PREPARATION OF BILLS OF QU USING BESMM 4 AND BILLS OF QUANTITES DESCRI BY Mr. AYOOLA I. OGUNKANMI PUBLIC BUILDING DEPARTMENT FEDRAL CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY 1 GARKI ABUJA SUBSTRUCTURE 1.5: EXCAVATING AND FILLING 2.1.1 2.1.2 4.1.1 Removing Trees; (Provisional) Girth 500 - 1500mm; Filled with laterite Girth 1500 - 3000mm; Ditto Nr. Nr. Site Clearance; Clearing Site vegetation and other growth and dispose off site; entire site Sq.m 5.2.0 Site Preparation; Remove topsoil 150mm deep Sq.m 6.2.1 Excavation, commencing from stripped level; Foundation excavation; Not exceeding 2m deep Cu.m Extra Over Foundation excavation; (Provisional) Excavating in; below ground water level Cu.m 7.1.3 7.2.1 9.1.1 9.2.0 11.1.2 11.2.2 Breaking up; Rock Cu.m Disposal Gound Water; 600mm below original ground level Excavated material off site Item Cu.m Filling obtained from excavated material Final thickness of filling not exceeding 500mm deep 500mm thick; Site, not more than 200mm around site, backfilling foundations; in layers average depth 250mm Sq.m Final thickness of filling exceeding 500mm deep 500mm thick; Site, not more than 200mm around site, backfilling foundations; in layers average depth 250mm Sq.m Graded Laterite 2 12.2.1 Imported Filling; Beds 50mm - 500mm deep 300mm thick; Level, to falls and cross falls Cu.m Granite or other equal and approved Hardcore football size 12.2.1 Imported Filling; Beds 50mm - 500mm deep 300mm thick; Level, to falls and cross falls Cu.m To Collecton EXCAVATING AND FILLING (Cont'd) Approved quality 1mm thick damp proof membrane 16.2.1 Damp Proof Membrane; Over 500mm wide, 1mm thick; Horizontal Sq.m 1.11: INSITU CONCRETE WORKS 1.1.2/1 2.1.1/1 2.2.2/2 5.1.1/1 Grade 30 Concrete Mass Concrete; 225mm thick; In trench filling; Poured on or against earth or unblinded hardcore Cu.m Weak Concrete (1:10 - graded sub base) Horizontal Work; less or equal to 300 thick; in blinding; poured on or against earth or unblinded hardcore Cu.m Grade 25 Concrete Horizontal Work Over 300mm thick; In structures; Reinforced less or equal to 5%. Cu.m Vertical Work; less or equal to 300mm thick; in structures; Reinforced 5% Cu.m 3 Formwork 13.1.0 13.2.0 Plain formwork Sides of foundations and bases; less or equal to 500mm high: 450mm wide over 500mm high Lin.m Lin.m 14.1.0 Edges of horizontal; less or equal to 500mm high: 150mm Lin.m 20.1.0 Sides of isolated Columns 188Nr.; Regular rectangular shape Sq.m Reinforcement 34.1.2 High yield steel bars 20mm diameter; Bent; Tonnes 34.1.2 16mm diameter; Bent; Tonnes 34.1.2 10mm diameter; Links Tonnes 37.1.0 Mesh; 4.52kg/sq.m Ref. A152 minimum laps 150mm Sq.m To Collection 1.14: MASONRY Brick/Block Walling Hollow sandcrete blockwall beded and jointed in cement and sand (1:6) 1.2.1/1 Walls; 225mm thick; blockwork; skin of hollow walls; laid in stretcher bond Cement and Sand (1:1) 4 Sq.m 16.1.3 Damp Proof Course less or equal 300mm wide; 50mm thick; Horizontal Lin.m 1.28: FLOOR WALL CEILING AND ROOF FINISHINGS Cement and sand (1:4) smooth rendering 7.1.0 Plastering to Walls 12mm thick; Less or equal to 600mm Lin.m 1.29: DECORATIONS Dulux or other equal and approved latex paint one coat; cement floated wall sandpapered