BOGOR RAYA SECONDARY SCHOOL Grade 9 Biology Worksheet Human Digestion Rylen midelyn Name : ____________________ 8/19 8/29 Date : ______________ - Grade : 9 ___________ A ↑ BALANCED DIET 1. Explain what is meant by the term “balanced diet” for humans dier a contains rhar healty in all proportions 7 nutrients 2. Complete the table below listing the components of a balanced diet as well as their function. Some boxeshave been completed for you Component/Source Why they are important Component: Vitamins Synthesis of collagen , absorption of calcium phosphares from investines ; keeps bones Source(s): & Vitamin C: oranges and lemons Vitamin D: eggs and cheese reer strong creation of new & . Component: Proteins hormones / chromatin formation of antibodies in Source(s): milk, eggs , seafood & mear soya beans , nurs , grains enzymes , chromosomes cyroplasm , , , Component: carbohydrates acrs as a , Source(s): grains storage nucleic acias organs of plants . , Component: Prevents lipids for our source of energy body helps , structures & form supporting creates lubricants and necrar . ↓ and water excessive near loss, a source & Score of energy , solvent for Vitamins Source(s): of fish rypes , Other hormones , important component for beet , dairy Olives membranes cell . nurs peas beans . , , Component: , , Giber our muscles in to give our gor while digesting food to push against acts as something Source(s): cellulose from plants Component: minerals Source(s): I Component: warer Source(s): warer iron is found in Yolk, meat, egg leasy greens . heally bones & reerh , muscle contractions 2)orring of blood ; creation ensures Osmosis acts as a happens in . our cells solvent for enzymes food component . it is also an important molecules . blood plasma livers , and ↳ calcium milk roo , , , of haemoglobin is Cheese , in sound leasy greens . Soybeans, and ikan bill is . 3. Look at the information about diets for the following people Marina Kirk Andrea Andrea is on a "fat-free" diet Kirk eats meat with dinner, but Marina eats only fruit because to try and lose weight. She has vegetable pastas or stirdoctors say fruits are good for generally eats salad baguettes fry dishes most lunch times, you. She has bananas for for lunch and for dinner she and usually has a bowl of breakfast, apples and pears usually has meat casseroles or porridge for breakfast. He for lunch, and a big mix of roast dinners with meat and often drinks 3 or 4 beers in chopped fruit for dinner. vegetables. She skips the evening breakfast to help lose weight. a) List the people in order from the one with the healthiest diet to the one with the lease healthy diet Most healthy 1. <-----------------------> 2. Andrea MARINA Least healthy 3. Kirk b) Explain why you chose this order: this is because although marina consumes a sufficient amount of Vitamins & Aber She is severely lacking in . and despite the carbohydrates fars and protein fact that Kirk has a very balanced dier that fulfills all intake of required nutrients he drinks 3-4 beers each day which is a very unhealthy amount of alchohol for any human to consume This leads us who although skips breakfast has a sufficient amount or each nutrient every meal This is okay because she still consumes carbohydrates ↑ , , , , , . , . for energy Lexept fars 4 4, Explain how the following factors may influence a person’s dietary requirements. One of them has been done for you. lowpay nocareenorrestauranavailabil a Job type high pressure environment & emotional earing & Cravings > earing rimes engrossment in son - Age • • • fluctuate . Young people require energy for growth A young child needs less than an adult because they are smaller Older people have a slower metabolism so need less energy 400 Cal Breastfeeding requires compared + iodine & beed liver salmon , eggs) nor . lactating (from Chicken . & fars Minimize sweets · reoccurring indulgent . cravings increase males Gender when (from dairys , choline , Pregnancy to in require & weight whole more height . grains calories despire similar . mules burn 400 more calories are muscle mass . Caloric needs go up to higher . faster 5 6. Complete the table below describing the consequences of an un-balanced diet: - Dietary imbalance Consequence • • This aids movement of food through the alimentary canal and this becomes more difficult when this component is not presence in large amounts It leads to constipation • A possible long-term effect is colon cancer A lack of Merisvalsis · exhaustion lack , of energy . excessive neard . waver loss A high intake of fat · of obesity, coronary hear disease riSk cancer . Function Mouth Stomach Small Intestine Large Intestine Gall Bladder Pancreas Liver 6 DEFICIENCY DISEASES 1. Explain what is meant by the term “malnutrition”. a state of a person nurrient intake is their when too proportions of important low . 2. Complete the table summarizing the causes and results of defiency diseases Rickets Caused by a lack of Vitamin is or calcium Symptoms: threat of rooth decay soft pliable bones, I leading them to bend under weight of the , > bowed legs or knock Knees . body Caused by a lack of Viramin CCasorbic acid) Scurvy Symptoms: swollen & bleeding gums haemorrhages in muscles & Skin Joints swell painfully & , . , difficulty in wound healing . 