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Nursing Practice Standards: Care, Ethics, Values

Standard A1. Care of
- Is the provision of
nursing services to
varied clients:
individuals across
the lifespan with
varying healthillness status and
gender; to healthy
or at risk families,
population groups
and communities
1. Provides quality and safe
nursing care utilizing the
nursing process
8 competenciesPDPPSIEP
2. Demonstrates appropriate
knowledge and skills based on
the health/illness status of
individual, families, population
groups and/or communities
3. Provides sound decision
making in the care of
individuals/ families/
population groups and
communities considering their
beliefs and values
4. Promotes client safety.
1.1 Performs comprehensive and
systematic nursing assessment
by collecting pertinent data
using appropriate techniques
and tools;
1.2 Formulates appropriate
nursing diagnosis based on
assessment data;
1.3 Identifies client outcomes that
are realistic and attainable
1.4 Develops a plan of care in
collaboration with the client
and other members of the
health care team
1.5 Implements the care plan
safely and effectively using
evidence-based interventions
1.6 Evaluates effectiveness of
interventions, makes revisions
when necessary and
documents nursing care
2.1 Explains health needs of
2.2 Provides holistic care across
2.3 Uses appropriate skills in the
care of clients
3.1 Gathers data related to the
health condition taking into
account the beliefs and values
of the client
3.2 Analyzes the data gathered
3.3 Selects appropriate action to
support/enhance responses to
health and illness; and
3.4 Monitors periodically the
response of the client to the
nurse’s action
4.1 Performs age-specific safety
measures in all aspects of
client care
4.2 Complies with the
International Patient Safety
5. Sets priorities in nursing care
based on client’s needs.
6. Implements sound nursing
care to achieve identified
client outcomes.
7. Ensures continuity of care.
8. Participates in quality
improvement activities.
Goals issued in January 2017
by the Joint Commission;
4.3 Complies with other
International Safety Standards;
4.4 Conforms to the golden rules
in medication (preparation,
administration, and drug
4.5 Administers other health
therapeutics safely
4.6 Educates client and family on
indications and effects of
5.1 Identifies the needs of the
5.2 Analyzes the priority needs of
the client;
5.3 Determines appropriate
nursing care.
6.1 Explains interventions to client
before carrying them out
6.2 Carries out safe, efficient and
effective nursing interventions
6.3 Uses the participatory
approach to enhance clientpartners empowering
potential for healthy lifestyle
and wellness
7.1 Establishes means of providing
continuous client care
7.2 Collaborates with other
members of healthcare team
and appropriate agencies for
continuity of care
7.3 Refers client with identified
problems to appropriate
7.4 Promotes client empowerment
towards self-care
8.1 Assesses client’s experience
upon discharge;
8.2 Implements significant findings
of nursing audit through
quality circles, nursing rounds,
policy development and
clinical pathways;
8.3 Evaluates continually quality of
care provided
Standard A2. Ethical,
moral, legal practice
- Adherence to
ethical, moral, and
legal principles in
the provision of
- Refers to
principles that
universal values
such as trust,
respect, fairness,
and benevolence
- Refers to beliefs of
what is wrong or
- Refers to
conformity to the
provisions of
relevant law and
1. Adheres to ethico-moral and
legal considerations when
providing safe and quality care
2. Protects client’s rights based
on ‘’Patient’s Bill of Rights and
5 competencies- APAAA
3. Applies ethical reasoning and
decision making process to
address situations of ethical
and moral dilemma
4. Adheres to the established
norms of conduct based on the
Philippine Nursing Law and
other legal, regulatory and
institutional requirements
relevant to safe nursing
1.1 Makes professional decisions
within ethical, bioethical
principles, moral and legal
1.2 Uses institutional, community
and other relevant resources
to address ethical, moral and
legal concerns in nursing
1.3 Applies legal and ethical
principles to advocate for
human and societal well-being
and preferences;
1.4 Clarifies unclear or
questionable policies, orders,
decisions or actions made by
intra/interprofessional health team
2.1 Advocates client’s rights
2.2 Educates the client on their
shared roles and
responsibilities in healthcare
2.3 Evaluates client’s
understanding of health care
2.4 Implements
strategies/interventions to
protect the client’s right
guided by the ‘’Patient’s Bill of
Rights and Obligation’’;
2.5 Monitors compliance to
‘’Patient’s Bill of Rights and
3.1 Executes the ethical reasoning
process used in decisions to
address situations of ethical
and moral dilemma
3.2 Decides on cases based on
ethical reasoning
4.1 Performs within the scope and
standards of nursing practice
4.2 Shows evidence of compliance
with legal requirements in the
practice of nursing such as, but
not be limited to, current
professional identification card
5. Accepts responsibility and
accountability for own
decisions and actions.
