Creating Text Adventure Games on Your Computer With Gruescript Robin Johnson This work is licenced under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, PO Box 1866, Mountain View, CA 94042, USA. Contents Foreword.......................................................................................................................1 Blocks............................................................................................................................4 The game block.....................................................................................................6 Comments..............................................................................................................8 Rooms............................................................................................................................9 Room verbs..........................................................................................................10 Tags.......................................................................................................................10 Properties.............................................................................................................11 Special properties...............................................................................................12 Things..........................................................................................................................13 Special tags..........................................................................................................15 Special properties...............................................................................................17 Instructions................................................................................................................20 Commands...........................................................................................................21 Listers.............................................................................................................27 Assertions............................................................................................................28 Referencing variables........................................................................................32 Referencing properties......................................................................................32 Referencing connected rooms.........................................................................33 Braced expressions.............................................................................................33 Capitalisation in references.............................................................................36 Iterators................................................................................................................37 Changing the order of iteration...............................................................39 Verbs............................................................................................................................41 Verbs with directions.........................................................................................42 Setverbs................................................................................................................44 Conversation..............................................................................................................46 Procedures and rules................................................................................................50 Procedures...........................................................................................................50 Arguments.....................................................................................................51 Rules......................................................................................................................52 Special variables........................................................................................................54 Visible tags...........................................................................................................55 Appendix I: Visual configuration..........................................................................57 Appendix II: Cloak of Darkness............................................................................59 Foreword I was trying to play Pirate Adventure on my phone when I came up with the format of the games that Gruescript would create. Pirate Adventure is the second of the Adventure International titles by Scott and Alexis Adams. In the late 1970s, when Adventure and Zork could only be played at university campuses, the Adamses brought interactive fiction to the first generation of home microcomputers. The tiny memories of those machines put severe constraints on the games’ writing. The result was a subgenre of parser games with terse, efficient prose – singlesentence room descriptions, making resourceful use of tropes and stock characters so that the player’s imaginations could do the work of visualisation – backed up by ingenious puzzle design. Inform creator Graham Nelson wrote in The Craft of Adventure that the Adamses’ games invoke “the feeling of holding a well-made miniature, a Chinese puzzlebox with exactly-cut pieces.” Modern parser games are no longer limited by memory, of course, but I feel that there’s still a place, a purpose, and an audience for games in that ‘puzzlebox’ style. Writing under constraints can be an enjoyable and challenging sort of creativity in itself, like composing a haiku. And the terse prose of these games would make them perfect for a phone or tablet screen – if it weren’t for the need for the player to type. In the last decade or so, hobbyist and indie interactive fiction has seen an explosion in form*, with systems like Twine, ChoiceScript and Inkle making web and mobile IF more accessible and democratised for players and authors alike. Most games made in these systems are story-centric rather than puzzle-centric: that’s what web and mobile interfaces are best for delivering, and it’s what the development systems are best for creating. The development systems, the interfaces available, and the feel of the games produced are intricately related. * I want to make one thing extremely clear: this is awesome. All kinds of IF, from all kinds of creator, are valid, are welcome, and enrich the genre. 1 For parser IF, the barrier to that sort of immediate accessibility is the interface. I don’t just mean that mobile devices don’t have keyboards. The golden age of parser games happened when the standard way of interacting with a computer was by typing at a prompt. Command prompts were intuitive to players at the time, just as links and buttons are intuitive now. So, how do we revive the puzzlebox feel for mobile-friendly games? If all the player’s possible choices must be visible on the screen all the time, how can we pose a puzzle without immediately giving the solution away? I first tried to solve this problem in 2016, with a game called Draculaland. Using JavaScript running in a simple, client-side web page, I created a world model of interconnected rooms containing objects that can be arbitrarily picked up and moved around – the basic structure that’s taken for granted in parser games, but which choice systems don’t tend to bother with. (Some authors, like Astrid Dalmady and Josh Labelle, have implemented this sort of world model impressively in Twine games, but Twine didn’t make it easy for them.) I added buttons for movement between the rooms, and gave each object an associated list of ‘active verbs’ that change depending on the game state. For example, any portable item has the ‘take’ verb active when it’s lying on the floor, or ‘drop’ if it’s being carried by the player. Special actions can then be made possible at certain points in the game – for example, if the player is standing in the graveyard while carrying the shovel, the verb ‘dig’ activates. This is a simple example, but it’s essentially a parser-game puzzle: the player has to make the mental connection between the shovel and the grave, then navigate back to the right spot, through a generalised interface that doesn’t give the secrets of the game away, to try out their idea. The second game I made with that JavaScript engine, Detectiveland, won that year’s Interactive Fiction Competition. It was the first non-parser game to do so. I’ve made several games with the same engine since, and had enquiries from authors asking whether they could use it to write their own games. Usually I told them I planned to package it up neatly one day, but for now they were free to grab the source and modify it. Nobody did. I 2 could have published the engine as a sort of library, which people would use to write their own games in JavaScript – but judging by various attempts to make parser game libraries in JavaScript and other generalpurpose languages over the years, those don’t really take off: if an author is willing to use a general-purpose language, they’re probably the sort of author who’ll just write their own engine. But the game data itself didn’t have to be JavaScript. The components of the games themselves were defined as relatively simple objects: ‘rooms’, ‘things’, ‘verbs’ and ‘rules’ – which could easily be imported from a text file using a simple(ish) script syntax. I modelled the syntax on the assembler-type language used in the Adventure International games, available to modern developers as ‘ScottKit’, because the JavaScript games were very similar in structure – the only extra information needed was a way to tell the game which verbs to activate, for which things, under what circumstances. Two of the hobbyist game development systems that I find most interesting are Adam Le Doux’s Bitsy and increpare’s Puzzlescript. Bitsy creates tiny, pixel-art style games with very little support for puzzles. It’s used to create short-form narrative games, often telling highly personal stories from authors in marginalised groups. Puzzlescript makes 2d graphical puzzle games like Sokoban, again with a retro pixel-art aesthetic. Both have web-based development environments: authors work in an editor running in the Bitsy or Puzzlescript web page, then eventually download their game as an HTML document that they can share on their own page or elsewhere. Both systems are accessible and cute, and they’ve both gained strong followings, with regular game jams and popular fan-made mods. That sort of web-based development environment seemed like the ideal model for a tool to create keyboardless puzzlebox text adventure games, which, like Bitsy and Puzzlescript games, will run in web pages themselves. I called it Gruescript, because I’d just done a game about grues, and I’m obsessive like that. 3 Blocks The basic units of Gruescript code are blocks of one or more lines. The first line of each block begins with one of the nine ‘block type’ keywords – that’s how Gruescript knows where a new block starts. The block types are: game Contains the game title and metadata, and any instructions to be run when the game begins. There must be exactly one game block in your Gruescript code. room A location in the game thing Anything that physically exists in the game world, except rooms and the player character. This includes portable and non-portable items, scenery, and nonplayer characters. proc A procedure: a list of instructions that is remembered by its name, so it can easily be run from anywhere else in the code. More than one procedure block can have the same name (they will be run in turn until one succeeds.) rule A rule is like a procedure, but it does not have a name and cannot be run from other code. All rules are run automatically, after every turn during gameplay. 