smooth and one coat of primer on floated wall. 1.2.2 Painting to general surfaces; Over 300mm girth; external To Collection SUBSTRUCTURE CARRIED TO SUMMARY FRAMES 1.11: INSITU CONCRETE WORKS 5 Sq.m Insitu Concrete Grade 25 Concrete 5.1.1/1 Vertical Work; less or equal to 300mm thick; In structures Reinforced less or equal to 5% Cu.m Formwork Plain Formwork 20.1.0 Sides of Isolated Columns, 34Nr.; rectangular Sq.m Reinforcement 34.1.1*2 High yield steel bars; 20mm diameter; Straight and Bent Tonnes 34.1.1*2 16mm ditto Tonnes 34.1.1*2 10mm diameter; Links Tonnes FRAMES CARRIED TO SUMMARY 6 UPPER FLOORS 1.11: INSITU CONCRETE WORKS Insitu Concrete Grade 25 Concrete 2.1.2/2 2.2.2/2 Horizontal Work; less or equal to 300mm thick; In structures; Reinforced less or equal to 5% Over 300mm thick ditto Cu.m Cu.m Formwork Plain Formwork 14.1.0 15.1.1 18.1.0 Edges of Horizontal; Width less or equal to 500mm: 150mm wide Lin.m Soffits of Horizontal Work; For concrete less or equal to 300mm thick; Propping less or equal to 3m high Sq.m Sides and soffit of attached Beams; Rectangular Sq.m Reinforcement 34.1.1*2 High yield steel bars; 20mm diameter; Straight and Bent Tonnes 34.1.1*2 16mm ditto Tonnes 34.1.1*2 12mm ditto Tonnes 34.1.1*2 10mm diameter; Links Tonnes 7 UPPER FLOORS CARRIED TO SUMMARY STAIRCASES 1.11 INSITU CONCRETE WORKS PLAIN IN SITU CONCRETE REINFORCED Grade 25 Concrete 2.1.2 4.2.3/2 Horizontal Works; less or equal to 300mm thick in Structures Cu.m Sloping Works over 150 ; over 300mm thick; in staircases; Reinforced less or equal to 5% Cu.m FORMWORK Plain formwork 14.1.0 Edges of horizontal; less or equal to 500mm high: 150mm wide Lin.m Soffits of horizontal works; for concrete less or equal to 300 thick; propping less or equal to 3m high Sq.m 25.1.0 Soffit of sloping work; sloping one way Sq.m 26.1.0 Staircase strings and the like; maximum width 380mm Lin.m 27.1.0 Staircase Risers and the like; Vertical 150mm wide Lin.m 15.1.1 8 REINFORCEMENT 34.1.1*2 High yield steel bars 16mm diameter straight and bent Tonnes 34.1.1*2 12mm ditto Tonnes 34.1.1*2 10mm diameter; Links Tonnes TO COLLECTION STAIRCASES (Contd) 1.28: FLOOR WALL CEILING AND ROOF FINISHINGS Cement and sand (1:4) smooth rendering 7.2.0 7.1.0 Plastering to Walls 12mm thick; over 600mm wide Sq.m Less or equal to 600mm Lin.m 600 X 600 X 15mm thick Vitrified Tile 2.1.0 2.2.0 Finish to floors, Vitrified Tiles 50mm thick overall thickness; less or equal to 600mm wide Over 600mm wide Lin.m Sq.m 9 11.1.0/1 Finish to Tread; Net width 300mm; Concrete background Lin.m 12.1.0/1 Finish to Risers; Net width 150mm; Concrete background Lin.m Cement and Sand (1:6) screeded beds 1.1.1/2 1.2.1/2 Screeds, beds and toppings, 40mm thick in one coat less or equal to 600mm wide; Level and to falls only less or equal to 150 from horizontal; Concrete background Lin.m Over 600mm wide; Ditto Sq.m 1.29: DECORATIONS Dulux or other equal and approved latex paint one coat; cement floated wall sandpapered smooth and one coat of primer on floated wall. 1.1.1. 