Standard A3. Personal
and Professional Values
Personal values
- Are a set of
concepts, beliefs
and ideas that
area internalized
from the society or
culture in which
one lives
Professional values
- Are beliefs and
principles that
guide nursing
practice and which
influence one’s
work behavior.
These are acquired
training, and
considering, but
not limited by,
standards, Code of
Ethics, and the
1. Assumes responsibility and
accountability for personal and
professional development and
for lifelong learning
2. Demonstrates continual
competence and professional
3. Engages in advocacy to
influence health and social
care services
4.3 Acts in accordance with the
terms of contract of
employment and other rules
and regulations
5.1 Meets nursing accountability
requirements embodied in the
job description
5.2 Justifies basis for nursing
actions and judgement
5.3 Recognizes own limitations
and seeks appropriate help
when needed
5.4 Projects a positive image of
the profession
1.1 Identifies learning needs based
on current projected/ future
practice requisites
1.2 Updates one’s leaning plan to
enhance competence as a
registered nurse
1.3 Validates new knowledge from
peers and other sources that
enhances one’s competency
1.4 Works toward personal and
professional career path as
part of one’s lifelong learning
2.1 Undergoes training for
personal and professional
2.2 Participates actively in
professional activities;
2.3 Complies with regulatory
requirements for practice (e.g.
Continuing Professional
Development or CPD)
3.1 Negotiates relevant services
on behalf of clients
3.2 Develops alliances with groups
working to advocate for the
upliftment of health and
welfare of clients
3.3 Participates in legislative and
executive lobbying and policymaking processes
3.4 Utilizes conflict-resolution
strategies to address issues
and concerns
core values of the
nursing profession.
4 competencies- ADEM
4. Models personal and
professional behavior and
4.1 Demonstrates consistently
professional behavior in
words, actions, and in relating
with clients, colleagues, and
the general public
4.2 Utilizes communications and
social media judiciously and
Disclaimer: Self-made exam. Bangin may magassume dida. Ayaw dai masakit ito. incidentreport#
Test I. Match the competency to its appropriate value-based nursing practice standard.
___ 1. Assumes responsibility and accountability for personal and
professional development and for lifelong learning
___ 2. Protects client’s rights based on ‘’Patient’s Bill of Rights and
___ 3. Applies ethical reasoning and decision making process to address
situation of ethical and moral dilemma
___ 4. Participates in quality improvement activities.
___ 5. Ensures continuity of care.
___ 6. Models personal and professional behavior and values
___ 7. Provides quality and safe nursing care utilizing the nursing process
___ 8. Provides sound decision making in the care of individuals/
families/ population groups and communities considering their beliefs
___ 9. Accepts responsibility and accountability for own decisions and
___ 10. Demonstrates appropriate knowledge and skills based on the
health/illness status of individual, families, population groups and/or
___ 11. Adheres to ethico-moral and legal considerations when
providing safe and quality care
____12. Implements sound nursing care to achieve identified client
____13. Adheres to the established norms of conduct based on the
Philippine Nursing Law and other legal, regulatory and institutional
requirements relevant to safe nursing practice.
