PRINCETON COLLEGE SCHEME OF WORK & LESSON NOTES PHYSICAL & HEALTH EDUCATION FIRST TERM 2023/2024 ACADEMIC SESSION GRADE 8 SCHEME OF WORK Week 1-2 Topics Recreation 3 Dance and rhythm 4 Dance and rhythm 5 First aid 6 Safety education 7 8 Mid-term break Sports injuries Sub-topics a. explain the concept of recreation and leisure b. classify types of recreational activities c. distinguish between indoor and outdoor activities with examples d. demonstrate recreational activities e.g. table tennis, ludo, soccer etc a. explain the concept of dance and rhythm b. classify the types of dance with examples c. deduce the values of dance/rhythmic activities. a. demonstrate different dancing steps in Atilogwu b. dramatize different dancing steps in Bata c. Perform different dancing steps in Pokiti a. explain first aid b. classify the objectives of first aid c. discover the qualities of a first aider d. show the content in a first aid box and uses e. determine the basic principles of first aid. a. compare the concept of safety b. safety education and accident c. classification of accident ( home/domestic, school, transportation, workplace) d. investigate the causes and prevention of accident e. recommend the safety measure to be taken to prevent accidents Mid term break a. analyses sports injuries b. distinguish the common sports injuries ( wound, dislocation, sprain, strain, fracture, muscle fatigue, muscle cramp etc) c. assesse the common sports injuries under the following heading ( causes, symptoms, and treatment) 9 Field events 10 Judo 11 Revision and examinations a. identify the equipment used for throws and jumps events b. construct the sectors of throw events c. dramatize the basic phases in throws events (javelin, shot put, discus) d. demonstrate the basic phases in jumps events ( high jump, long jump) e. appraise the general rules and regulations of various throws and jumps event. a. write brief history on judo b. classify the types of facilities and equipment used in judo c. demonstrate the basic skills and techniques in judo d. examine the rules and regulations in judo e. identify the officials in Judo Week 1 Period 1-2 Topic: Meaning and scope of recreation Duration: 40minutes Behavioural objective: At the end of the lesson, you should be able to: Define recreation Mention the two broad division of recreation. State the values of recreation. Key Words Recreation, Scope, Indoor, Outdoor, Leisure, Hiking etc Content: Recreation: This can be defined as activities done for enjoyment and satisfaction during leisure period. Recreational activities help to reduce tension which must have been developed as a result of work or other problems. The Scope of Recreation Recreation can be classified into two: Indoor recreational activities Outdoor recreational activities Indoor recreational activities: These are activities that are performed in a house, hall, or generally under a roof. Examples are playing music, drawing and painting, sewing, watching television or video, playing cards, singing etc. Outdoor recreational activities: These are activities that are performed outside or in the open such as parks, game reserve center, beach and sports field. Examples are mountaineering, playing games, walking, jogging, swimming etc. The Values of Recreations It brings about judicious use of leisure time. It reduces juvenile delinquency / crime. It brings about social integration. It brings about fun and enjoyment To read more on this topic click this link: Assignment Outline 4 factors that determine the choice of recreational activities. Evaluation What is recreation? Mention the two broad division of recreation. State the values of recreation. Week 2 Period 1- 2 Sub-topic: Factors that determine the choice of recreation Duration: 40munites Behavioural objectives: At the end of the lesson the, you should be able to: Outline the factors that determine the choice of recreational activities. Enumerate the considerations before recreational activities. Content: The Factors That Determine Recreation Interest of the participant. Body type of the participant (somatotype). The need of the person. The ability or capability of the person. Culture. Religion Availability of facilities and equipment. Social status of the person. Type of the environment. Health status of the person. The Consideration before Recreation The following must be considered before participating in recreational activities: It must be a leisure time activity. It must be benefitting It must be enjoyable. It must involve the movement of the body. It must be voluntary. To read more on this topic click this link: 20refers%20to%20all%20those,reading%2C%20playing%20games%2 0and%20dancing. Evaluation Essay Outline the factors that determine the choice of recreational activities. Enumerate the considerations before participating in recreational activities. Multiple Choice Question 1. An outdoor recreational activity where parties form part of the events is _____ A. bazaar B. hunting C. picnics D. running 2. The best time to carry out recreational activities is _______ A. leisure time B. play time C. closing time D. break time 3. Picnics involve all the following EXCEPT ____ A. acquiring safety skills B. fighting