512 WINTER 2012 The Acquisition of Dialectal Phonemes in a Study Abroad Context: The Case of the Castilian Theta Stephanie M. Knouse Furman University Abstract: This exploratory study investigates the incorporation of dialectal variants in second language (L2) pronunciation and how the learning context intersects with this acquisition. Specifically, this research examines to what extent L2 learners of Spanish acquire the regional phoneme /u/ from north‐central Spain in both study abroad (SA) and at‐home (AH) programs. Native versus nonnative L2 pronunciation over time in potential [u] contexts is also considered. The findings suggest that students rarely produce [u] after contact with native speakers in either learning context, yet the use of the phone is facilitated by a SA experience and conditioned by select linguistic and extralinguistic factors. Moreover, beginning and intermediate students appear to make greater gains in nativelike pronunciation as a result of the SA experience as compared to advanced students. Key words: Spanish, dialectal phonemes, L2 variation, pronunciation, study abroad Introduction The opportunity to study a foreign language in a country where that language is spoken is thought to be paramount for second language acquisition (SLA). Many university students are encouraged by their professors and mentors to spend time abroad in a foreign country in order to increase their proficiency in a particular target language and to gain worldly experience. By immersing oneself entirely in the language of study and target culture, learners gain the main advantage of a study abroad (SA) context in that they are ideally exposed to plentiful amounts of second language (L2) input, which would be virtually impossible to simulate while residing in their country of origin. Because it has been widely accepted that including an experience in a SA context is extremely beneficial to the L2 student’s knowledge of Stephanie M. Knouse (PhD, University of Florida) is an Assistant Professor of Spanish and Foreign Language Education at Furman University, Greenville, South Carolina. Foreign Language Annals, Vol. 45, Iss. 4, pp. 512–542. © 2013 by American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages. DOI: 10.1111/flan.12003 and abilities with the target language and culture,1 many American college students go abroad as part of an academic program; in fact, during the 2009–2010 scholastic year 270,604 undergraduates traveled to a different country as part of their collegiate experience, and 5.8% of these students abroad (15,695) were enrolled in a program exclusively dedicated to the study of a foreign language (Institute of International Education, 2011, p. 2).2 Spanish is the most commonly taught foreign language in the United States in both the secondary and postsecondary arenas (Furman, Goldberg, & Lusin, 2010). As a result, many language students go abroad to Hispanophone countries to better understand and produce the language and to return to the United States more proficient in Spanish. Of all foreign countries to which students travel to study the language, Spain was the third most popular destination in 2009–2010 (25,411 students), up 5.1% from the previous academic year, according to the Open Doors “Fast Facts” Report from the Institute of International Education (2011, p. 2). Spain also ranked first among Spanish‐speaking countries included in this list of the top 25 destinations and attracted 49% of all students studying in countries where Spanish is spoken (Institute of International Education, 2011, p. 2), even though other areas like Mexico, the Caribbean, Central America, and South America—which also offer SA programs— are closer in proximity and are perhaps more cost effective.3 Therefore, it seems fairly logical to inquire about the linguistic outcomes of sending almost half of the students studying in a Spanish‐speaking country to Spain, a country that has distinct dialectal features not typically used in the varieties of Spanish spoken in the United States. Given that a large percentage of American students travel to the Iberian Peninsula to study Spanish, it was my interest to investigate if and to what extent these L2 learners incorporate linguistic phenomena found only in Spain as a result of participating in SA programs in the region. In 513 particular, I focused on how students did or did not acquire the Castilian /u/ as part of their phonemic inventory, and the factors that affected this acquisition. Unless one is in contact with the limited number of Spaniards residing in the United States4 or with a native or nonnative instructor of the language who uses this phone on a regular basis, few American students studying Spanish are exposed to this sound before going abroad to Spain, should they choose to do so. For those L2 learners who do choose to study in the region, why do some students return from their stay abroad producing [u] in some or mostly all contexts, and why do others fail to do so? Using a variationist approach,5 this research addresses this question and aims to identify the linguistic, social, and stylistic factors that condition how students studying in Spain realize the Castilian [u]. Background on /u/ In this section I provide some basic details about /u/ and the phonological processes observed in native (L1) speech. The phoneme /u/ is classified as a voiceless interdental fricative and is very similar to the “th” in the English words thick and moth. Although the use of /u/ is observed in other varieties of Spanish, albeit a rare phenomenon,6 it is primarily those Spanish speakers from the north‐central region of Spain who systematically produce this phone, which is one of the defining phonological characteristics of Castilian Spanish (Azevedo, 2009). In other parts of the Iberian Peninsula, phonological phenomena such as seseo and ceceo are observed; that is, the categorical use of the [s] or [u], respectively, with the graphemes “s,” “ce,” “ci,” and “z”; however, these phonological processes are not typically observed among native speakers from north‐central Spain (Whitley, 2002). The phonological process involving /u/ in Castilian Spanish is known as distinción, or “distinction,” as speakers distinguish the use of [u] and the voiceless alveolar fricative [s] with the graphemes “ce,” “ci,” and “z,” employing the former sound rather than the 19449720, 2012, 4, Downloaded from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1944-9720.2013.12003.x by Arizona State University Acq & Analysis, Lib Continuations, Wiley Online Library on [30/09/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License Foreign Language Annals VOL. 45, NO. 4 latter in these contexts. As Schwegler, Kempff, and Ameal‐Guerra (2010) discussed, distinción is a fairly recent phonological phenomenon in north‐central Spain and became prevalent in this geographical area between the 16th and 17th centuries (p. 370). It is thought that this later development would explain why [u] is rarely observed in American varieties of Spanish, as the process had not yet occurred when the first Spaniards departed for the New World. In present‐day Castilian Spanish, the words casa “house” and caza “hunt” form minimal pairs [ká.sa] and [ká.ua], yet in most other Spanish‐speaking countries these two words would be pronounced exactly the same [ká.sa], as seseo— or the realization of the [s] as corresponding to the graphemes “s,” “ce,” “ci,” and “z”—is the default in nearly all Latin American varieties of Spanish. Therefore, due to the preference of Latin American Spanish in the L2 classroom, it is safe to say that the vast majority of students studying Spanish in the United States would be exposed to seseo as opposed to distinción in their classes and in their communities. Context of Learning and Study Abroad Context of Learning Within the field of SLA, many researchers have come to support the idea that the learning context is a critical element to consider when analyzing how L2 students acquire language (Collentine & Freed, 2004; Díaz‐Campos, 2004, 2006; Firth & Wagner, 1997; Martinsen, Baker, Dewey, Bown, & Johnson, 2010, p. 45; Schumann, 1976). These scholars have advocated for including the physical, social, and cultural setting when examining the factors known to affect L2 acquisition, especially because language learning is inherently a social phenomenon and meaning is always negotiated between two or more individuals in a communicative, social environment (Vygotsky, 1978). WINTER 2012 Some of the learning contexts that have been frequently studied over the past few decades have been classroom immersion environments and SA programs (Collentine & Freed, 2004), as well as naturalistic settings (Siegel, 2003). Many times social and affective influences about language are closely linked to SLA when one considers the effects of learning environments; these social‐psychological factors add a profound dimension when a researcher analyzes the effects of different learning contexts, especially when learners are acquiring the L2 while immersed in the culture. Whichever the learning context, I too uphold the belief that this external factor should be taken into consideration with the acquisition of a L2, especially since we, as language instructors, frequently advocate for and send our students to a different learning context to better acquire and manipulate the L2. The present analysis focuses on how classroom and SA environments play a role in L2 pronunciation with the hopes of contributing to a body of research dedicated to how learning contexts shape L2 acquisition. SA and Pronunciation As mentioned in the above section, many SLA researchers, especially in the past two decades, have carried out investigations on how a SA learning context may or may not facilitate different aspects of L2 acquisition. This research has focused on, but is not limited to, SLA of the following areas: pronunciation and speaking abilities, grammatical structures, pragmatic and communicative competence, narrative abilities, vocabulary development, and cognitive abilities (see Lafford & Collentine, 2006, for a full review of these different areas of L2 Spanish in SA settings). As the scope of this investigation is limited to dialectal sounds in L2 phonology, the studies highlighted in this section will focus exclusively on the oral abilities of L2 learners who have participated in SA programs. Several investigations within SLA research have emphasized different nuances of oral abilities after a stay abroad: fluency (DeKeyser, 1986; 19449720, 2012, 4, Downloaded from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1944-9720.2013.12003.x by Arizona State University Acq & Analysis, Lib Continuations, Wiley Online Library on [30/09/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License 514 Freed, 1995a; Freed, Segalowitz, & Dewey, 2004; Isabelli, 2001; Lafford, 1995; Segalowitz & Freed, 2004), oral proficiency (Freed, 1990, 1995a, 1995b; Ginsberg & Miller, 2000; Guntermann, 1992a, 1992b; Magnan & Back, 2007; Martinsen, 2007; Segalowitz & Freed, 2004), and segmental pronunciation (Díaz‐Campos, 2004, 2006; Lord, 2006, 2010; Simões, 1996; Stevens, 2001). As in other areas of SLA SA research, the benefits of a SA experience are, on the whole, positive (Carroll, 1967; Lafford, 2006), yet some studies have not been able to make such a decisive conclusion. With respect to L2 pronunciation of segmental phonemes of Spanish, some analyses have shown improvements in targetlike pronunciation after spending a period abroad, while the evidence from other investigations does not indicate definitive positive gains as a result of this learning context. For example, the results of Simões (1996) determined that while four out of five of the participants improved their speaking abilities in terms of a simulated ACTFL Oral Proficiency