 s no trip 225.7 ms 660.7 ms 663.7 ms 1.276 s 1.278 s no trip Phi: %: 90.00 ° n/ t nom t act. 211.1 ms 661.1 ms 661.1 ms 1.261 s 1.261 s no trip Phi: %: t nom 1.511 s no trip 226.4 ms 662.2 ms 663.4 ms 1.275 s 1.276 s no trip -90.14 ° n/ t act. 1.513 s no trip Angle % of: 57.68 ° Dev. ITest 6.91 % -0.0622 % 0.3916 % 1.173 % 1.315 % n/a Angle % of: 90.00 ° Dev. ITest 7.242 % 0.1647 % 0.3462 % 1.085 % 1.204 % n/a Angle % of: 1.000 A 1.000 A 1.000 A 1.000 A 1.000 A 1.000 A 1.000 A 1.000 A 1.000 A 1.000 A 1.000 A 1.000 A -88.77 ° Dev. ITest 0.1382 % n/a 1.000 A 1.000 A Result: Passed Result Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Result: Passed Result Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Result: Passed Result Passed Passed Check Test: Fault Type L2-L3 | Z |: Length: |Z| 1.351 ȍ 15.19 ȍ Phi 3.506 ȍ 3.879 ȍ 8.399 ȍ 8.927 ȍ 14.22 ȍ 15.11 ȍ | Z |: Length: |Z| 61.96 ° 61.55 ° 59.46 ° 59.36 ° 58.73 ° 58.67 ° 1.915 ȍ 12.25 ȍ Phi 3.230 ȍ 3.507 ȍ 7.458 ȍ 7.919 ȍ 12.55 ȍ 13.32 ȍ | Z |: Length: 90.00 ° 90.00 ° 90.00 ° 90.00 ° 90.00 ° 90.00 ° 15.31 ȍ 6.091 ȍ Phi: %: 68.84 ° n/ t nom t act. 211.1 ms 661.1 ms 661.1 ms 1.261 s 1.261 s no trip 226.7 ms 663.0 ms 664.3 ms 1.275 s 1.278 s no trip Phi: %: 90.00 ° n/ t nom t act. 211.1 ms 661.1 ms 661.1 ms 1.261 s 1.261 s no trip Phi: %: 224.7 ms 662.1 ms 664.1 ms 1.274 s 1.276 s no trip -90.14 ° n/ Angle % of: 57.68 ° Dev. ITest 7.384 % 0.2857 % 0.4824 % 1.117 % 1.315 % n/a Angle % of: 90.00 ° Dev. ITest 6.437 % 0.1496 % 0.4521 % 1.054 % 1.188 % n/a Angle % of: 1.000 A 1.000 A 1.000 A 1.000 A 1.000 A 1.000 A 1.000 A 1.000 A 1.000 A 1.000 A 1.000 A 1.000 A -88.77 ° 22 de 88 Result: Passed Result Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Result: Passed Result Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Result: Passed INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 |Z| Phi 18.45 ȍ 19.59 ȍ -89.90 ° -89.84 ° t nom 1.511 s no trip t act. 1.514 s no trip Dev. ITest 0.1779 % n/a 1.000 A 1.000 A Result Passed Passed Check Test: Fault Type L3-L1 | Z |: Length: |Z| 1.351 ȍ 15.19 ȍ Phi 3.506 ȍ 3.879 ȍ 8.399 ȍ 8.927 ȍ 14.22 ȍ 15.11 ȍ | Z |: Length: |Z| 61.96 ° 61.55 ° 59.46 ° 59.36 ° 58.73 ° 58.67 ° 1.915 ȍ 12.25 ȍ Phi 3.230 ȍ 3.507 ȍ 7.458 ȍ 7.919 ȍ 12.55 ȍ 13.32 ȍ | Z |: Length: |Z| 90.00 ° 90.00 ° 90.00 ° 90.00 ° 90.00 ° 90.00 ° 15.31 ȍ 6.091 ȍ Phi 18.45 ȍ 19.59 ȍ -89.90 ° -89.84 ° Phi: %: 68.84 ° n/ t nom t act. 211.1 ms 661.1 ms 661.1 ms 1.261 s 1.261 s no trip 226.5 ms 663.2 ms 663.6 ms 1.274 s 1.275 s no trip Phi: %: 90.00 ° n/ t nom t act. 211.1 ms 661.1 ms 661.1 ms 1.261 s 1.261 s no trip Phi: %: t nom 1.511 s no trip 226.7 ms 661.5 ms 664.2 ms 1.275 s 1.275 s no trip -90.14 ° n/ t act. 1.514 s no trip Angle % of: 57.68 ° Dev. ITest 7.29 % 0.316 % 0.3765 % 1.022 % 1.125 % n/a Angle % of: 90.00 ° Dev. ITest 7.384 % 0.0588 % 0.4672 % 1.101 % 1.101 % n/a Angle % of: 1.000 A 1.000 A 1.000 A 1.000 A 1.000 A 1.000 A 1.000 A 1.000 A 1.000 A 1.000 A 1.000 A 1.000 A -88.77 ° Dev. ITest 0.2044 % n/a 1.000 A 1.000 A Test State: Test passed 23 de 88 Result: Passed Result Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Result: Passed Result Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Result: Result Passed Passed Passed INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 3.6) [21N] Caracteristica_L1: Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: OMICRON Advanced Distance 14-dic-2023 15:25:52 Hamilton Matos Solis INGELMEC S.A. Version: Test End: Manager: 4.30 14-dic-2023 15:29:12 J.A.V. Test Results Search Test: Fault Type L1-E Zone Zone 1 Ground (Quad) Zone 2 Ground (Quad) Zone 4 Ground (Quad) Zone 1 Ground (Quad) Zone 2 Ground (Quad) Zone 4 Ground (Quad) Zone 1 Ground (Quad) Zone 2 Ground (Quad) Zone 4 Ground (Quad) Zone 3 Ground (Quad) Zone 3 Ground Zone 3 Ground Zone 1 Ground (Quad) Zone 2 Ground (Quad) Zone 4 Ground (Quad) Z act Phi act R act Assessed Qty. X act Nom. Dev. Result 5.979 ȍ 60.00 ° 2.989 ȍ 5.178 ȍ |Z| 6.002 ȍ -0.381 % Passed 13.75 ȍ 60.00 ° 6.874 ȍ 11.91 ȍ |Z| 13.80 ȍ -0.381 % Passed 24.35 ȍ 60.00 ° 12.18 ȍ 21.09 ȍ |Z| 24.64 ȍ -1.143 % Passed 5.334 ȍ 90.00 ° 0.000 ȍ 5.334 ȍ |Z| 5.355 ȍ -0.381 % Passed 12.27 ȍ 90.00 ° 0.000 ȍ 12.27 ȍ |Z| 12.31 ȍ -0.381 % Passed 21.90 ȍ 90.00 ° 0.000 ȍ 21.90 ȍ |Z| 21.98 ȍ -0.381 % Passed 5.467 ȍ 100.00 ° -949.4 mȍ 5.384 ȍ |Z| 5.488 ȍ -0.381 % Passed 12.57 ȍ 100.00 ° -2.183 ȍ 12.38 ȍ |Z| 12.62 ȍ -0.381 % Passed 22.44 ȍ 100.00 ° -3.897 ȍ 22.10 ȍ |Z| 22.53 ȍ -0.381 % Passed 29.88 ȍ -90.00 ° 0.000 ȍ -29.88 ȍ |Z| 30.46 ȍ -1.905 % Passed 18.08 ȍ -50.00 ° 11.62 ȍ -13.85 ȍ |Z| 18.53 ȍ -2.466 % Passed 27.44 ȍ -130.00 ° -17.64 ȍ -21.02 ȍ |Z| 27.57 ȍ -0.4694 % Passed 6.669 ȍ 0.00 ° 6.669 ȍ 0.000 ȍ |Z| 6.690 ȍ -0.3127 % Passed 11.47 ȍ 0.00 ° 11.47 ȍ 0.000 ȍ |Z| 11.52 ȍ -0.4176 % Passed 22.51 ȍ 0.00 ° 22.51 ȍ 0.000 ȍ |Z| 22.60 ȍ -0.38 % Passed 24 de 88 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 X/ȍ 30 20 10 0 -10 -20 -30 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 Test State: Test passed 25 de 88 R/ȍ INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 3.7) [21N] Caracteristica_L2: Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: OMICRON Advanced Distance 14-dic-2023 15:30:27 Hamilton Matos Solis INGELMEC S.A. Version: Test End: Manager: 4.30 14-dic-2023 15:33:46 J.A.V. Test Results Search Test: Fault Type L2-E Zone Zone 1 Ground (Quad) Zone 2 Ground (Quad) Zone 4 Ground (Quad) Zone 1 Ground (Quad) Zone 2 Ground (Quad) Zone 4 Ground (Quad) Zone 1 Ground (Quad) Zone 2 Ground (Quad) Zone 4 Ground (Quad) Zone 3 Ground (Quad) Zone 3 Ground Zone 3 Ground Zone 1 Ground (Quad) Zone 2 Ground (Quad) Zone 4 Ground (Quad) Z act Phi act R act Assessed Qty. X act Nom. Dev. Result 5.979 ȍ 60.00 ° 2.989 ȍ 5.178 ȍ |Z| 6.002 ȍ -0.381 % Passed 13.75 ȍ 60.00 ° 6.874 ȍ 11.91 ȍ |Z| 13.80 ȍ -0.381 % Passed 24.35 ȍ 60.00 ° 12.18 ȍ 21.09 ȍ |Z| 24.64 ȍ -1.143 % Passed 5.334 ȍ 90.00 ° 0.000 ȍ 5.334 ȍ |Z| 5.355 ȍ -0.381 % Passed 12.27 ȍ 90.00 ° 0.000 ȍ 12.27 ȍ |Z| 12.31 ȍ -0.381 % Passed 21.90 ȍ 90.00 ° 0.000 ȍ 21.90 ȍ |Z| 21.98 ȍ -0.381 % Passed 5.467 ȍ 100.00 ° -949.4 mȍ 5.384 ȍ |Z| 5.488 ȍ -0.381 % Passed 12.57 ȍ 100.00 ° -2.183 ȍ 12.38 ȍ |Z| 12.62 ȍ -0.381 % Passed 22.44 ȍ 100.00 ° -3.897 ȍ 22.10 ȍ |Z| 22.53 ȍ -0.381 % Passed 29.88 ȍ -90.00 ° 0.000 ȍ -29.88 ȍ |Z| 30.46 ȍ -1.905 % Passed 17.97 ȍ -50.00 ° 11.55 ȍ -13.77 ȍ |Z| 18.53 ȍ -3.014 % Passed 27.44 ȍ -130.00 ° -17.64 ȍ -21.02 ȍ |Z| 27.57 ȍ -0.4694 % Passed 6.711 ȍ 0.00 ° 6.711 ȍ 0.000 ȍ |Z| 6.690 ȍ 0.3127 % Passed 11.47 ȍ 0.00 ° 11.47 ȍ 0.000 ȍ |Z| 11.52 ȍ -0.4176 % Passed 22.51 ȍ 0.00 ° 22.51 ȍ 0.000 ȍ |Z| 22.60 ȍ -0.38 % Passed 26 de 88 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 X/ȍ 30 20 10 0 -10 -20 -30 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 Test State: Test passed 27 de 88 R/ȍ INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 3.8) [21N] Caracteristica_L3: Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: OMICRON Advanced Distance 14-dic-2023 15:34:21 Hamilton Matos Solis INGELMEC S.A. Version: Test End: Manager: 4.30 14-dic-2023 15:37:40 J.A.V. Test Results Search Test: Fault Type L3-E Zone Zone 1 Ground (Quad) Zone 2 Ground (Quad) Zone 4 Ground (Quad) Zone 1 Ground (Quad) Zone 2 Ground (Quad) Zone 4 Ground (Quad) Zone 1 Ground (Quad) Zone 2 Ground (Quad) Zone 4 Ground (Quad) Zone 3 Ground (Quad) Zone 3 Ground Zone 3 Ground Zone 1 Ground (Quad) Zone 2 Ground (Quad) Zone 4 Ground (Quad) Z act Phi act R act Assessed Qty. X act Nom. Dev. Result 5.979 ȍ 60.00 ° 2.989 ȍ 5.178 ȍ |Z| 6.002 ȍ -0.381 % Passed 13.75 ȍ 60.00 ° 6.874 ȍ 11.91 ȍ |Z| 13.80 ȍ -0.381 % Passed 24.35 ȍ 60.00 ° 12.18 ȍ 21.09 ȍ |Z| 24.64 ȍ -1.143 % Passed 5.334 ȍ 90.00 ° 0.000 ȍ 5.334 ȍ |Z| 5.355 ȍ -0.381 % Passed 12.27 ȍ 90.00 ° 0.000 ȍ 12.27 ȍ |Z| 12.31 ȍ -0.381 % Passed 21.90 ȍ 90.00 ° 0.000 ȍ 21.90 ȍ |Z| 21.98 ȍ -0.381 % Passed 5.509 ȍ 100.00 ° -956.6 mȍ 5.425 ȍ |Z| 5.488 ȍ 0.381 % Passed 12.57 ȍ 100.00 ° -2.183 ȍ 12.38 ȍ |Z| 12.62 ȍ -0.381 % Passed 22.44 ȍ 100.00 ° -3.897 ȍ 22.10 ȍ |Z| 22.53 ȍ -0.381 % Passed 29.88 ȍ -90.00 ° 0.000 ȍ -29.88 ȍ |Z| 30.46 ȍ -1.905 % Passed 17.87 ȍ -50.00 ° 11.49 ȍ -13.69 ȍ |Z| 18.53 ȍ -3.562 % Passed 27.44 ȍ -130.00 ° -17.64 ȍ -21.02 ȍ |Z| 27.57 ȍ -0.4694 % Passed 6.711 ȍ 0.00 ° 6.711 ȍ 0.000 ȍ |Z| 6.690 ȍ 0.3127 % Passed 11.47 ȍ 0.00 ° 11.47 ȍ 0.000 ȍ |Z| 11.52 ȍ -0.4176 % Passed 22.51 ȍ 0.00 ° 22.51 ȍ 0.000 ȍ |Z| 22.60 ȍ -0.38 % Passed 28 de 88 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 X/ȍ 30 20 10 0 -10 -20 -30 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 Test State: Test passed 29 de 88 R/ȍ INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 3.9) [21N] Tiempos de Operacion: Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: OMICRON Advanced Distance 14-dic-2023 15:38:20 Hamilton Matos Solis INGELMEC S.A. Version: Test End: Manager: 4.30 14-dic-2023 15:39:51 J.A.V. Test Results Check Test: Fault Type L1-E | Z |: Length: |Z| 1.815 ȍ 14.55 ȍ Phi 5.740 ȍ 6.106 ȍ 13.32 ȍ 14.16 ȍ | Z |: Length: |Z| 61.59 ° 61.48 ° 60.54 ° 60.49 ° 2.242 ȍ 11.53 ȍ Phi 5.192 ȍ 5.518 ȍ 11.94 ȍ 12.69 ȍ | Z |: Length: |Z| 90.00 ° 90.00 ° 90.00 ° 90.00 ° 25.43 ȍ 9.324 ȍ Phi 29.61 ȍ 31.46 ȍ -94.37 ° -94.33 ° Phi: %: 65.60 ° n/ t nom t act. 211.1 ms 661.1 ms 661.1 ms 1.261 s 225.9 ms 664.8 ms 665.8 ms 1.275 s Phi: %: 90.00 ° n/ t nom t act. 211.1 ms 661.1 ms 661.1 ms 1.261 s Phi: %: t nom 1.511 s no trip 225.3 ms 662.9 ms 663.6 ms 1.272 s -94.47 ° n/ t act. 1.512 s no trip Angle % of: 59.74 ° Dev. ITest 7.005 % 0.558 % 0.7092 % 1.077 % Angle % of: 90.00 ° Dev. ITest 6.721 % 0.2706 % 0.3765 % 0.8655 % Angle % of: 500.0 mA 500.0 mA 500.0 mA 500.0 mA 500.0 mA 500.0 mA 500.0 mA 500.0 mA 266.23 ° Dev. ITest 0.0853 % n/a 500.0 mA 500.0 mA Result: Passed Result Passed Passed Passed Passed Result: Passed Result Passed Passed Passed Passed Result: Passed Result Passed Passed Check Test: Fault Type L2-E | Z |: Length: |Z| 1.815 ȍ 14.55 ȍ Phi 5.740 ȍ 6.106 ȍ 13.32 ȍ 14.16 ȍ | Z |: Length: |Z| 61.59 ° 61.48 ° 60.54 ° 60.49 ° 2.242 ȍ 11.53 ȍ Phi 5.192 ȍ 5.518 ȍ 11.94 ȍ 12.69 ȍ | Z |: Length: |Z| 90.00 ° 90.00 ° 90.00 ° 90.00 ° 25.43 ȍ 9.324 ȍ Phi 29.61 ȍ 31.46 ȍ -94.37 ° -94.33 ° Phi: %: 65.60 ° n/ t nom t act. 211.1 ms 661.1 ms 661.1 ms 1.261 s 226.7 ms 662.5 ms 667.0 ms 1.275 s Phi: %: 90.00 ° n/ t nom t act. 211.1 ms 661.1 ms 661.1 ms 1.261 s Phi: %: t nom 1.511 s no trip 227.1 ms 663.1 ms 663.2 ms 1.275 s -94.47 ° n/ t act. 1.515 s no trip Angle % of: 59.74 ° Dev. ITest 7.384 % 0.2101 % 0.8908 % 1.077 % Angle % of: 90.00 ° Dev. ITest 7.574 % 0.3008 % 0.316 % 1.062 % Angle % of: 500.0 mA 500.0 mA 500.0 mA 500.0 mA 500.0 mA 500.0 mA 500.0 mA 500.0 mA 266.23 ° Dev. ITest 0.2309 % n/a 500.0 mA 500.0 mA Result: Passed Result Passed Passed Passed Passed Result: Passed Result Passed Passed Passed Passed Result: Passed Result Passed Passed Check Test: Fault Type L3-E | Z |: Length: 1.815 ȍ 14.55 ȍ Phi: %: 65.60 ° n/ Angle % of: 59.74 ° 30 de 88 Result: Passed INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 |Z| Phi 5.740 ȍ 6.106 ȍ 13.32 ȍ 14.16 ȍ | Z |: Length: |Z| 61.59 ° 61.48 ° 60.54 ° 60.49 ° 2.242 ȍ 11.53 ȍ Phi 5.192 ȍ 5.518 ȍ 11.94 ȍ 12.69 ȍ | Z |: Length: |Z| 90.00 ° 90.00 ° 90.00 ° 90.00 ° 25.43 ȍ 9.324 ȍ Phi 29.61 ȍ 31.46 ȍ -94.37 ° -94.33 ° t nom 211.1 ms 661.1 ms 661.1 ms 1.261 s t act. 226.8 ms 663.0 ms 665.7 ms 1.272 s Phi: %: 90.00 ° n/ t nom t act. 211.1 ms 661.1 ms 661.1 ms 1.261 s Phi: %: t nom 1.511 s no trip 225.2 ms 663.0 ms 663.6 ms 1.274 s -94.47 ° n/ t act. 1.515 s no trip Dev. ITest 7.432 % 0.2857 % 0.6941 % 0.8793 % Angle % of: 90.00 ° Dev. ITest 6.674 % 0.2857 % 0.3765 % 1.03 % Angle % of: 500.0 mA 500.0 mA 500.0 mA 500.0 mA 500.0 mA 500.0 mA 500.0 mA 500.0 mA 266.23 ° Dev. ITest 0.2772 % n/a 500.0 mA 500.0 mA Test State: Test passed 31 de 88 Result Passed Passed Passed Passed Result: Passed Result Passed Passed Passed Passed Result: Result Passed Passed Passed INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 4) [SOTF] CIERRE SOBRE FALLA: 4.1) [SOTF] Tiempo de Operacion_L1_Zona 2: Test Settings State PRE FALLA 1 V L1-E 0.000 V 16.91 V 0.000 V 18.01 V 0.000 V 19.55 V 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz V L2-E 0.000 V 57.74 V 0.000 V 57.74 V 0.000 V 57.74 V -120.00 ° -120.00 ° -120.00 ° -120.00 ° -120.00 ° -120.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz V L3-E 0.000 V 57.74 V 0.000 V 57.74 V 0.000 V 57.74 V 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz I L1 0.000 A 2.000 A 0.000 A 2.000 A 0.000 A 2.000 A 0.00 ° -72.83 ° 0.00 ° -71.59 ° 0.00 ° -70.94 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz I L2 0.000 A 0.000 A 0.000 A 0.000 A 0.000 A 0.000 A -120.00 ° 0.00 ° -120.00 ° 0.00 ° -120.00 ° 0.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz I L3 0.000 A 0.000 A 0.000 A 0.000 A 0.000 A 0.000 A 120.00 ° 0.00 ° 120.00 ° 0.00 ° 120.00 ° 0.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz CIERRE 1 PRE FALLA 2 CIERRE 2 PRE FALLA 3 CIERRE 3 Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: OMICRON State Sequencer 14-dic-2023 15:58:01 Hamilton Matos Solis INGELMEC S.A. Version: Test End: Manager: 4.30 14-dic-2023 15:58:06 J.A.V. Test Results Time Assessment Name Time 1 Time 2 Time 3 Assess: Ignore before Start PRE FALLA 1 PRE FALLA 2 PRE FALLA 3 CIERRE 1 TRIP L2 0>1 CIERRE 2 TRIP L2 0>1 CIERRE 3 TRIP L2 0>1 + .. Passed x .. Failed Stop Tnom Tdev- Tdev+ Tact Tdev 20.00 ms 30.00 ms 30.00 ms 19.90 ms -100.0 ȝs + 20.00 ms 30.00 ms 30.00 ms 17.80 ms -2.200 ms + 20.00 ms 30.00 ms 30.00 ms 17.90 ms -2.100 ms + o .. Not assessed 32 de 88 Assess INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 PRE FALLA 1 PRE FALLA 2 CIERRE 1 PRE FALLA 3 CIERRE 2 CIERRE 3 CMC356 V A/V 60 40 20 0 0.5 -20 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 2.0 2.5 3.0 t/s -40 -60 -80 V L1-E V L2-E V L3-E CMC356 I A/A 2.0 1.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 -1.0 t/s -2.0 -3.0 I L1 I L2 I L3 CB L1 CB L2 CB L3 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 t/s TRIP L1 TRIP L2 TRIP L3 TRIP 86 Test State: Test passed 33 de 88 t/s INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 4.2) [SOTF] Tiempo de Operacion_L2_Zona 2: Test Settings State PRE FALLA 1 V L1-E 0.000 V 57.74 V 0.000 V 57.74 V 0.000 V 57.74 V 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz V L2-E 0.000 V 16.39 V 0.000 V 16.08 V 0.000 V 16.11 V -120.00 ° -120.00 ° -120.00 ° -120.00 ° -120.00 ° -120.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz V L3-E 0.000 V 57.74 V 0.000 V 57.74 V 0.000 V 57.74 V 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz I L1 0.000 A 0.000 A 0.000 A 0.000 A 0.000 A 0.000 A 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz I L2 0.000 A 2.000 A 0.000 A 2.000 A 0.000 A 2.000 A -120.00 ° -203.10 ° -120.00 ° -206.29 ° -120.00 ° -204.64 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz I L3 0.000 A 0.000 A 0.000 A 0.000 A 0.000 A 0.000 A 120.00 ° 0.00 ° 120.00 ° 0.00 ° 120.00 ° 0.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz CIERRE 1 PRE FALLA 2 CIERRE 2 PRE FALLA 3 CIERRE 3 Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: OMICRON State Sequencer 14-dic-2023 15:58:35 Hamilton Matos Solis INGELMEC S.A. Version: Test End: Manager: 4.30 14-dic-2023 15:58:41 J.A.V. Test Results Time Assessment Name Time 1 Time 2 Time 3 Assess: Ignore before Start PRE FALLA 1 PRE FALLA 2 PRE FALLA 3 CIERRE 1 TRIP L2 0>1 CIERRE 2 TRIP L2 0>1 CIERRE 3 TRIP L2 0>1 + .. Passed x .. Failed Stop Tnom Tdev- Tdev+ Tact Tdev 20.00 ms 30.00 ms 30.00 ms 17.80 ms -2.200 ms + 20.00 ms 30.00 ms 30.00 ms 17.90 ms -2.100 ms + 20.00 ms 30.00 ms 30.00 ms 18.00 ms -2.000 ms + o .. Not assessed 34 de 88 Assess INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 PRE FALLA 1 PRE FALLA 2 CIERRE 1 PRE FALLA 3 CIERRE 2 CIERRE 3 CMC356 V A/V 60 40 20 0 0.5 -20 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 2.0 2.5 3.0 t/s -40 -60 -80 V L1-E V L2-E V L3-E CMC356 I A/A 2.0 1.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 -1.0 t/s -2.0 -3.0 I L1 I L2 I L3 CB L1 CB L2 CB L3 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 t/s TRIP L1 TRIP L2 TRIP L3 TRIP 86 Test State: Test passed 35 de 88 t/s INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 4.3) [SOTF] Tiempo de Operacion_L3_Zona 2: Test Settings State PRE FALLA 1 V L1-E 0.000 V 57.74 V 0.000 V 57.74 V 0.000 V 57.74 V 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz V L2-E 0.000 V 57.74 V 0.000 V 57.74 V 0.000 V 57.74 V -120.00 ° -120.00 ° -120.00 ° -120.00 ° -120.00 ° -120.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz V L3-E 0.000 V 13.86 V 0.000 V 13.86 V 0.000 V 13.86 V 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz I L1 0.000 A 0.000 A 0.000 A 0.000 A 0.000 A 0.000 A 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz I L2 0.000 A 0.000 A 0.000 A 0.000 A 0.000 A 0.000 A -120.00 ° 0.00 ° -120.00 ° 0.00 ° -120.00 ° 0.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz I L3 0.000 A 2.000 A 0.000 A 2.000 A 0.000 A 2.000 A 120.00 ° 40.00 ° 120.00 ° 41.01 ° 120.00 ° 40.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz CIERRE 1 PRE FALLA 2 CIERRE 2 PRE FALLA 3 CIERRE 3 Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: OMICRON State Sequencer 14-dic-2023 15:58:53 Hamilton Matos Solis INGELMEC S.A. Version: Test End: Manager: 4.30 14-dic-2023 15:58:59 J.A.V. Test Results Time Assessment Name Time 1 Time 2 Time 3 Assess: Ignore before Start PRE FALLA 1 PRE FALLA 2 PRE FALLA 3 CIERRE 1 TRIP L2 0>1 CIERRE 2 TRIP L2 0>1 CIERRE 3 TRIP L2 0>1 + .. Passed x .. Failed Stop Tnom Tdev- Tdev+ Tact Tdev 20.00 ms 30.00 ms 30.00 ms 14.60 ms -5.400 ms + 20.00 ms 30.00 ms 30.00 ms 14.70 ms -5.300 ms + 20.00 ms 30.00 ms 30.00 ms 14.70 ms -5.300 ms + o .. Not assessed 36 de 88 Assess INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 PRE FALLA 1 PRE FALLA 2 CIERRE 1 PRE FALLA 3 CIERRE 2 CIERRE 3 CMC356 V A/V 60 40 20 0 0.5 -20 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 2.0 2.5 3.0 t/s -40 -60 -80 V L1-E V L2-E V L3-E CMC356 I A/A 2.0 1.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 -1.0 t/s -2.0 -3.0 I L1 I L2 I L3 CB L1 CB L2 CB L3 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 t/s TRIP L1 TRIP L2 TRIP L3 TRIP 86 Test State: Test passed 37 de 88 t/s INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 4.4) [SOTF] Tiempo de Operacion_L123_Zona 2: Test Settings State PRE FALLA 1 V L1-E 0.000 V 9.707 V 0.000 V 9.707 V 0.000 V 9.800 V 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz V L2-E 0.000 V 9.707 V 0.000 V 9.707 V 0.000 V 9.800 V -120.00 ° -120.00 ° -120.00 ° -120.00 ° -120.00 ° -120.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz V L3-E 0.000 V 9.707 V 0.000 V 9.707 V 0.000 V 9.800 V 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz I L1 0.000 A 2.000 A 0.000 A 2.000 A 0.000 A 2.000 A 0.00 ° -83.85 ° 0.00 ° -83.85 ° 0.00 ° -85.27 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz I L2 0.000 A 2.000 A 0.000 A 2.000 A 0.000 A 2.000 A -120.00 ° -203.85 ° -120.00 ° -203.85 ° -120.00 ° -205.27 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz I L3 0.000 A 2.000 A 0.000 A 2.000 A 0.000 A 2.000 A 120.00 ° 36.15 ° 120.00 ° 36.15 ° 120.00 ° 34.73 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz CIERRE 1 PRE FALLA 2 CIERRE 2 PRE FALLA 3 CIERRE 3 Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: OMICRON State Sequencer 14-dic-2023 15:59:14 Hamilton Matos Solis INGELMEC S.A. Version: Test End: Manager: 4.30 14-dic-2023 15:59:19 J.A.V. Test Results Time Assessment Name Time 1 Time 2 Time 3 Assess: Ignore before Start PRE FALLA 1 PRE FALLA 2 PRE FALLA 3 CIERRE 1 TRIP L2 0>1 CIERRE 2 TRIP L2 0>1 CIERRE 3 TRIP L2 0>1 + .. Passed x .. Failed Stop Tnom Tdev- Tdev+ Tact Tdev 20.00 ms 30.00 ms 30.00 ms 22.50 ms 2.500 ms + 20.00 ms 30.00 ms 30.00 ms 12.30 ms -7.700 ms + 20.00 ms 30.00 ms 30.00 ms 12.30 ms -7.700 ms + o .. Not assessed 38 de 88 Assess INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 PRE FALLA 1 PRE FALLA 2 CIERRE 1 PRE FALLA 3 CIERRE 2 CIERRE 3 CMC356 V A/V 10.0 7.5 5.0 2.5 0.0 -2.5 -5.0 -7.5 -10.0 -12.5 -15.0 0.5 1.0 V L1-E 1.5 V L2-E 2.0 2.5 3.0 2.0 2.5 3.0 t/s V L3-E CMC356 I A/A 2.0 1.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 -1.0 t/s -2.0 -3.0 I L1 I L2 I L3 CB L1 CB L2 CB L3 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 t/s TRIP L1 TRIP L2 TRIP L3 TRIP 86 Test State: Test passed 39 de 88 t/s INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 4.5) [SOTF] Tiempo de Operacion_IG_51S01: Test Settings State Pre-Falla 1 V L1-E 0.000 V 40.99 V 0.000 V 57.74 V 0.000 V 57.74 V 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz V L2-E 0.000 V 57.74 V 0.000 V 38.71 V 0.000 V 57.74 V -120.00 ° -120.00 ° -120.00 ° -120.00 ° -120.00 ° -120.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz V L3-E 0.000 V 57.74 V 0.000 V 57.74 V 0.000 V 38.81 V 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz I L1 0.000 A 2.000 A 0.000 A 0.000 A 0.000 A 0.000 A 0.00 ° -80.20 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz I L2 0.000 A 0.000 A 0.000 A 2.000 A 0.000 A 0.000 A -120.00 ° 0.00 ° -120.00 ° -203.63 ° -120.00 ° 0.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz I L3 0.000 A 0.000 A 0.000 A 0.000 A 0.000 A 2.000 A 120.00 ° 0.00 ° 120.00 ° 0.00 ° 120.00 ° 44.73 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz Falla 1 Pre-Falla 2 Falla 2 Pre-Falla 3 Falla 3 Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: OMICRON State Sequencer 14-dic-2023 16:00:43 Hamilton Matos Solis INGELMEC S.A. Version: Test End: Manager: 4.30 14-dic-2023 16:00:48 J.A.V. Test Results Time Assessment Name Time 1 Time 2 Time 3 Assess: Ignore before Pre-Falla 1 Pre-Falla 2 Pre-Falla 3 + .. Passed Start Stop Tnom Tdev- Tdev+ Tact Tdev Falla 1 TRIP L1 0>1 TRIP L1 0>1 TRIP L1 0>1 20.00 ms 30.00 ms 30.00 ms 13.90 ms -6.100 ms + 20.00 ms 30.00 ms 30.00 ms 18.10 ms -1.900 ms + 20.00 ms 30.00 ms 30.00 ms 14.00 ms -6.000 ms + Falla 2 Falla 3 x .. Failed o .. Not assessed 40 de 88 Assess INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 Pre-Falla 1 Pre-Falla 2 Falla 1 Pre-Falla 3 Falla 2 Falla 3 CMC356 V A/V 60 40 20 0 0.5 -20 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 2.0 2.5 3.0 t/s -40 -60 -80 V L1-E V L2-E V L3-E CMC356 I A/A 2.0 1.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 -1.0 t/s -2.0 -3.0 I L1 I L2 I L3 CB L1 CB L2 CB L3 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 t/s TRIP L1 TRIP L2 TRIP L3 TRIP 86 Test State: Test passed 41 de 88 t/s INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 LECTURAS REGISTRADAS EN EL RELÉ 42 de 88 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 5) [21.Rx] ESQUEMA DE SOBREALCANCE POTT: 5.1) [21P.Rx] Tiempos de Operacion Fases: Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: OMICRON Advanced Distance 14-dic-2023 15:41:46 Hamilton Matos Solis INGELMEC S.A. Version: Test End: Manager: 4.30 14-dic-2023 15:46:49 J.A.V. Test Results Shot Test: Fault Type L1-L2 |Z| Phi 10.33 ȍ 7.787 ȍ 6.320 ȍ 6.411 ȍ 7.868 ȍ % 33.57 ° 49.36 ° 72.86 ° 105.74 ° 128.35 ° % of t nom n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a t act. 661.1 ms 661.1 ms 661.1 ms 661.1 ms 661.1 ms Dev. 12.70 ms 14.20 ms 13.10 ms 13.80 ms 14.10 ms -98.08 % -97.85 % -98.02 % -97.91 % -97.87 % ITest 1.000 A 1.000 A 1.000 A 1.000 A 1.000 A Result Failed Failed Failed Failed Failed X/ȍ 10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 R/ȍ Shot Test: Fault Type L2-L3 |Z| Phi 10.33 ȍ 7.787 ȍ 6.320 ȍ 6.411 ȍ 7.868 ȍ 33.57 ° 49.36 ° 72.86 ° 105.74 ° 128.35 ° % % of n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a t nom 661.1 ms 661.1 ms 661.1 ms 661.1 ms 661.1 ms t act. 13.60 ms 13.80 ms 12.70 ms 14.10 ms 11.90 ms 43 de 88 Dev. -97.94 % -97.91 % -98.08 % -97.87 % -98.2 % ITest 1.000 A 1.000 A 1.000 A 1.000 A 1.000 A Result Failed Failed Failed Failed Failed INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 X/ȍ 10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 R/ȍ Shot Test: Fault Type L3-L1 |Z| Phi 10.33 ȍ 7.787 ȍ 6.320 ȍ 6.411 ȍ 7.868 ȍ % 33.57 ° 49.36 ° 72.86 ° 105.74 ° 128.35 ° % of t nom n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a t act. 661.1 ms 661.1 ms 661.1 ms 661.1 ms 661.1 ms Dev. 14.90 ms 13.80 ms 14.30 ms 13.00 ms 13.00 ms -97.75 % -97.91 % -97.84 % -98.03 % -98.03 % X/ȍ 10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 Shot Test: Fault Type L1-L2-L3 44 de 88 R/ȍ ITest 1.000 A 1.000 A 1.000 A 1.000 A 1.000 A Result Failed Failed Failed Failed Failed INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 |Z| Phi 10.33 ȍ 7.787 ȍ 6.320 ȍ 6.411 ȍ 7.868 ȍ % 33.57 ° 49.36 ° 72.86 ° 105.74 ° 128.35 ° % of t nom n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a t act. 661.1 ms 661.1 ms 661.1 ms 661.1 ms 661.1 ms Dev. 13.30 ms 13.80 ms 13.10 ms 11.50 ms 13.20 ms -97.99 % -97.91 % -98.02 % -98.26 % -98 % X/ȍ 10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 Test State: Test passed (manually assessed) 45 de 88 R/ȍ ITest 1.000 A 1.000 A 1.000 A 1.000 A 1.000 A Result Failed Failed Failed Failed Failed INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 5.2) [21N.Rx] Tiempos de Operacion Tierra: Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: OMICRON Advanced Distance 14-dic-2023 15:49:19 Hamilton Matos Solis INGELMEC S.A. Version: Test End: Manager: 4.30 14-dic-2023 15:52:29 J.A.V. Test Results Shot Test: Fault Type L1-E |Z| Phi 13.48 ȍ 11.15 ȍ 10.11 ȍ 10.32 ȍ 11.36 ȍ % 40.72 ° 57.76 ° 80.41 ° 102.65 ° 116.31 ° % of n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a t nom t act. 661.1 ms 661.1 ms 661.1 ms 661.1 ms 661.1 ms Dev. 15.40 ms 12.90 ms 14.10 ms 14.40 ms 15.50 ms -97.67 % -98.05 % -97.87 % -97.82 % -97.66 % ITest 800.0 mA 800.0 mA 800.0 mA 800.0 mA 800.0 mA Result Failed Failed Failed Failed Failed X/ȍ 20 10 0 -10 -20 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 % of t nom t act. R/ȍ Shot Test: Fault Type L2-E |Z| Phi 13.48 ȍ 11.15 ȍ 10.11 ȍ 10.32 ȍ 11.36 ȍ 40.72 ° 57.76 ° 80.41 ° 102.65 ° 116.31 ° % n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 661.1 ms 661.1 ms 661.1 ms 661.1 ms 661.1 ms 16.30 ms 13.70 ms 12.10 ms 12.40 ms 16.10 ms 46 de 88 Dev. -97.53 % -97.93 % -98.17 % -98.12 % -97.56 % ITest 800.0 mA 800.0 mA 800.0 mA 800.0 mA 800.0 mA Result Failed Failed Failed Failed Failed INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 X/ȍ 20 10 0 -10 -20 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 % of t nom t act. R/ȍ Shot Test: Fault Type L3-E |Z| Phi 13.48 ȍ 11.15 ȍ 10.11 ȍ 10.32 ȍ 11.36 ȍ % 40.72 ° 57.76 ° 80.41 ° 102.65 ° 116.31 ° n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 661.1 ms 661.1 ms 661.1 ms 661.1 ms 661.1 ms Dev. 17.00 ms 13.00 ms 11.90 ms 14.80 ms 17.30 ms -97.43 % -98.03 % -98.2 % -97.76 % -97.38 % X/ȍ 20 10 0 -10 -20 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 47 de 88 R/ȍ ITest 800.0 mA 800.0 mA 800.0 mA 800.0 mA 800.0 mA Result Failed Failed Failed Failed Failed INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 Test State: Test passed (manually assessed) 48 de 88 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 6) [68] OSCILACION DE POTENCIA: 6.1) [68] Prueba de Oscilacion de Potencia: Test Settings Data source: Path: File: Info: C:\01_HAMILTON\01_DOCUMENTS\OMICRON TESTS\75_TEST_PARINAS\OSC\ NETSIMEXPORT_011.CFG Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: OMICRON Advanced TransPlay 14-dic-2023 15:54:24 Hamilton Matos Solis INGELMEC S.A. Version: Test End: Manager: 4.30 14-dic-2023 15:54:31 J.A.V. Time Signal: Test run: 1 Voltages/V 60 40 20 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 t/s 0 -20 -40 -60 -80 V A-L1 V A-L2 V A-L3 Currents/A 4 3 2 1 0 -1 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 t/s -2 -3 -4 -5 I A-L1 I A-L2 I A-L3 TRIP L1 TRIP L2 TRIP L3 TRIP 86 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 49 de 88 1.25 t/s INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 Cursor Data Time Cursor 1 Cursor 2 C2 - C1 Signal 0.00 s <none> 2.42 s <none> 2.42 s Value n/a n/a n/a 50 de 88 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 LECTURAS REGISTRADAS EN EL RELÉ 51 de 88 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 7) [79] RECIERRE: 7.1) [79] Falla Monofasica POTT_Fase L1+Recierre: Test Settings State PREFALLA V L1-E 57.74 V 4.754 V 0.000 V 57.74 V 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz V L2-E 57.74 V 57.74 V 57.74 V 57.74 V -120.00 ° -120.00 ° -120.00 ° -120.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz V L3-E 57.74 V 57.74 V 57.74 V 57.74 V 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz I L1 100.0 mA 500.0 mA 0.000 A 100.0 mA 0.00 ° -78.56 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz I L2 100.0 mA 0.000 A 100.0 mA 100.0 mA -120.00 ° 0.00 ° -120.00 ° -120.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz I L3 100.0 mA 0.000 A 100.0 mA 100.0 mA 120.00 ° 0.00 ° 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz FALLA TIEMPO POST MUERTO FALLA Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: OMICRON State Sequencer 14-dic-2023 16:13:39 Hamilton Matos Solis INGELMEC S.A. Version: Test End: Manager: 4.30 14-dic-2023 16:13:48 J.A.V. Test Results Time Assessment Name Disparo Recierre Assess: Ignore before PREFALLA FALLA + .. Passed Start Stop FALLA TRIP L1 20.00 ms 0>1 RECIERR 900.0 ms E 0>1 TRIP L1 0>1 x .. Failed Tnom Tdev- Tdev+ Tact Tdev 50.00 ms 50.00 ms 14.50 ms -5.500 ms + 70.00 ms 200.0 ms 1.071 s 171.4 ms + o .. Not assessed 52 de 88 Assess INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 PRE-FALLA TIEMPO MUERTO FALLA POST FALLA CMC356 V A/V 60 40 20 0 1.0 -20 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 t/s -40 -60 -80 V L1-E V L2-E V L3-E CMC356 I A/mA 600 500 400 300 200 100 -0 -100 -200 -300 -400 -500 -600 -700 1.0 I L1 2.0 3.0 I L2 t/s I L3 CB L1 CB L2 CB L3 21P/67N.Rx 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 t/s TRIP L1 TRIP L2 TRIP L3 TRIP 86 RECIERRE Test State: Test passed 53 de 88 t/s INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 7.2) [79] Falla Monofasica POTT_Fase L2+Recierre: Test Settings State PREFALLA V L1-E 57.74 V 57.74 V 57.74 V 57.74 V 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz V L2-E 57.74 V 4.754 V 0.000 V 57.74 V -120.00 ° -120.00 ° -120.00 ° -120.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz V L3-E 57.74 V 57.74 V 57.74 V 57.74 V 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz I L1 100.0 mA 0.000 A 100.0 mA 100.0 mA 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz I L2 100.0 mA 500.0 mA 0.000 A 100.0 mA -120.00 ° -198.56 ° -120.00 ° -120.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz I L3 100.0 mA 0.000 A 100.0 mA 100.0 mA 120.00 ° 0.00 ° 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz FALLA TIEMPO POST MUERTO FALLA Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: OMICRON State Sequencer 14-dic-2023 16:14:08 Hamilton Matos Solis INGELMEC S.A. Version: Test End: Manager: 4.30 14-dic-2023 16:14:18 J.A.V. Test Results Time Assessment Name Disparo Recierre Assess: Ignore before PREFALLA FALLA + .. Passed Start Stop FALLA TRIP L2 20.00 ms 0>1 RECIERR 900.0 ms E 0>1 TRIP L2 0>1 x .. Failed Tnom Tdev- Tdev+ Tact Tdev 50.00 ms 50.00 ms 13.90 ms -6.100 ms + 70.00 ms 200.0 ms 1.067 s 167.2 ms + o .. Not assessed 54 de 88 Assess INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 PRE-FALLA TIEMPO MUERTO FALLA POST FALLA CMC356 V A/V 60 40 20 0 1.0 -20 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 t/s -40 -60 -80 V L1-E V L2-E V L3-E CMC356 I A/mA 600 500 400 300 200 100 -0 -100 -200 -300 -400 -500 -600 -700 1.0 I L1 2.0 3.0 I L2 t/s I L3 CB L1 CB L2 CB L3 21P/67N.Rx 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 t/s TRIP L1 TRIP L2 TRIP L3 TRIP 86 RECIERRE Test State: Test passed 55 de 88 t/s INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 7.3) [79] Falla Monofasica POTT_Fase L3+Recierre: Test Settings State PREFALLA V L1-E 57.74 V 57.74 V 57.74 V 57.74 V 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz V L2-E 57.74 V 57.74 V 57.74 V 57.74 V -120.00 ° -120.00 ° -120.00 ° -120.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz V L3-E 57.74 V 4.754 V 0.000 V 57.74 V 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz I L1 100.0 mA 0.000 A 100.0 mA 100.0 mA 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz I L2 100.0 mA 0.000 A 100.0 mA 100.0 mA -120.00 ° 0.00 ° -120.00 ° -120.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz I L3 100.0 mA 500.0 mA 0.000 A 100.0 mA 120.00 ° 41.44 ° 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz FALLA TIEMPO POST MUERTO FALLA Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: OMICRON State Sequencer 14-dic-2023 16:14:36 Hamilton Matos Solis INGELMEC S.A. Version: Test End: Manager: 4.30 14-dic-2023 16:14:45 J.A.V. Test Results Time Assessment Name Disparo Recierre Assess: Ignore before PREFALLA FALLA + .. Passed Start Stop FALLA TRIP L3 20.00 ms 0>1 RECIERR 900.0 ms E 0>1 TRIP L3 0>1 x .. Failed Tnom Tdev- Tdev+ Tact Tdev 50.00 ms 50.00 ms 13.70 ms -6.300 ms + 70.00 ms 200.0 ms 1.076 s 175.5 ms + o .. Not assessed 56 de 88 Assess INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 PRE-FALLA TIEMPO MUERTO FALLA POST FALLA CMC356 V A/V 60 40 20 0 1.0 -20 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 t/s -40 -60 -80 V L1-E V L2-E V L3-E CMC356 I A/mA 600 500 400 300 200 100 -0 -100 -200 -300 -400 -500 -600 -700 1.0 I L1 2.0 3.0 I L2 t/s I L3 CB L1 CB L2 CB L3 21P/67N.Rx 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 t/s TRIP L1 TRIP L2 TRIP L3 TRIP 86 RECIERRE Test State: Test passed 57 de 88 t/s INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 8) [67N] SOBRECORRIENTE DIRECCIONAL DE TIERRA: 8.1) [67N] Sector Direccional: Test Object - Overcurrent Parameters General - Values: TimeTolAbs: TimeTolRel: CurrentTolAbs: CurrentTolRel: Directional: 0.07 s 30.00 % 0.01 Iref 0.10 % Yes VT connection: CT starpoint connection: At protected object To protected object Elements - Residual: Active Name Tripping characteristic I Pick-up Time Reset Ratio Direction Yes IN> CEI Normalmente inversa 0.10 Iref 0.35 0.95 Forward Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: OMICRON Overcurrent 14-dic-2023 16:03:38 Hamilton Matos Solis INGELMEC S.A. Version: Test End: Manager: 4.30 14-dic-2023 16:04:34 J.A.V. Test Settings: Shot Test: Type Relative To Factor Magnitude Angle tnom tmin tmax L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E IN> IN> IN> IN> IN> IN> IN> IN> IN> IN> IN> 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 300.0 mA 300.0 mA 300.0 mA 300.0 mA 300.0 mA 300.0 mA 300.0 mA 300.0 mA 300.0 mA 300.0 mA 300.0 mA 30.00 ° 60.00 ° 90.00 ° 120.00 ° 150.00 ° 180.00 ° 210.00 ° 240.00 ° 270.00 ° 300.00 ° 330.00 ° No trip No trip No trip No trip No trip No trip 2.206 s 2.206 s 2.206 s 2.206 s 2.206 s No trip No trip No trip No trip No trip No trip 1.499 s 1.499 s 1.499 s 1.499 s 1.499 s No trip No trip No trip No trip No trip No trip 2.960 s 2.960 s 2.960 s 2.960 s 2.960 s Binary Inputs: Trigger Logic: Or Name Trigger State TRIP L1 TRIP L2 TRIP L3 TRIP 86 1 1 1 X 58 de 88 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 Shot Test Results: Type Relative To Factor Magnitude Angle tnom tact Deviation Overload Result L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E IN> IN> IN> IN> IN> IN> IN> IN> IN> IN> IN> 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 300.0 mA 300.0 mA 300.0 mA 300.0 mA 300.0 mA 300.0 mA 300.0 mA 300.0 mA 300.0 mA 300.0 mA 300.0 mA 30.00 ° 60.00 ° 90.00 ° 120.00 ° 150.00 ° 180.00 ° 210.00 ° 240.00 ° 270.00 ° 300.00 ° 330.00 ° No trip No trip No trip No trip No trip No trip 2.206 s 2.206 s 2.206 s 2.206 s 2.206 s No trip No trip No trip No trip No trip No trip 2.232 s 2.231 s 2.232 s 2.233 s 2.233 s n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 1.198 % 1.144 % 1.180 % 1.221 % 1.243 % No No No No No No No No No No No Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Charts for Fault Types: Angle Type L1-E 30.00 ° 10000.000 1000.000 100.000 t/s 10.000 1.000 0.100 0.010 0.002 0.005 0.010 0.020 0.050 0.100 0.200 I/A +90° 180° 1.0 A 0° -90° Charts for Fault Types: Type L1-E Angle 60.00 ° 59 de 88 0.500 1.000 2.000 5.000 10.000 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 10000.000 1000.000 100.000 t/s 10.000 1.000 0.100 0.010 0.002 0.005 0.010 0.020 0.050 0.100 0.200 0.500 1.000 2.000 5.000 10.000 0.500 1.000 2.000 5.000 10.000 I/A +90° 180° 0° 1.0 A -90° Charts for Fault Types: Angle Type L1-E 90.00 ° 10000.000 1000.000 100.000 t/s 10.000 1.000 0.100 0.010 0.002 0.005 0.010 0.020 0.050 0.100 0.200 I/A +90° 180° 1.0 A 0° -90° 60 de 88 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 Charts for Fault Types: Angle Type L1-E 120.00 ° 10000.000 1000.000 100.000 t/s 10.000 1.000 0.100 0.010 0.002 0.005 0.010 0.020 0.050 0.100 0.200 0.500 1.000 2.000 5.000 10.000 0.500 1.000 2.000 5.000 10.000 I/A +90° 180° 0° 1.0 A -90° Charts for Fault Types: Angle Type L1-E 150.00 ° 10000.000 1000.000 100.000 t/s 10.000 1.000 0.100 0.010 0.002 0.005 0.010 0.020 0.050 0.100 0.200 I/A +90° 180° 1.0 A 0° -90° 61 de 88 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 Charts for Fault Types: Angle Type L1-E 180.00 ° 10000.000 1000.000 100.000 t/s 10.000 1.000 0.100 0.010 0.002 0.005 0.010 0.020 0.050 0.100 0.200 0.500 1.000 2.000 I/A +90° 180° 0° 1.0 A -90° Charts for Fault Types: Angle Type L1-E 210.00 ° 10000.0 1000.0 t/s 100.0 10.0 1.0 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.50 I/A +90° 180° 1.0 A 0° -90° 62 de 88 0.70 1.00 5.000 10.000 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 Charts for Fault Types: Angle Type L1-E 240.00 ° 10000.0 1000.0 t/s 100.0 10.0 1.0 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.50 0.70 1.00 0.50 0.70 1.00 I/A +90° 180° 0° 1.0 A -90° Charts for Fault Types: Angle Type L1-E 270.00 ° 10000.0 1000.0 t/s 100.0 10.0 1.0 0.10 0.20 0.30 I/A +90° 180° 1.0 A 0° -90° 63 de 88 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 Charts for Fault Types: Angle Type L1-E 300.00 ° 10000.0 1000.0 t/s 100.0 10.0 1.0 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.50 0.70 1.00 0.50 0.70 1.00 I/A +90° 180° 0° 1.0 A -90° Charts for Fault Types: Angle Type L1-E 330.00 ° 10000.0 1000.0 t/s 100.0 10.0 1.0 0.10 0.20 0.30 I/A +90° 180° 1.0 A 0° -90° 64 de 88 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 Test State: 11 out of 11 points tested. 11 points passed. 0 points failed. Test passed 65 de 88 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 8.2) [67N] Tiempos de Operacion L1: Test Object - Overcurrent Parameters General - Values: TimeTolAbs: TimeTolRel: CurrentTolAbs: CurrentTolRel: Directional: 0.07 s 30.00 % 0.01 Iref 0.10 % Yes VT connection: CT starpoint connection: At protected object To protected object Elements - Residual: Active Name Tripping characteristic I Pick-up Time Reset Ratio Direction Yes IN> CEI Normalmente inversa 0.10 Iref 0.35 0.95 Forward Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: OMICRON Overcurrent 14-dic-2023 16:04:39 Hamilton Matos Solis INGELMEC S.A. Version: Test End: Manager: 4.30 14-dic-2023 16:05:04 J.A.V. Test Settings: Shot Test: Type Relative To Factor Magnitude Angle tnom tmin tmax L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E IN> IN> IN> IN> IN> IN> IN> 1.500 3.000 5.000 8.000 10.00 15.00 18.00 150.0 mA 300.0 mA 500.0 mA 800.0 mA 1.000 A 1.500 A 1.800 A -60.00 ° -60.00 ° -60.00 ° -60.00 ° -60.00 ° -60.00 ° -60.00 ° 6.018 s 2.206 s 1.498 s 1.154 s 1.040 s 880.4 ms 823.4 ms 3.632 s 1.499 s 1.036 s 802.8 ms 724.6 ms 614.8 ms 575.2 ms 9.434 s 2.960 s 1.972 s 1.509 s 1.358 s 1.148 s 1.073 s Binary Inputs: Trigger Logic: Or Name Trigger State TRIP L1 TRIP L2 TRIP L3 TRIP 86 1 1 1 X Shot Test Results: Type Relative To Factor Magnitude Angle tnom tact Deviation Overload Result L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E IN> IN> IN> IN> IN> IN> IN> 1.500 3.000 5.000 8.000 10.00 15.00 18.00 150.0 mA 300.0 mA 500.0 mA 800.0 mA 1.000 A 1.500 A 1.800 A -60.00 ° -60.00 ° -60.00 ° -60.00 ° -60.00 ° -60.00 ° -60.00 ° 6.018 s 2.206 s 1.498 s 1.154 s 1.040 s 880.4 ms 823.4 ms 6.079 s 2.232 s 1.520 s 1.173 s 1.055 s 894.3 ms 835.6 ms 1.006 % 1.171 % 1.502 % 1.649 % 1.500 % 1.575 % 1.484 % No No No No No No No Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Charts for Fault Types: Type L1-E Angle -60.00 ° 66 de 88 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 10000.0 1000.0 t/s 100.0 10.0 1.0 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.50 I/A +90° 180° 2.0 A 0° -90° Test State: 7 out of 7 points tested. 7 points passed. 0 points failed. Test passed 67 de 88 0.70 1.00 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 8.3) [67N] Tiempos de Operacion L2: Test Object - Overcurrent Parameters General - Values: TimeTolAbs: TimeTolRel: CurrentTolAbs: CurrentTolRel: Directional: 0.07 s 30.00 % 0.01 Iref 0.10 % Yes VT connection: CT starpoint connection: At protected object To protected object Elements - Residual: Active Name Tripping characteristic I Pick-up Time Reset Ratio Direction Yes IN> CEI Normalmente inversa 0.10 Iref 0.35 0.95 Forward Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: OMICRON Overcurrent 14-dic-2023 16:05:09 Hamilton Matos Solis INGELMEC S.A. Version: Test End: Manager: 4.30 14-dic-2023 16:05:34 J.A.V. Test Settings: Shot Test: Type Relative To Factor Magnitude Angle tnom tmin tmax L2-E L2-E L2-E L2-E L2-E L2-E L2-E IN> IN> IN> IN> IN> IN> IN> 1.500 3.000 5.000 8.000 10.00 15.00 18.00 150.0 mA 300.0 mA 500.0 mA 800.0 mA 1.000 A 1.500 A 1.800 A -60.00 ° -60.00 ° -60.00 ° -60.00 ° -60.00 ° -60.00 ° -60.00 ° 6.018 s 2.206 s 1.498 s 1.154 s 1.040 s 880.4 ms 823.4 ms 3.632 s 1.499 s 1.036 s 802.8 ms 724.6 ms 614.8 ms 575.2 ms 9.434 s 2.960 s 1.972 s 1.509 s 1.358 s 1.148 s 1.073 s Binary Inputs: Trigger Logic: Or Name Trigger State TRIP L1 TRIP L2 TRIP L3 1 1 1 Shot Test Results: Type Relative To Factor Magnitude Angle tnom tact Deviation Overload Result L2-E L2-E L2-E L2-E L2-E L2-E L2-E IN> IN> IN> IN> IN> IN> IN> 1.500 3.000 5.000 8.000 10.00 15.00 18.00 150.0 mA 300.0 mA 500.0 mA 800.0 mA 1.000 A 1.500 A 1.800 A -60.00 ° -60.00 ° -60.00 ° -60.00 ° -60.00 ° -60.00 ° -60.00 ° 6.018 s 2.206 s 1.498 s 1.154 s 1.040 s 880.4 ms 823.4 ms 6.397 s 2.233 s 1.518 s 1.172 s 1.055 s 897.0 ms 835.3 ms 6.292 % 1.252 % 1.342 % 1.528 % 1.423 % 1.882 % 1.448 % No No No No No No No Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Charts for Fault Types: Type L2-E Angle -60.00 ° 68 de 88 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 10000.0 1000.0 t/s 100.0 10.0 1.0 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.50 I/A +90° 180° 2.0 A 0° -90° Test State: 7 out of 7 points tested. 7 points passed. 0 points failed. Test passed 69 de 88 0.70 1.00 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 8.4) [67N] Tiempos de Operacion L3: Test Object - Overcurrent Parameters General - Values: TimeTolAbs: TimeTolRel: CurrentTolAbs: CurrentTolRel: Directional: 0.07 s 30.00 % 0.01 Iref 0.10 % Yes VT connection: CT starpoint connection: At protected object To protected object Elements - Residual: Active Name Tripping characteristic I Pick-up Time Reset Ratio Direction Yes IN> CEI Normalmente inversa 0.10 Iref 0.35 0.95 Forward Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: OMICRON Overcurrent 14-dic-2023 16:05:39 Hamilton Matos Solis INGELMEC S.A. Version: Test End: Manager: 4.30 14-dic-2023 16:06:03 J.A.V. Test Settings: Shot Test: Type Relative To Factor Magnitude Angle tnom tmin tmax L3-E L3-E L3-E L3-E L3-E L3-E L3-E IN> IN> IN> IN> IN> IN> IN> 1.500 3.000 5.000 8.000 10.00 15.00 18.00 150.0 mA 300.0 mA 500.0 mA 800.0 mA 1.000 A 1.500 A 1.800 A -60.00 ° -60.00 ° -60.00 ° -60.00 ° -60.00 ° -60.00 ° -60.00 ° 6.018 s 2.206 s 1.498 s 1.154 s 1.040 s 880.4 ms 823.4 ms 3.632 s 1.499 s 1.036 s 802.8 ms 724.6 ms 614.8 ms 575.2 ms 9.434 s 2.960 s 1.972 s 1.509 s 1.358 s 1.148 s 1.073 s Binary Inputs: Trigger Logic: Or Name Trigger State TRIP L1 TRIP L2 TRIP L3 TRIP 86 1 1 1 X Shot Test Results: Type Relative To Factor Magnitude Angle tnom tact Deviation Overload Result L3-E L3-E L3-E L3-E L3-E L3-E L3-E IN> IN> IN> IN> IN> IN> IN> 1.500 3.000 5.000 8.000 10.00 15.00 18.00 150.0 mA 300.0 mA 500.0 mA 800.0 mA 1.000 A 1.500 A 1.800 A -60.00 ° -60.00 ° -60.00 ° -60.00 ° -60.00 ° -60.00 ° -60.00 ° 6.018 s 2.206 s 1.498 s 1.154 s 1.040 s 880.4 ms 823.4 ms 6.169 s 2.234 s 1.518 s 1.167 s 1.055 s 894.4 ms 837.7 ms 2.510 % 1.275 % 1.342 % 1.164 % 1.442 % 1.587 % 1.739 % No No No No No No No Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Charts for Fault Types: Type L3-E Angle -60.00 ° 70 de 88 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 10000.0 1000.0 t/s 100.0 10.0 1.0 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.50 I/A +90° 180° 2.0 A 0° -90° Test State: 7 out of 7 points tested. 7 points passed. 0 points failed. Test passed 71 de 88 0.70 1.00 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 9) [67N.Rx] COMPARACION DIRECCIONAL: 9.1) [67N.Rx] Sector Direccional: Test Object - Overcurrent Parameters General - Values: TimeTolAbs: TimeTolRel: CurrentTolAbs: CurrentTolRel: Directional: 0.07 s 30.00 % 0.01 Iref 0.10 % Yes VT connection: CT starpoint connection: At protected object To protected object Elements - Residual: Active Name Tripping characteristic I Pick-up Time Reset Ratio Direction Yes IN> IEC Definite Time 0.10 Iref 0.02 s 0.95 Forward Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: OMICRON Overcurrent 14-dic-2023 16:07:02 Hamilton Matos Solis INGELMEC S.A. Version: Test End: Manager: 4.30 14-dic-2023 16:07:26 J.A.V. Test Settings: Shot Test: Type Relative To Factor Magnitude Angle tnom tmin tmax L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E IN> IN> IN> IN> IN> IN> IN> IN> IN> IN> IN> 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 300.0 mA 300.0 mA 300.0 mA 300.0 mA 300.0 mA 300.0 mA 300.0 mA 300.0 mA 300.0 mA 300.0 mA 300.0 mA 30.00 ° 60.00 ° 90.00 ° 120.00 ° 150.00 ° 180.00 ° 210.00 ° 240.00 ° 270.00 ° 300.00 ° 330.00 ° No trip No trip No trip No trip No trip No trip 20.00 ms 20.00 ms 20.00 ms 20.00 ms 20.00 ms No trip No trip No trip No trip No trip No trip 0.000 s 0.000 s 0.000 s 0.000 s 0.000 s No trip No trip No trip No trip No trip No trip 90.00 ms 90.00 ms 90.00 ms 90.00 ms 90.00 ms Binary Outputs: Name State CB L1 1 Binary Inputs: Trigger Logic: Or Name Trigger State TRIP L1 TRIP L2 TRIP L3 TRIP 86 1 1 1 X 72 de 88 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 Shot Test Results: Type Relative To Factor Magnitude Angle tnom tact Deviation Overload Result L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E IN> IN> IN> IN> IN> IN> IN> IN> IN> IN> IN> 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 300.0 mA 300.0 mA 300.0 mA 300.0 mA 300.0 mA 300.0 mA 300.0 mA 300.0 mA 300.0 mA 300.0 mA 300.0 mA 30.00 ° 60.00 ° 90.00 ° 120.00 ° 150.00 ° 180.00 ° 210.00 ° 240.00 ° 270.00 ° 300.00 ° 330.00 ° No trip No trip No trip No trip No trip No trip 20.00 ms 20.00 ms 20.00 ms 20.00 ms 20.00 ms No trip No trip No trip No trip No trip No trip 24.10 ms 24.10 ms 25.20 ms 26.70 ms 26.30 ms n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 20.50 % 20.50 % 26.00 % 33.50 % 31.50 % No No No No No No No No No No No Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Charts for Fault Types: Angle Type L1-E 30.00 ° 10000.000 1000.000 100.000 t/s 10.000 1.000 0.100 0.010 0.002 0.005 0.010 0.020 0.050 0.100 0.200 I/A +90° 180° 1.0 A 0° -90° Charts for Fault Types: Type L1-E Angle 60.00 ° 73 de 88 0.500 1.000 2.000 5.000 10.000 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 10000.000 1000.000 100.000 t/s 10.000 1.000 0.100 0.010 0.002 0.005 0.010 0.020 0.050 0.100 0.200 0.500 1.000 2.000 5.000 10.000 0.500 1.000 2.000 5.000 10.000 I/A +90° 180° 0° 1.0 A -90° Charts for Fault Types: Angle Type L1-E 90.00 ° 10000.000 1000.000 100.000 t/s 10.000 1.000 0.100 0.010 0.002 0.005 0.010 0.020 0.050 0.100 0.200 I/A +90° 180° 1.0 A 0° -90° 74 de 88 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 Charts for Fault Types: Angle Type L1-E 120.00 ° 10000.000 1000.000 100.000 t/s 10.000 1.000 0.100 0.010 0.002 0.005 0.010 0.020 0.050 0.100 0.200 0.500 1.000 2.000 5.000 10.000 0.500 1.000 2.000 5.000 10.000 I/A +90° 180° 0° 1.0 A -90° Charts for Fault Types: Angle Type L1-E 150.00 ° 10000.000 1000.000 100.000 t/s 10.000 1.000 0.100 0.010 0.002 0.005 0.010 0.020 0.050 0.100 0.200 I/A +90° 180° 1.0 A 0° -90° 75 de 88 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 Charts for Fault Types: Angle Type L1-E 180.00 ° 10000.000 1000.000 100.000 t/s 10.000 1.000 0.100 0.010 0.002 0.005 0.010 0.020 0.050 0.100 0.200 0.500 1.000 2.000 5.000 I/A +90° 180° 0° 1.0 A -90° Charts for Fault Types: Angle Type L1-E 210.00 ° 10000.00 1000.00 t/s 100.00 10.00 1.00 0.10 0.01 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.50 0.70 1.00 2.00 I/A +90° 180° 1.0 A 0° -90° 76 de 88 3.00 5.00 7.00 10.00 10.000 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 Charts for Fault Types: Angle Type L1-E 240.00 ° 10000.00 1000.00 100.00 t/s 10.00 1.00 0.10 0.01 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.50 0.70 1.00 2.00 3.00 5.00 7.00 10.00 2.00 3.00 5.00 7.00 10.00 I/A +90° 180° 0° 1.0 A -90° Charts for Fault Types: Angle Type L1-E 270.00 ° 10000.00 1000.00 t/s 100.00 10.00 1.00 0.10 0.01 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.50 0.70 1.00 I/A +90° 180° 1.0 A 0° -90° 77 de 88 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 Charts for Fault Types: Angle Type L1-E 300.00 ° 10000.00 1000.00 100.00 t/s 10.00 1.00 0.10 0.01 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.50 0.70 1.00 2.00 3.00 5.00 7.00 10.00 2.00 3.00 5.00 7.00 10.00 I/A +90° 180° 0° 1.0 A -90° Charts for Fault Types: Angle Type L1-E 330.00 ° 10000.00 1000.00 t/s 100.00 10.00 1.00 0.10 0.01 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.50 0.70 1.00 I/A +90° 180° 1.0 A 0° -90° 78 de 88 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 Test State: 11 out of 11 points tested. 11 points passed. 0 points failed. Test passed 79 de 88 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 9.2) [67N.Rx] Tiempos de Operacion L1: Test Object - Overcurrent Parameters General - Values: TimeTolAbs: TimeTolRel: CurrentTolAbs: CurrentTolRel: Directional: 0.07 s 30.00 % 0.01 Iref 0.10 % Yes VT connection: CT starpoint connection: At protected object To protected object Elements - Residual: Active Name Tripping characteristic I Pick-up Time Reset Ratio Direction Yes IN> IEC Definite Time 0.10 Iref 0.02 s 0.95 Forward Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: OMICRON Overcurrent 14-dic-2023 16:07:51 Hamilton Matos Solis INGELMEC S.A. Version: Test End: Manager: 4.30 14-dic-2023 16:08:04 J.A.V. Test Settings: Shot Test: Type Relative To Factor Magnitude Angle tnom tmin tmax L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E IN> IN> IN> IN> IN> IN> IN> 1.500 3.000 5.000 8.000 10.00 15.00 18.00 150.0 mA 300.0 mA 500.0 mA 800.0 mA 1.000 A 1.500 A 1.800 A -60.00 ° -60.00 ° -60.00 ° -60.00 ° -60.00 ° -60.00 ° -60.00 ° 20.00 ms 20.00 ms 20.00 ms 20.00 ms 20.00 ms 20.00 ms 20.00 ms 0.000 s 0.000 s 0.000 s 0.000 s 0.000 s 0.000 s 0.000 s 90.00 ms 90.00 ms 90.00 ms 90.00 ms 90.00 ms 90.00 ms 90.00 ms Binary Outputs: Name State CB L1 1 Binary Inputs: Trigger Logic: Or Name Trigger State TRIP L1 TRIP L2 TRIP L3 TRIP 86 1 1 1 X Shot Test Results: Type Relative To Factor Magnitude Angle tnom tact Deviation Overload Result L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E IN> IN> IN> IN> IN> IN> IN> 1.500 3.000 5.000 8.000 10.00 15.00 18.00 150.0 mA 300.0 mA 500.0 mA 800.0 mA 1.000 A 1.500 A 1.800 A -60.00 ° -60.00 ° -60.00 ° -60.00 ° -60.00 ° -60.00 ° -60.00 ° 20.00 ms 20.00 ms 20.00 ms 20.00 ms 20.00 ms 20.00 ms 20.00 ms 32.20 ms 25.60 ms 23.60 ms 25.00 ms 22.30 ms 18.00 ms 19.00 ms 61.00 % 28.00 % 18.00 % 25.00 % 11.50 % -10.00 % -5.000 % No No No No No No No Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed 80 de 88 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 Charts for Fault Types: Angle Type L1-E -60.00 ° 10000.00 1000.00 100.00 t/s 10.00 1.00 0.10 0.01 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.50 0.70 1.00 2.00 I/A +90° 180° 2.0 A 0° -90° Test State: 7 out of 7 points tested. 7 points passed. 0 points failed. Test passed 81 de 88 3.00 5.00 7.00 10.00 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 9.3) [67N.Rx] Tiempos de Operacion L2: Test Object - Overcurrent Parameters General - Values: TimeTolAbs: TimeTolRel: CurrentTolAbs: CurrentTolRel: Directional: 0.07 s 30.00 % 0.01 Iref 0.10 % Yes VT connection: CT starpoint connection: At protected object To protected object Elements - Residual: Active Name Tripping characteristic I Pick-up Time Reset Ratio Direction Yes IN> IEC Definite Time 0.10 Iref 0.02 s 0.95 Forward Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: OMICRON Overcurrent 14-dic-2023 16:08:18 Hamilton Matos Solis INGELMEC S.A. Version: Test End: Manager: 4.30 14-dic-2023 16:08:31 J.A.V. Test Settings: Shot Test: Type Relative To Factor Magnitude Angle tnom tmin tmax L2-E L2-E L2-E L2-E L2-E L2-E L2-E IN> IN> IN> IN> IN> IN> IN> 1.500 3.000 5.000 8.000 10.00 15.00 18.00 150.0 mA 300.0 mA 500.0 mA 800.0 mA 1.000 A 1.500 A 1.800 A -60.00 ° -60.00 ° -60.00 ° -60.00 ° -60.00 ° -60.00 ° -60.00 ° 20.00 ms 20.00 ms 20.00 ms 20.00 ms 20.00 ms 20.00 ms 20.00 ms 0.000 s 0.000 s 0.000 s 0.000 s 0.000 s 0.000 s 0.000 s 90.00 ms 90.00 ms 90.00 ms 90.00 ms 90.00 ms 90.00 ms 90.00 ms Binary Outputs: Name State CB L1 1 Binary Inputs: Trigger Logic: Or Name Trigger State TRIP L1 TRIP L2 TRIP L3 1 1 1 Shot Test Results: Type Relative To Factor Magnitude Angle tnom tact Deviation Overload Result L2-E L2-E L2-E L2-E L2-E L2-E L2-E IN> IN> IN> IN> IN> IN> IN> 1.500 3.000 5.000 8.000 10.00 15.00 18.00 150.0 mA 300.0 mA 500.0 mA 800.0 mA 1.000 A 1.500 A 1.800 A -60.00 ° -60.00 ° -60.00 ° -60.00 ° -60.00 ° -60.00 ° -60.00 ° 20.00 ms 20.00 ms 20.00 ms 20.00 ms 20.00 ms 20.00 ms 20.00 ms 32.30 ms 26.40 ms 22.50 ms 24.40 ms 21.70 ms 20.10 ms 17.50 ms 61.50 % 32.00 % 12.50 % 22.00 % 8.500 % 0.5000 % -12.50 % No No No No No No No Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed 82 de 88 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 Charts for Fault Types: Angle Type L2-E -60.00 ° 10000.00 1000.00 100.00 t/s 10.00 1.00 0.10 0.01 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.50 0.70 1.00 2.00 I/A +90° 180° 2.0 A 0° -90° Test State: 7 out of 7 points tested. 7 points passed. 0 points failed. Test passed 83 de 88 3.00 5.00 7.00 10.00 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 9.4) [67N.Rx] Tiempos de Operacion L3: Test Object - Overcurrent Parameters General - Values: TimeTolAbs: TimeTolRel: CurrentTolAbs: CurrentTolRel: Directional: 0.07 s 30.00 % 0.01 Iref 0.10 % Yes VT connection: CT starpoint connection: At protected object To protected object Elements - Residual: Active Name Tripping characteristic I Pick-up Time Reset Ratio Direction Yes IN> IEC Definite Time 0.10 Iref 0.02 s 0.95 Forward Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: OMICRON Overcurrent 14-dic-2023 16:08:41 Hamilton Matos Solis INGELMEC S.A. Version: Test End: Manager: 4.30 14-dic-2023 16:08:52 J.A.V. Test Settings: Shot Test: Type Relative To Factor Magnitude Angle tnom tmin tmax L3-E L3-E L3-E L3-E L3-E L3-E L3-E IN> IN> IN> IN> IN> IN> IN> 1.500 3.000 5.000 8.000 10.00 15.00 18.00 150.0 mA 300.0 mA 500.0 mA 800.0 mA 1.000 A 1.500 A 1.800 A -60.00 ° -60.00 ° -60.00 ° -60.00 ° -60.00 ° -60.00 ° -60.00 ° 20.00 ms 20.00 ms 20.00 ms 20.00 ms 20.00 ms 20.00 ms 20.00 ms 0.000 s 0.000 s 0.000 s 0.000 s 0.000 s 0.000 s 0.000 s 90.00 ms 90.00 ms 90.00 ms 90.00 ms 90.00 ms 90.00 ms 90.00 ms Binary Outputs: Name State CB L1 1 Binary Inputs: Trigger Logic: Or Name Trigger State TRIP L1 TRIP L2 TRIP L3 TRIP 86 1 1 1 X Shot Test Results: Type Relative To Factor Magnitude Angle tnom tact Deviation Overload Result L3-E L3-E L3-E L3-E L3-E L3-E L3-E IN> IN> IN> IN> IN> IN> IN> 1.500 3.000 5.000 8.000 10.00 15.00 18.00 150.0 mA 300.0 mA 500.0 mA 800.0 mA 1.000 A 1.500 A 1.800 A -60.00 ° -60.00 ° -60.00 ° -60.00 ° -60.00 ° -60.00 ° -60.00 ° 20.00 ms 20.00 ms 20.00 ms 20.00 ms 20.00 ms 20.00 ms 20.00 ms 32.30 ms 25.60 ms 19.40 ms 15.90 ms 18.10 ms 15.70 ms 17.80 ms 61.50 % 28.00 % -3.000 % -20.50 % -9.500 % -21.50 % -11.00 % No No No No No No No Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed 84 de 88 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 Charts for Fault Types: Angle Type L3-E -60.00 ° 10000.00 1000.00 100.00 t/s 10.00 1.00 0.10 0.01 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.50 0.70 1.00 2.00 I/A +90° 180° 2.0 A 0° -90° Test State: 7 out of 7 points tested. 7 points passed. 0 points failed. Test passed 85 de 88 3.00 5.00 7.00 10.00 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 10) [59] SOBRETENSION: 10.1) [59] Arranque : Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: OMICRON Ramping 14-dic-2023 16:09:01 Hamilton Matos Solis INGELMEC S.A. Version: Test End: Manager: 4.30 14-dic-2023 16:09:25 J.A.V. Test Results Assessment Results Name/ Exec. Ramp Condition Sig Nom. Act. Tol.- Tol.+ Dev. Assess Tact Arranque Ramp 2 TRIP L1 0->1 V L1-E, L2-E, L3-E 69.28 V 69.50 V 500.0 mV 500.0 mV 220.0 mV + 5.016 s Assess: + .. Passed x .. Failed o .. Not assessed Ramp 2 Sig 1/V 68 67 66 65 64 63 62 61 60 59 58 2.5 5.0 7.5 10.0 12.5 15.0 17.5 20.0 5.0 7.5 10.0 12.5 15.0 17.5 20.0 t/s V L1-E, L2-E, L3-E TRIP L1 TRIP L2 TRIP L3 2.5 Test State: Test passed 86 de 88 t/s INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 10.2) [59] Tiempos de Operacion: Test Settings State PREFALLA 1 V L1-E 57.74 V 71.00 V 57.74 V 74.00 V 57.74 V 78.00 V 57.74 V 80.00 V 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz V L2-E 57.74 V 71.00 V 57.74 V 74.00 V 57.74 V 78.00 V 57.74 V 80.00 V -120.00 ° -120.00 ° -120.00 ° -120.00 ° -120.00 ° -120.00 ° -120.00 ° -120.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz V L3-E 57.74 V 71.00 V 57.74 V 74.00 V 57.74 V 78.00 V 57.74 V 80.00 V 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz FALLA 1 PREFALLA 2 FALLA 2 PREFALLA 3 FALLA 3 PREFALLA 4 FALLA 4 Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: OMICRON State Sequencer 14-dic-2023 16:09:40 Hamilton Matos Solis INGELMEC S.A. Version: Test End: Manager: 4.30 14-dic-2023 16:10:09 J.A.V. Test Results Time Assessment Name Time 1 Time 2 Time 3 Time 4 Assess: Ignore before PREFALLA 1 PREFALLA 2 PREFALLA 3 PREFALLA 4 + .. Passed Start Stop Tnom Tdev- Tdev+ Tact Tdev FALLA 1 TRIP L1 0>1 TRIP L1 0>1 TRIP L1 0>1 TRIP L1 0>1 5.000 s 500.0 ms 500.0 ms 5.024 s 23.60 ms + 5.000 s 500.0 ms 500.0 ms 5.020 s 19.50 ms + 3.000 s 100.0 ms 100.0 ms 3.024 s 23.90 ms + 3.000 s 100.0 ms 100.0 ms 3.020 s 19.80 ms + FALLA 2 FALLA 3 FALLA 4 x .. Failed Assess o .. Not assessed PRE-FALLA 1 FALLA 1 PRE-FALLA 2 FALLA 2 PRE-FALLA 3 FALLA 3 PRE-FALLA 4 FALLA 4 CMC356 V A/V 100 75 50 25 0 2.5 -25 5.0 7.5 10.0 12.5 15.0 -50 -75 -100 V L1-E V L2-E V L3-E 87 de 88 17.5 20.0 22.5 25.0 t/s INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 PRE-FALLA 1 FALLA 1 PRE-FALLA 2 FALLA 2 PRE-FALLA 3 FALLA 3 PRE-FALLA 4 FALLA 4 TRIP L1 TRIP L2 TRIP L3 TRIP 86 2.5 5.0 7.5 10.0 12.5 Test State: Test passed 88 de 88 15.0 17.5 20.0 22.5 25.0 t/s Protocolo de Pruebas Relés de Protección A2.3) AJUSTES DEL RELE (Software AcSELerator) SEL-411L-1 Settings Report Overview Information File Name F004_FIN_2023 RDB CT PB_2023.rdb Device SEL-411L-1 Setting Version Number 008 Part Number 0411L1X6X1C8CCXH574C4XX Firmware ID SEL-411L-1-R116-V0-Z008002-D20141224 SELBoot Firmware ID SLBT-4XX-R208-V0-Z001002-D20120220 Settings Group 1 Automation 1 Port F Breaker Monitor Global Report Alias Protection 1 Front Panel Output Bay Control Notes Settings Legend Visible Setting Hidden Setting Invalid Setting 19/12/2023 Page 1 of 94 Group 1 Top Setting Description Range Value CTRW Current Transformer Ratio - Input W Range = 1 to 50000 1000 CTRX Current Transformer Ratio - Input X Range = 1 to 50000 1000 PTRY Potential Transformer Ratio - Input Y Range = 1.0 to 10000.0 5000.0 VNOMY PT Nominal Voltage (L-L) - Input Y (V,sec) Range = 60 to 300 100 PTRZ Potential Transformer Ratio - Input Z Range = 1.0 to 10000.0 5000.0 VNOMZ PT Nominal Voltage (L-L) - Input Z (V,sec) Range = 60 to 300 100 Z1MAG Positive-Sequence Line Impedance Magnitude (ohms,sec) Range = 0.25 to 1275.00 3.93 Z1ANG Positive-Sequence Line Impedance Angle (deg) Range = 5.00 to 90.00 85.60 Z0MAG Zero-Sequence Line Impedance Magnitude (ohms,sec) Range = 0.25 to 1275.00 11.48 Z0ANG Zero-Sequence Line Impedance Angle (deg) Range = 5.00 to 90.00 70.87 EFLOC Fault Location Select: Y, N Y E87L Enable Line Current Differential Protection 87L Select: Y, N Y E87LCC Enable Line Charging Current Compensation Select: Y, N N E87XFMR Enable in Line Transformer Differential Protection Select: Y, N N E87OCTL Enable Open CT Detection Logic Select: Y, N Y E21MP Enable Mho Phase Distance Zones Select: N, 1-5 4 E21XP Enable Quadrilateral Phase Distance Zones Select: N, 1-5 4 E21MG Enable Mho Ground Distance Zones Select: N, 1-5 4 E21XG Enable Quadrilateral Ground Distance Zones Select: N, 1-5 4 ECVT Enable CVT Transient Detection Select: Y, N N ESERCMP Enable Series-Compensated Line Logic Select: Y, N Y ECDTD Enable Distance Element Common Time Delay Select: Y, N Y ESOTF Enable Switch-Onto-Fault Select: Y, N Y EOOS Enable Out-of-Step Select: Y, Y1, N Y ELOAD Enable Load Encroachment Select: Y, N N E50P Enable Phase Instantaneous/Definite-Time Overcurrent Elements Select: N, 1-4 N E50G Enable Residual Ground Instantaneous/Definite-Time Overcurrent Elements Select: N, 1-4 N E50Q Enable Negative-Sequence Instantaneous/Definite-Time Select: N, 1-4 Overcurrent Elements 1 E51 Enable Inverse Time Overcurrent Elements Select: N, 1-10 1 E81 Enable Frequency Elements Select: N, 1-6 N E27 Enable Under Voltage Elements Select: N, 1-6 N E59 Enable Over Voltage Elements Select: N, 1-6 2 E32 Enable Directional Control Select: Y, AUTO AUTO Enable Communication Scheme Select: N, DCB, POTT, POTT2, POTT3, DCUB1, POTT DCUB2 EBFL1 Enable Breaker 1 Failure Logic Select: N, 1, 2 N E25BK1 Enable Synchronism Check for Breaker 1 Select: Y, N Y E79 Enable Reclosing Select: Y, Y1, N Y EMANCL Enable Manual Closing Select: Y, N Y ELOP Enable Loss-of-Potential Select: Y, Y1, N Y1 ECOMM 19/12/2023 Page 2 of 94 EDEM Enable Demand Metering Select: N, THM, ROL N ETWFL Enable Travelling Wave Fault Location Select: Y, N Y EADVS Enable Advanced Settings Select: Y, N Y EFID Enable FID Logic Select: Y, N Y 87CTWL Condition for which Terminal W is included in 87L Element Equation (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG 1 87CTPWL CT Polarity of Terminal W Select: P, N P 87CTXL Condition for which Terminal X is included in 87L Element Equation (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG 0 87CTP1R Maximum Primary Current Rating for Remote Relay 1 CT Range = 1 to 50000 1000 87LTAPW Calculated Tap Value for Terminal W Range = 1.00 to 10.00 1.00 87LINEV Voltage Terminal Associated with 87L Function Select: Y, Z, OFF Y ESTUB Valid range = The legal Condition for which Stub protection is enabled Equation operators: AND OR NOT (SELogic) R_TRIG F_TRIG 0 87BLOCK Conditions for Blocking Line Differential protection Equation (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG 0 87TMSUP Test Mode Supervision Equation (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG 0 EWDSEC Enable Watchdog Security Equation (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG 0 87LPP Pickup value for Phase Differential Element (pu) Range = 0.10 to 2.00, OFF 1.11 87LPR Radius for Phase Differential Element Range = 1.20 to 8.00 6.00 87LPA Block Angle for Phase Differential Element (deg) Range = 90 to 270 195 87LPPS Secure Mode Pickup value for Phase Differential Element (pu) Range = 0.10 to 2.00 1.33 87LPRS Secure Mode Radius for Phase Differential Element Range = 1.20 to 8.00 7.20 87LPAS Secure Mode Block Angle for Phase Differential Element (deg) Range = 90 to 270 234 E87LPS Condition for which Phase Differential Element enters Secure Mode Equation (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA 87LQP Pickup value for Negative Sequence Differential Element (pu) Range = 0.10 to 2.00, OFF 0.25 87LQR Radius for Negative Sequence Differential Element Range = 1.20 to 8.00 87LQA Block Angle for Negative Sequence Differential Element Range = 90 to 270 (deg) 195 87LQPS Secure Mode Pickup value for Negative Sequence Differential Element (pu) Range = 0.10 to 2.00 0.30 87LQRS Secure Mode Radius for Negative Sequence Differential Range = 1.20 to 8.00 Element 7.20 87LQAS Secure Mode Block Angle for Negative Sequence Differential Element (deg) Range = 90 to 270 234 E87LQS Condition for which Negative Sequence Differential Element enters Secure Mode Equation (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA 87LGP Pickup value for Zero Sequence Differential Element (pu) Range = 0.10 to 2.00, OFF 0.25 87LGR Radius for Zero Sequence Differential Element Range = 1.20 to 8.00 19/12/2023 6.00 6.00 Page 3 of 94 87LGA Block Angle for Zero Sequence Differential Element (deg) Range = 90 to 270 195 87LGPS Secure Mode Pickup value for Zero Sequence Differential Element (pu) Range = 0.10 to 2.00 0.30 87LGRS Secure Mode Radius for Zero Sequence Differential Element Range = 1.20 to 8.00 7.20 87LGAS Secure Mode Block Angle for Zero Sequence Differential Element (deg) Range = 90 to 270 234 E87LGS Valid range = The legal Condition for which Zero Sequence Differential Element operators: AND OR NOT enters Secure Mode Equation (SELogic) R_TRIG F_TRIG RSTOCT Reset Condition for Open CT detection logic Equation (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PCT14Q Z1MP Zone 1 Reach (ohms,sec) Range = 0.25 to 320.00, OFF 3.34 Z2MP Zone 2 Reach (ohms,sec) Range = 0.25 to 320.00, OFF 7.68 Z3MP Zone 3 Reach (ohms,sec) Range = 0.25 to 320.00, OFF 19.00 Z4MP Zone 4 Reach (ohms,sec) Range = 0.25 to 320.00, OFF 12.92 XP1 Zone 1 Reactance (ohms,sec) Range = 0.25 to 320.00, OFF 3.34 RP1 Zone 1 Resistance (ohms,sec) Range = 0.25 to 250.00 6.69 XP2 Zone 2 Reactance (ohms,sec) Range = 0.25 to 320.00, OFF 7.68 RP2 Zone 2 Resistance (ohms,sec) Range = 0.25 to 250.00 11.52 XP3 Zone 3 Reactance (ohms,sec) Range = 0.25 to 320.00, OFF 19.00 RP3 Zone 3 Resistance (ohms,sec) Range = 0.25 to 250.00 6.69 XP4 Zone 4 Reactance (ohms,sec) Range = 0.25 to 320.00, OFF 12.92 RP4 Zone 4 Resistance (ohms,sec) Range = 0.25 to 250.00 22.60 TANGP Phase Nonhomogeneous Correction Angle (deg) Range = -40.0 to 40.0 -3.0 Z1PD Zone 1 Time Delay (cyc) Range = 0.000 to 16000.000, OFF 12.000 Z2PD Zone 2 Time Delay (cyc) Range = 0.000 to 16000.000, OFF 39.000 Z3PD Zone 3 Time Delay (cyc) Range = 0.000 to 16000.000, OFF 90.000 Z4PD Zone 4 Time Delay (cyc) Range = 0.000 to 16000.000, OFF 75.000 Z1MG Zone 1 (ohms,sec) Range = 0.25 to 320.00, OFF 3.34 Z2MG Zone 2 (ohms,sec) Range = 0.25 to 320.00, OFF 7.68 Z3MG Zone 3 (ohms,sec) Range = 0.25 to 320.00, OFF 19.00 Z4MG Zone 4 (ohms,sec) Range = 0.25 to 320.00, OFF 12.92 ARESE Enable Adaptive Resistive Element Select: Y, N Y XG1 Zone 1 Reactance (ohms,sec) Range = 0.25 to 320.00, OFF 3.34 RG1 Zone 1 Resistance (ohms,sec) Range = 0.25 to 250.00 6.69 19/12/2023 NA Page 4 of 94 XG2 Zone 2 Reactance (ohms,sec) Range = 0.25 to 320.00, OFF 7.68 RG2 Zone 2 Resistance (ohms,sec) Range = 0.25 to 250.00 11.52 XG3 Zone 3 Reactance (ohms,sec) Range = 0.25 to 320.00, OFF 19.00 RG3 Zone 3 Resistance (ohms,sec) Range = 0.25 to 250.00 6.69 XG4 Zone 4 Reactance (ohms,sec) Range = 0.25 to 320.00, OFF 13.71 RG4 Zone 4 Resistance (ohms,sec) Range = 0.25 to 250.00 22.60 XGPOL Quad Ground Polarizing Quantity Select: I2, IG I2 k0M1 Zone 1 ZSC Factor Magnitude Range = 0.000 to 10.000, AUTO 0.656 k0A1 Zone 1 ZSC Factor Angle (deg) Range = -179.99 to 180.00 -22.16 k0M Forward Zones ZSC Factor Magnitude Range = 0.000 to 10.000 k0A Forward Zones ZSC Factor Angle (deg) Range = -179.99 to 180.00 -22.16 k0MR Reverse Zones ZSC Factor Magnitude Range = 0.000 to 10.000 k0AR Reverse Zones ZSC Factor Angle (deg) Range = -179.99 to 180.00 -22.16 Z1GD Zone 1 Time Delay (cyc) Range = 0.000 to 16000.000, OFF 12.000 Z2GD Zone 2 Time Delay (cyc) Range = 0.000 to 16000.000, OFF 39.000 Z3GD Zone 3 Time Delay (cyc) Range = 0.000 to 16000.000, OFF 90.000 Z4GD Zone 4 Time Delay (cyc) Range = 0.000 to 16000.000, OFF 75.000 XC Series Capacitor Reactance (ohms,sec) Range = 0.25 to 320.00, OFF OFF Z1D Zone 1 Time Delay (cyc) Range = 0.000 to 16000.000, OFF 12.000 Z2D Zone 2 Time Delay (cyc) Range = 0.000 to 16000.000, OFF 39.000 Z3D Zone 3 Time Delay (cyc) Range = 0.000 to 16000.000, OFF 90.000 Z4D Zone 4 Time Delay (cyc) Range = 0.000 to 16000.000, OFF 75.000 ESPSTF Single-Pole Switch-Onto-Fault Select: Y, N Y 0.656 0.656 EVRST Switch-Onto-Fault Voltage Reset Select: Y, N Y VRSTPU Switch-Onto-Fault Reset Voltage (p.u) Range = 0.60 to 1.00 0.90 52AEND 52A Pole Open Time Delay (cyc) Range = 0.000 to 16000.000, OFF 45.000 CLOEND CLSMON or 1 Pole Open Delay (cyc) Range = 0.000 to 16000.000, OFF OFF SOTFD Switch-Onto-Fault Enable Duration (cyc) Range = 0.500 to 16000.000 10.000 CLSMON Close Signal Monitor Equation (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG CIERMAN OOSB1 Block Zone 1 Select: Y, N Y OOSB2 Block Zone 2 Select: Y, N Y OOSB3 Block Zone 3 Select: Y, N Y OOSB4 Block Zone 4 Select: Y, N Y OSBD Out-of-Step Block Time Delay (cyc) Range = 0.500 to 8000.000 0.500 OSBLTCH Latch Out-of-Step Blocking Select: Y, N 19/12/2023 N Page 5 of 94 EOOST Out-of-Step Tripping Select: N, I, O N X1T7 Zone 7 Reactance -Top (ohms,sec) Range = 0.25 to 480.00 21.80 X1T6 Zone 6 Reactance -Top (ohms,sec) Range = 0.25 to 480.00 13.60 R1R7 Zone 7 Resistance -Right (ohms,sec) Range = 0.25 to 350.00 31.70 R1R6 Zone 6 Resistance -Right (ohms,sec) Range = 0.25 to 350.00 23.50 X1B7 Zone 7 Reactance -Bottom (ohms,sec) Range = -480.00 to -0.25 -28.20 X1B6 Zone 6 Reactance -Bottom (ohms,sec) Range = -480.00 to -0.25 -20.00 R1L7 Zone 7 Resistance -Left (ohms,sec) Range = -350.00 to -0.25 -16.20 R1L6 Zone 6 Resistance -Left (ohms,sec) Range = -350.00 to -0.25 -8.00 50ABCP Positive-Sequence Current Supervision (A) Range = 0.20 to 20.00 1.00 50QUBP Negative-Sequence Current Supervision (A) Range = 0.10 to 20.00, OFF 0.10 UBD Negative-Sequence Current Unblock Delay (cyc) Range = 0.500 to 120.000 0.500 UBOSBF Out-of-Step Angle Unblock Rate Range = 1 to 10 4 50Q1P Level 1 Pickup (A,sec) Range = 0.05 to 20.00, OFF 0.25 67Q1D Level 1 Time Delay (cyc) Range = 0.000 to 16000.000 60.000 67Q1TC Level 1 Torque Control Equation (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG 1 51O01 Inverse Time Overcurrent 01 Operate Quantity Select: LIAFIM, LIBFIM, LICFIM, B1IAFIM, B1IBFIM, B1ICFIM, B2IAFIM, B2IBFIM, B2ICFIM, LI1FIM, LIGFIM L3I2FIM, LIGFIM, B1IGFIM, B2IGFIM, LIMAXM, B1IMAXM, B2IM ... 51P01 Inverse Time Overcurrent 01 Pickup Value Equation (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG 0.100000 51C01 Inverse Time Overcurrent 01 Curve Selection Select: U1-U5, C1-C5 C1 51TD01 Inverse Time Overcurrent 01 Time Dial Equation (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG 0.350000 51RS01 Inverse Time Overcurrent 01 Electromechanical Reset Select: Y, N N 51TC01 Inverse Time Overcurrent 01 Torque Control Equation (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG 32GF AND NOT SPOI AND NOT SPOBK1 AND NOT FMCBTL 59O1 Over Voltage Element 1 Operating Quantity Select: VAFIM, VBFIM, VCFIM, V1FIM, 3V2FIM, V1FIM 3V0FIM 59P1P1 Over Voltage Element 1 Level 1 Pickup (V,sec) Range = 2.00 to 300.00 69.28 59TC1 Over Voltage Element 1 Torque Control Equation (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG 1 59P1D1 Over Voltage Element 1 Level 1 Delay (cyc) Range = 0.00 to 16000.00 300.00 59P1P2 Over Voltage Element 1 Level 2 Pickup (V,sec) Range = 2.00 to 300.00 300.00 59O2 Over Voltage Element 2 Operating Quantity Select: VAFIM, VBFIM, VCFIM, V1FIM, 3V2FIM, V1FIM 3V0FIM 59P2P1 Over Voltage Element 2 Level 1 Pickup (V,sec) Range = 2.00 to 300.00 75.00 Valid range = The legal 19/12/2023 Page 6 of 94 59TC2 Over Voltage Element 2 Torque Control Equation (SELogic) operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG 1 59P2D1 Over Voltage Element 2 Level 1 Delay (cyc) Range = 0.00 to 16000.00 180.00 59P2P2 Over Voltage Element 2 Level 2 Pickup (V,sec) Range = 2.00 to 300.00 300.00 DIR3 Zone/Level 3 Directional Control Select: F, R R DIR4 Zone/Level 4 Directional Control Select: F, R F ORDER Ground Directional Element Priority (combine Q,V,I) Select: Q, V, I, "Any VI Combination of Q,V and I" E32IV Zero-Sequence Voltage and Current Enable Equation (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG EPO Pole Open Detection Select: 52, V 52 SPOD Single-Pole Open Dropout Delay (cyc) Range = 0.000 to 60.000 0.500 3POD Three-Pole Open Dropout Delay (cyc) Range = 0.000 to 60.000 0.500 Z3RBD Zone 3 Reverse Block Time Delay (cyc) Range = 0.000 to 16000.000 5.000 EBLKD Echo Block Time Delay (cyc) Range = 0.000 to 16000.000, OFF OFF ETDPU Echo Time Delay Pickup (cyc) Range = 0.000 to 16000.000, OFF OFF EDURD Echo Duration Time Delay (cyc) Range = 0.000 to 16000.000 0.000 EWFC Weak Infeed Trip Select: Y, N, SP N PT1 General Permissive Trip Received Equation (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG RCP21PR # RECEPCION 21 EPTDIR Enable Directional Element Permissive Trip Select: Y, N Y PTDIR Directional Permissive Trip Received Equation (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PCT10Q # IN321 RECEPCION DE 67N COMZDTC Directional Element Communication Assisted Trip Enable Equation (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG 32GF SYNCP Synchronism Reference Select: VAY, VBY, VCY, VBY VAZ, VBZ, VCZ 25VL Voltage Window Low Threshold (V,sec) Range = 20.0 to 200.0 54.9 25VH Voltage Window High Threshold (V,sec) Range = 20.0 to 200.0 63.5 SYNCS1 Synchronism Source 1 Select: VAY, VBY, VCY, VBZ VAZ, VBZ, VCZ KS1M Synchronism Source 1 Ratio Factor Range = 0.10 to 3.00 1.00 KS1A Synchronism Source 1 Angle Shift (deg) Range = 0 to 330 0 25SFBK1 Maximum Slip Frequency (Hz) Range = 0.005 to 0.500, OFF 0.100 ANG1BK1 Maximum Angle Difference 1 (deg) Range = 3.0 to 80.0 10.0 ANG2BK1 Maximum Angle Difference 2 (deg) Range = 3.0 to 80.0 10.0 TCLSBK1 Breaker 1 Close Time (cyc) Range = 1.00 to 30.00 8.00 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG FMCBTL OR FMCBTB OR (52AA1 AND 52AB1 AND 52AC1) #FALLA MCB LINEA O BARRA INTERRUPTOR CERRADO BSYNBK1 19/12/2023 Block Synchronism Check Equation (SELogic) 1 Page 7 of 94 NSPSHOT Number of Single-Pole Reclosures Select: N, 1, 2 1 ESPR1 Single-Pole Reclose Enable -BK1 Equation (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG 1 N3PSHOT Number of Three-Pole Reclosures Select: N, 1-4 N BKCFD Breaker Close Failure Delay (cyc) Range = 1 to 99999, OFF 180 ULCL1 Unlatch Closing for Breaker 1 Equation (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG 52AA1 AND 52AB1 AND 52AC1 # BLOQUEO AL CIERRE 79DTL Recloser Drive to Lockout Equation (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG LOP OR PLT07 79BRCT Block Reclaim Timer Equation (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA BK1MCL Breaker 1 Manual Close Equation (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA 3PMRCD Manual Close Reclaim Time Delay (cyc) Range = 1 to 99999 10800 BK1CLSD Breaker 1 Reclose Supervision Delay (cyc) Range = 1 to 99999, OFF 300 SPOID Single-Pole Open Interval Delay (cyc) Range = 1 to 99999 54 SPRCD Single-Pole Reclaim Time Delay (cyc) Range = 1 to 99999 10800 SPRI Single-Pole Reclose Initiation Equation (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG SPT SP1CLS Single-Pole BK1 Reclose Supervision Equation (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG 1 EVCK Reclosing Voltage Check Select: Y, N Y 27LP Dead Line Voltage (V,sec) Range = 1.0 to 200.0 20.0 59LP Live Line Voltage (V,sec) Range = 1.0 to 200.0 53.0 27BK1P Breaker 1 Dead Busbar Voltage (V,sec) Range = 1.0 to 200.0 20.0 59BK1P Breaker 1 Live Busbar Voltage (V,sec) Range = 1.0 to 200.0 53.0 LLR Line Length Range = 0.10 to 999.00 57.30 LLUNIT Line Length Units Select: mi, km km TWLL Line Length for TW Fault Location Range = 0.20 to 1000.00 57.50 SCBL Secondary Cable Length (Meters) Range = 0 to 2000 25 LPVEL Line Propagation Velocity Range = 0.40000 to 1.00000 0.98000 TWCOMI Combine Currents for Traveling Wave Select: Y, N N TWALTI Alternate TW Current Source Equation (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA TWFLIF Traveling Wave Internal Fault Condition Equation (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG (COMPRM OR 87OP) AND TRIP Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG (Z1GT AND PSV58) OR Z2GT OR Z3GT OR Z4GT OR (Z1PT AND PSV58) OR Z2PT OR Z3PT OR Z4PT OR 51T01 OR 87OP OR 592P1T OR 591P1T TR 19/12/2023 Trip Equation (SELogic) Page 8 of 94 TRCOMM Communications-Assisted Trip Equation (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG ((Z2P OR Z2G) AND RCP21PR AND PSV58) TRCOMMD Directional Element Communications-Assisted Trip Equation (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG 51S01 AND PCT10Q AND PSV58 TRSOTF Switch-Onto-Fault Trip Equation (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG Z2P OR Z2G OR 51S01 DTA Direct Transfer Trip A-Phase Equation (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA DTB Direct Transfer Trip B-Phase Equation (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA DTC Direct Transfer Trip C-Phase Equation (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA E87DTT Conditions which enable a Direct Transfer Trip due to the Differential Element Equation (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG 0 E51DTT Enable 51 Element Direct Transfer Trip Select: Y, N N BK1MTR Breaker 1 Manual Trip Equation (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG OC1 ULTR Unlatch Trip Equation (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG TRGTR ULMTR1 Unlatch Manual Trip -BK1 Equation (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NOT (52AA1 AND 52AB1 AND 52AC1) TOPD Trip During Open Pole Time Delay (cyc) Range = 2.000 to 8000.000 2.000 TULO Trip Unlatch Option Select: 1-4 3 Z2GTSP Zone 2 Ground Distance Time Delay SPT Select: Y, N N 67QGSP Zone 2 Directional Negative-Sequence/Residual Overcurrent SPT Select: Y, N N 87LQGSP Enable 87L Negative or Residual Differential Element SPT Select: Y, N N TDUR1D SPT Minimum Trip Duration Time Delay (cyc) Range = 2.000 to 8000.000 6.000 TDUR3D 3PT Minimum Trip Duration Time Delay (cyc) Range = 2.000 to 8000.000 12.000 E3PT E3PT1 ER 19/12/2023 Three-Pole Trip Enable Equation (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG Z2GT OR Z3GT OR Z2PT OR Z3PT OR Z1GT OR Z1PT OR SPRCIP OR PLT07 OR PSV53 # DISPARO TRIPOLAR Breaker 1 Three-Pole Trip Enable Equation (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG Z2GT OR Z3GT OR Z2PT OR Z3PT OR TOP OR Z1GT OR Z1PT # DISPARO TRIPOLAR Event Report Trigger Equation (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG R_TRIG Z2P OR R_TRIG Z2G OR R_TRIG 51S01 OR R_TRIG Z3P OR R_TRIG Z3G OR 87LSP OR R_TRIG Z1P OR R_TRIG Page 9 of 94 Z1G OR 87LSP OR R_TRIG 51T01 Group 1 Top 19/12/2023 Page 10 of 94 Automation 1 Top Setting Description Range Value AUTO_1 Free Form Logic Row 001 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG #ASV001 := IN406 # MANDO DE SELECTOR MIMICO EN LOCAL7 AUTO_2 Free Form Logic Row 002 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG #-------------------------------- AUTO_3 Free Form Logic Row 003 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG ASV011 := 52AAL1 OR ASV001 OR NOT ENDDT OR NOT IN314 OR FPOLMED OR FPOLGIS OR FMCBTL OR FMCBTL OR FMCBTB OR RCP67N OR RCPDDT OR RCP21PR OR FLTELEP # ALARMA GENERAL AUTO_4 Free Form Logic Row 004 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG ALT01S := ASV011 AUTO_5 Free Form Logic Row 005 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG ALT01R := PB1 AND NOT ASV011 AUTO_6 Free Form Logic Row 006 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG ASV001 := BLQRSF6 AUTO_7 Free Form Logic Row 007 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG ASV002 := BKROPEN AUTO_8 Free Form Logic Row 008 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG ASV003 := FLPAGIS AUTO_9 Free Form Logic Row 009 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG ASV004 := SWDESCO AUTO_10 Free Form Logic Row 010 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG ASV005 := SWCONEC AUTO_11 Free Form Logic Row 011 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG ASV006 := CIERMAN AUTO_12 Free Form Logic Row 012 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG ASV008 := RF_IND AUTO_13 Free Form Logic Row 013 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG ASV009 := PRPRUEB Valid range = The legal ASV016 := 19/12/2023 Page 11 of 94 AUTO_14 Free Form Logic Row 014 operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG AUTO_15 Free Form Logic Row 015 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG ASV017 := FPOLMED AUTO_16 Free Form Logic Row 016 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG ASV018 := FPOLGIS AUTO_17 Free Form Logic Row 017 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG ASV019 := FMCBTL AUTO_18 Free Form Logic Row 018 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG ASV020 := FMCBTB AUTO_19 Free Form Logic Row 019 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG ASV021 := RCP67N AUTO_20 Free Form Logic Row 020 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG ASV022 := RCPDDT AUTO_21 Free Form Logic Row 021 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG ASV023 := FLTELEP AUTO_22 Free Form Logic Row 022 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG ASV024 := RCP21PR AUTO_23 Free Form Logic Row 023 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG ASV010 := INTFR AUTO_24 Free Form Logic Row 024 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG ASV011 := INTFS AUTO_25 Free Form Logic Row 025 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG ASV012 := INTFT AUTO_26 Free Form Logic Row 026 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG AUTO_27 Free Form Logic Row 027 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG AUTO_28 Free Form Logic Row 028 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG AUTO_29 Free Form Logic Row 029 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG AUTO_30 Free Form Logic Row 030 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG AUTO_31 Free Form Logic Row 031 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG AUTO_32 Free Form Logic Row 032 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG AUTO_33 Free Form Logic Row 033 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG 19/12/2023 PP_IND Page 12 of 94 AUTO_34 Free Form Logic Row 034 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG AUTO_35 Free Form Logic Row 035 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG AUTO_36 Free Form Logic Row 036 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG AUTO_37 Free Form Logic Row 037 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG AUTO_38 Free Form Logic Row 038 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG AUTO_39 Free Form Logic Row 039 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG AUTO_40 Free Form Logic Row 040 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG AUTO_41 Free Form Logic Row 041 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG AUTO_42 Free Form Logic Row 042 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG AUTO_43 Free Form Logic Row 043 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG AUTO_44 Free Form Logic Row 044 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG AUTO_45 Free Form Logic Row 045 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG AUTO_46 Free Form Logic Row 046 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG AUTO_47 Free Form Logic Row 047 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG AUTO_48 Free Form Logic Row 048 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG AUTO_49 Free Form Logic Row 049 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG AUTO_50 Free Form Logic Row 050 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG AUTO_51 Free Form Logic Row 051 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG AUTO_52 Free Form Logic Row 052 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG AUTO_53 Free Form Logic Row 053 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG 19/12/2023 Page 13 of 94 AUTO_54 Free Form Logic Row 054 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG AUTO_55 Free Form Logic Row 055 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG AUTO_56 Free Form Logic Row 056 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG AUTO_57 Free Form Logic Row 057 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG AUTO_58 Free Form Logic Row 058 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG AUTO_59 Free Form Logic Row 059 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG AUTO_60 Free Form Logic Row 060 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG AUTO_61 Free Form Logic Row 061 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG AUTO_62 Free Form Logic Row 062 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG AUTO_63 Free Form Logic Row 063 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG AUTO_64 Free Form Logic Row 064 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG AUTO_65 Free Form Logic Row 065 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG AUTO_66 Free Form Logic Row 066 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG AUTO_67 Free Form Logic Row 067 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG AUTO_68 Free Form Logic Row 068 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG AUTO_69 Free Form Logic Row 069 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG AUTO_70 Free Form Logic Row 070 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG AUTO_71 Free Form Logic Row 071 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG AUTO_72 Free Form Logic Row 072 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG AUTO_73 Free Form Logic Row 073 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG 19/12/2023 Page 14 of 94 AUTO_74 Free Form Logic Row 074 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG AUTO_75 Free Form Logic Row 075 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG AUTO_76 Free Form Logic Row 076 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG AUTO_77 Free Form Logic Row 077 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG AUTO_78 Free Form Logic Row 078 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG AUTO_79 Free Form Logic Row 079 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG AUTO_80 Free Form Logic Row 080 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG AUTO_81 Free Form Logic Row 081 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG AUTO_82 Free Form Logic Row 082 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG AUTO_83 Free Form Logic Row 083 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG AUTO_84 Free Form Logic Row 084 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG AUTO_85 Free Form Logic Row 085 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG AUTO_86 Free Form Logic Row 086 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG AUTO_87 Free Form Logic Row 087 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG AUTO_88 Free Form Logic Row 088 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG AUTO_89 Free Form Logic Row 089 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG AUTO_90 Free Form Logic Row 090 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG AUTO_91 Free Form Logic Row 091 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG AUTO_92 Free Form Logic Row 092 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG AUTO_93 Free Form Logic Row 093 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG 19/12/2023 Page 15 of 94 AUTO_94 Free Form Logic Row 094 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG AUTO_95 Free Form Logic Row 095 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG AUTO_96 Free Form Logic Row 096 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG AUTO_97 Free Form Logic Row 097 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG AUTO_98 Free Form Logic Row 098 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG AUTO_99 Free Form Logic Row 099 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG AUTO_100 Free Form Logic Row 100 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG Automation 1 Top 19/12/2023 Page 16 of 94 Port F Top Setting Description Range Value EPORT Enable Port Select: Y, N Y PROTO Protocol Select: SEL, DNP, MBA, MBB, MBGA, MBGB, RTD, PMU SEL SPEED Data Speed (bps) Select: 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600 9600 DATABIT Data Bits Select: 7, 8 8 PARITY Parity Select: Odd, Even, None N STOPBIT Stop Bits Select: 1, 2 1 RTSCTS Enable Hardware Handshaking Select: Y, N N TIMEOUT Port Time-Out (mins) Range = 1 to 60, OFF 5 AUTO Send Auto-Messages to Port Select: Y, N Y FASTOP Enable Fast Operate Messages Select: Y, N N TERTIM1 Initial Delay -Disconnect Sequence (seconds) Range = 0 to 600 1 TERSTRN Termination String -Disconnect Sequence Range = ASCII string with \005 a maximum length of 0. TERTIM2 Final Delay -Disconnect Sequence (seconds) Range = 0 to 600 0 FMRENAB Enable Fast Message Read Data Access Select: Y, N Y FMRLCL Enable Local Region for Fast Message Access Select: Y, N N FMRMTR Enable Meter Region for Fast Message Access Select: Y, N Y Select: Y, N Y FMRDMND Enable Demand Region for Fast Message Access FMRTAR Enable Target Region for Fast Message Access Select: Y, N Y FMRHIS Enable History Region for Fast Message Access Select: Y, N N FMRBRKR Enable Breaker Region for Fast Message Access Select: Y, N N FMRSTAT Enable Status Region for Fast Message Access Select: Y, N N FMRANA Enable Analog Region for Fast Message Access Select: Y, N Y Port F Top 19/12/2023 Page 17 of 94 Breaker Monitor Top Setting Description Range Value EB1MON Breaker 1 Monitoring Select: Y, N Y BK1TYP Breaker 1 Trip Type (Single Pole=1, Three Pole=3) Select: 1, 3 1 52AA1 A-Phase N/O Contact Input -BK1 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG INTFR 52AB1 B-Phase N/O Contact Input -BK1 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG INTFS 52AC1 C-Phase N/O Contact Input -BK1 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG INTFT BM1TRPA Breaker Monitor A-Phase Trip -BK1 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG TPA1 BM1TRPB Breaker Monitor B-Phase Trip -BK1 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG TPB1 BM1TRPC Breaker Monitor C-Phase Trip -BK1 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG TPC1 BM1CLSA Breaker Monitor A-Phase Close -BK1 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG BK1CL BM1CLSB Breaker Monitor B-Phase Close -BK1 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG BK1CL BM1CLSC Breaker Monitor C-Phase Close -BK1 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG BK1CL B1COSP1 Close/Open Set Point 1 -BK1 (operations) Range = 1 to 65000 1000 B1COSP2 Close/Open Set Point 2 -BK1 (operations) Range = 1 to 65000 100 B1COSP3 Close/Open Set Point 3 -BK1 (operations) Range = 1 to 65000 10 B1KASP1 kA Interrupted Set Point 1 -BK1 (kA) Range = 1.0 to 999.0 20.0 B1KASP2 kA Interrupted Set Point 2 -BK1 (kA) Range = 1.0 to 999.0 60.0 B1KASP3 kA Interrupted Set Point 3 -BK1 (kA) Range = 1.0 to 999.0 100.0 B1BCWAT Contact Wear Alarm Threshold -BK1 (%) Range = 0 to 100 90 B1ESTRT Electrical Slow Trip Alarm Threshold -BK1 (ms) Range = 1 to 999 50 B1ESCLT Electrical Slow Close Alarm Threshold -BK1 (ms) Range = 1 to 999 120 B1MSTRT Mechanical Slow Trip Alarm Threshold -BK1 (ms) Range = 1 to 999 50 B1MSCLT Mechanical Slow Close Alarm Threshold -BK1 (ms) Range = 1 to 999 120 B1PSTRT Pole Scatter Trip Alarm Threshold -BK1 (ms) Range = 1 to 999 20 B1PSCLT Pole Scatter Close Alarm Threshold -BK1 (ms) Range = 1 to 999 20 B1PDD Pole Discrepancy Time Delay -BK1 (ms) Range = 1 to 9999 1400 E1PDCS Pole Discrepancy Current Supervision -BK1 Select: Y, N N B1ITAT Inactivity Time Alarm Threshold -BK1 (days) Range = 1 to 9999, N 365 B1MRTIN Motor Run Time Contact Input -BK1 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA B1KAIAT kA Interrupt Capacity Alarm Threshold -BK1 (%) Range = 1 to 100, N 90 19/12/2023 Page 18 of 94 B1MKAI Maximum kA Interrupt Rating -BK1 (kA) Range = 1 to 999 50 Breaker Monitor Top 19/12/2023 Page 19 of 94 Global Top Value Setting Description Range SID Station Identifier (40 characters) Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 40. 