g3q~q.~ (~ German mi 1 itary s ~rvicc, Jan /3. This Document IS A HOLDING OF THE ARCHIVES SECTION LIBRARY SERVICES FORT LEAVENWORTH, KANSAS DOCUMENT NO. N3QkCOPY NO. CGSC Form160 18 Mar 51 Arni-CGSC-F316-2Ma53M Army-CGSC-P3-1966-20 Mar 53-5M VOT7T 9LIHE3) LBJa NOT TO BE PUBLISHED NOTICE The contents of this volume will not be communicated to the public or to the press, but may be given to any person known to be loyal to the United States. Changes, corrections, or any suggestions for the improvement of this text should be sent directly to the Central European Branch, Military Intelligence Service, War Department, Washington, D. C. TABLE OF CONTENTS OF GERMAN MILITARY SYM---------------------BOLS --------------------------SECTION lI-MILITARY SYMBOLS SECTION I-EXPLANATION I. II. Parea 1 9 Headquarters of Higher Echelons______________________ Infantry: A. Headquarters---------------------------------- 12 B. Units----------------------------------------- 13 C. Weapons-------------------------------------- 16 D. Groups: 1. Example of a Diagrammatic Table of Organization--------------------------------2. Examples of Map Symbols----------------- 18 18 III. Artillery : A. Headquarters---------------------- 19 B. Units ------------------ 20 C. Weapons: 1. Guns and Cannons_______________________ 2. D. E. IV. Howitzers ------------ ____---- 3. Weapons of Foreign Origin ---------------- 27 Examples of Map Symbols_____________-_________ 27 Miscellaneous_____________________------____---- 27 Cavalry and Reconnaissance: A . H eadquarters_--- V. 23 '25 __-- 28 ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---B . U n its _ - -- - --- -- - -- -- - --- - -- -- - -- --- - -- -- 29 --------- 31 C. Vehicles-------- D. Examples of Map Symbols______________________ -- 31 Mountain: A. Headquarters------------------------- B. Units--------- C. Groups: 33 33 ---------------------------- 1. Example of a Diagrammatic Table of Organi- zation -------------------------2. Examples of Map Symbols ---- 35 ---- 35 III CONTENTS VI. Page Panzer: A. Headquarters-- ----------------- B. Units. 36 ------------ 37 -- C. Tanks.....-D. 40 Groups: 1. Example of a Diagrammatic Table of Organi- zation E. VII. 42 Engineer: A. Headquarters_________---__------------------- B. Units C. Groups: 43 B. 43 - Example of a Diagranatic Table of Organiza- ---tion-2. Examples of Map Symbols-------------VIII. Railway Engineer: ___-_-------A. Headquarters 46 47 -- 48 48 Units---r----------------------------------- Fortress Engineer: A. 51 Headquarters--------------------------------- 51 B. Units - - - - - - - -- - - - - --------------X. 41 41 ---------------- Vehicles 1. IX. - - Example of Map Symbols------------------ 2. Technical: A. Headquarters------------------- 53 B. Units- 53 C. Example of a Diagramatic Table of Organization--- -- 54 XI. Construction: XII. XIII. A. Headquarters. B. Units..- 55 --------------------- -- 55 Road Construction: A. Headquarters_____-_------------- 56 B. Units----------------------------------------- 56 A. Headquarters------------------- 57 B. Units: Signals: 1. Signal-------------- 2. Telephone and Telegraph------------ --3. R adio --------4. Interception---------------------------5. Miscellaneous______________-----__-----6. Propaganda-------------------------- C. Installations____~-_~-~-~~- 59 60 61 61 62 62 62 CONTENTS XIII. V Signals-Continued. D. Sub-units: 1. 2. Page Telephone, Telegraph, and Teletype: -------a. D etachm ents---- ---- ----- 63 b. S tations-------------------------- - 65 c. Lines------------------------------ 65 Radio: a. Detachments-------------------------66 b. Stations-------------------- c. Methods of Operation-------------- ------ 3. Interception: a. Detachments -----------------------b. XIV. Stations------- - ----------- 4. Other Methods of Communication----_ 5. Miscellaneous------------------------------69 67 - 68 ------- 68 Chemical: A. Headquarters--------------------------------------70 B. Units------------------------------------------ C. Groups: 70 1. Example of a Diagramatic Table of Organiza- 2. Examples of Map Symbols------------------ tion --- -- -- --- - --- -- -- -- --- -- -- -- --- -- XV. 67 -67 71 72 Transport: A. Headquarters----------------------------------- B. Units-------------------------------------------73 C. Groups: 1. Example of a Diagramatic Table of Organiza- 2. Examples of Map Symbols------------------75 tion -----D. 73 ------------ -- ---- Trains of Combat Troops------------- - - --------- 74 75 XVI. Survey and Map Printing: A. Headquarters --- B. Units--------------- ---------- C. Installations --------------------------------- ------------------------------------ 76 76 77 XVII. Services: A. B. Supply: 1. Headquarters----------------------------- 78 2. Units ---------------------- 80 3. Installations------------------------------ 82 Administrative: 1. Units------------------------------------ 85 2. Installations----------------------------- 86 CONTENTS VI XVII. Services-Continued. Page C. Medical: 1. Headquarters------------------------------87 2. Units-------------------------------------88 3. Miscellaneous_-----------------------------90 D. Veterinary---------------------------------------90 E. Postal: 1. Headquarters-------------------------------92 2. Units--------------------------------------92 F. Provost: 1. Headquarters-------------------------------93 2. Units- - - - - - - - - - - 93 XVIII. Miscellaneous: A. Tactical Boundaries -- - -- - - - - ---94 B. Railroads and Transpor_____________ 94 C. Obstacles: 1. Mines-------------------------------------97 2. Miscellaneous ------------------------------- 98 D. River Crossing: 1. Crossing Points_---------------------------101 2. Bridges-----------------------------------102 E. Defensive Positions--------------------------------102 F. Miscellaneous-------------------------------------105 XIX. Air: A. Higher Headquarters_-----------------------------106 B. Flying Corps : 1. Headquarters_-----------------------------107 2. Units-------------------------------------108 C. Signals : 1. Headquarters_-----------__----------------110 2. Units-------------------------------------110, 3. Permanent Signals Ground Organization--111 4. Miscellaneous-------------------------------111 D. Antiaircraft Artillery: 1. Headquarters_-----------------------------112 2. Units-------------------------------------113 3. Weapons----------------------------------115 E. Parachute Units_---------------------------------116 F. Air Bases-----------------------------------------116 APPENDIX I-Ground Panel Signals Used By Troops For Air Communication --------------------------------------------------- 117 APPENDIX II-Nonofficial Auxiliary Signs---------------------------120 SECTION III-DOCUMENTS ---------------------------------- ADDENDA-----------------------------------------------------------143 125 SECTION I Explanation of German Military Symbols 1. The German Armed Forces use military symbols to a wide extent on their maps and charts, on task force tables of organization, on direction and location sign posts in combat zones, and even on armament and equipment. A thorough knowledge of these symbols, as well as the principles on which they are formulated, will assist intelligence personnel in making German identifications in combat. 2. German military symbols are designed to resemble the armament and establishments which they represent. The more complicated symbols are simply a logical development of the simple basic ones. Once the system of German military symbols is understood, intelligence personnel can deduce the meaning of unknown and new symbols. 3. The system of German military symbols will be explained by illustrative examples in the following paragraphs. 4. Particular attention is called to the symbols with a thickened line. They represent a unit of company strength. 5. Here is the basic German military symbol for a heavy machine gun: By thickening the center line, the symbol represents a Machine Gun Company: " 6. Herewith is the basic symbol for a gun: iji It will 1 2 GERMAN MILITARY SYMBOLS now be explained how this symbol is developed to represent the various types of guns and the organizations which man them. a. The basic symbol for an infantry howitzer (75-mm Howitzer in the 13th Company of an Infantry Regiment) is as follows: ~ By thickening the center line, the symbol represents the Infantry Howitzer Company: j b. The basic gun symbol III ,with a forked base represents an antitank gun: j Likewise, the addition of a circle represents an antiaircraft gun: _ c. The addition of an extra line to a gun symbol usually indicates a larger caliber. Thus, a 75-mm infantry howitzer: If' becomes a 150-mm infantry howitzer by the addition of another line to the symbol: I Also, the symbol for a 50-mm infantry mortar: .1z. becomes the symbol for the 81-mm mortar: =Q7. A motorized unit is indicated by two small wheels on the unit symbol: ~a A partially motorized unit is represented by4 one wheel only: = Partially EXPLANATION, OF GERMAN MILITARY SYMBOLS 3 Motorized Telephone Company. Self-propelled mounts are by represented the Thus, symbol: = Anti- tank Battalion Headquarters on Self-propelled Mount. 8. Command Posts or unit headquarters are shown by flag symbols. The shape and marking of the flag de- notes the size of the command. Thus: ~ General Headquarters. F~ Army Group Headquarters. p Army Headquarters. ~ Corps Headquarters. ~ Divisional Headquarters. a Brigade Headquarters. ~ Regimental Headquarters. Battalion Headquarters. B r Company Commander. 9. Arms and Services have their own distinguishing symbols: 9------ Air. 0 -------- Antiaircraft Artillery. GERMAN MILITARY SYMBOLS Antitank. Armored. Artillery. Battalion Strength. 0-1---- Cavalry and Reconnaissance. Company Strength. Construction. Cyclist. I.. Depot or Park. +---- Engineer. Fortress Engineer. Half-tracked. Medical. a Military Police. Motorcycle. Motorized. Motor Transport. Mountain. Parachute. EXPLANATION - -- ¢ OF GERMAN MILITARY SYMBOLS Partly Motorized. ----- Radio. -- -------- Railway. 4---------Railway Engineer. A i _ Signal. &------_ Smoke or Chemical Warfare Service. ------ Supply. V Q Survey. -------- Telephone. Tracked (Self-propelled Mount). 7 --- - Traffic Control. - Train. - -- fl------ Transport Column. Veterinary. 10. Basic Symbols for Weapons: "'---------Machine Gun. 11 _- _ Mortar. 1 ----- Infantry Howitzer. _ -Flame-Thrower. ---- Antitank Rifle. GERMAN MILITARY SYMBOLS 9j_----Antitank Gun. '1'----_ Field Gun. I_ - Field Howitzer. - I -- -- _Medium Gun (100 mm). As previously indicated, these basic symbols can be A 0. Each addisupplemented by adding r tion of, one of these signs indicates an increase in caliber: - j -: Heavy Machine Gun. Heavy Mortar. 11. Basic symbols for weapons, symbols for arms and services, and the flags of headquarters may all be combined. Here, for example, is an illustration of the flexibility and adaptability of the German system of military symbols: This character represents a Mountain Artil- lery -Battalion Headquarters. three elements, e. g., Note the combination of (Battalion Headquarters), 11f (Artillery), and A (Mountain). 12. Supplementary letters which are used to show special employment (F, Gr, Ls, Sich, St, Str, Wa, etc.) are always found on the left of the symbol, e. g. F Fortress Engineer Regimental Headquarters. Other letters, used to denote the nature and organic assignment of a formation, arc found on the right of the EXPLANA'T'ION symbol: OF GERMAN MILITARY SYMBOLS A Motorized Army Signal Battalion Head- quarters. In a few exceptional cases, the letters are found above, below, or within the military symbol. 13. Supplementary numbers. a. Headquarters of Armies, Divisions, Regiments, Independent Battalions, Companies, etc. carry an arabic numeral on the right side of the military symbol as -a designation of the unit, e. g., 10th Infantry Regiment. b. Headquarters of Army Corps and Battalions within a Regiment are shown by the use of Roman numerals: VIII Army Corps Headquarters. ?/67 2nd Battalion, 67th Infantry Regiment. c. A figure below a military symbol sign indicates the number of weapons in a unit or the tonnage capacity of columnns, ferries, and bridges: 3 Light Machine Guns. _ 2 Infantry Howitzers (75 mm). 14. It will be noticed that, in certain instances, there are alternate military symbols for the same subject. This is in no wise a deviation from a consistent pattern, but rather further testimony to the logic of the German system. Some German commander, not knowing the precise symbol, has put one together from well-known basic signs. GERMAN MILITARY SYMBOLS The resultant symbol is fully as comprehensible as the official one. 15. In the translation of German terms, an attempt has been made to approximate, as closely as possible, equivalent units in the Army of the United States. In many instances, however, no equivalents exist, necessitating a literal translation. 16. An effort has been made to employ only those German terms which are officially used to designate a particular military symbol. The absence of German opposite many of the symbols is explained by lack of authoritative nomenclature. 