____14. Engages in advocacy to influence health and social care services
____15. Sets priorities in nursing care based on client’s needs.
____16. Promotes client safety.
____17. Demonstrates continual competence and professional growth
and values
A. A1. Care of Clients
B. A2. Ethical, moral, legal
C. A3. Personal and
Professional Values
TEST II. Match the performance indicator to its appropriate competency
___ 1. Explains health needs of clients
___ 2. Uses institutional, community and other relevant resources to address
ethical, moral and legal concerns in nursing practice
___ 3. Analyzes the priority needs of the client
___ 4. Evaluates client’s understanding of health care rights
___ 5. Performs comprehensive and systematic nursing assessment by
collecting pertinent data using appropriate techniques and tools
___ 6. Meets nursing accountability requirements embodied in the job
___ 7. Justifies basis for nursing actions and judgement
___ 8. Collaborates with other members of healthcare team and appropriate
agencies for continuity of care
___ 9. Carries out safe, efficient and effective nursing interventions
___ 10. Formulates appropriate nursing diagnosis based on assessment data
___ 11. Identifies learning needs based on current projected/ future practice
____12. Participates actively in professional activities;
____13. Undergoes training for personal and professional growth
____14. Administers other health therapeutics safely
____15. Selects appropriate action to support/enhance responses to health
and illness
____16. Complies with regulatory requirements for practice (e.g. Continuing
Professional Development or CPD)
____17. Demonstrates consistently professional behavior in words, actions,
and in relating with clients, colleagues, and the general public
____18. Participates in legislative and executive lobbying and policy-making
____19. Evaluates continually quality of care provided
____20. Evaluates effectiveness of interventions, makes revisions when
necessary and documents nursing care rendered.
____21. Recognizes own limitations and seeks appropriate help when
____22. Explains interventions to client before carrying them out
____23. Works toward personal and professional career path as part of one’s
lifelong learning
____24. Executes the ethical reasoning process used in decisions to address
situations of ethical and moral dilemma
____25. Performs age-specific safety measures in all aspects of client care
____26. Decides on cases based on ethical reasoning
____27. Advocates client’s rights
____28. Clarifies unclear or questionable policies, orders, decisions or
actions made by intra/interprofessional health team members
____29. Uses the participatory approach to enhance client-partners
empowering potential for healthy lifestyle and wellness
____30. Uses appropriate skills in the care of clients
____31. Provides holistic care across lifespan
A. Provides quality and
safe nursing care
utilizing the nursing
B. Demonstrates
appropriate knowledge
and skills based on the
health/illness status of
individual, families,
population groups
and/or communities
C. Provides sound decision
making in the care of
individuals/ families/
population groups and
considering their beliefs
and values
D. Promote client safety
E. Sets priorities in nursing
care based on client’s
F. Implements sound
nursing care to achieve
identified client
G. Ensures continuity of
H. Participates in quality
improvement activities
I. Adheres to ethico-moral
and legal considerations
when providing safe and
quality care
J. Protects client’s rights
based on ‘’Patient’s Bill
of Rights and
K. Applies ethical
reasoning and decision
making process to
address situation of
ethical and moral
L. Adheres to the
established norms of
conduct based on the
Philippine Nursing Law
and other legal,
regulatory and
requirements relevant
to safe nursing practice.
