1|Page CANDIDATE NAME…………………………………………. REALIGNMENT INSTITUTE END OF TERM FINAL EXAMS FORM 2 science paper 2023 TIME 1 HOUR 30MIN SECTION A ANSWER ALL 1. A wind pollinated flower a) has short filaments b) has large petals c) has numerous pollen grains d) produces nectar. 2. The following are senses except ------A. Hearing B. Smelling C. Feeling D. Urinating 3. The animal cell does not consist -------A. Cell wall B. Chloroplasts C. Nucleus D. Cytoplasm 4. The following are energy giving foods except A. Meat B. Sadza C. Potatoes D. Bread 5. Which is a source of proteins A. Sadza B. Bread C. Beans D. Cooking oil 6. Which pair of the following gases consists of respiratory gases only? A. Oxygen and hydrogen B. Carbon dioxide and oxygen C. Oxygen and nitrogen D. Nitrogen and carbon dioxide 7. What is the percentage composition of nitrogen in the air? A. 20% B. 50% C. 78% D. 25% 8. What percentage inhaled air of oxygen? A. 16% B. 4% C. 0, 03% D. 21% 9. What is the name given to red pigment of blood? A. Hemoglobin B. White blood cells C. Platelets D. Plasma 10. What is the function of platelets as blood components? A. Fight against diseases B. Transport food C . Blood clotting D. Carries oxygen 11. The following are male parts of a flower except A. Anther B. Filament C. Pollen grains D. Stigma 12. What is the function of a stigma? REALIGNMENT INSTITUTE EXAMS DEPARTMENT 2023 . CONTACT 0784 932 646 2|Page A. Receives pollen grains B. Transport anther C. Produces seeds D. Holds the flower 13. Which one of the following is not a physical change in boys A. Pubic hair B. Muscular body C. Hip development D. Facial hair 14. The following are ways of disposing wastes except A. Burning B. Burying C. Recycling D. Distillation 15. Cholera is caused by-----A. Bacteria B. Virus C. Protozoa D. Fungi 16. What is the symptom of cholera? A. Hard feaces B. Vomiting and diarrhea C. Brown hair D. Pain when urinating 17. What is the method used to separate sand and water A. Winnowing B. Decanting C. Filtration D. Sieving 18. Which one of the following is not a soluble solid? A. Salt B. Soup C. Sugar D. Sand 19. Which is the method used to separate sugar and maize grains A. Evaporation B. Filtration C. Hand picking D. Decanting 20. Oil and water can be separated by --------A. Winnowing B. Sieving C. Decanting D. Filtration SECTION B 21(a). Draw the Digestion system of human and label it. [6] (i). explain the function of any four parts of alimental canal [4] (ii). What is the importance of digestion process [3] (iii). Distinguish between physical and chemical digestion [4] (b). define the terms ingestion and egestion in digestion process [4] 22(a). Draw and label the diagram of a plant cell [4] (b). Distinguish between plant and animal cells [4] 23(a). Define a balanced diet [2] (b). Describe the functions of the following nutrients (i). Carbohydrates [2] (ii). Proteins [2] 24. Define the following terms (i). Inhalation [2] (ii). Exhalation [2] (iii). Respiration [2] REALIGNMENT INSTITUTE EXAMS DEPARTMENT 2023 . CONTACT 0784 932 646