17. The following changes in nomenclature, arriving too late for inclusion in this book, should be noted: Infanterieregiment should read Grenadierregiment leichte Division should read Jagerdivision (except "leichte Afrika-division"). SECTION II Military Symbols I. HEADQUARTERS OF HIGHER ECHELONS Military Symbol German - des Ob erkommando U. S. Equivalent General Headquarters Heeres Heeresgruppenkommando Army Group Headquar- ters Armeeoberkommando Army Headquarters Korpskommando Corps Headquarters Korpskommando (mot.) Motorized Corps Head- Corps, Had- quarters Gebirgskorpskommando Mountain quartcrs or or Panzer Corps *Panzerkorpskommando Hoheres Kommando Befehishaber af. des Riick- wirtigen Jleeressgebiets Headquar- ters Headquarters of Force Equivalent to a Corps Headquarters of Army Group Rear Area (Com- munications Zone) Kommando einer Infan- Kommando einer Infantry Divisional Headquarters teriedivision Infan- teriedivision (mot.) Motorized Infantry Divisional Headquarters 9 GERMAN Military Symbol MILITARY SYMBOLS German Komnando U. S. einer leichten Headquarters Inf anteriedivision Kommando Sich einer rungsdivision y ~ Kommando Sicher- einer Landes- Kommando eiuer Gebirgs- division of Communications Local Defense Divisional Headquarters Mountain Divisional Headquarters Kommando einer Panzerdivision eines Line Divisional Headquarters schfitzendivision Stab Equivalent Light Infantry Divisional Panzer Divisional Head- quarters Artilleriekom- Corps or Army Artillery Command Staff Inspector of Fortifications Kommandant des Rilek- KAw rtjgen Armeegebietes Headquarters Rear of Army Area (Communi- cations Zone) Stab V~ einer Infanteriebri- gade Stab Brigade Head- quarters eines Artilleriefiihr- I Divisional Artillery Com- ers Stab Infantry mander's einer Kavalleriebri- gade Cavalry Headquarters Brigade Head- quarters Stab einer -Panzerbrigade Panzer Brigade Headquarters Stab ::einer dierbrigade Panzergrena- Motorized Rifle Headquarters in Division Brigade Panzer MILITARY SYMBOLS German Military Symbol Stab eines Kiistenartil- leriekommandeurs U. S. Equivalent Coast Defense Artillery Headquarters (Status of Brigade) F tr Stab eines Festungsartil- leriekommandeurs Stab eines Eisenbahnpionierkommand eurs Stab eines Festungspio- nierkommandeurs F Oberbaustab Fortress Artillery Head- quarters Railway Engineer Head- quarters Fortress Engineer Head- quarters Construction Staff (Status of Brigade) Higher Echelons Headquarters 5039443-2 Signal II. INFANTRY A. Headquarters: Military Symbol Stab German eines Infanterieregi- ments Stab Equivalent Regimental Headquarters eines Sicherungsregi- ments. Sich U. S. Infantry Line of Communications Regimental Headquar- ters Stab Gr eines Grenzwachtreg- invents Cxr Stab Stab eines Landesschitz- e in e s eines Infanterieregi- Infanteriebatail- ions Stab Local Defense Regimental Motorized Infantry Regimental Headquarters Infantry Battalion Headquarters eines Infanteriebatail- ions (mot.) Stab Regi- Headquarters nts (mot.) ments Stab (Guard) mental Headquarters enregiments !s Frontier eines Motorized Infantry Bat- talion Headquarters Radfahrerbatail- ions (tmot.) Bicycle Battalion quarters Head- (Partly Mo- torized) Sich I Stab eines Sicherungsbatailions Line Stab eines Grenzwachtbatail- Frontier ions Grr Stab W eines Landesschtitzen- Stab eines Wachbatailions 12 Communications (Guard) Battal- ion Headquarters bataillons Ls of Battalion Headquarters Local Defense Battalion Headquarters Guard Battalion quarters Head- MILITARY Stab eines Feldersatzbatail- f Stab S. Equivalent Battalion Replacement Headquarters (In Field) ions Feld Ers U. German Military Symbol 13 SYMBOLS eines Maschinenge- Motorized Machine Gun wehrbataillons (mot.) Battalion Headquarters ~.Stab emi e s Kradschfttzen- Motorcycle Rifle Battalion Headquarters bataillons Kompanieffthrer Company Commander Kompaniefiuhrer (mot.) Company Commander (Motorized Unit) Kradschiutzenkompaniefii- Motorcycle Company Commander hrer Radfahrerschwadronf uhrer Bicycle Company Com- mander B. Units:. 111 Sich LI Schutzenkompanie Rifle Company Schutzenkompanie (mot.) Motorized Rifle Company Sicherungskompanie Line of Communications Company Grenzwachtkompanie Gr0j Frontier (Guard) Com- pany Ls Wa III Landesschutzenkompanie Local Defense Company 11 Wachkompanie Guard Company St Stabskompanie Headquarters Company St Stabskompanie (mot.) Motorized Company Headquarters 14 GERMAN Military Symbol MILITARY SYMBOLS German U. Schwere Kompanie (mot.) S. Equivalent Motorized Heavy Weap- ons Company Motorized Antitank Com- Panzerabwehrkompanie (mot.) pany * Maschinengewehrkom- ®+ Maschinengewehrkom- , Grenzwacht-Maschinen- Machine Gun Company panie Motorized o . Gr gewehrkompanie Machine Gun Company Frontier (Guard) Machine Gun Company M. G. Kp., vierspannig Machine Gun With Vehicles Company Drawn by Four Horses JKraftrad-(Krad-) j.I or Ma- Motorcycle schinengewehrkompanie Company Kradschiitzenkompanie Motorcycle Machine Gun Rifle Com- Motorcycle Rifle pany Leichte Kradschl tzen- kompanie Schwere Company Kradschfitzen- kompanie Radfahrerkompanie h ®Sicherungs-Radfahrerkomp anie Ia Wachradfahrerkompanie Infanteriegeschuitzkoi- paine Light Motorcycle Heavy Weapons Company Bicycle Company Line of Communications Bicycle Company Guard Bicycle Company Infantry pany Howitzer Com- MILITARY SYMBOLS H/lilita ry Symbol German Inf ant eri eg e s cliii t z - S. Equivalent itzer Company kompanie (mat.) Schwere U. Motorized Infantry How- Heavy Infantry Howitzer Infanteriege- II! Company schfitzkompanie on Self-pro- pelled Mounts Kradschuitzenzug Motorcycle Rifle Platoon Kradmeldetrupp Motorcycle Detachment at Regimental Headquar- ters Infanterie-Reiterzug Mounted Infantry Recon- naissance Platoon (Horse) D Nachrichtenzug bei Staben Signal Pla- toon Nachrichtenzug bei Staben Kraftradmeldezug (Krad- meldezug) Schiitzenzug nLI or ~f Motorized Headquarters Signal Platoon (mot.) El Headquarters Granatwerferzug Granatwerferzug (mot.) Motorcycle Messenger Platoon Rifle Platoon Heavy Mortar Platoon Motorized Heavy Mortar Platoon Inf an terieponierzug Infantry Combat Engineer Platoon Infanteriepionierzug (mot.) Motorized Infantry Combat Engineer Platoon Panzerabwelirzug Antitank Platoon GERMAN Military Symbol S, MILITARY SYMBOLS German U. S. Panzerabwehrzug (mot.) Equivalent Motorized Antitank Platoon Leichter Infanteriege- Motorized schutzzug (mot.) Schwerer Motorized Heavy Infantry Infanteriege- Howitzer Platoon schftzzug (mot.) _ Schwerer Infanteriege- sch.utzzug auf Heavy Infantry Howitzer Selbst- fahrlafetten _LL. Leichte Platoon on. Self-pro- pelled Mounts Infanterieko- lonne JkL. Light Infantry Howitzer Platoon Infantry Light Transport Column Leichte Infanteriekolonne (mot.) Infantry Light Transport Column (Motorized) C. Weapons: Maschinengewehr ,I. or Leichtes M. G. T Leichtes ung ". Schweres M. G. I Schweres M. G. Machine Gun or Light Machine Gun in Stell- Light Machine Gun M. G. Heavy Machine Gun in Stell- ung Heavy Machine Gun Leichter Granatwerfer Light Mortar (50 mm) ___ Schwerer Granatwerfer Heavy Mortar (81 mm) Leich te s Light schlitz in Position .1. ± in Position Infanteriege- Infantry (75 mm) Howitzer MILITARY SYMBOLS U. German Military Symbol Infanteriege- Schweres 17 S. Equivalent Heavy Infantry Howitzer (150 mm) schuitz Panzerbiichse Antitank Rifle Panzerbiichse 41 Antitank Rifle 41 2 cm Panzerabwehrge- 20-mm Antitank Gun schuitz Panzerabwehrkanone(3.7 37-mm Antitank Gun (in 37-mm Antitank Gun in cm) Panzerabwehrkanone Stellung) 4.7 cm Panzerabwehrge- Position 47-mm Antitank Gun schtutz 4.7 cm Panizerabwehrgeschiitz Gun (Czech) 5 cm Pak/Flak 50-mm Antitank/Antiair- 7.5 cm Pak/Flak iii 75-mm Antitank/Antiair- 7.62 cm Pak/Flak 76.2-mm or i Antitank 47-mm craft Gun craft Gun Antitank/Anti- aircraft Gun 8.8 cm Pak/Flak 88-mm Antitank/Antiaircraft Gun 18 GERMAN' MILITARY SYMBOLS D. Groups: 1. Example of a Diagrammatic Table of Organization: Military Symbol German U. Infanteriebataillon S. Equivalent Infantry Battalion (show- inp comnomltion Rifle Companies, of 2 each with 12 Light Machine Guns and 3 Light Mor112 12 tars, 12 6 1 Heavy Weapons Company, with 12 Heavy Machine Guns and 6 Heavy Mortars) 2. 0 Examples of Map Symbols: Infantry X/21 Infanteriebataillon Battalion Battalion. 21st (1st Regi- ment) 10 Maschinengewehrbataillon KG J~J Infanterie -Marschko- 10th Motorized Machine Gun Battalion Infantry March Column lonne Marschkolonne M~1o- torisierter Infanterie Motorized Infantry March Column 4 Einzelner Schiitze Individual Rifleman 4"4 Feldposten, Spahtrupp Patrol P1 FE . Feidwache Picket Observation Post B d Beoba.chtuugstelle Scuiitzeimest Group of Entrenched Riflemen 64600%,." Schtltzen in Entwicklung Deployed Riflemen III. ARTILLERY A. Headquarters: Military Symbol Stab German enes Artillerieregi- ments Stab eines U. S. Equivalent Field Artillery Regimental Headquarters Artillerieregi- Motorized Field Artillery Headquar- Regimental ments (not.) ters Stab eines reitenden Artillerieregiments P Stab eines GebirgsartilL lerieregiments Horse Artillery Regimental Headquarters Mountain Artillery Regi- mental Headquarters Motorized Artillery Regi- mental fHeadquarters in Panzer Division Stab eines Kiistenartillerie- regiments Stab eines Leichtgeschutzregiments Stab einer Artillerieabteilung Stab einer Artillerieabteilung (mot.) Coast Artillery Regimental Headquarters Light Artillery Regimental Headquarters Field Artillery Battalion) Headquarters Motorized Field Artillery Battalion Headquar- ters Stab einer reitenden Artillerieabteilung Stab einer Beobachtungsabteilung (mot.) Horse Artillery Battalion Headquarters Motorized servation Artillery Battalion Headquarters 19 Ob- GERMAN Military Symbol MILITARY SYMBOLS German U. Stab einer GebirgsartilI I lerieabteilung S. Equivalent Mountain Artillery Bat- talion Headquarters Motorized Field Artillery Battalion Headquarters in Panzer Division Stab einer Sturmgeschtitzabteilung Assault Stab einer Ki stenartillerieabteilung Coast Stab einer Leichtgeschiitz- Light Gun Battalion Head- Battalion Artillery Battalion Headquarters quarters abteilung II Gun Headquarters Batteriefiihrer Battery Commander Stabsbatterie Headquarters Battery Stabsbatterie (mot.) Motorized B. Units: Headquarters Battery Gebirgsstabsbatterie Mountain Headquarters Battery St Reitende Stabsbatterie Headquarters Battery in Horse Artillery Unit Motorized Battery in Headquarters a Motorized or Panzer Unit Stabsbatterie einer Beo- Motorized Headquarters bachtungsabteilung Battery of a Motorized (mot.) Artillery Battalion Observation MILITARY U. S. Equivalent German Military Symbol 1l, St SYMBOLS Stabsbatterie einer Sturmgeschuitzabteilung Headquarters an Assault Battalion Battery of Gun Lichtmessbatterie (mot.) Motorized Flash Ranging Battery uJ Beobachtungsbatterie (mot.) Motorized servation Artillery Ob- Battery (in Panzer Division) Schallmessbatterie (mot.) Motorized Artillery Sound Ranging Battery erie Vermess ungsbatt Artillery Sur- vey Battery (mot.) I~ Motorized Motorized Ballonbatterie (mot.) Balloon Bat- tery (7.5 cm) Batterie L. F. H. Light Field Howitzer Battery (75 mm) T L. F. H. (16) Batterie in Light Field Howitzer (16) Battery in Position (105 Stellung (10.5 cm) mm) Batterie L. F. H. (18) in Stellung (10.5 cm) Light Field Howitzer (18) Battery in Position (105 mm) Batterie langer schweren Feldhaubitzen Batterie schwerer Haubitzen II Batterie Feldkanonen Long Medium Field Howitzer (13) Battery Medium Howitzer Battery Field Gun Battery (18) 22 MILITARY GERMAN ij SYMBOLS U. German Military Symbol Gebirgsbatterie Reitende Batterie Feld- Equivalent Horse Battery of Field Battery of Field Guns kanonen Reitende S. Mountain Battery Batterie Feld- Stellung kanonen in Horse Guns in Position 100-mm Gun Battery I Batterie 10 cm Kanonen cm Miirser Batterie 21 des Nachrichtenzug 210-mm Mortar Battery Regimental or Battalion Stabes eines Regi- Headquarters ments oder einer Platoon Signal Abteilung Motorized ora,9 Wetterzug Meteorolog- (mot.) ical Platoon Meteorolog- Motorized ical Platoon (Air Currents and Air Pres- sures) Motorized Medium Cali- s. 4o bration Platoon (mot.) Motorized Artillery Survey Platoon Artillerievermsseungs- Artillery Survey Detach- Vermessungszug ar trupp Artillerieve rmessungs trupp (mot.) ment Motorized Artillery Sur- vey Detachment MILITARY SYMBOLS S. Equivalent Mountain U. Artillery German Military Symbol Gebirgsartillerievermess ungstrupp ~L ~OrDruckereitrupp (mot.) Sur- vey Detachment Motorized Printing De- tachment Wettertrupp (mot.) Motorized Meteorologi- cal Detachment Motorized Light Calibration Detachment LA a t !I Leichte Artillerieko- lonne A c- , J Leichte Artilleriekolonne (mot.) a Light Transport Column of Artillery Motorized Light Trans- port Column of Artillery .JAa Leichte Gebirgsartilleriekolonne (mot.) Motorized Trans- Light port Column of Mountain Artillery Kz Ili Kraftzug -Artilleriekolonne 11T Tractor Drawn Artillery Supply Column (Diesel) Pack Supply Column of a Light Artillery Battery in a Motorized Divi- sion Pack Supply Column of a sjT Motorized Medium Artillery Battery in Motorized Division C. Weapons: 1. Guns and Cannons: iii , Feldkanone (7.5 cm) Field. Gun. (75 mm) a GERMAN MILITARY SYMBOLS German Military Symbol U. S. Equivalent K. 16 (7.5 cm) Field Cannon 16 (75 mm) F. K. 18 (7.5 cm) Field Gun 18 (75 mm) F. Leichtgeschuitz Light Gun (75 mm) Mountain Gun 15 (75 mm) Mountain Gun 36 (75 mm) ~ Sturmgeschutz (7 .5 cm) Assault Gun (75 mm) I 10 cm K. 100-mm Cannon t 10 cm K. 17 100-mm Cannon (or 17 new Model 17/04) 3 10.5 cm K. 18 105-mm Cannon 18 C(oast T Defense 120-mm Cannon 16 (mot ; > 15 cm K. Motorized 150-mm Can- non 16 15 cm K. 18 (mot ; ) 150-mm Cannon 18 (Mo- torized) 7+o 15 cm K. 39 (mol; > 150-mm Cannon 39 (Mo- torized) 150-mm Cannon on Howitz- er Mounting (Motorized) Peschuitz 15 cm Eisenbahn 150-mm Railway Gun MILITARY German Military Symbol 25 SYMBOLS U. S. Equivalent 170-mm Gun on Howitzer Mounting (Motorized) cm Eis enbahngeschtitz .170-mm Railway Gun 17 c 3 em Eisenbahnge- 203-mm Railway Gun 20.Schiitz 210-mm Gun 38 (Motor- ized. 210-mm T Gun. 39 (Motor- ized) enbah ngeschiitz 12 Railway Gun 12 Eis 240-mm Gun (Motorized) T 240-mm Railway (Theodor or Gun Theodor- Bruno) 280-mm EE Railway Gun (Short, Long, or Heavy E1 Bruno Type) senbah ngeschiitz 5 EiE Railway Gun 5 305-mm Fixed Gun St~ 2. Howitzers: 'It I L. F. H. (10.5 cm) Light Field Howitzer (105 mm) L.F.H. lafette auf Selbstfahr- Light Field Howitzer Self-propelled Mount on 26 GERMAN Military Symbol MILITARY SYMBOLS V. German Light L. I F. H. 16 (10.5 cm) L. F. H. 18 (10.5 cm) S. Equivalent Field Howitzer 16 (105 mm) Light Field Howitzer 18 Howitzer 18 (105 mm) S L.F.H.18 (mot.) Light Field (Motorized) 120-mm Howitzer Medium Howitzer (150 mm) Tg.s. .H13(15cm OO SS. Long Medium Field Howitzer 13 Medium F.H.1(mot.) (15 cm 18 (150 Field Howitzer mm) (Motor- ized) 210-mm Howitzer (Motorized) Long 210-mm Howitzer (Motorized) 210-mm How 18 (Motor- ized) 240-mm Howitzer 39 (Motorized) 305-mm Howitzer (Motor- ized) Howitzer M. 1 (Motor- ized) 420-mm Howitzer (Motor- ized) MILITARY Military Symbol SYMBOLS German U. S. Equivalent "Gamma" Howitzer (Motorized) 3. Weapons of Foreign Origin: In the case of guns of foreign origin, the military symbol for the appropriate caliber is used together with the letter showing the country of origin. 