Medical-Surgical Nursing I Assessment Study Guide/Response Examples General Survey This involves “looking at the client”. Describe how they appear. Comment on: o Physical Appearance: Age: Does the client appear as stated age? LOC: alert, confused, lethargic, unresponsive. Skin color: Pink, pale, flushed, jaundice, etc Any signs of distress? If yes, explain. Examples: SOB, guarded movements o Body Structure: Nutrition: Does weight appear normal for height? Examples: Wt. appropriate for ht.; overweight; underweight, etc. Position: Describe: sitting upright; in tripod position; in fetal position, etc. Mobility: Describe: full ROM, paralysis; jerky movements, etc. o Mood: Describe: cooperative; agitated; crying; withdrawn; non-communicative, etc. 1. Vital Signs – record data in each section 2. Comfort: Pain Location: State location of pain. If no pain is present, write “none” or “Ø” o Examples: Rt. Knee; RLQ (Right Lower Quadrant); Lt knee, etc. Intensity: State on a range from 0 (no pain) to 10 (unbearable pain). Document number value stated by client. Character: Ask client “What does the pain feel like?” o Examples: “throbbing”;” stabbing”;” knife-like”; “dull; aching”, etc. Onset & Duration: Ask client “When did the pain begin?”, “How long does it last?” o Examples: “4 months ago”, “after breakfast”, “upon arising”, etc Aggravation & Alleviation: o What makes the pain worse? Examples: Movement, bending, lying down, walking, standing, etc. o What makes the pain better? Examples: Medications, massage, heat/cold, changing position, etc. PCA Pump: state if present or not. If client is using the PCA pump, how often? 3. HEENT Head: Note size, shape, any lesions, or tenderness, hair distribution o Examples: symmetrical, nontender, hair thinned over crown, etc Eyes: Note color, discharge o Examples: yellow tinge bilateral sclera, no discharge, etc Ears: Note any drainage, lesions, hearing issues o Examples: clear, no drainage, hearing intact, no hearing aids, etc Nose: Note color, presence of exudate, patency o Examples: left nostril limited airflow, pink, no drainage, minimal yellow exudate right nostril, etc. Throat & Mouth: Note color, moisture, lesions, dentation. Page 1 of 6 o Examples: pink, pale, moist, dry, no lesions, white coating tongue, several missing teeth, dentation intact, several missing teeth, etc. 4. Oxygenation Skin/Mucus Membranes/Nail Bed Color: Lung Sounds: o Describe what you hear. Crackles: Crackling sound caused by air entering bronchioles/alveoli containing serous secretions. Rhonchi: abnormal coarse sound heard especially over trachea Wheezing: breathing with a whistling sound Examples: clear and equal bilaterally; no adventitious breath sounds; expansion symmetrical o Describe where the sound is heard. State side: right (R), left (L), bilateral (B) State area: upper lobes (UL), lower lobes (LL), bases State when: on inspiration, on expiration, on inspiration and expiration Examples: RUL (right upper lobe), BLL (bilateral lower lobe); bibasilar (both bases), etc Respiratory depth & effort: Describe work of breathing. o Examples: deep; shallow; regular depth and pattern, eupneic (eupnea is regular, quiet, effortless respirations, unlabored breath sounds); dyspneic (dyspnea is labored or difficult breathing); tachypneic (tachypnea is a fast respiratory rate >24/min for adult), bradypneic (bradypnea is a slow respiratory rate <12/min for adult), etc. Oxygen: State is patient is on oxygen, flow rate, and delivery method o Examples: no oxygen, on 3 L O2 via NC (nasal cannula) Pulse Ox: State if is on room air or oxygen. o Examples: 93% on 2 L of O2 Cough: Write what you observe or patient states o Examples: non-productive; productive; tight; loose, etc Sputum/color: Describe color and amount. o Examples: clear; white; yellow; green; blood tinged, scant, moderate, large, etc Dyspnea: If yes, when? o Examples: constantly, with ambulation/activity, when speaking, etc. Trach: If present, describe site Chest Tubes: If present, state location, describe site o Examples: 5. Perfusion: Cardiovascular Apical Rhythm: Describeo Examples: regular; irregular, etc. Peripheral Pulses: Assess bilaterally at same time. Objective is to identify the presence and the strength of the pulse. Document pulses using the following four-point scale: o 4+ bounding o 3+ increased o 2+ normal o 1+ weak o 0 absent Page 2 of 6 o Examples: strong; weak; thread; bounding, etc Capillary Refill: Record for UEs and Les o Examples: immediate; <3 sec; delayed; > 3 sec, etc Edema: If no edema present, write “none” or Ø. If present, rate the degree of edema present on the following scale: 1+ mild pitting, slight indentation, no perceptible swelling of leg 2+ moderate pitting, indentation subsides rapidly. 