Leclanché Generic GUI User Manual for BMS (Rosa) Approved by: Battery type: LUCEA Marc ALL Approved on: Project code: 16.07.2024 ALL Document N° DOT-X-C-MAT-GEN-132 Page Status: Version 1/39 Applicable / Freigegeben 2 Leclanché E-Mobility Leclanché Generic GUI User Manual for BMS (Rosa) Leclanché E-Mobility SA Avenue des Découvertes 14C CH-1400 Yverdon-les-Bains tel: +41 (0)24 424 65 00 fax: +41 (0)24 424 65 20 info@leclanche.com www.leclanche.com Leclanché Generic GUI User Manual for BMS (Rosa) Document N°: Page : Version : DOT-X-C-MAT-GEN-132 2/39 2 MODIFICATION HISTORY Version/Issue 1 2 Date 13.12.2018 16.07.2024 Description Document creation Updates to naming Owner MEIER Peter LUCEA Marc Leclanché Generic GUI User Manual for BMS (Rosa) Document N°: Page : Version : DOT-X-C-MAT-GEN-132 3/39 2 This document is the property of LECLANCHÉ E-MOBILITY SA. Reproduction or divulgation of its contents without authorization from LECLANCHÉ E-MOBILITY SA is strictly forbidden. TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 GENERAL INFORMATIONS ........................................................................................... 6 1.1 1.2 REFERENCES ......................................................................................................................6 SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS ........................................................................................6 2 SCOPE ......................................................................................................................... 7 3 HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS ....................................................................................... 7 4 GENERAL SETUP .......................................................................................................... 7 5 CONCEPTS AND DATAFLOW ........................................................................................ 8 6 INSTALLATION ............................................................................................................ 9 7 AUTHENTICATION ....................................................................................................... 9 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 ACCOUNT LOGIN ....................................................................................................................9 AUTHENTICATION PORTAL ......................................................................................................10 ACCOUNT REGISTRATION .......................................................................................................10 LICENSE DURATION ...............................................................................................................10 8 USER INTERFACE ....................................................................................................... 11 8.1 OVERVIEW ..........................................................................................................................11 8.2 START SCREEN .....................................................................................................................12 8.2.1 CANOpen XML Loading ............................................................................................12 8.3 LOCAL CONFIGURATION .........................................................................................................13 8.3.1 Project Data ..............................................................................................................14 8.3.2 CAN Interface Drivers ...............................................................................................14 8.3.3 File Location..............................................................................................................14 8.4 MENU TOOLBAR ..................................................................................................................14 8.4.1 File Menu ..................................................................................................................14 8.4.2 Options .....................................................................................................................14 8.4.3 Settings .....................................................................................................................14 8.4.4 Account .....................................................................................................................15 8.4.5 Help (current version) ...............................................................................................15 8.4.6 Open project data folder ..........................................................................................15 8.4.7 Delete db files ...........................................................................................................15 8.4.8 Device authentication information (FSM only) ........................................................15 8.4.9 Enable/Disable data capture ....................................................................................16 8.4.10 Health Monitor ......................................................................................................16 8.4.11 Start/Stop ..............................................................................................................16 8.5 DASHBOARD ACTIVITY ...........................................................................................................16 8.6 SIGNAL GRAPH ACTIVITY........................................................................................................18 Leclanché Generic GUI User Manual for BMS (Rosa) Document N°: Page : Version : DOT-X-C-MAT-GEN-132 4/39 2 8.7 LOGS ACTIVITY .....................................................................................................................19 8.8 INTERACTIVE ACTIVITY ...........................................................................................................19 8.9 PARAMETERS ACTIVITY ..........................................................................................................21 8.10 INTERVAL ACTIVITY ............................................................................................................22 8.11 FIRMWARE UPDATER .........................................................................................................23 8.12 SYSTEM LOGS ...................................................................................................................23 8.13 BALANCING DASHBOARD ....................................................................................................23 8.14 CONFIG VALIDATION COMPONENT .......................................................................................25 8.15 CAN TRAFFIC ANALYZER ....................................................................................................25 8.15.1 Live view ................................................................................................................26 8.15.2 Object view ............................................................................................................26 8.15.3 History ...................................................................................................................27 8.16 DEVICE AUTHENTICATION ...................................................................................................28 8.16.1 Local device authentication ..................................................................................28 8.16.2 Remote device authentication ..............................................................................29 8.17 DEVICE COMMISSIONING ....................................................................................................30 8.17.1 Package Wizard.....................................................................................................31 8.17.2 Commissioning Overview ......................................................................................33 8.18 FSM LOGS ANALYZER ........................................................................................................36 8.18.1 Datasource selection .............................................................................................37 8.18.2 Event Analysis........................................................................................................37 8.18.3 Statistics ................................................................................................................38 TABLE OF PICTURES Figures used in this instruction manual are provided for basic understanding and may differ from the actual design. Figure 1 Example Setup........................................................................................................................ 7 Figure 2 LGG concepts and dataflow ................................................................................................... 8 Figure 3 Request an account .............................................................................................................. 10 Figure 4 License information ............................................................................................................. 11 Figure 5 Application general layout ................................................................................................... 11 Figure 6 Start screen .......................................................................................................................... 12 Figure 7 Error finding XML ................................................................................................................. 13 Figure 8 Configuration settings .......................................................................................................... 13 Figure 9 Signal graph overview .......................................................................................................... 18 Figure 10 Logs activity - scrolling view disabled ................................................................................ 19 Figure 11 Interactive activity with info popup ................................................................................... 20 Figure 12 Parameters activity - parameters read .............................................................................. 21 Figure 13 Interval Actions Activity ..................................................................................................... 22 Figure 14 Firmware update component ............................................................................................ 23 Figure 15 Balancing overview dashboard (using simulated data) ..................................................... 24 Figure 16 Config Validation component ............................................................................................ 25 Figure 17 CAN Traffic analyzer ........................................................................................................... 26 Figure 18 CAN Traffic analyzer: Object View ..................................................................................... 27 Leclanché Generic GUI User Manual for BMS (Rosa) Document N°: Page : Version : DOT-X-C-MAT-GEN-132 5/39 2 Figure 19 CAN Traffic analyzer: History ............................................................................................ 27 Figure 20 Set device authentication information .............................................................................. 28 Figure 21 Remote service request ..................................................................................................... 29 Figure 22 Remote service: active sessions ......................................................................................... 29 Figure 23 Remote service: approve session ...................................................................................... 30 Figure 24 Remote service notification ............................................................................................... 30 Figure 25 Device Commissioning ....................................................................................................... 31 Figure 26 Device commissioning: package validation ....................................................................... 33 Figure 27 Device Commissioning: package validation result ............................................................. 34 Figure 28 Device commissioning: start screen .................................................................................. 34 Figure 29 Device commissioning: overview ....................................................................................... 35 Figure 30 Device commissioning: summary ...................................................................................... 36 Figure 31 Logs Analyzer: Datasource selection.................................................................................. 37 Figure 32 Logs Analyzer: Event analysys ............................................................................................ 