ME 6135: Advanced Aerodynamics Dr. A.B.M. Toufique Hasan Professor Department of Mechanical Engineering Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology (BUET), Dhaka Lecture-05 29/10/2024 © Dr. A.B.M. Toufique Hasan (BUET) M.Sc. Eng. (April 2024) ME 6135: Advanced Aerodynamics 1 Continuity Equation for steady two-dimensional flows (in differential form): ∇ ⋅ (𝜌𝑉) = 0 𝜕(𝜌𝑢) 𝜕(𝜌𝑣) + =0 𝜕𝑥 𝜕𝑦 for compressible flow ∇⋅𝑉 =0 u v + =0 x y for incompressible flow Condition of irrotationality in case of two-dimensional flows: (curl of velocity =0) curl V = 0 ( V = 0) © Dr. A.B.M. Toufique Hasan (BUET) v u − =0 x y M.Sc. Eng. (April 2024) ME 6135: Advanced Aerodynamics 2 Stream function, ψ Stream function, ψ (x, y, t) is a single function by which the two entities of velocity components u (x, y, t) and v (x, y, t) of a two-dimensional incompressible flow can be defined. Consider continuity equation- u v + =0 x y Define stream function by the following definition (for incompressible flow) - u and y v − x 1 vr and v − (r , coordinate ) r r This definition automatically satisfy the continuity equation as- u v 2 2 + − + = − =0 = x y x y y x xy yx Thus, stream function is a single function which satisfy the first governing equation in fluid dynamics i.e. the continuity equation. © Dr. A.B.M. Toufique Hasan (BUET) M.Sc. Eng. (April 2024) ME 6135: Advanced Aerodynamics 3 Stream function, ψ Continuity equation for two-dimensional compressible flow - 𝜕(𝜌𝑢) 𝜕(𝜌𝑣) + =0 𝜕𝑥 𝜕𝑦 Define stream function by the following definition (for compressible flow) - 1 𝜕𝜓 𝑢≡ 𝜌 𝜕𝑦 and 1 𝜕𝜓 𝑣≡− 𝜌 𝜕𝑥 1 1 𝜕𝜓 1 𝜕𝜓 𝑣𝑟 ≡ and 𝑣𝜃 ≡ − (𝑟, 𝜃coordinate) 𝜌 𝑟 𝜕𝜃 𝜌 𝜕𝑟 This definition automatically satisfy the continuity equation as𝜕(𝜌𝑢) 𝜕(𝜌𝑣) 𝜕 1 𝜕𝜓 𝜕 1 𝜕𝜓 𝜕2𝜓 𝜕2𝜓 + = 𝜌× + −𝜌 × = − =0 𝜕𝑥 𝜕𝑦 𝜕𝑥 𝜌 𝜕𝑦 𝜕𝑦 𝜌 𝜕𝑥 𝜕𝑥𝜕𝑦 𝜕𝑦𝜕𝑥 Thus, stream function is a single function which satisfy the first governing equation in fluid dynamics i.e. the continuity equation. © Dr. A.B.M. Toufique Hasan (BUET) M.Sc. Eng. (April 2024) ME 6135: Advanced Aerodynamics 4 Velocity Potential, φ Velocity Potential, Φ (x, y, t) is another function by which the two entities of velocity components u (x, y, t) and v (x, y, t) of a two-dimensional irrotational incompressible flow can be defined. Consider the condition of irrotationality v u − =0 x y Define velocity potential by the following definition- u and x 1 vr and v (r , coordinate ) r r v y This definition automatically satisfy the condition of irrotationality asv u 2 2 − = − = − =0 x y x y y x xy yx Thus, velocity potential is a function which satisfy the condition of irrotationality . © Dr. A.B.M. Toufique Hasan (BUET) M.Sc. Eng. (April 2024) ME 6135: Advanced Aerodynamics 5 Relation between φ and ψ It can be seen that- v dy = u dx =constant u dy = − v dx =constant streamline equipotential line Streamlines and equipotential lines are mutually perpendicular. Velocity potential streamline Flow net © Dr. A.B.M. Toufique Hasan (BUET) Flow net M.Sc. Eng. (April 2024) ME 6135: Advanced Aerodynamics 6 Laplace Equation Consider 2D irrotational, incompressible flow: the velocity components can be defined in terms of both the stream function and velocity potential- u= ; v=− y x u= ; v= x y Now use the expression of stream function in the condition of irrotationality: v u − =0 x y = 0 − − x x y y − 2 x 2 2 x 2 − + 2 y 2 2 y 2 =0 =0 2 = 0 © Dr. A.B.M. Toufique Hasan (BUET) M.Sc. Eng. (April 2024) ME 6135: Advanced Aerodynamics 7 Laplace Equation Similarly, use the expression of velocity potential in the continuity equation: u v + =0 x y + = 0 x x y y 2 x 2 + 2 y 2 =0 2 = 0 2 = 0 2 = 0 Ψ and Φ both satisfy the Laplace equation The equations of stream function and velocity