4 verb A procedure that is run whenever the player performs a particular verb. This can be declared for a particular verb being applied to a particular thing (specific verbs), or for a general definition of a verb (general verbs). There can be several verb blocks for the same verb, or the same pair of verb and thing. setverb Setverbs determine whether a given verb is active. Like verb blocks, setverb blocks can be thing-specific or general, and there can be multiple setverb blocks for the same verb and/or thing. Setverbs run more often than rules – as well as every turn, they also run when the player changes the inventory item they are ‘holding’. var A variable, which can be a number or a string. Variables do not have to be declared to be used; Gruescript understands no difference between an undeclared variable and a variable with a numeric value of zero. Variable blocks always have exactly one line. tagdesc A ‘visible’ tag. Tags are keywords associated with rooms and things. Some tags, such as lightsource or wearable, have special meanings to Gruescript; others can be arbitrarily made up by the author to use in rules and verbs. Generally, tags do not have to be declared, but any tag declared with tagdesc becomes ‘visible’, meaning it has a description that will be printed alongside any thing that has that tag. These blocks always have exactly one line. 5 The game block Gruescript code should contain exactly one game block, normally at the very beginning of the Gruescript file. The block must contain at least the game title, and usually contains further metadata and any instructions (usually say commands) to be run at the beginning of the game. Here’s an example: game Spaceships Versus Kitten id SVK author Brian Snodbury version 1.0.0 person 2 examine on wait on say You were minding your own business and playing with a ball of wool one day when an alien spaceship crashlanded right next to your cat tree! say # Released under the Foobar Licence <http://foobar.madeupurl/licence-terms> Let’s go through each of these lines in turn. game Spaceships vs Kittens The title of the game. id SVK An identity code for the game. This is used in local storage (cookies) to identify saved games and options. If you host more than one Gruescript game on one site, they must all have different ids. author Brian Snodsbury The author’s name (or authors’ names). If present, this will be displayed with the game title at the beginning of play. person 2 6 The number after person can be 1 or 2, determining whether the game will be in the first person (“I am in...”) or second person (“You are in...”) This game will be in second person. This only affects the display and default messages – your room descriptions and so on will have to be written with the right person in mind. If there is no person line, the game will default to second person. examine on If this line is present, every ‘thing’ in the game will be displayed as a button which the player can click to examine that thing. examine is a ‘native verb’, meaning every Gruescript game will know the verb without the author having to define it. If the game block contains examine off instead (or no examine line at all), the ‘examine’ verb will still exist, but will only be available as an ordinary verb button activated by a setverb. wait on This means that the native verb ‘wait’ will be available throughout the game, shown as a button below the room contents. If this line is “wait off”, the button will not be present (but the native verb will still exist, and can be made available using an intransitive setverb – see the chapter on verbs.) Unlike examine, Gruescript’s default behaviour if this line is omitted is to consider wait ‘on’. say You were minding your own business and playing with a ball of wool one day when an alien spaceship crashlanded right next to your cat tree! say These are instructions that will be run when the game starts, before the title and author are printed. Only one kind of instruction is used, the command say, which prints the rest of the text on the line. The second say instruction, as it has no text after it, will print a blank line. 7 Additionally, the game block may contain colour (or color) lines, which configure the game’s colour palette. These are explained in Appendix I. Comments The hash character (#) denotes comments; these are for authors to keep notes and annotate code, and are completely ignored by Gruescript. The hash can come at the beginning of a line, in which case the whole line is ignored, or partway along a line, in which case anything after it is ignored (If you want to output a ‘#’ character in your game, as part of a message, room description, or anything else, use the HTML entity ‘&num;’.) Our example game block contains the comment: # Released under the Foobar Licence <http://foobar.madeupurl/licence-terms> While entirely meaningless to Gruescript, it is a good idea to put any licence information in comments in your script near the top of the code. Gruescript itself is released under the MIT License. When you export your game from Gruescript to an HTML page, the engine code itself will be marked with that licence, but you are free to apply whatever licence you wish to your script. 8 Rooms The locations in your game world are called rooms; a game will not work at all without at least one room. Of course, a room doesn’t have to correspond to a literal room – it might be a corridor, a garden, or one end of a large ballroom. Rooms are defined using room blocks. Here’s a simple example. The first line begins the declaration and contains the room’s name (which will be used internally by Gruescript) and description (which will be seen by the player.) The rest of the lines can come in any order, and define the room’s properties: room by_fountain You're in a walled garden by a fountain. north summer_house east potting_shed tags outdoors garden prop wall_colour red This room’s internal name is by_fountain. This name can consist of letters, numbers and underscores, is case sensitive (like everything else in Gruescript), and must be unique – no other rooms or things can be named by_fountain. The rest of the first line is the description of the room that the player will see when they are in that room. The second and third lines in our example are directions. These tell Gruescript where the player can move to from the fountain room: north to summer_house or east to potting_shed (both of which must be defined in their own room blocks elsewhere.) The directions Gruescript understands in this way are: • the cardinal and secondary compass directions: north, northeast, east, southeast, south, southwest, west, and northwest • up, down, in and out 9 • the shipboard directions fore, aft, port and starboard A connection between two rooms has to be declared from both of them – that is, the room declaration of summer_house will need to contain a line south by_fountain, or the connection will be one-way. If you want to use unconventional directions that aren’t listed above, use dir lines in your room block: room brass_bridge You’re on the Brass Bridge. dir widdershins patricians_palace dir turnwise broad_way Room verbs Rooms may have a verbs line: room dance_floor verbs tapdance robot limbo The verbs listed on this line will become the room’s ‘permanent verbs’, available to the player whenever they are in the room. They are listed in an ‘Actions’ line just below the room description (but above the listed room contents.) Attaching verbs to rooms is intended to be the exception rather than the norm. Most verbs will be attached to things rather than rooms (see the next chapter.) Tags Rooms may optionally have any number of arbitrary ‘tags’, added in the block with lines beginning tags – there can be any number of tags lines in a room block, and each tags line can contain any number of tags. A tag can be whatever you like, as long as it is a string of letters, numbers and underscores. Our fountain room has the tags outdoors and garden. Tags are usually things that you make up yourself to use in the logic of your game’s verbs and rules – for example, we might later write a rule that gives the player messages about the weather if they are outside, or certain verbs might have different effects in ‘garden’ rooms. 