EE221L Final Lab Voltage and Current Limiter Travis Pugh 800411659 LTSpice Simulation: Data Table: Resistive Network (Ohms) Voltage across Resistive Network (V) Voltage across LEDs (V) Current in circuit (mA) Theoretical 150 Measured 149.37 %Error 0.42% 6V 6.25V 4% 3V 2.75V 8.33% 20 23.5 17.5% Analysis: In the table above, the percentage of errors got increasingly worse as the different values were measured. This is due in part to the numbers being extremely small, making any error a lot larger than if the numbers were bigger. One of the reasons for these errors can be slightly faulty connections within the breadboard and also resistors not being exactly 100ohms. Overall the lab was relatively easy in showing how to combine and use resistors to obtain a needed current and voltage for a circuit.