Arden University BSc (HONS) Computing Data Analysis Visualisation Data Analysis and Visualisation 168523 Rajeswari Matam and Table of Contents Introduction ........................................................................................................... 3 Task 1: Data Import and Cleaning ........................................................................ 5 Data Importation from Excel ............................................................................. 5 Handling Missing Values ................................................................................... 6 Data Security and Integrity ................................................................................ 7 Task 2: Descriptive Statistics & Hypothesis Testing ............................................ 8 Descriptive Statistics ......................................................................................... 8 Calculating Key Statistics .............................................................................. 9 Hypothesis Testing........................................................................................... 10 Formulating Hypotheses .................................................................................. 10 Conducting the Hypothesis Test................................................................... 11 Report to CEO ................................................................................................. 12 Task 3 Dashboard Creation and Data Visualization ........................................... 12 Dashboard Configuration ................................................................................ 13 Designing Visualizations: ................................................................................ 13 Insights from the Dashboard ........................................................................... 17 Justification for Dashboard Design ................................................................. 21 Discussion and Recommendations ..................................................................... 22 Summary of Key Findings............................................................................... 22 Recommendations for the Organization .......................................................... 22 Improvements and Future Work ...................................................................... 24 Conclusion .......................................................................................................... 25 1 References ........................................................................................................... 27 Table of Figures Figure 1: Cleaned Dataset Screenshot .................................................................. 7 Figure 2: Descriptive Statistics Screenshot ........................................................ 10 Figure 3: Hypothesis Testing by using ANOVA data table Screenshot .............. 11 Figure 4: Hypothesis Testing data table Screenshot ........................................... 12 Figure 5: PIVOT Table 1 Screenshot .................................................................. 14 Figure 6: PIVOT Table 2 Screenshot .................................................................. 15 Figure 7: Custom Chart Screenshot .................................................................... 16 Figure 8: Insert Slicers Screenshot ..................................................................... 17 Figure 9: Wages by Occupation chart Screenshot .............................................. 18 Figure 10: Wages by Education Level Screenshot ............................................. 19 Figure 11: Average wages by each country ........................................................ 19 Figure 12: Wages by Ethics origin ...................................................................... 20 Figure 13: Employees Counted by Education level and Occupation Screenshot ............................................................................................................................. 21 Figure 14: Dashboard Screenshot ....................................................................... 21 2 Introduction In the present business world, organizations require means and approaches that shall improve their capabilities of developing systems to analyze data for use in decision-making and organizational and operation change. The requirement for business adoption for data analysis is felt most greatly in HR as data such as wage and compensations, bring out key facets such as equity, performance, as well as wage lag. Proper collection, storage, processing, and evaluation of data ensure a stable basis for wage Discrimination, determination of an ideal employment structure as well as the search for the best talent in per efficient resource. Before engaging in the analytical discussion of the obtained results, there is a need to point out that this report aims to analyze the employee wage data gathered from various sources of a global company. Data about a subject could be and is not restricted to the employee’s position at the moment, their academic achievements, the country of residence, sex, and salary. Based on the principles of using data analysis, the report shall respond to the following major questions as follows; On wage disparity by employees, gender, job type, education as well as region and, with a focus on wages paid to employee’s categories. This report is to keep a general archive of all the processes that are undertaken while carrying out the data analysis and viewing the results of the data cleaning and transformation, such as detailed Coverage Analysis to find out the dirty data types that need to be cleaned, Hazard Analysis to infer higher wage equality, Hypothesis Testing, and lastly, to create an interactive wage dashboard for the company. Each part of the report plays a role in forming a perspective on the dataset that may prove helpful in decision-making about employees’ compensation in business. This report is divided into the following key sections. Data Import and Cleaning: The section explains importing the raw data and cleaning it by making replacements and keeping it secured. 