10 Some tags for rooms have special meanings in Gruescript: • start means the player starts the game in this room. No more than one room should have this tag. If there is none, the player starts in the first room declared in your Gruescript. • dark means the room is dark, and the player will not be able to see the room description or objects in it unless a light source (i.e. a thing with the tag lightsource) is present, either in the room or carried by the player. (They will be able to see the available directions. If you want to make an exit from a room that a player can only use if they can see, either use a non-portable thing such as a ladder with a climb verb, or use open and close commands in rules – see the chapters on instructions and rules.) Properties prop wall_colour red Things may have any number of properties, set by the author. A property is something like a tag, but instead of just being there or not there, it has a value which can be a number or a string or one or more words. In this case, the room’s property wall_colour has the value red. This could be used for just about anything – perhaps there is a bull roaming the game world whose behaviour depends on the colours of the walls around them. The property value can be referred to from an instruction by something like by_fountain.wall_colour, or $room.wall_colour – we’ll explain more about this in the chapter on instructions. Like variables, properties don’t have to be declared to be used by code later. If a property is referenced without having been declared, it is treated as though its value is zero. 11 Special properties Only one property of rooms is special in Gruescript: desc, which contains its description – usually the same text that is supplied after the room name in the first line of its room block. This: room stable You’re in a shed smelling of horses. does exactly the same as: room stable prop desc You’re in a shed smelling of horses. The point of the description being accessible as a property is to make it possible to modify that description during the game – perhaps spraying an air freshener gets rid of the smell, which would be done with an instruction like “write stable.desc You’re in a shed that smells lovely.” – see the chapter on instructions for more about this. 12 Things A thing is any physical object in your game world – portable and nonportable items, scenery, non-player characters, and anything else. They are defined in thing blocks, like this: thing top_hat blue top hat name hat desc A tall stovepipe hat in royal blue velvet. loc bedroom tags portable wearable posh prop material velvet Going through this example line by line: thing top_hat blue top hat The beginning of the thing block: this thing has the internal name top_hat, and the short description ‘blue top hat’, which is how it appears in a room or player inventory during gameplay. name hat This is the ‘screen name’ of the hat, the one that is used in certain places such as the Gruescript prompt – if the player clicks wear next to the hat, this means that they will see the prompt ‘>wear hat’. (If this is omitted, Gruescript will use the internal name and replace underscores with spaces, in this case making the reasonable guess ‘top hat’.) It is often useful to create two or more similar items with the same screen name, so that they can be swapped without the player noticing – for a classic example, a lit lamp and an unlit one. desc A tall stovepipe hat in royal blue velvet. desc gives the long description of the thing, that the player will see when they examine it. In a game with examine on, these should be present for all, or nearly all, things. There can be several desc lines in the same thing block, in which case they all run together into a single description 13 (with a space between each line, but not a line break – if you want a line break in your description, use the HTML ‘<br>’.) loc bedroom The location of the thing, specified by the (internal) name of a room. If there is no loc line in the thing block, the thing will start ‘offstage’ (unless it is carried) until it is placed somewhere by a verb or rule. tags portable wearable posh Things can be given tags in exactly the same way as rooms. Several tags have special meanings to Gruescript; the most useful of these is portable, which means the thing can be carried by the player – a portable item will always have the native verb drop activated when it is in the player’s inventory, and take when it is not. Our top hat also has the special tag wearable, meaning the player can wear and remove it (like take and drop, these are both native verbs and will be activated and de-activated by Gruescript), and the author-defined tag posh. prop material velvet Like rooms, things may have any number of properties, set with prop lines. This hat has the property material with the value velvet. Two of the most important lines in thing blocks, which were not in our top hat example, are verbs and cverbs. These give the thing its usual set of active verbs – verbs specifies the thing’s ‘permanent verbs’, which will always be active for the thing (they cannot be de-activated, even by a setverb), and cverbs specifies ‘carried verbs’ that will be active whenever the thing is in the player’s inventory (they cannot be deactivated while the thing is carried, but they can be activated by a setverb while it is not carried.) Either of these, like tags, they can be declared over multiple lines if necessary. Any thing block can contain verbs lines, cverbs lines, or both, but it is more usual for portable things to have 14 carried verbs and non-portable things to have permanent verbs. For example, it makes sense that a warning sign on the wall of a room thing sign Warning sign on wall verbs read can be read whenever the player can see it, whereas a booklet thing booklet cverbs read can only be read if the player is carrying it. If a thing block contains a line with the single word carried it will start the game in the player’s inventory. Special tags The following tags have special meanings for things in Gruescript: portable This item can be taken, carried around in the player’s inventory, and dropped. Gruescript will handle the activation and de-activation of these verbs. (You can use setverbs to activate take or drop when they would not normally be active, but not to de-activate them when they would not; if you want to mess with this logic, use a nonportable item.) wearable This thing is an item of clothing. When it is in the player’s inventory, the native verb wear will be activated; while it is worn, it will have the tag worn, and the verb remove will be activated. worn This thing is currently being worn 15 alive This thing is a living creature. This affects the order that nouns are displayed in – alive things are usually listed first in room contents. lightsource This thing provides light; if it is present in a dark room (whether or not the player is carrying it), that room and its contents will be visible. plural The name of the thing is plural, and should be treated as such with respect to pronouns and other grammar. This should be set if the thing’s screen name (i.e. the name given in its thing block) is plural, rather than its internal name or short description. For example, thing flowers bouquet of flowers tags plural is correct (as its screen name will be flowers, plural), but thing flowers bouquet of flowers name bouquet should not have plural, or it may get referred to as some bouquet. 16 mass_noun The name of the thing is a mass noun, like ‘salt’ or ‘mud’ – not plural, but not a discrete singular item. By default, Gruescript will use ‘some’ instead of ‘a/a’ when referring to this thing in the indefinite case. The indefinite form is based on the thing’s short description, not its screen name, so thing sugar bag of sugar should not have this tag (“a bag of sugar”), but thing grass tall grass should have it (“some tall grass”). male female nonbinary This thing has gendered pronouns: he/him for male, she/her for female, or they/them for nonbinary. If a thing has none of these tags, its pronoun will be ‘it’, or ‘they/them’ if it is plural. list_last Things with this tag will always be listed last in the room window (and scroller, if the ‘list objects in scroller’ option is enabled), regardless of whether they are portable or alive. quiet Things with this tag will not be listed at all in the scrolling window, regardless of the display options; this does not affect their listing in the room window. It’s intended to be used for things that are duplicated in the room description, so the player won’t see something like “You are next to a church. You can also see a church.” Special properties The following properties of things have special meaning to Gruescript. 17 name The screen name of the thing (same as beginning a line in the thing block with name, as described above) display The short description of the thing (same as the text that comes after the thing’s internal name in the first line of the thing block) desc The long description of the thing, used by the examine verb (same as using desc at the beginning of a line in the thing block) loc The current location of the thing. This property should be treated as read-only. If you want to change the location of a thing, use the command put (see the chapter on instructions) def How the thing should be referred to by the definite article (“the”). If this property does not exist, Gruescript will simply prefix the screen name of the thing with the word “the” (unless it has the proper_name tag.) If you don’t want your thing to be referred to this way, you might set it to something like “Ford’s towel” or “door number 2”. indef How the thing should be referred to by the indefinite article (‘a’ or ‘an’). By default, Gruescript will prepend the thing’s short description with ‘a’, ‘an’ if it begins with a vowel (which won’t always be right!), ‘some’ if it is plural or a mass_noun, or omit the article if it is a proper_name. Examples: “a unicorn”, “lots of beer”. 18 Note that some of these, such as name and desc, overlap in purpose with lines in the thing block that have already been explained. This is mainly for convenience – many or most things will have screen names and descriptions, so you need not use prop every time. name giraffe in a thing block does exactly the same as prop name giraffe. The fact that they also exist as properties allows them to be read and modified during gameplay – for example, you might want to change the giraffe’s screen name to Jeffrey after it introduces itself to the player, with “assign Jeffrey” (don’t forget to change its display property too.) There will be more on this in the chapter on instructions. 