500KV LINEA L5038 RID Relay Identifier (40 characters) Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 40. -F004 NUMBK Number of Breakers in Scheme Select: 1, 2 1 BID1 Breaker 1 Identifier (40 characters) Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 40. Breaker 1 NFREQ Nominal System Frequency Select: 50, 60 60 PHROT System Phase Rotation Select: ABC, ACB ABC FAULT Fault Condition Equation (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG 50P1 OR 51S01 OR Z2P OR Z2G OR Z3P OR Z3G OR 87LP OR 87LQ OR 87LG OR Z1P OR Z1G OR 591P1T OR 592P1T OR TRIP EGADVS Enable Advanced Global Settings Select: Y, N Y EDCMON Enable Station DC Battery Monitor Select: N, 1, 2 2 DC1LFP Low Level Fail Pickup (Vdc) Range = 15 to 300, OFF 100 DC1LWP Low Level Warn Pickup (Vdc) Range = 15 to 300, OFF 127 DC1HWP High Level Warn Pickup (Vdc) Range = 15 to 300, OFF 137 DC1HFP High Level Fail Pickup (Vdc) Range = 15 to 300, OFF 142 DC1RP Peak-to-Peak AC Ripple Pickup (Vac) Range = 1 to 300 9 DC1GF Ground Detection Factor Range = 1.00 to 5.00 1.05 DC2LFP Low Level Fail Pickup (Vdc) Range = 15 to 300, OFF 100 DC2LWP Low Level Warn Pickup (Vdc) Range = 15 to 300, OFF 127 DC2HWP High Level Warn Pickup (Vdc) Range = 15 to 300, OFF 137 DC2HFP High Level Fail Pickup (Vdc) Range = 15 to 300, OFF 142 DC2RP Peak-to-Peak AC Ripple Pickup (Vac) Range = 1 to 300 9 DC2GF Ground Detection Factor Range = 1.00 to 5.00 1.05 EICIS Enable Independent Control Input Settings Select: Y, N N IN2XXD Debounce Time For Interface Board # 1 Contact Inputs Range = 0.0000 to 5.0000 (cyc) 19/12/2023 0.1250 Page 20 of 94 IN3XXD Debounce Time For Interface Range = 0.0000 to 1.0000 Board # 2 Contact Inputs (cyc) SS1 Select Setting Group 1 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG 1 SS2 Select Setting Group 2 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG 0 SS3 Select Setting Group 3 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG 0 SS4 Select Setting Group 4 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG 0 SS5 Select Setting Group 5 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG 0 SS6 Select Setting Group 6 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG 0 TGR Group Change Delay (cyc) Range = 1 to 54000 180 EAFSRC Alternate Frequency Source (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA VF01 Local Frequency Source 1 Select: ZERO, VAY, VBY, VCY, VAZ, VBZ, VCZ VAY VF02 Local Frequency Source 2 Select: ZERO, VAY, VBY, VCY, VAZ, VBZ, VCZ VBY VF03 Local Frequency Source 3 Select: ZERO, VAY, VBY, VCY, VAZ, VBZ, VCZ VCY STALLTE Stall Time-Error Calculation (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA LOADTE Load TECORR Factor (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA ESS Current and Voltage Source Selection Select: Y, N, 1, 2 N EPMU Enable Synchronized Phasor Measurement Select: Y, N N DATE_F Date Format Select: MDY, YMD, DMY DMY IRIGC IRIG-B Control Bits Definition Select: NONE, C37.118 NONE UTCOFF Offset From UTC to Local Time Range = -15.5 to 15.5 -5.0 BEG_DST Begin DST ("hh,n,d,mm" or "OFF") Select: "0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23", 2, 2, 1, 3 "1,2,3,L", "1,2,3,4,5,6,7", "1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12" 0.1250 END_DST End DST ("hh,n,d,mm") Select: "0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23", 2, 1, 1, 11 "1,2,3,L", "1,2,3,4,5,6,7", "1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12" EDRSTC Select: Y, N N Event Summary Lock Period EVELOCK (sec) Range = 0 to 1000 0 DNPSRC Select: LOCAL, UTC UTC 19/12/2023 Enable Data Reset Control DNP Session Time Base Page 21 of 94 IN1XXD Debounce Time For Mainboard Contact Inputs (cyc) Range = 0.0000 to 5.0000 0.1250 Global Top 19/12/2023 Page 22 of 94 Report Top Setting Description Range Value ESERDEL Automatic Removal of Chattering SER Points Select: Y, N N SITM1 SER Points and Aliases, Point 1 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText Z2P, Z2P, Asserted, Deasserted, N SITM2 SER Points and Aliases, Point 2 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText Z3P, Z3P, Asserted, Deasserted, N SITM3 SER Points and Aliases, Point 3 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText Z2G, Z2G, Asserted, Deasserted, N SITM4 SER Points and Aliases, Point 4 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText Z3G, Z3G, Asserted, Deasserted, N SITM5 SER Points and Aliases, Point 5 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText 32QF, 32QF, Asserted, Deasserted, N SITM6 SER Points and Aliases, Point 6 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText 32QR, 32QR, Asserted, Deasserted, N SITM7 SER Points and Aliases, Point 7 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText 67P1, 67P1, Asserted, Deasserted, N SITM8 SER Points and Aliases, Point 8 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText 50P1, 50P1, Asserted, Deasserted, N SITM9 SER Points and Aliases, Point 9 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText 50G1, 50G1, Asserted, Deasserted, N SITM10 SER Points and Aliases, Point 10 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText 67G1, 67G1, Asserted, Deasserted, N SITM11 SER Points and Aliases, Point 11 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText 79CY1, 79CY1, Asserted, Deasserted, N SITM12 SER Points and Aliases, Point 12 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText BK1RS, BK1RS, Asserted, Deasserted, N SITM13 SER Points and Aliases, Point 13 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText 87LA, 87LA, Asserted, Deasserted, N SITM14 SER Points and Aliases, Point 14 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText 87LB, 87LB, Asserted, Deasserted, N SITM15 SER Points and Aliases, Point 15 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText 87LC, 87LC, Asserted, Deasserted, N SITM16 SER Points and Aliases, Point 16 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText Z2PT, Z2PT, Asserted, Deasserted, N SITM17 SER Points and Aliases, Point 17 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText Z3PT, Z3PT, Asserted, Deasserted, N DeviceWord Element, Z2GT, Z2GT, 19/12/2023 Page 23 of 94 SITM18 SER Points and Aliases, Point 18 AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText Asserted, Deasserted, N SITM19 SER Points and Aliases, Point 19 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText Z3GT, Z3GT, Asserted, Deasserted, N SITM20 SER Points and Aliases, Point 20 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText 87LST, 87LST, Asserted, Deasserted, N SITM21 SER Points and Aliases, Point 21 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText SPRI, SPRI, Asserted, Deasserted, N SITM22 SER Points and Aliases, Point 22 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText SPOBK1, SPOBK1, Asserted, Deasserted, N SITM23 SER Points and Aliases, Point 23 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText 79CY3, 79CY3, Asserted, Deasserted, N SITM24 SER Points and Aliases, Point 24 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText BK1LO, BK1LO, Asserted, Deasserted, N SITM25 SER Points and Aliases, Point 25 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText BK1CL, BK1CL, Asserted, Deasserted, N SITM26 SER Points and Aliases, Point 26 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText BK1CFT, BK1CFT, ON, OFF, N SITM27 SER Points and Aliases, Point 27 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText R3PTE, R3PTE, Asserted, Deasserted, N SITM28 SER Points and Aliases, Point 28 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText BK1RCIP, BK1RCIP, Asserted, Deasserted, N SITM29 SER Points and Aliases, Point 29 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText SPRCIP, SPRCIP, Asserted, Deasserted, N SITM30 SER Points and Aliases, Point 30 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText SPSHOT0, SPSHOT0, Asserted, Deasserted, N SITM31 SER Points and Aliases, Point 31 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText SPOI, SPOI, ON, OFF, N SITM32 SER Points and Aliases, Point 32 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText CC1, CC1, ON, OFF, N SITM33 SER Points and Aliases, Point 33 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText INTFR, INTFR, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM34 SER Points and Aliases, Point 34 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText INTFS, INTFS, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM35 SER Points and Aliases, Point 35 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText INTFT, INTFT, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM36 SER Points and Aliases, Point 36 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText SP1CLS, SP1CLS, Asserted, Deasserted, N SITM37 SER Points and Aliases, Point 37 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, BK1CLSS, BK1CLSS, Asserted, 19/12/2023 Page 24 of 94 DeAssertedText Deasserted, N SITM38 SER Points and Aliases, Point 38 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText 87STAG, 87STAG, Asserted, Deasserted, N SITM39 SER Points and Aliases, Point 39 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText 87STBG, 87STBG, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM40 SER Points and Aliases, Point 40 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText 87STCG, 87STCG, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM41 SER Points and Aliases, Point 41 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText PT, PT, Asserted, Deasserted, N SITM42 SER Points and Aliases, Point 42 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText KEYD, KEYD, Asserted, Deasserted, N SITM43 SER Points and Aliases, Point 43 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText KEY, KEY, Asserted, Deasserted, N SITM44 SER Points and Aliases, Point 44 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText PTRX1, PTRX1, Asserted, Deasserted, N SITM45 SER Points and Aliases, Point 45 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText TRIP, TRIP, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM46 SER Points and Aliases, Point 46 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText KEYA, KEYA, Asserted, Deasserted, N SITM47 SER Points and Aliases, Point 47 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText KEYB, KEYB, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM48 SER Points and Aliases, Point 48 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText KEYC, KEYC, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM49 SER Points and Aliases, Point 49 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText PTA, PTA, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM50 SER Points and Aliases, Point 50 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText PTB, PTB, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM51 SER Points and Aliases, Point 51 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText PTC, PTC, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM52 SER Points and Aliases, Point 52 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DLDB1, DLDB1, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM53 SER Points and Aliases, Point 53 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText LLDB1, LLDB1, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM54 SER Points and Aliases, Point 54 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DLLB1, DLLB1, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM55 SER Points and Aliases, Point 55 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText 59VP, 59VP, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM56 SER Points and Aliases, Point 56 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText 59VS1, 59VS1, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N DeviceWord Element, PSV15, PSV15, 19/12/2023 Page 25 of 94 SITM57 SER Points and Aliases, Point 57 AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM58 SER Points and Aliases, Point 58 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText SFBK1, SFBK1, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM59 SER Points and Aliases, Point 59 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText SFZBK1, SFZBK1, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM60 SER Points and Aliases, Point 60 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText 25W1BK1, 25W1BK1, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM61 SER Points and Aliases, Point 61 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText PSV11, PSV11, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM62 SER Points and Aliases, Point 62 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText 3PT, 3PT, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM63 SER Points and Aliases, Point 63 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText SPT, SPT, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM64 SER Points and Aliases, Point 64 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText TPA1, TPA1, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM65 SER Points and Aliases, Point 65 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText TPB1, TPB1, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM66 SER Points and Aliases, Point 66 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText TPC1, TPC1, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM67 SER Points and Aliases, Point 67 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText TOP, TOP, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM68 SER Points and Aliases, Point 68 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText ULTR, ULTR, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM69 SER Points and Aliases, Point 69 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText ULTRA, ULTRA, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM70 SER Points and Aliases, Point 70 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText ULTRB, ULTRB, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM71 SER Points and Aliases, Point 71 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText ULTRC, ULTRC, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM72 SER Points and Aliases, Point 72 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DTA, DTA, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM73 SER Points and Aliases, Point 73 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DTB, DTB, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM74 SER Points and Aliases, Point 74 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DTC, DTC, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM75 SER Points and Aliases, Point 75 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText E87DTT, E87DTT, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM76 SER Points and Aliases, Point 76 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText 87LP, 87LP, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N 19/12/2023 Page 26 of 94 SITM77 SER Points and Aliases, Point 77 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText 87DTTI, 87DTTI, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM78 SER Points and Aliases, Point 78 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText 87SPTS, 87SPTS, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM79 SER Points and Aliases, Point 79 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText 87OP, 87OP, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM80 SER Points and Aliases, Point 80 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText ECH1OUT, ECH1OUT, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM81 SER Points and Aliases, Point 81 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText 87OCTA, 87OCTA, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM82 SER Points and Aliases, Point 82 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText 87OCTB, 87OCTB, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM83 SER Points and Aliases, Point 83 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText 87OCTC, 87OCTC, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM84 SER Points and Aliases, Point 84 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText 87ERR1, 87ERR1, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM85 SER Points and Aliases, Point 85 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText 87LGSEC, 87LGSEC, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM86 SER Points and Aliases, Point 86 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText 87BLK, 87BLK, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM87 SER Points and Aliases, Point 87 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText 87ALARM, 87ALARM, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM88 SER Points and Aliases, Point 88 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText 87BLKL, 87BLKL, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM89 SER Points and Aliases, Point 89 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText BK1CLST, BK1CLST, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM90 SER Points and Aliases, Point 90 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText Z4P, Z4P, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM91 SER Points and Aliases, Point 91 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText Z4G, Z4G, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM92 SER Points and Aliases, Point 92 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText Z4GT, Z4GT, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM93 SER Points and Aliases, Point 93 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText Z4PT, Z4PT, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM94 SER Points and Aliases, Point 94 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText 32GF, 32GF, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM95 SER Points and Aliases, Point 95 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, 32GR, 32GR, ASSERTED, 19/12/2023 Page 27 of 94 DeAssertedText DEASSERTED, N SITM96 SER Points and Aliases, Point 96 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText 51T01, 51T01, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM97 SER Points and Aliases, Point 97 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText 51TM01, 51TM01, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM98 SER Points and Aliases, Point 98 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText 51MM01, 51MM01, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM99 SER Points and Aliases, Point 99 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText 51R01, 51R01, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM100 SER Points and Aliases, Point 100 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText 51S01, 51S01, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SER Points and Aliases, Point 101 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText PHASE_A, PHASE_A, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SER Points and Aliases, Point 102 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText PHASE_B, PHASE_B, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SER Points and Aliases, Point 103 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText PHASE_C, PHASE_C, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM104 SER Points and Aliases, Point 104 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText GROUND, GROUND, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM105 SER Points and Aliases, Point 105 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText SOTFE, SOTFE, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM106 SER Points and Aliases, Point 106 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText SOTFT, SOTFT, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM107 SER Points and Aliases, Point 107 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText ILOP, ILOP, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM108 SER Points and Aliases, Point 108 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText LOP, LOP, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM109 SER Points and Aliases, Point 109 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText FSA, FSA, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM110 SER Points and Aliases, Point 110 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText FSB, FSB, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM111 SER Points and Aliases, Point 111 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText FSC, FSC, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM112 SER Points and Aliases, Point 112 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText SPO, SPO, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM113 SER Points and Aliases, Point 113 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText 3PO, 3PO, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N DeviceWord Element, OSB1, OSB1, SITM101 SITM102 SITM103 19/12/2023 Page 28 of 94 SITM114 SER Points and Aliases, Point 114 AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM115 SER Points and Aliases, Point 115 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText OSB2, OSB2, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM116 SER Points and Aliases, Point 116 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText OSB3, OSB3, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM117 SER Points and Aliases, Point 117 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText OSB, OSB, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM118 SER Points and Aliases, Point 118 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText OST, OST, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM119 SER Points and Aliases, Point 119 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText OSTO, OSTO, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM120 SER Points and Aliases, Point 120 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText OSTI, OSTI, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SER Points and Aliases, Point 121 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText 25A1BK1, 25A1BK1, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SER Points and Aliases, Point 122 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText 25ENBK1, 25ENBK1, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SER Points and Aliases, Point 123 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText RCPDDT, RCPDDT, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM124 SER Points and Aliases, Point 124 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText RCP21PR, RCP21PR, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM125 SER Points and Aliases, Point 125 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText RCP67N, RCP67N, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM126 SER Points and Aliases, Point 126 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText KEY1, KEY1, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM127 SER Points and Aliases, Point 127 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText PCT01Q, PCT01Q, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM128 SER Points and Aliases, Point 128 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText PCT02Q, PCT02Q, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM129 SER Points and Aliases, Point 129 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText Z1P, Z1P, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM130 SER Points and Aliases, Point 130 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText Z1PT, Z1PT, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM131 SER Points and Aliases, Point 131 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText SPOA, SPOA, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM132 SER Points and Aliases, Point 132 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText SPOB, SPOB, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM121 SITM122 SITM123 19/12/2023 Page 29 of 94 SER Points and Aliases, Point 133 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText SPOC, SPOC, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM134 SER Points and Aliases, Point 134 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText COMPRM, COMPRM, Asserted, Deasserted, N SITM135 SER Points and Aliases, Point 135 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText RXPRM, RXPRM, Asserted, Deasserted, N SITM136 SER Points and Aliases, Point 136 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText TRPRM, TRPRM, Asserted, Deasserted, N SITM137 SER Points and Aliases, Point 137 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText CIERMAN, CIERMAN, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM138 SER Points and Aliases, Point 138 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText Z1G, Z1G, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM139 SER Points and Aliases, Point 139 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText Z1GT, Z1GT, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM140 SER Points and Aliases, Point 140 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText 87LQ, 87LQ, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM141 SER Points and Aliases, Point 141 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText 87LG, 87LG, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM142 SER Points and Aliases, Point 142 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText PSV45, PSV45, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM143 SER Points and Aliases, Point 143 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText PSV52, PSV52, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM144 SER Points and Aliases, Point 144 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText 591P1, 591P1, Asserted, Deasserted, N SITM145 SER Points and Aliases, Point 145 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText 592P1, 592P1, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM146 SER Points and Aliases, Point 146 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText 591P1T, 591P1T, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM147 SER Points and Aliases, Point 147 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText 592P1T, 592P1T, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM148 SER Points and Aliases, Point 148 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText KEY3, KEY3, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM149 SER Points and Aliases, Point 149 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText MAB1, MAB1, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM150 SER Points and Aliases, Point 150 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText MBC1, MBC1, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM151 SER Points and Aliases, Point 151 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText MCA1, MCA1, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N DeviceWord Element, MAG1, MAG1, SITM133 19/12/2023 Page 30 of 94 SITM152 SER Points and Aliases, Point 152 AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM153 SER Points and Aliases, Point 153 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText MBG1, MBG1, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM154 SER Points and Aliases, Point 154 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText MCG1, MCG1, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM155 SER Points and Aliases, Point 155 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText XAB1, XAB1, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM156 SER Points and Aliases, Point 156 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText XBC1, XBC1, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM157 SER Points and Aliases, Point 157 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText XCA1, XCA1, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM158 SER Points and Aliases, Point 158 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText XAG1, XAG1, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM159 SER Points and Aliases, Point 159 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText XBG1, XBG1, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM160 SER Points and Aliases, Point 160 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText XCG1, XCG1, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM161 SER Points and Aliases, Point 161 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText SERCAB, SERCAB, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM162 SER Points and Aliases, Point 162 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText SERCBC, SERCBC, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM163 SER Points and Aliases, Point 163 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText SERCCA, SERCCA, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM164 SER Points and Aliases, Point 164 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText E3PT, E3PT, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM165 SER Points and Aliases, Point 165 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText 3PARC, 3PARC, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM166 SER Points and Aliases, Point 166 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText SPOISC, SPOISC, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM167 SER Points and Aliases, Point 167 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText PTDRX, PTDRX, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM168 SER Points and Aliases, Point 168 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText PTRX, PTRX, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM169 SER Points and Aliases, Point 169 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText PSV21, PSV21, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM170 SER Points and Aliases, Point 170 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText PLT07, PLT07, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM171 SER Points and Aliases, Point 171 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, PCT12Q, PCT12Q, ASSERTED, 19/12/2023 Page 31 of 94 DeAssertedText DEASSERTED, N SITM172 SER Points and Aliases, Point 172 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText PCT11Q, PCT11Q, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM173 SER Points and Aliases, Point 173 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText RMB1A, RMB1A, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM174 SER Points and Aliases, Point 174 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText 87R01P1, 87R01P1, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM175 SER Points and Aliases, Point 175 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText ENDDT, ENDDT, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM176 SER Points and Aliases, Point 176 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText 87R02P1, 87R02P1, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM177 SER Points and Aliases, Point 177 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText 87T1P1, 87T1P1, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM178 SER Points and Aliases, Point 178 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText PSV54, PSV54, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM179 SER Points and Aliases, Point 179 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText PSV55, PSV55, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM180 SER Points and Aliases, Point 180 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText 87OCT, 87OCT, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM181 SER Points and Aliases, Point 181 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText PCT10Q, PCT10Q, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM182 SER Points and Aliases, Point 182 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText PSV57, PSV57, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM183 SER Points and Aliases, Point 183 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText VB002, VB002, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SER Points and Aliases, Point 184 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText 87CH1CL, 87CH1CL, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SER Points and Aliases, Point 185 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText 87CH2CL, 87CH2CL, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SER Points and Aliases, Point 186 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText 87CH1CH, 87CH1CH, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SER Points and Aliases, Point 187 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText 87CH2CH, 87CH2CH, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM188 SER Points and Aliases, Point 188 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText 87CH1TS, 87CH1TS, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM189 SER Points and Aliases, Point 189 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText 87CH1CS, 87CH1CS, ASSERTED, SITM184 SITM185 SITM186 SITM187 19/12/2023 Page 32 of 94 DEASSERTED, N SER Points and Aliases, Point 190 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText 87CH1NS, 87CH1NS, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SER Points and Aliases, Point 191 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText 87CH1LS, 87CH1LS, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM192 SER Points and Aliases, Point 192 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText 87CH1HS, 87CH1HS, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM193 SER Points and Aliases, Point 193 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText 87SYNL, 87SYNL, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM194 SER Points and Aliases, Point 194 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText 87SYNH, 87SYNH, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SER Points and Aliases, Point 195 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText 87CH1OK, 87CH1OK, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM196 SER Points and Aliases, Point 196 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText 87CH1FO, 87CH1FO, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM197 SER Points and Aliases, Point 197 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText PSV58, PSV58, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SER Points and Aliases, Point 198 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText 87CH1RQ, 87CH1RQ, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SER Points and Aliases, Point 199 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText 87CH1NB, 87CH1NB, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SER Points and Aliases, Point 200 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText 87CH1LP, 87CH1LP, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SER Points and Aliases, Point 201 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText 87CH1BR, 87CH1BR, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM202 SER Points and Aliases, Point 202 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText 87CH1AC, 87CH1AC, ASSERTED, DEASSERTED, N SITM203 SER Points and Aliases, Point 203 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText RSTOCT, RSTOCT, ASSERTED, DEASSERT, N SITM204 SER Points and Aliases, Point 204 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText SALARM, SALARM, Asserted, Deasserted, N SITM205 SER Points and Aliases, Point 205 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText HALARM, HALARM, Asserted, Deasserted, N SITM190 SITM191 SITM195 SITM198 SITM199 SITM200 SITM201 DeviceWord Element, 19/12/2023 Page 33 of 94 SITM206 SER Points and Aliases, Point 206 AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText SITM207 SER Points and Aliases, Point 207 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText SITM208 SER Points and Aliases, Point 208 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText SITM209 SER Points and Aliases, Point 209 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText SITM210 SER Points and Aliases, Point 210 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText SITM211 SER Points and Aliases, Point 211 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText SITM212 SER Points and Aliases, Point 212 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText SITM213 SER Points and Aliases, Point 213 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText SITM214 SER Points and Aliases, Point 214 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText SITM215 SER Points and Aliases, Point 215 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText SITM216 SER Points and Aliases, Point 216 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText SITM217 SER Points and Aliases, Point 217 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText SITM218 SER Points and Aliases, Point 218 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText SITM219 SER Points and Aliases, Point 219 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText SITM220 SER Points and Aliases, Point 220 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText SITM221 SER Points and Aliases, Point 221 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText SITM222 SER Points and Aliases, Point 222 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText SITM223 SER Points and Aliases, Point 223 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText SITM224 SER Points and Aliases, Point 224 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText SITM225 SER Points and Aliases, Point 225 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText 19/12/2023 Page 34 of 94 SITM226 SER Points and Aliases, Point 226 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText SITM227 SER Points and Aliases, Point 227 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText SITM228 SER Points and Aliases, Point 228 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText SITM229 SER Points and Aliases, Point 229 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText SITM230 SER Points and Aliases, Point 230 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText SITM231 SER Points and Aliases, Point 231 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText SITM232 SER Points and Aliases, Point 232 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText SITM233 SER Points and Aliases, Point 233 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText SITM234 SER Points and Aliases, Point 234 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText SITM235 SER Points and Aliases, Point 235 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText SITM236 SER Points and Aliases, Point 236 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText SITM237 SER Points and Aliases, Point 237 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText SITM238 SER Points and Aliases, Point 238 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText SITM239 SER Points and Aliases, Point 239 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText SITM240 SER Points and Aliases, Point 240 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText SITM241 SER Points and Aliases, Point 241 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText SITM242 SER Points and Aliases, Point 242 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText SITM243 SER Points and Aliases, Point 243 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText SITM244 SER Points and Aliases, Point 244 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText SITM245 SER Points and Aliases, Point 245 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText 19/12/2023 Page 35 of 94 SITM246 SER Points and Aliases, Point 246 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText SITM247 SER Points and Aliases, Point 247 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText SITM248 SER Points and Aliases, Point 248 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText SITM249 SER Points and Aliases, Point 249 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText SITM250 SER Points and Aliases, Point 250 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText Valid range = Word Elements SPAQ SRATE Sample Rate of Event Report (kHz) Select: 1, 2, 4, 8 2 LER Length of Event Report (sec) Range = 0.25 to 9.00 2.00 PRE Length of Pre-Fault (sec) Range = 0.05 to 1.95 0.50 Valid range = Word Elements 87IAFM, 87IBFM, 87ICFM, IAWDCM, IBWDCM, ICWDCM, IAXDCM, IBXDCM, ICXDCM ERAQ 87LB, 87LC, 87LQ, 87LG, #, TPA, TPB, TPC, #, Z1P, Z2P, Z3P, Z4P, #, Z2PT, Z3PT, Z4PT, #, Z1G, Z2G, Z3G, Z4G, #, Z2GT, Z3GT, Z4GT, #, VPOLV, ZLOAD, LOP, #, OSB, OST, #, 3PO, SPO, #, 32QF, 32QR, 32GF, 32GR, #, SOTFT, 50P1, #, 67G1, 67G2, 67G3, #, 67G2T, 67G3T, #, 67Q1, 67Q2, 67Q3, #, 67Q2T, 67Q3T, #, 51T01, 51T02, 51T03, #, PT, Z3RB, KEY, COMPRM, #, BK1RS, BK2RS, BK1LO, BK2LO, BK1CL, BK2CL, #, 25A1BK1, 25A1BK2, #, BFTRIP1, FBF1, BFTRIP2, FBF2, #, RMB1A, RMB2A, RMB3A, RMB4A, RMB5A, RMB6A, RMB7A, RMB8A, #, TMB1A, TMB2A, TMB3A, TMB4A, TMB5A, 19/12/2023 Page 36 of 94 ERDG Valid range = Word Elements TMB6A, TMB7A, TMB8A, #, ROKA, RBADA, CBADA, LBOKA, ANOKA, DOKA, #, PSV01, PSV02, PSV03, PSV04, PSV05, PSV06, PSV07, PSV08, #, PLT01, PLT02, PLT03, PLT04, PLT05, PLT06, PLT07, PLT08, #, PCT01Q, PCT02Q, PCT03Q, PCT04Q, PCT05Q, PCT06Q, PCT07Q, PCT08Q, OUT308, 87LA, 79CY1, SPRI, BK1EXT, 79STRT, BK1CFT, BK1CLSS, BK1CLST, PRPRUEB, INTFR, INTFS, BM1TRPA, BM1TRPB, BM1TRPC, SPOI, 3PT, PSV54, PSV55, PSV45, OUT304, ENDDT, RCPDDT, RCP67N, RCP21PR, OUT213, OUT214, PCT10Q, 87LQSEC, 87LGSEC, 87LST, 87LP, 87LSP, 87STAG, 87STCG, 87L50Q, 87L50G, 87BLOCK, 87SLV, 87STBG, 87ROCTU, RSTOCT, 87OCTA, 87OCTB, 87OCTC, 87OCT, 87ROCT, 591P1T, 592P1T, PSV49 Report Top 19/12/2023 Page 37 of 94 Alias Top Setting Description Range Value AL1 Element Name Range = ASCII string with EN a maximum length of 7. AR1 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with RLY_EN a maximum length of 7. AL2 Element Name Range = ASCII string with TLED_1 a maximum length of 7. AR2 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with TRIP_IN a maximum length of 7. AL3 Element Name Range = ASCII string with TLED_2 a maximum length of 7. AR3 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with TRIP_TM a maximum length of 7. AL4 Element Name Range = ASCII string with TLED_3 a maximum length of 7. AR4 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with TRIP_RX a maximum length of 7. AL5 Element Name Range = ASCII string with TLED_4 a maximum length of 7. AR5 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with SOFT a maximum length of 7. AL6 Element Name Range = ASCII string with TLED_5 a maximum length of 7. AR6 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with ZONE_1 a maximum length of 7. AL7 Element Name Range = ASCII string with TLED_6 a maximum length of 7. AR7 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with ZONE_2 a maximum length of 7. AL8 Element Name Range = ASCII string with TLED_7 a maximum length of 7. AR8 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with ZONE_3 a maximum length of 7. AL9 Element Name Range = ASCII string with TLED_8 a maximum length of 7. AR9 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with ZONE_4 a maximum length of 7. AL10 Element Name Range = ASCII string with TLED_9 a maximum length of 7. AR10 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with A_PHASE a maximum length of 7. AL11 Element Name Range = ASCII string with TLED_10 a maximum length of 7. AR11 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with B_PHASE a maximum length of 7. AL12 Element Name Range = ASCII string with TLED_11 a maximum length of 7. AR12 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with C_PHASE a maximum length of 7. AL13 Element Name Range = ASCII string with TLED_12 a maximum length of 7. Range = ASCII string with 19/12/2023 Page 38 of 94 AR13 Alias Name a maximum length of 7. AL14 Element Name Range = ASCII string with TLED_13 a maximum length of 7. AR14 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with 87L_OP a maximum length of 7. AL15 Element Name Range = ASCII string with TLED_14 a maximum length of 7. AR15 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with 87L_LST a maximum length of 7. AL16 Element Name Range = ASCII string with TLED_15 a maximum length of 7. AR16 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with 87L_ALM a maximum length of 7. AL17 Element Name Range = ASCII string with TLED_16 a maximum length of 7. AR17 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with RX_DTT a maximum length of 7. AL18 Element Name Range = ASCII string with TLED_17 a maximum length of 7. AR18 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with 79_RESE a maximum length of 7. AL19 Element Name Range = ASCII string with TLED_18 a maximum length of 7. AR19 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with 79_BLOC a maximum length of 7. AL20 Element Name Range = ASCII string with TLED_19 a maximum length of 7. AR20 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with 79_OPER a maximum length of 7. AL21 Element Name Range = ASCII string with TLED_20 a maximum length of 7. AR21 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with 25_OK a maximum length of 7. AL22 Element Name Range = ASCII string with TLED_21 a maximum length of 7. AR22 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with 59_1Y2 a maximum length of 7. AL23 Element Name Range = ASCII string with TLED_22 a maximum length of 7. AR23 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with 67N_1 a maximum length of 7. AL24 Element Name Range = ASCII string with TLED_23 a maximum length of 7. AR24 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with LOP_PT a maximum length of 7. AL25 Element Name Range = ASCII string with TLED_24 a maximum length of 7. AR25 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with 79_ON a maximum length of 7. AL26 Element Name Range = ASCII string with IN310 a maximum length of 7. AR26 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with INTFR a maximum length of 7. AL27 Element Name Range = ASCII string with IN311 a maximum length of 7. AR27 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with INTFS 19/12/2023 GND Page 39 of 94 a maximum length of 7. AL28 Element Name Range = ASCII string with IN312 a maximum length of 7. AR28 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with INTFT a maximum length of 7. AL29 Element Name Range = ASCII string with IN321 a maximum length of 7. AR29 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with RCP67N a maximum length of 7. AL30 Element Name Range = ASCII string with IN324 a maximum length of 7. AR30 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with RCP21PR a maximum length of 7. AL31 Element Name Range = ASCII string with IN322 a maximum length of 7. AR31 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with RCPDDT a maximum length of 7. AL32 Element Name Range = ASCII string with IN306 a maximum length of 7. AR32 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with CIERMAN a maximum length of 7. AL33 Element Name Range = ASCII string with IN319 a maximum length of 7. AR33 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with FMCBTL a maximum length of 7. AL34 Element Name Range = ASCII string with IN320 a maximum length of 7. AR34 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with FMCBTB a maximum length of 7. AL35 Element Name Range = ASCII string with IN301 a maximum length of 7. AR35 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with BLQRSF6 a maximum length of 7. AL36 Element Name Range = ASCII string with IN302 a maximum length of 7. AR36 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with BKROPEN a maximum length of 7. AL37 Element Name Range = ASCII string with IN303 a maximum length of 7. AR37 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with FLPAGIS a maximum length of 7. AL38 Element Name Range = ASCII string with IN304 a maximum length of 7. AR38 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with SWDESCO a maximum length of 7. AL39 Element Name Range = ASCII string with IN305 a maximum length of 7. AR39 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with SWCONEC a maximum length of 7. AL40 Element Name Range = ASCII string with IN308 a maximum length of 7. AR40 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with RF_IND a maximum length of 7. AL41 Element Name Range = ASCII string with IN309 a maximum length of 7. AR41 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with PRPRUEB 19/12/2023 Page 40 of 94 a maximum length of 7. AL42 Element Name Range = ASCII string with IN316 a maximum length of 7. AR42 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with PP_IND a maximum length of 7. AL43 Element Name Range = ASCII string with IN317 a maximum length of 7. AR43 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with FPOLMED a maximum length of 7. AL44 Element Name Range = ASCII string with IN318 a maximum length of 7. AR44 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with FPOLGIS a maximum length of 7. AL45 Element Name Range = ASCII string with IN323 a maximum length of 7. AR45 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with FLTELEP a maximum length of 7. AL46 Element Name Range = ASCII string with IN313 a maximum length of 7. AR46 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with ENDDT a maximum length of 7. AL47 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AR47 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AL48 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AR48 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AL49 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AR49 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AL50 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AR50 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AL51 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AR51 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AL52 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AR52 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AL53 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AR53 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AL54 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AR54 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AL55 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AR55 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with 19/12/2023 Page 41 of 94 a maximum length of 7. AL56 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AR56 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AL57 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AR57 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AL58 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AR58 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AL59 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AR59 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AL60 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AR60 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AL61 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AR61 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AL62 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AR62 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AL63 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AR63 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AL64 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AR64 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AL65 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AR65 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AL66 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AR66 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AL67 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AR67 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AL68 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AR68 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AL69 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AR69 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with 19/12/2023 Page 42 of 94 a maximum length of 7. AL70 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AR70 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AL71 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AR71 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AL72 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AR72 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AL73 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AR73 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AL74 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AR74 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AL75 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AR75 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AL76 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AR76 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AL77 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AR77 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AL78 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AR78 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AL79 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AR79 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AL80 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AR80 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AL81 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AR81 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AL82 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AR82 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AL83 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AR83 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with 19/12/2023 Page 43 of 94 a maximum length of 7. AL84 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AR84 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AL85 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AR85 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AL86 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AR86 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AL87 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AR87 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AL88 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AR88 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AL89 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AR89 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AL90 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AR90 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AL91 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AR91 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AL92 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AR92 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AL93 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AR93 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AL94 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AR94 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AL95 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AR95 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AL96 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AR96 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AL97 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. 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AR104 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AL105 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AR105 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AL106 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AR106 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AL107 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AR107 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AL108 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AR108 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AL109 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AR109 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AL110 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AR110 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AL111 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. 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AR118 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AL119 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AR119 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AL120 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AR120 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AL121 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AR121 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AL122 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AR122 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AL123 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AR123 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AL124 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AR124 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AL125 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. 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AR132 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AL133 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AR133 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AL134 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AR134 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AL135 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AR135 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AL136 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AR136 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AL137 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AR137 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AL138 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AR138 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AL139 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. 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AR146 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AL147 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AR147 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AL148 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AR148 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AL149 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AR149 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AL150 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AR150 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AL151 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AR151 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AL152 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AR152 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AL153 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. 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AR160 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AL161 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AR161 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AL162 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AR162 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AL163 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AR163 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AL164 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AR164 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AL165 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AR165 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AL166 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AR166 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AL167 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. 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AR174 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AL175 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AR175 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AL176 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AR176 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AL177 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AR177 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AL178 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AR178 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AL179 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AR179 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AL180 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AR180 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AL181 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. 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AR188 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AL189 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AR189 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AL190 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AR190 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AL191 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AR191 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AL192 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AR192 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AL193 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AR193 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AL194 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AR194 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AL195 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AR195 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with 19/12/2023 Page 51 of 94 a maximum length of 7. AL196 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AR196 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AL197 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AR197 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AL198 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AR198 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AL199 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AR199 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AL200 Element Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. AR200 Alias Name Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 7. Alias Top 19/12/2023 Page 52 of 94 Protection 1 Top Setting Description Range Value PROTSEL1 PSV30 := Z1P OR Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT Z2P OR Z3P OR Z4P R_TRIG F_TRIG OR Z5P PROTSEL2 PROTSEL002 PSV31 := 271P1 OR Valid range = The legal 272P1 OR 273P1 OR operators: AND OR NOT 274P1 OR 275P1 OR R_TRIG F_TRIG 276P1 PROTSEL3 PROTSEL003 PSV32 := 591P1T Valid range = The legal OR 592P1T OR operators: AND OR NOT 593P1T OR 594P1T R_TRIG F_TRIG OR 595P1T OR 596P1T PROTSEL4 PROTSEL004 PSV33 := 591P1 OR Valid range = The legal 592P1 OR 593P1 OR operators: AND OR NOT 594P1 OR 595P1 OR R_TRIG F_TRIG 596P1 PROTSEL5 PROTSEL005 Valid range = The legal PSV34 := 67G1T OR operators: AND OR NOT 67G2T OR 67G3T R_TRIG F_TRIG OR 67G4T PROTSEL6 PROTSEL006 Valid range = The legal PSV35 := 67G1 OR operators: AND OR NOT 67G2 OR 67G3 OR R_TRIG F_TRIG 67G4 PROTSEL7 PROTSEL007 Valid range = The legal PSV37 := 271P1T operators: AND OR NOT OR 272P1T R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL8 PROTSEL008 Valid range = The legal PSV38 := 51T10 OR operators: AND OR NOT 50P1 OR 50P2 R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL9 PROTSEL009 Valid range = The legal PSV39 := 50G1 OR operators: AND OR NOT 50G2 OR 50G3 OR R_TRIG F_TRIG 50G4 PROTSEL10 PROTSEL010 PSV40 := 87LA OR 87LB OR 87LC OR Valid range = The legal 87LG OR 87LQ OR operators: AND OR NOT 87OP # DISPARO R_TRIG F_TRIG DIFERENCIAL DE LINEA PROTSEL11 PROTSEL011 #------------------Valid range = The legal SINCRONISMO-----operators: AND OR NOT -------------------------R_TRIG F_TRIG ------- PROTSEL12 PROTSEL012 PSV41 := 25A1BK1 Valid range = The legal AND 59VP AND operators: AND OR NOT 59VS1 AND (SFBK1 OR SFZBK1) #25 R_TRIG F_TRIG OK PROTSEL13 PROTSEL013 PSV42 := DLDB1 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT #LINEA MUERTA BARRA MUERTA R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL14 PROTSEL014 Valid range = The legal PSV43 := LLDB1 operators: AND OR NOT #LINEA VIVA R_TRIG F_TRIG BARRA MUERTA PROTSEL15 PROTSEL015 Valid range = The legal PSV44 := 59VP AND operators: AND OR NOT 59VS1 #LINEA R_TRIG F_TRIG VIVA BARRA 19/12/2023 Page 53 of 94 VIVA PROTSEL16 PROTSEL016 PSV47 := DLLB1 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT #LINEA MUERTA BARRA VIVA R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL17 PROTSEL017 Valid range = The legal PSV48 := LOP operators: AND OR NOT #PERDIDA DE R_TRIG F_TRIG POTENCIAL PROTSEL18 PROTSEL018 Valid range = The legal PMV01 := ABS operators: AND OR NOT (VPM - NVS1M) # R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL19 PROTSEL019 #-----------------Valid range = The legal PROTECCIONES---operators: AND OR NOT -------------------------R_TRIG F_TRIG --------- PROTSEL20 PROTSEL020 PSV45 := Z2GT OR Z2PT OR Z3GT OR Z3PT OR Z4GT OR Valid range = The legal Z4PT OR SOTFT OR operators: AND OR NOT 51T01 OR 591P1T R_TRIG F_TRIG OR 592P1T OR 87R01P1 # DISPARO POR 86 PROTSEL21 PROTSEL021 PSV46 := Z1G OR Z1P OR Z2G OR Z2P OR Z3G OR Z3P OR Z4G OR Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT Z4P OR 67G1 OR 51S01 OR 87LP OR R_TRIG F_TRIG 591P1 OR 592P1 # ARRANQUE GENRAL PROTSEL22 PROTSEL022 PCT01IN := 51S01 AND NOT Z3RB # Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT ENVIO TELEPROTECCION R_TRIG F_TRIG 67N PROTSEL23 PROTSEL023 Valid range = The legal PCT01PU := operators: AND OR NOT 0.000000 R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL24 PROTSEL024 Valid range = The legal PCT01DO := operators: AND OR NOT 6.000000 R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL25 PROTSEL025 PCT02IN := (Z2G Valid range = The legal OR Z2P) AND NOT operators: AND OR NOT Z3RB # ENVIO R_TRIG F_TRIG TELEPROTECCION 21 PROTSEL26 PROTSEL026 Valid range = The legal PCT02PU := operators: AND OR NOT 1.000000 R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL27 PROTSEL027 Valid range = The legal PCT02DO := operators: AND OR NOT 6.000000 R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL28 PROTSEL028 PSV49 := 51S01 Valid range = The legal AND RCP67N operators: AND OR NOT #DISPARO 67N COMPARACION R_TRIG F_TRIG DIRECCIONAL PROTSEL29 PROTSEL029 PSV50 := Z2G AND Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT RCP21PR # DISPARO R_TRIG F_TRIG ACELERACION 19/12/2023 Page 54 of 94 ZONA 2 PROTSEL30 PROTSEL030 PSV51 := Z1GT OR Z1PT OR Z2GT OR Valid range = The legal Z2PT OR Z3GT OR operators: AND OR NOT Z3PT OR Z4GT OR R_TRIG F_TRIG Z4PT # DISPARO PROTECCION 21 PROTSEL31 PROTSEL031 PSV52 := NOT (FMCBTL OR FMCBTB) AND (DLDB1 OR (25A1BK1 AND Valid range = The legal 59VP AND 59VS1 operators: AND OR NOT AND (SFBK1 OR R_TRIG F_TRIG SFZBK1)) OR DLLB1 OR LLDB1) #PERMISIVO SINCRONISMO # PERMISIVO SINCRONISMO PROTSEL32 PROTSEL032 PCT10IN := RCP67N Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT # RECEPCION DE 67N R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL33 PROTSEL033 Valid range = The legal PCT10PU := operators: AND OR NOT 5.000000 R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL34 PROTSEL034 Valid range = The legal PCT10DO := operators: AND OR NOT 0.000000 R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL35 PROTSEL035 #----------------79 ONValid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT ----------------------------------R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL36 PROTSEL036 Valid range = The legal PLT07S := PCT11Q operators: AND OR NOT AND NOT PLT07 R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL37 PROTSEL037 Valid range = The legal PLT07R := PCT12Q operators: AND OR NOT AND PLT07 R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL38 PROTSEL038 Valid range = The legal PCT11IN := R_TRIG operators: AND OR NOT RB02 R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL39 PROTSEL039 Valid range = The legal PCT11PU := operators: AND OR NOT 0.000000 R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL40 PROTSEL040 Valid range = The legal PCT11DO := operators: AND OR NOT 10.000000 R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL41 PROTSEL041 Valid range = The legal PCT12IN := R_TRIG operators: AND OR NOT RB01 R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL42 PROTSEL042 Valid range = The legal PCT12PU := operators: AND OR NOT 0.000000 R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL43 PROTSEL043 Valid range = The legal PCT12DO := operators: AND OR NOT 10.000000 R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL44 PROTSEL044 PSV09 := BK1RS # Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT RECIERRE HABILITADO R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL45 PROTSEL045 Valid range = The legal PSV10 := BK1LO # operators: AND OR NOT RECIERRE 19/12/2023 Page 55 of 94 R_TRIG F_TRIG DESABILITADO HABILITADO PROTSEL46 PROTSEL046 #------------------------Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT -SPOI----------------------------------R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL47 PROTSEL047 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT PCT13IN := SPOI R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL48 PROTSEL048 Valid range = The legal PCT13PU := operators: AND OR NOT 2.000000 R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL49 PROTSEL049 Valid range = The legal PCT13DO := operators: AND OR NOT 0.000000 R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL50 PROTSEL050 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT PSV53 := PCT13Q R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL51 PROTSEL051 Valid range = The legal #------------------------operators: AND OR NOT ---------ENVIO-------R_TRIG F_TRIG ----------------- PROTSEL52 PROTSEL052 Valid range = The legal PSV54 := OUT213 # operators: AND OR NOT ENVIO 21 R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL53 PROTSEL053 Valid range = The legal PSV55 := OUT214 # operators: AND OR NOT ENVIO 67 R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL54 PROTSEL054 #------------------------Valid range = The legal ------FALLA 87 operators: AND OR NOT RESPALDO R_TRIG F_TRIG GOOSE----------- PROTSEL55 PROTSEL055 Valid range = The legal PSV57 := 87LST # operators: AND OR NOT FALLA 87 RELE R_TRIG F_TRIG RESPALDO PROTSEL56 PROTSEL056 Valid range = The legal PSV58 := 87LST operators: AND OR NOT AND VB002 R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL57 PROTSEL057 #-----------------Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT OPEN CT--------------------------------------R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL58 PROTSEL058 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT PCT14IN := 87OCT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL59 PROTSEL059 Valid range = The legal PCT14PU := operators: AND OR NOT 0.000000 R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL60 PROTSEL060 Valid range = The legal PCT14DO := operators: AND OR NOT 600.000000 R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL61 PROTSEL061 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL62 PROTSEL062 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL63 PROTSEL063 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL64 PROTSEL064 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG 19/12/2023 Page 56 of 94 PROTSEL65 PROTSEL065 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL66 PROTSEL066 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL67 PROTSEL067 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL68 PROTSEL068 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL69 PROTSEL069 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL70 PROTSEL070 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL71 PROTSEL071 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL72 PROTSEL072 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL73 PROTSEL073 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL74 PROTSEL074 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL75 PROTSEL075 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL76 PROTSEL076 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL77 PROTSEL077 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL78 PROTSEL078 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL79 PROTSEL079 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL80 PROTSEL080 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL81 PROTSEL081 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL82 PROTSEL082 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL83 PROTSEL083 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL84 PROTSEL084 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG 19/12/2023 Page 57 of 94 PROTSEL85 PROTSEL085 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL86 PROTSEL086 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL87 PROTSEL087 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL88 PROTSEL088 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL89 PROTSEL089 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL90 PROTSEL090 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL91 PROTSEL091 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL92 PROTSEL092 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL93 PROTSEL093 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL94 PROTSEL094 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL95 PROTSEL095 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL96 PROTSEL096 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL97 PROTSEL097 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL98 PROTSEL098 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL99 PROTSEL099 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL100 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL101 Valid range = The legal operators: 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PROTSEL129 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL130 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL131 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL132 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL133 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL134 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL135 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL136 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL137 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL138 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL139 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL140 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL141 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL142 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG 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operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL171 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL172 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL173 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL174 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL175 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL176 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL177 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL178 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL179 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL180 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL181 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL182 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL183 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL184 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG 19/12/2023 Page 62 of 94 PROTSEL185 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL186 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL187 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL188 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL189 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL190 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL191 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL192 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL193 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL194 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL195 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL196 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL197 