the enemies C. engaging in independence activity D. exploring the environment 4. Which of the following is an outdoor activity? _____ A. camping B. chess C. crafting D. ludo 5. One of the objectives of camping is to_____ A. provide an opportunity for what you learned in class to be observed in a more natural environment B. enable pupils and students to develop game skills C. broaden the cultural potentials of boys and girls D. give a well-rounded development of all children and youths 6. A long walk by foot in the country is known as ______ A. hiking B. jogging C. striding D. strolling 7. For Jogging to be effective, it is usually carried out_____ A. in the court B. in gym C. outdoors D. indoors 8. Activities carried out pleasurably and voluntarily during free time is called _____ A. vocation B. leisure C. recreation D. par time 9. Which of the following activities is best for an elderly person? ____ A. walking B. running C. swimming D. jumping 10. Recreational activities are for ______ A. some group of people B. rich people C. all ages D. sick people Week 3 Topic: Rhythmic and Dance Activities Duration: 40 Minutes Behavioural Objective: At the end of the lesson, you should be able to State the meaning of the following concept i. Rhythmical ii. Dance Identify the types of dance and its examples Key words Rhythmic, dance, traditional, Social Content: Rhythmical are movements or activities performed according to a regular beat of successive movements or sounds. Also it is an observable shift of the body from one position to the other. Dance: It is an expressive movement of turning, twisting and rolling of the body (parts) to conform to the rhythm of a sound, beat or music. Types of dance activities 1. Traditional dance: Most of the traditional dances are held in rural areas for the following reasons; For religious purpose For entertainment For expressing our joy As part of general education For enjoyment or for fun Examples of traditional dances is as follows: Folk dance, Atilogwu- (Ibo), Fuji and Juju, Sharon (fulani), Langa (hausa), Bata (Yoruba) etc. 2. Social or foreign dance: In social dance, music is used depending on the choice of the dancers. Examples of social or foreign dance is as follows: High life, juju music, rumba, cha-cha- cha, reggae, waltz, calypso and conga. In selecting the types of dances some life bands such as: Sunny Ade, Sunny Okosun, Eddy okonta, Phyno, Asa, Tope Alabi, Chioma etc can be invied. For further reading click here: Evaluation Multiple choice questions 1. _____is an observable shift of the body from one position to the other A. Movement B. Shift C. Rhythmical D. Mystical 2. Dance is an expressive movement of turning, twisting and rolling of the body (parts) to conform to the rhythm of a sound, beat or music. How correct is this statement? A. No B. Yes C. No/Yes D. All of the above 3. Another name for social dance is___ A. Foreign dance B. Local dance C. Civil dance D. Cultural dance 4. According to this lesson, types of dance are? A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5 5. The following are some of the social dances except____ A. Reggae, B. Waltz, C. Calypso D. Sharon 6. Balley, Chorography and Acrobatic dance are grouped under classes of dancing… A. Folk dancing B. Traditional dancing C. Modern / Social dancing D. Imported dancing Essay State the meaning of the following concept i. Rhthmical ii. Dance Identify the types of dance and 3 examples under each one. Assignment Mention 4 notable traditional musicians and 4 notable foreign musicians in Nigeria. Week 4 Sub-Topic: Demonstration of different dance activities (Hausa, Igbo, Yoruba) Duration: 40 Minutes Behavioural Objective: At the end of the lesson, you should be able to: Demonstrate different dance activities. Hausa Igbo Yoruba Week 5 Period 1 Topic: First aid treatment and its importance Duration: 40minutes Behavioural objectives: At the end of the lesson, you should be able: Enumerate the principles of first aid. Mention the importance of first aid. Key words First aid, Immobilize, temporary, personnel etc. Content First aid: This is an immediate and temporary assistance or treatment given to an injured person or a sick person before the arrival of the medical doctor or a medical personnel. The main aim is to save lives. The Principles of First aid 1. Check the injury and determine the extent of the damage. 2. Immobilize the injured part 3. Prevent the victim from seeing blood. 4. Give the urgently needed help first. 5. Do not give fluid to the victim. 6. Carry out procedures with care. The Importance of First Aid 1. To prevent injury from becoming worst. 2. To reduce or relieve pain. 3. To arrest bleeding. 4. To assist doctor with information To read more on this topic click this link: Evaluation Enumerate 4 principles of first aid. Mention 3 importance of first aid. Period 2 Sub-topic: Qualities of a good first aider Duration: 40minutes Behavioural objective: At the end of the lesson, you should be able to: Mention the qualities of a good first aider List the contents of first aid box. Explain the uses of first aid box contents. Content The qualities of a good first aider 1. He or she should be a good observer. 