Case Village A is a small rural community located in the southern province of Gaza, Mozambique. Recent census data indicates Village A has a population of approximately 5,000 people, mostly subsistence farmers and fishermen. According to a needs assessment conducted by local NGOs, Village A suEers from high rates of poverty, with over 60% of households living on less than $1.90 per day. The main livelihood activities include small-scale agriculture focused on maize, cassava, beans and horticulture crops. Fishing is also an important economic activity, though access to markets to sell fish is limited. Educational opportunities in Village A are extremely limited, with only a primary school oEering grades 15. Teacher absenteeism is high, resulting in poor quality instruction. As a result, the adult literacy rate is around 45%, hindering economic opportunities. Healthcare services are provided by a small clinic, staEed by one nurse and oEering very basic care. Malaria, diarrhoea, respiratory infections and malnutrition are prevalent among children under 5. Access to safe water and sanitation is a challenge, with most households relying on unprotected shallow wells for water and having no toilet facilities. Data overview Demographics § Total population is 5,000. § 49% male, 51% female. § 43% under age 18. § 53% age 18-59. § 4% over age 60. Education § 1 primary school in the community, grades 1-5. § Total enrolment is 800 students. § Teacher to student ratio is 1:50. § No school feeding program currently. § School has 5 teachers, 2 classrooms. § Majority of girls drop out before completing primary school. Health § 1 small clinic with 1 nurse. § Leading causes of morbidity: malaria, diarrhoea, respiratory infections. § No access to reproductive health services. § High rates of chronic malnutrition among children under 5. WASH § § § § § Most households rely on unprotected shallow wells, hand pumps and a few protected wells. No piped water system. Open defecation is common; only 30% of households have basic pit latrines. No sanitation facilities at the school. Risk of contaminated water causing water-borne diseases. Livelihoods § Subsistence farming of maize, cassava, beans, vegetables. § Fishing in local rivers and lakes for tilapia, carp. Test - CASCADE Project | MEAL O5icer position CARE International © MEAL 2025 § § Limited access to markets to sell any surplus produce or fish catch. No electricity, use of firewood for cooking. With high rates of poverty and limited access to critical services like education, healthcare and WASH, Village A exemplifies some of the development challenges facing rural communities across Gaza province and Mozambique more broadly. CARE INTERNATIONAL has identified Village A as a priority community for expanded programming. A comprehensive monitoring, evaluation, accountability and learning framework will be essential to measure impact and design and adapt programming to this context. Questions 1 Choose one programming pillar and identify one (1) Ultimate outcome, one (1) Intermediate outcome, and one Immediate Outcome (1) that could be addressed through a project in this community. Draft a simple, narrative theory of change describing the causal logic of how the project activities and outputs (maximum 2 outputs) would achieve the expected outcomes. Also draft the corresponding (basic) LogFrame (Logical Framework) showing the linkage between ultimate outcome, intermediate outcome, immediate outcomes and outputs. – 40% Theory of change narrative should be half a page, LogFrame should be maximum of one page. Question 2 Outline a monitoring and learning plan for this hypothetical project. Your answer should indicate what should be done, why it is important, and how it should be done. – 30% The outlined monitoring plan should not be longer than one page. Question 3 Develop a sample survey that could be used to monitor the following aspects of the project: § 1 output indicator § 1 immediate outcome indicator Focus only on the key survey questions needed to measure results for those specific indicators. Do not include other survey modules such as demographics or consent. – 30% The survey should not be longer than two pages. Test - CASCADE Project | MEAL O5icer position CARE International © MEAL 2025