Short term plan : term 3 Unit of a long term plan: Unit 8 Creativity Lesson 49 Teacher name: Date: Seydakhmetova G Grade: 5b Number present: absent: Lesson title Culture Learning objectives understand the main points of supported extended talk on a range of general and curricular topics; write with support factual descriptions at text level which describe people, places and objects; use a growing variety of adjectives and regular and irregular comparative and superlative adjectives describing landmarks of Astana; Lesson objectives Learners will be able to: • Learn and practise nouns to talk about public places connected with culture. • Practise talking about artists especially from Kazakhstan. Value links Family – Family values are moral and ethical principles of typical family life, including sacrificing for loved ones, putting your loved ones first, and keeping your loved ones at the centre of your thoughts and actions. Plan Stages / Time Teachers’ actions Beginnin g of the lesson 5 min Organization moment 1.Greeting. Ask about the weather. Warm-up • Books closed. Ask students to work in pairs to think of places in Kazakhstan connected with culture. Do an example with the whole class, e.g. the Academic Opera and Ballet Theatre in Almaty. • After about two minutes, stop the students. Get feedback from a few pairs by asking a few students to describe one of the places they thought of. Students’ actions The aim: To develop Ss speaking skills and create friendly atmosphere Efficiency: By telling the wishes they show their appreciations . Assessment criteria At the organization moment T tries to award active Pictures Ss. «The praise» method is used to evaluate Ss with phrases like: “Good job! Well done!” Formative Assessment Lead – In Student’s book Students say about different questions Everyone has a culture. Resources Good job! Middle Ex: 1 P: 96 of the • Focus students’ attention on the quiz on page 97. Allow students lesson a couple of minutes to look at Presenta the different buildings and ask tion them to answer the questions. part. Encourage them to use the clues 35 min in the picture and their own knowledge of Astana. • When students have finished, ask for a show of hands for answer a or answer b in each case. Do not say if the answers are correct or not. Assessment Students do the quiz criteria about buildings in - Learn and practise nouns Astana to talk about ANSWERS: 1b 2b 3b 4a 5b 6a Differentiation: «Verbal support» method is used to help Students use new words in the text. Students match the places with the things Ex: 2 P:96 ANSWERS: • Explain the task and do an example together to make sure students know what they have to do, pointing out that only one of the words on the left matches a word on the right. • In a stronger class, ask students to do the activity individually before checking their answers in pairs. In a weaker class, check their understanding of the vocabulary and ask them to do the task in pairs. Ex: 3 P:96 • Explain the task and do an example with the class. Make sure the whole class understand the word sightseeing. • Check the answers as a class. End of the lesson 5 min Home task: Ex: 1 P: 58 WB 1c 2e 3f 4b 5a 6d public places connected with culture Cards Descriptor: - do the quiz about buildings Worksheets in Astana Peer assessment: answer key Assessment criteria: - Practise talking about artists especially from Kazakhstan. Descriptor: - match the places with the things Students put the verbs with the correct noun to Make CCQ make a collocation questions ANSWERS: Yes / No 1 borrow 2 look at 3 watch 4 study 5 listen to 6 go Students use their stickers to show their knowledge according to the lesson. Poster KWL chart Short term plan : term 3 Unit of a long term plan: Unit 8 Creativity Lesson 50 Teacher name: Date: Grade: 5 Number present: absent: Lesson title Making plans. Learning objectives communicate meaning clearly at sentence level during, pair, group and whole class exchanges; understand the detail of an argument on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics Lesson objectives Learners will be able to: • Learn and practise verbs to talk about plans. • Understand text messages about plans Value links Loyalty – Loyalty might be a core personal value to you if you highly prize friends that are reliable and trustworthy. You might put your friends or chosen family first, always being there for them when they need you. Plan Stages / Time Teachers’ actions Beginnin g of the lesson 5 min Organization moment 1.Greeting. Ask about the weather. Warm-up • Books closed. Ask the class what they like doing when they visit another city or country. Get students to think of two categories – things to do inside and outside. • Make a list on the board. Ask students to give details about places they have visited and what they liked doing. Students’ actions The aim: To develop Ss speaking skills and create friendly atmosphere Efficiency: By telling the wishes they show their appreciations . Assessment criteria Resources At the organization moment T tries to award active Pictures Ss. «The praise» method is used to evaluate Ss with phrases like: “Good job! Well done!” Formative Assessment Lead – In Student’s book Students say about different questions Good job! Making Friday plans on a Thursday afternoon may work 4 times out of 10, but so does going outside without an umbrella in April. It's risky AF. Planning a week or more in advance is not! Middle of the lesson Presenta tion part. 35 min Ex: 1 P: 98 • Ask students to read the two text messages and the Tours of Astana text. • Discuss the question with the class. Encourage students to also think about information from the quiz. Students read the text message and the text about places in Astana ANSWERS: Students’ own answer check their answers and compare them with Samat’s ideas. In a weaker class, pause the recording after each place is mentioned. Bayterek Tower, Khan Shtyr and Hazret Sultan. practise verbs to talk about plans. Cards Descriptor: - read the text message and Differentiation: the text about «Verbal support» method is used to help Students use new words in Students listen and places in Astana Worksheets the text. check your answers. Which places does Peer assessment: Ex: 2 P:98 Samat choose? answer key Play the recording for students to ANSWERS: Ex: 3 P:98 • Tell students to read all three Students read the text again write true or false texts again and answer the questions. Circulate and monitor. ANSWERS: Check that weaker students can follow which text has the relevant information. End of the lesson 5 min Assessment criteria - Learn and Home task: Ex: 1 P: 58 WB 1 true 2 false 3 false 4 true 5 false 6 true Assessment criteria: - Understand text messages about plans Descriptor: - listen and check your answers. Make CCQ questions Yes / No Students use their stickers to show their knowledge according to the lesson. Poster KWL chart Short term plan : term 3 Unit of a long term plan: Unit 8 Creativity Lesson 51 Teacher name: Date: Grade: 5 Number present: absent: Lesson title Language Focus: be going to affirmative and negative Learning objectives respond with limited flexibility at sentence level to unexpected comments on an increasing range of general and curricular topics; use a structure to be going to express intention and plan on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics; write with support factual descriptions at text level which describe people, places and objects to visit and activities; Lesson objectives Learners will be able to: • Learn and practise be going to affirmative and negative forms. • Use be going to talk about plans and intentions. Value links Fairness – If you value fairness, you might be highly sensitive to situations at school or in the workplace where a teacher or a peer has exhibited favoritism or allowed someone to get away with living by a different set of rules to everyone else. Plan Stages / Time Teachers’ actions Beginnin g of the lesson 5 min Organization moment 1.Greeting. Ask about the weather. Warm-up • Books closed. Ask the class to imagine they have unlimited money and a week to spend it. Ask them to decide on three things they are going to do. • Put some ideas on the board. Discuss with the class which are the most interesting plans. Students’ actions The aim: To develop Ss speaking skills and create friendly atmosphere Efficiency: By telling the wishes they show their appreciations . Lead – In Assessment criteria Resources At the organization moment T tries to award active Pictures Ss. «The praise» method is used to evaluate Ss with phrases like: “Good job! Well done!” Formative Assessment Student’s book Students say about different questions Good job! Middle of the lesson Presenta tion part. 35 min Ex: 1 P: 96 • Tell the class to read the text messages again and find the missing forms. Differentiation: «Verbal support» method is used to help Students use new words in the text. Assessment Students find the forms criteria - Learn and in the text messages practise be ANSWERS: 1 I’m going to 2 We’re not going to going to affirmative and negative forms. Cards Descriptor: - find the forms Ex: 2 P:96 in the text • Draw students’ attention to the Students read and messages Worksheets photo of the food. Ask them what complete the text with it is and if they like it. • Explain the task. Tell students to the verbs. Peer read the whole text once before ANSWERS: assessment: choosing the verbs. • Check answers as a class. Ex: 3 P:96 • Explain the task. Students 1 take 2 walk 3 eat 4 visit 5 watch complete the activity individually and check their answers in pairs. Students complete the • Remind students to use the table sentences with the in exercise 1 to help them. correct words. Check answers as a class. ANSWERS: 1 to go 2 ’m 3 ’re going 4 ’re, have 5 ’s 6 ’s going, watch End of the lesson 5 min Home task: Ex: 1 P: 59 WB answer key Assessment criteria: - Use be going to talk about plans and intentions. Descriptor: - complete the sentences with the correct words. Make CCQ questions Yes / No Students use their stickers to show their knowledge according to the lesson. Poster KWL chart Short term plan : term 3 Unit of a long term plan: Unit 8 Creativity Lesson 52 Teacher name:Seydakhmetova G Date: 23.01 Grade: 5 b Number present: absent: Lesson title Films and stories Learning objectives respond with limited flexibility at sentence level to unexpected comments on an increasing range of general and curricular topics; use a structure to be going to express intention and plan on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics; write with support factual descriptions at text level which describe people, places and objects to visit and activities; Lesson objectives Learners will be able to: • Learn and practise vocabulary to talk about films and stories. • Plan a film project. Value links Honesty – You may highly value telling people the truth. This one gets tricky when being honest can be hurtful to others. So, a person who really puts honesty first might be the sort of person who will tell the truth even if it hurts to do so. Plan Stages / Time Teachers’ actions Beginnin g of the lesson 5 min Organization moment 1.Greeting. Ask about the weather. Warm-up • Books closed. Ask the class to think of as many films as they can in one minute. After a minute ask for contributions and write them on the board. Ask the class to talk briefly about the type of films they are and which countries they are from. Students’ actions The aim: To develop Ss speaking skills and create friendly atmosphere Efficiency: By telling the wishes they show their appreciations . Lead – In Assessment criteria Resources At the organization moment T tries to award active Pictures Ss. «The praise» method is used to evaluate Ss with phrases like: “Good job! Well done!” Formative Assessment Student’s book If you want to skip bedtime reading and watch a movie inspired by the Bible instead, we've got you covered. These films based on the word of God are available to stream right now — so kick back Students say about different questions Good job! with a bowl of popcorn and prepare to be inspired. Middle of the lesson Presenta tion part. 35 min Ex: 1 P: 100 • Explain the task. Make sure students understand the meaning of alien, ghost, monster, knight and wizard. • Circulate and monitor. • Check answers as a class. Students match types of films ANSWERS: Assessment the criteria - Learn and 1h 2e 3f 4a Differentiation: 5g «Verbal support» method is used 6 c to help Students use new words in 7 d 8b the text. practise vocabulary to talk about films and stories. Cards Descriptor: - match the types of films Worksheets Ex: 3 P:100 • In pairs, students do the quiz. Students do the film Peer Quiz. Then listen and assessment: Give them a time limit. When time is up, ask pairs for answers check your answers. answer key and write them on the board. Do ANSWERS: not say if they are right or wrong. 1 Finding Nemo Assessment • [audio icon] 2.43 Play the 2 Harry Potter recording. Students check if their 3 Beauty and the Beast criteria: - Plan a film answers were correct. Count up 4 Superman the correct scores and nominate a winner. Ex: 4 P:100 • In pairs, ask students to read out a question and answer for the rest of the class. The class guess which film it is. 5 Harmony Lessons Students which films in the Film Quiz are these questions and answers connected to? ANSWERS: 1 Harmony Lessons 2 Harry Potter 3 Beauty and the Beast 4 Finding Nemo 5 Superman End of the lesson 5 min Home task: Ex: 3 P: 59 WB project Descriptor: - do the film Quiz. Then listen and check your answers. Make CCQ questions Yes / No Students use their stickers to show their knowledge according to the lesson. Poster KWL chart Short term plan : term 3 Unit of a long term plan: Unit 8 Creativity Lesson 53 Teacher name: Date: Grade: 5 Number present: absent: Lesson title Be going to(questions) Learning objectives respond with limited flexibility at sentence level to unexpected comments on an increasing range of general and curricular topics; understand the main points in a limited range of short simple texts on general and curricular topics; use a structure to be going to (questions) to ask about plans. Lesson objectives Learners will be able to: • Learn and practise using be going to question forms. • Using be going to to ask about plans Value links Generosity – This may be a core value of yours if you cherish people who will give their time and resources to people in need. You may consider yourself to be a generous person if you find joy and meaning in giving to others. Plan Stages / Time Teachers’ actions Beginnin g of the lesson 5 min Organization moment 1.Greeting. Ask about the weather. Warm-up • Books closed. Ask the class to think of things they are going to do next week. Write them on the board, e.g. go to school, play football. Ask students to make affirmative and negative sentences using the ideas. Ask the class to suggest corrections if they hear a mistake. Students’ actions The aim: To develop Ss speaking skills and create friendly atmosphere Efficiency: By telling the wishes they show their appreciations . Assessment criteria Resources At the organization moment T tries to award active Pictures Ss. «The praise» method is used to evaluate Ss with phrases like: “Good job! Well done!” Formative Assessment Lead – In Student’s book Students say about different questions Good job! Middle of the lesson Presenta tion part. 35 min Ex: 1 P: 101 • Explain the task. Give students a Students complete the few minutes to work individually table with the words in reading and filling in the table. the box. • Students check their answers in ANSWERS: pairs. • Check answers as a class. 