10 cm K. 100-mm Cannon (Czech) Medium Howitzer (Polish) +o 15 cm K. 150-mm Cannon (French) D. Examples of Map Symbols: 05:1 or ;I (1~P-7 \ Artillerie-Marschkolonne Artillery March Column 1st ij r/ Battalion, 1st Regi- ment (Light Field Howitzers) 1LA Armee-Beobachtungsstelle Army Observation Post E. Miscellaneous : 4 Lichtmessstelle 4or Schallmessstelle Flash Ranging Station Artillery Sound Station Warning Post Wagon Lines 5039400-43 -- 3 Ranging IV. CAVALRY AND RECONNAISSANCE A. Headquarters: Military Symbol German Stab eines Kavallerie- (Reiter-) Regiments Stab einer Aufklairungsab- U. S. Equivalent Horse Cavalry Regimental Headquarters of Headquarters Recon- Battalion teilung einer Infanterie- naissance division Infantry Division Stab einer Aufklirungsabteilung einer Infanteriedivision (tmot.) Headquarters of of Partly ReconnaisMotorized sance Battalion of In- fantry Division Stab einer Aufklirungsab- teilung einer Infanteriedivision (mot.) Motor- of Headquarters ized Reconnaissance Battalion of Infantry Division Stab eines Radfahrerba- taillons (tmot.) Bicycle Battalion Head- quarters (Partly Motorized) Stab einer Gebirgsaufklrungsabteilung Headquarters Motorized of Partly Reconnais- sance Battalion of Moun- tain Division Panzerspah - Aufklirungs- abteilung Headquarters of ArmoredCar Reconnaissance Bat- talion Fiihrer einer Schwadron Fihrer (mot.) einer Schwadron Troop Commander Troop Commander torized) (Mo- MILITARY Military Symbol SYMBOLS German Fiihrer einer U. M. G.- Schwadron Fiihrer Equivalent mander einer Radfahrer- schwadron Fiihrer S. Machine Gun Troop Com- Bicycle Troop Comman- der einer Panzerspaih- Armored-Car Commander schwadron B. Units: Reiterschwadron .o r Maschinengewehr- schwadron. Maschinengewehrs ch w a- dron (mot.) iki K av all erie - Geschiitz- Horse Cavalry Troop Machine Gun Motorized Cavalry chine Gun Troop Ma- Cavalry Troop Cavalry Howitzer Troop schwadron. Reiteraufklhrungs c h w a- Horse Cavalry Reconnaissance Troop Radfahrerschwadron A Radfahrer - schwadron. Aufklrungs- Gebirgsradf ahrer-Auf klh- rungsschwadron ~a' Bicycle Troop Bicycle - Reconnaissance Troop Mountain Bicycle Reconnaissance Troop Panzersphhschwadron Armored-Car Troop Panz ersp ahschwadron einer Panzeraufkllrungsabteilung Armored-Car Troop in Armored Reconnaissance Battalion GERMAN MILITARY SYMBOLS Military Symbol S German U. S. Equivalent Kradsch~iitzenschwadron Motorcycle Troop Kradschutz enseliwadron eines Panzerverbandes Motorcycle Troop in an Armored] Formation Schwerwaffenschwadron (mot.) Motorized] Hleavy Weapons Troop Schwerwaffen - Radfahrerschwadron (mot.) Motorized] Heavy Weapons Troop of a Bicycle Squadron Gebirgs - Schwerwaffen- Sschiwadron (mot.) Motorized Mo u nta in Heavy W eapons Troop Schwerwaffenschwadron eines Panzerverbandes MotorizedI [leavy Weapons' Troo p in an Arrmation Kavallerie-Panzerabwehr-. Caar nitank Platoon Kavalere-Pnzeabwhr-Motorized. Cavalry Antitank Plat )On zug (mot.) 1] Kavallerie-G eschii tz- 0! SKavallerie-Pionierorzug S (mot.) Motorized( Cavalry Cornbat Engin ~eer Platoon Kavallerie - Nachrichtenzug (tmot.) Partly Mot( )rized Cavalry Signal Plaatoon D or Motorized( Cavalry Signal _ O6r Cavalry Ho~vitzer Platoon zug Kavallerie- Nachrichten- Platoon zug (mot.) Nachrichtenzug einer Aufklarungsabteilung (mot.) Motorized Signal Platoon of a Reconn aissan ce Battalion MILITARY Military Sy mbol 4 SYMBOLS German U. S. Equivalent Panzerspaihzug Armored-Car Platoon Kradschiitzenzug Motorcycle Rifle Platoon Granatwerferzug (mot.) Motorized Heavy Mortar Platoon Leichte Kavalleriekolonne Light Cavalry Transport Column Leichte Light Transport Column in an Armored-Car Unit Panzerspaihko- lonne C. Vehicles: f Leichter Panzerspaihwagen Light Armored-Car Leichter Panzerspaihwagen (Franzdsisch) Light Armored-Car (French) Schwerer Panzerspahwagen Heavy Armored-Car Heavy Armored-Car (With Radio) D. Examples of Map Symbols: 6 Mounted Trooper Reiterposten 6 666 Reiterspahtrupp, Reiter- Cavalry Patrol feldposten Cavalry Picket Reiterfeidwache 6 6 )))))))-> Radfahrerfeldpo~ sten, Radfahrerspiihtruj PP Bewegung von Kavallerie Bicycle Patrol I Movement of Cavalry GERMAN 32 Military Symbol MILITARY U. German K aval- or SYMBOLS errie- S. Equivalent Cavalry March Column Marschkolonne Kavallerie-(Reiter-) Regi- Horse Cavalry Regiment ment th Aufklrungsabteilung Reconnaissance Battalion V. MOUNTAIN A. Headquarters: Military Symbol Stab German eines eines S. Equivalent Mountain Infantry Regimental Headquarters Gebirgsj iger- Mountain regiments Stab U. Gebirgsj tiger- bataillons Infantry Mountain Bicycle f ahrer-Bataillons (tmot.) P Bat- talion Headquarters Battal- ion Head quarters (Partly Motorized) Stab Gebirgsflakar- Mountain Antiaircraft Ar- tillerieabteilung (tmot.) einer tillery Battalion Headquarters (Partly Motorized) i Fiihrer einer Gebirgsj tigerkompanie Fiihrer einer Mountain Rifle Company Commander Gebirgsrad- fahrerkompanie Mountain Bicycle Com- pany Commander B. Units: Gebirgsj aigerkompanie Mountain Rifle Company Gebirgsj agermaschinenge- Machine Gun Company of wehirkompanie Mountain Infantry Battalion S;" Gebirgsstabskompanie Mountain Headquarters Company Gebirgsradfaahrerkompanie Mountain pany Bicycle Com- GERMAN Military Symbol MILITARY German Schwere Gebirgsradfahrer- kompanie (mot.) SYMBOLS U. S. Equivalent Heavy Weapons Company of a Mountain Bicycle Battalion T Gebirgsflakbatterie (2 cm) (mot.) Motorized Mountain Antiaircraft Artillery Bat- tery (20 mm) Gebirgspan zerabwehrkompanie (mot.) ti~II Gebirgsgranatwerf erzug Motorized Mountain Antitank Company Mountain Heavy Mortar Platoon WZ Gebirgsgeschfttzzug Mountain Howitzer Pla- toon or -1 Nachrichtenzug bei Staben Signal Platoon with Moun- von Gebirgseinheiten tain Units Headquarters Gebirgsradfahrerzug L4± Leichte Gebirgskolonne Mountain Bicycle Platoon Light Mountain Transport Column a Leichte lonne Gebirgsj igerko- Mountain Infantry Light Transport Column MILITARY SYMBOLS C. Groups: 1. Example of a Diagrammatic Table of Organization: Military Syrnbol German U. S. Equivalent Gebirgsj igerbataillon Mountain Infantry Battalion Consisting of: Battalion Headquarters 3 Mountain Rifle Companies, each with: 4 12 Light Machine Guns 3 Light Mortars 'LL1 IiiI " ad U II~a lea 2 Heavy Mortars 1 Mountain Machine Gun Company with 12 Heavy Machine Guns 1 Headquarters 1 Engineer Company with Platoon with 4 Light Machine Guns 1 Signal Platoon 1 Howitzer Platoon with 2 Light Howitzers 2 Examples of Map Symbols J /i 8 Gebirgsj gerbataillon Gebirgsmarschkolonne 1st Battalion, 138th Mountain Rifle Regiment March Column of Mountain Troops VI. PANZER A. Headquarters: Military Symbol German U. Stab eines Panzerregiments Tank S. Equivalent Regimental Head- quarters Stab eines Panzergrena- dierregiments (mot.) Infantry Regimental Headquarters (in Panzer Di- vision). Armored Infantry Regi- mental Headquarters 'Artillery Regimental Head- quarters (in Panzer Di- g vision) Stab einer Panzerabteilung Tank Battalion Headquarters Stab einer Panzerflam- menwerferabteilung Stab einer Panzerabwehr- Antitank Battalion Head- quarters on Self-propelled Mounts Panzergrena- Infantry Battalion Head- auf falrlafetten eines Battalion Headquarters Selbst- abteilung Stab Armored Flamethrower dierbataillons (mot.) quarters (in Panzer Di- vision) Armored Infantry Battalion Headquarters MILITARY Military Symbol . SYMBOLS German U. S. Equivalent Stab eines Kradschfitzenbataillons Motorcycle Rifle Battalion Headquarters (in Pan- zer Division) Stab einer Aufkliirungsabteilung (mot.) Motorized Reconnaissance Battalion ters (in Fiihrer einer Kompanie der Kraftfahrkampf- Headquar- Panzer Division) Company Commander (in Armored Force) truppe Armored Infantry Com- pany Commander Fiihrer einer Panzerkompanie Fiihrer einer Panzerfiam- BI menwerferkompanie "~ Panzerabteilung Tank Company Commander. Armored Flamethrower Company Commander B. Uhnits: Tank Battalion (3 Companies) Zi Panzerabteilung Tank Battalion (2 Light Companies, 1 Medium Company) Or- Panzerabteilung 4$ Panzerabwehrabteilung (mot.) Motorized Antitank Battalion Aufkhirungsabteilung (mot.) Motorized Tank Battalion Reconnais- sauce Battalion GERMAN 38 German Military Symbol S MILITARY Panzergrenadierbataillon SYMBOLS U. talion (mot.) Equivalent S. Motorized Infantry Bat- Panzer Di- (in vision) Panzerkompanie Panzerkompanie Tank Company Light Tank Company 9 Leichte g Mittlere Panzerkompanie Medium Tank Company Panzerfla mmenwerfer- Armored SF ~ kompanie Panzerstabskompanie Flamethrower Company Armored Headquarters Company p~ Werkstattkompanie Maintenance Armored Company Panzergrenadierkompanie (mot.) Company Motorized (in Panzer Division) Armored Infantry Com- pany Schwere Kompanie (mot.) Motorized Heavy Weapons Company (in Panzer Division) Armored Heavy Weapons Company Maschinengewehrkom- ~~ pane (mot.) Machine Gun Company (in Panzer Di- Motorized vision) Armored Machine Company Gun MILITARY Military Symbol SYMBOLS German U. S. Equivalent Jnf anteriegeschiitzkom- Motorized Infantry Howitzer Company (in Pan- panie (mot.) zer Division) Stabskompanie (mot.) Headquarters Motorized Company Division) (in Panzer Headquarters Armored Company 6% Panzerabwehrkoinpanie (mot.) Motorized Antitank Company (in Panzer Division) g Panzerabwehrkompanie auf Selbstfahrlafetten Antitank Kradschtzenkompanie Motorcycle pany (in Company on Mounts Self-propelled (in Panzer Division) Rifle ComPanzer Divi- sion) Siwere S Kradschtzen- gkompanie Motorcycle Heavy Weapons Company (in Panzer Division) V Kr ad mas chine ng ewe hrkompanie Motorcycle Machine Gun Panzer (in Company Division) Schwerer Infanteriegeschfitzzug (mot.) Motorized try Heavy Howitzer InfanPlatoon (in Panzer Division) Pionierzug (mot.) Motorized Combat Engineer Platoon (in Division) Panzer 40 GERMAN, MILITARY Military ASymbol SYMBOLS German U. S. Equivalent Armored Combat neer Platoon Zug Panzerkampf- Engi- Tank Platoon wagen I9- Leichter Panzerzug Light Tank Platoon Werkstattzug Armored Maintenance Platoon Armored Recovery Pla- toon Nachrichtenzug bei Staben (mot.) Motorized Signal Platoon (in Panzer Division) Armored Signal Platoon Panzernachrichtenzug Armored Signal Platoon Panz er-Gel echtstross Armored Combat Train Eisenbabn-Panzerzug Armored Train (Railway) Panzerkampfwagen I Tank, Mark I Panzerkampfwagen II Tank, Mark II C. Tani Panzerkampfwagen (Franzosisch) II Tank, Mark II (French; for Platoon Commander) t51 Panzerkampfwagen III Tank, Mark III MILITARY Military Symbol SYMBOLS German V. S. Equivalent Command Tank Panzerbefehlswagen 6i Br Briickentraiger - Panze: kampfwagen r- Bridge Laying Tank in Armored Engineer Bat- talion Panzerkampfwagen IV Tk, Mark IV (for Com- pany Commander) D. Groups: 1. Example of a Diagramatic Table of Organization: Tank Battalion, Consisting of: Headquarters Headquarters Company Tank Battalion 2 Light Tank Companies 1 Medium Tank Company Supply Train Maintenance Com- pany 2. Examples of Map Symbols: 1st Battalion, 3rd Infan-, try Regiment (in Panzer '/3 Division) - Panzerabteilhmg 1st Battalion, 6th Tank Column of Tank Regiment Panzer-Marschko- lonnne 1n Leichte Panzerkolonne March Units Light Transport Column of Armored Units 42 MILITARY SYMBOLS -GERMAN Military Symbol U. S. Equivalent German E. Vehicles: 4~Panzerspahkompanie 16 Panzerspaiheinheiten A~Panzerspaihwagen zo( Mitti. Panzer-Fuuktrupp Armored-Car Units Armored-Car Medium Panzer Radio Detachment Ki. Panzer-Funktrupp Small Panzer Radio Detachment ~4L. Panzerspah-Fumktrupp Light Armored-Car Radio Detachment Stabs-Raupenfahrzeug Nr. 251 Special Headquarters Vehicle #251 S S 0 Armored-Car Company = ~4Panzerspathwagen, 4 Raid- 4 Wheeled Armored-Car :bo Z6 S rig-Nr. 260 #260 Panzerspahiwagen, 4 Radrig-Nr. 261 4 Wheeled Armored-Car #261 Panzerspahwagen 8 Radrig-Nr. 263 8 Wheeled Armored-Car #263 VII. ENGINEERS A.. Headquarters: Military Symbol German Stab eines U. S. Combat Engineer Regimental Headqnarters Pionierregi- Motorized ments Stab eines Equivalent Pionierregi- ments (mot.) Combat Engi- neer Regimental Headquarters Stab eines Pionierbatailions (tmot.) Combat Engineer Battalion Headquarters (Part- ly Motorized) Stab eines Pionierbatailions (mot.) Motorized Combat Engineer Battalion Head- quarters Panzertruppe or - Pionier- bataillon Pzerrpe-Poir Armored Combat Engineer Battalion Headquarters Stab eines Gebirgspionier- bataillons Mountain neer Combat Engi- Battalion Head- quarters Stab eines Pionierbriickenbataillons (tmot.) Kompanierfiihrer Pionierkompanie einer Combat Engineer Bridging Battalion Headquarters (Partly Motorized) Combat Engineer Com- pany Commander B. Units: 11 Pionierkompanie Combat pany 503940 0-4 -- 4 Engineer Com- GERMAN Military Symbol f MILITARY SYMBOLS U. German Pionierkompanie (mot.) S. Motorized Equivalent Combat Engi- neer Company Gebirgspionierkompanie Mountain Combat Engi- neer Company Brfickenbaukompanie Bridge Building Company Leichte Pionierkompai lie (mot.) Light Motorized Combat (In Engineer Company