Standards Manager Web Standards List ESDU-Engineering Sciences Data Unit Id 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Number 75021 E 75020 D 79011 D 19006 20003 20004 19003 88023 C 94035 D 78002 D 78003 D 80025 D 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 18001 18002 18003 18004 18008 18009 18010 18011 19001 19002 19004 19005 00024 A 01015 A 04011 A 08018 A 09001 09002 16004 17004 17008 34 17009 Title Estimation of the surface pressure fluctuations in the turbulent boundary layer of a flight vehicle Estimation of far-field sound pressure levels due to buzz-saw noise of a supersonic fan or compressor. Estimation of noise shielding by barriers Force limited random vibration testing Crack resistance curves Guide to fatigue data available in the Stress and Strength of Components Series Fatigue strength of shot peened helical tension and compression steel springs Jet-by-jet shielding of noise The correction of measured noise spectra for the effects of ground reflection Evaluation of the attenuation of sound by a uniform atmosphere Evaluation of the attenuation of broad-band sound by a non-uniform still atmosphere Mean forces, pressures and flow field velocities for circular cylindrical structures: single cylinder with two-dimensional flow. Information on the use of ESDU 18002, ESDU 18003 and ESDU 18004 Form factors for circular sections under combined bending and axial load Form factors for flanged sections under combined bending and axial load Form factors for angle, tee and channel sections under combined bending and axial load An overview of bonded joint design The estimation of turbulent boundary layer power-law velocity and q profiles from shape factor and momentum thickness Information on the use of Data Items on powerplant/airframe interactions for propeller-powered aircraft Cavity oscillations Fatigue of wrought and cast titanium alloys in bending and under axial loading Fatigue of wrought and cast Ti-6Al-4V alloys Guide to the effect of shot peening on fatigue strength Accumulation of water on runway The acoustic attenuation of absorbent linings in rectangular flow ducts with application to annular flow ducts Far-field sound radiation from circular ducts Prediction of sound attenuation in a refracting turbulent atmosphere with a Fast Field Program Combination of spectra in Common Data Files from ESDU Aircraft Noise Data Items Aerodynamics and aero-acoustics of rectangular planform cavities. Aerodynamics and aero-acoustics of rectangular planform cavities. Aerodynamics and aero-acoustics of rectangular planform cavities. Part V: Bibliography (up to 2016) Guide to the use of Data Items in the design of bonded joints A practical guide to turbulence and flow measurement by thermal anemometry (CTA), laser-Doppler anemometry (LDA) and particle-image velocimetry (PIV) Part 3: laser-Doppler anemometry A practical guide to turbulence and flow measurement by thermal anemometry (CTA), laser-Doppler anemometry (LDA) and particle-image velocimetry (PIV) Part 4: particle-image velocimetry Year 2020 2020 2020 2020 2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 Organization ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU Page 0 0 0 2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 2018 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2018 ESDU 0 0 0 0 0 0 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 17011 13009 A 14014-R2 11005 B 02020 C 00012 C 16001 42 16002 43 44 45 06013 B 76020 B 90034 D 46 47 48 49 50 51 99006 C AEROW 05.01.01 B TM165A TM188 TM189 TM190 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 TM192 04022 TM183 TM184 TM185 94035 C 90023 E 90005 C 96012 B 77028G 78019 D 82010 D 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 82034 B 71006 A 71007 A 72019 C 15001 A 14006 17012 17013 Power spectral density and bandwidth correction of spectrum level 2018 Computer program for calculation of aerodynamic centre of wing-fuselage-nacelle combinations 2018 A theoretically-based method for predicting static-to-flight effects on coaxial jet noise 2018 Prediction of near-field and far-field harmonic noise from subsonic propellers with non-axial inflow 2018 An introduction to aircraft noise 2018 The acoustic attenuation of absorbent linings in cylindrical flow ducts 2018 A practical guide to turbulence and flow measurement by thermal anemometry (CTA), laser-Doppler anemometry (LDA) 2018 and particle-image velocimetry (PIV) Part 1: Overview and Selection of Measurement Technique A practical guide to turbulence and flow measurement by thermal anemometry (CTA), laser-Doppler anemometry (LDA) 2018 and particle-image velocimetry (PIV) Part 2: constant-temperature anemometry Propeller slipstream modelling for incidence and sideslip. 2018 Estimation of the maximum discrete frequency noise from isolated rotors and propellers 2018 Computer program for the calculation of normal force and pitching moment of forebody-cylinder combinations at angles of 2018 attack up to 90 degrees and Mach numbers up to 5, including the effects of conical boat-tailing. Computer-based estimation procedure for near-field single-stream jet noise 2018 KINETIC PRESSURE IN THE WAKE BEHIND A WING 2018 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ESDU 0 ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 ESDU ESDU 0 0 ESDU TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM Analysis of ground-rolling tests through water with a Canberra aircraft ESDU TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM Air and ground temperature ESDU TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM Analysis of tests on a convergent nozzle in an altitude test facility ESDU TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM Aircraft performance from flight test: An example of the use of manoeuvring flight ESDU TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM Analysis of aircraft tests on flooded runways: an empirical approach An introduction to low-cycle fatigue phenomena ESDU TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM Compendium of vibration damping data for aerospace structures ESDU TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM Effects of rear-mounted engine nacelles on sidewash at fin ESDU TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM Air data calibration using a GPS/INS (EGI) The correction of measured noise spectra for the effects of ground reflection Airframe noise prediction Frequencies of resonance in wind tunnels with ventilated walls and plenum chamber. Subsonic and transonic base and boat-tail pressure drag of cylindrical bodies with circular-arc boat-tails. Geometrical characteristics of typical bodies. Profile drag of axisymmetric bodies at zero incidence for subcritical Mach numbers Contribution of fin to sideforce, yawing moment and rolling moment derivatives due to sideslip, (Y sub v) sub F, (N sub v) sub F, (L sub v) sub F, in the presence of body, wing and tailplane. Aircraft forces due to interference between a jet efflux and a slotted flap. Low-speed longitudinal aerodynamic characteristics of slender wings. Low-speed normal force and pitching moment of slender wings in ground effect. Buckling of flat isotropic plates under uniaxial and biaxial loading. Aircraft performance from flight test Part 1: derivation of a mathematical model Prediction of loads in shear cleat attachments Combination of levels in dB Aircraft performance from flight test. Part 3: in-flight calibration of an angle of attack sensor 2018 2018 2018 2018 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 2018 2018 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 16005 16006 16008 17002 17003 64001 K 16008 15009 80 81 82 83 84 85 15010 13003 15003 A 14014 00010 98019 D 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 05001 A 99035 13003-R1 16003 75028 A 75031 D 74036 C 15011 89047 D 90029 C AEROC 04.01.04 D AEROC 08.01.01 B 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 AEROF 01.01.08 D 99003 A AEROA 06.01.00 K AEROA 07.01.00 I 93016 C 85029 B 85046 E 98008 C TM 161 B 15004 Mass flow rate of a leak into an external stream 2017 Drag due to a leak discharging into an external stream 2017 Frictional and retarding forces on aircraft tyres Introduction to the ESDU methods 2017 Octave and fractional-octave band filters 2017 Fatigue crack propagation rates and threshold stress intensity factors in high strength low alloy steel plate, bar and forgings. 2017 Guide to stress concentration data 2017 Frictional and retarding forces on aircraft tyres Introduction to the ESDU methods 2017 Determination of hydroplaning speeds and corresponding hydrodynamic forces for rib tread aircraft tyres Application of 2016 ESDU 15003 Coupling loss factors 2016 Modal density of acoustic spaces 2016 Planing of rib-tread aircraft tyres 2016 A theoretically-based method for predicting static-to-flight effects on coaxial jet noise 2016 Aircraft Noise Series: Record of Documents - Issue 23 2016 Computer-based estimation procedure for single-stream jet noise Including far-field, static jet mixing noise database for 2016 circular nozzles Prediction of combustor noise from gas turbine engines 2016 Performance Series record of documents - Issue 28 2016 Modal density of acoustic spaces 2016 Aircraft performance from flight test Part 2: thrust-drag accounting 2016 Drag due to grooves in a flat plate with a turbulent boundary layer, at subsonic and supersonic speeds. 2016 Drag of two-dimensional steps and ridges immersed in a turbulent boundary layer for Mach numbers up to 3 2016 Drag due to a circular cavity in a plate with a turbulent boundary layer at subsonic, transonic and supersonic speeds. 2016 Acoustics of reverberation chambers 2016 In-plane forces and moments on installed inclined propellers at low forward speeds. 2016 An introduction to aircraft excrescence drag 2016 EFFECT OF IRVING INTERNAL BALANCE ON HINGE-MOMENT COEFFICIENT IN TWO-DIMENSIONAL 2016 FLOW RATE OF CHANGE OF PITCHING MOMENT COEFFICIENT WITH CONTROL 2016 DEFLECTION FOR A PLAIN CONTROL IN INCOMPRESSIBLE TWO-DIMENSIONAL FLOW, m0 LIFT COEFFICIENT INCREMENT DUE TO FULL-SPAN SLOTTED FLAPS 2015 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 0 0 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ESDU 0 ESDU 0 Generation of GUNACA 23-series of low-drag aerofoils. Information on the use of Data Items on rolling moment derivatives of an aircraft 2015 2015 ESDU ESDU 0 0 Information on the use of Data Items on yawing moment and sideforce derivatives of an aircraft Parameter estimation of linear systems from frequency response measurements (Computer program) Calculation of ground performance in take-off and landing. Quadrature methods for the evaluation of definite integrals Prediction of noise generated by fans and compressors in turbojet and turbofan engines Calculation of coefficients of rolling, braking and yawed rolling resistance Stress concentration factors in keyways 2015 ESDU 0 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 0 0 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 TM 174A 15005 00001 82037 F 13007 B 14007 TM 176A AERO C.08.01.01 B 15007 AERO A.07.01.00 I 10002 B 121 122 123 15006 AERO A.06.01.00 K TM 180 10003 B 86021 D 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 15008 05011 D 10004 B 13005 A 15012 10015 B 13002 A 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 72023 A 11004 C 89029 B 15001 15002 88031 E 91017 F 11002 A 139 140 141 142 143 91004 A 13006 90010 C 14005 88040 C Correlation of the micro-texture sharpness parameter F1 Stress concentration factors for optimised holes in flat plate Aerodynamics Series: Record of Documents - Issue 26 The response of two-degree-of-freedom systems (computer program) Side-force coefficients on aircraft tyres in yawed and unbraked motion on dry and wet pavements Selection of roughness bands to induce boundary-layer transition in wind-tunnel testing Effective phase angle in tyre-friction modelling RATE OF CHANGE OF PITCHING MOMENT COEFFICIENT WITH CONTROL DEFLECTION FOR A PLAIN CONTROL IN INCOMPRESSIBLE TWO-DIMENSIONAL FLOW, m sub zero Worked example for tyre in yawed motion on a dry or wet runway surface An application of ESDU 13007 Information on the use of Data Items on yawing moment and sideforce derivatives of an aircraft 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2015 2015 ESDU ESDU 0 0 Introduction to worked examples of tyres rolling or braking on dry or precipitate contaminated runways. Application of ESDU 05011 and ESDU 13007 Stress concentration factors for optimised notches and fillets in flat plate Information on the use of Data Items on rolling moment derivatives of an aircraft 2015 ESDU 0 2015 2015 ESDU ESDU 0 0 Modelling of ventilation for thermal comfort and indoor air quality Worked example for tyre in linear motion on a contaminated runway surface. An application of ESDU 05011 Introduction to aerodynamic derivatives, equations of motion and stability (including the classical criteria of longitudinal stability and control, and description of the lateral modes of motion) Tyre in linear motion on a runway covered by various forms of loose snow. An application of ESDU 05011 Summary of the model for performance of an aircraft tyre rolling or braking on dry or precipitate contaminated runways Worked example of ground-test machine operating on a dry or contaminated runway surface. Application of ESDU 05011 Information on the use of Data Items on the longitudinal stability of aircraft Flow in rotating cavities Model for performance of a single aircraft tyre rolling or braking on dry and precipitate contaminated runways Worked example for aircraft with multiple-wheel undercarriages braking on water-covered runway. Application of ESDU 11004 Low-speed longitudinal aerodynamic characteristics of aircraft in ground effect Decelerating forces on multiple-wheel undercarriages rolling or braking on precipitate contaminated runways Installed tailplane lift-curve slope at subsonic speeds Aircraft performance from flight test Part 1: derivation of a mathematical model Definitions for runway contaminants and the classification and distribution of hard runway surfaces Lift and longitudinal forces on propeller/nacelle/wing/flap systems Statistical methods applicable to analysis of aircraft performance data The prediction of the far-field mixing noise from coaxial subsonic jets based on a database for stationary coplanar conical nozzles Pitching moment derivative due to rate of pitch for projectiles at supersonic speeds ESDUperf: aircraft performance program Pitching moment and lift force derivatives due to rate of pitch for aircraft at subsonic speeds Lift and rolling moment due to spoilers on wings at subsonic speeds with trailing-edge flaps deployed Program for calculation of aileron rolling moment and yawing moment coefficients at subsonic speeds 2015 2015 2015 ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2014 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 0 144 145 14004 87008 I 146 13014 147 148 149 AERO F.01.01.08 D 00025 A 13012 150 151 TM 172 85010 A 152 153 154 TM 178 02011 13013 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 10011 A 96026 C 13007 A 91009 B 83044 83044-R1 84027 D 98005 D 163 AEROF 02.01.08 E 09009 B 81014 A 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 00032 E 14003 AERO F.02.01.08 E 73017 C 13001 66011 A 71027 A 76016 B 00033 D 12006 02016-R1 73002 B Lift and rolling moment due to spoilers on wings at subsonic speeds with trailing-edge flaps undeployed Rudder sideforce, yawing moment and rolling moment control derivatives at low speeds: Y sub zeta, N sub zeta and L sub zeta Viscous full-potential (VFP) method for three-dimensional wings and wing-body combinations Part 3: Error messages, failures and suggested remedies LIFT COEFFICIENT INCREMENT DUE TO FULL-SPAN SLOTTED FLAPS 2014 2014 ESDU ESDU 0 0 2014 ESDU 0 2014 ESDU 0 Computer program for prediction of aircraft lateral stability derivatives in sideslip at subsonic speeds Viscous full-potential (VFP) method for three-dimensional wings and wing-body combinations Part 2: Use of VFP and related programs Derivation of part span factors for lift and rolling moment Estimation of sideforce, yawing momentand rolling moment derivatives dueto rate of roll for complete aircraftat subsonic speeds Effect of wing-mounted engine nacelles of propeller-driven aircraft on lateral stability derivatives in sideslip Wind Engineering Series organisation: preface sections and data items location schedule amendment record - Issue 8 Viscous full-potential (VFP) method for three-dimensional wings and wing-body combinations. Part 1: Validation of VFP results with experiment and comparisons with other methods. Endurance of titanium and titanium alloy structural elements subjected to simulated acoustic loading Drag and yawing moment due to spoilers Side-force coefficients on aircraft tyres in yawed and unbraked motion on dry and wet pavements Effect of twin fins on isolated tailplane lift-curve slope Plasticity correction factors for plate buckling Plasticity correction factors for plate buckling Endurance of fibre-reinforced composite, laminated structural elements subjected to simulated random acoustic loading. Design and performance evaluation of heat exchangers: the effectiveness-NTU method. Part 3: graphical and analytical data. - Incorporates A, B, and C VORTEX DRAG COEFFICIENT OF WING WITH PART-SPAN FLAP AND CENTRAL CUT-OUT 2014 2014 ESDU ESDU 0 0 2014 2014 ESDU ESDU 0 0 2014 2014 2014 ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2013 ESDU 0 Aircraft noise prediction Contribution of wing planform to derivatives of yawing moment and sideforce due to roll rate at subsonic speeds, (Np)w and (Yp)w Aircraft Performance Program Part 2: Installing and running Programs APP02 and APP03 Guide to bolted joints and screw threads data VORTEX DRAG COEFFICIENT OF WING WITH PART-SPAN FLAP AND CENTRAL CUT-OUT 2013 2013 ESDU ESDU 0 0 2013 2013 2013 ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 Reynolds number, speed of sound, dynamic viscosity, kinetic pressure and total pressure coefficient in air The prediction of shock noise from supersonic jets including the near-field Loaded pins in axially loaded bars. Maximum elastic stress at hole boundary Endurance of high strength steels (in bending) Generalisation of smooth continuous stress-strain curves for metallic materials Aircraft Performance Program Part 3: Brief guide Programs APP02, APP03 Method to determine surface finish required to minimise local skin friction in the presence of a turbulent boundary layer. Fracture toughness (KIc) values of some cast irons Fatigue of steel spline assemblies under reversed torsion 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 178 179 180 181 182 183 81012 83040 D 82012-R1 82022-R1 81029-R1 82009 E 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 80004-R1 81007-R1 81011-R1 81012-R1 76016 B-R1 78016-R1 78023 A-R1 191 192 79010-R1 78036 A-R1 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 78043 A-R1 78013 B 76032-R1 77011-R1 75016-R1 76007-R1 76014 B-R1 200 201 202 203 73002 B-R1 71027 A-R1 73004 A-R1 74016-R1 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 71009 A-R1 70016 B-R1 67019 A-R1 66011 A-R1 67014 A-R1 00035 E 81011 83040 D 00011 TM 173 73004 A 81029 Fatigue threshold stress intensity factors and slow crack propagation rates in low and medium strength low alloy steel 2013 Method for the rapid estimation of spanwise loading of wings with camber and twist in subsonic attached flow 2013 Nested helical compression springs of round wire (To be used in conjunction with ESDU 82008) 2013 Endurance of steel lugs with clearance-fit pins (Tensile mean stress) 2013 Stress intensity factors in lugs (through-thickness cracks) 2013 Compressible flow of gases. Pressure losses and discharge coefficients of orifice plates, perforated plates and thick orifice 2013 plates in ducts. Fatigue strength of steel coned disc springs (Tentative) 2013 Fatigue strength in bending of steel I-beams with welded attachments 2013 Fatigue crack propagation in low and medium strength low alloy steel plate, bar and forgings 2013 Fatigue threshold stress intensity factors and slow crack propagation rates in low and medium strength low alloy steel 2013 Generalisation of smooth continuous stress-strain curves for metallic materials 2013 The effect of post-weld treatments on fatigue at fillet welded attachments 2013 Fatigue strength of transverse fillet welded joints and attachments in steels 2013 under bending loading Characteristics of disc springs in combination (to be used in conjunction with ESDU 78043) 2013 The compounding method of estimating stress intensity factors for cracks in complex configurations using solutions from 2013 simple configurations Single disc springs - elastic deflections, stresses, stiffnesses and resiliences 2013 Aerodynamic centre of wing-fuselage-nacelle combinations: effect of rear-fuselage pylon-mounted nacelles 2013 Fatigue strength of longitudinal flange-to-web welds in steel I-beams and T-sections 2013 Fatigue strength of transverse butt welds in steel plate under axial loading 2013 Fatigue strength of transverse fillet and cruciform butt welds in steels 2013 Fatigue strength of longitudinal fillet welded attachments and joints in steels under axial loading 2013 Estimation of endurance and construction of constant amplitude S N curves from related data corrected for notch and mean 2013 stress effects Fatigue of steel spline assemblies under reversed torsion 2013 Endurance of high strength steels (in bending) 2013 Criteria of yielding for ductile materials under static loading 2013 The fatigue strength at high endurance of notched low alloy steel specimens (in bending and under axial loading, zero mean 2013 stress) Design against fatigue Design principles 2013 Terms and notation for fatigue endurance data. 2013 Static strength of screwed fasteners 2013 Loaded pins in axially loaded bars. Maximum elastic stress at hole boundary 2013 Fatigue strength of thick cylinders under internal pressure 2013 Aircraft Performance Program Part 5: Detailed input and output Program APP02 2013 Fatigue crack propagation in low and medium strength low alloy steel plate, bar and forgings 2013 Method for the rapid estimation of spanwise loading of wings with camber and twist in subsonic attached flow 2013 Vibration and Acoustic Fatigue Series: Record of Documents - Issue 9 2013 Material damping of metals and alloys 2013 Criteria of yielding for ductile materials under static loading 2013 Stress intensity factors in lugs (through-thickness cracks) 2013 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 0 0 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ESDU ESDU 0 0 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 85011 B 09014 A 82011 C TM 95 81007 00034 E 13007 82012 74016 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 00036 D 82022 75016 13009 06011 A 76007 67014 A 76015 D 87031 C DWN 10009 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 76032 77012 B 13004 00038 D 09016 03003 02016 71009 A 76014 B 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 94036 A 02020 B 77011 00031 E 00039 C 67019 A 12003 84030 C 75021 D 82007 Pitot and static errors due to non-steady flight 2013 Elastic stress concentration factors. Geometric discontinuties in flat bars or strips of isotropic material 2013 Estimation of sideforce and yawing moment derivatives due to sideslip for complete aircraft at subsonic speeds 2013 Impact forces resulting from wheel generated spray: a re-assessment of existing data 2013 Fatigue strength in bending of steel I-beams with welded attachments 2013 Aircraft Performance Program Part 4: Brief form of input and output Programs APP02, APP03 2013 Side-force coefficients on aircraft tyres in yawed and unbraked motion on dry and wet pavements 2013 Nested helical compression springs of round wire (To be used in conjunction with ESDU 82008) 2013 The fatigue strength at high endurance of notched low alloy steel specimens (in bending and under axial loading, zero mean 2013 stress) Aircraft Performance Program Part 6: Examples of application Programs APP02 and APP03 2013 Endurance of steel lugs with clearance-fit pins (Tensile mean stress) 2013 Fatigue strength of transverse fillet and cruciform butt welds in steels 2013 Computer program for calculation of aerodynamic centre of wing-fuselage-nacelle combinations 2013 Spectral methods for the estimation of fatigue life 2013 Fatigue strength of longitudinal fillet welded attachments and joints in steels under axial loading 2013 Fatigue strength of thick cylinders under internal