Uploaded by Taiba Chaudhry

Challenging Cases in Diagnostic Clinical Microbiology

This book aims to communicate, educate and inform
readers about important facts and new information
related to the practice of clinical microbiology and how
laboratory testing can be used to provide data impactful
to diagnose, treat and manage patients with infectious
diseases. This information is important for individual
patient outcomes as well as general public health. The
book will provide real world examples of how infectious
disease diagnostic tests are applied to algorithms to
guide the differential diagnosis and facilitate the
diagnosis and treatment of patients. Each section of
cases based on the type of organisms involved will be
preceded by a discussion of the laboratory methods
routinely used to diagnose those types of infections.
Most importantly, each illustrated case will be structured
to include details of the clinical presentation, differential
diagnosis, relevant laboratory findings, pathogen
identified, and a brief review of other potential etiologies
for the clinical syndrome described.
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