2. He or she must be knowledgeable 3. He should be tactful and gentle. 4. He should be sympathetic without being emotional. The Contents of First Aid and Their Uses Bandages Uses To prevent wounds from infection To protect injury from external bleeding To hold protective equipment in place. Cold compress pack: This is an iced pack that is used on bruised and swollen area. Embrocation examples are heat balm, nerve and bone etc. This is used to massage swelling muscles Forceps; It is used for protecting the fingers from stains and infection. Cotton wool: It is used for covering wounds after applying drugs and it is also used for cleaning of the wound. Methylated spirit: It is used for disinfecting wounds and cleaning fresh wound. Smelling salt: It is used to revive a fainted person. Potassium permanganate: It is used to take care of snake bite before the doctor`s arrival. To read more on this topic click this link: Evaluation Mention the qualities of a good first aider List the contents of first aid box. Explain the uses of first aid box contents. Assignment Define recreation and mention the types of recreation. Multiple Choice Questions 1. As a first aider which of the following injuries would you attend to first ___? A. bruises B. strain C. bleeding D. sprain 2. Which of the following will not be a benefit of first aid? ______ A. to save one from unnecessary death B. to improve chances of recovery C. to hasten permanent disability D. to give information to the doctor 3. Exercise helps to keep the body ________ A. wealthy B. fit C. rounded D. vigorous 4. Warm up is necessary for athlete in order to ______ A. defeat the opponent B. increase weight C. loosen muscles D. reduce weight 5. Safety can be defined as freedom from ________ A. hazards B. sports C. rain D. rough play 6. One of the following is not the aim of first aid. A. to save life B. to prevent condition from getting worse C. to blame the victim D. to arrest bleeding 7. One of the following is not a quality of a first aider. He or She…… A. should be observant B. should be tactful C. should be sympathetic D. should be exploitative 8. The following are contents of First aid box EXCEPT______ A. cotton wool B. embrocation C. injection D. iodine 9. The primary objective of First aid is to _________ A. acquire first aid knowledge B. assist the casualty C. prescribe treatment D. save life 12. The following attributes spell out the qualities of a good first aider EXCEPT____ A. cheerfulness B. emotion C. gentleness D. resourcefulness 11. The person who renders an immediate assistance to an injured person is known as a_________ A. nurse B. teacher C. first aider D. medical doctor Week 6 Period 1 Topic: Safety and accident Duration: 40minutes Behavioural objectives: At the end of the lesson, you should be able to: Define Safety Education? Outline the types of accident Mention the causes of accidents Key words Safety, Accident, Congestion, Industrial, Domestic etc. Safety Education: This is the acquisition of knowledge and skills for dealing with emergencies resulting from accidents, knowing where to obtain help. It also means ability to take chances wisely on the road and everywhere so as to avoid unnecessary accident. Accident: It means a sudden events or change occurring without volition through carelessness, unawareness or ignorance or combination of causes and producing unfortunate result. The Classification of Accident Home accident or domestic accident School accident Transportation accident Work place / industrial accident The Causes of Accident Tiredness Slippery floor Congestion Lack of skill Carelessness Faulty machine and equipment Poor condition of engine Over speeding Sudden mechanical breakdown Disobedience of safety rules Inadequate knowledge Emotional upset To read more on this topic click this link: Evaluation What is safety education? Outline the types of accident Mention the causes of accidents Period 2 Sub-topic: Prevention of accident Duration: 40minutes Behavioural objectives: At the end of the lesson, you should be able Mention ways of preventing accident. Enumerate Safety measures against accident Accident can be prevented through the following ways: Avoid being in a haste. Avoid slippery floor Always keep drugs and other dangerous materials out of reach of the children. Avoid over confidence Take adequate rest when necessary Adequate enlightenment for drivers. Regular maintenance and repair of machines Avoid the use of machine and other tools when tired. The Safety Measures to an Accident In homes, schools and roads, appropriate safety measures should be assured in order to avoid accidents. Meanwhile, the following safety measures must be taking against accidents. Always follow instructions Play area should be properly lighted and ventilated. Avoid the use of ornaments e.g. ring, bangles and necklace Inspect your equipment and facilities. Check playing area and be sure it is hazards free. Perform activities within your limit or ability. Avoid prolonged activities Make sure a spotter is around before participating in a gymnastic or artistic activities. To read more on this topic click this link: Evaluation Essay Mention FIVE way of preventing accident. Enumerate FIVE safety measures against accident