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Securities Law: Basic v Levinson Lecture Notes

Unit 12
Securities Law: Basic v Levinson
Lecture Notes
Law and Economics: ECON 4450
David B. Mustard
Jennings, Richard W, Harold Marsh, Jr., and John C. Coffee, Jr.
1992. Securities Regulation: Cases and Materials--Seventh Edition.
University Casebook Series. Westbury, NY: The Foundation Press, Inc.,
pp. 933-941.
Soderquist, Larry D. 1988. Securities Regulation: Second Edition. University
Casebook Series. Westbury, NY: The Foundation Press, Inc. pp. 404408.
A. Case Analysis
1. In the original trial, who is the plaintiff? Defendant?
2. What is the cause of action?
3. What are the facts of this case?
4. What are the elements for this cause of action?
5. How are the elements defined?
6. What were the decisions in each court?
B. Economics of Securities Law
1. What economic theory is used in this case? What does it claim?
2. Efficient Market Hypotheses
3. Technical Analysis.
4. How does this economic theory change what needs to be shown?
5. How does it change the definition of the elements?