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Measures of Position: Quartiles, Deciles, Percentiles

Quarter 4 – Module 1
Illustrating Measures of Position:
Quartiles, Deciles and Percentiles
Mathematics – Grade 10
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 4 – Module 1 – Illustrating Measures of Position: Quartiles, Deciles and
First Edition, 2021
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Quarter 4 – Module 1
Illustrating Measures of Position:
Quartiles, Deciles and Percentiles
Introductory Message
This Self-Learning Module (SLM) is prepared so that you, dear learners, can
continue your studies and learn while at home. Activities, questions, directions,
exercises, and discussions are carefully stated for you to understand each lesson.
Each SLM is composed of different parts. Each part shall guide you step-by-step
as you discover and understand the lesson prepared for you.
Pre-tests are provided to measure your prior knowledge on lessons in each SLM.
This will tell you if you need to proceed on completing this module or if you need to
ask your facilitator or your teacher’s assistance for better understanding of the
lesson. At the end of each module, you need to answer the post-test to self-check
your learning. Answer keys are provided for each activity and test. We trust that
you will be honest in using these.
In addition to the material in the main text, Notes to the Teachers are also provided
to our facilitators and parents for strategies and reminders on how they can best
help you on your home-based learning.
Please use this module with care. Do not put unnecessary marks on any part of
this SLM. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercise and tests. Read
the instructions carefully before performing each task.
If you have any questions in using this SLM or any difficulty in answering the tasks
in this module, do not hesitate to consult your teacher or facilitator.
Thank you.
What I Need to Know
In this module, you will learn how to illustrate the following measures of position:
quartiles, deciles and percentiles. This will serve as your guide in future studies most
specially in the field of research.
At the end of this module, the students should be able to:
• illustrate the following measures of position –
✓ quartile;
✓ deciles; and
✓ percentiles
What I Know
Directions: Find out how much you already know about the topic in this module. Choose the
letter of the best answer. Take note of the items that you were not able to answer
correctly and find the right answer as you go through the lessons in this module.
1. The median score is also the __________.
A. 75th percentile
B. 5th decile
C. 3rd decile
D. 1st quartile
2. The lower quartile is equal to __________.
A. 50th percentile
B. 25th percentile
C. 2nd decile
D. 3rd quartile
3. Dinah ranks 10th in a class of 40 students. Her percentile rank is __________.
A. 75
B. 90
C. 10
D. 25
4. Louie’s score in a 75-item test was the median score. What is his percentile rank?
A. 35th
B. 50th
C. 25th
D. V = 75th
5. When a distribution is divided into hundred equal parts, each score point that
describes the distribution is called __________?
A. percentile
B. decile
C. quartile
D. median
6. It divides a set of data arranged in order of magnitude into ten equal parts.
A. percentile
B. decile
C. quartile
D. median
7. __________ is the value which divides the set of data into four equal parts.
A. percentile
B. decile
C. quartile
D. median
8. Which of the following quartiles is also known as the median value of any given set
of data?
A. Q1
B. Q2
C. Q3
D. Q4
9. Which of the following is equal to D5?
A. Q1
B. Q2
C. Q3
D. Q4
10. The deciles divide a set of data into how many equal parts?
A. 4
B. 8
C. 10
D. 20
11. Which of the following is NOT equal to P50?
A. Q2
B. Q3
C. Median
D. D5
12. Which of the following percentiles is the same as D4?
A. P4
B. P40
C. P80
D. P8
For numbers 13-15, refer to the situation below:
The owner of a computer shop recorded the number of customers who
came into his shop each hour in a day. The results were arranged in an ascending
13. What is the middle value of the data?
A. 9
B. 10
C. 12
D. 14
14. What is the upper quartile of the data?
A. 9
B. 10
C. 12
D. 14
15. What is the lower quartile of the data?
A. 9
B. 10
C. 12
D. 14
What’s In
Let us recall the different terminologies on measures of central tendency and variability
by solving the puzzle using the clues below.