Interview, certain acoustic features of the participants’ L2 speech did not develop as much as one might have anticipated after the 5‐week experience in Costa Rica. The researcher found that only two of five participants displayed significant improvements with respect to vowel quality. It was observed that these five L2 learners of Spanish were only slightly able to produce shorter vowels and fewer examples of the English “schwa” [c]; in only some instances they used linking strategies and produced fewer hesitations. The participants still, by and large, continued producing nonnative sounds when speaking in Spanish, even after an immersion experience and direct contact with native speakers (NSs) of the language. Another study that showed mixed results of the effect of a SA program regarding targetlike pronunciation was that of Díaz‐Campos (2004), who investigated how students who completed a 10‐week SA experience in Alicante, Spain, compared to those enrolled in an at‐home 515 (AH) program for the same length of time. All participants read a short text with 60 words containing the segments to be studied. After analyzing commonly taught segmental features in L2 Spanish textbooks from the read‐aloud excerpt, he concluded that both the SA and AH groups increased nativelike production of word‐initial stops [p, t, k] and word‐final laterals [l] over time. Yet neither the AH nor the SA students improved their use of the voiced intervocalic fricatives [b, ð, g] after the treatment period, lending credibility that these students could not establish a different phonemic category in the L2 for these similar, but different sounds (cf. Flege, 1987). Therefore, it would seem that the learning context did not appear to positively affect the L2 pronunciation of the SA students with regard to these phones. Notably, when Díaz‐Campos classified all of the specified segments as either nativelike or nonnative and incorporated external factors (i.e., gender, context of learning and time of recording, years of formal language instruction, etc.) into the analysis, it was discovered that the AH posttest data yielded a higher percentage and probability of nativelike pronunciation when compared to the SA group’s posttest data. In other words, the AH group showed a slightly higher rate of overall improvement when compared to the SA students over time. Díaz‐Campos inferred that the AH students probably had more years of formal instruction in Spanish, which also resulted as a statistically significant factor in predicting nativelike pronunciation of the segments. He concluded by stating: “These results are slightly puzzling in that they do not reveal striking differences between SA and AH students” (p. 270). These results also make one wonder: What are the phonological benefits of studying abroad for the L2 Spanish learner? To follow up on the findings in his 2004 analysis, Díaz‐Campos (2006) compared how different types of speaking tasks— namely, conversational versus read‐aloud tasks—affected the production of these same segmental features in L2 phonology 19449720, 2012, 4, Downloaded from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1944-9720.2013.12003.x by Arizona State University Acq & Analysis, Lib Continuations, Wiley Online Library on [30/09/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License Foreign Language Annals VOL. 45, NO. 4 and linked this analysis to the effect of SA and AH learning contexts. In this investigation, the researcher incorporated two‐ minute extracts from pre‐ and posttest ACTFL OPI data as the conversational task and compared the patterns of this corpus to the pre‐ and posttest data from the read‐aloud task used in the 2004 study described above. When taking into consideration the task type itself, Díaz‐Campos observed that SA students were more successful across time than AH students in producing targetlike segmental pronunciation during the conversational task; specifically, SA students made more gains when realizing the word‐initial voiceless stops [p, t, k], syllable final laterals [l], and palatal nasals [ ] after the treatment period. Even though both groups as a whole realized more nativelike sounds during the OPI in comparison to their performance during the read‐aloud task, Díaz‐Campos suggested the SA students’ marked success in conversational speaking was due to an increased amount of interaction with NSs during the 10‐week period in Spain. It appears that because the SA students were presented with more opportunities to practice informal speech on a daily basis (e.g., outside of class with host families, with other various members of the NS community), they were able to enhance their speaking skills of this genre, thus showing more developments over time. The findings of Stevens (2001) likewise offer support as to how a SA experience can benefit L2 pronunciation. He included the following groups in his investigation: one control group (students who participated in an AH program in Los Angeles) and two experimental groups (students who spent a summer in Madrid and others who were there for an entire semester). After analyzing the realizations of the consonants [p, t, k, b, ð, g, r, ] from the pre‐ and posttests, Stevens determined that those students who participated in SA programs of either length of time showed statistically significant improvements in nativelike pronunciation—especially the reduction of voice onset time of word‐initial WINTER 2012 voiceless stops [p, t, k]—when compared to the students who remained stateside. He accredited the success of the experimental groups to “the amount and type of input provided by the study abroad experience” (p. 195). Lord (2010) also observed positive gains in L2 pronunciation after a stay abroad from students who had traveled to Mexico as part of an academic program. Yet the learning context was not the lone contributing factor for success in her study. She contended that it is not only a SA context that enhances L2 students’ performance regarding nativelike phonetic forms, but rather it is the combination of a SA experience along with prior explicit instruction of L2 sounds that promotes higher levels of mastery. The researcher analyzed the production of the fricative consonants [ß, ð, g] versus their occlusive counterparts [b, d, g]; the latter group of sounds is commonly observed in L2 Spanish pronunciation of NSs of English due to L1 transfer, because many L2 students are unaware of the phonological process of fricativization in Spanish. The results of the analysis confirmed that those students who had taken an introductory course on phonetics before their 8‐week stay abroad in Mexico were the most successful in targetlike pronunciation of these sounds. Although both the noninstruction and instruction group benefitted from the immersion experience, Lord affirmed that “those with instruction in addition to immersion may reap even more benefits” (p. 497). SLA and Variation The SLA research mentioned above focused exclusively on sounds observed in most or all varieties of Spanish. These studies compared nativelike and nonnative realizations produced by L2 learners after a time abroad in order to ascertain how the learning context shapes SLA. While this type of emphasis is very important for an understanding of the linguistic effects of a stay abroad, it seems to be equally as important to discover if L2 learners acquire dialectal 19449720, 2012, 4, Downloaded from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1944-9720.2013.12003.x by Arizona State University Acq & Analysis, Lib Continuations, Wiley Online Library on [30/09/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License 516 features exclusively characteristic of that particular region. For this reason, a burgeoning subfield of SLA research of Spanish phenomena has started to address research questions that unite SLA, sociolinguistics, and regional variation (Geeslin, 2011); the present study likewise attempts to contribute to this growing body of knowledge. The majority of research that merges SLA and L1 variation has dealt with morphological or syntactic phenomena, such as copula choice (Geeslin, 2002; Geeslin & Guijarro‐Fuentes, 2006), the preference of the subjunctive or indicative moods (Geeslin & Gudmestad, 2008a; Gudmestad, 2006), the acquisition of direct object versus indirect object pronouns (Geeslin, García‐Amaya, Hasler‐Barker, Henriksen, & Killam, 2010; Salgado‐Robles, 2011), and subject pronoun expression (Abreu, 2009; Geeslin & Gudmestad, 2008b). With respect to SLA studies centered on how L2 students acquire “geographically indexed” phones (Willis, Geeslin, & Henriksen, 2009), only two previous studies have concentrated on this topic and, coincidentally, both have analyzed the acquisition of /u/ by L2 learners of Spanish after a SA experience in Spain. Geeslin and Gudmestad (2008c) discovered that of 130 American students who spent time abroad in Spain, only nine students realized [u] in their speech. All nine of these participants belonged to one of the three highest predeparture proficiency levels, and the two students who categorically used [u] pertained to the highest proficiency level. In the same study, the researchers also analyzed /s/‐weakening, which is not only a dialectal feature in Spanish but also a socially conditioned phenomenon. Five of the 130 students produced examples of the weakened /s/, all of which were realized only in word‐final position. As with the results of [u], the five students producing this sound had tested into the highest proficiency level. Upon reviewing the results of a posttest survey, Geelsin and Gudmestad argued that social‐ psychological factors played a role in 517 whether or not the participants acquired /u/ or incorporated /s/‐weakening in L2 speech. As the results of the aforementioned study had determined that those students with the highest levels of proficiency were more likely to incorporate dialectal or L1 variable phones in their speech, Willis et al. (2009) targeted this type of student as the focus of their study of /u/. All nine participants of this investigation were highly motivated graduating high school seniors who were studying in a Spanish‐speaking country for the first time, specifically in León, Spain. They found that, over time, eight of the nine learners reduced the use of [s] and [z] in the contexts where [u] was possible, replacing these phones with [u]; only one student moved in the opposite direction and disfavored the use of the geographically indexed variant after the experience abroad. Willis et al. concluded that these motivated students were able to reorganize L2 phonemic categories and incorporate dialectal features used by the NS community in León. While the results of these studies provide important insights on the acquisition of /u/, they do not include tools to measure students’ attitudes on L2 pronunciation, nor is an AH group used as a point of comparison in Willis et al. (2009). For these reasons, I expanded the scope of the analysis of [u] use by incorporating these elements into the present investigation. Research Questions Given the need for further empirical research regarding L2 acquisition of dialectal phonemes and the interest to probe further in comparing SA and AH groups, I posed the following exploratory research questions: RQ1: Regarding the amount of [u] production over time, how do students participating in a SA program in Salamanca, Spain, compare to students in an AH course with an instructor who realizes the dialectal variant? RQ2: What are the linguistic, social, and stylistic factors7 that contribute to the 19449720, 2012, 4, Downloaded from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1944-9720.2013.12003.x by Arizona State University Acq & Analysis, Lib Continuations, Wiley Online Library on [30/09/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License