38 Figure 33 Logs Analyzer: Statistics ..................................................................................................... 39 Leclanché Generic GUI User Manual for BMS (Rosa) Document N°: Page : Version : DOT-X-C-MAT-GEN-132 6/39 2 1 GENERAL INFORMATIONS 1.1 REFERENCES Ref. [R1] Name DOT-Y-552 Leclanché E-Mobility Template user guide 1.2 SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviation BMS BusMaster CAN CANOpen Device Data Streams Distribution EigerC63 G2 FS-BMS Hardware Interface Hardware Stream Handler GUI LGG Local configuration file Parameter Project configuration file Project data folder Rosa Signal Timeseries storage file Definition Battery Management System An open source software tool to simulate, analyze and test data bus systems such as CAN, LIN. LGG can write CAN log files in BusMaster log format, and also use these files for replaying the data as if it was a (simulated) CAN device. Controller Area Network (CAN bus) A communication protocol build on top of CAN. The CANopen standard consists of an addressing scheme, several small communication protocols and an application layer defined by a device profile. The communication protocols have support for network management, device monitoring and communication between nodes, including a simple transport layer for message segmentation/desegmentation. The software part that receives converted data from a Hardware Stream Handler and distributes it to end-user visible activities. A Leclanché BMS device aimed at low-cost storage solutions. A Leclanché BMS device aimed at large storage solutions, e.g. stationary and marine. A Leclanché BMS aimed at functional safe scenario’s. Software concept in LGG that is responsible for obtaining a raw read/write datastream from a CAN adapter or serial port. Software concept in LGG that is responsible for translating a raw datastream from a Hardware Interface to device-specific signal/event data that can be visualized as text and graphs. Usually associated with 1 device, but multiple devices seen as 1 sub system is also possible. Graphical User Interface Leclanché Generic GUI (also known as “Rosa”) The configuration file that only contains PC-specific configuration options. Typically, these are which CAN or Serial Port driver to use, and which parts of the dataflow pipeline are enabled or disabled. A configurable variable used by device/BMS, where the value is usually written to its internal (flash) storage. A configuration file for LGG that defines project/session specific settings, such as how the dataflow pipeline is setup by which hardware interfaces and hardware stream handlers to use. These settings are not PC specific and can be shared between LGG installations. The output folder where the time-series storage file is stored and all raw or processed data is written, such as CAN data in Busmaster format. Original internal code name for the Leclanché Generic GUI In LGG context, human-readable device measurements/events against a time-axis. In the signal graph of LGG this corresponds with a single line or point. File used to store all signal data of a hardware stream handler, when the system is running. Data is stored in a SQLite database with the .db extension. Files are stored in the project data folder. Leclanché Generic GUI User Manual for BMS (Rosa) 2 Document N°: Page : Version : DOT-X-C-MAT-GEN-132 7/39 2 SCOPE This document aims to explain to the user what the capabilities of the LGG software are and provide a clear explanation how it should be used. 3 HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS In order to use this application, you will need a PC with: • Windows 10 64 bit • An SSD capable of at least 2000 IOPS • 4GB RAM (8GB recommended) • CPU comparable with 2ghz dual core Intel Core I5 (quad core preferable). A CAN adapter: KVaser CAN Leaf Light series, or Peak system PCAN-USB. 4 GENERAL SETUP The LGG is typically run on a laptop connected to one or more Leclanché BMS devices, using one or more CAN or Serial adapters. Depicted below is an example setup. Leclanché BMS Devices Eiger C63 BMS G2 BMS Connection types PC with LGG software Figure 1 Example Setup FSBMS or other Leclanché Device… Leclanché Generic GUI User Manual for BMS (Rosa) 5 Document N°: Page : Version : DOT-X-C-MAT-GEN-132 8/39 2 CONCEPTS AND DATAFLOW This section describes the high-level concepts and the dataflow of the application. These concepts are also used in the user interface. Below a diagram depicts the relation and dataflow between the Device (EigerC63, G2) Outside world (physical devices) adapter driver raw data Hardware Interface (CAN/ Serial) (Sei Hardware Stream Handler (EigerC63, G2, or multiple devices) LGG Application events, signal data commands, parameters, interval actions Device Data Streams Distribution events, signal data high-level concepts. User Activity (Dashboard, SignalGraph, Logs, Interactive, Parameters, Interval, Configuration) Leclanché Generic GUI User Manual for BMS (Rosa) Document N°: Page : Version : DOT-X-C-MAT-GEN-132 9/39 2 The high-level concepts can be explained as following: • Device: The actual hardware device which is controlled/monitored by the application • Hardware Interface: The software part of the application that accesses a connected hardware interface (e.g. an USB CAN adapter) to communicate with the device. • Hardware Stream Handler: The software part of the application that receives/sends raw data from the Hardware Interface and converts it to human-understandable signal or event data. Usually associated with 1 device, however it also possible for a single hardware stream handler to treat multiple devices as 1 system. • Device Data Streams Distribution: The software part that receives converted data from a Hardware Stream Handler and distributes it to end-user visible activities. • User Activity: An end-user activity that can be activated using the sidebar of the application, to view/send/receive/monitor data. 6 INSTALLATION The LGG is distributed as a. executable: LGG Setup <version>.exe There is also a folder present called “Config Files” which contains files with the extension “.lggproj”. These files are predefined configuration files for specific devices. Some devices might have multiple versions, differentiating on access level or type of BMS configuration such as Master/Slave etc. When the installation is complete the application is started automatically, and you will be presented with the ‘Start Screen’. 