1. It deals with the collection, processing,
analysis and interpretation of numerical
2. The middle value of the data set.
6. The difference between the highest and
lowest scores.
8. Facts collected together for analysis.
9.The ______ score also refers to the
1. A set of data consists of only a part of all
3. It also referred to as the mean.
4. The number that occurs most frequently in
a data.
5. The average of a set of numbers.
7. Data organized into groups.
Were you able to answer the puzzle above? These terminologies are very important
as you will be dealing with them in this module and for the next modules in this quarter.
What’s New
In real life, sets of data do not tell the whole story. If we only refer to the raw data we
have on hand, we will never know in which direction these data would lead to in the future. For
instance, if you are one of the 35 academic awardees in a class of 50 students, did you perform
the best among all the students in your class? Would this reassure you that you will finish the
school year on top of the class? Or if you are engaged in an online business and you see the
individual average sales of your products for the past year, would you conclude that the
product that brought in a large sale is the best seller? What would you do with the other
products that are not selling well?
Studying Measures of Positions is very important in situations when we want to know
the strongest, weakest, largest, smallest, top and/or bottom values in a given large amount of
data. When you have a large amount of data, you want to understand a certain part of that
spread and make the necessary actions and decisions after.
This module will illustrate the different measures of positions and what it says about
the data you have. Further lessons after this module will guide you when you do your research
on how to properly interpret the results of your data gathering. `
Notes to the Teacher
The activities in this module are arranged from simple to complex to help the learner
gradually master the desired learning competency. Give him/her the needed support and
guidance so that he/she will be able to perform the tasks to prepare him/her in illustrating
the different measures of position.
What is It
Measures of Position: Quartiles, Deciles and Percentiles
Each one of us may be considered a statistician as we constantly compare ourselves
to others whether it is test scores, height, weight, how fast we run or how many followers we
have on social media. One of the best ways to compare these types of data is by the measures
of position.
A measure of position is a method by which the position that a particular data value
has within a given data set can be identified. The descriptive measures which are used to
locate position of values or scores in a distribution are quartiles, deciles and percentiles.
Quartiles are the score points which divide an ordered data into quarters. One quarter
or twenty five percent (25%) of the distribution are less than or equal to the first quartile or the
lower quartile (Q1). Two quarters or fifty percent (50%) of the distribution are less than or equal
to the second quartile (Q2) or the middle quartile. Three quarters or seventy five percent (75%)
are less than or equal to the third quartile (Q3) or the upper quartile. The lower quartile (Q1) is
less than the middle quartile (Q2) and the middle quartile is less than the upper quartile (Q 3).
The middle quartile, Q2, is also the median of the distribution. The median is a number that
measures the “center” of the data; it separates the ordered data into halves.
Quartiles are illustrated by the figure below:
25% of the data has a value  Q1 or 75% of the data has a value  Q1
50% of the data has a value  Q2 or 50% of the data has a value  Q2
75% of the data has a value  Q3 or 25% of the data has a value  Q3
Let us study the following examples.
Example 1:
The following illustrates the scores of 7 students in a short quiz given by their Math
teacher. Each quartile is illustrated and explained below.
25% of the
scores are
less than or
equal to 3
50% of the
scores are
less than or
equal to 5
75% of the
scores are
less than or
equal to 6
75% of the
scores are
greater than
or equal to 3
50% of the
scores are
greater than
or equal to 5
25% of the
scores are
greater than
or equal to 6
Example 2:
The number of boats in each fish farm in Hagonoy, Bulacan is shown in the table below.
What does each quartile illustrate?
Q1: About 75% of fish farms in Hagonoy, Bulacan have at least 18 boats.
Q2: About 50% of fish farms in Hagonoy, Bulacan have at least 23 boats.
Q3: About 25% of fish farms in Hagonoy, Bulacan have at least 26 boats.
We can also say that:
Q1: About 25% of fish farms in Hagonoy, Bulacan have at most 18 boats.
Q2: About 50% of fish farms in Hagonoy, Bulacan have at most 23 boats.
Q3: About 75% of fish farms in Hagonoy, Bulacan have at most 26 boats.