Foreign Language Annals VOL. 45, NO. 4 WINTER 2012 acquisition of /u/ after a 6‐week stay abroad in Salamanca, and how do attitudes of pronunciation play a role in this acquisition? RQ3: In all contexts where [u] is possible, how does target vs. nontarget pronunciation by SA and AH students compare over time? Methodology Participants A total of 25 American university students participated in the present study. During summer 2008, the data were collected from the SA group, which consisted of a total of 15 students (14 females and 1 male) studying abroad for a 6‐week period in Salamanca. All of these participants were L1 speakers of English.8 The average length of formal study of Spanish by the SA group was 5.6 years (range 2–10 years). Of these 15 students, 3 (20%) were pursuing a major in Spanish, 3 (20%) were pursuing a minor in the language, and the other 9 (60%) did not pursue Spanish as either a major or minor at their respective universities. None of these students had studied in a foreign country prior to this experience. This SA program was ideal for the present investigation because NSs of this region, as well as all of the students’ instructors, regularly employ distinción in their speech. The presence of NS use of [u] and distinctión were corroborated with NS salmantino data collected during the same summer (salmantinos are people originally from Salamanca). A random sample of 25 open‐ended sociolinguistic interviews was analyzed. The 25 salmantinos realized [u] at a rate of 99% (622/625) during these interviews in all contexts containing the “ce,” “ci,” and “z” graphemes. The data from the AH group were collected in summer 2009 from students attending a 6‐week summer Spanish course at a large state university. There were a total of 21 students enrolled in the class; however, the data from 11 students in total were discarded because 8 of these students were native or bilingual speakers of Spanish and 3 did not complete all of the required tasks. Upon eliminating these 11 students, there were a total of 10 nonnnative participants (7 females and 3 males) in the AH group, whose L1 was English. The average length of formal study was 6.5 years (range 5–9 years); and of these 10 students, all 10 (100%) were pursuing Spanish as their minor. All of these students were enrolled in their third or fourth year of collegiate Spanish, and all had passed an advanced grammar and composition course as a prerequisite of the class; thus, they were all considered advanced language students. Four of the 10 AH participants had studied in Spain during a 6‐week period the prior summer (3 in Santander, 1 in Seville). It is important to clarify why I chose this particular AH group with which to compare those students studying abroad in Salamanca. First, the course in which these students were enrolled lasted a total of 6 weeks, which was the same length of study as the SA program. The average number of years of formal study of the SA and AH groups was also fairly analogous (5.6 years vs. 6.5 years, respectively). Most important, the instructor of the AH class spoke with a Castilian accent—and consequently used [u]—when teaching in Spanish. It was one of my research interests to ascertain whether or not AH students in contact with a speaker using dialectal features would acquire these linguistic characteristics and, if so, at what rate. As with the salmantino NSs, I corroborated that this instructor realized [u] in her speech, which she did with an average of 82.9% (92/111—there were 111 occurrences from the available analyzable data). Finally, as 4 of the 10 AH participants had already been exposed to /u/ in prior SA experiences, it was of interest to observe (1) whether the dialectal feature had already been acquired and was still maintained by these participants a year after their experience abroad, and (2) whether being re‐exposed to the phone would prompt these students to use the sound in their speech. 19449720, 2012, 4, Downloaded from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1944-9720.2013.12003.x by Arizona State University Acq & Analysis, Lib Continuations, Wiley Online Library on [30/09/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License 518 Tasks and Treatment Period Learners in both the SA and AH groups participated in a pretest upon arriving in Spain or during the first days of the summer class at the AH institution. There were two speaking tasks included in the first session of testing: reading a short newspaper article and responding to open‐ended questions (see Appendix A). These particular pre‐ and posttest readings were chosen because they were authentic texts written by native Spanish speakers, as opposed to texts designed exclusively for experimental purposes; each were comparable in length, and both articles contained a similar number of contexts where [u] could be realized.9 The interview questions were related to the students’ personal and academic interests and were designed to facilitate natural, spontaneous conversation. All SA participants carried out the speaking tasks in a quiet room using an Olympus or Sony portable digital recorder, whereas the data from the AH group were collected in a different manner. The AH participants were instructed to find a quiet room and to call a toll‐free number that corresponded to my Gabcast account. When the data were collected, http://www.gabcast.com was a Web site where members could create podcasts through the use of a telephone and “publish” them online; because my account was set to “private,” only I had access to the recordings. The participants completed both speaking tasks using a landline or cell phone and selected the option to save the recordings in my private account as an mp3 file. During the pretest I also administered a Pronunciation Attitude Inventory (PAI) based on Elliott (1995) to both the SA and AH groups in order to determine if students’ attitudes on L2 pronunciation played a role in the acquisition of /u/. The PAI required participants to rate 12 statements about L2 pronunciation using a 5‐point Likert scale (1 being “never true of me” and 5 “always true of me”) (see Appendix B). As in Elliott (1995), three of the questions were worded negatively to avoid a survey effect; 519 the answers to these particular questions were inverted in order to get the corresponding score. The points on the PAI questionnaire were totaled; the highest score possible came to 60 points. The more emphasis the student placed on acquiring and employing nativelike pronunciation in Spanish, the higher the overall total. Students in the SA group averaged 48.1 points out of 60 on the PAI (range ¼ 42–52), and the AH group similarly averaged 47.7 points out of 60 (range ¼ 44–52).10 Prior to their arrival in Spain, students participating in the SA program in Salamanca were given a choice as to whether they wanted to spend the 6‐week experience with a host family or reside in a student dormitory run by a private Spanish company. Out of the 15 participants abroad, 11 decided to live with a host family and 4 opted for the dormitory setting. Of those SA students residing with host families, all were placed with another student enrolled in the same SA program; of those in the dormitories, two students lived alone and two roomed with another L2 learner of Spanish.11 Once in Spain and before the official courses began, all SA students were placed in beginning, intermediate, or advanced grammar classes based on their scores on a grammar language proficiency test. Students placing in the beginning levels were obliged to take the following courses: beginning grammar, vocabulary expansion, language laboratory, and communication skills practice. Those placing in the intermediate and advanced proficiency levels took a grammar course corresponding to their respective level, as well as three electives from the following areas of study: Spanish culture and society, Spanish literature and literary analysis, contemporary Spanish history, Spanish art, and composition and conversation. All students attended class daily Monday through Friday for at least 4 hours per day, totaling about 120 contact hours during the entire 6‐week experience. The 10 AH students participated in a 6‐week, on‐campus course entitled “Introduction to Hispanic Linguistics.” All of these 19449720, 2012, 4, Downloaded from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1944-9720.2013.12003.x by Arizona State University Acq & Analysis, Lib Continuations, Wiley Online Library on [30/09/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License Foreign Language Annals VOL. 45, NO. 4 students needed to complete this upper‐ level class as one of the requirements of the Spanish minor at the academic institution. In this course, students were exposed to the different fields of linguistic study, such as phonetics and phonology, morphology, history of the Spanish language, syntax, SLA, language contact, dialectology, and sociolinguistics. Regarding the chapters on phonetics and phonology, the AH students were explicitly instructed for five class periods on how to articulate nativelike sounds in Spanish—especially in comparison to similar phones in the English phonological system, as well as on dialectal phonological differences within the Spanish‐speaking world. In particular, the professor explicitly taught the class about the phonological phenomena distinción, seseo, and ceceo observed in the Iberian Peninsula. This class met Monday through Friday for 1 hour and 15 minutes per day during the 6‐week period, totaling about 36.25 contact hours. Both the SA and AH groups participated in a posttest as their respective experiences were coming to a close. The structure of the two speaking tasks was the same in this round of testing as in the previous one; however, the read‐aloud text and open‐ ended questions were substituted with different content to avoid a repetition effect (Appendix C). Throughout the entire testing period, I had not informed the participants of the purpose of the study; only after all participants finished the posttest did they learn about the focus of the present investigation. Data Analysis I identified all instances where [u] could occur—specifically, those contexts that included the “ce,” “ci,” and “z” graphemes in both the first and second testing session tasks—and subsequently coded them according to the sound produced by the L2 learner. Inaudible or unintelligible speech samples were excluded from the analysis. I used acoustic analysis software WINTER 2012 (PRAAT) to facilitate judgments of [z] and [s] when the voicing of the sound could not be determined. Likewise, a NS of north‐ central Castilian Spanish listened to a sample of the data in order to establish interrater reliability. There was a high percentage of agreement (88.7%, 298/336), and the NS rater and I came to a consensus in those cases where there were judgment discrepancies. After the exclusions, the two rounds of testing between the SA and AH groups yielded a total of 3,476 possible occurrences of [u]: 2,119 from the SA group (59% of the data) and 1,357 from the AH group (41% of the data). These tokens were coded in a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet based on linguistic, social, and stylistic factor groups. Within the linguistic factor groups, the grapheme, stress of the syllable, and word position were incorporated in the analysis. There were four social factor groups considered: type of housing, level of grammar instruction, scores on the PAI, and field of study. Finally, the task type and test session were included as the stylistic factor groups.12 Along with descriptive statistics, there were two statistical programs used in this analysis. The majority of the data was analyzed via GoldVarb X (Sankoff, Tagliamonte, & Smith, 2005), a VARBRUL program