7 AUTHENTICATION 7.1 ACCOUNT LOGIN When opening the LGG for the first time you will be presented with a login dialog. Leclanché Generic GUI User Manual for BMS (Rosa) Document N°: Page : Version : DOT-X-C-MAT-GEN-132 10/39 2 If you haven’t received an account yet you can request one by following the link below the login dialog. You can also reset your password through the LGG. 7.2 AUTHENTICATION PORTAL To manage your personal information you can login to the authentication portal. Here you can login with your LGG credentials and manage your account information as well as reset your password. You can find the portal here: https://rosa-auth.leclanche.com/. 7.3 ACCOUNT REGISTRATION If you don’t have an account yet, you can also request one through the LGG. Click on the appropriate link in the login screen. You will receive a dialog that looks like this: Figure 3 Request an account To request an LGG account, please enter your email address and indicate your current role. Once you have provided this information, click the Request Account button. This will notify the LGG support team, who will manually review your request. You will then receive an email at the address you provided with instructions on how to access your LGG account. 7.4 LICENSE DURATION After successfully logging into the LGG , a license file will be saved on your local machine and checked each time you launch the application. If the license is valid, you will not be prompted with a login dialog. The default validity period for the license is 30 days, but it can be extended by contacting our support staff if required. You can check the active license from the menu by clicking on Account > Show license Information. It should show a dialog similar to this: Leclanché Generic GUI User Manual for BMS (Rosa) Document N°: Page : Version : Figure 4 License information 8 USER INTERFACE 8.1 OVERVIEW In general, LGG will have a screen layout like what is depicted below: Figure 5 Application general layout There are 3 main areas: DOT-X-C-MAT-GEN-132 11/39 2 Leclanché Generic GUI User Manual for BMS (Rosa) • • • Document N°: Page : Version : DOT-X-C-MAT-GEN-132 12/39 2 Activity Bar: for selecting a user activity. All Activities are explained in the subsections of this chapter. Menu Tool Bar: various menu options related for configuration file access, enabling/disabling parts of the dataflow, project data access, and starting/stopping the system. See section 8.4 for more info. Activity Area: the area that is used for interaction with the selected activity. 8.2 START SCREEN The start screen is shown when the application is started without a project configuration file. In order to use the application, you will need to select a project configuration file. You can use the project configuration file from the unzipped installation archive (see section 3). Your most recently used project configurations will be shown here for convenience. Figure 6 Start screen 8.2.1 CANOpen XML Loading When connected to a device, the LGG will query its version and device type. Based on the response it will use its local object dictionary repository to fetch the correct OD XML definition file. If it is not available in the local repository it will query an online repository that is kept up to date automatically. When an appropriate xml file cannot be found in the offline or online repositories an error is displayed to the user. This error shows up every 30s until you update the XML manually. Leclanché Generic GUI User Manual for BMS (Rosa) Document N°: Page : Version : DOT-X-C-MAT-GEN-132 13/39 2 Figure 7 Error finding XML You can update the xml to be used manually by opening Options > Update CANOpen XML files > FSMLV or any other device you’re trying to connect to. This ensures that the LGG has the correct definitions for the device and ensures correct operation. 8.3 LOCAL CONFIGURATION After opening a project configuration file, it can be that you haven’t yet selected a driver to use. If this is the case, you will be directed to the Local Configuration screen. If your setup looks ready to use, you will automatically be presented the ‘Dashboard’ screen. In the local configuration screen you can specify the settings that are related to your workstation, which is described in more detail in the following subsections. Figure 8 Configuration settings Leclanché Generic GUI User Manual for BMS (Rosa) Document N°: Page : Version : DOT-X-C-MAT-GEN-132 14/39 2 When the application starts, it will check if there is a default local configuration file present in the installation folder, and if so, this will be loaded. If this file doesn’t exist, a default configuration will be generated based on the settings of the current active project configuration. 8.3.1 Project Data The folder that is used to store project related data, i.e. data received and/or processed by hardware interfaces and hardware stream handlers. At a minimum this folder will contain a ‘.db’ file, which contains all received data in a sqlite db format. Depending on the project settings, the folder can also contain the received data in raw form stored in Busmaster CAN log format or other formats. 8.3.2 CAN Interface Drivers This section is used to configure the local CAN driver settings, for each CAN interface specified in the project settings. Some driver types support optional driver parameters. Press the ‘?’ button near the ‘Driver Parameters’ field for more information about these parameters. 8.3.3 File Location Shows the file location of the local configuration when it is saved. 8.4 MENU TOOLBAR The Menu Toolbar consists out of several expandable menus, and several action buttons. 8.4.1 File Menu • New Window: opens a new window of the application. Note that it’s not possible to use a different configuration in the other window, both windows use the same configuration and data. • Open Project Configuration: opens a project configuration file. This will also reset the application to an ‘initial’ state. • Recent Project Configurations: displays the list of recently used project configurations. • Device Commissioning: Opens the device commissioning wizard • Exit: exits the application. 8.4.2 Options • Update CANOpen XML files: allows you to update the canopen xml file for each of the devices defined in the project configuration. • Delete all local XMLs: removes any custom xml’s you have defined and reverts to automatic xml fetching. • Show XML’s in use: Shows a dialog and the path to the XML that is used for each device in the project config. 