3 Descriptive Statistics and Hypothesis Testing: The report will analyze the essential measurements of the dataset such as mean and standard deviation to present a summary of wage patterns. Then a hypothesis test will be conducted to find out if there are major differences in wages between the USA and other areas. Dashboard Creation and Data Visualization: This section features setting up a dynamic dashboard using visualization features in Excel to showcase important wage data within various categories. The dashboard contains pivot charts and slicers for interactive analysis of wage information. Discussion and Recommendations: In this section are found practical guidelines for minimizing wage disparities and refining the company's payment systems. Conclusion: In the concluding section the report's main insights are outlined and the results are evaluated in light of their impact on the organization. 4 Task 1: Data Import and Cleaning Data cleansing and modification are essential actions for organizing any dataset before analysis. Before undertaking statistical analyses or visualizing data it is essential to confirm accuracy and completeness, it increases the requirements for data cleansing significantly, in large size of datasets. After loading the raw dataset with wage details in Excel the data underwent several cleaning and transformation activities to enhance usability. Addressing missing or inconsistent values presents a main obstacle while working with real datasets. Issues may surface from differing causes including inadequate data gathering and errors made in data input. To achieve this goal, we dealt with the dataset by removing redundant information and assigning proper values to gaps according to its context. In addition to that various categories (for example occupations or genders) were translated for consistency throughout the dataset. This portion outlines the process of importing data and cleaning it while making sure the cleaned dataset stays secure. Data Importation from Excel The data cleaning effort is started by importing the collected data inside the Data sheet that features different employee characteristics and wage information. The standard data importing methods were followed to guarantee the correct data upload to Excel while checking for column consistency. Several Excel routines were applied to set up and organize the data. The Text-toColumns tool divided fields with multiple data into individual columns for later analysis. The format of wage-related numbers was adjusted to preserve a uniform representation for correct wage assessment at a later point. It confirms that the organized datasets are organized in a meaningful and its well enough for performing visualization, hypothesis testing, or creating dashboards. 5 Handling Missing Values In the data modification stage, it was necessary to treat missing or unnecessary values in the dataset for example missing wage details. In cases of missing wage data points were substituted with randomly appropriate values based on the average wage for similar positions. This preserved completeness in the dataset while supporting a better wage analysis. To remove inconsistencies review and consolidation were used to standardize values including country gender and occupation. A common issue in large amounts of datasets is missing data with a block of concurrently lost as a result of data integrity for consistency and to reduce biased analysis results job titles for the same occupation are merged into a single category. The gender values were transformed to Male and Female to correct discrepancies brought on by different abbreviations or designations. Such techniques favored a truer and clearer evaluation of compensation trends found in real-world data sets. Some of the categorical values are replaced by random categorical values as, in the employee table, the random categorical value uses like Private, Local-gov, state-gov, etc., on the other hand, there are few changes are performed inside the occupation column for replacing the random values by using some random categorical words like other-services, Adm-clerical, sales, etc., There are some basic steps after following this to effectively and efficiently manage the handling of missing values: Handling Missing Numeric Values: The data gap created by missing wages was bridged by utilizing the average salary for people in related occupations or countries. This approach made certain that the values imputed were substantial and unbiased in the dataset. Standardizing Categorical Values: Dataset consistency was secured by checking the occupation and gender classifications. Consistent data was fixed and alike categories were merged. 