3+ deep pitting indentation, remains for a short time, leg looks swollen. 4+ very deep pitting, indentation last a long time, leg is very swollen. o Location: Indicate anatomical location o Examples: sacrum; ankles; RLE (Rt lower extremity); BLEs (bilateral lower extremities); Rt hand; periorbital, etc. Homan’s Sign: AV Shunt: Bruit ______ Thrill _________ 6. Tissue Integrity: Integrumentary Skin Temperature: cool, warm, etc Skin Turgor: Assess status; options for sites: sternum, forehead, inner aspect of thigh. o Examples: quick recoil; poor; tenting, etc Skin Condition o Rashes: state location and appearance o Petechiae: state location o Lesions: Identify type of lesion and location Examples: abrasion left elbow o Bruising: If present, state location/s o Incisions: If no incision sites are present, write “none” or “Ø” o Wound drainage Examples: purulent; sero-sanguineous; serous, etc o Pressure Injuries: If no lesions or ulcers are noted, write “pressure points without redness”. If present, state location, stage, size, description of wound bed, etc Examples: Unstageable pressure injury R heel, wound base with thick yellow covering, measures 10x12 cm, no drainage or warmth, surrounding tissue intact o IV sites: Indicate location, catheter site, and site appearance. Example: Angiocath 20 Ga 1 ½ inch in place Rt wrist with no erythema or drainage; Angiocath 22 Ga 1 inch IV to Lt forearm noted with mild erythema, warmth, no drainage, no pain; etc 7. Cognition: Neurological Level of Consciousness: Indicate level o Examples: alert, lethargic, responds to painful stimuli, comatose Glasgow Coma Scale o Eye opening: Indicate patient response and corresponding number. o Verbal response: Indicate patient response and corresponding number. o Motor response: Indicate patient response and corresponding number. Pupils: Note pupil size and reaction o Examples: pupils 3 mm, PERRLA, etc. Page 3 of 6 Numbness/Tingling: If present, state where. o Examples: denies numbness/tingling, c/o numbness over right foot Orientation: Describe client’s orientation to time, place, person, situation o Examples: A&O x4; oriented to x2 - person, place only Memory: o Distant: Ask questions such as when is your birthday? etc. o Recent: Ask questions such as what brought you to the hospital, what did you have for breakfast? Speech: Assess client’s ability to speak and understand o Examples: clear, slurred, spontaneous, expressive aphasia, nonverbal Language: 8. Mobility: Musculoskeletal Mobility: Note ability to move extremities, fingers, toes o Examples: all extremities with symmetrical movement, unable to move RUE, etc. Gait/Balance: Describe o Example: walks easily, has good balance; limps; poor BLE balance; fear of falling, etc Fall risk indication: State if client is a fall risk. If client is a fall risk, identify risk factors. o Considerations for fall risk includes > 65 years, vision issues, weakness, urinary frequency, gait/balance problems, cognitive dysfunction, medications (i.e., antihypertensives, narcotics, sedatives, anti-depressants) Hip precautions: List precautions. CPM @: State current setting/degree Assistive equipment: No or yes. If yes, list devices o Examples: walker, cane, crutches, wheelchair, etc Activity order: Write current physician order. Muscle strength: Describe on a scale of 0 to 5. o 5 = Full range of motion against normal resistance and gravity o 4 = Full range of motion against moderate resistance and gravity o 3 = Full range of motion against gravity only o 2 = Full range of motion with gravity eliminated o 1 = Slight muscle contraction palpable, but no movement noted o 0 = No visible or palpable contraction, paralysis of limb Range of Motion: Identify is client has full, limited, or contractures of the extremities. 