that has been used in other L2 segmental phonological investigations (Díaz‐Campos, 2004, 2006; Hurtado & Estrada, 2010). GoldVarb X, a multivariate logistic regression program typically employed in variationist analyses, offers researchers a powerful tool to facilitate the discovery and interpretation of linguistic patterns (cf. Bayley, 2002; Guy, 1993; Paolillo, 2002), as it is believed that language patterns are not randomly formed but rather structured in a predictable manner, otherwise known as “orderly heterogeneity” (Labov, 1982, p. 17; Weinreich, Labov, & Herzog, 1968, p. 100). GoldVarb X calculates the input probability of the dependent variable—or, in this study, the sound produced by the speaker in all instances where [u] could occur—without the 19449720, 2012, 4, Downloaded from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1944-9720.2013.12003.x by Arizona State University Acq & Analysis, Lib Continuations, Wiley Online Library on [30/09/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License 520 contextual and extralinguistic factors present. Subsequently, the program runs a stepping‐up and a stepping‐down of the data (i.e., comparing all the factor groups in a stepwise manner) and arrives at the model that is the best fit. The program determines the factor groups that have a statistically significant effect on the dependent variable and calculates the probabilistic weights within each factor group. These probabilities note the likelihood of a factor within the group to co‐occur with the application value (Bayley, 2002) or, in the present study, the use of [u]: The individual factors that have probabilistic weights greater than 0.50 favored the use of [u], whereas factors less than 0.50 were said to disfavor the use of [u]. From the results of the GoldVarb X analysis, it is also possible to ascertain a ranking of the factor groups from the most to the least influential over the dependent variable; this is known as the magnitude of effect, or range. Therefore, GoldVarb X is a tool that allowed me to not only determine which factors within the factor groups conditioned the use of [u], but also to rank which linguistic, social, or stylistic factor groups had the largest impact on shaping the production of this dialectal phone.13 The other statistical program implemented in the analysis was a chi‐square test. Chi‐square tests allow researchers to compare the proportions of data from two factors in order to determine if there is a statistically significant difference between the groups. One limitation of the GoldVarb X software is that it cannot account for categorical data; that is, data in which there is no variation present. This type of data is otherwise known as “knockouts.” Because there were examples of categorical data in some of the variables, chi‐square tests were substituted for GoldVarb X analyses wherever knockouts were present. Hypotheses RQ1 I hypothesized that the SA group would produce [u] at a higher rate than the AH participants after the 6 weeks, due to a 521 greater amount of contact with NSs of Spanish who regularly realize the sound in and outside the classroom. Thus, the extent to which L2 learners realized [u] in their speech would be positively correlated to the SA context of learning. RQ2 With respect to the linguistic factor groups, I expected participants to favor the use of [u] in word‐medial position, as in Willis et al. (2009), and when primed upon reading the “z” grapheme. Of the social factor groups, I hypothesized that those participants living with host families, as opposed to those residing in the student dormitory, would tend to produce more instances of [u], again due to more intense contact with NSs of this variety. Furthermore, I anticipated higher scores on the PAI to be directly related to higher rates of [u] realization. If students highly valued L2 pronunciation and sounding like NSs of Spanish, it was thought that they would be more likely to incorporate this dialectal feature, as did the NSs (or near‐ NSs) with whom they were in contact. Regarding the potential stylistic influences, I expected to observe a significant difference of [u] use between the reading of the text and the open‐ended questions, as Tarone (1979, 1982, 1983) and Major (1987) contended that formal tasks (e.g., readings) elicit more targetlike phenomena—or in this case, more dialectal phones—when compared to informal tasks (e.g., open‐ended interview questions). RQ3 In all contexts where [u] was possible, I predicted that the SA group would show more relative gains in nativelike pronunciation and a decrease in the use of nonnative phones across time when compared to the AH group, due to the immersion experience and intense contact with NSs of Spanish. Results RQ1: Overall [u] Use Responding to my first research question, the overall production of [u] was minimal 19449720, 2012, 4, Downloaded from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1944-9720.2013.12003.x by Arizona State University Acq & Analysis, Lib Continuations, Wiley Online Library on [30/09/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License Foreign Language Annals VOL. 45, NO. 4 WINTER 2012 but nonetheless present in the data (N ¼ 36/ 2,119; 1.7%). Out of the 15 L2 learners in the SA group, 7 participants realized at least one example of [u] during either the readings or the open‐ended interviews. Of the 36 realizations of [u], the same SA participant produced three occurrences of [u] during the pretest; six different participants produced the remaining 33 examples of [u] during the posttest. No member of the AH group produced [u] in the entire data set, not even the four students who had been exposed to the phone during previous SA programs. Therefore, only the SA group was included in GoldVarb X analysis of linguistic, social, and stylistic factor groups, because, as explained in the section above, categorical data—in this case, 0/1,357 (0%) examples of [u] from the AH group—could not be accounted for by the statistical program. It was nevertheless possible to confirm the considerable disparity of [u] use between the participants of the two learning contexts: a chi‐square test found a statistically significant difference in the use of [u] between the SA and the AH groups (x2 ¼ 23.29553651; p < 0.001). RQ2: Linguistic, Social, and Stylistic Factors To address my second research question, I analyzed the linguistic, social, and stylistic factor groups separately in order to clearly ascertain the internal and external factors shaping [u] use. The results of the GoldVarb X analysis of the contributing linguistic factors shaping the use of [u] by the SA participants are presented in Table 1. The GoldVarb X analysis of the linguistic factor groups could not include word position, as no variation was observed in the data. Interestingly, the participants categorically realized [u] in word‐medial position (100%, 36/36), yet chi‐square tests revealed no significant difference between word‐medial and word‐initial and/or word‐final positions. The only linguistic factor group selected as having a significant effect on the use of [u] was the grapheme itself (range ¼ 21). When the SA participants read or spoke words containing “z,” they were much more likely to use [u] with this grapheme (0.79); conversely, the use of [u] was moderately disfavored when the learners read or spoke a word containing the “ce” or “ci” digraphs (0.43). Therefore, it was more probable for participants to produce [u] with words such as empezar “to start” or realizan “they carry out” than necesarios “necessary” or conversaciones “conversations” (examples taken from the reading tasks). The stress of the syllable was not selected as a statistically significant factor group conditioning the use TABLE 1 GoldVarb X Results of the Contributing Linguistic Factors to the Probability of [u] in the SA Group Input probability: 0.013 (1.7%) N ¼ 36/2,119 Probability % [u] Grapheme “z” 0.79 5 “ce” “ci” 0.43 1 Range 36 Stress of syllable [0.53]* 2 Stressed syllable [0.46] 1 Unstressed syllable Log likelihood ¼ 172.014; p ¼ 0.000; x2/cell ¼ 0.0068 * N % Data 18 18 17 83 23 13 56 44 Square brackets indicate that the factor group was not selected as statistically significant. 19449720, 2012, 4, Downloaded from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1944-9720.2013.12003.x by Arizona State University Acq & Analysis, Lib Continuations, Wiley Online Library on [30/09/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License 522 of [u], which corroborated the findings of Willis et al. (2009). Regarding the social factor groups, two were selected as having a statistically significant effect on the acquisition of [u]: level of grammar proficiency (range ¼ 44) and field of study (range ¼ 25) (see Table 2). Those SA students who placed in either the beginning or intermediate‐level grammar courses while in Salamanca were much more likely to realize [u] (0.60 and 0.68, respectively), whereas the L2 students testing into the advanced grammar courses strongly disfavored using [u] in their speech (0.24). This finding is intriguing, as L2 learners of Spanish in beginning and intermediate proficiency levels were not found to realize the phone in Geeslin and Gudmestad (2008c); in their study, only those students pertaining to advanced proficiency levels produced [u]. I provide a possible explanation of these results in 523 the following section (see Discussion and Conclusion). In addition, those students pursuing a major or minor in Spanish were more likely to realize [u] (0.65), as compared to those participants who were officially specializing in other areas (0.40). The results from this factor group are potential evidence that motivation could play an influential role in the acquisition of dialectal features. Yet attitudes on targetlike L2 pronunciation did not correlate to [u] production, contrary to previous expectations. It was thought that those L2 learners scoring higher on the PAI—thus, maintaining the attitude that it is important to be perceived as more nativelike when speaking in Spanish—would realize [u] more frequently. Even though a significant relationship between the PAI and [u] use was not observed, these findings are congruent to those in Elliott (1995), as the results of the PAI in his study did not TABLE 2 GoldVarb X Results of the Contributing Social Factors to the Probability of [u] in the SA Group Input probability: 0.013 (1.7%) N ¼ 36/2,119 Probability % [u] Level of grammar proficiency Intermediate 0.68 2 Beginner 0.60 2 Advanced 0.24 1 Range 44 Field of study at AH institution Spanish as major/minor 0.65 2 Neither 0.40 1 Range 25 Housing conditions 1 Dormitory [0.59]* Host family [0.46] 2 Pronunciation Attitude Inventory 50–52 points [0.54] 2 42–45 points [0.45] 1 2 Log likelihood ¼ 173.355; p ¼ 0.009; x /cell ¼ 4.3174 * N % Data 19 13 4 39 26 35 19 17 41 59 6 30 28 72 26 10 61 39 Square brackets indicate that the factor group was not selected as statistically significant. 