Example 3.
The table below shows the summary for the three-point shot that Marlou has
successfully shoot for each basketball match that their team played. Explain each quartile.
Q1: Marlou had successfully shoot at most 3 three-point shots in 25% of the
basketball matches.
Q2: Marlou had successfully shoot at most 6 three-point shots in 50% of the
basketball matches.
Q3: Marlou had successfully shoot at most 10 three-point shots in 75% of the
basketball matches.
Another illustration for this:
Q1: Marlou had successfully shoot at least 3 three-point shots in 75% of the
basketball matches.
Q2: Marlou had successfully shoot at least 6 three-point shots in 50% of the
basketball matches.
Q3: Marlou had successfully shoot at least 10 three-point shots in 25% of the
basketball matches.
Example 4:
For the 100-meter dash, the third quartile for the time for finishing the race was 11.5
seconds. Describe the third quartile in this situation.
Twenty-five percent of runners finished the race in 11.5 seconds or more while
seventy-five percent of runners finished the race in 11.5 seconds or less. A lower
percentile is good because finishing a race more quickly is desirable to win.
Deciles are the nine values along the scale that divide the set of data into ten equal
parts. The deciles are denoted as D1, D2, D3, … , D9.
We can illustrate deciles in the same manner that quartiles were illustrated. However,
we will describe deciles using the figure below:
D9 (90% of the data has a value  D9)
D8 (80% of the data has a value  D8)
D7 70% of the data has a value  D7)
D6 (60% of the data has a value  D6)
D5 = Q2 (50% of the data has a value  D5)
D4 (40% of the data has a value  D4)
D3 (30% of the data has a value  D3)
D2 (20% of the data has a value  D2)
D1 (10% of the data has a value  D1)
Deciles are useful for exploring the spread of a data set as they show the smallest as
well as the largest values of the distribution. Deciles are often used in financial fields for
statistical analysis.
The following examples will help us understand deciles more.
Example 1:
This illustrates the sales (in thousands of pesos) of the 13 products sold by an online
seller for the first quarter of the year.
D2 means that 20% of the sales is equal to or less than Php 3 000
D3 means that 30% of the sales is equal to or less than Php 4 000
D5 means that 50% of the sales is equal to or less than Php 6 000
D6 means that 60% of the sales is equal to or less than Php 7 000
D8 means that 80% of the sales is equal to or less than Php 8 000
Example 2.
Miss Roberto gave an assessment to her students in Mathematics. The 5.5th decile for
the time it took to finish the test was 42 minutes. What does this mean?
• 5.5th decile is in the 55% of the distribution.
• This means that 55% of the learners finished the test in 42 minutes or less.
• Forty five percent (45%) of the students finished the test in 42 minutes or more.
Example 3:
Martin bought an insurance from Company A. The market value of Company A is in
the 7th decile (D7) of all the top insurance companies in the country. Should Martin be glad
about this data or not? Explain your answer.
70% of the top insurance companies in the country has a market value that is
less than or equal to the market value of Company A.
30% of the top insurance companies in the country has a market value that is
greater than or equal to the market value of Company A.
Martin should be pleased because the higher the market value means the
higher the asset of a company. He made a wise decision in buying insurance
from Company A.
Example 4:
During the school’s annual health check for students, Kim found out from her BMI that
she is in the 9th decile in height but in the 3rd decile in weight. What does this data tell Kim?
According to the data, compared with other students her age, Kim is taller
than 90% of them and weighed more than only 30% of them.
We can also conclude that Kim is taller and thinner compared with most of
the students in her school.
Percentiles are used for comparing values of mostly very large populations. For this
reason, most schools used percentiles extensively. For instance, percentiles are used in
ranking student based on their scores in the entrance exams of certain universities and
community college programs. Percentiles are also used in ranking job applicants for a certain
position in the company.
The percentiles are the values on a scale of 100 that indicates the percent of a
distribution that is equal or below it. The percentiles are the ninety-nine score points which
divide a distribution into one hundred equal parts, so that each part represents the data set.