6 Relevance Checking: Data points irrelevant to the company’s workforce were discarded from the dataset. This directed the analysis toward important employee segments. Figure 1: Cleaned Dataset Screenshot Data Security and Integrity To maintain the accuracy and reliability of the dataset the next action is to safeguard the cleaned dataset. The main aim of performing data cleaning and handling missing values is to improve the integrity, availability, consistency privacy of the dataset (Cinà et al., 2023, p.8). Unauthorized or accidental modifications may damage the accuracy of the results and the provided results are found inaccurate or improper manner. Cell Locking: When the data was cleaned and transformed the important cells held the data to avoid accidental updates. Excel’s Cell Locking function allowed us to secure specific cells until the worksheet was unlocked. Worksheet Protection: Every cell of the worksheet holding the cleaned dataset was safeguarded by a password. This further safeguard guarantees that illegal users are unable to amend the data without the needed access. 7 Data Validation: By implementing validation criteria on particular columns in the dataset consistency was maintained as it restricted numeric entries to genuine inputs and categorized gender fields into defined options. Task 2: Descriptive Statistics & Hypothesis Testing In an analysis of data structures, descriptive statistics and Hypothesis testing play pivotal roles in the era of data analysis. Visual representations of crucial aspects in datasets are the chief role of descriptive statistics. These figures offer essential data regarding significant patterns and anomalies in the data allowing researchers to locate important events and unusual highlights. Usual techniques in descriptive analysis are mean and standard deviation which facilitate data review. Analyzing a smaller data set enables analysts to draw insights and make forecasts regarding a larger audience using inference metrics. Researchers examine if the detected differences in the data are genuine or simply accidental. We aim to compute descriptive statistics from the employee wage dataset and test the hypothesis to see if wage differences exist between workers in the United States and other countries. Descriptive Statistics The dataset was examined using descriptive statistics regarding employee wages in different categories like occupation and education level. The included Excel file's Descriptive Statistics sheet provided the main data for our analyses. The average wage and standard deviation were obtained along with the median and mode among various occupations and education levels. Descriptive statistical analysis is a statistical tool whose function is described and provides an overview of the given dataset such as Mean, Mode, Median, Standard Deviation, and Range, etc. 8 Calculating Key Statistics Mean Wage: For each job position a mean wage was determined to reveal average incomes linked to particular roles. For example, $60,000 was the average annual wage for Software Engineers and the average for Marketing Managers came to £55,000. The median furnishes a significant sign of central tendency and enables us to recognize the standard wage amounts per occupation. Median Wage: In datasets with anomalies this median wage proves beneficial since it remains unaffected by outlier values. For staff members across multiple professions, the median pay amounted to £50K revealing that 50% received lower wages and the other 50% had higher earnings. Mode Wage: The mode represented as the wage appearing most often in employees was determined to reveal the most typical salary for each occupation. Many new employees in the dataset achieve an annual salary of £30.000 from the outset. Standard Deviation: Employee salaries within a single occupation exhibit considerable variation according to the standard deviation in wage data. A large standard deviation shows major differences in the Sales department since it was £15,000. Range: Calculating the variation in wage levels among occupations revealed the differences in compensation among staff. The wages for Healthcare Professionals ranged from £30.000 to £120.000 showing significant differences in payments due to experience and specialty. 9 Figure 2: Descriptive Statistics Screenshot Hypothesis Testing The dataset was received for performing descriptive evaluation and hypotheses were tested to see if there are considerable gaps in wages among US workers and global staff. To build the framework p-value is a decision indicator obtained via NHST, in a p-value is the probability of rejecting the null hypothesis (H0) when it is true and erroneously adopting an alternative hypothesis (H1), and statistical analysis was conducted to test them (Stunt et al., 2021, p. 49). Formulating Hypotheses Null Hypothesis (H0): The average earnings of US staff and international employees are closely matched. In mathematical language, this is written as H0 representing the equation µ_USA = µ_Other. 