1.2.1 Painting to general surfaces; less or equal to 300mm girth; internal Over 300mm girth; internal Lin.m Sq.m 1.25: STAIRS, WALKWAYS AND BALUSTRADES Painted mild steel pipe balustrade 7.1.0 Balustrades; 900mm high comprising 20mm diameter vertical balusters; 40mm diameter sloping handrail; 6Nr. 20mm diameter intermediate rails; vertical balusters plugged and screwed to concrete with 6mm thick plate 100 X 100mm Lin.m To Collections 1.25: STAIRS, WALKWAYS AND BALUSTRADES (Cont'd) 8.1.0 Handrails; 900mm high comprising 20mm diameter vertical balusters; 40mm diameter sloping handrail; 6Nr. 20mm diameter intermediate rails; vertical balusters plugged and screwed to concrete with 6mm thick plate 100 X 100mm 10 Lin.m To Collections STAIRCASES CARRIED TO SUMARY 11 ROOF CONSTRUCTION AND COVERING 1.11: INSITU CONCRETE WORKS In situ Concrete Grade 25 Concrete 2.2.2/2 4.1.2/2 Horizontal Work Over 300mm thick; In structures; Reinforced less or equal to 5% Cu.m Sloping over 150 ; less or equal to 300mm thick; In structures; Reinfored less or equal to 5% Cu.m Formwork Plain formwork 17.1.0 Sides and soffit of isolated beams; Rectangular Sq.m 25.1.0 Soffit of sloping work; Sloping one way; Curved radius 520mm Sq.m 28.2.0 Sloping top surfaces; over 150; Curved radius 520mm Sq.m 14.1.0 Edges of horizontal less or equal to 500mm high: 150mm wide Lin.m Reinforcement 34.1.1*2 High Yield reinforcement Bars 12mm diameter; Straight and bent Tonnes 34.1.1*2 Ditto over 12m long: length ……m Tonnes 34.1.1*2 12mm diameter; Curved Tonnes 34.1.1*2 10mm diameter; Links Tonnes 12 To Collection 1.16: CARPENTRY Hardwood pressure impregnated with approved preservatives 1.1.1 Primary or Structural timbers 50 X 150mm; Rafters and associated timbers Lin.m 1.1.3 100 X 150mm; Wall Plates Lin.m 1.1.3/9 Ditto; Length over 6.00 in one continuous length Lin.m 1.1.2 50 X 75mm; Purlins Lin.m 1.1.2/9 Ditto; Length over 6.00 in one continuous length Lin.m 1.1.5/9 50 X 150mm; Beams; Length over 6.00 in one continuous length Lin.m 50 X 100mm; Strutting Lin.m 1.1.8 1.17: SHEET ROOF COVERING Sheet Metals 0.7 gauge oven baked corrugated coloured Longspan Aluminium roofing sheet on Zed Purlins 1.2.3 4.1.2/1 Covering over 500mm wide; Sloping 300 Pitch; oven baked coloured Sq.m Boundary work; 200mm girth; Eaves; Horizontal Lin.m 13 4.1.3/1 350mm girth; Ridges; Horizontal Lin.m 4.1.5/1 350mm girth; Valleys; Sloping Lin.m 4.1.6/1 350mm girth; Hips; Sloping Lin.m To Collection 1.15: STRUCTURAL METALWORK (Provisional) 1.1.1/4 1.1.2/4 1.2.2/3 1.2.2/2 5.2.1. 6.1.1/1 6.1.2/1 Framed members, framing and fabrication Length not exceeding 1.00m; weight less or equal to 25Kg/m; Bracings Weight 25 - 50Kg/m; Bracings Tonnes Tonnes Lengths 1.00 - 9.00m; Weight 25 - 50Kg/m; Rafters Tonnes Ditto; Beams Tonnes Allowance for fittings: Percentage Allowance: 20%; To framed members Tonnes Cold Rolled Purlins, cladding rails and the like: Zed purlins bolted to 125 X 75 x 8mm 150mm long angle cleat welded to structural member; 150 X 50 x2mm Purlins Lin.m 16mm diameter high tensile steel welded to Purlins: 14 Sag Rods 10.1.1 Lin.m Holding down assemblies; 6mm thick base plate holding 4Nr. 24mm diameter one side threaded and other end fish tailed rag bolts complete with nuts and washers embedded in concrete. Nr. Berger paint or other equal and approved 15.3.1/2 Surface Treatment; painting; On site; One primer and two coats of red oxide To