Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Region II Division of Cagayan Camalaniugan National High School-Catotoran Annex Catotoran, Camalaniugan, Cagayan WEEKLY HOME LEARNING PLAN S.Y. 2021-2022 Grade 10– Quarter 3. Week 3 & 4 Week Learning Area Learning Competency Learning Task Feb. 21-25, 2022 Mathematics 10 demonstrates understanding of key concepts of combinatorics and probability. Read and study well the lesson and examples regarding key concepts of combinatorics and probability. QUARTER 3 Feb.28March 4, 2022 *You may watch the video tutorial for a detailed and direct explanation of the lesson on you tube channel. The links will be send thru group chat as online reference. Do the following : Learning Task 1 and 3 1. Illustrates the permutation of objects. 2. solves problems involving permutations Prepared by: Approved by: HAZEL G. CONCORDIA Secondary School Teacher III EVANGELINE A. ACEBEDO Officer In- Charge Mode of Delivery Modular Learning Personal submission by the Parents/Guardians/House mates in school. Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Region II Division of Cagayan Camalaniugan National High School-Catotoran Annex Catotoran, Camalaniugan, Cagayan WEEKLY HOME LEARNING PLAN S.Y. 2021-2022 Grade 10– Quarter 3. Week 1 & 2 Week Learning Area Learning Competency Learning Task Feb. 7-11 Mathematics 10 Demonstrates understanding of key concepts of circles and coordinate geometry. Read and study well the lesson and examples regarding concepts of circles and coordinate geometry *You may watch the video tutorial for a detailed and direct explanation of the lesson on you tube channel. The links will be send thru group chat as online reference. Do the following : 1. Derives inductively the relations among chords, arcs, central angles, and inscribed angles. 2. solves problems on circles 3. illustrates the center-radius form of the equation of a circle. QUARTER 3 Formulates and find solutions to challenging situations involving circles and other related terms in different disciplines through appropriate and accurate representations Feb. 14-18 Prepared by: Approved by: HAZEL G. CONCORDIA Secondary School Teacher III EVANGELINE A. ACEBEDO Officer In- Charge Mode of Delivery Modular Learning Personal submission by the Parents/Guardians/House mates in school. Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Region II Division of Cagayan Camalaniugan National High School-Catotoran Annex Catotoran, Camalaniugan, Cagayan WEEKLY HOME LEARNING PLAN S.Y. 2021-2022 Grade 8– Quarter 3. Week 5 & 6 Week Learning Area March 7-11, 2022 Mathematics 8 QUARTER 3 Learning Competency Demonstrates understanding of key concepts of axiomatic structure of geometry and triangle congruence. Able to communicate mathematical thinking with coherence and clarity in formulating, investigating, analyzing, and solving real-life problems involving congruent triangles using appropriate and accurate representations. March 14-18, 2022 Learning Task Read and study well the lesson and examples regarding axiomatic structure of geometry and triangle congruence.. *You may watch the video tutorial for a detailed and direct explanation of the lesson on you tube channel. The links will be send thru group chat as online reference. Do the following : 1. Illustrates the SAS, ASA and SSS congruence postulates. 2. solves corresponding parts of congruent triangles Prepared by: Approved by: HAZEL G. CONCORDIA Secondary School Teacher III EVANGELINE A. ACEBEDO Officer In- Charge Mode of Delivery Modular Learning Personal submission by the Parents/Guardians/House mates in school. Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Region II Division of Cagayan Camalaniugan National High School-Catotoran Annex Catotoran, Camalaniugan, Cagayan WEEKLY HOME LEARNING PLAN S.Y. 2021-2022 Grade 8– Quarter 3. Week 3 & 4 Week Learning Area Feb. 2125, 2022 Mathematics 8 QUARTER 3 Learning Competency Demonstrates understanding of key concepts of axiomatic structure of geometry and triangle congruence. Able to communicate mathematical thinking with coherence and clarity in formulating, investigating, analyzing, and solving real-life problems involving congruent triangles using appropriate and accurate representations. Feb.28March 4, 2022 Learning Task Read and study well the lesson and examples regarding axiomatic structure of geometry and triangle congruence.. *You may watch the video tutorial for a detailed and direct explanation of the lesson on you tube channel. The links will be send thru group chat as online reference. Do the following : Learning Task 3 Learning Task 4 illustrates triangle congruence. Prepared by: Approved by: HAZEL G. CONCORDIA Secondary School Teacher III EVANGELINE A. ACEBEDO Officer In- Charge Mode of Delivery Modular Learning Personal submission by the Parents/Guardians/House mates in school. Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Region II Division of Cagayan Camalaniugan National High School-Catotoran Annex Catotoran, Camalaniugan, Cagayan WEEKLY HOME LEARNING PLAN S.Y. 2021-2022 Grade 8– Quarter 3. Week 1 & 2 Week Learning Area Learning Competency Feb. 7-11 Mathematics 8 Demonstrates understanding of key concepts of axiomatic structure of geometry and triangle congruence. QUARTER 3 Illustrates and formulate an organized plan to handle a real life situation. Feb. 14-18 Learning Task Read and study well the lesson and examples regarding concepts of axiomatic structure of geometry and triangle congruence. *You may watch the video tutorial for a detailed and direct explanation of the lesson on you tube channel. The links will be send thru group chat as online reference. Do the following : Learning Task 1 Learning Task 3 Task Draw a House model incorporating the mathematical system (undefined terms, defined terms, postulates, theorems, and axioms). Please be guided by the rubric for grading. Prepared by: Approved by: HAZEL G. CONCORDIA Secondary School Teacher III EVANGELINE A. ACEBEDO Officer In- Charge Mode of Delivery Modular Learning Personal submission by the Parents/Guardians/House mates in school. Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Region II Division of Cagayan Camalaniugan National High School-Catotoran Annex Catotoran, Camalaniugan, Cagayan WEEKLY HOME LEARNING PLAN S.Y. 2021-2022 Grade 7– Quarter 3. Week 3 & 4 Week Learning Area Learning Competency Feb. 2125, 2022 Mathematics 7 Demonstrates understanding of Key concepts of geometry of shapes and sizes and geometric relationships. QUARTER 3 Creates models of plane figures, formulates and solves accurate authentic problems involving sides and angles of a polygon. Feb.28March 4, 2022 Learning Task Read and study well the lesson and examples regarding Mathematical System and geometric relationships. *You may watch the video tutorial for a detailed and direct explanation of the lesson on you tube channel. The links will be send thru group chat as online reference. Do the following : Learning Task 3 Represents point, line, and plane using concrete and pictorial models. Illustrates subsets of a line. Classifies the different kinds of angles . Prepared by: Approved by: HAZEL G. CONCORDIA Secondary School Teacher III EVANGELINE A. ACEBEDO Officer In- Charge Mode of Delivery Modular Learning Personal submission by the Parents/Guardians/House mates in school. Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Region II Division of Cagayan Camalaniugan National High School-Catotoran Annex Catotoran, Camalaniugan, Cagayan WEEKLY HOME LEARNING PLAN S.Y. 2021-2022 Grade 7– Quarter 3. Week 1 & 2 Week Learning Area Feb. 7-11 Mathematics 7 QUARTER 3 Learning Competency Demonstrates understanding of Key concepts of geometry of shapes and sizes and geometric relationships. Creates models of plane figures, formulates and solves accurate authentic problems involving sides and angles of a polygon. Feb. 14-18 Learning Task Read and study well the lesson and examples regarding Mathematical System and geometric relationships. *You may watch the video tutorial for a detailed and direct explanation of the lesson on you tube channel. The links will be send thru group chat as online reference. Do the following : Learning Task 1 Activity 1- Know Me Activity 2- Name Me Learning Task 2 Prepared by: Approved by: HAZEL G. CONCORDIA Secondary School Teacher III EVANGELINE A. ACEBEDO Officer In- Charge Mode of Delivery Modular Learning Personal submission by the Parents/Guardians/House mates in school.