___ 32. Gathers data related to the health condition taking into account the
beliefs and values of the client
___ 33. Assess client’s experience upon discharge
___ 34. Makes professional decisions within ethical, bioethical principles,
moral and legal parameters
___ 35. Conforms to the golden rules in medication (preparation,
administration, and drug reconciliation)
___ 36. Monitors compliance to ‘’Patient’s Bill of Rights and Obligations.’’
___ 37. Applies legal and ethical principles to advocate for human and
societal well-being and preferences;
___ 38. Monitors periodically the response of the client to the nurse’s action
___ 39. Determines appropriate nursing care.
___ 40. Projects a positive image of the profession
___ 41. Establishes means of providing continuous client care
___ 42. Complies with other International Safety Standards
____43. Updates one’s leaning plan to enhance competence as a registered
____44. Promotes client empowered towards self-care
____45. Identify client outcomes that are realistic and attainable
____46. Utilizes communications and social media judiciously and
____47. Complies with the international Patient Safety Goals issued in
January 2017 by the Joint Commission;
____48. Utilizes conflict-resolution strategies to address issues and concerns
____49. Negotiates relevant services on behalf of clients
____50. Develops a plan of care in collaboration with the client and other
members of the health care team
____51. Performs within the scope and standards of nursing practice
____52. Shows evidence of compliance with legal requirements in the
practice of nursing such as, but not be limited to, current professional
identification card (PIC);
____53. Identifies the needs of the clients
____54. Acts in accordance with the terms of contract of employment and
other rules and regulations
____55. Analyzes the data gathered
____56. Implements strategies/interventions to protect the client’s right
guided by the ‘’Patient’s Bill of Rights and Obligation’’
____57. Implements significant findings of nursing audit through quality
circles, nursing rounds, policy development and clinical pathways
____58. Refers client with identified problems to appropriate
____59. Educates client and family on indication and effects of medications
____60. Implement the care plan safely and effectively using evidence-based
____61. Educates the client on their shared roles and responsibilities in
____62. Validates new knowledge from peers and other sources that
enhances one’s competency
____63. Develops alliances with groups working to advocate for the
upliftment of health and welfare of clients
M. Accepts responsibility
and accountability for
own decisions and
N. Assumes responsibility
and accountability for
personal and
development and for
lifelong learning
O. Demonstrates continual
competence and
professional growth
P. Engages in advocacy to
influence health and
social care services.
Q. Models personal and
professional behavior
and values
Test I.
1. C
2. B
3. B
4. A
5. A
6. C
7. A
8. A
9. B
10. A
11. B
12. A
13. B
14. C
15. A
16. A
17. C
Test II.
18. B
19. I
20. E
21. J
22. A
23. M
24. M
25. G
26. F
27. A
28. N
29. O
30. O
31. D
32. C
33. O
34. Q
35. P
36. H
37. A
38. M
39. F
40. N
41. K
42. D
43. K
44. J
45. I
46. F
47. B
48. B
49. C
50. H
51. I
52. D
53. J
54. I
55. C
56. E
57. M
58. G
59. B
60. N
61. G
62. A
63. Q
1. D
2. P
3. P
4. A
5. L
6. L
7. E
8. L
9. C
10. J
11. H
12. G
13. D
14. A
15. J
16. N
17. P
- This refers to the
acquisition of knowledge
and skills for ensuring
that one’s performance
in the chosen area of
expertise is always at the
highest possible level in
both career and life
7 competencies- DDPAGPD
1. Develops self-awareness towards personal and
professional development
2. Determines one’s career path, considering the
current and relevant frameworks for development.
3. Pursue continuing professional development (CPD)
1.1 Identifies strengths and weaknesses
1.2 Enhances strengths identified;
1.3 Takes corrective actions on weakness
2.1 Formulates personal vision in relation to
career development
2.2 Takes steps to achieve personal vision
3.1 Participates in formal, informal, nonformal learning and other types of CPD
3.2 Applies learned competencies in the
work setting
4. Adapts to change in nursing and health
4.1 Updates oneself to trends and issues
affecting nursing and health;
4.2 Incorporates healthy and effective
strategies toward self-growth and
5.1 Participates actively in professional and
socio-civic activities
5.2 Maintains membership in professional
5.3 Initiates/ supports activities to address
nursing and health related issues
6.1 Sets attainable performance objectives;
6.2 Evaluates own performance against
standards of nursing practice
6.3 Sets corrective actions to improve
7.1 Listens to suggestions and
7.2 Modifies behavior in response to
accepted suggestions and
5. Gets involved in professional organizations and
socio-civic activities
6. Performs functions according to professional
7. Demonstrates positive attitude towards change and
- Refers to the nurse’s
accountability, and
liability in carrying out
the authority accorded
by the state through the
Nursing Law and other
regulatory laws, policies
and rules.