pressure 2013 Aerodynamic centre of wing-fuselage combinations 2013 Wing angle of attack for zero lift at subcritical Mach numbers 2013 Computer program for estimation of the performance of aircraft type tyres rolling or braking on dry and precipitate 2013 contaminated runways - Issue 7 Fatigue strength of longitudinal flange-to-web welds in steel I-beams and T-sections 2013 Aerodynamic centre of wing-fuselage-nacelle combinations: effect of wing-pylon mounted nacelles 2013 Selection of cooling systems 2013 Aircraft Performance Program Part 8: description of APP02 2013 Use of local-flow conditions for calculation of roughness-particle height in transition strips on wings 2013 Stress and Strength Series organisation: preface amendment record - Issue 3 2013 Fracture toughness (KIc) values of some cast irons 2013 Design against fatigue Design principles 2013 Estimation of endurance and construction of constant amplitude S N curves from related data corrected for notch and mean 2013 stress effects The prediction of sound attenuation as a result of propagation close to the ground 2013 An introduction to aircraft noise 2013 Fatigue strength of transverse butt welds in steel plate under axial loading 2013 Aircraft Performance Program Part 1: Introduction to the computer programs for aircraft performance evaluation 2013 Aircraft Performance Program Part 9: Testing programs APP02 and APP03 2013 Static strength of screwed fasteners 2013 Pressure and Flow Measurements 2012 Longitudinal turbulence intensities over terrain with roughness changes 2012 Estimation of the surface pressure fluctuations in the turbulent boundary layer of a flight vehicle 2012 Structural Members: mean fluid forces on members of various cross sections 2012 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 254 01014 A 255 256 14001 93030 A 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 82031 B 95026 DWN 10020 84015 A 93013 77014 B 85012 C 84011 D DWN 10018 91010 A 76003 C 84003 B 70012 E 96027 A 91001 83036 B 12001 74029 E 89042 A 70011 J 89050 B 85021 C TM 168 TM 175 88023 B 83035 F 10023 A 89036 B 83045 C 81018 B TM 169 288 289 290 291 292 06010 A 88038 64001 74029 E-R1 75021 D-R1 Frictional pressure gradient in adiabatic flows of gas-liquid mixtures in horizontal pipes: prediction using empirical correlations and database Applying, measuring and maintaining pretension in steel bolts Three-dimensional elastic stress concentration factors Plain or countersunk hole in a wide plate subjected to tension, bending or pin loading Paraboloidal antennas: wind loading. Part 1: mean forces and moments Edge effects on the response of sandwich panels subjected to acoustic loading Dynamic characteristics of cylindrical helical springs. Part 4: examples and computer program - Issue 8 Cylinder groups: mean forces on pairs of long circular cylinders Lift-curve slope for structural response calculations Flat panels in shear Post-buckling analysis Estimation of damping in laminated and fibre-reinforced plates Wind speed profiles over terrain with roughness changes Aerodynamics Fixes on Aircraft - Issue 6 Response of structures to galloping excitation Background and approximate estimation Geometrical properties of cranked and straight-tapered wing planforms Fatigue crack propagation rates and threshold stress intensity factors in high alloy and corrosion resistant (stainless) steel Lift-curve slope and aerodynamic centre position of wings in inviscid supersonic flow Estimation of the unsteady lift coefficient of subsonic propeller blades in non-axial inflow Structural parameters used in response calculations Estimation of numerical values Natural frequencies of rectangular, specially orthotropic laminated plates Prediction of turbine noise from aero-engines Friction losses for fully-developed flow in straight pipes of constant cross section subsonic compressible flow of gases Body effect on wing angle of attack and pitching moment at zero lift at low speeds Lift-curve slope and aerodynamic centre position of wings in inviscid subsonic flow Boundary walls, fences and hoardings: mean and peak wind loads and overturning moments Analysis of pretensioned bolted joints subject to tensile (separating) forces Derivation of equations for the geometrical properties of straight-tapered and multi-panel wings Self-loosening of bolted joints Jet-by-jet shielding of noise Estimation of the stiffnesses and apparent elastic properties of laminated flat plates Computer program for calculation of equivalent straight-tapered wing planform The calculation of overground sound propagation in the presence of wind and temperature gradients Strong winds in the atmospheric boundary layer Part 2: discrete gust speeds Natural frequencies of thick-walled isotropic circular-cylindrical shells (shear diaphragm end conditions) Wing lift-curve slope in inviscid subsonic flow: Improvements to the Helmbold-Diederich equation and comparison with data from ESDU 70011 Cycle counting methods for the estimation of fatigue life Estimation of hours per year when mean wind speed exceeds specified thresholds Guide to stress concentration data. Friction losses for fully-developed flow in straight pipes of constant cross section subsonic compressible flow of gases Estimation of the surface pressure fluctuations in the turbulent boundary layer of a flight vehicle 2012 ESDU 0 2012 2012 ESDU ESDU 0 0 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 0 293 294 81018 B-R2 80040G-R2 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 80020 B 82031 B-R1 82007-R1 83009 C-R1 83020-R1 04021 83020 88037 97021 A 04022-R1 06009 A 11009 87035 B TN 07007 B 90029 B TM 170 14002 04022 88033 A 314 315 316 317 87034 B 04006 B 83009 C TM169 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 84011 D-R1 84015 A-R1 83045 C-R1 84030 C-R1 83036 B-R2 85012 C-R2 85021 C-R1 87034 B-R1 87035 B-R1 88037-R1 88038-R1 93013-R1 96027 A-R3 95026-R2 Natural frequencies of thick-walled isotropic circular-cylindrical shells (shear diaphragm end conditions). Free vibration of thin-walled, orthogonally stiffened, circularcylindrical shells Average downwash at the tailplane at low angles of attack and subsonic speeds Paraboloidal antennas: wind loading. Part 1: mean forces and moments Structural Members: mean fluid forces on members of various cross sections Damping of structures Part 1: tall buildings Paraboloidal antennas: wind loading. Part 2: surface pressure distribution Fluid Mechanics, Internal Flow Series: Record of Documents - Issue 15 Paraboloidal antennas: wind loading. Part 2: surface pressure distribution World-wide extreme wind speeds. Part 2: examples using various methods of analysis Effect of trailing-edge flap deployment on average downwash at the tailplane at low speeds An introduction to low-cycle fatigue phenomena Fatigue damage and life under random loading. Compendium of modal densities Part II: Shell structures Calculation methods for along-wind loading Part 2: response of line-like structures to atmospheric turbulence Incompressible flow through orifice plates a review of the data in the literature An introduction to aircraft excrescence drag Falcon 20: rolling on dry and snow-covered surfaces Lock nuts and other thread locking devices An introduction to low-cycle fatigue phenomena The design of spur and helical involute gears. A procedure compatible with BS 436: Part 3: 1986 method for calculation of contact and root bending stress limitations for metallic involute gears World-wide extreme wind speeds Part 1: origins and methods analysis Pressure gradient in upward adiabatic flows of gas-liquid mixtures in vertical pipes Damping of structures Part 1: tall buildings ESDU TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM Wing lift-curve slope in inviscid subsonic flow: Improvements to the HelmboldDiederich equation and comparison with data from ESDU 70011 Wind speed profiles over terrain with roughness changes Cylinder groups: mean forces on pairs of long circular cylinders Strong winds in the atmospheric boundary layer Part 2: discrete gust speeds Longitudinal turbulence intensities over terrain with roughness changes Natural frequencies of rectangular, specially orthotropic laminated plates Estimation of damping in laminated and fibre-reinforced plates Analysis of pretensioned bolted joints subject to tensile (separating) forces World-wide extreme wind speeds Part 1: origins and methods analysis Calculation methods for along-wind loading Part 2: response of line-like structures to atmospheric turbulence World-wide extreme wind speeds. Part 2: examples using various methods of analysis Estimation of hours per year when mean wind speed exceeds specified thresholds Lift-curve slope for structural response calculations Estimation of the unsteady lift coefficient of subsonic propeller blades in non-axial inflow. Edge effects on the response of sandwich panels subjected to acoustic loading. 2012 2012 ESDU ESDU 0 0 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2012 2012 2012 2012 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 332 93030 A-R1 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 91001-R1 91010 A-R1 89050 B-R1 88023 B-R1 89036 B-R1 90016 B-R1 91013 A-R1 91025 E-R1 93031 A-R1 342 343 344 345 346 347 92042 B-R1 93022 B-R1 89011 A-R1 89030 A-R1 88022 C-R1 86024 E-R1 348 349 350 351 352 353 87002 C-R1 85037 D-R1 84008 D-R1 72005 E 82019 00007 B 354 11007 355 356 357 358 359 07001 91025 E 73014 A 97030 A 92014 D 360 361 362 11008 07002 A 93031 A 363 364 365 366 367 07001 ADD 00002-R1 10023 B 00024 10016 Three-dimensional elastic stress concentration factors Plain or countersunk hole in a wide plate subjected to tension, 2012 bending or pin loading Structural parameters used in response calculations Estimation of numerical values 2012 Response of structures to galloping excitation Background and approximate estimation 2012 Boundary walls, fences and hoardings: mean and peak wind loads and overturning moments 2012 Jet-by-jet shielding of noise 2012 The calculation of overground sound propagation in the presence of wind and temperature gradients 2012 Natural frequencies of isotropic and orthotropic rectangular plates under static in-plane loading (including shear loading) 2011 Methods for improving damping Part 2: layered damping treatment for structures: analysis and examples 2011 Non-Newtonian fluids: Frictional pressure loss prediction for fully-developed flow in straight pipes 2011 Pipeline vibrations. Computer program for the prediction of fluid transients in flexible, unbranched three-dimensional 2011 piping systems Ejectors and jet pumps: Computer program for design and performance for compressible gas flow 2011 Ejectors and jet pumps: computer program for design and performance for liquid flow 2011 Natural frequencies of singly-curved laminated plates with simply-supported edges 2011 Pipeline Vibrations Fluid transients in non-rigid, unbranched planar piping systems 2011 Pipeline Vibrations Undamped natural vibration of pipelines 2011 Estimation of rms strain in laminated face plates of simply-supported sandwich panels subjected to random acoustic 2011 loading. Including a simplified natural frequency prediction method Natural frequencies of rectangular singly-curved plates 2011 Natural frequencies of simply-supported sandwich panels with laminated face plates 2011 Estimation of r.m.s. strain in laminated skin panels subjected to random acoustic loading 2011 The estimation of r.m.s. stress in stiffened skin panels subjected to random acoustic loading 2011 Undamped natural vibration of rectangular sway frame buildings and frame structures 2011 Drag of a rectangular planform cavity in a flat plate with a turbulent boundary layer for Mach numbers up to 3. Part II: 2011 Open and transitional flows Full-potential method for three-dimensional wings and wing-body combinations Part 6: Full-potential with frozen boundary 2011 layer Noise transmission into aircraft cabins 2011 Non-Newtonian fluids: Frictional pressure loss prediction for fully-developed flow in straight pipes 2011 The estimation of r.m.s. stress in skin panels with flexible stiffeners subjected to random acoustic loading 2011 VGK method for two-dimensional aerofoil sections Part 3: estimation of a separation boundary in transonic flow 2011 Blending profiles of disc cams with radial translating roller followers. Part 1: to reduce segment angle, reduce reference 2011 circle radius or increase follower lift Compendium of modal densities Part 1: rods, beams and plates 2011 Wing viscous drag coefficient in shock-free attached flow 2011 Pipeline vibrations. Computer program for the prediction of fluid transients in flexible, unbranched three-dimensional 2011 piping systems Noise transmission into aircraft cabins Addendum Estimation of section properties of fuselage stiffeners 2011 Sound power radiation from isotropic plates 2011 Computer program for calculation of equivalent straight-tapered wing planform 2011 The acoustic attenuation of absorbent linings in rectangular flow ducts with application to annular flow ducts 2011 Drag of a rectangular planform cavity in a flat plate with a turbulent boundary layer for Mach numbers up to 3. Part III : 2011 Effect of doors ESDU 0 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 0 0 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 0 0 ESDU 0 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 0 ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 0 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 TM 165 Analysis of ground-rolling tests through water with a Canberra aircraft TN 10013 CFD validation studies for incompressible flow through square-edged orifice plates 96002 Geneva mechanisms. Part 1: design 74033 A-R1 Estimation of sound pressure levels due to buzz-saw noise within the intake duct of a supersonic fan or compressor 74025 B-R1 Natural frequencies of box structures 73014 A-R1 The estimation of r.m.s. stress in skin panels with flexible stiffeners subjected to random acoustic loading 72005 E-R1 The estimation of r.m.s. stress in stiffened skin panels subjected to random acoustic loading 91013 A Methods for improving damping Part 2: layered damping treatment for structures: analysis and examples 10019 Effect of link length tolerances on the performance of four-bar linkages 91008 A Strength of lugs under axial load 92042 B Ejectors and jet pumps: Computer program for design and performance for compressible gas flow 10022 Trailing-vortex drag coefficient in shock-free attached flow cambered and twisted wings DWN TN10013 CFD validation studies for incompressible flow through square-edged orifice plates - Issue 5 CFD-BPG CFD Best Practice Guidelines for modelling pressure losses and flow characteristics in square-and knife-edged orifice 11010 plates 97031 Estimation of shelter provided by solid and porous fence 10017 A guide to the alleviation of the base drag of a flat plate with a blunt trailing edge 11005 Prediction of near-field and far-field harmonic noise from subsonic propellers with non-axial inflow 74025 B Natural frequencies of box structures 82027 B Estimation of lateral attenuation of air-to-ground jet or turbofan aircraft noise in one-third octave bands 07003 A Modelling of wing viscous drag coefficient in shock-free attached flow 08018 Combination of spectra in Common Data Files from ESDU Aircraft Noise Data Items TM 167 Mumeter Mk 6: a continuous friction measuring device. Evaluation on test surfaces at Nantes 95001 A Kinematic analysis of disc cams 00024 The acoustic attenuation of absorbent linings in rectangular flow ducts with application to annular flow ducts 93002 B Blending profiles of disc cams with radial translating roller followers. Part 2: to incorporate an intermediate precision point or a constant velocity component TM 101 Derivation of lubricant entrainment velocity for disc cams with six different types of follower 92005 D Minimum size of disc cams with radial translating roller followers 76020 A Estimation of the maximum discrete frequency noise from isolated rotors and propellers 78002 C Evaluation of the attenuation of sound by a uniform atmosphere 85037 D Natural frequencies of simply-supported sandwich panels with laminated face plates 74033 A Estimation of sound pressure levels due to buzz-saw noise within the intake duct of a supersonic fan or compressor 84008 D Estimation of r.m.s. strain in laminated skin panels subjected to random acoustic loading 99006 B Computer-based estimation procedure for near-field single-stream jet noise 00002 Sound power radiation from isotropic plates 01015 Far-field sound radiation from circular ducts 89011 A Natural frequencies of singly-curved laminated plates with simply-supported edges 06002A Dwell-Rise-Fall-Dwell and Dwell-Fall-Rise-Dwell cam laws Sections 1 to 8: segments having equal rise and fall periods 86024 E Estimation of rms strain in laminated face plates of simply-supported sandwich panels subjected to random acoustic loading. Including a simplified natural frequency prediction method 13016 Some factors affecting the design of bolted assemblies 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2011 ESDU 0 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 TM 96 04011 09006 00004 87002 C 78003 C 93022 B 91043 C TM 102 00006 B Operations on surfaces covered with slush Prediction of sound attenuation in a refracting turbulent atmosphere with a Fast Field Program Material Damping Mechanisms Series record of documents - Issue 11 Natural frequencies of rectangular singly-curved plates Evaluation of the attenuation of broad-band sound by a non-uniform still atmosphere Ejectors and jet pumps: computer program for design and performance for liquid flow Mean wind speeds over hills and other topography Derivation of contact force and radius of curvature of cam profile for disc cams with six different types of follower Drag of a rectangular planform cavity in a flat plate with a turbulent boundary layer for Mach numbers up to 3. Part I: Closed flow TN 08009 A CFD validation studies for transitional flow in circular straight pipes with smooth walls 02009 Sound radiation from orthotropic rectangular plates Part I: Estimation by asymptotic method 86035 E Integral length scales of turbulence over flat terrain with roughness changes 81036 A Undamped natural vibration of core buildings 89030 A Pipeline Vibrations Fluid transients in non-rigid, unbranched planar piping systems 88022 C Pipeline Vibrations Undamped natural vibration of pipelines 86026 C Introduction to polynomial cam laws 94035 B The correction of measured noise spectra for the effects of ground reflection 90016 B Natural frequencies of isotropic and orthotropic rectangular plates under static in-plane loading (including shear loading) 11006 Extrapolating wind-tunnel data to full-scale Reynolds number Part 3: Example (ii) Comparison of extrapolated lowReynolds-number lift measurements on the F4 wing/body with high-Reynolds-number measurements 94011 C Contact stress in disc cams with domed or flat faced followers 05009 Heat Transfer Series record of documents - Issue 2 03012 B Computer program for calculation of mean value properties for non-uniform compressible flows SPC-M13-1 Oct.09: Mathematical modeling of asphaltenes deposition and removal in crude distillation units 10012 Application of linear regression analysis to acoustic fatigue data 09015 EXTRAPOLATING WIND-TUNNEL DATA TO FULL-SCALE REYNOLDS NUMBER Part 3: Example (i) Choice of simulation criteria and transition-strip locations for the F4 Wing/Body combination at the design condition SPG-M12-1 Sept.09: Fouling in refinery preheat trains. PHT network simulation PERF ED 1/1 A Approximate estimation of drag of windmilling propellers SPA-M12-2 Sept.09: Application of ATR-FTIR imaging to study precipitation due to heating of crude oil SPA-M6-1 Apr.08: Characterization of asphaltenes and deposited foulants PERF ED 1/2 A Approximate estimation of braking thrust of propellers (piston engines) SPA-M14-1 Sept.10: Characterization of Asphaltenes and Deposited Foulants SPG-M15-2 Refinery preheat train modelling, simulation and performance improvement 93005 A Calculation methods for steadily loaded axial groove hydrodynamic journal bearings (Guide to use of computer program A9305) SPD-M13-2 Oct.09: Simulation of asphaltene-hydrocarbon containing systems SPC-M15-1 Sept.10: Mathematical modeling of asphaltenes deposition and removal in crude distillation units SPG-M12-2 Sept.09: Modelling of fouling in heat exchangers: Overview, recent results and opportunities SPF-M12-1 Sept.09: Annulus flow tests (status report on tube and annulus flow rig development) 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 0 0 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2010 2010 2010 2010 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 00015 A SPC-M11-1 SPA-M12-1 10014 Disc cams: tribological analysis using computer program A0015 Apr.09: Modeling of asphaltenes deposition and removal in crude-oil distillation units Sept.09: Characterisation of petroleum fouling with respect to operational parameters: an experimental study Full-potential method for three-dimensional wings and wing-body combinations Part 5: Pre-processor to represent effect of fore- and aft-body shape on wing flow SPG-M10-2 Apr.09: Advanced modelling and simulation of PHT hot-end exchangers for fouling mitigation 04024 B An introduction to rigid aeroplane response to gusts and atmospheric turbulence SPD-M13-1 Oct.09: Modelling asphaltenes using SAFT or related approaches 93004 A Calculation methods for steadily loaded central circumferential groove hydrodynamic journal bearings. (Guide to use of computer program A9304) 94008 C Lubricant film thickness between disc cams and followers 04017 Fatigue Endurance Data Series organisation: preface amendment record - Issue 2 10011 Endurance of titanium and titanium alloy structural elements subjected to simulated acoustic loading 96011 C Geneva mechanisms. Part 2: computer program 00012 B The acoustic attenuation of absorbent linings in cylindrical flow ducts SPC-M7-1 Apr.08: Modelling of asphaltenes deposition and removal in crude distillation units SPG-M10-1 Apr.09: Simulating refinery preheat trains subject to fouling - operational control strategies 93001 D Contact stress in disc cams with roller followers 92037 A Calculation methods for externally pressurised (hydrostatic) journal bearings with capillary restrictor control (Guide to use of computer program A9237) SPD-M10-2 Apr.09: Coarse-grained simulation of asphaltene-hydrocarbon containing systems 13015 An introduction to some methods to calculate loads and stiffnesses in bolted assemblies 82018 B The pressure distribution at zero incidence over selected families of blunt axisymmetric forebodies 92035 A Calculation methods for steadily loaded, off-set pivot, tilting-pad thrust bearings (Guide to use of computer program A9235) PERF RG 2/1 B Reduction of take-off and landing measurements to standard conditions 85028 B Calculation methods for steadily loaded axial groove hydrodynamic journal bearings. Superlaminar operation (To be used in conjunction with Item No. 84031) SPD-M10-1 Apr.09: Thermodynamic modelling of asphaltene-oil systems using SAFT 91026 E Analysis of cam roller followers SPB-M14-1 Sept.10: Interactions and rheological properties of Asphaltenes studied by Atomic Force Microscopy SPG-M7-3 Apr.08: Detailed dynamic behaviour of pre-heat train HEXs undergoing fouling SPF-M6-2 Apr.08: Fluid dynamic gauging 96029 C Transonic data memorandum VGK method for two-dimensional aerofoil sections Part 2: User manual SPA-M10-3 Apr.09: Characterisation of Maya crude oil (in terms of mass and structure) 97019 A Equilibrium temperatures in self-contained bearing assemblies (Use of computer program A9719) SPA-M10-2 Apr.09: Probing into petroleum heath-exchanger deposits with spectroscopic imaging 96025 F Drag due to lift for non-planar swept wings up to high angles of attack at subsonic speeds SPF-M6-1 Apr.08: Annulus flow tests (status report on tube and annulus flow rig development) PERF EG 8/2 B Estimation of rolling manoeuvrability 07004 A Flow in rotating components - discs, cylinders and cavities 92034 A Calculation methods for steadily loaded fixed-inclined-pad thrust bearings (Guide to use of computer program A9234) 90022 D Force analysis of planar linkages 2010 2010 2010 2010 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 2010 2010 2010 2010 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2010 2010 2010 2010 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 2010 2010 ESDU ESDU 0 0 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 