Multiple Choice Questions 1. Generally, safety can be defined as freedom from _____ A. sleep B. hazard C. school D. hospital 2. The acquisition of knowledge and skills for dealing with emergencies resulting from accidents knowing where to obtain help is called ____ A. safety B. safety education C. school education D. school accident 3. A sudden event occurring without volition through carelessness producing an unfortunate result is called _____ A. jam B. mistake C. accident D. sorry 4. Which of these is not a classification of accident? A. transportation B. church C. work place D. school 5. The accident that occur in the home is called _____ accident A. school B. domestic C. church D. none of the above 6. Which among these is not a cause of home accident____ A. poor arrangement B. poor lighting C. resting D. tiredness 7. The accident that occur within the school compound is called ______ A. road accident B. house accident C. school accident D. all of the above 8. Which among these is a cause of school accident? ____ A. Negligence B. Accident C. Compound D. Teacher 9. The prevention of school accidents includes ______ A. proper use of machine and equipment B. good mastery of skills C. clean environment/playground D. all of the above 10. Accidents that occur on the road, in the sea, on the rail and in the air is referred to as _________ accident. A. transportation B. air accident C. road accident D. none of the above Assignment Enumerate the principles of first aid. Week 7 Midterm Break Week 8 Period 1 Topic: Sports Injuries (i) Duration: 40minutes Behavioural objectives: At the end of the lesson, you should be able to State the meaning of sports injury Mention the causes of sports injuries Give common sports injuries on the field of play Analyse wounds by stating the types, symptoms, and general treatment Key words Injury, immobilization, haemorrhage, fracture, dislocation, strains, sprains, bruise, wound etc Sports Injuries: These are injuries that occur during participation in sports and games due to accident which can lead to loss of blood from the body or damage to the part of the body. Causes of sports injuries Carelessness. Fatigue/tiredness. Poor lighting / poor visibility in activity area. Lack of skills / lack of knowledge. Unsafe physical environment / hazard. Faulty equipment /apparatus / inappropriate costume. Lack of instruction / negligence. Effects of drugs e.g. alcohol. Lack of warm up exercise etc. Common Sports Injury That Could Occur On the Sports Field Dislocations Sprains Strains Fracture Fainting Bleeding/Haemorrhage/Nose bleeding Bruises Wounds/Abrasion Muscle Cramp/Pull Drowning Heart Exhaustion Cardiac arrest etc. Wound: It’s a damage to the tissues of the body which allows blood to escape and germs or infection to enter into the body. Types of Wound Incised wounds: (Sharp instrument like Knife, cutlass, sword etc) Lacerated wounds: (Rough object like Barbed wire falling from a moving car) Punctured wounds: (Sharp pointed object e.g Javelin, dagger, compass, needles) Bruised or contused wounds: (Blunt object e.g Hitting the finger with a claw of hammer, falls on a hard surface) Gunshot wounds: (Bullet) Symptoms of wound Severe external bleeding Severe pains Shock Discolouration of the skin General treatment of wounds Place the patient in a comfortable position Stop bleeding immediately Treat for shock Cover the wounds Give words of encouragement Apply cold compress Immobilise the affected parts etc. Evaluation State the meaning of sports injury Mention the causes of sports injuries Give common sports injuries on the field of play Analyse wounds by stating the types, symptoms, and general treatment To read more on this topic click this link: Period 2 Topic: Sports Injuries (ii) Duration: 40minutes Behavioural objectives: At the end of the lesson, you should be able to: Define fracture Mention the types of fracture Give causes of fracture Cite the symptoms of fracture Mention general treatment of fracture Analyse other sports injuries you know Key words Injury, immobilization, haemorrhage, fracture, dislocation, strains, sprains, bruise, wound etc Fracture: This is the break, bend or crack of bones in the body. Areas that commonly fractured Upper Extremities/limbs Skull Humerus Ulna and radius Scapular Clavicle Phalanges Wrist Lower extremities Femur Tibia and fibula Tarsals Meta-tarsals. Causes of Fracture Direct force Indirect force Muscular force Types of fracture Simple or closed fracture Compound or open fracture Complicated fracture Greenstick fracture Depressed fracture Impacted fracture Communited fracture Symptoms of fracture Swelling of the limbs Discolouration of the skin Severe pains at the site of injury Bleeding Irregularity in movement etc General treatment of fracture Place the casualty in a comfortable position Treat for shock Stop bleeding Support the casualty Immobilise the fractured limbs Re-assure the patient Take the victim to the hospital for further treatment etc. Shock: This is a condition, which arises from the inability of the heart to pump enough blood so as to supply sufficient oxygen to all parts of the body. Causes of shock Broken bones Poisoning Bleeding Heart failure Sudden bad news etc. Symptoms