Static Equilibrium of a Rigid Body What is Static Equilibrium? The condition when all acting forces cancel each other. ∑F=0 For a body to be in static equilibrium two things must be true: 1. It is rigid - no deflection, warping, elongation etc. 2. All acting forces cancel each other - it is not accelerating in any direction. Steps to find static equilibrium: 1. Draw a FBD (Free-body diagram) of the body with all acting and reacting forces as needed. Don’t forget a coordinate system! 2. Make equations to sum all forces and moments and set them equal to 0. 3. Solve for unknowns such that they make all the forces equal 0. Equations to find the equilibrium of a rigid static body: ∑Fx=0 ∑Fy =0 ∑Fz =0 ∑M =0 Static Equilibrium of a Rigid Body Met or exceeded Partially Met Not Clearly demonstrated Voice •Clear, easy to understand and well paced •Generally easy to understand, but could be clearer •Difficult to understand, lacked clarity, too fast/slow 1 •Excellent enunciation •Mumbled, at times difficult to understand •No verbal ticks •The odd verbal tick like Ummm or “like” •More effort needed, very difficult to understand or poor pacing /1 Body Language 1 /1 Audience Analysis (Empathy) 1 •No distracting gestures or movements, but good use of some gestures or expressions for emphasis •Excellent eye contact with audience •Some distracting gestures, e.g. rocking or nervous gestures like twirling hair •Some eye contact with audience •Consistent verbal ticks •Excessive distractions/movements or chewing gum •Reading off the text only or looking at floor or ceiling •Body facing away •Facing the board more from audience no than 25% of the time more than 25% of time Sensitive to Inconsistent reading of audience, reading audience audience and modifying/adapting as necessary Oblivious to audience verbal and non-verbal cues, e.g. attention, involvement and needs •Presentation begins with a hook or memorable opening Missing two or more of these elements /1 Organization •Body of presentation Missing one of the these elements Static Equilibrium of a Rigid Body 1 /1 develops main topics •Smooth transitions from topic to topic Content 1 /1 Memorable and Educational 1 •Level too advanced or simplistic •Level entirely inappropriate •Not enough detail, examples and development of topics not equally developed •Superficial and vague in many areas and topics need to be completely redeveloped •Demonstration is memorable but appropriate to the goals of the assignment and presentation •Demonstration is somewhat memorable but lacks originality •Demonstration is somewhat memorable but lacks originality and creativity Handout provides examples and additional information on the topic Handout is incomplete or not professional in appearance •Excellent detail, examples and development of topics •Relies on stunts not relevant to this level of education •Relies only on stunts /1 Handout 1 •Level of difficulty appropriate to group /1 Presentation The overall talk has a has a distinctive narrative/story story arc: beginning, middle and an end that provides a No handout An attempt at a No narrative structure narrative structure; and is simply a delivery however, at least one of information/facts of the elements is missing or elements are not fully developed Static Equilibrium of a Rigid Body relevant narrative structure 2 /2 IBC •An introduction with a PBS Missing 1-2 of these elements Missing more than 3 of these elements •A body that develops findings 1 /1 •A conclusion provides recommendations or solutions -2 marks if oral presentation not delivered at scheduled time and date without a documentable reason. 10 /10 x Your presentation achieved all the criteria of the assignment and it shows you have a mastery of the genre Your assignment achieved some of the goals of the assignment; however, more work is needed to master this genre Your assignment failed to achieve a majority of the goals of the assignment and failed to demonstrate the assignment’s criteria