8.4.3 • • • • Settings Clear Settings: Clears the currently stored user settings Export Settings: Exports the currently stored user settings to a file Import Settings: Imports a previously stored user settings file (.json) Open Settings file: Opens the active settings file in the standard editor Leclanché Generic GUI User Manual for BMS (Rosa) Document N°: Page : Version : DOT-X-C-MAT-GEN-132 15/39 2 8.4.4 Account • • • 8.4.5 • • • • Username: Shows your current username Show license information: Shows a dialog with the current license information Log Out: sign out of the LGG, you will have to authenticate again Help (current version) Report an issue: Shows a dialog to report an issue. It will be emailed to the LGG support team. About: shows the current version of the application. Check for update: Checks if there is a new version available, this also happens automatically when the LGG starts User manual (pdf): Opens the user manual of the current version as pdf in the default pdf viewer 8.4.6 Open project data folder This button will allow you to navigate to the project data folder using the file explorer of Windows/Linux. From there you can open the generated log files (depending on the project settings) in your favorite text files, and/or manually delete older files. 8.4.7 Delete db files Deletes the current used timeseries storage ‘.db’ files. When the system is running, for every defined hardware stream handler signal data will be stored in a timeseries storage file. These files will be in use when a project configuration is loaded and cannot be manually deleted using the file explorer, so ‘delete db files’ can be used instead. 8.4.8 Device authentication information (FSM only) Shows if the device is authenticated as service or developer. This means that actions that require elevated permissions can be performed. When not authenticated. When you click on this icon a menu will appear. is shown it means that the device is Set device authentication information Here you can define your access key and access level. Authenticate as ‘access level’ with FSMLV This will execute authentication on the device with the provided information from Sign out of FSMLV This will execute the sign out procedure on the device and put the access level to USER. Start remote service request See 8.16.2 Remote device authentication Leclanché Generic GUI User Manual for BMS (Rosa) Document N°: Page : Version : DOT-X-C-MAT-GEN-132 16/39 2 8.4.9 Enable/Disable data capture By default this is disabled to optimize performance. If enabled the data received will also be stored in a SQLite database file that is located in the project data folder. In case you are performing a test of a setup and would like to review the received data make sure to enable this before starting your test. 8.4.10 Health Monitor Since this application captures data, it can also consume quite a lot of diskspace. To ensure this does not get out of hand the used diskspace is continuously monitored so we don’t run out of diskspace and we don’t let these sqlite databases grow too large. If a database is growing out of proportion you get the option to split the database interactively to keep the relevant data and discard what is no longer needed. 8.4.11 Start/Stop These buttons are used to activate and deactivate the dataflow processing pipeline of the application, i.e. it will receive and (optionally) send data to a BMS and the received data is processed to presentable form. The data processing pipeline is defined in the project configuration settings. For more info about the data flow, refer to section 5 Concepts and Dataflow. Depending on the project configuration, when the system is started, some files in the project data folder might be locked for deletion. You will need to stop the system in order to delete log files. Timeseries storage ‘.db’ files are always locked for deletion, and can only be deleted with the ‘Delete db files’ button (see section 8.4.7). 8.5 DASHBOARD ACTIVITY In the dashboard view the following is visualized for every device configured in the project settings: • The connection status between the tool and the device • The firmware version of the device, when the ‘Read Version’ button is pressed. • An overview of signals, warning and error statuses. Leclanché Generic GUI User Manual for BMS (Rosa) Document N°: Page : Version : DOT-X-C-MAT-GEN-132 17/39 2 Leclanché Generic GUI User Manual for BMS (Rosa) Document N°: Page : Version : DOT-X-C-MAT-GEN-132 18/39 2 8.6 SIGNAL GRAPH ACTIVITY The signal graph provides a view of live signal data and historic data for analysis. It consists out of 3 sections, which are graphs, signal selection, time range selection. See the figure below. Figure 9 Signal graph overview A time range can be selected by holding down the left mouse button in the time range selector and releasing it on the desired endpoint. The selected time range will be loaded and visualized in the main plot area. To visualize live (scrolling) graphs, activate the ‘Enable Tailing’ button and select a time scrolling range. For large datasets the time range selection area also provides zoom in/out functionality using the +/- magnify buttons next to ‘Enable Tailing’. (!) When a project configuration is loaded/active, an approximation of the existing timeseries data in the ‘.bin’ files is automatically visualized. This is performed by reading a sampling of a few thousand points in the time range selector area. New incoming data will be added to the existing data. This also means that if the existing data is several days old, and new data is received, you will see a gap of several days in the time range selector. Signal selection can be performed by enabling/disabling signals in the signal selection area. Note that the signals have a tree structure, signals are grouped in tree nodes on device level and group level. These tree nodes are collapsed on default but can be expanded by clicking on the associated ‘>’ button. Leclanché Generic GUI User Manual for BMS (Rosa) Document N°: Page : Version : DOT-X-C-MAT-GEN-132 19/39 2 When hovering with the mouse cursor over the graphs you will notice a toolbar pops up over the main plot area. This toolbar can be used to export graph plots as PNG file, zooming on signal level, and to show/hide spike lines. Lastly selected time ranges with signal data can also be exported as CSV files, for further manipulation in (for example) Excel or Matlab. 