of shock The patient becomes very pale He complains of thirst Severe sweat The patient faints Breathing is rapid with difficulty etc General treatment of shock Stop or control the bleeding if any Provide artificial respiration Loosen any tight clothing round the neck, chest or waist Avoid overcrowding Take the patient immediately to the hospital Bleeding (haemorrhage): It occurs when blood vessels are affected by disease/infection. Types of bleeding Primary bleeding Secondary bleeding Reactionary bleeding Causes of bleeding Direct injury as a result of cut, surgical operation It could be caused by disease of the wall of blood vessels as a result of infection Disease of the blood itself is called Haemophilia Symptoms of bleeding Rapid and weak pulse Face and lips become pale Breathing becomes shallow The patient feels dizzy and may faint Complains of feeling sick. General treatment or control of bleeding Raise the affected part up Apply pressure on the nearest pressure point Apply iodine on the cut after cleaning Apply tourniquet or cotton wool Take the patient to the hospital for further treatment. Evaluation Essay Define fracture Mention the types of fracture Give causes of fracture Cite the symptoms of fracture Mention general treatment of fracture Analyse other sports injuries you know To read more on this topic click this link: Multiple choice questions 1. If safety means freedom from hazards or dangers then acquiring knowledge and skills to handle unexpected hazards will be____________ A. Accident B. Injury C. Safety education D. Safety prevention 2. Physical scientific procedure giving to injured or diseased athletes who engaged in accident sport. i.e rehabilitation treatment is known as_________ A. Physiotherapy B. Physiological C. Psycotherapy D. Rehabilitherapy 3. A student fell from the staircase and broke his leg, in Physical and Health education class, we are taught to_______ A. Take the victim to the hospital immediately B. Give immediate first-aid treatment to the victim C. Wait until the doctor arrives D. Explain what happens to the victim 4. ________ are the injuries that occur during participation in sports and games due to accident which can lead to loss of blood from the body or damage to the part of the body A. Accident B. Mishap C. Sports injuries D. Wounds 5. The following are the causes of sports injuries save one A. Carelessness. B. Fatigue C. Illumination D. Lack of skills 6. As a trained first aider or student of Physical and Health education, which injury will you attend to first in their severity? A. Fracture B. Strains C. Bleeding D. Dislocation 7. Lacerated wound occurs as a result of sharp pointed object e.g Javelin, dagger. How correct is this statement? A. Very correct B. Almost correct C. Incorrect D. All of the above 8. According to the lesson, types of wound are ___ A. 2 B. 4 C. 5 D. 3 9. If a patient is wounded, the following are the possible treatment that can be administered save one A. Place the patient in a comfortable position B. Stop bleeding immediately C. Be hard on the patient and offer help D. Cover the wounds 10. Jackson Faraday was unable to walk because he broke his leg when he was playing a football match. What type of injury is this? A. Wounds B. Dislocation C. Fracture D. Haemorrhage 11. The following are the possible injury one can sustain in the game of Squash and Tennis except_____ A. Bruises B. Dislocation C. Muscle Cramp D. Drowning 12. _______ is not correct about the types of bleeding A. Primary bleeding B. Secondary bleeding C. Tertiary bleeding D. Reactionary bleeding 13. Moses Mba had Haemorrhage during 100 meters race in an Inter House Sports Competition, which better way will you say this to his parents for them to understand? A. Fracture B. Strains C. Bleeding D. Sprain 14. If a 35 year old athlete sustained complicated fracture what type of fracture do you think can happen to a 2 years old child? Simple fracture Compound fracture Greenstick fracture Impacted fracture 15. If Shock is a condition, which arises from the inability of the heart to pump enough blood so as to supply sufficient oxygen to all parts of the body. Then one of the followings is odd to the general treatment of shock. A. Stop or control the bleeding if any B. Provide artificial respiration C. The place should be crowded for sympathy D. Take the patient immediately to the hospital Week 9 Period 1 Topic: Field events (Throws) Duration: 40minutes Behavioural objectives: At the end of the lesson, you should be able to: Define field events? Mention the scope of field events Describe shot- put and discus Key words Missile, Discus, Javelin, Shot put, Sector etc. Field Event: These are the events that involve throwing and jumping on the field except games. The Scopes of Field Events The throws The jumps. The Throws Throws are all the events which involve the throwing of some implements for distance. These implements are called Missiles. These are: Shot put Discus Hammer Javelin The Shot put The missiles are thrown/put within a specified circle and must land within a demarcated landing sector to make a good throw. A competitor is allowed three trials (i.e. throw three times) and the best is used to place them. The shot-put: This is a field event that involves the putting of a missile called the shot for a horizontal distance. A competitor is allowed three trials. The put is made from within a circle of 2.135m to a landing sector of 40 degrees. Specification The weight Male-7.26kilos Females-4kilos. The putting circle 2.135m The landing sector= 40 degrees Basic Techniques The hold. The stance. The glide The release (putting) The recovery Method of Putting 1. The standing put method. 