It is used to characterize values according to the percentage below them. For example, the
first percentile (P1) separates the lowest 1% from the other 99%, the second percentile (P 2)
separates the lowest 2% from the other 98%, and so on.
Let us illustrate percentiles and compare it with that of quartiles and deciles by using the
figure below.
A percentile is a comparison score between a particular score and the scores of the
rest of the group. It shows the percentage of scores that a particular score surpassed. For
example, if you score 75 points on a test, and is ranked in the 85th percentile, it means that
the score 75 is higher than 85% of the scores of all those who took the test.
To understand percentile, let us study the following examples.
Example 1:
Your height is 1.8 meters and you are the fourth tallest in a group of 20. Use percentile
to explain what it means?
If you are the fourth tallest in a group of 20, it means that 80% of people are shorter
than you.
This also means that your height of 1.8 meters is in the 80th percentile height in that
Example 2:
On a 20-item Mathematics test, the 70th percentile for number of correct answers was
16. Describe the 70th percentile in this situation. Was it a good result?
This means that 70% of the students answered 16 or fewer questions correctly.
It also means that 30% of students answered 16 or more questions correctly.
No. If 16 belongs to a lower percentile, then it would be a good result since it
would assure us that more students obtained scores that are greater than or
equal to 16.
Example 3:
On a 60-point essay, the 20th percentile for the number of points earned was 52. What
does the 20th percentile tell us of the students’ performance in the essay?
The data tells us that 20% of the students got a score of 52 points or lower.
The data also tells us that 80% of students got a score of 52 points or more.
This is a good performance because getting higher points on an essay is
Example 4:
During the Bulacan Provincial Meet, the 40th percentile for points scored in a basketball
game by a player is 8 points. What is the meaning of this 40th percentile?
This means that 40% of the basketball players scored 8 points or fewer.
It also means that 60% of the basketball players scored 8 points or more.
What’s More
Independent Activity 1
Directions: Match column A with its equivalent measures in column B. Write only the letter of
the answer.
Column A
1. Q2
2. P40
3. D7.5
4. Median
5. P90
Column B
A. Q3
B. P50
C. D9
D. D6
E. D4
Independent Assessment 1
Directions: Fill in the blanks to complete the sentence.
1. __________ are the values which divide the set of data into four equal parts.
2. __________ are the values which divide the set of data into one hundred equal parts.
3. __________ are the values which divide the set of data into ten equal parts.
4. The 75th percentile is the same as the __________ quartile.
5. The median is another name for the __________ quartile.
6. The 5th decile is equal to the __________ percentile.
7. The 30th percentile is equal to the __________ decile.
Independent Activity 2
Directions: Put a ✓ if the statement correctly illustrates the measures of location, otherwise
write X.
The lower quartile of the ages of 600 grade 10 students at San Pedro National High
School is 15 years while the 75th percentile is 17 years.
_____ 1. 75% of the students are 15 years old and above.
_____ 2. The 7.5th decile is 17 years.
_____ 3. 300 students are 15 years old and above.
_____ 4. One-fourth of the students’ population is 17 years old and above.
_____ 5. 25% of the students are 15 years old and below.
Independent Assessment 2
Directions: Read and analyze the data below. Then, state if each statement is true or false.
The data below shows the years of teaching experience for each secondary school
teacher in a certain public high school in Bulacan.
1. 25% of the secondary school teachers have 11 or more years of teaching experience.
2. Only 5% of the secondary school teachers have 18 or more years of teaching experience.
3. Only 75% of the secondary school teachers have less than 14 years of teaching
4. Half of the number of secondary school teachers have 8 years of teaching experience.
5. One-fourth (1/4) of the teacher’s population has 3 or less years of teaching experience.
Independent Activity 3
Directions: Read the situation carefully, then answer the questions that follow by writing only
the letter of the correct option.