9. Elimination: Gastrointestinal Abdomen o Inspection: Note contour, lesions, incisions Examples: flat, rounded, distended, midline incision o Auscultation: Note bowel sounds over all 4 quadrants (RLQ, RUQ, LUQ, LLQ) Examples: normal, hypoactive, hyperactive, absent o Palpation: Examples: soft; non-distended; firm; non-tender; tender (specify area); presence of mass(es) (specify area); guarding, etc. o Percussion: not a G140 assessment Bowel o Flatus: State present or absent Page 4 of 6 o Last BM/description: State date, describe amount, color, consistency, odor. Examples: small, moderate, large, brown, tarry, hard, watery, aromatic (normal), pungent (strong smelling) o Laxative use: Identify medication used and frequency. NG/GT/JT: Mark if to suction or gravity. Record output for shift o Example: 450 ml dark green gastric fluid over previous 24 hr; etc Ostomy: State type (colostomy or ileostomy) and stool characteristics o Examples: colostomy LLQ with liquid stool, etc. 10. Elimination: Urinary Appearance: Describe color, clarity, odor, presence of sediment o Examples: yellow, cloudy, amber, bloody, clear, without foul odor Output: o 24-hour output: obtain previous day output in EMR. o Shift output: record in mL. If output not being measured, list number of times patient voided (voided x 4) Catheter: Yes/No. If yes, indicate size. o Examples: 16 Fr indwelling cath Incontinence: Yes/No. If yes, indicate type. o Examples: stress incontinence, functional incontinence 11. Nutrition Weight: Record most recent weight in pounds Height: Record in feet and inches Diet: State current diet order NPO: State yes or no o If yes, describe reason. o Examples: surgery, bowel obstruction Appetite: Record % of meals consumed during your shift Supplements: List any supplement the client is on o Examples: Ensure TID; Renal Source BID, etc NG/JPEG: Document formula and rate TPN/PPN: Identify which whether TPN or PPN and the rate Nausea: State yes or no Vomiting: State yes or no o If yes, describe amount/frequency and appearance. 12. Fluid & Electrolytes IV solution & rate: Document 24-Hour Intake & Output: review EMR for 24 Hour totals from previous day Tissue turgor: Assess status; options for sites: sternum, forehead, inner aspect of thigh. o Example: quick recoil; poor; tenting, etc Mucous membranes: Assess conjunctival sacs, assess oral mucosa. o Example: moist; dry; dry furrowed tongue, etc . Page 5 of 6 13. Metabolism: Endocrine Blood glucose: record accuchecks Thyroid/Pituitary: List disorders: o Examples: Hypothyroidism, Hyperthyroidism, Cushing’s Disease Stressors: Identify any issues that is a stressor to the client o Examples: hospitalization, recent death in family, cancer diagnosis, separation from family, adjusting to disease, financial issues, etc. 14. Rest & Sleep Describe: # of hours slept; any interruptions during the night; any need to go to the bathroom during the night, etc. o Examples: c/o (complains of) frequent interruptions during nightly; feels rested upon arising; sleeps apx. 6 hours during the night; frequent naps during the day 15. Support Systems/Coping Family Support: Identify significant individuals in the client’s life. o Examples: Pt states her “sister is an important part of her life”, Pt states “his grandchildren bring him joy” Acceptance of Support: o Examples: pt allows family to assist; seems happy to see family; expresses glad to receive phone calls; openly accepts hugs and kisses, etc Coping Mechanisms: Identify methods client uses to cope or not cope with situation. o Examples: pt states her counselor helps her deal with loss of mobility; talks with family; uses meditation to deal with pain; avoids discussion about illness, etc. Interactions with significant others and healthcare staff: Observe interactions. o Examples: smiles; thanks family for visiting; hugs children/wife; talkative, etc. Page 6 of 6