1 Are 2 am 3 isn’t 4 is Differentiation: «Verbal support» method is used Students complete the to help Students use new words in questions and answers the text. ANSWERS: Ex: 2 P:101 • Put students in pairs. Explain the task. When the students have completed the sentences tell them to practise saying the sentences together. • Monitor the students as they speak, making a note of any errors you would like to address later. Ex: 3 P:101 • Draw students’ attention to the example. Ask students to explain the rule for making questions with be going to (Answer: the correct form of be followed by the subject). Ask if we use the short form of be in short answers (Answer: no). • Explain the task. Students work individually and then check their answers in pairs. Circulate and monitor. Make sure students make positive questions, e.g. ‘Are the criminals going to win?’, not ‘Aren’t the criminals going to win?’ End of the lesson 5 min Home task: Ex: 4 P: 59 WB 1 am 2 Is, isn’t 3 are, ’re 4 we, aren’t 5 Is, is 6 ’m not 7 ’re 8 ’s, is Assessment criteria - Learn and practise using be going to question forms. Cards Descriptor: - complete the table with the words in the box. Worksheets Peer assessment: answer key Assessment Students make the sentences into questions criteria: - Using be and short answers going to to ANSWERS: ask about 1 Is she going to save her friends? Yes, she is. 2 Are the princess and the beast going to fall in love? Yes, they are. 3 Are we going to find my sister? Yes, we are. 4 Are the criminals going to win? No, they aren’t. 5 Are you going to find your son? Yes, I am. 6 Is the evil wizard going to die? Yes, he is. 7 Is winter going to end soon? No, it isn’t. 8 Are the fish going to escape? Yes, they are. plans Descriptor: - complete the questions and answers Make CCQ questions Yes / No Students use their stickers to show their knowledge according to the lesson. Poster KWL chart Short term plan : term 3 Unit of a long term plan: Unit 8 Creativity Lesson 54 Teacher name: Date: Grade: 5 Number present: absent: Lesson title Film Review Learning objectives recount basic story and events on a range of general and curricular topics link, with some support, sentences into coherent paragraphs using basic connectors on a limited range of familiar general topics Lesson objectives Learners will be able to: -Learn and practise nouns -Learn and practise verbs to talk about plans. -Learn and practise vocabulary to talk about films Value links Integrity – Integrity is the quality of having strong moral principles. So, a person with integrity will always act with honesty and adhere to their own moral code regardless of what others do. Plan Stages / Time Teachers’ actions Beginnin g of the lesson 5 min Organization moment 1.Greeting. Ask about the weather. Warm-up • Books closed. Ask the class to think of as many films as they can in one minute. After a minute ask for contributions and write them on the board. Ask the class to talk briefly about the type of films they are and which countries they are from. Students’ actions The aim: To develop Ss speaking skills and create friendly atmosphere Efficiency: By telling the wishes they show their appreciations . Lead – In Assessment criteria Resources At the organization moment T tries to award active Pictures Ss. «The praise» method is used to evaluate Ss with phrases like: “Good job! Well done!” Formative Assessment Student’s book wo hundred years from now, give or take, the robot-people of Earth will look back on the early years of the 21st century as the beginning of a remarkable renaissance in art and culture. Students say about different questions Good job! Middle of the lesson Presenta tion part. 35 min Ex: 1 P: 102 Explain the task and do an example together to make sure students know what they have to do, pointing out that only one of the words on the left matches a word on the right. Assessment Students match the criteria things with the places - Learn and practise nouns ANSWERS: 1 painting 2 show 3 book Differentiation: 4 film «Verbal support» method is used 5 play to help Students use new words in 6 exhibit Descriptor: - match the Cards things with the places the text. Peer assessment: answer key Ex: 2 P:102 Explain the task. Students complete the activity individually and check Students choose correct words. their answers in pairs the ANSWERS: Ex: 3 P:102 • Explain the task and do an example together to make sure students know what they have to do, pointing out that only one of the words on the left matches a word on the right. • Explain the task and do an example with the class. Make sure the whole class understand the word sightseeing. End of the lesson 5 min Home task: Ex: 5 P: 102 SB 1 borrow 2 look at 3 watch 4 study 5 listen to 6 go Students match the two part of the phrase ANSWERS: 1 river 2 hall 3 deck 4 resort 5 hall 6 gallery Worksheets Assessment criteria: -Learn and practise verbs to talk about plans. Descriptor: - match the places with the things Make CCQ questions Yes / No Students use their stickers to show their knowledge according to the lesson. Poster KWL chart Short term plan : term 3 Unit of a long term plan: Unit 8 Creativity Lesson 55 Teacher name: Date: Grade: 5 Number present: absent: Lesson title Unit Review-8 Learning objectives provide basic information about themselves and others at sentence level on an increasing range of general topics; plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level with support on a limited range of general and curricular topics; write with support factual descriptions at text level which describe people, places and objects. Learners will be able to: • Learn and practise using be going to question forms. • Using be going to to ask about plans • Learn and practise vocabulary to talk about films and stories. Lesson objectives Value links Perseverance – People who value perseverance will work through adversity and be determined to get a result. This is a great treat for employees and entrepreneurs alike. Plan Stages / Time Teachers’ actions Beginnin g of the lesson 5 min Organization moment 1.Greeting. Ask about the weather. Warm-up • Books closed. Ask the class to think of as many films as they can in one minute. After a minute ask for contributions and write them on the board. Ask the class to talk briefly about the type of films they are and which countries they are from. Lead – In Students’ actions The aim: To develop Ss speaking skills and create friendly atmosphere Efficiency: By telling the wishes they show their appreciations . Assessment criteria At the organization moment T tries to award active Ss. «The praise» method is used to evaluate Ss with phrases like: “Good job! Well done!” Formative Assessment Students say about different questions Good job! Movie genres vector icons. Movie film genres, comedy genre, war and romance genres, history drama film genre illustration Resources Pictures Student’s book Middle of the lesson Presenta tion part. 35 min End of the lesson 5 min Ex: 4 P: 102 • Explain the task. Make sure students understand the meaning of alien, ghost, monster, knight and wizard. • Circulate and monitor. Students match the films with the things ANSWERS: 1a 2d 3f Differentiation: 4e «Verbal support» method is used 5 c to help Students use new words in 6 g 7h the text. 8b Students choose the Ex: 5 P:102 • Explain the task and ask students correct words ANSWERS: to do it individually. 1 to walk 2 ’m y 3 ’s 4 not going to 5 ’re 6 ’re Ex: 6 P:102 Students complete the • Put students in pairs. Explain the questions and answers task. When the students have ANSWERS: completed the sentences tell 1 am them to practise saying the 2 Is, isn’t sentences together. 3 are, ’re • Monitor the students as they 4 we, aren’t speak, making a note of any 5 Is, is errors you would like to address 6 ’m not later. 7 ’re 8 ’s, is Ex: 7 P:102 Students complete the • Do the first sentence with the questions and answers class. Write the sentence on the with going to board as a model for weaker ANSWERS: students. 1 Are you going to watch • Make sure students write the a film this week? sentences as they will need 2 Where are you going them in the next exercise. • Get the students to read out their to go on holiday this year? questions when they are ready. 3 How many books are you going to read this month? 4 Are you going to play football tomorrow? 5 What are you going to eat for supper tonight? 6 Are you going to do your homework on time? Home task: Ex: 3 P: 59 WB Assessment criteria - Learn and practise using be going to question forms. Cards Descriptor: - complete the table with the words in the box. Worksheets Peer assessment: answer key Assessment criteria: - Using be going to to ask about plans Descriptor: - complete the questions and answers Make CCQ questions Yes / No Students use their stickers to show their knowledge according to the lesson. Poster KWL chart Short term plan: term 3 Unit of a long term plan: Unit 9 Creativity Lesson 56 Teacher name: Date: Grade: 5 Number present: absent: Lesson title Biography of an actor. Learning objectives Give an opinion at sentence level on a limited range of general and curricular topics; understand with little support specific information and detail in short, simple texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics Learners will be able to: Read the story about first President. Understand the key words and phrases Give reasons Lesson objectives Value links Self-Discipline – If you value self-discipline, you might be a person who wakes up early, exercises daily, and doesn’t get distracted by vices. Plan Stages / Time Teachers’ actions Beginnin g of the lesson 5 min Organization moment 1.Greeting. Ask about the weather. Warm-up • Books closed. Ask the students to tell you what they know about the president of Kazakhstan, e.g. where he is from, his family, what he does, his early life. Ask the class if they know or have watched the film ‘The Sky of My Childhood’. If any students have seen the film, ask them to tell the rest of the class about the story. If there are no students who have seen the film, ask them if they know any films about other people’s lives. Lead – In The childhood story of Nursultan Nazarbayev, the first president of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Students’ actions The aim: To develop Ss speaking skills and create friendly atmosphere Efficiency: By telling the wishes they show their appreciations . Assessment criteria At the organization moment T tries to award active Ss. «The praise» method is used to evaluate Ss with phrases like: “Good job! Well done!” Formative Assessment Students say about different questions Good job! Resources Pictures Student’s book Ex: 1 P: 103 Middle • Ask students to look quickly of the through the story and find the lesson four words. Discuss as a class Presenta which descriptions match the tion words. part. • Ask students to think of more 35 min words in the Kazakh language that they can explain in English. Students find these words in the story and match words with descriptions ANSWERS: Student’s own answer Home task: Ex: 4 P: 59 WB Cards Descriptor: the - read the story the and find the four the words Students read information about Differentiation: film and answer «Verbal support» method is used questions to help Students use new words in ANSWERS: the text. 1 The story starts in 1940. Ex: 2 P:103 2 He lives with his • Tell students to work individually mother, father and and read the story carefully to grandmother. answer the questions. 3 He enjoys galloping on • Circulate and monitor. Check horseback, learning that any weaker students falconry and playing the understand the key words and dombyra. He also likes phrases, e.g. horseback, playing with friends. falconry, high flier, attack and 4 Yes, he was. He was a hunting. Make sure students high flier. write whole sentence answers. 5 Three actors played • Check the answers. Ask Nazarbayev. This was to individual students to read out show him as a young their sentences. boy, a youth, and a young man. Ex: 3 P:101 6 Yes, he does. He says • Discuss the question with the it is a beautiful film. It whole class. Make sure students has excellent music. give reasons, either positive or Some scenes are very negative. exciting. Students give three reasons for their answer ANSWERS: Student’s own answer End of the lesson 5 min Assessment criteria - read the text and discuss about first President Worksheets Assessment criteria: - understand the key words and phrases Descriptor: - give three reasons for their answer Make CCQ questions Yes / No Students use their stickers to show their knowledge according to the lesson. Poster KWL chart Short term plan: term 3 Unit of a long term plan: Unit 9 Reading for pleasure. Lesson 57 Teacher name: Date: Grade: 5 Number present: absent: Lesson title Types of writing Learning objectives use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a limited range of general topics understand the detail of an argument on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics; Learners will be able to: • Learn and practise nouns to talk about types of writing. • Practise asking questions about stories. Lesson objectives Value links Humility – You might highly value humility if you find yourself disgusted by people who are arrogant or braggadocious, and instead find yourself gravitating to people who are always expressing their gratefulness for the blessings in their life. Plan Stages / Time Teachers’ actions Beginnin g of the lesson 5 min Organization moment 1.Greeting. Ask about the weather. Warm-up • Books closed. Ask students to work in pairs to tell each other about the last three books they read. They should give details about the title, the author, and what kind of books they were. • After about two minutes, stop the students. Get feedback by asking a few pairs to describe one of the books they talked about Lead – In Students’ actions The aim: To develop Ss speaking skills and create friendly atmosphere Efficiency: By telling the wishes they show their appreciations . Assessment criteria At the organization moment T tries to award active Ss. «The praise» method is used to evaluate Ss with phrases like: “Good job! Well done!” Formative Assessment Students say about different questions Good job! In the English language there are a variety of different writing types, knowing when to use the right one will not only make your writing look and sound better but will also help you to create more fitting documents. In this article, we are going to take a look at the various different types of writing in a little more detail. Resources Pictures Student’s book Ex: 1 P: 104 Middle • Focus students’ attention on the of the quiz on page 105. Ask the class lesson who they can see in the photos Presenta (Answers: Abay Qunanbayuli tion who they talked about in unit 8; part. Oliver Twist; and Akira.) 35 min • Allow students a few minutes to Students do the quiz and check their score ANSWERS: 1b 2b 3a 4b answer the quiz questions. Tell 5a them to write their answers on a 6b separate piece of paper. Weaker 7 b students can work in pairs. 8b • Ask the students to give their answer sheet to another student. Go through the quiz answers with the class. Make sure they keep the score – one point for a correct answer, no points for a wrong answer. Differentiation: «Verbal support» method is used to help Students use new words in the text. Ex: 2 P:104 • Explain the task and do an example together to make sure students know what they have to do, pointing out that only one item on the left matches an item on the right. • In a stronger class, ask students to do the activity individually before checking their answers in pairs. In a weaker class, check their understanding of the vocabulary and ask them to do the task in pairs. • Check answers as a class. Ask students to think of more examples of each type of writing. Ex: 4 P:104 • Explain the task and do the first question with the class. If necessary, review when we use wh- questions, e.g. Ask the class ‘Who is your maths teacher?’ (person) ‘When is your Geography class? (time), etc. • Circulate and monitor. Give assistance where necessary. End of the lesson 5 min Home task: Ex: 1 P: 60 WB Students look at the phrases in blue in the quiz. Math the types of writing with the names of the characters ANSWERS: 1c 2f 3d 4g 5a 6h 7b 8e Assessment criteria - Learn and practise nouns to talk about types of writing. Cards Descriptor: - do the quiz and check their Worksheets score Assessment criteria: - Practise asking questions about stories. Descriptor: - complete the questions with a wh- or how question word Make CCQ questions Yes / No Students complete the questions with a wh- or how question word ANSWERS: 1 What 2 Why 3 Who 4 Where 5 When 6 Which 7 How Students use their stickers to show their knowledge according to the lesson. Poster KWL chart Short term plan : term 3 Unit of a long term plan: Unit 9 Reading for pleasure. Lesson 58 Teacher name: Date: Grade: 5 Number present: absent: Lesson title A Famous story Learning objectives understand the detail of an argument on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics; Give an opinion at sentence level on a limited range of general and curricular topics. Use Past Simple to tell a story. Lesson objectives Learners will be able to: • Learn and practise verbs to talk about the past. • Understand stories written in the past tense. Value links Kindness – If you value kindness, you’ll likely always be respectful of people around you, be gentle with criticism, and always willing to welcome people with open arms. Plan Stages / Time Teachers’ actions Students’ actions Beginnin g of the lesson 5 min Organization moment 1.Greeting. Ask about the weather. Warm-up • Books closed. Ask the class what they know about the KozyKorpesh and Bayan-Sulu story. Ask students why the story is so famous. Lead – In The aim: To develop Ss speaking skills and create friendly atmosphere Efficiency: By telling the wishes they show their appreciations . Assessment criteria At the organization moment T tries to award active Ss. «The praise» method is used to evaluate Ss with phrases like: “Good job! Well done!” Formative Assessment The ancient legend tells that two childhood friends, Syrybay and Karabay, decided to marry their children, who had been engaged even before they were born. Unfortunately, Syrybai died while hunting before his son was born. Growing up, Kozy and Bayan met and fell in love with each other, which made their families very happy. Having grown up, Kozy and Bayan-Sulu do end up falling in love with each other Students say about different questions Good job! Resources Pictures Student’s book Ex: 1 P: 106 Middle • Do the exercise with the whole of the class. Make sure students lesson understand warrior (a person Presenta who fights in battle). tion part. Differentiation: 35 min Assessment Students identify who criteria are characters in the - Learn and practise story. Match the names verbs to talk with the roles. about the ANSWERS: past. 1 daughter Cards «Verbal support» method is used 2 lover to help Students use new words in 3 father Descriptor: the text. 4 warrior - identify who are characters Worksheets Ex: 2 P:106 in the story. • Explain the task. Make sure Students read the text students understand these Match the and write true or false. words before they start reading: names with the ANSWERS: steppe, rescue, revenge, stab. roles. 1 true • Give students plenty of time to 2 false read the story and find the 3 false answers. 4 true • Go through the answers. In a 5 true stronger class, ask students to 6 false Assessment read the part of the story that 7 false criteria: answers the question, e.g. for 8 true - Understand question 1 ‘Karabay had a stories daughter called Bayan.’ If any Students find these written in the sentences are false, ask words in the text. Match past tense.. students to make a true the words with sentence. definitions. • In a weaker class, read the ANSWERS: story to the class and stop at the 1c Descriptor: sentence which helps answer 2e - find these the question. 3a words in the 4d text. Match the 5b words with Ex: 3 P:106 definitions. • Tell students to look quickly at the story again and find the five words. • In a weaker class, stand up in Make CCQ front of the class and point to questions your hair, waist, neck. Ask the Yes / No class to say each time what you are pointing at. Mime combing, tidying, wearing (round the neck and waist), and cutting (hair with a knife). • Go through the answers. End of the lesson 5 min Home task: Ex: 2 P: 60 WB Students use their stickers to show their knowledge according to the lesson. Poster KWL chart Short term plan : term 3 Unit of a long term plan: Unit 9 Reading for pleasure. Teacher name: Lesson 59 Date: Grade: 5 Number present: absent: Lesson title Language Focus: Past Simple Learning objectives use Past Simple (negative and questions) to speak about past events tell; plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level with support on a limited range of general and curricular topics; Give an opinion at sentence level on a limited range of general and curricular topics; Learners will be able to: • Learn and practise past simple regular and irregular forms. • Use the past simple to talk about events in the past. Lesson objectives Value links Gratitude – You value gratitude if you find yourself respecting people who say please and thank you. If you’re a religious person who values gratitude, you may always insist on praying before eating your dinner. Plan Stages / Time Teachers’ actions Beginnin g of the lesson 5 min Organization moment 1.Greeting. Ask about the weather. Warm-up • Books closed. Write watch on the board and ask the students what the past simple form is (watched). Then write go on the board and ask what the past simple form is (went). Draw students’ attention to the table in exercise 1 and ask which group watch belongs to (regular) and go (irregular). Lead – In Students’ actions The aim: To develop Ss speaking skills and create friendly atmosphere Efficiency: By telling the wishes they show their appreciations . Assessment criteria At the organization moment T tries to award active Ss. «The praise» method is used to evaluate Ss with phrases like: “Good job! Well done!” Formative Assessment Students say about different questions Past Simple Tense! When talking about an action which has happened in the past, you will need to use the past simple tense. However, before you can begin confidently using this tense, it is important to learn the rules which surround it. As with any part of English grammar, the rules of the Good job! Resources Pictures Student’s book Middle of the lesson Presenta tion part. 35 min past simple tense should be applied each time it is used in order to ensure that you are forming grammatically correct sentences. Ex: 1 P: 107 • Tell the class to read the story on page 106 again and find the regular verbs in the past simple. Make sure they do not read the story again but ‘scan’ the text for the words. Assessment Students find the past criteria - Learn and simple forms in the text. practise past ANSWERS: simple help – helped, regular and want – wanted, irregular follow – followed, Cards forms. ask – asked, Differentiation: die – died, «Verbal support» method is used climb – climbed, Descriptor: to help Students use new words in love – loved the text. - find the past Worksheets Rules simple forms in -d, different Ex: 2 P:107 the text. • Explain the task. In a weaker class, do the first sentence Students complete the together and draw students’ sentences with the past attention to the table in exercise Assessment simple forms of the 1 which has the past simple criteria: verbs in brackets. forms. Circulate and monitor. - Use the past ANSWERS: • Check answers as a class. simple to talk 1 wanted about events 2 was in the past. 3 asked 4 were 5 took 6 died 7 followed 8 cut Ex: 3 P:107 • Explain the task. Remind students to use the table in exercise 1 to help them. • Students complete the activity individually and check their answers in pairs. • Check answers as a class. End of the lesson 5 min Home task: Ex: 1 P: 61 WB Descriptor: - complete the sentences with Students complete the the past simple text. Use the correct forms of the forms of the verbs in the verbs in brackets. box ANSWERS: Make CCQ 1 lived 2 was questions 3 loved Yes / No 4 came 5 told 6 wanted 7 left 8 followed 9 took 10 climbed Students use their stickers to show their knowledge according to the lesson. Poster KWL chart Short term plan : term 3 Unit of a long term plan: Unit 9 Reading for pleasure. Teacher name: Lesson 60 Date: Grade: 5 Number present: absent: Lesson title Biography of a writer Learning objectives understand the main points of supported extended talk on a range of general and curricular topics write with support factual descriptions at text level which describe people, places and objects; understand with little support specific information and detail in short, simple texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics; Learners will be able to: • Learn and practise vocabulary to talk about people’s lives. • Understand a famous person’s biography. Lesson objectives Value links Gratitude – You value gratitude if you find yourself respecting people who say please and thank you. If you’re a religious person who values gratitude, you may always insist on praying before eating your dinner. Plan Stages / Time Teachers’ actions Beginnin g of the lesson 5 min Organization moment 1.Greeting. Ask about the weather. Warm-up • Books closed. Ask the class to name some big events in their life so far, e.g. I started school, I went on holiday, I learned to ride a bike. Write the ideas on the board and ask students to put them in the order the events occurred in their lives. Lead – In Students’ actions The aim: To develop Ss speaking skills and create friendly atmosphere Efficiency: By telling the wishes they show their appreciations . Assessment criteria At the organization moment T tries to award active Ss. «The praise» method is used to evaluate Ss with phrases like: “Good job! Well done!” Formative Assessment Students say about different questions Good job! Abai Kunanbaev Kazakh writer, poet, lyricist, social philosopher. Born in Kazakhstan in Semey province, Abai Kunanbaev was educated at home and then sen Resources Pictures Student’s book Middle of the lesson Presenta tion part. 35 min End of the lesson 5 min Ex: 1 P: 108 • Explain the task. Circulate and monitor. • Check answers as a class. • Get students to close their books. For further practice, tell the students you are going to say a word from the lifeline and they have to say the next stage, e.g. born – go to school. • In a stronger class, say a verb and ask students to finish the phrase, e.g. take – exams. Assessment Students put the words criteria in correct place in the - Learn and practise lifeline. vocabulary to ANSWERS: talk about 1 go to school people’s 2 graduate from college lives. 3 start a job 4 have children Cards Students write the past simple form of the verb ANSWERS: 1 was Differentiation: 2 went «Verbal support» method is used 3 got to help Students use new words in 4 started the text. 5 retired 6 died Ex: 2 P:108 7 graduated • Do the exercise quickly with the whole class. Students answer the questions. What do theu Ex: 3 P:108 know about Abay • Tell the students to read the Qunanbayuli? questions and discuss possible ANSWERS: answers. Student’s own answer • In a weaker class, ask more questions to guide students, e.g. Students listen to the Was he famous? Which country interview about Abay is he from? Was he born 300 Qunanbayuli. years ago, 150 years ago? ANSWERS: • Do not go through the answers 1 He was one of the at this stage. Students will listen great poets and for the answers in the next philosophers of exercise. Kazakhstan. Ex: 4 P:108 2 He was born on • Play the recording. Pause at the August 10, 1845. relevant points to allow students 3 He was from Karauyl to write the answers. in East Kazakhstan. • Tell students to check in pairs. 4 In English ‘abay’ Circulate and monitor. If means ‘careful’ students have blank or wrong 5 He was a great poet. answers, play the recording He was also a translator, again philosopher and composer. 6 He had four children. 7 He wrote poems such as Spring and he wrote books such as The Book of Words. 8 He died on 6 July 1904. Descriptor: - put the words Worksheets in correct place in the lifeline. Home task: Ex: 3 P: 61 WB Students use their stickers to show their knowledge according to the lesson. Assessment criteria: - Understand a famous person’s biography Descriptor: - answer the questions. What do theu know about Abay Qunanbayuli? Make CCQ questions Yes / No Poster KWL chart Short term plan : term 3 Unit of a long term plan: Unit 9 Reading for pleasure. Lesson 61 Teacher name: Date: Grade: 5 Number present: Lesson title Learning objectives absent: Language Focus: Past Simple. Question and negative form Give an opinion at sentence level on a limited range of general and curricular topics; write with support factual descriptions at text level which describe people, places and objects use Past Simple (negative and questions) to speak about past events tell; Lesson objectives Learners will be able to: • Learn and practise using questions in the past simple. • Use negative forms in the past simple. Value links Patience – A person who has patience as a core personal value is going to prioritize giving their time to others. They will sit down and be calm while waiting for others. This is a great trait for a teacher. Plan Stages / Time Teachers’ actions Beginnin g of the lesson 5 min Organization moment 1.Greeting. Ask about the weather. The teacher sets the lesson objectives, letting students know what to anticipate from the lesson. Warm-up • Books closed. Write ‘I got up this morning at …’, ‘I left home at …’, ‘I got to school at …’. Tell students to write down the three times on a piece of paper. Nominate a student to ask another student a question using Did, e.g. ‘Did you get up at 6.30?’. The other student answers ‘Yes, I did.’ or ‘No, I didn’t.’ Students score one point for every question they get right Lead – In Students’ actions The aim: To develop Ss speaking skills and create friendly atmosphere Efficiency: By telling the wishes they show their appreciations . Students of the class are listed. Students' attention is drawn to the lesson. Assessment criteria At the organization moment T tries to award active Pictures Ss. «The praise» method is used to evaluate Ss with phrases like: “Good job! Well done!” Formative Assessment Student’s book Students analyze the given pictures in pairs. Determines the topic and purpose of the lesson Students say different words from the pictur Resources Good job! Middle of the lesson Presenta tion part. 35 min Ex: 1 P: 109 • Explain the task. Give students a few minutes to work individually completing the rules. • Students check their answers in pairs. • Check answers as a class. Assessment Students look at the criteria table and complete the - Learn and practise rules. using ANSWERS: questions in did, didn’t the past simple. Differentiation: «Verbal support» method is used Students complete the to help Students use new words in questions and answers ANSWERS: the text. 1 Did 2 you, didn’t, Ex: 2 P:109 3 Did, he • Put students in pairs. Explain the 4 Did she, didn’t task. When students have 5 Did, I did completed the sentences, tell 6 What, did, got them to practise saying the 7 Where, did, went sentences together. 8 Who, did, you, met • Monitor the students as they speak, making a note of any errors you would like to address Students order the words to make later. questions. The ask your partner the questions Ex: 3 P:109 • Explain the task. Students work ANSWERS: individually and then check their 1 What did you do answers in pairs. Circulate and yesterday? monitor. Make sure students 2 How did you get to understand that the whschool today? question word comes at the 3 Where did you go beginning of the sentence. yesterday? • Check answers as a class. 4 What time did you get • Put students in pairs and tell up yesterday? them to ask and answer each 5 Where did you have other the questions. The lunch yesterday? answers should be based on the 6 Who did you talk to truth. yesterday? End of the lesson 5 min FEEDBACK Learners provide feedback on what they have learned at the lesson. The exit ticket This is a way for students to selfreflect on their progress in the lesson. Home task: Ex: 4 P: 109 SB write sentences about your studies last week. Cards Descriptor: - complete the Worksheets rules in the past Assessment criteria: - Use negative forms in the past simple Descriptor: - complete the questions and answers Make CCQ questions Yes / No Students use their stickers to show their knowledge according to the lesson. Poster Short term plan : term 3 Unit of a long term plan: Unit 9 Reading for pleasure. Lesson 63 Teacher name: Date: Grade: 5 Number present: Lesson title Unit Review -9 Summative assessment for the unit “Creativity” Learning objectives use Past Simple (negative and questions) to speak about past events tell; write with support factual descriptions at text level which 5.L4 understand the main points of supported extended talk on a range of general and curricular topics; 5.L5 Understand most specific information and detail of short, supported talk on a wide range of familiar topics 5.S8 Recount basic stories and events on a range of general and curricular topics Lesson objectives Learners will be able to: • Use and practise nouns to talk about types of writing. • Practise asking questions about stories. • Recognize detailed information in a short conversation with some support • Retell short stories and episodes on a given topic Open-Mindedness – An open-minded person is someone who is always willing to hear new points of view and even change their own point of view if new arguments are highly convincing. It’s the opposite of stubbornness. Value links absent: Plan Stages / Time Teachers’ actions Beginnin g of the lesson 5 min Organization moment 1.Greeting. Ask about the weather. The teacher sets the lesson objectives, letting students know what to anticipate from the lesson. Warm-up Students’ actions The aim: To develop Ss speaking skills and create friendly atmosphere Efficiency: By telling the wishes they show their appreciations . Students of the class are listed. Students' attention is drawn to the lesson. Students analyze the given pictures in pairs. students wish each other by holding Determines the topic a wish lamp and purpose of the Lead – In lesson Review previos lesson asking Students say different vocabulary. words from the picture Legend, fairy tale, poem, Assessment criteria Resources At the organization moment T tries to award active Pictures Ss. «The praise» method is used to evaluate Ss with phrases like: “Good job! Well done!” Formative Assessment Student’s book Good job! Middle Ex: 1 P: 110 of the • Explain the task. Remind students to use with the words lesson in the box. . Presenta • Students complete the tion sentences individually and check part. their answers in pairs. 35 min • Check answers as a class. Students complete the sentences ANSWERS: 1 horror 2 fairy 3 poem 4 play 5 comic 6 classic Differentiation: 7 crime «Verbal support» method is used 8 legend to help Students use new words in Students put the words the text. in the correct order and answer the questions. Ex: 2 P:110 ANSWERS: • Explain the task. Draw students’ attention to the example 1 What is your favorite sentences. story? • Get the students to read out their 2 Why do you like it? sentences when they are ready. 3 Where is the location Summative assessment for the of the story? 4 Who is the hero? unit “Creativity” 5 When does the story Listening take place? Task 1. Listen to the story and fill in 6 Which character do the gaps with the words from the you like? box. One word is odd.CD2. 7 How many times have you read it? Tapescript2 Speaking Task 2. Look at the pictures bellow, choose one and answer the following questions. What do you know about cartoons below? Speak about one of the cartoons. The following questions will help you to organize the speech: 1 Why do you like this cartoon? 2 Who are the main heroes? 3 What is this cartoon about? 4 Which part do you like most and why? End of the lesson 5 min FEEDBACK Learners provide feedback on what they have learned at the lesson. The exit ticket This is a way for students to selfreflect on their progress in the lesson. Home task: Ex: 5 P: 110 SB Students listen to the story and fill in the gaps. ANSWERS: 1 a lovely garden 2 a wall 3 winter 4 a hole 5 spring Assessment criteria - Use and practise nouns to talk about types of writing. Cards Descriptor: -Use nouns - complete the Worksheets sentences Assessment criteria: - Retell short stories and episodes on a given topic Descriptor: -answers questions -speaks with grammar accuracy Make CCQ questions Yes / No Students look at the pictures and choose one of cartoon. Answer the questions ANSWERS: Student’s own answer Students use their stickers to show their knowledge according to the lesson. Poster Short term plan: term 3 Unit of a long term plan: Unit 9 Reading for pleasure. Lesson 64 Teacher name: Date: Grade: 5 Number present: Lesson title Learning objectives Lesson objectives Value links absent: A Book festival. Kazakh famous writers and poets. deduce meaning from context in short texts on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics; write with support factual descriptions at text level which describe people, places and objects Give an opinion at sentence level on a limited range of general and curricular topics. Learners will be able to: - use simple context clues strategies to identify meaning of unknown words from the contex - write a short text (e.g. a description of the room, hobby, or a friend) - give a limited response showing their opinion, preferences, agreement or disagreement Open-Mindedness – An open-minded person is someone who is always willing to hear new points of view and even change their own point of view if new arguments are highly convincing. It’s the opposite of stubbornness. Plan Stages / Time Teachers’ actions Students’ actions Assessment criteria Beginnin g of the lesson 5 min Organization moment 1.Greeting. Ask about the weather. The aim: To develop pupils speaking skills and create friendly atmosphere Efficiency: By telling the wishes they show their appreciations . At the organization moment teacher tries to award active pupils. «The praise» method is used to evaluate pupils with phrases like: “Good job! Well done!” The teacher sets the lesson objectives, letting students know what to anticipate from the lesson. Warm-up Students of the class are listed. Students' attention is drawn to the lesson. Students analyze the students wish each other by holding given pictures in pairs. a wish lamp Determines the topic Lead – In and purpose of the • Books closed. Ask the students to lesson tell you what they know about book festivals. Who goes to a Students say different book festival? What can they do there? Who can they see? words from the picture Formative Assessment Good job! Resources Pictures Student’s book Ex: 1 P: 111 Middle • Draw the students’ attention to of the the poster. Ask some quick lesson questions, e.g. Where is the Presenta festival? (Answer: London, UK), tion When does it start? (Answer: part. Saturday 12 August), How many 35 min main events are there on Saturday? (Answer: three). • Tell students to read questions 1-5 and find the answers in the poster. For fast finishers, ask them to correct any false sentences. • In a stronger class, tell the students use other information in the poster to make true and false sentence. Students read the sentence to a partner who says if it is true or false and corrects any false sentences Differentiation: «Verbal support» method is used to help Students use new words in the text. Ex: 2 P:111 • Explain the task. Give students five minutes to choose a book and write between three and five sentences. • Ask some students to read out their sentences for the class. Ex: 3 P:111 • Tell the students to read the questions and discuss possible answers. • In a weaker class, ask more questions to guide students, e.g. Was he famous? Which country is he from? Was he born 300 years ago, 150 years ago? • Do not go through the answers at this stage. Students will listen for the answers in the next exercise. End of the lesson 5 min FEEDBACK Learners provide feedback on what they have learned at the lesson. The exit ticket This is a way for students to selfreflect on their progress in the lesson. Home task: Ex: 3 P: 61 WB Assessment Students read the criteria information in the poster - use simple context clues and write true or false for strategies to each sentence identify ANSWERS: 1 true 2 false 3 true 4 true 5 false Students write the past simple form of the verb ANSWERS: 1 was 2 went 3 got 4 started 5 retired 6 died 7 graduated meaning of unknown words from the contex Cards Worksheets Descriptor: read the information in the poster and write true or false for each sentence Assessment criteria: - write a short Students think of a book you know very well. Write some sentences to describe the story and the characters. ANSWERS: Student’s own answer Students say which authors would they like to meet? ANSWERS: Student’s own answer text (e.g. a description of the room, hobby, or a friend) Descriptor: - Write some sentences to describe the story and the characters. Make CCQ questions Yes / No Students use their stickers to show their knowledge according to the lesson. Poster KWL chart Short term plan: term 3 Unit of a long term plan: Unit 3 Fantasy world Lesson 65 Teacher name: Date: Grade: 5 Number present: Lesson title Learning objectives Lesson objectives Value links absent: People and places understand the main points of supported extended talk on a range of general and curricular topics; evaluate and respond constructively to feedback from others; use plural form of nouns talking about people and places; Learners will be able to: • Learn and practise basic vocabulary. • Learn how to form plurals. Thoughtfulness – You may highly value people who are thoughtful. If this is you, then you might find yourself rolling your eyes at people who are full of bluster and never stop to reflect on their own actions. Plan Stages / Time Teachers’ actions Students’ actions Assessment criteria Beginnin g of the lesson 5 min Organization moment 1.Greeting. Ask about the weather. The teacher sets the lesson objectives, letting students know what to anticipate from the lesson. Warm-up The aim: To develop pupils speaking skills and create friendly atmosphere Efficiency: By telling the wishes they show their appreciations . At the organization moment teacher tries to award active pupils. «The praise» method is used to evaluate pupils with phrases like: “Good job! Well done!” Students of the class are listed. students wish each other by holding a wish lamp Lead – In • Books closed. Write the following words on the board in random order: country, village, city, town. Tell students to work in pairs to put these places in order of size, starting with the largest. Ask them to think of an example of each place from their own country. • After about 1 minute, stop the students. Get feedback from each pair. Students' attention is drawn to the lesson. Formative Assessment Students analyze the given pictures in pairs. Determines the topic and purpose of the lesson Students say different words from the picture Good job! Resources Pictures Student’s book Middle of the lesson Presenta tion part. 35 min Ex: 1 P: 26 • Focus students’ attention on the words in the box. If you have done the warm-up activity, they will already be familiar with country, town, city and village. • In a weaker class, ask students to work in pairs, using page 77 of the Workbook to help them. In a stronger class, encourage students to complete the lists by themselves. • Students check answers in pairs. Check answers as a class. Differentiation: «Verbal support» method is used to help Students use new words in the text. Ex: 2 P:26 • Refer students to the quiz on page 23. Look at the photos and ask students to identify words from exercise 1 (people, baby, city, village, house). • Explain the task and play the recording. Students work individually and then check their answers in pairs. • Check answers as a class. Do any of the facts surprise them? What is the most interesting fact? End of the lesson 5 min Ex: 3 P:26 • Focus students on the table of regular forms and ask them to find the plural form of boy and girl in the quiz. Check answers as a class. • Ask the students how they should form regular plurals and elicit that we form them by adding -s to the singular form. • Direct the students to the table of irregular forms and ask them to locate the plural forms in the quiz. Point out that they may look a little different to the singular form. • Ask fast finishers to make the plural forms of the other nouns in exercise 1 FEEDBACK Learners provide feedback on what they have learned at the lesson. The exit ticket This is a way for students to selfreflect on their progress in the lesson. Home task: Ex: 1 P: 18 WB Students check the meaning of the words in the box in the wordlist in the workbook ANSWERS: Places: city, house, town, village People: child, family, man, person, woman Students do the Our World quiz. Then listen and check your answers. ANSWERS: 1a 2a 3a 4a 5b 6b 7a Assessment criteria - Learn and practise basic vocabulary. Cards Descriptor: - check the meaning