ZIMBABWE TERTIARY EDUCATION, MINISTRY OF HIGHER AND TECHNOLOGY SCIENCE AND INNOVATION, DEVELOPMENT HIGHER EDUCATION EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL (HEXCO0) NATIONAL DIPLOMA IN ELECTRICAL POWER ENGINEERING SUBJECT: Power Electronics DURATION: PAPER NO: 517/16/S02 3 Hours NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2 0 2 2 EXAMINATION REQUIREMENTS 1. Answer book Non programmable caleulator 2 INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATE . Answer any five (5) questions 2. All questions carry equal 3. Start a n e w question o n a marks fresh page This paper consists of 5 printed pages. PAPER NO: 517/16/S02- POWER ELECTRONICSS QUESTION 1 The buck-boost in K 20.25 and the Fig 1 has an input voltage of V, = 12V. The duty cycle switching frequency is 25KHz. The inductance L and filter capacitor C =220uF, The average load current la a) b) c The average output e The entire values of L and C voltage Va The peak to peak output voltage ripple, AV The peak to peak ripple current of inductor, Al The peak current of the transistor, 7p = = 150uH 1.25A. Determine (3 marks) (3 marks) (3 marks) (6 marks) (5 marks) Fig 1 t L 2 PAPER NO: 517/16/S02 POWER ELECTRONICS QUESTION 2 Draw the circuit diagram of a DIAC triggering circuit Give that the DIAC breakdown voltage Vpo = 40V, C = 470nF, R = 1000 to 25000n (4 marks) V = 240Vrms, 50Hz. Determine the minimum and maximum firing angle. (12 marks) State any four (4) applications of the circuit above (4 marks) QUESTION 3 a Draw the diagram of complementary communication b) A complementary communication in (a) has Ri = 200v, R2 = 10 and (6 marks) R2100. Determine i Peat value of current through thyristor i) Value of capacitor, if each Ti and T2 (6 marks) thyristor has turn off time is 404s. Take a factor of safety 2. (8 marks) QUESTION 4 a b) State two types of controllers (4 marks) A single-phase a.c voltage controller has a resistive load of R- 102 and he input voltage is V, = 120V, 60Hz. The delay angle of thyristor is «= "/2 Determine: R.M.S value of output voltage (V%) ii) Input power factor (pf) ii Average input current 3 (2 marks) (12 marks) (2 marks) PAPER NO: 517/16/S02 -POWER ELECTRONICSS QUESTION 5 A single phase full converter is supplied from 230V, 50Hz source, thhe load consists of R = 102 and a large in inductance so as to render load current constant. the For a firing angle delay of 30°, Detemine a) Average output voltage (4 marks) b c Average output current (3 marks) Average and r.m.s values of thrysitor current (8 marks) Power factor (5 marks) QUESTION 6 a) The maximum junction temperature of a transistor is Ti = 150°C and the ambient temperature is TA = 25°C. If the thermal empendances are Ric i = 0.4 c/w, Re = 0.1°c/w and RsA = 0.5° c/w. Calculate the Maximum power dissipation (6 marks) Case temperature (4 marks) curve to b Draw a c List four show the i - t characteristics of a fuse (4) characteristic that are necessary when (6 marks selectinga fuse (4 marks) QUESTION 7 a Draw the symbols for the following devices Power diode (1 mark) i) ii) Schottky diode (1 mark) Fast recovery diode (1 mark) iv S.C.R v G.T.O vi Triac (1 mark) (1 mark) (1 mark) vii vii Diac (1 mark) UJT (1 mark) ix) PUT (1 mark) LASCR (1 mark) PAPER NO: 517/16/S02 POWER ELECTRONICS (1 mark) b) xi) I.G.B.T xii) MCT (1 mark) Draw the construction diagrams i) UJT i) PUT iil SCR of the following (3 marks) (3 marks) (2 marks) QUESTION 8 a) Draw the where b) c d) steady-state diagram showing transient voltage sharing is turn Draw BJT base drive for achieved on control State any three (3) DC drives State three (3) types of inverters showinng voltage and voltage (8 marks) (6 marks) (3 marks) (3 marks) ..../km