MEDICINE What are medicines? chemicals used to help with the treatment or prevention of diseases Traditional Medicine from and chemically processed FUNCTION SIDE EFFECT GINGER Help to warm body Heartburn Aloe Vera Treat skin diseases Skin Irritation Ginseng Build immunity Trouble sleeping Tamarind Relieves cough Acid reflux Effectiveness & Abuse of Medicines Aspect Traditional Modern Effectiveness Varies widely Proven through scientific research & clinical trials Dosage Based on traditional knowledge & practices Precisely measured & standardized Healthiness Natural, less processed Effective, side effects due to active ingredients Regulation Less regulated (varies by country) Strictly regulated by health authorities Approach Holistic (physical, emotional, spiritual) Focuses on biological causes & symptoms Accessibility More accessible & affordable in rural areas Effective & less accessible without insurance Innovation Based on historical & cultural practices Continuously evolving with new research & technology Treatment scope Chronic & preventive care Acute & emergency care Side effects Fewer & not always true Known & monitored Practitioners Herbalists, traditional healers Doctors, scientists,, licensed medical professionals A placebo is designed to resemble an active treatment but does not contain any active ingredients that would affect health. skin condition traditional: tea tree oil and aloe vera modern medicine: Topical creams, corticosteroids, and oral medications M E D N I CIN R E D ES O M analgesics function : relieve pain in conscious state alleviates cough an treats diarrhoea aspirin is not suitable for gastric patients and children paracetamol overdose can cause liver damage codeine cause drowsiness antimicrobials function : kill/ retard bacterial growth antiseptic applied externally on skin destroy pathogens found on non living objects antibiotics need to be fully consumed antiseptics are only to be applied externally Allergy Alert Card is given to those who have allergy to penicillin psychotic drugs function : treatment for psychosis, a symptom that causes patient to see, hear and believe something is not real cause abnormal involuntary facial and body movement cause stiffness and shakes anti allergies function: to relieve runny nose and itchiness corticosteroids function: provide relief to the in flamed area reduce swelling, redness , itchiness, allergic reactions, asthma and arthritis long-term intake cause moon face, high blood pressure and increase in blood sugar level p/s acronim : A. P.A.C.A cause drowsiness high dosage of of antihistamines can cause dry mouth, blurred vision and constipation