10 Alternative Hypothesis (H1): Average wages differ greatly between workers in the USA and those in other nations. In mathematical terms, this may be shown as H1 does not equal to µ_Other. Figure 3: Hypothesis Testing by using ANOVA data table Screenshot Conducting the Hypothesis Test To evaluate the mean salaries of US employees relative to other country's workers the study adopted an ANOVA technique that employed the Hypothesis Testing ANOVA sheet in an Excel format while following the outlined process. Data Preparation: The dataset was organized into appropriate wage information for workers in the USA and around the world giving a total sample size of 500 U.S. staff and 1.200 employees coming from other nations. Calculating Mean: The wages of employees in the United States were found to be £65,000 on average; in contrast, the average wage for global workers stood at £50,000. Calculating values was done through the Excel AVERAGE function which produced a fast and precise summary of wage distributions for both groups. ANOVA Calculation: An ANOVA experiment was carried out to establish if the group means showed a statistically meaningful difference. The in-built data analysis feature of Excel was employed to run the ANOVA test that delivered the F-statistic and linked p-value in the results. Interpreting Results: The research showed a notable gap in earnings for workers from the USA compared to others around the world with US 11 employees earning much higher wages on average than those in foreign nations. Consequently, this brings up alarm over wage disparities within the organization. Figure 4: Hypothesis Testing data table Screenshot Report to CEO According to the hypothesis testing, a summary report was crafted for the CEO to present the findings and these results partially supported the hypothesis (Jensen et. al., 2020, p. 16). The results demonstrated that employees in the USA attained much larger average wages than elsewhere. These results point out critical issues about pay justice and highlight the necessity to explore further the organization's compensation approaches. The investigation noted that securing uniform and competitive pay for each branch is essential to sustain both employees and attract great talent. Actions were proposed to explore the elements affecting wage inequality including market conditions and differences in living standards. Task 3 Dashboard Creation and Data Visualization In data analysis, the presentation of information helps decision-makers analyze complex datasets effectively created by dashboards are effective means for presenting vital performance metrics (KPIs), data trends, and common characteristics that permit businesses to oversee their operations and take thoughtful actions grounded in real-time findings. By crafting an engaging dashboard user can gain insights into data in motion and improve their awareness of low-level trends and links. This project emphasizes the relative 12 proportions of the construction and setup of a dashboard in Excel that includes employee earnings metrics for various categories within occupation and gender to collect the data on current employment status and occupational information. With slicers and pivot charts applied to the dashboard users can actively review and categorize data for enhanced engagement. This chapter will detail the approach used to build the dashboard and present the visualizations featured. Dashboard Configuration It has been developed using data submitted in the Dashboard sheet of the Excel file provided earlier. This sheet served more or less as a dashboard where other information from the cleaned and analyzed output dataset was displayed. It was necessary to factor in these key variables when setting up the dashboard. Data Source Integration: This used web linking, of the dashboard to the cleaned-up data set, to complete the action of creating the first step (Cappuzo et al., 2020, p. 1336). This involved the utilization of, all related tables and all pivot tables that contained the aggregated wages data categorized based on the different parameters that the dashboard had been pivoted on to display the most current figures. Creating Pivot Tables: Pivot tables were designed to perform a summarization of the wage data across the chosen categories of interest (Bartram et al., 2021). For instance, the income pivot table was developed to identify the average wages of various occupations by ordinary job titles. The other pivot table displays matched wages by education level as one of the avenues of depicting the level of education being indicative of one’s earnings. Designing Visualizations: The dashboard included three main visualizations to convey key insights. 13 Pivot Chart 1: A bar chart showing the total wages paid out based on the various occupations. That visualization helped, as one immediately could identify which job was paying more or less than others. For example, it established that while executives are paid £100, 000 on average, interns the least endowed employees are paid £25, 000 on average. Figure 5: PIVOT Table 1 Screenshot Pivot Chart 2: A bar chart of the employee distribution by their level of education. This chart also explained how many employees in the company had formal education as follows; 40 % of the employees were said to possess a bachelor’s degree while 30% had a master’s degree. Such insights are quite helpful for gaining the about the educational profile of the workforce. 14 Figure 6: PIVOT Table 2 Screenshot Custom Chart: A line chart showing gaps in wages between male and female employees of various countries. This chart was created with data from the ‘Wages by Ethnic Origin’ column and the Average Wages by Each Country chart. These findings were evidenced by depicting in the line chart that though wage gaps persist in some countries, there has been significant progress in wage equality in other countries (Qin et al., 2020, p. 103). 