CALCUTTA INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL EE SUBJECT CHOICE FORM DATE: Student’s name: …Rwitoban Biswas……………………………………………………….........................…. I am going to write my Extended Essay on the subject: 1. First Preferred Subject ..……… ……..Maths................................................................................. Research Idea: How far can mathematical models based on game theory be used to optimize resource allocation strategies in disaster relief efforts? 2. Second Preferred Subject Physics. Research Idea: How does varying the angle of incidence affect the efficiency of solar panels under controlled light conditions? Please check : ❏ YES, I take this subject as one of my six IB courses. _____HL _____SL If writing in World Studies I have chosen to write in the following category (please specify): Conflict, Peace and security ……………………… Conflict, peace, and security Culture, language, and identity Environmental and/or economic sustainability Equality and inequality Health and development Science, technology and society Research Idea: How far has the development and advancement of chemical weapons impacted the global discourse on war ethics, and how can advancements in chemistry and international treaties 1|Page mitigate their use? Subjects to be Combined : Chemistry HL + History SL + Physics HL _______________________________________________________________________ 19/12/2024 Rwitoban _______________________________________________________________________ Date Student’s BiswasSignature _______________________________________________________________________ Date DPC Signature __________________________________________________________________ Date Supervisor Signature 2|Page