of the words in the box Worksheets Assessment criteria: - Learn how to form plurals. Descriptor: - complete the lists with plural forms Students complete the Make CCQ lists with plural forms in questions Yes / No the Our World quiz. ANSWERS: Students use their stickers to show their knowledge according to the lesson. Poster Short term plan : term 3 Unit of a long term plan: Unit 3 Fantasy world Lesson 66 Teacher name: Date: Grade: 5 Number present: Lesson title Learning objectives absent: An article about two places. deduce meaning from context in short, supported talk on an increasing range of general and curricular topics; communicate meaning clearly at sentence level during, pair, group and whole class exchanges; understand the main points in a limited range of short simple texts on general and curricular topics. Lesson objectives Learners will be able to: • Read about two different places. • Learn and use new vocabulary to describe places in towns. • Practise speaking about a town. Value links Open-Mindedness – An open-minded person is someone who is always willing to hear new points of view and even change their own point of view if new arguments are highly convincing. It’s the opposite of stubbornness. Plan Stages / Time Teachers’ actions Students’ actions Assessment criteria Beginnin g of the lesson 5 min Organization moment 1.Greeting. Ask about the weather. The teacher sets the lesson objectives, letting students know what to anticipate from the lesson. Warm-up The aim: To develop pupils speaking skills and create friendly atmosphere Efficiency: By telling the wishes they show their appreciations . Students of the class are listed. At the organization moment teacher tries to award active pupils. «The praise» method is used to evaluate pupils with phrases like: “Good job! Well done!” Students' attention is students wish each other by holding drawn to the lesson. a wishes lamp Students analyze the Lead – In given pictures in pairs. • Books closed. Write Hollywood on the board. Determines the topic • Ask the class to brainstorm what they know about Hollywood, which and purpose of the lesson country it is in, what it’s famous for, etc. Accept any feedback they Students say different give you and put any interesting words from the picture facts and new vocabulary on the board. Formative Assessment Good job! Resources Pictures Student’s book Middle of the lesson Presenta tion part. 35 min End of the lesson 5 min Ex: 1 P: 28 • Focus on the three pictures and explain the task. Allow students about 2–3 minutes to compare the pictures in pairs. • When they are ready, they choose adjectives to match each location. Ask them to match the pictures to the locations as well. • Check answers as a class. In a stronger class, encourage students to give reasons for choosing their adjectives Differentiation: «Verbal support» method is used to help Students use new words in the text. Students look at the pictures in the text. Guess which adjectives in the box describe Hollywood, USA and which describe Hollywood, Ireland ANSWERS: Students’ own answers Assessment criteria - Read about two different places. Descriptor: - read and listen Cards Assessment Worksheets criteria: - Learn and use new vocabulary to Students read and listen. describe Check your answers to places in exercise 1 towns. ANSWERS: - Practise Ex: 2 P:28 Hollywood, USA: speaking about a • Refer students to the texts and famous, noisy town. play the recording. Hollywood, Ireland: • In pairs, students do the task. quiet, small • Check answers as a class. You could ask fast finishers to underline the adjectives used in the text to Descriptor: describe the two locations (fast, Students read the text - read the text noisy, famous, big, expensive, again and answer the again and small, quiet, nice, interesting) question. answer the ANSWERS: question. 1 No, it isn’t. It’s part of Ex: 3 P:28 Los Angeles. • Draw students’ attention to the 2 No, it isn’t. It’s part of questions. In a stronger class, a city. 3 No, it isn’t. It’s a ask the students to complete the noisy place. 4 No, it isn’t. Make CCQ activity individually before It’s a small place. 5 checking their answers in pairs. questions There are many Encourage them to guess the Yes / No meaning of any new vocabulary interesting places near the village. from the context. 6 Yes, it is. The city of • In a weaker class, read the Dublin is forty-two questions together, explaining kilometres from the any new vocabulary and village. checking for understanding. Do the first questions together as an example. • Remind students to write full sentences in their answers. • Students check answers in pairs. Check answers as a class. FEEDBACK Students use Poster Learners provide feedback on what their stickers to they have learned at the lesson. show their knowledge The exit ticket according to the This is a way for students to selflesson. reflect on their progress in the lesson. Home task: Ex: 3 P: 18 WB Short term plan : term 3 Unit of a long term plan: Unit 3 Fantasy world Lesson 67 Teacher name: Date: Grade: 5 Number present: absent: Lesson title Language Focus: there is/ there are/ some and any Learning objectives spell most high-frequency words accurately for a limited range of general topics; use appropriate countable and uncountable nouns, including common noun phrases and a structure there is/ there are describing times and location, on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics; use prepositions to talk about time and location and some/ any/no; Lesson objectives Learners will be able to: • Learn and practise the affirmative and negative forms of there is, there are, some and any. • Practise describing towns and cities. Value links Thoughtfulness – You may highly value people who are thoughtful. If this is you, then you might find yourself rolling your eyes at people who are full of bluster and never stop to reflect on their own actions. Plan Stages / Time Teachers’ actions Students’ actions Assessment criteria Beginnin g of the lesson 5 min Organization moment 1.Greeting. Ask about the weather. The teacher sets the lesson objectives, letting students know what to anticipate from the lesson. Warm-up The aim: To develop pupils speaking skills and create friendly atmosphere Efficiency: By telling the wishes they show their appreciations . At the organization moment teacher tries to award active pupils. «The praise» method is used to evaluate pupils with phrases like: “Good job! Well done!” Students of the class are listed. students wish each other by holding a wishes lamp Lead – In • Books closed. Tell the students you are going to say the name of a city and they should write down the first thing – a building, a place, a person, anything they like – they can think of in relation to that city. • Say London. Students write down the first thing they think of. Don’t allow them any more than 30 seconds for this. • Get feedback from a few students in the class and put their ideas on the board. Students' attention is drawn to the lesson. Pictures Formative Assessment Students analyze the given pictures in pairs. Student’s book Determines the topic and purpose of the lesson Students say different words from the picture Resources Good job! Middle of the lesson Presenta tion part. 35 min Ex: 1 P: 29 • Focus students on the tables and the rules. In a stronger class, ask the students to go ahead and complete the rules based on the examples in the table. They check answers in pairs. Check answers as a class. • In a weaker class, go through the table with the students, pointing out the plural and singular sections in the positive and the negative. Complete the rules together with the class. LANGUAGE NOTE We can use some and any with both countable and uncountable nouns. However, with uncountable nouns we always use the singular form of the verb be, e.g. There are some chairs in the room; There aren’t any students in the school; There’s some milk in the fridge; There isn’t any coffee left. Differentiation: «Verbal support» method is used to help Students use new words in the text. Ex: 2 P:29 • Tell the class to try to remember the information in the text about Hollywood in Ireland on page 24 of the book. Refer them to the sentences and explain the task. • In a weaker class, ask students to complete the activity in pairs. Encourage students in a stronger class to do the task individually. Ex: 3 P:29 • Refer students to the information about the two places and allow them a few minutes to look through it. • Ask students to complete the task individually and then to compare their answers in pairs. Check the answers all together as a class. End of the lesson 5 min FEEDBACK Learners provide feedback on what they have learned at the lesson. The exit ticket This is a way for students to self-reflect on their progress in the lesson. Home task: Ex: 1 P: 19 WB Assessment Students study the tables. criteria Then choose the correct - Learn and practise the words to complete the affirmative rules. and negative ANSWERS: forms of there In plural sentences we use is, there are, some in the affirmative. some and any. We use any in negative sentences. Students correct the sentences ANSWERS: 1 There aren’t any discos. 2 There are some interesting places near the village. 3 There isn’t an Armani shop. 4 There is a small shop. 5 There are 100 people in the village. 6 There aren’t any famous people Students write the sentences about London in England and London in the South Pacific. ANSWERS: London, England: There are some museums in London. There are four airports in London. There aren’t any long houses in London. London, Kiritimati Island, South Pacific: There are 1,000 people in London. There is one hotel in London. There aren’t any cinemas in London. There are some shops in London. Cards Worksheets Descriptor: - study the tables. Then choose the correct words to complete the rules. Assessment criteria: - Practise describing towns and cities. Descriptor: write the sentences about London in England and London in the South Pacific. Make CCQ questions Yes / No Students use their stickers to show their knowledge according to the lesson. Poster Short term plan: term 3 Unit of a long term plan: Unit 3 Fantasy world Lesson 68 Teacher name: Date: Grade: 5 Number present: absent: Lesson title Shops. Learning objectives use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary to talk about a limited range of general topics; use appropriate countable and uncountable nouns, including common noun phrases and a structure there is/ there are describing times and location, on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics; deduce meaning from context in short, supported talk on an increasing range of general and curricular topics; Lesson objectives Learners will be able to: • Learn vocabulary to describe different shops. • Practise talking about favourite shops. Value links Patience – A person who has patience as a core personal value is going to prioritize giving their time to others. They will sit down and be calm while waiting for others. This is a great trait for a teacher. Plan Stages / Time Teachers’ actions Students’ actions Assessment criteria Beginnin g of the lesson 5 min Organization moment 1.Greeting. Ask about the weather. The teacher sets the lesson objectives, letting students know what to anticipate from the lesson. Warm-up The aim: To develop pupils speaking skills and create friendly atmosphere Efficiency: By telling the wishes they show their appreciations . At the organization moment teacher tries to award active pupils. «The praise» method is used to evaluate pupils with phrases like: “Good job! Well done!” Students of the class are listed. students wish each other by holding a wishes lamp Lead – In • Books closed. Ask students to work in pairs and think about the last thing they bought and to tell their partners about it – what it was and where they bought it from. • Get some feedback from the class by asking a few students to describe what their partner last bought. Students' attention is drawn to the lesson. Pictures Formative Assessment Students analyze the given pictures in pairs. Student’s book Determines the topic and purpose of the lesson Students say different words from the picture Resources Good job! Middle of the lesson Presenta tion part. 35 min Ex: 1 P: 30 • Draw students’ attention to the ten pictures and to the words in the box. Explain the task. • Tell students to match the pictures with the shops that they recognize first, and encourage them to try to guess the others. • Students check their answers in pairs. Check answers as a class. • You could ask fast finishers to think about other types of shops that are not included and to check their names in a dictionary. Ex: 2 P:30 • Go through the vocabulary in the box with the class and check for understanding. • Students do the task in pairs. Check answers as a class. • Divide students into pairs and allow them 2–3 minutes to think of a few examples of items from the other shops in exercise 1. • Get feedback from each pair and put their ideas on the board for the whole class to see. Students match pictures Assessment with the shops in the box. criteria - Learn vocabulary ANSWERS: 1 bookshop 2 chemist’s 3 newsagent’s 4 clothes shop 5 games shop 6 supermarket 7 sports shop 8 pet shop 9 computer shop 10 shoe shop Students think of more adjectives from each shop. What shops are the objects in the box from? ANSWERS: 1 supermarket 2 clothes shop / sports shop \ 3 pet shop 4 newsagent’s / Background information supermarket Dubai is a big, modern city in the 5 shoe shop United Arab Emirates. It is known as 6 games shop / the ‘shopping capital of the Middle computer shop East’ because of it’s large number of shopping malls – over 70 of them – built with the aim of increasing Dubai’s tourist industry. Of these, the ‘Dubai mall’ is the largest. Apart from 1,200 shops and gigantic cinema, its attractions include an aquarium, a spectacular fountain, an indoor theme park and a children’s entertainment Students say the numbers. centre Listen to Fiona and Sophie Ex: 4 P:30 talking about Dubai Mall. • Discuss the photo at the bottom of the page with the students. Ask Order the numbers as you them if they know anything about hear them. Dubai and elicit any feedback from ANSWERS: the students. • Draw students’ attention to the numbers and ask them to say them. • Explain the task and play the recording. Students check answers in pairs. End of the lesson 5 min FEEDBACK Learners provide feedback on what they have learned at the lesson. The exit ticket This is a way for students to self-reflect on their progress in the lesson. Home task: Ex: 1 P: 20 WB to describe different shops. Descriptor: - match pictures with the shops in the box. Cards Worksheets Assessment criteria: - Practise talking about favourite shops. Descriptor: - think of more adjectives from each shop. What shops are the objects in the box from? Make CCQ questions Yes / No 1d 2a 3b 4c Students use their stickers to show their knowledge according to the lesson. Poster Short term plan : term 3 Unit of a long term plan: Unit 3 Fantasy world Lesson 69 Teacher name: Date: Grade: 5 Number present: absent: Lesson title There is/ there are and short answers. Learning objectives use prepositions to talk about time and location and some/ any/no; deduce meaning from context in short texts