Collections INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL WALLS 1.11 INSITU CONCRETE WORKS In Situ Concrete Grade 25 Concrete in Superstructures Plain In Situ Concrete Reinforced 2.1.2/2 Horizontal work; Less or equal to 300mm thick; 15 Sq.m In structures; Reinforced less or equal to 5% Cu.m Formwork - Plain formwork 17.1.0 Sides and soffit of isolated beams; Regular rectangular shape Sq.m Reinforcement 34.1.1*2 High yield steel bars; 12mm diameter; Straight and Bent Tonnes 34.1.1*2 Ditto; Bars exceeding 12m long Tonnes 1.14 MASONRY BRICK/BLOCK WALLING 225mm thick Hollow sandcrete blockwall bedded and jointed in cement mortar (1:6) and laid in stretcher bond 1.2.1 1.2.1 Walls overall thickness 225mm; Blockwork; Skin of hollow walls; laid in wall Sq.m Ditto 150mm ditto Sq.m INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL WALL CARRIED TO SUMMARY 16 WINDOW 1.23: WINDOWS SCREENS AND LIGHTS Nigalex or other equal and approved heavy gauge aluminium section two or three bays with net; factory glazed with tinted 4mm thick sheet glass complete with glazing beads and other accessories and ironmongery including screwing and plugging frames to blockwall and concretework to Architects drawings 1.1.0/2 Windows and window frames 1200 X 1200mm high Nr. 1.1.0/2 1500 X 1500mm high Nr. 1.1.0/2 600 X 600mm high Nr. 1.26: METAL WORK Isolated Metal Member Burglar Bars comprising 50 X 25 X 2mm thick surround; 25 X 25 X 2mm thick vertical bars at 150mm intervals welded to surround bar and 25 X 25 X 2mm thick horizontal bars welded to surround bar and vertical at 300mm intervals including drilling holes in concrete or blockwork and fixing burglar bars to concrete with 12mm diameter high tensile hold bar driven in concrete or blockwork complete with painting in red oxide and finishing in gloss paint 5.1.1/1 Composite Items Ditto 1200 X 1200mm high; welded on 150mm long 12mm diameter bar drilled and driven into wall Nr. 5.1.1/1 Ditto 1500 X 1500mm high; ditto Nr. 5.1.1/1 Ditto 600 X 600m high; ditto Nr. 17 WINDOWS CARRIED TO SUMMARY DOORS Doors and Frames 44mm thick polished seasoned solid core fluch doors lipped on all edges with hardwood and faced on both sides with quality plywood complete with door lining architraves and all necessary ironmongery 1.1.1 1.1.1 Door Sets To fit opening size 900 X 2100mm high; blocwall Ditto 750 X 2100mm high; blockwall Nr. Nr. Purpose made swing doors constructed of hollowsteel sections and steel plates complete with frames and glazing comprising of 4mm thick clear sheet glass and beads including all necessary ironmongery 1.1.1 1.1.1 Door Sets To fit opening size 1800 X 2100mm high; blockwall Ditto 1200 X 2100mm high; blockwall 18 Nr. Nr. DOORS CARRIED TO SUMMARY WALL FINISHINGS 1.28: FLOOR WALL CEILING AND ROOF FINISHINGS Cement and sand (1:4) smooth rendering 7.2.0 Plastering to Walls 12mm thick; over 600mm wide Sq.m 7.2.1 Less or equal to 600mm Lin.m 7.2.0 over 600mm wide externally Sq.m 7.2.1 Less or equal to 600mm externally Lin.m 8.2.0 Plastering to isolated columns 12mm thick over 600mm wide Sq.m 10.2.0 Plastering to isolated beams 12mm thick over 600mm wide Sq.m 10.1.0 7.2.0 Less or equal to 600mm Lin.m Tiles to wall 10mm thick; over 600mm wide 