Activity 2. What is the importance of mathematics? 1. Mathematics is important to me because it is the foundation of many aspects of our lives. With its help, we understand concepts like size, quantity, and order, which are important in everyday decisions like budgeting, shopping, and cooking. In various professions, mathematics is used in analysis, design, and problem solving, so it is an important tool in the development of technology, economics, and science. Where do you, apply the principles of mathematics in your chosen career? 2. As a BTVTE-FSM student, math is important to me in time management, analysing measurements, and developing strategies for a smoother process. In the field of food service, mathematics is used to plan ingredients calculate costs, and plan meals. It is also in developing menus that fit the budget of clients or businesses. Do you need mathematics in daily life? Why? 3. Yes, math is necessary on a daily basis because it is part of simple tasks like making payments, budgeting, and making decisions. The ability to compute and analyse is essential to ensure the right decision, from caring or valuing money to measuring home or work materials needed. What have you learned from school on mathematics so far? 4. | learned basic concepts like shape, fractions, algebra, geometry, and statistics. They help in problem analysis, decision making, and the exercise of logical thinking. These lessons have been useful in dealing with practical life challenges, such as taking measurements or developing a business plan. Do you appreciate mathematics? Why or why not? 5. Yes, | appreciate it because mathematics is what gives order and logic to many aspects of our lives. Often it is difficult to understand or understand, the result of its study is useful and provides skills that can be used in various fields. Just like buying what we need on a daily basis in a store or grocery, here we use what is called plus and minus, this is the basic teaching in mathematics.