Science Maths English This term the children will explore the following texts: Traditional tale – The Three Billy Goats Gruff Stories around a similar theme YEAR 1 • Number & place value • Addition and subtraction • Geometry – properties of shape YEAR 2 • Number & place value • Addition & subtraction • Geometry - properties of shape • Geometry – position & direction • Multiplication and division Animals including Humans How can I sort & classify animals? What do animals eat? Exploring animals and their young Exploring the senses Life cycles and keeping healthy Beech Class KS1 topic web Spring Term 2024-25 Animals History Religious Education What does it mean to belong to a faith community? Art How am I making History? How are animals depicted in art? Geography What is it like to live in Shanghai? Cookery DT Exploring a balanced diet and learning about nutrition Why does Easter matter to Christians? Computing Music PSHE Digital Painting Digital Photography Safety and the changing body Exploring a range of music inspired by animals and sea life Citizenship Experimenting with rhythm, pitch, timbre, tempo and dynamics Times Tables & Number Facts Consolidate the 2, 5 & 10 Times Tables TTRS Minute Maths Tackling Tables Outdoor Learning PE Multi-sports Gymnastics What animals are in the local area? What is changing in the environment? Sketching Animal homes and den building Visit our website for detailed curriculum and outcomes for each subject: