Human resource management system of the organization and social adaptation of employees. Lukovenko Nikita Sergeevich Management (38.03.02) Object of the study - the human resource management system of the organization Subject of the study - the procedure of social adaptation of employees at LLC "PK GTO» The aim of the work - to analyze the adaptation processes of the company's personnel resources and to develop measures to improve the adaptation system using the example of the limited liability company "PK GTO". Research tasks: ▪ to investigate the theoretical aspects of social adaptation of personnel in the organization; ▪ to analyze the problems of social adaptation of personnel at LLC "PK GTO"; ▪ to develop measures to improve the social adaptation system of 2 personnel in the organization. General characteristics of LLC "PC GTO". LLC "PK GTO" is engaged in the production and supply of measuring tools and gauges for the control of various types of threaded connections used in different industries. The company also supplies bearings, servo drives, machine components, and manufactures assemblies and parts according to drawings with high precision tolerances. The process of selecting labor resources for the organization consists of broad sequential stages, which are presented in the figure. Human Resources Department . Department of Social Programs. Personnel Management Service of LLC "PC GTO". Department of Assessment and Development of Personnel Department of Labor Organization and Payroll. Formation of a request for personnel selection. Search and initial selection. Evaluation of compliance and candidate selection. Stages of workforce selection carried out by the HR departments of LLC "PC GTO". The structure of the human resources department of LLC "PC GTO". To ensure a competitive wage level for employees, the company continuously monitors wage levels and employee satisfaction within the relevant labor market segments and regions. 3 Dynamics and structure of personnel at LLC "PK GTO". 50 42 42 Возрастная структура персонала ООО «ПК ГТО» за 2018-2020гг. 42 40 Age 2018 2019 2020 Изменение, % 2019/ 2020/ 2020/ 2018 2019 2018 Up to 30 years old. 31-40 41-50 From 51 years old and older. 19 27 6 20 29 4 21 29 4 105,3 107,4 66,7 105,0 100,0 100,0 110,5 107,4 66,7 4 3 3 75,0 100,0 75,0 30 20 14 14 15 2018г. 2019г. 2020г. 10 0 Women Men Distribution of personnel at LLC "PK GTO" by gender in the period of 2018-2020. Transformations in the age characteristics of the workforce: a positive trend has been identified in attracting young specialists, along with a decrease in the percentage of personnel in the most productive age groups. Dynamics of personnel categories in percentage terms at LLC "PK GTO", 2018-2020. Personnel Category Specialists Workers Employees Total 2018г. Num.of % peop. 12 21,4 29 51,8 15 26,8 56 100,0 2019г. Num.of % peop. 12 21,4 29 51,8 15 26,8 56 100,0 2020г. Num.of % peop. 12 21,1 30 52,6 15 26,3 4 57 100,0 Increase in the share of specialists. Analysis of the management system and the process of employee adaptation at LLC "PK GTO" наставничество - Vertical and horizontal rotation. - Mentorship. - Adaptation measures implemented by LLC "PK GTO" - Participation in the company's social and community activities. - Training. At LLC "PK GTO", a personnel adaptation program has been developed, but it is not entirely effective, as the company is experiencing high turnover among newly hired employees and the "aging" of the workforce. - Internships. Adaptation activities carried out by LLC "PK GTO" 5 The adaptation process at LLC "PK GTO" • - At the very beginning of the first working day, the HR officer meets the new specialist. The immediate supervisor carries out: • - Developing a work plan for the probationary period: defining the composition, results, and deadlines for tasks; • - Introducing the new employee to various internal regulatory documents; • - Familiarizing the new worker with the work plan for the probationary period; • - Appointing mentors or taking on this role themselves; • - Informing the new employee about the history of the business entity, its organizational and functional structure, and the nature of its activities; • - Communicating to the new employee about the structural division and its place in the overall structure; • - Introducing them to the production and utility premises and their location; • - Conducting safety training directly at the workplace; • - Facilitating personal introductions of all employees in the structural unit to the newcomer. - Organization of activities and their execution on the first day of work. - Organization of activities related to the management of adaptation processes in the HR department. • - The HR officer, whose responsibilities also include managing adaptation processes, maintains a Adaptation Management Journal, where they plan the dates for control points during the probationary period established for the new employee. The first control point is scheduled for the employee one month after their hiring date. Subsequent control points are scheduled at one-month intervals. • - In order to provide final assessments of the employee's performance at least 6 days before the end of the probationary period, the immediate supervisor hands over a completed Feedback on the adaptation process of the new employee to the HR officer, whose responsibilities include managing adaptation processes. • - At least one day before the Commission meeting, the evaluated employee submits a questionnaire to the HR department, which defines their performance ratings at LLC "PK GTO" during the probationary period. - Organization and conduct of the Personnel Commission. • - The HR department is responsible for organizing the Personnel Commission. It is conducted at least 5 days before the end of the employee's probationary period. • - To assess the individual performance of other categories of employees during their probationary periods, the Commission consists of: • - The chairperson of the commission: the head of the HR department; • - Commission members: the supervisor of the employee being evaluated and colleagues from the same department who work directly with that employee. - Organization of final performance assessments of the employee. 