Armored Unit) Pionierpark Combat Engineer Supply Depot Company Panzertruppe-Pionierkompanie Armored Combat neer Company Engineer Engi- Company (Ar- mored Half-tracked Vehicles) of an Armored Engineer Battalion Sturmbootkompanie Assault Boat Company Pionier-Radfahrerkompanie Combat Engineer Bicycle Pioniernachrichtenzug Motorized (mot.) Gebirgspionier - Nachrich- tenzug bei Staben (tmot.) Kavalleriepionierzug (mot.) Company Combat Engi- neer Signal Platoon Mountain Combat EngiPlatoon neer Signal (Partly Motorized) Motorized Combat Engineer Platoon (Cavalry) MILITARY Military Symbol SYMBOLS German U. S. Equivalent Motorized Combat Engineer Maintenance Pla- Pionierwerkstattzug (mot.) A toon Briickenkolonne (Briiko) (mot.) Motorized Bridging Col- umnB Bridging Column T F Leichte Pionierkolonne Light Transport Column of Combat Engineers Leichte Pionierkolonne (mot.) Motorized Light Transport Column of Combat Engineers Leichte Pionierkolonne (mot.) - Motorized Light Transport Column of Combat Engineers (in Panzer Division) Leichte Gebirgspionierkolonne (mot.) Motorized Light Transport Column of Combat Mountain Engineers K3AI Kleine Pionierkolonne (mot.) Motorized Light Trans- port Column of Combat Engineers -' Leicht zerlegbares Briickengerit Sectional Bridging Equip- ment Unit Sectional Bridging Equipment Unit With Escort Herbert-Brickengerit "Herbert" Ponton Bridg- ing Equipment Unit GERMAN Military Syl nbol MILITARY SYMBOLS German U. S. Equivalent "Herbert" Ponton Bridging Equipment with Es- H~ cort s.S. Schweres Schiffsbriicken- gerat Heavy Boat Bridging Equipment Unit Heavy Boat Bridging Equipment Unit with Escort Briickengeratkolonne. B Equipment B1)4 Unit for B for B Bridging Column s- Equipment Unit Bridging Column with Escort KKB B Kraftzug-Briickengeratkolonne B (mot.) Pioniergeraitstaffel (mot.) Tractor Echelon of a Bridging Column B Motorized Engineer Tool Train C. Groups: 1. Example of a Diagrammatic Table of Organization: Pionierbataillon (mot.) Motorized Combat Engi- neer Battalion: Headquarters 3 Motorized Engineer Companies each with 9 8 999 Light Machine guns Motorized Column "B" Motorized Light Bridging Trans- port Column of Combat Engineers MILITARY Military Symbol SYMBOLS U. German S. Equivalent 2. Examples of Map Symbols: Pionierbataillon 36 ~ C 36th Combat Engineer Battalion J36 ~ Pionier-Marschko- lonne March Column of Combat Engineer Units VIII. A. RAILWAY ENGINEER Headquarters: ]1hlitary Symbol I nier-Regiments Equivalent U. S. German Stab eines Eisenbahnpio(mot.) Motorized Engineer Railway Regimental Headquarters Stab eines Eisenbahnpio- nier-Bataillons (mot.) Railway Motorized gineer En- Battalion Head- quarters Stab eines Eisenbahnpio- fier - Brilekenbaubatailions (tmot.) Partly Motorized Railway Engineer ing Bridge Build- Battalion Head- quarters Stab eines Eisenbahnpio- nier-Baubataillons Engineer. Railway struction Con- Battalion Headquarters B. Units: Ep Eisenbahnpionierkompanic (tmot.) Eisenbahnpionierkom- Partly Motorized Railway Engineer Company Motorized E isenb ahnpionier-Bau- Railway komp anie [e] Pf' 'B En- Construction Company Eisenbahnpionier - Pfeilerbaukompanie Pile Eisenbalnfernsprech- Railway kompanie Railway gineer Company. panie (mot.) Driver Company Telephone erating Company Op- MILITARY Military Symbol ±1 ~ 0St. SYMBOLS German Eisenbahn-Stellwerkkom- U. S. Equivalent Railway Signals Company paine Railway Engineer Water Supply Company sIj Feld Feldbahnkompanie EisenbahnbetriebskomL7JBetr panie Eisenbahn-Briickenbaukompanie Field Railway Company Railway Operating Com- pany Company of Bridge a Railway Building Bat- talion ~ Eisenbahnpionierpark Depot Company of a Railway Bridge Building Battalion Eisenbahnpionier-Bau- L~1 kompanie Eisenbahn-Pionierpark- kompanie A Engineer kompanie Seilbahntrupp Con- struction Company Railway Engineer Depot Company Engineer Pionierwerkstattzug Fiihrer einer SeilbahnSell Railway Railway Shop Platoon Commander of a Cable Railway Company Cable Railway Detach- ment Section Ius Concerned Underground tion (Foundations Bridges, Beds) With Excava- etc. on of River GERMAN Military Symbol MILITARY U. S. Equivalent Motorized Railway En- Transport Col- German Eisenbahnpionierkolonne UW SYMBOLS (mot.) gineer umn -a- Eisenbahnbau-Pionierkolonne Partly Motorized Column of a Railway Construction Battalion Eisenbahnpionierpark Railway Engineer Supply Park Eisenbahnpionier-Bricke Emergency Bridge Railway IX. FORTRESS ENGINEER A. Headquarters: Military Symbol German F nierregiments Stab ,F Equivalent U. S. Stab eines Festungspio- Fortress Engineer Regi- mental Headquarters eines Festungspio- Fortress. tor) nierbataillons Engineer Battalion (Sec- Head- quarters) . Stab eines FestungsbauPionierbataillons Fortress Construction Battalion Headquar- ters B. Units Festungsbau-Pionierkom- FI1 panie Fortress Construction Company Fortress Betonbaukompanie Construction (Concrete) Company Rock Drilling Company F~ Tunneling Company F J Festungspioniertechnische Technical Company Kompanie FI F estungspionier-Park- Fortress kompanie Engineer Depot Company F Festungspionier-B auko- lonne (mot.) F1 Motorized Fortress Con- struction Transport Column Festungsscheinwerf erzug Fortress toon Searchlight Pla- GERMAIN Military Symbol MILITARY SYMBOLS U. German Military F® S. Equivalent Geological Sec- tion. Festungspionierpark Fortress Engineer Supply Park Heim ~n Pi Fortress Engineer Supply Park terior) (in Zone of In- X. TECHNICAL A. Headquarters: Military Symbol Stab r German eines technischen Bataillons (mot.) U. S. Equivalent Motorized Technical Battalion Headquarters Motorized Technical Bat- T MA talion (Gasoline Headquarters "A") Motorized Technical Bat- talion TMB (Gasoline "B") Headquarters B: Units: Motorized Technical Com- T pany (Electricity) Motorized Technical Com- pany (Gas and Water) Motorized Technical Company (Mining, Exca- vation) Motorized Technical Company (Mining, "Cut and Cover" Construction) Motorized Technical Co TAA - pany (Gasoline "A") Motorized Technical Conm- T M pany (Gasoline "B") Motorized Technical Pla- toon (Gas and Water) 54 GERMAN MILITARY SYMBOLS C. Example of a Diagrammatic Table of Organization: Military Symbol U. S. German Equivalent Motorized Technical Battalion consisting of: Headquarters 2 El')',' 3Z motorized Technical Companies (Electric- ity), each with 3 Light Machine Guns Motorized Technical Company (Gas and Water) with Guns. 3 Light Machine XI. CONSTRUCTION A. Headquarters: Military Symbol German Kommandeur der Bautrup- pen U. S. Equivalent Commander of Construclion Units Stab eines Baubataillons Construction Battalion Headquarters B. Units: II1 Baukompanie Construction Company Betonbaukompanie Construction (Concrete) Company ___~ Construction Baukolonne Transport Column ~Z. v-U Baukolonne (mot.) Construction Motorized Transport Column 55 XII. ROAD CONSTRUCTION A. Headquarters: Symbol Military German Stab eines Strassenbauba- taillons Str ~ S. Equivalent ion Headquarters Stab eines Radfahrer-StrasStr U. Road Construction Battal- senbaubataillons Road Construction Battalion (Bicycle) Headquarters B. Units: IIt 1 strF-I] Strassenbaukompanie pany Strassenbaukompanie str ahrer- kompanie Road pany (tmot.) Radf R Str Com- Road Construction Strassenbau- Bicycle Construction Coi (Partly Motorized) Road Construc- tion Company Partly Motorized Equip- ment Column of a Road Construction Battalion XIII. SIGNALS A. Headquarters: Military Symbol German U. Stab eines FiihrungsnachFu richtenregiments (mot.) S. Equivalent General Headquarters Signal Regimental Head- quarters (Motorized) Stab ° H.Gr. eines Heeresnach- richtenregiments (mot.) Army Group Signal Regimental Headquarters (Motorized) Signal Intelligence Aufklirungsregiments mental Headquarters (mot.) (Motorized) Stab Stab zb.V Nachrichten- eines eines Nachrichten- regiments, z. b. V. (mot.) Signal Regimental quarters Regi- Head- (Independent) (Motorized) Stab eines Panzer-Nach- Stab eines Panzer Army Signal Regi- mental Headquarters richtenregiments Nachrichten- Horchregiments (mot.) Signal Interception mental Regi- Headquarters (Motorized) Fortress Festungsnachrichten- Kommandantur Stab einer Fiihrungsnach- cFU richtenabteilung Signal Regi- mental IHeadquarters (mot.) General I-eadquarters Signal Battalion Head- quarters (Motorized) Stab einer Heeresnachrich- tYH. Gr. tenabteilung (rnot.). ,. Army Group Signal Battalion Headquarters (Motorized) GERMAN Military Symbol Stab A MILITARY SYMBOLS German U. S. Armeenach- einer richtenabteilung (mot.) Equivalent Army Signal Battalion Headquarters (Motorized) Stab einer Nacbrichten- Signal Battalion Head- quarters of an Armored abteilung Unit Stab einer Korpsnachrieh- K (mot.) tenabteilung Corps Signal Battalion Headquarters (Motorized) Stab K Gcbirgskorps- einer Corps Signal (Partly Motorized) Panzerkorpsi lung Nachrichtenabte Mountain Battalion Headquarters Nachrichtenabteilung (tmot.) Stab zK einer (mot.) Panzer Corps Signal Battalion Headquarters (Motorized) Stab einer InfanteriediD visions-Nachrichtenabteilung (mot.) Stab einer Divisionsnachrichtenabteilung (tmot.) Infantry Division Signal Battalion Headquarters (Motorized) Infantry Division Signal Battalion Headquarters (Partly Motorized) Stab einer Panzerdi0 to visions-N achrichten- Panzer Division Signal Battalion Headquarters abteilung Stab einer Gebirgsdi- Mountain Division Sig- visions-Nachrichtenab- nal teilung (tmot.) quarters (Partly Motor- Battalion Head- ized) Stab einer Horchnachrichtenabteilung (mot.) Motorized Signal Interception Battalion Headquarters MILITARY SYMBOLS German Military Symbol U. S. Equivalent Field Exchange Headquarters Stab Fr einer Festungsnach- richtenabteilung Kompanieffihrer der Nachrichtentruppe Unit Fortress Signal Battalion Headquarters Signal Com- Company mander B. Units: Signal: 1. Nachrichtenkompanie Signal Company Nachrichtenkompanie Signal B (tmot.) Company (Guard) Frontier Gr. G r. Grenznachrichtenkomp anie IB Gebirgsnachrichtenkom- (mot.) panie (tmot.) Grenzgebirgsnachrichten- Gr. ~ (Partly Motorized) kompanie (tmot.) Company Signal (Motorized) Mountain Signal Company (Partly Motorized) Frontier Mountain (Guard) Signal Com- pany (Partly Motorized) Panzernachriehtenkompanie or IL Leichte Nachrichtenkolonne or (mot.) Leichte Gebirgsnach- Armored Signal Company Light Signal Transport Column (Motorized) Light Mountain Signal richtenkolonne Transport Column (Mo- (mot.) torized) Armored Light Signal Transport Column (Motorized) 50394°-43 5 GERMAN MILITARY SYMBOLS 2. Telephone and Telegraph: Military Symbol German Fernsprechkompanie (tmot.) Fernsprechkompanie (mot.) Gebirgsfernsprechkompanie (tmot.) U. S. Equivalent Telephone Company (Partly Motorized) Telephone Company (Motorized) Mountain Company Telephone (Partly Mo- torized) Panzerf ernsprechkompanie Fernsprechbaukompanie (mot.) Armored Telephone Company Construction Telephone Company (Motorized) Field Cable (Motorized) Motorized Company Cable Com- pany (Higher Echelons) Telephone Installation Dismantling Company (Motorized) Fernsprechbetriebskompanie (mot.) Telephone Operating Company (Motorized) Telegraph Construction and Operating Company (Motorized) Fernschreiberkompani e (mot.) Teletype Fernsprechbaukompanie (mot.) Line Company (Mo- torized) Building (Motorized) Company MILITARY Military Symbol SYMBOLS German U. S. Equivalent Carrier Frequency Com- pany (Motorized) Decimeter Wave Signal Company (Motorized) 0I Motorized Screening and Reconnaissance Company Cable Detector Platoon 3. Radio: U Funkkompanie Radio (mot.) Company (Motor- ized) Gebirgsfunkkompanie or Mountain Radio Company (Partly Motorized) (tmot.) Armored Radio Company Panzerfunkkompanie Beam Radio Finding) (Direction Company (Motorized) 4. U Interception: Horchkompanie (mot.) Signal Intercept Company (Motorized) Nachrichten-Aufkl rungskompanie ~<Nachrichten-Aufklarungstrupp (mot.) Kleiner Horchstellentrupp - Signal Intelligence Com- pany Motorized Signal Intelli- gence Detachment Radio Intercept Detach- ment Dolmetscherzug (mot.) Interpreter (Motorized) Platoon MILITARY GERMAN 5. SYMBOLS Miscellaneous: Military Symbol German U. Fortress FI S. Equivalent Cable Exchange Company Festungskab elbauzug F (mot.) Fortress Cable Construc(Motortion Platoon ized) Fortress Cable Platoon Fortress Radio Platoon FLX Festungsfunkzu P Festungs-Me 1 - Burying lehund- und Brieftaul benzug Fortress Messenger Dog and Carrier Pigeon Platoon Pack Supply Column (Signals) et 1 Verstirkerwagen (mot.) Motorized Amplifying Unit (Electric) 6. Propaganda: Prop a gand akompanie (mot.) Propagandazug (mot.) Propaganda Company (Motorized) Propaganda (Motorized) Platoon C. Installations: Rear Area Signals Head- quarters Feldnachrichtenkommandant Field Signal Officer Nachrichtenpark Signal Equipment Depot SYMBOLS MILITARY Military Symbol LIII German 63 U: S. Field Feldnachrichtenpark Equivalent Signal Equipment Depot 5JI Funk- und Fernsprech amt Signal Office D. Signal Sub-Units: 1. Telephone, Telegraph, an d Teletype: a. J Detachments: Fernsprechgruppe (meit.) 4~Leichte Fernsprechgru J~Schwere Fernsprechgru Line Mainte- nance Squad Lppe Line Motorized Light Maintenance Squad ippe Line Heavy Motorized Maintenance Squad (mot.) S -- "Motorized (mot.) Leichter Fernsprechtrupp (mot.) Motorized Light Tele- phone Line Maintenance Detachment Miittlerer Fernsprechtr-upp Motorized Medium Tele- (mot.) )Grosser phone Line Maintenance Detachment Fernsprechti'upp (mot.) Motorized Heavy Tele- phone Line Maintenance Detachment Motorized Field Cable Detachment Motorized Field Cable Detachment (Higher Echelons) Fernsprechb autrupp (mot.) Motorized Telephone Construction Detachment GERMAN Military Symbol MILITARY German SYMBOLS U. S. Equivalent Motorized Buried Cable Construction Detachment S Fernsprechbetriebstrupp (mot.) Motorized Telephone Operating Detachment Motorized Repeater