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Computer Science Resume | Utkarsh Shahi

Utkarsh Shahi
Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh
Ó +91-9026226696
‡ Github
Government Engineering College
B.Tech - Computer Science and Engineering - CGPA - 8.3
Nov 2020 – Jun 2024
Sonbhadra, Uttar Pradesh
Data Structure and
Algorithms (DSA)
Database Management
System (DBMS)
OOPs Cocept
Software Engineering
Operating Systems
Computer Network
SDE Intern at SpriteEra Pvt. Ltd. | MERN
Jan 2024 - March 2024
Designed SpriteEra’s website collaboratively with the team as a Fullstack Developer, ensuring full
responsiveness and optimal performance.
• During my 3 months+ internship, I gained valuable insights into teamwork dynamics and acquired essential
skills in team leadership.
• Collaborated in teams, resolved issues, added features, met deadlines efficiently.
Web Developer Intern at CodeClause Pvt. Ltd. | HTML, CSS, JavaScript
Aug 2023 - Nov 2023
Contributed to the development and upkeep of web applications.
Executed 3 projects, enriching my skill set and knowledge base.
Throughout the process, I encountered numerous technical challenges, which I adeptly managed and leveraged as
learning opportunities.
Real Editor
| ReactJS, NodeJS, ExpressJS, Socket.io
Developed a collaborative editor interface using React components to enable seamless real-time collaboration.
• Implemented Socket.IO to establish WebSocket connections, facilitating instant communication between clients
and the server.
• Enhanced performance and collected user feedback to drive ongoing refinement.
Ecommerce Website
| MERN, Cloudinary
Designed a responsive and intuitive interface for the eCommerce platform using React components.
• During the e-commerce website development, I independently tackled over 20+ real-life challenges.
• Developed efficient admin panel for product management and order updates.
Admin Dashboard
| React, Context, API, Syncfusion
Developed an admin dashboard with strong authentication protocols.
• Created a detailed company table allowing CRUD operations and advanced search capabilities.
• Leveraged the Refine Framework for enhanced performance, achieving a 20 percent increase in efficiency across
the dashboard.
Movix App
| HTML, CSS, ReactJS, Redux, JavaScript, API
Enhanced MOVIX by integrating APIs for dynamic content like movie listings and personalized
• Optimized the performance and scalability with Redux for centralized state management.
Programming/Languages: C , C++ , Python , JavaScript , Data Structures and Algorithm , HTML+CSS
Libraries: C++ STL , React JS
Web Dev Tools: NodeJs , ExpressJs , VScode , Git+GitHub
Frameworks: ReactJs , Tailwind CSS , Bootstrap
Database: MongoDB
Coding Platforms
GeeksforGeeks Solved 400+ Problems
Leetcode: Solved 350+ Problems — Max Rating 1334
Secured 127th Position in Coding Round of Coding Round of Coding Velocity of Unstop.
Completed 3P’s Power Placement Process training program.