19449720, 2012, 4, Downloaded from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1944-9720.2013.12003.x by Arizona State University Acq & Analysis, Lib Continuations, Wiley Online Library on [30/09/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License Foreign Language Annals VOL. 45, NO. 4 correlate to improvements in L2 pronunciation by intermediate students of Spanish during an AH program. Rather, the key factor in predicting gains by his participants was formal instruction of Spanish phones. The housing conditions of the SA participants were not selected as having a significant effect on the dependent variable within the social factor groups, although I had expected this factor group to be a more powerful predictor of [u] use. I had hypothesized that those students who had more daily contact with NSs would be more likely to use the phone, especially when compared to those students with less interaction with NSs in the dormitory. This environment did not facilitate much interaction with salmantinos, nor did it promote use of the L2, as the vast majority of students spoke to one another in English during the time spent in these living quarters. In contrast, the homestay certainly encouraged more contact with salmantinos, especially in comparison with the dormitory setting, as students ate most meals with the host family and had regular interactions with them. While it is important to recognize, as did Lafford and Collentine (2006), that interactions and conversations between host families and students can “vary in quantity and quality” (p. 116), this type of living environment is regarded as the most beneficial for language acquisition in general. Although GoldVarb X eliminated this factor group from those having a significant effect on [u] use, one can still examine the percentages and observe a noteworthy trend in the data: 83.3% (30/36) of the instances of [u] were produced by those students who had stayed with a host family, whereas only 16.7% (6/36) of [u] tokens were realized by those who had resided in the dormitory setting. Finally, regarding the stylistic factor groups, test session was selected as being a formative predictor of [u] use (range ¼ 51). This finding is logical, because the amount of exposure to this particular sound was much greater after the 6‐week period (0.74) than before for the SA group (0.23); 8.3% WINTER 2012 (3/36) of the realizations occurred before considerable exposure to the phone, and the remaining realizations occurred after the SA experience came to an end (91.7%, 33/36). Within the stylistic factor groups, the type of task was not found to shape [u] use. Although GoldVarb X eliminated this factor group because it did not achieve statistical significance, if one were to look at the percentages in the data, one would observe decisive trends: 86.1% (31/36) of the total examples of [u] were realized during the reading of the newspaper articles, whereas only 13.9% (5/36) were produced during the open‐ended questions. Therefore, it appears that formal tasks elicited more of the dialectal variant than informal, conversational tasks in this data set (see Table 3). RQ3: Target Versus Nontarget Sounds Over Time Responding to my third research question, I examined how the SA and AH groups compared over time regarding target versus nontarget sounds that were produced where [u] was possible.14 I separated the tokens corresponding to the “ce” and “ci” digraphs from the “z” grapheme in order to get a more accurate picture of exactly how students did or did not improve over time. When participants articulated a word containing the “ce” or “ci” diagraphs, it was coded as a target sound if they produced [u] or [s] in these contexts; all other sounds were labeled as a nontarget realization. Target sounds with words containing the “z” grapheme were defined in the same manner: Sounds were identified as target if they employed [u] or [s] and nontarget if any other sound was produced.15 The data from the reading and open‐ended questions from both the pre‐ and posttests were included in this analysis. Tables 4 and 5 display the results over time from the SA group, and Tables 6 and 7 display the results over time from the AH group. By examining the target versus nontarget findings from the SA participants, as seen in Table 4, one can see that the SA group 19449720, 2012, 4, Downloaded from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1944-9720.2013.12003.x by Arizona State University Acq & Analysis, Lib Continuations, Wiley Online Library on [30/09/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License 524 525 TABLE 3 GoldVarb X Results of the Contributing Stylistic Factors to the Probability of [u] in the SA Group Input probability: 0.010 (1.7%) N ¼ 36/2,119 Probability % [u] Test session Posttest 0.74 3 Pretest 0.23 0.3 Range 51 Task 2 Text [0.53]* Open‐ended interview [0.40] 1 2 Log likelihood ¼ 169.587; p ¼ 0.000; x /cell ¼ 2.3221 * N % Data 33 3 80 20 31 5 54 47 Square brackets indicate that the factor group was not selected as statistically significant. produced a high rate of nativelike sounds related to the “ce” and “ci” as graphemes during both rounds of testing. It is reasonable to attribute this finding to L1 transfer of /s/ corresponding to the “ce” and “ci” orthographic sequence in English, as in “city” [sI.ti] or “cent” [sent]; this direct overlap of the L1 and L2 phonological systems facilitated this high percentage of accuracy, resulting in a “free ride” for students known as positive transfer (Major, 2001, p. 3). Yet even with the aid of the L1 phonological system, some of these students still produced nontarget sounds TABLE 4 Relative Frequencies of Native vs. Nonnative Sounds Produced With Words Containing “ce” and “ci” Digraphs, SA Group Sounds produced (N ¼ 1,755) Pretest (N) Pretest (%) Posttest (N) Posttest (%) Change over time (%) 783 95.8 905 96.5 þ0.7% 3 0.4 15 1.6 þ1.2% 10 1.2 0 0.0 1.2% 6 0.7 11 1.2 þ0.5% 2 0.2 0 0.0 0.2% 12 1.5 0 0.0 1.5% 0 0.0 7 0.7 þ0.7% 1 0.1 0 0.0 0.1% Total 817 100 938 100 Native vs. nonnative sounds: statistically significant improvement from pretest to posttest Native sounds Nonnative sounds [s] [u] [ks] [] [ts] [k] [kw] [z] 19449720, 2012, 4, Downloaded from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1944-9720.2013.12003.x by Arizona State University Acq & Analysis, Lib Continuations, Wiley Online Library on [30/09/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License Foreign Language Annals VOL. 45, NO. 4 WINTER 2012 TABLE 5 Relative Frequencies of Native vs. Nonnative Sounds Produced With Words Containing “z” Grapheme, SA Group Sounds produced (N ¼ 349) Pretest (N) Pretest (%) Posttest (N) Posttest (%) Change over time (%) 80 51.6 100 51.5 0.1% 0 0.0 18 9.3 þ9.3% 69 44.5 76 39.2 5.3% 4 2.6 0 0.0 2.6% 2 1.3 0 0.0 1.3% Total 155 100 194 100 Native vs. nonnative sounds: no statistically significant improvement from pretest to posttest Native sounds Nonnative sounds [s] [u] [z] [ts] [k] [ks, , ts, k, kw, z] when articulating words containing the “ce” and “ci” digraphs in 3.7% (30/816) of the cases. After the SA experience, students reduced the use of nonnative phones to only two errant sounds [kw, ] as opposed to six, and increased the amount of nativelike realizations from 96.2% to 98.1% (Table 4). A chi‐square test revealed a statistically significant im- provement over time in the realization of target sounds versus nontarget sounds by the SA group in relation to the “ce” and “ci” digraphs (x2 ¼ 4.395672; p < 0.05). Table 5 presents the results for target versus nontarget sounds related to “z” over time from the SA group. In the pretest data, the SA participants produced 51.6% target sounds and 48.4% nontarget sounds. There TABLE 6 Relative Frequencies of Sounds Produced With Words Containing “ce” and “ci” Digraphs, AH Group Sounds produced (N ¼ 1,113) Pretest (N) Pretest (%) Posttest (N) Posttest (%) Change over time (%) 531 98.3 568 99.1 þ0.8% 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0% 3 0.6 1 0.2 0.4% 0 0.0 1 0.2 þ0.2% 4 0.7 0 0.0 0.7% 2 0.4 3 0.5 þ0.1% Total 540 100 573 100 Native vs. nonnative sounds: no statistically significant improvement from pretest to posttest Native sounds Nonnative sounds [s] [u] [z] [ks] [k] [kw] 19449720, 2012, 4, Downloaded from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1944-9720.2013.12003.x by Arizona State University Acq & Analysis, Lib Continuations, Wiley Online Library on [30/09/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License 526 527 TABLE 7 Relative Frequencies of Sounds Produced With Words Containing “z” Grapheme, AH Group Sounds Change produced Pretest Pretest Posttest Posttest over (N ¼ 234) (N) (%) (N) (%) time (%) Native [s] 40 39.2 57 43.2 þ4.0% sounds [u] 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0% Nonnative sounds [z] 62 60.7 75 56.8 3.9% Total 102 100 132 100 Native vs. nonnative sounds: no statistically significant improvement from pretest to posttest were no examples of [u] produced with the “z” grapheme in the pretest data; all target sounds were realized with [s]. The main culprit of nonnnative phones was the voiced alveolar fricative [z]; the L1 phonological system seemed to work against SA students in the case of “z,” as this grapheme corresponds to /z/ in English, as in “zebra” [zi:brc]. The L1 system does not overlap in the L2, hence provoking nonnative pronunciation when primed with the written “z.” After time abroad, the SA participants only slightly improved their performance of target versus nontarget sounds related to “z”: students produced 60.8% target sounds versus 39.2% nontarget sounds during the second round of testing, showing a 9.2% improvement in the production of native phones. Not surprisingly, the only errant sound used with the “z” was [z] (100% of all nonnative sounds). Although SA students improved from using target sounds 51.6% of the time before the SA experience to 60.8% after the 6 weeks abroad, a chi‐square test revealed that the SA students did not show a statistically significant improvement over time with respect to the “z” grapheme. The findings from the AH students results of target versus nontarget sounds over time in contexts containing “ce” and “ci” (Table 6) reveal that, similar to the SA participants, the AH group began with an extremely high rate of accuracy in the pretest (98.3%). There was a slight improvement from the pretest to the posttest: AH students improved 0.8%; thus, they realized target sounds at a rate of 99.1% during the posttest. A chi‐square test did not show a significant improvement from the pretest to the posttest in the AH group of the nativelike pronunciation of the “ce” and “ci” digraphs; this was probably because students had already mastered the use of nativelike phones prior to the treatment period and did not have much room for improvement. Conversely, the results for target versus nontarget realizations of words containing “z” from the AH group showed a much lower degree of L2 pronunciation accuracy in these contexts, especially when I compared these findings with those of the SA group. The pretest AH data showed that this group produced target sounds (i.e., [s]) with a rate of 39.2% and nontarget sounds (i.e., [z]) at 60.7%. Interestingly, when compared to the SA group, the AH participants produced fewer overall target sounds in the pretest but used less errant phones for these nontarget realizations (i.e., [k, ts, z]). After each of the respective 6‐week programs concluded, there was an observed improvement in the data from both groups: The AH group showed a 4.0% gain in native sounds, increasing the accuracy rate to 19449720, 2012, 4, Downloaded from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1944-9720.2013.12003.x by Arizona State University Acq & Analysis, Lib Continuations, Wiley Online Library on [30/09/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License Foreign Language Annals VOL. 45, NO. 4 WINTER 2012 43.2% in all “z” contexts, but the SA group improved 9.2%, increasing the rate of nativelike phones to 60.8%. The results of chi‐square tests did not find either of these improvements to be statistically significant, yet one can notice the marked difference between the SA and AH groups, with the SA group achieving higher rates of nativelike pronunciation. Furthermore, for the sake of comparability between the SA and AH groups, I examined the sounds produced by the SA participants according to grammar level placement (Table 8). This way, not only was it possible to compare the results of the SA students placing in the advanced grammar proficiency level with those of the AH students (Table 9), but one can also observe how the pronunciation of each grammar proficiency group changed over time in the SA group.16 Table 8 shows that the beginning‐level SA students overall made noteworthy improvements in reducing the realization of nonnative phones, especially in regard to the other sporadically realized sounds, such as [k, ks, kw, , ts]. They also, on the whole, reduced the nonnative use of [z] by substituting the sounds with either [s] or [u]. The intermediate students likewise reduced the use of other sounds from the pretest to the posttest; however, three of the six SA intermediate students did not reduce the use of [z] in the possible contexts but rather increased the use of [z] over time. Yet TABLE 8 Percent Change of All Sounds Over Time, Individual Participants by Grammar Proficiency Level, SA Group Participants (N ¼ 15) Change in % [s] Change in % [u] Change in % [z] Change in % other B‐1 B‐2 B‐3 B‐4 SA beginning group total I‐5 I‐6 I‐7 I‐8 I‐9 I‐10 SA intermediate group total A‐11 A‐12 A‐13 A‐14 A‐15 SA advanced group total Overall SA total þ10.2 þ9.8 2.2 þ4.3 þ22.1 þ7.7 3.4 4.6 þ3.7 15.5 9.6 21.7 0.2 5.0 þ13.3 þ8.5 6.5 þ10.1 þ10.5 þ7.4 þ1.4 0 tokens þ7.5 þ16.3 0 tokens þ1.2 þ6.0 0 tokens þ19.1 0 tokens þ26.3 0 tokens 0 tokens 3.0 0 tokens 0 tokens 3.0 þ39.6 6.1 þ2.5 3.3 10.0 16.9 3.6 þ5.1 1.4 2.0 1.9 þ9.8 þ6.0 þ0.7 þ5.0 8.8 8.5 þ6.5 5.1 16.0 11.5 13.7 þ5.6 1.7 21.3 4.0 2.9 0 tokens 1.7 1.7 0.1 10.4 0.5 0 tokens 1.5 0 tokens 0 tokens 2.0 33.7 Note: Relative frequency totals across the rows may not add to 0 due to rounding. 