on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics; write with support factual descriptions at text level which describe people, places and objects. Lesson objectives Learners will be able to: • Learn how to use there is and there are in questions and short answers. • Learn and practise using prepositions of place. • Further practice describing towns and shops. Value links Patience – A person who has patience as a core personal value is going to prioritize giving their time to others. They will sit down and be calm while waiting for others. This is a great trait for a teacher. Plan Stages / Time Teachers’ actions Students’ actions Assessment criteria Beginnin g of the lesson 5 min Organization moment 1.Greeting. Ask about the weather. The teacher sets the lesson objectives, letting students know what to anticipate from the lesson. Warm-up The aim: To develop pupils speaking skills and create friendly atmosphere Efficiency: By telling the wishes they show their appreciations . At the organization moment teacher tries to award active pupils. «The praise» method is used to evaluate pupils with phrases like: “Good job! Well done!” Students of the class are listed. students wish each other by holding a wishes lamp Lead – In • Books closed. Remind students about the shopping centre in Dubai from page 26 and ask them to work in pairs to briefly discuss whether they would prefer to go shopping in a big shopping centre or in small shops in a town. • After about 2 minutes, stop the students and get some feedback from a few pairs. Students' attention is drawn to the lesson. Pictures Formative Assessment Students analyze the given pictures in pairs. Student’s book Determines the topic and purpose of the lesson Students say different words from the picture Resources Good job! Middle of the lesson Presenta tion part. 35 min Ex: 1 P: 31 • Explain the task. In a stronger class, ask students to complete the task individually. In a weaker class, students complete the task in pairs. • Ask the students how they can make the question form of there is and there are and elicit that we invert the verb be and there. Point out that with How many we put the verb be and there at the end of the question. LANGUAGE NOTE We almost always use any in negative and questions forms. An exception to this is when we make an offer or a request, e.g. Would you like some coffee? Could I have some bread, please? Ex: 2 P:31 • Refer students to the questions and explain the task. They complete the activity individually. • Point out that students should check carefully whether they are talking about a singular or plural noun before they choose their answers. Ex: 3 P:31 • Refer students to the dialogue and ask them to read it quickly, ignoring the gaps. Ask the class what Lucy and Jared are talking about and elicit that they are talking about shops in their town • Students complete the task individually, though in a weaker class you could ask students to do the activity in pairs. End of the lesson 5 min Ex: 4 P:31 • Refer students to the words in the box and explain that these are prepositions (students already met the prepositions on and at on page 15). • Focus the student on the six pictures and ask them what they think these prepositions are being used for. Elicit that they are used to describe where something is and that they are prepositions of place FEEDBACK Learners provide feedback on what they have learned at the lesson. The exit ticket This is a way for students to self-reflect on their progress in the lesson. Home task: Ex: 2 P: 21 WB Assessment Students complete the criteria questions in the table with - Learn how to use words from exercise 5 there is and there are in questions and page 30 short answers. ANSWERS: Cards 1 Is 2 Are 3 are there Students choose the correct words. Then write short amswers. ANSWERS: 1 Is 2 Is 3 Are 4 are 5 Is 6 Is 7 Is 8 are Descriptor: - complete the questions in the Worksheets table Assessment criteria: - Learn and practice using prepositions of place. Students complete the dialogue. Then listen and check. ANSWERS: 1 There are 2 there is 3 How many 4 There are 5 Is there 6 there isn’t 7 Are there 8 there are Descriptor: - study the prepositions. Then look at the picture and complete the sentences Students study the prepositions. Then look at the picture and complete the sentences ANSWERS: Make CCQ questions Yes / No 1 in 2 on 3 under 4 next to 5 opposite 6 near 1 people / balls, sports shop 2 boys, door 3 shoes 4 balls, bags 5 t-shirts 6 bag Students use their stickers to show their knowledge according to the lesson. Poster Short term plan : term 3 Unit of a long term plan: Unit 3 Fantasy world Lesson 70 Teacher name: Date: Grade: 5 Number present: absent: Lesson title Asking about places in a town Learning objectives deduce meaning from context in short, supported talk on an increasing range of general and curricular topics; understand with little support specific information and detail in short, simple texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics communicate meaning clearly at sentence level during, pair, group and whole class exchanges Learners will be able to: • Practise asking for information about places. • Learn and practise phrases for asking for information. Lesson objectives Value links Open-Mindedness – An open-minded person is someone who is always willing to hear new points of view and even change their own point of view if new arguments are highly convincing. It’s the opposite of stubbornness. Plan Stages / Time Teachers’ actions Students’ actions Assessment criteria Beginnin g of the lesson 5 min Organization moment 1.Greeting. Ask about the weather. The teacher sets the lesson objectives, letting students know what to anticipate from the lesson. Warm-up The aim: To develop pupils speaking skills and create friendly atmosphere Efficiency: By telling the wishes they show their appreciations . At the organization moment teacher tries to award active pupils. «The praise» method is used to evaluate pupils with phrases like: “Good job! Well done!” Students of the class are listed. students wish each other by holding a wishes lamp Lead – In • Books closed. Draw a rough map of a few streets in the area of the school on the board. Write school on the map to show the students where they are. • Draw a few empty boxes at different places on the streets to represent some of the shops or other buildings in the area. Ask the students to tell you what they are and write the names of the places in the boxes Students' attention is drawn to the lesson. Pictures Formative Assessment Students analyze the given pictures in pairs. Student’s book Determines the topic and purpose of the lesson Students say different words from the picture Resources Good job! Middle of the lesson Presenta tion part. 35 min Ex: 1 P: 32 • Focus on the photo and discuss it with the class. Ask the students what they can see and elicit that there is girl and a woman in the picture. • They answer the questions in pairs. Get feedback from a few pairs of students Assessment Students look at the photo. criteria Where are the people. Is - Practise asking for information the girl from this town? about places. ANSWERS: The people are in a town. The girl is not from the town. Differentiation: «Verbal support» method is used to help Students use new words in the text. Ex: 2 P:32 Draw students’ attention to the map at the bottom of the page. Allow them a minute or two to familiarize themselves with it and ask them a couple of questions to check they can follow it properly. For example, ask: Is there a restaurant? Are there any shops? How many shops are there? • Explain the task and play the recording. Students complete the dialogue and check answers in pairs. Check answers as a class. • For further practice, you could divide students into pairs and allocate each student the role of Rosa and the woman. Ask the students to practise the dialogue in pairs Ex: 3 P:32 • Refer students to the key phrases and explain the task. Point out the arrows at the end of the phrases and explain that we raise our intonation when asking for something. • Play the recording. Pause after each phrase and ask the students to repeat. Model the phrases yourself, making sure to raise or lower your intonation as appropriate. Exaggerate your intonation a little so that the students notice the difference End of the lesson 5 min FEEDBACK Learners provide feedback on what they have learned at the lesson. The exit ticket This is a way for students to self-reflect on their progress in the lesson. Home task: Ex: 4 P: 21 WB Students look at the map and listen to the dialogue. What are the missing word? ANSWERS: 1 sports shop 2 sports shop Cards Descriptor: -look at the photo. Where are the people. Is the Worksheets girl from this town? Assessment criteria: - Learn and practise phrases for asking for information. Descriptor: - look at the map and listen to the dialogue. What are the missing Students listen to the key word? phrases and practise the pronunciation. ANSWERS: Students’ own answers Make CCQ questions Yes / No Students use their stickers to show their knowledge according to the lesson. Poster Short term plan : term 3 Unit of a long term plan: Unit 3 Fantasy world Lesson 71 Teacher name: Date: Grade: 5 Number present: absent: Lesson title A brochure about your town Learning objectives understand with little support specific information and detail in short, simple texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics communicate meaning clearly at sentence level during, pair, group and whole class exchanges spell most high-frequency words accurately for a limited range of general topics; Learners will be able to: • Learn the structure of a brochure about a town or city. • Learn and practise how to use be + also. • Practise writing a brochure about a town. Lesson objectives Value links Open-Mindedness – An open-minded person is someone who is always willing to hear new points of view and even change their own point of view if new arguments are highly convincing. It’s the opposite of stubbornness. Plan Stages / Time Teachers’ actions Students’ actions Assessment criteria Beginnin g of the lesson 5 min Organization moment 1.Greeting. Ask about the weather. The teacher sets the lesson objectives, letting students know what to anticipate from the lesson. Warm-up The aim: To develop pupils speaking skills and create friendly atmosphere Efficiency: By telling the wishes they show their appreciations . At the organization moment teacher tries to award active pupils. «The praise» method is used to evaluate pupils with phrases like: “Good job! Well done!” Students of the class are listed. students wish each other by holding a wishes lamp Lead – In • Students work in pairs to think of things to say in English about their home town / city. • After about 2 minutes, stop the students and get some feedback from each pair Students' attention is drawn to the lesson. Pictures Formative Assessment Students analyze the given pictures in pairs. Student’s book Determines the topic and purpose of the lesson Students say different words from the picture Resources Good job! Middle of the lesson Presenta tion part. 35 min Ex: 1 P: 33 • Focus on the photos and the flag and ask students if they recognize the country. Elicit that it is Canada. • Explain the task and allow students time to answer the questions based on the text Assessment Students read the model criteria text and answer the - Learn the structure of a questions. brochure about a ANSWERS: town or city. 1 The capital of Canada is Ottawa. 2 Ice hockey, skating and American football are Descriptor: popular sports in Canada. - look at the 3 Quebec is 275 kilometres examples. Is also from Montreal. before or after 4 Some of the shopping the verb be? Find Differentiation: centres in Montreal are another example «Verbal support» method is used to under the streets of also in the help Students use new words in the brochure about text. Students look at the Montreal. Ex: 2 P:33 examples. Is also before or • Refer students to the example and after the verb be? Find do the task together as a class. Point another example of also in Assessment out that we use also to give further the brochure about criteria: information about something. It helps Montreal. - Practise writing to link two things together and makes ANSWERS: a brochure about descriptions sound more natural. Also is after the verb be. a town. • Students find the other example of There are also interesting also in the text museums here LANGUAGE NOTE Descriptor: While also comes after the verb be, it Students rewrite the blue - rewrite the blue usually comes before all other verbs. sentences. Include also in sentences. For example, I also like to play football each sentence. Include also in or She also eats a lot of chocolate. each sentence. ANSWERS: 1 There’s also a museum. Ex: 3 P:33 2 There are also • Refer students to the sentences and bookshops. 3 There are also two parks. explain the task. Students check Make CCQ 4 There’s also a answers in pairs. questions restaurant. Yes / No 5 There’s also an airport. Ex: 4 P:33 • Draw students’ attention to the key phrases that can be used to describe a Students substitute words town or a city. Read through them in the box for the words in with the class and check for blue in the key phrases understanding. and change the names of • Tell students to think about their the places. own town or city and explain the task. ANSWERS: Check answers as a class. Cards Worksheets Students’ own answers End of the lesson 5 min FEEDBACK Learners provide feedback on what they have learned at the lesson. The exit ticket This is a way for students to self-reflect on their progress in the lesson. Home task: Ex: 2 P: 22 WB Students use their stickers to show their knowledge according to the lesson. Poster Short term plan: term 3 Unit of a long term plan: Unit 3 Fantasy world Lesson 72 Teacher name: Date: Grade: 5 Number present: absent: Lesson title My country. My world Summative assessment for the unit ”Fantasy world” Learning objectives use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a limited range of general topics; deduce meaning from context in short, supported talk on an increasing range of general and curricular topic; Understand the main points in a limited range of short simple texts on general and curricular topics; Write with support a sequence of extended sentences in a paragraph to give basic personal information. Lesson objectives Learners will be able to: • Learn vocabulary for talking about geographical features. • Read a text about geographical features in Kazakhstan. Write short sentences on familiar topics with support Connect sentences into a paragraph Value links Perseverance – People who value perseverance will work through adversity and be determined to get a result. This is a great treat for employees and entrepreneurs alike. Plan Stages / Time Teachers’ actions Students’ actions Assessment criteria Beginnin g of the lesson 5 min Organization moment 1.Greeting. Ask about the weather. The teacher sets the lesson objectives, letting students know what to anticipate from the lesson. Warm-up The aim: To develop pupils speaking skills and create friendly atmosphere Efficiency: By telling the wishes they show their appreciations . At the organization moment teacher tries to award