Uploaded by Arya Duhaney

EGR101 Engineering Survey: Student Background & Interests

EGR101 Survey 10 points
Answer whatever you can:
1. What is your full name (first name and last name) as it appears on your CCC Profile?*
Your answer:______Arya Duhaney___________________
1.a. What is your gmail or other email address: (I have your CCC email address)
2. After you graduate from CCC and transfer to a 4-year ABET school, what will your most
likely Engineering major be (CHOOSE JUST ONE PLEASE):
Aerospace/Aeronautical Engineering
Agricultural Engineering
Biomedical Engineering
Chemical Engineering
Civil Engineering
Electrical Engineering (EE)
Electrical & Computer Engineering (ECE)
Environmental Engineering
Industrial Engineering
Materials/Metallurgical Engineering
Mining Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Nuclear Engineering
Not Sure
3. What was the most helpful and persuasive source of information in your decision to
choose Engineering as a major? Pick all that apply BUT NOT MORE THAN THREE:*
Friends and/or Family
Other Students
High School or College Guidance Counselor
College Professor
High School or Middle School Teachers
Organizations/Clubs--4H, Scouts, Robotics Club, etc.
TV/Movie Role Models
4. If you could pick *only one answer* that expresses your true thoughts, how would you
best complete this sentence: I chose to major in Engineering because I feel that it will be
Helpful to Society
Financially Rewarding
Job/Career Security
A good springboard into non-Engineering Professions such as Business and/or Management
Intellectually Stimulating/Challenging
Other (describe it):
Not Sure
5. List any of your engineering work experience:
Machine Work Experience at my high school in my junior year.
6. If you are currently employed, how many hours do you put in on your job(s) per week?
Zero (not presently employed)
5 - 10 hours per week
11 - 15 hours per week
16 - 20 hours per week
21 - 30 hours per week
More than 30 hours per week
7. What is the highest-level Math course that you have taken and COMPLETED.
Calculus 3
8. Have you taken and COMPLETED our CAD-101 Engineering Graphics course?
9. How many courses are you taking this semester?
Your answer ________3________
10. Have you ever taken an online Canvas-based course from start to finish?
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Email this completed form to gcgambspe@gmail.com by 30 January