SPD-M6-4 85046 D SPA-M6-3 95023 A Apr.08: Asphaltene precipitation from crude oil Quadrature methods for the evaluation of definite integrals Apr.08: Questions: Elemental analysis Dynamics of a simple flexible rotor supported in axial groove hydrodynamic journal bearings (Guide to use of computer program A9523) SPE-M12-1 Sept.09: Stirred vessel fouling tests PERF EG 6/4 C Estimation of ground run during landing SPB-M6-3 Apr.08: Atomic Force Microscopy (background to technique) SPG-M7-1 Apr.08: Fouling in crude oil preheat trains. Control and mitigation 00018 Example of statistical analysis of wet runway friction: ground-test machine data 91038 B Film thickness in lubricated Hertzian point contacts (Use of computer program A9138) SPD-M6-3 Apr.08: Phase behavior of complex mixtures 90007 B Procedures for balancing planar linkages using rotating counterweights 13008 Fatigue strength of low-carbon steel stud threads under axial and combined axial and bending loading PERF EG 8/1 B Estimation of turning performance SPB-M11-1 Apr.09: Interactions and Rheological Properties of Asphaltenes Investigated using AFM SPG-M7-2 Apr.08: Fouling mitigation in pre-heat trains. Network simulation 01008 C Computer program for wind speeds and turbulence properties: flat or hilly sites in terrain with roughness changes 99017 A Example of statistical analysis of wet runway friction: aircraft with limited set of test data SPE-M15-1 Sept.10: Stirred vessel fouling tests and research into crude oil fouling 96015 A Design and material selection for dry rubbing bearings (Use of computer program A9615) SPA-M10-1 Apr.09: Fouling chemistry 93016 B Parameter estimation of linear systems from frequency response measurements (Computer program) 79005 A Undamped natural vibration of shear buildings 91037 B Film thickness in lubricated Hertzian line contacts (Use of computer program A9137) SPD-M6-2 Apr.08: Coarse-Grained simulation of asphaltene-hydrocarbon containing systems SPF-M14-1 Sept.10: Annulus flow tests (status report on tube and annulus flow rig development) 85027 B Film thicknesses in lubricated Hertzian contacts (EHL). Part 1: two-dimensional contacts (line contacts) 99016 A Example of statistical analysis of wet runway friction: aircraft with extensive set of test data 82037 E The response of two-degree-of-freedom systems (computer program) SPA-M6-2 Apr.08: Advances in characterising h lt bi asphaltenes combining macro- and micro- ATR-FTIR Imaging 94034 A Dimensions, deflections and stresses for Hertzian contacts under combined normal and tangential loading (Guide to use of computer program A9434) 74030 B Characteristics of atmospheric turbulence near the ground Part I: definitions and general information SPD-M6-1 Apr.08: Thermodynamic modelling of asphaltene-oil systems using SAFT 87011 E Prediction of single-stream jet noise in flight from static circular-nozzle data SPG-M15-1 Sept.10: Fouling - Challenges and Opportunities 99015 C Statistical analysis of wet runway friction for aircraft and ground-test machines PERF EG 6/2 C Estimation of approach speed SPB-M6-2 Apr.08: Colloidal Interactions Between Asphaltene and Different Surfaces Measured by Atomic force microscopy (AFM) SPD-M6-1 Apr.08: Thermodynamic modelling of asphaltene-oil systems using SAFT TM 151 Stresses in the tread material of an unloaded inflated tyre 2010 2010 2010 2010 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 SPD-M14-1 93006 A Sept.10: Thermodynamic modelling of asphaltene-oil systems using SAFT 2010 Calculation methods for steadily loaded axial groove hydrodynamic journal bearings. Low viscosity process fluid 2010 lubrication (Guide to use of computer program A9306) 96031 D Computer programs for response of structures to vortex shedding Structures of circular or polygonal cross section Part 1. 2010 Microsoft Excel module SPB-M6-1 Apr.08: Interfacial and Rheological Properties of Asphaltenes Investigated using AFM 2010 PERF EG 5/1 C Estimation of take-off distance 2010 SPF-M12-2 Sept.09: Fluid dynamic gauging 2010 69005 A The response of first- and second-order systems 2009 PERF RP 1/0 A Standard British method of performance reduction for piston-engined aircraft with constant-speed propellers 2009 A2 WIND ENGINEERING SERIES: TITLES Issue 5 2009 CFD-BMK CFD Benchmarks for predicting friction losses and flow characteristics in straight pipes 2009 09011 PERF RP 2/0 A General method of performance reduction for piston-engined aircraft with constant-speed propellers 2009 06024 B Dynamic characteristics of cylindrical helical springs. Part 1: deformation, stresses and stability 2009 72021 C Effect of wing on rolling moment due to yawing 2009 PERF RT 1/3 A Performance reduction for aircraft with turbo-props. â__Non-dimensionalâ__ graphical method. Range and endurance. 2009 TN 08008 A CFD studies for the validation of friction losses and flow characteristics in circular straight pipes with smooth walls 2009 A1 FLUID MECHANICS, INTERNAL FLOW SERIES:TITLES Issue 6 2009 PERF RT 1/0 B Performance reduction for aircraft with turbo-props. â__Non-dimensionalâ__ graphical method 2009 08012 Aerodynamics and aero-acoustics of rectangular planform cavities. Part IIIB: Alleviation of unsteady flow effects - acoustic 2009 suppression using passive devices 00003 Dynamics Series record of documents 2009 PERF RT 1/1 A Performance reduction for aircraft with turbo-props. â__Non-dimensionalâ__ graphical method. Level speed 2009 CFD-BPG CFD Best Practice Guidelines for modelling friction losses and flow characteristics in straight pipes 2009 09010 75031 B Drag of two-dimensional steps and ridges immersed in a turbulent boundary layer for Mach numbers up to 3 2009 00030 Structures series organisation: preface amendment record - Issue 4 2009 04023 B Aerodynamics and aero-acoustics of rectangular planform cavities Part II: Unsteady flow and aero-acoustics 2009 08006 Example of risk analysis for an aircraft subject to performance errors 2009 00037 D Aircraft Performance Program Part 7: Error messages Programs APP02 and APP03 2009 00013 A OSCAM. Computer-aided cam mechanism design: installation Associated software: OSCAM 2009 90020 B Airframe-induced upwash at subsonic speeds 2009 89013 B Transverse (through-the-thickness) shear stiffnesses of fibre reinforced composite laminated plates 2009 08007 Strength of lugs under oblique load 2009 08011 Aerodynamics and aero-acoustics of rectangular planform cavities. Part IIIA: Alleviation of unsteady flow effects 2009 Introduction 08015 A Dynamic characteristics of cylindrical helical springs. Part 2: vibration 2009 00005 Tribology Series record of documents 2009 09003 Dynamic characteristics of cylindrical helical springs. Part 3: impact loading on compression springs 2009 PERF RP 1/2 A Standard British method of performance reduction for piston-engined aircraft with constant-speed propellers. Rate of climb 2009 82023 B The estimation of basic dimensions of disc cams with translating followers 2009 PERF RP 1/1 A Standard British method of performance reduction for piston-engined aircraft with constant-speed propellers. Level speed. 2009 ESDU ESDU 0 0 ESDU 0 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 0 0 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 93015 B Program for calculation of maximum lift coefficient of plain aerofoils and wings at subsonic speeds 09005 Introduction to Damping PERF RT 1/2 A Performance reduction for aircraft with turbo-props. â__Non-dimensionalâ__ graphical method. Rate of climb 93032 A Examples of excrescence drag prediction for typical wing components of a subsonic transport aircraft at the cruise condition PERF RP 1/3 A Standard British method of performance reduction for piston-engined aircraft with constant-speed propellers. Final consumption 99031 B Computer program for estimation of lift curve to maximum lift for wing-fuselage combinations with high-lift devices at low speeds 09012 Aerodynamics of parachutes 02008 C Aerodynamics and aero-acoustics of rectangular planform cavities Part I: Time-averaged flow 09004 Labyrinth seal flow 02007 B AMOPS: computer program for the calculation of area and moments of area of planar shapes 09013 Initial buckling of flat isosceles triangular plates under compression reacted by compression and/or shear 01001 B Elasto-plastic buckling of flat isotropic stiffened panels and struts in compression. SPA-M9-1 Chemical photography of petroleum deposits. Characterisation of asphaltenes and deposited foulants using vibrational spectroscopy - Sept. 08 update. SPB-M8-1 Determining the mechanical properties of aspheltene films - Sept. 08 update. 97025 A Similarity rules for application in aircraft performance work. 90023 D Airframe noise prediction SPD-M8-1 Coarse-grained simulation of asphaltene-hydrocarbon containing systems - Sept. 08 update. STRUSW Structures Series - Software. PERF RJ2/0 B Introductory sheet on the analytical method of performance reduction for aircraft with turbo-jets. 03001 A Elastic buckling of long, flat, symmetrically-laminated (AsBoDf), composite stiffened panels and struts in compression. 87005 D Increment in aerofoil profile drag coefficient due to the deployment of a single-slotted flap. 66027 F Friction losses for fully-developed flow in straight pipes. 08014 Guide to contaminated runway testing 82006 B Selection of DRD cam laws. PERF RJ1/2 C Performance analysis for aircraft with turbo-jets. "Non-dimensional" graphical method. Rate of climb. SPD-M8-2 Thermodynamic modelling of asphaltene - oil systems using SAFT - Sept. 08 update. 08010 Example of similarity methods applied to aircraft drag data from flight test PERFSW Performance Series - Software. - Issue 8 08003 Treatment of risk within commercial air transport NOISSW Aircraft Noise Series - Software. 84041 A Properties of common engineering materials MECHSW Mechanisms Series - Software. SPF-M8-2 Fluid dynamic gauging - Sept 08 update. PERF RJ2/1 A Analytical method of performance reduction for aircraft with turbo-jets. Rate of climb. 71011 A Stresses due to interference-fit pins and bushes in plates, strips or lugs SPD-M8-3 Predicting adsorption isotherms using a two-dimensional Statistical Associating Fluid Theory. 08004 Example of risk analysis applied to en-route flight path for large jet transport aircraft 06005 Dwell-rise-fall-dwell cam laws. Computer program. 2009 2009 2009 2009 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 2009 ESDU 0 2009 ESDU 0 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2008 2008 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 08005 SPC-M9-1 SPG-M8-1 77022 C 08013 99034 07012 SPF-M8-1 SPE-M8-1 SPA-M9-2 08002 05024 B 98016 B SPG-M8-2 SPF-M3-7 SPG-M5-3 98005 C 615 05008 616 84017 A 617 618 619 620 SPG-M3-3 74015 A SPA-M4-2 AERO A.08.01.05 B 73023 A 87027 A SPF-M3-6 94044 A 81039 C 77016 B 68002 A 01011 B 77009 B 74021 C 95025 B SPG-M5-1 86015 B 81043 C SPD-M2-2 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 Example of risk analysis applied to aircraft landing distance Dynamics of fouling deposition and removal in the presence of aging effects - Sept. 08 update. Advanced modelling and simulation of hot end refinery heat exchangers for fouling mitigation - Sept. 08 update. Equations for calculation of International Standard Atmosphere and associated off-standard atmospheres Increment in wing profile drag coefficient due to the deployment of a single-slotted flap. Transonic Aerodynamics Series organisation: preface, location schedule, amendment record. Crack growth criteria for the estimation of fatigue life. Tube and annulus flow loop development and testing - Sept. 08 update. Stirred vessel fouling tests - Sept. 08 update. A study of deposit formation in a micro-bomb reactor (MBR): effect of residence time - Sept. 08 update. Fouling in cooling systems using fresh water. Flow through sudden contractions of duct area: pressure losses and flow characteristics. Elastic buckling of flat isotropic stiffened panels and struts in compression. Fouling mitigation/control in preheat trains - Sept. 08 update. Developing a high temperature and pressure fluid dynamic gauge for the crude oil annular test section. Simulating operation of refinery preheat trains subject to fouling. Design and performance evaluation of heat exchangers: the effectiveness-NTU method. Part 3: graphical and analytical data. - Incorporates A, B, and C Cyclic stress-strain response of type 316 austenitic stainless steels during low-cycle fatigue at temperatures between -269 and 800 degrees C (-452 and 1472 degrees F). Contact phenomena. II: stress fields and failure criteria in concentrated elastic contacts under combined normal and tangential loading. Impacts of fouling in oil refineries, standard design methods, proposed approach. Performance in incompressible flow of plane-walled diffusers with single-plane expansion. Advances in characterising asphaltenes combining macro- and micro-ATR-FTIR imaging Aerodynamic centre in two-dimensional flow. 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2007 2007 2007 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2007 ESDU 0 2007 ESDU 0 2007 2007 2007 2007 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 Pressure losses in three-leg pipe junctions: combining flows. Computer program for the prediction of fluid transients in liquid-filled systems. Fluid Dynamic Gauging in annular geometries. Excrescence drag levels on aircraft. Flow of liquids. Pressure losses across orifice plates, perforated plates and thick orifice plates in ducts. The gravitational component of pressure gradient for two-phase gas or vapour/liquid flow through straight pipes. Shafts with interference-fit collars. Part I: some factors affecting the design of an assembly. Compendium of curves and approximating algebraic functions. Pressure losses in curved ducts: interaction factors for two bends in series. The stability and response of linear systems. Part III: methods of analysis based on frequency response. Drag due to lift for plane swept wings, alone or in combination with a body, up to high angles of attack at subsonic speeds. Fouling in crude oil preheat trains. Fluid transients in pipes. Estimation of maximum pressures and forces in steam lines. Sound in low velocity ventilation ducts. Molecular modelling of asphaltene containing systems. 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 636 637 638 639 640 651 652 653 654 655 85009 A 78001 A 73022 A 79037 B AEROW 01.01.05 E SPC-M3-1 88025 D 94046 A 86030 A 86032 A TN 06023 A 83046 A SPF-M3-4 satexpress CFD-BPG 07008 SPF-M4-5 83037 D 77029 C SS3 E 97029 A 656 657 SPF-M3-5 84038 A 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 SPF-M4-1 74020 C 72009 A 74040 C 03017 A 06013 A SPE-M4-1 FMI2 B 666 667 668 SPH-M3-1 SPD-M4-1 05007 669 670 671 SPF-M4-4 SPA-M2-2 88019 D 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 Fluid transients in pipes. Use of air inlet/outlet valves as surge suppression devices. The momentum-change component of pressure change in two-phase flow and other non-equilibrium effects. Pressure losses in three-leg pipe junctions: dividing flows. A guide to fan selection and performance. Item Nos 72024 and 97020 together provide a more accurate value of and they supersede this Item, which has been temporarily retained within the Sub-series because it is used within the methods of some other Items. Fundamental transfer processes. Derivation of primary air-data parameters for hypersonic flight. Ejectors and jet pumps: computer program for design and performance for steam/gas flow. Ejectors and jet pumps. Design for steam driven flow. Boiling inside tubes: critical heat flux for upward flow in uniformly heated vertical tubes. CFD validation studies for pressure loss and flow characteristics in sudden contractions. Fluid transients in pipes and tunnels. Speed of propagation of pressure waves. CFD studies of fluid mixing in the loop: manifold design. EXPRESS program. User Guide CFD Best Practice Guidelines for modelling pressure loss and flow characteristics. Incompressible flow in sudden contractions. Fluid Dynamic Gauging (FDG) in duct flows. Pressure losses in curved ducts: single bends. Pressure losses in curved ducts: coils. Guide to Items on struts, beams and shafts. One-dimensional representation of steady, spatially non-uniform flow. An equivalent mean-value set for compressible flow. Part 2. Implementation for an ideal, thermally-perfect gas. Crude oil supplies. Overall progress. Fluid transients in pipes. Pressure surge following pump trip in rising mains and other similar discharge lines. Suppression using air vessels. Sept 07 Overview - Tube and annulus flow tests. The stability and response of linear systems. Part II: methods of displaying stability characteristics. Pressure drop in ducts across round-wire gauzes normal to the flow. Pressure loss during crossflow of fluids with heat transfer over plain tube banks without baffles. Pitching moment curve of wings with leading-edge and trailing-edge high-lift devices deployed at low speeds. Propeller slipstream modelling for incidence and sideslip. Stirred vessel fouling tests. Guide to the flow relationships and statistical methods used in the Data Items on two-phase flow pressure gradients in straight pipes. Technology transfer. Thermodynamics and molecular modelling. Strain-life data for type 316 austenitic stainless steels at temperatures between -269 and 816 degrees C (-452 and 1501 degrees F). CFD studies of fluid mixing in the loop: Manifold design. Advanced characterisation of asphaltenes using vibrational spectroscopy. Calculation methods for along-wind loading. Part 3. Response of buildings and plate-like structures to atmospheric turbulence. 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 0 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 0 2007 2007 ESDU ESDU 0 0 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2007 2007 2007 ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 2007 2007 2007 ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 672 673 674 675 676 677 85032 A 66030 C 85044 A SPA-M4-1 SPB-M4-1 95011 B 678 679 680 681 682 683 68003 C 87015 B 75026 C STSTSW SPA-M4-3 82009 D 684 685 686 687 688 689 SPD-M2-1 07011 AERO W.01.01.05 E SPG-M3-1 SPF-M3-1 68004 A 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 SPD-M4-3 90025 A 07005 SPC-M3-2 SPF-M4-2 82003 A 81021 A SPB-M2-1 SPG-M3-4 06019 82001 A VACFSW 84013 B SPE-M3-1 Fouling FMI1 A SPG-M5-2 SPF-M3-2 67035 B 88014 B Ejectors and jet pumps. Design and performance for incompressible liquid flow. Pressure losses in flowmetering devices. Fluid transients in pipes. Pressure surge following booster pump trip. Suppression using pump bypass. Characterization of asphaltenes and deposited foulants - Overview Sept 07 Interfacial and rheological properties of asphaltenes investigated using AFM One-dimensional representation of steady, spatially non-uniform flow. An equivalent mean-value set for compressible flow. Part 1. Implementation for an ideal, calorically-perfect gas. Shafts with interference-fit collars. Part II: nominal elastic interface pressures and stresses. Performance improvement of axial diffusers for incompressible flow. Performance of circular annular diffusers in incompressible flow. Stress and Strength Series - Software. Characterisation of asphaltenes and deposited foulants. Compressible flow of gases. Pressure losses and discharge coefficients of orifice plates, perforated plates and thick orifice plates in ducts. Modelling asphaltenes using soft or related approaches. Damping of structural vibrations by acoustic radiation. Slope of lift curve for two-dimensional flow. - Incorporates Amendments A, B, C, D, and E 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 0 0 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 0 0 2007 2007 2007 ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 Control and mitigation. Pipe and annulus flow tests. Shafts with interference-fit collars. Part III: procedure for calculation of nominal elastic interface pressures and stresses in assemblies of three or more elements. Coarse grained simulation of asphaltene-hydrocarbon containing systems. Performance of conical diffusers in subsonic compressible flow. Normal force and pitching moment of non-axisymmetric bodies: square cross-sections with corner rounding. Stability of two-fluid flow through a channel. Major effort on rig design. Example to illustrate the use of Data Items on noise from ducted ventilation and air-conditioning systems. Pressure losses caused by obstructions in ducts or pipes. Interfacial and rheological properties of asphaltenes studied by atomic force microscopy. Why another HEN simulator? Temperature measurement: resistance thermometry. An introduction and guide to noise in ventilation, air-conditioning and other ducting systems. Vibration and Acoustic Fatigue Series - Software. Fluid transients in pipes. Reduction and control of pressure surges in liquids. Stirred vessel fouling tests. Summary of UK-Government funded research programme into crude oil fouling. Introductory memorandum on the pressure losses in internal flow systems. Modelling of shell-and-tube heat exchanger undergoing crude oil fouling. Major effort on rig design. Jet flow parameters Computer program for the prediction of air-lift pump performance. 2007 2007 2007 ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 724 725 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 733 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741 742 743 744 745 746 747 748 SPF-M4-3 06018 82002 A SPA-M2-1 89012 A SPC-M3-3i 77032 C SPD-M4-2 97002 D 69022 E SPF-M3-3 76027 B SPO-M4-1 74028 D 76018 D CFD-BMK 07009 SPC-M5-1 07010 SPH-M5-1 72011 E 84039 B 89047 C WINDSW TRIBSW 02001 A DYNMSW TRANSW 06004 05022 06012 06008 06001 85015 B AERO F.02.01.06 B 06021 06006 87024 D FMIFSW 90036 C Design details. Temperature measurement: thermocouples. Reduction of sound in ventilation and similar air distribution systems. Characterisation of asphaltenes and deposited foulants. Two-phase flow pressure losses in pipeline fittings. - Reprinted with Amendment A Modellization of two phase flow with application to aphaltenes deposition and removal. Fluctuating loads and dynamic response of bodies and structures in fluid flows - background information. Modelling asphaltenes using SAFT or related approaches. Information for the use of Data Items on high-lift devices. Pressure losses in valves. Preliminary design of the annulus test section. Introduction to design and performance data for diffusers. Fouling in a crude oil preheat train - a new attack on an old problem One-dimensional compressible gas flow in ducts. The frictional component of pressure gradient for two-phase gas or vapour/liquid flow through straight pipes. CFD Benchmarks for predicting pressure loss and flow characteristics. Incompressible flow in sudden contractions. 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Fundamental transfer processes. Extrapolating wind-tunnel data to full-scale Reynolds number Part 2: Procedures Sept. 07 Overview - Technology transfer. Flow through a sudden enlargement of area in a duct. Strength of angles and club-foot fittings (transmitting tensile loads). In-plane forces and moments on installed inclined propellers at low forward speeds. Wind Engineering Series - Software. Tribology Series - Software. Viscosity of liquids: Aliphatic nitriles. Dynamics Series - Software. Transonic Aerodynamics Series - Software. Dwell-Rise-Fall-Dwell and Dwell-Fall-Rise-Dwell cam laws. Sections 14 to 23: examples. Extrapolating wind-tunnel data to full-scale Reynolds number. Part 1: Principles The influence of propeller slipstream on aircraft rolling moment due to sideslip. Viscosity of liquids: Branched chain aliphatic esters. Aerofoil skin friction drag for Mach numbers below the drag-rise condition. Introduction to installation effects on thrust and drag for propeller-driven aircraft. Profile drag coefficient increment due to full-span single-slotted flaps (Handley Page and NACA types). 2007 2007 2007 2007 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Strength of lugs under transverse load. Viscosity of liquids: Aliphatic alcohols, glycols and glycerol. Low-speed drag coefficient increment at constant lift due to full-span plain flaps. Fluid Mechanics, Internal Flow Series - Software. Structures of non-circular cross section: dynamic response due to vortex shedding. 