Computer Architecture Trần Trọng Hiếu Information Systems Department Faculty of Information Technology VNU - UET 7/3/2019 1 Outline 7/3/2019 2 Schedule ⚫ 3 credits ~ 45 lectures ⚫ Presented by slides ⚫ Grade evaluation Midterm exam 30% (mini tests & taking attendance) ⚫ Final exam 70% (Tests after chapters) ⚫ Homework is used as condition for final examination ⚫ Student who is absent from 3 lectures will not be permitted to attend the final exam ⚫ 7/3/2019 3 Contents ⚫ Introduction ⚫ Fundamentals Basic algebra ⚫ Logic circuits ⚫ ALU ⚫ Memory ⚫ Complex circuits ⚫ ⚫ Instruction set ⚫ Pipelining 7/3/2019 4 Course materials ⚫ All the materials are supplied on ⚫ Account (temporarily): - User : sv+<Student ID> e.g: sv17020972 Password: sv+<Student ID> e.g: sv17020972 7/3/2019 5 Text book ⚫ Computer Architecture - A Quantitative Approach, John L. Hennessy, David A. Patterson 7/3/2019 6 Reference book ⚫ Computer Organization and Architecture William Stallings 7/3/2019 7