Silver’s Gym obtained the following information about the number of gym members at
each branch in Bulacan:
Minimum: 50
Q1: 56
Q2: 64
Q3: 70
Maximum: 76
1. What is the upper quartile of the given set of data?
A. 56
B. 64
C. 70
D. 76
2. What is the lower quartile of this data set?
A. 56
B. 64
C. 70
D. 76
3. About what percent of the gym’s branch have fewer than 56 members?
A. 0%
B. 25%
C. 50%
D. 75%
4. What percent of the gym’s branch have more than 70 members?
A. 0%
B. 25%
C. 50%
D. 75%
5. This data suggests that 50% of the gym’s branch have more than what number of
A. 50
B. 56
C. 64
D. 70
Independent Assessment 3
Directions: Read and analyze the statements below. Then answer the questions that follow
by writing only the letter of the best option.
The following information was obtained regarding the number of surfers who visited
each resort in Siargao Island on a daily basis during off-peak season.
1. What percent of the resorts in Siargao Island have two or more surfers who visit everyday?
A. 40%
B. 60%
C. 80%
D. 90%
2. What percent of the resorts have visitors of 15 or more surfers everyday?
A. 30%
B. 50%
C. 70%
D. 90%
3. The data tells us that 20% of the resorts in Siargao Island have more than how many
surfers who visit everyday?
A. 5
B. 10
C. 13
D. 18
4. Sixty percent of the resorts have more than how many surfers who visit everyday?
A. 2
B. 8
C. 10
D. 18
5. What percent of the resorts have less than 19 surfers who visit everyday?
A. 90%
B. 70%
C. 50%
D. 30%
What I Have Learned
“Learning is the measurement of knowledge before and after.”
- Eben Pagan
Directions: Fill in the blanks with the correct measures of position being described in the
following statements. You may have more than one answer for each item.
1. __________ means that 25% of the values are below this.
2. __________ means that 50% of the values are above this.
3. __________ means that 30% of the values are below this.
4. __________ means that 60% of the values are above this.
5. __________ means that 10% of the values are above this.
What I Can Do
Directions: Illustrate the meaning behind the given situation.
When the result of your National Achievement Test (NAT) was released, your teacher
announced that your score is on the 95 th percentile among all the students in your school who
took the examination.
a. Explain the 95th percentile in this situation.
b. Did you perform well in the given examination? Why or why not?
Directions: Find out how much you have learned about the topic in this module. Choose the
letter of the best answer.
1. The middle quartile is also the __________.
A. 5th decile
B. 75th percentile
C. 6th decile
D. 80th percentile
2. The upper quartile is equal to __________.
A. 5th decile
B. 75th percentile
C. 6th decile
D. 80th percentile
3. Lino ranks 4th in a class of 40 students. His percentile rank is __________.
A. 75
B. 90
C. 10
D. 25
4. Lea’s score in a 75-item test was the upper quartile score. What is her percentile rank?
A. 35th
B. 50th
C. 25th
D. 75th
5. When a distribution is divided into ten equal parts, each score point that describes the
distribution is called __________?
A. percentile
B. decile
C. quartile
D. median
6. It divides a set of data arranged in order of magnitude into four equal parts.
A. percentile
B. decile
C. quartile
D. median
7. __________ is the value which divides the set of data into one hundred equal parts.
A. percentile
B. decile
C. quartile
D. median
8. Which of the following percentiles is also known as the median value of any given set
of data?
A. P10
B. P30
C. P50
D. P70
9. Which of the following is equal to D7.5?
A. Q1
B. Q2
C. Q3
D. Q4
10. The percentiles of a set of data divide into how many equal parts?
A. 40
B. 60
C. 80
D. 100
11. Which of the following is NOT equal to Q2?
A. D3
B. P50
C. D5
D. Median
12. Which of the following deciles is the same as P40?
A. D2
B. D3
C. D4
D. D5
For items 13–15, read the situation below. Then answer the questions that follow.
In a 70-item test, student A got a score of 50 which is the third quartile while student
B got a score of 40 which is the 60th percentile.
