ETHICS Cultural and Ethical Relativism • • • • • • • • • • • • • Cultural and Ethical Relativism Ethics is about doing what is right for other people and for the society. Ethical principles are derived from religions, philosophies and cultural ideals. Judgments about what is ethically right or wrong have changed over time • Absolutists Absolutists give no credence to moral ambiguity. There are a set of universal rules that apply to all cultures, to all people, at all times. An action is always right or it is always wrong. • • Cultural Relativism Cultural relativism theorizes that the way people act, behave and perceive things is relative to their cultures. It is not possible to truly understand certain actions or customs without also understanding the culture from which those actions are derived. The idea is not to judge the action, but simply to understand it based on the culture in which it occurs. Ethical Relativism Ethical or moral relativism focuses specifically on what a particular culture judges to be right or wrong. When people act against the ethical norms of a community, they are judged as immoral or unethical by other members of that community. Since the judgments are relative, actions judged as unethical by one culture could be viewed with neutrality by another culture, and could even be considered as a moral necessity by people in yet a different culture. Are Ethics Relative to Culture? • Ethical or cultural relativism is a philosophical theory about the nature of morality. -xcox- Fundamentally, relativists argue that no universal moral rules exist, and that all morality needs to be understood from the perspective of what the culture considers acceptable. They also suggest that every culture's moral system is equally valid because there is no universal standard about what is good or bad. Cultural Differences Cultures differ widely in terms of moral practices, even on ethical issues where you might expect universal agreement. Cultural moral differences raise a question about whether or not any universal ethical principles exist, and underpin the arguments for ethical relativism.