tion Detachment Motorized Carrier Sta- Fre- quency Detachment Motorized Wave Decimeter Signal Detach- ment Motorized Decimeter Wave Balancing Detachment Motorized Teletype In- stallation Detachment Motorized Teletype Equipment Detachment Motorized Teletype De- tachment Leichter Fernschreibertrupp (mot.) Motorized Light Teletype Detachment Mittlerer Motorized Fernschreiber- trupp (mot.) S Schwerer Fernschreiber- trupp (mot.) WT Wechselstromtelegraphietrupp (mot.) Medium Tele- . type Detachment Motorized Heavy Teletype Detachment Alternating Current Telegraph Detachment (Motorized) MILITARY SYMBOLS German Military S ymbol U. S. Equivalent Cable Balancing Detachment (Motorized) Cable Jointing Detach- ment (Motorized) Cable z Detector Detach- ment (Motorized), Cable Burying Detachment (Motorized) b. Stations: Fernsprechstelle Telephone Station 0 Fernsprechvermittlung Telephone Exchange 8 Fernschreiberstelle Teletype Exchange Repeater Station V'1 c. Lines: In line diagrams, the following colors arc used: Green------Infantry Red------- Artillery Brown ---- Divisional Signals Blue_____-____ Corps Signals Black________ Army and Army Group Signals Einfachleitung O--0 Feldkabeleinfachleitung Doppelleitung ----o--+-I- -N-- ~Feldkabeldoppelleitung Single Wire Circuit Field Cable Single Wire Circuit Two-Wire Circuit Field Cable Two-Wire Circuit 1Field Long Distance Cable GERMAN SYMBOLS S. Equivalent U. German Military Symbol ---- MILITARY Field Permanent Line + - Field Cable (Higher Echeions) Field Cable With 2 Telephones and 1 Teletype IOF 6T Field Permanent Line 10 Carrier Tele- With phone and 6 Teletype Circuits c-9--- Line Allocated From Ci- 3410 Number Shown Dethe notes 3653-4070-4072 Pair Number Received For the Army vilian Post Office System Cable Allocated From Civilian Post Office System Decimeter Wave Circuit 2. Radio: a. Detachments: Tornisterfunktrupp (mot.) Portable Radio Detach- ment (Motorized) Leichter Funktrupp (mot.) Light Radio Detachment (Motorized) Leichter Gebirgsfunktrupp taclunent (Motorized) (mot.) S Mittlerer Funktrupp (mot.) Schwerer Funktrupp (mot.) Light Mountain Radio De- Medium Radio Detach- ment (Motorized) Heavy Radio Detachment (Motorized) MILITARY Military SSymbol 67 SYMBOLS U. German Schliisseltrupp (mot.) S. Equivalent Cipher Detachment (Motorized) b. Stations: Radio Station Funkstelle Funkstelle mit 30 Watt 630Wv (8) 30-Watt Radio Station Sender Feste Funkstelle Fixed Radio Station /1/ Sender Transmitter /v' Empfalnger Receiver c. Methods of Operation: Two-Station Net Funklinie < _6 _l 3. Sternverkehr Directed Net Netzverkehr Free Net Interception: a. D etachments: lorchtrupp (mot.) Radio Intercept Detach- ment (Motorized) Funkpeiltrupp (mot.) Radio Beam Finding) (Direction Detachnent (Motorized) 68. GERMAN MILITARY SYMBOLS German Military S ymbol U. Radio S. Equivalent Plotting Detach- ment (Motorized) Lauschtrupp (mot.) *> Line Interception Detachment (Motorized) Horchtrupp (mot.) Detachment Listening (Motorized) b. Stations: Horchstelle; Empfinger Listening Post; Receiving Set Horchstelle Listening Station Feste Empf ingerstelle Fixed Receiving Station Peilstelle (Direction Beam Radio Finding) Station Radio Plotting Station 4. Other Methods of Communication: 0< Blinker Blinker aQ$ Blinkgerat Motorized Blinker Signal (mot.) Equipment ( Blinkertrupp (mittel, klein) cX--- Blinkverbindung Blinker Detachment (Medium, Small) Blinker Connection Be- tween Two Points X,( Meldehundtrupp Messenger Dog Detach- ment '. °'1.\. \ Meldehundverbindung Messenger Dog Communication MILITARY Military Symbol German SYMBOLS U. S. Equivalent Phcotophone Detachment Ph( )tophone Communicaion 0 ] -- Feste Brieftaubenstelle Fix ed Carrier Pigeon Loft Brief taubenstelle Cai rrier Pigeon Loft Abflugstelle Cai rrier Pigeon Releasing Point Heeresbrieftaubenverbindungc Cairrier Pigeon Communication 5. Miscellaneous:. MK M.s.Si. 4 mLF, Meldekopf Ad vanced Message Center Meldesammeistelle Meessage Center iochantenne Hi~gh Aerial Bodenantenne Gr )und Aerial Rahmenantenne Fr~tme Aerial Erde Gr ound XIV. CHEMICAL A. Headquarters: Military Symbol S German Stab eines Nebelregiments (mot.) U. S. Equivalent Motorized Smoke (Chemical Warfare Regimental Service) Headquar- ters S Stab einer Nebelabteilung (mot.) Stab einer Entgiftungsab- ER teilung (mot.) Motorized Smoke (Chem.. ical Warfare Service) Battalion Headquarters Motorized tion Decontamina- Battalion Head- quarters Stab Eg einer Strassen-Ent- giftungsabteilung (mot.) Motorized Road tamination Decon- Battalion Headquarters B. Units: Nebelwerfertrupp (mot.) Motorized Smoke-Laying (Chemical Warfare Service) Detachment (Type 35) Motorized Smoke Laying (Chemical Warfare Service) Detachment (Type 40) (Tractor- Drawn) Motorized Smoke Laying (Chemical Warfare Service) Detachment (Tractor-Drawn) (Type d) MILITARY SYMBOLS S. U. German Military Symbol Equivalent Motorized Smoke Laying (Chemical Warfare Service) Detachment (Tractor-Drawn) (Type e) t Motorized Heavy Smoke Laying (Chemical Warfare Service) Detachment 5 Engiftungskompanie ~. Motorized Decontamina- tion Company (mot.) Gasspiirerkompanie (mot.) Sentry Gas Motorized Company (With Dogs) Str. Road Decon- Strass en- Entgif tungskompanie (mot.) Motorized Leichte Motorized Smoke Laying Nebelkolonne (mot.) tamination Company Transport Light Col- umn Leichte Entgiftungskolonne (mot.) Motorized tion Decontamina- Light Transport Column Motorized ,tion Decontamina- Equipment Light Transport Column C. Groups: 1. Example of a Diagramatic Table of Organization: Nebelabteilung Headquarters Battalion with Signal Platoon and Meteorological Platoon 3 companies each with 8 Smoke Projectors (type 2 Light Ma- 40) and chine Guns GERMAN 2. SYMBOLS Examples of Map Symbols: Military Symbol Tir,11 MILITARY U. S. German Equivalent 2nd Battalion, 51st Smoke Regiment (Chemical Warfare Service) 2nd Smoke Battalion (In- dependent) (Chemical Warfare Service) 104th Decontamination Battalion XV. TRANSPORT A. Headquarters: Military Symbol Stab ° German eines U. Kraftwagen- transportregiments Stab einer Kraftfahrab- teilung Motor S. Equivalent Transport Regi- mental Headquarters Motor Transport Battal- ion Headquarters Stab einer Kraftfahrabteilung (tmot.) Partly Motorized Trans- port Battalion Head- quarters Stab einer teilung Kraftfahrab- Motor Transport Battalion Headquarters Motor ion Transport Battal- Headquarters on Self-propelled Mount Stab einer Kraftwagen- transportabteilung Motor Transport Battal- ion Headquarters (Troop Carrying) Fiihrer einer Kraftfahr- kompanie Fiihrer einer Kraftwagenkompanie Transport Company Commander Motor Transport Com- pany Commander B. Units: ~ Kraftfahrkompanie Transport Company Kraftfahrkoinpanie (mot.) Motor Transport Com- Motor Transport Com- 'b -ttpany Kraftwagentransportkompanie pany Motor (Troop Carrying) Transport Carrying) (Troop Company 73 GERMAN Military Symbol MILITARY SYMBOLS German U. Motor V A S. Equivalent Transport Carrying) (Troop Company (With Trailers) Ammunition Motor Transport Company (Halftrack) on Self-propelled Mounts Fahrschwadron Wagon Train SErkundungszug (mot.) Motorized Reconnaissance Platoon (Motor Transport Battalion) Motor Kraftfahrzug r2 Transport (Troop Carrying) Platoon Motor Transport (Troop Carrying) Platoon (With Trailers) Motor Transport Park EKraftfahrpark Kf C. Groups: 1. Example of a Diagramatic Table of Organization: Motor Transport (Troop Carrying) Headquarters i h~ Consisting of: Headquarters with Motorized Reconnaissance Pla- Ah Ah Ah Ah 1111 h 1 toon (with 1 Light Ma- chine Gun) 5 Motor Transport (Troop Carrying) (With Companies Trailers), Each With 6 Light Machine Guns MILITARY SYMBOLS 2. Examples of Map Symbols: Symbol Silitary German U. S. Equivalent 1st Battalion, 602nd Motor Transport (Troop Car- SI/60,2 rying) Regiment Column of Partly Motorized Transport Units (on the March) D. 'Trains of Combat Troops: VpfI D;; JV Ration Train Verpflegungstross Motorized Ration Train .~(mot.) V Ration Vi Train drawn), Gep Gepaicktross Baggage Gep or (Horse-. Gepacktross (mot.) Motorized Baggage Train or Gef. Stff D<I~ef or If Train Train drawn) Gep it arm (Horse- 1st Echelon Motorized Ration 2nd Echelon VnI ep (Horse- drawn) , 4, or D;; Verpflegungstross or is the Gefechtsstaffel Combat Train ®3 desired to show to which train belongs, the basic sign of the arm must be added: J Pioniergefechtsstaffel 3Ge B ' Gef Combat Engineer Combat Train Panzergefechtsstaffel 50394O°-43 6 Panzer Combat Train. XVI. SURVEY AND MAP PRINTING A. Headquarters: Military Symbol U. S. Equivalent German Motorized Survey and Map Reproduction Battalion Headquarters B. Units: Motorized Vermessungskompanie (mot.) 2st Vermessungs-Stabskom- Com- Motorized Headquarters Company of a Motorized Survey Unit panie (mot.) 10-1 Survey pany Druckereikompanie (mot.) Motorized Printing Company Motorized Mapping Company Vermessungstrupp Gig (mot.) Motorized Survey Platoon Motorized Plotting Pla- toon Motorized Constructional Platoon Motorized Platoon Photographic Motorized Signal Platoon of a Motorized Survey Unit MILITARY Military Symbol SYMBOLS German U. S. Motorized Equivalent Maintenance Platoon of a Motorized Survey Unit Druckereizug (mot.) Motorized Printing Pla- toon Motorized VQA Map Printing Office of an Army Motorized Map Printing Office of a Corps Motorized Map Printing Office of a Division SPz. 0 Panzer Division Motor- ized Map Printing Office C. Installations: Motorized Army Map Depot General Headquarters Map Depot XVII. SERVICES Color Scheme: Supply--------- Brown ----- Administrative -------------- Green Medical------------------Light Red Veterinary ------------------ Dark Red Postal_______________-______ Yellow A. Supply: 1. Headquarters: U. German Military Symbol Service S. Equivalent of Supply Head- quarters of a Panzer. Army Stab eines Armeenach- Service of Supply Head- quarters of an Army schubfiihrers Army Hea dquarters, Parks St a b eines Festungsnach- Fortress Service of Sup- ply Headquarters schubfiihrers F! Stab eines Korpsnach- Motorized of schubfiihrers Corps Supply Service Headquar- ters Stab des Quartiermeis- Headquarters, C o r p s Service of Supply Dienste Headquarters, Division Rear Area Services ters Riickw artige Div. Stab MILITARY Military Symbol U. S. Equivalent German Stab eines - SYMBOLS Nachschub- Headquarters of Supply (Horse) fiihrers Headquarters Divisions- Nach- Sor S IJ D schubfiihrer Service Headquarters, Service Supply Commander of in Infantry Division Division s-Nachschub-. fulirer (tmot.) Divisions-Nac D of of Supply Commander (Motorized) ffihrers (mot.) - of Service Commander schub- fiilhrer (mot.) Division Service of Supply Headquarters (Partly Motorized) Division Service of Supply Headquarters (Motorized) Panzer of Division 'Service Supply Headquar- ters Stab einer Fahrkolonne Headquarters of Horse Supply Column Stab einer Kraftfahrkolonne (mot.) Kol. - Stab eines Gebirgsbriga- Headquarters of Motorized Supply Column Headquarters of Service of denachschubfiihrers Supply Command Mountain Brigade Gebirgstrigernachschubfiirer Mountain Pack Battalion Headquarters Motorized cKf. Inst Motor in Truck Repair Unit Headquarters GERMAN Military Symbol MILITARY German Stab eines Nachschubfiihrers, z. b. V. z.b. SYMBOLS U. S. Equivalent Supply Headquarters dependent) (e. Port Duties) g., (Infor 2. Units: U1= Nachschubkompanie Service of Supply Com- pany I;1 Nachschubkompanie (mot.) Motorized rE Gebirgsnachschubkompanie Mountain Service of Sup- Gebirgsnachschubkompanie (mot.) Motorized Mountain Serv- Service of Supply Company ply Company ice of Supply Company Spare Parts Echelon (25 Tons) Ers. 25 Spare Parts Echelon (50 Tons) E rsa Tire Echelon Tire Repair Echelon Ins0t. Tankstelle (mot.) Verbl. Motorized Filling Station Motorized Ethylizing Section Ao Gasoline Testing Section Snow Plow Section 2cr~ Leichte Fahrkolonne Light Column (17 Tons) Fahrkolonne (30 T.) Horse Transport Column (30 Tons) MILITARY Military Symbol SYMBOLS German U. S. Fahirkolonne fur Kavallerieverbande (30 T.) __, 81 Equivalent Horse Transport Column for Cavalry Units (30 Tons) Gebirgsfahrkolonne (15T.) ° Horse Transport Column for Mountain Units (15 Tons) Grosse Fahrkolonne (60 T.) O Heavy Horse Transport Column (60 Tons) Kleine Kraftwagenkolonne (30 T.) Light 'Motor Transport Column (30 Tons) Pz.Ers. Motorized Tank Spare Parts Column Bergung Bergungskolonne Motorized Salvage Col- umn or -T Gebirgstragerkom- Munitionskompanie (tmot.) set Betriebsstoffkompanie (mot.) I~ Mountain Pack Company panie Werkstattkompanie (mot.) Partly Motorized Ammunition Company Motorized Motor Fuel- Transport Company Motorized Maintenance Company Feld Feldwerkstattkompanie (mot.) Motorized Field Mainte- nance Company Motorized Recovery Company Kfz.In t Motorized Motor Repair Company Truck GERMAN - U. S. 5 7Kraftwagenwerkstattzug (mot.) Waffenmeisterzug (mot.) Wm. SYMBOLS German Military Symbol Kvv MILITARY Equivalent Mobile Motor Repair Shop Platoon Motorized Ordnance Re- pair Platoon Waffenmeisterzug (mot.) Pz.Jnst Tank Repair Platoon Tractor Repair Platoon Rail Trolley Platoon Gasszug fur den Gasschutz Gas Protection Platoon Wasserversorgungskolon- Motorized Water Trans- port Column ne (mot.) Pz.Ers. Tank Spare Parts Echelon win. Grosse Kraftwagenkolonne (60 T.) Heavy Kleine Light Kraftwagenkolon- ne ftar Betriebsstoff (25 cbm) Grosse Kraftwagenkolon- ne fiur Betriebsstoff cbm) (50 Motor Transport Column (60 Tons) Motor Transport Column for Fuel Cubic Meters) Heavy (25 Motor, Transport Column for Fuel (50 Cubic Meters) 3. Installations: r Infanteriepark Infantry Park Artilleriepark Artillery Park Gasschutzgeritpark Anti-Gas Equipment Park Pionierpark Engineer Depot P1 i MILITARY Military Symbol F pi 1 1 Kf. SYMBOLS German Festungspionierpark U. S. Equivalent Fortress Engineer Equip- ment Depot Nachrichtenpark Signal Depot Kraftfahrpark Motor Transport Park H Hleeres-Kraftfahrpark G e n e r a 1 Headquarters Motor Transport Equip- ment Depot H Heeres-Kraftfahrpark Partly Motorized General Motor Headquarters Transport Equipment Depot H Heeres - Kraftfahrpark (mot.) Motorized General Headquarters Motor Transport Equipment Depot Heim leimats-Kraftfahrpark Motor Transport Equip- ment Depot (in Zone of Interior) 0 Ers. Heergeraitpark Army Equipment Depot Central Spare Parts Depot TiI1 Ers Tank Spare Parts Depot IGI-KI Caterpillar Tracks Depot Ers. Tractor Spare Parts Depot 1Z.K~ Ers. P1 .Sp Armored.