13. What percentage of the students got a score higher than student A?
A. 25%
B. 40%
C. 50%
D. 75%
14. What percentage of the students got a score lower than student B?
A. 25%
B. 40%
C. 50%
D. 60%
15. What percentage of the students got a score higher than 40?
A. 25%
B. 40%
C. 50%
D. 75%
Additional Activities
Directions: Read the situation carefully. Then, answer the questions that follow.
In a 70-item test, Monica got a score of 50 which is the 75th percentile of the class.
1. What percentage of the class got a score of 50 and above?
2. Monica surpassed how many percent of her class?
3. What percentage of the class got a score that is higher than Monica’s score?
4. Did Monica get the highest score in the test?
5. What does 75th percentile imply in this situation?
1. Q1 / P25
2. Q2 / D5 / P50
3. D3 / P30
4. D4 / P40
5. D9 / P90
1. D
2. A
3. D
4. C
5. A
1. C
2. A
3. B
4. B
5. C
What I Have Learned
Independent Assessment 3
Independent Activity 3
1. True
2. True
3. False
4. False
5. True
1. Quartile
2. Percentile
3. Decile
4. Upper / Third
5. Middle / Second
6. 50th
7. 3rd
1. Statistics
2. Median
6. Range
8. Data
9. Middle
2. B
3. A
4. B
5. A
6. B
7. C
8. B
9. B
10. C
11. B
12. B
13. B
14. D
15. A
1. ✓
1. B
Independent Activity 2
Independent Activity 1
What’s In
What I Know
2. ✓
3. X
4. ✓
5. ✓
2. E
3. A
4. B
5. C
Independent Assessment 1
1. Sample
3. Average
4. Mode
5. Mean
7. Grouped
Independent Assessment 1
What I Can Do
My score is above 95% of all the students who took the examination.
5% of the students who took up the examination obtained a score higher than my score.
Yes, because the data says that my score is on the top 5% of all the students who took the
1. A
2. B
3. B
4. D
5. B
6. C
7. A
8. C
9. C
10. D
Additional Activity
11. A
12. C
13. A
14. D
15. B
1. 25%
2. 75%
3. 25%
4. No
5. 25% of the class got a score higher then 50.
75% of the class got a score lower than 50.
Answer Key
Callanta, Melvin M., et al., “Mathematics Learner’s Module for Grade 10”, First Edition. Maxima J.
Acelajado. Pasig City, Philippines: Department of Education. 2015.
Ulpina, Jisela N., et al., “Math Builders”, New Enhanced Edition. Josefina R. Arce. Valenzuela City,
Philippines. Jo-Es Publishing House, Inc. 2015.
Mendoza, Oronce O., “E-Math IV”, Quezon City, Philippines. Rex Book Store, Inc. 2010.
Razon, Lerida-M. E., et al., “Math Builders Fourth Year.”. Jisela N. Ulpina. Valenzuela City, Philippines.
Jo-Es Publishing House, Inc. 2007.
Acelajado, Maxima J., et al., “Mathematics for the New Millennium: Statistics”, Makati City, Philippines.
Diwa Learning Systems, Inc. 1999.
Khan Academy, “Interpreting Quartiles”. Available at https://www.khanacademy.org/math/cc-sixthgrade-math/cc-6th-data-statistics/cc-6th-box-whisker-plots/e/interpreting-quartiles-on-boxplots> [Accessed at 15 January 2021]
Measures of
[Accessed 22 January 2021]
Illowski, Barbara, et al., Introductory Statistics. Available at <http://cnx.org/contents/30189442-69984686-ac05-ed152b91b9de@17.44.> [Accessed 23 January 2021]
Penn State Eberly College of Science, “Lesson 1.5.2 – Measures of Position”. Available at
https://online.stat.psu.edu/stat500/lesson/1/1.5/1.5.2> [Accessed 16 January 2021]
For inquiries or feedback, please write:
Department of Education, Schools Division of Bulacan
Curriculum Implementation Division
Learning Resource Management and Development System (LRMDS)
Capitol Compound, Guinhawa St., City of Malolos, Bulacan
Email Address: lrmdsbulacan@deped.gov.ph