Hong Kong University of Science and Technology School of Business and Management FINA 3103 Intermediate Investments Fall 2024 1. GENERAL INFORMATION Instructor: Email: Phone: Office & office hours: Teaching Assistant: Email: Office & office hours: Class Dates and Venue: Course Prerequisite(s): Course Exclusion(s): Course Add/drop deadline: Canvas course site: 2. Jun AOYAGI, Assistant Professor, Department of Finance junaoyagi@ust.hk +852 2358 5052 LSK 5005, by appointment L3: Zexin ZHENG, Department of Finance L4: Jing YOU, Department of Finance Zexin ZHENG: zzhengaq@connect.ust.hk, LSK 4063, Wed 16:00-17:00 Jing YOU: jyouaf@connect.ust.hk, LSK 5067, Wed 16:00-17:00 L3: Tu and Th, 12:00-13:20, 2304 L4: Tu and Th, 13:30-14:50, 2304 FINA 2203/2303 Not applicable Please check the school calendar (Any late add/drop will not be considered, please contact your program office) L3: https://canvas.ust.hk/courses/58562 L4: https://canvas.ust.hk/courses/58567 COURSE DESCRIPTION This course develops the concepts and analytical skills needed to build and analyze investment portfolios and solve real‐ world problems. This course first introduces the background for investments, e.g., financial markets and investment instruments. Then it explores the risk and return characteristics that lead to diversification benefits by combining different assets into optimal portfolios, i.e., modern portfolio theory. Next, it discusses how asset prices are determined in equilibrium or via the no‐arbitrage condition, e.g., the capital asset pricing model (CAPM) and the arbitrage pricing theory (APT). Then it extends to the multi‐factor models and factor investing. The course also investigates how asset prices reflect information under different market structures, i.e., the informational efficiency of financial markets. This course also explores bond pricing. Last, this course discusses the recent development of financial technologies (FinTech) and their applications to investments, such as high-frequency trading and blockchain technologies. 3. COURSE OBJECTIVES This course aims to equip you with analytical skills and tools for investments and related real‐world problems; and prepare you for future careers in financial industry or corporate sector. Students are expected to (1) be familiar with financial markets and investment instruments, and the concepts of market efficiency; (2) understand the modern portfolio theory and various asset pricing models; (3) be familiar with bond pricing; (4) be familiar with recent development in FinTech with applications to investments; (5) develop problem‐solving and decision‐making skills necessary to investment management. 4. COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES On successful completion of the course, students are expected to be able to Course Intended Learning Outcomes (CILOs) Aligned Program Intended Learning Outcomes (PILOs) CLO1: Allocate money across different asset classes in a scientific manner; P3, P4 CLO2: Price financial securities on the basis of fundamental financial principles; P1, P4 CLO3: Determine whether a portfolio manager is doing a good job; P3 CLO4: Understand various investment strategies, financial markets structures, and trading mechanism; P4, P7 CLO5: Perform financial analysis using Microsoft Office Excel and the REUTERS financial database; P4, P7 CLO6: Understand the concepts of information efficiency in financial markets; P1, P4, P7 CLO7: Understand the cutting-edge investment technologies like FinTech. P1, P4, P7 5. COURSE TEACHING AND LEARNING ACTIVITIES Expected contact hours Study Load (% of study) Lecture 40 40% Class assignments and quizzes 20 20% Self-study and review 40 40% 100 100% Weight (%) 20% Aligned Course Learning Outcomes (CLO no in section 4) CLO 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 Course Teaching and Learning Activities Total Assessment Methods Brief Description (Optional) (Homework assignment, Exam, Quiz, Class participation etc.) A. Assignments 3 or 4 homework will be assigned B. Mid-Term Exam 25% CLO 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 C. Final Exam 55% CLO 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Total 6. STANDARDS FOR ASSESSMENT A+, A, AB+, B, BC+, C, CD F Assessment Rubrics For Each Assessment Assignments Excellent Performance Good Performance Satisfactory Performance Marginal Pass Failure TBD Mid-Term Exam Final Exam 7. COURSE CONTENT AND TENTATIVE TEACHING SCHEDULE 100% No 1 2 3-5 6,7 8-10 Readings Slides, Syllabus, BKM 2-12 Slides, BKM 28-47, 71-77 Slides, BKM 111-137 Slides, BKM 147-166 Slides, BKM 194-213 14 15 16 17,18 19-21 22,23 Course Content Introduction Trading Securities Risk, Return, Capital Allocation Portfolio Theory Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM), ATP, Multifactor Models Efficient Market Hypothesis, Information in Financial Markets Portfolio Performance Evaluation Midterm Exam Behavioral Finance Fixed-Income Securities, Term Structure Derivatives Market Structure 24 25 26 FinTech Final Revision Final Exam Slides 11-13 Slides, BKM 226-251 Slides, BKM 86-96, 111-115, 581-591 Slides, BKM 258-274 Slides, BKM 283-317 Slides, BKM 475-497, 509-529, 547-565 Slides 8. TEACHING MATERIALS (e.g. journals, textbooks, website addresses etc.) Required Materials: Bodie, A. Kane and A.J. Marcus (BKM), Essentials of Investments, Evergreen Edition (2024)*, Mc-Graw Hill Education. ISBN 9781260288391 McGraw-Hill also offers a website you might find useful: https://www.mheducation.com/highered/contact.html *12th (or older) edition would be also fine. Please check the McGraw-Hill webpage for the update details. Suggested /supplementary Materials: There are some very good web sites covering finance, investments and financial markets. Here are some of the best: http://finance.yahoo.com Good source for historical financial data. http://www.ft.com Site of the Financial Times. Good for news and weekly surveys on investments, banking, finance, etc. http://www.ftmarketwatch.com Web site from the Financial Times; more focused on finance and investments. The Wall Street Journal Site of Journal to keep abreast of daily events. http://www.afajof.org Journal of Finance home page. http://nber.org National Bureau of Economic Research. Links to many useful economics web sites along with useful historical statistics. http://www.finweb.com This site has a comprehensive set of links to many useful sites in finance. http://www.jpmorgan.com This site is the J. P. Morgan site. http://www.nyse.com Web site of the New York Stock Exchange http://www.londonstockexchange.com Site of the London Stock Exchange, one of the leading international markets I will distribute additional readings throughout the course. 