Blender Software Cheat Sheet Blender Interface & Navigation Pan: Shift + Middle Mouse Button (MMB) Orbit: Middle Mouse Button (MMB) Zoom: Scroll Wheel / Ctrl + MMB Focus on Selection: Numpad `.` / `F` key Toggle Quad View: Ctrl + Alt + `Q` Full-screen Window: Ctrl + Space Object Mode Grab/Move: `G` Rotate: `R` Scale: `S` Duplicate: Shift + `D` Delete: `X` / Delete Key Snap to Grid: Shift + Tab Toggle Wireframe/Solid View: `Z` Search Menu: F3 Edit Mode Select Vertex/Edge/Face: `1`, `2`, `3` Extrude: `E` Inset: `I` Bevel: Ctrl + `B` Merge Vertices: Alt + `M` Loop Cut: Ctrl + `R` Knife Tool: `K` Proportional Editing Toggle: `O` Toggle X-ray Mode: Alt + `Z` View Modes & Shading Toggle Wireframe/Solid Mode: `Z` Material Preview: `Z` + `2` Rendered View: `Z` + `8` Toggle Camera View: Numpad `0` Front/Side/Top Views: Numpad `1`, `3`, `7` Orthographic/Perspective Toggle: Numpad `5` Modifiers & Tools Apply Modifier: Ctrl + `A` Add Modifier: Ctrl + Shift + `A` Loop Select: Alt + Click Box Select: `B` Circle Select: `C` Select All: `A` Deselect All: Alt + `A` Animation & Keyframing Insert Keyframe: `I` Delete Keyframe: Alt + `I` Play Animation: Space Move to Next/Previous Keyframe: Left/Right Arrow Timeline: Shift + `Space` Sculpting & Painting Sculpt Mode: Ctrl + `Tab`, then select Sculpt Brush Size: `F` Brush Strength: Shift + `F` Smooth Brush: Shift (while sculpting) Grab Brush: `G` Rendering Render Image: F12 Render Animation: Ctrl + F12 Open Render Settings: F10 Other Useful Shortcuts Save File: Ctrl + `S` Undo: Ctrl + `Z` Redo: Ctrl + Shift + `Z` Copy: Ctrl + `C` Paste: Ctrl + `V`