A OF kENVA MULTIMEDIA UNIVERSlTY FACULIY OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGy 2023/2024 UNIVERSTY EXAMINATIONS FOR SEMESTER EXAMINATION FIRST FIFTHYEAR THE BACHELOR OF DEGREE OF SCIENCE IN ELECTRICAL AND TELECOMM ENGINEERING ECE 2512: DATE: ANTENNA ENGINEERING AND DESIGN TIME: 2HOURS 17" APRIL 2024 INSTRUCTIONS: BOOKLETPROVIDED. QUESTION ONE |COMPULSORY AND ANY OTHER TWO QUESTIONS ANSWER YOURQUESTIONS IN THE ANSWER ANSWER QUESTION ONE (THIRTY MARKS) (a)Explain the following antenna terms with the aid of equations engineering The directivity (i) (2Marks) The radiated power density. (2Marks) (b) A microwave link operating at a frequency of uses a 1Om diameter antenna to transmit a parabolic dish signal. The signal is received by a 2.5 dish antenna sited 20km diameter away. Given that the parabolic efficiencyof each antenna is the; 50%, Find 3GHz m Gains of both antennas () (i) (iv) (V) Half power beam Effective Isotropic (4 Marks) width ofthe receiving antenna. Radiated Power Free space path loss Power (2Marks) (1Mark) (2 Marks) received. (2Marks) Page 1 of 4 hoay kad cond solage ndinged during noved at wave r distance a mctres trDin he electronagnetle of a radiated power density (e) The mitting antenna is give trarsmit Wa (r, , cos 20)sint r0s0s0SS3 4 d)= elsewhhere (2 Marks) Determine the: ofthe ensity inten Radiation (0) (iv) Explain Directivity the at intensity powerofthe Radiated r= (2 Marks) 369, qp= 1809. (3Marks) mode.(2 Marks) antenna. nasystem in transmiting loss one source of power QUESTION TWo (a) (6 Marks) antenna, 1000, point: Iransmitting ofCehe t Radiation vd) wave (TWENTYMARKS) oftthe following the radiationcharacteristics antenna Omni-directional types of antennas (2 Marks) Describe () (2 Marks) radiator. Isotropic b) The magnetic vector potential of an antenna whose current density is ] A/m² is given by: A=lle-irdv Starting from this expression carrying a uniform current and considering of The magneticvector potential () The magnetic field source must satisfy. dipole of length dl peak value I,, deriveexpressions for; () (c) For an electromagnetic an infinitesimal (7 Marks) intensity. (7 Marks) wave to be radiated, describe the necessary conditions that the (2 Marks) QUESTION THREE (TWENTY MARKS) (a) An antenna having a current density J is placed homogeneous propagation medium. ) Derive an equation vector potential (ii) Show that A is fortheelectric and a scalar field electric in an isotropic, intensity E in terms of potential uniform and the magnetie (4 Marks) related to Jb J by an inhomogeneous differential equation. (6 Marks) with curtents is (h)A phase shift excited dipoles anos are of c-esett radians If the of using equal-anplitude to spacing equal have uniform dipoles (2 Marks) progressive (2 Marks) its determine Array lactar of Angular pasitions skctuh the radiation e oUESTIONFOUR a)A broadside pattern of the array (3 Marks) of array. name the type in (b) and (TWENTY MARKS) N half-wavelength dipoles. antenna array consists tsaay factor. is An antenna array (b 2 Marks) (2 nulls. pattern the radiation of made up Given magnitude and phase. tendipoles of the that (6 Marks) carrying currents huve dipoles a that are cqual spacing equal unifoem factor of the antena. The angles of the nulls and mninor The angles of the major From the results of (b), sketch ()Explain the principle and elassify of patterns A current of peak value field intensity an elevation angle The electric and at Mark) 3 Marks) lo the radiation pattern of the array. (4 as applied multiplication in (2 Marks) of Amperes is applied to a wire antenna given Marks) antenna design. length r metres set up by the antenna at a distance is Marks) (4 lobes QUESTION FIVE (TWENTY MARKS) (a) in to (1 The artay for Derive an expression caloulate (0) Marks) (1 of the major lobe Angular orientation Angles lobes the minor in metres. the far-field by E,=E 0 Derive expressions for the; (2 Marks) () Radiated (0) Power radiated (7Marks) (üi) Radiation resistance. (3 Marks) (b) The magnetic power density field intensity set up by an antennathat is placed in free-space at the point (r=2000 m, 8= 0.25a, ) =n) is H-0.I mAT/m. Assuming that the antenna is loss free, calculate the radiated power if the antenna is: Page 3 of 4 (4 Marks) A dipole of (1) length (4 Marks) 0.01A A052 long dipole. Page 4 of 4