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL198 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL199 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL200 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL201 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL202 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL203 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL204 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG 19/12/2023 Page 63 of 94 PROTSEL205 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL206 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL207 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL208 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL209 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL210 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL211 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL212 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL213 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL214 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL215 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL216 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL217 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL218 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL219 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL220 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL221 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL222 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL223 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL224 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG 19/12/2023 Page 64 of 94 PROTSEL225 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL226 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL227 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL228 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL229 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL230 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL231 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL232 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL233 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL234 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL235 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL236 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL237 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL238 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL239 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL240 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL241 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL242 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL243 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL244 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG 19/12/2023 Page 65 of 94 PROTSEL245 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL246 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL247 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL248 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL249 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PROTSEL250 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG Protection 1 Top 19/12/2023 Page 66 of 94 Front Panel Top Setting Description Range Value FP_TO Front Panel Display Time-Out (min) Range = 1 to 60, OFF 15 EN_LEDC Enable LED Asserted Color Select: R, G G TR_LEDC Trip LED Asserted Color Select: R, G R PB1_LED Pushbutton LED 1 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA PB1_COL PB1_LED Assert && Deassert Color Select: AG, AO, AR, GA, GO, GR, OA, OG, OR, RA, AO RG, RO PB2_LED Pushbutton LED 2 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PB2_COL PB2_LED Assert && Deassert Color Select: AG, AO, AR, GA, GO, GR, OA, OG, OR, RA, AO RG, RO PB3_LED Pushbutton LED 3 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PB3_COL PB3_LED Assert && Deassert Color Select: AG, AO, AR, GA, GO, GR, OA, OG, OR, RA, AO RG, RO PB4_LED Pushbutton LED 4 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PB4_COL PB4_LED Assert && Deassert Color Select: AG, AO, AR, GA, GO, GR, OA, OG, OR, RA, AO RG, RO PB5_LED Pushbutton LED 5 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PB5_COL PB5_LED Assert && Deassert Color Select: AG, AO, AR, GA, GO, GR, OA, OG, OR, RA, AO RG, RO PB6_LED Pushbutton LED 6 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PB6_COL PB6_LED Assert && Deassert Color Select: AG, AO, AR, GA, GO, GR, OA, OG, OR, RA, AO RG, RO PB7_LED Pushbutton LED 7 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PB7_COL PB7_LED Assert && Deassert Color Select: AG, AO, AR, GA, GO, GR, OA, OG, OR, RA, AO RG, RO PB8_LED Pushbutton LED 8 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PB8_COL PB8_LED Assert && Deassert Color Select: AG, AO, AR, GA, GO, GR, OA, OG, OR, RA, AO RG, RO PB9_LED Pushbutton LED 9 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT 19/12/2023 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NOT LOCAL Page 67 of 94 R_TRIG F_TRIG PB9_COL PB9_LED Assert && Deassert Color Select: AG, AO, AR, GA, GO, GR, OA, OG, OR, RA, AO RG, RO PB10LED Pushbutton LED 10 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PB10COL PB10LED Assert && Deassert Color Select: AG, AO, AR, GA, GO, GR, OA, OG, OR, RA, AO RG, RO PB11LED Pushbutton LED 11 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PB11COL PB11LED Assert && Deassert Color Select: AG, AO, AR, GA, GO, GR, OA, OG, OR, RA, RO RG, RO PB12LED Pushbutton LED 12 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PB12COL PB12LED Assert && Deassert Color Select: AG, AO, AR, GA, GO, GR, OA, OG, OR, RA, GO RG, RO T1_LED Target LED 1 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG (87OP OR Z1P OR Z1G) AND NOT (SOTFT OR TRIP_RX) T1LEDL Target LED 1 Latch Select: Y, N Y T1_LED Assert && Deassert Color Select: AG, AO, AR, GA, GO, GR, OA, OG, OR, RA, RO RG, RO T1LEDC NA 52ACL1 AND 52BCL1 AND 52CCL1 # BREAKER CLOSED NOT (52ACL1 AND 52BCL1 AND 52CCL1) # BREAKER OPEN T2_LED Target LED 2 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG (Z1PT OR Z1GT OR Z2PT OR Z2GT OR Z3PT OR Z3GT OR Z4PT OR Z4GT OR 51T01 OR 591P1T OR 592P1T) T2LEDL Target LED 2 Latch Select: Y, N Y T2LEDC T2_LED Assert && Deassert Color Select: AG, AO, AR, GA, GO, GR, OA, OG, OR, RA, RO RG, RO T3_LED Target LED 3 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG COMPRM AND NOT (Z1P OR Z1G OR TRIP_IN OR SOTFT) T3LEDL Target LED 3 Latch Select: Y, N Y T3LEDC T3_LED Assert && Deassert Color Select: AG, AO, AR, GA, GO, GR, OA, OG, OR, RA, RO RG, RO T4_LED Target LED 4 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG SOTFT T4LEDL Target LED 4 Latch Select: Y, N Y T4LEDC T4_LED Assert && Deassert Color Select: AG, AO, AR, GA, GO, GR, OA, OG, OR, RA, RO RG, RO 19/12/2023 Page 68 of 94 T5_LED Target LED 5 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG ((Z1PT OR Z1GT) AND 87LST) T5LEDL Target LED 5 Latch Select: Y, N Y T5_LED Assert && Deassert Color Select: AG, AO, AR, GA, GO, GR, OA, OG, OR, RA, RO RG, RO T6_LED Target LED 6 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG Z2PT OR Z2GT OR (Z2P AND PTRX) OR (Z2G AND PTRX) T6LEDL Target LED 6 Latch Select: Y, N Y T6LEDC T6_LED Assert && Deassert Color Select: AG, AO, AR, GA, GO, GR, OA, OG, OR, RA, RO RG, RO T7_LED Target LED 7 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG Z3PT OR Z3GT T7LEDL Target LED 7 Latch Select: Y, N Y T7LEDC T7_LED Assert && Deassert Color Select: AG, AO, AR, GA, GO, GR, OA, OG, OR, RA, RO RG, RO T8_LED Target LED 8 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG Z4PT OR Z4GT T8LEDL Target LED 8 Latch Select: Y, N Y T8LEDC T8_LED Assert && Deassert Color Select: AG, AO, AR, GA, GO, GR, OA, OG, OR, RA, RO RG, RO T9_LED Target LED 9 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PHASE_A OR 87LA OR FSA T9LEDL Target LED 9 Latch Select: Y, N Y T9LEDC T9_LED Assert && Deassert Color Select: AG, AO, AR, GA, GO, GR, OA, OG, OR, RA, RO RG, RO T10_LED Target LED 10 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PHASE_B OR 87LB OR FSB T10LEDL Target LED 10 Latch Select: Y, N Y T10LEDC T10_LED Assert && Deassert Color Select: AG, AO, AR, GA, GO, GR, OA, OG, OR, RA, RO RG, RO T11_LED Target LED 11 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PHASE_C OR 87LC OR FSC T11LEDL Target LED 11 Latch Select: Y, N Y T11LEDC T11_LED Assert && Deassert Color Select: AG, AO, AR, GA, GO, GR, OA, OG, OR, RA, RO RG, RO T12_LED Target LED 12 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG GROUND T12LEDL Target LED 12 Latch Select: Y, N Y T12LEDC T12_LED Assert && Deassert Color Select: AG, AO, AR, GA, GO, GR, OA, OG, OR, RA, RO RG, RO T5LEDC Valid range = The legal 19/12/2023 Page 69 of 94 T13_LED Target LED 13 (SELogic) operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG 87OP OR 87LA OR 87LB OR 87LC T13LEDL Target LED 13 Latch Select: Y, N Y T13LEDC T13_LED Assert && Deassert Color Select: AG, AO, AR, GA, GO, GR, OA, OG, OR, RA, RO RG, RO T14_LED Target LED 14 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG 87LST T14LEDL Target LED 14 Latch Select: Y, N Y T14_LED Assert && Deassert Color Select: AG, AO, AR, GA, GO, GR, OA, OG, OR, RA, RO RG, RO T14LEDC Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG 87CH1AL OR 87CH2AL OR 87CH3AL OR 87CH1FB OR 87CH2FB OR 87CH3FB Target LED 15 Latch Select: Y, N N T15LEDC T15_LED Assert && Deassert Color Select: AG, AO, AR, GA, GO, GR, OA, OG, OR, RA, RO RG, RO T16_LED Target LED 16 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG 591P1T OR 592P1T T16LEDL Target LED 16 Latch Select: Y, N Y T16LEDC T16_LED Assert && Deassert Color Select: AG, AO, AR, GA, GO, GR, OA, OG, OR, RA, RO RG, RO T17_LED Target LED 17 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG BK1RS T17LEDL Target LED 17 Latch Select: Y, N N T17LEDC T17_LED Assert && Deassert Color Select: AG, AO, AR, GA, GO, GR, OA, OG, OR, RA, RO RG, RO T18_LED Target LED 18 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG BK1LO T18LEDL Target LED 18 Latch Select: Y, N N T18LEDC T18_LED Assert && Deassert Color Select: AG, AO, AR, GA, GO, GR, OA, OG, OR, RA, RO RG, RO T19_LED Target LED 19 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG 79CY1 OR 79CY3 T19LEDL Target LED 19 Latch Select: Y, N Y T19LEDC T19_LED Assert && Deassert Color Select: AG, AO, AR, GA, GO, GR, OA, OG, OR, RA, RO RG, RO T15_LED Target LED 15 (SELogic) T15LEDL T20_LED 19/12/2023 Target LED 20 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NOT (FMCBTL OR FMCBTB) AND (DLDB1 OR (25A1BK1 AND 59VP AND 59VS1 AND (SFBK1 OR SFZBK1)) OR DLLB1 OR LLDB1) Page 70 of 94 #PERMISIVO SINCRONISMO T20LEDL Target LED 20 Latch Select: Y, N T20LEDC T20_LED Assert && Deassert Color Select: AG, AO, AR, GA, GO, GR, OA, OG, OR, RA, RO RG, RO T21_LED Target LED 21 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG VB002 T21LEDL Target LED 21 Latch Select: Y, N N T21LEDC T21_LED Assert && Deassert Color Select: AG, AO, AR, GA, GO, GR, OA, OG, OR, RA, RO RG, RO T22_LED Target LED 22 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG 51S01 T22LEDL Target LED 22 Latch Select: Y, N Y T22LEDC T22_LED Assert && Deassert Color Select: AG, AO, AR, GA, GO, GR, OA, OG, OR, RA, RO RG, RO T23_LED Target LED 23 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG LOP OR 87OCT T23LEDL Target LED 23 Latch Select: Y, N Y T23LEDC T23_LED Assert && Deassert Color Select: AG, AO, AR, GA, GO, GR, OA, OG, OR, RA, RO RG, RO T24_LED Target LED 24 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PLT07 T24LEDL Target LED 24 Latch Select: Y, N N T24LEDC T24_LED Assert && Deassert Color Select: AG, AO, AR, GA, GO, GR, OA, OG, OR, RA, RO RG, RO SCROLD Front Panel Display Update Rate (sec) Range = 1 to 15, OFF 5 RMS_V RMS Line Voltage Screen Select: Y, N Y RMS_I RMS Line Current Screen Select: Y, N Y RMS_VPP RMS Line Voltage Phase to Phase Screen Select: Y, N Y RMS_W RMS Active Power Screen Select: Y, N Y FUNDVAR Fundamental Reactive Power Screen Select: Y, N Y RMS_VA RMS Apparent Power Screen Select: Y, N N RMS_PF RMS Power Factor Screen Select: Y, N N RMS_BK1 RMS Breaker 1 Currents Screen Select: Y, N N RMS_BK2 RMS Breaker 2 Currents Screen Select: Y, N N STA_BAT Station Battery Screen Select: Y, N N FUND_VI Fundamental Voltage and Current Screen Select: Y, N Y FUNDSEQ Fundamental Sequence Quantities Screen Select: Y, N N ONELINE One Line Bay Control Diagram Select: Y, N N FUND_BK Fundamental Breaker Currents Screen Select: Y, N N DIFF_L Differential Metering Local Currents Screen Select: Y, N Y DIFF_T Differential Metering Total Currents Screen Select: Y, N Y PB1_HMI Pushbutton 1 HMI Screen Select: OFF, AP, DP, EVE, OFF SER, BC PB2_HMI Pushbutton 2 HMI Screen Select: OFF, AP, DP, EVE, OFF 19/12/2023 N Page 71 of 94 SER, BC PB3_HMI Pushbutton 3 HMI Screen Select: OFF, AP, DP, EVE, OFF SER, BC PB4_HMI Pushbutton 4 HMI Screen Select: OFF, AP, DP, EVE, OFF SER, BC PB5_HMI Pushbutton 5 HMI Screen Select: OFF, AP, DP, EVE, OFF SER, BC PB6_HMI Pushbutton 6 HMI Screen Select: OFF, AP, DP, EVE, OFF SER, BC PB7_HMI Pushbutton 7 HMI Screen Select: OFF, AP, DP, EVE, OFF SER, BC PB8_HMI Pushbutton 8 HMI Screen Select: OFF, AP, DP, EVE, OFF SER, BC PB9_HMI Pushbutton 9 HMI Screen Select: OFF, AP, DP, EVE, OFF SER, BC PB10HMI Pushbutton 10 HMI Screen Select: OFF, AP, DP, EVE, OFF SER, BC PB11HMI Pushbutton 11 HMI Screen Select: OFF, AP, DP, EVE, OFF SER, BC PB12HMI Pushbutton 12 HMI Screen Select: OFF, AP, DP, EVE, OFF SER, BC DISP_ER Enable HMI Auto Display of Event Summaries Select: Y, N Y TYPE_ER Types of Events for HMI Auto Display Select: ALL, TRIP ALL DP_ELE1 Display Point 1 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE2 Display Point 2 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE3 Display Point 3 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE4 Display Point 4 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE5 Display Point 5 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE6 Display Point 6 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE7 Display Point 7 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE8 Display Point 8 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE9 Display Point 9 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE10 Display Point 10 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE11 Display Point 11 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE12 Display Point 12 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, 19/12/2023 Page 72 of 94 DeAssertedText DP_ELE13 Display Point 13 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE14 Display Point 14 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE15 Display Point 15 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE16 Display Point 16 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE17 Display Point 17 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE18 Display Point 18 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE19 Display Point 19 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE20 Display Point 20 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE21 Display Point 21 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE22 Display Point 22 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE23 Display Point 23 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE24 Display Point 24 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE25 Display Point 25 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE26 Display Point 26 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE27 Display Point 27 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE28 Display Point 28 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE29 Display Point 29 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE30 Display Point 30 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE31 Display Point 31 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DeviceWord Element, 19/12/2023 Page 73 of 94 DP_ELE32 Display Point 32 AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE33 Display Point 33 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE34 Display Point 34 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE35 Display Point 35 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE36 Display Point 36 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE37 Display Point 37 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE38 Display Point 38 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE39 Display Point 39 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE40 Display Point 40 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE41 Display Point 41 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE42 Display Point 42 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE43 Display Point 43 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE44 Display Point 44 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE45 Display Point 45 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE46 Display Point 46 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE47 Display Point 47 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE48 Display Point 48 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE49 Display Point 49 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE50 Display Point 50 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE51 Display Point 51 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText 19/12/2023 Page 74 of 94 DP_ELE52 Display Point 52 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE53 Display Point 53 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE54 Display Point 54 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE55 Display Point 55 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE56 Display Point 56 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE57 Display Point 57 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE58 Display Point 58 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE59 Display Point 59 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE60 Display Point 60 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE61 Display Point 61 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE62 Display Point 62 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE63 Display Point 63 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE64 Display Point 64 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE65 Display Point 65 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE66 Display Point 66 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE67 Display Point 67 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE68 Display Point 68 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE69 Display Point 69 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE70 Display Point 70 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE71 Display Point 71 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText 19/12/2023 Page 75 of 94 DP_ELE72 Display Point 72 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE73 Display Point 73 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE74 Display Point 74 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE75 Display Point 75 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE76 Display Point 76 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE77 Display Point 77 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE78 Display Point 78 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE79 Display Point 79 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE80 Display Point 80 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE81 Display Point 81 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE82 Display Point 82 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE83 Display Point 83 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE84 Display Point 84 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE85 Display Point 85 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE86 Display Point 86 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE87 Display Point 87 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE88 Display Point 88 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE89 Display Point 89 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE90 Display Point 90 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE91 Display Point 91 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText 19/12/2023 Page 76 of 94 DP_ELE92 Display Point 92 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE93 Display Point 93 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE94 Display Point 94 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE95 Display Point 95 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DP_ELE96 Display Point 96 DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText LB_ELE1 Local Bit 1 Local Bit Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText, Pulse LB_ELE2 Local Bit 2 Local Bit Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText, Pulse LB_ELE3 Local Bit 3 Local Bit Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText, Pulse LB_ELE4 Local Bit 4 Local Bit Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText, Pulse LB_ELE5 Local Bit 5 Local Bit Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText, Pulse LB_ELE6 Local Bit 6 Local Bit Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText, Pulse LB_ELE7 Local Bit 7 Local Bit Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText, Pulse LB_ELE8 Local Bit 8 Local Bit Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText, Pulse LB_ELE9 Local Bit 9 Local Bit Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText, Pulse LB_ELE10 Local Bit 10 Local Bit Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText, Pulse LB_ELE11 Local Bit 11 Local Bit Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText, Pulse LB_ELE12 Local Bit 12 Local Bit Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText, Pulse LB_ELE13 Local Bit 13 Local Bit Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText, Pulse LB_ELE14 Local Bit 14 Local Bit Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText, Pulse LB_ELE15 Local Bit 15 Local Bit Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText, Pulse 19/12/2023 Page 77 of 94 LB_ELE16 Local Bit 16 Local Bit Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText, Pulse LB_ELE17 Local Bit 17 Local Bit Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText, Pulse LB_ELE18 Local Bit 18 Local Bit Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText, Pulse LB_ELE19 Local Bit 19 Local Bit Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText, Pulse LB_ELE20 Local Bit 20 Local Bit Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText, Pulse LB_ELE21 Local Bit 21 Local Bit Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText, Pulse LB_ELE22 Local Bit 22 Local Bit Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText, Pulse LB_ELE23 Local Bit 23 Local Bit Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText, Pulse LB_ELE24 Local Bit 24 Local Bit Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText, Pulse LB_ELE25 Local Bit 25 Local Bit Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText, Pulse LB_ELE26 Local Bit 26 Local Bit Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText, Pulse LB_ELE27 Local Bit 27 Local Bit Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText, Pulse LB_ELE28 Local Bit 28 Local Bit Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText, Pulse LB_ELE29 Local Bit 29 Local Bit Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText, Pulse LB_ELE30 Local Bit 30 Local Bit Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText, Pulse LB_ELE31 Local Bit 31 Local Bit Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText, Pulse LB_ELE32 Local Bit 32 Local Bit Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText, Pulse SER_PP 5 Events per SER Events page? (Y for 5, N for 3) Select: Y, N Front Panel 19/12/2023 N Top Page 78 of 94 Output Top Setting Description Range Value OUT201 Interface Board 1 Output OUT201 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PSV46 # ARRANQUE RDF OUT202 Interface Board 1 Output OUT202 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG 87R01P1 # RECEPCION DDT PR OUT203 Interface Board 1 Output OUT203 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA OUT204 Interface Board 1 Output OUT204 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA OUT205 Interface Board 1 Output OUT205 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG TPA #DISPARO MONOFASICO HACIA 50BF OUT206 Interface Board 1 Output OUT206 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG TPB #DISPARO MONOFASICO HACIA 50BF OUT207 Interface Board 1 Output OUT207 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG TPC #DISPARO MONOFASICO HACIA 50BF OUT208 Interface Board 1 Output OUT208 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG 3PT # DISPARO TRIFASICO HACIA 50BF Interface Board 1 Output OUT209 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG 3PT OR TPA OR TPB OR TPC # DISPARO TRIFASICO HACIA 50BF Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG 0 #SEGUN ING ENVIO DEL DDT PERO NO SE SABE EL MOTIVO PARA ENVIAR YA QUE EL 87B LO HACE POR UN CAMINO DIRECTO OUT209 OUT210 Interface Board 1 Output OUT210 (SELogic) OUT211 Interface Board 1 Output OUT211 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NOT (FMCBTL OR FMCBTB) AND (DLDB1 OR DLLB1 OR LLDB1) #PERMISIVO SINCRONISMO # PERMISIVO SINCRONISMO OUT212 Interface Board 1 Output OUT212 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA Interface Board 1 Output OUT213 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG ((KEY OR KEY1 OR KEY3) AND PSV58) #PCT02Q # ENVIO TELEPROTECCION 21 OUT213 Valid range = The legal 19/12/2023 PCT01Q AND PSV58 AND NOT Page 79 of 94 operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG SPOI # KEY # ENVIO TELEPROTECCION 67N OUT214 Interface Board 1 Output OUT214 (SELogic) OUT215 Interface Board 1 Output OUT215 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA OUT301 Interface Board 2 Output OUT301 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG TPA1 # DISPARO INTERRUPTOR FASE A OUT302 Interface Board 2 Output OUT302 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG TPB1 # DISPARO INTERRUPTOR FASE B OUT303 Interface Board 2 Output OUT303 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG TPC1 # DISPARO INTERRUPTOR FASE C OUT304 Interface Board 2 Output OUT304 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PSV45 # DISPARO 86 OUT305 Interface Board 2 Output OUT305 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PSV51 OR PSV40 # DISPARO 21 Y 87L HACIA RDF OUT306 Interface Board 2 Output OUT306 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG 51T01 OR PSV49 # DISPARON 67N HACIA RDF OUT307 Interface Board 2 Output OUT307 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG RCP21PR # RECEPCION 21 HACIA RDF OUT308 Interface Board 2 Output OUT308 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG BK1CL # ORDEN DE RECIERE RAO01 Remote Analog Output 01 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA RAO02 Remote Analog Output 02 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA RAO03 Remote Analog Output 03 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA RAO04 Remote Analog Output 04 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA RAO05 Remote Analog Output 05 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA RAO06 Remote Analog Output 06 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA RAO07 Remote Analog Output 07 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA RAO08 Remote Analog Output 08 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA RAO09 Remote Analog Output 09 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA RAO10 Remote Analog Output 10 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT NA 19/12/2023 Page 80 of 94 R_TRIG F_TRIG RAO11 Remote Analog Output 11 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA RAO12 Remote Analog Output 12 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA RAO13 Remote Analog Output 13 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA RAO14 Remote Analog Output 14 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA RAO15 Remote Analog Output 15 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA RAO16 Remote Analog Output 16 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA RAO17 Remote Analog Output 17 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA RAO18 Remote Analog Output 18 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA RAO19 Remote Analog Output 19 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA RAO20 Remote Analog Output 20 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA RAO21 Remote Analog Output 21 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA RAO22 Remote Analog Output 22 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA RAO23 Remote Analog Output 23 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA RAO24 Remote Analog Output 24 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA RAO25 Remote Analog Output 25 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA RAO26 Remote Analog Output 26 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA RAO27 Remote Analog Output 27 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA RAO28 Remote Analog Output 28 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA RAO29 Remote Analog Output 29 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA Valid range = The legal 19/12/2023 Page 81 of 94 RAO30 Remote Analog Output 30 (SELogic) operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA RAO31 Remote Analog Output 31 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA RAO32 Remote Analog Output 32 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA RAO33 Remote Analog Output 33 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA RAO34 Remote Analog Output 34 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA RAO35 Remote Analog Output 35 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA RAO36 Remote Analog Output 36 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA RAO37 Remote Analog Output 37 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA RAO38 Remote Analog Output 38 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA RAO39 Remote Analog Output 39 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA RAO40 Remote Analog Output 40 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA RAO41 Remote Analog Output 41 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA RAO42 Remote Analog Output 42 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA RAO43 Remote Analog Output 43 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA RAO44 Remote Analog Output 44 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA RAO45 Remote Analog Output 45 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA RAO46 Remote Analog Output 46 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA RAO47 Remote Analog Output 47 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA RAO48 Remote Analog Output 48 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA RAO49 Remote Analog Output 49 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA 19/12/2023 Page 82 of 94 RAO50 Remote Analog Output 50 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA RAO51 Remote Analog Output 51 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA RAO52 Remote Analog Output 52 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA RAO53 Remote Analog Output 53 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA RAO54 Remote Analog Output 54 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA RAO55 Remote Analog Output 55 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA RAO56 Remote Analog Output 56 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA RAO57 Remote Analog Output 57 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA RAO58 Remote Analog Output 58 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA RAO59 Remote Analog Output 59 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA RAO60 Remote Analog Output 60 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA RAO61 Remote Analog Output 61 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA RAO62 Remote Analog Output 62 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA RAO63 Remote Analog Output 63 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA RAO64 Remote Analog Output 64 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA TMB1A Mirrored Bit 1 Channel A Equation (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA TMB2A Mirrored Bit 2 Channel A Equation (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA TMB3A Mirrored Bit 3 Channel A Equation (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA TMB4A Mirrored Bit 4 Channel A Equation (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA TMB5A Mirrored Bit 5 Channel A Equation (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA 19/12/2023 Page 83 of 94 TMB6A Mirrored Bit 6 Channel A Equation (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA TMB7A Mirrored Bit 7 Channel A Equation (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA TMB8A Mirrored Bit 8 Channel A Equation (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA TMB1B Mirrored Bit 1 Channel B Equation (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA TMB2B Mirrored Bit 2 Channel B Equation (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA TMB3B Mirrored Bit 3 Channel B Equation (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA TMB4B Mirrored Bit 4 Channel B Equation (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA TMB5B Mirrored Bit 5 Channel B Equation (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA TMB6B Mirrored Bit 6 Channel B Equation (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA TMB7B Mirrored Bit 7 Channel B Equation (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA TMB8B Mirrored Bit 8 Channel B Equation (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA 87T1P1 Serial Comm. Transmit Bit 1 Port 1 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG ENDDT 87T2P1 Serial Comm. Transmit Bit 2 Port 1 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA 87T3P1 Serial Comm. Transmit Bit 3 Port 1 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA 87T4P1 Serial Comm. Transmit Bit 4 Port 1 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA 87T1P2 Serial Comm. Transmit Bit 1 Port 2 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA 87T2P2 Serial Comm. Transmit Bit 2 Port 2 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA 87T3P2 Serial Comm. Transmit Bit 3 Port 2 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA 87T4P2 Serial Comm. Transmit Bit 4 Port 2 (SELogic) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NA Output 19/12/2023 Top Page 84 of 94 Bay Control Top Setting Description Range Value MIMIC Busbar Layout Screen Number Select: 1-56, 58-69, 75144 44 BAYNAME Bay Name (max 20 characters) Range = ASCII string with L-5038 a maximum length of 20. BAYLAB1 Bay Label 1 (max 5-9 characters) Range = ASCII string with L-5038 a maximum length of 35 pixels. BUSNAM1 Busbar 1 Name (max 6-10 characters) Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 40 BARRA A pixels. B1HMINM Breaker 1 HMI Name (max 3-4 characters) Range = ASCII string with Q0 a maximum length of 17 pixels. B1CTLNM Breaker 1 Control Screen Name (max 15 characters) Range = ASCII string with Breaker 1 a maximum length of 15. 521CLSM Breaker 1 Close Status (SELogic Equation) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG 52ACL1 521_ALM Breaker 1 Alarm Status (SELogic Equation) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG 52AAL1 D01HMIN Disconnect 1 HMI Name (max 3-4 characters) Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 18 Q9 pixels. D02HMIN Disconnect 2 HMI Name (max 3-4 characters) Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 18 -Q1 pixels. D03HMIN Disconnect 3 HMI Name (max 3-4 characters) Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 18 Q51 pixels. D04HMIN Disconnect 4 HMI Name (max 3-4 characters) Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 18 Q52 pixels. D05HMIN Disconnect 5 HMI Name (max 3-4 characters) Range = ASCII string with Q8 a maximum length of 18 pixels. D01CTLN Disconnect 1 Control Screen Name (max 15 characters) Range = ASCII string with BB 1 a maximum length of 15. D02CTLN Disconnect 2 Control Screen Name (max 15 characters) Range = ASCII string with BB 2 a maximum length of 15. D03CTLN Disconnect 3 Control Screen Name (max 15 characters) Range = ASCII string with BB 3 a maximum length of 15. D04CTLN Disconnect 4 Control Screen Name (max 15 characters) Range = ASCII string with BB 4 a maximum length of 15. D05CTLN Disconnect 5 Control Screen Name (max 15 characters) Range = ASCII string with BB 5 a maximum length of 15. 89AM01 Disconnect 1 N/O Contact (SELogic Equation) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG FLPAGIS 89AM02 Disconnect 2 N/O Contact (SELogic Equation) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG SWCONEC Valid range = The legal 19/12/2023 Page 85 of 94 89AM03 Disconnect 3 N/O Contact (SELogic Equation) operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG IN307 89AM04 Disconnect 4 N/O Contact (SELogic Equation) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PRPRUEB 89AM05 Disconnect 5 N/O Contact (SELogic Equation) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG INTFS 89BM01 Disconnect 1 N/C Contact (SELogic Equation) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG SWDESCO 89BM02 Disconnect 2 N/C Contact (SELogic Equation) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG CIERMAN 89BM03 Disconnect 3 N/C Contact (SELogic Equation) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG RF_IND 89BM04 Disconnect 4 N/C Contact (SELogic Equation) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG INTFR 89BM05 Disconnect 5 N/C Contact (SELogic Equation) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG INTFT 89ALP01 Disconnect 1 Alarm Pickup (cyc) Range = 1 to 99999 300 89ALP02 Disconnect 2 Alarm Pickup (cyc) Range = 1 to 99999 300 89ALP03 Disconnect 3 Alarm Pickup (cyc) Range = 1 to 99999 300 89ALP04 Disconnect 4 Alarm Pickup (cyc) Range = 1 to 99999 300 89ALP05 Disconnect 5 Alarm Pickup (cyc) Range = 1 to 99999 300 89CCN01 Disconnect 1 Remote Close Control (SELogic Equation) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG 89CC01 89CCN02 Disconnect 2 Remote Close Control (SELogic Equation) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG 89CC02 89CCN03 Disconnect 3 Remote Close Control (SELogic Equation) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG 89CC03 89CCN04 Disconnect 4 Remote Close Control (SELogic Equation) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG 89CC04 89CCN05 Disconnect 5 Remote Close Control (SELogic Equation) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG 89CC05 89OCN01 Disconnect 1 Remote Open Control (SELogic Equation) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG 89OC01 89OCN02 Disconnect 2 Remote Open Control (SELogic Equation) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG 89OC02 89OCN03 Disconnect 3 Remote Open Control (SELogic Equation) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG 89OC03 89OCN04 Disconnect 4 Remote Open Control (SELogic Equation) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG 89OC04 89OCN05 Disconnect 5 Remote Open Control (SELogic Equation) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG 89OC05 19/12/2023 Page 86 of 94 89CST01 Disconnect 1 Close Seal-in Time (cyc) Range = 1 to 99999, OFF 280 89CST02 Disconnect 2 Close Seal-in Time (cyc) Range = 1 to 99999, OFF 280 89CST03 Disconnect 3 Close Seal-in Time (cyc) Range = 1 to 99999, OFF 280 89CST04 Disconnect 4 Close Seal-in Time (cyc) Range = 1 to 99999, OFF 280 89CST05 Disconnect 5 Close Seal-in Time (cyc) Range = 1 to 99999, OFF 280 89CIT01 Disconnect 1 Close Immobility Time (cyc) Range = 1 to 99999, OFF 20 89CIT02 Disconnect 2 Close Immobility Time (cyc) Range = 1 to 99999, OFF 20 89CIT03 Disconnect 3 Close Immobility Time (cyc) Range = 1 to 99999, OFF 20 89CIT04 Disconnect 4 Close Immobility Time (cyc) Range = 1 to 99999, OFF 20 89CIT05 Disconnect 5 Close Immobility Time (cyc) Range = 1 to 99999, OFF 20 89CRS01 Disconnect 1 Close Reset (SELogic Equation) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG 89CL01 OR 89CSI01 89CRS02 Disconnect 2 Close Reset (SELogic Equation) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG 89CL02 OR 89CSI02 89CRS03 Disconnect 3 Close Reset (SELogic Equation) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG 89CL03 OR 89CSI03 89CRS04 Disconnect 4 Close Reset (SELogic Equation) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG 89CL04 OR 89CSI04 89CRS05 Disconnect 5 Close Reset (SELogic Equation) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG 89CL05 OR 89CSI05 89CBL01 Disconnect 1 Close Block (SELogic Equation) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PSV20 89CBL02 Disconnect 2 Close Block (SELogic Equation) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PSV17 89CBL03 Disconnect 3 Close Block (SELogic Equation) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PSV18 89CBL04 Disconnect 4 Close Block (SELogic Equation) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PSV19 89CBL05 Disconnect 5 Close Block (SELogic Equation) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PSV21 89OST01 Disconnect 1 Open Seal-in Time (cyc) Range = 1 to 99999, OFF 280 89OST02 Disconnect 2 Open Seal-in Time (cyc) Range = 1 to 99999, OFF 280 89OST03 Disconnect 3 Open Seal-in Time (cyc) Range = 1 to 99999, OFF 280 89OST04 Disconnect 4 Open Seal-in Time (cyc) Range = 1 to 99999, OFF 280 89OST05 Disconnect 5 Open Seal-in Time (cyc) Range = 1 to 99999, OFF 280 89OIT01 Disconnect 1 Open Immobility Time (cyc) Range = 1 to 99999, OFF 20 89OIT02 Disconnect 2 Open Immobility Time (cyc) Range = 1 to 99999, OFF 20 89OIT03 Disconnect 3 Open Immobility Time (cyc) Range = 1 to 99999, OFF 20 89OIT04 Disconnect 4 Open Immobility Time (cyc) Range = 1 to 99999, OFF 20 89OIT05 Disconnect 5 Open Immobility Time (cyc) Range = 1 to 99999, OFF 20 89ORS01 Disconnect 1 Open Reset (SELogic Equation) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG 89OPN01 OR 89OSI01 89ORS02 Disconnect 2 Open Reset (SELogic Equation) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT 89OPN02 OR 89OSI02 19/12/2023 Page 87 of 94 R_TRIG F_TRIG 89ORS03 Disconnect 3 Open Reset (SELogic Equation) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG 89OPN03 OR 89OSI03 89ORS04 Disconnect 4 Open Reset (SELogic Equation) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG 89OPN04 OR 89OSI04 89ORS05 Disconnect 5 Open Reset (SELogic Equation) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG 89OPN05 OR 89OSI05 89OBL01 Disconnect 1 Open Block (SELogic Equation) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PSV22 89OBL02 Disconnect 2 Open Block (SELogic Equation) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PSV22 89OBL03 Disconnect 3 Open Block (SELogic Equation) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PSV22 89OBL04 Disconnect 4 Open Block (SELogic Equation) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PSV22 89OBL05 Disconnect 5 Open Block (SELogic Equation) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PSV22 89CIR01 Disconnect 1 Close Immobility Time Reset (SELogic Equation) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NOT 89OPN01 89CIR02 Disconnect 2 Close Immobility Time Reset (SELogic Equation) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NOT 89OPN02 89CIR03 Disconnect 3 Close Immobility Time Reset (SELogic Equation) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NOT 89OPN03 89CIR04 Disconnect 4 Close Immobility Time Reset (SELogic Equation) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NOT 89OPN04 89CIR05 Disconnect 5 Close Immobility Time Reset (SELogic Equation) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NOT 89OPN05 89OIR01 Disconnect 1 Open Immobility Time Reset (SELogic Equation) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NOT 89CL01 89OIR02 Disconnect 2 Open Immobility Time Reset (SELogic Equation) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NOT 89CL02 89OIR03 Disconnect 3 Open Immobility Time Reset (SELogic Equation) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NOT 89CL03 89OIR04 Disconnect 4 Open Immobility Time Reset (SELogic Equation) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NOT 89CL04 89OIR05 Disconnect 5 Open Immobility Time Reset (SELogic Equation) Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NOT 89CL05 MDELE1 Analog Quantity DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText DeviceWord Element, 19/12/2023 Page 88 of 94 MDELE2 Analog Quantity AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText MDELE3 Analog Quantity DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText MDELE4 Analog Quantity DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText MDELE5 Analog Quantity DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText MDELE6 Analog Quantity DeviceWord Element, AliasName, AssertedText, DeAssertedText LOCAL Local Control Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NOT PLT01 Select: SEL SEL MIMICDATABASE Connected Bay Control Database Bay Control 19/12/2023 Top Page 89 of 94 Notes Top Setting Description Range NOTE1 Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 70. NOTE2 Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 70. NOTE3 Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 70. NOTE4 Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 70. NOTE5 Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 70. NOTE6 Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 70. NOTE7 Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 70. NOTE8 Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 70. NOTE9 Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 70. NOTE10 Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 70. NOTE11 Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 70. NOTE12 Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 70. NOTE13 Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 70. NOTE14 Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 70. NOTE15 Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 70. NOTE16 Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 70. NOTE17 Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 70. NOTE18 Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 70. NOTE19 Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 70. NOTE20 Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 70. NOTE21 Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 70. NOTE22 Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 70. NOTE23 Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 70. NOTE24 Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 70. NOTE25 Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 70. Value Range = ASCII string with 19/12/2023 Page 90 of 94 NOTE26 a maximum length of 70. NOTE27 Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 70. NOTE28 Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 70. NOTE29 Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 70. NOTE30 Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 70. NOTE31 Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 70. NOTE32 Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 70. NOTE33 Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 70. NOTE34 Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 70. NOTE35 Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 70. NOTE36 Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 70. NOTE37 Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 70. NOTE38 Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 70. NOTE39 Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 70. NOTE40 Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 70. NOTE41 Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 70. NOTE42 Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 70. NOTE43 Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 70. NOTE44 Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 70. NOTE45 Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 70. NOTE46 Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 70. NOTE47 Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 70. NOTE48 Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 70. NOTE49 Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 70. NOTE50 Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 70. NOTE51 Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 70. NOTE52 Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 70. NOTE53 Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 70. NOTE54 Range = ASCII string with 19/12/2023 Page 91 of 94 a maximum length of 70. NOTE55 Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 70. NOTE56 Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 70. NOTE57 Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 70. NOTE58 Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 70. NOTE59 Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 70. NOTE60 Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 70. NOTE61 Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 70. NOTE62 Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 70. NOTE63 Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 70. NOTE64 Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 70. NOTE65 Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 70. NOTE66 Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 70. NOTE67 Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 70. NOTE68 Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 70. NOTE69 Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 70. NOTE70 Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 70. NOTE71 Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 70. NOTE72 Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 70. NOTE73 Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 70. NOTE74 Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 70. NOTE75 Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 70. NOTE76 Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 70. NOTE77 Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 70. NOTE78 Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 70. NOTE79 Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 70. NOTE80 Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 70. NOTE81 Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 70. NOTE82 Range = ASCII string with 19/12/2023 Page 92 of 94 a maximum length of 70. NOTE83 Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 70. NOTE84 Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 70. NOTE85 Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 70. NOTE86 Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 70. NOTE87 Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 70. NOTE88 Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 70. NOTE89 Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 70. NOTE90 Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 70. NOTE91 Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 70. NOTE92 Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 70. NOTE93 Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 70. NOTE94 Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 70. NOTE95 Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 70. NOTE96 Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 70. NOTE97 Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 70. NOTE98 Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 70. NOTE99 Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 70. NOTE100 Range = ASCII string with a maximum length of 70. Notes 19/12/2023 Top Page 93 of 94 19/12/2023 Page 94 of 94 Protocolo de Pruebas Relés de Protección ANEXO A3 CENTRAL TERMICA PUERTO BRAVO PROTECCIÓN PRINCIPAL DE LA BARRA 500KV RELÉ 7SS85 [F006] CONTENIDO A3.1) PROTOCOLO DE PRUEBAS A3.2) REPORTE DEL SIMULADOR (Test Universe) A3.3) AJUSTES DEL RELE (Software DISGI 5) Protocolo de Pruebas Relés de Protección A3.1) PROTOCOLO DE PRUEBAS Protocolo de Pruebas Relés de Protección Propietario : SAMAY I.S.A.C. Identificación : RELÉ DE PROTECCIÓN DIFERENCIAL DE BARRA Ubicación : S.E. PUERTO BRAVO 500kV Código ANSI : 87B, 50BF Tablero : =B00+R00 : : F006 Modelo del relé Ref. Código de Equipo : PROTECCIÓN PRINCIPAL DE LA BARRA 500KV 1 .- Datos del Relé de Protección : : Serie : IN : 7SS85 Resultado: Aprobado Fecha: 14/12/2023 Transformadores de Protección Marca SIEMENS CT_TR1 : Modelo 7UT85 CT_TR2 : 300/1A BM1501002120 CT_LINEA : 1000/1A 1A CT_TR3 : 300/1A CT_TR4 : 300/1A 300/1A 2 .- Ajustes del Relé Se adjunta reporte de ajustes del relé - Software DIGSI 5 3 .- Inspección Inicial y Verificaciones Resultado Aspecto exterior Conexionado eléctrico Puesta a tierra Comunicación con PC (USB) Display Teclado Frontal CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME 4 .- Otras Funciones Verificadas Resultado Unidades de Medición Relación de CTs Leds de Señalización del Relé Verificación de contactos de Disparo Disparo efectivo del interruptor asociado actuando 87B CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME 5 .- Prueba de Funciones de Protección 5.1) Diferencial de Barra CONFORME 87B 5.2) Falla de Interruptor CONFORME 50BF Nota: Se Adjunta resultado de pruebas del relé - Test Universe 6 .- Activación de Salidas Binarias 6.1) BO Salidas Binarias (OUTPUTS) BO Asignación Resultado IO203_BO1.2 Disparo Bobina 1, Fase R - Transformador 1 Disparo Bobina 1, Fase S - Transformador 1 Disparo Bobina 1, Fase T - Transformador 1 Disparo Bobina 2, Fase R - Transformador 1 Disparo Bobina 2, Fase S - Transformador 1 Disparo Bobina 2, Fase T - Transformador 1 Disparo Definitvo Rele de Bloqueo 86 - Transformador 1 Disparo al Lado Generacion - Transformador 1 Disparo al Lado 4.16kV - Transformador 1 CONFORME IO203_BO1.3 IO203_BO1.4 IO203_BO3.1 IO203_BO3.2 IO203_BO3.3 IO203_BO3.4 IO201_BO2.1 IO201_BO2.2 CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME Protocolo de Pruebas Relés de Protección Propietario : SAMAY I.S.A.C. Identificación : RELÉ DE PROTECCIÓN DIFERENCIAL DE BARRA Ubicación : S.E. PUERTO BRAVO 500kV Código ANSI : 87B, 50BF Tablero : =B00+R00 : : F006 Modelo del relé Ref. Código de Equipo : PROTECCIÓN PRINCIPAL DE LA BARRA 500KV 7SS85 Resultado: Aprobado Fecha: 14/12/2023 BO Asignación Resultado IO201_BO4.2 Disparo Bobina 1, Fase R - Transformador 2 Disparo Bobina 1, Fase S - Transformador 2 Disparo Bobina 1, Fase T - Transformador 2 Disparo Bobina 2, Fase R - Transformador 2 Disparo Bobina 2, Fase S - Transformador 2 Disparo Bobina 2, Fase T - Transformador 2 Disparo Definitvo Rele de Bloqueo 86 - Transformador 2 Disparo al Lado Generacion - Transformador 2 Disparo al Lado 4.16kV - Transformador 2 Disparo DTT - Linea L5038 Disparo Bobina 1, Fase R - Linea L5038 Disparo Bobina 1, Fase S - Linea L5038 Disparo Bobina 1, Fase T - Linea L5038 Disparo Bobina 2, Fase R - Linea L5038 Disparo Bobina 2, Fase S - Linea L5038 Disparo Bobina 2, Fase T - Linea L5038 Disparo Definitvo Rele de Bloqueo 86 - Linea L5038 Disparo Bobina 1, Fase R - Transformador 3 Disparo Bobina 1, Fase S - Transformador 3 Disparo Bobina 1, Fase T - Transformador 3 Disparo Bobina 2, Fase R - Transformador 3 Disparo Bobina 2, Fase S - Transformador 3 Disparo Bobina 2, Fase T - Transformador 3 Disparo Definitvo Rele de Bloqueo 86 - Transformador 3 Disparo al Lado Generacion - Transformador 3 Disparo al Lado 4.16kV - Transformador 3 Disparo Bobina 1, Fase R - Transformador 4 Disparo Bobina 1, Fase S - Transformador 4 Disparo Bobina 1, Fase T - Transformador 4 Disparo Bobina 2, Fase R - Transformador 4 Disparo Bobina 2, Fase S - Transformador 4 Disparo Bobina 2, Fase T - Transformador 4 Disparo Definitvo Rele de Bloqueo 86 - Transformador 4 Disparo al Lado Generacion - Transformador 3 Disparo al Lado 4.16kV - Transformador 3 CONFORME IO201_BO4.3 IO201_BO4.4 IO205_BO5.1 IO205_BO5.2 IO205_BO5.3 IO205_BO5.4 IO201_BO4.5 IO201_BO4.6 IO205_BO5.5 IO205_BO5.6 IO205_BO5.7 IO205_BO5.8 IO205_BO5.9 IO205_BO5.10 IO205_BO5.11 IO205_BO5.12 IO205_BO5.14 IO205_BO5.15 IO205_BO5.16 IO205_BO6.3 IO205_BO6.4 IO205_BO6.5 IO205_BO6.6 IO205_BO6.1 IO205_BO6.2 IO205_BO6.8 IO205_BO6.9 IO205_BO6.10 IO205_BO6.13 IO205_BO6.14 IO205_BO6.15 IO205_BO6.16 IO205_BO6.11 IO205_BO6.12 CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME Protocolo de Pruebas Relés de Protección Propietario : SAMAY I.S.A.C. Identificación : RELÉ DE PROTECCIÓN DIFERENCIAL DE BARRA Ubicación : S.E. PUERTO BRAVO 500kV Código ANSI : 87B, 50BF Tablero : =B00+R00 : : F006 Modelo del relé Ref. Código de Equipo : PROTECCIÓN PRINCIPAL DE LA BARRA 500KV 7SS85 Resultado: Aprobado Fecha: 14/12/2023 7 .- Verificación de LEDs de Señalización Asignación LED LED 1.1 LED 1.2 LED 1.3 LED 1.4 LED 1.5 LED 1.6 LED 1.7 LED 1.8 LED 1.9 LED 1.10 LED 1.11 LED 1.12 LED 1.13 LED 1.15 LED 1.16 LED 3.1 LED 3.2 LED 3.3 LED 3.4 LED 3.5 LED 3.6 LED 3.7 LED 3.8 LED 3.9 LED 3.10 LED 3.11 LED 3.12 LED 3.13 LED 3.14 LED 3.15 LED 3.16 Resultado Disparo General Arranque Fase R Arranque Fase S Arranque Fase T Disparo 50BF Etapa 1 - Transformador No 1 Disparo 50BF Etapa 2 - Transformador No 1 Disparo 50BF Etapa 0 - Transformador No 1 Disparo 50BF Etapa 1 - Transformador No 2 Disparo 50BF Etapa 2 - Transformador No 2 Disparo 50BF Etapa 0 - Transformador No 2 Disparo 50BF Etapa 1 - Linea 5038 Disparo 50BF Etapa 2 - Linea 5038 Disparo 50BF Etapa 0 - Linea 5038 LED LED 1.14 LEDs CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME Asignación Resultado Disparo 50BF Etapa 1 - Transformador No 3 Disparo 50BF Etapa 2 - Transformador No 3 Disparo 50BF Etapa 0 - Transformador No 3 Disparo 50BF Etapa 1 - Transformador No 4 Disparo 50BF Etapa 2 - Transformador No 4 Disparo 50BF Etapa 0 - Transformador No 4 Modo de Proceso Inactivo Modulo Trafo No 1 - Fuera de Servicio Modulo Trafo No 2 - Fuera de Servicio Modulo Linea 5038 - Fuera de Servicio Modulo Trafo No 3 - Fuera de Servicio Modulo Trafo No 4 - Fuera de Servicio Reserva Reserva Reserva Falla Supervision Alarma de Falla Operacion Prohibida Alarma de Supervision 87B CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME RESERVA RESERVA RESERVA CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME 8 .- Equipos de Prueba Utilizados EQP Descripción Marca Tipo Serie 1 1 Simulador de potencia trifásico OMICRON CMC 356 EH494J 2 1 Computadora portátil LENOVO P50 PC-0F2ZVK Ítem Cant Protocolo de Pruebas Relés de Protección Propietario : SAMAY I.S.A.C. Identificación : RELÉ DE PROTECCIÓN DIFERENCIAL DE BARRA Ubicación : S.E. PUERTO BRAVO 500kV Código ANSI : 87B, 50BF Tablero : =B00+R00 : : F006 Modelo del relé Ref. Código de Equipo : PROTECCIÓN PRINCIPAL DE LA BARRA 500KV 7SS85 Resultado: Aprobado Fecha: 14/12/2023 9 .- Observaciones y Comentarios Obs - Las pruebas de operatividad al relé de protección 7SS85 se han realizado satisfactoriamente. - Se adjuntan los siguientes reportes: * Reporte de ajustes del relé 7SS85 - Software DIGSI 5. * Reporte de pruebas del Software Test Universe - OMICRON CMC356. CONTRATISTA Nombre : Kenedy Herrera Salgado Fecha : 14/12/2023 Firma : SUPERVISIÓN Nombre : José Gutierrez 14/12/2023 Fecha : Firma : PROPIETARIO Nombre : Fecha : 14/12/2023 Firma : Protocolo de Pruebas Relés de Protección A3.2) REPORTE DEL SIMULADOR (Test Universe) INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 REPORTE DE PRUEBA S.E. PUERTO BRAVO 500kV PROTECCIÓN DE BARRAS 500kV PROTECCION PRINCIPAL SIEMENS / 7SS85 [F006] Compañia: INGELMEC S.A. Nombre de Usuario: KENNEDY HERRERA Dia de Prueba: 14 de diciembre de 2023 Estado de Prueba: Passed Modulos de Prueba: 50 Modulos de Prueba Correctos: 50 Modulos de Pruebas con Error: 0 ________________________________________________________________________________ Hardware Configuration Test Equipment Type Serial Number CMC356 EH494J Hardware Check Performed At Result 14/12/2023 03:07:33 p.m. Passed Details 1 de 58 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 1) INYECCION INICIAL TR1 1.1) ESTABILIDAD 87BB / RST TR1&TR2: Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: OMICRON Diff Configuration 14-dic-2023 11:41:43 KENNEDY HERRERA INGELMEC SA Version: Test End: Manager: 4.31 14-dic-2023 11:42:28 JOSE AGUILA Test Results for Fault Type L1-L2-L3 at Fault Location Lado Subestacion ITest = 0.50 In Phase L1 L2 L3 Imeas_diff Imeas_bias 0.000 In 0.000 In 0.000 In 0.998 In 0.991 In 0.993 In ITest = 1.00 In Phase L1 L2 L3 State: Tested State: Tested Imeas_diff Imeas_bias 0.000 In 0.000 In 0.000 In 1.997 In 1.978 In 1.999 In Result: Passed Result: Passed Test State: Test passed 2 out of 2 points tested. 2 points passed. 0 points failed. 2 de 58 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 3 de 58 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 1.2) ARRANQUE/REPOSICION 87BB-R: Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: OMICRON Ramping 14-dic-2023 11:48:46 KENNEDY HERRERA INGELMEC SA Version: Test End: Manager: 4.31 14-dic-2023 11:48:57 JOSE AGUILA Test Results Assessment Results Name/ Exec. Ramp Condition Sig Nom. Act. Tol.- Tol.+ Dev. Assess Tact Pick-up Ramp 1 TRIP 1 L1 0->1 I L1 4.160 A 4.220 A 200.0 mA 200.0 mA 60.00 mA + 1.100 ms Assess: + .. Passed x .. Failed o .. Not assessed Ramp 1 Ramp 2 Sig 1/A 4.0 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 t/s I L1 TRIP 1 L1 TRIP 1 L2 TRIP 1 L3 TRIP 2 L1 TRIP 2 L2 TRIP 2 L3 TRIP 50BF 86 TRIP 50BF GEN TRIP 50BF BT Test State: Test passed 4 de 58 t/s INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 1.3) TIEMPOS DE OPERACION 87BB /R: Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: OMICRON Diff Trip Time Characteristic 14-dic-2023 11:51:51 KENNEDY HERRERA INGELMEC SA Version: 4.31 Test End: Manager: 14-dic-2023 11:51:59 JOSE AGUILA Test Results for Fault Type L1-E at Reference Side Lado Subestacion Idiff Ibias Nominal Trip Time Actual Trip Dev (rel) Time Dev (abs) State Result 1.00 In 1.50 In 2.00 In 3.00 In 1.00 In 1.50 In 2.00 In 3.00 In N/T 0.0200 s 0.0200 s 0.0200 s N/T 0.0206 s 0.0203 s 0.0189 s n/a 0.0006 s 0.0003 s -0.0011 s Tested Tested Tested Tested Passed Passed Passed Passed n/a 3.00 % 1.50 % 5.50 % State: 4 out of 4 points tested. 4 points passed. 0 points failed. General Assessment: Test passed 5 de 58 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 1.4) ARRANQUE/REPOSICION 87BB-S: Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: OMICRON Ramping 14-dic-2023 11:53:34 KENNEDY HERRERA INGELMEC SA Version: Test End: Manager: 4.31 14-dic-2023 11:53:46 JOSE AGUILA Test Results Assessment Results Name/ Exec. Ramp Condition Sig Nom. Act. Tol.- Tol.+ Dev. Assess Tact Pick-up Ramp 1 TRIP 1 L1 0->1 I L2 4.160 A 4.210 A 200.0 mA 200.0 mA 50.00 mA + 8.500 ms Assess: + .. Passed x .. Failed o .. Not assessed Ramp 1 Ramp 2 Sig 1/A 4.0 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 t/s I L2 TRIP 1 L1 TRIP 1 L2 TRIP 1 L3 TRIP 2 L1 TRIP 2 L2 TRIP 2 L3 TRIP 50BF 86 TRIP 50BF GEN TRIP 50BF BT Test State: Test passed 6 de 58 t/s INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 1.5) TIEMPOS DE OPERACION 87BB /S: Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: OMICRON Diff Trip Time Characteristic 14-dic-2023 11:54:18 KENNEDY HERRERA INGELMEC SA Version: 4.31 Test End: Manager: 14-dic-2023 11:54:26 JOSE AGUILA Test Results for Fault Type L2-E at Reference Side Lado Subestacion Idiff Ibias Nominal Trip Time Actual Trip Dev (rel) Time Dev (abs) State Result 1.00 In 1.50 In 2.00 In 3.00 In 1.00 In 1.50 In 2.00 In 3.00 In N/T 0.0200 s 0.0200 s 0.0200 s N/T 0.0198 s 0.0196 s 0.0193 s n/a -0.0002 s -0.0004 s -0.0007 s Tested Tested Tested Tested Passed Passed Passed Passed n/a 1.00 % 2.00 % 3.50 % State: 4 out of 4 points tested. 4 points passed. 0 points failed. General Assessment: Test passed 7 de 58 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 1.6) ARRANQUE/REPOSICION 87BB-T: Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: OMICRON Ramping 14-dic-2023 11:56:07 KENNEDY HERRERA INGELMEC SA Version: Test End: Manager: 4.31 14-dic-2023 11:56:18 JOSE AGUILA Test Results Assessment Results Name/ Exec. Ramp Condition Sig Nom. Act. Tol.- Tol.+ Dev. Assess Tact Pick-up Ramp 1 TRIP 1 L1 0->1 I L3 4.160 A 4.210 A 200.0 mA 200.0 mA 50.00 mA + 6.900 ms Assess: + .. Passed x .. Failed o .. Not assessed Ramp 1 Ramp 2 Sig 1/A 4.0 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 t/s I L3 TRIP 1 L1 TRIP 1 L2 TRIP 1 L3 TRIP 2 L1 TRIP 2 L2 TRIP 2 L3 TRIP 50BF 86 TRIP 50BF GEN TRIP 50BF BT Test State: Test passed 8 de 58 t/s INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 1.7) TIEMPOS DE OPERACION 87BB /T: Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: OMICRON Diff Trip Time Characteristic 14-dic-2023 11:57:52 KENNEDY HERRERA INGELMEC SA Version: 4.31 Test End: Manager: 14-dic-2023 11:58:01 JOSE AGUILA Test Results for Fault Type L3-E at Reference Side Lado Subestacion Idiff Ibias Nominal Trip Time Actual Trip Dev (rel) Time Dev (abs) State Result 1.00 In 1.50 In 2.00 In 3.00 In 1.00 In 1.50 In 2.00 In 3.00 In N/T 0.0200 s 0.0200 s 0.0200 s N/T 0.0203 s 0.0200 s 0.0190 s n/a 0.0003 s 0.0000 s -0.0010 s Tested Tested Tested Tested Passed Passed Passed Passed n/a 1.50 % 0.00 % 5.00 % State: 4 out of 4 points tested. 4 points passed. 0 points failed. General Assessment: Test passed 9 de 58 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 1.8) TIEMPOS DE OPERACION 50BF ETAPA 2: Test Settings State State 1 I L1 0.000 A 14.00 A 0.000 A 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz I L2 0.000 A 14.00 A 0.000 A -120.00 ° -120.00 ° -120.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz I L3 0.000 A 14.00 A 0.000 A 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz I(2)-1 0.000 A 14.00 A 0.000 A 0.00 ° 180.00 ° 0.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz I(2)-2 0.000 A 14.00 A 0.000 A -120.00 ° 60.00 ° -120.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz I(2)-3 0.000 A 14.00 A 0.000 A 120.00 ° -60.00 ° 120.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz State 2 State 3 Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: OMICRON State Sequencer 14-dic-2023 12:47:23 KENNEDY HERRERA INGELMEC SA Version: Test End: Manager: 4.31 14-dic-2023 12:47:25 JOSE AGUILA Test Results Time Assessment Ignore before Start Stop 50BFETAPA 1 State 2 State 2 50BFETAPA 2 State 2 State 2 TRIP 110.0 ms 87B/50BF A 86 0>1 TRIP 220.0 ms 50BF GEN 0>1 Name Assess: + .. Passed x .. Failed Tnom Tdev- Tdev+ Tact Tdev 50.00 ms 50.00 ms 136.5 ms 26.50 ms + 50.00 ms 50.00 ms 249.8 ms 29.80 ms + o .. Not assessed 10 de 58 Assess INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 State 1 State 3 State 2 CMC356 I A/A 15 10 5 0 0.10 -5 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.50 0.60 t/s -10 -15 -20 I L1 I L2 I L3 CMC356 I B/A 15 10 5 0 0.10 -5 0.20 0.30 0.40 t/s -10 -15 -20 I(2)-1 I(2)-2 I(2)-3 ARRANQUE 50BF 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 t/s TRIP 1 L1 TRIP 1 L2 TRIP 1 L3 TRIP 2 L1 TRIP 2 L2 TRIP 2 L3 TRIP 87B/50BF A 86 TRIP 50BF GEN TRIP 50BF BT Test State: Test passed 11 de 58 t/s INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 1.9) 87BBP DIFFERENTIAL CHARACTERIST PHASE A: Test Module Name: OMICRON Diff Operating Characteristic 14-dic-2023 15:37:14 KENNEDY HERRERA INGELMEC SA Test Start: User Name: Company: Version: 4.31 Test End: Manager: 14-dic-2023 15:38:12 JOSE AGUILA Test Results for Fault Location L1-E at Reference Side Lado Subestacion Ibias Idiff Nominal Idiff Actual Dev (rel) Dev (abs) Check Test State Result 1.50 In 2.00 In 2.50 In 3.00 In 1.250 In 1.302 In 1.627 In 1.952 In 1.270 In 1.286 In 1.606 In 1.939 In 0.0200 In -0.0165 In -0.0215 In -0.0126 In Tested Tested Tested Tested Passed Passed Passed Passed 1.60 % -1.27 % -1.32 % -0.65 % Operating Characteristic Diagram Idiff [In] 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 Ibias [In] Test State: Test passed 4 out of 4 points tested. 4 points passed. 0 points failed. 12 de 58 16 18 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 1.10) 87BBP DIFFERENTIAL CHARACTERIST PHASE B: Test Module Name: OMICRON Diff Operating Characteristic 14-dic-2023 15:32:55 KENNEDY HERRERA INGELMEC SA Test Start: User Name: Company: Version: 4.31 Test End: Manager: 14-dic-2023 15:33:52 JOSE AGUILA Test Results for Fault Location L2-E at Reference Side Lado Subestacion Ibias Idiff Nominal Idiff Actual Dev (rel) Dev (abs) Check Test State Result 1.50 In 2.00 In 2.50 In 3.00 In 1.250 In 1.302 In 1.627 In 1.952 In 1.270 In 1.286 In 1.606 In 1.939 In 0.0200 In -0.0165 In -0.0215 In -0.0126 In Tested Tested Tested Tested Passed Passed Passed Passed 1.60 % -1.27 % -1.32 % -0.65 % Operating Characteristic Diagram Idiff [In] 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 Ibias [In] Test State: Test passed 4 out of 4 points tested. 4 points passed. 0 points failed. 13 de 58 16 18 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 1.11) 87BBP DIFFERENTIAL CHARACTERIST PHASE C: Test Module Name: OMICRON Diff Operating Characteristic 14-dic-2023 15:34:23 KENNEDY HERRERA INGELMEC SA Test Start: User Name: Company: Version: 4.31 Test End: Manager: 14-dic-2023 15:35:22 JOSE AGUILA Test Results for Fault Location L3-E at Reference Side Lado Subestacion Ibias Idiff Nominal Idiff Actual Dev (rel) Dev (abs) Check Test State Result 1.50 In 2.00 In 2.50 In 3.00 In 1.250 In 1.302 In 1.627 In 1.952 In 1.270 In 1.286 In 1.606 In 1.939 In 0.0200 In -0.0165 In -0.0215 In -0.0126 In Tested Tested Tested Tested Passed Passed Passed Passed 1.60 % -1.27 % -1.32 % -0.65 % Operating Characteristic Diagram Idiff [In] 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 Ibias [In] Test State: Test passed 4 out of 4 points tested. 4 points passed. 0 points failed. 14 de 58 16 18 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 2) INYECCION INICIAL TR2 2.1) ESTABILIDAD 87BB / RST TR1&TR2: Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: OMICRON Diff Configuration 14-dic-2023 13:35:43 KENNEDY HERRERA INGELMEC SA Version: Test End: Manager: 4.31 14-dic-2023 13:36:30 JOSE AGUILA Test Results for Fault Type L1-L2-L3 at Fault Location Lado Subestacion ITest = 0.50 In Phase L1 L2 L3 Imeas_bias 0.000 In 0.000 In 0.000 In 0.995 In 0.986 In 0.997 In ITest = 1.00 In Phase L1 L2 L3 State: Tested Imeas_diff State: Tested Imeas_diff Imeas_bias 0.000 In 0.000 In 0.000 In 1.985 In 1.993 In 1.998 In Result: Passed Result: Passed Test State: Test passed 2 out of 2 points tested. 2 points passed. 0 points failed. 15 de 58 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 16 de 58 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 2.2) ARRANQUE/REPOSICION 87BB-R: Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: OMICRON Ramping 14-dic-2023 13:41:42 KENNEDY HERRERA INGELMEC SA Version: Test End: Manager: 4.31 14-dic-2023 13:41:53 JOSE AGUILA Test Results Assessment Results Name/ Exec. Ramp Condition Sig Nom. Act. Tol.- Tol.+ Dev. Assess Tact Pick-up Ramp 1 TRIP 1 L1 0->1 I(2)-1 4.160 A 4.210 A 200.0 mA 200.0 mA 50.00 mA + 5.000 ms Assess: + .. Passed x .. Failed o .. Not assessed Ramp 1 Ramp 2 Sig 1/A 4.0 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 t/s I(2)-1 TRIP 1 L1 TRIP 1 L2 TRIP 1 L3 TRIP 2 L1 TRIP 2 L2 TRIP 2 L3 TRIP 87B/50BF A 86 TRIP 50BF GEN TRIP 50BF BT Test State: Test passed 17 de 58 t/s INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 2.3) TIEMPOS DE OPERACION 87BB /R: Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: OMICRON Diff Trip Time Characteristic 14-dic-2023 13:42:44 KENNEDY HERRERA INGELMEC SA Version: 4.31 Test End: Manager: 14-dic-2023 13:42:52 JOSE AGUILA Test Results for Fault Type L1-E at Reference Side Lado Subestacion Idiff Ibias Nominal Trip Time Actual Trip Dev (rel) Time Dev (abs) State Result 1.00 In 1.50 In 2.00 In 3.00 In 1.00 In 1.50 In 2.00 In 3.00 In N/T 0.0200 s 0.0200 s 0.0200 s N/T 0.0212 s 0.0201 s 0.0189 s n/a 0.0012 s 0.0001 s -0.0011 s Tested Tested Tested Tested Passed Passed Passed Passed n/a 6.00 % 0.50 % 5.50 % State: 4 out of 4 points tested. 4 points passed. 0 points failed. General Assessment: Test passed 18 de 58 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 2.4) ARRANQUE/REPOSICION 87BB-S: Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: OMICRON Ramping 14-dic-2023 13:43:09 KENNEDY HERRERA INGELMEC SA Version: Test End: Manager: 4.31 14-dic-2023 13:43:20 JOSE AGUILA Test Results Assessment Results Name/ Exec. Ramp Condition Sig Nom. Act. Tol.- Tol.+ Dev. Assess Tact Pick-up Ramp 1 TRIP 1 L1 0->1 I(2)-2 4.160 A 4.220 A 200.0 mA 200.0 mA 60.00 mA + 900.0 ȝs Assess: + .. Passed x .. Failed o .. Not assessed Ramp 1 Ramp 2 Sig 1/A 4.0 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 t/s I(2)-2 TRIP 1 L1 TRIP 1 L2 TRIP 1 L3 TRIP 2 L1 TRIP 2 L2 TRIP 2 L3 TRIP 87B/50BF A 86 TRIP 50BF GEN TRIP 50BF BT Test State: Test passed 19 de 58 t/s INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 2.5) TIEMPOS DE OPERACION 87BB /S: Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: OMICRON Diff Trip Time Characteristic 14-dic-2023 13:44:05 KENNEDY HERRERA INGELMEC SA Version: 4.31 Test End: Manager: 14-dic-2023 13:44:13 JOSE AGUILA Test Results for Fault Type L2-E at Reference Side Lado Subestacion Idiff Ibias Nominal Trip Time Actual Trip Dev (rel) Time Dev (abs) State Result 1.00 In 1.50 In 2.00 In 3.00 In 1.00 In 1.50 In 2.00 In 3.00 In N/T 0.0200 s 0.0200 s 0.0200 s N/T 0.0204 s 0.0205 s 0.0198 s n/a 0.0004 s 0.0005 s -0.0002 s Tested Tested Tested Tested Passed Passed Passed Passed n/a 2.00 % 2.50 % 1.00 % State: 4 out of 4 points tested. 4 points passed. 0 points failed. General Assessment: Test passed 20 de 58 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 2.6) ARRANQUE/REPOSICION 87BB-T: Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: OMICRON Ramping 14-dic-2023 13:44:42 KENNEDY HERRERA INGELMEC SA Version: Test End: Manager: 4.31 14-dic-2023 13:44:53 JOSE AGUILA Test Results Assessment Results Name/ Exec. Ramp Condition Sig Nom. Act. Tol.- Tol.+ Dev. Assess Tact Pick-up Ramp 1 TRIP 1 L1 0->1 I(2)-3 4.160 A 4.210 A 200.0 mA 200.0 mA 50.00 mA + 6.200 ms Assess: + .. Passed x .. Failed o .. Not assessed Ramp 1 Ramp 2 Sig 1/A 4.0 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 t/s I(2)-3 TRIP 1 L1 TRIP 1 L2 TRIP 1 L3 TRIP 2 L1 TRIP 2 L2 TRIP 2 L3 TRIP 87B/50BF A 86 TRIP 50BF GEN TRIP 50BF BT Test State: Test passed 21 de 58 t/s INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 2.7) TIEMPOS DE OPERACION 87BB /T: Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: OMICRON Diff Trip Time Characteristic 14-dic-2023 13:45:20 KENNEDY HERRERA INGELMEC SA Version: 4.31 Test End: Manager: 14-dic-2023 13:45:29 JOSE AGUILA Test Results for Fault Type L3-E at Reference Side Lado Subestacion Idiff Ibias Nominal Trip Time Actual Trip Dev (rel) Time Dev (abs) State Result 1.00 In 1.50 In 2.00 In 3.00 In 1.00 In 1.50 In 2.00 In 3.00 In N/T 0.0200 s 0.0200 s 0.0200 s N/T 0.0210 s 0.0201 s 0.0196 s n/a 0.0010 s 0.0001 s -0.0004 s Tested Tested Tested Tested Passed Passed Passed Passed n/a 5.00 % 0.50 % 2.00 % State: 4 out of 4 points tested. 4 points passed. 0 points failed. General Assessment: Test passed 22 de 58 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 2.8) TIEMPOS DE OPERACION 50BF ETAPA 2: Test Settings State State 1 I L1 0.000 A 14.00 A 0.000 A 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz I L2 0.000 A 14.00 A 0.000 A -120.00 ° -120.00 ° -120.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz I L3 0.000 A 14.00 A 0.000 A 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz I(2)-1 0.000 A 14.00 A 0.000 A 0.00 ° 180.00 ° 0.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz I(2)-2 0.000 A 14.00 A 0.000 A -120.00 ° 60.00 ° -120.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz I(2)-3 0.000 A 14.00 A 0.000 A 120.00 ° -60.00 ° 120.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz State 2 State 3 Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: OMICRON State Sequencer 14-dic-2023 13:52:21 KENNEDY HERRERA INGELMEC SA Version: Test End: Manager: 4.31 14-dic-2023 13:52:23 JOSE AGUILA Test Results Time Assessment Ignore before Start Stop 50BFETAPA 1 State 2 State 2 50BFETAPA 2 State 2 State 2 TRIP 110.0 ms 87B/50BF A 86 0>1 TRIP 220.0 ms 50BF GEN 0>1 Name Assess: + .. Passed x .. Failed Tnom Tdev- Tdev+ Tact Tdev 50.00 ms 50.00 ms 140.6 ms 30.60 ms + 50.00 ms 50.00 ms 245.9 ms 25.90 ms + o .. Not assessed 23 de 58 Assess INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 State 1 State 3 State 2 CMC356 I A/A 15 10 5 0 0.10 -5 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.50 0.60 t/s -10 -15 -20 I L1 I L2 I L3 CMC356 I B/A 15 10 5 0 0.10 -5 0.20 0.30 0.40 t/s -10 -15 -20 I(2)-1 I(2)-2 I(2)-3 ARRANQUE 50BF 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 t/s TRIP 1 L1 TRIP 1 L2 TRIP 1 L3 TRIP 2 L1 TRIP 2 L2 TRIP 2 L3 TRIP 87B/50BF A 86 TRIP 50BF GEN TRIP 50BF BT Test State: Test passed 24 de 58 t/s INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 3) INYECCION INICIAL TR3 3.1) ESTABILIDAD 87BB / RST TR1&TR3: Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: OMICRON Diff Configuration 14-dic-2023 14:35:25 KENNEDY HERRERA INGELMEC SA Version: Test End: Manager: 4.31 14-dic-2023 14:36:13 JOSE AGUILA Test Results for Fault Type L1-L2-L3 at Fault Location Lado Subestacion ITest = 0.50 In Phase L1 L2 L3 Imeas_bias 0.000 In 0.000 In 0.000 In 0.987 In 0.995 In 0.994 In ITest = 1.00 In Phase L1 L2 L3 State: Tested Imeas_diff State: Tested Imeas_diff Imeas_bias 0.000 In 0.000 In 0.000 In 2.002 In 1.985 In 1.991 In Result: Passed Result: Passed Test State: Test passed 2 out of 2 points tested. 2 points passed. 0 points failed. 25 de 58 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 26 de 58 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 3.2) ARRANQUE/REPOSICION 87BB-R: Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: OMICRON Ramping 14-dic-2023 14:38:03 KENNEDY HERRERA INGELMEC SA Version: Test End: Manager: 4.31 14-dic-2023 14:38:14 JOSE AGUILA Test Results Assessment Results Name/ Exec. Ramp Condition Sig Nom. Act. Tol.- Tol.+ Dev. Assess Tact Pick-up Ramp 1 TRIP 1 L1 0->1 I(2)-1 4.160 A 4.220 A 200.0 mA 200.0 mA 60.00 mA + 5.500 ms Assess: + .. Passed x .. Failed o .. Not assessed Ramp 1 Ramp 2 Sig 1/A 4.0 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 t/s I(2)-1 TRIP 1 L1 TRIP 1 L2 TRIP 1 L3 TRIP 2 L1 TRIP 2 L2 TRIP 2 L3 TRIP 87B/50BF A 86 TRIP 50BF GEN TRIP 50BF BT Test State: Test passed 27 de 58 t/s INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 3.3) TIEMPOS DE OPERACION 87BB /R: Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: OMICRON Diff Trip Time Characteristic 14-dic-2023 14:38:24 KENNEDY HERRERA INGELMEC SA Version: 4.31 Test End: Manager: 14-dic-2023 14:38:32 JOSE AGUILA Test Results for Fault Type L1-E at Reference Side Lado Subestacion Idiff Ibias Nominal Trip Time Actual Trip Dev (rel) Time Dev (abs) State Result 1.00 In 1.50 In 2.00 In 3.00 In 1.00 In 1.50 In 2.00 In 3.00 In N/T 0.0200 s 0.0200 s 0.0200 s N/T 0.0255 s 0.0249 s 0.0238 s n/a 0.0055 s 0.0049 s 0.0038 s Tested Tested Tested Tested Passed Passed Passed Passed n/a 27.50 % 24.50 % 19.00 % State: 4 out of 4 points tested. 4 points passed. 0 points failed. General Assessment: Test passed 28 de 58 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 3.4) ARRANQUE/REPOSICION 87BB-S: Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: OMICRON Ramping 14-dic-2023 14:38:42 KENNEDY HERRERA INGELMEC SA Version: Test End: Manager: 4.31 14-dic-2023 14:38:53 JOSE AGUILA Test Results Assessment Results Name/ Exec. Ramp Condition Sig Nom. Act. Tol.- Tol.+ Dev. Assess Tact Pick-up Ramp 1 TRIP 1 L1 0->1 I(2)-2 4.160 A 4.210 A 200.0 mA 200.0 mA 50.00 mA + 5.800 ms Assess: + .. Passed x .. Failed o .. Not assessed Ramp 1 Ramp 2 Sig 1/A 4.0 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 t/s I(2)-2 TRIP 1 L1 TRIP 1 L2 TRIP 1 L3 TRIP 2 L1 TRIP 2 L2 TRIP 2 L3 TRIP 87B/50BF A 86 TRIP 50BF GEN TRIP 50BF BT Test State: Test passed 29 de 58 t/s INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 3.5) TIEMPOS DE OPERACION 87BB /S: Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: OMICRON Diff Trip Time Characteristic 14-dic-2023 14:39:02 KENNEDY HERRERA INGELMEC SA Version: 4.31 Test End: Manager: 14-dic-2023 14:39:11 JOSE AGUILA Test Results for Fault Type L2-E at Reference Side Lado Subestacion Idiff Ibias Nominal Trip Time Actual Trip Dev (rel) Time Dev (abs) State Result 1.00 In 1.50 In 2.00 In 3.00 In 1.00 In 1.50 In 2.00 In 3.00 In N/T 0.0200 s 0.0200 s 0.0200 s N/T 0.0258 s 0.0247 s 0.0241 s n/a 0.0058 s 0.0047 s 0.0041 s Tested Tested Tested Tested Passed Passed Passed Passed n/a 29.00 % 23.50 % 20.50 % State: 4 out of 4 points tested. 4 points passed. 0 points failed. General Assessment: Test passed 30 de 58 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 3.6) ARRANQUE/REPOSICION 87BB-T: Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: OMICRON Ramping 14-dic-2023 14:39:20 KENNEDY HERRERA INGELMEC SA Version: Test End: Manager: 4.31 14-dic-2023 14:39:31 JOSE AGUILA Test Results Assessment Results Name/ Exec. Ramp Condition Sig Nom. Act. Tol.- Tol.+ Dev. Assess Tact Pick-up Ramp 1 TRIP 1 L1 0->1 I(2)-3 4.160 A 4.220 A 200.0 mA 200.0 mA 60.00 mA + 600.0 ȝs Assess: + .. Passed x .. Failed o .. Not assessed Ramp 1 Ramp 2 Sig 1/A 4.0 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 t/s I(2)-3 TRIP 1 L1 TRIP 1 L2 TRIP 1 L3 TRIP 2 L1 TRIP 2 L2 TRIP 2 L3 TRIP 87B/50BF A 86 TRIP 50BF GEN TRIP 50BF BT Test State: Test passed 31 de 58 t/s INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 3.7) TIEMPOS DE OPERACION 87BB /T: Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: OMICRON Diff Trip Time Characteristic 14-dic-2023 14:39:45 KENNEDY HERRERA INGELMEC SA Version: 4.31 Test End: Manager: 14-dic-2023 14:39:53 JOSE AGUILA Test Results for Fault Type L3-E at Reference Side Lado Subestacion Idiff Ibias Nominal Trip Time Actual Trip Dev (rel) Time Dev (abs) State Result 1.00 In 1.50 In 2.00 In 3.00 In 1.00 In 1.50 In 2.00 In 3.00 In N/T 0.0200 s 0.0200 s 0.0200 s N/T 0.0242 s 0.0241 s 0.0225 s n/a 0.0042 s 0.0041 s 0.0025 s Tested Tested Tested Tested Passed Passed Passed Passed n/a 21.00 % 20.50 % 12.50 % State: 4 out of 4 points tested. 4 points passed. 0 points failed. General Assessment: Test passed 32 de 58 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 3.8) TIEMPOS DE OPERACION 50BF ETAPA 2: Test Settings State State 1 I L1 0.000 A 14.00 A 0.000 A 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz I L2 0.000 A 14.00 A 0.000 A -120.00 ° -120.00 ° -120.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz I L3 0.000 A 14.00 A 0.000 A 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz I(2)-1 0.000 A 14.00 A 0.000 A 0.00 ° 180.00 ° 0.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz I(2)-2 0.000 A 14.00 A 0.000 A -120.00 ° 60.00 ° -120.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz I(2)-3 0.000 A 14.00 A 0.000 A 120.00 ° -60.00 ° 120.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz State 2 State 3 Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: OMICRON State Sequencer 14-dic-2023 14:42:31 KENNEDY HERRERA INGELMEC SA Version: Test End: Manager: 4.31 14-dic-2023 14:42:34 JOSE AGUILA Test Results Time Assessment Ignore before Start Stop 50BFETAPA 1 State 2 State 2 50BFETAPA 2 State 2 State 2 TRIP 110.0 ms 87B/50BF A 86 0>1 TRIP 220.0 ms 50BF GEN 0>1 Name Assess: + .. Passed x .. Failed Tnom Tdev- Tdev+ Tact Tdev 50.00 ms 50.00 ms 140.3 ms 30.30 ms + 50.00 ms 50.00 ms 249.6 ms 29.60 ms + o .. Not assessed 33 de 58 Assess INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 State 1 State 3 State 2 CMC356 I A/A 15 10 5 0 0.10 -5 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.50 0.60 t/s -10 -15 -20 I L1 I L2 I L3 CMC356 I B/A 15 10 5 0 0.10 -5 0.20 0.30 0.40 t/s -10 -15 -20 I(2)-1 I(2)-2 I(2)-3 ARRANQUE 50BF 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 t/s TRIP 1 L1 TRIP 1 L2 TRIP 1 L3 TRIP 2 L1 TRIP 2 L2 TRIP 2 L3 TRIP 87B/50BF A 86 TRIP 50BF GEN TRIP 50BF BT Test State: Test passed 34 de 58 t/s INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 4) INYECCION INICIAL TR4 4.1) ESTABILIDAD 87BB / RST TR1&TR4: Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: OMICRON Diff Configuration 14-dic-2023 15:00:33 KENNEDY HERRERA INGELMEC SA Version: Test End: Manager: 4.31 14-dic-2023 15:01:05 JOSE AGUILA Test Results for Fault Type L1-L2-L3 at Fault Location Lado Subestacion ITest = 0.50 In Phase L1 L2 L3 Imeas_bias 0.000 In 0.000 In 0.000 In 0.000 In 0.000 In 0.000 In ITest = 1.00 In Phase L1 L2 L3 State: Tested Imeas_diff State: Tested Imeas_diff Imeas_bias 0.000 In 0.000 In 0.000 In 0.000 In 0.000 In 0.000 In Result: Passed Result: Passed Test State: Test passed 2 out of 2 points tested. 