19 Instructions With your knowledge of rooms and things, you are now able to create a rudimentary game world: interconnected rooms, containing things, some of which are portable and the player can pick up, carry around, and drop in other rooms. While I’ve no doubt that some people would be able to make impressive games without using any other features of Gruescript, any complex interactions or puzzles will need to be added using verbs, setverbs, procedures and rules. Before we can get to those, we need to introduce something they all depend on: instructions. Instructions are lines of code that print messages, manipulate objects, compare variables, and so on. They will be familiar (and relatively simple) to you if you’ve used any sort of programming language. Blocks for verbs, setverbs and rules – which we’ll look at in depth in the following chapters – are mostly made up of lines of instructions. There are three kinds of instructions: • Commands tell Gruescript to do something, like print a message or move a thing to a room • Assertions test a condition, like whether the player is carrying a particular thing. An assertion is said to ‘pass’ if its condition is true, or to ‘fail’ if it is false. In any series of instructions belonging to a verb, setverb or rule block, Gruescript will start at the beginning and run the instructions in order until an assertion fails, then print that assertion’s message (if it has one) and stop. • Iterators tell Gruescript to repeat the rest of the instructions in their block, subject to certain conditions. These are also a sort of assertion, as they can succeed or fail. If an assertion inside a block fails, that block itself – the verb, setverb, rule or conditional exit – is also considered to have failed (there can be 20 exceptions to this if the block contains iterators, but we’ll get to those later.) Conversely, if all the instructions in the block run without any failed assertions, the block is considered to have succeeded. A block with no instructions, or only commands, will always succeed. This will become important in the later chapters on verbs, procedures and rules. Most instructions have one or more ‘arguments’ – input values that are sent to the instruction when it is called. These can be numbers (integers only), names of things or rooms (use the internal names), variable names, or strings (of words). An instruction’s arguments are supplied after the instruction name itself, separated by spaces. Strings always come last, so there is no need for quotemarks or other delimeters. (Whitespace in strings is always normalised – that is, any leading or trailing spaces are removed, and any contiguous spaces are reduced to a single space – there is no distinction between “foo bar” and “ foo bar ”.) Commands A simple command line might look like: bring football: A football smashes through the ceiling and lands at your feet! This starts with the keyword for the command that is being used (bring), then supplies that command with its argument (in this case, a single ‘thing’, the football). Optionally, after a colon (:), comes a printable message. The Gruescript commands, shown with their arguments in italics, are: bring thing Move a thing to the room that the player is in. If the player is carrying or holding the thing, it will be removed from their inventory and placed ‘on the floor’ 21 hide thing Set a thing’s ‘location’ to nothing, so that it is effectively removed from the game, regardless of where it is now (if anywhere), or whether it is carried give thing Put a thing into the player’s inventory – they will be ‘holding’ the new thing, and the thing they were previously holding (if any) will be returned to their main inventory carry thing This is identical to give, except that the player will not be holding the thing; it will be placed in their main inventory. The thing they were holding, if any, will be unchanged. unhold Set the player's ‘holding’ slot to empty. If the player was holding a thing, it will be returned to their main inventory. wear thing Make the thing be worn by the player. If the thing is portable and was not currently in the player's inventory, it will be ‘given’ to them first. If it is not portable and was not in the player's room, it will be moved there. unwear thing Make the thing not worn by the player. If it is portable, it will be returned to the player's main inventory, but it will not become ‘held’. put thing room Move a thing to particular room. If the player was holding or carrying the thing, it will be removed from their inventory. 22 putnear thing thing Move the first thing to the location of the second thing. If the first thing is being held or carried, it will be removed from the player’s inventory. If the second thing is being held or carried, the first thing will be put into the room that the player is in. goto room Move the player to a room swap thing thing Swap the locations of two things. This treats ‘held’ and ‘carried’ as if they were locations, so if the player was holding/carrying one thing, they will now be holding/carrying the other. tag thing/room tag Add a tag to a thing or room’s tag list. If it already had this tag, there is no effect. untag thing/room tag Remove a tag from a thing or room’s tag list. If it did not already have this tag, there is no effect. tagroom tag Add a tag to the tag list of the room the player is in. If the room already had this tag, there is no effect. untagroom tag Remove a tag from the tag list of the room the player is in. If the room did not already have this tag, there is no effect. clear tag Remove this tag from all things and rooms that have it assign variable value Set a variable to a value, which must be a number or a single word. 23 write variable string Set a variable to a string, which can be any number of words and may include braced expressions (see below) add variable number Add a number to the value of a numeric variable. Like all numbers in Gruescript, the number must be an integer. If you need to subtract a number, add a negative value. random variable number Set the value of a variable to a random integer from 1 to the specified number (inclusive) – the equivalent of rolling a single n-sided die freeze variable This evaluates any braced expressions (see below) in a string variable and then re-assigns the result to the variable, effectively ‘freezing’ the value of the valuable so that it will no longer be affected if the values of the variables in the expressions change say string Print a message, in a single paragraph. The string is output as HTML, so it can contain markup (but not colons! Use CSS classes rather than inline style.) It can also include braced expressions (see below). sayat room string Print a message only if the player is in the specified room. 24 die string End the game, printing the string between triple-asterisks *** like this ***. If the string is omitted, the message will be “I am dead” or “You are dead”, depending on whether the game is in the first or second person. (This doesn’t have to represent the actual death of the player character in the game universe; for a notable counterexample, this will usually be the command you use to tell the player when they win the game.) open room direction room Add a new exit to the first room, in the specified direction, leading to the second room. The direction will usually be one of the ‘regular’ compass directions, but it can be anything. If the room already has an exit in that direction, the room that it leads to is changed to the one specified here (if different). close room direction Remove the exit from the specified room in the specified direction. If the room does not have an exit in that direction, this has no effect. 25 status string Sets the contents of the status bar at the top of the game window. If this contains a vertical line character (‘|’), the content to the left of the vertical line will be displayed on the left of the status bar, and the content to the right of the bar (if any) will be displayed on the right of the status bar. If there is no vertical bar, the whole text will be displayed on the right. The string may include braced expressions, in which case the status bar will keep updating to reflect any relevant variable changes. (If you want to print a vertical line in the status bar, use the HTML entity ‘&verbar;’.) pick variable lister A lister is a kind of keyword that generates lists from its own arguments. These will be explained below. This command picks one of the values in the list and assigns that value to the variable. count variable lister Count the values in the list and assign that numeric value to the variable run procedure values... Run the specified procedure (which must be defined elswhere by at least one proc block.) The values (if any) given after the procedure name will be passed to the procedure as its arguments (if it has them). It does not matter whether the procedure succeeds or fails. 26 log words... Print the words (there can be any number of them) to the Gruescript console. This is intended as a debugging aid and has no help during gameplay. In an exported game, the words will be logged to the JavaScript browser console. Note that the argument is not a string, so it cannot contain braced expressions, but any or all of the words may be variable or property references (see below.) If, after a command on the same line, there is a colon (‘:’) followed by a message, that message will be printed after the command is run. (You cannot use a ‘raw’ colon in a string supplied to a command, such as say – if you want Gruescript to output a colon, use the HTML entity ‘&colon;’.) The message is always printed, regardless of whether the command had any effect. Like other strings, it can contain arbitrary HTML (avoiding colons!) and braced expressions, which we will get to later in this chapter. Listers The listers are: carried Every item that the player is carrying things Every thing in the game rooms Every room in the game tagged tag Every thing or room with the specified tag here Every thing in the player’s current room (not counting things that are carried by the player) inscope Every thing in scope (i.e. in the player’s room or carried by the player) 27 in room Every thing in the specified room these value... Any number of values can be specified. The iteration list contains each of the specified values (you can include the same value more than once, if you like.) numbers number number The iteration list will consist of consecutive numbers, starting from the first specified number and ending at the second (inclusive), counting either up or down depending on whether the second number is greater than or less than the first. (If the two numbers are equal, the iteration list will contain only one number.) So numbers 1 5 will produce the iteration list 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 in that order, and numbers 6 3 will produce 6, 5, 4, 3. So, for some examples of commands using listers: pick beatle these john paul george ringo will assign one of those names (they might be things, or room names, or just words) to the variable beatle. count inventory_weight carried will assign the number of things the player is carrying to inventory_weight. Assertions The Gruescript assertions, with their arguments, are: carried thing The thing is in the player’s inventory (held or not) 28 held thing The player is holding the thing here thing The thing is in the same room as the player (but not carried) inscope thing The thing is ‘in scope’ – that is, either in the same room as the player, or the player is carrying it visible thing The thing is in scope, as above, and the player can see (i.e. the