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 0 749 06015 750 751 752 753 92006 A 88029 C 03007 A 06016 754 755 756 757 85029 A 92012 A 06014 06020 758 759 760 761 06009 06007 96037 A 02014 A 762 763 764 765 766 767 768 769 06025 FFRASW FENDSW 00027 A 94025 A 04019 A 74019 C 02013 A 770 771 772 773 774 95019 A 96020 A 97027 A FMIASW 06003 775 776 777 778 779 780 781 782 00016 B 02012 A 93017 A 67037 A 67036 A 96023 A 97008 A 04007 A 783 784 05015 05001 Full-potential method for three-dimensional wings and wing-body combinations - inviscid flow. Part 3: Method with improved estimates of body lift and drag contributions (FPIBE). A background to the handling qualities of aircraft. Yawing moment coefficient for plain ailerons at subsonic speeds. Viscosity of liquids: Aromatic compounds containing oxygen. Full-potential method for three-dimensional wings and wing-body combinations - inviscid flow. Part 4: Evaluation of trailing-vortex drag and wave components. Calculation of ground performance in take-off and landing. Fouling and slagging in combustion plant. Zero-lift drag coefficient increment due to full-span plain flaps. Computer program for estimation of aerofoil characteristics at subcritical speeds: lift-curve slope, zero-lift incidence and pitching moment, aerodynamic centre and drag polar minimum. Fatigue damage and life under random loading. Viscosity of liquids: Glycol ethers. A qualitative introduction to static aeroelasticity: controllability, loads and stability. Full-potential (FP) method for three-dimensional wings and wing-body combinations - inviscid flow. Part 2: Use of FP and related programs. Guide to linear Least Squares curve fitting techniques Fatigue - Fracture Series - Software. Fatigue - Endurance Series - Software. Aerofoil profile drag for Mach numbers below the drag rise condition. Viscosity of liquids: Aliphatic and cyclic ketones. Endurance of high-strength steels. The stability and response of linear systems. Part 1: Introduction. Full-potential (FP) method for three-dimensional wings and wing-body combinations - inviscid flow. Part 1: Principles and results. Viscosity of liquids: Aliphatic ethers. Viscosity of liquids: Straight chain aliphatic esters. Viscosity of liquids: Aliphatic amines. Fluid Mechanics, Internal Flow (Aerospace) Series - Software. Dwell-Rise-Fall-Dwell and Dwell-Fall-Rise-Dwell cam laws. Sections 9 to 13: segments having asymmetric rise and fall periods. Heat exchanger fouling in the pre-heat train of a crude oil distillation unit. Subsonic base and boat-tail pressure drag of cylindrical bodies with circular-arc boat-tails and a central propulsive jet. Thermal conductivity of liquids: Carboxylic acids. Direction and incidence angles. Geometric and kinematic relationships for various axis systems. Thermal conductivity of liquids: Branched chain aliphatic esters. Thermal conductivity of liquids: Aliphatic aldehydes and ketones. Normal force and pitching moment of non-axisymmetrical bodies: square and triangular cross-sections without corner rounding. Normal force and pitching moment of non-circular bodies: elliptical cross-sections at supersonic speeds. Prediction of combustor noise from gas turbine engines 2006 ESDU 0 2006 2006 2006 2006 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 2006 2006 2006 2006 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 2006 2006 2006 2006 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 0 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2005 2005 ESDU ESDU 0 0 785 786 787 788 789 77021 B 96018 A 99010 A 88004 A 94023 A 790 791 792 793 794 795 796 797 798 799 800 801 802 803 804 805 806 807 808 809 810 77021 B 02002 A 67038 B 05020 96012 A 05021 94022 A 84010 A 00021 A 05010 95018 A 99012 A 04012 05004 98018 A 83015 A 99013 B 05003 86002 D 81040 D 89014 D 811 812 813 67007 A 04018 67006 A 814 815 816 67004 A 03014 90034 C 817 818 819 820 821 822 67005 A 04010 04009 97026 B 04005 TM 148 Properties of a standard atmosphere. 2005 Thermal conductivity of liquids: Straight chain aliphatic esters. 2005 Supersonic base drag of cylindrical bodies with a central propulsive jet. 2005 Thermal conductivity of liquids: Mixtures. 2005 Thermal conductivity of liquids: Halogenated aliphatic hydrocarbons. Part 3. Halogenated higher hydrocarbons (C3 to 2005 C16). Properties of a standard atmosphere. 2005 Thermal conductivity of liquids: Aromatic compounds containing oxygen. 2005 Measures of damping. 2005 Thermal conductivity of liquids: Aliphatic hydrocarbons. Part 1. Alkanes. 2005 Subsonic and transonic base and boat-tail pressure drag of cylindrical bodies with circular-arc boat-tails. 2005 Thermal conductivity of liquids: Aliphatic hydrocarbons. Part 2. Alkenes, dienes and trienes. 2005 Thermal conductivity of liquids: Halogenated aliphatic hydrocarbons. Part 2. Halogenated ethanes. 2005 Thermal conductivity of liquids: Aromatic hydrocarbons. 2005 Thermal conductivity of liquids: Aliphatic nitriles. 2005 Thermal conductivity of liquids: Alicyclic compounds - cycloalkanes, alkenes, alkanols, alkanones and alkylamines. 2005 Thermal conductivity of liquids: Aliphatic ethers. 2005 Thermal conductivity of liquids: Aliphatic diesters. 2005 Examples of construction of carpet plots from experimental data. 2005 Loads in circular frames due to hydrostatic pressure 2005 Thermal conductivity of liquids: Halogenated aromatic hydrocarbons. 2005 Thermal conductivity of liquids: Heterocyclic nitrogen compounds. 2005 Thermal conductivity of liquids: Glycols, glycerol and their aqueous solutions. 2005 Loads in circular frames due to symmetric floor loading. 2005 Drag and pressure recovery characteristics of auxiliary air inlets at subsonic speeds. 2004 The stability and response of linear systems. Part VII: examples. 2004 Normal force, pitching moment and side force of forebody-cylinder combinations for angles of attack up to 90 degrees and 2004 Mach numbers up to 5. Inertia cross-coupling during a rapid rolling manoevre. Estimation of critical roll rate. 2004 Fatigue - Fracture Mechanics series organisation: preface amendment record 2004 Inertia cross-coupling during a rapid rolling manoeuvre. Theoretical background and discussion of simplified stability 2004 boundaries. Conversion formulae for rotation and translation of body axes. 2004 Surface flow visualisation in aircraft design 2004 Computer program for the calculation of normal force and pitching moment of forebody-cylinder combinations at angles of 2004 attack up to 90 degrees and Mach numbers up to 5, including the effects of conical boat-tailing. Introduction to inertia cross-coupling of the lateral and longitudinal motions during a rapid rolling manoeuvre. 2004 Mobilities and impedances of structures. Part 2: Compendium of point mobilities of infinite structures. 2004 Mobilities and impedances of structures. Part 1: Compendium of frequency response functions. 2004 OSMEC. Computer-aided linkage design: User manual. 2004 Non-Newtonian fluids: tube viscometry worked example 2004 The implications of flow property profiles on determination and application of non-dimensional pressure loss coefficients 2004 for flow of incompressible fluids ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 0 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 0 0 823 824 825 826 827 828 829 830 842 843 97023 B 97034 A 96028 B 95012 B 03015 73024 C 87039 B AERO F.08.01.01 D 97028 B 76010 B 75020 C AERO F.08.01.02 C 97006 A 77007 A 03005 85024 A 80030 97011 A PD MEMO 0301 89017 B 99011 A 844 845 846 93003 A 90019 C 99005 A 847 848 849 850 851 852 853 854 855 89005 A 03006 97009 A 04008 94032 A 89006 C 67001 A 96003 E 98017 A 856 857 858 859 67003 A 92009 A 95013 A 67002 A 831 832 833 834 835 836 837 838 839 840 841 OSMEC. Computer-aided linkage design: installation. Non-Newtonian fluids: Guide to classification and characteristics. VGK method for two-dimensional aerofoil sections. Part 1: Principles and results. Non-Newtonian fluids: obtaining viscometric data for frictional pressure loss estimation for pipeflow. Transonic data memorandum. VGK method for two-dimensional aerofoil sections. Part 7: VGK for Windows. Performance of conical diffusers in incompressible flow. Parameter estimation of linear systems in the absence of process noise: (i) methods based on the least-squares principle. Pitching moment coefficient increment due to flaps for unswept wings. 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2003 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Thermophysical properties of sulphur hexafluoride. Heat capacity and enthalpy of liquids: halogenated methanes. Estimation of far-field sound pressure levels due to buzz-saw noise of a supersonic fan or compressor. Increment to C sub m sub zero due to flaps on swept-back wings. 2003 2003 2003 2003 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 Selection and costing of heat exchangers. Plate-fin type. Heat capacity and enthalpy of liquids: halogenated ethanes and ethylenes. AMOPS: Computer program for the calculation of area and moments of area of planar shapes. Heat capacity and enthalpy of liquids: organic sulphur compounds (thiols and sulphides). Radial, mixed and axial flow pumps. Introduction Wing lift coefficient increment at zero angle of attack due to deployment of plain trailing-edge flaps at low speeds. The evaluation of vapour-pressure data 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Thermophysical properties of propan-2-ol (isopropyl alcohol): Part 1. The ideal gas and the saturated liquid and vapour. Thermal conductivity, viscosity, isobaric specific heat capacity and Prandtl number of gases at low pressure: Aliphatic hydrocarbons - alkanes. Thermophysical properties of refrigerant R-134a (1,1,1,2-tetrafluoroethane). Vapour pressures and critical points of liquids. Halogenated ethanes. Thermal conductivity, viscosity, isobaric specific heat capacity and Prandtl number of gases at low pressure: inorganic gases. Thermophysical properties of buta-1,3-diene. Subsonic drag and pressure recovery of rectangular planform flush auxiliary inlets with ducts at angles up to 90 degrees. Wing lift coefficient increment at zero angle of attack due to deployment of trailing-edge split flaps at low speeds. Use of Carpet Plots to represent functions of two variables. Thermophysical properties of R-32 (difluoromethane). Vapour pressures and critical points of liquids: Halogenated C3 and higher hydrocarbons. Introduction to notation for aircraft dynamics. Lift curve of wings with high-lift devices deployed at low speeds. Aerofoil and wing pitching moment coefficient at zero angle of attack due to deployment of trailing-edge plain flaps at low speeds. The equations of motion of a rigid aircraft. Orthobaric densities and molar volumes of liquids: Halogenated ethanes. Thermophysical properties of methanol. Notation for aircraft dynamics. 2003 2003 ESDU ESDU 0 0 2003 2003 2003 ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2003 2003 2003 2003 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 860 98009 A 861 02004 A 862 863 864 99019 A 03004 99004 B 865 866 03011 03008 867 868 869 870 871 872 873 874 875 86007 B 82004 D 88017 B 82032 D 86023 A 94004 A 03010 03016 99014 A 876 877 878 879 880 881 882 883 884 885 83005 A 75015 A 89002 B 97018 B 97024 00029 A 92027 A 81030 A 03005 01013 A 886 887 888 889 03013 02005 98024 A 02003 890 891 82026 E 02010 892 893 894 895 82029 B 82026 94017 A 67033 A Aerofoil and wing pitching moment coefficient at zero angle of attack due to deployment of trailing-edge split flaps at low speeds. Thermal conductivity, viscosity, isobaric specific heat capacity and Prandtl number of gases at low pressure: halogenated hydrocarbons - haloethanes. Constrained multivariate optimisation techniques for the design of aerofoil sections Fouling in cooling systems using seawater. Aerofoil and wing pitching moment coefficient at zero angle of attack due to deployment of trailing-edge single-slotted flaps at low speeds. An introduction to lateral static aeroelasticity: controllability, loads and stability. Thermal conductivity, viscosity, isobaric specific heat capacity and Prandtl number of gases at low pressure: Halogenated hydrocarbons - halopropanes, butanes, ethylenes, benzenes. Heat capacity and enthalpy of liquids: alkanes. Thermophysical properties of industrially important fluids on the saturation line: Phenol. Vapour pressures and critical points of liquids: Organic oxygen compounds. Thermophysical properties of industrially important fluids on the saturation line: Cresols. Heat capacity and enthalpy of liquids: alkenes and alkadienes. Stress analysis of laminated flat plates. Timing diagrams and their use in mechanism design. Selection of lubricant class (liquids, solids, semi-solids and gases) Aerofoil and wing pitching moment coefficient at zero angle of attack due to deployment of trailing-edge double-slotted and triple-slotted flaps at low speeds. Thermophysical properties of industrially important fluids on the saturation line: Xylenols. Heat capacity and enthalpy of liquids: aromatic hydrocarbons. Thermophysical properties of benzene: Part 1. The ideal gas and the saturated liquid and vapour. Standard fatigue loading sequences. Derivation of endurance curves from fatigue test data, including run-outs Aerofoil and wing pitching moment coefficient at zero angle of attack due to deployment of leading-edge high-lift devices. Thermophysical properties of nitric oxide. Heat capacity and enthalpy of liquids: aliphatic ketones. AMOPS: Computer program for the calculation of area and moments of area of planar shapes. Aerofoil and wing pitching moment coefficient increment at zero angle of attack due to deployment of leading-edge and trailing-edge high-lift devices in combination at low speeds. Thickness selection for the flanges and web of a composite I-section beam subjected to bending and shear. Flat panels in shear - post-buckling analysis. Quaternion representation of aeroplane attitude and motion characteristics. Thermal conductivity, viscosity, isobaric specific heat capacity and Prandtl number of gases at low pressure: halogenated hydrocarbons - halomethanes. Strong winds in the atmospheric boundary layer. Part 1: hourly-mean wind speeds. Sound radiation from orthotropic rectangular plates. Part II: validation by comparison with numerical and experimental results. Calculation methods for steadily loaded fixed-inclined-pad thrust bearings. Strong winds in the atmospheric boundary layer. Part 1: hourly-mean wind speeds. Selection of materials, manufacturing methods and lubricants for cam mechanisms. General guide to the choice of thrust bearing type. 2003 ESDU 0 2003 ESDU 0 2003 2003 2003 ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 2003 2003 ESDU ESDU 0 0 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2003 2003 2002 2002 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 2002 2002 ESDU ESDU 0 0 2002 2002 2002 2002 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 896 897 898 899 900 901 66032 E TM 119 02006 65007 A 02015 01024 902 903 904 905 906 908 909 910 911 912 913 914 915 81045 C 01009 84027 C 91024 B STRUCT 01.01.19 B STRUCT 01.01.19 85020 90002 C 87030 C 01007 92041 A 01005 98012 01025 916 917 918 919 920 921 922 00053 82020 A 01010 00050 92038 B 85020 G 00051 923 924 00028 00019 925 926 927 01033 00014 A 00052 928 929 930 01012 93018 B 01002 907 Subsonic lift-dependent drag due to boundary layer of plane, symmetrical section wings. Calculation of planar area and moment properties theoretical background Temperature measurement: techniques. General guide to the choice of journal bearing type. Composites series organisation: preface, amendment record. Example of the application of constrained multivariate optimisation techniques to the design of aerofoil sections. Dual design point, upper and lower surface shape geometry, leading and trailing edge flap deflections, RAE 2822, Euler code and BVGK. Forced convective heat transfer in concentric annuli with turbulent flow. Condensation of pure fluids in downflow on horizontal integral low-fin tube bundles. Endurance of fibre-reinforced composite, laminated structural elements subjected to simulated random acoustic loading. Condensation inside tubes: condensate film coefficient for vertical downflow. Local buckling and crippling of rectangular tube section struts. 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2001 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 0 0 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 0 Local buckling and crippling of rectangular tube section struts. 2001 ESDU 0 Characteristics of atmospheric turbulence near the ground. Part II: single point data for strong winds (neutral atmosphere). Struts: strength under flexural, local and inter-rivet buckling. Process integration. Trailing vortex drag factors for wings with part-span trailing-edge plain flaps. Stress analysis of single lap bonded joints (adhesive and adherends) Effect of geometry on low speed pitch-break characteristics of swept wings. Flexibility of, and load distribution in, multi-bolt lap joints subject to in-plane axial loads. Examples of the application of constrained multivariate optimisation techniques to the design of aerofoil sections. Design point: single, upper and lower surfaces geometry and camber line variations, initial aerofoil: NACA 0012 and RAE 2822, CFD: BVGK. Viscosity of liquids: Aromatic compounds containing nitrogen. Introduction to unsteady aerodynamics. Loading on a rigid aeroplane in steady lateral manoeuvres. Thermal conductivity of liquids: Aromatic compounds containing nitrogen. Equivalent lengths of struts (for use in buckling calculations). Characteristics of atmospheric turbulence near the ground. Part II: single point data for strong winds (neutral atmosphere). Thermal conductivity, viscosity, isobaric specific heat capacity and Prandtl number of gases at low pressure: hydrocarbons - alkenes, alkadienes, alkynes, cycloalkanes, aromatics. Supersonic pressure and Mach number distributions over conical, circular-arc and parabolic boat-tails. Thermal conductivity, viscosity, isobaric specific heat capacity and Prandtl number of gases at low pressure: oxygenated aliphatic hydrocarbons - alcohols, aldehydes, ketones and ethers. VGK method for two-dimensional aerofoil sections. Part 6: aerofoil with simple hinged flaps. OSCAM. Computer-aided cam design: user manual. Thermal conductivity, viscosity, isobaric specific heat capacity and Prandtl number of gases at low pressure: oxygenated hydrocarbons - aliphatic esters. Subsonic pressure drag of boat-tails with negligible annular base area in the presence of a central propulsive jet. Forced convection heat transfer in straight tubes. Part 2: laminar and transitional flow. Guide to the use of ESDU Data Items on cam design. 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2001 2001 ESDU ESDU 0 0 2001 2001 2001 ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 2001 2001 2001 ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 931 932 933 934 935 936 937 938 939 940 941 942 943 944 945 946 947 948 949 950 951 952 953 954 955 956 957 958 959 960 961 962 963 964 99008 00042 99007 00043 99022 00017 81032 D 00020 00026 87004 B 00023 Orthobaric densities and molar volumes of liquids. Halogenated alkylbenzenes and halogenated styrenes. EXPRESSplus program. User Guide Vapour pressures and critical points of liquids: Halogenated alkylbenzenes and halogenated styrenes. INTEGRITY program for network design. User Guide Viscosity of liquids: Halogenated aromatic hydrocarbons. Supersonic base and boat-tail pressure drag of cylindrical bodies with a conical boat-tail and a central propulsive jet Estimation of rolling moment derivative due to sideslip for complete aircraft at subsonic speeds. Guide to industrial water conservation. Part 1. Water re-use in single contaminant systems. Supersonic pressure drag of conical, circular-arc and parabolic boat-tails. Calculation of excrescence drag magnification due to pressure gradients at high subsonic speeds. Examples of the application of constrained multivariate optimisation techniques to the design of aerofoil sections. Design point: single, geometry var: LE and TE flaps, initial aerofoil: combat aircraft section, CFD: BVGK (inviscid), Euler code. 98016 Elastic buckling of flat isotropic stiffened panels and struts in compression. AEROC RATE OF CHANGE OF LIFT COEFFICIENT WITH CONTROL DEFLECTION IN INCOMPRESSIBLE TWO01.01.03 B DIMENSIONAL FLOW, (a2)0 AEROC EFFECT OF NOSE BALANCE ON TWO-DIMENSIONAL CONTROL 04.01.03 B HINGE-MOMENT COEFFICIENTS AEROA STABILITY DERIVATIVE . CONTRIBUTION OF FULL-SPAN DIHEDRAL TO 06.01.03 B ROLLING MOMENT DUE TO SIDESLIP 00022 Example of the application of constrained multivariate optimisation techniques to the design of aerofoil sections. Design point: single, geometry var: LE and TE flaps, initial aerofoil: combat aircraft section, CFD: BVGK (viscous flow) 00041 ENTRANS program. User guide. 86011 B Numerical methods for the solution of ordinary differential equations: initial value problems. 99003 Generation of GUNACA 23-series of low-drag aerofoils. 99032 VGK method for two-dimensional aerofoil sections. Part 5: design to a specified upper-surface pressure distribution. 72024 D Aerodynamic characteristics of aerofoils in compressible inviscid airflow at subcritical Mach numbers. 73006 C Effects of isolated body and wing-body interference on rolling moment due to sideslip: L sub v (with Addendum A for nacelle effects). 84026 C Aerofoil maximum lift coefficient for Mach numbers up to 0.4. 99033 Static aeroelasticity: a formal analysis using normal modes. 99001 Geneva mechanisms. Part 4: advanced examples. 84026 Aerofoil maximum lift coefficient for Mach numbers up to 0.4. 82015 A Fatigue crack propagation rates and threshold stress intensity factor ranges for titanium alloy plate, bar and forgings. 81034 B Linearised two-dimensional oscillatory airforce coefficients and load distributions on thin aerofoils in subsonic flow. 96035 A Geneva mechanisms. Part 3: examples. 99020 Examples of the application of constrained multivariate optimisation techniques to the design of aerofoil sections. Design point: single, geometry variation: LE and TE flap deflection or camber line vars, initial aerofoil: RAE 2822 ME2 C Design of disc cams with various followers: derivation of kinematic equations. AERO 00.03.30 Solutions to the oblique shock wave relations for a range of specific heat ratios: pressure coefficient and detachment angle. A 99021 Examples of the application of constrained multivariate optimisation techniques to the design of aerofoil sections. Design point: dual, geometry variation: LE and TE flap deflection and camber line vars, initial aerofoil: RAE 2822, 99009 An introduction to Statistical Energy Analysis. 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2000 2000 ESDU ESDU 0 0 2000 ESDU 0 2000 ESDU 0 2000 ESDU 0 2000 2000 1999 1999 1999 1999 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 0 0 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1999 1999 ESDU ESDU 0 0 1999 ESDU 0 1999 ESDU 0 965 92002 A 966 95010 C 967 968 969 970 971 972 973 974 975 976 977 978 90030 B 74012 C 73013 B 98021 97007 98023 98001 83042 A 98010 CFA 92036 C 81031 B 979 980 981 982 983 984 985 986 987 988 989 990 991 992 98011 98015 98002 98031 98014 98026 96030 A 98020 98007 CFA 98006 80024 A 79016 B 98004 993 994 995 996 997 998 999 1000 1001 1002 98003 98013 97033 74011 A 97010 97012 97014 88003 D 97003 97013 Lift and rolling moment due to spoilers on wings with trailing-edge flaps deflected at subsonic speeds - extension of Item No. 90030. Computer program for estimation of spanwise loading of wings with camber and twist in subsonic attached flow. Liftingsurface theory. (With Appendix A: effect of plain flaps.) Lift and rolling moment due to spoilers on wings with flaps undeflected at subsonic speeds. Conversion of lift coefficient increment due to flaps from full span to part span. Reference frequency of panel with flexible stiffeners. Viscosity of liquids: Halogenated propanes and higher alkanes. Heat transfer enhancement in heat exchanger design and utilisation. Part 1. Tube inserts in single-phase flow. OSMEC. Computer mechanism design: basic examples. Estimation of airframe skin-friction drag due to impingement of tyre spray. Estimation of spray patterns generated from the sides of tyres running in water or slush. Falling film evaporation in vertical tubes. Conversion factors. - Issue 2 RESPONSE OF STRUCTURES TO ATMOSPHERIC TURBULENCE Computer Programs A9236 and B9236 Fatigue crack propagation rates and threshold stress intensity factor ranges for aluminium alloy plate, extruded bar and forgings. Aerofoil incidence for zero lift in subsonic two- dimensional flow. Orthobaric densities and molar volumes of liquids. Halogenated benzenes. Thermal conductivity of liquids: Aliphatic amino-alcohols, diamines and nitroalkanes. VGK method for two-dimensional aerofoil sections. Part 4: estimation of excrescence drag at subsonic speeds. Vapour pressures and critical points of liquids: Halogenated benzenes. Example of similarity methods applied to base drag coefficient of conical afterbodies in axisymmetric flow (jet off). Response of structures to vortex shedding. Structures of circular or polygonal cross section. Estimation of transmission efficencies of coupled plates Design and performance evaluation of heat exchangers: the effectiveness-NTU method. Part 5: analytical techniques. Conversion factors. - Issue 2 Design and performance evaluation of heat exchangers: the effectiveness-NTU method. Part 4: case studies. Blockage corrections for bluff bodies in confined flows Inelastic shear stresses and strains in the adhesives bonding lap joints loaded in tension or shear Design and performance evaluation of heat exchangers: the effectiveness-NTU method. Part 2: performance comparisons and selection of configurations presented in Part 3. Design and performance evaluation of heat exchangers: the effectiveness-NTU method. Part 1: introduction. Aerodynamic principles of winglets. Methods for analysis of the dynamic response of structures. Rate of change of lift coefficient with control deflection for full-span plain controls. Thermal conductivity of liquids: Aliphatic amines. Vapour pressures and critical points of liquids. Aliphatic and alicyclic amines. I: Primary amines. Vapour pressures and critical points of liquids. Aliphatic and alicyclic amines. II: Secondary and tertiary amines. Effect of unshielded and shielded horn balances on hinge moment coefficients for controls at low speeds. Fuselage interference effects on flap characteristics. Orthobaric densities and molar volumes of liquids. Aliphatic and alicyclic amines. I: Primary amines. 