2D Heat Tranfer This MATLAB GUI presents 2D heat transfer in a plate. The general equation for 2D is given by ߩܿ ߲ܶ ߲ଶܶ ߲ଶܶ = ߣ ቆ ଶ + ଶቇ ߲ݐ ߲ݔ ߲ݕ We try to solve it numerically: Time derivation : ߲ܶ ܶ௧ାଵ − ܶ௧ = ∆ݐ ߲ݐ - x direction derivation ௧ ௧ ௧ − 2ܶ, + ܶାଵ, ߲ ଶ ܶ ܶିଵ, = ሺ∆ݔሻଶ ߲ ݔଶ - y direction derivation ௧ ௧ ௧ − 2ܶ, + ܶ,ାଵ ߲ ଶ ܶ ܶ,ିଵ = ሺ∆ݕሻଶ ߲ ݕଶ And the equation is as follows ߩܿ ௧ାଵ ௧ ܶ, − ܶ, ∆ݔ = ߣቆ ௧ ௧ ௧ ௧ ௧ ௧ ܶିଵ, − 2ܶ, + ܶାଵ, ܶ,ିଵ − 2ܶ, + ܶ,ାଵ + ቇ ሺ∆ݔሻଶ ሺ∆ݕሻଶ We assume ∆ ݕ∆ = ݔ: ௧ାଵ = ܶ, ௧ ௧ ௧ ௧ ௧ ܶିଵ, + ܶାଵ, + ሺ ܯ− 4ሻܶ, + ܶ,ାଵ + ܶ,ିଵ ܯ where ܯis Modul and is given by ߩܿ ሺ∆ݔሻଶ =ܯ ߣ∆ݐ The stability condition have to be satisfied: ≥ܯ4 Using the boundary conditions q = −λ Ti ,t j −1 − Ti t, j ∆x so Ti ,t j −1 − Ti ,t j = 0 Ti ,t j −1 = Ti ,t j Using the GUI =0 USING the GUI The material properties, initial temperature, temperatures on the edges, and some additional parameters are required to be set up. (There are some initial values in the program).