19449720, 2012, 4, Downloaded from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1944-9720.2013.12003.x by Arizona State University Acq & Analysis, Lib Continuations, Wiley Online Library on [30/09/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License 528 529 TABLE 9 Percent Change of All Sounds Over Time, Individual Participants According to Prior Experience Abroad, AH Group Participants (N ¼ 10) Change in % [s] Change in % [u] Change in % [z] Change in % other AH1 AH2 AH3 AH4 AH5 AH6 AH without SA group total AHSA7 AHSA8 AHSA9 AHSA10 AH with SA group total Overall AH total þ0.2 þ6.0 6.3 þ0.7 1.6 þ3.7 þ2.7 þ2.2 0.3 þ1.3 þ1.7 þ4.9 þ7.6 0 tokens 0 tokens 0 tokens 0 tokens 0 tokens 0 tokens 0 tokens 0 tokens 0 tokens 0 tokens 0 tokens 0 tokens 0 tokens 0.2 4.7 þ6.3 1.6 þ1.6 3.7 1.9 2.2 1.1 þ1.3 0.1 2.1 4.4 0 tokens 1.4 0 tokens þ1.0 0 tokens 0.1 0.5 0 tokens þ1.4 2.6 1.6 2.8 3.3 Notes: Relative frequency totals across the rows may not add to 0 due to rounding. AH ¼ at‐ home without study abroad experience; AHSA ¼ at‐home with prior study abroad experience in Spain the intermediate SA group notably displayed the highest rate of [u] use after the SA experience. As for the advanced grammar students in the SA group, they displayed gains in targetlike use of [s] and consequently reduced the use of [z] and other sounds; however, the rate of change was to a lesser degree than at the other grammar levels, due to the higher level of accuracy of L2 pronunciation prior to the SA experience. Again, no student pertaining to this level realized [u] after the SA experience ended. In order to get a clearer picture of the AH results (Table 9), participants of the AH group were separated into two subgroups— those who had previous SA experience and those who did not—in order to evaluate how these students compared to one another within the AH group and how they compared to the SA advanced grammar proficiency participants. When comparing the results from the SA advanced grammar students with the global findings of the AH group, similar trends were found regarding the change of the sounds across time. None of the SA advanced students or AH students had produced [u] after the treatment period. Furthermore, both the SA and AH groups increased the use of [s], and consequently, both groups reduced the use of nonnative phones [z] and others with similar rates. While these common trends were found, if one examines the AH subgroups, one may notice that those students who had studied abroad displayed greater gains in targetlike or nativelike sounds, whereas those who had never participated in this type of learning context showed a lesser degree of nativelike sounds at the end of the 6‐week course. One can surmise, as did Lord (2010), that those students who had received explicit instruction of L2 phones and who participated in a 19449720, 2012, 4, Downloaded from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1944-9720.2013.12003.x by Arizona State University Acq & Analysis, Lib Continuations, Wiley Online Library on [30/09/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License Foreign Language Annals VOL. 45, NO. 4 SA program can be expected to master L2 pronunciation with greater success than those AH participants without experience abroad. Discussion and Conclusion The main goal of this investigation was to bring to light whether L2 students acquire a geographically indexed phoneme and how the learning context is involved in this acquisition. As presented in the section on the first research question, about half of the SA participants realized the Castilian phone [u] at least once. Although the sound was present in the data (N ¼ 36), after reviewing the findings one can clearly observe that the use of this particular dialectal feature is rare and sporadic. Therefore, according to the results of this analysis of this particular data set, SA students during a 6‐week program abroad did not acquire the /u/ as an integral part of their phonological inventory. In general terms, it appears that learners do not automatically or categorically incorporate this dialectal phoneme simply as a result of contact with NSs in a SA setting. When they do realize the sound, a set of specific linguistic and extralinguistic factors appears to condition the [u] use (Tables 1, 2, and 3). While one can detect overall trends in the data regarding individual and intergroup variation (Tables 8 and 9), students with similar linguistic profiles did not always incorporate this phoneme at similar rates— if at all—after the 6‐week period. Although complete acquisition of /u/ was not observed by any student of either learning context, it should be underscored that none of the 10 AH participants produced any examples of [u]; not even the 4 AH students who had a prior SA experience realized [u] in L2 speech after subsequent re‐exposure to the sound and the process of distinción. The fact that there was a statistically significant difference between SA and AH use of [u] and that only the SA students produced the regional phone are evidence that the learning context played a major role in the observed [u] WINTER 2012 production in the data. Likewise, even though the AH participants were explicitly taught the linguistic details of /u/, among other sounds of the Spanish phonological system, and were exposed to a speaker who employed [u] in the vast majority of possible contexts during their experience, the SA group had more of an opportunity to hear the [u] in real‐world contexts and settings outside of the classroom. Though the SA context appears to have greatly influenced the rate of [u] use for the reasons listed above, it is also imperative to highlight that the SA students spent more contact hours with NSs of Spanish in the classroom when compared to the AH group (120 hours vs. 36.25 hours). Moreover, it is very probable that the instructors of the SA students placed a greater emphasis on nativelike pronunciation, as students were there to learn Spanish as opposed to studying the linguistic system in an objective manner as in an Introduction to Hispanic Linguistics course. Therefore, it appears that exposure to the dialectal phone in a SA setting, an increased amount of exposure to NSs in nonacademic contexts, and more corrective feedback on L2 pronunciation in class could have worked together in enabling these learners to realize more examples of [u] and nativelike pronunciation in Spanish. The infrequent use of this regional phone is on par with the results of Geeslin and Gudmestad (2008c), as only 9 of 130 students in their study realized [u]. One possible reason for the intermittent rates of [u] in the data could be linked to the fact that communication with NSs would not be hindered if this sound were not present in L2 speech; nonnative speakers (NNSs) know that they will be understood whether they use seseo or distinción in the corresponding linguistic contexts. By realizing [u], it is possible that they gain more acceptance culturally and socially in the L2 community, yet their speech is not necessarily perceived by NSs as being more intelligible with this dialectal phonemic adjustment. As Munro (2008) pointed out, reducing nonnative sounds in L2 speech and encouraging the 19449720, 2012, 4, Downloaded from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1944-9720.2013.12003.x by Arizona State University Acq & Analysis, Lib Continuations, Wiley Online Library on [30/09/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License 530 use of perfect, nativelike sounds does not improve the ultimate goal of NS and NNS interaction: successful communication. Although there can be negative consequences of nonnative segmental pronunciation with NSs—such as reduced acceptability, reduced intelligibility, and negative evaluation (see Flege, 1988, as cited in Munro, 2008), Munro stressed that other areas of L2 acquisition should be targeted to facilitate communication with NSs. As such, because the students participating in SA programs are concerned with numerous linguistic and cultural challenges, having to consciously incorporate an optional, regional sound may be too great of a cognitive load, or one that does not necessarily reward the student with better communicative outcomes. Along the same vein, this rationale also could apply to why positive attitudes regarding nativelike pronunciation in Spanish, vis‐à‐vis the results of the PAI scores, did not appear to correspond to the rate of [u] use. Another possible explanation as to why no correlation was found between attitudes on L2 pronunciation and [u] use could be attributed to the narrow scope of the PAI in relation to the topic of analysis. Because the acquisition of dialectal phonemes, such as /u/, appears to involve a complex array of social and psychological factors (Geeslin & Gudmestad, 2008c; Willis et al., 2009), the PAI in conjunction with a survey on motivation, social identity, and acculturation could have provided more insights on this specific phenomenon. In future iterations of this study, or future analyses of other dialectal phonemes, I recommend investigating more profoundly the role of language identity and acculturation, especially as it has been found that higher levels of acculturation in the L2 community are positively correlated to L2 acquisition of oral skills (Hansen, 1995; Jiang, Green, Henley, & Masten, 2008; Lybeck, 2002). It would have also been advantageous to incorporate poststudy triangulation techniques in order to have access to students’ precise thoughts on the dialectal variant and to tap into how psychosocial factors (Geeslin & 531 Gudmestad, 2008c), such as creating and maintaining one’s social identity, play a role in the acquisition of /u/. Although both Geeslin and Gudmestad (2008c) and the present investigation found the use of [u] to be an infrequent phenomenon, the results of these studies conflicted on a few accounts. First, two of the nine learners who did realize [u] in the latter study did so in a categorical manner, indicating that these two participants acquired /u/ as part of their phonological inventories; however, no student of any proficiency level realized [u] in all or even in most contexts where the sound was possible in the present investigation. Second, Geeslin and Gudmestad observed that advanced students exclusively produced [u] tokens, whereas