2 points passed. 0 points failed. 35 de 58 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 36 de 58 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 4.2) ARRANQUE/REPOSICION 87BB-R: Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: OMICRON Ramping 14-dic-2023 15:01:31 KENNEDY HERRERA INGELMEC SA Version: Test End: Manager: 4.31 14-dic-2023 15:01:42 JOSE AGUILA Test Results Assessment Results Name/ Exec. Ramp Condition Sig Nom. Act. Tol.- Tol.+ Dev. Assess Tact Pick-up Ramp 1 TRIP 1 L1 0->1 I(2)-1 4.160 A 4.210 A 200.0 mA 200.0 mA 50.00 mA + 9.100 ms Assess: + .. Passed x .. Failed o .. Not assessed Ramp 1 Ramp 2 Sig 1/A 4.0 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 t/s I(2)-1 TRIP 1 L1 TRIP 1 L2 TRIP 1 L3 TRIP 2 L1 TRIP 2 L2 TRIP 2 L3 TRIP 87B/50BF A 86 TRIP 50BF GEN TRIP 50BF BT Test State: Test passed 37 de 58 t/s INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 4.3) TIEMPOS DE OPERACION 87BB /R: Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: OMICRON Diff Trip Time Characteristic 14-dic-2023 15:01:56 KENNEDY HERRERA INGELMEC SA Version: 4.31 Test End: Manager: 14-dic-2023 15:02:04 JOSE AGUILA Test Results for Fault Type L1-E at Reference Side Lado Subestacion Idiff Ibias Nominal Trip Time Actual Trip Dev (rel) Time Dev (abs) State Result 1.00 In 1.50 In 2.00 In 3.00 In 1.00 In 1.50 In 2.00 In 3.00 In N/T 0.0200 s 0.0200 s 0.0200 s N/T 0.0247 s 0.0241 s 0.0238 s n/a 0.0047 s 0.0041 s 0.0038 s Tested Tested Tested Tested Passed Passed Passed Passed n/a 23.50 % 20.50 % 19.00 % State: 4 out of 4 points tested. 4 points passed. 0 points failed. General Assessment: Test passed 38 de 58 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 4.4) ARRANQUE/REPOSICION 87BB-S: Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: OMICRON Ramping 14-dic-2023 15:02:14 KENNEDY HERRERA INGELMEC SA Version: Test End: Manager: 4.31 14-dic-2023 15:02:26 JOSE AGUILA Test Results Assessment Results Name/ Exec. Ramp Condition Sig Nom. Act. Tol.- Tol.+ Dev. Assess Tact Pick-up Ramp 1 TRIP 1 L1 0->1 I(2)-2 4.160 A 4.220 A 200.0 mA 200.0 mA 60.00 mA + 1.500 ms Assess: + .. Passed x .. Failed o .. Not assessed Ramp 1 Ramp 2 Sig 1/A 4.0 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 t/s I(2)-2 TRIP 1 L1 TRIP 1 L2 TRIP 1 L3 TRIP 2 L1 TRIP 2 L2 TRIP 2 L3 TRIP 87B/50BF A 86 TRIP 50BF GEN TRIP 50BF BT Test State: Test passed 39 de 58 t/s INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 4.5) TIEMPOS DE OPERACION 87BB /S: Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: OMICRON Diff Trip Time Characteristic 14-dic-2023 15:02:49 KENNEDY HERRERA INGELMEC SA Version: 4.31 Test End: Manager: 14-dic-2023 15:02:57 JOSE AGUILA Test Results for Fault Type L2-E at Reference Side Lado Subestacion Idiff Ibias Nominal Trip Time Actual Trip Dev (rel) Time Dev (abs) State Result 1.00 In 1.50 In 2.00 In 3.00 In 1.00 In 1.50 In 2.00 In 3.00 In N/T 0.0200 s 0.0200 s 0.0200 s N/T 0.0248 s 0.0246 s 0.0236 s n/a 0.0048 s 0.0046 s 0.0036 s Tested Tested Tested Tested Passed Passed Passed Passed n/a 24.00 % 23.00 % 18.00 % State: 4 out of 4 points tested. 4 points passed. 0 points failed. General Assessment: Test passed 40 de 58 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 4.6) ARRANQUE/REPOSICION 87BB-T: Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: OMICRON Ramping 14-dic-2023 15:03:07 KENNEDY HERRERA INGELMEC SA Version: Test End: Manager: 4.31 14-dic-2023 15:03:18 JOSE AGUILA Test Results Assessment Results Name/ Exec. Ramp Condition Sig Nom. Act. Tol.- Tol.+ Dev. Assess Tact Pick-up Ramp 1 TRIP 1 L1 0->1 I(2)-3 4.160 A 4.210 A 200.0 mA 200.0 mA 50.00 mA + 9.000 ms Assess: + .. Passed x .. Failed o .. Not assessed Ramp 1 Ramp 2 Sig 1/A 4.0 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 t/s I(2)-3 TRIP 1 L1 TRIP 1 L2 TRIP 1 L3 TRIP 2 L1 TRIP 2 L2 TRIP 2 L3 TRIP 87B/50BF A 86 TRIP 50BF GEN TRIP 50BF BT Test State: Test passed 41 de 58 t/s INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 4.7) TIEMPOS DE OPERACION 87BB /T: Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: OMICRON Diff Trip Time Characteristic 14-dic-2023 15:03:30 KENNEDY HERRERA INGELMEC SA Version: 4.31 Test End: Manager: 14-dic-2023 15:03:38 JOSE AGUILA Test Results for Fault Type L3-E at Reference Side Lado Subestacion Idiff Ibias Nominal Trip Time Actual Trip Dev (rel) Time Dev (abs) State Result 1.00 In 1.50 In 2.00 In 3.00 In 1.00 In 1.50 In 2.00 In 3.00 In N/T 0.0200 s 0.0200 s 0.0200 s N/T 0.0238 s 0.0236 s 0.0228 s n/a 0.0038 s 0.0036 s 0.0028 s Tested Tested Tested Tested Passed Passed Passed Passed n/a 19.00 % 18.00 % 14.00 % State: 4 out of 4 points tested. 4 points passed. 0 points failed. General Assessment: Test passed 42 de 58 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 4.8) TIEMPOS DE OPERACION 50BF ETAPA 2: Test Settings State State 1 I L1 0.000 A 14.00 A 0.000 A 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz I L2 0.000 A 14.00 A 0.000 A -120.00 ° -120.00 ° -120.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz I L3 0.000 A 14.00 A 0.000 A 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz I(2)-1 0.000 A 14.00 A 0.000 A 0.00 ° 180.00 ° 0.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz I(2)-2 0.000 A 14.00 A 0.000 A -120.00 ° 60.00 ° -120.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz I(2)-3 0.000 A 14.00 A 0.000 A 120.00 ° -60.00 ° 120.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz State 2 State 3 Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: OMICRON State Sequencer 14-dic-2023 15:04:17 KENNEDY HERRERA INGELMEC SA Version: Test End: Manager: 4.31 14-dic-2023 15:04:19 JOSE AGUILA Test Results Time Assessment Ignore before Start Stop 50BFETAPA 1 State 2 State 2 50BFETAPA 2 State 2 State 2 TRIP 110.0 ms 87B/50BF A 86 0>1 TRIP 220.0 ms 50BF GEN 0>1 Name Assess: + .. Passed x .. Failed Tnom Tdev- Tdev+ Tact Tdev 50.00 ms 50.00 ms 140.2 ms 30.20 ms + 50.00 ms 50.00 ms 249.2 ms 29.20 ms + o .. Not assessed 43 de 58 Assess INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 State 1 State 3 State 2 CMC356 I A/A 15 10 5 0 0.10 -5 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.50 0.60 t/s -10 -15 -20 I L1 I L2 I L3 CMC356 I B/A 15 10 5 0 0.10 -5 0.20 0.30 0.40 t/s -10 -15 -20 I(2)-1 I(2)-2 I(2)-3 ARRANQUE 50BF 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 t/s TRIP 1 L1 TRIP 1 L2 TRIP 1 L3 TRIP 2 L1 TRIP 2 L2 TRIP 2 L3 TRIP 87B/50BF A 86 TRIP 50BF GEN TRIP 50BF BT Test State: Test passed 44 de 58 t/s INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 5) INYECCION INICIAL L5038 5.1) ESTABILIDAD 87BB / RST TR1&L5038: Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: OMICRON Diff Configuration 14-dic-2023 15:58:55 KENNEDY HERRERA INGELMEC SA Version: Test End: Manager: 4.31 14-dic-2023 15:59:44 JOSE AGUILA Test Results for Fault Type L1-L2-L3 at Fault Location Lado Subestacion ITest = 0.50 In Phase L1 L2 L3 Imeas_bias 0.000 In 0.000 In 0.000 In 0.994 In 0.990 In 0.996 In ITest = 1.00 In Phase L1 L2 L3 State: Tested Imeas_diff State: Tested Imeas_diff Imeas_bias 0.000 In 0.000 In 0.000 In 1.997 In 1.995 In 1.980 In Result: Passed Result: Passed Test State: Test passed 2 out of 2 points tested. 2 points passed. 0 points failed. 45 de 58 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 46 de 58 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 5.2) ARRANQUE/REPOSICION 87BB-R: Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: OMICRON Ramping 14-dic-2023 16:06:03 KENNEDY HERRERA INGELMEC SA Version: Test End: Manager: 4.31 14-dic-2023 16:06:09 JOSE AGUILA Test Results Assessment Results Name/ Exec. Ramp Condition Sig Nom. Act. Tol.- Tol.+ Dev. Assess Tact Pick-up Ramp 1 TRIP 1 L1 0->1 I(2)-1 1.250 A 1.280 A 200.0 mA 200.0 mA 30.00 mA + 9.600 ms Assess: + .. Passed x .. Failed o .. Not assessed Ramp 1 Ramp 2 Sig 1/A 1.2 1.1 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 t/s I(2)-1 TRIP 1 L1 TRIP 1 L2 TRIP 1 L3 TRIP 2 L1 TRIP 2 L2 TRIP 2 L3 TRIP 87B/50BF A 86 TRIP 50BF DTT Bin. in 9 Test State: Test passed 47 de 58 t/s INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 5.3) TIEMPOS DE OPERACION 87BB /R: Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: OMICRON Diff Trip Time Characteristic 14-dic-2023 16:06:24 KENNEDY HERRERA INGELMEC SA Version: 4.31 Test End: Manager: 14-dic-2023 16:06:32 JOSE AGUILA Test Results for Fault Type L1-E at Reference Side Lado Subestacion Idiff Ibias Nominal Trip Time Actual Trip Dev (rel) Time Dev (abs) State Result 1.00 In 1.50 In 2.00 In 3.00 In 1.00 In 1.50 In 2.00 In 3.00 In N/T 0.0200 s 0.0200 s 0.0200 s N/T 0.0259 s 0.0248 s 0.0244 s n/a 0.0059 s 0.0048 s 0.0044 s Tested Tested Tested Tested Passed Passed Passed Passed n/a 29.50 % 24.00 % 22.00 % State: 4 out of 4 points tested. 4 points passed. 0 points failed. General Assessment: Test passed 48 de 58 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 5.4) ARRANQUE/REPOSICION 87BB-S: Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: OMICRON Ramping 14-dic-2023 16:06:47 KENNEDY HERRERA INGELMEC SA Version: Test End: Manager: 4.31 14-dic-2023 16:06:52 JOSE AGUILA Test Results Assessment Results Name/ Exec. Ramp Condition Sig Nom. Act. Tol.- Tol.+ Dev. Assess Tact Pick-up Ramp 1 TRIP 1 L1 0->1 I(2)-2 1.250 A 1.290 A 200.0 mA 200.0 mA 40.00 mA + 1.100 ms Assess: + .. Passed x .. Failed o .. Not assessed Ramp 1 Ramp 2 Sig 1/A 1.2 1.1 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 t/s I(2)-2 TRIP 1 L1 TRIP 1 L2 TRIP 1 L3 TRIP 2 L1 TRIP 2 L2 TRIP 2 L3 TRIP 87B/50BF A 86 TRIP 50BF DTT Bin. in 9 Test State: Test passed 49 de 58 t/s INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 5.5) TIEMPOS DE OPERACION 87BB /S: Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: OMICRON Diff Trip Time Characteristic 14-dic-2023 16:07:07 KENNEDY HERRERA INGELMEC SA Version: 4.31 Test End: Manager: 14-dic-2023 16:07:15 JOSE AGUILA Test Results for Fault Type L2-E at Reference Side Lado Subestacion Idiff Ibias Nominal Trip Time Actual Trip Dev (rel) Time Dev (abs) State Result 1.00 In 1.50 In 2.00 In 3.00 In 1.00 In 1.50 In 2.00 In 3.00 In N/T 0.0200 s 0.0200 s 0.0200 s N/T 0.0247 s 0.0247 s 0.0239 s n/a 0.0047 s 0.0047 s 0.0039 s Tested Tested Tested Tested Passed Passed Passed Passed n/a 23.50 % 23.50 % 19.50 % State: 4 out of 4 points tested. 4 points passed. 0 points failed. General Assessment: Test passed 50 de 58 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 5.6) ARRANQUE/REPOSICION 87BB-T: Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: OMICRON Ramping 14-dic-2023 16:07:26 KENNEDY HERRERA INGELMEC SA Version: Test End: Manager: 4.31 14-dic-2023 16:07:31 JOSE AGUILA Test Results Assessment Results Name/ Exec. Ramp Condition Sig Nom. Act. Tol.- Tol.+ Dev. Assess Tact Pick-up Ramp 1 TRIP 1 L1 0->1 I(2)-3 1.250 A 1.290 A 200.0 mA 200.0 mA 40.00 mA + 3.600 ms Assess: + .. Passed x .. Failed o .. Not assessed Ramp 1 Ramp 2 Sig 1/A 1.2 1.1 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 t/s I(2)-3 TRIP 1 L1 TRIP 1 L2 TRIP 1 L3 TRIP 2 L1 TRIP 2 L2 TRIP 2 L3 TRIP 87B/50BF A 86 TRIP 50BF DTT Bin. in 9 Test State: Test passed 51 de 58 t/s INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 5.7) TIEMPOS DE OPERACION 87BB /T: Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: OMICRON Diff Trip Time Characteristic 14-dic-2023 16:07:50 KENNEDY HERRERA INGELMEC SA Version: 4.31 Test End: Manager: 14-dic-2023 16:07:59 JOSE AGUILA Test Results for Fault Type L3-E at Reference Side Lado Subestacion Idiff Ibias Nominal Trip Time Actual Trip Dev (rel) Time Dev (abs) State Result 1.00 In 1.50 In 2.00 In 3.00 In 1.00 In 1.50 In 2.00 In 3.00 In N/T 0.0200 s 0.0200 s 0.0200 s N/T 0.0250 s 0.0242 s 0.0228 s n/a 0.0050 s 0.0042 s 0.0028 s Tested Tested Tested Tested Passed Passed Passed Passed n/a 25.00 % 21.00 % 14.00 % State: 4 out of 4 points tested. 4 points passed. 0 points failed. General Assessment: Test passed 52 de 58 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 5.8) TIEMPOS DE OPERACION 50BF ETAPA 2: Test Settings State State 1 I L1 0.000 A 14.00 A 0.000 A 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz I L2 0.000 A 14.00 A 0.000 A -120.00 ° -120.00 ° -120.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz I L3 0.000 A 14.00 A 0.000 A 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz I(2)-1 0.000 A 4.200 A 0.000 A 0.00 ° 180.00 ° 0.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz I(2)-2 0.000 A 4.200 A 0.000 A -120.00 ° 60.00 ° -120.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz I(2)-3 0.000 A 4.200 A 0.000 A 120.00 ° -60.00 ° 120.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz State 2 State 3 Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: OMICRON State Sequencer 14-dic-2023 16:21:02 KENNEDY HERRERA INGELMEC SA Version: Test End: Manager: 4.31 14-dic-2023 16:21:04 JOSE AGUILA Test Results Time Assessment Name 50BFETAPA 1 50BFETAPA 2 Assess: Ignore before Start Stop State 2 State 2 State 2 State 2 TRIP 1 L1 110.0 ms 0>1 TRIP 220.0 ms 50BF2 DTT 0>1 + .. Passed x .. Failed Tnom Tdev- Tdev+ Tact Tdev 50.00 ms 50.00 ms 140.4 ms 30.40 ms + 50.00 ms 50.00 ms 250.0 ms 30.00 ms + o .. Not assessed 53 de 58 Assess INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 State 1 State 3 State 2 CMC356 I A/A 15 10 5 0 0.10 -5 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.40 0.50 0.60 t/s -10 -15 -20 I L1 I L2 I L3 CMC356 I B/A 5 4 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 0.10 I(2)-1 0.20 0.30 I(2)-2 t/s I(2)-3 ARRANQUE 50BF 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 t/s TRIP 1 L1 TRIP 1 L2 TRIP 1 L3 TRIP 2 L1 TRIP 2 L2 TRIP 2 L3 TRIP 50BF2 A 86 TRIP 50BF2 DTT Bin. in 9 Test State: Test passed 54 de 58 t/s INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 6) DISPARO EFECTIVO DE INTERRUPTORES 6.1) DISPARO 87B: Test Settings State State 1 I L1 500.0 mA 4.000 A 0.000 A 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz I L2 500.0 mA 4.000 A 0.000 A -120.00 ° -120.00 ° -120.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz I L3 500.0 mA 4.000 A 0.000 A 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz I(2)-1 150.0 mA 1.200 A 0.000 A 180.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz I(2)-2 150.0 mA 1.200 A 0.000 A 60.00 ° -120.00 ° -120.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz I(2)-3 150.0 mA 1.200 A 0.000 A -60.00 ° 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz State 2 State 3 Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: OMICRON State Sequencer 14-dic-2023 19:28:51 KENNEDY HERRERA INGELMEC SA Version: Test End: Manager: 4.31 14-dic-2023 19:28:55 JOSE AGUILA Test Results Time Assessment Name Ignore before Start Stop Assess: + .. Passed x .. Failed o .. Not assessed Tnom Tdev- Tdev+ Tact Tdev Assess o 55 de 58 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 State 1 State 3 State 2 CMC356 I A/A 5 4 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 0.25 I L1 0.50 0.75 I L2 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 t/s I L3 CMC356 I B/A 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 0.25 -0.5 0.50 0.75 t/s -1.0 -1.5 I(2)-1 I(2)-2 I(2)-3 ARRANQUE 50BF 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 t/s TRIP 1 L1 TRIP 1 L2 TRIP 1 L3 TRIP 2 L1 TRIP 2 L2 TRIP 2 L3 TRIP 50BF2 A 86 TRIP 50BF2 DTT Bin. in 9 Test State: Test passed (manually assessed) 56 de 58 t/s INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 INICIAL 57 de 58 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 DISPARO 58 de 58 -1- B00_F006 14/12/2023 / 07:28:53 p.m..323 B00_F006 File path: C:\USERS\HAMILTON\DESKTOP\DISPARO EFECTIVO.CFG Start time: 14/12/2023 07:28:52 p.m..823 Sample rate: 2000 Hz Value representation:secondary Record type: 09/01/2024 / 04:42:23 p.m. SIGRA 4.61 COMTRADE DISPARO EFECTIVO.CFG -2- B00_F006 14/12/2023 / 07:28:53 p.m..323 Trigger 14/12/2023 07:28:53 p.m..323 K1:TRAFO 1:I A/ A 2.5 0.0 -2.5 -5.0 -0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 -0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 -0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 -0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 -0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 -0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 -0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 -0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 -0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 -0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 -0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 -0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 t/s K1:TRAFO 1:I B/ A 2.5 0.0 -2.5 -5.0 t/s K1:TRAFO 1:I C/ A 2.5 0.0 -2.5 -5.0 t/s K1:TRAFO 1:IN/mA 5 0 -5 -10 t/s K2:TRAFO 2:I A/mA 1 0 -1 -2 -3 t/s K2:TRAFO 2:I B/mA 0 -2 -4 09/01/2024 / 04:42:23 p.m. SIGRA 4.61 t/s DISPARO EFECTIVO.CFG -3- B00_F006 14/12/2023 / 07:28:53 p.m..323 K2:TRAFO 2:I C/mA 0 -1 -2 -0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 -0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 -0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 -0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 -0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 -0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 -0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 -0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 -0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 -0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 -0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 -0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 -0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 -0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 t/s K2:TRAFO 2:IN/mA 1 0 -1 -2 -3 t/s K3:LINEA 5038:I A/ A 1.0 0.0 -1.0 t/s K3:LINEA 5038:I B/ A 0.0 -1.0 t/s K3:LINEA 5038:I C/ A 0.0 -1.0 t/s K3:LINEA 5038:IN/mA 2.5 0.0 -2.5 -5.0 t/s K4:TRAFO 3:I A/mA 0 -1 -2 09/01/2024 / 04:42:23 p.m. SIGRA 4.61 t/s DISPARO EFECTIVO.CFG -4- B00_F006 14/12/2023 / 07:28:53 p.m..323 K4:TRAFO 3:I B/mA 1.0 0.0 -1.0 -0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 -0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 -0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 -0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 -0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 -0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 -0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 -0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 -0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 -0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 -0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 -0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 -0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 -0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 t/s K4:TRAFO 3:I C/mA 1 0 -1 -2 t/s K4:TRAFO 3:IN/mA 0 -1 -2 t/s K5:TRAFO 4:I A/mA 0 -2 -4 t/s K5:TRAFO 4:I B/mA 5.0 2.5 0.0 -2.5 t/s K5:TRAFO 4:I C/mA 2 1 0 -1 t/s K5:TRAFO 4:IN/mA 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 09/01/2024 / 04:42:23 p.m. SIGRA 4.61 t/s DISPARO EFECTIVO.CFG -5- B00_F006 14/12/2023 / 07:28:53 p.m..323 Check zone:Id A/ I/IrObj 2 1 0 -0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 -0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 -0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 -0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 -0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 -0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 -0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 -0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 -0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 -0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 -0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 -0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 -0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 -0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 t/s Check zone:Ir A/ I/IrObj 0.10 0.05 0.00 t/s Check zone:Id B/ I/IrObj 2 1 0 t/s Check zone:Ir B/ I/IrObj 0.10 0.05 0.00 t/s Check zone:Id C/ I/IrObj 2 1 0 t/s Check zone:Ir C/ I/IrObj 0.10 0.05 0.00 t/s K1:Check zone:Id_f A/ I/IrObj 1.0 0.0 09/01/2024 / 04:42:23 p.m. SIGRA 4.61 t/s DISPARO EFECTIVO.CFG -6- B00_F006 14/12/2023 / 07:28:53 p.m..323 K1:Check zone:Ir_f A/ I/IrObj 0.075 0.050 0.025 0.000 -0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 -0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 -0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 -0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 -0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 -0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 -0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 -0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 -0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 -0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 -0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 -0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 -0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 -0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 t/s K1:Check zone:Id_f B/ I/IrObj 1.0 0.0 t/s K1:Check zone:Ir_f B/ I/IrObj 0.075 0.050 0.025 0.000 t/s K1:Check zone:Id_f C/ I/IrObj 1.0 0.0 t/s K1:Check zone:Ir_f C/ I/IrObj 0.075 0.050 0.025 0.000 t/s BB1:Id A/ I/IrObj 2 1 0 t/s BB1:Ir A/ I/IrObj 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 09/01/2024 / 04:42:23 p.m. SIGRA 4.61 t/s DISPARO EFECTIVO.CFG -7- B00_F006 14/12/2023 / 07:28:53 p.m..323 BB1:Id B/ I/IrObj 2 1 0 -0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 -0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 -0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 -0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 -0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 -0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 -0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 -0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 -0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 -0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 -0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 -0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 -0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 -0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 t/s BB1:Ir B/ I/IrObj 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 t/s BB1:Id C/ I/IrObj 2 1 0 t/s BB1:Ir C/ I/IrObj 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 t/s K1:BB1:Id_f A/ I/IrObj 1.0 0.0 t/s K1:BB1:Ir_f A/ I/IrObj 1.0 0.5 0.0 t/s K1:BB1:Id_f B/ I/IrObj 1.0 0.0 09/01/2024 / 04:42:24 p.m. SIGRA 4.61 t/s DISPARO EFECTIVO.CFG -8- B00_F006 14/12/2023 / 07:28:53 p.m..323 K1:BB1:Ir_f B/ I/IrObj 1.0 0.5 0.0 -0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 -0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 -0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 -0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 -0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 -0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 t/s K1:BB1:Id_f C/ I/IrObj 1.0 0.0 t/s K1:BB1:Ir_f C/ I/IrObj 1.0 0.5 0.0 09/01/2024 / 04:42:24 p.m. SIGRA 4.61 t/s DISPARO EFECTIVO.CFG -9- B00_F006 14/12/2023 / 07:28:53 p.m..323 TRAFO4:QA:50BF CB fail.1 :>Start TRAFO4:QA:50BF CB fail.1 :>Release TRAFO4:QA:50BF CB fail.1 :Pickup:general TRAFO4:QA:50BF CB fail.1 :Retrip T1:general TRAFO4:QA:50BF CB fail.1 :Trip T2:general TRAFO4:QA:Circuit break. :Trip/open cmd. TRAFO4:QA:Circuit break. :Position:closed TRAFO4:QA:50BF Inherent :Pickup:general TRAFO4:QA:50BF Inherent :Trip T2:general TRAFO3:QA:50BF CB fail.1 :>Start TRAFO3:QA:50BF CB fail.1 :>Release TRAFO3:QA:50BF CB fail.1 :Pickup:general TRAFO3:QA:50BF CB fail.1 :Retrip T1:general TRAFO3:QA:50BF CB fail.1 :Trip T2:general -0.4 09/01/2024 / 04:42:24 p.m. SIGRA 4.61 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 -0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 t/s DISPARO EFECTIVO.CFG - 10 - B00_F006 14/12/2023 / 07:28:53 p.m..323 TRAFO3:QA:Circuit break. :Trip/open cmd. TRAFO3:QA:Circuit break. :Position:closed TRAFO3:QA:50BF Inherent :Pickup:general TRAFO3:QA:50BF Inherent :Trip T2:general LINEA 5038:QA:50EF 1/3pole :Pickup:general LINEA 5038:QA:50EF 1/3pole :Operate:general LINEA 5038:QA:50BF CB fail.1 :>Start 3-pole LINEA 5038:QA:50BF CB fail.1 :>Start pole A LINEA 5038:QA:50BF CB fail.1 :>Start pole B LINEA 5038:QA:50BF CB fail.1 :>Start pole C LINEA 5038:QA:50BF CB fail.1 :>Release 3-pole LINEA 5038:QA:50BF CB fail.1 :Pickup:general LINEA 5038:QA:50BF CB fail.1 :Pickup:phs A LINEA 5038:QA:50BF CB fail.1 :Pickup:phs B -0.4 09/01/2024 / 04:42:24 p.m. SIGRA 4.61 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 -0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 t/s DISPARO EFECTIVO.CFG - 11 - B00_F006 14/12/2023 / 07:28:53 p.m..323 LINEA 5038:QA:50BF CB fail.1 :Pickup:phs C LINEA 5038:QA:50BF CB fail.1 :Retrip T1:general LINEA 5038:QA:50BF CB fail.1 :Retrip T1:phs A LINEA 5038:QA:50BF CB fail.1 :Retrip T1:phs B LINEA 5038:QA:50BF CB fail.1 :Retrip T1:phs C LINEA 5038:QA:50BF CB fail.1 :Trip T2:general LINEA 5038:QA:Circuit break. :Trip/open cmd. 3-pole LINEA 5038:QA:Circuit break. :Position 3-pole:closed LINEA 5038:QA:50BF Inherent :Pickup:general LINEA 5038:QA:50BF Inherent :Trip T2:general TRAFO2:QA:50EF EFP 3pole :Pickup:general TRAFO2:QA:50EF EFP 3pole :Operate:general TRAFO2:QA:50BF CB fail.1 :>Start TRAFO2:QA:50BF CB fail.1 :>Release -0.4 09/01/2024 / 04:42:24 p.m. SIGRA 4.61 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 -0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 t/s DISPARO EFECTIVO.CFG Protocolo de Pruebas Relés de Protección A3.3) AJUSTES DEL RELE (Software DISGI 5) SE PUERTO BRAVO_V17 Totally Integrated Automation Portal Table of contents B00_F006 3-1 Device information 4-1 Hardware and protocols 5-1 Measuring-points routing 6-1 Function-group connections 7-1 Information routing 8-1 Settings 9-1 PROCESS_MODE_INACTIVE 10 - 1 Sinc_Tiempo 11 - 1 Display pages Fault-display configuration Safety and security 12 - 1 13 - 1 Totally Integrated Automation Portal B00_F006 B00_F006 Author: kherrera Creation time: 12/14/2023 15:33:48 Last modified time: 01/09/2024 20:50:57 Modified by: kherrera Totally Integrated Automation Portal B00_F006 Device information Device details Name Name IEC 61850 name IEC 61850 Edition Type Serial number Configuration version Communication configuration version Product code Short product code CPU type Value B00_F006 SIP5 IEC 61850 Edition 1 7SS85 BM1501001872 V06.20.03 V06.20.00 7SS85-DAAA-AA0-0AAAA0-ALA111-23111B-BAA000-000AA0-CC1BA1-CC1CA1-CE0CE0 P1E82712 CP200 Condensed information about configured protection functions. BE1 Name No protection functions were found. Value BE2 Name No protection functions were found. Value BE3 Name No protection functions were found. Value BE4 Name No protection functions were found. Value BE5 Name No protection functions were found. Value Function points Name Function-points consumption Value 160 out of 175 Function-chart (CFC) statistics Name Ticks for task High priority Event-Triggered Ticks for task Event-Triggered Ticks for task Low priority Event-Triggered and Low priority Cyclic-Triggered Value 0 out of 500 251 out of 9884 0 out of 93158 Totally Integrated Automation Portal B00_F006 Hardware and protocols Binary input Binary input 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 2.1 2.2 2.3 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9 5.10 5.11 5.12 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8 6.9 6.10 6.11 6.12 Binary output Binary output 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 2.1 2.2 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9 5.10 5.11 5.12 5.13 5.14 5.15 Terminals 1D11-1D9 1D12-1D10 1D11-1D13 1D12-1D14 2B11-2B12 2B11-2B14 2B11-2B13 3D11-3D9 3D12-3D10 3D11-3D13 3D12-3D14 4C13-4D1 4C14-4D2 4D3-4D5 4D4-4D6 4D7-4D9 4D8-4D10 4D11-4D13 4D12-4D14 5A1-5A3 5A2-5A4 5A5-5A7 5A6-5A8 5A9-5A11 5A10-5A12 5A13-5B1 5A14-5B2 5B3-5B5 5B4-5B6 5B7-5B9 5B8-5B10 6A1-6A3 6A2-6A4 6A5-6A7 6A6-6A8 6A9-6A11 6A10-6A12 6A13-6B1 6A14-6B2 6B3-6B5 6B4-6B6 6B7-6B9 6B8-6B10 Terminals 1D1-1D2 1D3-1D4 1D5-1D6 1D7-1D8 2B3-2B4 2B5-2B6-2B8 3D1-3D2 3D3-3D4 3D5-3D6 3D7-3D8 4B9-4B10 4B11-4B12 4B14-4B13 4C2-4C1 4C3-4C4-4C6 4C7-4C8-4C10 5B11-5B12 5B13-5B14 5C1-5C2 5C3-5C4 5C5-5C6 5C7-5C8 5C9-5C10 5C11-5C12 5C13-5C14 5D1-5D2 5D3-5D4 5D5-5D6 5D7-5D8 5D9-5D10 5D11-5D12 Module Base module Base module Base module Base module Base module Base module Base module Expansion module 3 Expansion module 3 Expansion module 3 Expansion module 3 Expansion module 4 Expansion module 4 Expansion module 4 Expansion module 4 Expansion module 4 Expansion module 4 Expansion module 4 Expansion module 4 Expansion module 5 Expansion module 5 Expansion module 5 Expansion module 5 Expansion module 5 Expansion module 5 Expansion module 5 Expansion module 5 Expansion module 5 Expansion module 5 Expansion module 5 Expansion module 5 Expansion module 6 Expansion module 6 Expansion module 6 Expansion module 6 Expansion module 6 Expansion module 6 Expansion module 6 Expansion module 6 Expansion module 6 Expansion module 6 Expansion module 6 Expansion module 6 User label BI 1.1 BI 1.2 BI 1.3 BI 1.4 BI 2.1 BI 2.2 BI 2.3 BI 3.1 BI 3.2 BI 3.3 BI 3.4 BI 4.1 BI 4.2 BI 4.3 BI 4.4 BI 4.5 BI 4.6 BI 4.7 BI 4.8 BI 5.1 BI 5.2 BI 5.3 BI 5.4 BI 5.5 BI 5.6 BI 5.7 BI 5.8 BI 5.9 BI 5.10 BI 5.11 BI 5.12 BI 6.1 BI 6.2 BI 6.3 BI 6.4 BI 6.5 BI 6.6 BI 6.7 BI 6.8 BI 6.9 BI 6.10 BI 6.11 BI 6.12 Module Base module Base module Base module Base module Base module Base module Expansion module 3 Expansion module 3 Expansion module 3 Expansion module 3 Expansion module 4 Expansion module 4 Expansion module 4 Expansion module 4 Expansion module 4 Expansion module 4 Expansion module 5 Expansion module 5 Expansion module 5 Expansion module 5 Expansion module 5 Expansion module 5 Expansion module 5 Expansion module 5 Expansion module 5 Expansion module 5 Expansion module 5 Expansion module 5 Expansion module 5 Expansion module 5 Expansion module 5 Threshold value Low: 44 V, High: 88 V Low: 44 V, High: 88 V Low: 44 V, High: 88 V Low: 44 V, High: 88 V Low: 44 V, High: 88 V Low: 44 V, High: 88 V Low: 44 V, High: 88 V Low: 44 V, High: 88 V Low: 44 V, High: 88 V Low: 44 V, High: 88 V Low: 44 V, High: 88 V Low: 44 V, High: 88 V Low: 44 V, High: 88 V Low: 44 V, High: 88 V Low: 44 V, High: 88 V Low: 44 V, High: 88 V Low: 44 V, High: 88 V Low: 44 V, High: 88 V Low: 44 V, High: 88 V Low: 44 V, High: 88 V Low: 44 V, High: 88 V Low: 44 V, High: 88 V Low: 44 V, High: 88 V Low: 44 V, High: 88 V Low: 44 V, High: 88 V Low: 44 V, High: 88 V Low: 44 V, High: 88 V Low: 44 V, High: 88 V Low: 44 V, High: 88 V Low: 44 V, High: 88 V Low: 44 V, High: 88 V Low: 44 V, High: 88 V Low: 44 V, High: 88 V Low: 44 V, High: 88 V Low: 44 V, High: 88 V Low: 44 V, High: 88 V Low: 44 V, High: 88 V Low: 44 V, High: 88 V Low: 44 V, High: 88 V Low: 44 V, High: 88 V Low: 44 V, High: 88 V Low: 44 V, High: 88 V Low: 44 V, High: 88 V User label BO-F make 1.1 BO-F make 1.2 BO-F make 1.3 BO-F make 1.4 BO make 2.1 BO change-over 2.2 BO-F make 3.1 BO-F make 3.2 BO-F make 3.3 BO-F make 3.4 BO-F make 4.1 BO-F make 4.2 BO-F make 4.3 BO-F make 4.4 BO-F change-over 4.5 BO-F change-over 4.6 BO make 5.1 BO make 5.2 BO make 5.3 BO make 5.4 BO make 5.5 BO make 5.6 BO make 5.7 BO make 5.8 BO make 5.9 BO make 5.10 BO make 5.11 BO make 5.12 BO make 5.13 BO make 5.14 BO make 5.15 Totally Integrated Automation Portal Binary output 5.16 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8 6.9 6.10 6.11 6.12 6.13 6.14 6.15 6.16 Terminals 5D13-5D14 6B11-6B12 6B13-6B14 6C1-6C2 6C3-6C4 6C5-6C6 6C7-6C8 6C9-6C10 6C11-6C12 6C13-6C14 6D1-6D2 6D3-6D4 6D5-6D6 6D7-6D8 6D9-6D10 6D11-6D12 6D13-6D14 Module Expansion module 5 Expansion module 6 Expansion module 6 Expansion module 6 Expansion module 6 Expansion module 6 Expansion module 6 Expansion module 6 Expansion module 6 Expansion module 6 Expansion module 6 Expansion module 6 Expansion module 6 Expansion module 6 Expansion module 6 Expansion module 6 Expansion module 6 User label BO make 5.16 BO make 6.1 BO make 6.2 BO make 6.3 BO make 6.4 BO make 6.5 BO make 6.6 BO make 6.7 BO make 6.8 BO make 6.9 BO make 6.10 BO make 6.11 BO make 6.12 BO make 6.13 BO make 6.14 BO make 6.15 BO make 6.16 Current transformers Current transformer 1A1 1A2 1A3 1A4 1B1 1B2 1B3 1B4 3A1 3A2 3A3 3A4 3B1 3B2 3B3 3B4 4A1 4A2 4A3 4A4 Terminals 1A1-1A2 1A3-1A4 1A5-1A6 1A7-1A8 1B1-1B2 1B3-1B4 1B5-1B6 1B7-1B8 3A1-3A2 3A3-3A4 3A5-3A6 3A7-3A8 3B1-3B2 3B3-3B4 3B5-3B6 3B7-3B8 4A1-4A2 4A3-4A4 4A5-4A6 4A7-4A8 Module Base module Base module Base module Base module Base module Base module Base module Base module Expansion module 3 Expansion module 3 Expansion module 3 Expansion module 3 Expansion module 3 Expansion module 3 Expansion module 3 Expansion module 3 Expansion module 4 Expansion module 4 Expansion module 4 Expansion module 4 User label I P 1A1 I P 1A2 I P 1A3 I P 1A4 I P 1B1 I P 1B2 I P 1B3 I P 1B4 I P 3A1 I P 3A2 I P 3A3 I P 3A4 I P 3B1 I P 3B2 I P 3B3 I P 3B4 I P 4A1 I P 4A2 I P 4A3 I P 4A4 Function keys Function key 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Module Base module Base module Base module Base module Base module Base module Base module Base module User label LEDs LED 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 1.15 1.16 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.10 3.11 Module Base module Base module Base module Base module Base module Base module Base module Base module Base module Base module Base module Base module Base module Base module Base module Base module Expansion module 3 Expansion module 3 Expansion module 3 Expansion module 3 Expansion module 3 Expansion module 3 Expansion module 3 Expansion module 3 Expansion module 3 Expansion module 3 Expansion module 3 User label Operate general Operate phs A Operate phs B Operate phs C Retrip T1 general Trip T2 general, Trip T... Operate general Retrip T1 general Trip T2 general, Trip T... Operate general Retrip T1 general Trip T2 general, Trip T... Operate general Retrip T1 general Trip T2 general, Trip T... Retrip T1 general Trip T2 general, Trip T... Process mode inactive Out of service Out of service Out of service Out of service Out of service Totally Integrated Automation Portal LED 3.12 3.13 3.14 3.15 3.16 Module Expansion module 3 Expansion module 3 Expansion module 3 Expansion module 3 Expansion module 3 User label Fail. meas.-val. sup. Sw. fault alarm Sw. gear op. prohibited Alarm general Module Onboard Ethernet ETH-BB-2FO Protocol info Ethernet-interface settings: DCP Channel 1: DCP,SNTP,IEC 61850-8-1,Homepage,SNMP,RSTP Ethernet configurations Interfaces Slot J E IP Interface 1 (J\Onboard Ethernet\Channel 1): IP Interface 1 Number Settings 101.1031.0.101 IP address 101.1031.0.102 Subnet mask 101.1031.0.103 Default Gateway IP Addr 101.1031.0.104 Configuration mode 101.1031.0.105 DCP enabled Value static on IP Interface 1 (E\ETH-BB-2FO\Channel 1): IP Interface 1 Number 102.1031.0.101 102.1031.0.102 102.1031.0.103 102.1031.0.104 102.1031.0.105 Settings IP address Subnet mask Default Gateway IP Addr Configuration mode DCP enabled Value static on SNTP (E\ETH-BB-2FO\Channel 1): SNTP Number 102.1031.0.103 102.1031.0.104 102.1031.0.105 102.1031.0.106 Settings Time source 1 Time source 2 Time interval Start time Value 15 s 20 s Homepage (E\ETH-BB-2FO\Channel 1): Homepage Number 102.1031.0.104 Settings Homepage Mode Value on SNMP (E\ETH-BB-2FO\Channel 1): SNMP Number 102.1031.0.105 Settings UDP Port for SNMP agent Value 161 RSTP (E\ETH-BB-2FO\Channel 1): RSTP Number 102.1031.0.103 102.1031.0.107 102.1031.0.119 102.1031.0.104 102.1031.0.105 102.1031.0.110 102.1031.0.114 102.1031.0.109 102.1031.0.113 102.1031.0.111 102.1031.0.115 102.1031.0.106 Settings Bridge hello time Bridge priority Bridge identifier Bridge max. age time Bridge forward delay Port priority port 1 Port priority port 2 Auto edge port 1 Auto edge port 2 Port path cost port 1 Port path cost port 2 Transmit hold count Value 2s 32768 2048 40 s 21 s 128 128 off off 200000 200000 10 Totally Integrated Automation Portal B00_F006 Measuring-points routing Current-measuring points Measuring point TRAFO 1 Connection type 3-phase + IN TRAFO 2 3-phase + IN LINEA 5038 3-phase + IN TRAFO 3 3-phase + IN TRAFO 4 3-phase + IN Terminals I A: 1A1-1A2 I B: 1A3-1A4 I C: 1A5-1A6 IN: 1A7-1A8 I A: 1B1-1B2 I B: 1B3-1B4 I C: 1B5-1B6 IN: 1B7-1B8 I A: 3A1-3A2 I B: 3A3-3A4 I C: 3A5-3A6 IN: 3A7-3A8 I A: 3B1-3B2 I B: 3B3-3B4 I C: 3B5-3B6 IN: 3B7-3B8 I A: 4A1-4A2 I B: 4A3-4A4 I C: 4A5-4A6 IN: 4A7-4A8 Totally Integrated Automation Portal B00_F006 Function-group connections Measuring point to function-group connections Measuring point TRAFO 1[ID 1] TRAFO 1[ID 1] TRAFO 2[ID 2] TRAFO 2[ID 2] LINEA 5038[ID 3] LINEA 5038[ID 3] TRAFO 3[ID 4] TRAFO 3[ID 4] TRAFO 4[ID 5] TRAFO 4[ID 5] Measuring point TRAFO1:QA:I 3ph TRAFO1:BE1:I 3ph TRAFO2:QA:I 3ph TRAFO2:BE2:I 3ph LINEA 5038:QA:I 3ph LINEA 5038:BE3:I 3ph TRAFO3:QA:I 3ph TRAFO3:BE4:I 3ph TRAFO4:QA:I 3ph TRAFO4:BE5:I 3ph Function group to circuit-breaker group connections Protection group TRAFO1:BE1 TRAFO2:BE2 LINEA 5038:BE3 TRAFO3:BE4 TRAFO4:BE5 Circuit-breaker group(s) TRAFO1:QA TRAFO2:QA LINEA 5038:QA TRAFO3:QA TRAFO4:QA Totally Integrated Automation Portal B00_F006 Information routing Legend Abbreviation BI FK BO D L FR TRAFO1 Number Description Binary input Function keys Binary output Display Logs Fault recorder Group Signal Type Source BI FK CFC Destination BO LED FR L O O O O O O O O O O O O 101.12181.501 General General 101.12181.52 General 101.12181.53 General 101.12181.54 101.12181.301 General 101.12181.302 General 101.12181.303 General 101.12181.310 General 101.12181.311 General 101.12181.312 General 101.12181.305 General 101.201.4261.50 QA\Circuit break. 0 101.201.4261.50 QA\Circuit break. 1 101.201.4261.50 QA\Circuit break. 2 101.201.4261.50 QA\Circuit break. 3 QA\Circuit break. 101.201.4261.53 QA\Circuit break. 101.201.4261.30 QA\Circuit break. 0 >Out of service Behavior Health Inactive Out of service Out of service by cmd Out of service by BI Sw. gear op. prohibited Sw. aux. volt. failure Sw. fault alarm Out of service cmd >Ready SPS ENS ENS SPS SPS SPS SPS SPS SPS SPS SPC SPS >Acquisition blocking SPS O >Reset switch statist. SPS O External health ENS O Cierre Manual Health Trip/open cmd. SPS ENS SPS 101.201.4261.30 QA\Circuit break. 1 101.201.4261.30 QA\Circuit break. 3 101.201.4261.31 QA\Circuit break. 1 101.201.4261.31 QA\Circuit break. 2 101.201.4261.31 QA\Circuit break. 3 101.201.4261.58 QA\Circuit break. Close command SPS O,F Definitive trip SPS F Break.-current phs A MV F Break.-current phs B MV F Break.-current phs C MV F Position DPC QA\Circuit break. Position\closed >Block function SPS SPS >Thresh. ground curr. SPS >CB defect SPS Pickup ACD Pickup\general Trip T2 SPS ACT U4.1 U2.1,U2 L1.6 .2,U3.4 101.201.12511.8 QA\50BF Inherent 2 101.201.12511.5 QA\50BF Inherent 00 101.201.12511.5 QA\50BF Inherent 03 101.201.12511.5 QA\50BF Inherent 5 QA\50BF Inherent 101.201.12511.3 QA\50BF Inherent 06 QA\50BF Inherent 101.201.12511.5 QA\50BF Inherent 4 101.201.12511.5 QA\50BF Inherent 2 101.201.12511.5 QA\50BF Inherent 3 101.201.12961.5 QA\Supervision 3 101.201.12961.3 QA\Supervision 01 101.201.12961.3 QA\Supervision 02 101.201.12961.3 QA\Supervision 03 101.201.4201.53 QA\Control U3.5 L1.2 CFC D H1.4 U1.3,U1 .4,U3.1, U3.2,U3 .3,U3.4, U1.2 R(X) CH1.1, OH1.3 O O,F O R(X) O O H1.2 O F R(X) F Trip T2\general SPS Inactive SPS R(X) O Behavior ENS O Health ENS O Health ENS O CB runtime exceeded SPS O CB disturbance SPS O Pos. at operate time DPS F Health ENS O X Totally Integrated Automation Portal Number Group Signal Type Source BI FK Destination BO LED Cmd. with feedback Health Health Test execution DPC ENS ENS ENS L O O O O Trip command issued ENS O Close command issued ENS O Test canceled ENS O >Block function >Thresh. ground curr. SPS SPS O O >Start SPS H2.1 R(X) O >Release SPS H2.2 R(X) O >CB defect SPS H1.2 Fail. BI 'start' SPS O Fail. BI 'release' SPS O BI start routing miss. SPS O BI aux.ct. rout. miss. SPS O Pickup Pickup\general Retrip T1 ACD SPS ACT Retrip T1\general SPS 101.201.4381.30 QA\50BF CB fail.1 6 QA\50BF CB fail.1 Trip T2 ACT Trip T2\general SPS 101.201.4381.30 QA\50BF CB fail.1 7 101.201.4381.54 QA\50BF CB fail.1 101.201.4381.52 QA\50BF CB fail.1 101.201.4381.53 QA\50BF CB fail.1 101.201.12361.8 QA\50EF 3pole 2 101.201.12361.5 QA\50EF 3pole 5 QA\50EF 3pole 101.201.12361.3 QA\50EF 3pole 04 QA\50EF 3pole Fail. no BI release SPS O Inactive Behavior Health >Block function SPS ENS ENS SPS O O O O Pickup ACD F Pickup\general Operate SPS ACT U4.1 Operate\general SPS U2.1,U2 L1.7 .2 Inactive SPS O Behavior ENS O Health ENS O Behavior ENS O Health ENS O Inactive SPS O Iph:A Iph:B Iph:C Iph:res CMV CMV CMV CMV Signal Type 101.201.4201.58 QA\Control 101.201.4231.53 QA\Interlocking 101.201.6151.53 QA\CB test 101.201.6151.30 QA\CB test 1 101.201.6151.30 QA\CB test 2 101.201.6151.30 QA\CB test 3 101.201.6151.30 QA\CB test 4 101.201.4381.82 QA\50BF CB fail.1 101.201.4381.50 QA\50BF CB fail.1 0 101.201.4381.50 QA\50BF CB fail.1 1 101.201.4381.50 QA\50BF CB fail.1 2 101.201.4381.50 QA\50BF CB fail.1 3 101.201.4381.30 QA\50BF CB fail.1 0 101.201.4381.30 QA\50BF CB fail.1 1 101.201.4381.30 QA\50BF CB fail.1 2 101.201.4381.30 QA\50BF CB fail.1 4 101.201.4381.55 QA\50BF CB fail.1 QA\50BF CB fail.1 101.201.4381.30 QA\50BF CB fail.1 5 QA\50BF CB fail.1 101.201.12361.5 QA\50EF 3pole 4 101.201.12361.5 QA\50EF 3pole 2 101.201.12361.5 QA\50EF 3pole 3 101.1031.12301. BE1\General 52 101.1031.12301. BE1\General 53 101.1031.12301. BE1\General 54 Operat. values bay\RMS 300.0 Operat. values bay\RMS 300.0 Operat. values bay\RMS 300.0 Operat. values bay\RMS 300.0 TRAFO2 Number 102.12181.501 102.12181.52 102.12181.53 102.12181.54 102.12181.301 102.12181.302 102.12181.303 102.12181.310 Group General General General General General General General General >Out of service Behavior Health Inactive Out of service Out of service by cmd Out of service by BI Sw. gear op. prohibited SPS ENS ENS SPS SPS SPS SPS SPS CFC FR CFC D O F U4.1 R(X) F U3.4,U1 L1.5 .2,U1.3, U1.4,U3 .1,U3.2, U3.3 R(X) F U2.1,U2 L1.6 .2,U3.4 R(X) R(X) F R(X) X X X X Source BI FK CFC Destination BO LED U3.6 FR L O O O O O O O O CFC D Totally Integrated Automation Portal Number Group Signal Type Source BI FK CFC Destination BO LED FR L O O O O 102.12181.311 General 102.12181.312 General 102.12181.305 General 102.201.4261.50 QA\Circuit break. 0 102.201.4261.50 QA\Circuit break. 1 102.201.4261.50 QA\Circuit break. 2 102.201.4261.50 QA\Circuit break. 3 QA\Circuit break. 102.201.4261.53 QA\Circuit break. 102.201.4261.30 QA\Circuit break. 0 Sw. aux. volt. failure Sw. fault alarm Out of service cmd >Ready SPS SPS SPC SPS >Acquisition blocking SPS O >Reset switch statist. SPS O External health ENS O Cierre Manual Health Trip/open cmd. SPS ENS SPS 102.201.4261.30 QA\Circuit break. 1 102.201.4261.30 QA\Circuit break. 3 102.201.4261.31 QA\Circuit break. 1 102.201.4261.31 QA\Circuit break. 2 102.201.4261.31 QA\Circuit break. 3 102.201.4261.58 QA\Circuit break. Close command SPS O,F Definitive trip SPS F Break.-current phs A MV F Break.-current phs B MV F Break.-current phs C MV F Position DPC QA\Circuit break. Position\closed >Block function SPS SPS >Thresh. ground curr. SPS >CB defect SPS Pickup ACD Pickup\general Trip T2 SPS ACT U4.1 Trip T2\general SPS U4.5,U4 L1.9 .6,U5.4 Inactive SPS O Behavior ENS O Health ENS O Health ENS O CB runtime exceeded SPS O CB disturbance SPS O Pos. at operate time DPS F Health Cmd. with feedback Health Health Test execution ENS DPC ENS ENS ENS O O O O O Trip command issued ENS O Close command issued ENS O Test canceled ENS O >Block function >Thresh. ground curr. SPS SPS O O >Start SPS H4.1 R(X) O >Release SPS H4.2 R(X) O >CB defect SPS H3.2 Fail. BI 'start' SPS O Fail. BI 'release' SPS O BI start routing miss. SPS O 102.201.12511.8 QA\50BF Inherent 2 102.201.12511.5 QA\50BF Inherent 00 102.201.12511.5 QA\50BF Inherent 03 102.201.12511.5 QA\50BF Inherent 5 QA\50BF Inherent 102.201.12511.3 QA\50BF Inherent 06 QA\50BF Inherent 102.201.12511.5 QA\50BF Inherent 4 102.201.12511.5 QA\50BF Inherent 2 102.201.12511.5 QA\50BF Inherent 3 102.201.12961.5 QA\Supervision 3 102.201.12961.3 QA\Supervision 01 102.201.12961.3 QA\Supervision 02 102.201.12961.3 QA\Supervision 03 102.201.4201.53 QA\Control 102.201.4201.58 QA\Control 102.201.4231.53 QA\Interlocking 102.201.6151.53 QA\CB test 102.201.6151.30 QA\CB test 1 102.201.6151.30 QA\CB test 2 102.201.6151.30 QA\CB test 3 102.201.6151.30 QA\CB test 4 102.201.4381.82 QA\50BF CB fail.1 102.201.4381.50 QA\50BF CB fail.1 0 102.201.4381.50 QA\50BF CB fail.1 1 102.201.4381.50 QA\50BF CB fail.1 2 102.201.4381.50 QA\50BF CB fail.1 3 102.201.4381.30 QA\50BF CB fail.1 0 102.201.4381.30 QA\50BF CB fail.1 1 102.201.4381.30 QA\50BF CB fail.1 2 L3.2 CFC D H3.4 U4.2,U4 .3,U4.4, U5.1,U5 .2,U5.3, U5.4 R(X) CH3.1, OH3.3 O O,F O R(X) O O H3.2 O F R(X) F R(X) O X Totally Integrated Automation Portal Number Group Signal Type Source BI FK CFC Destination BO LED FR L O 102.201.4381.30 QA\50BF CB fail.1 4 102.201.4381.55 QA\50BF CB fail.1 QA\50BF CB fail.1 102.201.4381.30 QA\50BF CB fail.1 5 QA\50BF CB fail.1 BI aux.ct. rout. miss. SPS Pickup Pickup\general Retrip T1 ACD SPS ACT Retrip T1\general SPS 102.201.4381.30 QA\50BF CB fail.1 6 QA\50BF CB fail.1 Trip T2 ACT Trip T2\general SPS 102.201.4381.30 QA\50BF CB fail.1 7 102.201.4381.54 QA\50BF CB fail.1 102.201.4381.52 QA\50BF CB fail.1 102.201.4381.53 QA\50BF CB fail.1 102.201.12361.8 QA\50EF 3pole 2 102.201.12361.5 QA\50EF 3pole 5 QA\50EF 3pole 102.201.12361.3 QA\50EF 3pole 04 QA\50EF 3pole Fail. no BI release SPS O Inactive Behavior Health >Block function SPS ENS ENS SPS O O O O Pickup ACD F Pickup\general Operate SPS ACT U4.1 Operate\general SPS U4.5,U4 L1.10 .6 Inactive SPS O Behavior ENS O Health ENS O Behavior ENS O Health ENS O Inactive SPS O Iph:A Iph:B Iph:C Iph:res CMV CMV CMV CMV Signal Type 102.201.12361.5 QA\50EF 3pole 4 102.201.12361.5 QA\50EF 3pole 2 102.201.12361.5 QA\50EF 3pole 3 102.1031.12301. BE2\General 52 102.1031.12301. BE2\General 53 102.1031.12301. BE2\General 54 Operat. values bay\RMS 300.0 Operat. values bay\RMS 300.0 Operat. values bay\RMS 300.0 Operat. values bay\RMS 300.0 LINEA 5038 Number Group CFC D F U4.1 F U5.4,U4 L1.8 .2,U4.3, U4.4,U5 .1,U5.2, U5.3 R(X) F U5.4,U4 L1.9 .5,U4.6 R(X) R(X) F R(X) X X X X Source BI FK CFC Destination BO LED FR L O O O O O O O O O O O O 103.12181.501 General General 103.12181.52 General 103.12181.53 General 103.12181.54 103.12181.301 General 103.12181.302 General 103.12181.303 General 103.12181.310 General 103.12181.311 General 103.12181.312 General 103.12181.305 General 103.301.4261.50 QA\Circuit break. 0 103.301.4261.50 QA\Circuit break. 1 103.301.4261.50 QA\Circuit break. 2 103.301.4261.50 QA\Circuit break. 3 QA\Circuit break. 103.301.4261.53 QA\Circuit break. 103.301.4261.30 QA\Circuit break. 0 >Out of service Behavior Health Inactive Out of service Out of service by cmd Out of service by BI Sw. gear op. prohibited Sw. aux. volt. failure Sw. fault alarm Out of service cmd >Ready SPS ENS ENS SPS SPS SPS SPS SPS SPS SPS SPC SPS >Acquisition blocking SPS O >Reset switch statist. SPS O External health ENS O Cierre Manual Health Trip/open cmd. 3-pole SPS ENS SPS 103.301.4261.30 QA\Circuit break. 1 103.301.4261.30 QA\Circuit break. 3 103.301.4261.31 QA\Circuit break. 1 Close command SPS O,F Definitive trip SPS F Break.-current phs A MV F U3.7 L4.6 H4.7 U5.6,U5 .7,U5.8, U5.9,U5 .10,U5. 11,U5.1 2 R(X) O O,F CFC D Totally Integrated Automation Portal Number Group 103.301.4261.31 QA\Circuit break. 2 103.301.4261.31 QA\Circuit break. 3 103.301.4261.58 QA\Circuit break. QA\Circuit break. 103.301.12511.8 QA\50BF Inherent 2 103.301.12511.5 QA\50BF Inherent 00 103.301.12511.5 QA\50BF Inherent 03 103.301.12511.5 QA\50BF Inherent 5 QA\50BF Inherent 103.301.12511.3 QA\50BF Inherent 06 QA\50BF Inherent 103.301.12511.5 QA\50BF Inherent 4 103.301.12511.5 QA\50BF Inherent 2 103.301.12511.5 QA\50BF Inherent 3 103.301.12961.5 QA\Supervision 3 103.301.12961.3 QA\Supervision 01 103.301.12961.3 QA\Supervision 02 103.301.12961.3 QA\Supervision 03 103.301.4201.53 QA\Control 103.301.4201.58 QA\Control 103.301.4231.53 QA\Interlocking 103.301.6151.53 QA\CB test 103.301.6151.30 QA\CB test 1 103.301.6151.30 QA\CB test 2 103.301.6151.30 QA\CB test 3 103.301.6151.30 QA\CB test 4 103.301.4381.82 QA\50BF CB fail.1 103.301.4381.50 QA\50BF CB fail.1 0 103.301.4381.50 QA\50BF CB fail.1 1 103.301.4381.50 QA\50BF CB fail.1 2 103.301.4381.50 QA\50BF CB fail.1 3 103.301.4381.50 QA\50BF CB fail.1 4 103.301.4381.50 QA\50BF CB fail.1 5 103.301.4381.50 QA\50BF CB fail.1 6 103.301.4381.50 QA\50BF CB fail.1 7 103.301.4381.30 QA\50BF CB fail.1 0 103.301.4381.30 QA\50BF CB fail.1 1 103.301.4381.30 QA\50BF CB fail.1 2 103.301.4381.30 QA\50BF CB fail.1 3 103.301.4381.30 QA\50BF CB fail.1 4 103.301.4381.30 QA\50BF CB fail.1 5 103.301.4381.30 QA\50BF CB fail.1 6 103.301.4381.30 QA\50BF CB fail.1 8 103.301.4381.55 QA\50BF CB fail.1 QA\50BF CB fail.1 QA\50BF CB fail.1 QA\50BF CB fail.1 QA\50BF CB fail.1 Signal Type Source BI FK CFC Destination BO LED Break.-current phs B MV FR L F Break.-current phs C MV F Position 3-pole DPC Position 3-pole\closed >Block function SPS SPS >Thresh. ground curr. SPS >CB defect SPS Pickup ACD Pickup\general Trip T2 SPS ACT U4.1 Trip T2\general SPS U5.12,U L1.12 5.5 Inactive SPS O Behavior ENS O Health ENS O Health ENS O CB runtime exceeded SPS O CB disturbance SPS O Pos. at operate time DPS F Health Cmd. with feedback Health Health Test execution ENS DPC ENS ENS ENS O O O O O Trip command issued ENS O Close command issued ENS O Test canceled ENS O >Block function >Thresh. ground curr. SPS SPS O O >Start 3-pole SPS H4.8 R(X) O >Start pole A SPS H5.2 R(X) O >Start pole B SPS H5.3 R(X) O >Start pole C SPS H5.4 R(X) O >Release 1-pole SPS H5.1 >Release 3-pole SPS H5.1 >CB defect SPS H4.6 Fail. BI 'Start 3pole' SPS O Fail. BI 'Start poleA' SPS O Fail. BI 'Start poleB' SPS O Fail. BI 'Start poleC' SPS O Fail. BI 'release 1p.' SPS O Fail. BI 'release 3p.' SPS O BI start routing miss. SPS O BI aux.ct. rout. miss. SPS O Pickup Pickup\general Pickup\phs A Pickup\phs B Pickup\phs C ACD SPS SPS SPS SPS CH4.4, OH4.5 O R(X) O O H4.6 O F R(X) F R(X) O R(X) O O F U4.1 R(X) R(X) R(X) R(X) CFC D X Totally Integrated Automation Portal Number Group 103.301.4381.30 QA\50BF CB fail.1 9 QA\50BF CB fail.1 QA\50BF CB fail.1 Signal Type Source BI FK CFC Destination BO LED FR L F Retrip T1 ACT Retrip T1\general Retrip T1\phs A SPS SPS QA\50BF CB fail.1 Retrip T1\phs B SPS QA\50BF CB fail.1 Retrip T1\phs C SPS 103.301.4381.31 QA\50BF CB fail.1 0 QA\50BF CB fail.1 Trip T2 ACT Trip T2\general SPS 103.301.4381.31 QA\50BF CB fail.1 1 103.301.4381.31 QA\50BF CB fail.1 2 103.301.4381.31 QA\50BF CB fail.1 3 103.301.4381.31 QA\50BF CB fail.1 4 103.301.4381.53 QA\50BF CB fail.1 103.301.4381.52 QA\50BF CB fail.1 103.301.4381.54 QA\50BF CB fail.1 103.301.12361.8 QA\50EF 1/3pole 2 103.301.12361.5 QA\50EF 1/3pole 5 QA\50EF 1/3pole 103.301.12361.3 QA\50EF 1/3pole 04 QA\50EF 1/3pole 103.301.12361.5 QA\50EF 1/3pole 4 103.301.12361.5 QA\50EF 1/3pole 2 103.301.12361.5 QA\50EF 1/3pole 3 103.1031.12301. BE3\General 52 103.1031.12301. BE3\General 53 103.1031.12301. BE3\General 54 Operat. values bay\RMS 300.0 Operat. values bay\RMS 300.0 Operat. values bay\RMS 300.0 Operat. values bay\RMS 300.0 Fail. no BI release 3p SPS O Fail. no BI rel.pole A SPS O Fail. no BI rel.pole B SPS O Fail. no BI rel.pole C SPS O Health Behavior Inactive >Block function ENS ENS SPS SPS O O O O Pickup ACD F Pickup\general Operate SPS ACT U4.1 Operate\general Inactive SPS SPS U5.5 Behavior ENS O Health ENS O Behavior ENS O Health ENS O Inactive SPS O Iph:A Iph:B Iph:C Iph:res CMV CMV CMV CMV Signal Type TRAFO3 Number Group L1.11 U5.6,U5 .9 U5.7,U5 .10 U5.8,U5 .11 CFC D R(X) R(X) R(X) R(X) F U5.5,U5 L1.12 .12 R(X) R(X) F L1.13 R(X) O X X X X Source BI FK CFC Destination BO LED FR L O O O O O O O O O O O O 104.12181.501 General General 104.12181.52 General 104.12181.53 General 104.12181.54 104.12181.301 General 104.12181.302 General 104.12181.303 General 104.12181.310 General 104.12181.311 General 104.12181.312 General 104.12181.305 General 104.201.4261.50 QA\Circuit break. 0 104.201.4261.50 QA\Circuit break. 1 104.201.4261.50 QA\Circuit break. 2 104.201.4261.50 QA\Circuit break. 3 QA\Circuit break. 104.201.4261.53 QA\Circuit break. 104.201.4261.30 QA\Circuit break. 0 >Out of service Behavior Health Inactive Out of service Out of service by cmd Out of service by BI Sw. gear op. prohibited Sw. aux. volt. failure Sw. fault alarm Out of service cmd >Ready SPS ENS ENS SPS SPS SPS SPS SPS SPS SPS SPC SPS >Acquisition blocking SPS O >Reset switch statist. SPS O External health ENS O Cierre Manual Health Trip/open cmd. SPS ENS SPS 104.201.4261.30 QA\Circuit break. 1 104.201.4261.30 QA\Circuit break. 3 Close command SPS O,F Definitive trip SPS F U3.8 L5.8 H5.9 U5.14,U 5.15,U5 .16,U6. 3,U6.4, U6.5,U6 .6 R(X) O O,F CFC D Totally Integrated Automation Portal Number Group Signal Type Source BI FK Destination BO LED Break.-current phs A MV L F Break.-current phs B MV F Break.-current phs C MV F Position DPC Position\closed >Block function SPS SPS >Thresh. ground curr. SPS >CB defect SPS Pickup ACD Pickup\general Trip T2 SPS ACT U4.1 Trip T2\general SPS U6.1,U6 L1.15 .2,U6.6 Inactive SPS O Behavior ENS O Health ENS O Health ENS O CB runtime exceeded SPS O CB disturbance SPS O Pos. at operate time DPS F Health Cmd. with feedback Health Health Test execution ENS DPC ENS ENS ENS O O O O O Trip command issued ENS O Close command issued ENS O Test canceled ENS O >Block function >Thresh. ground curr. SPS SPS O O >Start SPS H5.10 R(X) O >Release SPS H5.11 R(X) O >CB defect SPS H5.8 Fail. BI 'start' SPS O Fail. BI 'release' SPS O BI start routing miss. SPS O BI aux.ct. rout. miss. SPS O Pickup Pickup\general Retrip T1 ACD SPS ACT Retrip T1\general SPS 104.201.4381.30 QA\50BF CB fail.1 6 QA\50BF CB fail.1 Trip T2 ACT Trip T2\general SPS 104.201.4381.30 QA\50BF CB fail.1 7 104.201.4381.54 QA\50BF CB fail.1 104.201.4381.52 QA\50BF CB fail.1 104.201.4381.53 QA\50BF CB fail.1 Fail. no BI release SPS O Inactive Behavior Health SPS ENS ENS O O O 104.201.4261.31 QA\Circuit break. 1 104.201.4261.31 QA\Circuit break. 2 104.201.4261.31 QA\Circuit break. 3 104.201.4261.58 QA\Circuit break. QA\Circuit break. 104.201.12511.8 QA\50BF Inherent 2 104.201.12511.5 QA\50BF Inherent 00 104.201.12511.5 QA\50BF Inherent 03 104.201.12511.5 QA\50BF Inherent 5 QA\50BF Inherent 104.201.12511.3 QA\50BF Inherent 06 QA\50BF Inherent 104.201.12511.5 QA\50BF Inherent 4 104.201.12511.5 QA\50BF Inherent 2 104.201.12511.5 QA\50BF Inherent 3 104.201.12961.5 QA\Supervision 3 104.201.12961.3 QA\Supervision 01 104.201.12961.3 QA\Supervision 02 104.201.12961.3 QA\Supervision 03 104.201.4201.53 QA\Control 104.201.4201.58 QA\Control 104.201.4231.53 QA\Interlocking 104.201.6151.53 QA\CB test 104.201.6151.30 QA\CB test 1 104.201.6151.30 QA\CB test 2 104.201.6151.30 QA\CB test 3 104.201.6151.30 QA\CB test 4 104.201.4381.82 QA\50BF CB fail.1 104.201.4381.50 QA\50BF CB fail.1 0 104.201.4381.50 QA\50BF CB fail.1 1 104.201.4381.50 QA\50BF CB fail.1 2 104.201.4381.50 QA\50BF CB fail.1 3 104.201.4381.30 QA\50BF CB fail.1 0 104.201.4381.30 QA\50BF CB fail.1 1 104.201.4381.30 QA\50BF CB fail.1 2 104.201.4381.30 QA\50BF CB fail.1 4 104.201.4381.55 QA\50BF CB fail.1 QA\50BF CB fail.1 104.201.4381.30 QA\50BF CB fail.1 5 QA\50BF CB fail.1 CFC FR CH5.6, OH5.7 O R(X) O O H5.8 O F R(X) F R(X) O F U4.1 R(X) F U6.6,U5 L1.14 .14,U5. 15,U5.1 6,U6.3, U6.4,U6 .5 R(X) F U6.1,U6 L1.15 .2,U6.6 R(X) CFC D X Totally Integrated Automation Portal Number Group 104.201.12361.8 QA\50EF 3pole 2 104.201.12361.5 QA\50EF 3pole 5 104.201.12361.3 QA\50EF 3pole 04 104.201.12361.5 QA\50EF 3pole 4 104.201.12361.5 QA\50EF 3pole 2 104.201.12361.5 QA\50EF 3pole 3 104.1031.12301. BE4\General 52 104.1031.12301. BE4\General 53 104.1031.12301. BE4\General 54 Operat. values bay\RMS 300.0 Operat. values bay\RMS 300.0 Operat. values bay\RMS 300.0 Operat. values bay\RMS 300.0 TRAFO4 Number Group Signal Type Source BI FK CFC Destination BO LED >Block function SPS FR L O Pickup ACD F Operate ACT F Inactive SPS O Behavior ENS O Health ENS O Behavior ENS O Health ENS O Inactive SPS O Iph:A Iph:B Iph:C Iph:res CMV CMV CMV CMV Signal Type Source BI FK CFC Destination BO LED FR L O O O O O O O O O O O O >Out of service Behavior Health Inactive Out of service Out of service by cmd Out of service by BI Sw. gear op. prohibited Sw. aux. volt. failure Sw. fault alarm Out of service cmd >Ready SPS ENS ENS SPS SPS SPS SPS SPS SPS SPS SPC SPS >Acquisition blocking SPS O >Reset switch statist. SPS O External health ENS O Cierre Manual Health Trip/open cmd. SPS ENS SPS 105.201.4261.30 QA\Circuit break. 1 105.201.4261.30 QA\Circuit break. 3 105.201.4261.31 QA\Circuit break. 1 105.201.4261.31 QA\Circuit break. 2 105.201.4261.31 QA\Circuit break. 3 105.201.4261.58 QA\Circuit break. Close command SPS O,F Definitive trip SPS F Break.-current phs A MV F Break.-current phs B MV F Break.-current phs C MV F Position DPC QA\Circuit break. Position\closed >Block function SPS SPS >Thresh. ground curr. SPS >CB defect SPS Pickup ACD Pickup\general Trip T2 SPS ACT U4.1 Trip T2\general SPS U6.11,U L3.2 6.12,U6 .16 Inactive SPS 105.201.12511.5 QA\50BF Inherent 4 D X X X X 105.12181.501 General General 105.12181.52 General 105.12181.53 General 105.12181.54 105.12181.301 General 105.12181.302 General 105.12181.303 General 105.12181.310 General 105.12181.311 General 105.12181.312 General 105.12181.305 General 105.201.4261.50 QA\Circuit break. 0 105.201.4261.50 QA\Circuit break. 1 105.201.4261.50 QA\Circuit break. 2 105.201.4261.50 QA\Circuit break. 3 QA\Circuit break. 105.201.4261.53 QA\Circuit break. 105.201.4261.30 QA\Circuit break. 0 105.201.12511.8 QA\50BF Inherent 2 105.201.12511.5 QA\50BF Inherent 00 105.201.12511.5 QA\50BF Inherent 03 105.201.12511.5 QA\50BF Inherent 5 QA\50BF Inherent 105.201.12511.3 QA\50BF Inherent 06 QA\50BF Inherent CFC U3.9 L6.3 CFC D H6.4 U6.8,U6 .9,U6.1 0,U6.13 ,U6.14, U6.15,U 6.16 R(X) CH6.1, OH6.2 O O,F O R(X) O O H6.3 O F R(X) F R(X) O X Totally Integrated Automation Portal Number Group Signal Type Source BI FK Destination BO LED Behavior ENS L O Health ENS O Health ENS O CB runtime exceeded SPS O CB disturbance SPS O Pos. at operate time DPS F Health Cmd. with feedback Health Health Test execution ENS DPC ENS ENS ENS O O O O O Trip command issued ENS O Close command issued ENS O Test canceled ENS O >Block function >Thresh. ground curr. SPS SPS O O >Start SPS H6.5 R(X) O >Release SPS H6.6 R(X) O >CB defect SPS H6.3 Fail. BI 'start' SPS O Fail. BI 'release' SPS O BI start routing miss. SPS O BI aux.ct. rout. miss. SPS O Pickup Pickup\general Retrip T1 ACD SPS ACT Retrip T1\general SPS 105.201.4381.30 QA\50BF CB fail.1 6 QA\50BF CB fail.1 Trip T2 ACT Trip T2\general SPS 105.201.4381.30 QA\50BF CB fail.1 7 105.201.4381.54 QA\50BF CB fail.1 105.201.4381.52 QA\50BF CB fail.1 105.201.4381.53 QA\50BF CB fail.1 105.201.12361.8 QA\50EF 3pole 2 105.201.12361.5 QA\50EF 3pole 5 105.201.12361.3 QA\50EF 3pole 04 105.201.12361.5 QA\50EF 3pole 4 105.201.12361.5 QA\50EF 3pole 2 105.201.12361.5 QA\50EF 3pole 3 105.1031.12301. BE5\General 52 105.1031.12301. BE5\General 53 105.1031.12301. BE5\General 54 Operat. values bay\RMS 300.0 Operat. values bay\RMS 300.0 Operat. values bay\RMS 300.0 Operat. values bay\RMS 300.0 Fail. no BI release SPS O Inactive Behavior Health >Block function SPS ENS ENS SPS O O O O Pickup ACD F Operate ACT F Inactive SPS O Behavior ENS O Health ENS O Behavior ENS O Health ENS O Inactive SPS O Iph:A Iph:B Iph:C Iph:res CMV CMV CMV CMV 105.201.12511.5 QA\50BF Inherent 2 105.201.12511.5 QA\50BF Inherent 3 105.201.12961.5 QA\Supervision 3 105.201.12961.3 QA\Supervision 01 105.201.12961.3 QA\Supervision 02 105.201.12961.3 QA\Supervision 03 105.201.4201.53 QA\Control 105.201.4201.58 QA\Control 105.201.4231.53 QA\Interlocking 105.201.6151.53 QA\CB test 105.201.6151.30 QA\CB test 1 105.201.6151.30 QA\CB test 2 105.201.6151.30 QA\CB test 3 105.201.6151.30 QA\CB test 4 105.201.4381.82 QA\50BF CB fail.1 105.201.4381.50 QA\50BF CB fail.1 0 105.201.4381.50 QA\50BF CB fail.1 1 105.201.4381.50 QA\50BF CB fail.1 2 105.201.4381.50 QA\50BF CB fail.1 3 105.201.4381.30 QA\50BF CB fail.1 0 105.201.4381.30 QA\50BF CB fail.1 1 105.201.4381.30 QA\50BF CB fail.1 2 105.201.4381.30 QA\50BF CB fail.1 4 105.201.4381.55 QA\50BF CB fail.1 QA\50BF CB fail.1 105.201.4381.30 QA\50BF CB fail.1 5 QA\50BF CB fail.1 CFC FR CFC D O F U4.1 R(X) F U6.16,U L3.1 6.8,U6. 9,U6.10 ,U6.13, U6.14,U 6.15 R(X) F U6.16,U L3.2 6.11,U6 .12 R(X) X X X X Totally Integrated Automation Portal General Number 91.500 91.501 91.502 91.503 91.504 91.505 91.506 91.510 91.511 91.507 91.508 91.509 91.315 91.53 91.54 91.309 91.310 91.311 91.312 91.317 91.51 91.321 91.319 91.308 91.300 91.301 91.302 91.303 91.304 91.305 91.306 91.307 Device Number Group Signal Type General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General >SG choice bit 1 >SG choice bit 2 >SG choice bit 3 >Sw. authority local >Sw. authority remote >Sw. mode interlocked >Sw. mode non-interl. >Test mode on >Test mode off >Dev. funct.logout on >Dev. funct.logout off >Block monitoring dir. Device logged off Health Protection inactive Sw.authority key/set Sw.mode key/set Switching authority Switching mode Block monitoring dir. Test mode Protection on Device logout Switching auth. station Act. settings group 1 Act. settings group 2 Act. settings group 3 Act. settings group 4 Act. settings group 5 Act. settings group 6 Act. settings group 7 Act. settings group 8 SPS SPS SPS SPS SPS SPS SPS SPS SPS SPS SPS SPS SPS ENS SPS ENS ENS ENS ENS SPS ENC SPC SPC SPC SPC SPC SPC SPC SPC SPC SPC SPC Group Signal Type 4171.301 4171.303 4171.304 4171.305 4171.306 4171.310 4171.312 4171.314 4171.316 4171.317 4171.318 4171.319 4171.320 4171.321 4171.322 4171.323 4171.324 4171.325 Device Device Device Device Device Device Device Device Device Device Device Device Device Device Device Device Device Device Device Device >GOOSE Stop Process mode inactive Physical health Device startup Life contact Battery failure Clock fail Error meas. trans. Compensation error Offset error DIGSI active Simulation mode active Commiss. mode active Error memory Auxiliary Power Fail Cyber Security state Cyber-security event Event lost Chatter blocking Flash disk health SPS SPS ENS SPS SPS SPS SPS ENS ENS ENS SPS SPS SPS SPS SPS ENS ENS SPS SPS ENS Alarm handling Number Group Signal Type 4171.501 5971.503 5971.504 5971.505 5971.300 5971.301 5971.302 5971.52 5971.53 Time sync. Number 8851.305 Alarm handling Alarm handling Alarm handling Alarm handling Alarm handling Alarm handling Alarm handling Alarm handling >Group Alarm >Group Warning >Group indication Group alarm Group warning Group indication Behavior Health SPS SPS SPS SPS SPS SPS ENS ENS Group Signal Type Time sync. Time sync. error SPS Source BI FK CFC Destination BO LED FR L O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O CFC D Source BI FK CFC Destination BO LED FR L O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O CFC D X Source BI FK Source BI FK CFC X CFC U3.4 X X X Destination BO LED FR L O O O O O O O O CFC D Destination BO LED FR L O CFC X D Totally Integrated Automation Portal Group indicat. Number 4501.501 4501.301 4501.302 4501.303 4501.304 4501.305 Data Plant Number Power system Number Group Signal Type Group indicat. Group indicat. Group indicat. Group indicat. Group indicat. Group indicat. >Reset blk. sw. fault Sw. gear op. prohibited Sw. aux. volt. failure Sw. fault alarm Fail. meas.-val. sup. CBFP Retrip T1 SPS SPS SPS SPS SPS SPS Group Signal Type Data Plant Error de sincronizacion de tiempo SPS Group Signal Type General 11.2311.321 11.931.8881.319 TRAFO 1\CT 3-phase 11.931.8881.320 TRAFO 1\CT 3-phase 11.931.8881.321 TRAFO 1\CT 3-phase 11.931.3841.300 TRAFO 1\CT 1 11.931.3842.300 TRAFO 1\CT 2 11.931.3843.300 TRAFO 1\CT 3 11.931.3844.300 TRAFO 1\CT 4 11.931.2401.82 TRAFO 1\Supv.ADC sum I 11.931.2401.52 TRAFO 1\Supv.ADC sum I 11.931.2401.54 TRAFO 1\Supv.ADC sum I 11.931.2401.53 TRAFO 1\Supv.ADC sum I 11.931.2401.71 TRAFO 1\Supv.ADC sum I 11.932.8881.319 TRAFO 2\CT 3-phase 11.932.8881.320 TRAFO 2\CT 3-phase 11.932.8881.321 TRAFO 2\CT 3-phase 11.932.3841.300 TRAFO 2\CT 1 11.932.3842.300 TRAFO 2\CT 2 11.932.3843.300 TRAFO 2\CT 3 11.932.3844.300 TRAFO 2\CT 4 11.932.2401.82 TRAFO 2\Supv.ADC sum I 11.932.2401.52 TRAFO 2\Supv.ADC sum I 11.932.2401.54 TRAFO 2\Supv.ADC sum I 11.932.2401.53 TRAFO 2\Supv.ADC sum I 11.932.2401.71 TRAFO 2\Supv.ADC sum I 11.933.8881.319 LINEA 5038\CT 3-phase 11.933.8881.320 LINEA 5038\CT 3-phase 11.933.8881.321 LINEA 5038\CT 3-phase 11.933.3841.300 LINEA 5038\CT 1 11.933.3842.300 LINEA 5038\CT 2 11.933.3843.300 LINEA 5038\CT 3 11.933.3844.300 LINEA 5038\CT 4 11.933.2401.82 LINEA 5038\Supv.ADC sum I 11.933.2401.52 LINEA 5038\Supv.ADC sum I 11.933.2401.54 LINEA 5038\Supv.ADC sum I 11.933.2401.53 LINEA 5038\Supv.ADC sum I 11.933.2401.71 LINEA 5038\Supv.ADC sum I 11.934.8881.319 TRAFO 3\CT 3-phase 11.934.8881.320 TRAFO 3\CT 3-phase 11.934.8881.321 TRAFO 3\CT 3-phase 11.934.3841.300 TRAFO 3\CT 1 11.934.3842.300 TRAFO 3\CT 2 11.934.3843.300 TRAFO 3\CT 3 11.934.3844.300 TRAFO 3\CT 4 11.934.2401.82 TRAFO 3\Supv.ADC sum I 11.934.2401.52 TRAFO 3\Supv.ADC sum I 11.934.2401.54 TRAFO 3\Supv.ADC sum I 11.934.2401.53 TRAFO 3\Supv.ADC sum I 11.934.2401.71 TRAFO 3\Supv.ADC sum I 11.935.8881.319 TRAFO 4\CT 3-phase 11.935.8881.320 TRAFO 4\CT 3-phase 11.935.8881.321 TRAFO 4\CT 3-phase 11.935.3841.300 TRAFO 4\CT 1 11.935.3842.300 TRAFO 4\CT 2 11.935.3843.300 TRAFO 4\CT 3 11.935.3844.300 TRAFO 4\CT 4 11.935.2401.82 TRAFO 4\Supv.ADC sum I 11.935.2401.52 TRAFO 4\Supv.ADC sum I Freq.out of oper.range Phases AB inverted Phases BC inverted Phases AC inverted Sampled val. current Sampled val. current Sampled val. current Sampled val. current >Block function Behavior Inactive Health Failure Phases AB inverted Phases BC inverted Phases AC inverted Sampled val. current Sampled val. current Sampled val. current Sampled val. current >Block function Behavior Inactive Health Failure Phases AB inverted Phases BC inverted Phases AC inverted Sampled val. current Sampled val. current Sampled val. current Sampled val. current >Block function Behavior Inactive Health Failure Phases AB inverted Phases BC inverted Phases AC inverted Sampled val. current Sampled val. current Sampled val. current Sampled val. current >Block function Behavior Inactive Health Failure Phases AB inverted Phases BC inverted Phases AC inverted Sampled val. current Sampled val. current Sampled val. current Sampled val. current >Block function Behavior SPS SPS SPS SPS SAV SAV SAV SAV SPS ENS SPS ENS SPS SPS SPS SPS SAV SAV SAV SAV SPS ENS SPS ENS SPS SPS SPS SPS SAV SAV SAV SAV SPS ENS SPS ENS SPS SPS SPS SPS SAV SAV SAV SAV SPS ENS SPS ENS SPS SPS SPS SPS SAV SAV SAV SAV SPS ENS Source BI FK CFC Destination BO LED FR L O O O O O O CFC D Destination BO LED FR L CFC D Destination BO LED FR L O O O O CFC D U3.15 U3.14 U3.13 Source BI FK Source BI FK CFC X CFC X X X X O O O O O O O O X X X X O O O O O O O O X X X X O O O O O O O O X X X X O O O O O O O O X X X X O O Totally Integrated Automation Portal Number Group 11.935.2401.54 TRAFO 4\Supv.ADC sum I 11.935.2401.53 TRAFO 4\Supv.ADC sum I 11.935.2401.71 TRAFO 4\Supv.ADC sum I Recording Number Group Ground-fault log 51.7441.52 Ground-fault log 51.7441.53 Ground-fault log 51.7441.310 Ground-fault log 51.7441.311 51.791.2761.502 Fault recorder\Control 51.791.2761.503 Fault recorder\Control 51.791.2761.310 Fault recorder\Control 51.791.2761.327 Fault recorder\Control 51.791.2761.324 Fault recorder\Control 51.791.2761.300 Fault recorder\Control 51.791.2761.305 Fault recorder\Control 51.791.2761.306 Fault recorder\Control Busbar Number Group 1021.12151.506 General 1021.12151.52 General 1021.12151.53 General 1021.12151.54 General 1021.12151.51 General Group indicat. 1021.4501.52 Group indicat. 1021.4501.53 Group indicat. 1021.4501.54 Group indicat. 1021.4501.57 Group indicat. Group indicat. Group indicat. Group indicat. 1021.1831.1182 Busbar protection\Diff.Prot. general 1.82 1021.1831.1182 Busbar protection\Diff.Prot. general 1.505 1021.1831.1182 Busbar protection\Diff.Prot. general 1.52 1021.1831.1182 Busbar protection\Diff.Prot. general 1.53 1021.1831.1182 Busbar protection\Diff.Prot. general 1.54 1021.1831.1191 Busbar protection\Check zone 1.52 1021.1831.1191 Busbar protection\Check zone 1.53 1021.1831.1191 Busbar protection\Check zone 1.54 1021.1831.1191 Busbar protection\Check zone 1.57 1021.1831.1191 Busbar protection\Check zone 1.301 1021.1831.1191 Busbar protection\Check zone 1.303 Busbar protection\Check zone 306.0 Busbar protection\Check zone 306.0 Busbar protection\Check zone 306.0 Busbar protection\Check zone 307.0 Busbar protection\Check zone 307.0 Busbar protection\Check zone 307.0 1021.1831.1191 Busbar protection\Check zone 1.309 Busbar protection\Check zone 1021.1831.1191 Busbar protection\Check zone 1.330 1021.1831.1191 Busbar protection\Check zone 1.331 1021.1831.1191 Busbar protection\Check zone 1.332 1021.1831.1191 Busbar protection\Check zone 1.333 1021.1831.1191 Busbar protection\Check zone 1.334 1021.1831.1191 Busbar protection\Check zone 1.335 Signal Type Inactive Health Failure SPS ENS SPS Signal Type Behavior Health Fault number Ground-fault log is full >External start >Manual start Fault number Tmax reduced Fault log is full Start record Reset memory Clear memory ENS ENS INS INS SPS SPS INS SPS INS SPC SPC SPC Signal Type Source BI FK CFC Destination BO LED FR L O O O CFC D Source BI FK CFC Destination BO LED FR L O O O,G G O O O,F O F O O O CFC D Source BI FK CFC Destination BO LED FR L O O O O O O O O O,F CFC D >Test mode Behavior Health Inactive Mode (controllable) Behavior Health Inactive Operate Operate\general Operate\phs A Operate\phs B Operate\phs C >Block SPS ENS ENS SPS ENC ENS ENS SPS ACT SPS SPS SPS SPS SPS >Test mode SPS O Behavior ENS O Health ENS O Inactive SPS O Behavior ENS O Health ENS O Inactive SPS O Operate diff. prot. ACT O,F Operate CB fail. prot. ACT O,F Permanent release SPS O I diff.:A I diff.:B I diff.:C I restr.:A I restr.:B I restr.:C Alarm diff.curr.sup. CMV CMV CMV CMV CMV CMV ACT Alarm diff.curr.sup.\general Id A SPS SAV Id B SAV X Id C SAV X Ir A SAV X Ir B SAV X Ir C SAV X L1.1 L1.2 L1.3 L1.4 R(X) R(X) R(X) R(X) O X X X X X X O U1.1 X Totally Integrated Automation Portal Number Group 1021.1831.1191 Busbar protection\Check zone 1.336 1021.1831.1191 Busbar protection\Check zone 1.337 1021.1831.1191 Busbar protection\Check zone 1.338 1021.1831.1191 Busbar protection\Check zone 1.339 1021.1831.1191 Busbar protection\Check zone 1.340 1021.1831.1191 Busbar protection\Check zone 1.341 1021.1831.1209 Busbar protection\Bus zone gen. 1.52 1021.1831.1209 Busbar protection\Bus zone gen. 1.53 1021.1831.1209 Busbar protection\Bus zone gen. 1.54 1021.1831.1209 Busbar protection\Bus zone gen. 1.309 Busbar protection\Bus zone gen. 1021.1831.1209 Busbar protection\Bus zone gen. 1.310 1021.1831.1188 Busbar protection\BB1 1.506 1021.1831.1188 Busbar protection\BB1 1.500 1021.1831.1188 Busbar protection\BB1 1.503 1021.1831.1188 Busbar protection\BB1 1.504 1021.1831.1188 Busbar protection\BB1 1.501 1021.1831.1188 Busbar protection\BB1 1.502 1021.1831.1188 Busbar protection\BB1 1.52 1021.1831.1188 Busbar protection\BB1 1.53 1021.1831.1188 Busbar protection\BB1 1.54 1021.1831.1188 Busbar protection\BB1 1.57 1021.1831.1188 Busbar protection\BB1 1.300 1021.1831.1188 Busbar protection\BB1 1.301 1021.1831.1188 Busbar protection\BB1 1.309 Busbar protection\BB1 1021.1831.1188 Busbar protection\BB1 1.310 1021.1831.1188 Busbar protection\BB1 1.311 1021.1831.1188 Busbar protection\BB1 1.312 1021.1831.1188 Busbar protection\BB1 1.313 1021.1831.1188 Busbar protection\BB1 1.314 1021.1831.1188 Busbar protection\BB1 1.315 1021.1831.1188 Busbar protection\BB1 1.325 1021.1831.1188 Busbar protection\BB1 1.326 1021.1831.1188 Busbar protection\BB1 1.330 1021.1831.1188 Busbar protection\BB1 1.331 1021.1831.1188 Busbar protection\BB1 1.332 1021.1831.1188 Busbar protection\BB1 1.333 1021.1831.1188 Busbar protection\BB1 1.334 1021.1831.1188 Busbar protection\BB1 1.335 1021.1831.1188 Busbar protection\BB1 1.336 1021.1831.1188 Busbar protection\BB1 1.337 1021.1831.1188 Busbar protection\BB1 1.338 1021.1831.1188 Busbar protection\BB1 1.339 Signal Type Source BI FK CFC Destination BO LED Id_f A SAV FR X L Id_f B SAV X Id_f C SAV X Ir_f A SAV X Ir_f B SAV X Ir_f C SAV X Behavior ENS O Health ENS O Inactive SPS O Alarm diff.curr.sup. ACT O Alarm diff.curr.sup.\general Alarm zero-cross.sup. SPS SPS >Test mode SPS O >Block SPS O >Block diff. prot. SPS O >Block CB fail. prot. SPS O >Ext. trip SPS O >Trip release SPS O Behavior ENS O Health ENS O Inactive SPS O Operate diff. prot. ACT O,F Operate CB fail. prot. ACT O,F Operate by ext. trip ACT O,F Alarm diff.curr.sup. ACT O Alarm diff.curr.sup.\general Alarm zero-cross.sup. SPS SPS No release of operate SPS O Block. by discon.fault SPS O Blocked SPS O BI External trip dist. SPS O No Ext. trip release SPS O Prefers BZ SPS O Preferred by BZ SPS O Id A SAV X Id B SAV X Id C SAV X Ir A SAV X Ir B SAV X Ir C SAV X Id_f A SAV X Id_f B SAV X Id_f C SAV X Ir_f A SAV X U1.1 O U1.1 O CFC D Totally Integrated Automation Portal Number Group Signal 1021.1831.1188 Busbar protection\BB1 1.340 1021.1831.1188 Busbar protection\BB1 1.341 1021.1831.1188 Busbar protection\BB1 1.320 1021.1831.1188 Busbar protection\BB1 1.321 1021.1831.1188 Busbar protection\BB1 1.322 1021.1831.1194 Busbar protection\CB fail. gen. 1.500 1021.1831.1194 Busbar protection\CB fail. gen. 1.52 1021.1831.1194 Busbar protection\CB fail. gen. 1.53 1021.1831.1194 Busbar protection\CB fail. gen. 1.54 1021.1831.1194 Busbar protection\CB fail. gen. 1.301 1021.1831.1197 Busbar protection\Ext. trip BZ 1.503 1021.1831.1197 Busbar protection\Ext. trip BZ 1.500 1021.1831.1197 Busbar protection\Ext. trip BZ 1.52 1021.1831.1197 Busbar protection\Ext. trip BZ 1.53 1021.1831.1197 Busbar protection\Ext. trip BZ 1.54 1021.1831.1197 Busbar protection\Ext. trip BZ 1.301 1021.1831.1197 Busbar protection\Ext. trip BZ 1.302 1021.1831.1197 Busbar protection\Ext. trip BZ 1.303 1021.1831.4501. Busbar protection\Group indicat. 52 1021.1831.4501. Busbar protection\Group indicat. 53 1021.1831.4501. Busbar protection\Group indicat. 54 1021.1831.4501. Busbar protection\Group indicat. 