special variable cantsee is zero) at room The player is in the specified room thingat thing room The specified thing is in the specified room, regardless of whether it is carried near thing thing The two specified things are in the same room, regardless of whether either or both of them are carried has thing/room tag The specified thing or room has the specified tag in its tag list hasany thing/room tag... (tag... means that any number of tags may be listed.) The specified thing or room has at least one of the listed tags hasall thing/room tag... The specified thing or room has all of the specified tags taghere tag The room that the player is in has the specified tag 29 cansee The player can see; that is, the value of the special variable cantsee is zero. (Remember that this is the same as that variable having never been set.) This is not related to whether the room the player is in is dark. litroom room The specified room is currently lit. If the room does not have the dark tag, this assertion will always succeed. If it does have the dark tag, this assertion will succeed if any thing in the room is a lightsource. is variable string The value of the specified variable is equal to the specified string contains value lister The list includes the value. This uses the same listers, with the same arguments, as the pick and count commands (above). chance number number This succeeds on a random chance of the first number ‘in’ the second number. For example, chance 1 4 will succeed one time in four, or chance 2 3 will succeed two thirds of the time. (If the first number is equal to or greater than the second number, it will always succeed.) eq value value The two values are equal. This assertion, like its friends gt and lt, is only useful if one of the values is supplied by referencing a variable with $ (see below). gt number number The first number is greater than the second number 30 lt number number The first number is less than the second number isthing value The value is the internal name of a thing isroom value The value is the internal name of a room continue This assertion always ‘fails’. The point is that you can use this in a verb block to ensure that Gruescript ‘continues’ to the next matching block – see the ‘Verbs’ chapter. try procedure values... Run the specified procedure and see if it succeeds. The values (if any) given after the procedure name will be passed to the procedure as its arguments (if it has them). This is like the command run except that it is an assertion. It succeeds if the procedure succeeds, or fails if the procedure fails. js string Evaluate and run the string as JavaScript. Convert its return value to a boolean, and pass the assertion if the boolean is true. This is cheating. Please do not use it. Any assertion can be prefixed with an exclamation mark (‘!’) to make it the opposite assertion. For example, !here magnet passes if the magnet is not in the same room as the player. Like commands, assertions can optionally be followed by a colon (‘:’) and a message. The message is only printed if the assertion fails. After commands and assertions, the third group of commands is the iterators. Before we get to those, it will be usful to know how to reference 31 variables and properties, so we’ll come back to iterators later in this chapter. Referencing variables Any argument given to an instruction may be a reference to a variable (except string arguments; to supply variables as strings you need to use a braced expression – see below.) In this case the value of that variable is supplied as the argument. This is done by using the variable name, prefixed with a dollar sign (‘$’). So gt $temperature 20: It’s too cold! passes if the value of the variable temperature is greater than 20 (otherwise, it fails and prints the message.) Note that instructions with arguments that are variables, like assign or is, take the name of the variable without the $. If you try something like assign $foo 10 # DO NOT DO THIS This will store the value 10 in a variable whose name is the current value of the variable foo, which is perverse but not illegal. Referencing properties Properties of things or rooms can be referenced, similarly to variables. The reference is made using two words connected with a single dot (‘.’) (and no space) between them. The first word is the internal name of the thing or room; the second is the name of the property. The value of the property will be passed as an argument to the command. For example, if the thing bicycle has the property model with the value Pedersen, bicycle.model will evaluate to Pedersen. A dollar sign is not used to reference a property, but the word(s) on either or both sides of the dot can be variable references themselves, notated as usual with the dollar sign prefix (‘$’). So if the variable vehicle contains the word bicycle, then $vehicle.model will again evaluate to 32 Pedersen. With the appropriate variables set up, you could also use bicycle.$info or even $vehicle.$info. It is not an error to reference a nonexistent property of an existent thing or room. Like variables, properties are considered to have a numeric value of zero if they have not been initiated. It is an error to attempt to reference any property of a nonexistent thing or room – in the above example, if the variable vehicle had never been given a value, or currently had a value that was not the internal name of a thing or room, $vehicle.model would cause an error. Referencing connected rooms Similarly to referencing properties, you can reference a room’s connections by direction. If the kitchen is west of the scullery, then scullery.dir.west will evaluate to kitchen. Either the room or the direction, or both, can be a variable reference, so with the appropriate variables you could use scullery.dir.$whichway, or $room.dir.out, or $smell_origin.dir.$wind_direction. Braced expressions In any string argument, such as the arguments of the commands say, write and status, variables can be embedded using braced expressions – expressions contained between curly braces (‘{’, ‘}’). There can be any number of these in a string. They cannot be nested directly, but they can contain references to variables or properties whose values include braced expressions of their own. If you want to output curly braces, use the HTML entities ‘&lcub;’ and ‘&rcub;’. Braced expressions consist of one or two words between the braces. The ‘principal word’ of the braced expression can be any literal word, or (more usefully) a reference to a variable or property. The principal word appears either on its own, or with another word before it, which must be an article 33 (a, an, the or your) or a pronoun reference (nom, obj, pos, ind or ref). If the principal word in the expression is the internal name of a thing, or is a reference to a variable or property whose value is the internal name of a thing, the expression will evaluate to the display name of the thing. (This only happens with variables referenced from within braced expressions in strings; it does not happen to variable references in other contexts.) So, if you have a thing like thing boss_2 name Droxar the Mighty and a variable npc whose value is boss_2, then the instruction say { $npc } leaps out of the shadows! will refer to Droxar the Mighty by that name. If the braced expression is prefixed by an article (the, a, an or your, appearing inside the braces before the principal word and separated from it by a space), the principal word will be prefixed with the appropriate version of that article: if the principal world is (or is a reference to) a thing with a def or indef property, that value will be used if appropriate; otherwise ‘a’ will be changed to ‘an’ if the display name begins with a vowel (or ‘an’ to ‘a’ if it doesn’t – ‘an’ behaves exactly the same as ‘a’ but can be used for capitalisation, as explained below), or ‘some’ for plural things or mass_nouns; ‘your’ will be changed to ‘my’ if the game is in first person; and the article will be omitted entirely if the principal word is (or references) a thing with the proper_name tag. If the prefix is a pronoun reference, a pronoun will be used instead of the thing’s name. The choice of pronoun depends on the thing’s gender and/or plurality (i.e. whether it has any of the male, female, nonbinary or plural tags; if none are present, the thing is assumed to be singular and neuter, i.e. ‘it’). The pronoun references are: 34 Reference Case Pronouns (neuter, male, female, nb, plural) nom nominative it, he, she, they, they obj objective it, him, her, them, them pos possessive its, his, her, their, their ind independent its, his, hers, theirs, theirs possessive ref reflexive itself, himself, herself, themself*, themselves So, the command hide $victim: You sneak up on {the $victim} and push {obj $victim} into the volcano. will remove the thing referred to by the value of victim from the game, and then might output You sneak up on the policeman and push him into the volcano. or You sneak up on Geraldine and push her into the volcano. or even (using a def property) You sneak up on all your friends and push them into the volcano. depending on the value of the variable victim and the tags of the thing that its value points to. When a braced expression is written as part of a string into a variable, property, tag description or the status line, the expression itself remains as a braced expression in the string and will be evaluated whenever it is * I ran a thoroughly non-rigorous twitter straw poll asking nonbinary folk what they preferred for this; most chose ‘themself’, but ‘themselves’ was a significant minority. To give a nonbinary character ‘themselves’, you can use plural (maybe temporarily), or give everyone a custom ref_pronoun property and reference that, or otherwise hack around the issue. 