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Creative Thinking, Problem Solving, Team Performance

Creative thinking is one if the most important processes that add to the success of a
business. It helps businesses keep up with the latest trends and to always stay ahead if
their competitors
The meaning of Creative thinking
Involves the process of generating innovative and imaginative ideas
It’s the ability to see something in a new way
Its also about being able to think of unique ideas or new approaches to solve problems
Creative thinking can help
Advantages of creative thinking in the workplace
New, innovative, and better ideas and solutions are generate
Creativity is key to staying one step ahead of competitors
Complex business problems may be solved
Leads to increased productivity of the entire business
Ways in which businesses use creative thinking to generate entrepreneurial opportunities
Design environments that stimulate creative thinking
Encourage staff to come up with new ideas and solutions
Encourage alternative ways of doing things
Respond enthusiastically to all ideas and never let anyone feel less important
The meaning of problem solving
Is the process of finding solutions to difficult or complex issues
Effective problem-solving results in good decision-making
It is a process that requires creative thinking. Alternative solutions are identified and
critically evaluated
Managers finding ways to solve problems
Come up with creative solutions foe the business
Creative when managing and motivating employees
Goods and services can be marketed in creative ways
Employees can come up with creative strategies for problems
The problem solving cycle
Valuable tool that businesses can use to solve problems
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1. Identify the problem-identify exact problem and develop a detailed problem
statement that includes the effect the problem has on the business
2. Define problem-define causes and focus on real problem by finding out as much
info as possible
3. Formulate a strategy- identify all possible solutions and finding one involves
constructing a course of action that’ll change the situation
4. Implement strategy- carry out action plan(details of activities must be performed)
5. Allocate resources- arrange necessary solutions makes it easier to assign tasks and
execute them based on their priorities
6. Monitor problem solving- monitor the action plan and ensure solution implemented
by gathering feedback
7. Evaluate the problem-solving process-consider advantages of disadvantages whole
process and this indicates whether the action plan has solved the problem.
Decision making
Process of choosing several alternatives
Usually made by one person
Problem solving
Process of finding a solutions to a problem
Usually involves a group/team
Problem solving techniques : Businesses are often faced with making difficult decisions
Force field analysis:
Is a technique used to compare the driving and restraining forces to create an informed
Improves the quality of decision and increases the chances of success
Application of:
Describe the current situation /problem and the desired situation
Choose the force with highest score as the solution
Identify priorities and develop an action plan
List all the driving forces and restraining forces that will support and resist change
The delphi technique
Method that relied on a panel of experts to find solutions to a problem. Experts do not have
to be in the same place
Uses a series of questionnaires to obtain feedback from experts
Application of the delphi technique
Businesses must invite a panel of experts to solve a complex problem
Experts do not have to be in one place and will be contacted individually
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Summarize the responses from the experts in a feedback in a feedback report
The business should choose the best solution after reaching a consensus
The nominal group technique
Requests each employee to silently brainstorm and generate many ideas on their own
and to write them down
A coting process is added to rank the ideas that are generated. Everyone in the group is
expected to participate in silence.
Application of nominal group technique
Team is divided into smaller groups seated around a table
Problems should be clearly defined to the groups
Ratings are captured and points are totalled
Duplicated ideas are eliminated
Mind mapping:
Mind maps are diagrams that represent ideas that are connected to a central theme. It’s a
way of linking key concepts using images, lines, and links. A central concept is linked via
lines to other concepts, which in turn are linked with other associate ideas
Create a central theme or idea
Add key words to the branched off key concepts
Branches may be colour coded
Images may also be included
Is a group activity to find a solution for a specific problem by gathering a list of ideas
Inspires creative problem solving by encouraging group members to come up with thoughts
and ideas
The problem must be defined clearly
People in the group suggest ideas and solutions at random
All ideas must be written on a flip chart
Similar ideas are grouped together using coloured pens
Teamwork is when 2 or more people come together to reach a common goal
Teamwork can be natural for some people, but difficult for others
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The meaning of business objectives:
A business objective explains in detail the steps they plan to take in order to achieve a
specific goal
Good business objectives are also aligned to the vision, mission and purpose of the
A good business objective focuses on profit, productivity and service
1. Improve customer service
2. Increase productivity
3. Social responsibility
4. Business survival
The benefits of Teamwork
The members of the team learn from each other and grow
The team achieve more than the individual
Good Teamwork helps businesses achieve its objectives
Gives employees more control over their jobs
Teamwork improves effective communication
Ways in which businesses can create an environment that enables teams to work effectively
Set ground rules for team
Establish team values and goals
Encourage listening and Brainstorming
Be aware of employees unspoken feelings
Ensure the team clearly understands the business objectives
