The transitionbetweenZones1 and2 is the frequencylimit of a controlsystem. ?aaar r ^ o tio Z O NQ zone I ? zon? 3 1 (0db) tinit freq ErrorRatio(ER)= ratioof closed-loop errormagnitude to open-loop errormagnitude ER= (1 + G(s).H(s)).(1- c(s).H(s)) Magnitude of thecomplexnumbergivenby theabove et438a1O.MCDI 2.) the Find:1.)the openlooptransferfunction, Example: closedlooptransferfunction,3.)the errorratioof a control systemwherethe forwardgainG(s)is: G(s) '= 21. 8 1 * 0 .3 7 9 .s+ 0 .0 0 6 3 .s 2 The feedbacksystemgain is: H(s) = .356 1 + 0 .4 7 8 .s valueof the openandclosedlooptransfer 4.) Compute whenrrl= Q.1, 1, 10and100. functions the valueof the errorratiowhenrrr= 0.1 5.)Compute 1, 10and100. 6.) UseMatlabto plotthe openandclosedlooptransfer functions on the sameBodeplotaxis. / , ) o l a Eru L ooP T€dnrsFEI I F u nC/;l/ oN L o.3S6 Zr. I G c" ) /lG )",+ (o.37 9s1 o,o o6l FLI+ o.q?8*t ft)* l f r p l g d.enao.tN .n-ion 'J = /t- o,3?9 .s+o.tB//a**o.cnGgsls.orxIo! s+o.q7e esst)(+o'4?8s +o,oo Q t o.3?9S ?.?6oO f + ogSZ s To, t8?4lSz+ o'ooto/{s3 et438a1O.MCD9 z4nls Example(cont.) Z) C toseD l-ooF TRn rr-FR FaNcl ypxl ?.?aoe , G(s)HCs) _*0,tffi I tG6s)H(s) l+ 7, ?aog I + 0 rs?s +o,l&)46s2+ Obffi G(s)H(s\ I * G(s)HG) ? ?<oe + 0,8S?sf O, t8'746St+o,oo3of S:l"Z,ZeoE c G ) H(s ) I t G(s)HG) 3, ) A R Q o A R n r p I /-\ r^ \ rtcT-- ^t <, \\ ' / ' _ t+ G(s)H(s) I l t ER(s)=l, 16 sr,rBsTlrrrTE /.ru G(s)H(.) / I l l ffi l l' = I F-Qsr.-..r ilBovr l/ . E(6)=l Qlo63/ -+o, tB:<Ast+o, Q*o'8s?s l' (t+o,es^ts to,rg?a.tto"oosots3)'_ I EPG)J, ,=t)t- (z z<ode t +o,,n ecs'ro.od3o ft i *",Bs?s o,oosorss)a rs?_s *?,rrz+as'+ +? __(l e(*)-i f h'\\ l ll o* /(;;'qs?s4o'r et438a1O.MCD 10 lS Exampfe (cont.) 4') computethevafr"r-:f openandctosedrooptransfer functions at or=0.1,1,10,11"_ lOOiSJlsec o P E A / Lds P 7.7608 G ( ar ) . H ( a r=) 1 + 0. 8S 7 .j .rrr + O .1 g 7 S(j. . r)2 + O .OO3 (0. j .r)3 v\vrt'lr-v/- f* r z , - , ] l0 lt s- - i Ld ol =eH(w) l+o,s<?X- q Su6" " lrl,^# e ir I I d q-^dsr"nrpl 14v:o,l -."I r{v 'J . , .I.?gu8_. , -.- 6{1o, l)=., l+o.oo/0 7s +o.oSs?d - 3xti6tr' v G Hlo, i) = Z ? e o p v _ = 0.999t3 * Xo,oss6g? ? ,? c o ft l, ouz/t,gf q -**-- - -- Arus r 7, , T eog Gr {(r)' I +o.8sz40) o, -; j(t)' tazs(r).- o, oo3 (J0- G t-t(D' - J'76a8--- - - l-o,1ff?S,+ o'85?t -o'e3: 0d GH (l ) = - et438a1O.MCD11 ?8 g / + a ,4 2 l,", ?6aP 6,sBl /-494" ?, ?(o I *(o,8s1 o.Q{aS Exampfe: (cont.) opE^rAoop Gru(,{. . 7 ?<oB I + ov,e.' ,g s? .( tn \_ A t 7, 7e08 €; ry -2 Ga (/a): tfTs(.)._ o.ooffi d,,o)-o, v 7. --,zeo! . -- /- /8.7s* . t?^ ,d GH (ro)= 7, 76oP ld.co3/taz.s?o =---- -/7.7s+t,t? o- 4l7Z ' t 6z . ao ?. r<og GH(,-) = rd,.o- d,r07S(oora.y (;t' 1so.Ps GH( r a); /+8s.7d-/8Zs-B*d ftr/. \ t5 f't ( /cB 1 - V V /> Flz - 't ^ rr ?'?aog :*)o,oo?,14 ; . 3.?400._ - tQJq - y 29 t1.S ( .e**@ 3 4 6 { .0 3 4 r r a d - : CoruurpTTo dl / tzz.zld I Uoi'€ Dho*€ CAanles JoLT I cH(or)l.=2oI ? r??aaJf _{,erop ho*e "70.?oa1 zo A"1leH(''o) aoLo1(<ss<)=ta arod{ l" - 46.4o pAose, Zt ,,7 l eH ( r ) ," L,;Q , o / ?