potential are in the forms of Laplace’s equation- an equation that arise in many areas of physical sciences and engineering. The functions ψ and Φ that satisfy the Laplace’s equation represents a possible two-dimensional, incompressible, inviscid, irrotational flow field i.e. the Potential flow. © Dr. A.B.M. Toufique Hasan (BUET) M.Sc. Eng. (April 2024) ME 6135: Advanced Aerodynamics 8 Problem Consider a flow field given by = 3( x 2 − y 2 ) Show that the flow is irrotational. Determine the velocity potential for this flow. Solution: = (3 x 2 − 3 y 2 ) = −6 y y y y − velocity component, v = − = − (3 x 2 − 3 y 2 ) = −6 x x x x − velocity component, u = angular velocity, z = z = z = 1 v u − 2 x y 1 (6 x ) (6 y ) − 2 x y 1 ( 6 − 6) = 0 2 Another approach: If the flow is irrotational ; Laplace equation , 2 = 0 So, the flow is irrotational. © Dr. A.B.M. Toufique Hasan (BUET) 2 2 = 2 + 2 x y 2 M.Sc. Eng. (April 2024) ME 6135: Advanced Aerodynamics 9 Since the flow is irrotational, there must exist a velocity potential for this flow. Again, from the definition of velocity potential, x − velocity component, u = = −6 y x = − 6 y dx + f ( y ) ; f ( y ) is an arbitrary function of y = −6 xy + f ( y ) y − velocity component, v = = −6 x y (− 6 xy + f ( y ) ) = −6 x y Φ from earlier df ( y ) −6 x + = −6 x dy df ( y ) =0 f = constant dy = −6 xy + constant © Dr. A.B.M. Toufique Hasan (BUET) M.Sc. Eng. (April 2024) ME 6135: Advanced Aerodynamics 10 Since and are used to determine the velocity components by differentiation, the constant is of no concern; it is usually set to zero. Hence = −6 xy = 3( x 2 − y 2 ) d = 6 xdx − 6 ydy = 0 at = C = −6 xy d = −6 xdy − 6 ydx = 0 at = C dy x = dx =C y dy y =− dx =C x dy dy x y = − = −1 dx =C dx =C y x Therefore lines of constant ϕ are orthogonal to lines of constant ψ. © Dr. A.B.M. Toufique Hasan (BUET) M.Sc. Eng. (April 2024) ME 6135: Advanced Aerodynamics 11 Problem The velocity in a flow field is given by 3 y 2 2 ˆ 2 ˆ V = ( x y − xy ) i + − xy j 3 (a)Does a stream function exist? If a stream function exists, what is it? (b)Does a potential function exist? If a potential function exists, what is it? © Dr. A.B.M. Toufique Hasan (BUET) M.Sc. Eng. (April 2024) ME 6135: Advanced Aerodynamics 12 Problem A velocity field is proposed to be V= 10 y ˆ 10 x ˆ i− 2 j 2 2 2 x +y x +y (a) Is this a possible incompressible flow? (b) If so, find the pressure gradient with z-axis vertical. Use ρ =1.23 kg/m3 and consider the fluid is frictionless. Solution (a) The differential continuity equation is to be checked to determine if the velocity field is possible or not. u= 10 x x2 + y2 v=− Now, u − 20 xy = 2 x ( x + y 2 ) 2 10 y x2 + y2 v 20 xy = 2 y ( x + y 2 ) 2 u v − 20 xy 20 xy + = 2 + 2 2 2 x y ( x + y ) ( x + y 2 ) 2 =0 Since the given velocity field satisfies the continuity equation, thus this field represents a possible incompressible flow. © Dr. A.B.M. Toufique Hasan (BUET) M.Sc. Eng. (April 2024) ME 6135: Advanced Aerodynamics 13 Problem (b) Consider Euler equation (for frictionless fluid) Du p = f x − Dt x u u u u p + u + v + w = f x − x y z x t x − momentum : ; steady 2D flow, z-axis vertical u u p u + v = − y x x p 123 x = 2 x ( x + y 2 ) 2 y − momentum : Dv p = f y − Dt y v v v v p + u + v + w = f y − x y z y t ; steady 2D flow, z-axis vertical v v p u + v = − y y x p 123 y = 2 y ( x + y 2 ) 2 © Dr. A.B.M. Toufique Hasan (BUET) M.Sc. Eng. (April 2024) ME 6135: Advanced Aerodynamics 14 Problem Dw p = f z − Dt z p 0 = (− g ) − z p = (1.23)(−9.81) = −12.07 z z − momentum : ; steady 2D flow, z-axis vertical, fz = −g = − 9.81m/s2 So, the pressure gradient: p = p = p ˆ p ˆ p ˆ i+ j+ k x y z 123 ( xiˆ + yˆj ) − 12.07 kˆ 2 2 2 (x + y ) © Dr. A.B.M. Toufique Hasan (BUET) M.Sc. Eng. (April 2024) ME 6135: Advanced Aerodynamics 15 Simple problems to be solved1. Determination of stream function and velocity potential 2. Confirmation of possible potential flow etc. © Dr. A.B.M. Toufique Hasan (BUET) M.Sc. Eng. (April 2024) ME 6135: Advanced Aerodynamics 16 Coordinate systems To apply the governing equations, a coordinate system: (x,y,z) or (r,θ,z) is to be chosen that best fits the geometry of the flow problem to be solved. The velocity field can be expressed by : (Cartesian (x,y,z)) V = uiˆ + vˆj + wkˆ (Cylindrical (r,θ,z)) V = vr iˆr + v iˆ + v z iˆz y x = r cos (r, θ) P (x, y) y = r sin y x = tan −1 r θ x (0,0) 2D coordinate system The “vector” or “del” operator has the following two forms depending on coordinate system: = iˆ + ˆj + kˆ x y z (Cartesian (x,y,z)) ˆ 1 ˆ = iˆr + i + iz r r z (Cylindrical (r,θ,z)) © Dr. A.B.M. Toufique Hasan (BUET) M.Sc. Eng. (April 2024) ME 6135: Advanced Aerodynamics 17 Continuity equation for steady inviscid incompressible flows: (divergence free velocity field) V = 0 y x = r cos (r, θ) P (x, y) y = r sin y x = tan −1 r For 2D flows: ( ) V = iˆ + ˆj uiˆ + vˆj = 0 y x u v + =0 x y θ (Cartesian (x,y)) ( x (0,0) 2D coordinate system ) 1 ˆ V = iˆr + iˆ vr ir + v iˆ = 0 r r 1 (rvr ) v + =0 r r (rvr ) v + =0 r © Dr. A.B.M. Toufique Hasan (BUET) (Cylindrical (r,θ)) M.Sc. Eng. (April 2024) ME 6135: Advanced Aerodynamics 18 Stream function,ψ in (r,θ) For 2D flows in polar coordinate (r, θ) continuity equation: (rvr ) v + =0 r y and v − r y = r sin y x = tan −1 r Define stream function by the following definition- 1 vr r x = r cos (r, θ) P (x, y) θ x (0,0) 2D coordinate system (rvr ) 1 = r = = r r r r r 2 v 2 = and − =− r r Now (rvr ) v 2 2 + = − =0 r r r © Dr. A.B.M. Toufique Hasan (BUET) which satisfy the continuity equation. M.Sc. Eng. (April 2024) ME 6135: Advanced Aerodynamics 19 Condition of irrotationality for steady inviscid flows: y V = 0 x = r cos (r, θ) P (x, y) (Curl of velocity field is zero) y = r sin y x = tan −1 r For 2D flows: ( ) V = iˆ + ˆj uiˆ + vˆj = 0 y x v u − =0 x y θ (Cartesian (x,y)) ( x (0,0) 2D coordinate system ) 1 V = iˆr + iˆ vr iˆr + v iˆ = 0 r r v 1 v + v − r = 0 r r v v 1 vr + − =0 r r r © Dr. A.B.M. Toufique Hasan (BUET) (Cylindrical (r,θ)) M.Sc. Eng. (April 2024) ME 6135: Advanced Aerodynamics 20 Potential function,φ in (r,θ) For 2D flows in polar coordinate (r, θ) the condition of irrotationality: v v 1 vr + − =0 r r r y and 1 v r y = r sin y x = tan −1 r Define potential function by the following definition- vr r x = r cos (r, θ) P (x, y) θ x (0,0) 2D coordinate system vr = = r r 2 and v 1 v 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 = + = −(v r ) 2 + =− + =− 2 r r r r r r r r r r r r Now v v 1 vr v 1 2 v 1 2 + − = 0 + − = − + r r r r r r r r r © Dr. A.B.M. Toufique Hasan (BUET) M.Sc. Eng. (April 2024) which satisfy the condition of irrotationality ME 6135: Advanced Aerodynamics 21 Problem A velocity field is given in polar coordinates for a perfect fluid flow as: 2 vr = − 1 and v = ( − 2r ) r Find the stream function for this flow. Solution: 1 vr = r = 3 3 2 = − 1 r ( = 2 −r ) − r + f ( r ) = ( − 2r ) (given ) r 3 − − r + f ( r ) = ( − 2r ) r 3 v = − df (r ) = ( − 2r ) dr df (r ) − = − 2r dr f (r ) = r 2 + constant − © Dr. A.B.M. Toufique Hasan (BUET) M.Sc. Eng. (April 2024) = 3 3 − r + r 2 + constant ME 6135: Advanced Aerodynamics 22 Problem A physically possible irrotational flow is: V = (2 x + 1)iˆ − (2 y ) ˆj Find the velocity potential function for this flow. Solution: = x 2 + x − y 2 + constant © Dr. A.B.M. Toufique Hasan (BUET) M.Sc. Eng. (April 2024) ME 6135: Advanced Aerodynamics 23