1999 ESDU 0 1999 ESDU 0 1999 1999 1999 1998 1998 1998 1998 1998 1998 1998 1998 1998 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1998 1998 1998 1998 1998 1998 1998 1998 1998 1998 1998 1998 1998 1998 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1998 1998 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1003 1004 1005 1006 1007 1008 1009 1010 1011 1012 1013 1014 1015 1016 1017 1018 1019 1020 1021 1022 1023 1024 1025 1026 1027 97015 97020 94038 A 96036 A 74009 A 81026 C 97016 97032 97017 97022 96024 A 96034 92020 A 95007 96032 96033 74035 A ME3 96016 96014 96013 96017 AERO B.S.02.03.02 C 76033 B 87036 B 1028 1029 96022 80036 1030 1031 1032 1033 1034 1035 77020 A 96021 95024 92024 B 93021 A 94026 A 1036 1037 1038 1039 1040 95008 93034 B 80039 B 80023 76028 Orthobaric densities and molar volumes of liquids. Aliphatic and alicyclic amines. II: Secondary and tertiary amines. Slope of aerofoil lift curve for subsonic two-dimensional flow. Computer program for estimation of leading-edge suction distribution for plane thin wings at subsonic speeds. Design of laminated plates subjected to in-plane loads and bending moments. Lift coefficient increment at low speeds due to full-span split flaps. Representation of drag in aircraft performance calculations (with Addenda A to G). Estimation of airframe drag by summation of components: principles and examples. Static aeroelasticity: a formal analysis using assumed modes. Guide to wing aerodynamic design. Effect of stabilising fins on base drag of cylindrical bodies at supersonic speeds. Example of statistical techniques applied to analysis of paved runway sizes (Bivariate Normal Distribution). Thermophysical properties of hydrogen sulphide. Energy method for analysis of measured airspeed change in landing airborne manoeuvre. Selection and costing of heat exchangers: plate-and-frame type. Wing lift coefficient increment at zero angle of attack due to deployment of leading-edge devices at low speeds. Effect of angle of attack on the base axial force and drag of cylindrical bodies with conical boat-tails. Subsonic lift-dependent drag due to the trailing vortex wake for wings without camber or twist. Analysis of Geneva mechanisms: derivation of kinematic and kinetostatic equations. Vapour pressures and critical points of liquids. Esters of monobasic acids. 1: straight chain alkyl alkanoates. Fatigue of bolted steel lap joints and doublers. Fracture toughness (KIc) values for some aluminium alloys. Orthobaric densities and molar volumes of liquids. Esters of monobasic acids. 1: straight chain alkyl alkanoates. External wave drag at zero incidence in inviscid flow of simple ducted forebodies and truncated afterbodies. 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1996 1996 1996 1996 1996 1996 1996 1996 1996 1996 1996 1996 1996 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Subsonic base drag of cylindrical bodies with conical boat-tails. Elastic stresses and deflections for square plates with small initial curvature under uniform pressure on the concave or convex face. Orthobaric densities and molar volumes of liquids. Esters of monobasic acids. 2: branched chain alkyl alkanoates. Introduction to the use of linear elastic fracture mechanics in estimating fatigue crack growth rates and residual strength of components Subsonic pressure drag of conical boat-tails. Vapour pressures and critical points of liquids. Esters of monobasic acids. 2: branched chain alkyl alkanoates. Example of analysis and representation of static pressure correction data in steady flight. Aerodynamic centre of wing-body combinations. Examples of flight path optimisation using a multivariate gradient-search method. Introduction to the estimation of the lift coefficients at zero angle of attack and at maximum lift for aerofoils with high-lift devices at low speeds. Thermal conductivity of liquids: Glycol ethers. Normal force of low-aspect-ratio cropped-delta wings up to high angles of attack at subsonic speeds. Elastic adhesive stresses in multistep lap joints loaded in tension Buckling of rectangular specially orthotropic plates Lift-interference and blockage corrections for two-dimensional subsonic flow in ventilated and closed wind-tunnels. 1996 1996 ESDU ESDU 0 0 1996 1996 ESDU ESDU 0 0 1996 1996 1995 1995 1995 1995 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 0 0 1995 1995 1995 1995 1995 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 0 1041 1042 1043 1044 1045 71013 71005 75030 C 95017 94031 1046 95021 1047 1048 1049 1050 1051 93019 A 95020 95015 85027 85001 1052 1053 1054 1055 85031 F 89052 89052 A 95028 1056 1057 1058 1059 1060 1061 1062 1063 1064 91007 D AERO F.01.01.09 C 78004 C 90027 A 95002 95014 87003 B 95003 69018 B 1065 1066 1067 71005 D 93024 A 90013 B 1068 1069 1070 1071 93025 A 95004 84018 D AERO S.00.03.14 B 95005 95027 93026 A 91014 A 83023 A 1072 1073 1074 1075 1076 Elastic direct stresses and deflections for flat rectangular plates under uniformly distributed normal pressure. 1995 Buckling of flat plates in shear. 1995 Natural frequencies of rectangular flat plates with various edge conditions. 1995 Orthobaric densities and molar volumes of liquids. Aliphatic and aromatic ethers. 1995 Increments in aerofoil lift coefficient at zero angle of attack and in maximum lift coefficient due to deployment of a double- 1995 slotted or triple-slotted trailing-edge flap, with or without a leading-edge high-lift device, at low speeds. Wing lift coefficient increment at zero angle of attack due to deployment of double-slotted or triple-slotted flaps at low 1995 speeds. Wing lift increment at zero angle of attack due to deployment of single-slotted flaps at low speeds. 1995 Viscosity of liquids: Carboxylic acids. 1995 Examples of distributions of hard paved runway surface types. 1995 Film thicknesses in lubricated Hertzian contacts (EHL). Part 1: two-dimensional contacts (line contacts) 1995 Elastic stress and strain distributions around circular holes in infinite plates of orthotropic material (applicable to fibre 1995 reinforced composites). Crack resistance curves. 1995 Construction of inelastic stress-strain curves from minimal materials data (computer program). 1995 Construction of inelastic stress-strain curves from minimal materials data (computer program). 1995 Delamination and free edge stresses in composite laminates subjected to uniform prescribed axial strain and temperature 1995 change. Lift-curve slope of wing-body combinations. 1995 Lift coefficient increment due to full-span double flap (main flap slotted). 1995 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 0 ESDU 0 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 0 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 ESDU ESDU 0 0 Natural frequencies of thin-walled isotropic, circular-cylindrical shells. Calculation methods for steadily loaded central circumferential groove hydrodynamic journal bearings. Vapour pressures and critical points of liquids. Glycols and cyclic diols. Upwash interference for wings in solid-liner wind tunnels using subsonic linearised-theory. A method of determining the wave drag and its spanwise distribution on a finite wing in transonic flow. Orthobaric densities and molar volumes of liquids. Glycols and cyclic diols. Elastic stresses and deflections for long flat rectangular plates under uniformly distributed and linearly varying normal pressure. Buckling of flat plates in shear. Vortex generators for control of shock-induced separation. Part 1: introduction and aerodynamics. Normal force and pitching moment of low aspect ratio cropped-delta wings up to high angles of attack at supersonic speeds. Vortex generators for control of shock-induced separation. Part 2: guide to use of vane vortex generators. Vapour pressures and critical points of liquids: Glycol ethers (alkyl cellosolves and carbitols etc.) Failure analysis of fibre reinforced composite laminates. Approximate calculation of the pressure changes in two-dimensional supersonic flow. 1995 1995 1995 1995 1995 1995 1995 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1995 1995 1995 ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 1995 1995 1995 1995 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 Orthobaric densities and molar volumes of liquids. Glycol ethers (alkyl cellosolves and carbitols etc.). Pressure loss and heat transfer for single phase flow in tubes containing twisted tape inserts. Vortex generators for control of shock-induced separation. Part 3: examples of applications of vortex generators to aircraft. Maximum lift of wings with trailing-edge flaps at low speeds. Fracture toughness (K sub I sub c) values of some steels. 1995 1995 1995 1995 1995 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 0 1077 1078 1079 1080 1081 1082 1083 1084 1085 1086 1087 1088 1089 1090 1091 1092 1093 1094 1095 1096 1097 1098 1099 1100 1101 1102 1103 1104 1105 1106 1107 1108 1109 66031 C Introductory sheet on subcritical lift-dependent drag of wings. 70001 B Elastic stresses and deflections for flat square plates under uniformly distributed normal pressure. 94012 A Application of multivariate optimisation techniques to determination of optimum flight trajectories. AERO Theoretical properties of two-dimensional supersonic aerofoils of simple section. W.S.00.03.04 B 95016 Vapour pressures and critical points of liquids. Aliphatic and aromatic ethers. 85001 D Elastic stress and strain distributions around circular holes in infinite plates of orthotropic material (applicable to fibre reinforced composites). 94030 Increments in aerofoil lift coefficient at zero angle of attack and in maximum lift coefficient due to deployment of a singleslotted trailing-edge flap, with or without a leading-edge high-lift device, at low speeds. 71013 C Elastic direct stresses and deflections for flat rectangular plates under uniformly distributed normal pressure. 87013 C Elastic wrinkling of sandwich columns and beams with unbalanced laminated fibre reinforced face plates (face plates of AsBoDs, AsBlDs and AsBsDs types). TD MEMO A method of estimating drag-rise Mach number for two-dimensional aerofoil sections. 6407 B 95009 Effect of wing height on lift and aerodynamic centre for a slender wing-body combination. 85031 F Crack resistance curves. 71026 D Frictional and retarding forces on aircraft tyres. Part II: estimation of braking force. 89052 A Construction of inelastic stress-strain curves from minimal materials data (computer program). 76028 A Lift-interference and blockage corrections for two-dimensional subsonic flow in ventilated and closed wind-tunnels. 95006 A Fatigue life estimation under variable amplitude loading using cumulative damage calculations. 95022 Pitching moment of low-aspect-ratio cropped-delta wings up to high angles of attack at subsonic speeds. 92031 A Maximum lift of wings with leading-edge devices and trailing-edge flaps deployed. 68032 B Buckling loads in shear of flat sandwich panels. (Isotropic face plates and corrugated cores, all edges clamped.) 81023 A Lift and drag of two staggered lifting surfaces at low speeds. 94007 Elastic buckling of cylindrically curved laminated fibre reinforced composite panels with all edges simply-supported under biaxial loading. 94015 Surface pressure coefficient distributions for axisymmetric forecowls at zero incidence (M sub infinity less than or equal to 1.5). 91012 A Methods for improving damping. Part 1: an introduction and guide to practical methods of increasing structural damping. 68031 B Buckling loads under combined longitudinal and transverse direct stress of flat sandwich panels. (Isotropic face plates and orthotropic cores of zero flexural stiffness, all edges clamped.) 94040 Effects of cabin pressure on climb and descent rates. 94014 Wave drag coefficient for axisymmetric forecowls at zero incidence (M sub infinity less than or equal to 1.5). 94006 Elastic buckling of unbalanced laminated fibre reinforced composite plates. (Rectangular plates of AsBtDs type, all edges simply-supported under biaxial loading.) 88035 B Maximum inelastic bending moments and form factors for symmetric bending of beams. 72019 B Buckling of flat isotropic plates under uniaxial and biaxial loading. 94010 Thermophysical properties of MtBE (methyl tert-butyl ether). 67026 C Buckling loads in shear of flat sandwich panels. (Isotropic face plates and corrugated cores, all edges simply-supported.) 68033 C Buckling loads under combined longitudinal and transverse direct stress of flat sandwich panels. (Isotropic face plates and corrugated cores, all edges clamped.) 67024 C Buckling loads in shear of flat sandwich panels. (Isotropic face plates and orthotropic cores of zero flexural stiffness, all edges simply-supported.) 1995 1995 1995 1995 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 1995 1995 ESDU ESDU 0 0 1995 ESDU 0 1995 1995 ESDU ESDU 0 0 1995 ESDU 0 1995 1995 1995 1995 1995 1995 1995 1995 1994 1994 1994 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1994 ESDU 0 1994 1994 ESDU ESDU 0 0 1994 1994 1994 ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 1994 1994 1994 1994 1994 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 0 1994 ESDU 0 1110 1111 81024 A 94033 1112 1113 1114 94039 94009 67025 C 1115 90004 C 1116 1117 1118 1119 88009 B 94005 94013 68030 B 1120 1121 1122 1123 1124 94020 94003 94037 87026 A AERO W.00.03.01 B 93011 1125 1126 1127 1128 1129 1130 1131 1132 1133 1134 1135 1136 1137 1138 1139 1140 1141 Drag of axisymmetric cowls at zero incidence for subsonic Mach numbers. Flat rectangular isotropic plates under uniformly distributed normal pressure. Elastic deflections, stresses and strains, moments and forces, for various forms of edge restraint. Effects of small changes on rate of climb. Symmetric steady manoeuvre loads on rigid aircraft of classical configuration at subsonic speeds. Buckling loads under combined longitudinal and transverse direct stress of flat sandwich panels. (Isotropic face plates and orthotropic cores of zero flexural stiffness, all edges simply-supported.) Maximum inelastic bending moments and end loads in fixed ratio for beam sections of general polygonal shape (computer program). Thermophysical properties of toluene. Part I: the ideal gas and the saturated liquid and vapour. Buckling of flat rectangular orthotropic plates. NACA 1-series geometry representation for computational fluid dynamics. Buckling loads in shear of flat sandwich panels. (Isotropic face plates and orthotropic cores of zero flexural stiffness, all edges clamped.) Selection of synthetic oils. Stiffnesses of laminated flat plates. Leading-edge suction distribution for plane thin wings at subsonic speeds. Fatigue strength of anodized aluminium alloy. Critical Mach number for high speed aerofoil sections. 1994 1994 ESDU ESDU 0 0 1994 1994 1994 ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 1994 ESDU 0 1994 1994 1994 1994 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 1994 1994 1994 1994 1994 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 0 Flat rectangular orthotropic plates under uniformly distributed normal pressure. Elastic stresses and deflections for various forms of edge restraint. Pressure distribution on blunt noses of two-dimensional sections at zero incidence in supersonic flow. 1994 ESDU 0 1994 ESDU 0 1994 ESDU 0 1994 ESDU 0 1994 1994 ESDU ESDU 0 0 1994 1994 ESDU ESDU 0 0 1994 1994 1994 1994 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 1994 1994 1994 ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 1994 1994 ESDU ESDU 0 0 AERO W.S.05.03.01 B AERO Information on the use of Data Items in the series Wings 02.04. W.02.04.00 B 94029 Increments in aerofoil lift coefficient at zero angle of attack and in maximum lift coefficient due to deployment of a trailing-edge split flap, with or without a leading-edge high-lift device, at low speeds. 94002 Orthobaric densities and molar volumes of liquids. Polycyclic phenyl and cyclohexyl compounds. 94024 Thermal conductivity of liquids: Halogenated aliphatic hydrocarbons. Part 4. Halogenated alkenes and alkadienes (C1 to C4). 94001 Vapour pressures and critical points of liquids. Polycyclic phenyl and cyclohexyl compounds. 94028 Increments in aerofoil lift coefficient at zero angle of attack and in maximum lift coefficient due to deployment of a plain trailing-edge flap, with or without a leading-edge high-lift device, at low speeds. 92013 B Selection and costing of heat exchangers. 90026 B Inelastic bending moments, end loads, stresses and strains for beam sections of general polygonal shape. 81047 C Buckling of flat rectangular plates (isotropic, orthotropic and laminated composite plates and sandwich panels). 94027 Increments in aerofoil lift coefficient at zero angle of attack and in maximum lift coefficient due to deployment of various leading-edge high-lift devices at low speeds. 88030 A Boundaries of linear characteristics of cambered and twisted wings at subcritical Mach numbers. 94005 Buckling of flat rectangular orthotropic plates. 94007 Elastic buckling of cylindrically curved laminated fibre reinforced composite panels with all edges simply-supported under biaxial loading. 94043 Selection and costing of heat exchangers. Air-cooled type. 94019 Through-the-thickness stresses and failure in the corner radius of a laminated composite section. 1142 1143 94042 94016 1144 AERO C.04.01.04 C 94041 72019 94021 1145 1146 1147 1148 1149 1150 1151 1152 1153 1154 1155 1156 1157 1158 1159 1160 1161 1162 1163 1164 1165 1166 1167 1168 1169 1170 1171 1172 1173 1174 1175 1176 Selection and costing of heat exchangers. Shell-and-tube type. Examples of flight path optimisation using a multivariate gradient-search method. Addendum A: variation of optimum flight profile parameters with range. Effect of Irving internal balance on hinge-moment coefficient in two-dimensional flow. Condensation inside tubes: condensate film coefficient in horizontal tubes. Buckling of flat isotropic plates under uniaxial and biaxial loading. Thermal conductivity of liquids: Halogenated aliphatic hydrocarbons. Part 1. Halogenated methanes and azeotropic mixtures. 85007 C Contact phenomena. III: calculation of individual stress components in concentrated elastic contacts under combined normal and tangential loading. 94045 Shear force, bending moment and torque of rigid aircraft in symmetric steady manoeuvring flight. 67032 C Buckling loads under combined longitudinal and transverse direct stress of flat sandwich panels. (Isotropic face plates and corrugated cores, all edges simply-supported.) 75008 B Frequencies of vertical and lateral load factors resulting from ground manoeuvres of aircraft. 91019 A Example of statistical techniques applied to autoland touchdown dispersion (confidence intervals for normal and skew distributions). 93007 Contribution of body-mounted fins and tailplanes to lateral derivatives due to sideslip at subsonic speeds for general body width to height ratio. 90006 A Parameter estimation of linear systems from frequency response measurements. 90024 B Condensation inside tubes: pressure drop in straight tubes with vertical downflow. 81028 D Lattice structures. Part 2: mean fluid forces on tower-like space frames. 92023 A Fatigue propagation behaviour of short cracks in titanium alloys. 93033 Fatigue propagation behaviour of short cracks (1-2 mm) in steels. 93020 Computation of static pressure downstream of a normal shock for hypersonic flight (ambient temperature known). 84030 Longitudinal turbulence intensities over terrain with roughness changes 93008 Thermal conductivity of liquids: Aliphatic alcohols. 91041 B The statistical analysis of data from Normal distributions, with particular reference to small samples. 93009 Vapour pressures and critical points of liquids: Aliphatic and cyclic ketones. 93023 Example of statistical techniques applied to analysis of effects of small changes. 93010 Orthobaric densities and molar volumes of liquids. Aliphatic and cyclic ketones. 89049 B Response of structures to atmospheric turbulence. Response to across-wind turbulence components. 89034 A The maximum lift coefficient of plain wings at subsonic speeds. 91042 A Normal force of low aspect ratio wing-body combinations up to high angles of attack at supersonic speeds. 91023 A Condensation inside tubes: pressure drop in straight horizontal tubes. 92029 B Contribution of ventral fins to sideforce and yawing moment derivatives due to sideslip at low angle of attack. 93012 Viscosity of liquids: Halogenated ethanes. FAT E.07.01 B Endurance of aluminium alloys (unclad) (in bending). 91031 C Contribution of fin and tailplane to sideforce and yawing moment derivatives due to sideslip at supersonic speeds at low angle of attack. 92007 A Contribution of tailplane-mounted twin fins to sideforce, yawing moment and rolling moment derivatives due to sideslip at subsonic speeds. 85036 B Conversion of air-data system pressure errors into height and speed corrections. 93029 Orthobaric densities and molar volumes of liquids. Fused ring compounds. 1994 1994 ESDU ESDU 0 0 1994 ESDU 0 1994 1994 1994 ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 1994 ESDU 0 1994 1994 ESDU ESDU 0 0 1994 1993 ESDU ESDU 0 0 1993 ESDU 0 1993 1993 1993 1993 1993 1993 1993 1993 1993 1993 1993 1993 1993 1993 1993 1993 1993 1993 1993 1993 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1993 ESDU 0 1993 1993 ESDU ESDU 0 0 1177 82010 C 1178 1179 1180 1181 1182 1183 1184 1185 1186 1187 1188 1189 1190 88007 A 92030 A 93027 92003 A 91027 A AERO F.02.01.07 C 93014 70016 B 93028 92018 87033 C 92017 92021 1191 1192 1193 1194 1195 92008 90035 A 92019 69026 B 83018 A 1196 1197 1198 1199 92016 92001 92015 83017 A 1200 1201 1202 1203 1204 1205 1206 92028 92044 86006 A 92043 92026 68021 C 89033 A 1207 1208 1209 1210 1211 1212 1213 83029 D 68046 D 92015 92017 92038 92040 92039 Contribution of fin to sideforce, yawing moment and rolling moment derivatives due to sideslip, (Y sub v) sub F, (N sub v) sub F, (L sub v) sub F, in the presence of body, wing and tailplane. Effect of environment on fatigue crack propagation in aluminium alloy sheet and plate. Fatigue propagation behaviour of short cracks in aluminium alloys. Methods of testing for endurance of structural elements using simulated acoustic loading. Forced convection heat transfer in straight tubes. Part 1: turbulent flow. Non-destructive examination - choice of methods. Conversion factor for profile drag increment for part-span flaps. 1993 ESDU 0 1993 1993 1993 1993 1993 1993 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 0 0 Condensation inside tubes. Computer program for pressure drop in straight tubes (horizontal and vertical with downflow). 