8.7 LOGS ACTIVITY This activity is used for a real-time text view of all signals. You can select either a static alphabetically sorted view of the current signals, or a scrolling view, using the device name tabs at the top. See figure below for an example of the Logs activity (scrolling is off). Figure 10 Logs activity - scrolling view disabled 8.8 INTERACTIVE ACTIVITY This activity is used to send commands to a device. It depends on the project configuration and the device that is used what type of commands are possible to execute. In order to get more info of a command you can click on the ‘?’ icon in the top right corner of a command box, this will trigger a popup. Also refer to the manual of the device you are using. In the figure below you can see a partial view of the EigerC63 configuration, where a popup with command info is shown: Leclanché Generic GUI User Manual for BMS (Rosa) Document N°: Page : Version : DOT-X-C-MAT-GEN-132 20/39 2 Figure 11 Interactive activity with info popup Typically, when a command is executing,it will be blocked until it has completed. It can be aborted by clicking the Cancel button. The history of executed commands also appears in the bottom section. Leclanché Generic GUI User Manual for BMS (Rosa) Document N°: Page : Version : DOT-X-C-MAT-GEN-132 21/39 2 8.9 PARAMETERS ACTIVITY This activity is used to write parameters to the device or read parameters from the device. It depends on the project configuration and the device that is used what type of parameters are available. See the figure below for an example where parameters of a device have been read. Figure 12 Parameters activity - parameters read Typically, this activity is used to configure a device. The parameter settings can also be written to file and read back again into the application for easy device configuration. For functional safe devices such as FSBMS, the parameters require elevated permissions and cannot be written or read without the proper device authentication and the correct LGG permissions. Leclanché Generic GUI User Manual for BMS (Rosa) Document N°: Page : Version : DOT-X-C-MAT-GEN-132 22/39 2 8.10 INTERVAL ACTIVITY Sending messages on a set interval to the device, is done from the Interval Activity component. The component works per device which allows for configuring multiple devices at once. For each device, at the top, the available requests are displayed. Each action will always have an “interval in milliseconds” parameter. This parameter should be at least 150ms. The actions themselves as well as any other parameters are configured at the device level. Whenever an action, that has valid parameters, is started it will add an action card to the “Actions currently running” section. They can be stopped at any time by pressing the Stop button. Once stopped, the action card is removed from the “Actions currently running” section. Parameter input validation is done after the Start button is pressed. The user is notified of any errors using a notification. If a validation error occurs, the action will not be started. Figure 13 Interval Actions Activity (!) Warning for CAN communication with Single Read/Write CAN-Id Some devices, such as Eiger-C063 use a single read and write CAN-Id. Interval Actions communicating on this CAN-Id will interfere with other activities such as reading and writing parameters. It is therefore advisable to stop any running actions before using the Parameters activity. Leclanché Generic GUI User Manual for BMS (Rosa) Document N°: Page : Version : DOT-X-C-MAT-GEN-132 23/39 2 8.11 FIRMWARE UPDATER For a limited set of devices it is possible to update the firmware using the LGG application. When multiple devices with update support are connected you have to select the device to update in the first step. This step is automatically skipped when there’s only one capable device connected. In the second step you select the new firmware file, this is usually a .bin file. Once you press verify the file is verified and if successful you’ll automatically progress to step three. Step three is the actual firmware flashing of the device. Once you click on the Upload Firmware button it is advised to not do anything else in the LGG and just let the process finish. If you don’t progress without errors on any of the steps we advise you to restart the application and try again. Figure 14 Firmware update component 8.12 SYSTEM LOGS Keeping track of what is happening is quite an important deal. As a user you want to be certain that everything is running well and to be notified when errors or warnings occur. This is what the system logging component is for. It allows you to keep a history of what has happened in the system. It contains a notification icon similar to that of the dashboard whenever a warning or error occurs in the system. You can view these logs by opening the component and choosing the appropriate tab. Logs are separated into the following categories: information, warning and error. 8.13 BALANCING DASHBOARD Exclusively for the EigerC63 BMS’s there is an additional cell balancing dashboard. At the top of this overview you see the different connected slaved with their temperature sensors. Below there is an overview of all the different cells with their respective SoC, Voltage and whether it is being balanced as reported by the BMS. In the future there may be support for other BMS’s as well. Leclanché Generic GUI User Manual for BMS (Rosa) Figure 15 Balancing overview dashboard (using simulated data) Document N°: Page : Version : DOT-X-C-MAT-GEN-132 24/39 2 Leclanché Generic GUI User Manual for BMS (Rosa) Document N°: Page : Version : DOT-X-C-MAT-GEN-132 25/39 2 8.14 CONFIG VALIDATION COMPONENT This component will allow you to configure and validate a device in a few simple steps. You can then generate a report which contain the configuration parameters as well as other values such as serial number and other important information. Figure 16 Config Validation component To configure or validate a device, you need to have the appropriate csv file which contains the necessary configuration. You can contact the Leclanché BMS R&D department for these files. If you want to extract create a new configuration file, you can use the Export Configuration button. This will list all entrees that are available for configuration and their actual value. This component is only available for CANOpen supported devices. This component requires the correct LGG permissions as well as the correct device authentication level for FSBMS. It is the user’s responsibility to use the correct configuration file as these files are not validated and hashed like with the commissioning feature. 