=z -) z . s e s J ( - t 6 z , c o1,,,"t< p l= zo L"?lcuQ*){=zo1"7Q,uozzv) =^s3oJA + Plr^q C o rn FuTt vAtLrES et438a1O.MCD 12 cr osr| Jp Ldbp '/*uspe sA,"nE FAsAt toN. R fu uq7to4) valuesof closedlooptransferfunction. Computing G(s).H(s) = Makethis definition 1 + G (s ).H (s ) GH "(s) 7' ?(o 8 6,ze<rE + o.8s?,h.r10,ra>s(7r)'+ o,o)39*)' G li.(r^,)-- ((( - Opo3dt^l3 8. ?aoa* O,SS?6t,'l - o.tK?Srr.r1 Glt(o.D ' o.Vs Q.7 co 8+ v , o. 886 o qg] C N. ( o,D = o,FB6- 8.ctxi"'i , lP u -q - GH .(/): GLt.( t) = o.8?G-o,o89u d u ffiu V -vr! r*)-v , - f f -o,sg3-o,33 _ ?aog _ ., : , ; _. i :-/,ztxnlrerxifr = GH.(rq Co ruveeT To dt I t -/'osiJa _ o,s 6" Yhas<_ (o une)' = LoL"1 z o 4"3/3H.(o't)'/' : - |'9 r r d'6 - s. 67oPhase zo Lo](r.9ouq) Lo1 zu lctlr(r)' J et438a1O.MCD 13 I Example(cont.) ,zo11[ eH.{r.)l= zol.J(o.a?s6)=-:.aetdd pl"c s e, - / So, 9o = -s2.esJf LO L': \ G Hc(r*)\ = ZoL.l (o.ooz.oo) t2?.62" doL'< 5.) C..,^p*b f eeoRe4rlo {oe LtJ'o' l, lr /or/oontd/sec De{,^,1,i'^ d gmon Pqtiro I = r{1 E'|\ ER=l;:-.-,,t | ( r- <@[ Af /{t (r: o,I dn(o,r)= l.?4 G *gro * GH<q)(t"'u.) I AR=l I \ l(tr r,l4LFqspY(-?34.A,) I ER 'I s9.o,t /,?, ,c Ar t* s . l l=m G H( r ) : ( ,s g < l /-q a .q I , I fR'\= ! b (- assqlg") {6r+a,ss44s+1 I ER=l AT kr-- / o t I l-r "tj h,".r@l=1o G / . 1( r o) =o ,{ t? Z ..(o K'/* l no,lt\z/Eel rrr4*g')( re'cy-o,r lr, A R. o ,8(zg/-L,eP et438a10.MCD 14 Example(cont.) the computations of the errorratio Complete & r=o ,I Z o L " 1 ( o -o r l ) = -3s-3qd( J L <s=I l'^) : lO z, L"3(u'or3): - 3Z-zt Jlo JL ZuL"1(l,rsl)= l'28 ( ,) = UJ . / o o ZoL "1 @Jt As thefrequency increasesthe peaks valueof 1. andthencomesto a constant Thethreezonesaredefinedas: Zone1: errorratio< 0 db;goodcontrol;controller decreases the error Zone2. errorratio> 0 db poorcontrol;controller increase the error Zone3: errorration= 0 db no control;controller doesnotaffectthe error e t 438 a 1 0 .M C D l_5 The Matlabcodeto generatethe bodeplotsfollows t E x am ple bo d e c a l c u l a ti o n s clear all, ' cl- os e al] - ' I def i- ne t he fo rw a rd g a i n n u me ra tor and denonui nator coeffi ci ents n um g= I 2L . 8) ; d em g= [ 0. 0063 0 .3 7 9 ]-l ; I def ine t he fe e d b a c k p a th g a i n numerator and denomi nators n um h= [ 0. 356] ; d em h= [ 0. 478 ]-l ; E c ons t r uc t th e tra n s fe r fu n c ti o n s G = t f ( num g, de mg ) ; H = t f ( num h, de mh ) ; I f ind G H( s ) GH=G*H I f ind t he c l -o s e d l o o p tra n s fe r functi -on GHc=GHl ( 1+GH) I c om par e it to th e d e ri v e d c l o s e d l oop transfer functi on I note that the program does not give the minmum algebraic modelG Ht = t f ( [ 7. 750 8 ], 0 .1 8 7 5 0.857 8.7608] [0 .0 0 3 0 1 ) p l o ts t t his s t at em e n t a l l - th re e systems on the same axi s I Lhe open l o o p s y s te m i s i n g re e n w i t.h ots at every data poi nt t t he M at lab d e ri v e d c l o s e d l o o p functoi n i s i n red ? and t he c lo s e d l o o p fu n c ti o n d e rj -ved by hand i s i n bl ue w i th I o' s at ev e ry d a ta p o i n t. T h e v a l ue i -n curl y brackets are freq. l i mi ts b o de( G H, r go- t rGH c , tr-r rGH tr tb o t, {0. 