1993 Terms and notation for fatigue endurance data. 1993 Vapour pressures and critical points of liquids. Fused ring compounds. 1993 Orthobaric densities and molar volumes of liquids. Halogenated ethylenes. 1992 Normal force and pitching moment of conical boat-tails. 1992 Fatigue strength of cruciform and other fillet welded joints in aluminium alloys. 1992 Example of statistical techniques applied to analysis of landing ground roll distance measurements. (Linear regression, 1992 correlation coefficient and F test.) Direct prediction of a separation boundary for aerofoils using a viscous-coupled calculation method. 1992 Frictional and retarding forces on aircraft tyres. Part V: estimation of fluid drag forces. 1992 Estimation of rate of climb. 1992 Airspeed data for performance calculations. 1992 Axial pressure coefficient distributions for spherically blunted secant ogive forebodies of fineness ratio 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0 at 1992 zero incidence in transonic flow. Reducing torque fluctuation in linkage drive shafts. 1992 Methods for improving damping. Part 3: damping material data. 1992 Guide to the effect of shot peening on fatigue strength. 1992 The wave drag coefficient of spherically blunted secant ogive forebodies of fineness ratio 1.0, 1.5, and 2.0 at zero incidence 1992 in transonic flow. Viscosity of liquids: Halogenated methanes. 1992 Analogue to digital transformation. 1992 Pitot and static errors in steady level flight. 1992 Pitching moment of low aspect ratio wing-body combinations up to high angles of attack at supersonic speeds. 1992 Calculation methods for externally pressurised (hydrostatic) journal bearings with capillary restrictor control. 1992 Foredrag of spherically-blunted conical forebodies at zero incidence in supersonic flow for Mach numbers up to 5. 1992 Pressure drag and lift contributions for blunted forebodies of fineness ratio 2.0 in transonic flow (M sub infinity less than or 1992 equal to 1.4). The correction of flight-test anemometric data. 1992 Atmospheric data for performance calculations. 1992 Guide to the effect of shot peening on fatigue strength. 1992 Fatigue strength of cruciform and other fillet welded joints in aluminium alloys. 1992 Equivalent lengths of struts (for use in buckling calculations). 1992 An introduction to the statistical analysis of engineering data. 1992 Drag due to gaps round undeflected trailing-edge controls and flaps at subsonic speeds. 1992 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 0 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1214 83010 A 1215 1216 1217 1218 1219 1220 87038 B 88013 B 86037 A 86016 A perfcor B 92022 1221 1222 1223 1224 1225 1226 1227 1228 1229 1230 1231 1232 1233 1234 1235 1236 1237 1238 1239 92040 81046 A 69026 B 78008 C 76016 91039 91006 91034 91003 84031 A 91035 91018 91039 91022 91008 88032 91040 91020 88015 A 1240 1241 1242 1243 1244 1245 1246 1247 87001 B 91021 91022 88032 A 91011 89051 A 82008 B 91029 1248 1249 91015 91016 1250 1251 91032 90005 B Oscillatory aerodynamics of slender bodies (ASSOCIATED SOFTWARE: ESDUPAC A8310 AVAILABLE THROUGH SUBSCRIPTION ONLY) Calibration of anemometric pressure systems for lag. Rolling moment derivative, L sub xi, for plain ailerons at subsonic speeds. An introduction to the Z-transform and its application to sampled-data systems. Frictional and retarding forces on aircraft tyres. Part IV: estimation of effects of yaw. Corrigenda Example of statistical techniques applied to analysis of measurements of the landing airborne manoeuvre. (Multiple linear regression with two independent variables and one dependent variable.) An introduction to the statistical analysis of engineering data. Acceleration factors for climb and descent rates at constant EAS, CAS, M. Airspeed data for performance calculations. Physical properties of design atmospheres Generalisation of smooth continuous stress-strain curves for metallic materials Static and fatigue strength of butt welded joints in aluminium alloys. Vapour pressures and critical points of liquids. Halogenated ethylenes. Orthobaric densities and molar volumes of liquids. Halogenated methanes. Delamination of tapered composites. Calculation methods for steadily loaded axial groove hydrodynamic journal bearings. Vapour pressures and critical points of liquids. Alkyl amides. Example of statistical techniques applied to cruise performance guarantees (Students "t" distribution). Static and fatigue strength of butt welded joints in aluminium alloys. Thermophysical properties of nitrous oxide. Strength of lugs under axial load Wrinkling of sandwich panel face plates (isotropic face plates on orthotropic cores, in-plane loading or bending). Thermophysical properties of carbon monoxide. Variability of standard aircraft performance parameters. Elastic wrinkling of sandwich panels with laminated fibre reinforced face plates (face plates of AsBoDs, AsBlDs and AsBsDs types). Wing pitching moment at zero lift at subcritical Mach numbers. A method of estimating a flow breakdown boundary for aerofoils and swept wings in transonic flow. Thermophysical properties of nitrous oxide. Wrinkling of sandwich panel face plates (isotropic face plates on orthotropic cores, in-plane loading or bending). Boiling inside tubes: saturated wet-wall heat transfer with mixtures. Fatigue crack propagation rates for titanium alloy sheets. Elastic stresses and deflections of helical compression and tension springs of round wire. Excrescence drag magnification factors at the drag-rise condition for aerofoils with a specified form of upper-surface pressure distribution. Fatigue crack propagation rates of experimental aluminium lithium sheet and plate alloys. Energy height method for flight path optimisation. Addendum A: numerical method suitable for rapid use on IBM PC compatible computers. Estimation of airborne performance in landing. Frequencies of resonance in wind tunnels with ventilated walls and plenum chamber. 1992 ESDU 0 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 0 0 1992 1992 1992 1992 1991 1991 1991 1991 1991 1991 1991 1991 1991 1991 1991 1991 1991 1991 1991 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1991 1991 1991 1991 1991 1991 1991 1991 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1991 1991 ESDU ESDU 0 0 1991 1991 ESDU ESDU 0 0 1252 1253 86031 A 91028 1254 86010 E 1255 1256 84007 A 72017 A 1257 1258 1259 1260 1261 1262 1263 1264 1265 1273 90001 90017 90003 89041 A 90018 77028 F 72016 C 90033 STRUCT 01.01.08 C 89028 A TM 71 STRUCT 01.01.01 C SS1 E 90015 A 90031 STRUCT 02.01.08 C 89008 C 1274 1275 1276 1277 1278 81020 A 90012 90028 89020 A 76002 A 1279 1280 1281 1282 1283 90009 89019 A 90002 SS1 STRUCT 01.01.01 STRUCT 01.01.08 1266 1267 1268 1269 1270 1271 1272 1284 Introduction to air data system parameters, errors and calibration laws. Simplified method for the prediction of aerofoil excrescence drag magnification factor for turbulent boundary layers at subcritical Mach numbers. Characteristics of atmospheric turbulence near the ground. Part III: variations in space and time for strong winds (neutral atmosphere). - Incorporates A, B, C, D, and E The treatment of calibrations of total air temperature probes for use in flight-test analysis work. Stress response of flat or singly-curved sandwich panels with cores of zero flexural stiffness subjected to random acoustic loading. Boiling inside tubes: post dry-out heat transfer in vertical tubes. Thermophysical properties of refrigerant R-22 (chlorodifluoromethane). Thermophysical properties of sulphur dioxide. Estimation of subsonic far-field jet-mixing noise from single-stream circular nozzles. Fatigue of aluminium alloy joints with various fastener systems. High load transfer. Geometrical characteristics of typical bodies. Natural frequencies of flat or singly-curved sandwich panels with cores of zero flexural stiffness. Process integration: process change and batch processes. Local instability of struts with flat sides. 1991 1991 ESDU ESDU 0 0 1991 ESDU 0 1991 1990 ESDU ESDU 0 0 1990 1990 1990 1990 1990 1990 1990 1990 1990 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 A procedure for force-balancing planar linkages using counterweights. A Rayleigh-Ritz method of analysis for vibration of orthotropic plates under static in-plane loading (including shear) The strength of struts. 1990 1990 1990 ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 Guide to the use of the Stress and Strength Series. Vapour pressures and critical points of liquids. Halogenated methanes. Fretting fatigue. Buckling in compression of sheet between rivets. 1990 1990 1990 1990 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 Normal-force-curve and pitching-moment-curve slopes of forebody-cylinder combinations at zero angle of attack for Mach 1990 numbers up to 5. A method of estimating a separation boundary for two-dimensional aerofoil sections in transonic flow. 1990 Energy height method for flight path optimisation. 1990 Effect of environment on fatigue crack propagation rate in titanium alloy sheet and plate. 1990 Thermophysical properties of isopropyl alcohol. Part II: thermodynamic properties at elevated pressures. 1990 First-order method for estimating the subcritical pressure distribution on a two-dimensional aerofoil in compressible 1990 viscous flow. Fatigue of aluminium alloy joints with various fastener systems. Medium load transfer. 1990 Orthobaric densities and molar volumes of liquids. Aromatic hydrocarbons. 1990 Struts: strength under flexural, local and inter-rivet buckling. 1990 Guide to the use of the Stress and Strength Series. 1990 The strength of struts. 1990 ESDU 0 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 0 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 0 Local instability of struts with flat sides. ESDU 0 1990 1285 1286 1287 1288 1289 1290 1291 1292 1293 1294 1295 1296 1297 1298 1299 1300 1301 1302 1303 1304 1305 1306 1307 1308 1309 1310 1311 1312 1313 1314 1315 1316 1317 1318 1319 1320 STRUCT 02.01.08 90008 78021 89046 89031 AERO C.04.01.08 B 89004 89018 89045 AERO C.04.01.06 B 89003 89044 AERO C.04.01.03 B 89001 89015 86038 A STRUCT 02.03.24 CFS 89007 89032 88001 A 89021 89048 CFS 74037 B 89007 89022 89037 89023 84005 A 89027 AERO C.04.01.01 B 88010 A AERO C.04.01.02 B 89043 89038 Buckling in compression of sheet between rivets. 1990 ESDU 0 Introduction to transonic aerodynamics of aerofoils and wings. Guide to Items on the strength and stability of struts Fatigue of aluminium alloy joints with various fastener systems. Low load transfer. Guide to the selection of surface treatments for the improvement of fatigue strength of steels. Control hinge-moment coefficient derivative due to tab. 1990 1990 1989 1989 1989 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 0 Effect of fretting on fatigue strength of aluminium alloys. Orthobaric densities and molar volumes of liquids. Introduction to Data Items issued after July 1989. Film thicknesses in lubricated Hertzian contacts. Part 2: point contacts. Full-span control hinge-moment coefficient derivatives for unswept wings in incompressible flow with allowance for spanwise variation of sectional properties. Thermophysical properties of benzene. Part II: thermodynamic properties at elevated pressures. Friction in bearings. Effect of nose balance on two-dimensional control hinge-moment coefficients. 1989 1989 1989 1989 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 1989 1989 1989 ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 Application of process integration to utilities, combined heat and power and heat pumps. Introduction to Data Items on flight path optimisation. Fouling of heat exchanger surfaces: general principles. Strength of castellations in shear. 1989 1989 1989 1989 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 Conversion factors Flexural and torsional-flexural buckling of thin-walled open section struts. Parameter estimation of linear systems in the presence of process noise using the Maximum Likelihood method. Boiling inside tubes: critical heat flux for flow in uniformly heated horizontal tubes. Information on the use of Data Items on hot structures. Elastic stress concentration factors. Geometric discontinuities in rods and tubes of isotropic materials. Conversion factors Introduction and guide to ESDU data on acoustic fatigue. Flexural and torsional-flexural buckling of thin-walled open section struts. Heat transfer definitions and equations. Orthobaric densities and molar volumes of liquids. Alcohols. Temperatures in plates subjected to a recovery temperature varying linearly with time. Estimation of drag due to inoperative turbo-jet and turbo-fan engines using Data Item Nos 81009 and 84004. Steady state temperatures and thermal stresses in a spherical or cylindrical laminated shell. Rate of change of hinge-moment coefficient with incidence for a plain control in incompressible two-dimensional flow, (b sub 1) sub zero. Thermophysical properties of toluene. Part II: thermodynamic properties at elevated pressures. Rate of change of hinge-moment coefficient with control deflection for a plain control in incompressible two-dimensional flow, (b sub 2) sub zero. A comparison of techniques for balancing planar linkages. Reflux condensation in vertical tubes. 1989 1989 1989 1989 1989 1989 1989 1989 1989 1989 1989 1989 1989 1989 1989 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1989 1989 ESDU ESDU 0 0 1989 1989 ESDU ESDU 0 0 1321 89024 1322 1323 1324 88006 A 89009 STRUCT 02.03.24 B 89026 AERO C.04.01.00 C 89039 69023 D 89010 89025 88008 88034 88020 85041 A 88039 88024 83034 A 1325 1326 1327 1328 1329 1330 1331 1332 1333 1334 1335 1336 1337 1338 1339 1340 1341 1342 1343 1344 88018 88005 84016 B AERO A.06.01.09 B 88016 A 84035 A 68020 C 1345 1346 1347 1348 1349 1350 1351 88027 88012 87037 A 88011 88028 86022 A 83034 1352 68020 C 1353 1354 1355 1356 67019 87018 87017 87016 A Resultant forces and moments in completely restrained plates subjected to a recovery temperature varying linearly with time. Estimation of drag arising from asymmetry in thrust or airframe configuration. Hinge moment coefficient derivatives for trailing-edge controls on wings at subsonic speeds. Strength of castellations in shear. 1989 ESDU 0 1989 1989 1989 ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 Temperatures in plates subjected to a sudden increase in recovery temperature. Introduction to Data Items on control hinge moments. 1989 1989 ESDU ESDU 0 0 Boiling inside tubes: pressure drop in straight tubes with upward or horizontal flow. Average gust frequencies. Subsonic transport aircraft. Example of procedure in calculation of control hinge moments. Thermal stresses in unrestrained plates subjected to a recovery temperature varying linearly with time. Fatigue limit of unnotched steels (related to tensile strength). Avoidance of buckling of some engineering elements (struts, plates and gussets). Thermophysical properties of propylene oxide. Boiling inside tubes: general aspects and saturated wet-wall heat transfer. The Kalman filter. Fouling in cooling water systems. Elastic local buckling stresses of thin-walled unstiffened circular cylinders under combined axial compression and internal pressure. Selection of alloys for hydrodynamic bearings. Vapour pressures and critical points of liquids. C1 to C6 alkanols. Low-fin staggered tube banks: heat transfer and pressure loss for turbulent single-phase crossflow. Stability derivative (L sub v) sub gamma. Contribution of part-span dihedral to rolling moment due to sideslip. 1989 1989 1989 1989 1988 1988 1988 1988 1988 1988 1988 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1988 1988 1988 1988 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 Thermophysical properties of ethylene oxide. Drag of stub wings and fairings on a flat plate with a turbulent boundary layer at subsonic and supersonic speeds. The compressible two-dimensional turbulent boundary layer, both with and without heat transfer, on a smooth flat plate, with application to wedges, cylinders, and cones. Effect of fretting on fatigue strength of titanium alloys. Vapour pressures and critical points of liquids. C7 to C20 alkanols. Take-off performance of vectored-jet-thrust V/STOL aircraft. Parameter estimation of linear systems in the absence of process noise: (ii) the Maximum Likelihood method. Flow induced acoustic resonance in tubular heat exchangers. High-fin staggered tube banks: heat transfer and pressure drop for turbulent single phase gas flow. Elastic local buckling stresses of thin-walled unstiffened circular cylinders under combined axial compression and internal pressure. The compressible two-dimensional turbulent boundary layer, both with and without heat transfer, on a smooth flat plate, with application to wedges, cylinders, and cones. Static strength of screwed fasteners Example of take-off field length calculations for a civil transport aeroplane. Orthobaric densities and molar volumes of liquids. Part 2A: C2 to C16 alkenes. Effect of size on fatigue strength of steel components. 1988 1988 1988 ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 1988 1988 1988 1988 1988 1988 1988 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1988 ESDU 0 1988 1987 1987 1987 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 1357 1358 1359 86013 81017 A 71019 A 1360 1361 1362 1363 1364 1365 1366 1367 1368 1369 1370 1371 1372 1373 1374 1375 1376 1377 1378 87019 87022 74036 B 87007 72003 A 83024 A 74026 A 87012 87028 87009 87010 A 86013 A AERO A.S.06.03.04 B 86012 86033 85016 A 82025 A 86028 86008 1379 1380 1381 1382 86027 86005 86025 86004 1383 1384 1385 1386 1387 1388 1389 83014 A 86017 82030 F 86040 86001 86041 86003 1390 80025 1391 1392 73004 85006 Guide to the use of Data Items on the fatigue strength of welded joints in steels. Mean forces, pressures, and moments for circular cylindrical structures: finite-length cylinders in uniform and shear flow. Drag-rise Mach number of aerofoils having a specified form of upper-surface pressure distribution: charts and comments on design. Flow induced vibration in tube bundles with particular reference to shell and tube heat exchangers. Orthobaric densities and molar volumes of liquids. Part 2B: alkadienes and alkynes. Drag due to a circular cavity in a plate with a turbulent boundary layer at subsonic, transonic and supersonic speeds. Design and material selection for dry rubbing bearings. Natural frequencies of built-up, flat, periodic skin-stringer structures. Part I: stringers rigid in bending. Approximation to the roots of the lateral equations of motion of an aircraft with and without a simple yaw damper. Estimation of r.m.s. stress in internal plates of a box structure subjected to random acoustic loading. An introduction to aircraft buffet and buffeting. Melting points, boiling points and critical properties. Reliable data sources for key industrial chemicals. Orthobaric densities and molar volumes of liquids. Part 1A: C1 to C18 alkanes. Guide to the use of Data Items on the fatigue strength of welded joints in steels. Spanwise centre of pressure of isolated lifting surface at supersonic speeds. 1987 1987 1987 ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 1987 1987 1987 1987 1987 1987 1987 1987 1987 1987 1987 1987 1987 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Vapour pressure and critical points of liquids. Part 3A: C6 to C10 alkylbenzenes. The effect of electrodeposited chromium on the fatigue strength of low alloy steel. Vapour pressures and critical points of liquids. Part 2B: C7 to C16 alkenes. Failure modes of fibre reinforced laminates. Fatigue strength of keyed assemblies. Calculation methods for steadily loaded axial groove hydrodynamic journal bearings. Low viscosity process fluid lubrication. (To be used in conjunction with Items Nos. 84031 and 85028.) Vapour pressure and critical points of liquids. Part 3B: additional alkyl- and alkenylbenzenes. Vertical deflection characteristics of aircraft tyres. Design against fatigue: vibration of structures under acoustic or aerodynamic excitation. Simplified forms of performance equations. Addendum A: effect on aeroplane level speed of small changes in thrust, drag, weight, power. Failure criteria for an individual layer of a fibre reinforced composite laminate under in-plane loading. Propeller/body interaction for thrust and drag. Fire hazard properties: flash points, flammability limits and autoignition temperatures. Selection of surface treatments and coatings for combating wear of load-bearing surfaces. Vapour pressures and critical points of liquids. Part 2C: alkadienes and alkynes. Conversion of stability derivatives for a general change of body axes. Example of the use of Data Item No. 85001. Choice of reinforcement for a circular hole in a fibre reinforced laminated plate. (Data relating to one particular set of laminate properties.) Mean forces, pressures and flow field velocities for circular cylindrical structures: single cylinder with two-dimensional flow Criteria of yielding for ductile materials under static loading Contribution of wing dihedral to sideforce, yawing moment and rolling moment derivatives due to rate of roll at subsonic speeds, (Y sub p) sub gamma, (N sub p) sub gamma and (L sub p) sub gamma. 1986 1986 1986 1986 1986 1986 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 0 0 1986 1986 1986 1986 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 1986 1986 1986 1986 1986 1986 1986 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1986 ESDU 0 1985 1985 ESDU ESDU 0 0 1393 1394 1395 1396 1397 1398 1399 1400 85022 85045 85019 85014 85008 AERO W.01.01.07 B 85026 85010 1401 1402 1403 85013 A 85030 83006 A 1404 1405 1406 1407 1408 1409 1410 1411 1412 1413 1414 1415 1416 1417 1418 84023 A 76011 A 84025 A 85017 85002 85014 84040 84021 84006 STRUCT 02.01.47 A 84022 81009 A 84028 81042 A TM 49 1419 1420 1421 1422 1423 1424 1425 1426 84009 83038 A 81025 A 84042 72015 B 84020 84004 A 84037 1427 84002 1428 83033 A Practical guide to the selection of condensers. 1985 Stress concentrations: interaction and stress decay for selected cases. 1985 Fatigue crack propagation rates and threshold stress intensity factors in high strength low alloy steel plate, bar and forgings. 1985 Design for minimum weight. Struts of uniform section. Thin-walled round tubes. 1985 Vapour pressures and critical points of liquids. Part 2A: C2 to C6 alkenes. 1985 Maximum lift coefficients for aerofoil sections at Mach numbers from 0.60. to 0.75. 1985 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 0 0 Servomechanism transfer functions. 1985 Estimation of sideforce, yawing moment and rolling moment derivatives due to rate of roll for complete aircraft at subsonic 1985 speeds. Design of disc cams and their followers: examples. 1985 Force and moment components for take-off and landing calculations. 1985 Contribution of fin to sideforce, yawing moment and rolling moment derivatives due to rate of roll, (Y sub p) sub F, (N sub 1985 p) sub F, (L sub p) sub F, in the presence of body, wing and tailplane. Shell-and-tube exchangers: pressure drop and heat transfer in shellside downflow condensation. 1985 First approximation to take-off field length of multi-engined transport aeroplanes. 1985 Endurance of aluminium alloy lugs with steel interference-fit pins or bushes. 1985 Thrust and drag accounting for propeller/airframe interaction. 1985 Vapour pressures and critical points of liquids. Part 1C: C10 to C24 alkanes. 1985 Design for minimum weight. Struts of uniform section. Thin-walled round tubes. 1985 First approximation to landing field length for civil transport aeroplanes (50 ft, 15.24 m screen). 1984 Vapour pressures and critical points of liquids. Introduction to Data Items issued after September 1984. 1984 Elastic buckling of thin-walled unstiffened circular cylinders under bending, axial compression and internal pressure. 1984 Buckling stress coefficients for parallelogram shaped panels in continuous flat sheet under uniform compression. 