1.29: DECORATIONS 19 Sq.m Dulux or other equal and approved latex paint one coat; cement floated wall sandpapered smooth and one coat of primer on floated wall. 1.1.1 Painting to general surfaces; less or equal to 300mm girth; internal Lin.m 1.2.1 Over 300mm girth; internal Sq.m 1.1.2 less or equal to 300mm girth; external Lin.m 1.2.2 Over 300mm girth; external Sq.m WALL FINISHING CARRIED TO SUMMARY FLOOR FINISHINGS Cement and Sand screeded bed 1.1.1/1*2 Screeds, beds and topping 40mm thick in one coat; less or equal to 600mm wide; Level and to falls only less or equal to 150 from horizontal; Vitrified Tiles surface; Concrete background 1.2.1/1*2 Lin.m Over 600mm wide; Level and to falls only less or equal to 150 from horizontal; Vitrified Tiles surface; concrete background 600 X 600 X 15mm thick Vitrified Tile Finish to floors, Vitrified Tiles 50mm thick overall 20 Sq.m 2.1.0 2.2.0 14.1.0/1 thickness; less or equal to 600mm wide Lin.m Over 600mm wide Sq.m Skirtings, net height 100mm; 15mm wide; Blockwall background Lin.m 300 X 300 X 10mm thick Vitrified Tile 6.1.1. 6.2.1 Finish to floors, Vitrified Tiles 50mm thick overall thickness; less or equal to 600mm wide; Level and to falls only less or equal to 150 from horizontal. Over 600mm wide; ditto Lin.m Sq.m FLOOR FINISHING CARRIED TO SUMMARY CEILING FINISHINGS 1.28: FLOOR WALL CEILING AND ROOF FINISHINGS Cement and Sand (1:4) rendering 21 9.1.0 Finishing to ceiling, plastering 12mm thick; over 600mm wide Sq.m 600 X 600 X 20mm thick acoustic mineral fibre suspended ceiling in aluminium grid bearer 9.1.0 Finishing to ceiling, acoustic ceiling tiles 20mm thick; over 600wide Sq.m Dulux or other equal and approved latex paint one coat; cement floated wall sandpapered smooth and one coat of primer on floated wall. 1.2.1. Painting to general surfaces; Over 300mm girth; internal CEILING CARRIED TO SUMMARY 22 Sq.m 1.38: MECHANICAL SERVICES Rainwater Disposal System Mutunci or other equal and approved uPVC pipe 3.1.1 4.4.2 Pipework; Straight; 100mm diameter uPVC; socket and spigot joint; fixed to concrete with matching stainless steel bracket; Lin.m Pipe Fittings; 100mm diameter pipe; socket and spigot joint Bend Nr. 4.4.2 450 Bend Nr. 5.8.1 Shoes Nr. 5.7.1 Pipe ancillaries; Fulbora or other equal and approve outlet; uPVC, 100mm diameter, socket and spigot joint. Nr. Cold Water Supply System Rifeng or other equal and approved multi layer pipe 3.1.1/1 4.4.2 Pipework; Straight; 20mm diameter; jointed to manufacturers instructions; fixed in concrte or blockwork chases Lin.m Pipe Fittings; 20mm diameter pipe; jointed to manufacturer's instructions Bends Nr. 4.5.2 Tees Nr. 4.2.2 20/12mm bushing Nr. 5.1.1 Valve Nr. 5.1.1 Pipe Fittings; 12mm diameter pipe; jointed to manufacturer's instructions; Angle Valve 23 Nr. To Collection MECHANICAL SERVICES (Cont'd) Cold Water Supply System (Cont'd) Tigre or other equal and approved uPVC pipe 3.1.1/1 4.4.2 Pipework; Straight; 25mm diameter uPVC; diced and screwed in joint with cement material and yarn rope; fixed to duct with matching stainless steel bracket. Lin.m Pipe Fittings; 25mm diameter pipe; jointed as before described Bend Nr. 5.1.1 Heavy Gauge Bronze cast Valves Nr. 4.1.2 Union Connector