35 output (either by say or by being displayed on a button or the status line). If you want to keep the string as it is now, use the freeze command: verb eat write foo The last meal you ate was a lovely {$this}. freeze foo hide $this (note that freeze’s first argument is a variable, so it’s freeze foo, not $foo!) will evaluate the braced expression in foo now and rewrite that into the same variable, so foo will always display the same from now on, regardless of how often the value of this changes. Capitalisation in references If a variable or property has a lowercase name, such as foo, it is possible to refer to that variable with a different capitalisation – $Foo or $FOO – to get the contents of that variable in Capitalised or UPPERCASE form (unless another variable with the capitalised version of the name exists.) If you do this with a property, you should capitalise the property name, not the thing or room before it, e.g. banana.Ripeness or $fruit.COLOUR. If the reference happens inside a braced expression, and the contents of the variable or property are the internal name of a thing (and that thing’s internal name is lowercase), the result will be a capitalised or uppercase version of the display name. This can also be applied to articles and pronoun references in braced expressions. If an article is UPPERCASED, it will uppercase the name of the thing with it (regardless of the capitalisation of the variable reference). So if the variable fruit contains apple, and the property colour of the apple is red: say {The $fruit} is {$fruit.COLOUR}. will print The apple is RED. 36 and say {THE $fruit} is {$fruit.Colour}. (or the same line with $Fruit or $FRUIT) will print THE APPLE is Red. If you want to use uppercase with an indefinite article, ‘A’ is not long enough to be unambiguous (Gruescript will guess that you mean to capitalise the article only), so use ‘AN’ – it will obey the same rules as ‘a’ with respect to vowels, proper names, plurals and indef, so assign fruit banana say IT LOOKS LIKE {AN $Fruit}! will print IT LOOKS LIKE A BANANA! Iterators Iterators are commands that change the ‘flow’ of a block of instructions. When Gruescript finds an iterator, it will consider the rest of the instructions in the current block (that is, the game, verb, setverb, proc or rule block that is currently being executed) to belong to this assertion. It will then ‘iterate’ those instructions, running through them one or more times. The iterated instructions can be commands, assertions or even more iterators (in which case that iterator will, in turn, cause the code after it to be iterated once or more, every time that iterator is called by the previous iterator, and so on.) The instructions below the iterator are treated like a ‘nested’ block of instructions: upon each iteration, they will be run in turn until they are all complete, in which case that iteration succeeds, or until an assertion fails, in which case that iteration fails. Iterators are a special kind of assertion, as they are considered to succeed or fail themselves after they are done iterating. Note that a particular iteration failing does not necessarily mean the iterator running it will fail. 37 Gruescript has three iterators. An iterator is always followed by a lister, which creates its iteration list of things, rooms or values. The listers are the same as the ones used by pick and count commands, with the same arguments. The iterators are: all The iterator will iterate (run its instructions) once each for every item in the iteration list. It does not matter whether any iteration succeeds or fails. The iterator itself always succeeds. sequence The iterator will iterate for each item on the iteration list in turn, until an iteration fails. If all the iterations succeed, the iterator itself succeeds. If any one iteration fails, the iterator stops and fails itself. select The iterator will iterate for each item on the iteration list in turn, until an iteration succeeds. If all the iterations fail, the iterator itself fails. If any one iteration succeeds, the iterator stops and succeeds itself. During each iteration, the special variable this will contain the current item in the iteration list. (If this already had a value, it will be reset to its previous value when the iterator completes, making it safe to ‘nest’ iterators or to call procedures that contain their own iterators.) For example, the following iterator looks through all the things in the room meadow, and causes a hungry to eat all of them, without condition: all in meadow say The hungry goat eats {the $this}! hide $this 38 If we wanted to change the goat’s behaviour so that it is a little more discerning, and only eats things with the tag edible, we can simply add a condition to the block: all in meadow has $this edible # if this assertion fails, proceed to next iteration. Otherwise... say The hungry goat eats {the $this}! Or, if we want it to eat a maximum of one thing, we could use select: select in meadow has $this edible # otherwise fail this iteration say The hungry goat eats {the $this}! # the iteration succeeds, so the sequence stops and succeeds On the other hand, if we want the goat to eat everything available for as long as it can, until it attempts to eat something that is not edible, we could use a sequence: sequence in meadow say The hungry goat eats {the $this}! has $this edible: Oh dear, it looks ill. # if this assertion fails, so does the sequence. # Otherwise, the sequence is still going! say It licks its lips and looks for more food. As an iterator itself an assertion, the block it belongs to will fail if the iterator does. It can be prefixed with ‘!’ to make it the opposite assertion (this does not affect how the iteration itself or the instructions below it behave), and it can be postfixed with ‘:’ followed by a string that will be printed if the assertion fails. This will appear on its own line, after any output from the iterated instructions. Changing the order of iteration An iterator command may include an orderer, which changes the order in which the items in the iterator list are processed. This appears immediately after the iterator keyword itself, before the lister. 39 The three orderers are: forward Do not change the order. This has no effect, but is included anyway. backward Reverse the order of iteration shuffle Randomise the order of iteration So, the instructions all backward these Larry Curly Moe say { $this } will print: Moe Curly Larry but all shuffle these Larry Curly Moe say { $this } might print the names in this order: Curly Larry Moe or any other order (but each name will be printed exactly once.) 40 Verbs Verbs are the basic unit of interaction in Gruescript games. The player can always see, in the ‘room’ window, the directions and verbs available to them. Verbs can be defined in two ways: specific to an object (‘specific verbs’) or without an object (‘general verbs’). When the player clicks on a verb next to an object, Gruescript will first look for specific verb definitions matching that verb for that object, and then for general definitions of the verb. Gruescript then goes through each of those definitions in turn, running its instructions, until one ‘succeeds’. In addition to any user-defined verbs, there are six native verbs, which always succeed: take, drop, examine, wear, remove, and wait. Here’s an example of a thing, and a specific verb that works with it: thing guitar has portable cverbs play verb play guitar say It goes TWANG! As play is listed in the guitar’s cverbs, the player will see a ‘play’ button listed next to the guitar whenever it is carried. In this case, the effect of playing the guitar is simple: it prints a message. Suppose we wanted to define ‘play’ in a more general way. thing guitar has portable instrument cverbs play thing piano has instrument verbs play 41 verb play say You extract a strange sound from {the $this}! Now the guitar and the piano both have the verb play (in the guitar’s case, only when it is carried) but, because there is no specific verb for either play guitar or play piano, The general verb play is used. While a verb’s instructions are being executed, the special variable this always contains the object of the verb – that is, the noun that the player has clicked a button next to. So the say instruction in the general verb play block will refer to either the guitar or the piano, whichever is being played. If Gruescript finds multiple verb blocks that match the player’s command, it will run through them all (specific first, then general) until one succeeds, then stop. This means we can do something like this (using more variables): verb play piano set noise plink plonk continue verb play guitar set noise kraang continue verb play say It makes a noise like “{noise}”! Verbs with directions Verbs can be used to interfere with player movement, such as to make an exit from a room impossible until a certain condition is met. For this purpose, the verb is considered to be go. There is no object (so the verb block must be general), but the direction of travel is available in the special variable direction. As with any verb blocks, if a block succeeds, the 42 execution of the verb stops. So, to block an exit, you need to create a verb block that succeeds: verb go direction north at parlour here gorilla The gorilla stands in the way of the door. If you want to allow the travel, use continue to make the block fail: verb go west at ocean_beach say You dive into the sea and swim west... assign swimming 1 continue Or you can mess with the action entirely: verb go eq $lost 1 taghere outside say You wander around the city at random... random lostwalk 3 continue verb go eq $lost 1 eq $lostwalk 1 goto park verb go eq $lost 1 eq $lostwalk 2 goto graveyard verb go eq $lost 1 eq $lostwalk 3 goto abandoned_building 43 Setverbs Setverbs are crucial to Gruescript’s keyboardless interface – they tell Gruescript when to activate or de-activate particular verbs for particular things. They look very similar to verbs – in fact, apart from beginning with setverb instead of verb, their syntax is identical. However, setverbs should not contain commands, only assertions, and they should not emit messages. Using a command in a setverb, or printing a message after a failed assertion using ‘:’, is not actually an error, but it can have highly odd results, since it is not easy to predict when these instructions will be run. Gruescript will check setverbs at least once every turn, and also every time the player changes the inventory item they are ‘holding’ – but on most of these occasions, not all setverb blocks will actually be run. This is because once any successful setverb block has determined that a certain verb is to be active for a certain thing, no other setverbs will be checked for that thing-verb pair. Like verbs, setverb blocks can be specific or general, depending on whether they specify a thing in the first line. In a general setverb (with no thing), you can use the contextual variable this to refer to whatever thing is currently being considered. So setverb cook hasall $this food raw here oven means that any thing with both the food and raw tags will have the verb cook active if the oven is in the player’s current room. (Since verbs are only ever visible for items that are in the player’s room, or being held, we do not need to check whether $this is actually present.) Specific setverbs come with a noun: setverb cook tomato here special_tomato_oven will catch any attempt to cook the tomato before the general ‘cook’ setverb is checked. 