active pupils. «The praise» method is used to evaluate pupils with phrases like: “Good job! Well done!” Students of the class are listed. students wish each other by holding a wishes lamp Lead – In • Allow students about 2 minutes to tell each other their favourite thing about the countryside. Students' attention is drawn to the lesson. Pictures Formative Assessment Students analyze the given pictures in pairs. Student’s book Determines the topic and purpose of the lesson Students say different words from the picture Resources Good job! Middle of the lesson Presenta tion part. 35 min Ex: 1 P: 34 • Draw students’ attention to the words in the box and to the pictures 1–6. • Check answers as a class Differentiation: «Verbal support» method is used to help Students use new words in the text. Ex: 2 P:34 • Focus students’ attention on the map and the compass. Explain that a compass tells you what direction you are facing. Draw a compass on the board and write the directions: north, south, east, west, north-west, north-east, south-west, and southeast. Ask students to find their hometown on the map and say whether it is in the north, northeast, west, etc. Assessment Students check the criteria meaning of the words. - Learn vocabulary Then match words with for talking about geographical pictures. features. ANSWERS: Cards 1 forest 2 mountain 3 river 4 desert Descriptor: 5 steppe -check the 6 lake meaning of the Worksheets Students look at the map words. Then of Kazakhstan and choose match words with the correct word in the pictures. text. Then listen and check. ANSWERS: 1 forests 2 steppe Assessment 3 desert criteria: 4 rivers - Write short 5 lake sentences on 6 mountains familiar topics with support Summative assessment for the unit ”Fantasy world” gives a full answer using Writing Task 1. Look at the map and linking words and basic choose ONE of the buildings connectors bellow and describe your route from writes with grammar accuracy (allowed to the shop to that building: make 2 errors); Reading Task 2. Read the text and identify 1 Yes the writer’s opinion and write Yes 2 Yes or No next to the given statements 3 No 4 Yes as in the example. Task 3. Write Yes or No next to 5 No the statements as in the example: Example: Katie and Harry visit their grandpa. End of the lesson 5 min FEEDBACK Learners provide feedback on what they have learned at the lesson. The exit ticket This is a way for students to self-reflect on their progress in the lesson. Home task: Ex: 1 P: 23 WB Descriptor: - writes with grammar accuracy (allowed to make 2 errors); Make CCQ questions Yes / No Students use their stickers to show their knowledge according to the lesson. No___ Poster Short term plan : term 3 Unit of a long term plan: Unit 3 Fantasy world Lesson 73 Teacher name: Date: Grade: 5 Number present: absent: Lesson title Shopping Learning objectives recognise the opinion of the speaker(s) in basic, supported talk on an increasing range of general and curricular topics; understand with little support specific information and detail in short, simple texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics; link, with some support, sentences into coherent paragraphs using basic connectors on a limited range of familiar general topics Lesson objectives Learners will be able to: • Learn how to use prices. • Understand a conversation in a shop. • Practise asking for prices and buying things. Value links Self-Discipline – If you value self-discipline, you might be a person who wakes up early, exercises daily, and doesn’t get distracted by vices. Plan Stages / Time Teachers’ actions Students’ actions Assessment criteria Beginnin g of the lesson 5 min Organization moment 1.Greeting. Ask about the weather. The teacher sets the lesson objectives, letting students know what to anticipate from the lesson. Warm-up The aim: To develop pupils speaking skills and create friendly atmosphere Efficiency: By telling the wishes they show their appreciations . At the organization moment teacher tries to award active pupils. «The praise» method is used to evaluate pupils with phrases like: “Good job! Well done!” Students of the class are listed. students wish each other by holding a wishes lamp Lead – In • Books closed. Tell students to imagine they have €100 to spend on anything they like. • In pairs, students tell each other what they would spend their money on. Get some feedback from a few pairs by asking students what their partner would spend the money on. Put their ideas on the board, explaining any new vocabulary Students' attention is drawn to the lesson. Pictures Formative Assessment Students analyze the given pictures in pairs. Student’s book Determines the topic and purpose of the lesson Students say different words from the picture Resources Good job! Middle of the lesson Presenta tion part. 35 min Ex: 1 P: 35 • Focus students’ attention on the two columns. Ask them what the currency symbol £ represents and elicit that it represents pounds, the currency used in the UK. Point out that there are 100 pence in one pound. If you can, tell students how much £1 is worth in their currency. • Explain the task. Students complete it individually and check their answers in pairs. Check answers as a class. • Model the prices for pronunciation and ask students to repeat Differentiation: «Verbal support» method is used to help Students use new words in the text. Assessment Students match 1 – 6 with criteria a – f. then listen and check. - Learn how to use prices. ANSWERS: 1c 2e 3a Cards Descriptor: 4f - match 1 – 6 with 5b a – f. then listen 6d and check Students listen and write Worksheets the prices you hear. Then listen and repeat. Assessment ANSWERS: criteria: 1 32p, thirty-two pence 2 75p, seventy-five - Understand a conversation in pence 3 £3.20, three pounds a shop. twenty 4 £8, eight pounds Ex: 2 P:35 5 £15, fifteen pounds • Explain the task. Ask students to 6 £7.50, seven pounds Descriptor: write the prices down in two ways fifty - listen to a (numbers and words). conversation. • Pause after each price to allow Where is Jared? students time to write it down. • Students compare their prices in pairs. Check answers as a class. Make CCQ • Play the recording again and questions pause after each price to allow Yes / No students time to repeat Ex: 3 P:35 • Explain the task and draw students’ attention to the question. Check they understand what the four different places are by quickly eliciting from the students some example of the different things you can buy in each. • Play the recording. Students check their answers in pairs. Check answers as a class. End of the lesson 5 min FEEDBACK Learners provide feedback on what they have learned at the lesson. The exit ticket This is a way for students to self-reflect on their progress in the lesson. Home task: Ex: 1 P: 24 WB Students listen to a conversation. Where is Jared? ANSWERS: Jared is in a souvenir shop Students use their stickers to show their knowledge according to the lesson. Poster Short term plan: term 3 Unit of a long term plan: Unit 3 Fantasy world Lesson 74 Teacher name: Date: 06.03.23 Grade: 5 Number present: absent: Lesson title Fantasy world Learning objectives recognize the attitude or opinion of the writer in short texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics; link, with some support, sentences into coherent paragraphs using basic connectors on a limited range of familiar general topics ask simple questions to get information about a limited range of general topic. Lesson objectives Learners will be able to: • Read a Kazakh folk story. • Write a story and make a poster Value links Humility – You might highly value humility if you find yourself disgusted by people who are arrogant or braggadocious, and instead find yourself gravitating to people who are always expressing their gratefulness for the blessings in their life. Plan Stages / Time Teachers’ actions Students’ actions Beginni ng of the lesson 5 min Organization moment 1.Greeting. Ask about the weather. The teacher sets the lesson objectives, letting students know what to anticipate from the lesson. Warm-up Method speaking phone was used to develop speaking skills. The aim: To develop pupils speaking skills and create friendly atmosphere Efficiency: By telling the wishes they show their appreciations . Students of the class are listed. Students' attention is drawn to the lesson. Lead – In • Books closed. Write folk story on the board. Explain or elicit that a folk story is a traditional story from a particular country or place that was originally passed on to people in a spoken form. • Ask students if they know any folk stories from Kazakhstan or from other countries. Ask if they enjoy reading folk stories and why. • Get feedback from the class and elicit the titles of some popular folk stories. A student with special educational needs A pupil greets. Assessment criteria Resourc es At the organization moment teacher tries to award active pupils. «The praise» method is used to evaluate pupils with phrases like: “Good job! Well done!” Formative Assessment Pictures Students analyze the given pictures in pairs. Determines the topic and purpose of the lesson Good job! Students say different words from the picture Student’ s book Middle of the lesson Present ation part. 35 min End of the lesson 5 min Ex: 1 P: 36 • Focus students’ attention on the names in the box and ask them what they know about these people. Elicit any information you can from the students by asking them some questions, e.g. Why is this person famous? What did they do? When did they live? Have you read any stories about them? • Ask students what their favourite folk story is. Elicit some ideas and encourage students to give reasons for their answers. Differentiation: «Verbal support» method is used to help Students use new words in the text. Ex: 2 P:36 • Refer students to the text and ask them to read the paragraphs quickly and say which of the people in exercise 1 is the main character in the story • Students work in pairs to put the paragraphs in the correct order. • Check answers as a class. Ex: 3 P:36 Read through the instructions together and make sure students understand what they have to do. • Give students a few minutes to identify the main events in the story. In a stronger class, ask students to summarize each event in one sentence, e.g. • Students work in pairs to complete the task. Monitor as they retell the story and remind them to use the past simple tense FEEDBACK Learners provide feedback on what they have learned at the lesson. The exit ticket This is a way for students to selfreflect on their progress in the lesson. Home task: Ex: 3 P: 56 WB Students answer the questions. Who are these people? Do you know any stories about them? Which story is your favourite? ANSWERS: Students’ own answer. Students read the paragraphs and put them in the correct order to make a story. ANSWERS: A4 B1 C3 D5 E2 The story is about Aldar Kose Students work in pairs. Make a list of the main events in the story. Draw a picture to illustrate each event. Then retell the story using the pictures ANSWERS: Students’ own answers Aldar Kose was cold and unhappy because his coat had holes in it and his horse was slow. When he saw the bai in the distance, he took off his coat and his hat and started singing cheerfully. When the bai heard about Aldar Kose’s magic coat, he wanted to buy it. He gave Aldar his fur coat, his beautiful white horse, and a bag of gold. Aldar Kose jumped on the horse and rode off as quickly as he could. Assessment criteria - Read a Kazakh folk story. Cards Descriptor: - answer questions • In a weaker class, pre-teach the following words and phrases: ride, fur coat, holes, in the distance, recognize. • In a weaker class, This task differentiated by the students abilities. Less able students define words with the help of prompt cards which written the new words. the Assessment criteria: - Write a story and make a poster Descriptor: - Make a list of the main events in the story -Write a story about one of the people Make CCQ questions Yes / No Poster Worksh eets Short term plan: term 3 Unit of a long term plan: Unit 3 Fantasy world Lesson 75 Teacher name: Date: Grade: 5 Number present: absent: Lesson title Vocabulary puzzles: People and places. shops Learning objectives use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a limited range of general topics; link, with some support, sentences into coherent paragraphs using basic connectors on a limited range of familiar general topics; Lesson objectives Learners will be able to: • Use and practise basic vocabulary • Use vocabulary to describe different shops. • Write the affirmative and negative forms of there is, Value links Kindness – If you value kindness, you’ll likely always be respectful of people around you, be gentle with criticism, and always willing to welcome people with open arms. Plan Stages / Time Teachers’ actions Students’ actions Beginni ng of the lesson 5 min Organization moment 1.Greeting. Ask about the weather. The teacher sets the lesson objectives, letting students know what to anticipate from the lesson. Warm-up Method speaking phone was used to develop speaking skills. The aim: To develop pupils speaking skills and create friendly atmosphere Efficiency: By telling the wishes they show their appreciations . Students of the class are listed. Students' attention is drawn to the lesson. A student with special educational needs A pupil greets. Assessment criteria Resourc es At the organization moment teacher tries to award active pupils. «The praise» method is used to evaluate pupils with phrases like: “Good job! Well done!” Formative Assessment Pictures Students analyze the given pictures in pairs. Lead – In • Books closed. Ask students to work in pairs and think about the last thing they bought and to tell their partners about it – what it was and where they bought it from. • Get some feedback from the class by asking a few students to describe what their partner last bought Determines the topic and purpose of the lesson Good job! Students say different words from the picture Student’ s book Middle of the lesson Present ation part. 35 min Ex: 1 P: 37 • Focus students’ attention on the words in the puzzle. If you have done the warm-up activity, they will already be familiar with country, town, city and village. Find ten words for people and places. • In a stronger class, encourage students to complete the lists by themselves. Differentiation: «Verbal support» method is used to help Students use new words in the text. Students find ten words for people and places. Use the green letters to spell a place. ANSWERS: Country Person People City Students complete the puzzle with the shops ANSWERS: 1 bookshop 2 chemist’s Ex: 2 P:37 3 pet shop • Draw students’ attention to the 4 supermarket five pictures. Explain the task. 5 shoe shop • Tell students to match the pictures with the shops that they The spot the recognize first, and encourage difference. Look at them to try to guess the others. the two pictures of Tinford town centre. Ex: 3 P:37 Write the shops that • Focus the student on the two are different in pictures and ask them what they picture 2. What think these there is, there are are shops are the being used for. Elicit that they are same? used to describe two differences ANSWERS: pictures of Tinford town centre. End of the lesson 5 min