8.15 CAN TRAFFIC ANALYZER If you need to get down and dirty about what data is flowing through the CANBUS. This is the component to use. It has three tabs and we’ll explain for each what it does and what it can be used for. As from version 1.9.0, the LGG will also try to interpret the actual OD entry that is getting written or read and display this in the interpretation column. This makes it easier to identify what is going on just by looking at the CAN traffic. Leclanché Generic GUI User Manual for BMS (Rosa) Document N°: Page : Version : DOT-X-C-MAT-GEN-132 26/39 2 8.15.1 Live view If you need to look at the live data that is continuously updating, you can use this tab. A limited set of records is shown to keep the view performant. But it does show you the actual CAN messages on the CAN BUS. If you want to stop this view and take a snapshot look into a certain moment in time, you can open the History tab. Figure 17 CAN Traffic analyzer 8.15.2 Object view Where the live view shows a never-ending list of messages, the object view shows you only the last message per CAN ID. This is useful to get a better idea of the different devices on the bus and what they’re all doing. It also gives you somewhat of a history of the messages. Even though a device may no longer be sending data, the last message sent on each CAN ID will be kept since initial runtime. You can also clear the data in this view by clicking on the Reset button at the top right. Leclanché Generic GUI User Manual for BMS (Rosa) Document N°: Page : Version : DOT-X-C-MAT-GEN-132 27/39 2 Figure 18 CAN Traffic analyzer: Object View 8.15.3 History The history view is very useful if you want to analyze a snapshot of data in time. It has the same information as the live view but from the moment you open the tab it freezes the data coming in. So it will not add newer data, it’s like looking at a moment in time of data. If you scroll up it will add older data. So there’s an infinity scroll implemented. This set of data is limited to 5000 records. You can export the data to csv or busmaster file format by clicking the appropriate button at the top right. Figure 19 CAN Traffic analyzer: History Leclanché Generic GUI User Manual for BMS (Rosa) Document N°: Page : Version : DOT-X-C-MAT-GEN-132 28/39 2 8.16 DEVICE AUTHENTICATION For FSMLV you may need to authenticate on the device to make any modifications or execute commands. 8.16.1 Local device authentication To authenticate using a key that was given to you for authentication you simply have to inform the LGG about this information. You can do so by clicking on the shield icon at the top right and clicking Set device authentication information Figure 20 Set device authentication information A dialog appears where you can specify your .fsbmskey file and select the associated role. Once set and a FSMLV device is connected you can click on Authenticate as ‘Your Role’ with FSMLV. If everything goes well, the following notification will show up: The shield icon at the top will also change to this: This means that FSMLV is currently open to modifications and you should be careful with what you do. To sign out you can simply click the shield icon and then Sign out of FSMLV. Leclanché Generic GUI User Manual for BMS (Rosa) Document N°: Page : Version : DOT-X-C-MAT-GEN-132 29/39 2 8.16.2 Remote device authentication For safety concerns, this feature should only be used when a remote service engineer is on call with you and has (remote) access to the machine that is executing this. To request remote access from a service engineer you can click on the shield icon and then Start remote service request. This will create a request in the authentication service where a service engineer can provide his device authentication details. When you initiate this request you have to fill in the project name that you are currently working on. Figure 21 Remote service request Once submitted, you must wait for your request to be approved or denied remotely. On the authentication service the request will show up like this: Figure 22 Remote service: active sessions When a service engineer wants to approve it, they click on Approve and have to fill in the form below. Leclanché Generic GUI User Manual for BMS (Rosa) Document N°: Page : Version : DOT-X-C-MAT-GEN-132 30/39 2 Figure 23 Remote service: approve session The session will timeout automatically after the selected session timeout is reached. Make sure the access key and the service level match, if not authentication will fail when executing device authentication from the LGG . When everything is filled in and checked, click Approve to approve the request. A notification will show up in the LGG. Figure 24 Remote service notification After this you can perform device authentication from the LGG using this remote service session. You’ll notice that the option to specify your own device authentication information is not available while the session is active. 8.17 DEVICE COMMISSIONING This feature is only available for FS-BMS and only possible to use when connected to the HOST CAN Bridge. Leclanché Generic GUI User Manual for BMS (Rosa) Document N°: Page : Version : DOT-X-C-MAT-GEN-132 31/39 2 You can access the Device Commissioning feature from the menu by clicking on File > Device Commissioning. If you have been granted permission to make a commissioning package you are taken to the package wizard. If you don’t have this permission but do have permission to perform the device commissioning, you will get redirected to the Package validation step. If you have both permissions, you are presented with a screen where you can choose between the two. 8.17.1 Package Wizard There are 5 steps to creating a commissioning package. Please follow each one and fill in the form as to your required setup. Settings Here we need to specify the hardware settings, such as the adapter type, the CAN speed and the number of slaves in the setup. Devices Here you can add as many devices as you need. If you are adding the slaves (FSS) note that you can specify a range in the node-id field. This will generate multiple slaves with the same files associated. You can then modify each individual one later. Figure 25 Device Commissioning Information A package also needs meta-data for reference purposes. Just fill in these fields according to the specification of the setup. The contents will be saved later in a file called metadata.csv. Leclanché Generic GUI User Manual for BMS (Rosa) Document N°: Page : Version : DOT-X-C-MAT-GEN-132 32/39 2 Commands If you want to execute additional commands, you are free to define these here. Such as erasing logs or setting the IMD Max Voltage. The commands will be executed