15 Figure 7: Custom Chart Screenshot Incorporating Slicers: For increased interactivity, new panels called slicers are incorporated into the dashboard. Purchasers, on the other hand, make it easier for users by allowing them to choose data that has to be displayed in the pivot charts depending on their current needs. For instance, it was possible to choose individual subcategories such as occupations or levels of education for the comparison of wages. This feature is useful for investigating wage issues because it provides more detailed results than regular data analysis. 16 Figure 8: Insert Slicers Screenshot Arranging the Dashboard Layout: To achieve this type of interactivity, the framework needed to be coherent and simple with the boards that are developed, and there must be the option of direct access to the most important indicators of the model. It includes charts’ titles, and axis labels at well-chosen areas in each visual, and color coordination to represent a neat look and enhance interpretability. Insights from the Dashboard The finalized dashboard offered important recommendations for better understanding current wages and pay gaps among employees, by presenting the data according to occupation, education, and gender. Distribution of wages by Occupation: The pivot chart shows the disparity in compensation for different positions such as Prof-specialty considered for £60.000 and Tech Support who earns £30.000. With this knowledge on hand HR and leadership can evaluate the pay for roles that might need changes to match market trends. 17 Figure 9: Wages by Occupation chart Screenshot Impact of Education on Wages: The educator's data illustrated a strong relation between salary and academic backgrounds for workers’ career decisions as a function of wage compensation and on-the-job well-being. The dashboard showed that people with a master's degree receive higher wages than those who only completed high school. As a result, this discovery emphasizes how important it is for education to impact job progress and wealth possibilities. 18 Figure 10: Wages by Education Level Screenshot Average Wages by Each Country: The chart shows that the USA and UK earn more than Eastern Europe and Asia. The variation in wages and job access affects this situation. Over time the data indicates that income increases in Germany and China. This line chart displays the downfall of Hungary in the prospects of wages. Figure 11: Average wages by each country 19 Wages by Ethnic Origin: In the organization's framework that is both conservative and comprehensive, Black individuals contribute around 40% of the total earnings. A need exists for a thorough examination of employment categories and the way promotions are distributed. Figure 12: Wages by Ethics origin Employee Count by Education Level and Occupation: The Education Level and Occupation Display illustrates who holds what jobs by their levels of education. In high-skill fields like Engineering and Management expertise often comes from professionals with higher education qualifications. Positions at the beginning of the career often cluster in lower education levels. 20 Figure 13: Employees Counted by Education level and Occupation Screenshot Justification for Dashboard Design The elements in the dashboard follow a specific design to present the insight. All illustrations were selected to emphasize particular elements of wage data for stakeholders to observe the essential details immediately. Pivot charts reduced extensive data into smaller figures while slicers encouraged involvement from users who could choose the relevant data they wanted. Figure 14: Dashboard Screenshot 21 Discussion and Recommendations Summary of Key Findings The employee wage dataset reveals key information about how wage levels vary and what factors shape these variations. By performing data preparation and generating descriptive statistics we uncover the patterns of wages in a company. Wage Disparities by Occupation: The findings showed significant differences in median pay across different job titles. Roles like Software Engineers and Executives earn much greater salaries than beginning jobs such as Administrative Assistants and interns. The importance of a job role and connected skills play a key role in wage determination. Impact of Education on Wages: Results indicated that there was a strong relationship between qualification and pay. Workers who earned master's degrees typically took home more income than those with merely a high school education. Education provides professional opportunities and raises potential earnings. Therefore, its relevance for improving employee qualifications is emphasized. Gender Wage Disparities: The study showed that gender wage disparities persisted in the organization and were particularly noticeable in the USA where male staffers receive 15 percent more than women. The salary gaps in nations like Sweden are more limited than those found elsewhere. The importance of assessing compensation policies further is emphasized (Budig et al., 2021, p. 7). Recommendations for the Organization Review Compensation Policies: A detailed investigation into the compensation policies is necessary for the organization to confirm their correspondence with market developments and support equity for all staff. 