1984 ESDU ESDU 0 0 ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Vapour pressures and critical points of liquids. Part 1A: C1 to C7 alkanes. Estimation of windmilling drag and airflow of turbo-jet and turbo-fan engines. Vapour pressures and critical points of liquids. Part 1B: C8 and C9 alkanes. Vapour pressures and critical points of liquids. XX: additional derivatives of phenol. CONTRIBUTION TO ROLLING MOMENT DERIVATIVE DUE TO SIDESLIP RESULTING FROM INTERFERENCE EFFECT OF FIN ON TAILPLANE, (Lv)TH Nonlinear systems: an introduction to Describing Functions. Baffled shell-and-tube heat exchangers; flow distribution, pressure drop and heat transfer coefficient on the shellside. Vapour pressures and critical points of liquids. XIX: phenol and derivatives. Stiffness data for finite element calculations. Equivalent stiffness factors for shear webs. Endurance of aluminium alloy structural elements subjected to simulated acoustic loading. An introduction to time-dependent aerodynamics of aircraft response, gusts and active controls. Estimation of spillage drag for a wide range of axisymmetric intakes at M less than 1. Fatigue strength of external and internal steel screw threads under axial loading. (Standard forms not greater than 1.0 inch diameter.) Estimation of sideforce, yawing moment and rolling moment derivatives due to rate of yaw for complete aircraft at subsonic speeds. Stress intensity factors for corner cracks in loaded holes in lugs and wide plates. 1984 1984 1984 1984 1984 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 0 1984 1984 1984 1984 1984 1984 1984 1984 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1984 ESDU 0 1984 ESDU 0 1429 1430 1431 1432 1433 1434 1435 1436 1437 1438 1439 1440 1441 1442 1443 1444 1445 1446 1447 1448 1449 1450 1451 1452 1453 1454 1455 1456 1457 1458 1459 1460 1461 82016 A 82034 A 66013 A 84001 84042 84009 84006 STRUCT 02.01.47 84012 79032 84032 83028 83012 77014 83036 83043 83044 83007 STRUCT 03.06.05 A 83027 83043 STRUCT 02.01.22 A STRUCT 03.06.04 A 83026 83041 STRUCT 02.01.22 STRUCT 02.03.02 STRUCT 00.07.00 STRUCT 00.07.01 STRUCT 00.07.04 83030 STRUCT 00.07.00 A 82017 A Vapour pressures and critical points of liquids. XXI: cyclic hydrocarbons. Aircraft forces due to interference between a jet efflux and a slotted flap. Definitions of terms for acoustic fatigue analysis. Growth of cracks under constant amplitude fatigue loading: example calculations. Stiffness data for finite element calculations. Equivalent stiffness factors for shear webs. Nonlinear systems: an introduction to Describing Functions. Elastic buckling of thin-walled unstiffened circular cylinders under bending, axial compression and internal pressure. Buckling stress coefficients for parallelogram shaped panels in continuous flat sheet under uniform compression. 1984 1984 1984 1984 1984 1984 1984 1984 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Buckling of thin-walled unstiffened circular cylinders under torsion and pressure. 1984 Stress concentrations at grooves for retaining rings or seals (with notes on design against fatigue). 1984 Nonlinear systems: the Describing Function method for closed-loop system response. 1984 Approximate parametric method for propeller thrust estimation. Addendum A: application to fixed-pitch propellers. 1983 Fatigue strength of cold-rolled titanium alloy screw threads under axial load (room temperature and elevated temperatures). 1983 Flat panels in shear Post-buckling analysis 1983 Natural frequencies of rectangular, specially orthotropic laminated plates 1983 Flexible circular frames supported by a shell. Moments, forces and displacements due to concentrated loads and couples. 1983 Plasticity correction factors for plate buckling 1983 Fatigue crack propagation rates and threshold stress intensity factor ranges for aluminium alloy sheet. 1983 Bending moment in elliptical frames due to internal pressure. 1983 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 The synthesis of cam motion by blending segments. Flexible circular frames supported by a shell. Moments, forces and displacements due to concentrated loads and couples. Buckling stress coefficients for flat rectangular plates in compression. (Edges restrained against rotation - antisymmetric rotation.) Radial deflections of circular frame due to concentrated loads and couples. 1983 1983 1983 ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 1983 ESDU 0 Contribution of body to yawing moment and sideforce derivatives due to rate of yaw, (N sub r) sub B and (Y sub r) sub B. A summary of the concepts relating to random processes. Buckling stress coefficients for flat rectangular plates in compression. (Edges restrained against rotation - antisymmetric rotation.) Flat panels in shear. Buckling of long panels with transverse stiffeners. 1983 1983 1983 ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 1983 ESDU 0 Information on the use of Data Sheets in the 00.07 series. 1983 ESDU 0 Torsion and secondary warping constants for a bulb angle. 1983 ESDU 0 Primary warping constant for Z-sections with bulbs. 1983 ESDU 0 Selection of filter rating for lubrication systems. Information on the use of Data Sheets in the 00.07 series. 1983 1983 ESDU ESDU 0 0 Contribution of fin to sideforce, yawing moment and rolling moment derivatives due to rate of yaw, (Y sub r) sub F, (N sub 1983 r) sub F, (L sub r) sub F. ESDU 0 1462 1463 1464 1465 1466 1467 1468 1469 1470 1471 1472 1473 1474 1475 1476 1477 1478 1479 1480 1481 1482 1483 1484 1485 1486 1487 1488 1489 1490 AERO Profile drag coefficients for two-dimensional biconvex aerofoil with zero heat transfer at supersonic speeds. W.S.02.04.13 A STRUCT Torsion and secondary warping constants for a bulb angle. 00.07.01 A AERO Skin friction drag coefficients for a flat plate in two-dimensional flow with zero heat transfer. W.S.02.04.12 A 82021 A Pressure loss and heat transfer for single-phase turbulent flow in roughened channels: methods of calculation. STRUCT Primary warping constant for Z-sections with bulbs. 00.07.04 A 83031 Dynamic sealing of fluids. II: guide to selection of reciprocating seals. 83001 A Approximate parametric method for propeller thrust estimation. 73007 A Stiffness of loaded flat strips under sinusoidally distributed bending couples at their edges (for use in local buckling calculations). (Uniaxial or biaxial loading. Isotropic or orthotropic materials.) 74038 A Effect of an axial compressive mean stress on the fatigue strength of aluminium alloy bar (plain and notched). STRUCT Flat panels in shear. Buckling of long panels with transverse stiffeners. 02.03.02 B 83007 Fatigue crack propagation rates and threshold stress intensity factor ranges for aluminium alloy sheet. TD MEMO Method for the rapid estimation of theoretical spanwise loading due to a change of incidence. 6403 C STRUCT Shear forces in circular frame due to concentrated loads and couples. 03.06.03 A 83008 The estimation of basic dimensions of disc cams with swinging followers. 83025 Drag of circular cylinders normal to a flat plate with a turbulent boundary layer for Mach numbers up to 3. 83021 The kinematic design of epicyclic gear trains. 83004 Calculation methods for steadily loaded, off-set pivot, tilting-pad thrust bearings. STRUCT Diffusion of loads into flat uniform panels. 02.05.00 A 81038 C Heat pipes - performance of two-phase closed thermosyphons. 81008 A The stability and response of linear systems. Part VI: selection of an assessment method. AERO Stability derivative L sub p. Effect of fuselage interference on rolling moment due to rolling at supersonic speeds. A.S.06.03.02 A AERO Stability derivative L sub p. Rolling moment due to rolling for radial multi-planar wing arrangements at supersonic speeds. A.S.06.03.03 A 82024 A guide to the selection of cam and follower type. AERO 00.01.06 Thermodynamic properties of air in dissociation equilibrium. A AERO Theoretical lift-dependent drag of wings at supersonic speeds. W.S.02.03.02 B 82028 Pressure drag of spherically-blunted conical forebodies at zero incidence for Mach numbers of 3 and above. AERO 00.01.08 Specific heat capacities and their ratio as functions of temperature for several common gases. A AERO Conditions behind oblique shock waves for air in dissociation equilibrium. S.00.03.23 A AERO Introductory Item on two-dimensional aerofoils at supersonic speeds. W.S.00.03.03 A 1983 ESDU 0 1983 ESDU 0 1983 ESDU 0 1983 1983 ESDU ESDU 0 0 1983 1983 1983 ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 1983 1983 ESDU ESDU 0 0 1983 1983 ESDU ESDU 0 0 1983 ESDU 0 1983 1983 1983 1983 1983 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 0 1983 1982 1982 ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 1982 ESDU 0 1982 1982 ESDU ESDU 0 0 1982 ESDU 0 1982 1982 ESDU ESDU 0 0 1982 ESDU 0 1982 ESDU 0 1491 1492 1493 1494 1495 1496 1497 1498 1499 1500 1501 1502 1503 1504 1505 1506 1507 1508 1509 1510 1511 1512 1513 1514 1515 1516 1517 1518 1519 1520 STRUCT 02.01.17 A AERO S.00.03.22 A 81037 A Nomogram for strength of stringers in panel in compression. 1982 ESDU 0 Conditions behind normal shock waves in air in dissociation equilibrium. 1982 ESDU 0 Designing with rolling bearings. Part 2: selection of single row angular contact ball, tapered roller and spherical roller bearings. Linearised two-dimensional oscillatory airforce coefficients and load distributions on thin aerofoils in supersonic flow. Notes on the design of helical compression and tension springs of round wire. Stability derivative L sub p, rolling moment due to rolling for wings at supersonic speeds. 1982 ESDU 0 1982 1982 1982 ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 1982 ESDU 0 1982 ESDU 0 1982 ESDU 0 1982 ESDU 0 1982 1982 1982 1982 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 1982 ESDU 0 1982 1982 ESDU ESDU 0 0 1982 ESDU 0 1982 ESDU 0 1982 ESDU 0 1982 1982 1982 1982 1982 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 0 1982 1982 1982 1982 1982 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 0 82005 A 83003 AERO A.S.06.03.01 A AERO Properties of plane steady shock waves. S.00.03.09 A AERO Simple-wave flow. S.00.03.08 A AERO Optimum area distribution and associated theoretical transonic drag-rise for aircraft at zero lift. A.02.03.02 A AERO Lift-curve slope for single fin and rudder. (i) Body shape merging into fin. C.01.01.01 B 81019 Methods for estimating the pressure distribution on a two-dimensional aerofoil in viscous transonic flow. 83002 Allowable stresses for helical compression and tension springs of round wire. 81006 A Stress concentration factors. Axially loaded lugs with clearance-fit pins. Notation and Notation and units in Peformance Data Items Units AERO Lift-curve slope of isolated lifting surface at supersonic speeds. A.S.01.03.02 A 81033 A Atlas of performance curves for crank-rocker and slider-crank linkages. STRUCT Nomogram for strength of stringers in panel in compression. 02.01.17 AERO 00.01.11 Mollier chart of the thermodynamic properties of argon-free air in dissociation equilibrium: T = 2 000 K to T = 13 000 K. A AERO The calculation of the theoretical characteristics of two-dimensional aerofoils at supersonic speeds. W.S.00.03.05 A 81013 A Effect of trailing-edge flaps on sideforce and yawing moment derivatives due to sideslip, (Y sub v) sub f and (N sub v) sub f. 81027 A Lattice structures. Part 1: mean fluid forces on single and multiple plane frames. ME1 B Guide to the use of Item No. 76005. Kinematic and dynamic data for crank-rocker and slider-crank linkages. 70023 A The measurement and analysis of climb and excess power performance. 82013 Laminate stacking sequences for special orthotropy. (Application to fibre reinforced composites). AERO 00.01.12 Mollier chart of the thermodynamic properties of argon-free air in dissociation equilibrium: T = 100 K to T = 6 000 K. A 73019 C Approximate methods for estimation of cruise range and endurance: aeroplanes with turbo-jet and turbo-fan engines. 81006 Stress concentration factors. Axially loaded lugs with clearance-fit pins. 78023 Fatigue strength of transverse welded joints and attachments in steels under bending loading. 82014 Designing with rolling bearings. Part 3: special types. 82033 First approximation to take-off distance to 50 ft (15.2 m) for light and general aviation aeroplanes. 1521 1522 1523 1524 1525 1526 1527 1528 1529 1530 1531 1532 1533 1534 1535 1536 1537 1538 1539 1540 1541 1542 1543 1544 1545 1546 1547 1548 1549 AERO Wave drag of flat plates with blunt noses at zero incidence. W.S.02.03.10 A AERO Pitching velocity derivatives for wings at supersonic speeds Z sub q and M sub q. W.S.08.03.02 B 77002 A Design of parallel axis straight spur and helical gears: geometric design. 81016 Viscosity of liquid aromatic hydrocarbons. 81007 Fatigue strength in bending of steel I-beams with welded attachments 80020 Average downwash at the tailplane at low angles of attack and subsonic speeds AERO Kinetic pressure in the wake behind a wing. W.05.01.01 A 81044 Heat transfer coefficients for water or steam in plain circular tubes: fully-developed turbulent flow. AERO Aerodynamic heating: temperatures at a perfectly insulated surface neglecting radiation. W.S.00.03.18 B 81035 An introduction to aircraft noise lateral attenuation. AERO One-dimensional isentropic gas flow. S.00.03.07 A AERO Stability derivative L sub p, rolling moment due to rolling for swept and tapered wings. A.06.01.01 A 66028 A Relationships between some common intake parameters. 81010 Thermophysical properties of industrially important fluids on the saturation line: ammonia. 81041 Flexibilities of and stresses in thin unpressurised pipe bends with flanged ends under in-plane bending: influence of bend angle. AERO 00.02.05 Heat transfer under conditions of forced convection for the subsonic turbulent flow of gases in smooth straight ducts of A constant cross section. AERO Flow field of subsonic axisymmetric jet in a parallel stream. A.08.01.09 A AERO Introductory notes on the drag at zero incidence of bodies at supersonic speeds. B.S.02.03.01 C 69007 B The determination of gross thrust and mass flow in flight. (Air breathing ducted-flow engines with convergent nozzles.) 69006 A Introduction to the measurement of thrust in flight. (Air breathing ducted-flow engines.) 81022 Guide to the use of Data Items in the design of bonded joints. AERO Effect of gap on the slope of lift curve and slope of lift increment curve due to control surface deflection. C.01.01.04 A 68037 A Local instability of bonded corrugated-core sandwich panels under longitudinal compression. (Symmetrical cores with identical face plates.) 68029 A Information on the use of Data Items on sandwich panels. STRUCT Initial buckling of flat plates under bending and compression or tension. 02.04.04 A STRUCT Flexural properties of stringer sections (lipped and unlipped angles, channels and Z-sections). 01.00.01 A 71004 B Flange efficiency factors for curved beams under bending in the plane of curvature. AERO Pressure distribution on forebodies and afterbodies of revolution at zero incidence in inviscid flow. B.S.05.03.01 A STRUCT Shear centre of D-section. 00.06.05 A 1982 ESDU 0 1982 ESDU 0 1981 1981 1981 1981 1981 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 0 1981 1981 ESDU ESDU 0 0 1981 1981 ESDU ESDU 0 0 1981 ESDU 0 1981 1981 1981 ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 1981 ESDU 0 1981 ESDU 0 1981 ESDU 0 1981 1981 1981 1980 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 1980 ESDU 0 1980 1980 ESDU ESDU 0 0 1980 ESDU 0 1980 1980 ESDU ESDU 0 0 1980 ESDU 0 1550 1551 1552 1553 1554 1555 1556 1557 1558 1559 1560 1561 1562 1563 1564 1565 1566 1567 1568 1569 1570 1571 1572 1573 1574 1575 1576 1577 1578 AERO Forebody-afterbody interference wave drag of simple pointed or ducted body shapes with short midbodies. B.S.02.03.08 A STRUCT Information on the use of Data Items in the Struct 00.06. series. 00.06.00 A 73018 A Introduction to estimation of range and endurance. 77019 A Vapour pressures and critical points of liquids. XI: heterocyclic nitrogen compounds. STRUCT Method of calculating stress distribution in a reinforced symmetrical shell under bending. 00.06.01 A 80035 Buckling of outstanding flanges. Direct stresses varying linearly or parabolically 71004 Flange efficiency factors for curved beams under bending in the plane of curvature. STRUCT Shear centre of circular arc section. 00.06.04 A STRUCT Initial buckling of flat plates under bending and compression or tension. 02.04.04 STRUCT Flexural properties of stringer sections (lipped and unlipped angles, channels and Z-sections). 01.00.01 SS3 Guide to Items on struts, beams and shafts. STRUCT Buckling stress coefficients for flat rectangular plates tapered in thickness, under compression. 02.01.49 STRUCT Buckling stress coefficients for slightly curved plates with clamped edges. 02.01.10 STRUCT Buckling stress coefficients for curved plates in shear (circumferential length exceeding axial length, edges simply02.03.19 supported). AERO Examples in the use of the Mollier chart (isentropic flow and Prandtl-Meyer expansion for air in dissociation equilibrium). S.00.03.27 A 79008 Elastic stress concentration factors. Rectangular notch in the edge of a wide flat plate in tension. AERO Supersonic base pressure of cylindrical bodies. B.S.02.03.12 A 77017 B Endurance of titanium alloy lugs (Ti-6Al-4V, annealed and Ti-4Al-4Mo-2Sn-0.5Si). 77024 B Thermal conductivity, viscosity, heat capacity, density and Prandtl number of sea water and its concentrates. 77031 A Heat transfer by free convection and radiation - simply shaped bodies in air and other fluids. STRUCT Buckling stress coefficients for flat rectangular plates tapered in thickness, under compression. 02.01.49 A STRUCT Buckling stress coefficients for slightly curved plates with clamped edges. 02.01.10 A STRUCT Buckling stress coefficients for curved plates in shear (circumferential length exceeding axial length, edges simply02.03.19 B supported). STRUCT Average and edge stresses for slightly curved plates with clamped edges in compression with initial irregularities. 02.01.11 B AERO 00.03.28 Conditions behind normal shock waves in a perfect gas for various values of gamma. A AERO Rate of change of lift coefficient with control deflection in incompressible two-dimensional flow, (a sub 2) sub zero. C.01.01.03 B 66018 A The relation between sound pressure level and r.m.s. fluctuating pressure. 66017 A Combination of levels in dB. 68023 Thermal conductivity, viscosity, heat capacity, density and Prandtl number of solid, liquid and gaseous heavy water. 1980 ESDU 0 1980 ESDU 0 1980 1980 1980 ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 1980 1980 1980 ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 1980 ESDU 0 1980 ESDU 0 1980 1979 ESDU ESDU 0 0 1979 ESDU 0 1979 ESDU 0 1979 ESDU 0 1979 1979 ESDU ESDU 0 0 1979 1979 1979 1979 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 1979 ESDU 0 1979 ESDU 0 1978 ESDU 0 1978 ESDU 0 1978 ESDU 0 1978 1978 1978 ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 1579 1580 1581 1582 1583 1584 1585 1586 1587 1588 1589 1590 1591 1592 1593 1594 1595 1596 1597 1598 1599 1600 1601 1602 1603 1604 1605 1606 1607 1608 1609 AERO S.00.03.06 C 72012 B 66016 A STRUCT 01.01.10 B 71016 C 68008 C 77018 A CF2 68010 C 78030 78020 77018 78016 72012 STRUCT 02.01.11 STRUCT 01.01.10 STRUCT 02.01.02 STRUCT 02.01.03 STRUCT 02.01.16 STRUCT 02.01.23 STRUCT 02.01.24 STRUCT 02.03.18 77023 77030 77011 FAT E.05.06 A FAT E.05.01 A STRUCT 02.01.24 A 77001 77033 STRUCT 02.01.23 A Introductory sheet on isentropic flow and shock waves. 1978 ESDU 0 Information on the use of Data Items on the buckling of plates and compression panels manufactured from isotropic materials. Bandwidth correction. Torsional instability of stringers and struts of angle section. 1978 ESDU 0 1978 1978 ESDU ESDU 0 0 Fluid forces, pressures and moments on rectangular blocks. Specific heat capacity at constant pressure of ice, water and steam. Curved panels in shear. Post-buckling analysis. - Includes Amendment A: 10/1977 Conversion factors for fluid flows. Density of ice, water and steam. Struts with lateral loads. Local buckling and crippling of I, Z and channel section struts Curved panels in shear. Post-buckling analysis. - Includes Amendment A: 10/1977 The effect of post-weld treatments on fatigue at fillet welded attachments Information on the use of Data Items on the buckling of plates and compression panels manufactured from isotropic materials. Average and edge stresses for slightly curved plates with clamped edges in compression with initial irregularities. 1978 1978 1978 1978 1978 1978 1978 1978 1978 1978 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1978 ESDU 0 Torsional instability of stringers and struts of angle section. 1978 ESDU 0 Average and edge stresses for long flat plates in compression for different edge conditions. 1977 ESDU 0 Average and edge stresses for thin flat aluminium alloy plates in compression. 1977 ESDU 0 Strength of stringers in panel in compression. 1977 ESDU 0 Average and edge stresses in long flat rectangular plates in compression under varying edge conditions. 1977 ESDU 0 Stiffness after buckling. Flat rectangular plates in compression. (Edges simply-supported.) 1977 ESDU 0 Buckling stress coefficients for curved plates in shear (axial length exceeding circumferential length, edges simplysupported). Shear centre and primary warping constant for lipped and unlipped channel and Z-sections. Buckling of struts. Lipped and unlipped Z sections. Fatigue strength of transverse butt welds in steel plate under axial loading Endurance of bonded lap joints. (Aluminium alloy sheet material; phenolic resin/vinyl powder glue, tensile loading.) Endurance of structural joints. (Aluminium alloy material - tensile loading.) Stiffness after buckling. Flat rectangular plates in compression. (Edges simply-supported.) 1977 ESDU 0 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 0 0 Effect of intake total pressure loss on net thrust at take-off: turbo-jet and turbo-fan engines. Fatigue of wrought and cast annealed Ti-5Al-2.5Sn titanium alloy. (In bending and under axial loading.) Average and edge stresses in long flat rectangular plates in compression under varying edge conditions. 1977 1977 1977 ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 1610 1611 1612 1613 1614 1615 1616 1617 1618 1619 1620 1621 1622 1623 1624 1625 1626 1627 1628 1629 1630 1631 1632 1633 1634 1635 1636 1637 1638 1639 1640 1641 74018 A Lost range, fuel and time due to climb and descent: aircraft with turbo-jet and turbo-fan engines. STRUCT Average and edge stresses for long flat plates in compression for different edge conditions. 02.01.02 A FAT E.05.07 A Endurance of bonded double strap joints. (Aluminium alloy sheet material; phenolic resin/vinyl powder glue, tensile loading.) 77003 Elastic stresses and deflections under uniform pressure of flat rectangular sandwich panels; all edges clamped (isotropic face plates and orthotropic cores of zero flexural stiffness). 73026 A Introduction to non-dimensional methods for the measurement of performance of turbine-engined helicopters. STRUCT Average and edge stresses for thin flat aluminium alloy plates in compression. 02.01.03 A 77023 Shear centre and primary warping constant for lipped and unlipped channel and Z-sections. 73027 A Non-dimensional methods for the measurement of hover performance of turbine-engined helicopters. STRUCT Strength of stringers in panel in compression. 02.01.16 A 77030 Buckling of struts. Lipped and unlipped Z sections. 77015 Lost range, fuel and time due to climb and descent: propeller-driven aeroplanes. AERO Pitot and static tubes in supersonic flow. S.00.03.15 B 76026 A Lift and drag due to spoiler operation in the ground run. 77027 Fatigue of wrought and cast Ti-6Al-4V titanium alloy. (In bending and under axial loading.) STRUCT Buckling stress coefficients for curved plates in shear (axial length exceeding circumferential length, edges simply02.03.18 A supported). STRUCT Inter-rivet buckling curves for specific materials. 02.01.09 B 74003 A Normal incidence absorption coefficients and acoustic impedances of typical single layer fibrous lining materials. 76008 Drag of transverse rows of spherically-headed rivets immersed in a turbulent boundary layer at subsonic and supersonic speeds. 74022 A Buckling of corrugated shear webs. 74004 A Normal incidence absorption coefficients and acoustic impedances of single layer perforated sheet liners. STRUCT Moments in circular frame due to concentrated loads and couples. 03.06.01 A TM 19 Effects of truncation on diffuser performance 66006 A Design for minimum weight. Struts of uniform section. Thin-walled square tubes. STRUCT Direct forces in circular frame due to concentrated loads and couples. 03.06.02 A 76030 Thermal conductivity of carbon dioxide gas and liquid. 71014 A Local buckling of compression panels with flanged stringers. 66007 A Design for minimum weight. Struts of uniform section. I-sections. 76013 Elastic stresses and deflections under uniform pressure of flat rectangular sandwich panels; all edges simply-supported (isotropic face plates and orthotropic cores of zero flexural stiffness). 