7 THE ALIMENTARY CANAL 1. Make a labeled drawing of the alimentary canal. salivary n reern diaphragm niederm avodn i s recrum Y anus 2. List the body parts, in order, through which food passes from between the plate and the toilet mixed with Salivaryglassa rongue mouth , chewed by amylase teeth from planet , I > colon > rectum - Unus . Oesophages -> Stomach - duodenum -ilerm - ↑small intestine ↑ . & lgprinte 8 3. Use the information given to summarise the role of each section of the alimentary canal and other associated organs. Summarising means you should not just copy everything down, but instead select the important information (you can copy some sentences if you want to). You should probably use bullet points. Function the efficiency erea of the enzymes helps increase surface , intoduce the salivary glands amylase enzyme which is later mixed into the food by the rounge. reeth · Mouth & thus improving · · can allow or prevent the lined with stone muscular walls · entry of food into small · Stomach Small Intestine Large Intestine Gall Bladder · pirs that hold gastric glands which secrere gastric · signals to the brain when saved · . Juices . Gm long and secreres digestive enzymes , . This is from - · · contains duodenum ileum & products water . Contains - shorter but broader than latter Colon d recrum . . . 1 5m . > from undigested - water digestion Only for mineral ion absorption food (colon) · recrum conrolls egestion Centry & expelling of Freces) · o no . . stores bile which is , · · produced by the liver . Bile later rravels down duodenum when excreted & (pancreatic duct; . ↑ duodenum to small Connected duct gland from introduces lipase malrase , trypsin enzymes through is a , 2 , o · Liver . g) and that line the investine Can also absorb food · Pancreas intestine · insulin also secreres glucagon / Secreting pancreatic juices. located below the diaphram dark red . . . helps produces bile , which is stored in pancreas & . emulsify fars rogether 9 4. Define the following terms relating to digestion: food/nutrients being consumerd/taken into the body . Ingestion Mechanical Digestion includes chemical change mourn the stomach no Chemical Digestion the Assimilation breaking molecules are L DY down such as of proteins large food & fars . absorbed into the body . , maximizing nutrients for example cells use notrients to provide for the production of excreting undigested/unusable material from a cell recarious caused noven hemical mes caralysedestive & surface area process of digested food particles energy Egestion only occurs in increases smaller pieces that can be ansorbed into Absorption and speed of the process for digestive enzymes () to , : . & neoplasm movinghente investinesstream a the no en29 10 MECHANICAL DIGESTI0N 1. Define mechanical digestion includes no chemical change mourn the stomach to speed up , only occurs in and : increases surface area the process for digestive enzymes 2. Draw a simple sketch of a mouth below, labeling incisors, canines, premolars and molars. incisors signin & 8 Wa W molars We 3. State the function of teeth: Teeth Canines Incisors Premolars Function curring & rearing of food particles used for ~ the suited to holding . of food particles contains cusps. Molars cutting up grinding food for crushing & particles contains four cusps. chewing , for & Bigger than crushing grinding . , 11 4. Draw a labeled sketch of a single tooth, with the following things labeled: enamel, dentine, pulp, nerves, cement. S dentine enamel : pus 5. Describe the function of the stomach in physical digestion. strong muscular walls the stomach food particles. later it will get mixed wl acids an org an holds with & enzymes . , , which down into a liquid either will . paste convince to break food 6. Outline the role of bile in emulsifying fats and oils to increase the surface area for chemical digestion Bile acts as the arkali to neutralize the acidic environment in our stomach caused by the , hydrochloric acid a that gets produced This . heightened optimum pH in the stomach down the far into increased surface break down the lipids , which leads to breaks smaller · area pieces , which means an This allows the lipase to chemically into an glycerol &farry acids with increased Speed . 12 CHEMICAL DIGESTION 1. Complete the sentences about chemical digestion Chemical digestion in the alimentary canal involves producing small, Soluhe starch molecules that can be Chemical digestion involves the use of . digestive enzymesto catalyse the breakdown of larger molecules. much e elettructure mor ↓ 2. Complete the table below summarizing some of the main enzymes involved in chemical digestion Polymers monomers Molecule broken down Product Protease stomach Proteins small intestine Amino acids lipase duodenum Enzyme Amylase Where enzyme is secreted in the alimentary canal mouth duodenum Lipids Fatty acids & glycerol starch Simpler sugars & or anylum ronyarare 13 Suffix 3. Fill in the blanks in the following sentences: Starch: & : - ose : - ase : substrate enzymes do not include mouth Starch is first broken down in by the enzyme tivary amylase, producing maltose. Maltose is then broken down to glucose maltase ,a endothelium lining with the help of the enzyme break-down which takes place on the membranes of the of the small intestine. ↳ meaning inner lining epithelium I meaning outer lining Protein: pepsin and rrysin are examples of protease enzymes, though they work in different parts of the alimentary canal. pepsin krysin works in the stomach, but works in the small intestine. Stomach acid dilute ↓ hydrochloric acid is found in gastric juice in the stomach. It has two main functions: firstly, it kills microorganisms by denaturing the salivary amylase present in the microorganisms. Secondly, it lowers the BH pepsin , creating ideal conditions for the enzyme to work. 14 THE VILLI 1. Make a labeled drawing of a villus amino acids glucose e i * S enterthrough port V epithelium # & acids glycerol difcuse neve Carry lacreal/lempharic acids capillary * farry combine glycerol sat to form & globules here circular muscles O - - - 2. Describe how the villus structure adapted to its function oneaa repirheum glycerol acids 15