Different hierarchies and management levels
The levels in business hierarchy refer to the levels of chain of command and the employee
The business hierarchy continues till the highest level co sitting of the chief executive officer
(CEO) or the board of directors
The business hierarchy usually narrows from bottom to top
Meaning of interpersonal relationships
Interpersonal relationships in the workplace refers to a strong association among
individuals working together
Interpersonal relationships in the workplace allows team members to share a special
Everyone plays a role in achieving the business objectives
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The importance of each individual in achieving business objectives
The quality of interpersonal relationships impacts on the productivity of teams
Celebrating milestones and praising team members, helps employees feel excited to be
part of the team
This in turn can lead to higher productivity
Types of Interpersonal relationship
Great results can be achieved through Teamwork and effective Interpersonal relationships
1.Peer relationships
Peer relationships are the relationships between employees that are on the same level at
the workplace
Employees are equal and the relationships are based on mutual respect
2.Group employees
Group relationships are the relationships between members of a team or group
Healthy Group relationships will ensure good results whereas poor relationships between
Group members may result in conflict
3.Authority relationships
Authority relationships are relationships between a manager and a subordinate
This relationship is based on mutual respect
4.External relationships
External relationships Ina workplace refer to the relationships with people outside of the
company or business
These types of relationships are usually based on services delivery or outsourcing
Factors that influence team relationships
Factors that influence team
Prejudice is a negative
attitude towards an
This attitude is usually
based in the
differences between
individuals who may
Ways in which business can
address factors
• Teambuilding activities
among staff members
• Awareness of crosscultural differences
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belong to s a particular
social group
Discrimination is a
negative action toward
an individual because
of their belonging to a
certain race, gender,
religion or sexual
Diversity is the
practice of including or
involving people from
a range if different
social and ethnic
backgrounds, and of
different genders and
sexual orientations
Belief is a conviction
that we generally
accept to be true
without evidence or
Beliefs are related
culture and religion
Beliefs influence out
thoughts and
attitudes, we must be
aware of them
Equity in the
workplace means the
respectful and
dignified treatment of
every person in the
Equity encourages
diversity in decision
making/allows job
satisfaction and
employee engagement
Human relation policy
should include that
discrimination will not
be allowed
Adhere to policy of
equal opportunities
when appointing new
Teambuilding activities
amongst staff
Awareness of moral
values and integrity in
the business
Human resource
policy should promote
equity through
promotion and
allocation of resources
Ways to promote healthy interpersonal relationships in the workplace
Having empathy for others is an important skill employees need to build healthy
interpersonal relationships in the workplace
Empathy helps teams members to consider the thoughts, feelings and needs of others.
Relying on other people builds trust and Teamwork establishes strong relationships
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Despite occasional disagreements, an effective team enjoys working together and shares a
strong bond
Ways in which business can address factors that influence team relationships
The business should listen to employees when they share ideas
Being clear and specific when communicating to prevent confusion
Delegating problem solving tasks to the team
Establishing a method for arriving at a consensus to prevent conflict
Criteria for successful and collaborative team performance in a business
Woking in a team to achieve business objectives requires clear objectives, openness,
mutual respect, support and mutual trust
Team members need to be committed to the business
To improve teamwork, regular review of the team processes needs to be done
Criteria for successful team performance
Team members must know what they want to achieve
Clear objectives and agreed goals
Team members must agree on goals and set clear objectives
Team members who agree to the goals will be more committed
Clear goals for direction
Team members should know what they want to achieve
Interpersonal attitudes and behaviours
Team leaders give credit to members fir positive contributions
Team members have a positive attitude of support and motivation towards each other
Team members are committed and enthusiastic towards achieving a common goal
Shared values and mutual respect
Shows respect for the knowledge or skills of other members
Shows loyalty, respect and trust towards team members despite differences
Perform team tasks with integrity meeting team deadlines with necessary commitment to
team goals
Efficient communication between team members may result in quick decisions
Quality feedback from team members will improve the morale of the team
Open discussions between team members will lead to effective problem solving
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All team members should actively participate in the decision-making process
Show a willingness to cooperate as a unit to achieve team objectives
Cooperate with management to achieve team/business objectives
Mutual respect, support and trust
Team members should consult with all group members
Team members should learn from one another
Team members must support and trust one another to be an effective team
Being socially responsible means that individuals take responsibility for the effects of their
behaviour and lifestyle on the environment and on others
The meaning of social responsibility
That each person has a duty to act in the best interests of their environment and society as
a whole
That every individual and organisation can contribute towards
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