6 Activities aimed at enhancing the process of social adaptation. Problem #1: Lack of training that is nonetheless stated within the framework of the young specialist promotion program at LLC "PK GTO." Problem #2: There is a lack of additional job positions for horizontal rotation among young specialists. Problem #3: The environment of the young employee does not foster their career advancement. - There may be situations where a young specialist has selected a training program for their internship for a certain period. The task of their supervisor (or mentor) is to adequately assess whether providing financial support for the young specialist's chosen training program is reasonable. - For instance, if there are no available internship positions for young specialists at a certain point, it may be necessary to adjust the internship dates and replace it with training during that period. - Alternatively, discussions with the young specialist regarding their internship can be conducted based on the availability of job positions at that time. To avoid such issues, it is essential to compare the young specialist's preferences with the current job openings at the organization. - In this regard, it would be beneficial to conduct a survey of the supervisors (mentors) of young specialists to assess the activity level of their mentees. This could help identify and address any shortcomings. - For example, if a mentor is not providing the necessary support to their mentee, it may be better to assign a different mentor to the young employee. Conversely, if the mentor is actively supporting the mentee, then strategies for further stimulating the employee's activity should be considered. 7 Activities for improving the process of social adaptation. Problem #4: There is no career growth map for young employees who joined LLC "PC GTO" under a scheme that differs from the standard one. Problem #5: There are no activities related to psychophysiological adaptation in the "Regulations on the Adaptation and Mentoring of Young Specialists at LLC 'PC GTO'." КоDuring the relevant interviews, we identified a situation where a young specialist joined LLC "PC GTO" immediately after completing their internship and was also juggling their final year of university with work at the enterprise. After that, they continued working at LLC "PC GTO," but due to the atypical nature of their employment situation, a career growth map was not created. This indicates that the adaptation and development of the young employee occurred without proper oversight and without a clear plan. (It is worth noting that the young specialist actively pursued their development, as they themselves demonstrated initiative in this regard). To prevent such situations from occurring in the future, it is necessary to consider individual cases. To address this issue, it is necessary to actively involve the young personnel of the Company in social and community work. Accordingly, the work of young employees will be more diverse; in addition to performing their professional duties within their specific job roles, they will engage in various public assignments during working hours. This will facilitate a smoother and more comfortable psychophysiological adaptation process, as well as help them adjust to the increased workload compared to their academic period. 8 Activities for improving the process of social adaptation. Stage Name Responsibilities and Deadlines Creation of the adaptation training Human Resources Department 09.01.2021 16.01.2021 Coordination of the training program with the higher management Human Resources Department 17.01.2021 Familiarizing the heads of structural divisions with the adaptation process for newly hired employees Human Resources Department 18.01.2021 25.01.2021 Start of project implementation Human Resources Department, heads of structural divisions 01.02.2021 Control of project implementation Human Resources Department 01.02.2021 28.02.2021 Evaluation of project results Director 2021 Stages of project implementation for improving the employee adaptation system at LLC "PK GTO" In accordance with the developed strategies for enhancing the effectiveness of employee development at LLC "PC GTO", the following will be achieved: - Increased volume and quality of services provided; - Reduced costs associated with recruitment and adaptation; - Staff training as a result of a functioning talent pool and personnel development, from which candidates for vacant positions can be selected; - Decreased employee turnover as a result of improving the organization's personnel policy. 9 Преимущества системы наставничества The mentor helps newcomers to adapt more quickly to the new team and acquire professional skills. The mentor warns against potential serious mistakes and violations. Recognition of the mentors' contributions and elevation of their status motivate them to work more effectively. Increased professional and personal self-esteem due to the opportunity to help new employees acclimate more quickly in the new team. An experienced mentor helps reinforce knowledge and correct mistakes. The new employee feels much more confident. Disadvantages of the mentoring system: While working with a newcomer, the mentor is distracted from their main job; when they are absent from the workplace, the workload falls on their colleagues. Mentees require a significant amount of working time. The mentor bears material responsibility for the mistakes made by the new employee. The mentoring system allows to: - Improve the quality of training and qualifications of personnel; - Save time for department managers in training new employees; - Provide mentors with career advancement opportunities, reward them for good work, and recognize their contributions to the company; - Reduce employee turnover by decreasing the number of staff who resign during or immediately after the probation period. New employees did not mention any disadvantages. 10