2. The O’Brien method. The Discus throw Discus is a field event which involves throwing a missile called Discus for a horizontal distance. A competitors is allowed three trials. Specifications The weight; Male-2 kg Female-1 kg The throwing circle- 2.50m in diameter The landing sector is 40 degree The Techniques in Discus The hold The stance The swing The turn The release The follow through The recovery The Javelin Javelin is a field event that requires the throwing of missile called javelin for a horizontal distance. A competitor is allowed three trials. The throw is made behind the arc of 8 metres radius into a landing sector of 29 degrees. The Weight Specification Male 800g with a length of 260-270cm Female 600g and a length of 220-230cm The Techniques in Javelin The grip The carriage: Types of carriage i. The over head ii. The over arm carriage The approach run The release (the throw) The follow through The recovery The Rules in Javelin Throw The javelin must land first with the tip within the landing sector which is 29m and the legs must be behind the arc to make a good throw. Hammer throw: The hammer throw is an event in which the participant throws a weighted ball on a steel wire for distance. The landing sector is of 34.92 degree and is in center to the front of the throwing circle. The throwing circle measures 2.135 m in diameter. To read more on the topic click this link: Evaluation Essay What are field events? Mention the scope of field events and 3 examples each Describe shot put and discus Another name for throwing implement is called_________ What is the landing sector of shot put and discus? Period 2 Topic: Jumps (Pole vault, high jump, long jump and triple jump) Duration: 40minutes Behavioural objectives: At the end of the lesson, you should be able to: Define pole vault Mention the basic skills and techniques in Pole vault Cite phases of pole vault. Mention the phases in high jump, long jump and triple jump. Key words Missile, pole, bar, foam, high jump, long jump, triple jump fosbury flop etc. Pole Vault: It is a field event which involves jumping over a horizontally placed obstacle (bar) that is supported by two uprights with the aid of a pole. Basic skills and techniques in Pole vault. 1. The grip 2. The run up 3. The take off 4. The hang 5. The swing up 6. The pull up 7. The pole carrying 8. The push up 9. The landing 10.The recovery. Phases of Vault 1. The grip: When vaulting, the vaulter grips the pole in such a way that the pole will bend naturally when planted into the box. 2. The run up: The pole should be carried close to the body and parallel to the floor at the start of the run up. 3. The plant and the take off: The athlete must keep the pole close to their midline but also raise the top of the pole in high position as possible. The vaulter reaches up with both hands to hold the pole in high position as possible. Before planting the pole it is important for the vaulter to keep the head looking up, not down at the box, as in athletic movements and the body follows the head. 4. The bar clearance: The core of the body should be firm , with the whole body in an extended position. The arms should be as high as possible pressing upward. The vaulter keeps the pole away from the body, raised the hips and roll the shoulders underneath. 5. The landing. High jump phases or skills: Western roll Eastern cut off Fosbury flop Straddle The Coaching Points 1. The western roll: This is done by landing with the take-off leg and both hands. The landing is known as three points landing. 2. The eastern cut off: This is landing with the leg other than the takeoff leg. 3. The fosbury flop: This style was introduced by Dick Fosbury. It is considered the most recent and newest style an athlete may use in high jump. It is jumping with the posterior side of the body. 4. The straddle: This is a style in high jump that requires jumping with the lateral side of the body (side). All the styles in high jump require the following phases: The approach run The take off The action of the leading leg and the arm The action in the air Clearance of the bar The landing. Long jump: This is a field event which involves jumping for distance from a specified spot into a demarcated flat surface (landing pit). It is done with a single takeoff (one leg takeoff) Phases of long jump The run up: It is the run-up to approach the takeoff board The takeoff: This is the stepping on and off the takeoff board to put the competitor in the air. It is done with single takeoff. The action in the air: The sail, hang and hitch kick (running on the air) are the types. The landing: It’s the arrival at the landing area. Triple jump The triple jump sometimes referred to as the hop, step and jump or the hop, skip and