-Car Spare Parts Depot Tire Depot GERMAN Military Sy mbol MILITARY SYMBOLS German U. S. Equivalent Tire and Spare Parts Depot R+Ers Supply Depot for Supplies Dropped by Air IMun Q or a or M a Or M M s.st. der fur Ammunition Transloading Point fur Ammunition Distributing ua Umschlagstelle Mun. Munition a Ausgabestelle Munition Mun. rMA or 1 Munitionslager Armee .MA or S. St. S.St. or IS.St. Dump (in Forward Area) - Heeresmunitionsanstalt fur Sammelstelle Munition Point Army Ammunition Loading Factory Ammunition Collecting Dump Mun. Ger. Ammunition fu r Sammelstelle Gert Equipment Collecting Point Gerat Beute Sammelstelle fur Beute s.st. Getang S.St. T Captured Equipment Salvage Depot Sammeistelle fur Gefan- Prisoner of War Cage gene Ortsfeste Tankstelle Stationary Filling Station Tankstelle fur Einzelfahr- Filling Station for Inidividual Vehicles (Motorized) zeuge (mot.) a Gasoline Distributing Point Eisenbahntankstel e Railway (Full) Filling Station MILITARY SYMBOLS B. Administrative: 1. Units: KZA U. S. Equivalent German Military Symbol Heereszeugamt Army Ordnance Depart- ment A.VpfI. Armeeverpflegungsamt Army Ration Supply Office AVA Armeevcrpfiegungsamt (mot.) ABA Motorized. ' Army Ration Supply Office Armeebekleidungsamt (mot.) Motorized Army Clothing Office pFI.A Divisionsverpflegungsamt Divisional DVI Divisionsverpflegungsamt Motorized Divisional Sup- Office ply Office (mot.) FV1 2.b.V. Supply Verpfiegungsamt, z.b.V. Motorized Supply Office (Independent) VD Heeresverpflegungsamt Permanent Army Supply Office Permanent Army Billeting HUV Nsch Office Nachschubverpflegungsamt Ration Supply Replace- ment Office EJ or cr Baickereikompanie, nicht in Betrieb Field Bakery (Not in Motorized Company Operation) Field Bakery Company (Not in Oper- (mot.) 47 Backereikompanie, in Betrieb ation) Field Bakery (in Operation) Company GERMAN Military Symbol k7J MILITARY SYMBOLS German U. Schlichtereikompanie (mot.) S. Equivalent Motorized Slaughter Com- pany Railway Kitchen Com- pany Clothing Repair Train Motorized Kitchen Com- p any w or W.Kp Administrative Wirtschaftskompanie (tmot.) Service Company (or Economic Functions Company) (Partly Motorized) Schlachtereizug, nicht in Betrieb or i 4, Operation) Schlachtereizug, '' in Betrieb Slaughter Platoon (Not in nicht (mot.) Schlichtereizug, in Betrieb Motorized Slaughter Pla- toon (Not in Operation) Slaughter Platoon (in Op- eration) 2. Installations: Depot Units Supply Depot vpf I. A or AVL Armee-Verpflegungslager KVL Korps-Verpflegungslager Army Ration Supply Depot Corps Ration Supply Depot V f rjy DVL Divisions- Verpflegungslager IADLI Armee-Bekleidungslager Divisional Ration Supply Depot Army Clothing Depot .MILITARY Military Symbol B Vpfl SYMBOLS German Verpflegungsausgabestelle VpfI Equivalent Verpflegungsumschlagstelle Ration Supply Transloading Point Rauhafer-Sammelstelle Green V W S. ing Point V LZI D U. Ration Supply Distribut- Fodder Collecting Depot Rauhf. vieh Viehpark Cattle Enclosure vp I. Verpflegungslager Ration Supply Depot C. Medical: 1. Headquarters: b Stab einer Armeesanitaiitsab- teilung (mot.) R, Stab einer Kriegslazarettab- Lz teilung (mot.) Medical Unit Headquarters of Army (Motorized) Evacuation Zone Hospital Headquarters (Motor- ized) Stab einer ReservelazarettSes.L. abteilung Motorized Reserve Hospital Battalion Headquarters Stab einer Krankentrans- portabteilung Stab einer Krankentrans- Res.Lz. Ambulance Battalion Headquarters Motorized Ambulance portabteilung (mot.) Battalion Headquarters Stab eines Reservelaza- Motorized Reserve Hospi- retts (mot.) tal Unit Headquarters GERMAN MILITARY SYMBOLS 2. Units: Military Symbol German Krankenwagenkompani e K rankenwagenkompanie (mot.) U. S. Equivalent Ambulance Company Motorized Ambulance Company Medical Company 1 La Sanittskompanie Sanitaitskompanie (mot.) Medical Motorized Company Sanitatshalbkompanie t Io G ebirgssanit tskompanie (tmot.) Half Medical Company Partly Motorized Mountain Medical Company 0 ,- Entgiftungskomp anie (mot.) Motorized Personnel Decontamination Company Ambulance Krankenkraftwagenzug Motorized Platoon E ]Iriegslazarett Communications flf Leichtkrankenkriegs- k Zone Hospital lazarett Communication Zone Hospital for Slightly Wounded EB Feldlazarett Field Hospital ~ Feldlazarett (mot.) Motorized Field Hospital ca Heimatlazarett Hospital IHekn terior in Zone of In- MILITARY Military Symbol SYMBOLS German U. S. Equivalent Hospital Ship Lazarettschiff Leichtkranken-Lazarett- schiff .K Hospital Ship for Slightly Wounded Lazarettzug, leer Hospital Train (Empty) L. Z Leichtkrankenzug, belegt Train for Slightly Wounded (Full) Gemischter Lazarettzug Mixed Hospital Train Quarantine Train G. z XIn 0 r Sanitaitspark j Sanitatszweigpark Or Itl Medical Supply Depot Branch Medical Supply Depot Zweig Sammelsanitatspark Composite Medical Sup- ply Depot Auf dem Marsch und in der Unterkunft: Krankensammel- On the March or in Billets or Barracks: Collecting Point for Sick punkt Krankensammelstelle Collecting Point for Sick (Ambulance Unit) Ortskrankenstube Dispensary Station Ortslazarett Local Hospital MILITARY GERMAN SYMBOLS U. German Military Symbol Im Cefecht: Equivalent Combat: Verwundetennest First Truppenverband- Regimental Station platz 4 S. In Aid Station Dressing Wagenhalteplatz Ambulance Station Hauptverbandplatz Main Dressing Sta- tion A1 Leichtverwundetensammelplatz Collecting Station for Slightly Wounded Personnel Entgiftungsplatz Decontamina- tion Center 3. Miscellaneous: Leichtkrankenkriegslazarett, Communications Zone for (in Slightly Opera- Communications Zone Hospital eingesetzt Wounded, tion) Kriegslazarett, eingesetzt Hospital (in Feldlazarett, S or S als Field Hospital Operation) for Seuchenlazarett tagious Disease, in eing eration erichtet, ConOp- eingesetzt, Reservelazarett, Res. or eingesetzt Reserve Hospital, in eration Res. D. Veterinary: Veterinairkompanie Veterinary Company Op- MILITARY Helm U. German Military Symbol ® SYMBOLS S. Equivalent Gebirgsvet erinrkompani MountainVeterinary Com- Pferdelazarett Veterinary Hospital Heimatpf erdelazarett Veterinary OorC pany in Hospital Zone of Interior Heim fl i Pferdepark Horse Enclosure Army Horse Enclosure oj1 or Armeepferdepark IID1D Divisionspferdepark Divisional Horse Enclo- sure H 0 or Heimatpferdepark Horse Enclosure in Zone of Interior Heim Remount Supply Depot or He Veterinairpark j H e Veterinary Park Veterinary Park in Zone of Interior Veterinary Supply Park L, Hauptpferdepark Main Veterinary Park Veterinary Examination Center _2t L. Veterinairkolonne (mot.) Pferdetransportzug 503940---43-7 Light Veterinary Column (Motorized) Horse Transport Train GERMAN Military Symbol Pf. Kr. MILITARY SYMBOLS German U. S. Pferdekrankenkraftwagenkolonne (mot.) Pferdeverbandplatz (Ge- fecht) Equivalent Motorized Ambulance Column for Horses Dressing Station for Horses (Combat) Pferdekrankensammelplatz (Gefeclt) for Station Collecting Sick and Wounded Horses (Combat) Pferdekrankensammelpunkt (Marsch und Collecting Point Unterkunft) for Sick and Wounded Horses (On March and in Cantonment) Captured Horses Collecting Point E. Postal: 1. Headquarters: G en er al IHeadquarters Field Postal Headquarters Army Field Postal Headquarters 2. SA Units: Armee-Feldpostamt Army Post Office Feldpostamt Field Post Office F'eldpostamt (Mot.)' Motorized Office Field Post MILITARY SYMBOLS F. Provost: 1. Headquarters: Military Syimbol German U. S. Equivalent Line of Communications Area Headquarters Area Headquarters KrK or OK .Kdtr Ortskommandantur Local Police Headquarters (For Town or District) Stab eines Feldgendarme- Motorized Military Police riebataillons (mot.) Battalion Headquarters Motorized Traffic Control Battalion Headquarters 2. Units: Feldgendarm erie schwa dron (mot.) Motorized Military Police Feldgendarmeriekompanie Military Police Company Troop Motorized Traffic Control Company Wo. IJ- Wachkompanie Guard Company Feldgendarmerietrupp Military Police Detach- ment Feldgendarmerietrupp (mot.) Motorized Military Police Detachment Field Security Police g.;FPI Special Field Unit S SAbt Auskunftstelle Information Office Ge:5S Gefangenensammellstelle I Prisoners' Collecting Point XVIII. MISCELLANEOUS A. Tactical Boundaries: U. German Military Symbol Heeresgruppegrenze S. Equivalent Army Group Boundary Armeegrenze Army Boundary -. 00"00 Panzerarmeegrenze Panzer Army Boundary 0.00* Korpsgrenze Corps Boundary Divisionsgrenze Divisional Boundary Regimentsgrenze Regimental Boundary Bataillons-usw. Grenze. Battalion -I - (or Equivalent Unit) Boundary -- Kompanie-usw. - Grenze Company (or Equivalent Unit) Boundary . S+~ - - -4- , , Zielgrenze Target Boundary Aufkhirungsgrenze Limit of Reconnaissance Hauptkampflinie Main Line of Resistance B. Railroads and Transport: .tLlg. Wehrmachttransportleitung Armed Forces Movement Control VD BvT Wehrmachtverkehrsdirektion Forces Armed Control Traffic Bevollmachtiger Chief Traffic Control offizier Transport- Officer (in Army Group or Army Headquarters) MILITARY German Military Symbol e Ba SYMBOLS U. S. Beauftragter Generalstabs- Equivalent Specially-Assigned General 'Staff Officer offizier T.O. Transportoffizier T.VSt. Transportverbindungs- ITrsp.Kdt Transportkommandantur Transportation Officer Movement Liason Office stab Movement Control Headquarters iAvsu( Ausladekommission Bhf.Kdtr Bahnhofs Kommandan- - Unloading Commission Railway Transport Office tur Bhl.O Hf.O Railroad Station Office Bahnhofsoffizier Hafenoffizier Haf.O or wIst ' Weiterleitungsstelle BD W Feldeisenbahn - Direkto- Port Officer Forwarding Station Field Railway Directorate rat FB Betr. Feldeisenbahn - Betriebs- FB Masch amt Feldeisenbahn-Maschinenamt FB8Werk Feldeisenbahn-Werksthttenamt Betr Armee - Feldeisenbahnbe- A Field Railway Engineering Office Field Railway Mainte- Army Railway Directorate Masch Armee- Army Railway Operation Office triebsamt 4 F g Operation rektorat A FB Railway Office nance Office Armee - Feldeisenbalndi- IFB Field Feldeisenbahn- maschinenamt Army Railway Shop Bureau GERMAN Military Symbol A SYMBOLS German U. Armee - Feldeisenbaln- werk FB MILITARY Army S. Equivalent Railway Mainte- nance Office werkstattenamt FW.St.A Field Waterways Units W.StRKd Waterways Clearance Headquarters or of 3 Ammunition Train Munitionzug Ration Train Verpflegungszug or ibT ear:l Motor Fuel Train Betrieb sstoffzug Pack Train M Dor HC i Flour Train MMehlzug Haferzug Oats Train Viehzug Cattle Train WT ruppen tr an sp o r t z u g Troop Train (Stationary) (haltend) Truppentrai isportzug (in Fahrt) S Troop Train (On the Move) Leerzug (hal tend) Empty Train (Stationary) Leerzug (in Empty Pahrt) MULMTranspor i~ LM 7 .1 D 24 tdg. 7. tbewegung der Info nteriedivision nach G egend Ulmmit 24 Zig n tiglich Train (On the Move) Division Infantry 7th Moving by Rail to Ulm (24 Trains a Day) MILITARY Military Sy mbol SYMBOLS German U. in einem Raum abgestellte Vollzilge (72 Zilge) Is.hq CSpondou S. Equivalent Area Containing 72 Loaded Trains Trink- und Trankanlage Drinking and Watering Place Sammelbalnhof Railroad Collecting Point Ladebahnhof Spandau Entraining Station (Span- dau) Ausladebahnhof Bremen Bremen Detraining. Station (Bremen) (or Railhead) NS A Armee-Ansladebabhnhof fur Nachschub Army Railhead Supply Collection Port Nr Nachschnbsammelhafen Armee-Ausladehafen MMIA Nachschub hstetti Ausadehafen N Nach- schub, Stettin stt 6 fiir ffir Umschlaghafen Base Port Supply Unloading Port, Stettin Reloading Port C. Obstacles: 1. Mines: * Tellermine Tellermine (Plate Mine) 4. Tellermine gesprengt Tellermine Destroyed S Schreckladung S-Mine or Booby-trap Mine oder 98 GERMAN Military Symbol % MILITARY U. German Tj S. Equivalent S- S-Mine or Booby-Trap Destroyed Tellerminen mit Briickenstangen Tellermines With Pressure Schreckladung oder Mine gesprengt 4 SYMBOL'S Bars Emergency Tellermines Connected by Bars Schnelleingesetzte - Schrec- Quickly-laid Booby-trap kladung Tellermine Field (Buried: With Marked Lane) Mine Field (Laid on Surface: With Marked Lane) Mine Field With Pressure Plates (With Marked Lane) Anti-Personnel Mine Field (With Marked Lane) 2. Miscellaneous: XXXXXx Drahthindernis Wire Entanglement Thlichendralth indernis Wire Entanglements *-*- Masehendralthindernis Wire Mesh Obstacle f-4*f Stolperdraht Trip Wire ar K- Concertina Wire xx y/xxx Starkstromsperre X XX X XX XX und 5- Rollen High Tension Wire MILITARY Military Symbol - ± ® SYMBOLS German Zur U. S. Zerstorungvorbe- Prepared Equivalent for Demolition reitet ~ i Zerstort Demolished Light Leichte Baumsperre (Tree Ob- (Prepared for Abatis stacle) Demolition) Leichte Baumsperre, zer- Light Abatis (Demolished) start S Schwere Baumsperre Heavy Abatis (Prepared ,for Demolition) Schwere Baumsperre, zerstort Onoun Abatis, (Demol- Line (Prepared ished) Eisenbahn, zur Zerst6- rung vorbereitet AMM6 Ms Heavy Eisenbahn, zerstort Railway for Demolition) Railway Line (Demol- ished) ~ 1_Eisenba Q ahn-Grenzsperre Nachrichtenstelle, zur Zer- storung vorbereitet 8 Nachrichtenstelle, zerstort Railway Frontier Obstacle Signals Installation (Pre- pared for Demolition) Signals Installation (De- molished) 0> Signals Installation (For Interruption in One Di- Arrow denotes Direction of Interruption rection) Signals Installation terrupted rection) Glacis Annn w A" in One (InDi- GERMAN Military Symbol MILITARY German Barrikade aus Wagen, Stei- nen, Balken, u.s.w. nol SYMBOLS Barrikade mit Durchlass U. S. Equivalent Barricade Made of Wagons, Stones, Earthworks, and Agricultural Implements Barricade With Passage for Own Traffic ~L?