in the order of definition. They will be executed after the configuration was written to the device and verified. Each dropdown box in this form is filled based on the value from the previous dropdown. The dropdowns only allow you to select entrees that are writeable as specified by the CANOpen XML file you selected for each device in the Devices tab. Command Presets If you need to define the same command for multiple devices, it is easier to define a preset for these. A list of default presets has already been defined such as erase logs and set IMD Max voltage. To define your own or edit the existing you can click on the blue file icon which opens the presets file in your default editor. Once you’ve saved your changes, click on the blue refresh icon which will reload the presets file into the software. For a command preset you define the index, subindex, value. Then set a preset name to identify it in the user interface and define the Device Types for which this will be valid. When executing the preset, the LGG will generate a command for each of the devices that match the selected device type of the preset. Download Package Once all steps are complete you can click the ‘Generate Commissioning Package’ button which will validate all the input you’ve given. It will check the files you’ve defined for each device and do some sanity checks. If valid, it will generate a <guid>.lggcp file in a temporary folder. If you click on the generated link, it will open a file explorer for you to the temp folder location. This allows you to cut/paste the file to a folder of your choosing. You can use this file to start the commissioning process. Please note that this file is signed and cannot be modified. If you modify it, it will no longer be valid and it will no longer be accepted by the commissioning process. Leclanché Generic GUI User Manual for BMS (Rosa) Document N°: Page : Version : DOT-X-C-MAT-GEN-132 33/39 2 8.17.2 Commissioning Overview Package validation Figure 26 Device commissioning: package validation Select a valid Commissioning Package (.lggcp) file by clicking on the folder icon and select this from disk. Also select an output folder. This will be used to store all the files in that are generated during the process. If a remote service session is active, the Device authentication file and Access level fields will be hidden. If not you should select your key file and set the associated access level manually. When you press Continue, the validation process will start which will extract the file to a temporary disk location. All files will be verified for validity and the signature of the file will be checked. If the package is found to be valid an estimation of the entire procedure will be calculated and displayed. Leclanché Generic GUI User Manual for BMS (Rosa) Document N°: Page : Version : DOT-X-C-MAT-GEN-132 34/39 2 Figure 27 Device Commissioning: package validation result When valid, the continue button will be enabled and can be pressed to go to the next step. Commissioning process At this stage everything is ready to begin the commissioning process. A gentle reminder first appears to give you time to make sure the hardware setup is ready. Figure 28 Device commissioning: start screen Before pressing start, make sure the pre-defined CAN adapter is connected on the host CAN bus and powered on. Once you press start the firmware flashing will start: Leclanché Generic GUI User Manual for BMS (Rosa) Document N°: Page : Version : DOT-X-C-MAT-GEN-132 35/39 2 Figure 29 Device commissioning: overview On the left you see tabs for all the devices that will be processed. The software will step through each device, flashing the defined firmware onto the device. When done it will continue with the next. After the firmware step is done it will continue with the configuration. Here it will execute the following procedure for each device: 1. write all the defined configuration values to the device 2. send the parameter finalization command 3. reboot the device 4. read back all the values 5. generate a pdf report of the device When all is done the Summary tab will become enabled. Here a summary is provided detailing the result of the entire process. A zip file is also generated that contains : 1. The binary firmware file for each device 2. The configuration csv for each device 3. The CANOpen xml used for each device 4. The csv of all the parameters that where skipped 5. The csv of all the parameters that did not get written successfully with the error 6. The metadata file 7. The system logs file 8. The pdf reports for each device Leclanché Generic GUI User Manual for BMS (Rosa) Document N°: Page : Version : DOT-X-C-MAT-GEN-132 36/39 2 9. The configuration log for each device 10. The firmware log for each device Figure 30 Device commissioning: summary System logs Here you can see the logs for the system. This is mainly added for debugging purposes. CAN Analyzer This allows you to watch the CAN traffic while the process is running. It is helpful for debugging issues. 8.18 FSM LOGS ANALYZER The Logs Analyzer enables analysis of the logs that can be downloaded from FSMLV and FSS devices. It will only be visible in the sidebar if any of these types of devices is present in the project configuration. Leclanché Generic GUI User Manual for BMS (Rosa) Document N°: Page : Version : DOT-X-C-MAT-GEN-132 37/39 2 8.18.1 Datasource selection Figure 31 Logs Analyzer: Datasource selection Instruct the LGG to download the data from the connected device directly using the From Device tab. Or Select the files manually by choosing the From File tab. Once downloaded from device the fields in the From File tab are automatically populated so they can be reused. 8.18.2 Event Analysis On the Event Analysis tab you can see the event records at the top. You can select the record that interests you most and the relevant error records, if any, will be displayed at the bottom. You may need to increase the amount of records to fetch in case you have an error event without any errors. Leclanché Generic GUI User Manual for BMS (Rosa) Document N°: Page : Version : DOT-X-C-MAT-GEN-132 38/39 2 Figure 32 Logs Analyzer: Event analysys 8.18.3 Statistics If you’re interested in the current statistics of the device for which the datasource was set, you can see those in the Statistics tab. They provide an overview of the Voltage Buckets, Temperature Buckets and SoC Buckets: Leclanché Generic GUI User Manual for BMS (Rosa) Figure 33 Logs Analyzer: Statistics Document N°: Page : Version : DOT-X-C-MAT-GEN-132 39/39 2