jump, is a track and field event, similar to the long jump. As a group, the two events are referred to as the “horizontal jumps”. The competitor runs down the track and performs a hop, a bound and then a jump into the sand pit. Step-by-Step Triple Jump Technique: 1. Run up to the board and jump. This will begin the first phase: hop. Generally, you will want to use your dominant foot. Get a running start (lasting about 17-18 strides) so you can forcefully jump off the board. Pull your opposite foot up behind you. Make sure not to run beyond the board during your hop, as doing so is considered a foul. For the hop and skip, you will begin your jump with the same foot. 2. Keep your arms extended in front of your body. While you are airborne during the hop, skip, and jump, never let your hands drop lower than your chest or higher than your chin. Move both arms forward, as 3. Hit the ground with your foot flat. During the hop and step, you will land with your dominant foot flat or roll from heel to toe. Do not put too much pressure on either your heel or toes. Once you've touched the ground, roll forward onto the balls of your feet and prepare for the step. 4. Start your step with the same foot. Again with your dominant foot, jump with your back leg extended behind the body. You will keep your back leg's heel up to prepare for the landing. Land with your back leg forward to complete the step and prepare for the final phase: Keep your knee high and parallel to your hips for correct form. For the step, your goal is to get off the ground as soon as possible. 5. Begin the final phase (jumping) with your opposite foot. During the jump, you will leap with your opposite (formerly back foot). By this point, you will be close to the sandpit. Bring both feet together with your knees parallel to your chest as you jump into the pit. Unlike the first two steps, land the jump with your heels first. To read more click this link: Practical demonstration of high jump phases (skills and techniques) Western roll Eastern cut off Fosbury flop Straddle The Coaching Points 1. The western roll: This is done by landing with the take-off leg and both hands. The landing is known as three points landing. 2. The eastern cut off: This is landing with the leg other than the takeoff leg. 3. The fosbury flop: This style was introduced by Dick Fosbury. It is considered the most recent and newest style an athlete may use in high jump. It is jumping with the posterior side of the body. 4. The straddle: This is a style in high jump that requires jumping with the lateral side of the body (side). All the styles in high jump require the following phases: The approach run The take off The action of the leading leg and the arm The action in the air Clearance of the bar The landing. To read more on the topic click this link: Practical demonstration of shot put phases (skills and techniques) The standing put method and turning put or O’Brien` method. 1. The handhold: The shot put is picked up with spread fingers so that the thumb and the small finger lie to the side and the others to the back. It is then placed in the hollow of the collar bone and against the neck. 2. The stance: The shot putter stands comfortably erect at the front half of the circle with the left foot placed near the throwing arc. 3. The turning put or the glide put: The shot putter standing on the right leg near the rear circle and faces the rear. He bends the right knee so much that his chest touches his knee. The left leg is raised up and it points to the direction of the put 4. The release, delivery or throw: The putting elbow is gradually brought sideways. The shot is released at an angle of 45 degrees 5. The recoveries: This is the getting out of the putting circle. The putter should see the missile land before he/she comes out of the circle through the rear half. Note: In all throwing events, long jump and triple jump, if the athletes are 8, they will have 6 trials each but if they are more than 8, they will have 3 trials each to select best 8 athletes from another 3 trials. In high jump and pole vault at a particular height a jumper has 3 trials or attempts to clear the cross bar, if he clears it, the bar will be raised to another height but if he fails at the 3rd attempt he is out of competition. To read more on the topic click this link: Evaluation Essay Describe javelin. Mention the weight of male and female javelin. State the length of the implement Multiple choice questions 1. First organised athletics event was in _______ A. 776 BC B. 1960 C. 2001 D. 777AD 2. Athletic events competed for outside the running tracks are called ____ A. jumping events B. field events C. throwing event D. track events 3. Which one of the following is not a field events? _____ A. high jump B. javelin C. Hurdles D. Triple jump 4. The following are types of styles in high jump event EXCEPT _____ A. straddle B. forward roll C. fosbury flop D. Scissors 5. The putting (landing) sector for shot-put is ____ A. 29/28degree B. 4.7/2.135m C. 2.5/1.138m D. 35/40degree 6. Which of the following skill is associated with long jump event? ___ A. flip flop B. eastern cut-off C. sail D. western roll 7. It will be NO throw in shot put when except____ A. leaving the throwing circle from the rear B. shot lands within the sector C. shot lands outside the sector D. the leg goes beyond the stop board or circle. 