57 1021.1841.1203 BB prot. supervision\Diff. I superv 1.500 1021.1841.1203 BB prot. supervision\Diff. I superv 1.501 1021.1841.1203 BB prot. supervision\Diff. I superv 1.52 1021.1841.1203 BB prot. supervision\Diff. I superv 1.53 1021.1841.1203 BB prot. supervision\Diff. I superv 1.54 1021.1841.1203 BB prot. supervision\Diff. I superv 1.300 BB prot. supervision\Diff. I superv J:Onboard Ethernet Number Group 101.2311.53 E:ETH-BB-2FO Number 102.2311.53 102.1031.0.304 102.1031.0.53 102.1031.0.301 102.1031.0.53 102.1031.0.304 102.1031.0.53 102.1031.0.53 Type SAV FR X Ir_f C SAV X Block SPC O Block diff. prot. SPC O Block CB fail. prot. SPC O >Block SPS O Behavior ENS O Health ENS O Inactive SPS O Operate ACT O,F >Block SPS O >Rel. ext. trip SPS O Behavior ENS O Health ENS O Inactive SPS O Operate ACT O,F BI rel. ext.trip dist. SPS O,F Rel. ext. trip bus zone SPC O Behavior ENS O Health ENS O Inactive SPS O Operate diff. prot. ACT O,F >Block SPS O >Reset diff.curr.sup. SPS O Behavior ENS O Health ENS O Inactive SPS O Alarm ACT O Alarm\general SPS Signal Type Health ENS Group Signal Type Health Channel Live Health Channel Live Health Channel Live Health Health CFC Destination BO LED Ir_f B General General Channel 1\SNTP Channel 1\SNTP Channel 1\IEC 61850-8-1 Channel 1\IEC 61850-8-1 Channel 1\SNMP Channel 1\SNMP Channel 1\RSTP Source BI FK L CFC D U3.16 Source BI FK CFC Destination BO LED FR L O CFC D Source BI FK CFC Destination BO LED FR L O O O O O O O O CFC D ENS SPS ENS SPS ENS SPS ENS ENS *Signal marked as favorite signal Binary input Binary input Module Terminals User label Configured signal Type Value Number BinaryInput 1.1 Base module 1D11-1D9 BI 1.1 QA:Circuit break.:Position DPC CH 101.201.4261.58 Totally Integrated Automation Portal Binary input Module User label Configured signal Type Value Number BinaryInput 1.2 BinaryInput 1.2 BinaryInput 1.2 BinaryInput 1.3 BinaryInput 1.4 BinaryInput 2.1 BinaryInput 2.2 BinaryInput 3.1 Base module 1D12-1D10 Base module 1D12-1D10 Base module 1D12-1D10 Base module 1D11-1D13 Base module 1D12-1D14 Base module 2B11-2B12 Base module 2B11-2B14 Expansion module 3D11-3D9 3 Expansion module 3D12-3D10 3 Expansion module 3D12-3D10 3 Expansion module 3D12-3D10 3 Expansion module 3D11-3D13 3 Expansion module 3D12-3D14 3 Expansion module 4C13-4D1 4 Expansion module 4C14-4D2 4 Expansion module 4D4-4D6 4 Expansion module 4D7-4D9 4 Expansion module 4D8-4D10 4 Expansion module 4D8-4D10 4 Expansion module 4D8-4D10 4 Expansion module 4D11-4D13 4 Expansion module 4D12-4D14 4 Expansion module 5A1-5A3 5 Expansion module 5A1-5A3 5 Expansion module 5A2-5A4 5 Expansion module 5A5-5A7 5 Expansion module 5A6-5A8 5 Expansion module 5A10-5A12 5 Expansion module 5A13-5B1 5 Expansion module 5A14-5B2 5 Expansion module 5A14-5B2 5 Expansion module 5A14-5B2 5 Expansion module 5B3-5B5 5 Expansion module 5B4-5B6 5 Expansion module 5B7-5B9 5 Expansion module 6A1-6A3 6 Expansion module 6A2-6A4 6 Expansion module 6A5-6A7 6 Expansion module 6A5-6A7 6 Expansion module 6A5-6A7 6 Expansion module 6A6-6A8 6 Expansion module 6A9-6A11 6 Expansion module 6A10-6A12 6 BI 1.2 BI 1.2 BI 1.2 BI 1.3 BI 1.4 BI 2.1 BI 2.2 BI 3.1 QA:Circuit break.:>Ready QA:50BF Inherent:>CB defect QA:50BF CB fail.1:>CB defect QA:Circuit break.:Position QA:Circuit break.:Cierre Manual QA:50BF CB fail.1:>Start QA:50BF CB fail.1:>Release QA:Circuit break.:Position SPS SPS SPS DPC SPS SPS SPS DPC L H H OH H H H CH 101.201.4261.500 101.201.12511.503 101.201.4381.503 101.201.4261.58 101.201.4381.501 101.201.4381.502 102.201.4261.58 BI 3.2 QA:Circuit break.:>Ready SPS L 102.201.4261.500 Binary output Binary output Module BinaryOutput 1.1 Base module BinaryInput 3.2 BinaryInput 3.2 BinaryInput 3.2 BinaryInput 3.3 BinaryInput 3.4 BinaryInput 4.1 BinaryInput 4.2 BinaryInput 4.4 BinaryInput 4.5 BinaryInput 4.6 BinaryInput 4.6 BinaryInput 4.6 BinaryInput 4.7 BinaryInput 4.8 BinaryInput 5.1 BinaryInput 5.1 BinaryInput 5.2 BinaryInput 5.3 BinaryInput 5.4 BinaryInput 5.6 BinaryInput 5.7 BinaryInput 5.8 BinaryInput 5.8 BinaryInput 5.8 BinaryInput 5.9 BinaryInput 5.10 BinaryInput 5.11 BinaryInput 6.1 BinaryInput 6.2 BinaryInput 6.3 BinaryInput 6.3 BinaryInput 6.3 BinaryInput 6.4 BinaryInput 6.5 BinaryInput 6.6 Terminals BI 3.2 QA:50BF Inherent:>CB defect SPS H 102.201.12511.503 BI 3.2 QA:50BF CB fail.1:>CB defect SPS H 102.201.4381.503 BI 3.3 QA:Circuit break.:Position DPC OH 102.201.4261.58 BI 3.4 QA:Circuit break.:Cierre Manual SPS H BI 4.1 QA:50BF CB fail.1:>Start SPS H 102.201.4381.501 BI 4.2 QA:50BF CB fail.1:>Release SPS H 102.201.4381.502 BI 4.4 QA:Circuit break.:Position 3-pole DPC CH 103.301.4261.58 BI 4.5 QA:Circuit break.:Position 3-pole DPC OH 103.301.4261.58 BI 4.6 QA:Circuit break.:>Ready SPS L 103.301.4261.500 BI 4.6 QA:50BF Inherent:>CB defect SPS H 103.301.12511.503 BI 4.6 QA:50BF CB fail.1:>CB defect SPS H 103.301.4381.507 BI 4.7 QA:Circuit break.:Cierre Manual SPS H BI 4.8 QA:50BF CB fail.1:>Start 3-pole SPS H 103.301.4381.501 BI 5.1 QA:50BF CB fail.1:>Release 3-pole SPS H 103.301.4381.506 BI 5.1 QA:50BF CB fail.1:>Release 1-pole SPS H 103.301.4381.505 BI 5.2 QA:50BF CB fail.1:>Start pole A SPS H 103.301.4381.502 BI 5.3 QA:50BF CB fail.1:>Start pole B SPS H 103.301.4381.503 BI 5.4 QA:50BF CB fail.1:>Start pole C SPS H 103.301.4381.504 BI 5.6 QA:Circuit break.:Position DPC CH 104.201.4261.58 BI 5.7 QA:Circuit break.:Position DPC OH 104.201.4261.58 BI 5.8 QA:Circuit break.:>Ready SPS L 104.201.4261.500 BI 5.8 QA:50BF Inherent:>CB defect SPS H 104.201.12511.503 BI 5.8 QA:50BF CB fail.1:>CB defect SPS H 104.201.4381.503 BI 5.9 QA:Circuit break.:Cierre Manual SPS H BI 5.10 QA:50BF CB fail.1:>Start SPS H 104.201.4381.501 BI 5.11 QA:50BF CB fail.1:>Release SPS H 104.201.4381.502 BI 6.1 QA:Circuit break.:Position DPC CH 105.201.4261.58 BI 6.2 QA:Circuit break.:Position DPC OH 105.201.4261.58 BI 6.3 QA:Circuit break.:>Ready SPS L 105.201.4261.500 BI 6.3 QA:50BF Inherent:>CB defect SPS H 105.201.12511.503 BI 6.3 QA:50BF CB fail.1:>CB defect SPS H 105.201.4381.503 BI 6.4 QA:Circuit break.:Cierre Manual SPS H BI 6.5 QA:50BF CB fail.1:>Start SPS H 105.201.4381.501 BI 6.6 QA:50BF CB fail.1:>Release SPS H 105.201.4381.502 Terminals User label Configured signal Type Value Number 1D1-1D2 BO-F make 1.1 Busbar:Busbar protection:Check zone:Alarm SPS diff.curr.sup.:general Busbar:Busbar protection:Bus zone gen.:Alarm SPS diff.curr.sup.:general Busbar:Busbar protection:BB1:Alarm diff.curr.sup.:genՋ SPS eral U 1021.1831.11911.309 BinaryOutput 1.1 Base module 1D1-1D2 BO-F make 1.1 BinaryOutput 1.1 Base module 1D1-1D2 BO-F make 1.1 U 1021.1831.12091.309 U 1021.1831.11881.309 Totally Integrated Automation Portal Binary output Module BinaryOutput 1.2 BinaryOutput 1.2 BinaryOutput 1.3 BinaryOutput 1.3 BinaryOutput 1.4 BinaryOutput 1.4 BinaryOutput 2.1 BinaryOutput 2.1 BinaryOutput 2.1 BinaryOutput 2.2 BinaryOutput 2.2 BinaryOutput 2.2 BinaryOutput 3.1 Base module 1D3-1D4 BO-F make 1.2 Base module 1D3-1D4 BO-F make 1.2 Base module 1D5-1D6 BO-F make 1.3 Base module 1D5-1D6 BO-F make 1.3 Base module 1D7-1D8 BO-F make 1.4 Base module 1D7-1D8 BO-F make 1.4 Base module 2B3-2B4 BO make 2.1 Base module 2B3-2B4 BO make 2.1 Base module 2B3-2B4 BO make 2.1 Base module 2B5-2B6-2B8 BO change-over 2.2 Base module 2B5-2B6-2B8 BO change-over 2.2 Base module 2B5-2B6-2B8 BO change-over 2.2 Expansion module 3D1-3D2 BO-F make 3.1 3 Expansion module 3D1-3D2 BO-F make 3.1 3 Expansion module 3D3-3D4 BO-F make 3.2 3 Expansion module 3D3-3D4 BO-F make 3.2 3 Expansion module 3D5-3D6 BO-F make 3.3 3 Expansion module 3D5-3D6 BO-F make 3.3 3 Expansion module 3D7-3D8 BO-F make 3.4 3 Expansion module 3D7-3D8 BO-F make 3.4 3 Expansion module 3D7-3D8 BO-F make 3.4 3 Expansion module 3D7-3D8 BO-F make 3.4 3 Expansion module 4B9-4B10 BO-F make 4.1 4 Expansion module 4B9-4B10 BO-F make 4.1 4 Expansion module 4B9-4B10 BO-F make 4.1 4 Expansion module 4B9-4B10 BO-F make 4.1 4 Expansion module 4B9-4B10 BO-F make 4.1 4 Expansion module 4B9-4B10 BO-F make 4.1 4 Expansion module 4B9-4B10 BO-F make 4.1 4 Expansion module 4B9-4B10 BO-F make 4.1 4 Expansion module 4B9-4B10 BO-F make 4.1 4 Expansion module 4B9-4B10 BO-F make 4.1 4 Expansion module 4B9-4B10 BO-F make 4.1 4 Expansion module 4B9-4B10 BO-F make 4.1 4 Expansion module 4B9-4B10 BO-F make 4.1 4 Expansion module 4B11-4B12 BO-F make 4.2 4 Expansion module 4B11-4B12 BO-F make 4.2 4 Expansion module 4B14-4B13 BO-F make 4.3 4 Expansion module 4B14-4B13 BO-F make 4.3 4 Expansion module 4C2-4C1 BO-F make 4.4 4 Expansion module 4C2-4C1 BO-F make 4.4 4 Expansion module 4C3-4C4-4C6 BO-F change-over 4.5 4 Expansion module 4C3-4C4-4C6 BO-F change-over 4.5 4 Expansion module 4C3-4C4-4C6 BO-F change-over 4.5 4 Expansion module 4C7-4C8-4C1 BO-F change-over 4.6 4 0 Expansion module 4C7-4C8-4C1 BO-F change-over 4.6 4 0 Expansion module 4C7-4C8-4C1 BO-F change-over 4.6 4 0 Expansion module 5B11-5B12 BO make 5.1 5 Expansion module 5B11-5B12 BO make 5.1 5 Expansion module 5B13-5B14 BO make 5.2 5 Expansion module 5B13-5B14 BO make 5.2 5 BinaryOutput 3.1 BinaryOutput 3.2 BinaryOutput 3.2 BinaryOutput 3.3 BinaryOutput 3.3 BinaryOutput 3.4 BinaryOutput 3.4 BinaryOutput 3.4 BinaryOutput 3.4 BinaryOutput 4.1 BinaryOutput 4.1 BinaryOutput 4.1 BinaryOutput 4.1 BinaryOutput 4.1 BinaryOutput 4.1 BinaryOutput 4.1 BinaryOutput 4.1 BinaryOutput 4.1 BinaryOutput 4.1 BinaryOutput 4.1 BinaryOutput 4.1 BinaryOutput 4.1 BinaryOutput 4.2 BinaryOutput 4.2 BinaryOutput 4.3 BinaryOutput 4.3 BinaryOutput 4.4 BinaryOutput 4.4 BinaryOutput 4.5 BinaryOutput 4.5 BinaryOutput 4.5 BinaryOutput 4.6 BinaryOutput 4.6 BinaryOutput 4.6 BinaryOutput 5.1 BinaryOutput 5.1 BinaryOutput 5.2 BinaryOutput 5.2 Terminals User label Configured signal Type Value Number QA:50BF CB fail.1:Retrip T1:general QA:Circuit break.:Trip/open cmd. QA:Circuit break.:Trip/open cmd. QA:50BF CB fail.1:Retrip T1:general QA:Circuit break.:Trip/open cmd. QA:50BF CB fail.1:Retrip T1:general QA:50BF CB fail.1:Trip T2:general QA:50BF Inherent:Trip T2:general QA:50EF 3pole:Operate:general QA:50BF CB fail.1:Trip T2:general QA:50BF Inherent:Trip T2:general QA:50EF 3pole:Operate:general QA:Circuit break.:Trip/open cmd. SPS SPS SPS SPS SPS SPS SPS SPS SPS SPS SPS SPS SPS U U U U U U U U U U U U U 101.201.4381.305 101.201.4261.300 101.201.4261.300 101.201.4381.305 101.201.4261.300 101.201.4381.305 101.201.4381.306 101.201.12511.306 101.201.12361.304 101.201.4381.306 101.201.12511.306 101.201.12361.304 101.201.4261.300 QA:50BF CB fail.1:Retrip T1:general SPS U 101.201.4381.305 QA:Circuit break.:Trip/open cmd. SPS U 101.201.4261.300 QA:50BF CB fail.1:Retrip T1:general SPS U 101.201.4381.305 QA:Circuit break.:Trip/open cmd. SPS U 101.201.4261.300 QA:50BF CB fail.1:Retrip T1:general SPS U 101.201.4381.305 QA:Circuit break.:Trip/open cmd. SPS U 101.201.4261.300 QA:50BF CB fail.1:Retrip T1:general SPS U 101.201.4381.305 QA:50BF CB fail.1:Trip T2:general SPS U 101.201.4381.306 QA:50BF Inherent:Trip T2:general SPS U 101.201.12511.306 QA:50BF CB fail.1:Pickup:general SPS U 102.201.4381.55 QA:50BF CB fail.1:Pickup:general SPS U 104.201.4381.55 QA:50BF CB fail.1:Pickup:general SPS U 103.301.4381.55 QA:50BF CB fail.1:Pickup:general SPS U 105.201.4381.55 QA:50BF CB fail.1:Pickup:general SPS U 101.201.4381.55 QA:50BF Inherent:Pickup:general SPS U 101.201.12511.55 QA:50EF 3pole:Pickup:general SPS U 101.201.12361.55 QA:50BF Inherent:Pickup:general SPS U 102.201.12511.55 QA:50EF 3pole:Pickup:general SPS U 102.201.12361.55 QA:50BF Inherent:Pickup:general SPS U 104.201.12511.55 QA:50BF Inherent:Pickup:general SPS U 105.201.12511.55 QA:50BF Inherent:Pickup:general SPS U 103.301.12511.55 QA:50EF 1/3pole:Pickup:general SPS U 103.301.12361.55 QA:Circuit break.:Trip/open cmd. SPS U 102.201.4261.300 QA:50BF CB fail.1:Retrip T1:general SPS U 102.201.4381.305 QA:Circuit break.:Trip/open cmd. SPS U 102.201.4261.300 QA:50BF CB fail.1:Retrip T1:general SPS U 102.201.4381.305 QA:Circuit break.:Trip/open cmd. SPS U 102.201.4261.300 QA:50BF CB fail.1:Retrip T1:general SPS U 102.201.4381.305 QA:50BF Inherent:Trip T2:general SPS U 102.201.12511.306 QA:50BF CB fail.1:Trip T2:general SPS U 102.201.4381.306 QA:50EF 3pole:Operate:general SPS U 102.201.12361.304 QA:50BF Inherent:Trip T2:general SPS U 102.201.12511.306 QA:50BF CB fail.1:Trip T2:general SPS U 102.201.4381.306 QA:50EF 3pole:Operate:general SPS U 102.201.12361.304 QA:Circuit break.:Trip/open cmd. SPS U 102.201.4261.300 QA:50BF CB fail.1:Retrip T1:general SPS U 102.201.4381.305 QA:Circuit break.:Trip/open cmd. SPS U 102.201.4261.300 QA:50BF CB fail.1:Retrip T1:general SPS U 102.201.4381.305 Totally Integrated Automation Portal Binary output Module BinaryOutput 5.3 Expansion module 5C1-5C2 5 Expansion module 5C1-5C2 5 Expansion module 5C3-5C4 5 Expansion module 5C3-5C4 5 Expansion module 5C3-5C4 5 Expansion module 5C3-5C4 5 Expansion module 5C5-5C6 5 Expansion module 5C5-5C6 5 Expansion module 5C5-5C6 5 Expansion module 5C7-5C8 5 Expansion module 5C7-5C8 5 Expansion module 5C9-5C10 5 Expansion module 5C9-5C10 5 Expansion module 5C11-5C12 5 Expansion module 5C11-5C12 5 Expansion module 5C13-5C14 5 Expansion module 5C13-5C14 5 Expansion module 5D1-5D2 5 Expansion module 5D1-5D2 5 Expansion module 5D3-5D4 5 Expansion module 5D3-5D4 5 Expansion module 5D5-5D6 5 Expansion module 5D5-5D6 5 Expansion module 5D5-5D6 5 Expansion module 5D9-5D10 5 Expansion module 5D9-5D10 5 Expansion module 5D11-5D12 5 Expansion module 5D11-5D12 5 Expansion module 5D13-5D14 5 Expansion module 5D13-5D14 5 Expansion module 6B11-6B12 6 Expansion module 6B11-6B12 6 Expansion module 6B13-6B14 6 Expansion module 6B13-6B14 6 Expansion module 6C1-6C2 6 Expansion module 6C1-6C2 6 Expansion module 6C3-6C4 6 Expansion module 6C3-6C4 6 Expansion module 6C5-6C6 6 Expansion module 6C5-6C6 6 Expansion module 6C7-6C8 6 Expansion module 6C7-6C8 6 Expansion module 6C7-6C8 6 Expansion module 6C7-6C8 6 Expansion module 6C11-6C12 6 BinaryOutput 5.3 BinaryOutput 5.4 BinaryOutput 5.4 BinaryOutput 5.4 BinaryOutput 5.4 BinaryOutput 5.5 BinaryOutput 5.5 BinaryOutput 5.5 BinaryOutput 5.6 BinaryOutput 5.6 BinaryOutput 5.7 BinaryOutput 5.7 BinaryOutput 5.8 BinaryOutput 5.8 BinaryOutput 5.9 BinaryOutput 5.9 BinaryOutput 5.10 BinaryOutput 5.10 BinaryOutput 5.11 BinaryOutput 5.11 BinaryOutput 5.12 BinaryOutput 5.12 BinaryOutput 5.12 BinaryOutput 5.14 BinaryOutput 5.14 BinaryOutput 5.15 BinaryOutput 5.15 BinaryOutput 5.16 BinaryOutput 5.16 BinaryOutput 6.1 BinaryOutput 6.1 BinaryOutput 6.2 BinaryOutput 6.2 BinaryOutput 6.3 BinaryOutput 6.3 BinaryOutput 6.4 BinaryOutput 6.4 BinaryOutput 6.5 BinaryOutput 6.5 BinaryOutput 6.6 BinaryOutput 6.6 BinaryOutput 6.6 BinaryOutput 6.6 BinaryOutput 6.8 Terminals User label Configured signal Type Value BO make 5.3 QA:Circuit break.:Trip/open cmd. SPS U Number 102.201.4261.300 BO make 5.3 QA:50BF CB fail.1:Retrip T1:general SPS U 102.201.4381.305 BO make 5.4 QA:Circuit break.:Trip/open cmd. SPS U 102.201.4261.300 BO make 5.4 QA:50BF Inherent:Trip T2:general SPS U 102.201.12511.306 BO make 5.4 QA:50BF CB fail.1:Retrip T1:general SPS U 102.201.4381.305 BO make 5.4 QA:50BF CB fail.1:Trip T2:general SPS U 102.201.4381.306 BO make 5.5 QA:50BF CB fail.1:Trip T2:general SPS U 103.301.4381.310 BO make 5.5 QA:50EF 1/3pole:Operate:general SPS U 103.301.12361.304 BO make 5.5 QA:50BF Inherent:Trip T2:general SPS U 103.301.12511.306 BO make 5.6 QA:Circuit break.:Trip/open cmd. 3-pole SPS U 103.301.4261.300 BO make 5.6 QA:50BF CB fail.1:Retrip T1:phs A SPS U 103.301.4381.309 BO make 5.7 QA:Circuit break.:Trip/open cmd. 3-pole SPS U 103.301.4261.300 BO make 5.7 QA:50BF CB fail.1:Retrip T1:phs B SPS U 103.301.4381.309 BO make 5.8 QA:Circuit break.:Trip/open cmd. 3-pole SPS U 103.301.4261.300 BO make 5.8 QA:50BF CB fail.1:Retrip T1:phs C SPS U 103.301.4381.309 BO make 5.9 QA:Circuit break.:Trip/open cmd. 3-pole SPS U 103.301.4261.300 BO make 5.9 QA:50BF CB fail.1:Retrip T1:phs A SPS U 103.301.4381.309 BO make 5.10 QA:Circuit break.:Trip/open cmd. 3-pole SPS U 103.301.4261.300 BO make 5.10 QA:50BF CB fail.1:Retrip T1:phs B SPS U 103.301.4381.309 BO make 5.11 QA:Circuit break.:Trip/open cmd. 3-pole SPS U 103.301.4261.300 BO make 5.11 QA:50BF CB fail.1:Retrip T1:phs C SPS U 103.301.4381.309 BO make 5.12 QA:Circuit break.:Trip/open cmd. 3-pole SPS U 103.301.4261.300 BO make 5.12 QA:50BF CB fail.1:Trip T2:general SPS U 103.301.4381.310 BO make 5.12 QA:50BF Inherent:Trip T2:general SPS U 103.301.12511.306 BO make 5.14 QA:Circuit break.:Trip/open cmd. SPS U 104.201.4261.300 BO make 5.14 QA:50BF CB fail.1:Retrip T1:general SPS U 104.201.4381.305 BO make 5.15 QA:Circuit break.:Trip/open cmd. SPS U 104.201.4261.300 BO make 5.15 QA:50BF CB fail.1:Retrip T1:general SPS U 104.201.4381.305 BO make 5.16 QA:Circuit break.:Trip/open cmd. SPS U 104.201.4261.300 BO make 5.16 QA:50BF CB fail.1:Retrip T1:general SPS U 104.201.4381.305 BO make 6.1 QA:50BF CB fail.1:Trip T2:general SPS U 104.201.4381.306 BO make 6.1 QA:50BF Inherent:Trip T2:general SPS U 104.201.12511.306 BO make 6.2 QA:50BF CB fail.1:Trip T2:general SPS U 104.201.4381.306 BO make 6.2 QA:50BF Inherent:Trip T2:general SPS U 104.201.12511.306 BO make 6.3 QA:Circuit break.:Trip/open cmd. SPS U 104.201.4261.300 BO make 6.3 QA:50BF CB fail.1:Retrip T1:general SPS U 104.201.4381.305 BO make 6.4 QA:Circuit break.:Trip/open cmd. SPS U 104.201.4261.300 BO make 6.4 QA:50BF CB fail.1:Retrip T1:general SPS U 104.201.4381.305 BO make 6.5 QA:Circuit break.:Trip/open cmd. SPS U 104.201.4261.300 BO make 6.5 QA:50BF CB fail.1:Retrip T1:general SPS U 104.201.4381.305 BO make 6.6 QA:Circuit break.:Trip/open cmd. SPS U 104.201.4261.300 BO make 6.6 QA:50BF CB fail.1:Trip T2:general SPS U 104.201.4381.306 BO make 6.6 QA:50BF CB fail.1:Retrip T1:general SPS U 104.201.4381.305 BO make 6.6 QA:50BF Inherent:Trip T2:general SPS U 104.201.12511.306 BO make 6.8 QA:Circuit break.:Trip/open cmd. SPS U 105.201.4261.300 Totally Integrated Automation Portal Binary output Module BinaryOutput 6.8 Expansion module 6C11-6C12 6 Expansion module 6C13-6C14 6 Expansion module 6C13-6C14 6 Expansion module 6D1-6D2 6 Expansion module 6D1-6D2 6 Expansion module 6D3-6D4 6 Expansion module 6D3-6D4 6 Expansion module 6D5-6D6 6 Expansion module 6D5-6D6 6 Expansion module 6D7-6D8 6 Expansion module 6D7-6D8 6 Expansion module 6D9-6D10 6 Expansion module 6D9-6D10 6 Expansion module 6D11-6D12 6 Expansion module 6D11-6D12 6 Expansion module 6D13-6D14 6 Expansion module 6D13-6D14 6 Expansion module 6D13-6D14 6 Expansion module 6D13-6D14 6 BinaryOutput 6.9 BinaryOutput 6.9 BinaryOutput 6.10 BinaryOutput 6.10 BinaryOutput 6.11 BinaryOutput 6.11 BinaryOutput 6.12 BinaryOutput 6.12 BinaryOutput 6.13 BinaryOutput 6.13 BinaryOutput 6.14 BinaryOutput 6.14 BinaryOutput 6.15 BinaryOutput 6.15 BinaryOutput 6.16 BinaryOutput 6.16 BinaryOutput 6.16 BinaryOutput 6.16 Terminals User label Configured signal Type Value Number BO make 6.8 QA:50BF CB fail.1:Retrip T1:general SPS U 105.201.4381.305 BO make 6.9 QA:Circuit break.:Trip/open cmd. SPS U 105.201.4261.300 BO make 6.9 QA:50BF CB fail.1:Retrip T1:general SPS U 105.201.4381.305 BO make 6.10 QA:Circuit break.:Trip/open cmd. SPS U 105.201.4261.300 BO make 6.10 QA:50BF CB fail.1:Retrip T1:general SPS U 105.201.4381.305 BO make 6.11 QA:50BF CB fail.1:Trip T2:general SPS U 105.201.4381.306 BO make 6.11 QA:50BF Inherent:Trip T2:general SPS U 105.201.12511.306 BO make 6.12 QA:50BF CB fail.1:Trip T2:general SPS U 105.201.4381.306 BO make 6.12 QA:50BF Inherent:Trip T2:general SPS U 105.201.12511.306 BO make 6.13 QA:Circuit break.:Trip/open cmd. SPS U 105.201.4261.300 BO make 6.13 QA:50BF CB fail.1:Retrip T1:general SPS U 105.201.4381.305 BO make 6.14 QA:Circuit break.:Trip/open cmd. SPS U 105.201.4261.300 BO make 6.14 QA:50BF CB fail.1:Retrip T1:general SPS U 105.201.4381.305 BO make 6.15 QA:Circuit break.:Trip/open cmd. SPS U 105.201.4261.300 BO make 6.15 QA:50BF CB fail.1:Retrip T1:general SPS U 105.201.4381.305 BO make 6.16 QA:50BF CB fail.1:Trip T2:general SPS U 105.201.4381.306 BO make 6.16 QA:Circuit break.:Trip/open cmd. SPS U 105.201.4261.300 BO make 6.16 QA:50BF CB fail.1:Retrip T1:general SPS U 105.201.4381.305 BO make 6.16 QA:50BF Inherent:Trip T2:general SPS U 105.201.12511.306 No function-keys information routed LEDs LEDs Led 1.1 Led 1.2 Led 1.3 Led 1.4 Led 1.5 Led 1.6 Led 1.6 Led 1.7 Led 1.8 Led 1.9 Led 1.9 Led 1.10 Led 1.11 Led 1.12 Led 1.12 Led 1.13 Led 1.14 Led 1.15 Led 1.15 Led 3.1 Led 3.2 Led 3.2 Led 3.4 Led 3.5 Led 3.6 Led 3.7 Led 3.8 Led 3.9 Led 3.13 Led 3.14 Led 3.15 Led 3.16 Module User label Configured signal Type Value Number Base module Base module Base module Base module Base module Base module Base module Base module Base module Base module Base module Base module Base module Base module Base module Base module Base module Base module Base module Expansion module 3 Expansion module 3 Expansion module 3 Expansion module 3 Expansion module 3 Expansion module 3 Expansion module 3 Expansion module 3 Expansion module 3 Expansion module 3 Expansion module 3 Expansion module 3 Expansion module 3 Operate general Operate phs A Operate phs B Operate phs C Retrip T1 general Trip T2 general, Trip T... Trip T2 general, Trip T... Operate general Retrip T1 general Trip T2 general, Trip T... Trip T2 general, Trip T... Operate general Retrip T1 general Trip T2 general, Trip T... Trip T2 general, Trip T... Operate general Retrip T1 general Trip T2 general, Trip T... Trip T2 general, Trip T... Retrip T1 general Busbar:Group indicat.:Operate:general Busbar:Group indicat.:Operate:phs A Busbar:Group indicat.:Operate:phs B Busbar:Group indicat.:Operate:phs C QA:50BF CB fail.1:Retrip T1:general QA:50BF CB fail.1:Trip T2:general QA:50BF Inherent:Trip T2:general QA:50EF 3pole:Operate:general QA:50BF CB fail.1:Retrip T1:general QA:50BF CB fail.1:Trip T2:general QA:50BF Inherent:Trip T2:general QA:50EF 3pole:Operate:general QA:50BF CB fail.1:Retrip T1:general QA:50BF CB fail.1:Trip T2:general QA:50BF Inherent:Trip T2:general QA:50EF 1/3pole:Operate:general QA:50BF CB fail.1:Retrip T1:general QA:50BF CB fail.1:Trip T2:general QA:50BF Inherent:Trip T2:general QA:50BF CB fail.1:Retrip T1:general SPS SPS SPS SPS SPS SPS SPS SPS SPS SPS SPS SPS SPS SPS SPS SPS SPS SPS SPS SPS L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L 1021.4501.57 1021.4501.57 1021.4501.57 1021.4501.57 101.201.4381.305 101.201.4381.306 101.201.12511.306 101.201.12361.304 102.201.4381.305 102.201.4381.306 102.201.12511.306 102.201.12361.304 103.301.4381.309 103.301.4381.310 103.301.12511.306 103.301.12361.304 104.201.4381.305 104.201.4381.306 104.201.12511.306 105.201.4381.305 Trip T2 general, Trip T... QA:50BF CB fail.1:Trip T2:general SPS L 105.201.4381.306 Trip T2 general, Trip T... QA:50BF Inherent:Trip T2:general SPS L 105.201.12511.306 Process mode inactive Application BBP:Device:Process mode inactive SPS U Out of service TRAFO1:General:Out of service SPS U 101.12181.301 Out of service TRAFO2:General:Out of service SPS U 102.12181.301 Out of service LINEA 5038:General:Out of service SPS U 103.12181.301 Out of service TRAFO3:General:Out of service SPS U 104.12181.301 Out of service TRAFO4:General:Out of service SPS U 105.12181.301 Fail. meas.-val. sup. Application BBP:Group indicat.:Fail. meas.-val. sup. SPS U 4501.304 Sw. fault alarm Application BBP:Group indicat.:Sw. fault alarm SPS U 4501.303 Sw. gear op. prohibited Application BBP:Group indicat.:Sw. gear op. prohibited SPS U 4501.301 Alarm general Busbar:BB prot. supervision:Diff. I superv:Alarm:general SPS U 1021.1841.12031.300 Totally Integrated Automation Portal Totally Integrated Automation Portal B00_F006 Settings Device settings Settings Edit mode Number settings groups Activat. of settings group DIGSI 5 uses the following interface Operation-panel language Binary input channel threshold Used time stamp in GOOSE subscriptions Hide settings in IEC 61850 structure Hide SIPROTEC extensions in IEC 61850 structure Use dynamic reporting Block IEC 61850 settings changes Access point used in Edition1 Value secondary 1 settings group 1 (Port J) English (United States) Low: 44 V, High: 88 V On message reception Show all settings Show all SIPROTEC extensions True False E Activate device functionality Settings Voltage variant Integrated Ethernet interface (port J) Significant feature Select function-point class or classless Value DC 60 V to 250 V, AC 100 V to 230 V Only DIGSI 5 connection A: 2 zones, 4 bays incl. Base + 175 General \Device Number 91.101 91.102 91.138 Settings Rated frequency Minimum operate time Block monitoring dir. Value All: 60 Hz All: 0 s All: off General \Chatter blocking Number 91.123 91.127 91.124 91.125 91.137 Settings No. permis.state changes Initial test time No. of chatter tests Chatter idle time Subsequent test time Value All: 0 All: 1 s All: 0 All: 1 min All: 2 s General \Control Number 91.118 91.119 91.152 Settings Enable sw.auth. station Multiple sw.auth. levels Specific sw. authorities Value All: false All: false All: false General \Spontan.indic. Number 91.139 Settings Fault-display Value All: with trip General \CFC Number 91.161 Settings CFC chart quality handling Value All: automatic General \Test support Number 91.150 91.151 Settings Activate device test mode Oper.bin.outp. under test Value All: false All: false Localization Number 6211.139 Settings Unit system Value All: SI Time settings General Settings Date format Value All: DD.MM.YYYY Totally Integrated Automation Portal Time source Settings Fault indication after Time source 1 Time source 2 Time zone time source 1 Time zone time source 2 Sync. latency time src.1 Sync. latency time src.2 Value All: 600 s Ch1:port E:SNTP none All: UTC All: local All: 0 us All: 0 us Time zone and daylight saving time Settings Time zone offset to UTC Offset daylight sav. time Switch daylight sav. time Value All: -300 min All: 60 min false Power system \TRAFO 1 CT 3-phase \General Number 11.931.8881.115 11.931.8881.130 Settings CT connection Measuring-point ID Value All: 3-phase + IN All: 1 CT 3-phase \CT phases Number 11.931.8881.101 11.931.8881.102 11.931.8881.117 11.931.8881.118 Settings Rated primary current Rated secondary current Current range Internal CT type Value All: 300 A All: 1 A All: 100 x IR All: CT protection CT 1 Number 11.931.3841.103 11.931.3841.117 Settings Magnitude correction Phase Value All: 1 All: I A CT 2 Number 11.931.3842.103 11.931.3842.117 Settings Magnitude correction Phase Value All: 1 All: I B CT 3 Number 11.931.3843.103 11.931.3843.117 Settings Magnitude correction Phase Value All: 1 All: I C CT 4 Number 11.931.3844.103 11.931.3844.117 Settings Magnitude correction Phase Value All: 1 All: IN Supv.ADC sum I Number 11.931.2401.1 Settings Mode Value Settings group 1: on CT 3-phase \General Number 11.932.8881.115 11.932.8881.130 Settings CT connection Measuring-point ID Value All: 3-phase + IN All: 2 CT 3-phase \CT phases Number 11.932.8881.101 11.932.8881.102 11.932.8881.117 11.932.8881.118 Settings Rated primary current Rated secondary current Current range Internal CT type Value All: 300 A All: 1 A All: 100 x IR All: CT protection CT 1 Number 11.932.3841.103 Settings Magnitude correction Value All: 1 Power system \TRAFO 2 Totally Integrated Automation Portal Number 11.932.3841.117 Settings Phase Value All: I A CT 2 Number 11.932.3842.103 11.932.3842.117 Settings Magnitude correction Phase Value All: 1 All: I B CT 3 Number 11.932.3843.103 11.932.3843.117 Settings Magnitude correction Phase Value All: 1 All: I C CT 4 Number 11.932.3844.103 11.932.3844.117 Settings Magnitude correction Phase Value All: 1 All: IN Supv.ADC sum I Number 11.932.2401.1 Settings Mode Value Settings group 1: on CT 3-phase \General Number 11.933.8881.115 11.933.8881.130 Settings CT connection Measuring-point ID Value All: 3-phase + IN All: 3 CT 3-phase \CT phases Number 11.933.8881.101 11.933.8881.102 11.933.8881.117 11.933.8881.118 Settings Rated primary current Rated secondary current Current range Internal CT type Value All: 1000 A All: 1 A All: 100 x IR All: CT protection CT 1 Number 11.933.3841.103 11.933.3841.117 Settings Magnitude correction Phase Value All: 1 All: I A CT 2 Number 11.933.3842.103 11.933.3842.117 Settings Magnitude correction Phase Value All: 1 All: I B CT 3 Number 11.933.3843.103 11.933.3843.117 Settings Magnitude correction Phase Value All: 1 All: I C CT 4 Number 11.933.3844.103 11.933.3844.117 Settings Magnitude correction Phase Value All: 1 All: IN Supv.ADC sum I Number 11.933.2401.1 Settings Mode Value Settings group 1: on Settings CT connection Measuring-point ID Value All: 3-phase + IN All: 4 Power system \LINEA 5038 Power system \TRAFO 3 CT 3-phase \General Number 11.934.8881.115 11.934.8881.130 Totally Integrated Automation Portal CT 3-phase \CT phases Number 11.934.8881.101 11.934.8881.102 11.934.8881.117 11.934.8881.118 Settings Rated primary current Rated secondary current Current range Internal CT type Value All: 300 A All: 1 A All: 100 x IR All: CT protection CT 1 Number 11.934.3841.103 11.934.3841.117 Settings Magnitude correction Phase Value All: 1 All: I A CT 2 Number 11.934.3842.103 11.934.3842.117 Settings Magnitude correction Phase Value All: 1 All: I B CT 3 Number 11.934.3843.103 11.934.3843.117 Settings Magnitude correction Phase Value All: 1 All: I C CT 4 Number 11.934.3844.103 11.934.3844.117 Settings Magnitude correction Phase Value All: 1 All: IN Supv.ADC sum I Number 11.934.2401.1 Settings Mode Value Settings group 1: on CT 3-phase \General Number 11.935.8881.115 11.935.8881.130 Settings CT connection Measuring-point ID Value All: 3-phase + IN All: 5 CT 3-phase \CT phases Number 11.935.8881.101 11.935.8881.102 11.935.8881.117 11.935.8881.118 Settings Rated primary current Rated secondary current Current range Internal CT type Value All: 300 A All: 1 A All: 100 x IR All: CT protection CT 1 Number 11.935.3841.103 11.935.3841.117 Settings Magnitude correction Phase Value All: 1 All: I A CT 2 Number 11.935.3842.103 11.935.3842.117 Settings Magnitude correction Phase Value All: 1 All: I B CT 3 Number 11.935.3843.103 11.935.3843.117 Settings Magnitude correction Phase Value All: 1 All: I C CT 4 Number 11.935.3844.103 11.935.3844.117 Settings Magnitude correction Phase Value All: 1 All: IN Supv.ADC sum I Number 11.935.2401.1 Settings Mode Value Settings group 1: on Power system \TRAFO 4 Totally Integrated Automation Portal Recording \Fault recorder Control Number 51.791.2761.130 51.791.2761.131 51.791.2761.111 51.791.2761.112 51.791.2761.113 51.791.2761.116 51.791.2761.140 Settings Fault recording Storage Maximum record time Pre-trigger time Post-trigger time Manual record time Sampling frequency Value All: with pickup All: always All: 5 s All: 0.5 s All: 0.5 s All: 0.5 s All: 2 kHz Settings Mode Coupler trip w. bus-shunt Check zone Value All: on All: no All: on Diff.Prot. general Number 1021.1831.11821.101 1021.1831.11821.102 1021.1831.11821.103 1021.1831.11821.105 Settings Rated object current IrObj Add. trip criterion (p. ph.) Trip release supervision Sens. characteristic Value All: 1000 A All: nonexistent Settings group 1: off All: nonexistent Check zone Number 1021.1831.11911.100 1021.1831.11911.103 1021.1831.11911.104 Settings Threshold Idiff Thresh. Is /sens.char/BFP Stabilization factor k Value Settings group 1: 1.25 I/IrObj Settings group 1: 5 I/IrObj Settings group 1: 0.65 Bus zone gen. Number 1021.1831.12091.100 1021.1831.12091.103 1021.1831.12091.104 Settings Threshold Idiff Thresh. Is /sens.char/BFP Stabilization factor k Value Settings group 1: 1.25 I/IrObj Settings group 1: 0 I/IrObj Settings group 1: 0.65 Ext. trip BZ Number 1021.1831.11971.100 Settings Superv.t. Rel. ext. trip BZ Value Settings group 1: 0.06 s Settings Mode Thresh. Id superv. BZ Thresh. Id superv. CZ Id superv. t. delay Id superv. reaction BZ Id superv. reaction CZ Value Settings group 1: on Settings group 1: 0.1 I/IrObj Settings group 1: 0.1 I/IrObj Settings group 1: 2 s Settings group 1: Alarm only Settings group 1: Alarm only General \Ref. for %-values Number 101.201.2311.101 Settings Rated normal current Value All: 300 A General \Breaker settings Number 101.201.2311.112 101.201.2311.136 Settings Current thresh. CB open Op. mode BFP Value All: 0.100 A All: I> query Settings Output time Value All: 0.1 s Busbar \General General Number 1021.12151.1 1021.12151.101 1021.12151.102 Busbar \Busbar protection Busbar \BB prot. supervision Diff. I superv Number 1021.1841.12031.1 1021.1841.12031.100 1021.1841.12031.101 1021.1841.12031.102 1021.1841.12031.103 1021.1841.12031.104 TRAFO1 \QA \General TRAFO1 \QA \Circuit break. Circuit break. Number 101.201.4261.101 Totally Integrated Automation Portal TRAFO1 \QA \50BF Inherent 50BF Inherent Number 101.201.12511.1 101.201.12511.102 101.201.12511.101 101.201.12511.104 101.201.12511.110 101.201.12511.112 101.201.12511.120 Settings Mode Threshold phase current Threshold ground current Dropout Delay T2 for 3-pole trip Minimum operate time Plausibility check 3I0 Value Settings group 1: on Settings group 1: 12.817 A Settings group 1: 7.533 A Settings group 1: with effective criterion Settings group 1: 0.11 s Settings group 1: 0.1 s All: yes Settings Control model SBO time-out Feedback monitoring time Check switching authority Check if pos. is reached Check double activat. blk. Check blk. by protection Value All: SBO w. enh. security All: 30 s All: 1 s All: yes All: yes All: yes All: yes Settings Dead time Value All: 0.1 s Settings Mode Holding int. start signal Start via binary input Holding ext. start signal Sup.time f. release signal CB aux.cont. crit. allowed Dropout Retrip after T1 Threshold phase current Threshold ground current Delay T1 for 3-pole retrip Delay T2 for 3-pole trip Minimum operate time Plausibility check 3I0 Value Settings group 1: on Settings group 1: yes All: 2 channel Settings group 1: no Settings group 1: 0.06 s Settings group 1: no Settings group 1: with effective criterion Settings group 1: start T2 after T1 Settings group 1: 12.817 A Settings group 1: 7.533 A Settings group 1: 0.11 s Settings group 1: 0.11 s Settings group 1: 0.1 s All: yes Settings Mode Threshold 1 Threshold 2 Dropout ratio Delay CB open Operate delay Minimum operate time Value Settings group 1: on Settings group 1: 0.50 A Settings group 1: 0.25 A All: 0.95 All: 0.05 s Settings group 1: 0 s All: 0.1 s General \Ref. for %-values Number 102.201.2311.101 Settings Rated normal current Value All: 300 A General \Breaker settings Number 102.201.2311.112 102.201.2311.136 Settings Current thresh. CB open Op. mode BFP Value All: 0.100 A All: I> query Settings Output time Value All: 0.1 s TRAFO1 \QA \Control Control Number 101.201.4201.101 101.201.4201.102 101.201.4201.103 101.201.4201.104 101.201.4201.105 101.201.4201.106 101.201.4201.107 TRAFO1 \QA \CB test CB test Number 101.201.6151.101 TRAFO1 \QA \50BF CB fail.1 50BF CB fail.1 Number 101.201.4381.1 101.201.4381.105 101.201.4381.107 101.201.4381.106 101.201.4381.111 101.201.4381.103 101.201.4381.104 101.201.4381.108 101.201.4381.102 101.201.4381.101 101.201.4381.109 101.201.4381.110 101.201.4381.112 101.201.4381.120 TRAFO1 \QA \50EF 3pole 50EF 3pole Number 101.201.12361.1 101.201.12361.101 101.201.12361.102 101.201.12361.4 101.201.12361.110 101.201.12361.111 101.201.12361.112 TRAFO2 \QA \General TRAFO2 \QA \Circuit break. Circuit break. Number 102.201.4261.101 Totally Integrated Automation Portal TRAFO2 \QA \50BF Inherent 50BF Inherent Number 102.201.12511.1 102.201.12511.102 102.201.12511.101 102.201.12511.104 102.201.12511.110 102.201.12511.112 102.201.12511.120 Settings Mode Threshold phase current Threshold ground current Dropout Delay T2 for 3-pole trip Minimum operate time Plausibility check 3I0 Value Settings group 1: on Settings group 1: 12.817 A Settings group 1: 7.533 A Settings group 1: with effective criterion Settings group 1: 0.11 s Settings group 1: 0.1 s All: yes Settings Control model SBO time-out Feedback monitoring time Check switching authority Check if pos. is reached Check double activat. blk. Check blk. by protection Value All: SBO w. enh. security All: 30 s All: 1 s All: yes All: yes All: yes All: yes Settings Dead time Value All: 0.1 s Settings Mode Holding int. start signal Start via binary input Holding ext. start signal Sup.time f. release signal CB aux.cont. crit. allowed Dropout Retrip after T1 Threshold phase current Threshold ground current Delay T1 for 3-pole retrip Delay T2 for 3-pole trip Minimum operate time Plausibility check 3I0 Value Settings group 1: on Settings group 1: yes All: 2 channel Settings group 1: no Settings group 1: 0.06 s Settings group 1: no Settings group 1: with effective criterion Settings group 1: start T2 after T1 Settings group 1: 12.817 A Settings group 1: 7.533 A Settings group 1: 0.11 s Settings group 1: 0.11 s Settings group 1: 0.1 s All: yes Settings Mode Threshold 1 Threshold 2 Dropout ratio Delay CB open Operate delay Minimum operate time Value Settings group 1: on Settings group 1: 0.50 A Settings group 1: 0.25 A All: 0.95 All: 0.05 s Settings group 1: 0 s All: 0.1 s General \Ref. for %-values Number 103.301.2311.101 Settings Rated normal current Value All: 1000 A General \Breaker settings Number 103.301.2311.112 103.301.2311.136 Settings Current thresh. CB open Op. mode BFP Value All: 0.10 A All: I> query TRAFO2 \QA \Control Control Number 102.201.4201.101 102.201.4201.102 102.201.4201.103 102.201.4201.104 102.201.4201.105 102.201.4201.106 102.201.4201.107 TRAFO2 \QA \CB test CB test Number 102.201.6151.101 TRAFO2 \QA \50BF CB fail.1 50BF CB fail.1 Number 102.201.4381.1 102.201.4381.105 102.201.4381.107 102.201.4381.106 102.201.4381.111 102.201.4381.103 102.201.4381.104 102.201.4381.108 102.201.4381.102 102.201.4381.101 102.201.4381.109 102.201.4381.110 102.201.4381.112 102.201.4381.120 TRAFO2 \QA \50EF 3pole 50EF 3pole Number 102.201.12361.1 102.201.12361.101 102.201.12361.102 102.201.12361.4 102.201.12361.110 102.201.12361.111 102.201.12361.112 LINEA 5038 \QA \General Totally Integrated Automation Portal LINEA 5038 \QA \Circuit break. Circuit break. Number 103.301.4261.101 Settings Output time Value All: 0.1 s Settings Mode Threshold phase current Threshold ground current Dropout Delay T2 for 3-pole trip Minimum operate time Plausibility check 3I0 Value Settings group 1: on Settings group 1: 3.845 A Settings group 1: 2.26 A Settings group 1: with effective criterion Settings group 1: 0.11 s Settings group 1: 0.1 s All: yes Settings Control model SBO time-out Feedback monitoring time Check switching authority Check if pos. is reached Check double activat. blk. Check blk. by protection Value All: SBO w. enh. security All: 30 s All: 1 s All: yes All: yes All: yes All: yes Settings Dead time Value All: 0.1 s Settings Mode Holding int. start signal Start via binary input Holding ext. start signal Sup.time f. release signal CB aux.cont. crit. allowed Dropout Retrip after T1 Retrip 1-/3-pole Threshold phase current Threshold ground current Delay T1 for 3-pole retrip Delay T1 for 1-pole retrip Delay T2 for 3-pole trip Delay T2 for 1-pole trip Minimum operate time Plausibility check 3I0 Value Settings group 1: on Settings group 1: yes All: 2 channel Settings group 1: no Settings group 1: 0.06 s Settings group 1: no Settings group 1: with effective criterion All: start T2 after T1 All: 1-pole Settings group 1: 3.845 A Settings group 1: 2.26 A Settings group 1: 0.11 s Settings group 1: 0.05 s Settings group 1: 0.11 s Settings group 1: 0.13 s Settings group 1: 0.1 s All: yes Settings Mode Threshold 1 Threshold 2 Dropout ratio Delay CB open Operate delay Minimum operate time Value Settings group 1: on Settings group 1: 0.50 A Settings group 1: 0.25 A All: 0.95 All: 0.05 s Settings group 1: 0 s All: 0.1 s Settings Rated normal current Value All: 300 A LINEA 5038 \QA \50BF Inherent 50BF Inherent Number 103.301.12511.1 103.301.12511.102 103.301.12511.101 103.301.12511.104 103.301.12511.110 103.301.12511.112 103.301.12511.120 LINEA 5038 \QA \Control Control Number 103.301.4201.101 103.301.4201.102 103.301.4201.103 103.301.4201.104 103.301.4201.105 103.301.4201.106 103.301.4201.107 LINEA 5038 \QA \CB test CB test Number 103.301.6151.101 LINEA 5038 \QA \50BF CB fail.1 50BF CB fail.1 Number 103.301.4381.1 103.301.4381.105 103.301.4381.107 103.301.4381.106 103.301.4381.108 103.301.4381.103 103.301.4381.104 103.301.4381.110 103.301.4381.109 103.301.4381.102 103.301.4381.101 103.301.4381.111 103.301.4381.113 103.301.4381.112 103.301.4381.114 103.301.4381.115 103.301.4381.120 LINEA 5038 \QA \50EF 1/3pole 50EF 1/3pole Number 103.301.12361.1 103.301.12361.101 103.301.12361.102 103.301.12361.4 103.301.12361.110 103.301.12361.111 103.301.12361.112 TRAFO3 \QA \General General \Ref. for %-values Number 104.201.2311.101 Totally Integrated Automation Portal General \Breaker settings Number 104.201.2311.112 104.201.2311.136 Settings Current thresh. CB open Op. mode BFP Value All: 0.100 A All: I> query Settings Output time Value All: 0.1 s Settings Mode Threshold phase current Threshold ground current Dropout Delay T2 for 3-pole trip Minimum operate time Plausibility check 3I0 Value Settings group 1: on Settings group 1: 12.817 A Settings group 1: 7.533 A Settings group 1: with effective criterion Settings group 1: 0.11 s Settings group 1: 0.1 s All: yes Settings Control model SBO time-out Feedback monitoring time Check switching authority Check if pos. is reached Check double activat. blk. Check blk. by protection Value All: SBO w. enh. security All: 30 s All: 1 s All: yes All: yes All: yes All: yes Settings Dead time Value All: 0.1 s Settings Mode Holding int. start signal Start via binary input Holding ext. start signal Sup.time f. release signal CB aux.cont. crit. allowed Dropout Retrip after T1 Threshold phase current Threshold ground current Delay T1 for 3-pole retrip Delay T2 for 3-pole trip Minimum operate time Plausibility check 3I0 Value Settings group 1: on Settings group 1: yes All: 2 channel Settings group 1: no Settings group 1: 0.06 s Settings group 1: no Settings group 1: with effective criterion Settings group 1: start T2 after T1 Settings group 1: 12.817 A Settings group 1: 7.533 A Settings group 1: 0.11 s Settings group 1: 0.11 s Settings group 1: 0.1 s All: yes Settings Mode Threshold 1 Threshold 2 Dropout ratio Delay CB open Operate delay Minimum operate time Value Settings group 1: on Settings group 1: 0.50 A Settings group 1: 0.25 A All: 0.95 All: 0.05 s Settings group 1: 0 s All: 0.1 s Settings Rated normal current Value All: 300 A TRAFO3 \QA \Circuit break. Circuit break. Number 104.201.4261.101 TRAFO3 \QA \50BF Inherent 50BF Inherent Number 104.201.12511.1 104.201.12511.102 104.201.12511.101 104.201.12511.104 104.201.12511.110 104.201.12511.112 104.201.12511.120 TRAFO3 \QA \Control Control Number 104.201.4201.101 104.201.4201.102 104.201.4201.103 104.201.4201.104 104.201.4201.105 104.201.4201.106 104.201.4201.107 TRAFO3 \QA \CB test CB test Number 104.201.6151.101 TRAFO3 \QA \50BF CB fail.1 50BF CB fail.1 Number 104.201.4381.1 104.201.4381.105 104.201.4381.107 104.201.4381.106 104.201.4381.111 104.201.4381.103 104.201.4381.104 104.201.4381.108 104.201.4381.102 104.201.4381.101 104.201.4381.109 104.201.4381.110 104.201.4381.112 104.201.4381.120 TRAFO3 \QA \50EF 3pole 50EF 3pole Number 104.201.12361.1 104.201.12361.101 104.201.12361.102 104.201.12361.4 104.201.12361.110 104.201.12361.111 104.201.12361.112 TRAFO4 \QA \General General \Ref. for %-values Number 105.201.2311.101 Totally Integrated Automation Portal General \Breaker settings Number 105.201.2311.112 105.201.2311.136 Settings Current thresh. CB open Op. mode BFP Value All: 0.100 A All: I> query Settings Output time Value All: 0.1 s Settings Mode Threshold phase current Threshold ground current Dropout Delay T2 for 3-pole trip Minimum operate time Plausibility check 3I0 Value Settings group 1: on Settings group 1: 12.817 A Settings group 1: 7.533 A Settings group 1: with effective criterion Settings group 1: 0.11 s Settings group 1: 0.1 s All: yes Settings Control model SBO time-out Feedback monitoring time Check switching authority Check if pos. is reached Check double activat. blk. Check blk. by protection Value All: SBO w. enh. security All: 30 s All: 1 s All: yes All: yes All: yes All: yes Settings Dead time Value All: 0.1 s Settings Mode Holding int. start signal Start via binary input Holding ext. start signal Sup.time f. release signal CB aux.cont. crit. allowed Dropout Retrip after T1 Threshold phase current Threshold ground current Delay T1 for 3-pole retrip Delay T2 for 3-pole trip Minimum operate time Plausibility check 3I0 Value Settings group 1: on Settings group 1: yes All: 2 channel Settings group 1: no Settings group 1: 0.06 s Settings group 1: no Settings group 1: with effective criterion Settings group 1: start T2 after T1 Settings group 1: 12.817 A Settings group 1: 7.533 A Settings group 1: 0.11 s Settings group 1: 0.11 s Settings group 1: 0.1 s All: yes Settings Mode Threshold 1 Threshold 2 Dropout ratio Delay CB open Operate delay Minimum operate time Value Settings group 1: on Settings group 1: 0.50 A Settings group 1: 0.25 A All: 0.95 All: 0.05 s Settings group 1: 0 s All: 0.1 s TRAFO4 \QA \Circuit break. Circuit break. Number 105.201.4261.101 TRAFO4 \QA \50BF Inherent 50BF Inherent Number 105.201.12511.1 105.201.12511.102 105.201.12511.101 105.201.12511.104 105.201.12511.110 105.201.12511.112 105.201.12511.120 TRAFO4 \QA \Control Control Number 105.201.4201.101 105.201.4201.102 105.201.4201.103 105.201.4201.104 105.201.4201.105 105.201.4201.106 105.201.4201.107 TRAFO4 \QA \CB test CB test Number 105.201.6151.101 TRAFO4 \QA \50BF CB fail.1 50BF CB fail.1 Number 105.201.4381.1 105.201.4381.105 105.201.4381.107 105.201.4381.106 105.201.4381.111 105.201.4381.103 105.201.4381.104 105.201.4381.108 105.201.4381.102 105.201.4381.101 105.201.4381.109 105.201.4381.110 105.201.4381.112 105.201.4381.120 TRAFO4 \QA \50EF 3pole 50EF 3pole Number 105.201.12361.1 105.201.12361.101 105.201.12361.102 105.201.12361.4 105.201.12361.110 105.201.12361.111 105.201.12361.112 *Setting marked as favorite setting Totally Integrated Automation Portal B00_F006 PROCESS_MODE_INACTIVE Totally Integrated Automation Portal 1.2 ( Page10 - 3) PROCESS_MODE_INACTIVE - Data flow /Task: Event-triggered - Partition_1 (1.1 / 3.2) 2.1 ( Page10 - 4) Totally Integrated Automation Portal 1.1 ( Page10 - 2) PROCESS_MODE_INACTIVE - Data flow /Task: Event-triggered - Partition_1 (1.2 / 3.2) 2.2 ( Page10 - 5) Totally Integrated Automation Portal PROCESS_MODE_INACTIVE - Data flow /Task: Event-triggered - Partition_1 (2.1 / 3.2) 2.2 ( Page10 - 5) 1.1 ( Page10 - 2) 3.1 ( Page10 - 6) Totally Integrated Automation Portal PROCESS_MODE_INACTIVE - Data flow /Task: Event-triggered - Partition_1 (2.2 / 3.2) 2.1 ( Page10 - 4) 1.2 ( Page10 - 3) 3.2 ( Page10 - 7) Totally Integrated Automation Portal PROCESS_MODE_INACTIVE - Data flow /Task: Event-triggered - Partition_1 (3.1 / 3.2) 3.2 ( Page10 - 7) 2.1 ( Page10 - 4) Totally Integrated Automation Portal PROCESS_MODE_INACTIVE - Data flow /Task: Event-triggered - Partition_1 (3.2 / 3.2) 3.1 ( Page10 - 6) 2.2 ( Page10 - 5) Totally Integrated Automation Portal Totally Integrated Automation Portal PROCESS_MODE_INACTIVE - Control flow /Task: Event-triggered Run sequence Object/parameter 1 OR10 Operand or10_1 Type OR10 Task default Additional tasks Comment OR 2 NEG neg_1 NEG default NEG 3 AND10 and10_1 AND10 default AND 4 NEG neg_2 NEG default NEG 5 TLONG tlong_1 TLONG default TLONG Totally Integrated Automation Portal B00_F006 Sinc_Tiempo Totally Integrated Automation Portal 1.2 ( Page11 - 3) Sinc_Tiempo - Data flow /Task: Event-triggered - Partition_1 (1.1 / 3.2) 2.1 ( Page11 - 4) Totally Integrated Automation Portal 1.1 ( Page11 - 2) Sinc_Tiempo - Data flow /Task: Event-triggered - Partition_1 (1.2 / 3.2) 2.2 ( Page11 - 5) Totally Integrated Automation Portal Sinc_Tiempo - Data flow /Task: Event-triggered - Partition_1 (2.1 / 3.2) 2.2 ( Page11 - 5) 1.1 ( Page11 - 2) José 3.1 ( Page11 - 6) Totally Integrated Automation Portal Sinc_Tiempo - Data flow /Task: Event-triggered - Partition_1 (2.2 / 3.2) 2.1 ( Page11 - 4) 1.2 ( Page11 - 3) 3.2 ( Page11 - 7) Totally Integrated Automation Portal Sinc_Tiempo - Data flow /Task: Event-triggered - Partition_1 (3.1 / 3.2) 3.2 ( Page11 - 7) 2.1 ( Page11 - 4) Totally Integrated Automation Portal Sinc_Tiempo - Data flow /Task: Event-triggered - Partition_1 (3.2 / 3.2) 3.1 ( Page11 - 6) 2.2 ( Page11 - 5) Totally Integrated Automation Portal Totally Integrated Automation Portal Sinc_Tiempo - Control flow /Task: Event-triggered Run sequence Object/parameter 1 CONNECT Operand connect_1 Type Task CONNECT default Additional tasks Comment CONNECT Totally Integrated Automation Portal B00_F006 / Display pages Fault-display configuration The fault display is not configured. Totally Integrated Automation Portal B00_F006 Safety and security Operations safety and access control Enter confirmation ID Scope of operation Settings Active true Switching Switch./interl.check true true Switch./switch.auth. true Security event logging Network access security Description Allows changing the settings and device mode, loading the firmware, setting the counters, deleting logs. Allows switching operations Allow switching operations. Interlocking checks can be switchՋ ed on and off. Allows switching operations. The switching authority can be changed. Protocolo de Pruebas Relés de Protección ANEXO B PROTOCOLO DE PRUEBAS DE RELES CABLES DE 500KV DE TRANSFORMADORES DE POTENCIA Protocolo de Pruebas Relés de Protección ANEXO B1 CENTRAL TERMICA PUERTO BRAVO PROTECCIÓN PRINCIPAL DE CABLE TR1 RELÉ 7UT85 [F003] CONTENIDO B1.1) PROTOCOLO DE PRUEBAS B1.2) REPORTE DEL SIMULADOR (Test Universe) B1.3) AJUSTES DEL RELE (Software DISGI 5) Protocolo de Pruebas Relés de Protección B1.1) PROTOCOLO DE PRUEBAS Protocolo de Pruebas Relés de Protección Propietario : SAMAY I S.A.C. Identificación : RELÉ DE PROTECCIÓN DIFERENCIAL DE CABLE Ubicación : S.E. PUERTO BRAVO 500kV Código ANSI : 87T, 67N Tablero : =B01+R01 : : F003 Modelo del relé Ref. Código de Equipo : PROTECCIÓN PRINCIPAL DE CABLE TR1 1 .- Datos del Relé de Protección : : Serie : IN : 7UT85 Resultado: Aprobado Fecha: 14/12/2023 Transformadores de Protección Marca SIEMENS CT_Fases Subestacion : Modelo 7UT85 CT_Fases Central : 350/1A BM1504002105 VT _Fases : 500/0.100 kV 300/1A 1A 2 .- Ajustes del Relé Se adjunta reporte de ajustes del relé - Software DIGSI 5 3 .- Inspección Inicial y Verificaciones Resultado Aspecto exterior Conexionado eléctrico Puesta a tierra Comunicación con PC (USB) Display Teclado Frontal CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME 4 .- Otras Funciones Verificadas Resultado Unidades de Medición Relación de VTs y CTs Leds de Señalización del Relé Verificación de contactos de Disparo Disparo efectivo del interruptor por actuación de 87L CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME 5 .- Prueba de Funciones de Protección 5.1) Diferencial de Cable CONFORME 87L 5.2) Sobrecorriente Direccional de Tierra CONFORME 67N Nota: Se Adjunta resultado de pruebas del relé - Test Universe 6 .- Activación de Salidas Binarias 6.1) BO Salidas Binarias (OUTPUTS) BO IO203_BO1.1 IO203_BO1.2 IO203_BO1.3 IO202_BO3.1 IO202_BO3.2 IO202_BO3.3 IO203_BO1.4 Asignación Disparo Bobina 1, Fase R Disparo Bobina 1, Fase S Disparo Bobina 1, Fase T Disparo Bobina 2, Fase R Disparo Bobina 2, Fase S Disparo Bobina 2, Fase T Disparo Definitvo Rele de Bloqueo 86 Resultado CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME Protocolo de Pruebas Relés de Protección Propietario : SAMAY I S.A.C. Identificación : RELÉ DE PROTECCIÓN DIFERENCIAL DE CABLE Ubicación : S.E. PUERTO BRAVO 500kV Código ANSI : 87T, 67N Tablero : =B01+R01 : : F003 Modelo del relé Ref. Código de Equipo : PROTECCIÓN PRINCIPAL DE CABLE TR1 7UT85 Resultado: Aprobado Fecha: 14/12/2023 7 .- Verificación de LEDs de Señalización LEDs LED LED 1.1 LED 1.2 LED 1.3 LED 1.4 LED 1.5 LED 1.6 LED 1.7 LED 1.8 LED 1.9 LED 1.10 LED 1.11 LED 1.12 LED 1.13 LED 1.14 LED 1.15 LED 1.16 Resultado Asignación Disparo General Arranque Fase R Arranque Fase S Arranque Fase T Arranque Neutro Disparo 87L Disparo 67N (Tiempo Inverso Lado GIS) Disparo 67N (Instantaneo Lado GIS) 74TC OK 74 TC Falla Fase R 74 TC Falla Fase S 74 TC Falla Fase T Sincronismo OK Reserva Reserva Reserva CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME RESERVA NA NA NA 8 .- Equipos de Prueba Utilizados EQP Descripción Marca Tipo Serie 1 1 Simulador de potencia trifásico OMICRON CMC 256 LD014F 2 1 Computadora portátil LENOVO P50s R9OMHLJ316/12 Ítem Cant 9 .- Observaciones y Comentarios Obs - Las pruebas de operatividad al relé de protección 7UT85 se han realizado satisfactoriamente. - Se adjuntan los siguientes reportes: * Reporte de ajustes del relé 7UT85 - Software DIGSI 5. * Reporte de pruebas del Software Test Universe - OMICRON CMC256. CONTRATISTA Nombre : Omar Matos Solis Fecha : 14/12/2023 Firma : SUPERVISIÓN Nombre : José Gutierrez 14/12/2023 Fecha : Firma : PROPIETARIO Nombre : Fecha : 14/12/2023 Firma : Protocolo de Pruebas Relés de Protección B1.2) REPORTE DEL SIMULADOR (Test Universe) INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 REPORTE DE PRUEBA S.E. PUERTO BRAVO PROTECCIÓN DE CABLE TR-1 SUBESTACIÓN PRINCIPAL 500kV SIEMENS / 7UT85 [F003] Compañia: INGELMEC S.A. Nombre de Usuario: Omar Matos Solis Dia de Prueba: 14 de diciembre de 2023 Estado de Prueba: Modulos de Prueba: 19 Modulos de Prueba Correctos: 19 Modulos de Pruebas con Error: 0 ________________________________________________________________________________ Hardware Configuration Test Equipment Type Serial Number CMC256plus Hardware Check Performed At Result Details Not yet performed 1 de 44 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 1) [INY] INYECCION INICIAL: 1.1) [INY] Conexion CT's Correcta: Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: OMICRON QuickCMC 14-dic-2023 10:46:45 Omar Matos Solis INGELMEC S.A Version: Test End: Manager: 4.31 14-dic-2023 10:48:52 J.A.V Test Results Title: INYECCION INICIAL Fault Calculator: Table Inputmode Parameters (All values are secondary) Direct V L1-E V L2-E V L3-E I L1 I L2 I L3 57.74 V 57.74 V 57.74 V 770.0 mA 770.0 mA 770.0 mA 30.00 ° -90.00 ° 150.00 ° 0.00 ° -120.00 ° 120.00 ° 30.00° -90.00° 150.00° 0.00° -120.00° 120.00° 180.00° 60.00° 300.00° +90° I L3 V L3-E 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz Generator Settings V L1-E V L2-E V L3-E I L1 I L2 I L3 I(2)-1 I(2)-2 I(2)-3 57.735V 57.735V 57.735V 0.770A 0.770A 0.770A 0.660A 0.660A 0.660A VI(2)-2 L1-E I(2)-1 180° I(2)-3 I L2 V L2-E 60.0 V -90° 800.0 mA Binary Inputs Name Slope TRIP L1 TRIP L2 Overload 0 0 1 Time Summary 1 tests passed, 0 tests failed, 0 tests not assessed Test passed 2 de 44 I L1 0° 100.00% passed INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 LECTURAS REGISTRADAS EN EL RELÉ 3 de 44 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 4 de 44 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 2) [87T] PROTECCION DIFERENCIAL CABLE: 2.1) [87T] Falla Monofasica Lado Subestacion: Test Object - Differential Parameters Protected Object: Protected Object: Vector Group: Busbar n/a Winding/Leg Name: Lado Subestacion Lado Central Voltage: Power: Starpoint Grounding: Delta-connected CT: 500.00 kV 200.00 MVA No No 500.00 kV 200.00 MVA No No Winding/Leg Name: Lado Subestacion Lado Central CT Current Prim: CT Current Sec: CT Grounding: Gnd CT Prim Current: Gnd CT Sec Current: Gnd CT Grounding: 300.00 A 1.00 A tow. Prot. Obj. 12000.00 A 5.00 A n/a 350.00 A 1.00 A tow. Prot. Obj. 12000.00 A 5.00 A n/a CT: Protection device: Reference Winding: Ibias Calculation: Zero Seq. Elimination: Reference Current: Ground CT Used: Disable Comb. char.: Lado Subestacion max ( Ip, Is ) (K1 = 1.00) none PO nominal current No No Idiff>: Idiff>>: 0.47 In 7.50 In tdiff>: tdiff>>: 0.03 s 0.03 s Itol rel: Itol abs: 5.00 % 0.08 In ttol rel: ttol abs: 1.00 % 0.01 s Graph: 5 de 44 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 Single Line View for Protected Object (YY0) L2-E Supply Y Y0 Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: OMICRON Diff Configuration 14-dic-2023 11:23:49 Omar Matos Solis INGELMEC S.A Version: Test End: Manager: 4.31 14-dic-2023 11:24:41 J.A.V 300 s n/a Lado Subestacion No No Apply Load Current: Load Current: Supply Side: Vout winding: Winding/leg output: No 1.00 In Lado Central Lado Subestacion Lado Subestacion Test Settings Test time: Load Side: Fault Side: Vout enabled: Time-triggered: Binary Outputs Test Results for Fault Type L2-E at Fault Location Lado Subestacion ITest = 1.00 In Phase State: Tested Result: Passed Primary Secondary Tertiary Itest Angle Imeas Angle Itest Angle Imeas Angle Itest Angle Imeas Angle L1 L2 L3 E 0.00A 0.77A 0.00A 0.00A 0.0° -180.0° 0.0° 0.0° 0.000A 0.000A 0.000A 0.000A 0.000° 0.000° 0.000° 0.000° 0.00A 0.66A 0.00A 0.00A 0.0° 0.0° 0.0° 0.0° 0.000A 0.000A 0.000A 0.000A 0.000° 0.000° 0.000° 0.000° n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Phase Imeas_diff Imeas_bias 0.000 In 0.000 In 0.000 In 0.001 In 0.999 In 0.002 In L1 L2 L3 6 de 44 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 Test State: Test passed 1 out of 1 points tested. 1 points passed. 0 points failed. 7 de 44 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 2.2) [87T] Falla Bifasica Lado Subestacion: Test Object - Differential Parameters Protected Object: Protected Object: Vector Group: Busbar n/a Winding/Leg Name: Lado Subestacion Lado Central Voltage: Power: Starpoint Grounding: Delta-connected CT: 500.00 kV 200.00 MVA No No 500.00 kV 200.00 MVA No No Winding/Leg Name: Lado Subestacion Lado Central CT Current Prim: CT Current Sec: CT Grounding: Gnd CT Prim Current: Gnd CT Sec Current: Gnd CT Grounding: 300.00 A 1.00 A tow. Prot. Obj. 12000.00 A 5.00 A n/a 350.00 A 1.00 A tow. Prot. Obj. 12000.00 A 5.00 A n/a CT: Protection device: Reference Winding: Ibias Calculation: Zero Seq. Elimination: Reference Current: Ground CT Used: Disable Comb. char.: Lado Subestacion max ( Ip, Is ) (K1 = 1.00) none PO nominal current No No Idiff>: Idiff>>: 0.47 In 7.50 In tdiff>: tdiff>>: 0.03 s 0.03 s Itol rel: Itol abs: 5.00 % 0.08 In ttol rel: ttol abs: 1.00 % 0.01 s Graph: 8 de 44 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 Single Line View for Protected Object (YY0) L3-L1 Supply Y Y0 Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: OMICRON Diff Configuration 14-dic-2023 11:25:07 Omar Matos Solis INGELMEC S.A Version: Test End: Manager: 4.31 14-dic-2023 11:25:39 J.A.V 300 s n/a Lado Subestacion No No Apply Load Current: Load Current: Supply Side: Vout winding: Winding/leg output: No 1.00 In Lado Central Lado Subestacion Lado Subestacion Test Settings Test time: Load Side: Fault Side: Vout enabled: Time-triggered: Binary Outputs Test Results for Fault Type L3-L1 at Fault Location Lado Subestacion ITest = 1.00 In Phase State: Tested Result: Passed Primary Secondary Tertiary Itest Angle Imeas Angle Itest Angle Imeas Angle Itest Angle Imeas Angle L1 L2 L3 E 0.77A 0.00A 0.77A 0.00A -180.0° 0.0° 0.0° 0.0° 0.000A 0.000A 0.000A 0.000A 0.000° 0.000° 0.000° 0.000° 0.66A 0.00A 0.66A 0.00A 0.0° 0.0° 180.0° 0.0° 0.000A 0.000A 0.000A 0.000A 0.000° 0.000° 0.000° 0.000° n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Phase Imeas_diff Imeas_bias 0.000 In 0.000 In 0.000 In 0.999 In 0.001 In 1.001 In L1 L2 L3 9 de 44 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 Test State: Test passed 1 out of 1 points tested. 1 points passed. 0 points failed. 10 de 44 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 2.3) [87T] Falla Trifasica Lado Subestacion: Test Object - Differential Parameters Protected Object: Protected Object: Vector Group: Busbar n/a Winding/Leg Name: Lado Subestacion Lado Central Voltage: Power: Starpoint Grounding: Delta-connected CT: 500.00 kV 200.00 MVA No No 500.00 kV 200.00 MVA No No Winding/Leg Name: Lado Subestacion Lado Central CT Current Prim: CT Current Sec: CT Grounding: Gnd CT Prim Current: Gnd CT Sec Current: Gnd CT Grounding: 300.00 A 1.00 A tow. Prot. Obj. 12000.00 A 5.00 A n/a 350.00 A 1.00 A tow. Prot. Obj. 12000.00 A 5.00 A n/a CT: Protection device: Reference Winding: Ibias Calculation: Zero Seq. Elimination: Reference Current: Ground CT Used: Disable Comb. char.: Lado Subestacion max ( Ip, Is ) (K1 = 1.00) none PO nominal current No No Idiff>: Idiff>>: 0.47 In 7.50 In tdiff>: tdiff>>: 0.03 s 0.03 s Itol rel: Itol abs: 5.00 % 0.08 In ttol rel: ttol abs: 1.00 % 0.01 s Graph: 11 de 44 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 Single Line View for Protected Object (YY0) L1-L2-L3 Supply Y Y0 Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: OMICRON Diff Configuration 14-dic-2023 11:25:52 Omar Matos Solis INGELMEC S.A Version: Test End: Manager: 4.31 14-dic-2023 11:26:29 J.A.V 300 s n/a Lado Subestacion No No Apply Load Current: Load Current: Supply Side: Vout winding: Winding/leg output: No 1.00 In Lado Central Lado Subestacion Lado Subestacion Test Settings Test time: Load Side: Fault Side: Vout enabled: Time-triggered: Binary Outputs Test Results for Fault Type L1-L2-L3 at Fault Location Lado Subestacion ITest = 1.00 In Phase State: Tested Result: Passed Primary Secondary Tertiary Itest Angle Imeas Angle Itest Angle Imeas Angle Itest Angle Imeas Angle L1 L2 L3 E 0.77A 0.77A 0.77A 0.00A -180.0° 60.0° -60.0° 0.0° 0.000A 0.000A 0.000A 0.000A 0.000° 0.000° 0.000° 0.000° 0.66A 0.66A 0.66A 0.00A 0.0° -120.0° 120.0° 0.0° 0.000A 0.000A 0.000A 0.000A 0.000° 0.000° 0.000° 0.000° n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Phase Imeas_diff Imeas_bias 0.000 In 0.000 In 0.000 In 0.999 In 0.999 In 1.000 In L1 L2 L3 12 de 44 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 Test State: Test passed 1 out of 1 points tested. 1 points passed. 0 points failed. 13 de 44 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 2.4) [87T] Falla Monofasica Lado Central: Test Object - Differential Parameters Protected Object: Protected Object: Vector Group: Busbar n/a Winding/Leg Name: Lado Subestacion Lado Central Voltage: Power: Starpoint Grounding: Delta-connected CT: 500.00 kV 200.00 MVA No No 500.00 kV 200.00 MVA No No Winding/Leg Name: Lado Subestacion Lado Central CT Current Prim: CT Current Sec: CT Grounding: Gnd CT Prim Current: Gnd CT Sec Current: Gnd CT Grounding: 300.00 A 1.00 A tow. Prot. Obj. 12000.00 A 5.00 A n/a 350.00 A 1.00 A tow. Prot. Obj. 12000.00 A 5.00 A n/a CT: Protection device: Reference Winding: Ibias Calculation: Zero Seq. Elimination: Reference Current: Ground CT Used: Disable Comb. char.: Lado Subestacion max ( Ip, Is ) (K1 = 1.00) none PO nominal current No No Idiff>: Idiff>>: 0.47 In 7.50 In tdiff>: tdiff>>: 0.03 s 0.03 s Itol rel: Itol abs: 5.00 % 0.08 In ttol rel: ttol abs: 1.00 % 0.01 s Graph: 14 de 44 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 Single Line View for Protected Object (YY0) Supply L3-E Y Y0 Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: OMICRON Diff Configuration 14-dic-2023 11:27:01 Omar Matos Solis INGELMEC S.A Version: Test End: Manager: 4.31 14-dic-2023 11:27:36 J.A.V 300 s n/a Lado Central No No Apply Load Current: Load Current: Supply Side: Vout winding: Winding/leg output: No 1.00 In Lado Subestacion Lado Subestacion Lado Subestacion Test Settings Test time: Load Side: Fault Side: Vout enabled: Time-triggered: Binary Outputs Test Results for Fault Type L3-E at Fault Location Lado Central ITest = 1.00 In Phase State: Tested Result: Passed Primary Secondary Tertiary Itest Angle Imeas Angle Itest Angle Imeas Angle Itest Angle Imeas Angle L1 L2 L3 E 0.00A 0.00A 0.77A 0.00A 0.0° 0.0° 0.0° 0.0° 0.000A 0.000A 0.000A 0.000A 0.000° 0.000° 0.000° 0.000° 0.00A 0.00A 0.66A 0.00A 0.0° 0.0° -180.0° 0.0° 0.000A 0.000A 0.000A 0.000A 0.000° 0.000° 0.000° 0.000° n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Phase Imeas_diff Imeas_bias 0.000 In 0.000 In 0.000 In 0.001 In 0.002 In 0.999 In L1 L2 L3 15 de 44 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 Test State: Test passed 1 out of 1 points tested. 1 points passed. 0 points failed. 16 de 44 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 2.5) [87T] Falla Bifasica Lado Central: Test Object - Differential Parameters Protected Object: Protected Object: Vector Group: Busbar n/a Winding/Leg Name: Lado Subestacion Lado Central Voltage: Power: Starpoint Grounding: Delta-connected CT: 500.00 kV 200.00 MVA No No 500.00 kV 200.00 MVA No No Winding/Leg Name: Lado Subestacion Lado Central CT Current Prim: CT Current Sec: CT Grounding: Gnd CT Prim Current: Gnd CT Sec Current: Gnd CT Grounding: 300.00 A 1.00 A tow. Prot. Obj. 12000.00 A 5.00 A n/a 350.00 A 1.00 A tow. Prot. Obj. 12000.00 A 5.00 A n/a CT: Protection device: Reference Winding: Ibias Calculation: Zero Seq. Elimination: Reference Current: Ground CT Used: Disable Comb. char.: Lado Subestacion max ( Ip, Is ) (K1 = 1.00) none PO nominal current No No Idiff>: Idiff>>: 0.47 In 7.50 In tdiff>: tdiff>>: 0.03 s 0.03 s Itol rel: Itol abs: 5.00 % 0.08 In ttol rel: ttol abs: 1.00 % 0.01 s Graph: 17 de 44 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 Single Line View for Protected Object (YY0) Supply L2-L3 Y Y0 Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: OMICRON Diff Configuration 14-dic-2023 11:28:03 Omar Matos Solis INGELMEC S.A Version: Test End: Manager: 4.31 14-dic-2023 11:29:07 J.A.V 300 s n/a Lado Central No No Apply Load Current: Load Current: Supply Side: Vout winding: Winding/leg output: No 1.00 In Lado Subestacion Lado Subestacion Lado Subestacion Test Settings Test time: Load Side: Fault Side: Vout enabled: Time-triggered: Binary Outputs Test Results for Fault Type L2-L3 at Fault Location Lado Central ITest = 1.00 In Phase State: Tested Result: Passed Primary Secondary Tertiary Itest Angle Imeas Angle Itest Angle Imeas Angle Itest Angle Imeas Angle L1 L2 L3 E 0.00A 0.77A 0.77A 0.00A 0.0° 0.0° 180.0° 0.0° 0.000A 0.000A 0.000A 0.000A 0.000° 0.000° 0.000° 0.000° 0.00A 0.66A 0.66A 0.00A 0.0° -180.0° 0.0° 0.0° 0.000A 0.000A 0.000A 0.000A 0.000° 0.000° 0.000° 0.000° n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Phase Imeas_diff Imeas_bias 0.000 In 0.000 In 0.000 In 0.002 In 0.999 In 1.000 In L1 L2 L3 18 de 44 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 Test State: Test passed 1 out of 1 points tested. 1 points passed. 0 points failed. 19 de 44 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 2.6) [87T] Falla Trifasica Lado Central: Test Object - Differential Parameters Protected Object: Protected Object: Vector Group: Busbar n/a Winding/Leg Name: Lado Subestacion Lado Central Voltage: Power: Starpoint Grounding: Delta-connected CT: 500.00 kV 200.00 MVA No No 500.00 kV 200.00 MVA No No Winding/Leg Name: Lado Subestacion Lado Central CT Current Prim: CT Current Sec: CT Grounding: Gnd CT Prim Current: Gnd CT Sec Current: Gnd CT Grounding: 300.00 A 1.00 A tow. Prot. Obj. 12000.00 A 5.00 A n/a 350.00 A 1.00 A tow. Prot. Obj. 12000.00 A 5.00 A n/a CT: Protection device: Reference Winding: Ibias Calculation: Zero Seq. Elimination: Reference Current: Ground CT Used: Disable Comb. char.: Lado Subestacion max ( Ip, Is ) (K1 = 1.00) none PO nominal current No No Idiff>: Idiff>>: 0.47 In 7.50 In tdiff>: tdiff>>: 0.03 s 0.03 s Itol rel: Itol abs: 5.00 % 0.08 In ttol rel: ttol abs: 1.00 % 0.01 s Graph: 20 de 44 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 Single Line View for Protected Object (YY0) Supply L1-L2-L3 Y Y0 Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: OMICRON Diff Configuration 14-dic-2023 11:29:17 Omar Matos Solis INGELMEC S.A Version: Test End: Manager: 4.31 14-dic-2023 11:29:53 J.A.V 300 s n/a Lado Central No No Apply Load Current: Load Current: Supply Side: Vout winding: Winding/leg output: No 1.00 In Lado Subestacion Lado Subestacion Lado Subestacion Test Settings Test time: Load Side: Fault Side: Vout enabled: Time-triggered: Binary Outputs Test Results for Fault Type L1-L2-L3 at Fault Location Lado Central ITest = 1.00 In Phase State: Tested Result: Passed Primary Secondary Tertiary Itest Angle Imeas Angle Itest Angle Imeas Angle Itest Angle Imeas Angle L1 L2 L3 E 0.77A 0.77A 0.77A 0.00A 0.0° -120.0° 120.0° 0.0° 0.000A 0.000A 0.000A 0.000A 0.000° 0.000° 0.000° 0.000° 0.66A 0.66A 0.66A 0.00A -180.0° 60.0° -60.0° 0.0° 0.000A 0.000A 0.000A 0.000A 0.000° 0.000° 0.000° 0.000° n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Phase Imeas_diff Imeas_bias 0.000 In 0.000 In 0.000 In 0.999 In 1.000 In 1.000 In L1 L2 L3 21 de 44 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 Test State: Test passed 1 out of 1 points tested. 1 points passed. 0 points failed. 22 de 44 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 2.7) [87T] Arranque Lado Subestacion: Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: OMICRON Ramping 14-dic-2023 11:30:39 Omar Matos Solis INGELMEC S.A Version: Test End: Manager: 4.31 14-dic-2023 11:31:02 J.A.V Test Results Assessment Results Name/ Exec. Ramp Condition Sig ARRANQUE 87T_58KV Ramp 1 TRIP L1 0->1 I L1, L2, 361.9 mA L3 Assess: + .. Passed x .. Failed Nom. Act. Tol.- Tol.+ Dev. Assess Tact 362.0 mA 10.00 mA 10.00 mA 100.0 ȝA + 8.200 ms o .. Not assessed Ramp 1 Sig 1/mA 390 380 370 360 350 340 330 320 310 300 2.5 5.0 7.5 10.0 12.5 15.0 17.5 2.5 5.0 7.5 10.0 12.5 15.0 17.5 t/s I L1, L2, L3 TRIP L1 TRIP L2 TRIP L3 TRIP F000 Test State: Test passed 23 de 44 t/s INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 2.8) [87T] Arranque Lado Central: Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: OMICRON Ramping 14-dic-2023 11:32:04 Omar Matos Solis INGELMEC S.A Version: Test End: Manager: 4.31 14-dic-2023 11:32:26 J.A.V Test Results Assessment Results Name/ Exec. Ramp Condition Sig Nom. Act. Tol.- Tol.+ Dev. Assess Tact ARRANQUE 87T_10KV Ramp 1 TRIP L1 0->1 I(2)-1, -2, -3 310.0 mA 311.0 mA 10.00 mA 10.00 mA 1.000 mA + 11.40 ms Assess: + .. Passed x .. Failed o .. Not assessed Ramp 1 Sig 1/mA 390 380 370 360 350 340 330 320 310 300 2.5 5.0 7.5 10.0 12.5 15.0 17.5 5.0 7.5 10.0 12.5 15.0 17.5 t/s I(2)-1, -2, -3 TRIP L1 TRIP L2 TRIP L3 TRIP F000 2.5 Test State: Test passed 24 de 44 t/s INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 2.9) [87T] Curva Caracteristica L1L2L3: Test Object - Differential Parameters Protected Object: Protected Object: Vector Group: Busbar n/a Winding/Leg Name: Lado Subestacion Lado Central Voltage: Power: Starpoint Grounding: Delta-connected CT: 500.00 kV 200.00 MVA No No 500.00 kV 200.00 MVA No No Winding/Leg Name: Lado Subestacion Lado Central CT Current Prim: CT Current Sec: CT Grounding: Gnd CT Prim Current: Gnd CT Sec Current: Gnd CT Grounding: 300.00 A 1.00 A tow. Prot. Obj. 12000.00 A 5.00 A n/a 350.00 A 1.00 A tow. Prot. Obj. 12000.00 A 5.00 A n/a CT: Protection device: Reference Winding: Ibias Calculation: Zero Seq. Elimination: Reference Current: Ground CT Used: Disable Comb. char.: Lado Subestacion max ( Ip, Is ) (K1 = 1.00) none PO nominal current No No Idiff>: Idiff>>: 0.47 In 7.50 In tdiff>: tdiff>>: 0.03 s 0.03 s Itol rel: Itol abs: 5.00 % 0.08 In ttol rel: ttol abs: 1.00 % 0.01 s OMICRON Diff Operating Characteristic 14-dic-2023 11:08:52 Omar Matos Solis INGELMEC S.A Version: 4.31 Test End: Manager: 14-dic-2023 11:11:37 J.A.V Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: Test Settings Test Results for Fault Location L1-L2-L3 at Reference Side Lado Subestacion Ibias Idiff Nominal Idiff Actual Dev (rel) Dev (abs) Check Test State Result 0.50 In 0.60 In 0.90 In 1.50 In 2.00 In 3.00 In 5.00 In 6.60 In 0.470 In 0.470 In 0.539 In 0.719 In 0.870 In 1.370 In 2.769 In 3.889 In 0.467 In 0.467 In 0.536 In 0.716 In 0.866 In 1.367 In 2.764 In 3.886 In -0.0025 In -0.0025 In -0.0033 In -0.0033 In -0.0034 In -0.0030 In -0.0050 In -0.0033 In Tested Tested Tested Tested Tested Tested Tested Tested Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed -0.53 % -0.53 % -0.60 % -0.45 % -0.39 % -0.22 % -0.18 % -0.08 % 25 de 44 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 Operating Characteristic Diagram Idiff [In] 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Ibias [In] Test State: Test passed 8 out of 8 points tested. 8 points passed. 0 points failed. 26 de 44 12 13 14 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 2.10) [87T] Curva Caracteristica L1L2: Test Object - Differential Parameters Protected Object: Protected Object: Vector Group: Busbar n/a Winding/Leg Name: Lado Subestacion Lado Central Voltage: Power: Starpoint Grounding: Delta-connected CT: 500.00 kV 200.00 MVA No No 500.00 kV 200.00 MVA No No Winding/Leg Name: Lado Subestacion Lado Central CT Current Prim: CT Current Sec: CT Grounding: Gnd CT Prim Current: Gnd CT Sec Current: Gnd CT Grounding: 300.00 A 1.00 A tow. Prot. Obj. 12000.00 A 5.00 A n/a 350.00 A 1.00 A tow. Prot. Obj. 12000.00 A 5.00 A n/a CT: Protection device: Reference Winding: Ibias Calculation: Zero Seq. Elimination: Reference Current: Ground CT Used: Disable Comb. char.: Lado Subestacion max ( Ip, Is ) (K1 = 1.00) none PO nominal current No No Idiff>: Idiff>>: 0.47 In 7.50 In tdiff>: tdiff>>: 0.03 s 0.03 s Itol rel: Itol abs: 5.00 % 0.08 In ttol rel: ttol abs: 1.00 % 0.01 s OMICRON Diff Operating Characteristic 14-dic-2023 11:12:11 Omar Matos Solis INGELMEC S.A Version: 4.31 Test End: Manager: 14-dic-2023 11:15:01 J.A.V Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: Test Settings Binary Outputs Test Results for Fault Location L1-L2 at Reference Side Lado Subestacion 27 de 44 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 Ibias Idiff Nominal Idiff Actual Dev (rel) Dev (abs) Check Test State Result 0.50 In 0.60 In 0.90 In 1.50 In 2.00 In 3.00 In 5.00 In 6.60 In 0.470 In 0.470 In 0.539 In 0.719 In 0.870 In 1.370 In 2.769 In 3.889 In 0.467 In 0.467 In 0.536 In 0.716 In 0.866 In 1.367 In 2.764 In 3.886 In -0.0025 In -0.0025 In -0.0033 In -0.0033 In -0.0034 In -0.0030 In -0.0050 In -0.0033 In Tested Tested Tested Tested Tested Tested Tested Tested Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed -0.53 % -0.53 % -0.60 % -0.45 % -0.39 % -0.22 % -0.18 % -0.08 % Operating Characteristic Diagram Idiff [In] 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Ibias [In] Test State: Test passed 8 out of 8 points tested. 8 points passed. 0 points failed. 28 de 44 12 13 14 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 2.11) [87T] Curva Caracteristica L1: Test Object - Differential Parameters Protected Object: Protected Object: Vector Group: Busbar n/a Winding/Leg Name: Lado Subestacion Lado Central Voltage: Power: Starpoint Grounding: Delta-connected CT: 500.00 kV 200.00 MVA No No 500.00 kV 200.00 MVA No No Winding/Leg Name: Lado Subestacion Lado Central CT Current Prim: CT Current Sec: CT Grounding: Gnd CT Prim Current: Gnd CT Sec Current: Gnd CT Grounding: 300.00 A 1.00 A tow. Prot. Obj. 12000.00 A 5.00 A n/a 350.00 A 1.00 A tow. Prot. Obj. 12000.00 A 5.00 A n/a CT: Protection device: Reference Winding: Ibias Calculation: Zero Seq. Elimination: Reference Current: Ground CT Used: Disable Comb. char.: Lado Subestacion max ( Ip, Is ) (K1 = 1.00) none PO nominal current No No Idiff>: Idiff>>: 0.47 In 7.50 In tdiff>: tdiff>>: 0.03 s 0.03 s Itol rel: Itol abs: 5.00 % 0.08 In ttol rel: ttol abs: 1.00 % 0.01 s OMICRON Diff Operating Characteristic 14-dic-2023 11:15:58 Omar Matos Solis INGELMEC S.A Version: 4.31 Test End: Manager: 14-dic-2023 11:18:14 J.A.V Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: Test Settings Binary Outputs Test Results for Fault Location L1-E at Reference Side Lado Subestacion Ibias Idiff Nominal Idiff Actual Dev (rel) Dev (abs) Check Test State Result 0.50 In 0.60 In 0.90 In 1.50 In 2.00 In 3.00 In 4.00 In 0.470 In 0.470 In 0.539 In 0.719 In 0.870 In 1.370 In 2.070 In 0.472 In 0.473 In 0.536 In 0.716 In 0.866 In 1.367 In 2.066 In 0.0025 In 0.0026 In -0.0033 In -0.0033 In -0.0034 In -0.0030 In -0.0040 In Tested Tested Tested Tested Tested Tested Tested Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed 0.53 % 0.55 % -0.60 % -0.45 % -0.39 % -0.22 % -0.19 % 29 de 44 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 Operating Characteristic Diagram Idiff [In] 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Ibias [In] Test State: Test passed 7 out of 7 points tested. 7 points passed. 0 points failed. 30 de 44 12 13 14 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 2.12) [87T] Tiempos de Operacion L1L2L3: Test Settings State State 1 I L1 0.000 A 770.0 mA 0.000 A 1.000 A 0.000 A 1.500 A 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz I L2 0.000 A 770.0 mA 0.000 A 1.000 A 0.000 A 1.500 A -120.00 ° -120.00 ° -120.00 ° -120.00 ° -120.00 ° -120.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz I L3 0.000 A 770.0 mA 0.000 A 1.000 A 0.000 A 1.500 A 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz Max. State Time Trigger Logic User interaction CMGPS trigger IRIG-B/PTP trigger Pulses / seconds Delay after Tr. On trigger jump to test end Diagrams State 2 State 3 State 4 State 5 State 6 1.000 s 50.00 ms 1.000 s 50.00 ms 1.000 s 50.00 ms no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no 1 0.000 s no 1 0.000 s no 1 0.000 s no 1 0.000 s no 1 0.000 s no 1 0.000 s no +90° +90° +90° +90° +90° +90° 180° 0° 12.5 -90° A 180° 0° 12.5 -90° A 180° 0° 12.5 -90° A 180° 12.5 -90° A 0° 180° 12.5 -90° A 0° 180° 0° 12.5 -90° A Time Trigger Settings Start time: Trigger period: Start test accuracy: Next full 1 min 60 s - Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: OMICRON State Sequencer 14-dic-2023 11:47:57 Omar Matos Solis INGELMEC S.A Version: Test End: Manager: 4.31 14-dic-2023 11:48:02 J.A.V Test Results Time Assessment Name Ignore before Start Stop Tnom Tdev- Tdev+ Tact Tdev Trip-1 State 1 State 2 30.00 ms 10.00 ms 10.00 ms 25.60 ms -4.400 ms + Trip-2 State 3 State 4 30.00 ms 10.00 ms 10.00 ms 25.70 ms -4.300 ms + Trip-3 State 5 State 6 TRIP L1 0>1 TRIP L1 0>1 TRIP L1 0>1 30.00 ms 10.00 ms 10.00 ms 25.60 ms -4.400 ms + Assess: + .. Passed x .. Failed o .. Not assessed 31 de 44 Assess INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 State 1 State 3 State 2 State 5 State 4 State 6 CMC256plus I A/A 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 0.25 -0.5 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 2.75 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 2.75 t/s -1.0 -1.5 -2.0 I L1 I L2 I L3 TRIP L1 TRIP L2 TRIP L3 TRIP F000 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 Cursor Data Time Cursor 1 Cursor 2 C2 - C1 Signal 0.000 s <none> 3.150 s <none> 3.150 s Value n/a n/a n/a Test State: Test passed 32 de 44 t/s INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 2.13) [87T] Tiempos de Operacion L1L2: Test Settings State State 1 I L1 0.000 A 770.0 mA 0.000 A 1.000 A 0.000 A 1.500 A 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz I L2 0.000 A 770.0 mA 0.000 A 1.000 A 0.000 A 1.500 A -120.00 ° -120.00 ° -120.00 ° -120.00 ° -120.00 ° -120.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz I L3 0.000 A 0.000 A 0.000 A 0.000 A 0.000 A 0.000 A 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz Max. State Time Trigger Logic User interaction CMGPS trigger IRIG-B/PTP trigger Pulses / seconds Delay after Tr. On trigger jump to test end Diagrams State 2 State 3 State 4 State 5 State 6 1.000 s 50.00 ms 1.000 s 50.00 ms 1.000 s 50.00 ms no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no 1 0.000 s no 1 0.000 s no 1 0.000 s no 1 0.000 s no 1 0.000 s no 1 0.000 s no +90° +90° +90° +90° +90° +90° 180° 0° 12.5 -90° A 180° 0° 12.5 -90° A 180° 0° 12.5 -90° A 180° 12.5 -90° A 0° 180° 12.5 -90° A 0° 180° 0° 12.5 -90° A Time Trigger Settings Start time: Trigger period: Start test accuracy: Next full 1 min 60 s - Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: OMICRON State Sequencer 14-dic-2023 11:48:19 Omar Matos Solis INGELMEC S.A Version: Test End: Manager: 4.31 14-dic-2023 11:48:23 J.A.V Test Results Time Assessment Name Ignore before Start Stop Tnom Tdev- Tdev+ Tact Tdev Trip-1 State 1 State 2 30.00 ms 10.00 ms 10.00 ms 28.00 ms -2.000 ms + Trip-2 State 3 State 4 30.00 ms 10.00 ms 10.00 ms 26.50 ms -3.500 ms + Trip-3 State 5 State 6 TRIP L1 0>1 TRIP L1 0>1 TRIP L1 0>1 30.00 ms 10.00 ms 10.00 ms 26.50 ms -3.500 ms + Assess: + .. Passed x .. Failed o .. Not assessed 33 de 44 Assess INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 State 1 State 3 State 2 State 5 State 4 State 6 CMC256plus I A/A 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 0.25 -0.5 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 2.75 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 2.75 t/s -1.0 -1.5 -2.0 I L1 I L2 I L3 TRIP L1 TRIP L2 TRIP L3 TRIP F000 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 Cursor Data Time Cursor 1 Cursor 2 C2 - C1 Signal 0.000 s <none> 3.150 s <none> 3.150 s Value n/a n/a n/a Test State: Test passed 34 de 44 t/s INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 2.14) [87T] Tiempos de Operacion L1: Test Settings State State 1 I L1 0.000 A 770.0 mA 0.000 A 1.000 A 0.000 A 1.500 A 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz I L2 0.000 A 0.000 A 0.000 A 0.000 A 0.000 A 0.000 A -120.00 ° -120.00 ° -120.00 ° -120.00 ° -120.00 ° -120.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz I L3 0.000 A 0.000 A 0.000 A 0.000 A 0.000 A 0.000 A 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz Max. State Time Trigger Logic User interaction CMGPS trigger IRIG-B/PTP trigger Pulses / seconds Delay after Tr. On trigger jump to test end Diagrams State 2 State 3 State 4 State 5 State 6 1.000 s 50.00 ms 1.000 s 50.00 ms 1.000 s 50.00 ms no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no 1 0.000 s no 1 0.000 s no 1 0.000 s no 1 0.000 s no 1 0.000 s no 1 0.000 s no +90° +90° +90° +90° +90° +90° 180° 0° 12.5 -90° A 180° 0° 12.5 -90° A 180° 0° 12.5 -90° A 180° 12.5 -90° A 0° 180° 12.5 -90° A 0° 180° 0° 12.5 -90° A Time Trigger Settings Start time: Trigger period: Start test accuracy: Next full 1 min 60 s - Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: OMICRON State Sequencer 14-dic-2023 11:48:33 Omar Matos Solis INGELMEC S.A Version: Test End: Manager: 4.31 14-dic-2023 11:48:37 J.A.V Test Results Time Assessment Name Ignore before Start Stop Tnom Tdev- Tdev+ Tact Tdev Trip-1 State 1 State 2 30.00 ms 10.00 ms 10.00 ms 26.10 ms -3.900 ms + Trip-2 State 3 State 4 30.00 ms 10.00 ms 10.00 ms 26.70 ms -3.300 ms + Trip-3 State 5 State 6 TRIP L1 0>1 TRIP L1 0>1 TRIP L1 0>1 30.00 ms 10.00 ms 10.00 ms 26.60 ms -3.400 ms + Assess: + .. Passed x .. Failed o .. Not assessed 35 de 44 Assess INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 State 1 State 3 State 2 State 5 State 4 State 6 CMC256plus I A/A 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 0.25 -0.5 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 2.75 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 2.75 t/s -1.0 -1.5 -2.0 I L1 I L2 I L3 TRIP L1 TRIP L2 TRIP L3 TRIP F000 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 Cursor Data Time Cursor 1 Cursor 2 C2 - C1 Signal 0.000 s <none> 3.150 s <none> 3.150 s Value n/a n/a n/a Test State: Test passed 36 de 44 t/s INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 3) [67N] SOBRECORRIENTE DIRECCIONAL DE TIERRA: 3.1) [67N] Sector Direccional CharAngle = -45deg: Test Object - Overcurrent Parameters General - Values: TimeTolAbs: TimeTolRel: CurrentTolAbs: CurrentTolRel: Directional: 0.06 s 5.00 % 0.05 Iref 5.00 % Yes VT connection: CT starpoint connection: At protected object To protected object Elements - Residual: Active Name Tripping characteristic I Pick-up Time Reset Ratio Direction Yes Yes IN-> IN->> IEC Normal Inverse IEC Definite Time 0.35 Iref 9.60 Iref 0.32 0.10 s 0.95 0.95 Forward Forward Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: OMICRON Overcurrent 14-dic-2023 11:37:16 Omar Matos Solis INGELMEC S.A Version: Test End: Manager: 4.31 14-dic-2023 11:38:24 J.A.V Test Settings: Shot Test Results: Type Relative To Factor Magnitude Angle tnom tact Deviation Overload Result L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E (---) (---) (---) (---) (---) (---) (---) (---) (---) (---) (---) (---) (---) (---) (---) (---) (---) (---) (---) (---) (---) (---) (---) (---) n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 2.000 A 2.000 A 2.000 A 2.000 A 2.000 A 2.000 A 2.000 A 2.000 A 2.000 A 2.000 A 2.000 A 2.000 A 10.00 A 10.00 A 10.00 A 10.00 A 10.00 A 10.00 A 10.00 A 10.00 A 10.00 A 10.00 A 10.00 A 10.00 A 0.00 ° 25.00 ° 60.00 ° 90.00 ° 120.00 ° 150.00 ° 180.00 ° 215.00 ° 240.00 ° 270.00 ° 300.00 ° 330.00 ° 0.00 ° 25.00 ° 60.00 ° 90.00 ° 120.00 ° 150.00 ° 180.00 ° 215.00 ° 240.00 ° 270.00 ° 300.00 ° 330.00 ° 1.263 s 1.263 s No trip No trip No trip No trip No trip No trip 1.263 s 1.263 s 1.263 s 1.263 s 100.0 ms 100.0 ms No trip No trip No trip No trip No trip No trip 100.0 ms 100.0 ms 100.0 ms 100.0 ms 1.279 s 1.271 s No trip No trip No trip No trip No trip No trip 1.273 s 1.274 s 1.272 s 1.270 s 136.9 ms 139.5 ms No trip No trip No trip No trip No trip No trip 139.4 ms 136.0 ms 137.2 ms 135.1 ms 1.244 % 0.6736 % n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 0.7607 % 0.8953 % 0.6815 % 0.5548 % 36.90 % 39.50 % n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 39.40 % 36.00 % 37.20 % 35.10 % No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed 37 de 44 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 Test State: 24 out of 24 points tested. 24 points passed. 0 points failed. Test passed 38 de 44 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 3.2) [67N] Tiempos de Operacion L1: Módulo de prueba Nombre: Comienzo: Nombre de usuario: Compañía: OMICRON Overcurrent 14-dic.-2023 11:00:27 Omar Matos Solis INGELMEC S.A Versión: Fin: Administrador: 4.31 14-dic.-2023 11:00:49 J.A.V Ajustes de la prueba: Resultados de la prueba de disparo: Tipo Relativa a Factor Magnitud Ángulo tnom. treal Desviación Sobrecarg Resultado a L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E IN-> IN-> IN-> IN->> IN->> IN->> IN->> 1.800 4.000 8.000 900.0 m 1.050 1.100 1.200 630.0 mA 1.400 A 2.800 A 8.640 A 10.08 A 10.56 A 11.52 A -45.00 ° -45.00 ° -45.00 ° -45.00 ° -45.00 ° -45.00 ° -45.00 ° 3.789 s 1.594 s 1.055 s 676.5 ms 100.0 ms 100.0 ms 100.0 ms 3.814 s 1.606 s 1.062 s 737.5 ms 135.0 ms 136.5 ms 137.7 ms 0.6718 % 0.8019 % 0.6287 % 9.020 % 35.00 % 36.50 % 37.70 % No No No No No No No 7.0 10.0 Correcta Correcta Correcta Correcta Correcta Correcta Correcta Gráficos para tipos de falta: Ángulo Tipo L1-E -45.00 ° 10000.00 1000.00 t/s 100.00 10.00 1.00 0.10 0.3 0.5 0.7 1.0 2.0 3.0 I/A +90° 180° 13.0 A 0° -90° 39 de 44 5.0 20.0 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 Estado de la prueba: 7 de 7 puntos probados. 7 puntos correctos. 0 puntos incorrectos. Prueba correcta 40 de 44 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 3.3) [67N] Tiempos de Operacion L2: Módulo de prueba Nombre: Comienzo: Nombre de usuario: Compañía: OMICRON Overcurrent 14-dic.-2023 11:01:43 Omar Matos Solis INGELMEC S.A Versión: Fin: Administrador: 4.31 14-dic.-2023 11:02:06 J.A.V Ajustes de la prueba: Resultados de la prueba de disparo: Tipo Relativa a Factor Magnitud Ángulo tnom. treal Desviación Sobrecarg Resultado a L2-E L2-E L2-E L2-E L2-E L2-E L2-E IN-> IN-> IN-> IN->> IN->> IN->> IN->> 1.800 4.000 8.000 900.0 m 1.050 1.100 1.200 630.0 mA 1.400 A 2.800 A 8.640 A 10.08 A 10.56 A 11.52 A -45.00 ° -45.00 ° -45.00 ° -45.00 ° -45.00 ° -45.00 ° -45.00 ° 3.789 s 1.594 s 1.055 s 676.5 ms 100.0 ms 100.0 ms 100.0 ms 3.806 s 1.607 s 1.066 s 741.5 ms 138.6 ms 134.4 ms 133.6 ms 0.4500 % 0.8207 % 1.008 % 9.612 % 38.60 % 34.40 % 33.60 % No No No No No No No 7.0 10.0 Correcta Correcta Correcta Correcta Correcta Correcta Correcta Gráficos para tipos de falta: Ángulo Tipo L2-E -45.00 ° 10000.00 1000.00 t/s 100.00 10.00 1.00 0.10 0.3 0.5 0.7 1.0 2.0 3.0 I/A +90° 180° 13.0 A 0° -90° 41 de 44 5.0 20.0 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 Estado de la prueba: 7 de 7 puntos probados. 7 puntos correctos. 0 puntos incorrectos. Prueba correcta 42 de 44 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 3.4) [67N] Tiempos de Operacion L3: Módulo de prueba Nombre: Comienzo: Nombre de usuario: Compañía: OMICRON Overcurrent 14-dic.-2023 11:02:28 Omar Matos Solis INGELMEC S.A Versión: Fin: Administrador: 4.31 14-dic.-2023 11:02:50 J.A.V Ajustes de la prueba: Resultados de la prueba de disparo: Tipo Relativa a Factor Magnitud Ángulo tnom. treal Desviación Sobrecarg Resultado a L3-E L3-E L3-E L3-E L3-E L3-E L3-E IN-> IN-> IN-> IN->> IN->> IN->> IN->> 1.800 4.000 8.000 900.0 m 1.050 1.100 1.200 630.0 mA 1.400 A 2.800 A 8.640 A 10.08 A 10.56 A 11.52 A -45.00 ° -45.00 ° -45.00 ° -45.00 ° -45.00 ° -45.00 ° -45.00 ° 3.789 s 1.594 s 1.055 s 676.5 ms 100.0 ms 100.0 ms 100.0 ms 3.804 s 1.609 s 1.065 s 740.0 ms 136.1 ms 130.0 ms 136.6 ms 0.4025 % 0.9399 % 0.9794 % 9.390 % 36.10 % 30.00 % 36.60 % No No No No No No No 7.0 10.0 Correcta Correcta Correcta Correcta Correcta Correcta Correcta Gráficos para tipos de falta: Ángulo Tipo L3-E -45.00 ° 10000.00 1000.00 t/s 100.00 10.00 1.00 0.10 0.3 0.5 0.7 1.0 2.0 3.0 I/A +90° 180° 13.0 A 0° -90° 43 de 44 5.0 20.0 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 Estado de la prueba: 7 de 7 puntos probados. 7 puntos correctos. 0 puntos incorrectos. Prueba correcta 44 de 44 Protocolo de Pruebas Relés de Protección B1.3) AJUSTES DEL RELE (Software DISGI 5) Totally Integrated Automation Portal Settings Device settings Settings Edit mode Number settings groups Activat. of settings group DIGSI 5 uses following IP address Operation-panel language Binary input channel threshold Used time stamp in GOOSE subscriptions Hide settings in IEC 61850 structure Hide SIPROTEC extensions in IEC 61850 structure Use dynamic reporting Block IEC 61850 settings changes Access point used in Edition1 Value secondary 1 settings group 1 (Port J) English (United States) Low: 44 V, High: 88 V On message reception Hide all settings (customized) Hide all SIPROTEC extensions (customized) True False E General \Device Number 91.101 91.102 91.138 Settings Rated frequency Minimum operate time Block monitoring dir. Value All: 60 Hz All: 0 s All: off General \Chatter blocking Number 91.123 91.127 91.124 91.125 91.137 Settings No. permis.state changes Initial test time No. of chatter tests Chatter idle time Subsequent test time Value All: 0 All: 1 s All: 0 All: 1 min All: 2 s General \Control Number 91.118 91.119 91.152 Settings Enable sw.auth. station Multiple sw.auth. levels Specific sw. authorities Value All: false All: false All: false General \Spontan.indic. Number 91.139 Settings Fault-display Value All: with pickup General \CFC Number 91.161 Settings CFC chart quality handling Value All: automatic Totally Integrated Automation Portal General \Test support Number 91.150 91.151 Settings Activate device test mode Oper.bin.outp. under test Value All: false All: false Localization Number 6211.139 Settings Unit system Value All: SI Time settings General Settings Date format Value All: DD.MM.YYYY Time source Settings Fault indication after Time source 1 Time source 2 Time zone time source 1 Time zone time source 2 Sync. latency time src.1 Sync. latency time src.2 Value All: 600 s Ch1:port E:SNTP none All: UTC All: local All: 0 us All: 0 us Time zone and daylight saving time Settings Time zone offset to UTC Offset daylight sav. time Switch daylight sav. time Value All: -300 min All: 60 min false Power system \General General Number 11.2311.101 Settings Phase sequence Value All: ABC Power system \Meas.point I-3ph 1 CT 3-phase \General Number 11.931.8881.115 11.931.8881.127 11.931.8881.130 Settings CT connection Tracking Measuring-point ID Value All: 3-phase + IN All: active All: 1 CT 3-phase \CT phases Number 11.931.8881.101 11.931.8881.102 Settings Rated primary current Rated secondary current Value All: 300 A All: 1 A Totally Integrated Automation Portal Number 11.931.8881.117 11.931.8881.118 11.931.8881.116 11.931.8881.114 Settings Current range Internal CT type Neutr.point in dir.of ref.obj Inverted phases Value All: 100 x IR All: CT protection All: yes All: none CT 1 Number 11.931.3841.103 11.931.3841.117 Settings Magnitude correction Phase Value All: 1 All: I A CT 2 Number 11.931.3842.103 11.931.3842.117 Settings Magnitude correction Phase Value All: 1 All: I B CT 3 Number 11.931.3843.103 11.931.3843.117 Settings Magnitude correction Phase Value All: 1 All: I C CT 4 Number 11.931.3844.103 11.931.3844.117 Settings Magnitude correction Phase Value All: 1 All: IN Supv. balan. I Number 11.931.2491.1 11.931.2491.101 11.931.2491.102 11.931.2491.6 Settings Mode Release threshold Threshold min/max Operate delay Value Settings group 1: on Settings group 1: 0.667 A Settings group 1: 0.5 Settings group 1: 5 s Supv. ph.seq.I Number 11.931.2551.1 11.931.2551.6 Settings Mode Operate delay Value Settings group 1: on Settings group 1: 5 s Supv. sum I Number 11.931.2431.1 11.931.2431.102 11.931.2431.101 11.931.2431.6 Settings Mode Threshold Slope factor Operate delay Value Settings group 1: on Settings group 1: 0.133 A Settings group 1: 0.1 Settings group 1: 5 s Totally Integrated Automation Portal Supv.ADC sum I Number 11.931.2401.1 Settings Mode Value Settings group 1: on Power system \Meas.point I-3ph 2 CT 3-phase \General Number 11.932.8881.115 11.932.8881.127 11.932.8881.130 Settings CT connection Tracking Measuring-point ID Value All: 3-phase + IN All: active All: 2 CT 3-phase \CT phases Number 11.932.8881.101 11.932.8881.102 11.932.8881.117 11.932.8881.118 11.932.8881.116 11.932.8881.114 Settings Rated primary current Rated secondary current Current range Internal CT type Neutr.point in dir.of ref.obj Inverted phases Value All: 350 A All: 1 A All: 100 x IR All: CT protection All: yes All: none CT 1 Number 11.932.3841.103 11.932.3841.117 Settings Magnitude correction Phase Value All: 1 All: I A CT 2 Number 11.932.3842.103 11.932.3842.117 Settings Magnitude correction Phase Value All: 1 All: I B CT 3 Number 11.932.3843.103 11.932.3843.117 Settings Magnitude correction Phase Value All: 1 All: I C CT 4 Number 11.932.3844.103 11.932.3844.117 Settings Magnitude correction Phase Value All: 1 All: IN Supv. balan. I Number 11.932.2491.1 11.932.2491.101 11.932.2491.102 11.932.2491.6 Settings Mode Release threshold Threshold min/max Operate delay Value Settings group 1: on Settings group 1: 10.714 A Settings group 1: 0.5 Settings group 1: 5 s Totally Integrated Automation Portal Supv. ph.seq.I Number 11.932.2551.1 11.932.2551.6 Settings Mode Operate delay Value Settings group 1: on Settings group 1: 5 s Supv. sum I Number 11.932.2431.1 11.932.2431.102 11.932.2431.101 11.932.2431.6 Settings Mode Threshold Slope factor Operate delay Value Settings group 1: on Settings group 1: 2.142 A Settings group 1: 0.1 Settings group 1: 5 s Supv.ADC sum I Number 11.932.2401.1 Settings Mode Value Settings group 1: on Power system \Meas.point V-3ph 1 VT 3-phase Number 11.941.8911.101 11.941.8911.102 11.941.8911.104 11.941.8911.106 11.941.8911.111 11.941.8911.130 Settings Rated primary voltage Rated secondary voltage VT connection Inverted phases Tracking Measuring-point ID Value All: 500 kV All: 100 V All: 3 ph-to-gnd voltages All: none All: active All: 3 VT 1 Number 11.941.3811.103 11.941.3811.108 Settings Magnitude correction Phase Value All: 1 All: V A VT 2 Number 11.941.3812.103 11.941.3812.108 Settings Magnitude correction Phase Value All: 1 All: V B VT 3 Number 11.941.3813.103 11.941.3813.108 Settings Magnitude correction Phase Value All: 1 All: V C Supv. balan. V Number 11.941.2521.1 11.941.2521.101 Settings Mode Release threshold Value Settings group 1: off Settings group 1: 50 V Totally Integrated Automation Portal Number 11.941.2521.102 11.941.2521.6 Settings Threshold min/max Operate delay Value Settings group 1: 0.75 Settings group 1: 5 s Supv. ph.seq.V Number 11.941.2581.1 11.941.2581.6 Settings Mode Operate delay Value Settings group 1: off Settings group 1: 5 s Supv. sum V Number 11.941.2461.1 11.941.2461.3 11.941.2461.6 Settings Mode Threshold Operate delay Value Settings group 1: off Settings group 1: 25 V Settings group 1: 5 s VT miniatureCB Number 11.941.2641.101 Settings Response time Value Settings group 1: 0 s Power system \Meas.point V-1ph 1 General Number 11.961.2311.101 11.961.2311.102 11.961.2311.103 11.961.2311.130 Settings Rated primary voltage Rated secondary voltage Tracking Measuring-point ID Value All: 500 kV All: 100 V All: inactive All: 4 VT 1 Number 11.961.3811.103 11.961.3811.108 Settings Magnitude correction Phase Value All: 1 All: V B VT miniatureCB Number 11.961.2641.101 Settings Response time Value Settings group 1: 0 s Settings Fault recording Storage Maximum record time Pre-trigger time Post-trigger time Manual record time Sampling frequency Value All: with pickup All: always All: 5 s All: 0.5 s All: 0.5 s All: 0.5 s All: 2 kHz Recording \Fault recorder Control Number 51.791.2761.130 51.791.2761.131 51.791.2761.111 51.791.2761.112 51.791.2761.113 51.791.2761.116 51.791.2761.140 Totally Integrated Automation Portal SE Puerto Bravo \General General \Rated values Number 911.91.103 911.91.102 911.91.101 Settings Rated apparent power Rated voltage Rated current Value All: 200 MVA All: 500 kV All: 231 A General \Side data Number 911.91.149 911.91.104 911.91.163 911.91.130 911.91.210 911.91.215 Settings Neutral point Winding configuration Vector group numeral Side number MI3ph1 usesMeasP with ID CT mismatch M I-3ph 1 Value Settings group 1: isolated Settings group 1: Y (Wye) All: 0 All: Side 1 All: 1 All: 1.299 General \Measurements Number 911.91.158 Settings P, Q sign Value Settings group 1: not reversed SE Puerto Bravo \67N Dir.OC-gnd-A1 General Number 911.1471.2311.101 911.1471.2311.102 911.1471.2311.103 911.1471.2311.104 Settings Min. voltage V0 or V2 Rotation angle of ref. volt. Forward section +/Polarization with Value Settings group 1: 2 V Settings group 1: -45 ° Settings group 1: 88 ° Settings group 1: zero sequence Definite-T 1 \General Number 911.1471.4861.1 911.1471.4861.2 911.1471.4861.105 911.1471.4861.8 911.1471.4861.104 911.1471.4861.106 911.1471.4861.10 911.1471.4861.26 911.1471.4861.3 911.1471.4861.4 911.1471.4861.101 911.1471.4861.6 Settings Mode Operate & flt.rec. blocked Directional mode Method of measurement Directional comparison Release via input signal Blk. by meas.