9. MEANS/PROCESSES FOR STUDENT FEEDBACK ON COURSE Complete online Student Feedback Questionnaires (SFQ) Survey during two weeks before the course end at: Canvas website (https://canvas.ust.hk) or SFQ Mobile website (http://sfq.ust.hk/mobile/) or HKUST iLearn app at smartphones / tablets 10. COURSE POLICY (e.g. plagiarism, academic honesty, attendance, class recording, etc.) Class Recording: I will NOT provide class recording except for the following occasions: 1) Students could not attend the class during the add/drop period due to the schedule conflict with other classes; 2) Students need to take sick leave or school-related leave, such as participating in a conference/competition as an official representative of the school. In such a case, students are requested to submit a formal document (i.e., doctor’s letter, a letter from a school) as a proof. I do not take job interviews or internship-related matters as valid reasons for class absence, so please arrange your schedule accordingly; 3) Recording will be made available for one week before the midterm and final exams for your reference (i.e., from day T7 to T, where T = exam date). Email policy: Please follow the email policy below. 1) If your inquiries are not directly related to the class contents (e.g., a request for class recording; questions about logistics; arrangements of exams and assignments), please contact our TAs; 2) Please contact the Student Office if you have questions/requests related to the class quota, special assistance, and enrollment (I do not have discretion over these issues). Generative AI: The use of generative AI is not restricted. However, students should be aware that generative AI is not a tool for financial analysis and may often provide incorrect answers for the level of analysis required in this class. Attendance: Though 100% attendance is not required, absences will cost you because you will miss the class exercises that prep you for the exam. Make-ups: Except for students who have time conflicts with other exams, there will be no make-up exams offered. (If you have time conflicts with other exams, please let TAs or me know a month before the exam.) If students must take sick leave and miss the final exam, the case must be reported to the Student Office and get approval to take a makeup. Absence from the exam will not be excused except under circumstances described in the University Regulations. These cases must be substantiated by the appropriate documentation within one week of the missed exam. Professionalism: Late arrivals, early departures, chatter, ring tones, unwarranted laptop or smart phone usage, eating, chewing, or drinking are rude and disruptive to the quality of the learning environment in the classroom. Any such behavior will be noted and count against you if you are on the cusp between two possible grades. Academic integrity: Academic integrity and honesty are critical values in upholding HKUST's reputation as a community of scholars and its claim to the "intellectual property" created by staff and students. As a student of HKUST, you must commit to the Academic Honor Code. Cheating will not be tolerated. If you are caught cheating during the exams, at a minimum you will receive zero credit and will face further disciplinary action. Course website: You should visit the website on Canvas regularly because a lot of important information will be available on the course website including Announcements, Syllabus, Lecture Notes and Grades. Please download the slides before each class and bring it to class. Students are advised to check the additional course rules and policy stipulated in Class note #1. 11. ADDITIONAL COURSE INFORMATION (e.g. e-learning platforms & materials, penalty for late assignments, etc.) Assignment: There are homework assignments: they should be submitted via Canvas. Homework assignments will be available on the course website once I have prepared them. You will have 7-10 days to complete the assignment. Completed assignments are to be uploaded before 23:59 on the due dates to receive full credit. Any late assignment will earn zero credit – no exceptions. You will have the opportunity to ask questions and discuss any problems with TAs after requesting an appointment. Examinations: There will be two comprehensive exams: a midterm and a cumulative final. The exams are closed-book. An A4 sheet of paper (both sides) with formulas and other notes that have been prepared by you will be allowed. You may type your cheat sheet, but copying/pasting class materials (e.g., figures; class slides) and other students’ papers is prohibited. The exam will cover all assigned textbook and supplementary readings, problems and exercises, handouts, and anything mentioned in class. Appendix BBA FINA Program Learning Outcomes (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) Graduates will be critical and creative thinkers who make effective decisions supported by analytical and quantitative techniques. Graduates will be effective communicators in oral and written English for general business applications. Graduates will have broad understanding of the core business functions and integrate these functions to solve business problems. Graduates will have in-depth grasp of their area of business concentration or major. Graduates will be effective team members and leaders. Graduates will be effective in multi-cultural and international settings. Graduates will be effective users of information technology and sources of information in business applications. Graduates will understand their professional and ethical responsibility.