only beginning and intermediate students favored the use of the phone in the present study; advanced students strongly disfavored [u] use, and only one student from this level realized the sound during the pretest tasks. It remains unclear why there is a discrepancy between these two investigations. It could possibly be that these particular advanced participants in the SA group did not happen to favor the use of [u]. Another possible explanation is that the L2 phonological system of these particular beginning and intermediate students in the present analysis appeared to be more receptive, or susceptible, to the restructuring of phonemic categories in order to accommodate new graphemic‐phonemic relationships. As most advanced students had studied the L2 for a longer period than the beginning and intermediate participants, perhaps their L2 pronunciation habits— whether nativelike or nonnative—were already deeply rooted in their interlanguage, thus more difficult to change or adapt to the sounds observed only in the geographical region. It is also plausible that the advanced students in the present investigation could have been focusing on more sophisticated areas of communicative competence. As Regan (1995) stated, “[m]any studies find that advanced learners abroad do not seem to make major advances on the structural 19449720, 2012, 4, Downloaded from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1944-9720.2013.12003.x by Arizona State University Acq & Analysis, Lib Continuations, Wiley Online Library on [30/09/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License Foreign Language Annals VOL. 45, NO. 4 level of their linguistic development, but rather change in relation to those aspects of communication which can be termed sociolinguistic competence” (p. 246). It seems feasible that while advanced students did not make major adjustments with respect to their L2 pronunciation performance, they may have made gains in other ways, such as acquiring more pragmatic, sociolinguistic, and cultural knowledge, as opposed to incorporating new linguistic knowledge (p. 246). Another goal of this investigation was to compare the target and nontarget sounds produced by the SA and AH groups over time in those contexts where [u] could be used. SA students showed statistically significant improvements in target realizations corresponding to the “ce” and “ci” digraphs after the time abroad, but not when articulating words containing the “z” grapheme. The results from the AH group did not reveal any statistically significant improvements of target vs. nontarget sounds in either graphemic context after the 6 weeks. Both groups demonstrated extremely high levels of mastery of target sounds of “ce” and “ci” during the pre‐ and posttests, yet both groups produced low levels of mastery of target sounds of “z” during the pre‐ and posttests. In fact, the AH group, which comprised more advanced speakers, displayed lower levels of target realizations of “z” as compared to the overall SA group in the pretest data and lower levels of target performance in the posttest data. Thus, especially for L2 students at beginning or intermediate levels of language proficiency, the 6‐week experience abroad facilitated the realization of more nativelike sounds; however, the results of “z” indicated that even advanced Spanish students who had received formal phonetic training and/or who had participated in a SA experience still transferred L1 phones in L2 speech at higher rates. Perhaps this is a sound that language instructors in either learning context and of every proficiency level should focus on when working with students on problematic areas of L2 pronunciation. WINTER 2012 Some limitations and potential future directions of the present study should be noted. First, it would have been ideal to incorporate more SA and AH participants in the analysis, especially because tokens of [u] were so rarely observed in the data. An even distribution of proficiency levels of each SA and AH group would have also facilitated the ability to make more powerful conclusions about how the learning context intersects with L2 pronunciation performance. Likewise, it would be valuable to compare the findings of semester‐ and year‐long SA and AH programs with those of this short‐term experience to identify similarities and differences between programs of different lengths of time, especially as more than half of students abroad participate in a short‐term experience consisting of a summer or 8 weeks or less (Institute of International Education, 2011). Finally, it would have been beneficial to have conducted a third round of testing a few months after the respective SA and AH experiences with the goal of determining how time away from the L2 community affects the retention of dialectal phones, such as /u/. To conclude, this exploratory analysis reveals that a SA context does not guarantee the acquisition of dialectal phones such as /u/; however, this type of learning environment can facilitate its use due to the ample opportunity to hear the sound unique to the region and the intensive contact with NSs in the classroom and beyond. This investigation has likewise shown that students abroad can make greater improvements in nativelike segmental pronunciation when compared to those in an AH course. More hours of language instruction and, accordingly, more time for corrective feedback can also facilitate greater gains in L2 pronunciation; these trends are especially seen from beginning and intermediate L2 learners. Even students enrolled in a traditional on‐ campus course with prior SA experience showed greater gains in L2 pronunciation when compared to their classmates who had never been abroad to study the L2. While it is not possible to conclude that a SA 19449720, 2012, 4, Downloaded from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1944-9720.2013.12003.x by Arizona State University Acq & Analysis, Lib Continuations, Wiley Online Library on [30/09/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License 532 environment automatically enables learners to acquire regional sounds, the results of the present investigation do reaffirm the notion that traveling to another country to study a L2 can be linguistically beneficial, especially when considering L2 pronunciation. Acknowledgments I would like to thank International Studies Abroad in Salamanca, Spain, for supporting this project in 2008. I would also like to acknowledge C. Maurice Cherry, as well as the three anonymous reviewers, for reading previous drafts of this article and providing me with valuable feedback. All remaining errors are my own. Notes 1. Other studies have seriously questioned the benefits of a SA context alone. Allen (2010, p. 468), for example, cautioned researchers and advocates not to assume that a SA context itself will automatically guarantee linguistic gains. Rather, she concluded that learners’ motivation and goals and how they engage with NSs in the learning context have a larger impact on language use and gains than the environment alone. 2. The overall number of American collegiate students abroad in 2008–2009 was down 0.8% from 2007–2008 (262,416 students); however, in 2009–2010 the percentage of university studentsabroad increased 3.9% from the previous year (International Institute of Education, 2011, p. 2). 3. Out of the 25 most popular destinations for study abroad in 2009–2010, the other Spanish‐speaking countries ranked in the Open Doors 2011 “Fast Facts” Report were the following: #8, Mexico, with 7,157 students; #10, Costa Rica, with 6,262 students; #12, Argentina, with 4,835 students; #18, Chile, with 3,115 students; #21, Ecuador, with 2,960 students; and #24, Peru, 533 with 2,316 students (Institute of International Education, 2011, p. 2). 4. According to Spain’s Instituto Nacional de Estadística [National Statistics Institute], in 2011 there were 79,495 Spaniards residing in the United States (Instituto Nacional de Estadística, 2011, n.p.). 5. Variationist analysis refers to examining how the interplay of linguistic, social, and stylistic factor groups shape how and when a group of speakers prefers one form to another. Under variation theory, linguists maintain that the variability of a linguistic structure is not random, but rather is a structured system within a specific social domain (Tagliamonte, 2006, p. 5). Preston (1996) argued that a variationist approach is extremely relevant to SLA research because it takes into account the variable nature of natural language as well as the “social‐psychological aspects of language” present in the acquisition of a L2 (p. 1). 6. Caravedo (1992) observed the presence of /u/ in Cuzco, Perú, as cited by Hualde (2005). 7. As listed in the section “Data Analysis,” the linguistic factor groups analyzed were grapheme, stress of the syllable, and word position; the social factor groups analyzed were type of housing, level of grammar instruction, scores on the PAI, and field of study; and the stylistic factor groups analyzed were task type and test session. 8. Within the SA group, there were 13 NNSs (12 females and 1 male), whose L1 was English, and two heritage female speakers of Spanish, whose dominant language was also English. The two heritage learners were included in the analysis because both had very limited exposure to the language, other than in the L2 classroom, but were still classified as heritage learners because they had distant relatives in their respective families who were native Spanish speakers. In addition, both learners 19449720, 2012, 4, Downloaded from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1944-9720.2013.12003.x by Arizona State University Acq & Analysis, Lib Continuations, Wiley Online Library on [30/09/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License Foreign Language Annals VOL. 45, NO. 4 placed in the lower proficiency levels in Spanish. 9. The pretest read‐aloud text contained 55 contexts where participants could have produced [u]: 14 examples of “ce,” 31 examples of “ci,” and 10 examples of “z.” The posttest read‐aloud text contained 60 contexts where [u] could occur: 7 examples of “ce,” 40 examples of “ci,” and 13 examples of “z.” 10. Both the SA and AH groups took the PAI during the posttest; the results of the posttest PAI were not incorporated in the present investigation. 11. The reason for the odd number of SA students residing with host families is because not all of the students enrolled in the SA program participated in the study. 12. In variationist analysis, stylistic factor groups—such as type of task and test session—are typically separated from linguistic and social factors, because they are not entirely viewed as linguistic or social. See Schillings‐Estes (2002) for a discussion on this topic. 13. Bivariate statistical programs like ANOVA are designed for controlled experiments with an even distribution of tokens; they cannot handle the varied amount of tokens per cell, or the amount of cells themselves. While this program would have been suitable for the reading task, it could not consider the variable, uncontrolled nature of discourse with the open‐ ended interview questions. 14. The terms target and nativelike are used interchangeably, as well as nontarget and nonnative. 15. In Tables 5 and 7, one will notice 25 fewer tokens overall (one from each of the 25 participants), as the context found in the pretest reading una vez más “once again” was discarded due to the likely process of regressive assimilation and subsequent sonorization of the /s/ of vez más [béz.más]. In this case, the use of [z] would be considered nativelike; thus these tokens were not WINTER 2012 included in the corresponding analyses. 16. 