(BASF, 2024) ADOPTING RENEWABLE ENERGY FUNDA NUR SÖNMEZ 2622652 Why RENEWABLE Energy? ENVIRONMENTAL BENEFITS ECONOMICAL ADVANTAGES ENVIRONMENTAL BENEFITS Reduction in Greenhouse Gas Emissions Combat Climate Change Reduction of the Global Carbon Footprint Cleaner Air and Water Biodiversity Preservation Reduction of Need for Mining and Drilling Figure 1 Net global renewable energy capacity additions by year (IEA, 2020) ECONOMICAL ADVANTAGES Job Creation Energy Independence Enhancing Energy Security Cost Savings Figure 2 Cost of Solar, Wind and Natural Gas in US by per year (Freeing Energy, n.d.) Protecting the planet for future generations References IEA. (2020). Renewables – Global Energy Review 2020 – Analysis. https://www.iea.org/reports/global-energy-review-2020/renewables IRENA. (2022). Renewable Energy Jobs Hit 12.7 Million Globally. International Renewable Energy Agency. https://www.irena.org/News/pressreleases/2022/Sep/Renewable-EnergyJobs-Hit-12-7-Million-Globally Solar is about to become the cheapest source of electricity. Freeing Energy. (2021). https://www.freeingenergy.com/facts/lcoe-forecast-solar-gas-wind-2040-g110/ Visual Sources No Sun, No Life on Earth [Online image]. (2024). https://www.personal-care.basf.com/core-competencies/all-aboutsun/sunlight/no-sun-no-life-on-earth thank you for listening