-volt. failure Dynamic settings Threshold Dropout ratio Dropout delay Operate delay Value Settings group 1: on Settings group 1: no Settings group 1: forward Settings group 1: fundamental comp. Settings group 1: no Settings group 1: no Settings group 1: yes All: no Settings group 1: 9.600 A Settings group 1: 0.95 Settings group 1: 0 s Settings group 1: 0.1 s Inverse-T 1 \General Number 911.1471.4891.1 911.1471.4891.2 Settings Mode Operate & flt.rec. blocked Value Settings group 1: on Settings group 1: no Totally Integrated Automation Portal Number 911.1471.4891.111 911.1471.4891.8 911.1471.4891.110 911.1471.4891.112 911.1471.4891.10 911.1471.4891.26 911.1471.4891.3 911.1471.4891.130 911.1471.4891.114 911.1471.4891.131 911.1471.4891.101 911.1471.4891.115 Settings Directional mode Method of measurement Directional comparison Release via input signal Blk. by meas.-volt. failure Dynamic settings Threshold Type of character. curve Min. time of the curve Reset Time dial Additional time delay Value Settings group 1: forward Settings group 1: fundamental comp. Settings group 1: no Settings group 1: no Settings group 1: yes All: no Settings group 1: 0.35 A Settings group 1: IEC normal inverse Settings group 1: 0 s Settings group 1: instantaneous Settings group 1: 0.32 Settings group 1: 0 s SE Puerto Bravo \50N/51N OC-gnd-A1 Definite-T 1 \General Number 911.211.751.1 911.211.751.2 911.211.751.26 911.211.751.8 911.211.751.3 911.211.751.4 911.211.751.101 911.211.751.6 Settings Mode Operate & flt.rec. blocked Dynamic settings Method of measurement Threshold Dropout ratio Dropout delay Operate delay Value Settings group 1: off Settings group 1: no All: no Settings group 1: fundamental comp. Settings group 1: 0.333 A Settings group 1: 0.95 Settings group 1: 0 s Settings group 1: 0 s Inverse-T 1 \General Number 911.211.781.1 911.211.781.2 911.211.781.26 911.211.781.8 911.211.781.3 911.211.781.108 911.211.781.113 911.211.781.109 911.211.781.101 911.211.781.115 Settings Mode Operate & flt.rec. blocked Dynamic settings Method of measurement Threshold Type of character. curve Min. time of the curve Reset Time dial Additional time delay Value Settings group 1: off Settings group 1: no All: no Settings group 1: fundamental comp. Settings group 1: 0.924 A Settings group 1: IEC normal inverse Settings group 1: 0 s Settings group 1: disk emulation Settings group 1: 1 Settings group 1: 0 s SE Puerto Bravo \27 Undervolt.-3ph 1 General Number 911.131.2311.104 911.131.2311.101 Settings Current-flow criterion Threshold I> Value Settings group 1: off Settings group 1: 0.038 A Definite-T 1 Number 911.131.421.1 911.131.421.2 911.131.421.10 911.131.421.9 Settings Mode Operate & flt.rec. blocked Blk. by meas.-volt. failure Measured value Value Settings group 1: off Settings group 1: no Settings group 1: yes Settings group 1: phase-to-ground Totally Integrated Automation Portal Number 911.131.421.8 911.131.421.101 911.131.421.3 911.131.421.4 911.131.421.6 Settings Method of measurement Pickup mode Threshold Dropout ratio Operate delay Value Settings group 1: fundamental comp. Settings group 1: 1 out of 3 Settings group 1: 54 V Settings group 1: 1.05 Settings group 1: 0.05 s Definite-T 2 Number 911.131.422.1 911.131.422.2 911.131.422.10 911.131.422.9 911.131.422.8 911.131.422.101 911.131.422.3 911.131.422.4 911.131.422.6 Settings Mode Operate & flt.rec. blocked Blk. by meas.-volt. failure Measured value Method of measurement Pickup mode Threshold Dropout ratio Operate delay Value Settings group 1: off Settings group 1: no Settings group 1: yes Settings group 1: phase-to-phase Settings group 1: fundamental comp. Settings group 1: 1 out of 3 Settings group 1: 65 V Settings group 1: 1.05 Settings group 1: 0.5 s SE Puerto Bravo\Ciruit-breaker interaction Protection group SE Puerto Bravo\ 67N Dir.OC-gnd-A1\ Definite-T 1 SE Puerto Bravo\ 67N Dir.OC-gnd-A1\ Inverse-T 1 SE Puerto Bravo\ 50N/51N OC-gnd-A1\ Definite-T 1 SE Puerto Bravo\ 50N/51N OC-gnd-A1\ Inverse-T 1 SE Puerto Bravo\ 27 Undervolt.-3ph 1\ Definite-T 1 SE Puerto Bravo\ 27 Undervolt.-3ph 1\ Definite-T 2 Circuit-breaker group(s) INT-Q0:Trip INT-Q0:Trip INT-Q0:Trip INT-Q0:Trip INT-Q0:Trip INT-Q0:Trip CT Puerto Bravo \General General \Rated values Number 912.91.103 912.91.102 912.91.101 Settings Rated apparent power Rated voltage Rated current Value All: 200 MVA All: 500 kV All: 231 A General \Side data Number 912.91.149 912.91.104 912.91.163 912.91.130 912.91.210 912.91.215 Settings Neutral point Winding configuration Vector group numeral Side number MI3ph1 usesMeasP with ID CT mismatch M I-3ph 1 Value Settings group 1: isolated Settings group 1: Y (Wye) All: 0 All: Side 2 All: 2 All: 1.516 CT Puerto Bravo \50N/51N OC-gnd-A1 Definite-T 1 \General Number 912.211.751.1 Settings Mode Value Settings group 1: off Totally Integrated Automation Portal Number 912.211.751.2 912.211.751.26 912.211.751.27 912.211.751.8 912.211.751.3 912.211.751.4 912.211.751.101 912.211.751.6 Settings Operate & flt.rec. blocked Dynamic settings Blk. w. inrush curr. detect. Method of measurement Threshold Dropout ratio Dropout delay Operate delay Value Settings group 1: no All: no Settings group 1: no Settings group 1: fundamental comp. Settings group 1: 8.06 A Settings group 1: 0.95 Settings group 1: 0 s Settings group 1: 0.3 s Definite-T 2 \General Number 912.211.752.1 912.211.752.2 912.211.752.26 912.211.752.27 912.211.752.8 912.211.752.3 912.211.752.4 912.211.752.101 912.211.752.6 Settings Mode Operate & flt.rec. blocked Dynamic settings Blk. w. inrush curr. detect. Method of measurement Threshold Dropout ratio Dropout delay Operate delay Value Settings group 1: off Settings group 1: no All: no Settings group 1: no Settings group 1: fundamental comp. Settings group 1: 0.792 A Settings group 1: 0.95 Settings group 1: 0 s Settings group 1: 0.1 s Inverse-T 1 \General Number 912.211.781.1 912.211.781.2 912.211.781.26 912.211.781.27 912.211.781.8 912.211.781.3 912.211.781.108 912.211.781.113 912.211.781.109 912.211.781.101 912.211.781.115 Settings Mode Operate & flt.rec. blocked Dynamic settings Blk. w. inrush curr. detect. Method of measurement Threshold Type of character. curve Min. time of the curve Reset Time dial Additional time delay Value Settings group 1: off Settings group 1: no All: no Settings group 1: no Settings group 1: fundamental comp. Settings group 1: 0.3 A Settings group 1: IEC normal inverse Settings group 1: 0 s Settings group 1: instantaneous Settings group 1: 0.32 Settings group 1: 0 s Settings Mode Operat.-range limit Imax Blocking with CWA Blocking with 2. harmonic 2nd harmonic content Cross-blocking Cross-blocking time Start flt.rec Value All: off Settings group 1: 35.000 A Settings group 1: yes Settings group 1: yes Settings group 1: 15 % Settings group 1: no Settings group 1: 0.06 s Settings group 1: yes CT Puerto Bravo \Inrush detect. Inrush detect. Number 912.4141.1 912.4141.106 912.4141.111 912.4141.110 912.4141.102 912.4141.112 912.4141.109 912.4141.114 CT Puerto Bravo\Ciruit-breaker interaction Protection group CT Puerto Bravo\ 50N/51N OC-gnd-A1\ Definite-T 1 Circuit-breaker group(s) INT-Q0:Trip Totally Integrated Automation Portal Protection group CT Puerto Bravo\ 50N/51N OC-gnd-A1\ Definite-T 2 CT Puerto Bravo\ 50N/51N OC-gnd-A1\ Inverse-T 1 Circuit-breaker group(s) INT-Q0:Trip INT-Q0:Trip 87L \87T diff. prot. 1 General Number 901.1691.2311.105 901.1691.2311.110 901.1691.2311.191 901.1691.2311.151 901.1691.2311.156 Settings CT mismatch side 1 M3ph 1 CT mismatch side 2 M3ph 1 Reference side is MU-ID Side 1 Mp3ph 1 MU-ID Side 2 Mp3ph 1 Value All: 1.299 All: 1.516 All: Side 1 All: 1 All: 2 I-DIFF \General Number 901.1691.11041.1 901.1691.11041.2 901.1691.11041.6 Settings Mode Operate & flt.rec. blocked Operate delay Value Settings group 1: on Settings group 1: no Settings group 1: 0 s I-DIFF \Operate curve Number 901.1691.11041.3 901.1691.11041.100 901.1691.11041.101 901.1691.11041.102 901.1691.11041.103 Settings Threshold Slope 1 Intersection 1 Irest Slope 2 Intersection 2 Irest Value Settings group 1: 0.47 I/IrObj Settings group 1: 0.3 Settings group 1: 0.67 I/IrObj Settings group 1: 0.7 Settings group 1: 2.5 I/IrObj I-DIFF \Starting detection Number 901.1691.11041.106 901.1691.11041.107 901.1691.11041.108 901.1691.11041.109 Settings Starting detection Thresh. startup detection Factor increasing char. Max. perm. Start. time Value Settings group 1: no Settings group 1: 0.1 I/IrObj Settings group 1: 2 Settings group 1: 5 s I-DIFF \DC offset detection Number 901.1691.11041.110 Settings Factor increasing char. DC Value Settings group 1: 2.3 I-DIFF \Inrush blocking Number 901.1691.11041.115 901.1691.11041.116 901.1691.11041.117 901.1691.11041.118 Settings Blocking with 2. harmonic 2nd harmonic content Crossblock. time 2nd har. Blocking with CWA Value Settings group 1: no Settings group 1: 15 % Settings group 1: 0 s Settings group 1: no Totally Integrated Automation Portal I-DIFF \Overexcit. blocking Number 901.1691.11041.121 901.1691.11041.122 901.1691.11041.123 901.1691.11041.124 901.1691.11041.125 901.1691.11041.126 901.1691.11041.127 Settings Blocking with 3rd harm. 3rd harmonics content Crossblock. time 3rd har. Blocking with 5th harm. 5th harmonics content Crossblock. time 5th har. Limit Idiff 3., 5. harmonics Value Settings group 1: no Settings group 1: 30 % Settings group 1: 0 s Settings group 1: no Settings group 1: 30 % Settings group 1: 0 s Settings group 1: 1.5 I/IrObj I-DIFF \Ext. fault detection Number 901.1691.11041.128 901.1691.11041.129 901.1691.11041.130 Settings Threshold add-on stabiliz. Time of add-on stabiliz. Crossblk. time add-on st. Value Settings group 1: 2 I/IrObj Settings group 1: 0.3 s Settings group 1: 0.3 s I-DIFF fast Number 901.1691.11071.1 901.1691.11071.3 901.1691.11071.6 901.1691.11071.100 Settings Mode Threshold Operate delay Operate & flt.rec. blocked Value Settings group 1: on Settings group 1: 7.5 I/IrObj Settings group 1: 0 s Settings group 1: no 87L\Ciruit-breaker interaction Protection group 87L\ 87T diff. prot. 1\ I-DIFF 87L\ 87T diff. prot. 1\ I-DIFF fast Circuit-breaker group(s) INT-Q0:Trip INT-Q0:Trip INT-Q0 \General General \Ref. for %-values Number 201.2311.101 201.2311.102 Settings Rated normal current Rated voltage Value All: 231 A All: 500 kV General \Breaker settings Number 201.2311.112 Settings Current thresh. CB open Value All: 0.133 A Settings Reset of trip command Value All: with I< INT-Q0 \Trip logic Trip logic Number 201.5341.103 Totally Integrated Automation Portal INT-Q0 \Circuit break. Circuit break. Number 201.4261.101 Settings Output time Value All: 1 s Settings Action time Value Settings group 1: 0.3 s Settings Control model SBO time-out Feedback monitoring time Check switching authority Check if pos. is reached Check double activat. blk. Check blk. by protection Value All: SBO w. enh. security All: 30 s All: 1 s All: yes All: yes All: yes All: yes Settings Dead time Value All: 0.1 s Settings Control model SBO time-out Feedback monitoring time Check switching authority Check if pos. is reached Check double activat. blk. Value All: SBO w. enh. security All: 30 s All: 10 s All: yes All: yes All: yes Settings Maximum output time Seal-in time Switching-device type Value All: 10 s All: 0 s All: disconnector INT-Q0 \Manual close Manual close Number 201.6541.101 INT-Q0 \Control Control Number 201.4201.101 201.4201.102 201.4201.103 201.4201.104 201.4201.105 201.4201.106 201.4201.107 INT-Q0 \CB test CB test Number 201.6151.101 SB-Q1 \Control Control Number 601.4201.101 601.4201.102 601.4201.103 601.4201.104 601.4201.105 601.4201.106 SB-Q1 \Disconnector Disconnector Number 601.5401.101 601.5401.102 601.5401.103 Totally Integrated Automation Portal SL-Q9 \Control Control Number 602.4201.101 602.4201.102 602.4201.103 602.4201.104 602.4201.105 602.4201.106 Settings Control model SBO time-out Feedback monitoring time Check switching authority Check if pos. is reached Check double activat. blk. Value All: SBO w. enh. security All: 30 s All: 10 s All: yes All: yes All: yes Settings Maximum output time Seal-in time Switching-device type Value All: 10 s All: 0 s All: disconnector Settings Control model SBO time-out Feedback monitoring time Check switching authority Check if pos. is reached Check double activat. blk. Value All: SBO w. enh. security All: 30 s All: 10 s All: yes All: yes All: yes Settings Maximum output time Seal-in time Switching-device type Value All: 10 s All: 0 s All: disconnector Settings Control model SBO time-out Feedback monitoring time Check switching authority Check if pos. is reached Check double activat. blk. Value All: SBO w. enh. security All: 30 s All: 10 s All: yes All: yes All: yes SL-Q9 \Disconnector Disconnector Number 602.5401.101 602.5401.102 602.5401.103 ST-Q51 \Control Control Number 603.4201.101 603.4201.102 603.4201.103 603.4201.104 603.4201.105 603.4201.106 ST-Q51 \Disconnector Disconnector Number 603.5401.101 603.5401.102 603.5401.103 ST-Q52 \Control Control Number 604.4201.101 604.4201.102 604.4201.103 604.4201.104 604.4201.105 604.4201.106 Totally Integrated Automation Portal ST-Q52 \Disconnector Disconnector Number 604.5401.101 604.5401.102 604.5401.103 Settings Maximum output time Seal-in time Switching-device type Value All: 10 s All: 0 s All: disconnector Settings Control model SBO time-out Feedback monitoring time Check switching authority Check if pos. is reached Check double activat. blk. Value All: SBO w. enh. security All: 30 s All: 10 s All: yes All: yes All: yes Settings Maximum output time Seal-in time Switching-device type Value All: 10 s All: 0 s All: disconnector Settings Control model SBO time-out Feedback monitoring time Check switching authority Check if pos. is reached Check double activat. blk. Value All: SBO w. enh. security All: 30 s All: 10 s All: yes All: yes All: yes Settings Maximum output time Seal-in time Switching-device type Value All: 10 s All: 0 s All: disconnector Settings Rated voltage Value All: 500 kV ST-Q8 \Control Control Number 605.4201.101 605.4201.102 605.4201.103 605.4201.104 605.4201.105 605.4201.106 ST-Q8 \Disconnector Disconnector Number 605.5401.101 605.5401.102 605.5401.103 ST-Q15 \Control Control Number 606.4201.101 606.4201.102 606.4201.103 606.4201.104 606.4201.105 606.4201.106 ST-Q15 \Disconnector Disconnector Number 606.5401.101 606.5401.102 606.5401.103 VI 1ph 1 \General General \Rated values Number 831.9421.102 Totally Integrated Automation Portal *Setting marked as favorite setting Protocolo de Pruebas Relés de Protección ANEXO B2 CENTRAL TERMICA PUERTO BRAVO PROTECCIÓN DE RESPALDO DE CABLE TR1 RELÉ 7UT85 [F004] CONTENIDO B2.1) PROTOCOLO DE PRUEBAS B2.2) REPORTE DEL SIMULADOR (Test Universe) B2.3) AJUSTES DEL RELE (Software DISGI 5) Protocolo de Pruebas Relés de Protección B2.1) PROTOCOLO DE PRUEBAS Protocolo de Pruebas Relés de Protección Propietario : SAMAY I S.A.C. Identificación : RELÉ DE PROTECCIÓN DIFERENCIAL DE CABLE Ubicación : S.E. PUERTO BRAVO 500kV Código ANSI : 87T, 67N Tablero : =B01+R01 : : F004 Modelo del relé Ref. Código de Equipo : PROTECCIÓN DE RESPALDO DE CABLE TR1 1 .- Datos del Relé de Protección : : Serie : IN : 7UT85 Resultado: Aprobado Fecha: 14/12/2023 Transformadores de Protección Marca SIEMENS CT_Fases Subestacion : Modelo 7UT85 CT_Fases Central : 350/1A BM1501001856 VT _Fases : 500/0.100 kV 300/1A 1A 2 .- Ajustes del Relé Se adjunta reporte de ajustes del relé - Software DIGSI 5 3 .- Inspección Inicial y Verificaciones Resultado Aspecto exterior Conexionado eléctrico Puesta a tierra Comunicación con PC (USB) Display Teclado Frontal CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME 4 .- Otras Funciones Verificadas Resultado Unidades de Medición Relación de VTs y CTs Leds de Señalización del Relé Verificación de contactos de Disparo Disparo efectivo del interruptor por actuación de 87L CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME 5 .- Prueba de Funciones de Protección 5.1) Diferencial de Cable CONFORME 87L 5.2) Sobrecorriente Direccional de Tierra CONFORME 67N Nota: Se Adjunta resultado de pruebas del relé - Test Universe 6 .- Activación de Salidas Binarias 6.1) BO Salidas Binarias (OUTPUTS) BO IO203_BO1.1 IO203_BO1.2 IO203_BO1.3 IO202_BO3.1 IO202_BO3.2 IO202_BO3.3 IO206_BO4.2 Asignación Disparo Bobina 1, Fase R Disparo Bobina 1, Fase S Disparo Bobina 1, Fase T Disparo Bobina 2, Fase R Disparo Bobina 2, Fase S Disparo Bobina 2, Fase T Disparo Definitvo Rele de Bloqueo 86 Resultado CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME Protocolo de Pruebas Relés de Protección Propietario : SAMAY I S.A.C. Identificación : RELÉ DE PROTECCIÓN DIFERENCIAL DE CABLE Ubicación : S.E. PUERTO BRAVO 500kV Código ANSI : 87T, 67N Tablero : =B01+R01 : : F004 Modelo del relé Ref. Código de Equipo : PROTECCIÓN DE RESPALDO DE CABLE TR1 7UT85 Resultado: Aprobado Fecha: 14/12/2023 7 .- Verificación de LEDs de Señalización LEDs LED LED 1.1 LED 1.2 LED 1.3 LED 1.4 LED 1.5 LED 1.6 LED 1.7 LED 1.8 LED 1.9 LED 1.10 LED 1.11 LED 1.12 LED 1.13 LED 1.14 LED 1.15 LED 1.16 Asignación Resultado Disparo General Arranque Fase R Arranque Fase S Arranque Fase T Arranque Neutro Disparo 87L Disparo 67N (Tiempo Inverso Lado GIS) Disparo 67N (Instantaneo Lado GIS) 74TC OK 74 TC Falla Fase R 74 TC Falla Fase S 74 TC Falla Fase T Sincronismo OK Reserva Reserva Reserva CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME RESERVA NA NA NA 8 .- Equipos de Prueba Utilizados EQP Descripción Marca Tipo Serie 1 1 Simulador de potencia trifásico OMICRON CMC 256 LD014F 2 1 Computadora portátil LENOVO P50s R9OMHLJ316/12 Ítem Cant 9 .- Observaciones y Comentarios Obs - Las pruebas de operatividad al relé de protección 7UT85 se han realizado satisfactoriamente. - Se adjuntan los siguientes reportes: * Reporte de ajustes del relé 7UT85 - Software DIGSI 5. * Reporte de pruebas del Software Test Universe - OMICRON CMC256. CONTRATISTA Nombre : Omar Matos Solis Fecha : 14/12/2023 Firma : SUPERVISIÓN Nombre : José Gutierrez 14/12/2023 Fecha : Firma : PROPIETARIO Nombre : Fecha : 14/12/2023 Firma : Protocolo de Pruebas Relés de Protección B2.2) REPORTE DEL SIMULADOR (Test Universe) INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 REPORTE DE PRUEBA S.E. PUERTO BRAVO 500kV PROTECCIÓN DE CABLE TR-1 PROTECCION DE RESPALDO SIEMENS / 7UT85 [F004] Compañia: INGELMEC S.A. Nombre de Usuario: Omar Matos Solis Dia de Prueba: 14 de diciembre de 2023 Estado de Prueba: Passed Modulos de Prueba: 19 Modulos de Prueba Correctos: 19 Modulos de Pruebas con Error: 0 ________________________________________________________________________________ Hardware Configuration Test Equipment Type Serial Number CMC256plus Hardware Check Performed At Result Details Not yet performed 1 de 43 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 1) [INY] INYECCION INICIAL: 1.1) [INY] Conexion CT's Correcta: Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: OMICRON QuickCMC 14-dic-2023 12:34:26 Omar Matos Solis INGELMEC S.A Version: Test End: Manager: 4.31 14-dic-2023 12:36:20 J.A.V Test Results Title: INYECCION INICIAL Fault Calculator: Table Inputmode Parameters (All values are secondary) Direct V L1-E V L2-E V L3-E I L1 I L2 I L3 57.74 V 57.74 V 57.74 V 770.0 mA 770.0 mA 770.0 mA 30.00 ° -90.00 ° 150.00 ° 0.00 ° -120.00 ° 120.00 ° 30.00° -90.00° 150.00° 0.00° -120.00° 120.00° 180.00° 60.00° 300.00° +90° I L3 V L3-E 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz Generator Settings V L1-E V L2-E V L3-E I L1 I L2 I L3 I(2)-1 I(2)-2 I(2)-3 57.735V 57.735V 57.735V 0.770A 0.770A 0.770A 0.660A 0.660A 0.660A VI(2)-2 L1-E I(2)-1 180° I L1 0° I L2 60.0 V 800.0 mA -90° V L2-E I(2)-3 Binary Inputs Name Slope TRIP L1 TRIP L2 Overload 0 0 1 Time Summary 1 tests passed, 0 tests failed, 0 tests not assessed Test passed 2 de 43 100.00% passed INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 LECTURAS REGISTRADAS EN EL RELÉ 3 de 43 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 4 de 43 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 2) [87T] PROTECCION DIFERENCIAL CABLE: 2.1) [87T] Falla Monofasica Lado Subestacion: Test Object - Differential Parameters Protected Object: Protected Object: Vector Group: Busbar n/a Winding/Leg Name: Lado Subestacion Lado Central Voltage: Power: Starpoint Grounding: Delta-connected CT: 500.00 kV 200.00 MVA No No 500.00 kV 200.00 MVA No No Winding/Leg Name: Lado Subestacion Lado Central CT Current Prim: CT Current Sec: CT Grounding: Gnd CT Prim Current: Gnd CT Sec Current: Gnd CT Grounding: 300.00 A 1.00 A tow. Prot. Obj. 12000.00 A 5.00 A n/a 350.00 A 1.00 A tow. Prot. Obj. 12000.00 A 5.00 A n/a CT: Protection device: Reference Winding: Ibias Calculation: Zero Seq. Elimination: Reference Current: Ground CT Used: Disable Comb. char.: Lado Subestacion max ( Ip, Is ) (K1 = 1.00) none PO nominal current No No Idiff>: Idiff>>: 0.47 In 7.50 In tdiff>: tdiff>>: 0.03 s 0.03 s Itol rel: Itol abs: 5.00 % 0.08 In ttol rel: ttol abs: 1.00 % 0.01 s Graph: 5 de 43 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 Single Line View for Protected Object (YY0) L2-E Supply Y Y0 Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: OMICRON Diff Configuration 14-dic-2023 12:49:03 Omar Matos Solis INGELMEC S.A Version: Test End: Manager: 4.31 14-dic-2023 12:49:36 J.A.V 300 s n/a Lado Subestacion No No Apply Load Current: Load Current: Supply Side: Vout winding: Winding/leg output: No 1.00 In Lado Central Lado Subestacion Lado Subestacion Test Settings Test time: Load Side: Fault Side: Vout enabled: Time-triggered: Binary Outputs Test Results for Fault Type L2-E at Fault Location Lado Subestacion ITest = 1.00 In Phase State: Tested Result: Passed Primary Secondary Tertiary Itest Angle Imeas Angle Itest Angle Imeas Angle Itest Angle Imeas Angle L1 L2 L3 E 0.00A 0.77A 0.00A 0.00A 0.0° -180.0° 0.0° 0.0° 0.000A 0.000A 0.000A 0.000A 0.000° 0.000° 0.000° 0.000° 0.00A 0.66A 0.00A 0.00A 0.0° 0.0° 0.0° 0.0° 0.000A 0.000A 0.000A 0.000A 0.000° 0.000° 0.000° 0.000° n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Phase Imeas_diff Imeas_bias 0.000 In 0.000 In 0.000 In 0.002 In 1.000 In 0.003 In L1 L2 L3 6 de 43 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 Test State: Test passed 1 out of 1 points tested. 1 points passed. 0 points failed. 7 de 43 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 2.2) [87T] Falla Bifasica Lado Subestacion: Test Object - Differential Parameters Protected Object: Protected Object: Vector Group: Busbar n/a Winding/Leg Name: Lado Subestacion Lado Central Voltage: Power: Starpoint Grounding: Delta-connected CT: 500.00 kV 200.00 MVA No No 500.00 kV 200.00 MVA No No Winding/Leg Name: Lado Subestacion Lado Central CT Current Prim: CT Current Sec: CT Grounding: Gnd CT Prim Current: Gnd CT Sec Current: Gnd CT Grounding: 300.00 A 1.00 A tow. Prot. Obj. 12000.00 A 5.00 A n/a 350.00 A 1.00 A tow. Prot. Obj. 12000.00 A 5.00 A n/a CT: Protection device: Reference Winding: Ibias Calculation: Zero Seq. Elimination: Reference Current: Ground CT Used: Disable Comb. char.: Lado Subestacion max ( Ip, Is ) (K1 = 1.00) none PO nominal current No No Idiff>: Idiff>>: 0.47 In 7.50 In tdiff>: tdiff>>: 0.03 s 0.03 s Itol rel: Itol abs: 5.00 % 0.08 In ttol rel: ttol abs: 1.00 % 0.01 s Graph: 8 de 43 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 Single Line View for Protected Object (YY0) L3-L1 Supply Y Y0 Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: OMICRON Diff Configuration 14-dic-2023 12:49:47 Omar Matos Solis INGELMEC S.A Version: Test End: Manager: 4.31 14-dic-2023 12:50:18 J.A.V 300 s n/a Lado Subestacion No No Apply Load Current: Load Current: Supply Side: Vout winding: Winding/leg output: No 1.00 In Lado Central Lado Subestacion Lado Subestacion Test Settings Test time: Load Side: Fault Side: Vout enabled: Time-triggered: Binary Outputs Test Results for Fault Type L3-L1 at Fault Location Lado Subestacion ITest = 1.00 In Phase State: Tested Result: Passed Primary Secondary Tertiary Itest Angle Imeas Angle Itest Angle Imeas Angle Itest Angle Imeas Angle L1 L2 L3 E 0.77A 0.00A 0.77A 0.00A -180.0° 0.0° 0.0° 0.0° 0.000A 0.000A 0.000A 0.000A 0.000° 0.000° 0.000° 0.000° 0.66A 0.00A 0.66A 0.00A 0.0° 0.0° 180.0° 0.0° 0.000A 0.000A 0.000A 0.000A 0.000° 0.000° 0.000° 0.000° n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Phase Imeas_diff Imeas_bias 0.000 In 0.000 In 0.000 In 1.000 In 0.001 In 1.000 In L1 L2 L3 9 de 43 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 Test State: Test passed 1 out of 1 points tested. 1 points passed. 0 points failed. 10 de 43 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 2.3) [87T] Falla Trifasica Lado Subestacion: Test Object - Differential Parameters Protected Object: Protected Object: Vector Group: Busbar n/a Winding/Leg Name: Lado Subestacion Lado Central Voltage: Power: Starpoint Grounding: Delta-connected CT: 500.00 kV 200.00 MVA No No 500.00 kV 200.00 MVA No No Winding/Leg Name: Lado Subestacion Lado Central CT Current Prim: CT Current Sec: CT Grounding: Gnd CT Prim Current: Gnd CT Sec Current: Gnd CT Grounding: 300.00 A 1.00 A tow. Prot. Obj. 12000.00 A 5.00 A n/a 350.00 A 1.00 A tow. Prot. Obj. 12000.00 A 5.00 A n/a CT: Protection device: Reference Winding: Ibias Calculation: Zero Seq. Elimination: Reference Current: Ground CT Used: Disable Comb. char.: Lado Subestacion max ( Ip, Is ) (K1 = 1.00) none PO nominal current No No Idiff>: Idiff>>: 0.47 In 7.50 In tdiff>: tdiff>>: 0.03 s 0.03 s Itol rel: Itol abs: 5.00 % 0.08 In ttol rel: ttol abs: 1.00 % 0.01 s Graph: 11 de 43 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 Single Line View for Protected Object (YY0) L1-L2-L3 Supply Y Y0 Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: OMICRON Diff Configuration 14-dic-2023 12:50:28 Omar Matos Solis INGELMEC S.A Version: Test End: Manager: 4.31 14-dic-2023 12:50:47 J.A.V 300 s n/a Lado Subestacion No No Apply Load Current: Load Current: Supply Side: Vout winding: Winding/leg output: No 1.00 In Lado Central Lado Subestacion Lado Subestacion Test Settings Test time: Load Side: Fault Side: Vout enabled: Time-triggered: Binary Outputs Test Results for Fault Type L1-L2-L3 at Fault Location Lado Subestacion ITest = 1.00 In Phase State: Tested Result: Passed Primary Secondary Tertiary Itest Angle Imeas Angle Itest Angle Imeas Angle Itest Angle Imeas Angle L1 L2 L3 E 0.77A 0.77A 0.77A 0.00A -180.0° 60.0° -60.0° 0.0° 0.000A 0.000A 0.000A 0.000A 0.000° 0.000° 0.000° 0.000° 0.66A 0.66A 0.66A 0.00A 0.0° -120.0° 120.0° 0.0° 0.000A 0.000A 0.000A 0.000A 0.000° 0.000° 0.000° 0.000° n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Phase Imeas_diff Imeas_bias 0.000 In 0.000 In 0.000 In 1.000 In 1.000 In 1.000 In L1 L2 L3 12 de 43 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 Test State: Test passed 1 out of 1 points tested. 1 points passed. 0 points failed. 13 de 43 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 2.4) [87T] Falla Monofasica Lado Central: Test Object - Differential Parameters Protected Object: Protected Object: Vector Group: Busbar n/a Winding/Leg Name: Lado Subestacion Lado Central Voltage: Power: Starpoint Grounding: Delta-connected CT: 500.00 kV 200.00 MVA No No 500.00 kV 200.00 MVA No No Winding/Leg Name: Lado Subestacion Lado Central CT Current Prim: CT Current Sec: CT Grounding: Gnd CT Prim Current: Gnd CT Sec Current: Gnd CT Grounding: 300.00 A 1.00 A tow. Prot. Obj. 12000.00 A 5.00 A n/a 350.00 A 1.00 A tow. Prot. Obj. 12000.00 A 5.00 A n/a CT: Protection device: Reference Winding: Ibias Calculation: Zero Seq. Elimination: Reference Current: Ground CT Used: Disable Comb. char.: Lado Subestacion max ( Ip, Is ) (K1 = 1.00) none PO nominal current No No Idiff>: Idiff>>: 0.47 In 7.50 In tdiff>: tdiff>>: 0.03 s 0.03 s Itol rel: Itol abs: 5.00 % 0.08 In ttol rel: ttol abs: 1.00 % 0.01 s Graph: 14 de 43 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 Single Line View for Protected Object (YY0) Supply L3-E Y Y0 Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: OMICRON Diff Configuration 14-dic-2023 12:50:58 Omar Matos Solis INGELMEC S.A Version: Test End: Manager: 4.31 14-dic-2023 12:51:20 J.A.V 300 s n/a Lado Central No No Apply Load Current: Load Current: Supply Side: Vout winding: Winding/leg output: No 1.00 In Lado Subestacion Lado Subestacion Lado Subestacion Test Settings Test time: Load Side: Fault Side: Vout enabled: Time-triggered: Binary Outputs Test Results for Fault Type L3-E at Fault Location Lado Central ITest = 1.00 In Phase State: Tested Result: Passed Primary Secondary Tertiary Itest Angle Imeas Angle Itest Angle Imeas Angle Itest Angle Imeas Angle L1 L2 L3 E 0.00A 0.00A 0.77A 0.00A 0.0° 0.0° 0.0° 0.0° 0.000A 0.000A 0.000A 0.000A 0.000° 0.000° 0.000° 0.000° 0.00A 0.00A 0.66A 0.00A 0.0° 0.0° -180.0° 0.0° 0.000A 0.000A 0.000A 0.000A 0.000° 0.000° 0.000° 0.000° n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Phase Imeas_diff Imeas_bias 0.000 In 0.000 In 0.000 In 0.002 In 0.001 In 1.000 In L1 L2 L3 15 de 43 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 Test State: Test passed 1 out of 1 points tested. 1 points passed. 0 points failed. 16 de 43 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 2.5) [87T] Falla Bifasica Lado Central: Test Object - Differential Parameters Protected Object: Protected Object: Vector Group: Busbar n/a Winding/Leg Name: Lado Subestacion Lado Central Voltage: Power: Starpoint Grounding: Delta-connected CT: 500.00 kV 200.00 MVA No No 500.00 kV 200.00 MVA No No Winding/Leg Name: Lado Subestacion Lado Central CT Current Prim: CT Current Sec: CT Grounding: Gnd CT Prim Current: Gnd CT Sec Current: Gnd CT Grounding: 300.00 A 1.00 A tow. Prot. Obj. 12000.00 A 5.00 A n/a 350.00 A 1.00 A tow. Prot. Obj. 12000.00 A 5.00 A n/a CT: Protection device: Reference Winding: Ibias Calculation: Zero Seq. Elimination: Reference Current: Ground CT Used: Disable Comb. char.: Lado Subestacion max ( Ip, Is ) (K1 = 1.00) none PO nominal current No No Idiff>: Idiff>>: 0.47 In 7.50 In tdiff>: tdiff>>: 0.03 s 0.03 s Itol rel: Itol abs: 5.00 % 0.08 In ttol rel: ttol abs: 1.00 % 0.01 s Graph: 17 de 43 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 Single Line View for Protected Object (YY0) Supply L2-L3 Y Y0 Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: OMICRON Diff Configuration 14-dic-2023 12:51:34 Omar Matos Solis INGELMEC S.A Version: Test End: Manager: 4.31 14-dic-2023 12:51:53 J.A.V 300 s n/a Lado Central No No Apply Load Current: Load Current: Supply Side: Vout winding: Winding/leg output: No 1.00 In Lado Subestacion Lado Subestacion Lado Subestacion Test Settings Test time: Load Side: Fault Side: Vout enabled: Time-triggered: Binary Outputs Test Results for Fault Type L2-L3 at Fault Location Lado Central ITest = 1.00 In Phase State: Tested Result: Passed Primary Secondary Tertiary Itest Angle Imeas Angle Itest Angle Imeas Angle Itest Angle Imeas Angle L1 L2 L3 E 0.00A 0.77A 0.77A 0.00A 0.0° 0.0° 180.0° 0.0° 0.000A 0.000A 0.000A 0.000A 0.000° 0.000° 0.000° 0.000° 0.00A 0.66A 0.66A 0.00A 0.0° -180.0° 0.0° 0.0° 0.000A 0.000A 0.000A 0.000A 0.000° 0.000° 0.000° 0.000° n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Phase Imeas_diff Imeas_bias 0.000 In 0.000 In 0.000 In 0.001 In 1.000 In 1.000 In L1 L2 L3 18 de 43 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 Test State: Test passed 1 out of 1 points tested. 1 points passed. 0 points failed. 19 de 43 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 2.6) [87T] Falla Trifasica Lado Central: Test Object - Differential Parameters Protected Object: Protected Object: Vector Group: Busbar n/a Winding/Leg Name: Lado Subestacion Lado Central Voltage: Power: Starpoint Grounding: Delta-connected CT: 500.00 kV 200.00 MVA No No 500.00 kV 200.00 MVA No No Winding/Leg Name: Lado Subestacion Lado Central CT Current Prim: CT Current Sec: CT Grounding: Gnd CT Prim Current: Gnd CT Sec Current: Gnd CT Grounding: 300.00 A 1.00 A tow. Prot. Obj. 12000.00 A 5.00 A n/a 350.00 A 1.00 A tow. Prot. Obj. 12000.00 A 5.00 A n/a CT: Protection device: Reference Winding: Ibias Calculation: Zero Seq. Elimination: Reference Current: Ground CT Used: Disable Comb. char.: Lado Subestacion max ( Ip, Is ) (K1 = 1.00) none PO nominal current No No Idiff>: Idiff>>: 0.47 In 7.50 In tdiff>: tdiff>>: 0.03 s 0.03 s Itol rel: Itol abs: 5.00 % 0.08 In ttol rel: ttol abs: 1.00 % 0.01 s Graph: 20 de 43 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 Single Line View for Protected Object (YY0) Supply L1-L2-L3 Y Y0 Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: OMICRON Diff Configuration 14-dic-2023 12:52:05 Omar Matos Solis INGELMEC S.A Version: Test End: Manager: 4.31 14-dic-2023 12:52:22 J.A.V 300 s n/a Lado Central No No Apply Load Current: Load Current: Supply Side: Vout winding: Winding/leg output: No 1.00 In Lado Subestacion Lado Subestacion Lado Subestacion Test Settings Test time: Load Side: Fault Side: Vout enabled: Time-triggered: Binary Outputs Test Results for Fault Type L1-L2-L3 at Fault Location Lado Central ITest = 1.00 In Phase State: Tested Result: Passed Primary Secondary Tertiary Itest Angle Imeas Angle Itest Angle Imeas Angle Itest Angle Imeas Angle L1 L2 L3 E 0.77A 0.77A 0.77A 0.00A 0.0° -120.0° 120.0° 0.0° 0.000A 0.000A 0.000A 0.000A 0.000° 0.000° 0.000° 0.000° 0.66A 0.66A 0.66A 0.00A -180.0° 60.0° -60.0° 0.0° 0.000A 0.000A 0.000A 0.000A 0.000° 0.000° 0.000° 0.000° n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Phase Imeas_diff Imeas_bias 0.000 In 0.000 In 0.000 In 1.000 In 1.000 In 1.000 In L1 L2 L3 21 de 43 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 Test State: Test passed 1 out of 1 points tested. 1 points passed. 0 points failed. 22 de 43 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 2.7) [87T] Arranque Lado Subestacion: Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: OMICRON Ramping 14-dic-2023 12:52:35 Omar Matos Solis INGELMEC S.A Version: Test End: Manager: 4.31 14-dic-2023 12:52:57 J.A.V Test Results Assessment Results Name/ Exec. Ramp Condition Sig ARRANQUE 87T_58KV Ramp 1 TRIP L1 0->1 I L1, L2, 361.9 mA L3 Assess: + .. Passed x .. Failed Nom. Act. Tol.- Tol.+ Dev. Assess Tact 362.0 mA 10.00 mA 10.00 mA 100.0 ȝA + 23.10 ms o .. Not assessed Ramp 1 Sig 1/mA 390 380 370 360 350 340 330 320 310 300 2.5 5.0 7.5 10.0 12.5 15.0 17.5 2.5 5.0 7.5 10.0 12.5 15.0 17.5 t/s I L1, L2, L3 TRIP L1 TRIP L2 TRIP L3 TRIP F000 Test State: Test passed 23 de 43 t/s INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 2.8) [87T] Arranque Lado Central: Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: OMICRON Ramping 14-dic-2023 12:53:16 Omar Matos Solis INGELMEC S.A Version: Test End: Manager: 4.31 14-dic-2023 12:53:39 J.A.V Test Results Assessment Results Name/ Exec. Ramp Condition Sig Nom. Act. Tol.- Tol.+ Dev. Assess Tact ARRANQUE 87T_10KV Ramp 1 TRIP L1 0->1 I(2)-1, -2, -3 310.0 mA 310.0 mA 10.00 mA 10.00 mA 0.000 A + 23.40 ms Assess: + .. Passed x .. Failed o .. Not assessed Ramp 1 Sig 1/mA 390 380 370 360 350 340 330 320 310 300 2.5 5.0 7.5 10.0 12.5 15.0 17.5 5.0 7.5 10.0 12.5 15.0 17.5 t/s I(2)-1, -2, -3 TRIP L1 TRIP L2 TRIP L3 TRIP F000 2.5 Test State: Test passed 24 de 43 t/s INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 2.9) [87T] Curva Caracteristica L1L2L3: Test Object - Differential Parameters Protected Object: Protected Object: Vector Group: Busbar n/a Winding/Leg Name: Lado Subestacion Lado Central Voltage: Power: Starpoint Grounding: Delta-connected CT: 500.00 kV 200.00 MVA No No 500.00 kV 200.00 MVA No No Winding/Leg Name: Lado Subestacion Lado Central CT Current Prim: CT Current Sec: CT Grounding: Gnd CT Prim Current: Gnd CT Sec Current: Gnd CT Grounding: 300.00 A 1.00 A tow. Prot. Obj. 12000.00 A 5.00 A n/a 350.00 A 1.00 A tow. Prot. Obj. 12000.00 A 5.00 A n/a CT: Protection device: Reference Winding: Ibias Calculation: Zero Seq. Elimination: Reference Current: Ground CT Used: Disable Comb. char.: Lado Subestacion max ( Ip, Is ) (K1 = 1.00) none PO nominal current No No Idiff>: Idiff>>: 0.47 In 7.50 In tdiff>: tdiff>>: 0.03 s 0.03 s Itol rel: Itol abs: 5.00 % 0.08 In ttol rel: ttol abs: 1.00 % 0.01 s OMICRON Diff Operating Characteristic 14-dic-2023 12:39:00 Omar Matos Solis INGELMEC S.A Version: 4.31 Test End: Manager: 14-dic-2023 12:41:19 J.A.V Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: Test Settings Binary Outputs Test Results for Fault Location L1-L2-L3 at Reference Side Lado Subestacion 25 de 43 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 Ibias Idiff Nominal Idiff Actual Dev (rel) Dev (abs) Check Test State Result 0.50 In 0.60 In 0.90 In 1.50 In 2.00 In 3.00 In 5.00 In 6.60 In 0.470 In 0.470 In 0.539 In 0.719 In 0.870 In 1.370 In 2.769 In 3.889 In 0.472 In 0.473 In 0.536 In 0.716 In 0.873 In 1.367 In 2.772 In 3.893 In 0.0025 In 0.0026 In -0.0033 In -0.0033 In 0.0035 In -0.0030 In 0.0028 In 0.0036 In Tested Tested Tested Tested Tested Tested Tested Tested Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed 0.53 % 0.55 % -0.60 % -0.45 % 0.40 % -0.22 % 0.10 % 0.09 % Operating Characteristic Diagram Idiff [In] 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Ibias [In] Test State: Test passed 8 out of 8 points tested. 8 points passed. 0 points failed. 26 de 43 12 13 14 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 2.10) [87T] Curva Caracteristica L1L2: Test Object - Differential Parameters Protected Object: Protected Object: Vector Group: Busbar n/a Winding/Leg Name: Lado Subestacion Lado Central Voltage: Power: Starpoint Grounding: Delta-connected CT: 500.00 kV 200.00 MVA No No 500.00 kV 200.00 MVA No No Winding/Leg Name: Lado Subestacion Lado Central CT Current Prim: CT Current Sec: CT Grounding: Gnd CT Prim Current: Gnd CT Sec Current: Gnd CT Grounding: 300.00 A 1.00 A tow. Prot. Obj. 12000.00 A 5.00 A n/a 350.00 A 1.00 A tow. Prot. Obj. 12000.00 A 5.00 A n/a CT: Protection device: Reference Winding: Ibias Calculation: Zero Seq. Elimination: Reference Current: Ground CT Used: Disable Comb. char.: Lado Subestacion max ( Ip, Is ) (K1 = 1.00) none PO nominal current No No Idiff>: Idiff>>: 0.47 In 7.50 In tdiff>: tdiff>>: 0.03 s 0.03 s Itol rel: Itol abs: 5.00 % 0.08 In ttol rel: ttol abs: 1.00 % 0.01 s OMICRON Diff Operating Characteristic 14-dic-2023 12:41:32 Omar Matos Solis INGELMEC S.A Version: 4.31 Test End: Manager: 14-dic-2023 12:43:59 J.A.V Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: Test Settings Binary Outputs Test Results for Fault Location L1-L2 at Reference Side Lado Subestacion 27 de 43 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 Ibias Idiff Nominal Idiff Actual Dev (rel) Dev (abs) Check Test State Result 0.50 In 0.60 In 0.90 In 1.50 In 2.00 In 3.00 In 5.00 In 6.60 In 0.470 In 0.470 In 0.539 In 0.719 In 0.870 In 1.370 In 2.769 In 3.889 In 0.467 In 0.473 In 0.536 In 0.716 In 0.873 In 1.367 In 2.772 In 3.893 In -0.0025 In 0.0026 In -0.0033 In -0.0033 In 0.0035 In -0.0030 In 0.0028 In 0.0036 In Tested Tested Tested Tested Tested Tested Tested Tested Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed -0.53 % 0.55 % -0.60 % -0.45 % 0.40 % -0.22 % 0.10 % 0.09 % Operating Characteristic Diagram Idiff [In] 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Ibias [In] Test State: Test passed 8 out of 8 points tested. 8 points passed. 0 points failed. 28 de 43 12 13 14 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 2.11) [87T] Curva Caracteristica L1: Test Object - Differential Parameters Protected Object: Protected Object: Vector Group: Busbar n/a Winding/Leg Name: Lado Subestacion Lado Central Voltage: Power: Starpoint Grounding: Delta-connected CT: 500.00 kV 200.00 MVA No No 500.00 kV 200.00 MVA No No Winding/Leg Name: Lado Subestacion Lado Central CT Current Prim: CT Current Sec: CT Grounding: Gnd CT Prim Current: Gnd CT Sec Current: Gnd CT Grounding: 300.00 A 1.00 A tow. Prot. Obj. 12000.00 A 5.00 A n/a 350.00 A 1.00 A tow. Prot. Obj. 12000.00 A 5.00 A n/a CT: Protection device: Reference Winding: Ibias Calculation: Zero Seq. Elimination: Reference Current: Ground CT Used: Disable Comb. char.: Lado Subestacion max ( Ip, Is ) (K1 = 1.00) none PO nominal current No No Idiff>: Idiff>>: 0.47 In 7.50 In tdiff>: tdiff>>: 0.03 s 0.03 s Itol rel: Itol abs: 5.00 % 0.08 In ttol rel: ttol abs: 1.00 % 0.01 s OMICRON Diff Operating Characteristic 14-dic-2023 12:44:17 Omar Matos Solis INGELMEC S.A Version: 4.31 Test End: Manager: 14-dic-2023 12:46:28 J.A.V Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: Test Settings Binary Outputs Test Results for Fault Location L1-E at Reference Side Lado Subestacion Ibias Idiff Nominal Idiff Actual Dev (rel) Dev (abs) Check Test State Result 0.50 In 0.60 In 0.90 In 1.50 In 2.00 In 3.00 In 4.00 In 0.470 In 0.470 In 0.539 In 0.719 In 0.870 In 1.370 In 2.070 In 0.467 In 0.473 In 0.536 In 0.716 In 0.873 In 1.367 In 2.074 In -0.0025 In 0.0026 In -0.0033 In -0.0033 In 0.0035 In -0.0030 In 0.0044 In Tested Tested Tested Tested Tested Tested Tested Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed -0.53 % 0.55 % -0.60 % -0.45 % 0.40 % -0.22 % 0.21 % 29 de 43 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 Operating Characteristic Diagram Idiff [In] 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Ibias [In] Test State: Test passed 7 out of 7 points tested. 7 points passed. 0 points failed. 30 de 43 12 13 14 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 2.12) [87T] Tiempos de Operacion L1L2L3: Test Settings State State 1 I L1 0.000 A 770.0 mA 0.000 A 1.000 A 0.000 A 1.500 A 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz I L2 0.000 A 770.0 mA 0.000 A 1.000 A 0.000 A 1.500 A -120.00 ° -120.00 ° -120.00 ° -120.00 ° -120.00 ° -120.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz I L3 0.000 A 770.0 mA 0.000 A 1.000 A 0.000 A 1.500 A 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz Max. State Time Trigger Logic User interaction CMGPS trigger IRIG-B/PTP trigger Pulses / seconds Delay after Tr. On trigger jump to test end Diagrams State 2 State 3 State 4 State 5 State 6 1.000 s 50.00 ms 1.000 s 50.00 ms 1.000 s 50.00 ms no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no 1 0.000 s no 1 0.000 s no 1 0.000 s no 1 0.000 s no 1 0.000 s no 1 0.000 s no +90° +90° +90° +90° +90° +90° 180° 0° 12.5-90° A 180° 0° 12.5-90° A 180° 0° 12.5-90° A 180° 12.5-90° A 0° 180° 12.5-90° A 0° 180° 0° 12.5-90° A Time Trigger Settings Start time: Trigger period: Start test accuracy: Next full 1 min 60 s - Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: OMICRON State Sequencer 14-dic-2023 12:47:12 Omar Matos Solis INGELMEC S.A Version: Test End: Manager: 4.31 14-dic-2023 12:47:17 J.A.V Test Results Time Assessment Name Ignore before Start Stop Tnom Tdev- Tdev+ Tact Tdev Trip-1 State 1 State 2 30.00 ms 10.00 ms 10.00 ms 26.40 ms -3.600 ms + Trip-2 State 3 State 4 30.00 ms 10.00 ms 10.00 ms 27.00 ms -3.000 ms + Trip-3 State 5 State 6 TRIP L1 0>1 TRIP L1 0>1 TRIP L1 0>1 30.00 ms 10.00 ms 10.00 ms 27.00 ms -3.000 ms + Assess: + .. Passed x .. Failed o .. Not assessed 31 de 43 Assess INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 State 1 State 3 State 2 State 5 State 4 State 6 CMC256plus I A/A 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 0.25 -0.5 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 2.75 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 2.75 t/s -1.0 -1.5 -2.0 I L1 I L2 I L3 TRIP L1 TRIP L2 TRIP L3 TRIP F000 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 Cursor Data Time Cursor 1 Cursor 2 C2 - C1 Signal 0.000 s <none> 3.150 s <none> 3.150 s Value n/a n/a n/a Test State: Test passed 32 de 43 t/s INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 2.13) [87T] Tiempos de Operacion L1L2: Test Settings State State 1 I L1 0.000 A 770.0 mA 0.000 A 1.000 A 0.000 A 1.500 A 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz I L2 0.000 A 770.0 mA 0.000 A 1.000 A 0.000 A 1.500 A -120.00 ° -120.00 ° -120.00 ° -120.00 ° -120.00 ° -120.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz I L3 0.000 A 0.000 A 0.000 A 0.000 A 0.000 A 0.000 A 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz Max. State Time Trigger Logic User interaction CMGPS trigger IRIG-B/PTP trigger Pulses / seconds Delay after Tr. On trigger jump to test end Diagrams State 2 State 3 State 4 State 5 State 6 1.000 s 50.00 ms 1.000 s 50.00 ms 1.000 s 50.00 ms no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no 1 0.000 s no 1 0.000 s no 1 0.000 s no 1 0.000 s no 1 0.000 s no 1 0.000 s no +90° +90° +90° +90° +90° +90° 180° 0° 12.5-90° A 180° 0° 12.5-90° A 180° 0° 12.5-90° A 180° 12.5-90° A 0° 180° 12.5-90° A 0° 180° 0° 12.5-90° A Time Trigger Settings Start time: Trigger period: Start test accuracy: Next full 1 min 60 s - Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: OMICRON State Sequencer 14-dic-2023 12:47:51 Omar Matos Solis INGELMEC S.A Version: Test End: Manager: 4.31 14-dic-2023 12:47:56 J.A.V Test Results Time Assessment Name Ignore before Start Stop Tnom Tdev- Tdev+ Tact Tdev Trip-1 State 1 State 2 30.00 ms 10.00 ms 10.00 ms 28.00 ms -2.000 ms + Trip-2 State 3 State 4 30.00 ms 10.00 ms 10.00 ms 28.60 ms -1.400 ms + Trip-3 State 5 State 6 TRIP L1 0>1 TRIP L1 0>1 TRIP L1 0>1 30.00 ms 10.00 ms 10.00 ms 26.10 ms -3.900 ms + Assess: + .. Passed x .. Failed o .. Not assessed 33 de 43 Assess INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 State 1 State 3 State 2 State 5 State 4 State 6 CMC256plus I A/A 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 0.25 -0.5 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 2.75 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 2.75 t/s -1.0 -1.5 -2.0 I L1 I L2 I L3 TRIP L1 TRIP L2 TRIP L3 TRIP F000 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 Cursor Data Time Cursor 1 Cursor 2 C2 - C1 Signal 0.000 s <none> 3.150 s <none> 3.150 s Value n/a n/a n/a Test State: Test passed 34 de 43 t/s INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 2.14) [87T] Tiempos de Operacion L1: Test Settings State State 1 I L1 0.000 A 770.0 mA 0.000 A 1.000 A 0.000 A 1.500 A 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz I L2 0.000 A 0.000 A 0.000 A 0.000 A 0.000 A 0.000 A -120.00 ° -120.00 ° -120.00 ° -120.00 ° -120.00 ° -120.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz I L3 0.000 A 0.000 A 0.000 A 0.000 A 0.000 A 0.000 A 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz Max. State Time Trigger Logic User interaction CMGPS trigger IRIG-B/PTP trigger Pulses / seconds Delay after Tr. On trigger jump to test end Diagrams State 2 State 3 State 4 State 5 State 6 1.000 s 50.00 ms 1.000 s 50.00 ms 1.000 s 50.00 ms no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no 1 0.000 s no 1 0.000 s no 1 0.000 s no 1 0.000 s no 1 0.000 s no 1 0.000 s no +90° +90° +90° +90° +90° +90° 180° 0° 12.5-90° A 180° 0° 12.5-90° A 180° 0° 12.5-90° A 180° 12.5-90° A 0° 180° 12.5-90° A 0° 180° 0° 12.5-90° A Time Trigger Settings Start time: Trigger period: Start test accuracy: Next full 1 min 60 s - Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: OMICRON State Sequencer 14-dic-2023 12:48:38 Omar Matos Solis INGELMEC S.A Version: Test End: Manager: 4.31 14-dic-2023 12:48:43 J.A.V Test Results Time Assessment Name Ignore before Start Stop Tnom Tdev- Tdev+ Tact Tdev Trip-1 State 1 State 2 30.00 ms 10.00 ms 10.00 ms 25.80 ms -4.200 ms + Trip-2 State 3 State 4 30.00 ms 10.00 ms 10.00 ms 26.40 ms -3.600 ms + Trip-3 State 5 State 6 TRIP L1 0>1 TRIP L1 0>1 TRIP L1 0>1 30.00 ms 10.00 ms 10.00 ms 26.30 ms -3.700 ms + Assess: + .. Passed x .. Failed o .. Not assessed 35 de 43 Assess INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 State 1 State 3 State 2 State 5 State 4 State 6 CMC256plus I A/A 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 0.25 -0.5 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 2.75 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 2.75 t/s -1.0 -1.5 -2.0 I L1 I L2 I L3 TRIP L1 TRIP L2 TRIP L3 TRIP F000 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 Cursor Data Time Cursor 1 Cursor 2 C2 - C1 Signal 0.000 s <none> 3.150 s <none> 3.150 s Value n/a n/a n/a Test State: Test passed 36 de 43 t/s INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 3) [67N] SOBRECORRIENTE DIRECCIONAL DE TIERRA: 3.1) [67N] Sector Direccional CharAngle = -45deg: Test Object - Overcurrent Parameters General - Values: TimeTolAbs: TimeTolRel: CurrentTolAbs: CurrentTolRel: Directional: 0.06 s 5.00 % 0.05 Iref 5.00 % Yes VT connection: CT starpoint connection: At protected object To protected object Elements - Residual: Active Name Tripping characteristic I Pick-up Time Reset Ratio Direction Yes Yes IN-> IN->> IEC Normal Inverse IEC Definite Time 0.35 Iref 9.60 Iref 0.32 0.10 s 0.95 0.95 Forward Forward Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: OMICRON Overcurrent 14-dic-2023 12:56:20 Omar Matos Solis INGELMEC S.A Version: Test End: Manager: 4.31 14-dic-2023 12:57:28 J.A.V Shot Test Results: Type Relative To Factor Magnitude Angle tnom tact Deviation Overload Result L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E (---) (---) (---) (---) (---) (---) (---) (---) (---) (---) (---) (---) (---) (---) (---) (---) (---) (---) (---) (---) (---) (---) (---) (---) n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 2.000 A 2.000 A 2.000 A 2.000 A 2.000 A 2.000 A 2.000 A 2.000 A 2.000 A 2.000 A 2.000 A 2.000 A 10.00 A 10.00 A 10.00 A 10.00 A 10.00 A 10.00 A 10.00 A 10.00 A 10.00 A 10.00 A 10.00 A 10.00 A 0.00 ° 25.00 ° 60.00 ° 90.00 ° 120.00 ° 150.00 ° 180.00 ° 215.00 ° 240.00 ° 270.00 ° 300.00 ° 330.00 ° 0.00 ° 25.00 ° 60.00 ° 90.00 ° 120.00 ° 150.00 ° 180.00 ° 215.00 ° 240.00 ° 270.00 ° 300.00 ° 330.00 ° 1.263 s 1.263 s No trip No trip No trip No trip No trip No trip 1.263 s 1.263 s 1.263 s 1.263 s 100.0 ms 100.0 ms No trip No trip No trip No trip No trip No trip 100.0 ms 100.0 ms 100.0 ms 100.0 ms 1.272 s 1.279 s No trip No trip No trip No trip No trip No trip 1.277 s 1.278 s 1.273 s 1.278 s 131.4 ms 138.0 ms No trip No trip No trip No trip No trip No trip 136.5 ms 132.0 ms 135.6 ms 133.0 ms 0.6973 % 1.291 % n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 1.093 % 1.196 % 0.8082 % 1.180 % 31.40 % 38.00 % n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 36.50 % 32.00 % 35.60 % 33.00 % No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Test State: 24 out of 24 points tested. 24 points passed. 0 points failed. Test passed 37 de 43 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 3.2) [67N] Tiempos de Operacion L1: Módulo de prueba Nombre: Comienzo: Nombre de usuario: Compañía: OMICRON Overcurrent 14-dic.-2023 12:58:08 Omar Matos Solis INGELMEC S.A Versión: Fin: Administrador: 4.31 14-dic.-2023 12:58:30 J.A.V Ajustes de la prueba: Resultados de la prueba de disparo: Tipo Relativa a Factor Magnitud Ángulo tnom. treal Desviación Sobrecarg Resultado a L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E IN-> IN-> IN-> IN->> IN->> IN->> IN->> 1.800 4.000 8.000 900.0 m 1.050 1.100 1.200 630.0 mA 1.400 A 2.800 A 8.640 A 10.08 A 10.56 A 11.52 A -45.00 ° -45.00 ° -45.00 ° -45.00 ° -45.00 ° -45.00 ° -45.00 ° 3.789 s 1.594 s 1.055 s 676.5 ms 100.0 ms 100.0 ms 100.0 ms 3.832 s 1.612 s 1.067 s 740.3 ms 142.5 ms 139.4 ms 142.0 ms 1.150 % 1.147 % 1.103 % 9.434 % 42.50 % 39.40 % 42.00 % No No No No No No No 7.0 10.0 Correcta Correcta Correcta Correcta Correcta Correcta Correcta Gráficos para tipos de falta: Ángulo Tipo L1-E -45.00 ° 10000.00 1000.00 t/s 100.00 10.00 1.00 0.10 0.3 0.5 0.7 1.0 2.0 3.0 I/A +90° 180° 13.0 A 0° -90° 38 de 43 5.0 20.0 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 Estado de la prueba: 7 de 7 puntos probados. 7 puntos correctos. 0 puntos incorrectos. Prueba correcta 39 de 43 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 3.3) [67N] Tiempos de Operacion L2: Módulo de prueba Nombre: Comienzo: Nombre de usuario: Compañía: OMICRON Overcurrent 14-dic.-2023 12:55:10 Omar Matos Solis INGELMEC S.A Versión: Fin: Administrador: 4.31 14-dic.-2023 12:55:33 J.A.V Ajustes de la prueba: Resultados de la prueba de disparo: Tipo Relativa a Factor Magnitud Ángulo tnom. treal Desviación Sobrecarg Resultado a L2-E L2-E L2-E L2-E L2-E L2-E L2-E IN-> IN-> IN-> IN->> IN->> IN->> IN->> 1.800 4.000 8.000 900.0 m 1.050 1.100 1.200 630.0 mA 1.400 A 2.800 A 8.640 A 10.08 A 10.56 A 11.52 A -45.00 ° -45.00 ° -45.00 ° -45.00 ° -45.00 ° -45.00 ° -45.00 ° 3.789 s 1.594 s 1.055 s 676.5 ms 100.0 ms 100.0 ms 100.0 ms 3.825 s 1.614 s 1.066 s 741.1 ms 137.4 ms 136.3 ms 139.4 ms 0.9489 % 1.254 % 1.027 % 9.552 % 37.40 % 36.30 % 39.40 % No No No No No No No 7.0 10.0 Correcta Correcta Correcta Correcta Correcta Correcta Correcta Gráficos para tipos de falta: Ángulo Tipo L2-E -45.00 ° 10000.00 1000.00 t/s 100.00 10.00 1.00 0.10 0.3 0.5 0.7 1.0 2.0 3.0 I/A +90° 180° 13.0 A 0° -90° 40 de 43 5.0 20.0 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 Estado de la prueba: 7 de 7 puntos probados. 7 puntos correctos. 0 puntos incorrectos. Prueba correcta 41 de 43 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 3.4) [67N] Tiempos de Operacion L3: Módulo de prueba Nombre: Comienzo: Nombre de usuario: Compañía: OMICRON Overcurrent 14-dic.-2023 12:55:44 Omar Matos Solis INGELMEC S.A Versión: Fin: Administrador: 4.31 14-dic.-2023 12:56:06 J.A.V Ajustes de la prueba: Resultados de la prueba de disparo: Tipo Relativa a Factor Magnitud Ángulo tnom. treal Desviación Sobrecarg Resultado a L3-E L3-E L3-E L3-E L3-E L3-E L3-E IN-> IN-> IN-> IN->> IN->> IN->> IN->> 1.800 4.000 8.000 900.0 m 1.050 1.100 1.200 630.0 mA 1.400 A 2.800 A 8.640 A 10.08 A 10.56 A 11.52 A -45.00 ° -45.00 ° -45.00 ° -45.00 ° -45.00 ° -45.00 ° -45.00 ° 3.789 s 1.594 s 1.055 s 676.5 ms 100.0 ms 100.0 ms 100.0 ms 3.828 s 1.608 s 1.072 s 741.7 ms 136.4 ms 135.0 ms 133.7 ms 1.036 % 0.9023 % 1.596 % 9.641 % 36.40 % 35.00 % 33.70 % No No No No No No No 7.0 10.0 Correcta Correcta Correcta Correcta Correcta Correcta Correcta Gráficos para tipos de falta: Ángulo Tipo L3-E -45.00 ° 10000.00 1000.00 t/s 100.00 10.00 1.00 0.10 0.3 0.5 0.7 1.0 2.0 3.0 I/A +90° 180° 13.0 A 0° -90° 42 de 43 5.0 20.0 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 Estado de la prueba: 7 de 7 puntos probados. 7 puntos correctos. 0 puntos incorrectos. Prueba correcta 43 de 43 Protocolo de Pruebas Relés de Protección B2.3) AJUSTES DEL RELE (Software DISGI 5) Totally Integrated Automation Portal Settings Device settings Settings Edit mode Number settings groups Activat. of settings group DIGSI 5 uses following IP address Operation-panel language Binary input channel threshold Used time stamp in GOOSE subscriptions Hide settings in IEC 61850 structure Hide SIPROTEC extensions in IEC 61850 structure Use dynamic reporting Block IEC 61850 settings changes Access point used in Edition1 Value secondary 1 settings group 1 (Integrated USB interface) English (United States) Low: 44 V, High: 88 V On message reception Hide all settings (customized) Hide all SIPROTEC extensions (customized) True False E General \Device Number 91.101 91.102 91.138 Settings Rated frequency Minimum operate time Block monitoring dir. Value All: 60 Hz All: 0 s All: off General \Chatter blocking Number 91.123 91.127 91.124 91.125 91.137 Settings No. permis.state changes Initial test time No. of chatter tests Chatter idle time Subsequent test time Value All: 0 All: 1 s All: 0 All: 1 min All: 2 s General \Control Number 91.118 91.119 91.152 Settings Enable sw.auth. station Multiple sw.auth. levels Specific sw. authorities Value All: false All: false All: false General \Spontan.indic. Number 91.139 Settings Fault-display Value All: with pickup General \CFC Number 91.161 Settings CFC chart quality handling Value All: automatic Totally Integrated Automation Portal General \Test support Number 91.150 91.151 Settings Activate device test mode Oper.bin.outp. under test Value All: false All: false Localization Number 6211.139 Settings Unit system Value All: SI Time settings General Settings Date format Value All: DD.MM.YYYY Time source Settings Fault indication after Time source 1 Time source 2 Time zone time source 1 Time zone time source 2 Sync. latency time src.1 Sync. latency time src.2 Value All: 600 s Ch1:port E:SNTP none All: UTC All: local All: 0 us All: 0 us Time zone and daylight saving time Settings Time zone offset to UTC Offset daylight sav. time Switch daylight sav. time Value All: -300 min All: 60 min false Power system \General General Number 11.2311.101 Settings Phase sequence Value All: ABC Power system \Meas.point I-3ph 1 CT 3-phase \General Number 11.931.8881.115 11.931.8881.127 11.931.8881.130 Settings CT connection Tracking Measuring-point ID Value All: 3-phase + IN All: active All: 1 CT 3-phase \CT phases Number 11.931.8881.101 11.931.8881.102 Settings Rated primary current Rated secondary current Value All: 300 A All: 1 A Totally Integrated Automation Portal Number 11.931.8881.117 11.931.8881.118 11.931.8881.116 11.931.8881.114 Settings Current range Internal CT type Neutr.point in dir.of ref.obj Inverted phases Value All: 100 x IR All: CT protection All: yes All: none CT 1 Number 11.931.3841.103 11.931.3841.117 Settings Magnitude correction Phase Value All: 1 All: I A CT 2 Number 11.931.3842.103 11.931.3842.117 Settings Magnitude correction Phase Value All: 1 All: I B CT 3 Number 11.931.3843.103 11.931.3843.117 Settings Magnitude correction Phase Value All: 1 All: I C CT 4 Number 11.931.3844.103 11.931.3844.117 Settings Magnitude correction Phase Value All: 1 All: IN Supv. balan. I Number 11.931.2491.1 11.931.2491.101 11.931.2491.102 11.931.2491.6 Settings Mode Release threshold Threshold min/max Operate delay Value Settings group 1: on Settings group 1: 0.667 A Settings group 1: 0.5 Settings group 1: 5 s Supv. ph.seq.I Number 11.931.2551.1 11.931.2551.6 Settings Mode Operate delay Value Settings group 1: on Settings group 1: 5 s Supv. sum I Number 11.931.2431.1 11.931.2431.102 11.931.2431.101 11.931.2431.6 Settings Mode Threshold Slope factor Operate delay Value Settings group 1: on Settings group 1: 0.133 A Settings group 1: 0.1 Settings group 1: 5 s Totally Integrated Automation Portal Supv.ADC sum I Number 11.931.2401.1 Settings Mode Value Settings group 1: on Power system \Meas.point I-3ph 2 CT 3-phase \General Number 11.932.8881.115 11.932.8881.127 11.932.8881.130 Settings CT connection Tracking Measuring-point ID Value All: 3-phase + IN All: active All: 2 CT 3-phase \CT phases Number 11.932.8881.101 11.932.8881.102 11.932.8881.117 11.932.8881.118 11.932.8881.116 11.932.8881.114 Settings Rated primary current Rated secondary current Current range Internal CT type Neutr.point in dir.of ref.obj Inverted phases Value All: 350 A All: 1 A All: 100 x IR All: CT protection All: yes All: none CT 1 Number 11.932.3841.103 11.932.3841.117 Settings Magnitude correction Phase Value All: 1 All: I A CT 2 Number 11.932.3842.103 11.932.3842.117 Settings Magnitude correction Phase Value All: 1 All: I B CT 3 Number 11.932.3843.103 11.932.3843.117 Settings Magnitude correction Phase Value All: 1 All: I C CT 4 Number 11.932.3844.103 11.932.3844.117 Settings Magnitude correction Phase Value All: 1 All: IN Supv. balan. I Number 11.932.2491.1 11.932.2491.101 11.932.2491.102 11.932.2491.6 Settings Mode Release threshold Threshold min/max Operate delay Value Settings group 1: on Settings group 1: 10.714 A Settings group 1: 0.5 Settings group 1: 5 s Totally Integrated Automation Portal Supv. ph.seq.I Number 11.932.2551.1 11.932.2551.6 Settings Mode Operate delay Value Settings group 1: on Settings group 1: 5 s Supv. sum I Number 11.932.2431.1 11.932.2431.102 11.932.2431.101 11.932.2431.6 Settings Mode Threshold Slope factor Operate delay Value Settings group 1: on Settings group 1: 2.142 A Settings group 1: 0.1 Settings group 1: 5 s Supv.ADC sum I Number 11.932.2401.1 Settings Mode Value Settings group 1: on Power system \Meas.point V-3ph 1 VT 3-phase Number 11.941.8911.101 11.941.8911.102 11.941.8911.104 11.941.8911.106 11.941.8911.111 11.941.8911.130 Settings Rated primary voltage Rated secondary voltage VT connection Inverted phases Tracking Measuring-point ID Value All: 500 kV All: 100 V All: 3 ph-to-gnd voltages All: none All: active All: 3 VT 1 Number 11.941.3811.103 11.941.3811.108 Settings Magnitude correction Phase Value All: 1 All: V A VT 2 Number 11.941.3812.103 11.941.3812.108 Settings Magnitude correction Phase Value All: 1 All: V B VT 3 Number 11.941.3813.103 11.941.3813.108 Settings Magnitude correction Phase Value All: 1 All: V C Supv. balan. V Number 11.941.2521.1 11.941.2521.101 Settings Mode Release threshold Value Settings group 1: off Settings group 1: 50 V Totally Integrated Automation Portal Number 11.941.2521.102 11.941.2521.6 Settings Threshold min/max Operate delay Value Settings group 1: 0.75 Settings group 1: 5 s Supv. ph.seq.V Number 11.941.2581.1 11.941.2581.6 Settings Mode Operate delay Value Settings group 1: off Settings group 1: 5 s Supv. sum V Number 11.941.2461.1 11.941.2461.3 11.941.2461.6 Settings Mode Threshold Operate delay Value Settings group 1: off Settings group 1: 25 V Settings group 1: 5 s VT miniatureCB Number 11.941.2641.101 Settings Response time Value Settings group 1: 0 s Power system \Meas.point V-1ph 1 General Number 11.961.2311.101 11.961.2311.102 11.961.2311.103 11.961.2311.130 Settings Rated primary voltage Rated secondary voltage Tracking Measuring-point ID Value All: 500 kV All: 100 V All: inactive All: 4 VT 1 Number 11.961.3811.103 11.961.3811.108 Settings Magnitude correction Phase Value All: 1 All: V B VT miniatureCB Number 11.961.2641.101 Settings Response time Value Settings group 1: 0 s Settings Fault recording Storage Maximum record time Pre-trigger time Post-trigger time Manual record time Sampling frequency Value All: with pickup All: always All: 5 s All: 0.5 s All: 0.5 s All: 0.5 s All: 2 kHz Recording \Fault recorder Control Number 51.791.2761.130 51.791.2761.131 51.791.2761.111 51.791.2761.112 51.791.2761.113 51.791.2761.116 51.791.2761.140 Totally Integrated Automation Portal SE Puerto Bravo \General General \Rated values Number 911.91.103 911.91.102 911.91.101 Settings Rated apparent power Rated voltage Rated current Value All: 200 MVA All: 500 kV All: 231 A General \Side data Number 911.91.149 911.91.104 911.91.163 911.91.130 911.91.210 911.91.215 Settings Neutral point Winding configuration Vector group numeral Side number MI3ph1 usesMeasP with ID CT mismatch M I-3ph 1 Value Settings group 1: isolated Settings group 1: Y (Wye) All: 0 All: Side 1 All: 1 All: 1.299 General \Measurements Number 911.91.158 Settings P, Q sign Value Settings group 1: not reversed SE Puerto Bravo \50N/51N OC-gnd-A1 Definite-T 1 \General Number 911.211.751.1 911.211.751.2 911.211.751.26 911.211.751.8 911.211.751.3 911.211.751.4 911.211.751.101 911.211.751.6 Settings Mode Operate & flt.rec. blocked Dynamic settings Method of measurement Threshold Dropout ratio Dropout delay Operate delay Value Settings group 1: off Settings group 1: no All: no Settings group 1: fundamental comp. Settings group 1: 0.333 A Settings group 1: 0.95 Settings group 1: 0 s Settings group 1: 0 s Inverse-T 1 \General Number 911.211.781.1 911.211.781.2 911.211.781.26 911.211.781.8 911.211.781.3 911.211.781.108 911.211.781.113 911.211.781.109 911.211.781.101 911.211.781.115 Settings Mode Operate & flt.rec. blocked Dynamic settings Method of measurement Threshold Type of character. curve Min. time of the curve Reset Time dial Additional time delay Value Settings group 1: off Settings group 1: no All: no Settings group 1: fundamental comp. Settings group 1: 1.00 A Settings group 1: IEC normal inverse Settings group 1: 0 s Settings group 1: instantaneous Settings group 1: 0.12 Settings group 1: 0 s Totally Integrated Automation Portal SE Puerto Bravo \67N Dir.OC-gnd-A1 General Number 911.1471.2311.101 911.1471.2311.102 911.1471.2311.103 911.1471.2311.104 Settings Min. voltage V0 or V2 Rotation angle of ref. volt. Forward section +/Polarization with Value Settings group 1: 2 V Settings group 1: -45 ° Settings group 1: 88 ° Settings group 1: zero sequence Definite-T 1 \General Number 911.1471.4861.1 911.1471.4861.2 911.1471.4861.105 911.1471.4861.8 911.1471.4861.104 911.1471.4861.106 911.1471.4861.10 911.1471.4861.26 911.1471.4861.3 911.1471.4861.4 911.1471.4861.101 911.1471.4861.6 Settings Mode Operate & flt.rec. blocked Directional mode Method of measurement Directional comparison Release via input signal Blk. by meas.-volt. failure Dynamic settings Threshold Dropout ratio Dropout delay Operate delay Value Settings group 1: on Settings group 1: no Settings group 1: forward Settings group 1: fundamental comp. Settings group 1: no Settings group 1: no Settings group 1: yes All: no Settings group 1: 9.600 A Settings group 1: 0.95 Settings group 1: 0 s Settings group 1: 0.1 s Inverse-T 1 \General Number 911.1471.4891.1 911.1471.4891.2 911.1471.4891.111 911.1471.4891.8 911.1471.4891.110 911.1471.4891.112 911.1471.4891.10 911.1471.4891.26 911.1471.4891.3 911.1471.4891.130 911.1471.4891.114 911.1471.4891.131 911.1471.4891.101 911.1471.4891.115 Settings Mode Operate & flt.rec. blocked Directional mode Method of measurement Directional comparison Release via input signal Blk. by meas.-volt. failure Dynamic settings Threshold Type of character. curve Min. time of the curve Reset Time dial Additional time delay Value Settings group 1: on Settings group 1: no Settings group 1: forward Settings group 1: fundamental comp. Settings group 1: no Settings group 1: no Settings group 1: yes All: no Settings group 1: 0.35 A Settings group 1: IEC normal inverse Settings group 1: 0 s Settings group 1: instantaneous Settings group 1: 0.32 Settings group 1: 0 s SE Puerto Bravo \27 Undervolt.-3ph 1 General Number 911.131.2311.104 911.131.2311.101 Settings Current-flow criterion Threshold I> Value Settings group 1: off Settings group 1: 0.038 A Definite-T 1 Number 911.131.421.1 911.131.421.2 911.131.421.10 Settings Mode Operate & flt.rec. blocked Blk. by meas.-volt. failure Value Settings group 1: off Settings group 1: no Settings group 1: yes Totally Integrated Automation Portal Number 911.131.421.9 911.131.421.8 911.131.421.101 911.131.421.3 911.131.421.4 911.131.421.6 Settings Measured value Method of measurement Pickup mode Threshold Dropout ratio Operate delay Value Settings group 1: phase-to-ground Settings group 1: fundamental comp. Settings group 1: 1 out of 3 Settings group 1: 54 V Settings group 1: 1.05 Settings group 1: 0.05 s Definite-T 2 Number 911.131.422.1 911.131.422.2 911.131.422.10 911.131.422.9 911.131.422.8 911.131.422.101 911.131.422.3 911.131.422.4 911.131.422.6 Settings Mode Operate & flt.rec. blocked Blk. by meas.-volt. failure Measured value Method of measurement Pickup mode Threshold Dropout ratio Operate delay Value Settings group 1: off Settings group 1: no Settings group 1: yes Settings group 1: phase-to-phase Settings group 1: fundamental comp. Settings group 1: 1 out of 3 Settings group 1: 65 V Settings group 1: 1.05 Settings group 1: 0.5 s SE Puerto Bravo\Ciruit-breaker interaction Protection group SE Puerto Bravo\ 50N/51N OC-gnd-A1\ Definite-T 1 SE Puerto Bravo\ 50N/51N OC-gnd-A1\ Inverse-T 1 SE Puerto Bravo\ 67N Dir.OC-gnd-A1\ Definite-T 1 SE Puerto Bravo\ 67N Dir.OC-gnd-A1\ Inverse-T 1 SE Puerto Bravo\ 27 Undervolt.-3ph 1\ Definite-T 1 SE Puerto Bravo\ 27 Undervolt.-3ph 1\ Definite-T 2 Circuit-breaker group(s) INT-Q0:Trip INT-Q0:Trip INT-Q0:Trip INT-Q0:Trip INT-Q0:Trip INT-Q0:Trip CT Puerto Bravo \General General \Rated values Number 912.91.103 912.91.102 912.91.101 Settings Rated apparent power Rated voltage Rated current Value All: 200 MVA All: 500 kV All: 231 A General \Side data Number 912.91.149 912.91.104 912.91.163 912.91.130 912.91.210 912.91.215 Settings Neutral point Winding configuration Vector group numeral Side number MI3ph1 usesMeasP with ID CT mismatch M I-3ph 1 Value Settings group 1: isolated Settings group 1: Y (Wye) All: 0 All: Side 2 All: 2 All: 1.516 Totally Integrated Automation Portal CT Puerto Bravo \50N/51N OC-gnd-A1 Definite-T 1 \General Number 912.211.751.1 912.211.751.2 912.211.751.26 912.211.751.27 912.211.751.8 912.211.751.3 912.211.751.4 912.211.751.101 912.211.751.6 Settings Mode Operate & flt.rec. blocked Dynamic settings Blk. w. inrush curr. detect. Method of measurement Threshold Dropout ratio Dropout delay Operate delay Value Settings group 1: off Settings group 1: no All: no Settings group 1: no Settings group 1: fundamental comp. Settings group 1: 8.06 A Settings group 1: 0.95 Settings group 1: 0 s Settings group 1: 0.3 s Inverse-T 1 \General Number 912.211.781.1 912.211.781.2 912.211.781.26 912.211.781.27 912.211.781.8 912.211.781.3 912.211.781.108 912.211.781.113 912.211.781.109 912.211.781.101 912.211.781.115 Settings Mode Operate & flt.rec. blocked Dynamic settings Blk. w. inrush curr. detect. Method of measurement Threshold Type of character. curve Min. time of the curve Reset Time dial Additional time delay Value Settings group 1: off Settings group 1: no All: no Settings group 1: no Settings group 1: fundamental comp. Settings group 1: 0.3 A Settings group 1: IEC normal inverse Settings group 1: 0 s Settings group 1: instantaneous Settings group 1: 0.32 Settings group 1: 0 s Settings Mode Operat.-range limit Imax Blocking with CWA Blocking with 2. harmonic 2nd harmonic content Cross-blocking Cross-blocking time Start flt.rec Value All: off Settings group 1: 35.000 A Settings group 1: yes Settings group 1: yes Settings group 1: 15 % Settings group 1: no Settings group 1: 0.06 s Settings group 1: yes CT Puerto Bravo \Inrush detect. Inrush detect. Number 912.4141.1 912.4141.106 912.4141.111 912.4141.110 912.4141.102 912.4141.112 912.4141.109 912.4141.114 CT Puerto Bravo\Ciruit-breaker interaction Protection group CT Puerto Bravo\ 50N/51N OC-gnd-A1\ Definite-T 1 CT Puerto Bravo\ 50N/51N OC-gnd-A1\ Inverse-T 1 Circuit-breaker group(s) INT-Q0:Trip INT-Q0:Trip 87L \87T diff. prot. 1 General Number 901.1691.2311.105 901.1691.2311.110 Settings CT mismatch side 1 M3ph 1 CT mismatch side 2 M3ph 1 Value All: 1.299 All: 1.516 Totally Integrated Automation Portal Number 901.1691.2311.191 901.1691.2311.151 901.1691.2311.156 Settings Reference side is MU-ID Side 1 Mp3ph 1 MU-ID Side 2 Mp3ph 1 Value All: Side 1 All: 1 All: 2 I-DIFF \General Number 901.1691.11041.1 901.1691.11041.2 901.1691.11041.6 Settings Mode Operate & flt.rec. blocked Operate delay Value Settings group 1: on Settings group 1: no Settings group 1: 0 s I-DIFF \Operate curve Number 901.1691.11041.3 901.1691.11041.100 901.1691.11041.101 901.1691.11041.102 901.1691.11041.103 Settings Threshold Slope 1 Intersection 1 Irest Slope 2 Intersection 2 Irest Value Settings group 1: 0.47 I/IrObj Settings group 1: 0.3 Settings group 1: 0.67 I/IrObj Settings group 1: 0.7 Settings group 1: 2.5 I/IrObj I-DIFF \Starting detection Number 901.1691.11041.106 901.1691.11041.107 901.1691.11041.108 901.1691.11041.109 Settings Starting detection Thresh. startup detection Factor increasing char. Max. perm. Start. time Value Settings group 1: no Settings group 1: 0.1 I/IrObj Settings group 1: 2 Settings group 1: 5 s I-DIFF \DC offset detection Number 901.1691.11041.110 Settings Factor increasing char. DC Value Settings group 1: 2.3 I-DIFF \Inrush blocking Number 901.1691.11041.115 901.1691.11041.116 901.1691.11041.117 901.1691.11041.118 Settings Blocking with 2. harmonic 2nd harmonic content Crossblock. time 2nd har. Blocking with CWA Value Settings group 1: no Settings group 1: 15 % Settings group 1: 0 s Settings group 1: no I-DIFF \Overexcit. blocking Number 901.1691.11041.121 901.1691.11041.122 901.1691.11041.123 901.1691.11041.124 901.1691.11041.125 901.1691.11041.126 901.1691.11041.127 Settings Blocking with 3rd harm. 3rd harmonics content Crossblock. time 3rd har. Blocking with 5th harm. 5th harmonics content Crossblock. time 5th har. Limit Idiff 3., 5. harmonics Value Settings group 1: no Settings group 1: 30 % Settings group 1: 0 s Settings group 1: no Settings group 1: 30 % Settings group 1: 0 s Settings group 1: 1.5 I/IrObj Totally Integrated Automation Portal I-DIFF \Ext. fault detection Number 901.1691.11041.128 901.1691.11041.129 901.1691.11041.130 Settings Threshold add-on stabiliz. Time of add-on stabiliz. Crossblk. time add-on st. Value Settings group 1: 2 I/IrObj Settings group 1: 0.3 s Settings group 1: 0.3 s I-DIFF fast Number 901.1691.11071.1 901.1691.11071.3 901.1691.11071.6 901.1691.11071.100 Settings Mode Threshold Operate delay Operate & flt.rec. blocked Value Settings group 1: on Settings group 1: 7.5 I/IrObj Settings group 1: 0 s Settings group 1: no 87L\Ciruit-breaker interaction Protection group 87L\ 87T diff. prot. 1\ I-DIFF 87L\ 87T diff. prot. 1\ I-DIFF fast Circuit-breaker group(s) INT-Q0:Trip INT-Q0:Trip INT-Q0 \General General \Ref. for %-values Number 201.2311.101 201.2311.102 Settings Rated normal current Rated voltage Value All: 231 A All: 500 kV General \Breaker settings Number 201.2311.112 Settings Current thresh. CB open Value All: 0.133 A Settings Reset of trip command Value All: with I< Settings Output time Value All: 0.1 s Settings Action time Value Settings group 1: 0.3 s INT-Q0 \Trip logic Trip logic Number 201.5341.103 INT-Q0 \Circuit break. Circuit break. Number 201.4261.101 INT-Q0 \Manual close Manual close Number 201.6541.101 Totally Integrated Automation Portal INT-Q0 \Control Control Number 201.4201.101 201.4201.102 201.4201.103 201.4201.104 201.4201.105 201.4201.106 201.4201.107 Settings Control model SBO time-out Feedback monitoring time Check switching authority Check if pos. is reached Check double activat. blk. Check blk. by protection Value All: SBO w. enh. security All: 30 s All: 1 s All: yes All: yes All: yes All: yes Settings Dead time Value All: 0.1 s General Number 201.1151.2311.127 Settings Angle adjust. (transform.) Value Settings group 1: 0 ° Synchrocheck 1 \General Number 201.1151.5071.1 201.1151.5071.101 201.1151.5071.102 201.1151.5071.110 201.1151.5071.108 201.1151.5071.126 Settings Mode Min. operating limit Vmin Max. operat. limit Vmax Max.durat. sync.process Direct close command Voltage adjustment Value Settings group 1: off Settings group 1: 90 V Settings group 1: 110 V Settings group 1: 30 s Settings group 1: no Settings group 1: 1 Synchrocheck 1 \De-en.gized switch. Number 201.1151.5071.105 201.1151.5071.106 201.1151.5071.107 201.1151.5071.103 201.1151.5071.104 201.1151.5071.109 Settings Close cmd. at V1< & V2> Close cmd. at V1> & V2< Close cmd. at V1< & V2< V1, V2 without voltage V1, V2 with voltage Supervision time Value Settings group 1: no Settings group 1: no Settings group 1: no Settings group 1: 5 V Settings group 1: 80 V Settings group 1: 0.01 s Synchrocheck 1 \Synchr. conditions Number 201.1151.5071.122 201.1151.5071.123 201.1151.5071.117 201.1151.5071.118 201.1151.5071.124 201.1151.5071.125 Settings Max. voltage diff. V2>V1 Max. voltage diff. V2<V1 Max. frequency diff. f2>f1 Max. frequency diff. f2<f1 Max. angle diff. Ɔ2>Ɔ1 Max. angle diff. Ɔ2<Ɔ1 Value Settings group 1: 5 V Settings group 1: 5 V Settings group 1: 0.1 Hz Settings group 1: 0.1 Hz Settings group 1: 10 ° Settings group 1: 10 ° INT-Q0 \CB test CB test Number 201.6151.101 INT-Q0 \25 Synchronization Totally Integrated Automation Portal Sychr./Asycr.1 \General Number 201.1151.5041.1 201.1151.5041.101 201.1151.5041.102 201.1151.5041.110 201.1151.5041.108 201.1151.5041.126 Settings Mode Min. operating limit Vmin Max. operat. limit Vmax Max.durat. sync.process Direct close command Voltage adjustment Value Settings group 1: off Settings group 1: 90 V Settings group 1: 110 V Settings group 1: 30 s Settings group 1: no Settings group 1: 1 Sychr./Asycr.1 \De-en.gized switch. Number 201.1151.5041.105 201.1151.5041.106 201.1151.5041.107 201.1151.5041.103 201.1151.5041.104 201.1151.5041.109 Settings Close cmd. at V1< & V2> Close cmd. at V1> & V2< Close cmd. at V1< & V2< V1, V2 without voltage V1, V2 with voltage Supervision time Value Settings group 1: no Settings group 1: no Settings group 1: no Settings group 1: 5 V Settings group 1: 80 V Settings group 1: 0.01 s Sychr./Asycr.1 \Asynchr. op.mode Number 201.1151.5041.114 201.1151.5041.113 201.1151.5041.115 201.1151.5041.116 201.1151.5041.117 201.1151.5041.118 Settings Async. operating mode CB make time Max. voltage diff. V2>V1 Max. voltage diff. V2<V1 Max. frequency diff. f2>f1 Max. frequency diff. f2<f1 Value Settings group 1: off Settings group 1: 0.06 s Settings group 1: 5 V Settings group 1: 5 V Settings group 1: 0.1 Hz Settings group 1: 0.1 Hz Sychr./Asycr.1 \Synchr. op.mode Number 201.1151.5041.119 201.1151.5041.120 201.1151.5041.122 201.1151.5041.123 201.1151.5041.124 201.1151.5041.125 201.1151.5041.121 Settings Sync. operating mode f-threshold ASYN<->SYN Max. voltage diff. V2>V1 Max. voltage diff. V2<V1 Max. angle diff. Ɔ2>Ɔ1 Max. angle diff. Ɔ2<Ɔ1 Delay close command Value Settings group 1: off Settings group 1: 0.01 Hz Settings group 1: 5 V Settings group 1: 5 V Settings group 1: 10 ° Settings group 1: 10 ° Settings group 1: 0 s *Setting marked as favorite setting Protocolo de Pruebas Relés de Protección ANEXO B3 CENTRAL TERMICA PUERTO BRAVO PROTECCIÓN PRINCIPAL DE CABLE TR2 RELÉ 7UT85 [F003] CONTENIDO B3.1) PROTOCOLO DE PRUEBAS B3.2) REPORTE DEL SIMULADOR (Test Universe) B3.3) AJUSTES DEL RELE (Software DISGI 5) Protocolo de Pruebas Relés de Protección B3.1) PROTOCOLO DE PRUEBAS Protocolo de Pruebas Relés de Protección Propietario : SAMAY I S.A.C. Identificación : RELÉ DE PROTECCIÓN DIFERENCIAL DE CABLE Ubicación : S.E. PUERTO BRAVO 500kV Código ANSI : 87T, 67N Tablero : =B01+R01 : : F003 Modelo del relé Ref. Código de Equipo : PROTECCIÓN PRINCIPAL DE CABLE TR2 1 .- Datos del Relé de Protección : : Serie : IN : 7UT85 Resultado: Aprobado Fecha: 14/12/2023 Transformadores de Protección Marca SIEMENS CT_Fases Subestacion : Modelo 7UT85 CT_Fases Central : 350/1A BM1501002120 VT _Fases : 500/0.100 kV 300/1A 1A 2 .- Ajustes del Relé Se adjunta reporte de ajustes del relé - Software DIGSI 5 3 .- Inspección Inicial y Verificaciones Resultado Aspecto exterior Conexionado eléctrico Puesta a tierra Comunicación con PC (USB) Display Teclado Frontal CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME 4 .- Otras Funciones Verificadas Resultado Unidades de Medición Relación de VTs y CTs Leds de Señalización del Relé Verificación de contactos de Disparo Disparo efectivo del interruptor por actuación de 87L CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME 5 .- Prueba de Funciones de Protección 5.1) Diferencial de Cable CONFORME 87L 5.2) Sobrecorriente Direccional de Tierra CONFORME 67N Nota: Se Adjunta resultado de pruebas del relé - Test Universe 6 .- Activación de Salidas Binarias 6.1) BO Salidas Binarias (OUTPUTS) BO IO203_BO1.1 IO203_BO1.2 IO203_BO1.3 IO202_BO3.1 IO202_BO3.2 IO202_BO3.3 IO203_BO1.4 Asignación Disparo Bobina 1, Fase R Disparo Bobina 1, Fase S Disparo Bobina 1, Fase T Disparo Bobina 2, Fase R Disparo Bobina 2, Fase S Disparo Bobina 2, Fase T Disparo Definitvo Rele de Bloqueo 86 Resultado CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME Protocolo de Pruebas Relés de Protección Propietario : SAMAY I S.A.C. Identificación : RELÉ DE PROTECCIÓN DIFERENCIAL DE CABLE Ubicación : S.E. PUERTO BRAVO 500kV Código ANSI : 87T, 67N Tablero : =B01+R01 : : F003 Modelo del relé Ref. Código de Equipo : PROTECCIÓN PRINCIPAL DE CABLE TR2 7UT85 Resultado: Aprobado Fecha: 14/12/2023 7 .- Verificación de LEDs de Señalización LEDs LED LED 1.1 LED 1.2 LED 1.3 LED 1.4 LED 1.5 LED 1.6 LED 1.7 LED 1.8 LED 1.9 LED 1.10 LED 1.11 LED 1.12 LED 1.13 LED 1.14 LED 1.15 LED 1.16 Asignación Resultado Disparo General Arranque Fase R Arranque Fase S Arranque Fase T Arranque Neutro Disparo 87L Disparo 67N (Tiempo Inverso Lado GIS) Disparo 67N (Instantaneo Lado GIS) 74TC OK 74 TC Falla Fase R 74 TC Falla Fase S 74 TC Falla Fase T Sincronismo OK Reserva Reserva Reserva CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME RESERVA NA NA NA 8 .- Equipos de Prueba Utilizados EQP Descripción Marca Tipo Serie 1 1 Simulador de potencia trifásico OMICRON CMC 256 LD014F 2 1 Computadora portátil LENOVO P50s R9OMHLJ316/12 Ítem Cant 9 .