- Is the nurse’s willingness
to be judged against
expectations and live
with the consequences
of one’s actions
3 competencies- SSP
- Is one where the nurse
performs in a
supportive, safe, caring,
encouraging, and
positively charged
workplace where the
individual’s potential are
maximally developed
1. Supervises the nursing care given by others, while
retaining accountability for the quality of care given
to clients
2. Seeks ways to promote nursing autonomy and
3. Participates in the development of policies and
standards regarding safe nursing practice.
1. Promotes a healthy, safe, and quality environment
of care
1.1 Organizes workload to ensure efficiency
in meeting responsibilities and achieving
1.2 Monitors accomplishments of assigned
workload of unlicensed assistive
personnel within a given time frame
2.1 Initiates independent nursing actions
2.2 Performs dependent and
interdependent nursing actions in an
enabling environment
3.1 Identifies the need to develop policies
and standards of nursing based on gaps
3.2 Participates actively in policy and
standards formulation
3.3 Disseminates developed policies and
3.4 Monitors compliance to the policies and
1.1 Applies principles of evidence-based
practice in decision making to ensure
safe, quality environment of care
1.2 Utilizes critical thinking and decision
making in solving problems
1.3 Collaborates with inter- and/or intradisciplinary team, the client and other
support staff in employing strategies
and actions to ensure safe and quality
1.4 Advocates for/promotes patient’s rights
It includes the physical,
sociopolitical, cultural,
and spiritual dimensions
of the work setting
2. Maintains professionalism in the workplace
2 competencies- PM
- Is an obligation to act in
fulfilling one’s civic duty
for the benefit of society
- The nurse is sensitive
and responsive to the
social, cultural,
economic, political,
spiritual, and
environmental issues
1. Participates in activities that contribute to the
attainment of social goals and development
2. Empowers self, clients and society towards social
2 competencies- PE
1. Utilizes resources necessary to deliver client care
2.1 Demonstrates professional presence
with dignity, respectability and
confidence, and uses appropriate
language in verbal and non-verbal forms
2.2 Asserts appropriately one’s democratic
and economic rights
2.3 Treats colleagues with respect, trust and
2.4 Demonstrates effective conflict
resolution skills
2.5 Applies specific resolution
strategies/approaches to
resolve/transform conflict situations
2.6 Adheres to the highest moral and
ethical standards of nursing practice
1.1 Applies strategies for foster growth and
development of the family, community
and society
1.2 Influences others to maintain a clean and
safe environment through health
education activities
2.1 Works to uplift one’s health and wellbeing
2.2 Encourages participation of clients and
society at large to improve their health
and welfare
2.3 Participates in critical discussion on
nursing and health issues and
2.4 Works towards attainment of health
dimensions of Sustainable Development
Goals (SDG).
1.1 Identifies resources needed to
accomplish tasks
Refers to the efficient
and effective allocation
of resources, where and
when they are needed,
and which include
human organizational,
information, financial,
technical, equipment,
materials and physical
3 competencies- UAUFM
2. Advocates for safe staffing patterns
3. Utilizes financial, technical, physical, and material
resources to support client care.
4. Follows established mechanisms to ensure proper
functioning of equipment
5. Maintains a safe work environment
1.2 Reports misuse of resources
1.3 Recommends action for the efficient
and effective management of resources.