Nr. 4.2.2 Nipples Nr. Jointing to multi layered pipe Nr. Hot Water Supply System Rifeng or other equal and approved multi layer pipe 3.1.1/1 Pipework; Straight; 20mm diameter; jointed to manufacturers instructions; fixed in concrte or blockwork chases Lin.m Pipe Fittings; 20mm diameter pipe; jointed to manufacturer's 24 4.4.2 instructions Bends Nr. 4.5.2 Tees Nr. 4.2.2 20/12mm bushing Nr. 5.1.1 Pipe Fittings; 12mm diameter pipe; jointed to manufacturer's instructions; Angle Valve Nr. To Collection MECHANICAL SERVICES (Cont'd) Waste Disposal System Supply and install the following sanitary fitting manufactured by Twyford or other equal and approved 2.1.1/1 2.1.1/1 2.1.1/1 Terminal Equipment and fitting White vitreous China Water Closet Suite comprising Tank with flushing mechanism; Bowl plugged and screwed to floor with matching screws including seat and cover and pan connector. White Vitreous China Wash Hand Basin complete with chrome plated waste with chain and black rubber stay Chrome plated bib tap with hot and cold water discharge ability and uPVC white bottle trap White Vitreous enamel coated shower tray with 25 Nr. Nr. chrome plated waste and P trap; Chrome plated shower rose and pipe fixed to wall with clip plugged and screwed Nr. 2.1.1/1 Toilet roll Holder plugged and screwed Nr. 2.1.1/1 900mm long chrome plated towel rail pluigged and screwed Nr. 450 X 600 X 10mm thick silver backed mirror Nr. 2.1.1/1 Ariston or other equal and approved 2.1.1/1 Primary equipment; 50 liter water Heater hanged on wall Nr. To Collection Waste Disposal (Cont'd) Mutunci or other equal and approved uPVC pipe 3.1.1./1 Pipework; Straight; 100mm diameter uPVC; socket and spigot joint; fixed to concrete with matching stainless steel bracket; 26 Lin.m 4.4.2 Pipe Fittings; 100mm diameter pipe; socket and spigot joint Bend Nr. 4.8.2 Reducer Bend Nr. 4.4.2 450 Bend Nr. 4.5.2 Tees Nr. 4.8.2 Reducer Tees Nr. 3.1.1/1 4.4.2 Pipework; Straight; 50mm diameter uPVC; socket and spigot joint; fixed to concrete with matching stainless steel bracket; Lin.m Pipe Fittings; 50mm diameter pipe; socket and spigot joint Bend Nr. 4.8.2 450 Bend Nr. 4.5.2 Tees Nr. To Collection 27 Fire Hose Reels Groundfos or other equal and approved 1.1.1./1 Primary equipment ; Fire fighting system; Fire pumps Nr. ABC or other equal and approved fire hose reel 2.1.1/1 Terminal Equipment and Fittings; Swing Arm Fire Hose Reels; Wall mount Cabinet type in red with 36m X 19mm fire fighting nozzle; high or low level on floors Nr. Heavy Gauge Gavanised iron pipe painted red with gloss paint 3.1.1/1 4.4.2 Pipework; Straight; 32mm diameter uPVC; diced and screwed in joint with cement material and yarn rope; fixed to duct with matching stainless steel bracket. Lin.m Pipe Fittings; 32mm diameter pipe; jointed as before described Bend Nr. 4.4.2 450 Bend Nr. 4.8.2 Reducer Bend Nr. 4.5.2 Tees Nr. 5.1.1 Heavy Gauge Bronze cast Valves Nr. 4.2.2 Union Connector Nr. 4.2.2 Nipples Nr. 28 To Collection MECHANICAL SERVICES (Cont'd) Air conditioning Mutunci or other equal and approved uPVC pipe 3.1.1/1 Pipework; Straight; 75mm diameter uPVC; socket and spigot joint; Laid in chases Lin.m Pipe Fittings; 100mm diameter pipe; socket and spigot joint 4.4.2 