- Observaciones y Comentarios Obs - Las pruebas de operatividad al relé de protección 7UT85 se han realizado satisfactoriamente. - Se adjuntan los siguientes reportes: * Reporte de ajustes del relé 7UT85 - Software DIGSI 5. * Reporte de pruebas del Software Test Universe - OMICRON CMC256. CONTRATISTA Nombre : Omar Matos Solis Fecha : 14/12/2023 Firma : SUPERVISIÓN Nombre : José Gutierrez 14/12/2023 Fecha : Firma : PROPIETARIO Nombre : Fecha : 14/12/2023 Firma : Protocolo de Pruebas Relés de Protección B3.2) REPORTE DEL SIMULADOR (Test Universe) INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 REPORTE DE PRUEBA S.E. PUERTO BRAVO 500kV PROTECCIÓN DE CABLE TR-2 PROTECCION PRINCIPAL SIEMENS / 7UT85 [F003] Compañia: INGELMEC S.A. Nombre de Usuario: Omar Matos Solis Dia de Prueba: 14 de diciembre de 2023 Estado de Prueba: Passed Modulos de Prueba: Modulos de Prueba Correctos: Modulos de Pruebas con Error: 19 19 0 Hardware Configuration Equipo en prueba Tipo No de serie CMC256plus LD014F Comprobación del hardware Realizado en Resultado 14/12/2023 13:52:07 Correcta Detalles 1 de 43 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 1) [INY] INYECCION INICIAL: 1.1) [INY] Conexion CT's Correcta: Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: OMICRON QuickCMC 14-dic-2023 14:16:44 Omar Matos Solis INGELMEC S.A Version: Test End: Manager: 4.31 14-dic-2023 14:18:31 J.A.V Test Results Title: INYECCION INICIAL Fault Calculator: Table Inputmode Parameters (All values are secondary) Direct V L1-E V L2-E V L3-E I L1 I L2 I L3 57.74 V 57.74 V 57.74 V 770.0 mA 770.0 mA 770.0 mA 30.00 ° -90.00 ° 150.00 ° 0.00 ° -120.00 ° 120.00 ° 30.00° -90.00° 150.00° 0.00° -120.00° 120.00° 180.00° 60.00° 300.00° +90° I L3 V L3-E 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz Generator Settings V L1-E V L2-E V L3-E I L1 I L2 I L3 I(2)-1 I(2)-2 I(2)-3 57.735V 57.735V 57.735V 0.770A 0.770A 0.770A 0.660A 0.660A 0.660A VI(2)-2 L1-E I(2)-1 180° I L1 0° I L2 60.0 V 800.0 mA -90° V L2-E I(2)-3 Binary Inputs Name Slope TRIP L1 TRIP L2 Overload 0 0 1 Time Summary 1 tests passed, 0 tests failed, 0 tests not assessed Test passed 2 de 43 100.00% passed INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 LECTURAS REGISTRADAS EN EL RELÉ 3 de 43 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 4 de 43 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 2) [87T] PROTECCION DIFERENCIAL CABLE: 2.1) [87T] Falla Monofasica Lado Subestacion: Test Object - Differential Parameters Protected Object: Protected Object: Vector Group: Busbar n/a Winding/Leg Name: Lado Subestacion Lado Central Voltage: Power: Starpoint Grounding: Delta-connected CT: 500.00 kV 200.00 MVA No No 500.00 kV 200.00 MVA No No Winding/Leg Name: Lado Subestacion Lado Central CT Current Prim: CT Current Sec: CT Grounding: Gnd CT Prim Current: Gnd CT Sec Current: Gnd CT Grounding: 300.00 A 1.00 A tow. Prot. Obj. 12000.00 A 5.00 A n/a 350.00 A 1.00 A tow. Prot. Obj. 12000.00 A 5.00 A n/a CT: Protection device: Reference Winding: Ibias Calculation: Zero Seq. Elimination: Reference Current: Ground CT Used: Disable Comb. char.: Lado Subestacion max ( Ip, Is ) (K1 = 1.00) none PO nominal current No No Idiff>: Idiff>>: 0.47 In 7.50 In tdiff>: tdiff>>: 0.03 s 0.03 s Itol rel: Itol abs: 5.00 % 0.08 In ttol rel: ttol abs: 1.00 % 0.01 s Graph: 5 de 43 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 Single Line View for Protected Object (YY0) L2-E Supply Y Y0 Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: OMICRON Diff Configuration 14-dic-2023 14:08:46 Omar Matos Solis INGELMEC S.A Version: Test End: Manager: 4.31 14-dic-2023 14:09:08 J.A.V 300 s n/a Lado Subestacion No No Apply Load Current: Load Current: Supply Side: Vout winding: Winding/leg output: No 1.00 In Lado Central Lado Subestacion Lado Subestacion Test Settings Test time: Load Side: Fault Side: Vout enabled: Time-triggered: Binary Outputs Test Results for Fault Type L2-E at Fault Location Lado Subestacion ITest = 1.00 In Phase State: Tested Result: Passed Primary Secondary Tertiary Itest Angle Imeas Angle Itest Angle Imeas Angle Itest Angle Imeas Angle L1 L2 L3 E 0.00A 0.77A 0.00A 0.00A 0.0° -180.0° 0.0° 0.0° 0.000A 0.000A 0.000A 0.000A 0.000° 0.000° 0.000° 0.000° 0.00A 0.66A 0.00A 0.00A 0.0° 0.0° 0.0° 0.0° 0.000A 0.000A 0.000A 0.000A 0.000° 0.000° 0.000° 0.000° n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Phase Imeas_diff Imeas_bias 0.000 In 0.000 In 0.000 In 0.001 In 1.000 In 0.001 In L1 L2 L3 6 de 43 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 Test State: Test passed 1 out of 1 points tested. 1 points passed. 0 points failed. 7 de 43 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 2.2) [87T] Falla Bifasica Lado Subestacion: Test Object - Differential Parameters Protected Object: Protected Object: Vector Group: Busbar n/a Winding/Leg Name: Lado Subestacion Lado Central Voltage: Power: Starpoint Grounding: Delta-connected CT: 500.00 kV 200.00 MVA No No 500.00 kV 200.00 MVA No No Winding/Leg Name: Lado Subestacion Lado Central CT Current Prim: CT Current Sec: CT Grounding: Gnd CT Prim Current: Gnd CT Sec Current: Gnd CT Grounding: 300.00 A 1.00 A tow. Prot. Obj. 12000.00 A 5.00 A n/a 350.00 A 1.00 A tow. Prot. Obj. 12000.00 A 5.00 A n/a CT: Protection device: Reference Winding: Ibias Calculation: Zero Seq. Elimination: Reference Current: Ground CT Used: Disable Comb. char.: Lado Subestacion max ( Ip, Is ) (K1 = 1.00) none PO nominal current No No Idiff>: Idiff>>: 0.47 In 7.50 In tdiff>: tdiff>>: 0.03 s 0.03 s Itol rel: Itol abs: 5.00 % 0.08 In ttol rel: ttol abs: 1.00 % 0.01 s Graph: 8 de 43 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 Single Line View for Protected Object (YY0) L3-L1 Supply Y Y0 Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: OMICRON Diff Configuration 14-dic-2023 14:09:20 Omar Matos Solis INGELMEC S.A Version: Test End: Manager: 4.31 14-dic-2023 14:09:46 J.A.V 300 s n/a Lado Subestacion No No Apply Load Current: Load Current: Supply Side: Vout winding: Winding/leg output: No 1.00 In Lado Central Lado Subestacion Lado Subestacion Test Settings Test time: Load Side: Fault Side: Vout enabled: Time-triggered: Binary Outputs Test Results for Fault Type L3-L1 at Fault Location Lado Subestacion ITest = 1.00 In Phase State: Tested Result: Passed Primary Secondary Tertiary Itest Angle Imeas Angle Itest Angle Imeas Angle Itest Angle Imeas Angle L1 L2 L3 E 0.77A 0.00A 0.77A 0.00A -180.0° 0.0° 0.0° 0.0° 0.000A 0.000A 0.000A 0.000A 0.000° 0.000° 0.000° 0.000° 0.66A 0.00A 0.66A 0.00A 0.0° 0.0° 180.0° 0.0° 0.000A 0.000A 0.000A 0.000A 0.000° 0.000° 0.000° 0.000° n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Phase Imeas_diff Imeas_bias 0.000 In 0.000 In 0.000 In 1.000 In 0.001 In 1.000 In L1 L2 L3 9 de 43 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 Test State: Test passed 1 out of 1 points tested. 1 points passed. 0 points failed. 10 de 43 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 2.3) [87T] Falla Trifasica Lado Subestacion: Test Object - Differential Parameters Protected Object: Protected Object: Vector Group: Busbar n/a Winding/Leg Name: Lado Subestacion Lado Central Voltage: Power: Starpoint Grounding: Delta-connected CT: 500.00 kV 200.00 MVA No No 500.00 kV 200.00 MVA No No Winding/Leg Name: Lado Subestacion Lado Central CT Current Prim: CT Current Sec: CT Grounding: Gnd CT Prim Current: Gnd CT Sec Current: Gnd CT Grounding: 300.00 A 1.00 A tow. Prot. Obj. 12000.00 A 5.00 A n/a 350.00 A 1.00 A tow. Prot. Obj. 12000.00 A 5.00 A n/a CT: Protection device: Reference Winding: Ibias Calculation: Zero Seq. Elimination: Reference Current: Ground CT Used: Disable Comb. char.: Lado Subestacion max ( Ip, Is ) (K1 = 1.00) none PO nominal current No No Idiff>: Idiff>>: 0.47 In 7.50 In tdiff>: tdiff>>: 0.03 s 0.03 s Itol rel: Itol abs: 5.00 % 0.08 In ttol rel: ttol abs: 1.00 % 0.01 s Graph: 11 de 43 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 Single Line View for Protected Object (YY0) L1-L2-L3 Supply Y Y0 Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: OMICRON Diff Configuration 14-dic-2023 14:10:04 Omar Matos Solis INGELMEC S.A Version: Test End: Manager: 4.31 14-dic-2023 14:10:19 J.A.V 300 s n/a Lado Subestacion No No Apply Load Current: Load Current: Supply Side: Vout winding: Winding/leg output: No 1.00 In Lado Central Lado Subestacion Lado Subestacion Test Settings Test time: Load Side: Fault Side: Vout enabled: Time-triggered: Binary Outputs Test Results for Fault Type L1-L2-L3 at Fault Location Lado Subestacion ITest = 1.00 In Phase State: Tested Result: Passed Primary Secondary Tertiary Itest Angle Imeas Angle Itest Angle Imeas Angle Itest Angle Imeas Angle L1 L2 L3 E 0.77A 0.77A 0.77A 0.00A -180.0° 60.0° -60.0° 0.0° 0.000A 0.000A 0.000A 0.000A 0.000° 0.000° 0.000° 0.000° 0.66A 0.66A 0.66A 0.00A 0.0° -120.0° 120.0° 0.0° 0.000A 0.000A 0.000A 0.000A 0.000° 0.000° 0.000° 0.000° n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Phase Imeas_diff Imeas_bias 0.000 In 0.000 In 0.000 In 1.000 In 1.000 In 1.000 In L1 L2 L3 12 de 43 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 Test State: Test passed 1 out of 1 points tested. 1 points passed. 0 points failed. 13 de 43 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 2.4) [87T] Falla Monofasica Lado Central: Test Object - Differential Parameters Protected Object: Protected Object: Vector Group: Busbar n/a Winding/Leg Name: Lado Subestacion Lado Central Voltage: Power: Starpoint Grounding: Delta-connected CT: 500.00 kV 200.00 MVA No No 500.00 kV 200.00 MVA No No Winding/Leg Name: Lado Subestacion Lado Central CT Current Prim: CT Current Sec: CT Grounding: Gnd CT Prim Current: Gnd CT Sec Current: Gnd CT Grounding: 300.00 A 1.00 A tow. Prot. Obj. 12000.00 A 5.00 A n/a 350.00 A 1.00 A tow. Prot. Obj. 12000.00 A 5.00 A n/a CT: Protection device: Reference Winding: Ibias Calculation: Zero Seq. Elimination: Reference Current: Ground CT Used: Disable Comb. char.: Lado Subestacion max ( Ip, Is ) (K1 = 1.00) none PO nominal current No No Idiff>: Idiff>>: 0.47 In 7.50 In tdiff>: tdiff>>: 0.03 s 0.03 s Itol rel: Itol abs: 5.00 % 0.08 In ttol rel: ttol abs: 1.00 % 0.01 s Graph: 14 de 43 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 Single Line View for Protected Object (YY0) Supply L3-E Y Y0 Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: OMICRON Diff Configuration 14-dic-2023 14:10:32 Omar Matos Solis INGELMEC S.A Version: Test End: Manager: 4.31 14-dic-2023 14:10:58 J.A.V 300 s n/a Lado Central No No Apply Load Current: Load Current: Supply Side: Vout winding: Winding/leg output: No 1.00 In Lado Subestacion Lado Subestacion Lado Subestacion Test Settings Test time: Load Side: Fault Side: Vout enabled: Time-triggered: Binary Outputs Test Results for Fault Type L3-E at Fault Location Lado Central ITest = 1.00 In Phase State: Tested Result: Passed Primary Secondary Tertiary Itest Angle Imeas Angle Itest Angle Imeas Angle Itest Angle Imeas Angle L1 L2 L3 E 0.00A 0.00A 0.77A 0.00A 0.0° 0.0° 0.0° 0.0° 0.000A 0.000A 0.000A 0.000A 0.000° 0.000° 0.000° 0.000° 0.00A 0.00A 0.66A 0.00A 0.0° 0.0° -180.0° 0.0° 0.000A 0.000A 0.000A 0.000A 0.000° 0.000° 0.000° 0.000° n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Phase Imeas_diff Imeas_bias 0.000 In 0.000 In 0.000 In 0.001 In 0.002 In 1.000 In L1 L2 L3 15 de 43 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 Test State: Test passed 1 out of 1 points tested. 1 points passed. 0 points failed. 16 de 43 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 2.5) [87T] Falla Bifasica Lado Central: Test Object - Differential Parameters Protected Object: Protected Object: Vector Group: Busbar n/a Winding/Leg Name: Lado Subestacion Lado Central Voltage: Power: Starpoint Grounding: Delta-connected CT: 500.00 kV 200.00 MVA No No 500.00 kV 200.00 MVA No No Winding/Leg Name: Lado Subestacion Lado Central CT Current Prim: CT Current Sec: CT Grounding: Gnd CT Prim Current: Gnd CT Sec Current: Gnd CT Grounding: 300.00 A 1.00 A tow. Prot. Obj. 12000.00 A 5.00 A n/a 350.00 A 1.00 A tow. Prot. Obj. 12000.00 A 5.00 A n/a CT: Protection device: Reference Winding: Ibias Calculation: Zero Seq. Elimination: Reference Current: Ground CT Used: Disable Comb. char.: Lado Subestacion max ( Ip, Is ) (K1 = 1.00) none PO nominal current No No Idiff>: Idiff>>: 0.47 In 7.50 In tdiff>: tdiff>>: 0.03 s 0.03 s Itol rel: Itol abs: 5.00 % 0.08 In ttol rel: ttol abs: 1.00 % 0.01 s Graph: 17 de 43 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 Single Line View for Protected Object (YY0) Supply L2-L3 Y Y0 Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: OMICRON Diff Configuration 14-dic-2023 14:11:10 Omar Matos Solis INGELMEC S.A Version: Test End: Manager: 4.31 14-dic-2023 14:11:42 J.A.V 300 s n/a Lado Central No No Apply Load Current: Load Current: Supply Side: Vout winding: Winding/leg output: No 1.00 In Lado Subestacion Lado Subestacion Lado Subestacion Test Settings Test time: Load Side: Fault Side: Vout enabled: Time-triggered: Binary Outputs Test Results for Fault Type L2-L3 at Fault Location Lado Central ITest = 1.00 In Phase State: Tested Result: Passed Primary Secondary Tertiary Itest Angle Imeas Angle Itest Angle Imeas Angle Itest Angle Imeas Angle L1 L2 L3 E 0.00A 0.77A 0.77A 0.00A 0.0° 0.0° 180.0° 0.0° 0.000A 0.000A 0.000A 0.000A 0.000° 0.000° 0.000° 0.000° 0.00A 0.66A 0.66A 0.00A 0.0° -180.0° 0.0° 0.0° 0.000A 0.000A 0.000A 0.000A 0.000° 0.000° 0.000° 0.000° n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Phase Imeas_diff Imeas_bias 0.000 In 0.000 In 0.000 In 0.001 In 0.999 In 1.000 In L1 L2 L3 18 de 43 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 Test State: Test passed 1 out of 1 points tested. 1 points passed. 0 points failed. 19 de 43 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 2.6) [87T] Falla Trifasica Lado Central: Test Object - Differential Parameters Protected Object: Protected Object: Vector Group: Busbar n/a Winding/Leg Name: Lado Subestacion Lado Central Voltage: Power: Starpoint Grounding: Delta-connected CT: 500.00 kV 200.00 MVA No No 500.00 kV 200.00 MVA No No Winding/Leg Name: Lado Subestacion Lado Central CT Current Prim: CT Current Sec: CT Grounding: Gnd CT Prim Current: Gnd CT Sec Current: Gnd CT Grounding: 300.00 A 1.00 A tow. Prot. Obj. 12000.00 A 5.00 A n/a 350.00 A 1.00 A tow. Prot. Obj. 12000.00 A 5.00 A n/a CT: Protection device: Reference Winding: Ibias Calculation: Zero Seq. Elimination: Reference Current: Ground CT Used: Disable Comb. char.: Lado Subestacion max ( Ip, Is ) (K1 = 1.00) none PO nominal current No No Idiff>: Idiff>>: 0.47 In 7.50 In tdiff>: tdiff>>: 0.03 s 0.03 s Itol rel: Itol abs: 5.00 % 0.08 In ttol rel: ttol abs: 1.00 % 0.01 s Graph: 20 de 43 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 Single Line View for Protected Object (YY0) Supply L1-L2-L3 Y Y0 Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: OMICRON Diff Configuration 14-dic-2023 14:11:52 Omar Matos Solis INGELMEC S.A Version: Test End: Manager: 4.31 14-dic-2023 14:12:09 J.A.V 300 s n/a Lado Central No No Apply Load Current: Load Current: Supply Side: Vout winding: Winding/leg output: No 1.00 In Lado Subestacion Lado Subestacion Lado Subestacion Test Settings Test time: Load Side: Fault Side: Vout enabled: Time-triggered: Binary Outputs Test Results for Fault Type L1-L2-L3 at Fault Location Lado Central ITest = 1.00 In Phase State: Tested Result: Passed Primary Secondary Tertiary Itest Angle Imeas Angle Itest Angle Imeas Angle Itest Angle Imeas Angle L1 L2 L3 E 0.77A 0.77A 0.77A 0.00A 0.0° -120.0° 120.0° 0.0° 0.000A 0.000A 0.000A 0.000A 0.000° 0.000° 0.000° 0.000° 0.66A 0.66A 0.66A 0.00A -180.0° 60.0° -60.0° 0.0° 0.000A 0.000A 0.000A 0.000A 0.000° 0.000° 0.000° 0.000° n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Phase Imeas_diff Imeas_bias 0.000 In 0.000 In 0.000 In 1.000 In 1.000 In 1.000 In L1 L2 L3 21 de 43 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 Test State: Test passed 1 out of 1 points tested. 1 points passed. 0 points failed. 22 de 43 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 2.7) [87T] Arranque Lado Subestacion: Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: OMICRON Ramping 14-dic-2023 14:12:19 Omar Matos Solis INGELMEC S.A Version: Test End: Manager: 4.31 14-dic-2023 14:12:41 J.A.V Test Results Assessment Results Name/ Exec. Ramp Condition Sig ARRANQUE 87T_58KV Ramp 1 TRIP L1 0->1 I L1, L2, 361.9 mA L3 Assess: + .. Passed x .. Failed Nom. Act. Tol.- Tol.+ Dev. Assess Tact 362.0 mA 10.00 mA 10.00 mA 100.0 ȝA + 116.2 ms o .. Not assessed Ramp 1 Sig 1/mA 390 380 370 360 350 340 330 320 310 300 2.5 5.0 7.5 10.0 12.5 15.0 17.5 2.5 5.0 7.5 10.0 12.5 15.0 17.5 t/s I L1, L2, L3 TRIP L1 TRIP L2 TRIP L3 TRIP F000 Test State: Test passed 23 de 43 t/s INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 2.8) [87T] Arranque Lado Central: Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: OMICRON Ramping 14-dic-2023 14:12:54 Omar Matos Solis INGELMEC S.A Version: Test End: Manager: 4.31 14-dic-2023 14:13:17 J.A.V Test Results Assessment Results Name/ Exec. Ramp Condition Sig Nom. Act. Tol.- Tol.+ Dev. Assess Tact ARRANQUE 87T_10KV Ramp 1 TRIP L1 0->1 I(2)-1, -2, -3 310.0 mA 311.0 mA 10.00 mA 10.00 mA 1.000 mA + 9.400 ms Assess: + .. Passed x .. Failed o .. Not assessed Ramp 1 Sig 1/mA 390 380 370 360 350 340 330 320 310 300 2.5 5.0 7.5 10.0 12.5 15.0 17.5 5.0 7.5 10.0 12.5 15.0 17.5 t/s I(2)-1, -2, -3 TRIP L1 TRIP L2 TRIP L3 TRIP F000 2.5 Test State: Test passed 24 de 43 t/s INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 2.9) [87T] Curva Caracteristica L1L2L3: Test Object - Differential Parameters Protected Object: Protected Object: Vector Group: Busbar n/a Winding/Leg Name: Lado Subestacion Lado Central Voltage: Power: Starpoint Grounding: Delta-connected CT: 500.00 kV 200.00 MVA No No 500.00 kV 200.00 MVA No No Winding/Leg Name: Lado Subestacion Lado Central CT Current Prim: CT Current Sec: CT Grounding: Gnd CT Prim Current: Gnd CT Sec Current: Gnd CT Grounding: 300.00 A 1.00 A tow. Prot. Obj. 12000.00 A 5.00 A n/a 350.00 A 1.00 A tow. Prot. Obj. 12000.00 A 5.00 A n/a CT: Protection device: Reference Winding: Ibias Calculation: Zero Seq. Elimination: Reference Current: Ground CT Used: Disable Comb. char.: Lado Subestacion max ( Ip, Is ) (K1 = 1.00) none PO nominal current No No Idiff>: Idiff>>: 0.47 In 7.50 In tdiff>: tdiff>>: 0.03 s 0.03 s Itol rel: Itol abs: 5.00 % 0.08 In ttol rel: ttol abs: 1.00 % 0.01 s OMICRON Diff Operating Characteristic 14-dic-2023 13:52:15 Omar Matos Solis INGELMEC S.A Version: 4.31 Test End: Manager: 14-dic-2023 13:55:08 J.A.V Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: Test Settings Binary Outputs Test Results for Fault Location L1-L2-L3 at Reference Side Lado Subestacion 25 de 43 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 Ibias Idiff Nominal Idiff Actual Dev (rel) Dev (abs) Check Test State Result 0.50 In 0.60 In 0.90 In 1.50 In 2.00 In 3.00 In 5.00 In 6.60 In 0.470 In 0.470 In 0.539 In 0.719 In 0.870 In 1.370 In 2.769 In 3.889 In 0.467 In 0.467 In 0.536 In 0.716 In 0.866 In 1.367 In 2.764 In 3.886 In -0.0025 In -0.0025 In -0.0033 In -0.0033 In -0.0034 In -0.0030 In -0.0050 In -0.0033 In Tested Tested Tested Tested Tested Tested Tested Tested Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed -0.53 % -0.53 % -0.60 % -0.45 % -0.39 % -0.22 % -0.18 % -0.08 % Operating Characteristic Diagram Idiff [In] 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Ibias [In] Test State: Test passed 8 out of 8 points tested. 8 points passed. 0 points failed. 26 de 43 12 13 14 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 2.10) [87T] Curva Caracteristica L1L2: Test Object - Differential Parameters Protected Object: Protected Object: Vector Group: Busbar n/a Winding/Leg Name: Lado Subestacion Lado Central Voltage: Power: Starpoint Grounding: Delta-connected CT: 500.00 kV 200.00 MVA No No 500.00 kV 200.00 MVA No No Winding/Leg Name: Lado Subestacion Lado Central CT Current Prim: CT Current Sec: CT Grounding: Gnd CT Prim Current: Gnd CT Sec Current: Gnd CT Grounding: 300.00 A 1.00 A tow. Prot. Obj. 12000.00 A 5.00 A n/a 350.00 A 1.00 A tow. Prot. Obj. 12000.00 A 5.00 A n/a CT: Protection device: Reference Winding: Ibias Calculation: Zero Seq. Elimination: Reference Current: Ground CT Used: Disable Comb. char.: Lado Subestacion max ( Ip, Is ) (K1 = 1.00) none PO nominal current No No Idiff>: Idiff>>: 0.47 In 7.50 In tdiff>: tdiff>>: 0.03 s 0.03 s Itol rel: Itol abs: 5.00 % 0.08 In ttol rel: ttol abs: 1.00 % 0.01 s OMICRON Diff Operating Characteristic 14-dic-2023 13:55:19 Omar Matos Solis INGELMEC S.A Version: 4.31 Test End: Manager: 14-dic-2023 13:58:10 J.A.V Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: Test Settings Binary Outputs Test Results for Fault Location L1-L2 at Reference Side Lado Subestacion 27 de 43 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 Ibias Idiff Nominal Idiff Actual Dev (rel) Dev (abs) Check Test State Result 0.50 In 0.60 In 0.90 In 1.50 In 2.00 In 3.00 In 5.00 In 6.60 In 0.470 In 0.470 In 0.539 In 0.719 In 0.870 In 1.370 In 2.769 In 3.889 In 0.467 In 0.467 In 0.536 In 0.716 In 0.866 In 1.367 In 2.764 In 3.886 In -0.0025 In -0.0025 In -0.0033 In -0.0033 In -0.0034 In -0.0030 In -0.0050 In -0.0033 In Tested Tested Tested Tested Tested Tested Tested Tested Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed -0.53 % -0.53 % -0.60 % -0.45 % -0.39 % -0.22 % -0.18 % -0.08 % Operating Characteristic Diagram Idiff [In] 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Ibias [In] Test State: Test passed 8 out of 8 points tested. 8 points passed. 0 points failed. 28 de 43 12 13 14 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 2.11) [87T] Curva Caracteristica L1: Test Object - Differential Parameters Protected Object: Protected Object: Vector Group: Busbar n/a Winding/Leg Name: Lado Subestacion Lado Central Voltage: Power: Starpoint Grounding: Delta-connected CT: 500.00 kV 200.00 MVA No No 500.00 kV 200.00 MVA No No Winding/Leg Name: Lado Subestacion Lado Central CT Current Prim: CT Current Sec: CT Grounding: Gnd CT Prim Current: Gnd CT Sec Current: Gnd CT Grounding: 300.00 A 1.00 A tow. Prot. Obj. 12000.00 A 5.00 A n/a 350.00 A 1.00 A tow. Prot. Obj. 12000.00 A 5.00 A n/a CT: Protection device: Reference Winding: Ibias Calculation: Zero Seq. Elimination: Reference Current: Ground CT Used: Disable Comb. char.: Lado Subestacion max ( Ip, Is ) (K1 = 1.00) none PO nominal current No No Idiff>: Idiff>>: 0.47 In 7.50 In tdiff>: tdiff>>: 0.03 s 0.03 s Itol rel: Itol abs: 5.00 % 0.08 In ttol rel: ttol abs: 1.00 % 0.01 s OMICRON Diff Operating Characteristic 14-dic-2023 13:58:47 Omar Matos Solis INGELMEC S.A Version: 4.31 Test End: Manager: 14-dic-2023 14:00:57 J.A.V Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: Test Settings Binary Outputs Test Results for Fault Location L1-E at Reference Side Lado Subestacion Ibias Idiff Nominal Idiff Actual Dev (rel) Dev (abs) Check Test State Result 0.50 In 0.60 In 0.90 In 1.50 In 2.00 In 3.00 In 4.00 In 0.470 In 0.470 In 0.539 In 0.719 In 0.870 In 1.370 In 2.070 In 0.472 In 0.473 In 0.536 In 0.716 In 0.873 In 1.367 In 2.066 In 0.0025 In 0.0026 In -0.0033 In -0.0033 In 0.0035 In -0.0030 In -0.0040 In Tested Tested Tested Tested Tested Tested Tested Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed 0.53 % 0.55 % -0.60 % -0.45 % 0.40 % -0.22 % -0.19 % 29 de 43 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 Operating Characteristic Diagram Idiff [In] 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Ibias [In] Test State: Test passed 7 out of 7 points tested. 7 points passed. 0 points failed. 30 de 43 12 13 14 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 2.12) [87T] Tiempos de Operacion L1L2L3: Test Settings State State 1 I L1 0.000 A 770.0 mA 0.000 A 1.000 A 0.000 A 1.500 A 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz I L2 0.000 A 770.0 mA 0.000 A 1.000 A 0.000 A 1.500 A -120.00 ° -120.00 ° -120.00 ° -120.00 ° -120.00 ° -120.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz I L3 0.000 A 770.0 mA 0.000 A 1.000 A 0.000 A 1.500 A 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz Max. State Time Trigger Logic User interaction CMGPS trigger IRIG-B/PTP trigger Pulses / seconds Delay after Tr. On trigger jump to test end Diagrams State 2 State 3 State 4 State 5 State 6 1.000 s 50.00 ms 1.000 s 50.00 ms 1.000 s 50.00 ms no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no 1 0.000 s no 1 0.000 s no 1 0.000 s no 1 0.000 s no 1 0.000 s no 1 0.000 s no +90° +90° +90° +90° +90° +90° 180° 0° 12.5-90° A 180° 0° 12.5-90° A 180° 0° 12.5-90° A 180° 12.5-90° A 0° 180° 12.5-90° A 0° 180° 0° 12.5-90° A Time Trigger Settings Start time: Trigger period: Start test accuracy: Next full 1 min 60 s - Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: OMICRON State Sequencer 14-dic-2023 14:05:28 Omar Matos Solis INGELMEC S.A Version: Test End: Manager: 4.31 14-dic-2023 14:05:33 J.A.V Test Results Time Assessment Name Ignore before Start Stop Tnom Tdev- Tdev+ Tact Tdev Trip-1 State 1 State 2 30.00 ms 10.00 ms 10.00 ms 28.30 ms -1.700 ms + Trip-2 State 3 State 4 30.00 ms 10.00 ms 10.00 ms 26.40 ms -3.600 ms + Trip-3 State 5 State 6 TRIP L1 0>1 TRIP L1 0>1 TRIP L1 0>1 30.00 ms 10.00 ms 10.00 ms 26.40 ms -3.600 ms + Assess: + .. Passed x .. Failed o .. Not assessed 31 de 43 Assess INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 State 1 State 3 State 2 State 5 State 4 State 6 CMC256plus I A/A 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 0.25 -0.5 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 2.75 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 2.75 t/s -1.0 -1.5 -2.0 I L1 I L2 I L3 TRIP L1 TRIP L2 TRIP L3 TRIP F000 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 Cursor Data Time Cursor 1 Cursor 2 C2 - C1 Signal 0.000 s <none> 3.150 s <none> 3.150 s Value n/a n/a n/a Test State: Test passed 32 de 43 t/s INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 2.13) [87T] Tiempos de Operacion L1L2: Test Settings State State 1 I L1 0.000 A 770.0 mA 0.000 A 1.000 A 0.000 A 1.500 A 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz I L2 0.000 A 770.0 mA 0.000 A 1.000 A 0.000 A 1.500 A -120.00 ° -120.00 ° -120.00 ° -120.00 ° -120.00 ° -120.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz I L3 0.000 A 0.000 A 0.000 A 0.000 A 0.000 A 0.000 A 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz Max. State Time Trigger Logic User interaction CMGPS trigger IRIG-B/PTP trigger Pulses / seconds Delay after Tr. On trigger jump to test end Diagrams State 2 State 3 State 4 State 5 State 6 1.000 s 50.00 ms 1.000 s 50.00 ms 1.000 s 50.00 ms no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no 1 0.000 s no 1 0.000 s no 1 0.000 s no 1 0.000 s no 1 0.000 s no 1 0.000 s no +90° +90° +90° +90° +90° +90° 180° 0° 12.5-90° A 180° 0° 12.5-90° A 180° 0° 12.5-90° A 180° 12.5-90° A 0° 180° 12.5-90° A 0° 180° 0° 12.5-90° A Time Trigger Settings Start time: Trigger period: Start test accuracy: Next full 1 min 60 s - Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: OMICRON State Sequencer 14-dic-2023 14:05:46 Omar Matos Solis INGELMEC S.A Version: Test End: Manager: 4.31 14-dic-2023 14:05:51 J.A.V Test Results Time Assessment Name Ignore before Start Stop Tnom Tdev- Tdev+ Tact Tdev Trip-1 State 1 State 2 30.00 ms 10.00 ms 10.00 ms 27.60 ms -2.400 ms + Trip-2 State 3 State 4 30.00 ms 10.00 ms 10.00 ms 27.60 ms -2.400 ms + Trip-3 State 5 State 6 TRIP L1 0>1 TRIP L1 0>1 TRIP L1 0>1 30.00 ms 10.00 ms 10.00 ms 27.60 ms -2.400 ms + Assess: + .. Passed x .. Failed o .. Not assessed 33 de 43 Assess INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 State 1 State 3 State 2 State 5 State 4 State 6 CMC256plus I A/A 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 0.25 -0.5 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 2.75 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 2.75 t/s -1.0 -1.5 -2.0 I L1 I L2 I L3 TRIP L1 TRIP L2 TRIP L3 TRIP F000 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 Cursor Data Time Cursor 1 Cursor 2 C2 - C1 Signal 0.000 s <none> 3.150 s <none> 3.150 s Value n/a n/a n/a Test State: Test passed 34 de 43 t/s INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 2.14) [87T] Tiempos de Operacion L1: Test Settings State State 1 I L1 0.000 A 770.0 mA 0.000 A 1.000 A 0.000 A 1.500 A 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz I L2 0.000 A 0.000 A 0.000 A 0.000 A 0.000 A 0.000 A -120.00 ° -120.00 ° -120.00 ° -120.00 ° -120.00 ° -120.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz I L3 0.000 A 0.000 A 0.000 A 0.000 A 0.000 A 0.000 A 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz Max. State Time Trigger Logic User interaction CMGPS trigger IRIG-B/PTP trigger Pulses / seconds Delay after Tr. On trigger jump to test end Diagrams State 2 State 3 State 4 State 5 State 6 1.000 s 50.00 ms 1.000 s 50.00 ms 1.000 s 50.00 ms no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no 1 0.000 s no 1 0.000 s no 1 0.000 s no 1 0.000 s no 1 0.000 s no 1 0.000 s no +90° +90° +90° +90° +90° +90° 180° 0° 12.5-90° A 180° 0° 12.5-90° A 180° 0° 12.5-90° A 180° 12.5-90° A 0° 180° 12.5-90° A 0° 180° 0° 12.5-90° A Time Trigger Settings Start time: Trigger period: Start test accuracy: Next full 1 min 60 s - Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: OMICRON State Sequencer 14-dic-2023 14:06:21 Omar Matos Solis INGELMEC S.A Version: Test End: Manager: 4.31 14-dic-2023 14:06:25 J.A.V Test Results Time Assessment Name Ignore before Start Stop Tnom Tdev- Tdev+ Tact Tdev Trip-1 State 1 State 2 30.00 ms 10.00 ms 10.00 ms 26.00 ms -4.000 ms + Trip-2 State 3 State 4 30.00 ms 10.00 ms 10.00 ms 26.60 ms -3.400 ms + Trip-3 State 5 State 6 TRIP L1 0>1 TRIP L1 0>1 TRIP L1 0>1 30.00 ms 10.00 ms 10.00 ms 26.50 ms -3.500 ms + Assess: + .. Passed x .. Failed o .. Not assessed 35 de 43 Assess INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 State 1 State 3 State 2 State 5 State 4 State 6 CMC256plus I A/A 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 0.25 -0.5 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 2.75 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 2.75 t/s -1.0 -1.5 -2.0 I L1 I L2 I L3 TRIP L1 TRIP L2 TRIP L3 TRIP F000 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 Cursor Data Time Cursor 1 Cursor 2 C2 - C1 Signal 0.000 s <none> 3.150 s <none> 3.150 s Value n/a n/a n/a Test State: Test passed 36 de 43 t/s INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 3) [67N] SOBRECORRIENTE DIRECCIONAL DE TIERRA: 3.1) [67N] Sector Direccional CharAngle = -45deg: Test Object - Overcurrent Parameters General - Values: TimeTolAbs: TimeTolRel: CurrentTolAbs: CurrentTolRel: Directional: 0.06 s 5.00 % 0.05 Iref 5.00 % Yes VT connection: CT starpoint connection: At protected object To protected object Elements - Residual: Active Name Tripping characteristic I Pick-up Time Reset Ratio Direction Yes Yes IN-> IN->> IEC Normal Inverse IEC Definite Time 0.35 Iref 9.60 Iref 0.32 0.10 s 0.95 0.95 Forward Forward Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: OMICRON Overcurrent 14-dic-2023 14:13:33 Omar Matos Solis INGELMEC S.A Version: Test End: Manager: 4.31 14-dic-2023 14:14:43 J.A.V Shot Test Results: Type Relative To Factor Magnitude Angle tnom tact Deviation Overload Result L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E (---) (---) (---) (---) (---) (---) (---) (---) (---) (---) (---) (---) (---) (---) (---) (---) (---) (---) (---) (---) (---) (---) (---) (---) n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 2.000 A 2.000 A 2.000 A 2.000 A 2.000 A 2.000 A 2.000 A 2.000 A 2.000 A 2.000 A 2.000 A 2.000 A 10.00 A 10.00 A 10.00 A 10.00 A 10.00 A 10.00 A 10.00 A 10.00 A 10.00 A 10.00 A 10.00 A 10.00 A 0.00 ° 25.00 ° 60.00 ° 90.00 ° 120.00 ° 150.00 ° 180.00 ° 215.00 ° 240.00 ° 270.00 ° 300.00 ° 330.00 ° 0.00 ° 25.00 ° 60.00 ° 90.00 ° 120.00 ° 150.00 ° 180.00 ° 215.00 ° 240.00 ° 270.00 ° 300.00 ° 330.00 ° 1.263 s 1.263 s No trip No trip No trip No trip No trip No trip 1.263 s 1.263 s 1.263 s 1.263 s 100.0 ms 100.0 ms No trip No trip No trip No trip No trip No trip 100.0 ms 100.0 ms 100.0 ms 100.0 ms 1.277 s 1.274 s No trip No trip No trip No trip No trip No trip 1.273 s 1.272 s 1.274 s 1.272 s 140.0 ms 137.9 ms No trip No trip No trip No trip No trip No trip 132.8 ms 135.5 ms 135.6 ms 138.3 ms 1.117 % 0.8795 % n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 0.7607 % 0.6815 % 0.9032 % 0.7290 % 40.00 % 37.90 % n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 32.80 % 35.50 % 35.60 % 38.30 % No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Test State: 24 out of 24 points tested. 24 points passed. 0 points failed. Test passed 37 de 43 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 3.2) [67N] Tiempos de Operacion L1: Módulo de prueba Nombre: Comienzo: Nombre de usuario: Compañía: OMICRON Overcurrent 14-dic.-2023 14:14:56 Omar Matos Solis INGELMEC S.A Versión: Fin: Administrador: 4.31 14-dic.-2023 14:15:18 J.A.V Ajustes de la prueba: Entradas binarias: Lógica del trigger: And Nombre Estado del trigger TRIP L1 TRIP L2 TRIP L3 TRIP F000 1 1 1 1 Resultados de la prueba de disparo: Tipo Relativa a Factor Magnitud Ángulo tnom. treal Desviación Sobrecarg Resultado a L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E IN-> IN-> IN-> IN->> IN->> IN->> IN->> 1.800 4.000 8.000 900.0 m 1.050 1.100 1.200 630.0 mA 1.400 A 2.800 A 8.640 A 10.08 A 10.56 A 11.52 A -45.00 ° -45.00 ° -45.00 ° -45.00 ° -45.00 ° -45.00 ° -45.00 ° 3.789 s 1.594 s 1.055 s 676.5 ms 100.0 ms 100.0 ms 100.0 ms 3.819 s 1.606 s 1.066 s 735.0 ms 132.8 ms 135.3 ms 132.6 ms 0.8116 % 0.8019 % 1.065 % 8.651 % 32.80 % 35.30 % 32.60 % No No No No No No No 7.0 10.0 Correcta Correcta Correcta Correcta Correcta Correcta Correcta Gráficos para tipos de falta: Ángulo Tipo L1-E -45.00 ° 10000.00 1000.00 t/s 100.00 10.00 1.00 0.10 0.3 0.5 0.7 1.0 2.0 3.0 I/A +90° 180° 13.0 A 0° -90° 38 de 43 5.0 20.0 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 Estado de la prueba: 7 de 7 puntos probados. 7 puntos correctos. 0 puntos incorrectos. Prueba correcta 39 de 43 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 3.3) [67N] Tiempos de Operacion L2: Módulo de prueba Nombre: Comienzo: Nombre de usuario: Compañía: OMICRON Overcurrent 14-dic.-2023 14:15:27 Omar Matos Solis INGELMEC S.A Versión: Fin: Administrador: 4.31 14-dic.-2023 14:15:49 J.A.V Ajustes de la prueba: Entradas binarias: Lógica del trigger: And Nombre Estado del trigger TRIP L1 TRIP L2 TRIP L3 TRIP F000 1 1 1 1 Resultados de la prueba de disparo: Tipo Relativa a Factor Magnitud Ángulo tnom. treal Desviación Sobrecarg Resultado a L2-E L2-E L2-E L2-E L2-E L2-E L2-E IN-> IN-> IN-> IN->> IN->> IN->> IN->> 1.800 4.000 8.000 900.0 m 1.050 1.100 1.200 630.0 mA 1.400 A 2.800 A 8.640 A 10.08 A 10.56 A 11.52 A -45.00 ° -45.00 ° -45.00 ° -45.00 ° -45.00 ° -45.00 ° -45.00 ° 3.789 s 1.594 s 1.055 s 676.5 ms 100.0 ms 100.0 ms 100.0 ms 3.813 s 1.608 s 1.066 s 735.6 ms 133.4 ms 132.0 ms 132.1 ms 0.6454 % 0.8772 % 1.046 % 8.739 % 33.40 % 32.00 % 32.10 % No No No No No No No 7.0 10.0 Correcta Correcta Correcta Correcta Correcta Correcta Correcta Gráficos para tipos de falta: Ángulo Tipo L2-E -45.00 ° 10000.00 1000.00 t/s 100.00 10.00 1.00 0.10 0.3 0.5 0.7 1.0 2.0 3.0 I/A +90° 180° 13.0 A 0° -90° 40 de 43 5.0 20.0 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 Estado de la prueba: 7 de 7 puntos probados. 7 puntos correctos. 0 puntos incorrectos. Prueba correcta 41 de 43 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 3.4) [67N] Tiempos de Operacion L3: Módulo de prueba Nombre: Comienzo: Nombre de usuario: Compañía: OMICRON Overcurrent 14-dic.-2023 14:16:05 Omar Matos Solis INGELMEC S.A Versión: Fin: Administrador: 4.31 14-dic.-2023 14:16:27 J.A.V Ajustes de la prueba: Entradas binarias: Lógica del trigger: And Nombre Estado del trigger TRIP L1 TRIP L2 TRIP L3 TRIP F000 1 1 1 1 Resultados de la prueba de disparo: Tipo Relativa a Factor Magnitud Ángulo tnom. treal Desviación Sobrecarg Resultado a L3-E L3-E L3-E L3-E L3-E L3-E L3-E IN-> IN-> IN-> IN->> IN->> IN->> IN->> 1.800 4.000 8.000 900.0 m 1.050 1.100 1.200 630.0 mA 1.400 A 2.800 A 8.640 A 10.08 A 10.56 A 11.52 A -45.00 ° -45.00 ° -45.00 ° -45.00 ° -45.00 ° -45.00 ° -45.00 ° 3.789 s 1.594 s 1.055 s 676.5 ms 100.0 ms 100.0 ms 100.0 ms 3.817 s 1.612 s 1.066 s 742.1 ms 134.5 ms 135.9 ms 136.1 ms 0.7483 % 1.128 % 1.055 % 9.700 % 34.50 % 35.90 % 36.10 % No No No No No No No 7.0 10.0 Correcta Correcta Correcta Correcta Correcta Correcta Correcta Gráficos para tipos de falta: Ángulo Tipo L3-E -45.00 ° 10000.00 1000.00 t/s 100.00 10.00 1.00 0.10 0.3 0.5 0.7 1.0 2.0 3.0 I/A +90° 180° 13.0 A 0° -90° 42 de 43 5.0 20.0 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 Estado de la prueba: 7 de 7 puntos probados. 7 puntos correctos. 0 puntos incorrectos. Prueba correcta 43 de 43 Protocolo de Pruebas Relés de Protección B3.3) AJUSTES DEL RELE (Software DISGI 5) Totally Integrated Automation Portal Settings Device settings Settings Edit mode Number settings groups Activat. of settings group DIGSI 5 uses following IP address Operation-panel language Binary input channel threshold Used time stamp in GOOSE subscriptions Hide settings in IEC 61850 structure Hide SIPROTEC extensions in IEC 61850 structure Use dynamic reporting Block IEC 61850 settings changes Access point used in Edition1 Value secondary 1 settings group 1 (Integrated USB interface) English (United States) Low: 44 V, High: 88 V On message reception Hide all settings (customized) Hide all SIPROTEC extensions (customized) True False E General \Device Number 91.101 91.102 91.138 Settings Rated frequency Minimum operate time Block monitoring dir. Value All: 60 Hz All: 0 s All: off General \Chatter blocking Number 91.123 91.127 91.124 91.125 91.137 Settings No. permis.state changes Initial test time No. of chatter tests Chatter idle time Subsequent test time Value All: 0 All: 1 s All: 0 All: 1 min All: 2 s General \Control Number 91.118 91.119 91.152 Settings Enable sw.auth. station Multiple sw.auth. levels Specific sw. authorities Value All: false All: false All: false General \Spontan.indic. Number 91.139 Settings Fault-display Value All: with pickup General \CFC Number 91.161 Settings CFC chart quality handling Value All: automatic Totally Integrated Automation Portal General \Test support Number 91.150 91.151 Settings Activate device test mode Oper.bin.outp. under test Value All: false All: false Localization Number 6211.139 Settings Unit system Value All: SI Time settings General Settings Date format Value All: DD.MM.YYYY Time source Settings Fault indication after Time source 1 Time source 2 Time zone time source 1 Time zone time source 2 Sync. latency time src.1 Sync. latency time src.2 Value All: 600 s Ch1:port E:SNTP none All: UTC All: local All: 0 us All: 0 us Time zone and daylight saving time Settings Time zone offset to UTC Offset daylight sav. time Switch daylight sav. time Value All: -300 min All: 60 min false Power system \General General Number 11.2311.101 Settings Phase sequence Value All: ABC Power system \Meas.point I-3ph 1 CT 3-phase \General Number 11.931.8881.115 11.931.8881.127 11.931.8881.130 Settings CT connection Tracking Measuring-point ID Value All: 3-phase + IN All: active All: 1 CT 3-phase \CT phases Number 11.931.8881.101 11.931.8881.102 Settings Rated primary current Rated secondary current Value All: 300 A All: 1 A Totally Integrated Automation Portal Number 11.931.8881.117 11.931.8881.118 11.931.8881.116 11.931.8881.114 Settings Current range Internal CT type Neutr.point in dir.of ref.obj Inverted phases Value All: 100 x IR All: CT protection All: yes All: none CT 1 Number 11.931.3841.103 11.931.3841.117 Settings Magnitude correction Phase Value All: 1 All: I A CT 2 Number 11.931.3842.103 11.931.3842.117 Settings Magnitude correction Phase Value All: 1 All: I B CT 3 Number 11.931.3843.103 11.931.3843.117 Settings Magnitude correction Phase Value All: 1 All: I C CT 4 Number 11.931.3844.103 11.931.3844.117 Settings Magnitude correction Phase Value All: 1 All: IN Supv. balan. I Number 11.931.2491.1 11.931.2491.101 11.931.2491.102 11.931.2491.6 Settings Mode Release threshold Threshold min/max Operate delay Value Settings group 1: on Settings group 1: 0.667 A Settings group 1: 0.5 Settings group 1: 5 s Supv. ph.seq.I Number 11.931.2551.1 11.931.2551.6 Settings Mode Operate delay Value Settings group 1: on Settings group 1: 5 s Supv. sum I Number 11.931.2431.1 11.931.2431.102 11.931.2431.101 11.931.2431.6 Settings Mode Threshold Slope factor Operate delay Value Settings group 1: on Settings group 1: 0.133 A Settings group 1: 0.1 Settings group 1: 5 s Totally Integrated Automation Portal Supv.ADC sum I Number 11.931.2401.1 Settings Mode Value Settings group 1: on Power system \Meas.point I-3ph 2 CT 3-phase \General Number 11.932.8881.115 11.932.8881.127 11.932.8881.130 Settings CT connection Tracking Measuring-point ID Value All: 3-phase + IN All: active All: 2 CT 3-phase \CT phases Number 11.932.8881.101 11.932.8881.102 11.932.8881.117 11.932.8881.118 11.932.8881.116 11.932.8881.114 Settings Rated primary current Rated secondary current Current range Internal CT type Neutr.point in dir.of ref.obj Inverted phases Value All: 350 A All: 1 A All: 100 x IR All: CT protection All: yes All: none CT 1 Number 11.932.3841.103 11.932.3841.117 Settings Magnitude correction Phase Value All: 1 All: I A CT 2 Number 11.932.3842.103 11.932.3842.117 Settings Magnitude correction Phase Value All: 1 All: I B CT 3 Number 11.932.3843.103 11.932.3843.117 Settings Magnitude correction Phase Value All: 1 All: I C CT 4 Number 11.932.3844.103 11.932.3844.117 Settings Magnitude correction Phase Value All: 1 All: IN Supv. balan. I Number 11.932.2491.1 11.932.2491.101 11.932.2491.102 11.932.2491.6 Settings Mode Release threshold Threshold min/max Operate delay Value Settings group 1: on Settings group 1: 10.714 A Settings group 1: 0.5 Settings group 1: 5 s Totally Integrated Automation Portal Supv. ph.seq.I Number 11.932.2551.1 11.932.2551.6 Settings Mode Operate delay Value Settings group 1: on Settings group 1: 5 s Supv. sum I Number 11.932.2431.1 11.932.2431.102 11.932.2431.101 11.932.2431.6 Settings Mode Threshold Slope factor Operate delay Value Settings group 1: on Settings group 1: 2.142 A Settings group 1: 0.1 Settings group 1: 5 s Supv.ADC sum I Number 11.932.2401.1 Settings Mode Value Settings group 1: on Power system \Meas.point V-3ph 1 VT 3-phase Number 11.941.8911.101 11.941.8911.102 11.941.8911.104 11.941.8911.106 11.941.8911.111 11.941.8911.130 Settings Rated primary voltage Rated secondary voltage VT connection Inverted phases Tracking Measuring-point ID Value All: 500 kV All: 100 V All: 3 ph-to-gnd voltages All: none All: active All: 3 VT 1 Number 11.941.3811.103 11.941.3811.108 Settings Magnitude correction Phase Value All: 1 All: V A VT 2 Number 11.941.3812.103 11.941.3812.108 Settings Magnitude correction Phase Value All: 1 All: V B VT 3 Number 11.941.3813.103 11.941.3813.108 Settings Magnitude correction Phase Value All: 1 All: V C Supv. balan. V Number 11.941.2521.1 11.941.2521.101 Settings Mode Release threshold Value Settings group 1: off Settings group 1: 50 V Totally Integrated Automation Portal Number 11.941.2521.102 11.941.2521.6 Settings Threshold min/max Operate delay Value Settings group 1: 0.75 Settings group 1: 5 s Supv. ph.seq.V Number 11.941.2581.1 11.941.2581.6 Settings Mode Operate delay Value Settings group 1: off Settings group 1: 5 s Supv. sum V Number 11.941.2461.1 11.941.2461.3 11.941.2461.6 Settings Mode Threshold Operate delay Value Settings group 1: off Settings group 1: 25 V Settings group 1: 5 s VT miniatureCB Number 11.941.2641.101 Settings Response time Value Settings group 1: 0 s Power system \Meas.point V-1ph 1 General Number 11.961.2311.101 11.961.2311.102 11.961.2311.103 11.961.2311.130 Settings Rated primary voltage Rated secondary voltage Tracking Measuring-point ID Value All: 500 kV All: 100 V All: inactive All: 4 VT 1 Number 11.961.3811.103 11.961.3811.108 Settings Magnitude correction Phase Value All: 1 All: V B VT miniatureCB Number 11.961.2641.101 Settings Response time Value Settings group 1: 0 s Settings Fault recording Storage Maximum record time Pre-trigger time Post-trigger time Manual record time Sampling frequency Value All: with pickup All: always All: 5 s All: 0.5 s All: 0.5 s All: 0.5 s All: 2 kHz Recording \Fault recorder Control Number 51.791.2761.130 51.791.2761.131 51.791.2761.111 51.791.2761.112 51.791.2761.113 51.791.2761.116 51.791.2761.140 Totally Integrated Automation Portal SE Puerto Bravo \General General \Rated values Number 911.91.103 911.91.102 911.91.101 Settings Rated apparent power Rated voltage Rated current Value All: 200 MVA All: 500 kV All: 231 A General \Side data Number 911.91.149 911.91.104 911.91.163 911.91.130 911.91.210 911.91.215 Settings Neutral point Winding configuration Vector group numeral Side number MI3ph1 usesMeasP with ID CT mismatch M I-3ph 1 Value Settings group 1: isolated Settings group 1: Y (Wye) All: 0 All: Side 1 All: 1 All: 1.299 General \Measurements Number 911.91.158 Settings P, Q sign Value Settings group 1: not reversed SE Puerto Bravo \50N/51N OC-gnd-A1 Definite-T 1 \General Number 911.211.751.1 911.211.751.2 911.211.751.26 911.211.751.8 911.211.751.3 911.211.751.4 911.211.751.101 911.211.751.6 Settings Mode Operate & flt.rec. blocked Dynamic settings Method of measurement Threshold Dropout ratio Dropout delay Operate delay Value Settings group 1: off Settings group 1: no All: no Settings group 1: fundamental comp. Settings group 1: 0.333 A Settings group 1: 0.95 Settings group 1: 0 s Settings group 1: 0 s Inverse-T 1 \General Number 911.211.781.1 911.211.781.2 911.211.781.26 911.211.781.8 911.211.781.3 911.211.781.108 911.211.781.113 911.211.781.109 911.211.781.101 911.211.781.115 Settings Mode Operate & flt.rec. blocked Dynamic settings Method of measurement Threshold Type of character. curve Min. time of the curve Reset Time dial Additional time delay Value Settings group 1: off Settings group 1: no All: no Settings group 1: fundamental comp. Settings group 1: 1.00 A Settings group 1: IEC normal inverse Settings group 1: 0 s Settings group 1: instantaneous Settings group 1: 0.12 Settings group 1: 0 s Totally Integrated Automation Portal SE Puerto Bravo \67N Dir.OC-gnd-A1 General Number 911.1471.2311.101 911.1471.2311.102 911.1471.2311.103 911.1471.2311.104 Settings Min. voltage V0 or V2 Rotation angle of ref. volt. Forward section +/Polarization with Value Settings group 1: 2 V Settings group 1: -45 ° Settings group 1: 88 ° Settings group 1: zero sequence Definite-T 1 \General Number 911.1471.4861.1 911.1471.4861.2 911.1471.4861.105 911.1471.4861.8 911.1471.4861.104 911.1471.4861.106 911.1471.4861.10 911.1471.4861.26 911.1471.4861.3 911.1471.4861.4 911.1471.4861.101 911.1471.4861.6 Settings Mode Operate & flt.rec. blocked Directional mode Method of measurement Directional comparison Release via input signal Blk. by meas.-volt. failure Dynamic settings Threshold Dropout ratio Dropout delay Operate delay Value Settings group 1: on Settings group 1: no Settings group 1: forward Settings group 1: fundamental comp. Settings group 1: no Settings group 1: no Settings group 1: yes All: no Settings group 1: 9.600 A Settings group 1: 0.95 Settings group 1: 0 s Settings group 1: 0.1 s Inverse-T 1 \General Number 911.1471.4891.1 911.1471.4891.2 911.1471.4891.111 911.1471.4891.8 911.1471.4891.110 911.1471.4891.112 911.1471.4891.10 911.1471.4891.26 911.1471.4891.3 911.1471.4891.130 911.1471.4891.114 911.1471.4891.131 911.1471.4891.101 911.1471.4891.115 Settings Mode Operate & flt.rec. blocked Directional mode Method of measurement Directional comparison Release via input signal Blk. by meas.-volt. failure Dynamic settings Threshold Type of character. curve Min. time of the curve Reset Time dial Additional time delay Value Settings group 1: on Settings group 1: no Settings group 1: forward Settings group 1: fundamental comp. Settings group 1: no Settings group 1: no Settings group 1: yes All: no Settings group 1: 0.35 A Settings group 1: IEC normal inverse Settings group 1: 0 s Settings group 1: instantaneous Settings group 1: 0.32 Settings group 1: 0 s SE Puerto Bravo \27 Undervolt.-3ph 1 General Number 911.131.2311.104 911.131.2311.101 Settings Current-flow criterion Threshold I> Value Settings group 1: off Settings group 1: 0.038 A Definite-T 1 Number 911.131.421.1 911.131.421.2 911.131.421.10 Settings Mode Operate & flt.rec. blocked Blk. by meas.-volt. failure Value Settings group 1: off Settings group 1: no Settings group 1: yes Totally Integrated Automation Portal Number 911.131.421.9 911.131.421.8 911.131.421.101 911.131.421.3 911.131.421.4 911.131.421.6 Settings Measured value Method of measurement Pickup mode Threshold Dropout ratio Operate delay Value Settings group 1: phase-to-ground Settings group 1: fundamental comp. Settings group 1: 1 out of 3 Settings group 1: 54 V Settings group 1: 1.05 Settings group 1: 0.05 s Definite-T 2 Number 911.131.422.1 911.131.422.2 911.131.422.10 911.131.422.9 911.131.422.8 911.131.422.101 911.131.422.3 911.131.422.4 911.131.422.6 Settings Mode Operate & flt.rec. blocked Blk. by meas.-volt. failure Measured value Method of measurement Pickup mode Threshold Dropout ratio Operate delay Value Settings group 1: off Settings group 1: no Settings group 1: yes Settings group 1: phase-to-phase Settings group 1: fundamental comp. Settings group 1: 1 out of 3 Settings group 1: 65 V Settings group 1: 1.05 Settings group 1: 0.5 s SE Puerto Bravo\Ciruit-breaker interaction Protection group SE Puerto Bravo\ 50N/51N OC-gnd-A1\ Definite-T 1 SE Puerto Bravo\ 50N/51N OC-gnd-A1\ Inverse-T 1 SE Puerto Bravo\ 67N Dir.OC-gnd-A1\ Definite-T 1 SE Puerto Bravo\ 67N Dir.OC-gnd-A1\ Inverse-T 1 SE Puerto Bravo\ 27 Undervolt.-3ph 1\ Definite-T 1 SE Puerto Bravo\ 27 Undervolt.-3ph 1\ Definite-T 2 Circuit-breaker group(s) INT-Q0:Trip INT-Q0:Trip INT-Q0:Trip INT-Q0:Trip INT-Q0:Trip INT-Q0:Trip CT Puerto Bravo \General General \Rated values Number 912.91.103 912.91.102 912.91.101 Settings Rated apparent power Rated voltage Rated current Value All: 200 MVA All: 500 kV All: 231 A General \Side data Number 912.91.149 912.91.104 912.91.163 912.91.130 912.91.210 912.91.215 Settings Neutral point Winding configuration Vector group numeral Side number MI3ph1 usesMeasP with ID CT mismatch M I-3ph 1 Value Settings group 1: isolated Settings group 1: Y (Wye) All: 0 All: Side 2 All: 2 All: 1.516 Totally Integrated Automation Portal CT Puerto Bravo \50N/51N OC-gnd-A1 Definite-T 1 \General Number 912.211.751.1 912.211.751.2 912.211.751.26 912.211.751.27 912.211.751.8 912.211.751.3 912.211.751.4 912.211.751.101 912.211.751.6 Settings Mode Operate & flt.rec. blocked Dynamic settings Blk. w. inrush curr. detect. Method of measurement Threshold Dropout ratio Dropout delay Operate delay Value Settings group 1: off Settings group 1: no All: no Settings group 1: no Settings group 1: fundamental comp. Settings group 1: 8.06 A Settings group 1: 0.95 Settings group 1: 0 s Settings group 1: 0.3 s Definite-T 2 \General Number 912.211.752.1 912.211.752.2 912.211.752.26 912.211.752.27 912.211.752.8 912.211.752.3 912.211.752.4 912.211.752.101 912.211.752.6 Settings Mode Operate & flt.rec. blocked Dynamic settings Blk. w. inrush curr. detect. Method of measurement Threshold Dropout ratio Dropout delay Operate delay Value Settings group 1: off Settings group 1: no All: no Settings group 1: no Settings group 1: fundamental comp. Settings group 1: 0.792 A Settings group 1: 0.95 Settings group 1: 0 s Settings group 1: 0.1 s Inverse-T 1 \General Number 912.211.781.1 912.211.781.2 912.211.781.26 912.211.781.27 912.211.781.8 912.211.781.3 912.211.781.108 912.211.781.113 912.211.781.109 912.211.781.101 912.211.781.115 Settings Mode Operate & flt.rec. blocked Dynamic settings Blk. w. inrush curr. detect. Method of measurement Threshold Type of character. curve Min. time of the curve Reset Time dial Additional time delay Value Settings group 1: off Settings group 1: no All: no Settings group 1: no Settings group 1: fundamental comp. Settings group 1: 0.3 A Settings group 1: IEC normal inverse Settings group 1: 0 s Settings group 1: instantaneous Settings group 1: 0.32 Settings group 1: 0 s Settings Mode Operat.-range limit Imax Blocking with CWA Blocking with 2. harmonic 2nd harmonic content Cross-blocking Cross-blocking time Start flt.rec Value All: off Settings group 1: 35.000 A Settings group 1: yes Settings group 1: yes Settings group 1: 15 % Settings group 1: no Settings group 1: 0.06 s Settings group 1: yes CT Puerto Bravo \Inrush detect. Inrush detect. Number 912.4141.1 912.4141.106 912.4141.111 912.4141.110 912.4141.102 912.4141.112 912.4141.109 912.4141.114 Totally Integrated Automation Portal CT Puerto Bravo\Ciruit-breaker interaction Protection group CT Puerto Bravo\ 50N/51N OC-gnd-A1\ Definite-T 1 CT Puerto Bravo\ 50N/51N OC-gnd-A1\ Definite-T 2 CT Puerto Bravo\ 50N/51N OC-gnd-A1\ Inverse-T 1 Circuit-breaker group(s) INT-Q0:Trip INT-Q0:Trip INT-Q0:Trip 87L \87T diff. prot. 1 General Number 901.1691.2311.105 901.1691.2311.110 901.1691.2311.191 901.1691.2311.151 901.1691.2311.156 Settings CT mismatch side 1 M3ph 1 CT mismatch side 2 M3ph 1 Reference side is MU-ID Side 1 Mp3ph 1 MU-ID Side 2 Mp3ph 1 Value All: 1.299 All: 1.516 All: Side 1 All: 1 All: 2 I-DIFF \General Number 901.1691.11041.1 901.1691.11041.2 901.1691.11041.6 Settings Mode Operate & flt.rec. blocked Operate delay Value Settings group 1: on Settings group 1: no Settings group 1: 0 s I-DIFF \Operate curve Number 901.1691.11041.3 901.1691.11041.100 901.1691.11041.101 901.1691.11041.102 901.1691.11041.103 Settings Threshold Slope 1 Intersection 1 Irest Slope 2 Intersection 2 Irest Value Settings group 1: 0.47 I/IrObj Settings group 1: 0.3 Settings group 1: 0.67 I/IrObj Settings group 1: 0.7 Settings group 1: 2.5 I/IrObj I-DIFF \Starting detection Number 901.1691.11041.106 901.1691.11041.107 901.1691.11041.108 901.1691.11041.109 Settings Starting detection Thresh. startup detection Factor increasing char. Max. perm. Start. time Value Settings group 1: no Settings group 1: 0.1 I/IrObj Settings group 1: 2 Settings group 1: 5 s I-DIFF \DC offset detection Number 901.1691.11041.110 Settings Factor increasing char. DC Value Settings group 1: 2.3 I-DIFF \Inrush blocking Number 901.1691.11041.115 901.1691.11041.116 901.1691.11041.117 901.1691.11041.118 Settings Blocking with 2. harmonic 2nd harmonic content Crossblock. time 2nd har. Blocking with CWA Value Settings group 1: no Settings group 1: 15 % Settings group 1: 0 s Settings group 1: no Totally Integrated Automation Portal I-DIFF \Overexcit. blocking Number 901.1691.11041.121 901.1691.11041.122 901.1691.11041.123 901.1691.11041.124 901.1691.11041.125 901.1691.11041.126 901.1691.11041.127 Settings Blocking with 3rd harm. 3rd harmonics content Crossblock. time 3rd har. Blocking with 5th harm. 5th harmonics content Crossblock. time 5th har. Limit Idiff 3., 5. harmonics Value Settings group 1: no Settings group 1: 30 % Settings group 1: 0 s Settings group 1: no Settings group 1: 30 % Settings group 1: 0 s Settings group 1: 1.5 I/IrObj I-DIFF \Ext. fault detection Number 901.1691.11041.128 901.1691.11041.129 901.1691.11041.130 Settings Threshold add-on stabiliz. Time of add-on stabiliz. Crossblk. time add-on st. Value Settings group 1: 2 I/IrObj Settings group 1: 0.3 s Settings group 1: 0.3 s I-DIFF fast Number 901.1691.11071.1 901.1691.11071.3 901.1691.11071.6 901.1691.11071.100 Settings Mode Threshold Operate delay Operate & flt.rec. blocked Value Settings group 1: on Settings group 1: 7.5 I/IrObj Settings group 1: 0 s Settings group 1: no 87L\Ciruit-breaker interaction Protection group 87L\ 87T diff. prot. 1\ I-DIFF 87L\ 87T diff. prot. 1\ I-DIFF fast Circuit-breaker group(s) INT-Q0:Trip INT-Q0:Trip INT-Q0 \General General \Ref. for %-values Number 201.2311.101 201.2311.102 Settings Rated normal current Rated voltage Value All: 231 A All: 500 kV General \Breaker settings Number 201.2311.112 Settings Current thresh. CB open Value All: 0.133 A Settings Reset of trip command Value All: with I< INT-Q0 \Trip logic Trip logic Number 201.5341.103 Totally Integrated Automation Portal INT-Q0 \Circuit break. Circuit break. Number 201.4261.101 Settings Output time Value All: 1 s Settings Action time Value Settings group 1: 0.3 s Settings Control model SBO time-out Feedback monitoring time Check switching authority Check if pos. is reached Check double activat. blk. Check blk. by protection Value All: SBO w. enh. security All: 30 s All: 1 s All: yes All: yes All: yes All: yes Settings Dead time Value All: 0.1 s Settings Control model SBO time-out Feedback monitoring time Check switching authority Check if pos. is reached Check double activat. blk. Value All: SBO w. enh. security All: 30 s All: 10 s All: yes All: yes All: yes Settings Maximum output time Seal-in time Switching-device type Value All: 10 s All: 0 s All: disconnector INT-Q0 \Manual close Manual close Number 201.6541.101 INT-Q0 \Control Control Number 201.4201.101 201.4201.102 201.4201.103 201.4201.104 201.4201.105 201.4201.106 201.4201.107 INT-Q0 \CB test CB test Number 201.6151.101 SB-Q1 \Control Control Number 601.4201.101 601.4201.102 601.4201.103 601.4201.104 601.4201.105 601.4201.106 SB-Q1 \Disconnector Disconnector Number 601.5401.101 601.5401.102 601.5401.103 Totally Integrated Automation Portal SL-Q9 \Control Control Number 602.4201.101 602.4201.102 602.4201.103 602.4201.104 602.4201.105 602.4201.106 Settings Control model SBO time-out Feedback monitoring time Check switching authority Check if pos. is reached Check double activat. blk. Value All: SBO w. enh. security All: 30 s All: 10 s All: yes All: yes All: yes Settings Maximum output time Seal-in time Switching-device type Value All: 10 s All: 0 s All: disconnector Settings Control model SBO time-out Feedback monitoring time Check switching authority Check if pos. is reached Check double activat. blk. Value All: SBO w. enh. security All: 30 s All: 10 s All: yes All: yes All: yes Settings Maximum output time Seal-in time Switching-device type Value All: 10 s All: 0 s All: disconnector Settings Control model SBO time-out Feedback monitoring time Check switching authority Check if pos. is reached Check double activat. blk. Value All: SBO w. enh. security All: 30 s All: 10 s All: yes All: yes All: yes SL-Q9 \Disconnector Disconnector Number 602.5401.101 602.5401.102 602.5401.103 ST-Q51 \Control Control Number 603.4201.101 603.4201.102 603.4201.103 603.4201.104 603.4201.105 603.4201.106 ST-Q51 \Disconnector Disconnector Number 603.5401.101 603.5401.102 603.5401.103 ST-Q52 \Control Control Number 604.4201.101 604.4201.102 604.4201.103 604.4201.104 604.4201.105 604.4201.106 Totally Integrated Automation Portal ST-Q52 \Disconnector Disconnector Number 604.5401.101 604.5401.102 604.5401.103 Settings Maximum output time Seal-in time Switching-device type Value All: 10 s All: 0 s All: disconnector Settings Control model SBO time-out Feedback monitoring time Check switching authority Check if pos. is reached Check double activat. blk. Value All: SBO w. enh. security All: 30 s All: 10 s All: yes All: yes All: yes Settings Maximum output time Seal-in time Switching-device type Value All: 10 s All: 0 s All: disconnector ST-Q8 \Control Control Number 605.4201.101 605.4201.102 605.4201.103 605.4201.104 605.4201.105 605.4201.106 ST-Q8 \Disconnector Disconnector Number 605.5401.101 605.5401.102 605.5401.103 *Setting marked as favorite setting Protocolo de Pruebas Relés de Protección ANEXO B4 CENTRAL TERMICA PUERTO BRAVO PROTECCIÓN DE RESPALDO DE CABLE TR2 RELÉ 7UT85 [F004] CONTENIDO B4.1) PROTOCOLO DE PRUEBAS B4.2) REPORTE DEL SIMULADOR (Test Universe) B4.3) AJUSTES DEL RELE (Software DISGI 5) Protocolo de Pruebas Relés de Protección B4.1) PROTOCOLO DE PRUEBAS Protocolo de Pruebas Relés de Protección Propietario : SAMAY I S.A.C. Identificación : RELÉ DE PROTECCIÓN DIFERENCIAL DE CABLE Ubicación : S.E. PUERTO BRAVO 500kV Código ANSI : 87T, 67N Tablero : =B01+R01 : : F004 Modelo del relé Ref. Código de Equipo : PROTECCIÓN DE RESPALDO DE CABLE TR2 1 .- Datos del Relé de Protección : : Serie : IN : 7UT85 Resultado: Aprobado Fecha: 14/12/2023 Transformadores de Protección Marca SIEMENS CT_Fases Subestacion : Modelo 7UT85 CT_Fases Central : 350/1A BM1501001864 VT _Fases : 500/0.100 kV 300/1A 1A 2 .- Ajustes del Relé Se adjunta reporte de ajustes del relé - Software DIGSI 5 3 .- Inspección Inicial y Verificaciones Resultado Aspecto exterior Conexionado eléctrico Puesta a tierra Comunicación con PC (USB) Display Teclado Frontal CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME 4 .- Otras Funciones Verificadas Resultado Unidades de Medición Relación de VTs y CTs Leds de Señalización del Relé Verificación de contactos de Disparo Disparo efectivo del interruptor por actuación de 87L CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME 5 .- Prueba de Funciones de Protección 5.1) Diferencial de Cable CONFORME 87L 5.2) Sobrecorriente Direccional de Tierra CONFORME 67N Nota: Se Adjunta resultado de pruebas del relé - Test Universe 6 .- Activación de Salidas Binarias 6.1) BO Salidas Binarias (OUTPUTS) BO IO203_BO1.1 IO203_BO1.2 IO203_BO1.3 IO202_BO3.1 IO202_BO3.2 IO202_BO3.3 IO206_BO4.2 Asignación Disparo Bobina 1, Fase R Disparo Bobina 1, Fase S Disparo Bobina 1, Fase T Disparo Bobina 2, Fase R Disparo Bobina 2, Fase S Disparo Bobina 2, Fase T Disparo Definitvo Rele de Bloqueo 86 Resultado CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME Protocolo de Pruebas Relés de Protección Propietario : SAMAY I S.A.C. Identificación : RELÉ DE PROTECCIÓN DIFERENCIAL DE CABLE Ubicación : S.E. PUERTO BRAVO 500kV Código ANSI : 87T, 67N Tablero : =B01+R01 : : F004 Modelo del relé Ref. Código de Equipo : PROTECCIÓN DE RESPALDO DE CABLE TR2 7UT85 Resultado: Aprobado Fecha: 14/12/2023 7 .- Verificación de LEDs de Señalización LEDs LED LED 1.1 LED 1.2 LED 1.3 LED 1.4 LED 1.5 LED 1.6 LED 1.7 LED 1.8 LED 1.9 LED 1.10 LED 1.11 LED 1.12 LED 1.13 LED 1.14 LED 1.15 LED 1.16 Resultado Asignación Disparo General Arranque Fase R Arranque Fase S Arranque Fase T Arranque Neutro Disparo 87L Disparo 67N (Tiempo Inverso Lado GIS) Disparo 67N (Instantaneo Lado GIS) 74TC OK 74 TC Falla Fase R 74 TC Falla Fase S 74 TC Falla Fase T Sincronismo OK Reserva Reserva Reserva CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME RESERVA NA NA NA 8 .- Equipos de Prueba Utilizados EQP Descripción Marca Tipo Serie 1 1 Simulador de potencia trifásico OMICRON CMC 256 LD014F 2 1 Computadora portátil LENOVO P50s R9OMHLJ316/12 Ítem Cant 9 .- Observaciones y Comentarios Obs - Las pruebas de operatividad al relé de protección 7UT85 se han realizado satisfactoriamente. - Se adjuntan los siguientes reportes: * Reporte de ajustes del relé 7UT85 - Software DIGSI 5. * Reporte de pruebas del Software Test Universe - OMICRON CMC256. CONTRATISTA Nombre : Omar Matos Solis Fecha : 14/12/2023 Firma : SUPERVISIÓN Nombre : José Gutierrez 14/12/2023 Fecha : Firma : PROPIETARIO Nombre : Fecha : 14/12/2023 Firma : Protocolo de Pruebas Relés de Protección B4.2) REPORTE DEL SIMULADOR (Test Universe) INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 REPORTE DE PRUEBA S.E. PUERTO BRAVO 500kV PROTECCIÓN DE CABLE TR-2 PROTECCION DE RESPALDO SIEMENS / 7UT85 [F004] Compañia: INGELMEC S.A. Nombre de Usuario: Omar Matos Solis Dia de Prueba: 14 de diciembre de 2023 Estado de Prueba: Passed Modulos de Prueba: 19 Modulos de Prueba Correctos: 19 Modulos de Pruebas con Error: 0 ________________________________________________________________________________ Hardware Configuration Equipo en prueba Tipo No de serie CMC256plus LD014F Comprobación del hardware Realizado en Resultado 14/12/2023 14:21:33 Correcta Detalles 1 de 43 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 1) [INY] INYECCION INICIAL: 1.1) [INY] Conexion CT's Correcta: Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: OMICRON QuickCMC 14-dic-2023 14:46:24 Omar Matos Solis INGELMEC S.A Version: Test End: Manager: 4.31 14-dic-2023 14:47:55 J.A.V Test Results Title: INYECCION INICIAL Fault Calculator: Table Inputmode Parameters (All values are secondary) Direct V L1-E V L2-E V L3-E I L1 I L2 I L3 57.74 V 57.74 V 57.74 V 770.0 mA 770.0 mA 770.0 mA 30.00 ° -90.00 ° 150.00 ° 0.00 ° -120.00 ° 120.00 ° 30.00° -90.00° 150.00° 0.00° -120.00° 120.00° 180.00° 60.00° 300.00° +90° I L3 V L3-E 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz Generator Settings V L1-E V L2-E V L3-E I L1 I L2 I L3 I(2)-1 I(2)-2 I(2)-3 57.735V 57.735V 57.735V 0.770A 0.770A 0.770A 0.660A 0.660A 0.660A VI(2)-2 L1-E I(2)-1 180° I L1 0° I L2 60.0 V 800.0 mA -90° V L2-E I(2)-3 Binary Inputs Name Slope TRIP L1 TRIP L2 Overload 0 0 1 Time Summary 1 tests passed, 0 tests failed, 0 tests not assessed Test passed 2 de 43 100.00% passed INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 LECTURAS REGISTRADAS EN EL RELÉ 3 de 43 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 4 de 43 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 2) [87T] PROTECCION DIFERENCIAL CABLE: 2.1) [87T] Falla Monofasica Lado Subestacion: Test Object - Differential Parameters Protected Object: Protected Object: Vector Group: Busbar n/a Winding/Leg Name: Lado Subestacion Lado Central Voltage: Power: Starpoint Grounding: Delta-connected CT: 500.00 kV 200.00 MVA No No 500.00 kV 200.00 MVA No No Winding/Leg Name: Lado Subestacion Lado Central CT Current Prim: CT Current Sec: CT Grounding: Gnd CT Prim Current: Gnd CT Sec Current: Gnd CT Grounding: 300.00 A 1.00 A tow. Prot. Obj. 12000.00 A 5.00 A n/a 350.00 A 1.00 A tow. Prot. Obj. 12000.00 A 5.00 A n/a CT: Protection device: Reference Winding: Ibias Calculation: Zero Seq. Elimination: Reference Current: Ground CT Used: Disable Comb. char.: Lado Subestacion max ( Ip, Is ) (K1 = 1.00) none PO nominal current No No Idiff>: Idiff>>: 0.47 In 7.50 In tdiff>: tdiff>>: 0.03 s 0.03 s Itol rel: Itol abs: 5.00 % 0.08 In ttol rel: ttol abs: 1.00 % 0.01 s Graph: 5 de 43 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 Single Line View for Protected Object (YY0) L2-E Supply Y Y0 Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: OMICRON Diff Configuration 14-dic-2023 14:42:33 Omar Matos Solis INGELMEC S.A Version: Test End: Manager: 4.31 14-dic-2023 14:42:52 J.A.V 300 s n/a Lado Subestacion No No Apply Load Current: Load Current: Supply Side: Vout winding: Winding/leg output: No 1.00 In Lado Central Lado Subestacion Lado Subestacion Test Settings Test time: Load Side: Fault Side: Vout enabled: Time-triggered: Binary Outputs Test Results for Fault Type L2-E at Fault Location Lado Subestacion ITest = 1.00 In Phase State: Tested Result: Passed Primary Secondary Tertiary Itest Angle Imeas Angle Itest Angle Imeas Angle Itest Angle Imeas Angle L1 L2 L3 E 0.00A 0.77A 0.00A 0.00A 0.0° -180.0° 0.0° 0.0° 0.000A 0.000A 0.000A 0.000A 0.000° 0.000° 0.000° 0.000° 0.00A 0.66A 0.00A 0.00A 0.0° 0.0° 0.0° 0.0° 0.000A 0.000A 0.000A 0.000A 0.000° 0.000° 0.000° 0.000° n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Phase Imeas_diff Imeas_bias 0.000 In 0.000 In 0.000 In 0.002 In 1.000 In 0.002 In L1 L2 L3 6 de 43 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 Test State: Test passed 1 out of 1 points tested. 1 points passed. 0 points failed. 7 de 43 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 2.2) [87T] Falla Bifasica Lado Subestacion: Test Object - Differential Parameters Protected Object: Protected Object: Vector Group: Busbar n/a Winding/Leg Name: Lado Subestacion Lado Central Voltage: Power: Starpoint Grounding: Delta-connected CT: 500.00 kV 200.00 MVA No No 500.00 kV 200.00 MVA No No Winding/Leg Name: Lado Subestacion Lado Central CT Current Prim: CT Current Sec: CT Grounding: Gnd CT Prim Current: Gnd CT Sec Current: Gnd CT Grounding: 300.00 A 1.00 A tow. Prot. Obj. 12000.00 A 5.00 A n/a 350.00 A 1.00 A tow. Prot. Obj. 12000.00 A 5.00 A n/a CT: Protection device: Reference Winding: Ibias Calculation: Zero Seq. Elimination: Reference Current: Ground CT Used: Disable Comb. char.: Lado Subestacion max ( Ip, Is ) (K1 = 1.00) none PO nominal current No No Idiff>: Idiff>>: 0.47 In 7.50 In tdiff>: tdiff>>: 0.03 s 0.03 s Itol rel: Itol abs: 5.00 % 0.08 In ttol rel: ttol abs: 1.00 % 0.01 s Graph: 8 de 43 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 Single Line View for Protected Object (YY0) L3-L1 Supply Y Y0 Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: OMICRON Diff Configuration 14-dic-2023 14:43:00 Omar Matos Solis INGELMEC S.A Version: Test End: Manager: 4.31 14-dic-2023 14:43:18 J.A.V 300 s n/a Lado Subestacion No No Apply Load Current: Load Current: Supply Side: Vout winding: Winding/leg output: No 1.00 In Lado Central Lado Subestacion Lado Subestacion Test Settings Test time: Load Side: Fault Side: Vout enabled: Time-triggered: Binary Outputs Test Results for Fault Type L3-L1 at Fault Location Lado Subestacion ITest = 1.00 In Phase State: Tested Result: Passed Primary Secondary Tertiary Itest Angle Imeas Angle Itest Angle Imeas Angle Itest Angle Imeas Angle L1 L2 L3 E 0.77A 0.00A 0.77A 0.00A -180.0° 0.0° 0.0° 0.0° 0.000A 0.000A 0.000A 0.000A 0.000° 0.000° 0.000° 0.000° 0.66A 0.00A 0.66A 0.00A 0.0° 0.0° 180.0° 0.0° 0.000A 0.000A 0.000A 0.000A 0.000° 0.000° 0.000° 0.000° n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Phase Imeas_diff Imeas_bias 0.000 In 0.000 In 0.000 In 1.000 In 0.001 In 1.000 In L1 L2 L3 9 de 43 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 Test State: Test passed 1 out of 1 points tested. 1 points passed. 0 points failed. 10 de 43 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 2.3) [87T] Falla Trifasica Lado Subestacion: Test Object - Differential Parameters Protected Object: Protected Object: Vector Group: Busbar n/a Winding/Leg Name: Lado Subestacion Lado Central Voltage: Power: Starpoint Grounding: Delta-connected CT: 500.00 kV 200.00 MVA No No 500.00 kV 200.00 MVA No No Winding/Leg Name: Lado Subestacion Lado Central CT Current Prim: CT Current Sec: CT Grounding: Gnd CT Prim Current: Gnd CT Sec Current: Gnd CT Grounding: 300.00 A 1.00 A tow. Prot. Obj. 12000.00 A 5.00 A n/a 350.00 A 1.00 A tow. Prot. Obj. 12000.00 A 5.00 A n/a CT: Protection device: Reference Winding: Ibias Calculation: Zero Seq. Elimination: Reference Current: Ground CT Used: Disable Comb. char.: Lado Subestacion max ( Ip, Is ) (K1 = 1.00) none PO nominal current No No Idiff>: Idiff>>: 0.47 In 7.50 In tdiff>: tdiff>>: 0.03 s 0.03 s Itol rel: Itol abs: 5.00 % 0.08 In ttol rel: ttol abs: 1.00 % 0.01 s Graph: 11 de 43 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 Single Line View for Protected Object (YY0) L1-L2-L3 Supply Y Y0 Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: OMICRON Diff Configuration 14-dic-2023 14:43:27 Omar Matos Solis INGELMEC S.A Version: Test End: Manager: 4.31 14-dic-2023 14:43:43 J.A.V 300 s n/a Lado Subestacion No No Apply Load Current: Load Current: Supply Side: Vout winding: Winding/leg output: No 1.00 In Lado Central Lado Subestacion Lado Subestacion Test Settings Test time: Load Side: Fault Side: Vout enabled: Time-triggered: Binary Outputs Test Results for Fault Type L1-L2-L3 at Fault Location Lado Subestacion ITest = 1.00 In Phase State: Tested Result: Passed Primary Secondary Tertiary Itest Angle Imeas Angle Itest Angle Imeas Angle Itest Angle Imeas Angle L1 L2 L3 E 0.77A 0.77A 0.77A 0.00A -180.0° 60.0° -60.0° 0.0° 0.000A 0.000A 0.000A 0.000A 0.000° 0.000° 0.000° 0.000° 0.66A 0.66A 0.66A 0.00A 0.0° -120.0° 120.0° 0.0° 0.000A 0.000A 0.000A 0.000A 0.000° 0.000° 0.000° 0.000° n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Phase Imeas_diff Imeas_bias 0.000 In 0.000 In 0.000 In 1.000 In 1.000 In 1.000 In L1 L2 L3 12 de 43 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 Test State: Test passed 1 out of 1 points tested. 1 points passed. 0 points failed. 13 de 43 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 2.4) [87T] Falla Monofasica Lado Central: Test Object - Differential Parameters Protected Object: Protected Object: Vector Group: Busbar n/a Winding/Leg Name: Lado Subestacion Lado Central Voltage: Power: Starpoint Grounding: Delta-connected CT: 500.00 kV 200.00 MVA No No 500.00 kV 200.00 MVA No No Winding/Leg Name: Lado Subestacion Lado Central CT Current Prim: CT Current Sec: CT Grounding: Gnd CT Prim Current: Gnd CT Sec Current: Gnd CT Grounding: 300.00 A 1.00 A tow. Prot. Obj. 12000.00 A 5.00 A n/a 350.00 A 1.00 A tow. Prot. Obj. 12000.00 A 5.00 A n/a CT: Protection device: Reference Winding: Ibias Calculation: Zero Seq. Elimination: Reference Current: Ground CT Used: Disable Comb. char.: Lado Subestacion max ( Ip, Is ) (K1 = 1.00) none PO nominal current No No Idiff>: Idiff>>: 0.47 In 7.50 In tdiff>: tdiff>>: 0.03 s 0.03 s Itol rel: Itol abs: 5.00 % 0.08 In ttol rel: ttol abs: 1.00 % 0.01 s Graph: 14 de 43 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 Single Line View for Protected Object (YY0) Supply L3-E Y Y0 Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: OMICRON Diff Configuration 14-dic-2023 14:43:54 Omar Matos Solis INGELMEC S.A Version: Test End: Manager: 4.31 14-dic-2023 14:44:13 J.A.V 300 s n/a Lado Central No No Apply Load Current: Load Current: Supply Side: Vout winding: Winding/leg output: No 1.00 In Lado Subestacion Lado Subestacion Lado Subestacion Test Settings Test time: Load Side: Fault Side: Vout enabled: Time-triggered: Binary Outputs Test Results for Fault Type L3-E at Fault Location Lado Central ITest = 1.00 In Phase State: Tested Result: Passed Primary Secondary Tertiary Itest Angle Imeas Angle Itest Angle Imeas Angle Itest Angle Imeas Angle L1 L2 L3 E 0.00A 0.00A 0.77A 0.00A 0.0° 0.0° 0.0° 0.0° 0.000A 0.000A 0.000A 0.000A 0.000° 0.000° 0.000° 0.000° 0.00A 0.00A 0.66A 0.00A 0.0° 0.0° -180.0° 0.0° 0.000A 0.000A 0.000A 0.000A 0.000° 0.000° 0.000° 0.000° n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Phase Imeas_diff Imeas_bias 0.000 In 0.000 In 0.000 In 0.002 In 0.001 In 1.000 In L1 L2 L3 15 de 43 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 Test State: Test passed 1 out of 1 points tested. 1 points passed. 0 points failed. 16 de 43 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 2.5) [87T] Falla Bifasica Lado Central: Test Object - Differential Parameters Protected Object: Protected Object: Vector Group: Busbar n/a Winding/Leg Name: Lado Subestacion Lado Central Voltage: Power: Starpoint Grounding: Delta-connected CT: 500.00 kV 200.00 MVA No No 500.00 kV 200.00 MVA No No Winding/Leg Name: Lado Subestacion Lado Central CT Current Prim: CT Current Sec: CT Grounding: Gnd CT Prim Current: Gnd CT Sec Current: Gnd CT Grounding: 300.00 A 1.00 A tow. Prot. Obj. 12000.00 A 5.00 A n/a 350.00 A 1.00 A tow. Prot. Obj. 12000.00 A 5.00 A n/a CT: Protection device: Reference Winding: Ibias Calculation: Zero Seq. Elimination: Reference Current: Ground CT Used: Disable Comb. char.: Lado Subestacion max ( Ip, Is ) (K1 = 1.00) none PO nominal current No No Idiff>: Idiff>>: 0.47 In 7.50 In tdiff>: tdiff>>: 0.03 s 0.03 s Itol rel: Itol abs: 5.00 % 0.08 In ttol rel: ttol abs: 1.00 % 0.01 s Graph: 17 de 43 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 Single Line View for Protected Object (YY0) Supply L2-L3 Y Y0 Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: OMICRON Diff Configuration 14-dic-2023 14:44:22 Omar Matos Solis INGELMEC S.A Version: Test End: Manager: 4.31 14-dic-2023 14:44:38 J.A.V 300 s n/a Lado Central No No Apply Load Current: Load Current: Supply Side: Vout winding: Winding/leg output: No 1.00 In Lado Subestacion Lado Subestacion Lado Subestacion Test Settings Test time: Load Side: Fault Side: Vout enabled: Time-triggered: Binary Outputs Test Results for Fault Type L2-L3 at Fault Location Lado Central ITest = 1.00 In Phase State: Tested Result: Passed Primary Secondary Tertiary Itest Angle Imeas Angle Itest Angle Imeas Angle Itest Angle Imeas Angle L1 L2 L3 E 0.00A 0.77A 0.77A 0.00A 0.0° 0.0° 180.0° 0.0° 0.000A 0.000A 0.000A 0.000A 0.000° 0.000° 0.000° 0.000° 0.00A 0.66A 0.66A 0.00A 0.0° -180.0° 0.0° 0.0° 0.000A 0.000A 0.000A 0.000A 0.000° 0.000° 0.000° 0.000° n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Phase Imeas_diff Imeas_bias 0.000 In 0.000 In 0.000 In 0.001 In 1.000 In 1.000 In L1 L2 L3 18 de 43 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 Test State: Test passed 1 out of 1 points tested. 1 points passed. 0 points failed. 19 de 43 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 2.6) [87T] Falla Trifasica Lado Central: Test Object - Differential Parameters Protected Object: Protected Object: Vector Group: Busbar n/a Winding/Leg Name: Lado Subestacion Lado Central Voltage: Power: Starpoint Grounding: Delta-connected CT: 500.00 kV 200.00 MVA No No 500.00 kV 200.00 MVA No No Winding/Leg Name: Lado Subestacion Lado Central CT Current Prim: CT Current Sec: CT Grounding: Gnd CT Prim Current: Gnd CT Sec Current: Gnd CT Grounding: 300.00 A 1.00 A tow. Prot. Obj. 12000.00 A 5.00 A n/a 350.00 A 1.00 A tow. Prot. Obj. 12000.00 A 5.00 A n/a CT: Protection device: Reference Winding: Ibias Calculation: Zero Seq. Elimination: Reference Current: Ground CT Used: Disable Comb. char.: Lado Subestacion max ( Ip, Is ) (K1 = 1.00) none PO nominal current No No Idiff>: Idiff>>: 0.47 In 7.50 In tdiff>: tdiff>>: 0.03 s 0.03 s Itol rel: Itol abs: 5.00 % 0.08 In ttol rel: ttol abs: 1.00 % 0.01 s Graph: 20 de 43 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 Single Line View for Protected Object (YY0) Supply L1-L2-L3 Y Y0 Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: OMICRON Diff Configuration 14-dic-2023 14:44:47 Omar Matos Solis INGELMEC S.A Version: Test End: Manager: 4.31 14-dic-2023 14:45:04 J.A.V 300 s n/a Lado Central No No Apply Load Current: Load Current: Supply Side: Vout winding: Winding/leg output: No 1.00 In Lado Subestacion Lado Subestacion Lado Subestacion Test Settings Test time: Load Side: Fault Side: Vout enabled: Time-triggered: Binary Outputs Test Results for Fault Type L1-L2-L3 at Fault Location Lado Central ITest = 1.00 In Phase State: Tested Result: Passed Primary Secondary Tertiary Itest Angle Imeas Angle Itest Angle Imeas Angle Itest Angle Imeas Angle L1 L2 L3 E 0.77A 0.77A 0.77A 0.00A 0.0° -120.0° 120.0° 0.0° 0.000A 0.000A 0.000A 0.000A 0.000° 0.000° 0.000° 0.000° 0.66A 0.66A 0.66A 0.00A -180.0° 60.0° -60.0° 0.0° 0.000A 0.000A 0.000A 0.000A 0.000° 0.000° 0.000° 0.000° n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Phase Imeas_diff Imeas_bias 0.000 In 0.000 In 0.000 In 1.000 In 1.000 In 1.000 In L1 L2 L3 21 de 43 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 Test State: Test passed 1 out of 1 points tested. 1 points passed. 0 points failed. 22 de 43 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 2.7) [87T] Arranque Lado Subestacion: Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: OMICRON Ramping 14-dic-2023 14:45:15 Omar Matos Solis INGELMEC S.A Version: Test End: Manager: 4.31 14-dic-2023 14:45:38 J.A.V Test Results Assessment Results Name/ Exec. Ramp Condition Sig ARRANQUE 87T_58KV Ramp 1 TRIP L1 0->1 I L1, L2, 361.9 mA L3 Assess: + .. Passed x .. Failed Nom. Act. Tol.- Tol.+ Dev. Assess Tact 362.0 mA 10.00 mA 10.00 mA 100.0 ȝA + 19.30 ms o .. Not assessed Ramp 1 Sig 1/mA 390 380 370 360 350 340 330 320 310 300 2.5 5.0 7.5 10.0 12.5 15.0 17.5 2.5 5.0 7.5 10.0 12.5 15.0 17.5 t/s I L1, L2, L3 TRIP L1 TRIP L2 TRIP L3 TRIP F000 Test State: Test passed 23 de 43 t/s INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 2.8) [87T] Arranque Lado Central: Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: OMICRON Ramping 14-dic-2023 14:45:49 Omar Matos Solis INGELMEC S.A Version: Test End: Manager: 4.31 14-dic-2023 14:46:12 J.A.V Test Results Assessment Results Name/ Exec. Ramp Condition Sig Nom. Act. Tol.- Tol.+ Dev. Assess Tact ARRANQUE 87T_10KV Ramp 1 TRIP L1 0->1 I(2)-1, -2, -3 310.0 mA 310.0 mA 10.00 mA 10.00 mA 0.000 A + 22.90 ms Assess: + .. Passed x .. Failed o .. Not assessed Ramp 1 Sig 1/mA 390 380 370 360 350 340 330 320 310 300 2.5 5.0 7.5 10.0 12.5 15.0 17.5 5.0 7.5 10.0 12.5 15.0 17.5 t/s I(2)-1, -2, -3 TRIP L1 TRIP L2 TRIP L3 TRIP F000 2.5 Test State: Test passed 24 de 43 t/s INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 2.9) [87T] Curva Caracteristica L1L2L3: Test Object - Differential Parameters Protected Object: Protected Object: Vector Group: Busbar n/a Winding/Leg Name: Lado Subestacion Lado Central Voltage: Power: Starpoint Grounding: Delta-connected CT: 500.00 kV 200.00 MVA No No 500.00 kV 200.00 MVA No No Winding/Leg Name: Lado Subestacion Lado Central CT Current Prim: CT Current Sec: CT Grounding: Gnd CT Prim Current: Gnd CT Sec Current: Gnd CT Grounding: 300.00 A 1.00 A tow. Prot. Obj. 12000.00 A 5.00 A n/a 350.00 A 1.00 A tow. Prot. Obj. 12000.00 A 5.00 A n/a CT: Protection device: Reference Winding: Ibias Calculation: Zero Seq. Elimination: Reference Current: Ground CT Used: Disable Comb. char.: Lado Subestacion max ( Ip, Is ) (K1 = 1.00) none PO nominal current No No Idiff>: Idiff>>: 0.47 In 7.50 In tdiff>: tdiff>>: 0.03 s 0.03 s Itol rel: Itol abs: 5.00 % 0.08 In ttol rel: ttol abs: 1.00 % 0.01 s OMICRON Diff Operating Characteristic 14-dic-2023 14:23:24 Omar Matos Solis INGELMEC S.A Version: 4.31 Test End: Manager: 14-dic-2023 14:25:57 J.A.V Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: Test Settings Binary Outputs Test Results for Fault Location L1-L2-L3 at Reference Side Lado Subestacion 25 de 43 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 Ibias Idiff Nominal Idiff Actual Dev (rel) Dev (abs) Check Test State Result 0.50 In 0.60 In 0.90 In 1.50 In 2.00 In 3.00 In 5.00 In 6.60 In 0.470 In 0.470 In 0.539 In 0.719 In 0.870 In 1.370 In 2.769 In 3.889 In 0.472 In 0.473 In 0.536 In 0.716 In 0.866 In 1.367 In 2.764 In 3.893 In 0.0025 In 0.0026 In -0.0033 In -0.0033 In -0.0034 In -0.0030 In -0.0050 In 0.0036 In Tested Tested Tested Tested Tested Tested Tested Tested Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed 0.53 % 0.55 % -0.60 % -0.45 % -0.39 % -0.22 % -0.18 % 0.09 % Operating Characteristic Diagram Idiff [In] 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Ibias [In] Test State: Test passed 8 out of 8 points tested. 8 points passed. 0 points failed. 26 de 43 12 13 14 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 2.10) [87T] Curva Caracteristica L1L2: Test Object - Differential Parameters Protected Object: Protected Object: Vector Group: Busbar n/a Winding/Leg Name: Lado Subestacion Lado Central Voltage: Power: Starpoint Grounding: Delta-connected CT: 500.00 kV 200.00 MVA No No 500.00 kV 200.00 MVA No No Winding/Leg Name: Lado Subestacion Lado Central CT Current Prim: CT Current Sec: CT Grounding: Gnd CT Prim Current: Gnd CT Sec Current: Gnd CT Grounding: 300.00 A 1.00 A tow. Prot. Obj. 12000.00 A 5.00 A n/a 350.00 A 1.00 A tow. Prot. Obj. 12000.00 A 5.00 A n/a CT: Protection device: Reference Winding: Ibias Calculation: Zero Seq. Elimination: Reference Current: Ground CT Used: Disable Comb. char.: Lado Subestacion max ( Ip, Is ) (K1 = 1.00) none PO nominal current No No Idiff>: Idiff>>: 0.47 In 7.50 In tdiff>: tdiff>>: 0.03 s 0.03 s Itol rel: Itol abs: 5.00 % 0.08 In ttol rel: ttol abs: 1.00 % 0.01 s OMICRON Diff Operating Characteristic 14-dic-2023 14:26:11 Omar Matos Solis INGELMEC S.A Version: 4.31 Test End: Manager: 14-dic-2023 14:28:50 J.A.V Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: Test Settings Binary Outputs Test Results for Fault Location L1-L2 at Reference Side Lado Subestacion 27 de 43 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 Ibias Idiff Nominal Idiff Actual Dev (rel) Dev (abs) Check Test State Result 0.50 In 0.60 In 0.90 In 1.50 In 2.00 In 3.00 In 5.00 In 6.60 In 0.470 In 0.470 In 0.539 In 0.719 In 0.870 In 1.370 In 2.769 In 3.889 In 0.467 In 0.473 In 0.536 In 0.716 In 0.866 In 1.367 In 2.764 In 3.893 In -0.0025 In 0.0026 In -0.0033 In -0.0033 In -0.0034 In -0.0030 In -0.0050 In 0.0036 In Tested Tested Tested Tested Tested Tested Tested Tested Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed -0.53 % 0.55 % -0.60 % -0.45 % -0.39 % -0.22 % -0.18 % 0.09 % Operating Characteristic Diagram Idiff [In] 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Ibias [In] Test State: Test passed 8 out of 8 points tested. 8 points passed. 0 points failed. 28 de 43 12 13 14 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 2.11) [87T] Curva Caracteristica L1: Test Object - Differential Parameters Protected Object: Protected Object: Vector Group: Busbar n/a Winding/Leg Name: Lado Subestacion Lado Central Voltage: Power: Starpoint Grounding: Delta-connected CT: 500.00 kV 200.00 MVA No No 500.00 kV 200.00 MVA No No Winding/Leg Name: Lado Subestacion Lado Central CT Current Prim: CT Current Sec: CT Grounding: Gnd CT Prim Current: Gnd CT Sec Current: Gnd CT Grounding: 300.00 A 1.00 A tow. Prot. Obj. 12000.00 A 5.00 A n/a 350.00 A 1.00 A tow. Prot. Obj. 12000.00 A 5.00 A n/a CT: Protection device: Reference Winding: Ibias Calculation: Zero Seq. Elimination: Reference Current: Ground CT Used: Disable Comb. char.: Lado Subestacion max ( Ip, Is ) (K1 = 1.00) none PO nominal current No No Idiff>: Idiff>>: 0.47 In 7.50 In tdiff>: tdiff>>: 0.03 s 0.03 s Itol rel: Itol abs: 5.00 % 0.08 In ttol rel: ttol abs: 1.00 % 0.01 s OMICRON Diff Operating Characteristic 14-dic-2023 14:29:02 Omar Matos Solis INGELMEC S.A Version: 4.31 Test End: Manager: 14-dic-2023 14:31:21 J.A.V Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: Test Settings Binary Outputs Test Results for Fault Location L1-E at Reference Side Lado Subestacion 29 de 43 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 Ibias Idiff Nominal Idiff Actual Dev (rel) Dev (abs) Check Test State Result 0.50 In 0.60 In 0.90 In 1.50 In 2.00 In 3.00 In 4.00 In 0.470 In 0.470 In 0.539 In 0.719 In 0.870 In 1.370 In 2.070 In 0.472 In 0.467 In 0.536 In 0.716 In 0.866 In 1.367 In 2.066 In 0.0025 In -0.0025 In -0.0033 In -0.0033 In -0.0034 In -0.0030 In -0.0040 In Tested Tested Tested Tested Tested Tested Tested Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed 0.53 % -0.53 % -0.60 % -0.45 % -0.39 % -0.22 % -0.19 % Operating Characteristic Diagram Idiff [In] 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Ibias [In] Test State: Test passed 7 out of 7 points tested. 