71023 A Normal melting points, boiling points and critical points of n-alkyl aldehydes and ketones. 76023 Buckling of struts. Lipped and unlipped channel sections. 76005 Kinematic and dynamic data for crank-rocker and slider-crank linkages. (Mechanisms Workbench.) STRUCT Collapse coefficients for unstiffened circular cylinders under uniform external pressure. 04.09.01 A 1977 1977 ESDU ESDU 0 0 1977 ESDU 0 1977 ESDU 0 1977 1977 ESDU ESDU 0 0 1977 1977 1977 ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 1977 1977 1977 ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 1977 1977 1977 ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 1976 ESDU 0 1976 1976 ESDU ESDU 0 0 1976 1976 1976 ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 1976 1976 1976 ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 1976 1976 1976 1976 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 1976 1976 1976 1976 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 1642 76022 1643 STRUCT 02.04.01 A 76021 73025 A 75006 A 76034 75005 A 70003 A STRUCT 01.01.24 A 70007 A 76032 76023 71014 74022 76013 1644 1645 1646 1647 1648 1649 1650 1651 1652 1653 1654 1655 1656 1657 1658 1659 1660 1661 1662 1663 1664 1665 1666 1667 1668 1669 1670 1671 1672 1673 1674 1675 1676 76007 75006 70003 66006 STRUCT 02.04.01 STRUCT 02.01.09 STRUCT 01.01.24 69015 75007 75016 75034 75035 75034 75007 75033 AERO S.00.03.13 B AERO A.S.02.03.01 B 75014 75035 69015 A Elastic stresses and deflections under uniform pressure of flat rectangular sandwich panels; long edges clamped, short edges simply-supported (isotropic face plates and orthotropic cores of zero flexural stiffness). Buckling stress ratios for plates under uniform compression and shear. 1976 ESDU 0 1976 ESDU 0 Dynamic viscosity of carbon dioxide gas and liquid. Stresses in the core of a sandwich panel under local normal loading. Design for maximum structural efficiency. Isotropic sandwich panels under uniaxial compression. Estimation of take-off thrust using generalised data for turbo-jet and turbo-fan engines. Performance data for the critical operation of nominally two-dimensional double-ramp supersonic intakes. Local buckling of compression panels with unflanged integral stiffeners. The compressive instability of hydraulic jacks. 1976 1976 1976 1976 1976 1976 1976 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Design for minimum weight. Compression panels with unflanged integral stiffeners having dimensional restrictions. Fatigue strength of longitudinal flange-to-web welds in steel I-beams and T-sections Buckling of struts. Lipped and unlipped channel sections. Local buckling of compression panels with flanged stringers. Buckling of corrugated shear webs. Elastic stresses and deflections under uniform pressure of flat rectangular sandwich panels; all edges simply-supported (isotropic face plates and orthotropic cores of zero flexural stiffness). Fatigue strength of longitudinal fillet welded attachments and joints in steels under axial loading Design for maximum structural efficiency. Isotropic sandwich panels under uniaxial compression. Local buckling of compression panels with unflanged integral stiffeners. Design for minimum weight. Struts of uniform section. Thin-walled square tubes. Buckling stress ratios for plates under uniform compression and shear. 1976 1976 1976 1976 1976 1976 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 0 0 1976 1976 1976 1976 1976 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 0 Inter-rivet buckling curves for specific materials. 1976 ESDU 0 The compressive instability of hydraulic jacks. 1976 ESDU 0 Solar heating. Total direct irradiance within the Earths atmosphere. Geometric stress concentration factors: two adjacent unreinforced circular holes in infinite flat plates. Fatigue strength of transverse fillet and cruciform butt welds in steels Initial buckling stress, maximum direct stress and shear strain of square plates in shear with central circular holes. Initial buckling of square plates in shear with central flanged circular holes. Initial buckling stress, maximum direct stress and shear strain of square plates in shear with central circular holes. Geometric stress concentration factors: two adjacent unreinforced circular holes in infinite flat plates. Elastic stress concentration factors. Double radius fillets in shouldered shafts in torsion. Inviscid supersonic flow past cones at zero incidence: (ii) surface pressure coefficient and shock angle for circular cones. 1975 1975 1975 1975 1975 1975 1975 1975 1975 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Explanatory notes on transonic and supersonic area rules. 1975 ESDU 0 Flexibilities of and stresses in thin pipe bends under in-plane bending: influence of bend angle and tangent pipe ends. Initial buckling of square plates in shear with central flanged circular holes. Solar heating. Total direct irradiance within the Earths atmosphere. 1975 1975 1975 ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 1677 1678 1679 1680 1681 1682 1683 1684 1685 1686 1687 1688 1689 1690 1691 1692 1693 1694 1695 1696 1697 1698 1699 1700 1701 1702 1703 1704 1705 1706 1707 75018 Estimation of cruise range: propeller-driven aircraft. 66024 A Approximate data on the viscosity of some common liquids. 75004 Wave drag of wings at zero lift in inviscid airflow. 75028 Drag due to grooves in a flat plate with a turbulent boundary layer, at subsonic and supersonic speeds. AERO 00.01.09 A simple model of a thermally perfect, calorically imperfect diatomic gas. Comparison with real gases. A 75027 Critical pressure coefficient and component of local Mach number normal to the surface isobar for a swept wing. 74008 A Estimation of critical Mach number for an aerofoil from its low-speed pressure distribution. 73015 A Estimation of the local buckling stress under biaxial compression of an isotropic skin with fibre reinforced integral unflanged stiffeners. FAT A.00.01 A The effect of mean stress on fatigue strength (plain test piece). AERO Conditions for shock wave detachment and for subsonic flow behind nose shock waves on cones at zero incidence and on S.00.03.16 B wedges. 75022 Design against fatigue. Basic design calculations. AERO Effect of cut-out on lift-curve slope. W.01.01.04 A 74041 Example of the use of Data Items on range performance. 74042 Non-dimensional methods for the measurement of level-flight performance of turbine-engined helicopters. TM 58 Comparison of surface pressure fluctuations in a turbulent boundary layer as measured on various flight vehicles AERO Limit of surface waviness for laminar flow over wings. W.02.04.11 B 74043 Flexibilities of and stresses in unrestrained pressurised thin pipe bends subjected to in-plane bending. STRUCT Flexible circular frames supporting a shell. Displacements due to concentrated loads and couples. 03.06.15 A 74010 A Low-speed drag coefficient increment at zero lift due to full-span split flaps. 74027 The effect of surface roughness on the fatigue limit of steels (at zero mean stress). 73011 A Damping in acoustically excited structures. 67034 A Effect of inclined nut seatings on the fatigue strength of steel screw threads. STRUCT Estimation of the initial buckling stress under uniaxial compression of a skin with Z-section stringers. 02.01.35 B STRUCT Sandwich panels with corrugated core and equal face plates. Transverse shear stiffness. 07.03.01 A STRUCT Estimation of the initial buckling stress under uniaxial compression of a corrugated sandwich panel. 02.01.37 B STRUCT Estimation of the initial buckling stress under uniaxial compression of a skin with top hat section stringers. 02.01.36 B 74013 A method for estimating drag-rise Mach number at zero incidence of smooth or bumpy non-ducted axisymmetric bodies without or with fins. STRUCT Estimation of the initial buckling stress under uniaxial compression of a skin with integral unflanged stiffeners. 02.01.34 B STRUCT Estimation of the initial buckling stress under uniaxial compression of a skin with integral unflanged stiffeners. 02.01.34 STRUCT Estimation of the initial buckling stress under uniaxial compression of a skin with Z-section stringers. 02.01.35 STRUCT Estimation of the initial buckling stress under uniaxial compression of a skin with top hat section stringers. 02.01.36 1975 1975 1975 1975 1975 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 0 1975 1975 1975 ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 1975 1975 ESDU ESDU 0 0 1975 1974 ESDU ESDU 0 0 1974 1974 1974 1974 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 1974 1974 ESDU ESDU 0 0 1974 1974 1974 1974 1974 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 0 1974 ESDU 0 1974 ESDU 0 1974 ESDU 0 1974 ESDU 0 1974 ESDU 0 1974 ESDU 0 1974 ESDU 0 1974 ESDU 0 1708 1712 STRUCT 02.01.37 STRUCT 02.01.28 STRUCT 02.04.02 STRUCT 02.04.05 67011 A 1713 68019 B 1714 1715 70002 72025 1716 1717 69012 B STRUCT 02.01.28 B AERO 00.03.26 Wall and average gas temperatures for subsonic turbulent flow with heat transfer in ducts of constant circular cross section. 1973 A STRUCT Flexible circular frames supporting a shell. The effect of adjacent frames and the longitudinal flexibility of the shell. 1973 03.06.17 A 70002 A Buckling stress ratios for flat plates under shear and non-uniform compression. 1973 70022 A Non-dimensional graphical method for the analysis of measurements of steady level speed, range and endurance: aircraft 1973 with turbo-jet and turbo-fan engines. FAT A.05.02 B Estimation of endurance of pin joints. 1973 71020 A Aerofoils having a specified form of upper-surface pressure distribution: details and comments on design. 1973 STRUCT Average and edge stresses for flat plates under shear and compression. 1973 02.04.02 A AERO Stability derivative (L sub v) sub gamma. Contribution of full-span dihedral to rolling moment due to sideslip. 1973 A.06.01.03 B 73031 Convective heat transfer during crossflow of fluids over plain tube banks. 1973 AERO Drag of a smooth flat plate at zero incidence. 1973 W.02.04.01 B STRUCT Initial buckling of flat plates under compression, bending and shear. 1973 02.04.05 A AERO Normal force on flaps and controls. 1973 F.05.01.01 A 73016 The mean skin friction coefficient for a rough flat plate with a turbulent two-dimensional boundary layer in compressible 1973 adiabatic flow, with application to wedges, cylinders and cones. 69010 B Heat transfer by forced convection between a two-dimensional laminar boundary layer and a smooth flat plate, with 1973 application to wedges, cylinders and cones. FAT A.00.02 A The effect of mean stress on fatigue strength (test piece with stress concentration). 1973 AERO Limit of grain size for laminar flow over wings or bodies. 1973 W.02.04.09 B 73012 Method for predicting the pressure distribution on swept wings with subsonic attached flow. 1973 70015 B Fluid forces and moments on flat plates. 1972 1709 1710 1711 1718 1719 1720 1721 1722 1723 1724 1725 1726 1727 1728 1729 1730 1731 1732 1733 1734 1735 Estimation of the initial buckling stress under uniaxial compression of a corrugated sandwich panel. 1974 ESDU 0 Information on the use of Item No. 73007. 1973 ESDU 0 Average and edge stresses for flat plates under shear and compression. 1973 ESDU 0 Initial buckling of flat plates under compression, bending and shear. 1973 ESDU 0 Profile drag at the drag-rise condition of aerofoils having a specified form of upper-surface pressure distribution at this 1973 condition. The compressible two-dimensional laminar boundary layer, both with and without heat transfer, on a smooth flat plate, with 1973 application to wedges, cylinders, and cones. Buckling stress ratios for flat plates under shear and non-uniform compression. 1973 Second-order method for estimating the subcritical pressure distribution on a two-dimensional aerofoil in compressible 1973 inviscid flow. Effects of kinetic heating on equilibrium temperature of flight vehicles. 1973 Information on the use of Item No. 73007. 1973 ESDU 0 ESDU 0 ESDU ESDU 0 0 ESDU ESDU 0 0 ESDU 0 ESDU 0 ESDU ESDU 0 0 ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 ESDU 0 ESDU ESDU 0 0 ESDU 0 ESDU 0 ESDU 0 ESDU 0 ESDU ESDU 0 0 ESDU ESDU 0 0 1736 1737 1738 1739 1740 1741 1742 1743 1744 1745 1746 1747 1748 1749 1750 1751 1752 1753 1754 1755 1756 1757 1758 1759 1760 1761 1762 1763 1764 1765 1766 1767 1768 1769 1770 1771 1772 1773 72018 Atmospheric data for performance calculations. Addendum: height in feet, data in SI units. AERO 00.01.07 Approximate transport properties of high-temperature air in dissociation equilibrium. A 72002 The estimation of near-field sound pressure levels due to jet noise. 72013 Principal stresses and strains in a two-dimensional stress field. PD1 The evaluation of Chebyshev series used for the representation of vapour pressures. 72014 Determination of the principal stresses and strains in a plane stress field from strain gauge data. TM 4 Correlations for some aerodynamic characteristics of aerofoils in incompressible inviscid flow 72006 Normal melting points, boiling points and critical points of monobasic alkanoic acids. 67028 A Estimation of the r.m.s. stress in skin panels subjected to random acoustic loading. 68040 B Design of parallel axis straight spur and helical gears - choice of materials and preliminary estimate of major dimensions. 67029 A The effect of edge reinforcement on the stresses in skin panels under uniform pressure. 72008 Frictional and retarding forces on aircraft tyres. Part III: planing. 72013 Principal stresses and strains in a two-dimensional stress field. 72014 Determination of the principal stresses and strains in a plane stress field from strain gauge data. 72027 Adaptation of drag-rise charts in T.D. Memor. 71019 to the mid-semi-span portion of swept and tapered planforms. 71018 Approximate wave drag of rectangular planform fairings at zero incidence in supersonic flow. 71001 Normal melting points, boiling points and critical points of n-alkyl esters of monobasic n-alkanoic acids. 71011 Stresses due to interference-fit pins and bushes in plates, strips or lugs 71017 Aero-normalised stability derivatives: effect of wing on yawing moment due to yawing. 71007 Low-speed normal force and pitching moment of slender wings in ground effect. 71021 Normal melting points, boiling points and critical points of branched chain esters of monobasic alkanoic acids. 71006 Low-speed longitudinal aerodynamic characteristics of slender wings. 71003 A guide to the viscosity of liquid petroleum products. 71012 Fluid forces on non-streamline bodies - background notes and description of the flow phenomena. AERO One-dimensional isentropic flow of a thermally perfect, calorically imperfect diatomic gas. S.00.01.10 A 70018 General principles of design in relation to fatigue. 69025 Solution of ordinary linear differential equations by the Laplace transform method. 70021 Graphical method for the analysis of measured performance data using drag determination: aircraft with turbo-jet and turbo-fan engines. 70020 Non-dimensional approach to engine thrust and airframe drag for the analysis of measured performance data: aircraft with turbo-jet and turbo-fan engines. 70008 Inviscid supersonic flow past cones at zero incidence: (i) shock angle. 70009 Inviscid supersonic flow past cones at zero incidence: (iii) flow deflection in the conical flow field. 69004 A Convective heat transfer during forced crossflow of fluids over a circular cylinder including free convection effects. 69003 A The buckling of flat plates under non-uniform compression. Symmetric distributions due to initial or thermal stress. 70010 Inviscid supersonic flow past cones at zero incidence: (iv) Mach number in the conical flow field. 69003 The buckling of flat plates under non-uniform compression. Symmetric distributions due to initial or thermal stress. 67020 Fatigue strength of steel screw threads with large root radii under axial loading. 69017 The deflections and slopes of shafts or beams of constant or stepped section. 69020 Elastic stress concentration factors. Geometric discontinuties in flat bars or strips of isotropic material. 1972 1972 ESDU ESDU 0 0 1972 1972 1972 1972 1972 1972 1972 1972 1972 1972 1972 1972 1972 1971 1971 1971 1971 1971 1971 1971 1971 1971 1971 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1970 1970 1970 ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 1970 ESDU 0 1970 1970 1970 1970 1970 1970 1969 1969 1969 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1774 1775 1776 1777 69013 STRUCT 02.00.00 A 69011 A method for estimating the pressure distribution on the surface of a two-dimensional aerofoil in a sonic stream. Criteria of yielding and failure. 1969 1969 ESDU ESDU 0 0 Heat transfer by forced convection between a two-dimensional turbulent boundary layer and a smooth flat plate, with application to wedges, cylinders and cones. Criteria of yielding and failure. 1969 ESDU 0 1969 ESDU 0 Fatigue strength of steel screw threads with large root radii under axial loading. Elastic stresses and deflections for long rectangular plates with small initial curvature under uniformly distributed normal pressure on the concave face. The deflections and slopes of shafts or beams of constant or stepped section. Heat balance for flight vehicles. The cumulative damage of aluminium alloy specimens under variable amplitude fatigue loading. Curves for use in the determination of gross thrust and mass flow in flight. (Air breathing ducted-flow engines with convergent nozzles.) A method for estimating the pressure distribution between the crest and the trailing edge on the surface of an aerofoil section in a sonic stream. Experimental determination of the shear and flexural stiffnesses of a sandwich panel. Geometric stress concentrations. Two equal unreinforced circular holes in infinite flat plates. Introductory memorandum on the viscosity of liquids and the classification of lubricating oils. Shafts with interference-fit collars. Part IV: fatigue strength of plain shafts. Straight pipes under internal pressure. Effect of initial non-circularity on maximum stress. Straight pipes under internal pressure. Effect of bore eccentricity on maximum stress. Guide to the design of tanks for forced-circulation oil-lubrication systems. Fatigue strength of large steel screw threads under axial loading. Geometric stress concentrations. Two equal unreinforced circular holes in infinite flat plates. Elastic stresses in single lap joints under tension or compression Elastic stresses in single lap joints under tension or compression The design of crossed flexure-pivots. Elastic stresses in the torispherical head of a pressure vessel of uniform thickness. Graphical method for estimating the spanwise distribution of aerodynamic centre on wings in subsonic flow. 1969 1969 ESDU ESDU 0 0 1969 1969 1969 1969 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 1969 ESDU 0 1969 1969 1968 1968 1968 1968 1968 1968 1967 1967 1967 1967 1967 1967 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1967 1967 1966 1966 1966 1965 1965 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1965 ESDU 0 1965 1965 ESDU ESDU 0 0 1778 1779 STRUCT 02.00.00 67020 A 69019 1780 1781 1782 1783 69017 69009 69024 69008 1784 TD MEMO 6511 A 66025 A 67023 A 68036 68005 68048 68047 68039 68045 67023 67008 67008 67021 67017 TD MEMO 6309 A 67022 Modulus of rigidity of sandwich panels with hexagonal cell cores. 67041 Drag of fighter-type canopies at subcritical Mach numbers. 66010 Elastic stresses in a long circular cylindrical shell with a flat head closure under uniform pressure. 66034 The low-speed stalling characteristics of aerodynamically smooth aerofoils. 66008 Design for minimum weight. Struts of uniform section. Minimum weights for various sections. FAT E.07.03 The effect of mean stress on the endurance of aluminium alloys. AERO 00.03.31 Solutions to the Prandtl-Meyer expansion relations for a range of specific heat ratios: pressure coefficient and maximum flow deflection angle. AERO Base pressure on aerofoil sections with a blunt trailing edge in supersonic flow. W.S.02.03.07 65002 Elastic stresses and deflections for flat circular plates with D/t greater than or equal to 4 under uniform pressure. 65002 Elastic stresses and deflections for flat circular plates with D/t greater than or equal to 4 under uniform pressure. 1785 1786 1787 1788 1789 1790 1791 1792 1793 1794 1795 1796 1797 1798 1799 1800 1801 1802 1803 1804 1805 1806 1807 1808 1809 1810 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1821 1822 1823 1824 1825 1826 1827 1828 1829 1830 1831 1832 1833 65003 FAT E.07.02 65008 STRUCT 02.01.50 STRUCT 02.01.50 STRUCT 02.01.48 STRUCT 02.01.48 STRUCT 03.06.00 STRUCT 03.06.16 STRUCT 01.01.23 STRUCT 01.01.23 STRUCT 01.01.19 STRUCT 02.01.46 STRUCT 02.04.06 STRUCT 02.04.06 STRUCT 02.01.46 STRUCT 01.06.01 STRUCT 01.06.00 STRUCT 01.06.03 STRUCT 01.06.02 STRUCT 01.06.00 STRUCT 01.06.01 STRUCT 01.06.02 STRUCT 01.06.03 AERO W.S.02.03.09 Elastic stresses and deflections for flat circular plates with D/t greater than or equal to 20 under uniform pressure. Notes supplementary to E.07.01 on the fatigue strength of aluminium alloys. Viscosity of liquid benzene. Initial buckling of slightly curved plates under combined longitudinal and circumferential direct stress. (All edges simplysupported.) Initial buckling of slightly curved plates under combined longitudinal and circumferential direct stress. (All edges simplysupported.) Buckling stress coefficients for flat plates tapered in plan, under compression. 1965 1965 1965 1964 ESDU ESDU ESDU ESDU 0 0 0 0 1964 ESDU 0 1963 ESDU 0 Buckling stress coefficients for flat plates tapered in plan, under compression. 1963 ESDU 0 Information on the use of data sheets 03.06. 1962 ESDU 0 Flexible circular frames supporting a shell. Shear flow from shell to frame due to concentrated loads and couples. 1962 ESDU 0 The buckling of a composite strut. 1962 ESDU 0 The buckling of a composite strut. 1962 ESDU 0 Local buckling and crippling of rectangular tube section struts. 1960 ESDU 0 Buckling stress coefficients for flat parallelogram plates under uniform compression. (All edges fixed against rotation.) 1957 ESDU 0 Initial buckling of flat isosceles triangular plates under combined compression and shear. 1957 ESDU 0 Initial buckling of flat isosceles triangular plates under combined compression and shear. 1957 ESDU 0 Buckling stress coefficients for flat parallelogram plates under uniform compression. (All edges fixed against rotation.) 1957 ESDU 0 Form factors for circular sections under combined bending and axial load. 1956 ESDU 0 Information on the use of data sheets 01.06. 1956 ESDU 0 Form factors for angle, tee and channel sections under combined bending and axial load. 1956 ESDU 0 Form factors for flanged sections under combined bending and axial load. 1956 ESDU 0 Information on the use of data sheets 01.06. 1956 ESDU 0 Form factors for circular sections under combined bending and axial load. 1956 ESDU 0 Form factors for flanged sections under combined bending and axial load. 1956 ESDU 0 Form factors for angle, tee and channel sections under combined bending and axial load. 1956 ESDU 0 Transonic drag rise of rectangular symmetrical section wings at zero lift. NACA 65 series sections. 1955 ESDU 0 1834 1835 1836 1837 1838 1839 1840 1841 1842 1843 STRUCT Flexible circular frames supported by a shell. Shear forces in a frame due to concentrated couples. 03.06.12 STRUCT Flexible circular frames supported by a shell. Shear forces in a frame due to tangential loads. 03.06.13 STRUCT Flexible circular frames supported by a shell. Shear forces in a frame due to concentrated radial loads. 03.06.14 STRUCT Flexible circular frames supported by a shell. Direct forces in a frame due to concentrated tangential loads. 03.06.10 STRUCT Flexible circular frames supported by a shell. Direct forces in a frame due to concentrated radial loads. 03.06.11 STRUCT Flexible circular frames supported by a shell. Moments in a frame due to concentrated tangential loads. 03.06.07 STRUCT Flexible circular frames supported by a shell. Moments in a frame due to concentrated radial loads. 03.06.08 STRUCT Flexible circular frames supported by a shell. Direct forces in a frame due to concentrated couples. 03.06.09 STRUCT Flexible circular frames supported by a shell. Moments in a frame due to concentrated couples. 03.06.06 AERO 00.03.05 Isentropic expansion of air from rest. Hercules Ebooks Institute +989141908737 1952 ESDU 0 1952 ESDU 0 1952 ESDU 0 1952 ESDU 0 1952 ESDU 0 1952 ESDU 0 1952 ESDU 0 1952 ESDU 0 1952 ESDU 0 1948 ESDU 0