2.1 Reports for duty on time
2.2 Comes to work adequately rested and
prepared to fulfill duties
2.3 Speaks up when inappropriate staffing
ratios, assignment or delegation would
cause patients to be put at risk or harm
3.1 Practices cost-effectiveness of resource
4.1 Coordinates preventive maintenance
program of equipment;
4.2 Ensures proper functioning of
equipment, considering the intended
use, cost-benefit, infection control and
5.1 Complies with standards and safety
codes prescribed by law
5.2 Adheres to policies, procedures, and
protocols on prevention and control of
5.3 Observes protocols on pollution control
(water, air, and noise)
5.4 Observes segregation and proper
disposal of waste
5.5 Participates in drills for fire, earthquake,
and other emergency situations
5.6 Observes protocols on emerging and reemerging diseases and biomedical
hazards including terrorism.
Disclaimer: Self-made exam. Bangin may magassume dida. Ayaw dai masakit ito. incidentreport#
TEST I. Match the competency to its appropriate Leadership and Governance Standard
___ 1. Performs functions according to professional standards
___ 2. Maintains a safe work environment
___ 3. Seeks ways to promote nursing autonomy and accountability
___ 4. Participates in activities that contribute to the attainment of social
goals and development
___ 5. Empowers self, clients and society towards social responsibility
___ 6. Maintains professionalism in the workplace
___ 7. Follows established mechanisms to ensure proper functioning of
___ 8. Develops self-awareness towards personal and professional
___ 9. Supervises the nursing care given by others, while retaining
accountability for the quality of care given to clients
___ 10. Promotes a healthy, safe and quality environment of care
___ 11. Participates in the development of policies and standards
regarding safe nursing practice
___ 12. Gets involved in professional organizations and socio-civic
___ 13. Utilizes resources necessary to deliver client care
___ 14. Demonstrates positive attitude towards change and criticism
___ 15. Adapts to change in nursing and health
___ 16. Utilizes financial, technical, physical, and material resources to
support client care
___ 17. Pursue continuing professional development (CPD)
___ 18. Advocates for safe staffing patterns
___ 19. Determines one’s career path, considering the current and
relevant frameworks for development
A. Personal and
B. Personal Accountability
and Responsibility
C. Positive Practice
D. Social Responsibility
E. Resource Management
Test II. Match the performance indicator to its appropriate competency.
___ 1. Updates oneself to trends and issues affecting nursing and health;
___ 2. Applies principles of evidence-based practice in decision making to
ensure safe, quality environment of care
___ 3. Takes corrective actions on weakness
___ 4. Observes protocols on emerging and re-emerging diseases and
biomedical hazards including terrorism.
___ 5. Initiates independent nursing actions
___ 6. participates actively in policy and standards formulation
___ 7. Monitors accomplishments of assigned workload of unlicensed
assistive personnel within a given time frame
___ 8. Identifies resources needed to accomplish tasks
___ 9. Works towards attainment of health dimensions of Sustainable
Development Goals (SDG).