450 Bend Nr. 17.0.0 Testing Item 18.0.0 Commisioning Item 21.0.0 Drawing Preparation; Installation, Coordination, as installed, and record drawings Item To Collection 29 ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION Incoming Services Merlin Gerin, Schneider or other equal and approved 1.1.1/1 2.1.1/1 Primary Equipment Coloured oven baked metal clad Main Distribution Panel 800A T,P & N; One incoming 800A Rating; 4Nr 200A outgoing, 3Nr. 60A outgoing and 60A spare complete with all accessories; Low level in plant room Nr. Terminal equipment Coloured oven baked metal clad Low Voltage Distribution Panel 200A T P & N; One incoming 200A Rating; 6Nr. Outgoing and 1Nr. Spare rating 60A complete with MCCB, 200A T P & N Isolator Switch and other accessories; Low level on floors Nr. 2.1.1/1 Change Over Switch 800A T P & N Nr. 1.2.0 Offload and position of primary equipment Nr. 30 1.3.0 Assembly of composite items of prmary equipment Nr. Nocaco or other equal and approved 3.1.1/1 Cables Armoured cable 4 core copper pvc/swa/pvc jointed in running length to manufacturer's details; low level in plant room and on floor In trenches (Provisional) Lin.m 3.1.1/1 In sleeves Lin.m 3.1.1/1 In trunk (Provisional) Lin.m 3.1.1/1 3.1.1/1 Armoured cable 4 core copper pvc/swa/pvc jointed in running length to manufacturer's details; low level in plant room and on floor In trenches In sleeves Lin.m Lin.m To Collection Incoming Services (Cont'd) 3.1.1/1 Cables (cont'd) Armoured cable 4 core copper pvc/swa/pvc jointed in running length to manufacturer's details; low level in plant room and on floor In trenches Lin.m 3.1.1/1 In sleeves Lin.m 3.1.1/1 In trunk Lin.m Armoured cable 4 core copper pvc/swa/pvc 31 3.1.1/1 jointed in running length to manufacturer's details; low level in plant room and on floor In trenches Lin.m 3.1.1/1 In sleeves Lin.m 3.1.1/1 In trunk Lin.m AEI Cables Limited or other equal and approved Cable Terminations and Joints Outdoor type, 800A 4 core bronze material armoured pvc/swa/pvc Nr. Outdoor type, 200A 4 core bronze material armoured pvc/swa/pvc Nr. 6.0.1 Indoor type ditto Nr. 6.0.1 Outdoor type, 60A 4 core bronze material armoured pvc/swa/pvc Nr. Indoor type, 60A 4 core bronze material armoured pvc/swa/pvc Nr. Indoor type, 60A 4 core bronze material armoured pvc/swa/pvc Nr. 6.0.1 6.0.1 6.0.1 6.0.1 To Collection Cable Containment 32 3.0.1/1 3.0.1/1 Galvanised sheet cable trunk with cover rectangular shape 250 X 75mm thick with three compartments jointed as may be directed by the Engineer plugged and screwed to wall; risers Lin.m Ditto; low level on floors Lin.m Final Circuits ABB or other equal and approved plugged and screwed to wall 1.1.1/1 1.1.1/1 Primary Equipment 60A 6 Ways T P & N metal clad Distribution Board with miniature circuit breakers and 60A ELCB 60A 4 Ways ditto Nr. Nr. Nocaco or other equal and approved single core wire drawn in 20mm diameter Mutunci or other equal and approved conduit pipe in chases 7.0.1 Final circuits PVC copper cable with 10A rating size in 18Nr. Lighting points Nr. 7.0.1 Ditto 22Nr. Ditto Nr. 7.0.1 Ditto 11Nr. Ditto Nr. 7.0.1 Ditto 25Nr. Ditto Nr. 7.0.1 Ditto 21Nr. Ditto Nr. 7.0.1 Ditto 17Nr. Ditto Nr. 7.0.1 Ditto 19Nr. Ditto Nr. 