When troubleshooting problems you encounter, at what point should you engage a professional for assistance? Why? At what point might you consider purchasing a new computer? My husband is a wealth of knowledge when it comes to computers, so I asked him this question. His reply was if the problem was out of his scope of technical capability or if he was facing a major hardware issue that he did not have the tools that would allow him to fix the issue properly is when he would reach out to a professional to get the problem fixed; because if you continue to tinker with the computer and you have no idea what you are doing you could damage the device byond repair. There are two reasons I would look at getting a new computer. If the computer needed a repair that would exceed the price of purchasing a new one I would go for the new computer and second if my computers current hardware configuration no longer allowed me to upgrade my operating system or important software I would look into getting a new computer.