44 Instead of a noun, a setverb may have the keyword intransitive. This means that (if the setverb is successful) the verb will be active, but not attached to any noun: it will show in the ‘Actions’ line in the room descriptions window, along with the permanent verbs of the current room: setverb fly intransitive has cape worn will make the ‘fly’ verb available anywhere. Blocks of similar setverbs, like verbs, run until one of them succeeds – that is, if any setverb succeeds for a given verb and a given thing (regardless of whether it is a specific or general setverb), no further setverbs will consider that verb and thing together. So if our Gruescript contains the setverb example above, it will never be possible to deactivate the cook verb for any thing with the food and raw tags if the oven is present. Any exceptions must be accounted for in that same setverb block, or dealt with another way. It can be helpful to use rules (see the next chapter) to change a variable, and write a single setverb block that depends on the value of that variable. To keep a verb active for a thing, the relevant setverb(s) must pass continually. Whenever setverbs are checked, all verbs are deactivated for all things unless a setverb turns them on. The only exceptions are the native verbs take, drop, wear and remove, which are set depending on context, and the native verb examine, which is always considered active for all things (although it is performed by clicking the noun, rather than the verb) if your game has examine on. 45 Conversation Everything in this chapter only applies if your game uses Gruescript’s conversation system – that is, if your game block contains the line: conversation on If this line is not present, or is conversation off, you can ignore this chapter and are free to implement dialogue however you wish, or not at all. The conversation system allows you to create more complex dialogue in your game by switching to a more choice-based system when the player is talking to a non-player character (NPC). While a conversation is going on, a new pane appears in the interface, between the scroller and room description. This specifies who or what the player is talking to, and contains up to three lists of ‘topics’ – essentially, a special kind of verb – that the player can ‘ask’, ‘tell’ or ‘say’. Finally, there is a button to end the conversation. For the purpose of the conversation system, an NPC is any thing with the tag conversation. It is likely (but not necessary) that you will also want to give it the tag alive, and one of male, female or nonbinary to set the character’s pronouns. An example: thing mrs_ft Mrs Fothertonhayes-Cranstanley name mrs fothertonhayes-thomas loc pta_meeting tags alive female conversation prop start_conversation "How may I help you?" \ asks Mrs Fothertonhayes-Cranstanley, looking \ down her nose at you. prop end_conversation \ Mrs Fothertonhayes-Cranstanley gives you \ a curt nod. 46 The special properties start_conversation and end_conversation contain strings that will be printed when the player starts or ends a conversation with this NPC. If they are not present, default messages are used: “You start talking to (the NPC).” or “You stop talking to (the NPC).” (or their first-person equivalents, in a game with person 1.) When the player ‘talks’ to Mrs Fothertonhayes-Cranstanley, they will see something like: Talking to: Mrs Fothertonhayes-Cranstanley Ask about: [history] [geography] Tell about: [husband] [burglary] Say: [club password] [end conversation] The ‘end conversation’ verb will hide the conversation panel. It will also disappear if the NPC that the player was talking to is no longer in scope, either because the player walked to another room or the NPC was moved somewhere else, or if the player begin another conversation by talking to a different NPC. If the conversation ends by any means other than the player clicking ‘end conversation’, the NPC’s end_conversation message will not be printed. During the conversation, the room description and inventory are visible as normal, and the player can continue to use whatever other verbs are available in the room. The special variable conversation will contain the internal name of the NPC. If you want to force the conversation to end without removing the NPC, assign conversation 0 will do so. 47 You are free to treat talk as an ordinary verb, including ‘overriding’ it with specific or general verb blocks (the object is the NPC), or adding it with a setverb to other things, such as simple NPCs that you don’t want to make a complex conversation tree for (just leave out the conversation tag.) Asks, tells and says are defined by setverb and verb blocks, the same as ordinary verbs. The ‘object’ of ask, tell or say is considered to be the conversation topic, which can be a thing name or any arbitrary value. You can change the display of these ‘verbs’ with display and prompt, and do anything else that you can do in ordinary verb and setverb blocks. Regardless of setverbs, ‘ask’, ‘say’ and ‘tell’ will only be considered for activation when a conversation is open. They are not tied to particular things. So, setverb ask alibi will mean you can “ask about alibi” when talking to any NPC, and you do not need to worry about the verb becoming active for other things. To make asks, tells or says that are specific to a particular NPC, use verbs that begin with ask_, tell_ or say_, followed immediately (no space) by the internal name of the NPC. So: setverb ask_mrs_ft hat will make ‘hat’ an available ‘ask’ topic for Mrs FothertonhayesCranstanley, and nobody else, whether or not the hat is actually a thing. As usual, the setverb block can contain instructions: setverb ask_mrs_ft hat has mrs_ft wearing_hat will succeed, and activate the topic, only if she has the wearing_hat tag. 48 Verb blocks can be made the same way. Any ask_, tell_ or say_ verb blocks with an NPC will be considered before any ask, tell or say blocks without, with execution stopping after a success as usual, so verb ask_mrs_ft hat say "I inherited it from a particularly dreadful great-aunt," she says. "Elegant, isn't it?" verb ask hat say "It makes her look like a tree," says {the $conversation}. will print the first message when talking to Mrs FothertonhayesCranstanley, and the second message when talking to anyone else. Any general verb ask blocks would be considered after either of them. General setverb ask or setverb_ask_topic are also allowed: verb ask_fish_expert has $this fish will activate “ask fish expert about” for every thing with the fish tag, and verb ask has $this hot_topic will make any thing with the hot_topic tag available as an ask for everyone with conversation. Note that in these cases, only ‘things’ will be considered. If you want to do this other topics, create ‘dummy’ things. By using variables, properties or tags in conversational verbs and setverbs, it is possible to create quite complex conversation trees. 49 Procedures and rules Procedures Procedures consist of a name and a group of instructions. A simple example: proc do_cat bring cat say The cat appears and meows at you. This can then be ‘called’ by its name, either with the command run do_cat or the assertion try do_cat This can be anywhere that instructions are allowed – a verb, setverb, rule, the game block, or another procedure. A procedure can even call itselff (although if it does, you should take care to avoid infinite loops.) The difference between run and try is that run is a command and try is an assertion. run will always just run the procedure, and then the next instruction after the run (if any) will be executed. try will succeed or fail depending on whether the procedure succeeds or fails; like any assertion, if try fails, the block it is in will also stop running and fail. There can be several proc blocks with the same name. In this case, when that name is called by run or try, the proc blocks will be run one after the other, in the order that they appear in your Gruescript source, until one of them fails. (Even when called from run, a procedure block can fail and stop this execution; the only difference is that run itself is not an assertion and cannot fail.) try will succeed if all the procedure blocks of the specified name succeed, or fail as soon as any one of those blocks fails. 50 Arguments Procedure blocks can have arguments. These are variables that are ‘local’ to the procedure block, which can be given specific values when calling the procedure with run or try. For example, given a procedure proc say_clothing_colour item colour say You are wearing a {$item} {$colour}. then calling it with run say_clothing_colour tie red will print You are wearing a red tie. You could also pass variable values to the run command in the usual way: run say_clothing_colour $neckwear $neckwear_colour Any ‘global’ variables with the same names as the arguments will not be affected (and will not be accessible from the procedure block). If variables called item or colour existed before the procedure was called, they will have their original values again after the procedure is executed. You do not have to specify all (or any) of the arguments when calling a procedure. If an argument is not specified by a try or run instruction, procedure blocks with that argument will treat its value as zero (even if it had a 'global' value already.) If the try or run instruction contains more values than a procedure block has arguments, the block will ignore the extraneous values. Note that strictly speaking, arguments are ‘local’ to a procedure block, not a whole procedure! It is possible, but probably not wise, to have multiple blocks for the same procedure with completely different arguments; each block that is executed will be passed the same values in the same order, but it is the first line of the block that decides which values go into which arguments. Also note that changing the value of an ‘argument’ variable 51 within the procedure will not affect the value being given to other blocks. So, given the multi-block procedure proc counting num say {$num}... add num 1 say ...{$num}... continue proc counting num say ...