7 points passed. 0 points failed. 30 de 43 12 13 14 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 2.12) [87T] Tiempos de Operacion L1L2L3: Test Settings State State 1 I L1 0.000 A 770.0 mA 0.000 A 1.000 A 0.000 A 1.500 A 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz I L2 0.000 A 770.0 mA 0.000 A 1.000 A 0.000 A 1.500 A -120.00 ° -120.00 ° -120.00 ° -120.00 ° -120.00 ° -120.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz I L3 0.000 A 770.0 mA 0.000 A 1.000 A 0.000 A 1.500 A 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz Max. State Time Trigger Logic User interaction CMGPS trigger IRIG-B/PTP trigger Pulses / seconds Delay after Tr. On trigger jump to test end Diagrams State 2 State 3 State 4 State 5 State 6 1.000 s 50.00 ms 1.000 s 50.00 ms 1.000 s 50.00 ms no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no 1 0.000 s no 1 0.000 s no 1 0.000 s no 1 0.000 s no 1 0.000 s no 1 0.000 s no +90° +90° +90° +90° +90° +90° 180° 0° 12.5-90° A 180° 0° 12.5-90° A 180° 0° 12.5-90° A 180° 12.5-90° A 0° 180° 12.5-90° A 0° 180° 0° 12.5-90° A Time Trigger Settings Start time: Trigger period: Start test accuracy: Next full 1 min 60 s - Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: OMICRON State Sequencer 14-dic-2023 14:31:34 Omar Matos Solis INGELMEC S.A Version: Test End: Manager: 4.31 14-dic-2023 14:31:39 J.A.V Test Results Time Assessment Name Ignore before Start Stop Tnom Tdev- Tdev+ Tact Tdev Trip-1 State 1 State 2 30.00 ms 10.00 ms 10.00 ms 27.70 ms -2.300 ms + Trip-2 State 3 State 4 30.00 ms 10.00 ms 10.00 ms 25.80 ms -4.200 ms + Trip-3 State 5 State 6 TRIP L1 0>1 TRIP L1 0>1 TRIP L1 0>1 30.00 ms 10.00 ms 10.00 ms 25.20 ms -4.800 ms + Assess: + .. Passed x .. Failed o .. Not assessed 31 de 43 Assess INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 State 1 State 3 State 2 State 5 State 4 State 6 CMC256plus I A/A 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 0.25 -0.5 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 2.75 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 2.75 t/s -1.0 -1.5 -2.0 I L1 I L2 I L3 TRIP L1 TRIP L2 TRIP L3 TRIP F000 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 Cursor Data Time Cursor 1 Cursor 2 C2 - C1 Signal 0.000 s <none> 3.150 s <none> 3.150 s Value n/a n/a n/a Test State: Test passed 32 de 43 t/s INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 2.13) [87T] Tiempos de Operacion L1L2: Test Settings State State 1 I L1 0.000 A 770.0 mA 0.000 A 1.000 A 0.000 A 1.500 A 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz I L2 0.000 A 770.0 mA 0.000 A 1.000 A 0.000 A 1.500 A -120.00 ° -120.00 ° -120.00 ° -120.00 ° -120.00 ° -120.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz I L3 0.000 A 0.000 A 0.000 A 0.000 A 0.000 A 0.000 A 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz Max. State Time Trigger Logic User interaction CMGPS trigger IRIG-B/PTP trigger Pulses / seconds Delay after Tr. On trigger jump to test end Diagrams State 2 State 3 State 4 State 5 State 6 1.000 s 50.00 ms 1.000 s 50.00 ms 1.000 s 50.00 ms no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no 1 0.000 s no 1 0.000 s no 1 0.000 s no 1 0.000 s no 1 0.000 s no 1 0.000 s no +90° +90° +90° +90° +90° +90° 180° 0° 12.5-90° A 180° 0° 12.5-90° A 180° 0° 12.5-90° A 180° 12.5-90° A 0° 180° 12.5-90° A 0° 180° 0° 12.5-90° A Time Trigger Settings Start time: Trigger period: Start test accuracy: Next full 1 min 60 s - Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: OMICRON State Sequencer 14-dic-2023 14:31:49 Omar Matos Solis INGELMEC S.A Version: Test End: Manager: 4.31 14-dic-2023 14:31:54 J.A.V Test Results Time Assessment Name Ignore before Start Stop Tnom Tdev- Tdev+ Tact Tdev Trip-1 State 1 State 2 30.00 ms 10.00 ms 10.00 ms 27.00 ms -3.000 ms + Trip-2 State 3 State 4 30.00 ms 10.00 ms 10.00 ms 27.60 ms -2.400 ms + Trip-3 State 5 State 6 TRIP L1 0>1 TRIP L1 0>1 TRIP L1 0>1 30.00 ms 10.00 ms 10.00 ms 27.50 ms -2.500 ms + Assess: + .. Passed x .. Failed o .. Not assessed 33 de 43 Assess INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 State 1 State 3 State 2 State 5 State 4 State 6 CMC256plus I A/A 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 0.25 -0.5 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 2.75 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 2.75 t/s -1.0 -1.5 -2.0 I L1 I L2 I L3 TRIP L1 TRIP L2 TRIP L3 TRIP F000 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 Cursor Data Time Cursor 1 Cursor 2 C2 - C1 Signal 0.000 s <none> 3.150 s <none> 3.150 s Value n/a n/a n/a Test State: Test passed 34 de 43 t/s INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 2.14) [87T] Tiempos de Operacion L1: Test Settings State State 1 I L1 0.000 A 770.0 mA 0.000 A 1.000 A 0.000 A 1.500 A 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz I L2 0.000 A 0.000 A 0.000 A 0.000 A 0.000 A 0.000 A -120.00 ° -120.00 ° -120.00 ° -120.00 ° -120.00 ° -120.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz I L3 0.000 A 0.000 A 0.000 A 0.000 A 0.000 A 0.000 A 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz Max. State Time Trigger Logic User interaction CMGPS trigger IRIG-B/PTP trigger Pulses / seconds Delay after Tr. On trigger jump to test end Diagrams State 2 State 3 State 4 State 5 State 6 1.000 s 50.00 ms 1.000 s 50.00 ms 1.000 s 50.00 ms no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no 1 0.000 s no 1 0.000 s no 1 0.000 s no 1 0.000 s no 1 0.000 s no 1 0.000 s no +90° +90° +90° +90° +90° +90° 180° 0° 12.5-90° A 180° 0° 12.5-90° A 180° 0° 12.5-90° A 180° 12.5-90° A 0° 180° 12.5-90° A 0° 180° 0° 12.5-90° A Time Trigger Settings Start time: Trigger period: Start test accuracy: Next full 1 min 60 s - Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: OMICRON State Sequencer 14-dic-2023 14:32:04 Omar Matos Solis INGELMEC S.A Version: Test End: Manager: 4.31 14-dic-2023 14:32:09 J.A.V Test Results Time Assessment Name Ignore before Start Stop Tnom Tdev- Tdev+ Tact Tdev Trip-1 State 1 State 2 30.00 ms 10.00 ms 10.00 ms 26.20 ms -3.800 ms + Trip-2 State 3 State 4 30.00 ms 10.00 ms 10.00 ms 26.30 ms -3.700 ms + Trip-3 State 5 State 6 TRIP L1 0>1 TRIP L1 0>1 TRIP L1 0>1 30.00 ms 10.00 ms 10.00 ms 26.70 ms -3.300 ms + Assess: + .. Passed x .. Failed o .. Not assessed 35 de 43 Assess INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 State 1 State 3 State 2 State 5 State 4 State 6 CMC256plus I A/A 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 0.25 -0.5 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 2.75 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 2.75 t/s -1.0 -1.5 -2.0 I L1 I L2 I L3 TRIP L1 TRIP L2 TRIP L3 TRIP F000 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 Cursor Data Time Cursor 1 Cursor 2 C2 - C1 Signal 0.000 s <none> 3.150 s <none> 3.150 s Value n/a n/a n/a Test State: Test passed 36 de 43 t/s INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 3) [67N] SOBRECORRIENTE DIRECCIONAL DE TIERRA: 3.1) [67N] Sector Direccional CharAngle = -45deg: Test Object - Overcurrent Parameters General - Values: TimeTolAbs: TimeTolRel: CurrentTolAbs: CurrentTolRel: Directional: 0.06 s 5.00 % 0.05 Iref 5.00 % Yes VT connection: CT starpoint connection: At protected object To protected object Elements - Residual: Active Name Tripping characteristic I Pick-up Time Reset Ratio Direction Yes Yes IN-> IN->> IEC Normal Inverse IEC Definite Time 0.35 Iref 9.60 Iref 0.32 0.10 s 0.95 0.95 Forward Forward Test Module Name: Test Start: User Name: Company: OMICRON Overcurrent 14-dic-2023 14:40:10 Omar Matos Solis INGELMEC S.A Version: Test End: Manager: 4.31 14-dic-2023 14:41:18 J.A.V Shot Test Results: Type Relative To Factor Magnitude Angle tnom tact Deviation Overload Result L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E (---) (---) (---) (---) (---) (---) (---) (---) (---) (---) (---) (---) (---) (---) (---) (---) (---) (---) (---) (---) (---) (---) (---) (---) n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 2.000 A 2.000 A 2.000 A 2.000 A 2.000 A 2.000 A 2.000 A 2.000 A 2.000 A 2.000 A 2.000 A 2.000 A 10.00 A 10.00 A 10.00 A 10.00 A 10.00 A 10.00 A 10.00 A 10.00 A 10.00 A 10.00 A 10.00 A 10.00 A 0.00 ° 25.00 ° 60.00 ° 90.00 ° 120.00 ° 150.00 ° 180.00 ° 215.00 ° 240.00 ° 270.00 ° 300.00 ° 330.00 ° 0.00 ° 25.00 ° 60.00 ° 90.00 ° 120.00 ° 150.00 ° 180.00 ° 215.00 ° 240.00 ° 270.00 ° 300.00 ° 330.00 ° 1.263 s 1.263 s No trip No trip No trip No trip No trip No trip 1.263 s 1.263 s 1.263 s 1.263 s 100.0 ms 100.0 ms No trip No trip No trip No trip No trip No trip 100.0 ms 100.0 ms 100.0 ms 100.0 ms 1.271 s 1.272 s No trip No trip No trip No trip No trip No trip 1.279 s 1.272 s 1.276 s 1.276 s 134.0 ms 137.7 ms No trip No trip No trip No trip No trip No trip 130.8 ms 133.5 ms 130.4 ms 131.7 ms 0.6261 % 0.6973 % n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 1.275 % 0.6894 % 1.030 % 1.046 % 34.00 % 37.70 % n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 30.80 % 33.50 % 30.40 % 31.70 % No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Test State: 24 out of 24 points tested. 24 points passed. 0 points failed. Test passed 37 de 43 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 3.2) [67N] Tiempos de Operacion L1: Módulo de prueba Nombre: Comienzo: Nombre de usuario: Compañía: OMICRON Overcurrent 14-dic.-2023 14:36:32 Omar Matos Solis INGELMEC S.A Versión: Fin: Administrador: 4.31 14-dic.-2023 14:36:55 J.A.V Ajustes de la prueba: Resultados de la prueba de disparo: Tipo Relativa a Factor Magnitud Ángulo tnom. treal Desviación Sobrecarg Resultado a L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E IN-> IN-> IN-> IN->> IN->> IN->> IN->> 1.800 4.000 8.000 850.0 m 1.050 1.100 1.200 630.0 mA 1.400 A 2.800 A 8.160 A 10.08 A 10.56 A 11.52 A -45.00 ° -45.00 ° -45.00 ° -45.00 ° -45.00 ° -45.00 ° -45.00 ° 3.789 s 1.594 s 1.055 s 689.2 ms 100.0 ms 100.0 ms 100.0 ms 3.816 s 1.610 s 1.072 s 741.1 ms 141.9 ms 139.2 ms 141.7 ms 0.7245 % 1.034 % 1.643 % 7.537 % 41.90 % 39.20 % 41.70 % No No No No No No No 7.0 10.0 Correcta Correcta Correcta Correcta Correcta Correcta Correcta Gráficos para tipos de falta: Ángulo Tipo L1-E -45.00 ° 10000.00 1000.00 t/s 100.00 10.00 1.00 0.10 0.3 0.5 0.7 1.0 2.0 3.0 I/A +90° 180° 13.0 A 0° -90° 38 de 43 5.0 20.0 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 Estado de la prueba: 7 de 7 puntos probados. 7 puntos correctos. 0 puntos incorrectos. Prueba correcta 39 de 43 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 3.3) [67N] Tiempos de Operacion L2: Módulo de prueba Nombre: Comienzo: Nombre de usuario: Compañía: OMICRON Overcurrent 14-dic.-2023 14:34:34 Omar Matos Solis INGELMEC S.A Versión: Fin: Administrador: 4.31 14-dic.-2023 14:34:56 J.A.V Ajustes de la prueba: Resultados de la prueba de disparo: Tipo Relativa a Factor Magnitud Ángulo tnom. treal Desviación Sobrecarg Resultado a L2-E L2-E L2-E L2-E L2-E L2-E L2-E IN-> IN-> IN-> IN->> IN->> IN->> IN->> 1.800 4.000 8.000 900.0 m 1.050 1.100 1.200 630.0 mA 1.400 A 2.800 A 8.640 A 10.08 A 10.56 A 11.52 A -45.00 ° -45.00 ° -45.00 ° -45.00 ° -45.00 ° -45.00 ° -45.00 ° 3.789 s 1.594 s 1.055 s 676.5 ms 100.0 ms 100.0 ms 100.0 ms 3.817 s 1.611 s 1.067 s 742.2 ms 142.5 ms 136.9 ms 134.3 ms 0.7509 % 1.109 % 1.160 % 9.715 % 42.50 % 36.90 % 34.30 % No No No No No No No 7.0 10.0 Correcta Correcta Correcta Correcta Correcta Correcta Correcta Gráficos para tipos de falta: Ángulo Tipo L2-E -45.00 ° 10000.00 1000.00 t/s 100.00 10.00 1.00 0.10 0.3 0.5 0.7 1.0 2.0 3.0 I/A +90° 180° 13.0 A 0° -90° 40 de 43 5.0 20.0 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 Estado de la prueba: 7 de 7 puntos probados. 7 puntos correctos. 0 puntos incorrectos. Prueba correcta 41 de 43 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 3.4) [67N] Tiempos de Operacion L3: Módulo de prueba Nombre: Comienzo: Nombre de usuario: Compañía: OMICRON Overcurrent 14-dic.-2023 14:35:07 Omar Matos Solis INGELMEC S.A Versión: Fin: Administrador: 4.31 14-dic.-2023 14:35:29 J.A.V Ajustes de la prueba: Resultados de la prueba de disparo: Tipo Relativa a Factor Magnitud Ángulo tnom. treal Desviación Sobrecarg Resultado a L3-E L3-E L3-E L3-E L3-E L3-E L3-E IN-> IN-> IN-> IN->> IN->> IN->> IN->> 1.800 4.000 8.000 900.0 m 1.050 1.100 1.200 630.0 mA 1.400 A 2.800 A 8.640 A 10.08 A 10.56 A 11.52 A -45.00 ° -45.00 ° -45.00 ° -45.00 ° -45.00 ° -45.00 ° -45.00 ° 3.789 s 1.594 s 1.055 s 676.5 ms 100.0 ms 100.0 ms 100.0 ms 3.817 s 1.608 s 1.065 s 740.5 ms 146.6 ms 141.3 ms 139.5 ms 0.7430 % 0.9148 % 0.9320 % 9.464 % 46.60 % 41.30 % 39.50 % No No No No No No No 7.0 10.0 Correcta Correcta Correcta Correcta Correcta Correcta Correcta Gráficos para tipos de falta: Ángulo Tipo L3-E -45.00 ° 10000.00 1000.00 t/s 100.00 10.00 1.00 0.10 0.3 0.5 0.7 1.0 2.0 3.0 I/A +90° 180° 13.0 A 0° -90° 42 de 43 5.0 20.0 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 Estado de la prueba: 7 de 7 puntos probados. 7 puntos correctos. 0 puntos incorrectos. Prueba correcta 43 de 43 Protocolo de Pruebas Relés de Protección B4.3) AJUSTES DEL RELE (Software DISGI 5) Totally Integrated Automation Portal Settings Device settings Settings Edit mode Number settings groups Activat. of settings group DIGSI 5 uses following IP address Operation-panel language Binary input channel threshold Used time stamp in GOOSE subscriptions Hide settings in IEC 61850 structure Hide SIPROTEC extensions in IEC 61850 structure Use dynamic reporting Block IEC 61850 settings changes Access point used in Edition1 Value secondary 1 settings group 1 (Integrated USB interface) English (United States) Low: 44 V, High: 88 V On message reception Hide all settings (customized) Hide all SIPROTEC extensions (customized) True False E General \Device Number 91.101 91.102 91.138 Settings Rated frequency Minimum operate time Block monitoring dir. Value All: 60 Hz All: 0 s All: off General \Chatter blocking Number 91.123 91.127 91.124 91.125 91.137 Settings No. permis.state changes Initial test time No. of chatter tests Chatter idle time Subsequent test time Value All: 0 All: 1 s All: 0 All: 1 min All: 2 s General \Control Number 91.118 91.119 91.152 Settings Enable sw.auth. station Multiple sw.auth. levels Specific sw. authorities Value All: false All: false All: false General \Spontan.indic. Number 91.139 Settings Fault-display Value All: with pickup General \CFC Number 91.161 Settings CFC chart quality handling Value All: automatic Totally Integrated Automation Portal General \Test support Number 91.150 91.151 Settings Activate device test mode Oper.bin.outp. under test Value All: false All: false Localization Number 6211.139 Settings Unit system Value All: SI Time settings General Settings Date format Value All: DD.MM.YYYY Time source Settings Fault indication after Time source 1 Time source 2 Time zone time source 1 Time zone time source 2 Sync. latency time src.1 Sync. latency time src.2 Value All: 600 s Ch1:port E:SNTP none All: UTC All: local All: 0 us All: 0 us Time zone and daylight saving time Settings Time zone offset to UTC Offset daylight sav. time Switch daylight sav. time Value All: -300 min All: 60 min false Power system \General General Number 11.2311.101 Settings Phase sequence Value All: ABC Power system \Meas.point I-3ph 1 CT 3-phase \General Number 11.931.8881.115 11.931.8881.127 11.931.8881.130 Settings CT connection Tracking Measuring-point ID Value All: 3-phase + IN All: active All: 1 CT 3-phase \CT phases Number 11.931.8881.101 11.931.8881.102 Settings Rated primary current Rated secondary current Value All: 300 A All: 1 A Totally Integrated Automation Portal Number 11.931.8881.117 11.931.8881.118 11.931.8881.116 11.931.8881.114 Settings Current range Internal CT type Neutr.point in dir.of ref.obj Inverted phases Value All: 100 x IR All: CT protection All: yes All: none CT 1 Number 11.931.3841.103 11.931.3841.117 Settings Magnitude correction Phase Value All: 1 All: I A CT 2 Number 11.931.3842.103 11.931.3842.117 Settings Magnitude correction Phase Value All: 1 All: I B CT 3 Number 11.931.3843.103 11.931.3843.117 Settings Magnitude correction Phase Value All: 1 All: I C CT 4 Number 11.931.3844.103 11.931.3844.117 Settings Magnitude correction Phase Value All: 1 All: IN Supv. balan. I Number 11.931.2491.1 11.931.2491.101 11.931.2491.102 11.931.2491.6 Settings Mode Release threshold Threshold min/max Operate delay Value Settings group 1: on Settings group 1: 0.667 A Settings group 1: 0.5 Settings group 1: 5 s Supv. ph.seq.I Number 11.931.2551.1 11.931.2551.6 Settings Mode Operate delay Value Settings group 1: on Settings group 1: 5 s Supv. sum I Number 11.931.2431.1 11.931.2431.102 11.931.2431.101 11.931.2431.6 Settings Mode Threshold Slope factor Operate delay Value Settings group 1: on Settings group 1: 0.133 A Settings group 1: 0.1 Settings group 1: 5 s Totally Integrated Automation Portal Supv.ADC sum I Number 11.931.2401.1 Settings Mode Value Settings group 1: on Power system \Meas.point I-3ph 2 CT 3-phase \General Number 11.932.8881.115 11.932.8881.127 11.932.8881.130 Settings CT connection Tracking Measuring-point ID Value All: 3-phase + IN All: active All: 2 CT 3-phase \CT phases Number 11.932.8881.101 11.932.8881.102 11.932.8881.117 11.932.8881.118 11.932.8881.116 11.932.8881.114 Settings Rated primary current Rated secondary current Current range Internal CT type Neutr.point in dir.of ref.obj Inverted phases Value All: 350 A All: 1 A All: 100 x IR All: CT protection All: yes All: none CT 1 Number 11.932.3841.103 11.932.3841.117 Settings Magnitude correction Phase Value All: 1 All: I A CT 2 Number 11.932.3842.103 11.932.3842.117 Settings Magnitude correction Phase Value All: 1 All: I B CT 3 Number 11.932.3843.103 11.932.3843.117 Settings Magnitude correction Phase Value All: 1 All: I C CT 4 Number 11.932.3844.103 11.932.3844.117 Settings Magnitude correction Phase Value All: 1 All: IN Supv. balan. I Number 11.932.2491.1 11.932.2491.101 11.932.2491.102 11.932.2491.6 Settings Mode Release threshold Threshold min/max Operate delay Value Settings group 1: on Settings group 1: 10.714 A Settings group 1: 0.5 Settings group 1: 5 s Totally Integrated Automation Portal Supv. ph.seq.I Number 11.932.2551.1 11.932.2551.6 Settings Mode Operate delay Value Settings group 1: on Settings group 1: 5 s Supv. sum I Number 11.932.2431.1 11.932.2431.102 11.932.2431.101 11.932.2431.6 Settings Mode Threshold Slope factor Operate delay Value Settings group 1: on Settings group 1: 2.142 A Settings group 1: 0.1 Settings group 1: 5 s Supv.ADC sum I Number 11.932.2401.1 Settings Mode Value Settings group 1: on Power system \Meas.point V-3ph 1 VT 3-phase Number 11.941.8911.101 11.941.8911.102 11.941.8911.104 11.941.8911.106 11.941.8911.111 11.941.8911.130 Settings Rated primary voltage Rated secondary voltage VT connection Inverted phases Tracking Measuring-point ID Value All: 500 kV All: 100 V All: 3 ph-to-gnd voltages All: none All: active All: 3 VT 1 Number 11.941.3811.103 11.941.3811.108 Settings Magnitude correction Phase Value All: 1 All: V A VT 2 Number 11.941.3812.103 11.941.3812.108 Settings Magnitude correction Phase Value All: 1 All: V B VT 3 Number 11.941.3813.103 11.941.3813.108 Settings Magnitude correction Phase Value All: 1 All: V C Supv. balan. V Number 11.941.2521.1 11.941.2521.101 Settings Mode Release threshold Value Settings group 1: off Settings group 1: 50 V Totally Integrated Automation Portal Number 11.941.2521.102 11.941.2521.6 Settings Threshold min/max Operate delay Value Settings group 1: 0.75 Settings group 1: 5 s Supv. ph.seq.V Number 11.941.2581.1 11.941.2581.6 Settings Mode Operate delay Value Settings group 1: off Settings group 1: 5 s Supv. sum V Number 11.941.2461.1 11.941.2461.3 11.941.2461.6 Settings Mode Threshold Operate delay Value Settings group 1: off Settings group 1: 25 V Settings group 1: 5 s VT miniatureCB Number 11.941.2641.101 Settings Response time Value Settings group 1: 0 s Power system \Meas.point V-1ph 1 General Number 11.961.2311.101 11.961.2311.102 11.961.2311.103 11.961.2311.130 Settings Rated primary voltage Rated secondary voltage Tracking Measuring-point ID Value All: 500 kV All: 100 V All: inactive All: 4 VT 1 Number 11.961.3811.103 11.961.3811.108 Settings Magnitude correction Phase Value All: 1 All: V B VT miniatureCB Number 11.961.2641.101 Settings Response time Value Settings group 1: 0 s Settings Fault recording Storage Maximum record time Pre-trigger time Post-trigger time Manual record time Sampling frequency Value All: with pickup All: always All: 5 s All: 0.5 s All: 0.5 s All: 0.5 s All: 2 kHz Recording \Fault recorder Control Number 51.791.2761.130 51.791.2761.131 51.791.2761.111 51.791.2761.112 51.791.2761.113 51.791.2761.116 51.791.2761.140 Totally Integrated Automation Portal SE Puerto Bravo \General General \Rated values Number 911.91.103 911.91.102 911.91.101 Settings Rated apparent power Rated voltage Rated current Value All: 200 MVA All: 500 kV All: 231 A General \Side data Number 911.91.149 911.91.104 911.91.163 911.91.130 911.91.210 911.91.215 Settings Neutral point Winding configuration Vector group numeral Side number MI3ph1 usesMeasP with ID CT mismatch M I-3ph 1 Value Settings group 1: isolated Settings group 1: Y (Wye) All: 0 All: Side 1 All: 1 All: 1.299 General \Measurements Number 911.91.158 Settings P, Q sign Value Settings group 1: not reversed SE Puerto Bravo \50N/51N OC-gnd-A1 Definite-T 1 \General Number 911.211.751.1 911.211.751.2 911.211.751.26 911.211.751.8 911.211.751.3 911.211.751.4 911.211.751.101 911.211.751.6 Settings Mode Operate & flt.rec. blocked Dynamic settings Method of measurement Threshold Dropout ratio Dropout delay Operate delay Value Settings group 1: off Settings group 1: no All: no Settings group 1: fundamental comp. Settings group 1: 0.333 A Settings group 1: 0.95 Settings group 1: 0 s Settings group 1: 0 s Inverse-T 1 \General Number 911.211.781.1 911.211.781.2 911.211.781.26 911.211.781.8 911.211.781.3 911.211.781.108 911.211.781.113 911.211.781.109 911.211.781.101 911.211.781.115 Settings Mode Operate & flt.rec. blocked Dynamic settings Method of measurement Threshold Type of character. curve Min. time of the curve Reset Time dial Additional time delay Value Settings group 1: off Settings group 1: no All: no Settings group 1: fundamental comp. Settings group 1: 1.00 A Settings group 1: IEC normal inverse Settings group 1: 0 s Settings group 1: instantaneous Settings group 1: 0.12 Settings group 1: 0 s Totally Integrated Automation Portal SE Puerto Bravo \67N Dir.OC-gnd-A1 General Number 911.1471.2311.101 911.1471.2311.102 911.1471.2311.103 911.1471.2311.104 Settings Min. voltage V0 or V2 Rotation angle of ref. volt. Forward section +/Polarization with Value Settings group 1: 2 V Settings group 1: -45 ° Settings group 1: 88 ° Settings group 1: zero sequence Definite-T 1 \General Number 911.1471.4861.1 911.1471.4861.2 911.1471.4861.105 911.1471.4861.8 911.1471.4861.104 911.1471.4861.106 911.1471.4861.10 911.1471.4861.26 911.1471.4861.3 911.1471.4861.4 911.1471.4861.101 911.1471.4861.6 Settings Mode Operate & flt.rec. blocked Directional mode Method of measurement Directional comparison Release via input signal Blk. by meas.-volt. failure Dynamic settings Threshold Dropout ratio Dropout delay Operate delay Value Settings group 1: on Settings group 1: no Settings group 1: forward Settings group 1: fundamental comp. Settings group 1: no Settings group 1: no Settings group 1: yes All: no Settings group 1: 9.600 A Settings group 1: 0.95 Settings group 1: 0 s Settings group 1: 0.1 s Inverse-T 1 \General Number 911.1471.4891.1 911.1471.4891.2 911.1471.4891.111 911.1471.4891.8 911.1471.4891.110 911.1471.4891.112 911.1471.4891.10 911.1471.4891.26 911.1471.4891.3 911.1471.4891.130 911.1471.4891.114 911.1471.4891.131 911.1471.4891.101 911.1471.4891.115 Settings Mode Operate & flt.rec. blocked Directional mode Method of measurement Directional comparison Release via input signal Blk. by meas.-volt. failure Dynamic settings Threshold Type of character. curve Min. time of the curve Reset Time dial Additional time delay Value Settings group 1: on Settings group 1: no Settings group 1: forward Settings group 1: fundamental comp. Settings group 1: no Settings group 1: no Settings group 1: yes All: no Settings group 1: 0.35 A Settings group 1: IEC normal inverse Settings group 1: 0 s Settings group 1: instantaneous Settings group 1: 0.32 Settings group 1: 0 s SE Puerto Bravo \27 Undervolt.-3ph 1 General Number 911.131.2311.104 911.131.2311.101 Settings Current-flow criterion Threshold I> Value Settings group 1: off Settings group 1: 0.038 A Definite-T 1 Number 911.131.421.1 911.131.421.2 911.131.421.10 Settings Mode Operate & flt.rec. blocked Blk. by meas.-volt. failure Value Settings group 1: off Settings group 1: no Settings group 1: yes Totally Integrated Automation Portal Number 911.131.421.9 911.131.421.8 911.131.421.101 911.131.421.3 911.131.421.4 911.131.421.6 Settings Measured value Method of measurement Pickup mode Threshold Dropout ratio Operate delay Value Settings group 1: phase-to-ground Settings group 1: fundamental comp. Settings group 1: 1 out of 3 Settings group 1: 54 V Settings group 1: 1.05 Settings group 1: 0.05 s Definite-T 2 Number 911.131.422.1 911.131.422.2 911.131.422.10 911.131.422.9 911.131.422.8 911.131.422.101 911.131.422.3 911.131.422.4 911.131.422.6 Settings Mode Operate & flt.rec. blocked Blk. by meas.-volt. failure Measured value Method of measurement Pickup mode Threshold Dropout ratio Operate delay Value Settings group 1: off Settings group 1: no Settings group 1: yes Settings group 1: phase-to-phase Settings group 1: fundamental comp. Settings group 1: 1 out of 3 Settings group 1: 65 V Settings group 1: 1.05 Settings group 1: 0.5 s SE Puerto Bravo\Ciruit-breaker interaction Protection group SE Puerto Bravo\ 50N/51N OC-gnd-A1\ Definite-T 1 SE Puerto Bravo\ 50N/51N OC-gnd-A1\ Inverse-T 1 SE Puerto Bravo\ 67N Dir.OC-gnd-A1\ Definite-T 1 SE Puerto Bravo\ 67N Dir.OC-gnd-A1\ Inverse-T 1 SE Puerto Bravo\ 27 Undervolt.-3ph 1\ Definite-T 1 SE Puerto Bravo\ 27 Undervolt.-3ph 1\ Definite-T 2 Circuit-breaker group(s) INT-Q0:Trip INT-Q0:Trip INT-Q0:Trip INT-Q0:Trip INT-Q0:Trip INT-Q0:Trip CT Puerto Bravo \General General \Rated values Number 912.91.103 912.91.102 912.91.101 Settings Rated apparent power Rated voltage Rated current Value All: 200 MVA All: 500 kV All: 231 A General \Side data Number 912.91.149 912.91.104 912.91.163 912.91.130 912.91.210 912.91.215 Settings Neutral point Winding configuration Vector group numeral Side number MI3ph1 usesMeasP with ID CT mismatch M I-3ph 1 Value Settings group 1: isolated Settings group 1: Y (Wye) All: 0 All: Side 2 All: 2 All: 1.516 Totally Integrated Automation Portal CT Puerto Bravo \50N/51N OC-gnd-A1 Definite-T 1 \General Number 912.211.751.1 912.211.751.2 912.211.751.26 912.211.751.27 912.211.751.8 912.211.751.3 912.211.751.4 912.211.751.101 912.211.751.6 Settings Mode Operate & flt.rec. blocked Dynamic settings Blk. w. inrush curr. detect. Method of measurement Threshold Dropout ratio Dropout delay Operate delay Value Settings group 1: off Settings group 1: no All: no Settings group 1: no Settings group 1: fundamental comp. Settings group 1: 8.06 A Settings group 1: 0.95 Settings group 1: 0 s Settings group 1: 0.3 s Definite-T 2 \General Number 912.211.752.1 912.211.752.2 912.211.752.26 912.211.752.27 912.211.752.8 912.211.752.3 912.211.752.4 912.211.752.101 912.211.752.6 Settings Mode Operate & flt.rec. blocked Dynamic settings Blk. w. inrush curr. detect. Method of measurement Threshold Dropout ratio Dropout delay Operate delay Value Settings group 1: off Settings group 1: no All: no Settings group 1: no Settings group 1: fundamental comp. Settings group 1: 0.792 A Settings group 1: 0.95 Settings group 1: 0 s Settings group 1: 0.1 s Inverse-T 1 \General Number 912.211.781.1 912.211.781.2 912.211.781.26 912.211.781.27 912.211.781.8 912.211.781.3 912.211.781.108 912.211.781.113 912.211.781.109 912.211.781.101 912.211.781.115 Settings Mode Operate & flt.rec. blocked Dynamic settings Blk. w. inrush curr. detect. Method of measurement Threshold Type of character. curve Min. time of the curve Reset Time dial Additional time delay Value Settings group 1: off Settings group 1: no All: no Settings group 1: no Settings group 1: fundamental comp. Settings group 1: 0.3 A Settings group 1: IEC normal inverse Settings group 1: 0 s Settings group 1: instantaneous Settings group 1: 0.32 Settings group 1: 0 s Settings Mode Operat.-range limit Imax Blocking with CWA Blocking with 2. harmonic 2nd harmonic content Cross-blocking Cross-blocking time Start flt.rec Value All: off Settings group 1: 35.000 A Settings group 1: yes Settings group 1: yes Settings group 1: 15 % Settings group 1: no Settings group 1: 0.06 s Settings group 1: yes CT Puerto Bravo \Inrush detect. Inrush detect. Number 912.4141.1 912.4141.106 912.4141.111 912.4141.110 912.4141.102 912.4141.112 912.4141.109 912.4141.114 Totally Integrated Automation Portal CT Puerto Bravo\Ciruit-breaker interaction Protection group CT Puerto Bravo\ 50N/51N OC-gnd-A1\ Definite-T 1 CT Puerto Bravo\ 50N/51N OC-gnd-A1\ Definite-T 2 CT Puerto Bravo\ 50N/51N OC-gnd-A1\ Inverse-T 1 Circuit-breaker group(s) INT-Q0:Trip INT-Q0:Trip INT-Q0:Trip 87L \87T diff. prot. 1 General Number 901.1691.2311.105 901.1691.2311.110 901.1691.2311.191 901.1691.2311.151 901.1691.2311.156 Settings CT mismatch side 1 M3ph 1 CT mismatch side 2 M3ph 1 Reference side is MU-ID Side 1 Mp3ph 1 MU-ID Side 2 Mp3ph 1 Value All: 1.299 All: 1.516 All: Side 1 All: 1 All: 2 I-DIFF \General Number 901.1691.11041.1 901.1691.11041.2 901.1691.11041.6 Settings Mode Operate & flt.rec. blocked Operate delay Value Settings group 1: on Settings group 1: no Settings group 1: 0 s I-DIFF \Operate curve Number 901.1691.11041.3 901.1691.11041.100 901.1691.11041.101 901.1691.11041.102 901.1691.11041.103 Settings Threshold Slope 1 Intersection 1 Irest Slope 2 Intersection 2 Irest Value Settings group 1: 0.47 I/IrObj Settings group 1: 0.3 Settings group 1: 0.67 I/IrObj Settings group 1: 0.7 Settings group 1: 2.5 I/IrObj I-DIFF \Starting detection Number 901.1691.11041.106 901.1691.11041.107 901.1691.11041.108 901.1691.11041.109 Settings Starting detection Thresh. startup detection Factor increasing char. Max. perm. Start. time Value Settings group 1: no Settings group 1: 0.1 I/IrObj Settings group 1: 2 Settings group 1: 5 s I-DIFF \DC offset detection Number 901.1691.11041.110 Settings Factor increasing char. DC Value Settings group 1: 2.3 I-DIFF \Inrush blocking Number 901.1691.11041.115 901.1691.11041.116 901.1691.11041.117 901.1691.11041.118 Settings Blocking with 2. harmonic 2nd harmonic content Crossblock. time 2nd har. Blocking with CWA Value Settings group 1: no Settings group 1: 15 % Settings group 1: 0 s Settings group 1: no Totally Integrated Automation Portal I-DIFF \Overexcit. blocking Number 901.1691.11041.121 901.1691.11041.122 901.1691.11041.123 901.1691.11041.124 901.1691.11041.125 901.1691.11041.126 901.1691.11041.127 Settings Blocking with 3rd harm. 3rd harmonics content Crossblock. time 3rd har. Blocking with 5th harm. 5th harmonics content Crossblock. time 5th har. Limit Idiff 3., 5. harmonics Value Settings group 1: no Settings group 1: 30 % Settings group 1: 0 s Settings group 1: no Settings group 1: 30 % Settings group 1: 0 s Settings group 1: 1.5 I/IrObj I-DIFF \Ext. fault detection Number 901.1691.11041.128 901.1691.11041.129 901.1691.11041.130 Settings Threshold add-on stabiliz. Time of add-on stabiliz. Crossblk. time add-on st. Value Settings group 1: 2 I/IrObj Settings group 1: 0.3 s Settings group 1: 0.3 s I-DIFF fast Number 901.1691.11071.1 901.1691.11071.3 901.1691.11071.6 901.1691.11071.100 Settings Mode Threshold Operate delay Operate & flt.rec. blocked Value Settings group 1: on Settings group 1: 7.5 I/IrObj Settings group 1: 0 s Settings group 1: no 87L\Ciruit-breaker interaction Protection group 87L\ 87T diff. prot. 1\ I-DIFF 87L\ 87T diff. prot. 1\ I-DIFF fast Circuit-breaker group(s) INT-Q0:Trip INT-Q0:Trip INT-Q0 \General General \Ref. for %-values Number 201.2311.101 201.2311.102 Settings Rated normal current Rated voltage Value All: 231 A All: 500 kV General \Breaker settings Number 201.2311.112 Settings Current thresh. CB open Value All: 0.133 A Settings Reset of trip command Value All: with I< INT-Q0 \Trip logic Trip logic Number 201.5341.103 Totally Integrated Automation Portal INT-Q0 \Circuit break. Circuit break. Number 201.4261.101 Settings Output time Value All: 0.1 s Settings Action time Value Settings group 1: 0.3 s Settings Control model SBO time-out Feedback monitoring time Check switching authority Check if pos. is reached Check double activat. blk. Check blk. by protection Value All: SBO w. enh. security All: 30 s All: 1 s All: yes All: yes All: yes All: yes Settings Dead time Value All: 0.1 s INT-Q0 \Manual close Manual close Number 201.6541.101 INT-Q0 \Control Control Number 201.4201.101 201.4201.102 201.4201.103 201.4201.104 201.4201.105 201.4201.106 201.4201.107 INT-Q0 \CB test CB test Number 201.6151.101 *Setting marked as favorite setting Protocolo de Pruebas Relés de Protección ANEXO B5 CENTRAL TERMICA PUERTO BRAVO PROTECCIÓN PRINCIPAL DE CABLE TR3 RELÉ 7UT85 [F003] CONTENIDO B5.1) PROTOCOLO DE PRUEBAS B5.2) REPORTE DEL SIMULADOR (Test Universe) B5.3) AJUSTES DEL RELE (Software DISGI 5) Protocolo de Pruebas Relés de Protección B5.1) PROTOCOLO DE PRUEBAS Protocolo de Pruebas Relés de Protección Propietario : SAMAY I S.A.C. Identificación : RELÉ DE PROTECCIÓN DIFERENCIAL DE CABLE Ubicación : S.E. PUERTO BRAVO 500kV Código ANSI : 87T, 67N Tablero : =B01+R01 : : F003 Modelo del relé Ref. Código de Equipo : PROTECCIÓN PRINCIPAL DE CABLE TR3 1 .- Datos del Relé de Protección : : Serie : IN : 7UT85 Resultado: Aprobado Fecha: 14/12/2023 Transformadores de Protección Marca SIEMENS CT_Fases Subestacion : Modelo 7UT85 CT_Fases Central : 350/1A BM1808011900 VT _Fases : 500/0.100 kV 300/1A 1A 2 .- Ajustes del Relé Se adjunta reporte de ajustes del relé - Software DIGSI 5 3 .- Inspección Inicial y Verificaciones Resultado Aspecto exterior Conexionado eléctrico Puesta a tierra Comunicación con PC (USB) Display Teclado Frontal CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME 4 .- Otras Funciones Verificadas Resultado Unidades de Medición Relación de VTs y CTs Leds de Señalización del Relé Verificación de contactos de Disparo Disparo efectivo del interruptor por actuación de 87L CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME 5 .- Prueba de Funciones de Protección 5.1) Diferencial de Cable CONFORME 87L 5.2) Sobrecorriente Direccional de Tierra CONFORME 67N Nota: Se Adjunta resultado de pruebas del relé - Test Universe 6 .- Activación de Salidas Binarias 6.1) BO Salidas Binarias (OUTPUTS) BO IO203_BO1.1 IO203_BO1.2 IO203_BO1.3 IO202_BO3.1 IO202_BO3.2 IO202_BO3.3 IO203_BO1.4 Asignación Disparo Bobina 1, Fase R Disparo Bobina 1, Fase S Disparo Bobina 1, Fase T Disparo Bobina 2, Fase R Disparo Bobina 2, Fase S Disparo Bobina 2, Fase T Disparo Definitvo Rele de Bloqueo 86 Resultado CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME Protocolo de Pruebas Relés de Protección Propietario : SAMAY I S.A.C. Identificación : RELÉ DE PROTECCIÓN DIFERENCIAL DE CABLE Ubicación : S.E. PUERTO BRAVO 500kV Código ANSI : 87T, 67N Tablero : =B01+R01 : : F003 Modelo del relé Ref. Código de Equipo : PROTECCIÓN PRINCIPAL DE CABLE TR3 7UT85 Resultado: Aprobado Fecha: 14/12/2023 7 .- Verificación de LEDs de Señalización LEDs LED LED 1.1 LED 1.2 LED 1.3 LED 1.4 LED 1.5 LED 1.6 LED 1.7 LED 1.8 LED 1.9 LED 1.10 LED 1.11 LED 1.12 LED 1.13 LED 1.14 LED 1.15 LED 1.16 Asignación Resultado Disparo General Arranque Fase R Arranque Fase S Arranque Fase T Arranque Neutro Disparo 87L Disparo 67N (Tiempo Inverso Lado GIS) Disparo 67N (Instantaneo Lado GIS) 74TC OK 74 TC Falla Fase R 74 TC Falla Fase S 74 TC Falla Fase T Sincronismo OK Reserva Reserva Reserva CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME CONFORME RESERVA NA NA NA 8 .- Equipos de Prueba Utilizados EQP Descripción Marca Tipo Serie 1 1 Simulador de potencia trifásico OMICRON CMC 256 HH665R 2 1 Computadora portátil LENOVO P50 PCODX2PC Ítem Cant 9 .- Observaciones y Comentarios Obs - Las pruebas de operatividad al relé de protección 7UT85 se han realizado satisfactoriamente. - Se adjuntan los siguientes reportes: * Reporte de ajustes del relé 7UT85 - Software DIGSI 5. * Reporte de pruebas del Software Test Universe - OMICRON CMC256. CONTRATISTA Nombre : Robert Aguila Velásquez Fecha : 14/12/2023 Firma : SUPERVISIÓN Nombre : José Gutierrez 14/12/2023 Fecha : Firma : PROPIETARIO Nombre : Fecha : 14/12/2023 Firma : Protocolo de Pruebas Relés de Protección B5.2) REPORTE DEL SIMULADOR (Test Universe) INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 REPORTE DE PRUEBA S.E. PUERTO BRAVO 500kV PROTECCIÓN DE CABLE TR-3 PROTECCION PRINCIPAL SIEMENS / 7UT85 [F003] Compañia: INGELMEC S.A. Nombre de Usuario: RAGUILA Dia de Prueba: 14 de diciembre de 2023 Estado de Prueba: Passed Modulos de Prueba: 19 Modulos de Prueba Correctos: 19 Modulos de Pruebas con Error: 0 ________________________________________________________________________________ Hardware Configuration Equipo en prueba Tipo No de serie CMC256-6 HH665R Comprobación del hardware Realizado en Resultado 14/12/2023 13:38:09 Correcta Detalles 1 de 45 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 1) [INY] INYECCION INICIAL: 1.1) [INY] Conexion CT's Correcta: Módulo de prueba Nombre: Comienzo: Nombre de usuario: Compañía: OMICRON QuickCMC 14-dic.-2023 14:01:32 RAGUILA INGELMEC SA. Versión: Fin: Administrador: 4.30 14-dic.-2023 14:02:03 JAV Resultados de la prueba Título: INYECCION INICIAL Cálculo de falta: Modo de entrada en tabla Parámetros (Todos los valores son secundarios) Directo V L1-E V L2-E V L3-E I L1 I L2 I L3 57.74 V 57.74 V 57.74 V 770.0 mA 770.0 mA 770.0 mA 30.00 ° -90.00 ° 150.00 ° 0.00 ° -120.00 ° 120.00 ° 30.00° -90.00° 150.00° 0.00° -120.00° 120.00° 180.00° 60.00° 300.00° +90° I L3 V L3-E 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz Ajustes del generador V L1-E V L2-E V L3-E I L1 I L2 I L3 I(2)-1 I(2)-2 I(2)-3 57.735V 57.735V 57.735V 0.770A 0.770A 0.770A 0.660A 0.660A 0.660A VI(2)-2 L1-E I(2)-1 180° I L1 0° I L2 60.0 V -90° V L2-E 800.0 mA I(2)-3 Entradas binarias Nombre Pendient e TRIP L1 TRIP L2 Sobrecarga 0 0 1 Tiempo Resumen 1 pruebas correctas, 0 pruebas incorrectas, 0 pruebas no evaluadas Prueba correcta 2 de 45 100.00% correcto INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 LECTURAS REGISTRADAS EN EL RELÉ 3 de 45 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 4 de 45 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 5 de 45 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 2) [87L] PROTECCION DIFERENCIAL CABLE: 2.1) [87L] Falla Monofasica Lado Subestacion: Equipo en prueba - Parámetros de diferencial Equipo protegido: Equipo protegido: Grupo vectorial: Barra n/a Nombre de devanado: Tensión: Potencia: Pto. estrella a tierra: TC de conexión en triángulo: Lado Subestacion Lado Central 500.00 kV 200.00 MVA No No 500.00 kV 200.00 MVA No No Lado Subestacion Lado Central TC: Nombre de devanado: Corriente del TC Prim: Corriente del TC Sec: Puesta a tierra del TC: I prim de TC tierra: I sec de TC tierra: Puesta a tierra de TC tierra: 300.00 A 350.00 A 1.00 A 1.00 A Hacia equipo prot. Hacia equipo prot. 12000.00 A 12000.00 A 5.00 A 5.00 A n/a n/a Dispositivo de protección: Devanado de ref.: Cálculo de Ipol: Eliminación de homopolar: Corriente de referencia: TC tierra usado: Desactivar caract. comb.: Lado Subestacion max ( Ip, Is ) (K1 = 1.00) ninguno Idiff>: Idiff>>: 0.47 In 7.50 In tdiff>: tdiff>>: 0.03 s 0.03 s Itol rel: Itol abs: 5.00 % 0.08 In ttol rel: ttol abs: 1.00 % 0.01 s Corriente nominal del OP No No Gráfico: 6 de 45 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 Diagrama Unifilar del equipo protegido (YY0) L2-E Suministro Y Y0 Módulo de prueba Nombre: Comienzo: Nombre de usuario: Compañía: OMICRON Diff Configuration 14-dic.-2023 13:56:06 RAGUILA INGELMEC SA. Versión: Fin: Administrador: 4.30 14-dic.-2023 13:56:27 JAV Aplicar corriente de carga: Corriente de carga: Lado de suministro: Devanado de Vsal: Salida de devanado/columna: No 1.00 In Lado Central Lado Subestacion Lado Subestacion Ajustes de la prueba T de prueba: Lado de carga: Lado de falta: Vsal activada: Con trigger de tiempo: 300 s n/a Lado Subestacion No No Salidas binarias Resultados de la prueba de tipo de falta L2-E en ubicación de falta Lado Subestacion Ipru = 1.00 In Fase Estado: Probado Ipru Ángulo 0.0° -180.0° 0.0° 0.0° Secundario Imed Ángulo L1 L2 L3 E 0.00A 0.77A 0.00A 0.00A Fase Imed_diff Imed_pol 0.000 In 0.000 In 0.000 In 0.000 In 1.000 In 0.000 In L1 L2 L3 Resultado: Correcta Primario 0.000A 0.000A 0.000A 0.000A 0.000° 0.000° 0.000° 0.000° Ipru Ángulo 0.00A 0.66A 0.00A 0.00A 0.0° 0.0° 0.0° 0.0° 7 de 45 Terciario Imed Ángulo 0.000A 0.000A 0.000A 0.000A 0.000° 0.000° 0.000° 0.000° Ipru Ángulo n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Imed Ángulo n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 Estado de la prueba: Prueba correcta 1 de 1 puntos probados. 1 puntos correctos. 0 puntos incorrectos. 8 de 45 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 2.2) [87L] Falla Bifasica Lado Subestacion: Equipo en prueba - Parámetros de diferencial Equipo protegido: Equipo protegido: Grupo vectorial: Barra n/a Nombre de devanado: Tensión: Potencia: Pto. estrella a tierra: TC de conexión en triángulo: Lado Subestacion Lado Central 500.00 kV 200.00 MVA No No 500.00 kV 200.00 MVA No No Lado Subestacion Lado Central TC: Nombre de devanado: Corriente del TC Prim: Corriente del TC Sec: Puesta a tierra del TC: I prim de TC tierra: I sec de TC tierra: Puesta a tierra de TC tierra: 300.00 A 350.00 A 1.00 A 1.00 A Hacia equipo prot. Hacia equipo prot. 12000.00 A 12000.00 A 5.00 A 5.00 A n/a n/a Dispositivo de protección: Devanado de ref.: Cálculo de Ipol: Eliminación de homopolar: Corriente de referencia: TC tierra usado: Desactivar caract. comb.: Lado Subestacion max ( Ip, Is ) (K1 = 1.00) ninguno Idiff>: Idiff>>: 0.47 In 7.50 In tdiff>: tdiff>>: 0.03 s 0.03 s Itol rel: Itol abs: 5.00 % 0.08 In ttol rel: ttol abs: 1.00 % 0.01 s Corriente nominal del OP No No Gráfico: 9 de 45 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 Diagrama Unifilar del equipo protegido (YY0) L3-L1 Suministro Y Y0 Módulo de prueba Nombre: Comienzo: Nombre de usuario: Compañía: OMICRON Diff Configuration 14-dic.-2023 13:56:36 RAGUILA INGELMEC SA. Versión: Fin: Administrador: 4.30 14-dic.-2023 13:57:01 JAV Aplicar corriente de carga: Corriente de carga: Lado de suministro: Devanado de Vsal: Salida de devanado/columna: No 1.00 In Lado Central Lado Subestacion Lado Subestacion Ajustes de la prueba T de prueba: Lado de carga: Lado de falta: Vsal activada: Con trigger de tiempo: 300 s n/a Lado Subestacion No No Salidas binarias Resultados de la prueba de tipo de falta L3-L1 en ubicación de falta Lado Subestacion Ipru = 1.00 In Fase Estado: Probado Ipru Ángulo -180.0° 0.0° 0.0° 0.0° Secundario Imed Ángulo L1 L2 L3 E 0.77A 0.00A 0.77A 0.00A Fase Imed_diff Imed_pol 0.000 In 0.000 In 0.000 In 0.999 In 0.000 In 1.000 In L1 L2 L3 Resultado: Correcta Primario 0.000A 0.000A 0.000A 0.000A 0.000° 0.000° 0.000° 0.000° Ipru Ángulo 0.66A 0.00A 0.66A 0.00A 0.0° 0.0° 180.0° 0.0° Terciario Imed Ángulo 0.000A 0.000A 0.000A 0.000A 10 de 45 0.000° 0.000° 0.000° 0.000° Ipru Ángulo n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Imed Ángulo n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 Estado de la prueba: Prueba correcta 1 de 1 puntos probados. 1 puntos correctos. 0 puntos incorrectos. 11 de 45 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 2.3) [87L] Falla Trifasica Lado Subestacion: Equipo en prueba - Parámetros de diferencial Equipo protegido: Equipo protegido: Grupo vectorial: Barra n/a Nombre de devanado: Tensión: Potencia: Pto. estrella a tierra: TC de conexión en triángulo: Lado Subestacion Lado Central 500.00 kV 200.00 MVA No No 500.00 kV 200.00 MVA No No Lado Subestacion Lado Central TC: Nombre de devanado: Corriente del TC Prim: Corriente del TC Sec: Puesta a tierra del TC: I prim de TC tierra: I sec de TC tierra: Puesta a tierra de TC tierra: 300.00 A 350.00 A 1.00 A 1.00 A Hacia equipo prot. Hacia equipo prot. 12000.00 A 12000.00 A 5.00 A 5.00 A n/a n/a Dispositivo de protección: Devanado de ref.: Cálculo de Ipol: Eliminación de homopolar: Corriente de referencia: TC tierra usado: Desactivar caract. comb.: Lado Subestacion max ( Ip, Is ) (K1 = 1.00) ninguno Idiff>: Idiff>>: 0.47 In 7.50 In tdiff>: tdiff>>: 0.03 s 0.03 s Itol rel: Itol abs: 5.00 % 0.08 In ttol rel: ttol abs: 1.00 % 0.01 s Corriente nominal del OP No No Gráfico: 12 de 45 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 Diagrama Unifilar del equipo protegido (YY0) L1-L2-L3 Suministro Y Y0 Módulo de prueba Nombre: Comienzo: Nombre de usuario: Compañía: OMICRON Diff Configuration 14-dic.-2023 13:57:09 RAGUILA INGELMEC SA. Versión: Fin: Administrador: 4.30 14-dic.-2023 13:57:39 JAV Aplicar corriente de carga: Corriente de carga: Lado de suministro: Devanado de Vsal: Salida de devanado/columna: No 1.00 In Lado Central Lado Subestacion Lado Subestacion Ajustes de la prueba T de prueba: Lado de carga: Lado de falta: Vsal activada: Con trigger de tiempo: 300 s n/a Lado Subestacion No No Salidas binarias Resultados de la prueba de tipo de falta L1-L2-L3 en ubicación de falta Lado Subestacion Ipru = 1.00 In Fase Estado: Probado Ipru Ángulo -180.0° 60.0° -60.0° 0.0° Secundario Imed Ángulo L1 L2 L3 E 0.77A 0.77A 0.77A 0.00A Fase Imed_diff Imed_pol 0.000 In 0.000 In 0.999 In 1.000 In L1 L2 Resultado: Correcta Primario 0.000A 0.000A 0.000A 0.000A 0.000° 0.000° 0.000° 0.000° Ipru Ángulo 0.66A 0.66A 0.66A 0.00A 0.0° -120.0° 120.0° 0.0° Terciario Imed Ángulo 0.000A 0.000A 0.000A 0.000A 13 de 45 0.000° 0.000° 0.000° 0.000° Ipru Ángulo n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Imed Ángulo n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 L3 0.000 In 1.000 In Estado de la prueba: Prueba correcta 1 de 1 puntos probados. 1 puntos correctos. 0 puntos incorrectos. 14 de 45 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 2.4) [87L] Falla Monofasica Lado Central: Equipo en prueba - Parámetros de diferencial Equipo protegido: Equipo protegido: Grupo vectorial: Barra n/a Nombre de devanado: Tensión: Potencia: Pto. estrella a tierra: TC de conexión en triángulo: Lado Subestacion Lado Central 500.00 kV 200.00 MVA No No 500.00 kV 200.00 MVA No No Lado Subestacion Lado Central TC: Nombre de devanado: Corriente del TC Prim: Corriente del TC Sec: Puesta a tierra del TC: I prim de TC tierra: I sec de TC tierra: Puesta a tierra de TC tierra: 300.00 A 350.00 A 1.00 A 1.00 A Hacia equipo prot. Hacia equipo prot. 12000.00 A 12000.00 A 5.00 A 5.00 A n/a n/a Dispositivo de protección: Devanado de ref.: Cálculo de Ipol: Eliminación de homopolar: Corriente de referencia: TC tierra usado: Desactivar caract. comb.: Lado Subestacion max ( Ip, Is ) (K1 = 1.00) ninguno Idiff>: Idiff>>: 0.47 In 7.50 In tdiff>: tdiff>>: 0.03 s 0.03 s Itol rel: Itol abs: 5.00 % 0.08 In ttol rel: ttol abs: 1.00 % 0.01 s Corriente nominal del OP No No Gráfico: 15 de 45 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 Diagrama Unifilar del equipo protegido (YY0) Suministro L3-E Y Y0 Módulo de prueba Nombre: Comienzo: Nombre de usuario: Compañía: OMICRON Diff Configuration 14-dic.-2023 13:57:50 RAGUILA INGELMEC SA. Versión: Fin: Administrador: 4.30 14-dic.-2023 13:58:01 JAV Aplicar corriente de carga: Corriente de carga: Lado de suministro: Devanado de Vsal: Salida de devanado/columna: No 1.00 In Lado Subestacion Lado Subestacion Lado Subestacion Ajustes de la prueba T de prueba: Lado de carga: Lado de falta: Vsal activada: Con trigger de tiempo: 300 s n/a Lado Central No No Salidas binarias Resultados de la prueba de tipo de falta L3-E en ubicación de falta Lado Central Ipru = 1.00 In Fase Estado: Probado Ipru Ángulo 0.0° 0.0° 0.0° 0.0° Secundario Imed Ángulo L1 L2 L3 E 0.00A 0.00A 0.77A 0.00A Fase Imed_diff Imed_pol 0.000 In 0.000 In 0.000 In 0.000 In 0.000 In 1.000 In L1 L2 L3 Resultado: Correcta Primario 0.000A 0.000A 0.000A 0.000A 0.000° 0.000° 0.000° 0.000° Ipru Ángulo 0.00A 0.00A 0.66A 0.00A 0.0° 0.0° -180.0° 0.0° Terciario Imed Ángulo 0.000A 0.000A 0.000A 0.000A 16 de 45 0.000° 0.000° 0.000° 0.000° Ipru Ángulo n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Imed Ángulo n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 Estado de la prueba: Prueba correcta 1 de 1 puntos probados. 1 puntos correctos. 0 puntos incorrectos. 17 de 45 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 2.5) [87L] Falla Bifasica Lado Central: Equipo en prueba - Parámetros de diferencial Equipo protegido: Equipo protegido: Grupo vectorial: Barra n/a Nombre de devanado: Tensión: Potencia: Pto. estrella a tierra: TC de conexión en triángulo: Lado Subestacion Lado Central 500.00 kV 200.00 MVA No No 500.00 kV 200.00 MVA No No Lado Subestacion Lado Central TC: Nombre de devanado: Corriente del TC Prim: Corriente del TC Sec: Puesta a tierra del TC: I prim de TC tierra: I sec de TC tierra: Puesta a tierra de TC tierra: 300.00 A 350.00 A 1.00 A 1.00 A Hacia equipo prot. Hacia equipo prot. 12000.00 A 12000.00 A 5.00 A 5.00 A n/a n/a Dispositivo de protección: Devanado de ref.: Cálculo de Ipol: Eliminación de homopolar: Corriente de referencia: TC tierra usado: Desactivar caract. comb.: Lado Subestacion max ( Ip, Is ) (K1 = 1.00) ninguno Idiff>: Idiff>>: 0.47 In 7.50 In tdiff>: tdiff>>: 0.03 s 0.03 s Itol rel: Itol abs: 5.00 % 0.08 In ttol rel: ttol abs: 1.00 % 0.01 s Corriente nominal del OP No No Gráfico: 18 de 45 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 Diagrama Unifilar del equipo protegido (YY0) Suministro L2-L3 Y Y0 Módulo de prueba Nombre: Comienzo: Nombre de usuario: Compañía: OMICRON Diff Configuration 14-dic.-2023 13:58:08 RAGUILA INGELMEC SA. Versión: Fin: Administrador: 4.30 14-dic.-2023 13:58:28 JAV Aplicar corriente de carga: Corriente de carga: Lado de suministro: Devanado de Vsal: Salida de devanado/columna: No 1.00 In Lado Subestacion Lado Subestacion Lado Subestacion Ajustes de la prueba T de prueba: Lado de carga: Lado de falta: Vsal activada: Con trigger de tiempo: 300 s n/a Lado Central No No Salidas binarias Resultados de la prueba de tipo de falta L2-L3 en ubicación de falta Lado Central Ipru = 1.00 In Fase Estado: Probado Ipru Ángulo 0.0° 0.0° 180.0° 0.0° Secundario Imed Ángulo L1 L2 L3 E 0.00A 0.77A 0.77A 0.00A Fase Imed_diff Imed_pol 0.000 In 0.000 In 0.000 In 0.000 In 1.000 In 1.000 In L1 L2 L3 Resultado: Correcta Primario 0.000A 0.000A 0.000A 0.000A 0.000° 0.000° 0.000° 0.000° Ipru Ángulo 0.00A 0.66A 0.66A 0.00A 0.0° -180.0° 0.0° 0.0° Terciario Imed Ángulo 0.000A 0.000A 0.000A 0.000A 19 de 45 0.000° 0.000° 0.000° 0.000° Ipru Ángulo n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Imed Ángulo n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 Estado de la prueba: Prueba correcta 1 de 1 puntos probados. 1 puntos correctos. 0 puntos incorrectos. 20 de 45 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 2.6) [87L] Falla Trifasica Lado Central: Equipo en prueba - Parámetros de diferencial Equipo protegido: Equipo protegido: Grupo vectorial: Barra n/a Nombre de devanado: Tensión: Potencia: Pto. estrella a tierra: TC de conexión en triángulo: Lado Subestacion Lado Central 500.00 kV 200.00 MVA No No 500.00 kV 200.00 MVA No No Lado Subestacion Lado Central TC: Nombre de devanado: Corriente del TC Prim: Corriente del TC Sec: Puesta a tierra del TC: I prim de TC tierra: I sec de TC tierra: Puesta a tierra de TC tierra: 300.00 A 350.00 A 1.00 A 1.00 A Hacia equipo prot. Hacia equipo prot. 12000.00 A 12000.00 A 5.00 A 5.00 A n/a n/a Dispositivo de protección: Devanado de ref.: Cálculo de Ipol: Eliminación de homopolar: Corriente de referencia: TC tierra usado: Desactivar caract. comb.: Lado Subestacion max ( Ip, Is ) (K1 = 1.00) ninguno Idiff>: Idiff>>: 0.47 In 7.50 In tdiff>: tdiff>>: 0.03 s 0.03 s Itol rel: Itol abs: 5.00 % 0.08 In ttol rel: ttol abs: 1.00 % 0.01 s Corriente nominal del OP No No Gráfico: 21 de 45 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 Diagrama Unifilar del equipo protegido (YY0) Suministro L1-L2-L3 Y Y0 Módulo de prueba Nombre: Comienzo: Nombre de usuario: Compañía: OMICRON Diff Configuration 14-dic.-2023 13:58:39 RAGUILA INGELMEC SA. Versión: Fin: Administrador: 4.30 14-dic.-2023 13:59:00 JAV Aplicar corriente de carga: Corriente de carga: Lado de suministro: Devanado de Vsal: Salida de devanado/columna: No 1.00 In Lado Subestacion Lado Subestacion Lado Subestacion Ajustes de la prueba T de prueba: Lado de carga: Lado de falta: Vsal activada: Con trigger de tiempo: 300 s n/a Lado Central No No Salidas binarias Resultados de la prueba de tipo de falta L1-L2-L3 en ubicación de falta Lado Central Ipru = 1.00 In Fase Estado: Probado Ipru Ángulo 0.0° -120.0° 120.0° 0.0° Secundario Imed Ángulo L1 L2 L3 E 0.77A 0.77A 0.77A 0.00A Fase Imed_diff Imed_pol 0.000 In 0.000 In 0.000 In 0.999 In 1.000 In 1.000 In L1 L2 L3 Resultado: Correcta Primario 0.000A 0.000A 0.000A 0.000A 0.000° 0.000° 0.000° 0.000° Ipru Ángulo 0.66A 0.66A 0.66A 0.00A -180.0° 60.0° -60.0° 0.0° Terciario Imed Ángulo 0.000A 0.000A 0.000A 0.000A 22 de 45 0.000° 0.000° 0.000° 0.000° Ipru Ángulo n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Imed Ángulo n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 Estado de la prueba: Prueba correcta 1 de 1 puntos probados. 1 puntos correctos. 0 puntos incorrectos. 23 de 45 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 2.7) [87T] Arranque Lado Subestacion: Módulo de prueba Nombre: Comienzo: Nombre de usuario: Compañía: OMICRON Ramping 14-dic.-2023 13:41:48 RAGUILA INGELMEC SA. Versión: Fin: Administrador: 4.30 14-dic.-2023 13:42:10 JAV Resultados de la prueba Resultados de la evaluación Nombre / ejec. ARRANQUE 87T_58KV Eval.: Rampa Condición Rampa 1 TRIP L1 0->1 + .. Correcto x .. Incorrecto Señ. Nom. Real Tol.- Tol.+ Desv. Eval. treal I L1; L2; L3 361.9 mA 362.0 mA 10.00 mA 10.00 mA 100.0 ȝA + 34.90 ms o .. No evaluado Rampa 1 Señ. 1/mA 390 380 370 360 350 340 330 320 310 300 2.5 5.0 7.5 10.0 12.5 15.0 17.5 2.5 5.0 7.5 10.0 12.5 15.0 17.5 t/s I L1; L2; L3 TRIP L1 TRIP L2 TRIP L3 TRIP F000 Estado de la prueba: Prueba correcta 24 de 45 t/s INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 2.8) [87T] Arranque Lado Central: Módulo de prueba Nombre: Comienzo: Nombre de usuario: Compañía: OMICRON Ramping 14-dic.-2023 13:42:20 RAGUILA INGELMEC SA. Versión: Fin: Administrador: 4.30 14-dic.-2023 13:42:42 JAV Resultados de la prueba Resultados de la evaluación Nombre / ejec. ARRANQUE 87T_10KV Eval.: Rampa Condición Rampa 1 TRIP L1 0->1 + .. Correcto x .. Incorrecto Señ. Nom. Real Tol.- Tol.+ Desv. Eval. treal I(2)-1; -2; -3 310.0 mA 311.0 mA 10.00 mA 10.00 mA 1.000 mA + 9.000 ms o .. No evaluado Rampa 1 Señ. 1/mA 390 380 370 360 350 340 330 320 310 300 2.5 5.0 7.5 10.0 12.5 15.0 17.5 5.0 7.5 10.0 12.5 15.0 17.5 t/s I(2)-1; -2; -3 TRIP L1 TRIP L2 TRIP L3 TRIP F000 2.5 Estado de la prueba: Prueba correcta 25 de 45 t/s INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 2.9) [87T] Curva Caracteristica L1L2L3: Equipo en prueba - Parámetros de diferencial Equipo protegido: Equipo protegido: Grupo vectorial: Barra n/a Nombre de devanado: Tensión: Potencia: Pto. estrella a tierra: TC de conexión en triángulo: Lado Subestacion Lado Central 500.00 kV 200.00 MVA No No 500.00 kV 200.00 MVA No No Lado Subestacion Lado Central TC: Nombre de devanado: 300.00 A 350.00 A 1.00 A 1.00 A Hacia equipo prot. Hacia equipo prot. 12000.00 A 12000.00 A 5.00 A 5.00 A n/a n/a Corriente del TC Prim: Corriente del TC Sec: Puesta a tierra del TC: I prim de TC tierra: I sec de TC tierra: Puesta a tierra de TC tierra: Dispositivo de protección: Devanado de ref.: Cálculo de Ipol: Eliminación de homopolar: Corriente de referencia: TC tierra usado: Desactivar caract. comb.: Lado Subestacion max ( Ip, Is ) (K1 = 1.00) ninguno Idiff>: Idiff>>: 0.47 In 7.50 In tdiff>: tdiff>>: 0.03 s 0.03 s Itol rel: Itol abs: 5.00 % 0.08 In ttol rel: ttol abs: 1.00 % 0.01 s Versión: 4.30 Fin: Administrador: 14-dic.-2023 13:45:43 JAV Corriente nominal del OP No No Módulo de prueba Nombre: Comienzo: Nombre de usuario: Compañía: OMICRON Diff Operating Characteristic 14-dic.-2023 13:43:06 RAGUILA INGELMEC SA. 26 de 45 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 Ajustes de la prueba Ajustes generales: Probando: Tiempo máx. de prueba: Pre-falta: Corriente de pre-falta: Vsal activada: Con trigger de tiempo: Lado Subestacion / Lado Central 1.50 s No 0.00 In No No Tiempo de retardo: 0.03 s Tiempo de pre-falta: Devanado de Vsal: Salida de devanado/columna: 0.000 s Lado Subestacion Lado Subestacion Resolución absoluta: 0.010 In Ajustes de prueba de búsqueda: Ignorar carac. por defecto: Resolución relativa: No 0.10 % Salidas binarias Resultados de la prueba de ubicación de falta L1-L2-L3 en el lado de referencia Lado Subestacion Ipol Idiff Nominal Idiff real Desv (rel) Desv (abs) 0.50 In 0.60 In 0.90 In 1.50 In 2.00 In 3.00 In 5.00 In 6.60 In 0.470 In 0.470 In 0.539 In 0.719 In 0.870 In 1.370 In 2.769 In 3.889 In 0.472 In 0.473 In 0.536 In 0.716 In 0.866 In 1.367 In 2.764 In 3.886 In 0.53 % 0.55 % -0.60 % -0.45 % -0.39 % -0.22 % -0.18 % -0.08 % 0.0025 In 0.0026 In -0.0033 In -0.0033 In -0.0034 In -0.0030 In -0.0050 In -0.0033 In Prueba de verificació n Estado Resultado Probado Probado Probado Probado Probado Probado Probado Probado Correcta Correcta Correcta Correcta Correcta Correcta Correcta Correcta Diagrama de la característica de operación Idiff [In] 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Ipol [In] 27 de 45 12 13 14 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 Estado de la prueba: Prueba correcta 8 de 8 puntos probados. 8 puntos correctos. 0 puntos incorrectos. 28 de 45 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 2.10) [87T] Curva Caracteristica L1L2: Equipo en prueba - Parámetros de diferencial Equipo protegido: Equipo protegido: Grupo vectorial: Barra n/a Nombre de devanado: Tensión: Potencia: Pto. estrella a tierra: TC de conexión en triángulo: Lado Subestacion Lado Central 500.00 kV 200.00 MVA No No 500.00 kV 200.00 MVA No No Lado Subestacion Lado Central TC: Nombre de devanado: 300.00 A 350.00 A 1.00 A 1.00 A Hacia equipo prot. Hacia equipo prot. 12000.00 A 12000.00 A 5.00 A 5.00 A n/a n/a Corriente del TC Prim: Corriente del TC Sec: Puesta a tierra del TC: I prim de TC tierra: I sec de TC tierra: Puesta a tierra de TC tierra: Dispositivo de protección: Devanado de ref.: Cálculo de Ipol: Eliminación de homopolar: Corriente de referencia: TC tierra usado: Desactivar caract. comb.: Lado Subestacion max ( Ip, Is ) (K1 = 1.00) ninguno Idiff>: Idiff>>: 0.47 In 7.50 In tdiff>: tdiff>>: 0.03 s 0.03 s Itol rel: Itol abs: 5.00 % 0.08 In ttol rel: ttol abs: 1.00 % 0.01 s Versión: 4.30 Fin: Administrador: 14-dic.-2023 13:48:34 JAV Corriente nominal del OP No No Módulo de prueba Nombre: Comienzo: Nombre de usuario: Compañía: OMICRON Diff Operating Characteristic 14-dic.-2023 13:45:54 RAGUILA INGELMEC SA. 29 de 45 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 Ajustes de la prueba Ajustes generales: Probando: Tiempo máx. de prueba: Pre-falta: Corriente de pre-falta: Vsal activada: Con trigger de tiempo: Lado Subestacion / Lado Central 1.50 s No 0.00 In No No Tiempo de retardo: 0.03 s Tiempo de pre-falta: Devanado de Vsal: Salida de devanado/columna: 0.000 s Lado Subestacion Lado Subestacion Resolución absoluta: 0.010 In Ajustes de prueba de búsqueda: Ignorar carac. por defecto: Resolución relativa: No 0.10 % Salidas binarias Resultados de la prueba de ubicación de falta L1-L2 en el lado de referencia Lado Subestacion Ipol Idiff Nominal Idiff real Desv (rel) Desv (abs) 0.50 In 0.60 In 0.90 In 1.50 In 2.00 In 3.00 In 5.00 In 6.60 In 0.470 In 0.470 In 0.539 In 0.719 In 0.870 In 1.370 In 2.769 In 3.889 In 0.472 In 0.473 In 0.536 In 0.716 In 0.866 In 1.367 In 2.764 In 3.886 In 0.53 % 0.55 % -0.60 % -0.45 % -0.39 % -0.22 % -0.18 % -0.08 % 0.0025 In 0.0026 In -0.0033 In -0.0033 In -0.0034 In -0.0030 In -0.0050 In -0.0033 In Prueba de verificació n Estado Resultado Probado Probado Probado Probado Probado Probado Probado Probado Correcta Correcta Correcta Correcta Correcta Correcta Correcta Correcta Diagrama de la característica de operación Idiff [In] 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Ipol [In] 30 de 45 12 13 14 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 Estado de la prueba: Prueba correcta 8 de 8 puntos probados. 8 puntos correctos. 0 puntos incorrectos. 31 de 45 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 2.11) [87T] Curva Caracteristica L1: Equipo en prueba - Parámetros de diferencial Equipo protegido: Equipo protegido: Grupo vectorial: Barra n/a Nombre de devanado: Tensión: Potencia: Pto. estrella a tierra: TC de conexión en triángulo: Lado Subestacion Lado Central 500.00 kV 200.00 MVA No No 500.00 kV 200.00 MVA No No Lado Subestacion Lado Central TC: Nombre de devanado: 300.00 A 350.00 A 1.00 A 1.00 A Hacia equipo prot. Hacia equipo prot. 12000.00 A 12000.00 A 5.00 A 5.00 A n/a n/a Corriente del TC Prim: Corriente del TC Sec: Puesta a tierra del TC: I prim de TC tierra: I sec de TC tierra: Puesta a tierra de TC tierra: Dispositivo de protección: Devanado de ref.: Cálculo de Ipol: Eliminación de homopolar: Corriente de referencia: TC tierra usado: Desactivar caract. comb.: Lado Subestacion max ( Ip, Is ) (K1 = 1.00) ninguno Idiff>: Idiff>>: 0.47 In 7.50 In tdiff>: tdiff>>: 0.03 s 0.03 s Itol rel: Itol abs: 5.00 % 0.08 In ttol rel: ttol abs: 1.00 % 0.01 s Versión: 4.30 Fin: Administrador: 14-dic.-2023 13:51:34 JAV Corriente nominal del OP No No Módulo de prueba Nombre: Comienzo: Nombre de usuario: Compañía: OMICRON Diff Operating Characteristic 14-dic.-2023 13:48:52 RAGUILA INGELMEC SA. 32 de 45 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 Ajustes de la prueba Ajustes generales: Probando: Tiempo máx. de prueba: Pre-falta: Corriente de pre-falta: Vsal activada: Con trigger de tiempo: Lado Subestacion / Lado Central 1.50 s No 0.00 In No No Tiempo de retardo: 0.03 s Tiempo de pre-falta: Devanado de Vsal: Salida de devanado/columna: 0.000 s Lado Subestacion Lado Subestacion Resolución absoluta: 0.010 In Ajustes de prueba de búsqueda: Ignorar carac. por defecto: Resolución relativa: No 0.10 % Salidas binarias Resultados de la prueba de ubicación de falta L1-E en el lado de referencia Lado Subestacion Ipol Idiff Nominal Idiff real Desv (rel) Desv (abs) 0.50 In 0.60 In 0.90 In 1.50 In 2.00 In 3.00 In 4.00 In 5.00 In 0.470 In 0.470 In 0.539 In 0.719 In 0.870 In 1.370 In 2.070 In 2.769 In 0.472 In 0.467 In 0.536 In 0.716 In 0.866 In 1.367 In 2.066 In 2.764 In 0.53 % -0.53 % -0.60 % -0.45 % -0.39 % -0.22 % -0.19 % -0.18 % 0.0025 In -0.0025 In -0.0033 In -0.0033 In -0.0034 In -0.0030 In -0.0040 In -0.0050 In Prueba de verificació n Estado Resultado Probado Probado Probado Probado Probado Probado Probado Probado Correcta Correcta Correcta Correcta Correcta Correcta Correcta Correcta Diagrama de la característica de operación Idiff [In] 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Ipol [In] 33 de 45 12 13 14 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 Estado de la prueba: Prueba correcta 8 de 8 puntos probados. 8 puntos correctos. 0 puntos incorrectos. 34 de 45 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 2.12) [87T] Tiempos de Operacion L1L2L3: Ajustes de la prueba Estado Estado 1 I L1 0.00 A 770.0 mA 0.00 A 1.000 A 0.00 A 1.500 A 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz I L2 0.00 A 770.0 mA 0.00 A 1.000 A 0.00 A 1.500 A -120.00 ° -120.00 ° -120.00 ° -120.00 ° -120.00 ° -120.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz I L3 0.00 A 770.0 mA 0.00 A 1.000 A 0.00 A 1.500 A 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz Estado 2 Estado 3 Estado 4 Estado 5 Estado 6 Módulo de prueba Nombre: Comienzo: Nombre de usuario: Compañía: OMICRON State Sequencer 14-dic.-2023 13:52:04 RAGUILA INGELMEC SA. Versión: Fin: Administrador: 4.30 14-dic.-2023 13:52:09 JAV Resultados de la prueba Evaluación de tiempo Nombre Ignorar antes Inicio Fin tnom. tdesv- tdesv+ treal tdesv. Trip-1 Estado 1 Estado 2 30.00 ms 10.00 ms 10.00 ms 26.70 ms -3.300 ms + Trip-2 Estado 3 Estado 4 30.00 ms 10.00 ms 10.00 ms 26.80 ms -3.200 ms + Trip-3 Estado 5 Estado 6 TRIP L1 0>1 TRIP L1 0>1 TRIP L1 0>1 30.00 ms 10.00 ms 10.00 ms 26.80 ms -3.200 ms + Eval.: + .. Correcto x .. Incorrecto o .. No evaluado Estado de la prueba: Prueba correcta 35 de 45 Eval. INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 2.13) [87L] Tiempos de Operacion L1L2: Ajustes de la prueba Estado Estado 1 I L1 0.00 A 770.0 mA 0.00 A 1.000 A 0.00 A 1.500 A 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz I L2 0.00 A 770.0 mA 0.00 A 1.000 A 0.00 A 1.500 A -120.00 ° -120.00 ° -120.00 ° -120.00 ° -120.00 ° -120.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz I L3 0.00 A 0.00 A 0.00 A 0.00 A 0.00 A 0.00 A 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz Estado 2 Estado 3 Estado 4 Estado 5 Estado 6 Módulo de prueba Nombre: Comienzo: Nombre de usuario: Compañía: OMICRON State Sequencer 14-dic.-2023 13:53:13 RAGUILA INGELMEC SA. Versión: Fin: Administrador: 4.30 14-dic.-2023 13:53:18 JAV Resultados de la prueba Evaluación de tiempo Nombre Ignorar antes Inicio Fin tnom. tdesv- tdesv+ treal tdesv. Trip-1 Estado 1 Estado 2 30.00 ms 10.00 ms 10.00 ms 26.80 ms -3.200 ms + Trip-2 Estado 3 Estado 4 30.00 ms 10.00 ms 10.00 ms 27.40 ms -2.600 ms + Trip-3 Estado 5 Estado 6 TRIP L1 0>1 TRIP L1 0>1 TRIP L1 0>1 30.00 ms 10.00 ms 10.00 ms 27.40 ms -2.600 ms + Eval.: + .. Correcto x .. Incorrecto o .. No evaluado Estado de la prueba: Prueba correcta 36 de 45 Eval. INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 2.14) [87L] Tiempos de Operacion L1: Ajustes de la prueba Estado Estado 1 I L1 0.00 A 770.0 mA 0.00 A 1.000 A 0.00 A 1.500 A 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz I L2 0.00 A 0.00 A 0.00 A 0.00 A 0.00 A 0.00 A -120.00 ° -120.00 ° -120.00 ° -120.00 ° -120.00 ° -120.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz I L3 0.00 A 0.00 A 0.00 A 0.00 A 0.00 A 0.00 A 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 120.00 ° 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz Estado 2 Estado 3 Estado 4 Estado 5 Estado 6 Módulo de prueba Nombre: Comienzo: Nombre de usuario: Compañía: OMICRON State Sequencer 14-dic.-2023 13:53:42 RAGUILA INGELMEC SA. Versión: Fin: Administrador: 4.30 14-dic.-2023 13:53:47 JAV Resultados de la prueba Evaluación de tiempo Nombre Ignorar antes Inicio Fin tnom. tdesv- tdesv+ treal tdesv. Trip-1 Estado 1 Estado 2 30.00 ms 10.00 ms 10.00 ms 27.70 ms -2.300 ms + Trip-2 Estado 3 Estado 4 30.00 ms 10.00 ms 10.00 ms 27.70 ms -2.300 ms + Trip-3 Estado 5 Estado 6 TRIP L1 0>1 TRIP L1 0>1 TRIP L1 0>1 30.00 ms 10.00 ms 10.00 ms 27.80 ms -2.200 ms + Eval.: + .. Correcto x .. Incorrecto o .. No evaluado Estado de la prueba: Prueba correcta 37 de 45 Eval. INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 3) [67N] SOBRECORRIENTE DIRECCIONAL DE TIERRA: 3.1) [67N] Sector Direccional CharAngle = -45deg: Equipo en prueba - Parámetros de sobrecorriente General - Valores: Tol. tiem. abs.: To. tiem. rel.: 0.06 s 5.00 % Tol. corr. abs.: Tol. corr. rel.: Direccional: 0.05 Iref 5.00 % Sí Conexión del TT: Conexión del pto. de estrella del TC: En equipo protegido A equipo protegido Elementos - Residuales: Activo Nombre Característica de disparo I arranque Tiempo Relación de Dirección restauración: Sí Sí IN-> IN->> IEC Normal Inverse IEC Tiempo definido 0.35 Iref 9.60 Iref 0.32 0.10 s 0.95 0.95 Hacia delante Hacia delante Módulo de prueba Nombre: Comienzo: Nombre de usuario: Compañía: OMICRON Overcurrent 14-dic.-2023 13:40:24 RAGUILA INGELMEC SA. Versión: Fin: Administrador: 4.30 14-dic.-2023 13:41:30 JAV Resultados de la prueba de disparo: Tipo Relativa a Factor Magnitud Ángulo tnom. treal Desviación Sobrecarg Resultado a L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E (---) (---) (---) (---) (---) (---) (---) (---) (---) (---) (---) (---) (---) (---) (---) (---) (---) (---) (---) (---) (---) (---) (---) (---) n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 2.000 A 2.000 A 2.000 A 2.000 A 2.000 A 2.000 A 2.000 A 2.000 A 2.000 A 2.000 A 2.000 A 2.000 A 10.00 A 10.00 A 10.00 A 10.00 A 10.00 A 10.00 A 10.00 A 10.00 A 10.00 A 10.00 A 10.00 A 10.00 A 0.00 ° 25.00 ° 60.00 ° 90.00 ° 120.00 ° 150.00 ° 180.00 ° 215.00 ° 240.00 ° 270.00 ° 300.00 ° 330.00 ° 0.00 ° 25.00 ° 60.00 ° 90.00 ° 120.00 ° 150.00 ° 180.00 ° 215.00 ° 240.00 ° 270.00 ° 300.00 ° 330.00 ° 1.263 s 1.263 s Sin disparo Sin disparo Sin disparo Sin disparo Sin disparo Sin disparo 1.263 s 1.263 s 1.263 s 1.263 s 100.0 ms 100.0 ms Sin disparo Sin disparo Sin disparo Sin disparo Sin disparo Sin disparo 100.0 ms 100.0 ms 100.0 ms 100.0 ms 1.274 s 1.275 s Sin disparo Sin disparo Sin disparo Sin disparo Sin disparo Sin disparo 1.279 s 1.278 s 1.271 s 1.277 s 136.3 ms 134.9 ms Sin disparo Sin disparo Sin disparo Sin disparo Sin disparo Sin disparo 137.7 ms 134.4 ms 131.5 ms 136.7 ms 0.8953 % 0.9270 % n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 1.252 % 1.228 % 0.6261 % 1.101 % 36.30 % 34.90 % n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 37.70 % 34.40 % 31.50 % 36.70 % No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No 38 de 45 Correcta Correcta Correcta Correcta Correcta Correcta Correcta Correcta Correcta Correcta Correcta Correcta Correcta Correcta Correcta Correcta Correcta Correcta Correcta Correcta Correcta Correcta Correcta Correcta INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 Estado de la prueba: 24 de 24 puntos probados. 24 puntos correctos. 0 puntos incorrectos. Prueba correcta 39 de 45 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 3.2) [67N] Tiempos de Operacion L1: Módulo de prueba Nombre: Comienzo: Nombre de usuario: Compañía: OMICRON Overcurrent 14-dic.-2023 13:38:27 RAGUILA INGELMEC SA. Versión: Fin: Administrador: 4.30 14-dic.-2023 13:38:48 JAV Ajustes de la prueba: Resultados de la prueba de disparo: Tipo Relativa a Factor Magnitud Ángulo tnom. treal Desviación Sobrecarg Resultado a L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E L1-E IN-> IN-> IN-> IN->> IN->> IN->> IN->> 1.800 4.000 8.000 900.0 m 1.050 1.100 1.200 630.0 mA 1.400 A 2.800 A 8.640 A 10.08 A 10.56 A 11.52 A -45.00 ° -45.00 ° -45.00 ° -45.00 ° -45.00 ° -45.00 ° -45.00 ° 3.789 s 1.594 s 1.055 s 676.5 ms 100.0 ms 100.0 ms 100.0 ms 3.818 s 1.607 s 1.068 s 742.1 ms 136.7 ms 139.1 ms 133.3 ms 0.7694 % 0.8207 % 1.197 % 9.700 % 36.70 % 39.10 % 33.30 % No No No No No No No 7.0 10.0 Correcta Correcta Correcta Correcta Correcta Correcta Correcta Gráficos para tipos de falta: Ángulo Tipo L1-E -45.00 ° 10000.00 1000.00 t/s 100.00 10.00 1.00 0.10 0.3 0.5 0.7 1.0 2.0 3.0 I/A +90° 180° 13.0 A 0° -90° 40 de 45 5.0 20.0 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 Estado de la prueba: 7 de 7 puntos probados. 7 puntos correctos. 0 puntos incorrectos. Prueba correcta 41 de 45 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 3.3) [67N] Tiempos de Operacion L2: Módulo de prueba Nombre: Comienzo: Nombre de usuario: Compañía: OMICRON Overcurrent 14-dic.-2023 13:39:19 RAGUILA INGELMEC SA. Versión: Fin: Administrador: 4.30 14-dic.-2023 13:39:41 JAV Ajustes de la prueba: Resultados de la prueba de disparo: Tipo Relativa a Factor Magnitud Ángulo tnom. treal Desviación Sobrecarg Resultado a L2-E L2-E L2-E L2-E L2-E L2-E L2-E IN-> IN-> IN-> IN->> IN->> IN->> IN->> 1.800 4.000 8.000 900.0 m 1.050 1.100 1.200 630.0 mA 1.400 A 2.800 A 8.640 A 10.08 A 10.56 A 11.52 A -45.00 ° -45.00 ° -45.00 ° -45.00 ° -45.00 ° -45.00 ° -45.00 ° 3.789 s 1.594 s 1.055 s 676.5 ms 100.0 ms 100.0 ms 100.0 ms 3.813 s 1.612 s 1.066 s 741.0 ms 131.2 ms 138.5 ms 136.4 ms 0.6533 % 1.166 % 1.065 % 9.538 % 31.20 % 38.50 % 36.40 % No No No No No No No 7.0 10.0 Correcta Correcta Correcta Correcta Correcta Correcta Correcta Gráficos para tipos de falta: Ángulo Tipo L2-E -45.00 ° 10000.00 1000.00 t/s 100.00 10.00 1.00 0.10 0.3 0.5 0.7 1.0 2.0 3.0 I/A +90° 180° 13.0 A 0° -90° 42 de 45 5.0 20.0 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 Estado de la prueba: 7 de 7 puntos probados. 7 puntos correctos. 0 puntos incorrectos. Prueba correcta 43 de 45 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 3.4) [67N] Tiempos de Operacion L3: Módulo de prueba Nombre: Comienzo: Nombre de usuario: Compañía: OMICRON Overcurrent 14-dic.-2023 13:39:51 RAGUILA INGELMEC SA. Versión: Fin: Administrador: 4.30 14-dic.-2023 13:40:12 JAV Ajustes de la prueba: Resultados de la prueba de disparo: Tipo Relativa a Factor Magnitud Ángulo tnom. treal Desviación Sobrecarg Resultado a L3-E L3-E L3-E L3-E L3-E L3-E L3-E IN-> IN-> IN-> IN->> IN->> IN->> IN->> 1.800 4.000 8.000 900.0 m 1.050 1.100 1.200 630.0 mA 1.400 A 2.800 A 8.640 A 10.08 A 10.56 A 11.52 A -45.00 ° -45.00 ° -45.00 ° -45.00 ° -45.00 ° -45.00 ° -45.00 ° 3.789 s 1.594 s 1.055 s 676.5 ms 100.0 ms 100.0 ms 100.0 ms 3.817 s 1.609 s 1.068 s 735.1 ms 138.4 ms 137.0 ms 136.0 ms 0.7562 % 0.9713 % 1.254 % 8.665 % 38.40 % 37.00 % 36.00 % No No No No No No No 7.0 10.0 Correcta Correcta Correcta Correcta Correcta Correcta Correcta Gráficos para tipos de falta: Ángulo Tipo L3-E -45.00 ° 10000.00 1000.00 t/s 100.00 10.00 1.00 0.10 0.3 0.5 0.7 1.0 2.0 3.0 I/A +90° 180° 13.0 A 0° -90° 44 de 45 5.0 20.0 INGELMEC S.A. Pruebas de Operatividad de Relés de Protección Mantenimiento Eléctrico para el año 2023 Estado de la prueba: 7 de 7 puntos probados. 7 puntos correctos. 0 puntos incorrectos. Prueba correcta 45 de 45 Protocolo de Pruebas Relés de Protección B5.3) AJUSTES DEL RELE (Software DISGI 5) Totally Integrated Automation Portal Device information Device details Name Name IEC 61850 name IEC 61850 Edition Type Serial number Configuration version Communication configuration version Product code Short product code CPU type Value B04_F003 B04_F003 IEC 61850 Edition 1 7UT85 V06.21.03 V06.20.00 7UT85-DAAA-AA0-0AAAA0-AD0111-23111B-BAA000-000AA0CC1BA1-CB1CF0-CG0CG0 P1F51402 CP200 Condensed information about configured protection functions. SE Puerto Bravo Name 50N/51N OC-gnd-A1 67N Dir.OC-gnd-A1 27 Undervolt.-3ph 1 Value Settings group 1: off Settings group 1: on Settings group 1: off CT Puerto Bravo Name 50N/51N OC-gnd-A1 Value Settings group 1: off 87L Name 87T diff. prot. 1 Value Settings group 1: on Function points Name Function-points consumption Value 23 out of 30 Function-chart (CFC) statistics Name Ticks for task High priority Event-Triggered Ticks for task Event-Triggered Ticks for task Low priority Event-Triggered and Low priority Cyclic-Triggered Value 0 out of 500 791 out of 9825 1321 out of 91359 Totally Integrated Automation Portal Settings Device settings Settings Edit mode Number settings groups Activat. of settings group DIGSI 5 uses the following interface Operation-panel language Binary input channel threshold Used time stamp in GOOSE subscriptions Hide settings in IEC 61850 structure Hide SIPROTEC extensions in IEC 61850 structure Use dynamic reporting Block IEC 61850 settings changes Access point used in Edition1 Value secondary 1 settings group 1 (Integrated USB interface) English (United States) Low: 44 V, High: 88 V On message reception Hide all settings Hide all SIPROTEC extensions True False E General \Device Number 91.101 91.102 91.138 Settings Rated frequency Minimum operate time Block monitoring dir. Value All: 60 Hz All: 0 s All: off General \Chatter blocking Number 91.123 91.127 91.124 91.125 91.137 Settings No. permis.state changes Initial test time No. of chatter tests Chatter idle time Subsequent test time Value All: 0 All: 1 s All: 0 All: 1 min All: 2 s General \Control Number 91.118 91.119 91.152 Settings Enable sw.auth. station Multiple sw.auth. levels Specific sw. authorities Value All: false All: false All: false General \Spontan.indic. Number 91.139 Settings Fault-display Value All: with pickup General \CFC Number 91.161 Settings CFC chart quality handling Value All: automatic Totally Integrated Automation Portal General \Test support Number 91.150 91.151 Settings Activate device test mode Oper.bin.outp. under test Value All: false All: false Localization Number 6211.139 Settings Unit system Value All: SI Time settings General Settings Date format Value All: DD.MM.YYYY Time source Settings Fault indication after Time source 1 Time source 2 Time zone time source 1 Time zone time source 2 Sync. latency time src.1 Sync. latency time src.2 Value All: 600 s Ch1:port E:SNTP none All: UTC All: local All: 0 us All: 0 us Time zone and daylight saving time Settings Time zone offset to UTC Offset daylight sav. time Switch daylight sav. time Value All: -300 min All: 60 min false Power system \General General Number 11.2311.101 Settings Phase sequence Value All: ABC Power system \Meas.point I-3ph 1 CT 3-phase \General Number 11.931.8881.115 11.931.8881.127 11.931.8881.130 Settings CT connection Tracking Measuring-point ID Value All: 3-phase + IN All: active All: 1 CT 3-phase \CT phases Number 11.931.8881.101 11.931.8881.102 Settings Rated primary current Rated secondary current Value All: 300 A All: 1 A Totally Integrated Automation Portal Number 11.931.8881.117 11.931.8881.118 11.931.8881.116 11.931.8881.114 Settings Current range Internal CT type Neutr.point in dir.of ref.obj Inverted phases Value All: 100 x IR All: CT protection All: yes All: none CT 1 Number 11.931.3841.103 11.931.3841.117 Settings Magnitude correction Phase Value All: 1 All: I A CT 2 Number 11.931.3842.103 11.931.3842.117 Settings Magnitude correction Phase Value All: 1 All: I B CT 3 Number 11.931.3843.103 11.931.3843.117 Settings Magnitude correction Phase Value All: 1 All: I C CT 4 Number 11.931.3844.103 11.931.3844.117 Settings Magnitude correction Phase Value All: 1 All: IN Supv. balan. I Number 11.931.2491.1 11.931.2491.101 11.931.2491.102 11.931.2491.6 Settings Mode Release threshold Threshold min/max Operate delay Value Settings group 1: on Settings group 1: 0.667 A Settings group 1: 0.5 Settings group 1: 5 s Supv. ph.seq.I Number 11.931.2551.1 11.931.2551.6 Settings Mode Operate delay Value Settings group 1: on Settings group 1: 5 s Supv. sum I Number 11.931.2431.1 11.931.2431.102 11.931.2431.101 11.931.2431.6 Settings Mode Threshold Slope factor Operate delay Value Settings group 1: on Settings group 1: 0.133 A Settings group 1: 0.1 Settings group 1: 5 s Totally Integrated Automation Portal Supv.ADC sum I Number 11.931.2401.1 Settings Mode Value Settings group 1: on Power system \Meas.point I-3ph 2 CT 3-phase \General Number 11.932.8881.115 11.932.8881.127 11.932.8881.130 Settings CT connection Tracking Measuring-point ID Value All: 3-phase + IN All: active All: 2 CT 3-phase \CT phases Number 11.932.8881.101 11.932.8881.102 11.932.8881.117 11.932.8881.118 11.932.8881.116 11.932.8881.114 Settings Rated primary current Rated secondary current Current range Internal CT type Neutr.point in dir.of ref.obj Inverted phases Value All: 350 A All: 1 A All: 100 x IR All: CT protection All: yes All: none CT 1 Number 11.932.3841.103 11.932.3841.117 Settings Magnitude correction Phase Value All: 1 All: I A CT 2 Number 11.932.3842.103 11.932.3842.117 Settings Magnitude correction Phase Value All: 1 All: I B CT 3 Number 11.932.3843.103 11.932.3843.117 Settings Magnitude correction Phase Value All: 1 All: I C CT 4 Number 11.932.3844.103 11.932.3844.117 Settings Magnitude correction Phase Value All: 1 All: IN Supv. balan. I Number 11.932.2491.1 11.932.2491.101 11.932.2491.102 11.932.2491.6 Settings Mode Release threshold Threshold min/max Operate delay Value Settings group 1: on Settings group 1: 10.714 A Settings group 1: 0.5 Settings group 1: 5 s Totally Integrated Automation Portal Supv. ph.seq.I Number 11.932.2551.1 11.932.2551.6 Settings Mode Operate delay Value Settings group 1: on Settings group 1: 5 s Supv. sum I Number 11.932.2431.1 11.932.2431.102 11.932.2431.101 11.932.2431.6 Settings Mode Threshold Slope factor Operate delay Value Settings group 1: on Settings group 1: 2.142 A Settings group 1: 0.1 Settings group 1: 5 s Supv.ADC sum I Number 11.932.2401.1 Settings Mode Value Settings group 1: on Power system \Meas.point V-3ph 1 VT 3-phase Number 11.941.8911.101 11.941.8911.102 11.941.8911.104 11.941.8911.106 11.941.8911.111 11.941.8911.130 Settings Rated primary voltage Rated secondary voltage VT connection Inverted phases Tracking Measuring-point ID Value All: 500 kV All: 100 V All: 3 ph-to-gnd voltages All: none All: active All: 3 VT 1 Number 11.941.3811.103 11.941.3811.108 Settings Magnitude correction Phase Value All: 1 All: V A VT 2 Number 11.941.3812.103 11.941.3812.108 Settings Magnitude correction Phase Value All: 1 All: V B VT 3 Number 11.941.3813.103 11.941.3813.108 Settings Magnitude correction Phase Value All: 1 All: V C Supv. balan. V Number 11.941.2521.1 11.941.2521.101 Settings Mode Release threshold Value Settings group 1: off Settings group 1: 50 V Totally Integrated Automation Portal Number 11.941.2521.102 11.941.2521.6 Settings Threshold min/max Operate delay Value Settings group 1: 0.75 Settings group 1: 5 s Supv. ph.seq.V Number 11.941.2581.1 11.941.2581.6 Settings Mode Operate delay Value Settings group 1: off Settings group 1: 5 s Supv. sum V Number 11.941.2461.1 11.941.2461.3 11.941.2461.6 Settings Mode Threshold Operate delay Value Settings group 1: off Settings group 1: 25 V Settings group 1: 5 s VT miniatureCB Number 11.941.2641.101 Settings Response time Value Settings group 1: 0 s Power system \Meas.point V-1ph 1 General Number 11.961.2311.101 11.961.2311.102 11.961.2311.103 11.961.2311.130 Settings Rated primary voltage Rated secondary voltage Tracking Measuring-point ID Value All: 500 kV All: 100 V All: inactive All: 4 VT 1 Number 11.961.3811.103 11.961.3811.108 Settings Magnitude correction Phase Value All: 1 All: V B VT miniatureCB Number 11.961.2641.101 Settings Response time Value Settings group 1: 0 s Settings Fault recording Storage Maximum record time Pre-trigger time Post-trigger time Manual record time Sampling frequency Value All: with pickup All: always All: 5 s All: 0.5 s All: 0.5 s All: 0.5 s All: 2 kHz Recording \Fault recorder Control Number 51.791.2761.130 51.791.2761.131 51.791.2761.111 51.791.2761.112 51.791.2761.113 51.791.2761.116 51.791.2761.140 Totally Integrated Automation Portal SE Puerto Bravo \General General \Rated values Number 911.91.103 911.91.102 911.91.101 Settings Rated apparent power Rated voltage Rated current Value All: 200 MVA All: 500 kV All: 231 A General \Side data Number 911.91.149 911.91.104 911.91.163 911.91.130 911.91.210 911.91.215 Settings Neutral point Winding configuration Vector group numeral Side number MI3ph1 usesMeasP with ID CT mismatch M I-3ph 1 Value Settings group 1: isolated Settings group 1: Y (Wye) All: 0 All: Side 1 All: 1 All: 1.299 General \Measurements Number 911.91.158 Settings P, Q sign Value Settings group 1: not reversed SE Puerto Bravo \Process monitor SE Puerto Bravo \50N/51N OC-gnd-A1 Definite-T 1 \General Number 911.211.751.1 911.211.751.2 911.211.751.26 911.211.751.8 911.211.751.3 911.211.751.4 911.211.751.101 911.211.751.6 Settings Mode Operate & flt.rec. blocked Dynamic settings Method of measurement Threshold Dropout ratio Dropout delay Operate delay Value Settings group 1: off Settings group 1: no All: no Settings group 1: fundamental comp. Settings group 1: 0.333 A Settings group 1: 0.95 Settings group 1: 0 s Settings group 1: 0 s Inverse-T 1 \General Number 911.211.781.1 911.211.781.2 911.211.781.26 911.211.781.8 911.211.781.3 911.211.781.108 911.211.781.113 911.211.781.109 911.211.781.101 911.211.781.115 Settings Mode Operate & flt.rec. blocked Dynamic settings Method of measurement Threshold Type of character. curve Min. time of the curve Reset Time dial Additional time delay Value Settings group 1: off Settings group 1: no All: no Settings group 1: fundamental comp. Settings group 1: 1.00 A Settings group 1: IEC normal inverse Settings group 1: 0 s Settings group 1: instantaneous Settings group 1: 0.12 Settings