* Drahtseilsperre Wire Cable Obstacle Obstacle of Steel Girders or Rails 1 ff~t . Pfahlsperre '' ° Panzerwagengraben Picket Obstacle Antitank Ditch (Close Country (Unsuitable for Tanks) Abgeholzter Wald Felled Trees, Cleared Forest ~81~ -" Niedergelegtes Gehoft Farm Razed to the Ground Anstauung (blaue Farbe) Flooded Area (Colored Blue) ~~3~=~ Stauanlage Dam Gas Contaminated Area (Colored Yellow) Isolated Gas-Contaminated Areas (Colored Yellow) MILITARY Military Symbol SYMBOLS German 101 U. S. Equivalent Area or Individual Feature Blocked Through Fire (Colored Red) Zusetzen eines Durchlasses oder einer Brtickenoff- Block of a Sluice or Arch to Form a Dam nung fiur Stauwerke *000 Tank Obstacles (Blocks) Tank Obstacles (Pickets) Tank Obstacles Chains) (Drag Tank Obstacles ("Hedgehogs") (Also see "Defensive Positions", Page 102) D. River Crossing: 1. 3. Crossing Points: Crossing Floats With 3 Large Crossing With 2 Ferries of 4-Ton Capacity Crossing With 1 Ferry of 16-Ton Capacity GERMAN 102 2. MILITARY SYMBOLS Bridges: Military Symbol German U. S. Equivalent Assault Bridge (or Foot- bridge) Two-Ton Bridge 2 Eight-Ton Bridge 8 Thirty-Ton Bridge 30 Sixteen-Ton 16 Bridge (Un der Construction) t E. Defensive Positions: Projected If J Under Construction Completed fortified positions and battle headquarters are shown as com- mand posts, the military symbol of the headquarters should be inserted. Armored Casemate With Mechanical Installations +P Armored Casemate With Mechanical Installations and Antiaircraft Traversing Turret * A Armored Casemate With Mechanical Installations and Gun Traversing Turret MILITARY Military Symbol SYMBOLS German * 103 U. S. Equivalent Armored Casemate Without Mechanical Installations *j Armored Casemate Without Mechanical Installations but With Infantry A Observation Post Armored Casemate Without Mechanical lations but Instal- With Artil- lery Observation Post Armored Casemate With- N out Mechanical Instal- lations but With Signals Superstructure Machine Gun Pillbox (Casemate) Double Machine Gun Pill- box f®''Double Machine Gun Pillbox (Dual Directional) -- IAntitank Post SMachine Gun and Antitank Post S Panzerwagengrube Antitank Pit Light Infantry Howitzer Position see Antiaircraft Artillery mm) Position (88 OERMAN ilitary Symbol MILITARY SYMBOLS German ij U. S. Equivalent Position With Light Howitzer in Turret Battle Headquarters or Dugout (Without Parapet) Battle fI Headquarters. or Dugout (With Parapet) ,,A Artilleriebeobachtungsstelle Field Artillery Observation Post Field Artillery Observation A Post (With Small Artillery Observation Tower) Battle Headquarters Infantry For Observation (In Pilibox) Battle Headquarters For Observation Infantry (In Pillbox with Loophole) Light-Signalling Post mN Dugout for Signals (Main Exchange) Dugout with Radio ns Storage Battery Charging Station La Flash Spotting Post Artillery m hi Ammunition Dugout Medical Dugout for MILITARY Military Symbol 1105 SYMBOLS German U. S. Elevated Equivalent Machine Gun Post Elevated Artillery Observation Post A7 Light Gun Emplacement (cHIt Heavy Gun Emplacement 17 CM Excavated Shelter neled or Roofed) (E;7c (Tun- Communication Trench Telephone Buried Cable Buried Cable (Bomb Proof) Buried Cable (Long Distance) Telephone Lines Ground) (Above :Exchange (Cable Head) (Also see "Obstacles", Page 97.) F. Miscellaneous: S Ballonkompanie [ 0 Balloon Company Regimentsmusik Regiment Bugle Corps Pferd Horse Packpferd Pack Horse XIX. AIR A. Higher Headquarters: Military Symbol c$ German U. Oberbefehishaber der Luftwaffe Kommandierender S. Equivalent Headquarters of Commander in Chief of the Air Force Headquarters of Com- General der Luftwaffe manding General of the Air Forces der Luftwaffe General beim Oberkommando der Heeres Headquarters of General of the Air Force (for Kommandur in einem Luftgau Cooperation Army) With Headquarters of a Commander of an Air District Antiaircraft Artillery Corps Headquarters Hoherer Fliegerkomman- deur of Higher Commander in the Air Headquarters Force (Air Divisional Headquarters) General der Luftwaffe bei einer Armeegruppe Air Force Commander an Army Group ("KOLUFT") Letter of the (The Army With Group is Added) General der Luftwaffe bei einer Armee Air Force With Commander an Army LUFT") (The ("KOnumber of the Army is Added) MILITARY Military Symbol SYMBOLS German General der Luftwaffe bei einer Panzerarmee U. S. Equivalent Air Force Commander With a Panzer Army ("KOLUFT" Panzer Army) Fighter Commander's With an Headquarters Air Fleet Antiaircraft Artillery Brigade Headquarters B. Flying Corps: 1. Headquarters; Stab Aufk1arungsgeschwader Reconnaissance Stab Kampfgeschwader Bombardment Wing Headquarters Wing Headquarters ok: .D~e~ Stab Sturzkampfge- schwader Dive Bomber Wing Headquarters Stab Jagdgeschwader Single-Engine Fighter Wing Headquarters Stab Zerstrergeschwader Twin-Engine Stab Schlachtgeschwader Ground Fig h ter Wing Headquarters Attack Wing Headquarters Mixed Reconnaissance Group Headquarters 503940 -43- $ GERMAN 108 MILITARY SYMBOLS U. German Military Symbol Stab Fernaufklrungs- Hgruppe S. Equivalent Headquarters Range Recon- General Long naissance Group Headquarters Stab Nahaufklirungs- gruppe Short Range Reconnais- Group sance Head- quarters Commander's Group Headquarters Attached. to a Motorized Corps Headquarters Fliegerverbindungsoffi- zier Air Force Liaison Officer at a Military Head- quarters Stab Kampfgruppe Bomber Group Head- quarters c Stab Sturzkampfgruppe Dive " Bomber Group Headquarters Stab leichter Jagdgruppe Single Engine Fighter Group Headquarters Stab Zerstirergruppe Twin Engine Fighter Group Headquarters o Stab Schlachtgruppe Attack Ground Headquarters Group 2. Units: Mixed Group Reconnaissance MILITARY Military Sy mbol SYMBOLS German 109 U. S. Equivalent Fernaufklarungsgrupp e Nahfaufklirungsgruppe General Headquarters Long Range Reconnaissance Group Short Range Reconnais- sance Group Army Reconnaissance Group Attached Motorized Corps to a Bomber Group Kampfgruppe Dive Bomber Group Sturzkampfgruppe Jagdgruppe Zerstorergruppe Single Engine Group Fighter Twin Fighter Engine Group Ground Attack Group Schlachtgruppe 34 Kampfstaffel Bomber Squadron Sturzkampfstaffel Dive Bomber Squadron Jagdstaffel Single Engine Squadron Zerstorerstaffel Twin Engine Fighter Squadron Schlachtstaffel Ground Attack Squadron Aufklarungsstaffel (K) Fighter Bomber Reconnaissance Squadron GERMAN MILITARY SYMBOLS German Military Symbol Fen iaufklarungsstaffel U. S. General Longe Equivalent Headquarters Range Recon- naissance Squadron mi Fernaufklhxungsstaffel Long Nahaufklhxungsstaffel Short Range Reconnaissance Squadron Range Reconnaissance Squadron Army Co-operation Reconnaissance Squadron Attached to an Armored Formation Kiistenf ernauflkrungsstaf -,. fel ~fT~ Kf:istennahaufkiarungstaffel (M) Long Range Coastal Reconnaissance Squadron Short Range Reconnaissance Coastal Squad- ron (Naval Force) ~ Kiistenmebrzweckestaffel Multi-Purpose Coastal Squadron (Naval Force) (M) C. Signals: 1. ~ Headquarters: Stab H Luftnachrichtenab- teilung Air Signal Battalion Headquarters (Army Cooperation) 2. Units: Air SignalBattalion (Army r H Luftnachrichtenabteilung Cooperation) Air Signal Company With a Panzer Army MILITARY Military Symbol J Ln. SYMBOLS German U. Fernsprechbetriebs- kompanie S. Equivalent Air Signal Telephone Opperating Company Ln. Fernsprechkompanie Air Signal Telephone Company Ln. Funkkompanie Air Signal Radio Com- pany Luftnacbrichtenflugmeldekompanie 3. Permanent Signals Air Signal Aircraft Report- ing Company Ground Organization: Flugmeldabteilung Aircraft Reporting Battalion Terminal Exchange Central Exchange Relay Exchange 0 Flugwachkommando Aircraft Observation Pa- trol Flugwache Aircraft Sentry Flugmeldekommando Aircraft Reporting Center Observer Section a Flight Control Headquarters Flight Control Post 4. Miscellaneous:. Luftnachrichtengeratkolonne Air Signal Equipment Column GERMAN Military Symbol S MILITARY SYMBOLS German U. S. Equivaleint Luftfunkstelle Air Force Radio Station Peilstelle Radio Bearing (Direction Finding) Station D. Antiaircraft Artillery: 1. Headquarters: r Hoherer Kommandeur der Flakartillerie Headquarters of Higher Echelons Antiaircraft Artillery Sign. (Divisional Not Met Yet With, but Logical) Stab Flakbrigade Antiaircraft Artillery Brigade Headquarters Stab Flakregiment (oder Stab Flakgruppe) Stab leichter Flakabteilung Antiaircraft Artillery Regimental Headquarters Light Antiaircraft Artil- Battalion Head- lery quarters Stab leichter Flakabteilung (mot.) Light lery Antiaircraft Artil- Battalion Head- quarters (Motorized) Light Antiaircraft Artil- lery Battalion HeadSelf-prdquarters on pelled Mounts Stab Flakabteilung oder Stab Flakuntergruppe Antiaircraft Artillery Bat- talion Headquarters Mixed Battalion) Used to (a (Also Designate a Heavy Battalion, Which is Much Less Common) MILITARY German Military Symbol U. Stab Flakabteilung 5 S SYMBOLS (oder S. Equivalent Antiaircraft Artillery Bat- Stab Flakuntergruppe) talion (mot.) (Motorized) Eisenbahn-Flakab- Stab teilung Headquarters Reserve Railway Antiaircraft Artillery Battalion Headquarters Ballon Barrage Battalion Stab Ballonsperrabteilung Stab Flaktransportabtei- Antiaircraft Transport Battalion Headquarters Flakscheinwerferab- Antiaircraft lung Stab B teilung Stab Headquarters Searchlight Battalion Headquarters Flakscheinwerferab- teilung (mot.) Antiaircraft Searchlight Battalion Headquarters (Motorized) 2. Units: SFlakbatterie (2 cm) (mot.) Motorized Antiaircraft Artillery Battery (20 mm) (2 cm) Flakbatterie Selbstfahrlafetten auf Antiaircraft tery ArtilleryBat- (20 mm) on Self- Propelled Mounts Flakbatterie (3. 7 cm) (mot.) Motorized Artillery Antiaircraft Battery (37 mm) Flakbatterie (5 cm) (mot.) Motorized Antiaircraft Ar- tillery Battery (50 mm) GERMAN MILITARY SYMBOLS U. German Military Symbol Flak-Stabsbatterie S. Equivalent Motorized Company Headquarters of a Motor- ized Antiaircraft Artillery Battery iafe Luftsperrbatterie Balloon Barrage Battery L. Flaktransportbatterie Light Artil- Antiaircraft lery Transport Battery SchY-0 Flakscheinwerfertransportbatterie 'Flakkolonne (22 Tonnen) __22 Searchlight Antiaircraft Transport Battery Light Artil- Antiaircraft lery Column (22 Tons Capacity) L. 1Q 42-T Flakkolonne (42 Ton- nen) Light Artil- Antiaircraft lery Column (42 Tons Capacity) Flakkolonne (48 Tonnen) Antiaircraft Artillery Column (48 Tons Capacity) . Flakscheinwerfertrupp 60 4 (Vier 60 cm Scheinwerfer) Flakscheinwerfertrupp 150 9 (Neun 150 cm Scheinwerfer) (mot.) Searchlight Antiaircraft Section of 4 (600 mm) Searchlights Antiaircraft Searchlight Section of 9 (1,500 mm) Searchlights (Motor- ized) Flaknachrichtenzug Antiaircraft toon Signal Pla- MILITARY Military Symbol Q) SYMBOLS German 115 U. S. Equivalent Reserve Antiaircraft Unit Flakreserveeinheit Stroke Diagonal (A Through the Circle at Base of all Antiaircraft Unit Signs "Reserve") Befehlsstelle einer Flak- I Antiaircraft Artillery Battery Command Post batterie Befehlsstelle Denotes eines Flak- Antiaircraft Artillery Pla- toon Command Post zuges 3. Weapons: 'I, I Leichte Flak (2 cm) Light Antiaircraft Gun (20 mm) Leichte Flak (2 auf cm) Selbstfahrlafette Light Antiaircraft Gun (20 mm) on Self-Propelled Mount 20-mm Antiaircraft Gun (4 Barreled) Leichte Flak (3.7 cm) Light Antiaircraft Gun (37 mm) Schwere Flak (Pak/Flak) (8.8 cm) 50-mm Antiaircraft Gun Heavy Antiaircraft Gun (88 mm) (Multipurpose Gun Primarily for Antiaircraft) GERMAN Military Symbol Tl Schwere MILITARY SYMBOLS U. S. German Flak (88 mm) (Pak/Flak) (mot.) Heavy Equivalent Antiaircraft Gun (88 mm) (Multipurpose Gun Primarily for Antiaircraft) (Motorized) Heavy (See" Addenda", Page 143) Antiaircraft Gun (105 mm) B. Parachute Units: einer Fallschirmji.gerabteiluing Parachute Rifle Battalion Headquarters gerkompanie Parachute Rifle Company Stab SFallschirmj F. Air Bases: Fliegerhorst Permanent Air Force Station 'A Seefliegerhorst Naval Air Base Ziviler Flughaf en Civilian Airport Operational Airdrome, 1st Class Operational Airdrome, 2d Class Airdrome Prepared Airdrome Dummy Airdrome Advanced Landing Field Alternative Landing Field APPENDIX I GROUND PANEL SIGNALS USED BY TROOPS FOR AIR COMMUNICATION Military Symbol German U. S. Equivalent Hauptquartier Headquarters Abwurfstelle Message-Dropping Point Y Nicht verstanden Do Not Understand V Wir verstehen, ja Understand (Can Also Mean "Yes") B Feind bereitet Angriff vor Enemy Preparing Attack H Feind greift an Enemy is Attacking jfI Stellung ist gangen Position is Lost /II Feind links eingedrungen verlorenge- Enemy Has Penetrated on Our Left P eind rechts eingedrungen Enemy Has Penetrated on Our Right Kampffront Front Line* V Nein No 0 Wir sind eingeschlossen We Are Surrounded U Unterstiitzung notwendig Support Needed - \ 18 RRAJ MAN Military Symbol MILITARY SYM13OLS German U. Feindlicher ' Anklamme- S. tance rungspunkt or oder T Feindlicher Equivalent Center of Enemy Resis- Anklamme- rungspunkt Center of Enemy Resistance (Vertical Line Points Towards It) i--O Feindliche Batterien Enemy Batteries N FeindlicherAngriff zuriick- Enemy Attack Repulsed geschlagen - - -Wir 11 1 halten die Linie We Are Holding the Line. Munition notig Ammunition Needed (Rifle, Machine tol, Gun, Pis- Antitank Rifle, Hand Grenade) 1. Morsermunition nitig Light Mortar Ammunition Needed s. Morsermunition ndtig Heavy Mortar tion Needed Artilleriemunition notig Artillery m (75 Ammuni- mm) Am- munition Needed I II Nebelgranaten notig Smoke Bombs Needed (105 mm) Pakmunition notig Antitank Ammunition (37 mm) Needed 