{$num}! the instruction run counting 1 will print 1... ...2... ...1! not ...3! on the last line. Variables that are not named as arguments in a procedure block are treated as ‘global’, identical to the same variables in all other contexts. Changing their value in the procedure block will change them everywhere. Arguments allow procedures to be recursive: proc countdown num eq $num 0 say BLAST OFF! proc countdown num say {$num}... add num -1 run countdown $num Rules Rules are procedures that are run every turn, beginning at the end of the player’s first turn. They are like procedures, but have no name or arguments; their first line consists of the word rule on its own. Every 52 rule runs its instructions until they run out or an assertion fails; whether a rule block fails or not makes no difference, except to where its instructions stop. Rules run in the order that they are declared in the Gruescript source. 53 Special variables Gruescript keeps track of the following special variables. You should only use them for reading and not writing – writing is not illegal, but will have unpredictable results. Generally there is a right way to change things; for example, rather than assign room laboratory, you probably want goto laboratory. verb The internal name of the last verb used by the player. If they moved in a direction, this is go. thing The internal name of the object of the last verb used by the player, i.e. the thing that they clicked a verb next to (or on, for examine.) this The thing currently being considered by a verb or setverb. When used in a verb block, this will always have the same value as thing. When used in a setverb block, it is the thing Gruescript is currently considering activating the verb for – its value is unpredictable, but it will stay the same on any one run through any one setverb block. It should not be used in rules. direction The last direction travelled, or the direction currently being travelled, by the player. held The thing the player is currently holding. If they are not holding anything, this has a numeric value of zero. room The room that the player is currently standing in. 54 cantsee If this value is zero, the player can see. If it is 1 (or anything else) they cannot. Remember that a value of zero is the same as having never been set. The player being innately unable to see is not the same as the room being dark – these two concepts are independent of each other. This variable should be used for things like being temporarily dazzled or wearing a blindfold. Unlike the other special variables, it is safe to write to cantsee – in fact, the correct way to change its value is to do so. (The assertion cansee exists as shorthand for “eq $cantsee 0”) score maxscore By default, the value of these variable will be shown as score/maxscore (e.g. “0/5”) at the right of the status bar. If the value of maxscore is zero, only the score will be shown. This can be overridden by the status command. Visible tags Tags can be made ‘visible’ by using a tagdesc block. This is a single line consisting of the identifier tagdesc, followed by the name of the tag and then a string that will be printed, in parentheses (like this), after the thing when it appears in a room description or the player’s inventory. If the string is omitted, the name of the tag is used, with underscores replaced by spaces. This can be done with special tags like lightsource; this adds the printed message but does not affect the behaviour of the tag. Examples: tagdesc bargain labelled "half price" tagdesc lightsource providing light tagdesc broken 55 Tags for rooms are never visible (change the room’s desc property instead.) 56 Appendix I: Visual configuration The game block may contain colour lines which determine the colours used by the game. You can spell it color if you like. These lines take the form colour colour-area HEXCODE where colour-area is one of the below: statusbar_background statusbar_text main_background main_text main_prompt main_text_old main_prompt_old instructions_button instructions_button_text room_background room_text room_button room_button_text conversation_background conversation_text conversation_button conversation_button_text examine_button examine_button_text inventory_background inventory_text inventory_button inventory_button_text inventory_inactive_text save_background save_button save_button_text page_background Most of these are (hopefully) self-explanatory. Note that the save... colour-areas apply to the part of the page containing the ‘save’, ‘restore’, ‘restart’ and ‘undo’ buttons, and all those buttons – with the default colours, its background is the same as page_background – and inventory_inactive_text usually applies only to the button in your inventory that corresponds to the thing currently held by the player. Messages in the scroller appear in the main_text colour initially, then change to main_text_old (usually a dimmer colour) on subsequent turns. main_prompt and main_prompt_old apply to the mock ‘command prompts’ echoed in the scroller. 57 HEXCODE is a three- or six-digit colour code. It is not preceded by ‘#’ – that would make it a comment! It can also be a css colour name like red. For advanced visual configuration, you can apply whatever CSS you want to your game’s HTML page once you have downloaded it. You can also change the layout of the page itself, as long as it keeps the div elements that Gruescript uses: topbar_left, topbar_right, scroller (containing scroller_content), room_description, holding, inventory, save_prompt, restart_prompt, save_load, and saved_games and options. 58 Appendix II: Cloak of Darkness Roger Firth’s Cloak of Darkness is a small game that has become a sort of reverse Rosetta stone for interactive fiction authoring systems: it is traditional to rewrite Cloak of Darkness in any new authoring system, in order to give an overview of how that system deals with common game elements. The specification of the game is deliberately simple: the player begins the game in the foyer of an opera house, wearing a cloak. There are two other rooms, a cloakroom and a bar. Entering the bar, the player finds that the room is dark; if they remove their cloak and (optionally) hang it on a hook in the cloakroom and then go back to the bar, they will find the bar is now lit. If they did not spend too long in the bar while it was dark, they will now see a message written in the dust telling them they have won the game; otherwise, they have scuffed out the message, and lose the game. A Gruescript version of Cloak of Darkness goes something like this… # Game metadata and global parameters game Cloak of Darkness id CLOD # The game ID is used to identify saved games in # browser storage. This should be different for # each of the Gruescript games on your site, so # they don’t interfere with each others’ saves. author Roger Firth, adapted to Gruescript by Robin Johnson version 0.0.1 person 2 # "You are in..." examine off # custom status line. On the left, display the # player’s current room; on the right, whether # they are wearing the cloak – we’ll use a # variable called ‘cloaked’ for this. status { $Room | $cloaked } 59 # a portable item, the cloak thing cloak pitch-black opera cloak carried # starts in inventory tags portable wearable worn # These are all special engine-recognised tags: # ‘portable’ means it can be picked up and # dropped; ‘wearable’ means it can be worn (if # carried) and removed (when worn); ‘worn’ means # the player is wearing it at the start of the game. # the ‘cloaked’ variable, which we are displaying # on the status bar, and a rule to set it var cloaked Cloaked # its initial value rule assign cloaked Cloaked !has cloak worn assign cloaked Uncloaked # rooms room foyer You're in the foyer of the Opera House. tags start # the player starts here # directions to other rooms south bar west cloakroom north foyer # ‘north foyer’ is a dummy direction, so that the # button appears: attempting to go north will be # caught by the following verb block: verb go north at foyer say But you've only just arrived! # This verb block always ‘succeeds’, effectively # blocking the action. room bar You're in the bar. north foyer tags dark # this room is dark 60 # The bar should be dark unless the cloak is # elsewhere. Because a rule block will fail when # an assertion inside it fails, the easiest way to # do this in a single rule is to make the bar # dark, then “un-make it dark” if the conditions # are met. rule tag bar dark !thingat cloak bar # includes carried/worn # The ‘!’ prefix negates the assertion, so if the # cloak is NOT at the bar, the rule will continue: untag bar dark # If we are in the bar and it’s dark, increase the ‘mess’. The player gets one warning. rule at bar has bar dark add mess 1 !eq $mess 2: You should probably go back out to the foyer &ndash; you wouldn't want to accidentally disturb anything in the dark. room cloakroom You're in a small cloakroom. east foyer # a non-portable item thing hook brass hook loc cloakroom # determine when to activate the verb ‘hang’. # In a parser game, the player would type # “hang cloak”, not “hang hook”. We’ll use # ‘display’ and ‘prompt’ to make the mock prompt # look like that, but we’ll actually attach the # verb to the hook, not the cloak. # This is a little more intuitive: you ‘hold’ the # cloak, and then look round the ‘room’ for # something to attach it to. 61 setverb hang hook # when to activate 'hang' verb for the hook !eq $held 0 # check we’re holding *something* # (the contextual variable ‘held’ contains the # item being held, or 0 if none.) has $held wearable # *any* wearable garment(s) can be hung on the # hook. (There just happens to be only one in the # game.) verb hang display hang {$held} prompt hang {$held} on {$this} # we’ll use an author-defined tag, ‘hooked’, to # make something show if it’s currently hanging # on the hook. It doesn’t change any other # behaviour (you can still pick it back up # normally with ‘take’), so this is # straightforward. tag $held hooked say You hang {the $held} on the {the $this}. put $held $this.loc # create a ‘visible tag’ tagdesc hooked on hook # taking anything that is 'hooked' removes that # tag verb take untag $this hooked continue # ‘continue’ forces this verb block to fail, so # the native verb ‘take’ will pick it up thing dust dust (on floor) loc bar # The game ends when the player is in the bar and # the bar isn’t dark; whether they win or lose # depends on how much mess they’ve made in the # bar. 62 rule at bar !has bar dark lt $mess 3 say A message is scrawled in the dust! It reads&colon; die You win # end the game rule at bar !has bar dark # There is no need to check $mess here – if it is # less than three, the assertion in the above rule # would already have passed, and the game ended. say A message is scrawled in the dust! say What a pity, it's too scuffed to read. die You lose 63