7.0.1 Ditto 15Nr. Ditto Nr. 7.0.1 Ditto 14Nr. Ditto Nr. 7.0.1 Ditto 20Nr. Ditto Nr. To Collection 33 Nocaco or other equal and approved single core wire drawn in 20mm diameter Mutunci or other equal and approved conduit pipe in chases 7.0.1 Final circuits PVC copper cable with 30A rating size in ring circuit 11Nr. 13A Switched socket outlet Nr. 7.0.1 13Nr. Ditto Nr. 7.0.1 12Nr. Ditto Nr. 7.0.1 9Nr. Ditto Nr. 7.0.1 8Nr. Ditto Nr. 7.0.1 7Nr. Ditto Nr. 7.0.1 10Nr. Ditto Nr. 7.0.1 7.0.1 PVC copper cable with 20A rating size in 1Nr. 15A Switched socket outlet 1Nr. Water Heater Nr. Nr. ABB or other equal and approved accessories 2.1.1 Terminal Equipment 10A One Gang one Way Switch Nr. 2.1.1 10A One Gang Two Way Switch Nr. 2.1.1 10A Two Gang one Way Switch Nr. 2.1.1 10A Two Gang Two Way Switch Nr. 2.1.1 10A Three Gang one Way Switch Nr. 34 2.1.1 10A Three Gang Two Way Switch Nr. 2.1.1 20A Intermediate switch Nr. 2.1.1 13A switched Socket Outlet Nr. 2.1.1 13A Twin switched Socket Outlet Nr. To Collecton Scolmore Ltd or other equal and approved Luminaires 2.1.1 Terminal Equipment 1 X 40W Screwneck ceiing mounted Lighting fitting with diffuser Nr. 2.1.1 40W Recessed Fitting Nr. 2.1.1 1 X 36W 1.2m fluorescent fitting with pristmatic transparent diffuser Nr. 2.1.1 1 X 100W Bulkhead fitting with transparent diffuser Nr. 2.1.1 60W Wall mounted lighting fitting with pristmatic diffuser. Nr. 2.1.1 15A Socket Outlet Nr. 2.1.1 SMC or other equal and approved 1200mm sweep ceiling Fan complete with regulator Nr. Fire Alarm system Gents or other equal and approved 1.1.1/1 Primary Equipment Vigilon Analogue 3 Loop Addressable Fire Alarm Panel High level on floors 35 Nr. Nocaco or other equal and approved single core wire drawn in 20mm diameter Mutunci or other equal and approved conduit pipe in chases 7.0.1 Final circuits PVC copper cable with 10A rating size in 87Nr. Points comprising 51Nr. Optical smoke detector, 18Nr. manual break call bells and 18Nr. Fire alarm call Bell Nr. Gents or other equal and approved 2.1.1 Terminal Equipment Addressable Optical Smoke Detector Nr. 2.1.1 Manual Break Call Bell Nr. 2.1.1 Addressable Fire Alarm Call Bell Nr. To Collection Lightening and Earthing System Indelec or other equal and approved 12.0.1 12.0.1 12.0.1 Electrodes, Earth Rods Air Terminations, bars Prevectron 3 S40 Early Steamer Emission Air Terminal Lightening conductor Nr. Chromium plated copper M20 tapered threaded wall Air Rod lightening arrestor Nr. Highly conductive copper coated stainless steel pointed Copperbound Earth Rod 2400mm deep 17.2mm diameter in inspection house Nr. Indelec Lightening Protection system conductor 36 11.0.1/1 Tapes Tinned Copper tape conductors 25 X 3mm thick Roofs Lin.m 11.0.1/1 Risers Lin.m 11.0.1/1 Trenches Lin.m Nocaco or other equal and approved 5.0.1/1 Cables; 6 PVC sheath single core copper cable low level in floors Lin.m 5.0.1/1 In trenches Lin.m 5.0.1/1 In trunks Lin.m 15.0.0 Testing Item 16.0.0 Commissioning Item 19.0.0 Drawing Preparation; Installations, Coordination, as installed and record drawings Item Loose Ancillaries; Keys, tools, spares, chemicals Item 21.1.0 To Collection 37 QUANTITES ND CRIPTIONS 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74