___ 10. Initiates/ supports activities to address nursing and health
related issues
___ 11. Identifies strengths and weaknesses
___ 12. Participates in critical discussion on nursing and health issues and
___ 13. Disseminates developed policies and standards
___ 14. Reports for duty on time
___ 15. Enhances strengths identified;
___ 16. Participates in drills for fire, earthquakes, and other emergency
___ 17. Applies strategies for foster growth and development of the
family, community and society
___ 18. Listens to suggestions and recommendations;
___ 19. Influences others to maintain a clean and safe environment
through health education activities
___ 20. Coordinates preventive maintenance program of equipment
A. Develops self-awareness
towards personal
development and
B. Determines one’s career
path according to
current and relevant
frameworks of
C. Ensures continuing
development (CPD)
D. Adapts to change in
nursing and health
E. Gets involved in
organizations and sociocivic activities
F. Performs functions
according to
professional standards
G. Demonstrates positive
attitude towards change
and criticism
H. Supervises the nursing
care given by others,
while retaining
accountability for the
quality of care given to
I. Seeks ways to promote
nursing autonomy and
J. Participates in the
development of policies
and standards regarding
safe nursing practice
K. Promotes a healthy,
safe, and quality
environment of care
L. Maintains
professionalism in the
work place
M. Participates in activities
that contribute to the
attainment of social
goals and development
___ 21. Maintains membership in professional organization
___ 22. Comes to work adequately rested and prepared to fulfill duties
___ 23. Speaks up when inappropriate staffing ratios, assignment or
delegation would cause patients to be put at risk or harm
___ 24. Organizes workload to ensure efficiency in meeting
responsibilities and achieving outcome;
___ 25. Observes segregation and proper disposal of waste
___ 26. Observes protocols on pollution control (water, air, and noise)
___ 27. Evaluates own performance against standards of nursing practice
___ 28. Adheres to the highest moral and ethical standards of nursing
___ 29. Applies specific resolution strategies/approaches to
resolve/transform conflict situations
___ 30. Advocates for/promotes patient’s rights
___ 31. Takes steps to achieve personal vision
___ 32. Formulates personal vision in relation to career development
___ 33. Performs dependent and interdependent nursing actions in an
enabling environment
___ 34. Demonstrates effective conflict resolution skills
___ 35. Ensures proper functioning of equipment, considering the
intended use, cost-benefit, infection control and safety
___ 36. Treats colleagues with respect, trust and dignity
___ 37. Sets corrective actions to improve performance
___ 38. 5.1
Complies with standards and safety codes prescribed by
___ 39. Practices cost-effectiveness of resource utilization
___ 40. Participates in formal, informal, non-formal learning and other
types of CPD activities;
N. Empowers self, clients
and society towards
social responsibility
O. Utilizes resources
necessary to deliver
client care.
P. Advocates for safe
staffing patterns
Q. Utilizes financial,
technical, physical, and
material resources to
support client care
R. Follows established
mechanisms to ensure
proper functioning of
S. Maintains a safe work
___ 41. Incorporates healthy and effective strategies toward self-growth
and development
___ 42. Utilizes critical thinking and decision making in solving problems
___ 43. Collaborates with inter- and/or intra-disciplinary team, the client
and other support staff in employing strategies and actions to ensure
safe and quality environment
___ 44. Applies learned competencies in the work setting
___ 45. Identifies the need to develop policies and standards of nursing
based on gaps
___ 46. Reports misuse of resources
___ 47. Sets attainable performance objectives;
___ 48. Recommends action for the efficient and effective management
of resources.
___ 49. Works to uplift one’s health and well-being
___ 50. Encourages participation of clients and society at large to
improve their health and welfare
___ 51. Participates actively in professional and socio-civic activities
___ 52. Demonstrates professional presence with dignity, respectability
and confidence, and uses appropriate language in verbal and non-verbal
___ 53. Asserts appropriately one’s democratic and economic rights
___ 54. Monitors compliance to the policies and standards
___ 55. Adheres to policies, procedures, and protocols on prevention and
control infection
___ 56. Modifies behavior in response to accepted suggestions and
Test I.
18. A
19. E
20. B
21. D
22. D
23. C
24. E
25. A
26. B
27. C
28. B
29. A
30. E
31. A
32. A
33. E
34. A
35. E
36. A
Test II.
1. D
2. K
3. A
4. S
5. I
6. J
7. H
8. O
9. N
10. E
11. A
12. N
13. J
14. P
15. A
16. S
17. M
18. G
19. M
20. R
21. E
22. P
23. P
24. H
25. S
26. S
27. F
28. L
29. L
30. K
31. B
32. B
33. I
34. L
35. R
36. L
37. F
38. S
39. Q
40. C
41. D
42. K
43. K
44. C
45. J
46. O
47. F
48. O
49. N
50. N
51. E
52. L
53. L
54. J
55. S
56. G