1, 100} ) Transfer function:G(S)H(S) 7.761 1 s^3 + 0.1875s^2 + 0.857s + 1 0.00301 +G(s)H(s)) Transferfunction: G(s)H(s)/(1 machinegenerated 0.02337s^3+ 1.455s^2+ 6.651s + 7.761 9.069e-006 s^6 + 0.001129s^5+ 0.0403s^4 + 0.3507s^3 + 2.564s^2 + 8.365s + 8.761 e t43 8 a 1 0 .M CD 16 The lasttransferfunctioncan be factoredand simplifiedinto the sameform as the hand-derived transferfunction +G(s)H(s)) Transferfunction:G(s)H(s)/(1 handderived 7.761 0.00301s^3 + 0.1875s^2 + 0.857s + 8.761 BodeDagmarns m ! (l) -(f = .= c o) (d o) o E o (t, (d o- 1oo Frcqrercy(ndsec) et438a10.MCD 17 rot Plotthe errorratiofor the examplesystemand determinethe Maximumfrequencylimit. System EnorRatioPlotForExample 10 0 -1 0 -20 3-.0 .9 E -+o E b E -so -60 -70 -80 lt I il il il il il I I I I / )) -90 1o-t 10' 1oo (radisec) Frequency 1ot limitoccurswhenthe errorratiofirst frequency Maximum crosses0 db. Maxf is approx.7 radlsecfromthe graph. et438a10.MCD 18 Anothermethodof findingthe maximum stablefrequencyis the deviationratio. magnitude closedlooperror Deviation Ratio= magnitude setpoint DR(s)= 1+ G (s ).H (s ) PlotDeviation andErrorratioson samegraphfor the example system. 'al E rro r R a ti o A n d D e vi ati on R ati o P l ot For E xam pl e S ystem bb"' I ll 'o .o ru E, C, o .(U dt o o .U E, o ul "l ."1 "l 'r o { I -roo 10 / / ./ F t) d -.t/ ^/ H H ./ 1oo 1ot Frequency (radl sec) Samezonecriteria as errorratio et438a10.MCD 19 E tror R ati o D evi ati on R ati o 10" Stability of ControlSystemsFromBodePlots gainof A stablecontrolsystemis onethathasan open-loop phaseanoleis -180 lessthan1 (<0db)whentheopen-loop degrees. gainof exactly1 (0 db) lf controlsystemhasan open-loop phaseangleis -180degrees, whentheopen-loop thenthe systemis marginally stable.(willoscillate). gainof qreaterthan1 lf the controlsystemhasan open-loop (>0db)whentheopen-loop phaseanoleis -180degrees, thenthe systemis unstable. GainandPhaseMargins GainMaroin- Gainlevelthatis considered a safelevelbelow 1 (0 db). Minimum levelsetat 0.5(-6db)at phaseshiftof -180degrees. PhaseMargin- Phaseshiftabove-180degrees thatis considered a safelevel.Minimumlevelset at 40 degrees Definethetwofrequencies 0 odb Frequency wheregainis zerodb co1go Frequency wherethe phaseshiftis -180 degrees et438a10.MCD 20 GainandPhaseMargins -m 180 Gainmargin 180 r p 0db Phase margin Open-loop r /s^in p degrees Fooo Open loop phase 180+Foou -180deg. Oodb 0teo Procedure 1.) Drawverticallinesthroughthe0 db pointof the gainplot andthe-180degreephaseshiftpointof the phaseplot 2.) Drawhorziontal linesthroughthe0 db pointof the gain plotandthe-180degreeso that bothooooandorsolines are intersected 3.) Readthe gainandphasemarginsfromthe difference lines betweenthe 4 horziontal et438a1O.MCD21 Example: A firstorderlag processhasa dead-time delayof 2 secondsandis controlled by a proportional controller.The open-loop transferfunctionis givenby: 1 --." -2 ' t G H( s ) = 40 -(1 + 1 0 0 .s ) 1.) Findthe magnitude and phaseangleof the transfer functionat cD= 0.001,0.01,0.1 and 1 rad/secby hand calculation. jrrrfor s and find complexnumber.Forthe Substitute exponential term,rememberEuler'sldentity. e-A'o- cos(2.rrr)- j.sin(2-rl) Gainatways1 phaseincreases with increasing rrl For crl:= 0.001 1 . "-4'' ' G H( c o ) = 4 0 . ( 1 r 1 0 0j. crr) = 0.99_ 0.099j 1 + 1 0 0 j .0 .0 0 1 Convertto polarflrm | 0 99 - 0.099j| = 0.99S 0r =atanf+:n' \ et438a1O.MCD 22 = 1 _2.tO-3j e-2i.0.001 e-l , or--5711'des partto magnitude (cont.) Convertexponential Example: andphaseshift. 1-2.t0-3.jl=1 3 I '1.10- \ 0o:=atani+-/ 0c=Q.115'des Multiply magnitudes andaddphaseangles m :=40.0.995.1 m =39.8 Convert Gainto db 0t :=0t + 0O db :=20.log(m) db = 31.998 db 0 t = -$.596'deg Phaseshift cD:= 0.01 1 'e-2l^ ( := 40' GH r,r) ( 1 + 100 j ' rrr) Now for - 0 .5 - 0 .5 j 1 * 1 0 0 j .0 .0 1 =1_0. 04 e-2i'0. 01 = Convert to polarform I O.S- 0.5j| 0.707 g!^nn \ ( := atan or \ or:=atan(:) et438a10.MCD 23 e-/ I o l - -5711'des or =4s.des gainandphaseshift Exponential 0 o:=atan(+* ) to=-r.1 4 6 ' d e s .i lr -o.o 2 l=r \/ Multiplymagnitudes and add phaseangles m : =4 0 .0 .7 0 7 .1 m =28. 28 01 : =0l + 0 O C onv ertGa i nto d b d b : =20. log(m) d b = 29. 03 db 0 t = 46-146'deg Phaseshift Usingthe samemethodto findthe valuesat crr=O.1 and 1 rad/secgivesthe followingresults. At o :--0.1 d b : = 1 2 .0 At db 0 t : =-95. 7. de9 db 0 t : =-204. 0'deg crl= 1.0 d b : : - 8 .0 BodeplotusingMatlabandfindthe Construct an open-loop gainandphasemarginsfor the controlsystem et438a10.MCD 24 Matlabcodeto find the Bodeplot I Example bode calculations cl ear all; cl o s e all; gain numerator t define the forward and denominator coefficients numgh= [40] ; d e m gh= [ 100 1] ; I c ons t r uc t , t h e tra n s fe r fu n c ti o n Gh=tf (numgh, demgh) ,' I Use the bode function with its the argunent,s so that it returns p and the frequenci es I m agnit ude, m , th e p h a s e s h i fL , so that t t he ef f ec t o f th e d e a d ti me d e l a y can be added to the system [n p w] = bode ( c h , ( 0 .0 0 1 -, 1 ] ) ; I now c om put e th e v a l u e s o f p h a s e shi ft for the t,i me del ay usi ng the E f or m uLa - 2*w * 5 7 .6 p d = - 2*w*57 . 6; I Add the the phase shift of the transfer function to the deadtime deJ-ay t tak e t he ph a s e s h i ft o u t o f th e 3 col umn array [d p w ] p h as e= p ( : ) ; pt=pd+phase; I compute the gain in db d b = 20. *log10 (m ) ; I create a figure window figure,' I divide the pJ-ot area in two parts ( 2r Lr Ll; su bplot ( w, se m ilogx db , ' g o -' ) ; xl a bel ( r F r egue n c y (ra d /s e c ) ! ) ; yl a bel ( t G ain (d b ) ' ); ( r E x am ple Bo d e Pl o t' ) ; ti tl e g ri d on; su b plot ( 2, L, 21 ; se m ilogx ( w, pt , tg o -t ) i xl abel ( r F r eque n c y (ra d /s e c )' ),' (D e g re e s ) I ); yl abel ( r P has e S h i ft g ri d on; et438a1O.MCD25