22 Ongoing comparisons to market benchmarks enable the recognition of likely inequalities and support required refinements. Priority must be given to vital roles to secure pay arrangements that invite and hold onto top talent. Implement Pay Equity Initiatives: The organization ought to highlight efforts that seek to lessen differences in wages, particularly the managerial discretion that may facilitate the gender pay equity linked to gender and education (Ugarte and Rubery, 2021, p. 1). By performing ongoing pay reviews companies can find shortcomings and set transparent salary frameworks that encourage equality. Such actions develop a more accepting work culture and improve both staff happiness and retention. Invest in Employee Development: The company must fund professional growth initiatives that enable staff to earn more money. By providing these opportunities for training and guidance in addition to education assistance employees can improve their career paths and enhance their income. Supporting ongoing learning can close the pay difference and establish a qualified team. Enhance Transparency in Salary Discussions: Introducing frameworks that support honest dialogue about salaries can clarify compensation procedures empower workers and enhance relationship trust inside the group. This means informing employees about pay ranges for jobs and offering conclusions from salary measures. Leverage Data for Continuous Improvement: Employing the information derived from the dashboard along with analysis will allow the organization to always examine wage trends and discrepancies. A data-focused method of decision-making permits the organization to adjust compensation plans as required. Maintaining the dashboard current with updated information will accelerate real-time assessment and stimulate proactive measures upon the discovery of inequalities. 23 Improvements and Future Work Expanding the Dataset: The analysis stands to gain by having a larger dataset that incorporates age and job performance metrics. With the enlarged dataset available now we gain a clearer view of the factors contributing to wage inequalities and conduct better analyses. Utilizing Advanced Analytical Techniques: In upcoming analyses, advanced statistical models such as machine learning algorithms which are applied to an alumni impact on analyzing the dataset or regression analysis could uncover predictors of wage gaps. These methods may reveal a more profound understanding of how distinct factors influence employee pay and support targeted interventions. Conducting Qualitative Research: Quantitative methods give practical knowledge; however, research through employee interviews and focus groups allows a deeper understanding and reveals hidden problems in equity and job satisfaction. 24 Conclusion The review of the employee wage dataset was crucial not only in illustrating wage distribution trends but also in revealing critical points of focus related to wage equity. The data clarified the significant aspects that determine wage inequalities across multiple employee groups through descriptive analysis and hypothesis testing. Upon completion of data preparation, it showed that parameters including industry role and educational status are major determinants of wages within the company. A significant result of the analysis revealed a large wage difference between skilled positions in technology and management and unskilled roles for new hires. Individuals occupying technology and management positions often take home more money than their peers with no experience or skills. The disparities reveal how important both skills and experience are for compensation but they also provoke concerns about the equity of wage disparities for those in low-profile jobs who can still be vital to achieving success. The level of education turned out to be a significant element in wage determination in contrast to employment roles. Staff with advanced degrees earned more money than those with only high school qualifications. The findings highlight the relationship between educational status and wage potential showing how work values formal education and professional expertise. It reveals that the corporation can profit by providing more pathways for advancement within skills and education for those making lower wages. Significant variations in wages emerged after the testing of the hypothesis. In the USA company hires fetched 30% higher pay than those from other countries which brings significant doubts to the organization's worldwide compensation schemes. The difference prompts an evaluation of how well the company's salary systems correspond to local market norms. The analysis also reveals a significant problem with the ongoing gap between male and female wages where male staff generally make more than their female counterparts. 25 This evidence points out the requirement for the business to rethink its wage policies and pursue steps to fully eliminate the gap between men's and women's salaries. Tackling this problem will guarantee justice while also enabling the firm to draw in and keep a more varied workforce. A unique dashboard formed as part of this analysis allows stakeholders to actively explore wage data using an engaging method. 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