8. The term sector is associated with_____ A. high jump B. long jump C. discus D. pole vault 9. A jump is invalid in long jump if the athlete _______ A. jump twice or double takeoff B. jump before the takeoff board C. runs too fast D. Using the run way 10. When a high jumper jumps over with his back, he is using _____ A. western roll B. straddle C. fosbury flop D. eastern cut-off 11. Thomas Jaji is competing in event Hip-Hop-Step literally he is participating in which event or sport? A. High Jump B. Swimming C. Triple Jump D. Long Jump 12. In Athletic Chart, the events are grouped into track and field events and all track events involves running at a distance, while the field events involves______ A. Diving and passing B. Throwing and catching C. Jumping and running D. Jumping and throwing 13. The preliminary exercise which stimulates the body muscles ready for the main sporting activities is called______ A. Competition B. Heat C. Track events D. Warm-up 14. Justice Bruce just completed 2laps in an athletic competition, this means that Justice just ran or competed for_____ A. 400meters B. 200meters C. 800meters D. 1200meters 15. Contact sport is a sport in which players are involved in physical collation with the opponents during the cause of play. Which of the following is an example of non-contact sport? A. Judo B. Hockey C. Swimming D. Soccer Week 10 Period 1 Topic: Judo Duration: 40munites Behavioural objectives: At the end of the lesson, you should be able to: Narrate a brief history of judo List the skills of judo Key Words Judo, Skills, Combative, Stance etc. The brief history of Judo Judo is a combative game founded by a Japanese called Jigoro Kano in 1878. It is an ethical refinement of jujitsu an oriented martial art. Judo became an Olympic sport in 1964 when the game was held in Tokyo Japan. The Basic Skills of Judo Stance Gripping Movement Falling Evaluation Narrate a brief history of judo List the skills of judo Period 2 Sub-Topic: Rules and regulations of Judo game Duration: 40munites Behavioural Objective: At the end of the lesson, you should be able to: Enumerate the basic judo rules. Outline the four major ways of beating an opponent. Content: The rules and regulations of Judo game At the beginning and end of each bout, the two judoka must bow to each other and the contest area A judo match takes between 3 to 10 minutes duration. Punching or putting a hand, foot, leg or arm on an opponent` face is prohibited. Refusing to attack or not showing enough aggression can result to penalty. Judoka must not make derogatory remarks or gestures to their opponents. The Four Major Ways of Beating an Opponent or Making Full Points Throwing Holding Chocking Arm locking How to Score a Point in Judo These including: The first judoka to score in judo full wins the contest. If there is a tie and nobody scores half a points, the winner is determined by who has accumulated the most credits, counted on koko and yuko. To learn more on Judo click this link: Evaluation Essay Enumerate the basic judo rules. Outline the four major ways of beating an opponent. Multiple Choice Questions 1. Judo a combative sport was founded by a_______ A. Nigerian B. Japanese C. Ghanaian D. Scottish 2. Judo was developed by Prof. _______ A. Aminu Kano B. Good luck Jonathan C. Umaru Diksko D. Jigoro Kano 3. Judo became an Olympic sports in A. 1964 B. 1864 C. 1878 D. All of the above 4. What equipment is worn that indicate the judokas standard ________ A. cap, belt, mouthpiece B. baggy trouser, belt, loose jacket C. belt, rope, t-shirt, D. shirt, trouser, belt 5. Which of these is not a way of making a full point in judo? A. throwing B. jumping C. holding D. arm locking 6. A judo performer is called ________ A. fighter B. student C. judoka D. judoism 7. The judo suit is called _____ A. judogi B. suit case C. tommy D. waza 8. Hajine is the beginning command given by ____ A. coach B. manager C. lines man D. referee 9. Kimi in judo means ____ A. timi in B. time on C. break point D. none of the above 10. A judo match takes between __to __minutes duration A. 3 to 4 B. 5-10 C. 2-7 D. 3-10 11. In Judo game if a Judoka has half point, it is called Waza-ari, while the full point is called________ A. Yoko B. Koka C. Ippon D. Waza-irri 12. Select the appropriate skill from the options below for the underlisted Judo Sport activities. ------i----- involves holding an opponent with his or her back to the mat for 25 seconds. A full point scored in Judo Sport is called ------ii-------and, when an opponent is caused to submit by applying a reverse pressure across the elbow, this is called------iii-----i ii iii A. Arm-lock Throwing Ippon B. Judoka Arm-locking Hold-down C. Hold-down Ippon Arm-lock D. Throwing Hold-on Arm-lock References: BST ( Physical and health education handbook 1 for junior secondary schools) by Akinseye Saint Erazmus BST ( Physical and health education handbook 2 for junior secondary schools) by Akinseye Saint Erazmus BST (Physical and health education handbook 3 for secondary schools) New UBE edition by Ajiboye G. A