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Please read the following passage out loud in as natural a style as possible. Try to maintain a normal pace without rushing or slowing down too much. Please read the title and author of each passage. “Berlusconi mantiene viva la disputa por los comicios y pide a los jueces que examinen los votos impugnados,” ABC España El primer ministro, Silvio Berlusconi, ha mantenido viva la disputa sobre el triunfo del centroizquierda, liderado por Romano Prodi, en las elecciones celebradas la semana pasada, al hacer un llamamiento a los jueces que examinan los votos impugnados. El llamamiento ha sido calificado por los allegados de Prodi como una “presión indebida” a los jueces. En un comunicado, la coalición de Gobierno que dirige Berlusconi, la Casa de las Libertades, “llama a la Corte de Casación, suprema garante de la regularidad del proceso electoral, para que con la exactitud que le es propia, y que en este caso es todavía más necesaria, lleve a cabo todos los controles necesarios para garantizar el resultado electoral más allá de cualquier duda razonable.” La nota acusa además a Prodi por “haberse atribuido un éxito que ha forzado las instituciones y la política sin haber esperado los resultados oficiales y los respectivos escrutinios de las Cortes de Apelación y de Casación.” La Unión, la coalición de centroizquierda, venció las elecciones por un escaso margen de unos 25.000 votos en el Congreso y de dos escaños en el Senado, según los datos difundidos por el Ministerio del Interior de Italia. Sin embargo, Berlusconi puso en duda el triunfo e impugnó parte del escrutinio. Tras la negativa del primer ministro a reconocer el resultado, el pasado viernes el Ministerio del Interior indicó que los votos en cuestión eran menos que la diferencia habida entre ambas coaliciones por lo que, incluso si se atribuían todos ellos a la Casa de las Libertades, la victoria era de la Unión. Aún así, la Casa de las Libertades y Berlusconi porfían en lograr el reconocimiento de irregularidades que cambien el resultado final. El llamamiento a los magistrados se ha producido poco más tarde de que el primer ministro celebrara una reunión con destacados miembros de su partido, en la que también participó el ministro del Interior, Giuseppe Pisanu. Tras la reunión se ha sabido que Forza Italia, el partido de Berlusconi, prepara un documento que “podría ser presentado a la Corte de Casación,” según Paolo Guzzanti, miembro de esa formación. El documento sería una especie de demanda en la que se denunciarían nuevas irregularidades. Por su parte, varios representantes del Olivo, el corazón de la alianza de la Unión, que dirige Prodi, han hablado de “presión indebida” a los magistrados por parte de la Casa de las Libertades. “Lo que ha hecho la Casa de las Libertad es una presión indebida en relación a la independencia absoluta de la Corte de Casación. Una vez más el centroderecha da pruebas de una grave falta de sentido de las instituciones alimentando la cultura de la sospecha,” señalaron varios diputados del Olivo. Se espera que mañana la Corte de Casación haga pública su decisión acerca de las impugnaciones e irregularidades denunciadas por Berlusconi. 19449720, 2012, 4, Downloaded from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1944-9720.2013.12003.x by Arizona State University Acq & Analysis, Lib Continuations, Wiley Online Library on [30/09/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License 538 539 Mientras tanto, Prodi ha mantenido hoy diversos contactos en su despacho con miembros de la Unión en lo que se interpreta como conversaciones encaminadas a la formación del nuevo Gobierno. (ABC España, 2006, n.p.) II. Interview Questions. Please read the following interview questions. When you respond, please repeat the question before you record your answer. Try to maintain a natural pace and tone of voice. Take your time between questions, and keep the recorder on throughout the taping. A. SA Students’ Questions: 1. ¿Cómo es tu familia? ¿De dónde es? ¿Cómo son los miembros de tu familia? ¿Qué te gusta hacer en tu familia? 2. ¿En qué carrera/profesión te interesa hacer en el futuro? ¿Por qué te es interesante? 3. ¿Qué tipo de persona eres? ¿Tímido/a? ¿Sociable? ¿Gracioso/a? ¿Estudioso/a? ¿Ambicioso/ a? Etc. Explícame. 4. ¿Cuál es tu cuidad favorita del mundo? ¿Por qué? ¿Viajas mucho? 5. ¿Por qué empezaste a estudiar el español? 6. ¿Por qué quieres estudiar en el extranjero? ¿Qué metas (goals) tienes para tu experiencia? B. AH Students’ Questions: 1. ¿Cómo es tu familia? ¿De dónde es? ¿Cómo son los miembros de tu familia? ¿Qué te gusta hacer en tu familia 2. ¿En qué carrera/profesión te interesa hacer en el futuro? ¿Por qué te es interesante? 3. ¿Qué tipo de persona eres? ¿Tímido/a? ¿Sociable? ¿Gracioso/a? ¿Estudioso/a? ¿Ambicioso/ a? Etc. Explícame. 4. ¿Cuál es tu cuidad favorita del mundo? ¿Por qué? ¿Viajas mucho? 5. ¿Por qué empezaste a estudiar el español? 6. ¿Cuáles son tus metas profesionales? ¿Piensas usar el español en tu carrera? APPENDIX B Pronunciation Attitude Inventory (PAI) from Elliott (1995, p. 542, reprinted with permission) Please answer all items using the following response categories: 5 ¼ Always or almost always true of me 4 ¼ Usually true of me 3 ¼ Somewhat true of me 2 ¼ Usually not true of me 1 ¼ Never or almost never true of me 19449720, 2012, 4, Downloaded from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1944-9720.2013.12003.x by Arizona State University Acq & Analysis, Lib Continuations, Wiley Online Library on [30/09/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License Foreign Language Annals VOL. 45, NO. 4 WINTER 2012 –> 1. I’d like to sound as native as possible when speaking Spanish. 5 4 3 2 1 2. Acquiring proper pronunciation in Spanish is important to me. 5 4 3 2 1 3. I will never be able to speak Spanish with a good accent. 5 4 3 2 1 4. I believe I can improve my pronunciation skills in Spanish. 5 4 3 2 1 5. I believe more emphasis should be given to proper pronunciation in class. 5 4 3 2 1 6. One of my personal goals is to acquire proper pronunciation skills and preferably be able to pass as a near‐native speaker of the language. 5 4 3 2 1 7. I try to imitate Spanish speakers as much as possible. 5 4 3 2 1 8. Communicating is much more important than sounding like a native speaker of Spanish. 5 4 3 2 1 9. Good pronunciation skills in Spanish are not as important as learning vocabulary and grammar. 5 4 3 2 1 10. I want to improve my accent when speaking Spanish. 5 4 3 2 1 11. I’m concerned with my progress in my pronunciation of Spanish. 5 4 3 2 1 12. Sounding like a native speaker is very important to me. 5 4 3 2 1 APPENDIX C Posttest Speaking Tasks I. Reading passage. Please read the following passage out loud in as natural a style as possible. Try to maintain a normal pace without rushing or slowing down too much. Please read the title and author of each passage. “Inmigrantes buscan legitimar su situación en Argentina,” El nuevo heraldo Miles de ciudadanos de países miembros del Mercosur que residen ilegalmente en Argentina acudieron ayer a distintas legaciones oficiales y consulares con la entrada en vigor de un programa lanzado por el gobierno argentino para regularizar su situación. El Plan Nacional de Normalización Documentaria Migratoria apunta a agilizar los trámites para la obtención de la residencia de los extranjeros nativos de los Estados Parte y Asociados del Mercosur. Según cifras del Ministerio del Interior, entre 700,000 y un millón de personas residen ilegalmente en Argentina, la mayoría procedente de Paraguay, Bolivia, Perú y Chile, que componen el bloque comercial junto a Uruguay y Brasil. 19449720, 2012, 4, Downloaded from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1944-9720.2013.12003.x by Arizona State University Acq & Analysis, Lib Continuations, Wiley Online Library on [30/09/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License 540 541 Muchos ingresan como turistas, pero luego deciden quedarse en el país y suelen ser contratados para trabajos mal remunerados. Con la puesta en marcha de la iniciativa, se formaron largas filas en numerosos locales habilitados a tal efecto por la Dirección Nacional de Inmigraciones en la capital y la provincia de Buenos Aires. Idéntico panorama podía observarse en los consulados de Paraguay, Bolivia y Perú, que aportan la mayor cantidad de inmigrantes a la Argentina, donde se realizan parte de los trámites de regularización, que son gratuitos. Según el plan lanzado por el gobierno, los extranjeros podrán iniciar los trámites de radicación definitiva cuando acrediten ser padre, cónyuge o hijo de argentino nativo o por opción. También incluye a los padres, cónyuges o hijos solteros (menores de 21 años) o hijo discapacitado de residentes permanentes en Argentina. Por otra parte, aquellos extranjeros que ingresaron al país bajo la categoría “Turista Mercosur” por un plazo de 90 días podrán acceder a una residencia temporaria por dos años una vez que acrediten identidad, certificado de carencia de antecedentes penales y declaración jurada por la que demuestren contar con medios para su subsistencia. Una vez que inicien la gestión, se les entrega un certificado de residencia precaria que les permitirá trabajar legalmente. El gobierno también dispuso el lunes un “procedimiento especial de regularización para ciudadanos de Bolivia que hayan sido víctimas de explotación laboral en talleres clandestinos de costura o establecimientos similares”, según la resolución. Por esta norma, el consultado de Bolivia en Buenos Aires, como “institución social colaboradora”, ayudará a individualizar a sus connacionales que se encuentren en esa situación, a facilitarles el acceso a documentación, asistirlos y orientarlos en el trámite oficial. (El nuevo heraldo, 2006, n.p.) II. Interview Questions. Please read the following interview questions. When you respond, please repeat the question before you record your answer. Try to maintain a natural pace and tone of voice. Take your time between questions, and keep the recorder on throughout the taping. A. SA Students’ Questions: 1. Dime un poco de tu experiencia en el extranjero. ¿Cuál fue el mejor aspecto del viaje? ¿Por qué? 2. ¿Cómo es la familia con la que te quedaste? ¿Cómo son estas personas? ¿Amables? ¿Simpáticos? ¿Sociables? Explica tu respuesta. 3. ¿Qué aprendiste durante este verano? ¿Quieres regresar a este lugar? ¿Por qué sí o por qué no? 4. ¿Vas a incorporar parte de la cultura de este país en tu vida diaria? ¿Cómo es la cultura de ese país diferente que la cultura estadounidense? 5. ¿Crees que todos los estudiantes que estudian el español deben estudiar en el extranjero? ¿Por qué sí o por qué no? 6. ¿Cuál fue el mejor sitio, experiencia, recuerdo, etc. de todo el viaje y por qué? B. AH Students’ Questions: 1. Para ti, ¿cuáles fueron los temas interesantes del curso? ¿Por qué? 2. ¿Piensas continuar estudiando la lingüística? ¿Qué clases de español vas a tomar el semestre/año que viene? 19449720, 2012, 4, Downloaded from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1944-9720.2013.12003.x by Arizona State University Acq & Analysis, Lib Continuations, Wiley Online Library on [30/09/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License Foreign Language Annals VOL. 45, NO. 4 3. ¿Qué vas a hacer durante la segunda mitad del verano? ¿Vas a viajar? ¿Tomar más clases? ¿Descansar? ¿Trabajar? Explica. 4. ¿Cuándo vas a graduarte de la universidad? ¿Qué piensas hacer después? 5. ¿Por qué es importante estudiar una lengua extranjera? En tu opinión, ¿por qué es importante saber hablar español? 6. Si pudieras estudiar otra lengua extranjera, ¿cuál sería? ¿Por qué? 19449720, 2012, 4, Downloaded from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1944-9720.2013.12003.x by Arizona State University Acq & Analysis, Lib Continuations, Wiley Online Library on [30/09/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License WINTER 2012 542