FEEDBACK Learners provide feedback on what they have learned at the lesson. The exit ticket This is a way for students to selfreflect on their progress in the lesson. Home task: Ex: 3 P: 56 WB • In a weaker class, ask students to work in pairs, Assessment criteria - Read a Kazakh folk story. Cards Descriptor: - answer questions • In a weaker class, pre-teach the following words and phrases: bookshop, supermarket the Assessment criteria: - Write a story and make a poster Descriptor: - Make a list of the main events in the story -Write a story about one of the people Make CCQ questions Yes / No Poster Worksh eets Short term plan: term 3 Unit of a long term plan: Unit 3 Fantasy world Lesson 76 Teacher name: Date: Grade: 5 Number present: absent: Lesson title Review. Unit-3 Learning objectives understand the main points in a limited range of short simple texts (a poem) on general and curricular topics; provide basic information about themselves and others at sentence level on an increasing range of general topics; Lesson objectives Learners will be able to: - talk about people and places. - understand an article about a shopping centre. - ask for information about places in a town Value links Gratitude – You value gratitude if you find yourself respecting people who say please and thank you. If you’re a religious person who values gratitude, you may always insist on praying before eating your dinner. Plan Stages / Time Teachers’ actions Students’ actions Beginni ng of the lesson 5 min Organization moment 1.Greeting. Ask about the weather. The teacher sets the lesson objectives, letting students know what to anticipate from the lesson. Warm-up Method speaking phone was used to develop speaking skills. The aim: To develop pupils speaking skills and create friendly atmosphere Efficiency: By telling the wishes they show their appreciations . Students of the class are listed. Students' attention is drawn to the lesson. A student with special educational needs A pupil greets. Assessment criteria Resourc es At the organization moment teacher tries to award active pupils. «The praise» method is used to evaluate pupils with phrases like: “Good job! Well done!” Formative Assessment Pictures Students analyze the given pictures in pairs. Lead – In • Books closed. Write the following words on the board in random order: country, village, city, town. Tell students to work in pairs to put these places in order of size, starting with the largest. Ask them to think of an example of each place from their own country Determines the topic and purpose of the lesson Good job! Students say different words from the picture Student’ s book Middle of the lesson Present ation part. 35 min End of the lesson 5 min Ex: 1 P: 38 • Read through the instructions together and make sure students understand what they have to do. • Check answers as a class. Students complete the sentences with the singular or plural forms of the words in the box. ANSWERS: Differentiation: 1 cities «Verbal support» method is used to 2 people help Students use new words in the 3 baby 4 children text. 5 women 6 countries Ex: 2 P:38 • Focus students’ attention on the two columns. There is one shop Students match you don’t need. • Explain the task. Students objects with shops. complete it individually and check There is one shop you their answers in pairs. Check don’t need. answers as a class. ANSWERS: 1f Ex: 3 P:37 2e • Refer students to the questions 3 b and explain the task. They 4 a complete the activity individually. 5d • Point out that students should 6 c check carefully whether they are talking about a singular or plural Students choose the noun before they choose their correct words answers. ANSWERS: • Students check answers in 1 ’s pairs. Check answers as a class 2 aren’t 3 isn’t 4 ’s 5 any 6 some FEEDBACK Learners provide feedback on what they have learned at the lesson. The exit ticket This is a way for students to selfreflect on their progress in the lesson. Home task: Ex: 3 P: 56 WB In a weaker class, revise the rules for forming plural nouns. • In a weaker class, pre-teach the following words and phrases: Computer shop Sport shop Aspirin Assessment criteria - talk about people and places. Cards Descriptor: - complete the Worksh sentences with the singular or eets plural forms of the words in the box. Assessment criteria: - ask for information about places in a town Descriptor: match objects with shops. There is one shop you don’t need. Make CCQ questions Yes / No Poster Short term plan: term 3 Unit of a long term plan: Unit 3 Fantasy world Lesson 77 Teacher name: Date: Grade: 5 Number present: absent: Lesson title People and places Learning objectives keep interaction going in basic exchanges on a growing range of general and curricular topics; use plural form of nouns talking about people and places; use numbers to complete the fact file of a country; Lesson objectives Learners will be able to: • Use and practise basic vocabulary. • Use and practise the affirmative and negative forms of there is, there are, some and any Value links Gratitude – You value gratitude if you find yourself respecting people who say please and thank you. If you’re a religious person who values gratitude, you may always insist on praying before eating your dinner. Plan Stages / Time Teachers’ actions Beginning of the lesson 5 min Organization moment 1.Greeting. Ask about the weather. The teacher sets the lesson objectives, letting students know what to anticipate from the lesson. Warm-up Students’ actions Assessment criteria Students' attention is drawn to the lesson. Formative Assessment Pictures Students discuss the pictures in pairs. Determines the topic and aim of the lesson Fasten your seat belts and get ready for the all-round race Lead – In • Books closed. Write the following words on the board in random order: country, village, city, town. Tell students to work in pairs to put these places in order of size, starting with the largest. Ask them to think of an example of each place from their own country. • After about 1 minute, stop the students. Get feedback from each pair. Resources Students say different words from the picture Good job! Assessment criteria Support a talk on a given general topic Student’s book Middle of the lesson Presentati on part. 35 min Ex: 1 P:38 • Read through the instructions together and make sure students understand what they have to do. In a weaker class, revise the rules for forming plural nouns. • Check answers as a class. Ex: 2 P:38 • Focus on the table and on the words in the left-hand column. Read through them with the class, checking for understanding. • Students do the task in pairs. Encourage students to match the words they recognize first Ex: 3 P:38 • Tell students to work in pairs to choose the correct words. Check answers as a class. • Students complete the rest of the task individually, though you could ask students to do it in pairs in a weaker class. Check answers as a class. Students complete the sentences with the singular or plural form of the words in the box Descriptor: -finds out the right place. -use singular or plural form (1 cities 2 people 3 baby 4 children women 6 countries) -remember simple words - can complete sentence - know vocabulary Cards Total: 2 point 5 Worksheets Differentiation: «Verbal support» method is used to help Students use new words in the text. Students match objects with shops. There is one shop you don’t need Descriptor: - Match objects -can match - Use topic -know vocabulary vocabulary (1 f 2 e 3 b 4 a 5 d 6 c) Total: 2 point Differentiation by support Less motivated learners will be given prompts to find the correct location of the text() paragraphs Students choose the correct words Descriptor: - Do the sentence - Choose the -can complete correct words Conclusion during the lesson the sentences some tasks differentiated by Differentiation by Total: 2 point outcomes of the students and by support their abilities. Less motivated learners will be given prompts to find the correct location of the text() paragraphs Students evaluate Poster End of FEEDBACK each other and the lesson Learners provide feedback on what encourage 5 min they have learned at the lesson. classmate with phrases like: Well done! Brilliant! Good job! I like it! . Short term plan: term 3 Unit of a long term plan: Unit 3 Fantasy world Lesson 80 Teacher name: Date: Grade: 5 Number present: absent: Lesson title Summative control work for the 3rd term Learning objectives Understand the main points of supported extended talk on a range of general and curricular topics. Understand with little support specific information and detail in short, simple texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics. Link, with some support, sentences into coherent paragraphs using basic connectors on a limited range of familiar general topics. Provide basic information about themselves and others at sentence level on an increasing range of general topics. Lesson objectives Learners will be able to: - summarize the main idea with the limited support of details they hear or write down -identify the details of a text - use simple transitional phrases (firstly, secondly…, in conclusion, then, but) -convey ideas and basic information (age, hobbies, interests, family and educational background) Plan Stages / Time Teachers’ actions Beginning of the lesson 5 min Organization moment 1.Greeting. Ask about the weather. The teacher sets the lesson objectives, letting students know what to anticipate from the lesson. Warm-up Students’ actions Assessment criteria Students' attention is drawn to the lesson. Formative Assessment Pictures Students discuss the pictures in pairs. Determines the topic and aim of the lesson Fasten your seat belts and get ready for the all-round race Lead – In • Books closed. Write the following words on the board in random order: country, village, city, town. Tell students to work in pairs to put these places in order of size, starting with the largest. Ask them to think of an example of each place from their own country. • After about 1 minute, stop the students. Get feedback from each pair. Resources Students say different words from the picture Good job! Assessment criteria Support a talk on a given general topic Student’s book Middle of the lesson Presentati on part. 35 min Tasks for the Summative Assessment for the term 3 Listening Task. Listen to the recording and write the name of each room in the correct place on the Floor plan. You will listen to the recording twice. CD3. Tapescript 3. Reading Students listen to the recording and write the name of each room Descriptor: - write the names of each room. Differentiation: «Verbal support» method is used to help Students use new words in the text. - can write the names of each room. Total: 5 point Cards Worksheets -can read the Students Read the text Task. Read the text and complete text and complete the the sentences using the words from sentences using the Total: 5 point the box in the correct form words from the box Descriptor: -read the text -complete the Writing sentences -can describe Task. Think about imaginary place Students describe the the places you would like to live. Describe it. places and write using the following The following Total: 5 point questions. questions will help you. Descriptor: What place is it? - describe the places Why would you like to live there? What is the weather there? What does this place have? Differentiation by What can you there? support What can you do there? Less motivated learners will be given prompts to find the correct Speaking location of the text() paragraphs Task. Choose ONE card, speak about the topic and answer the -can speak using Students choose one questions. card to speak about the questions Total: 5 point topic Descriptor: Conclusion during the lesson - speak using questions some tasks differentiated by Differentiation by outcomes of the students and by support their abilities. Less motivated learners will be given prompts to find the correct location of the text() paragraphs Students evaluate Poster End of FEEDBACK each other and the lesson Learners provide feedback on what encourage 5 min they have learned at the lesson. classmate with phrases like: Well done! Brilliant! Good job! I like it! . Short term plan: term 3 Unit of a long term plan: Unit 3 Fantasy world Lesson 81 Teacher name: Date: Grade: 5 Number present: absent: Lesson title Revision Learning objectives Understand the main points of supported extended talk on a range of general and curricular topics. Understand with little support specific information and detail in short, simple texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics. Lesson objectives Learners will be able to: - summarize the main idea with the limited support of details they hear or write down -identify the details of a text Patience – A person who has patience as a core personal value is going to prioritize giving their time to others. They will sit down and be calm while waiting for others. This is a great trait for a teacher. Value links Plan Stages / Time Teachers’ actions Beginning of the lesson 5 min Organization moment 1.Greeting. Ask about the weather. The teacher sets the lesson objectives, letting students know what to anticipate from the lesson. Warm-up Students’ actions Assessment criteria Students' attention is drawn to the lesson. Formative Assessment Pictures Students discuss the pictures in pairs. Determines the topic and aim of the lesson Fasten your seat belts and get ready for the all-round race Lead – In • Books closed. Write the following words on the board in random order: country, village, city, town. Tell students to work in pairs to put these places in order of size, starting with the largest. Ask them to think of an example of each place from their own country. • After about 1 minute, stop the students. Get feedback from each pair. Resources Students say different words from the picture Good job! Assessment criteria Use the information to write sentences which describe people, places and objects Student’s book Middle of the lesson Presentati Conclusion during the lesson some tasks differentiated by on part. outcomes of the students and by 35 min their abilities. Students listen to the recording and write the name of each room Descriptor: - write the names of each room. Differentiation: «Verbal support» method is used to help Students use new words in the text. - can write the names of each room. Total: 5 point -can read the Students Read the text text and complete the sentences using the Total: 5 point words from the box Descriptor: -read the text -complete the sentences -can describe Students describe the the places places and write using the following Total: 5 point questions. Descriptor: - describe the places Cards Worksheets Differentiation by support Less motivated learners will be given prompts to find the correct location of the text() paragraphs -can speak using Students choose one card to speak about the questions Total: 5 point topic Descriptor: - speak using questions Differentiation by support Less motivated learners will be given prompts to find the correct location of the text() paragraphs End of FEEDBACK the lesson Learners provide feedback on what 5 min they have learned at the lesson. Students evaluate each other and encourage classmate with phrases like: Well done! Brilliant! Good job! I like it! . Poster