1Th T H-I 20 mm Munition udtig 20-mm Ammunition Needed Lebensmittelvorraite Wir gehen vor ndtig Food Supplies Needed We Advance to Attack) (Are Ready MILITARY SYMBOLS Milit(ary Symbol German Kein Feind V No Enemy A Enemy U. Feindlicher Widerstand S. Equivalent Resistance (Poiiter Indicates Situ- ation of Enemy) Feindlicher Widerstand, 1200 Meter Enemy Resistance at 1,200 Meters /r\ Feindlicher Widerstand, 1300 Meter Ai> xL A X Enemy Resistance at 1,300 Meters Abwurfstelle fur Vorraite Point for Dropping Supplies Abwurfpiatz ftir Divisionsstab Dropping Spot for Divi- sional Command Post Abwurfplatz fur Regi- Abwurfplatz Dropping Spot for Regimental Command Post mentsstab fuir Batail- lonsstab Ausserste Not Dropping Spot for Bat- talion Command Post Extreme Emergency! (Only on Order of Battalion or Higher Command) + IMedizinische Vorraite dringend ndtig T 1;I 7 Brennstoff nbtig Medical Supplies Urgently Required Motor Fuel Needed (Yellow Stripe) Funkausrfistung n6tig Radio Equipment Needed (Apparatus Destroyed) Landungsmoglichkeit Possibility of Landing Here Keine keit Landungsmoglich- No Place for Landing APPENDIX II NON-OFFICIAL AUXILIARY SIGNS In addition to the foregoing military symbols, there exists a number of non-official, auxiliary signs. These representations may be found in training manuals and instruction books by independent authors, in military encyclopedias, in tactical books by military writers, and in some German Army Regulations where the symbols are not designated as "tactical." Since the designers of these auxiliary signs worked independently, it follows that series. there can be no uniformity to the following It' will be noted that two and sometimes three signs are given for one subject, and even this does not -exhaust the possi- bilities. No attempt has been made to compile an extensive list of these auxiliary signs. Only those most frequently encountered are given here. A. Personnel Military Symbol German U. S. Equivalent Kompanieffhrer Company Commander Komp-Truppfiuhrer Leader of Company Headquarters Detachment About Size of Squad Zugffihrer Platoon Leader Zugtruppfihrer Leader of Platoon Headquarters Detachment About Size of HalfSquad MILITARY 4 U. S. German Military Symbol j SYMBOLS Equivalent Gruppenfiihrer; Geschtitzfiihrer Squad Leader; Gun Corporal Truppfiihrer (Stellv. Gr. Assistant Squad Leader F.) 0P Truppfiibrer 1. Gr. W. Leader of Light Mortar Section p ]Fihrer des Pz. B. Trupp Leader of Antitank Rifle Section 4 - Fernsprechtruppffihrer Leader of Telephone Operating Detachment 6 Fii.hrer des Gefechtstrosses (auf Rad) A (6'~R Rechnungsfiihrer Leader of Combat Train (on Bicycle) Pay Sergeant 6 ~ BOberfeldwebel (auf Rad) Master Sergeant 6S Schirrmeister First Sergeant (Supply) o Gewelrschfitze Rifleman d) Schfltze 1 in Pz. B. Trupp #1 oP Schiitze 2 in Pz. B. Trupp #2 Schiitze 1 beim 1. Gr. W. #1 Gunner in Antitank Rifle Section Trupp Gunner Antitank with Light Mortar Section Trupp Schiitze 2 beim L. Gr. W. Gunner in Rifle Section #2 Gunner Loading) (in Charge With of Light Mortar Section dj 1.M. G. Schtitze 1 (Richtschtitze) 1# Gunner on Light Machine Gun 122 GERMAN Military Symbol 0 MILITARY SYMBOLS German 1. M. G. Schiitzen 2 -4 #2 - U. S. 4 Gunner on Light Equivalent Machine Gun Richtschiitze Gunner 6Sanittsunteroffizier or San. Uffz. (auf Fahrrad) ®San Medical Non-Commissioned Officer Medical Non-Commissioned Officer (on Bicycle) Pf Pferdewairter Horse Holder O Pf. or 0 Pferde Spf. irter(auf Fahrrad) jO ' w Waffen- und Gerats-Uffz. Horse Holder (on Bicycle) Weapons and Instrument Non-Commissioned Officer Driver , Fahrer 0 N o N Uffz. fur dienst Nachrichten- Signal Non-Commissioned Officer 0 Fernsprecher Telephone Operator 0 Fernsprecher 2 Telephone Operator #2 Fe F2 S 6 Entfernunsmessm ann Scherenfernrohrtriger Range Finder Operator Battery Commander's Telescope Carrier 0 M 0 ME Munitionsschtitze Assistant Gunner Charge of Loading) Messmann Surveyor (in MILITARY SYMBOLS Military Symbol o German U. S. Equivalent Wettermann Meteorologist WE Melder 123 beim Romp.- Company Messenger Trupp Q Platoon Spielmann Company Bugler beim Romp.- or Runner Melder beim Zugtrupp Or- derly Trupp Qw Q oH ® ®. Platoon Bugler Waffenmeistergehilfe Assistant Armorer Handwerker Artisan OK Koch 0 v Q Spielmaun beim Zugtrupp ® Cook Verpflegungsmann Ration Man Krankentrager Stretcher Bearer B. Vehicles: Krad (Kraftrad) Motorcycle $ Heavy gl. Pkw. mit Zugvorrich- Cross s. Krad mit Beiwagen Motorcycle with Sidecar tung Country Personnel Carrier With Towing Device gl. Pkw. mit Pak Cross Country Personnel Carrier With Antitank Gun 50394°-43 9 124 GERMAN MILITARY SYMBOLS Military Symbol S gl. German Pkw mit Mun.-Anhainger Feldkfiche U. S. Equivalent Cross Country Personnel Carrier With Munitions Trailer Field Kitchen SECTION III Copies of German Maps and Tables of Organization The purpose of this section is to acquaint intelligence personnel with the form used by the Germans in publishing their maps and tables of organization and to provide the intelligence personnel with an opportunity to practice interpreting them. 125 126 GERMAN MILITARY SYMBOLS eschwindigkeitstabe(/e _______ llarschgeschw in Syd/A'm 10 15 20 5 xU 3S 10 75 60 410 [30 20 -1225 73,y 90 601 4' 24' 36 .10 26,0 2g45 2i0o 27 720 80 60 150 '100 73' 160120 90 2% 140 a12r 24,0 Aso 720 Y8 4A 34;5 611 60 72 84' 96 50 /40 60 5541S 7 6p0 52.5 60 69,o 27078601>25' 109 90 'ro 64c 60 53,0 625 En 75' 670 Fahrslrecke 35 '90 45S 50 300 20 55 60 360 33% 65 70 'X2 390 '.'20 85 90 507 95' 570 600 100 45' 50 55s 60 65 70 75 129 20 9 8.7 45 14e 74 10 24' 220 20 IB5 275 v 225 25" 20s 27s 3,6 3.0 60 240%2 N2 34 5 35'd2S 48 ,, 4'4O'0 370 34/ 14' '#9 46 42 .09 60' __ 4 8 Minutefi in km 25 60 40 440 48n 544 270 375 335 .900 470 25 0 12 0 220 -,e 240 260 195 257 0 13. 109 82 S7,0 144''. 721 1030 130 .9M, i o 90 2~ 2 >816 -0 20 21' 29 32 3!5 __046 66 60 55 51 47 '44 6oo 72 65 60 65 52 449 156 6770 76 'l 65 60 56 52 168 los- 930 8* 76 7V 65 60 56 .ft7 22516 18 SW 290 '112S5 iooo 90 62 75 69 65 60 90212410 292 9150 7020 ,070 96687 60 74" 7v 6. 34N0255 204 170 17960 1275 1730 1293 65' 76 7. 66' 280 2712 216 180 154 0 12 106 98 90 8 78 ___ 35625 227*15240 94S120 14' 104 95674 62 76 400o 600 240 200 ro 1s' tao!o 117 109 1'0 92 67 60 me4 ~0,0 Die Angaben 4iberL~ngen and Zeiten der' nachfolgend aufgefuhrten Einiheiten bilden ainen Anhalt fur die iarschidngen bairnFahren und Halten. Hierbel sind bereits marsobtechnischa Einfliisse,' Ver'bands- and Einheitsabstande und zur Regelung des Marsohes ein= gesetzte Fahrzeuge beruoksichtigt. Die Einheiten des'Jnf.-Div. (mot) gleinhen vielfach daien der Ps.Div., sodas nur die hiervon abweichenden Einheiten aufgefiihrt sind. Ala Abstand ist berechnet: Ja Fahren Taohoabstand, mindeatens aber 2o is,is Halten 4 u. 20 is. Als Abstand zwischen den Einheiten: Ja F'ahren 5o m, bei Geschwin= digkeiten iiber5o kme/Std., Tachoabstand, in Halten 25 a. Ala Abstand zwischen den Verbtnden: 3m Fahren 25o a, is Halten 15o is. Bai Nebel,Staub,Dunkelheit und unubersiohtlichen Wegen verringern slob die Geschwindigkeiten und FahrseugastAnde erheblich. Diese Einflusse, sowie die jeweiligen Karpfverluste und Marschausflle msjsen in jedem ainzelnen Fall bei Benutzung des'Taballa beruicksich= tigt warden. 127 DOCUYMENTS Marschldngen im Oivisicnsverband At Div auf geso'h(ossenemA~arsch fi S Marschgn mit 20tlin. Qhbstand Ges zwischen den Marwchgr' Be, 10Km/Std Bel 25Km/Std 120 Km 170 Km 12Std 71m Hae stndm Fhzuas n 120Km 75fd Fecitende Truppe einer Pz Div. auf dem Marsrh in 't Marschgn mit 20 Miin. Qbstand zwist-/en den Marschgr (ohne Sicheiungsabstande ) Bei 10. Km /Std. Bei 25Km /S/c 90 Km 130 Km 9$Std F'aheg it2n 9 Km 5 Std. Ges. Zncf Div. (mat.) auf gesr/i/ossenem Marsdhi;n 5Marsrhgn mit 20Mi.abstand zwisrhen den Marschgn. Be; 10Km I Std. Bei 25 Km / Std. Fahrzeugabstsand. 90 Km 93/cf. 150 Km 6 Std. 90/iKm I4 Fechtende Trpp einer 2nf 'Div.(mat.)auf'dem Marsch in Marchgr mit 20Mmn. Qbddad zwischen den Marschgn (ohne Sicherungsabstande) Be, 90 Km / Std. 70 Km 73)'d Bei 25Km /3Sc. 110 Km 4 Std Fahrzeugaastand. 70/tm Die Gesamtldnren der Pz.-Div.sowie der Jnf.-Div.(mot) ergeben sich unter Beruaksioeitigung dessen,da0 die gesamte 'Div. auf einer Strafe die eiftenl~ngeren Marsch ztwllckzulegen hat.Es rind daher suchi itikwrtigen Dienste, sowie Gef.Tr.II and Kolonnen nit eingerechnet. Nicht eingerechnet sind Feidgend., sowie 1o % aller Fhrzg., furiEi'kundung, Mdelde- und Absperrdienst eingesetzt sind. tie Die £echtende Trappe dler Ps.-Div. and Jnf.-Div.(mot) lot hier nosh ohne taictisohe Abstande berechnet. Um die Idarsohlflngen der Div. in Vornarsch mit Sich-.Abst. zu erhalten, milssen die ieiweiligen Maruchgr.-Abst~nde, Bowie die Anzail der bereits eingesetzten Truppen (A.A., Flac usw.) berUaksichtigt wierden. JFarMelde-, Erkundungs- u. Absperrdienst, sowie durch Weglassen des Gei'.ir.II and der Kolonnen sind die Sinheiten'sz 2o % verlciirzt. 128 GERMAN Hf mt 2m -m' abl0d £nheit m Fa&r,' mnd hw .0w10 2SK..,trd m ,n m MILITARY Finwit m SYMBOLS niftor 27m FaM'i7, Qt,'t7, ant Einhed t OW w.ikw0 ZJkt,"tid 111 mm a 080 ,n m Mm rit m,t50mFoahrO natowd , , 601- IM77 fm ____Marsch(angen der Truppenteite elner Pcnzerdiv/sion Oiv.'b. 550 Y00 it 240O 6 Schtz. Brig. T Feidgend. 200 700 t;s 10,o 25 SS'tz.Brig.Stb iso zoois /*tR p.( a 600015 it coo 604&9ifz RgfS~b. 500 150009 2000 S Pl.Rgt i'b. 24to 600 5 1 Pzabt 20o0 5300 33 6330 s Sdtz. BtI.Sb. SdtfzRb4 ) I.Ps./f(4' Asp. oik. p M6. Kp. 38711006 1,010 J 330 1000 6 100 31. 560 15 400 '7 80160004s Fernsro-kp 15 4102,s_600 I,2 1.Flak- aft 1500i 71031 6 iso00 3 7rB cm Baffr. 40 0018 120 67 1904 7,5 450 , 200 ,V ?is so 4810 '600 > '50 1 W7 tw0o, 1.5!Flak-io. I~wir 400 7300 8 _____ 10k. B. Bad'r ion7'0110 2907 55 CQu/)t. (26*' 780 4300 50 7500 1. Gdf.Cbf 14g 11 320 M 80 1 Pro.6,i-Kp. . BaM'. .wo5023, 20031. tO. 0. (o! S3(2'f 06/. 76003930 22 5007 12 S.Bdfr. 151 100 I.Ort. HoI 20o sos3 6 I133 3 2 75004500 25620015 &z.76fg. Kp. , 300 90 45210 Row,Hp. 286 3 Geenii'do. mit Horps-T. 75 150 150 2,5 500;2 popoen55003* 0 w 605 Aw 0 MhchtS DlIrS/ 1405 60 200 .10 kKwKol Wo 330 2 400 1 9v0 i 1, gr. Kw.kol. s 1.60 3 55 130 4102 60015t f~zc/osch Aa. 60015 Pe*4promt 600 2 214 600 4s' 70 2 50 1 300q - Sari L6we o 1 od $0 00 00 4 I 8f 2 Is. W30 cn2 a 1 H r Kw. 3. 10 W e LA 60 1 20 W63# 1M Pe.A: p 4001000s 14003,5 San.Kp P' Hp. 15V 0 0_5 IS80 3 VerwDienste 431 73 6/r BrlicAi, 8. 350 900 55 12olo3 Versol.mt 130 3971 a 400 Briicko( 1530 90045 1217 3 8acteret-kp 1.0 48 ,sa5 181 .41060 Schiocit. 1a201 6 150035' l.AR.Hal 150 150 180' 4,5 Hp. 450 1500 9 2005 50 2 Ps. 3dabt. 2 40011 55 150 350 2 0 35 401 tow 45 14070 r 0 40 $ 115Kmds*Is.Bft! 22007380 W w1aoas S4b.DtvdMro0Fk 5400 t500080Igoo 4s krad.M. Qdf. tSfb 1v 400 1100 6,3' 140055' %.Kfof. AV450 2,5 600 IS Krozdsthtz. /(o. 71!'Rgt 1000 joo 18 ow 7Nadir Rd. ,55t1500 9 2000 $ 1.//t Pr 101 Funk-kp 2400 5000.30 790 1 ' o10065503, 950 2,3' 007 ;s, Shtz. 36wp kp. PsA.3 C.bSi.K .Si W*oktt &Ats8/. 25 no NabchrCbt. 14030 an26 40 o s Heerestruppen 2 D.(mot.)(Eb 7 6' f J y, &flVAm'o667 217912 38 _ gemflak Obt 2.106L 40 8500 1 7nf 8f linot) 104it 0 590 14 N .Sf. Fhr 66/ 251 0035 '730 2 C'*o 0 80 1 so 00, 7 qs .Gk mo) 25100 60S51W 1 2 .5F hr Obt. s KNadir 2570 60 0 3- t 150 4 '730 2 8r6&enla u-86 50 6000 75 Regtbte'w. d K NadsrhQbt 800 2200is 300o7r Net bOt . erki 2g Fed9ond. 7 _______ T 7 510 1 217 q5 c c o 250 500 3 FiitgifI Obt. d'o 50 11 4 tca dr 10Q O 4 18(0 3300 21 '400 11 760056 10o6 kU,Qbt Psm .ag.Qat 10000900 20 ES Us 1,400 VersTruppen'o0e 1 w 50' Narcsnl Oot 20 35. 00 4*0 13, 400 t 760 47 9be0 At 0 San moteste 1200 53&002 itSar 100 2 Fefdlaz(mtf}) 170 130 ts600oIf 129 DOCUMENTS 2.Jnfonterie-Division (ot) 22 jjrj90 T /2~1 764 A la I~ ~ ~4 I '2 ~$ f 3 ~ f k~ a~l ~ ~8 42/ . 3& 8 8 6 Az. VpfaA Fed20 fe/ds Fodl' 20 4ldl LIII" EiEZI I/5t) 130 GERMAN MILITARY SYMBOLS~ 14. Jnfcanterie Division (mot) N.f.O. ~ jnfanterie 833 838 611831 Oi 311. 2 p ...... I. I. 4 1 4 I. I.I. 3' 8 24 4242 i4 . Q Fddpstdinst -. ~ . . 8 2 [ELllri 18Z I 24 1- 3 ers-BtI~~ 3 18 I .8.. 31 83 .. 18.k ' Ordun~dsteVeroituqsdens~ .' 31 83 83 3 18 8 50Ik~td1 ufk Kb F t DOCUMENTS 11Arhikl f18J c~23 Nktir. Ir Zuqeteilt 83 P I~I ie Feld - .r j P2 131 It GERMAN MILITARY SYMBOLS uI LiL IU:1'I 11 2 a t. Flak 7,9 60x TJ 0 o 1" I 1 9 3 s I 133 DOCUMENTS ohne1/2 le 1/2Zug. Battr. /3~ ate V 4.(H)/723Ln.0aBrKp" 0 y/-. L z O L. 'I GERMAN t 1' MILITARY ba NkQO ~i SYMBOLS b 4 0 E q i!siI ;I N (~ ~ 5' N 0 U - V o pb -i V'w FAO AL- DOCIYMENTS b 5. C, 4 ev N U j tib , 4 CIO 'N .qti y) m V v y . Z J A "U _____ i hQ 0 h C 1 k b. N 0 l F ti F . vg' C a LL '4 v GERMAN MILITARY SYMBOLS l 6 w v .Q N .4 ma qj- 4% .1________ Ni DOCUMENTS k4 137 138 h r CyC yh Vbc O$1:bd° L=am GERMAN MILITARY qj q) I1% SYMBOLS M 503940 °-43 10 C"i AOL r DOCUMENTS Eb o r- t5.. C, 1% 'I N yh " QI £k t 139 140 C\50 ' L0~-- e e 140 GERMAN MILITARY i-s 1 *w IC-"v SYMBOLS CD C-4 a h V bd Q'~ e'J k a Q) c ' vC' DOCUMENTS ~I IL = . 0 h )m(Q "L .lm F 142 L.' Q.)o -U (7 . 7 ' Vo t >. -- GERMAN MILITARY SYMBOLS u~ N 3. c t at -c IJJ_ .n ADDENDA The following military symbols arrived too late to be included in the section devoted to antiaircraft artillery. Miitary Symbol German U. S. Equivalent Antiaircraft Artillery Battalion Headquarters (105 mm) Antiaircraft Artillery Battalion Headquarters Medium Reserve Antiaircraft Artillery Battalion Headquarters 20-mm Antiaircraft Gun (Type 28) (Oerlikon) Oell. 25-mm Hotchkiss Antiaircraft Gun 2.5 0 20-mm Antiaircraft Railway Gun (4-Barreled) 0 T11 20-mm Antiaircraft Gun (4-Barreled) O 40-mm Bofors Antiaircraft Gun 1 14 (143) 144 144 GERMAN MILITARY SYMBOLS Captured 75-mm Antiaircraft Gun M 36 (French) Barrage Gun (Caliber to be Shown on Right of Symbol) Reserve 88 mm Antiaircraft Gun Fixed Medium Antiair- craft Gun U. S. GOVERNMENTPRINTING OFFICE: 1943